".• * A i... _ . Otte piftsburgh tinzette. WIEDNEBDAVs• • MUST 10, 0301 NATIONAL - 01 i N NOMINATIONS. COLN, of 1111noLL AiIBAHMIL LI SON, of Tennessee. ANDREW JO 1131021 C cogoatsSl-22D-P1111ICT: JitigirS S. 310011117.1 D, Pittsburgh oososzas-23D DISTIPSOT • IS'EAS WILLIAMS, .111.11kgbony 1:.13011US J, HTClLsffi, Lower St. 1:tal • 304;1,_ 4' ..6LiE1.i. City. UOLVIGIM, City. . • JiLrill D EL Set, tYeeway. natis IL Hell/lON, Ine...e:ina. -BMU tr.. CHLDWI47,E, Ca Ms. gzoacivir. MrKEE, emu. rigrom communion:a t • AZOBIBALD•PILLow, TaniCITAIT: Ja,Coll,lf. WALTER, 01 - y. COlinnira IbirAUD.,cisweog.cus.. Talegrapide Dlnpatelies. titlintheiday We had a telegraphic dispi'ch• te - -the New York World 441,144;04:theTAfettrattion Vat thi 24tienot Intelliitteerf;prenotteced Gen. GLUM'S cam . paign , in...Yirginis a- failure. Jaet as if it were 'Of ,theieeet,:roiellle Importance what Abe Ititeiti,qatekr - or any Other Copperhead pa per rimy think on that select. • There snow s time, perhaps, when the opin. icawref that pager hadaome. weight; but ever einceit beetrate the organ of liloCtellanism it '7./411:".hiewItinaticittle only for its rancor tn. erarderliti , 6overantent; and we protest agittitat:t4allempt. to give it an importanes ii decisiniot dcseire by lagging the telegraph rote its aid.• - Lila.- we caution _our readers, likewise, Against ► , toppareut eff t trt of ttto agent of the assoedele,priss•lo magnify tte New York Vorlefinto.vonsequence by constomtly =tot ing, from Win; ecisli. Its TeIIOMO Is hostility to : tltp ,atUltlf.Fation etobars its news as well o.ltotris* nitrite name is the l onset of all:poor nada:4l for any statement what uver: In , des times of t't. K%113118 trottb'.es we : nit& to set down anylbing arming upon the sutheirity: the St. Loa's I:e,ublicin as =t hirdly of confidence. and salt always proved ; Sink . let the, =mist° press reporter rarely aa~e us anything elle from any othtr source. We lead.to tininnit to that; just as we have to this' constsut . citation of the Worff; bat we claim the privilegi of putting In our protest sglietet and cautioning our readers to take all mows given.in. dat authority with a great many grains of allowance. ',:7*liLe:R . etallaUon Polley .114;fiiir decisive act of retaliation by the , fliweeepient Lee resulted in the most ealatbe - eery ronnoce. - it - will - be borne in mind It was known that fifty Union OriCeTer been imp/leo:led in Charleston nudoithe fire of one guns, General Foster ob.!. ,talised'imilsibit to treat ins altallar manner o liker.umbsr ott&iirtiof the rebel army. liner' who commands the rebel forcewat Chgleatou; was throe confronted by wpolier of retealat'annu, Probably he was ono ~„Of lianse.iko'rhodieranaded himself into be '. liewles - ,14:at'!%.6 ;-iorth wilt not first," ant abrhyi: pay „ eaar - trameltion, *night 'the North dieenof retalitoe."• :Bat the "worth did rOtillataby,placingrin equal nambm of Rebel ofi9cers jest ishere,the fire from the Rebel guns -WilhattCai: , -'IIW - Babel 'chiefs, acelog that we ... - I**ltt'ell l 3ceti:Seti owne to they t 11203, &II I Clftittti*iiizii presently nada fo•.au on. aim& crinfionera according to - rank, upon ...dtorcattibliabodcgsdroloot, a-d thusroltering it it umber of officers who were !Moly, ,to beocone a serious annoyan:e. Of courseicur - Oorethment 'acrid hare no object , tiara to any just arrougeeLent of thin natare, 'Mid at once coldeered upon General Foster • _ • • ample powcra,to conduct the negotiations. The restdrwas Cho es ch7nge of an tqoanum .-, berat:thOion and Rebel priessers, there being ifficels ;laced under fire on iiiry had under our fvo on their The &teem of title declaim, mot shore that . „ fircenees in retaliating upon the Rib els Or the bintal treatment given by thun o Cur colored, eolliers when they fell into their'hands,swonlci end in seenr'ng for then treatment-min given to other prison ,s. ate - . li r a litiiii,.tharefore, that henceforth all 'tridiegispon this- spbjeet wit be abandoned, thatz:wn - sitalllinve as decisive action in the -mute i •cf :Caioied -prisone:a si hats been Wan in this nue. "Governor" Hahn. -- :l k ...lifirtso2l Dar and J. Q. A. FELLOWS two cltitteati of Now 9rlettn., ketrir ivikeste I a iniler tO l'imident LINCOLN, 41 which they zorakiiittblierixid Rion by docamiatiftLefair 0441.1,z9"FrOLUIS, ar present mWte r yy goo r har, Ironisiana, hell awl evro , ictl.the of- Seobt'netary.p, , blis in New Orleaseithrleg the ten. eoCupatioit of that plan , : and They ferter call Mr. • Lisp:wee attention:loMo :act that by statite., of the trailetrtiits . (12 U. S Stye., .602:3) ills Bide that - every person, before tar en tare-span -dischaige of the duties of any 4fGee'inidoitic L sited 8a ca r shalt -aka aad anhacribe an cathi , a mtletial part - of which I. 00 foliaiie : 1,- it.st I have neither Bought, nor neCepltd;'ior alicrep.nd to erere;eo th e fang nt.ao taco whatever tinder any an ..therttyfyiegirkiiiida authority is htatiltty to aistee.? .. They 'add it rerlige , i of gr. ITt us's. oath, nicePtir tett:4ls.e hi l'elz t'ocualia.ioner, 7u1y,71hC.:,:e tioto ice bars voluntarily - !stir:. ron,t -pen u-se or eaceur ': -::-Di.CFEht eugv,;;el Itarrne t hvtility . - - -- . .thereto.i::htitliale nenhe can ht, nor art .oeptetl,lnsi 'ioisi.ttdto ::ern Be Le Lnotions ..4tf --app-ceet. whiten?, under any authority or F,Tf;tk.O'zd•ziktb.ir':iy•ixt hostility t) the Mil .. ted.giales , tbat I bars sot yic'tted a Y 3133. .487 SE7p.4i to toy poettided government, itutherity,:potrer or constitution within the .1- orinita!oilthe:Co." They ',ltiaand. that for this act of perjury, "se they,dealare it to br, Sir. Baas • shall I» , yAnn srilsta in Wonbington cn Mon dty.! .-• . The' official Vote the Varst -Amend • '.7kiiinirtsburg Telegraph girt 3 !Le reform!' from fifty font ccuntit it ant an the great in 'if::: the - elett'oa ot air° oa the lit rtecnt the ggrege'e to fifty + r:agicedo.l . 4l . P fourcauatieft no fol off o: . -For tl.O se ti ° 64 "t ZPlcritypt I,aror of t rzorttmtnt.... , eq.3.51.1 Camez9:niEltr,., - , Forest Yvtaktin, !ton,. Ocoeit,,Blegann, PAO, rotter, Vonango, -IYar nnX • Wajno _counties tik .. bo bescd,from, }sbiren — lnc' ease do majority nedou l( F 7 03 0110 itondred tloioncd_ ~,,,,~~ PS,Si: Tut - western nearepapcirti plibliateta bare • - • Coltithlra -" Welltri7l, Ais Preli,"" gndPArp 441terisad dirlotors inves 7 --,l4dta*ll*aci/ impir 'idt stir; and , it they , edit the 24#1_aniacturn feasible' to prepare , a Plari foriheettiablishotetat osiZoill, and sob. inn it to the ditto:ant metaberi of the 111.100 i. rstiott. - . , New . Tax The Comm'ssioner of Internal 4010 Rile gives notice of -a provieion of the new tarlaw which requires the payment oil license fee of ten dollars by every person "engaged in any business, trade or profession for which no other Beets) is required," whose ross annu al receipts exceed one thousand dollars• tra der this ruling clerks, teachers, bookkeepers, fa) mere, artists and many other Persons who have not hitherto boon required to tike out licenses, are included in the estalzgue; and the fee of ten dollars is . distinct from the two income t,xes already imposed Officeholders, whether under the Federal or State Govern ments, ore exempt—'he Commissffiner ruling that the holding of a public office is not either a businees. trade or profession." A re.aseetsment of licenses for the p-event year is aleo required in all canes whore the rate is increased -by the new law; and it is further declared that a license 'roamed by a firm or corporation will not protect a person belonging to that firm or corporation and prosecuting en independent business. In the imposition of the new licenao, no distinction is mode between persons whose annual receipts amount to $l,OOO and those whose income is $5,000 or $lO,OOO. All are elite required to pay the flannel fee of ten dollars. Hint from Richmond. They are quarrelling in 'the South aboni " tho wisdom of those raids across the Potomac In which a part of Oen. Lees army has boon engaged e'er since Gen. Hunter's army was driven from before Lynchburg. The Cbarles• ton Threcry is of the opinion that Eke/ could h love done much better service in Georgia than in Western Virginia; the Richmond Whig re ; plies that he did the most important and no. calory Work In defecding Lynchburg. From Ode dimmable we cart gather some lb rag of the military neorssities which rule the rebel Generals. The Richmond Why 1111187 "It Early bad gone to Georgia, instead of Lynchburg, Hauler would have taken quiet possession at that city, and would hare been in a polder% to cut effeeittally and remediless ty all Lee's communication. This done, no thing short c f a miracle would have prevent's' +he success of Granes strategy. To save him - *elf from the necessity of capitulating, or moving off towardibe email% and abandoning :be Confedera'e capital and the state of Vir ginia Lee would have been compelled, while so weakened as to be capable only of de fensive seCon, by the absence of Earlyeettorps in Georgia—and the Mercury much underrates' the strength of that, carps—either to mall out from hie own worke and attack Grant in his s a tong defenses, end rout and emitter his army, or to have detached cot lees than twenty thou sand more troors from hls command, already heavily depleted by E /rife absence in Geor gia, to drive Hauler sway from Lynchburg, and ketribim away. With the force then left to Lee, could be have resisted an onset front the immense army of Grant? Porsibly ; but it would bare been madness to have invited the risk of it, if it could be avoided. If Early Lai gone to Georgia, there would have b ran no escape for Lee from the nee"sety of trying out or other of these frightful taperienente by which be might have Est Ws army tie well , as the capital, or other•i.e of giving up the capital to bare his army, and with the capital the whole, vit tinily, of the state of Virginia To this the Mercury rejoins: "It appears to us clear that after Hunter's diesstrons and rumors retreat from Linah burg down the Valley of Virginia, Instead of General Early, with his corps, bring sent oa raid into Maryland, it would have been far better to have cent him to Georgia, to eight one battle at inlet at Atlanta, and to return to Virginia. This corps, ore part of it, could Net as well have been spared In Georgia as Maryland, so fares the safety of Richmond is CODOCIZIEd, while the results might have tif en far cliff.rent." The meaning at this b that Lee c tuna( epare - Eiiiy, and that Hood cannot boat Sher man without Early'e help. Bat tha' is Dot all. We learn from this discus don how ow red was the plan of General Grant, which only failed through Sheridan's failure to unite with Hazier, and how vitally necessary to Lee is the possession of Lynchburg, We dia. tOTCY, too, that be cannot 'pare any troops trom Virginia at present; and also we have tevraled to Ile the reason why Early and Breekinridgs so rertinaelously hover oho at the Potomac. It ile . goviroment Would put an the troops is Maryland end Pennsylvania under an en• ergetic en:mender like Rocker, there to rea ,en believe be would be strong enough to hi gin an Offeneive campaign up the valley evilest Lynchburg, which would quietly re ,. all the rebels from the free States, and might. with care sad vigor, have a Me, Important, ,e:hapf a etc:sive result, up,a tha vra4l: war in Yirginia.—N A'oesing A Picture - et EngiLsh Life... Ladles In Danger While Travelling. The Liverpool Part of July 21, the arti cle givtn below, deplete the perils to which ladies are exposed while travelling unattend ed in England. In the United States a wan may travel alone from ons end of thip , loyal Statee to the other, not only without personal annoyance, bCt with the assurance that - she will receive polite 'attentions. la England hey do there things differently, as witness the revelations of the Peat: LADIES IN 01110 RR .4 frightful et ntement app-arel in our pa ter 3eeterday, A lady, within lighr of the l,rope on a road outside of Glasgow, was autragtd by a ruffian ; nod to ontrages not often-so atrocious Miler era cxposei, whed alone, in the vicinity of .every large t3wn At her dominions. We regret exceedingly to lay that Ltverpool is not an ,icepticn. F . 'rinee s park -road , or the road !helmets from Parliament etrtet to Prince's Palk, is infested by a set of re ft one who snake It a point to insult every modest fem tie they meet "When Oho. fti unicai :apatite I by a mete Mend. -We know etyma ladies who r lomplain of these ontrages,l end so otrietant L 4 the annoyeneek that ledleOeny bt nutelves:tt vralk. in r rrince Palk, btoanea . they cannot approach it without running the 'Patter of belts alarmed annoyed. Lams re‘leing it ti • vicinity of the Perk mite the acme eopoplain ',and Tie longerseld k out alone, for fee. l of rentileiva ennounters, it is the same, •e r .imodetatand, in the neighborhood of the park at-Wavertrer and the Botanic Gar. dens ; but strange enough, this Is endured without prompt complaint being coeds t 3 Ma jor Greig In the absence of oompltiot the tend of the police takes for grantel, as every other prison until Irately ECEMS to have &um, that there le no arprdieution of sno.s) a a: In the of a.y in 110ili, well Ire. qu.n , ed; t t.l jar G ..g w; I, we 1,“7.1 t 1.3 doubt, teahe p ao-pt tir j ; and, an irriti ry, °luau t,cm thy- lir 0 1 . C-mm I t:o be Li 'I {III cf plooirgarldlt , onol, emetablea rh-so open thorough.eres. Without the police people cou:d not exist even in title town, and it wou'd now seem that the police are quite as tectskary in the outskirts pi they are in our }aft EOLDIEII/3 love pets in camp. Here are ter., Hot ire from a Washington paper "The oddest pets we have yet area were two tears, which the Twelfth :tiaine regiment, of the Nineteenth corm led through the city re • cently. These bears were brought. all the ...ay from Looi.tiane, and hove been in nevem! fight:. They have. become perfectly tame and tra3ta• blc, and march along at the he...d of-the beat, ',ILL an air that indicate! theyfeel the cnyel fey •eteran soldiery of the bruin older, and that they have a character to sustain. 'A regiment that parsed through some days age had with it arnonntalo goat, captured aloo.in Lenitinne, and which bee been in say. eta' battles tied eltletolehee In one of the latter he ass seriously wounded, but by care ful nursing he got won." TDE MAPIAcIiUSETTS LUND 101 RECRUITING IN 711 E R7DIEL STAT.Z6.—Upwardspf two bun dred and fifty thousand dollars have been de posited with the State Treasurer`by ladividt eats end towns and city authorities for the prccurement of volunteers in. the insurgent Statte. About twenty thousand dollars of tbia amount have, been furnished by percent desiring utrpresentative recruits." it ill Wild that the ladles of Puxbusy, to the nuMber of Min hundred and tirentreeren, ocatemp - V, contributing one handsel - and . - twenty-five -dollars each, that they may be repreeentallu thiUnton army.- 7 .dosten Trasserrpt . .. - VE11311,0112 bee & iUgtr Ili/Ulber of lIVTAI Of iltiprOTtd land than say other New Eagland. Stale. ,Of trainload liCirfik Vermont Das 2,- 156,448, Miiie,2 - 67.7,117,. EA w llimpshlra, 2,30.0n0; Illaseschpacatt 2 165512. Oavaeal:l- cus 1,00,505, lad Bladdt kilmact 32988 L. =in 'fur itzirw' —"lie democrats of Site IF, pe r - bead persuasion seem to have a regard for the fitness of things. The 7 have illustrated this in • Oil king manner, by changing the time for holding their National Convention from the 4th of July, the birthday:of Ameri can Independence, to the 29th of August, the birthday of Beoediet Arno/eV-31,11°4,m. TUE house in which William Penn and his fatally lived In Philadelphia was recently pur chase 'llya citizen, and will anon be demolished. Tre Donee wee occupied by Penn in 1700, and in this house his son John was barn. It In tow about one hundred sod seventy five eau old, and is the last mile, of the Penn PUBLIC JUOTICE 9 PIGNIC--Fecond Auf,"ll3l Pbt.A to of me 11(I 4EBB' 17311014 xnl ba bald at GLENWOOD GEO VD cat WZDlNligtarr Augu tt 10. Dttorry trd on tbe ground by . , Trams ay. Tins loam at m.; m; 1. p • .; 9.10 p. m. r - J , -=THIRD ALLEGFIFINY.- =/ Tbe enrolled men and o'bers of tbls ward or rl.latatty rrqueeli d to pay th• tr edbenrlptlo vs to the Block I.nrtroittrce, or Treaenrer. Yr. /A -. Mott 11.112 19t Bandroky street, nd that to the liaeentive Comm tree to relent dent:ore to till tbl noel t. o r the ward. The smenats of t subset* lon wlll bt Nod.d In School 19:ncle re toot an prepared. .t. 5 A.. 110110 Si f ATTENTION VOLUNTEEktS I 'PCwIYSIIIr Is prowl , / to tb. PER I' BIGHEST LOOAL volunte Ir. to Immo for cr e, two and three yostn. Bounty pad prompt. iy In er.sh is .osn L. the recruit l• mu. arid In. Apply to the Como Moe at (Malt° LlollBl , , Pltcabargh, or •I tho Pltt/Y0.12 AMEIAL'd OrlfICN, Allssbenly city. Capt. U.S. 111.mleg. floury Bayl., Jacob Francs, J. lli. Iltaiekter, C. Hartman, J. lout, mat( Unaralting Ocunsliteo. HE .DRAM-.TH Si THIRD WARD, Pitlabarea, will pay a OMI3II BOUNTY TO ALL VOLOSTESILS mustered Into the Hulled !tides melee and credited upon the quota or the Ward. Three deetrlng to voluottor oiliest! et Ho. Oft EITUCHT. oppendte the Ocurt Hem, where the Ramat ins Ocituatitie witt be [mud el ell redeemable !tars Volunteer end te-ape the peedlet draft, 11141163 A PICHDIR, JOHN A. ItBAIB. 1110:0 Itecrolting Onnutittee. fr:l.l ILE FIRST CO SIYAI% Y FOS UNE 7116 B—Large Inducement /Aural U. One Years' Alen —Captain Bab haring evertatted a co.piany for 100 days and the realer portion of which hare already of end to enlist for one par. ha now offers to all man de sirous of twisting (or that petlod In Ws company a bounty of Tkill“ HUNDDIED DOLLARS—TWO HONDIICD AB D THlit-TY DOLLARS AND lIFT! UNTO, CAM/ IN HAND. •r. Geom. W. leonari. formerly Chief Inalloarr of the Tire Department, ts let Mantel:mat ~ 1 this company, and can ho fount daity at WI LIE INS LI &Lb, from wham ail necessary Information may he obtained. Co.n. au.*, jyn tf Capt. Cosiorg 0o A. One Tears' glen. •DON'T WAIT TO BE DRAFTED ! TIE E TOUR= WAILD, ALLEGEMNI CITY WILL PAT Tire MBES!' LUCE. BOUNTY IN CASH for recreate to fill C. gaga of the Ward. All .ho de. •ics to en'i t and reosirs the highest WC, together uith the Government Solinty. are United to eall al tin vie to of the Beernltlng Committee. No. Ort It BEE t.L STh LET, sproslts the Provost Manhel'e DMie. kerrults can Inn the selection of any o assent!on they telly plater. In ourepald,to soon ail mustered tn. By order of the Committ • 11.. 5, H01 FOR THE ENIEbGENCV. Tie thidas! g ted h.. rocas. antbar:ty otti. TA! LAT! CAL OY 60YABI01 CUP4II. To ralas • bat r or li g ht well:ar t ', FOR STATE SERVICE ONLY. T. tl¢e trt:l not THREE MONTHS. r o_.• and carria g es 11,11 is the harts of tow L. a. rill be Lao. it, fa.:. Che l sea a. be I that. Mae ha 'Third Story of Wilkins Hall H. HOP.TON, Late tat Lett. Zw:Ja g 's Tattar gt lI T .o g artillery. ,10,1 113' 1/XVB. W A NTED--& DWE!.LI NG—For a gori Dvelliog llrn.l mut-lb:dog 7lt )1. TO 15:110010 with eta Kee train, lf la city Matta or =pole," im• pre,' toted. if to the scheme; p 0 Wton on etiereether LIZULIALE.IXT edit be paid Apply to e. S BZTAIN, Broth and Insurance &rat. D Igcrth street. Burgs'a Building A TE D— EACH ERS— An Election W • ill by he'd al tbopol.llt vhaol holt In Poloa Pawned', on 8 VITEDAY, Aug. 17th, of o'nlock, P , for the AO pro , of o'ooting towel. <lt tho aud 1./Mato m of -ix • el,bt to onto.. • ALL /%4.--, I <l3 G ot ft of sal of the dbantor. on the doy of ~.if o'o<t WILLIALK p LEW, ProAlont. BYES &DID YOUZIGI, boo'y, Colon IV., kn. 6, 1161. 1. I_ W.CNTED-10 reachere for the I ol Rohlreontolebeldp I he ex•etinge ten at (the eteea era ttellkb Roe . et rehtol et setertleed by the Fop et tenDeat, ad the rte.:silos o tt.y W h 'bet the beset. te Ja..ea R. FIT e A IL, in Ilea Urea- Thtee teehhe:• eyht, toe WM pton.nt Met . eettlrk t • e• to the board Dallies day R, riot of t , . Boned. sigaw JAVT.4 TIIS9, Pr elYent. W Alsi TED. PAPER AN' RAGS. We ere pa-Ing more Mr. eeer before for old Root.. eget oat noel re; Ramblvelleand US •thlol.. Resep• let abf mere partmto of belated or man arrrl?t paw, Pfh g you :me, and the Rage Mu, aod get carer far them, M the Dark 61 re of T. E WAEERV4, Na. 104 T•E<zal •tree, Al4.{b•u)r W ./1...N TED-- $l5O per Mouth.—We want 1I a rellablo Cadrataer In erne town and clantr. We Lune agrula clearing 715 Q per mourn, whinny, will prone c dantitingapplicent. . _ . S lILLOTH Era, 4k 00 , Matins re, DLL ddr •ca. 1.4r00 WANTED- CANVAS:. I Ntl All • ca;able of lot Ming from 850 to $lO5, to tolb .ol pot re, bailor 's Patenl nevem Erase bel e. Area. an deal log fru:11810 e t. 79 Month. T VATTZ ON. Cenerel Agent. Cerl•e, No It; Grant Ores*, (np 1 an Mterd. W ANTKD—A HOUSE.—A. handsome V Ei01:143, vitae:Rd on egoist =vet, Allestenty es‘y; IT= three to seven room*, with efets. o.d pr: "a" Tress In front of bones, and • livable wish ft professed. Pseseseen wanted Imandlately. Ingolre at jythie OYFICS. 'QV A N T. E D —Two ti.UKSTITITITS, .V HOT LIABLE TO D1:16,T, to alter terrrtas pinnentathee, In stun.. of the drA. A Ht. booty En be paid tb additt-n to the Govonment twenty Oland. Aildnaz 1101 MR, Pittobar,ll, Pa. 11711 WANTED --eta ItdAmaze Scum. MITH AND - ZII, Mao. • taw good Kn. CAI 11113113. althea wave pa! to good workman. Enizoira ol 11000 15. BOLO, Wadi Oor. of Polo allay and eoa.®a Way. DI VIDEJI"DS 01 rtro nr ere Pr-tae ban, fuel W•yyre o ‘; , P.. 21 y el I)1 1.1C71G1 - • 1,1 2•120/1 - 4 4 I ll4Get •ot •••y d .•.rtc • 4.14..... d .4 th I' 1,41...21 th• n! h..r igi at Stooe nf the Ootepaly, psy • GI rr Tee,) ,c end after .be 6th of c n u o.t, •, Coe COker or the 04typary to t.. 111 city, 'ltl 11 . the Trootfet Lgtocy, Wboalow, Larte.tr d On , '.o rc tP .II orret, ftu lofty to tte Stow ho 4.. re, recl•tered at the napectic, ofilve. be Trauefer .t ke of the Ooropsoy erth clew et IL* :OLD of July, tootaol. et 2 o'clock p. war re main abated ootli the , th d•y of doid thereilfter. I By order of the Dowd. yll3:tan.W W & DADDES, Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICL Orrics or PIIIIINVILIO ht. Ilogrom Mince lb., 1 Plttsho. - 0, int, 2 , 4 I 04. Th• Plreetc.re if th. Plthabtago end 11.4t0n !Coln/ Comies,, to.eo declset4 Dirldenti El r f....1.t , S PER 811,tslt no the q•ot e i say .tend at the (b.f. of bo:lre.z, dogs:lnlay. t. 21d loateot, t.oyett`e to St , rkho,d...4 rth.it 1,pr,.• tentbtltes co mod Ant, THIJII,I)A.I, 11.11 fin o , P raltno Eutettt Ete , kh ,, l4 , § • „,, trf ,hd 'h. Otko of the , Ho. 2d Dui • n, tone. 'HOY. M. .11.1W4Iteuor,.r. krILDING 11TH ON Foit WARD 'mi.. Pll. 5/1 , 011 aol6 B. tr 11113,111 1 .8 I.otif. 51 Markel Sl ,400 —FOURTEEN HUNDRED D'JL p 4 ,1 ft, mantitit BIeIASTSIt ht • Z 'LAM. • I/8 Omit strati. "fatAGATY LLE TAFrrE—On THIIIiiDAY la (MN+ atal, •e 1 o'clock at. flr 711thatrost, so:41 Basal...oe Tab a cut. T. lacer. QUEEN: - W ANE AT AOC NON —Ow Tnt BAD Y 11011.1111;13, Ang. 111.4, 0,c104r, lei. e et4tl • leaseptt ti 4Veti.ig:ss triqh etnet,' quantity cf vreitioit ten, conveltlcig 491,1. e. Otcbeti. r. I pp ta,llllk4ts:CVEDlCtlrer , I.l.•tii•s, Aro r 64.9 • T. A. ra co . Ltemo. Inn .1. I %i (YrIC.K--Ihete will he a .meeting of RH gm.pro:arty ho Nan sod taxpayer. of BA t.DWI O .1010.Blt P tt,a Drama...Ma road. , at afr; lartlf • ,rat , TeNsnw, In rild toarit Mal ad Adttart Iltb at T s'etrrlt, to hall =manna to at P 1 th a Pant draft aafalt . 1y rr.,r rt the Orrastittao: C 0- ..„.. PA .. ETV: b R a I3 . 4 I , P h,o lt(27 B io m l l7 o W m e, i hlia .11.1 1, ett.7hr4f l . tlegZirr WI rLAROV .61 , O , IN U. 1047. E. VY.to tak. Ofect fr m .on agor An- n nxt lot 3644. Mb , t)lo of Omar. ~Ti rtmlitt Mborrt , tan. 1 ,V..W.GULII VI. ItccEr-Ll' .t tr:.. Jwirreies Lyors KATHADION Hatheiron Is from the Greek word 'iliatthro," "K tbalto," galtring to dem" rriunmate and IVIZOre. Title article le whet eta name Madam. Por presort I ng, motoring and bellatilytag the human heir It is the mutt remarkeble provocation In the world. It Is again own d and pat up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the mime mire, *lll and attention which gave it a We of over ime million bottle. per scan. It In e mud delightful Hair Drawn& It eradicates mewl and dandruff. rim bead cool clean. rt makes the heir rich, oil and glom It prevents the hale hulling off and earning grey. ' restores hair upon bald heads. bloc Any sh h eld ° r tifiTy ' o m a r Ltd ro vnl u e " . It I. h u e' s,/ ' g deed throw/bout the civilized world. Bold by ell teepee. titbit:4lmhz. VANIILI" 110106 E, Ft SALE—ONE DLA rK MUIVIAN 1301161 t, to table for family purr.. Itittcl end gentle: warram,l to ortly etepact. A 04d tn.. elor. A Hal will be k a I, t. NZ NAY }1,1196, la,* an 'et' al'alc ow/ In L,1110.14. • Oa n=t tokro ‘t ro ite.ltablp Tor I..urpt • ao ti.ra at I}: I.• .,!•1; trs s r 1111.6. fr..n. 9 mun' I 5 p. .., BOX 1., IDEILL9 EL BARNES S On., Dew York- I ltba'gb 13=1:333 Inimitable Hair Restorative, hOT A DYE bat macret gray hair to Ito ortglnol color by rtipplyibg the =pillory tubes trlth natural cute cameo, hapahed by Nre or Mamma. All tartastannoar dr. houty i . at• coropcoed of Isobar ossanc, dretroytno tlaerltality and heir, Lod allord of them/clew no flehnetreet's inimitable Ooloring not only recto= to ite natural color by an nay proms, butgleas the hair Luzurtaat E•aaty, pro mots It. growth, 'prompts Da falling off, eradicated denAmff, and Departs health and foom mteem to the head. It has Mood the testa( time, befog the orlitrialHatr Oolming.and conistantly tomamlneln Carer. Dud by both gentlemen and ladled. It le told by alrommtable dealers, or ma be procured be them of the commorohd agents, D. & 2 0..2 roadway, Hem Tack. two dzar. ceet. and one dollar. £&0413115 MAGNOLIA BALM. Thie le the mood delight al tad extraardlnary wild* ever dlecomre•L It &nave the ....pant l'antiand hands tea pearly eat. texture of wishing beauty. Impairing the marble partg of cit youth. sad Um, &Wow. appearanne w , Inviting in the y Leila of twat.. It miaow tan. ft:cities, Ornate@ tad ronghnem from the akin, leaving thr complexion °cab. tranawant and .month. It oon• tame no lasterial Injurious to the thin. PatronLaal by Actre.os .d Opera gingen. It le Ir./Frei., lady ahonld bare. gold everywhere. Preparal by W. 6 Lulea. TM,. It. Add .N all ordeli nt.MAS 8. 13101818 00. Bes Tort ILEXICA.N MIIIITAITO LINIMENT. The parties in lit. Louie and Clinannadi, who ham been otootorisitieg the livrima Liniment under-pes ts nee of proprieuo ship, bum been thoroughly mimed by the Genet, To gourd 4Paimt farther itnimiiim, bete procured from tbe United fitistee Tremury • pri• misiMisel-plam remaw clamp, which is placed 01, tb• lop of reel bottle. Loch Malay bean the fee simits ol my elgaut=e, sad without which the article in • ocuin ber(ritf dancemos and warthlas. imitation. IMantine every beak& Tide Liniment his. beat in on. and row • ina in favor brat.) yews. Them Inesetirmlats • Um let on the bahlittble glob* that does not con On Of it. 'armada:lV afore. 1.1 in the best antn.lent In ens voila. With Its present impromd inyynishente, itmilects upon man Lod been ere perfectly rem okabia. em era beefed, pains nab •ed, ilse• minable animals nude iteerni, nod antold ilimminurest Tor mat.kbesdans mine. rtenmatissn • ”dings, bites, en ta,oaked brass., grained ho AM, it la a Borikralga *ay Utatatinald ot ' with, It sbool4 be In ...try &mil,. fold by ail limutiata. (D. B. ITILIUNICE, lf.w Tyrk. Orbtam•col-euir 11 , 5 , -TElt ABOVE AETICLII3 70 tiALE DT SI MO N JO NSTO Ourrol of 9mffl.foll and Poarth stmt. C._ • IMICLCD, (^Vat. 7.....rme• 1:1•T Lappla...tt 0..) • D csult.o• li•fo of o•r., 11 . 4 b•ni a 8,11•1.1. • LM.01,1. g - 4 , PUTSBURGH SAW WORKS HUSBANDS & LONG, Mu:lead..ll of MTEDTI" 011.008 D CLEM LAWS, wansotol OAfsT 8111313. SAW, of evendoocriptl. MM. 11fa.7, Oro.. Cal, Gaut ant .ant,. vartotim Mad, of PLEEIVZ.S • BPHIPMOII. mato from dbast Coot bled; Lairs Itsfinsd 11/LPIII fl TIMM. /Su Wandionas said Works, tor. WATZII &PORT TL, Pitasbargh. Puritanisr ationtla eveo itotooolhlng, Ormanirmind and lit+ Is -hamming °lmam ran"; also repairs of .11 kinds. Puncialag sad Drillind ,Scr, at reasepaLls raisc badialy AVM. BARNHILL it CO., Bows ZdA MS GNP SIFEET 'SOS WOLtE.- 011:4 Pena Eli, See. P, .ad na. thetas 'eared p tarp yard and toraideed It with theecuat tm reeved machinery. Ire are reviewed he Emanate:my every deecripUsu of POILEIIB, to the tont arum, das Neal ss any mad. to the ...atty. OULU !.I4YB, BiIICIIRA, ILEX BEDS, BTEA 1 PLPV, IPCOISOTIVE POILEPP, OONDESSISS, ISLLT PaNb. TANKS. OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, ILIT• ILINCI Plata, BOILISIt DION LILIDGP.S, SLTGAL PANS, .ad w. manalacatesrs et BAMIIIILL*S PATIZtiT BOIL:aft& llardetnei deal no the Warta.' cues, [ ..80/31:1560E, BEA & CO., (snocee• 0e5...t0 to Borman, limn & w &arum TON WORE.B. YOSKPVIIII k Mooonnato, Plttabar,a Alaonfactrarro of MOAT AND WrATIWittLY FITTON MIOINEIR, BLAST KNOINER, !RILL tIR• CI:UNARY, GEARING, BRA/TING. Cd-STISOR, ollarecelptlono; OIL TARR& 111 13 TILL.% BOILER &IS - DORS= TEO'S WORE- mt. for GIIITALD'S PATEST 1:15/SCIT011 roa lIEJTINO BOILERS r - .LAKE-BIIPERIOR COPPER .MILL A SMELTING WORKS, PHISIVIWIL PARK, IIeCIURDY di CO.. Morterfootaroxf of SHEATHING, BRAZIERS' AND LI.LT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL BUTToItS, SPA.LTEn SOLDIER. Also, Importers andfoolers In METALS. TIN PLATY, SHEET IRON, WIRE, Lc 0.0.42 . 4 of 'luta, SIII• HERS' MACHINES AND TOLL-4. afetioure, 10:1 11115 T d 120 3 ZOOM) OIILZR23, ItralSereb, Pa. 0,,,c!al orders of Oopissr rat to se, dsOrsed pistons. 10241..,•12dmrS "THE CON F.ESEIO NEI AND EX PSRIzsoe OF AS ItiVit LID, publifbad for ttta bacon and am a warble', and cautiou to gonna men wbo meter trom.l9oroa. biottlith PRmstan De„/ Manhood, eta., igupplj . lob . at the came Ume, A. memo of mil cam By one abo Lae coeni bi.mulf after bean Int to groat expmao and MP.* cbmcarM. Mix and cumber,. et., Df ernitsbut a poot-pald widrosoted ouvolcq" dm& wpm may be bad of lb. author. INATIIANI IL II IrTA hp_ inylo,ledeert nen , t-emtt. N. T. NO.. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF 1317111 8ra1.Z5.-4 nrwarsad gratlemat kola path eastand to bealtb In • taw days, attar stadorgab, atittra usual rodttna and Irrupilar exp.,slvs, mode of armament. Without itacctet, onuslirre It id. ..oral dot) to itenunannicata to hie aalictad (61b• creatnres tps Lamas of COTS. on the r , ,trt of WI addramd 111.10 p., be 1.1:1 sent. n ~rescriptitn G.l. DI ^.• ,! 1 , 4 1 , A. I.L. 100 Pal. L 6 BELLE STEEL v: _ Purct.ment RuimOL b Co„ tosottottntr , s o (APT EPIIINCi, P 1 ,W 1711[6L; tWILINOA, AX Llttl, l 110 W Wale, I , IIIST WA lID, Allegtherty City t. o. Addrcas, IltS131; ISGR, P.. TT, JOHN COG/LEAS &13 :a 0., Mn. „ Ole-rarest of !IMP 6AI LING, TIION VIULTS AND VA vvr pOOLIS, WINDOW EiIIt7TTEhE, WIN GCA RII2, Non. VI es.)ONl) L 4 w T!T lUD BTtIkET. ert. Wood awl Mertet Cleve on head e 61) .1 PM rp:Lerin, 28.12C$ wed pan. an lteL., Lrc .11 ,nlPE , ota. Purtlcelter etWatloa pall to .010417.1 01,” Lou. ICIAAL V lour 10 41..41 U. DISEASEZ OF TR.E NERVOUS: ''•' BY.3IINAI:,AIIY AND DDXDAL 81%1 TLIIE—on• and rollablf. lraaninont lleyorn of to.: 2.20.1411,11. fknl 1.1 mall In malod halt. ouvelore, h.. of chars, Add,. D. J. dr. ILLIN d flanoMallon, Rio. 3 &Ma 010/4 l'hlladoll.l.la. fa. m 112.9.17 11 . R. HOLMES SUNS ., DEALima is - iromoi Asp nollEnly BILLS UT EX ORANGE., 01511T1163624.5 L' Ot DErOcirr, 15.54 t W4E4I .61515 IRV:IM tio. 67 WALK= STEHEX, Pit?blush, Pa. ear Collocttozo mod. m all lax plablpal fJliu tbriicibant tbo tt.ito4 swot. HENRY a COLLINS, Fortwxac, ma Aswoownesion Itzaimerrr deolos So, B ISCD B . MR. ." Melo. ionwoslll. 80. SO WOOD T. lise.erols. Pa. ' old ~ . . V 011 CV—TH ER 3AV rm. BE A ME ET. i . Tr° of .bst...Fort of Fftt•harxa .ol at:tally, ou TUF,.IIsY ryt.i la. log 9.h. at 7 , 4 o'a oa, at Tcmgiar Us I. Fourth str 144 Mat v. ui 100:01.00, -1)•, traLSASEL PI 7ra .musar: 7! - tt, Cl \ • ./rE vr 449 rEKTISEMILX7II. 300'16" G ALENA LEAD .14d fiLS M.S.XLDZR wulLuv . 3! Mo. lit E. .nd gt,,, t - auy AND HARNESS A.T A ITTION, B —win be told on if IrDPIZODAY MOB:SIMI ad 11 o'ocet st Manortio ElAll Ace i 110018, eo 65 Mb ttre•, 01. e no op boric: 10 uth new hsratas, dociblo nd wnglo.ll.lcd'og two wort nee e'rg'o ootta .10 1. e. 31oOLELLAbD, Accebneer. VALI'A.BLE CITY PROPERTY FOR PA LIS,, r ightt .11•0 feet front on Thad et e t, Iq % de up on Fntry errant, with Ct. rain. a f bold or An ex. e,lerut Loation F r man rifectur,rn pa poem or fur de ctitt z 100 es. F.. prn.• awl •rply to tl 01:7141f , Rt ,t SO?“, aul" nierk:t etr-ct, 13.13.11 . Uki1i: ON HERNIA, AND 1• IOTAPet9 CTi CI get ILAINIIOW . d st tic. 9 /1.11.199 STILLIT. W 412 I , there Is no ehatl ur adlog oat of ;lace It regtOstes Its own prowew tie . ' for 'owl' 0 9e ut olthrrr s; at euglt.+r•ng the whole ( .„1.., w01...1 ,o,ultee. ot4 I cure ha, at r.tteht. testomonlele of cures Lore and onewhere than au; tree la the WJt 1. Goa. , au I ea•. Lodloe hoot,/ oto 10 w 1.4 top p. tn. J.C.BAIIIB .W• VITIre day. two 6 at and two lest d sya of the or rt. 609 lw BIITTER THAN WINE—Ity using th genuine LI LPHITI: of Llll2, 0114.11 mly kept port y sweet for any length at Ile, no oil.. thug protervad la .uperior In quality to many brands of .Ice, •h cL en noor so expeml•e. Tor We, wl.b roll I=l i I NON JOHNSTON, Druggl•t, toracr Broitl.4.ht and Tout t r•reet. QUM 11E c 4,t)UPB, ROOTS, SSOES, kc - - rdt TAO lED MO '5 ..d AFTEBUOUN, A ira lltb, at 10 add II ecl.k, tIl Irres . .4l at the 0 m• .• s, car tale. Atoms. 54 Farb at tat, • 1.rg..,,ct of ire Imo room. boots, rhos,. so.. COM, Mfl of dalalorm, Is ' , mai. at kmart domasa, mtomer cloths, maetglas, sr Ir bona= and oollam, dr as braids o sildrears Jack ets. aaa as' hats, ono bonsota, htzloo 7 ellrts, tarp t r boa r rape, silk neck it ~ Lin.. table on.lerry. db , • Arms variety of ladle"' m.••••' meta' b _ye, and ebl tareta' boot. aast Mom, la soot M. le sold d %MIL WAL duct', OR TIIE ARMY. PAPER AND ENVELOPES. -p goo. fly r r coOliro to us army, *1 FRANK CASE'S Pook .ad Nervy I epx. Ctiroeuck Banding. bth 011 - RAP bHOS STORK IMMENSE STOCK OF EINEM se. T imp str,d Mtge. -ay. 11 et.] le. malt, CIADD—OIL AND MINEILAI. LAND • 1.41 at LL or. IttakE—EV.l7ll. PlOll7ll a 0 • • des' •rs to 'Mt, Oil San ltory 11/144,11 loads • -Pa rd to so I•r liss. sal) gust.taty ot lao4 solo. t d Po I. r.lobrato: of rall4rta of llorobn 6p I or, L't• t. se 1.• 11140 s Illy., Bo M Nor!. Bull Crook, sad .it . t.. t 0...•11tt0s of to- portat.co base a so sl.ras of ratuablo torrltkry l u th • W. II ), WO •II ay ale I 4f Wa btoettto •cto 01,14. • .d %tor 11 wo. Tin Wt.* l laud, are •so • L to.log srub sty:m.l.o. of valuable mloarals, it va7 r 4; ay lb* minor P , tOsl.b a I to., l a m". alb be sotd w fro lo it:Lunatics to suit apOlcsots,ead on r &Int abl. t• rms. . Ft r awl rad. • a4tratra rr• cal on J lf. KC Tri. At . ti u Law. r art taa. err H. PA NTcu, C.,r r ttuC. • atm. t arra ar.• WSJ. Plits.raret. INTERNAL REVENUE—The mu naion of atl dote,' In and otanafa , tarett of G4are. Is cansti to &ell. Ott, paca 0, of it.i/41 law that wont n , • rffact Jul, Itt. 1.. N. • . • fr. - T . IOP And be It farther et:Antal, That if any rwort other than the torstaufecturer shall .all, or r.°• fcr. re s t ore foe or Fart with the passport.° of y a ...factored htta-on, gaol or cigars, aNti witwik the duties linpoted by law halo n,l hero pal I, with the kr..whodgo them% auCh perms sh all be liable to . pen alt., of me hundtod dallars for tacit and tewry offence. Arta arty ;antra who shall purchow or me dre tar .61. soy .tich snuff or cigars, which but not best laspected, branded cr stamped am teprits4 by this act, or a t oa which the tat has 00i M.. paid. If It has oc rued or b ~.m. N].4l, with k teasrledre tbanatf, Itatrtt to a prank, dr y&Ala, each awl •ntrl • Gen. Lod bay perwo bo sholl pot - haze or ro air . ..tr ea s y garb tobacco, onotr, or cigars, from any est ufs. - turer • Its has not • per toll ta mane w tar, s? al Le [labia each at d 0.01,1 ant. - es to • p as' ty of ,fnt ..trcd to sal arittit t a lbertt • orrfa tars all the arrtriss, as ar.trewattl, a. roraissol or recatr• 1. cr the fog valor h•r-,f ' HENRI e.WAtIC lEtt, MEIMSNOIII TP E FIRM OF ZOO & PAINTER IP thb day Abscl•rd 0, mutual roarent. MI having ri•flat rald firm will pr.orra theta fterodl .• y oritl•to•at. Loh cumber of the firm • , 111 ~µ la Uqoastion. J 4018 C. ZUO, IL H. P • I NTZU, O. U ZOO. rituburgh, Loimt 34.18 11. r rHE UNDERSIGN ED HAVE FQRSIED . f th. v. vlKtnrn of Ir,o sad 26ile, ands , ta. er.• of J. Ps IN I' CB • 8..4, Wen ..mac Wli.•ttrut. P&INTZB, B N. PAIN rIM, W. PA LUTES. THE UNDSRSIGICED II 4.VING ?UR. CHASED from the I,lr , Eros o' Zll9 A Pal 9 TEE the F•b:. Iron wo•ls Tl:toDor•L, L••• ',mod • al toroiL , p ' for t , f ro••• f ztor- o! I • •nd • •I• TL• r, •cf th) Er= Is 7.1:3 &W. DElce vu Wel Et i LEST, (op st•tr• ) C. 7. VO. Tirt•borgh, Logo,: 141,1E/1. II II it CO. ••4 vo'ri rE-HAV 'NO SOLD 3.1 N -1.1 71,1.1:-T the Lamp blni.,l to H. P. WAL awl ALF M. CA VI TT, areo, with I E the erne node, the Oat, and style of MALL ell, Ca VIII' d CV., at the old stand, No all Wind a reel I late this epp,r unify t f raldrulag my arol, 10l acknowled.amt ut to the cuat mere the old tem fur tte r fa Ebtral pal, else* sod ch.erfolly r .rr la,nd my au cce.ore to their kind maldera , lon. C affPl7lllolt. U 0 Pr hTF VR9II 1 P —3 31 ATER La. t'Oa Clay nano w U. him B. P. WALLACE aLd ALP. m. OA t'(tT,ai.err Oe nan ah 4 •.,Ir of WALLACE 04- V ITT & C 4., Fr Wo.d er et, whore they w 11 be 1 , 4 1.1. e patro. • of the .14 Arm. mad .11 othtr tlralero Io 111,tr who Ina, hoer them with a Mei. •I 1 !, / w 1:111 F., ORK & CO, 25 FIFTH STREET, I=l AT REDUCED PRICES LACE PfUNTB, BLACK ./LK SACQUIS. )1'1." A , 1:(11..' 1!%1• 4 •I. • • ; to r, me, y 'or OgE I rt. t.t r • 'I 111'111 Y. LUC , t 4 .ne'trrtr , h r •itl3 • G • ”! *Flub 13 pa .1 ut g ta cal e•h mv , t.r mt:ls ma of .•14, 011. 1 . VD. T. pit, r routth o,h 01111 ..•Ontner t at li..t FV itY•FIYS til LAIL.i.CASII. Litt. lug .1 y. g I, ht LI `crl3 Allvghtny rn. ANI.I.:100N. 1:TION fl. PA E I !. beret I.,te • j/.1 I L t ott.a Kt! PPAit nod • ^ 111,V VCk ‘11.? .1. the •.1. I' P R1...PV1.1, tell h 4 1 / 1 1111 r dttrote;.f tr. tOr• 111,n 11, sent tf t on.l r 14”.• hell' A 1111 NT PI I'VE:t: to. I Itt. and 0 V ' tt" , 1111 Wino og the bo•lbet at the nit .tan.l nnsll.Snl it.? or* oat a•ld Lat. 11 la wtll be eat 1.11 hl ottlior of the nt:leroo, (1. V It LOP V lit. A UGI.II/V 111.01P1Flit. ' Vltlelorpb. &ore.et I r•1'x 4 ,7 4 i.„y fr-P1 h.. glve tlr r 25 feet, 01 ext,tie• h.A. •• ao,ale , al a n.c, which are ervi,....1 at V etncr 4.1. k Ow.lllnl, with ell omforuthlo .00 a*, I , .Iy•e: end web:, an•l eu Atiy fr , ten tw • enu d • for which we will • x but etre 1, ret grctrit4, Itop , ow,d„ ,nta 411% fr in 10 to 15 ii•,•nyirbera wl hln sor 10 nil),of the city App , , 10 nub) B. 111.4/ N d (11.1.,10/ fourth •t•e,..t. 1;51'10;1'111UL AT AUCTIU:N.:—Tii.UIi.4- i.A Y 51111.1415:111, Acrid I Ith, 0.10 Ai d ct, at Motto. , Pall rod cc ITO• 3111., fi sth infect. wl.l ...Ad pleadl. low stltt trdstradA I COSlt.otte and atteh u g, can. .trli dud wood chain., chturo w r1.•45, crick r ..00h pest botht• ads, rufrlde ~, h lulu s louden, ciock., to, Aimo, 1d pato Ye 0. Oen 1,11.ei. Y k BUILT:4IA SID. Acct. t.T CH Ail p. nor' hating any claim agalan U. sown or C. 7 " A li NO. t, an, rqattod to pressnt M o:t Mom Ima d) .17 fa 'deo:m.l)i, to Lr. 1ta 1 .63/3. 8 na 0 , do. Ina Fa b duet. GO Gt '. itafffs o, BeTar. ootAt. IiVERY ClliAlt MAKEI3, MUST HAVE ONE nr.• N.stie Arcocot nt..r prepared stades (be Ts •ctstabßolo. oc AcL P•lcool.16 For solo by - OLLY li LT 0 o')., 61 Ffon4 12:101. orlE Pr AD rER ITSEJILE.4•7II pHOTOGECAPII ALBUMS. PHOTOGRAPH CARDS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT AT LOWEST PRICES, JOHN P. HUNT. Vnaolraal3 B.okMßar, Staqouar s tit: Be. dea`,l FIFTH EsTREET, 3IA9ONIC HALL F itin NATIONAL BANK. Iron City Bank, Merchants' and rdannfaotnters Bank, Citizecui' Mink, Mechanics' Bank, Enolunge Bank, Allegheny Bank, Patmers' Deposit Banking Clo:, Cheek Books, I=9 EMS, &CHOY= & Co., US. COLLECTOR'S NOTlCE.—Hsving . received tha A 111112•1 Lists of Mumma, Taxman .. lon - tom, Carriages, Oils , r Plat*, do , cruder the U. 8. interns, revenue Laws, for t..te 341 Division of the= r competent the Boreucht of Birmingham e:est m tughem, Booth Pittsburgh, lien mgabee, Net rittabtlegh -ant Tompenneevills. and the Town. eblpe or Baldwin:Snowden, Lower St Clair, Upper Bt. fBalr, Scott , tinl , n,Obertlem, Robinson, B-rth Payette, Booth Payette, Tiadley, Moon, Onecent and Neville, I etli attend for the marring of said Tame, U., et the ram of A.D. etwrensen, Eau , Birmingham, daily, (dm"- d ye nod Cattudar. exceptai,) from the 18lb of J air car tli the 34 of August, itclastve, between the hour. or 1 sad Br. ro. WC, at the following 8 1 1- 1 est Mb, et the start of J Lon Hamilton, hbautetown ; Goody, Logan 601 at the bone. of J. N. =hal , boblunen township; Tuesday, An 9th, et the house M 1.161 hlatahall, in Clielet, ; We Icascley, Angnet 1004 NoblerlOWD Tbunday, August 11th, at the boos* of. Peter Bayer. Snowden tointablp; Monday, An t 16th, at the borne of 0 W. B fyd,Waabington teed, F a re r St. Clair township: Prectlusday and Thursday, t.% 1 7th and,le.b, 41 tit. amt. 01 David 'Gobineau, Tempentaterille: I will elm attend at the calm of the Cetllertoe of Internel Beronot., Ho. 67 Yourth street, Paull:arab. on blettadeya, tmtli the 2001 of August, true 9e.a in 3 p. m aft. r which time the penalties preset:Ltd by law will tee etrintly enforced. Payment must be mad. in B. money. 1110 A. STRITANT, Deputy Col ester, 1.1 Division, r2g District.. big 2.red•wtaT FiesT NATIONAL i•ANK BALMORXLS, .7 PITTSBURGH enthortly of the Secretary of the Tmkenry de,t b authorised to rarely. 'abort ptlona to the three II ears Seven ■an T:,ree-Tent N.Atte, Itterret crap m.ttmhd r•y•b:e essal-a•Dual. , lEIr eat, :Les* cot. ••• ps••1.1. al rawriry t• I T. [Wee, or coo eartll6,.. at the optl,m of tha hold•re, rll ., Gold lA.. We lolerroi 6 jar ea,. Bowls. t.• le- . - 4 , 1 be la d.oatalnallata of 1160. tLO3, $303 616. 0.. d 66,060. Perm.rt eep7oltirt‘ .Pw.rd• .1 ' •<••<1 oce•r4 artar of was per c•ntelen Do the scoots of ho trturipal. To. e•oal coc.mluloo •Dcwrd to 13. k. aa4 Elsaa•ro. Iris lm /Jtlti D. BOOL LT. C•ohl.r. THE WHET CHESTER ACADEMY and MILITARY INSTITUTE at WEST CHESTER. PA.. Ali V. MYST.% A. IL. Principal. J. MONTER PittIIIIALL, A. EL, Pb. D., AA...- o. Prracipsl 'Ma acbulaatla year of tea months, will Pmentaice on Um Plan PUY DAY, the Atli of raptstsber swat. tb. ratore of /autmatan la Oman:4D and extenatre, de ioed to M. aoys aod porta, non eoy. C .11eit•ar brio.... arn lnagarairt, Caravan, Preucla, dpantah and Ulna{ by table. rtvident oat/mos. ib. mill. • art larpartroant I. under the lb. of MAJOR ICE YID, RV avd lb. Military SuperinteaGent. For canalarla• cc, apply to erW.er of tha Principal. at %aro Cluicar Pa. . Th. Principal sill Do .t the 111')908GIAll8CA NI CBZ In litttalittrith from Angtiot Nth to Lomat Sth, rirlaalv. ohs, be will be happy to tarnish inform, motion about his school, fro.lo a m. to 3 p. ox. atilitto xi CONTRACTORS —SeaIed Fr Jpoesa fur the grad trod. Mae, try, brll‘ba, fa. atehtait •n• • Itrs ard btytng the track on the Lawrence Hal'. Lc- , film W thehinkton to Youngstown, .eons le r H. .1.1 L. recelted et the ogled et the Ne• Out , o awl 1 Tor Valley ltallr,ed Ownpany, m Bow Culls, I c a ktl Atogla.t 18th, lane. The One will conalat al thee. die - Ulf-1u of 8 , , toll. vi• 11,E, (co mason ry most be wpa•ata. 1110. 0111 alayette rwiel.el for the grading, br 11-Ml:Aug the crotw-ttee and lay 'ng rite Lath lor r e Ito% Ile= and •pecillattion• may be ..en .t the &Zee on and efwr annual Ilk. The Company rose. vs Oita tight u, reject way or all old.. J 11. CILk W 801 ID, Tenet W 0 testrr, OWL ling. New Nails, Jul, 30, 18C4. anl,lot Timm NATION. Barra c , r A Lem , . xrvr, Aileght.ny. July IDA r 1118 BANK IS AUTUORIZED BY I the &crew, of tbe 'Pituitary to receive rebtority • :m..• to the • • THREE YEARS 7-30' LOAN, ioa-lug Wryer% ulth mi-autmal ooupout attached, I re to latietal metier be.r nous are payahD at maturity it I atral 'feeder, • no., be oonvestod at the rytion et the holder luto 8 ot. GOLD bracing hoods. 10. droosolt.atlohe of tho helm err 5500, so MO. jihhlredae , JOHN P. I HADER Cash( tr. U SATED STATES 7 3-10 BOJbDB tic naliverlters are noir prepared to receive ntleretill co, v..r Ole nee loan In of San, sltet PH*. y I ti I aad 115.0(tU Wendt o.enmenelng lc receipt of the "C very pent c who c •n spare $5O c en plate 11 Ica rest of one ante dey inakiel 3.85400 • year. rt at meal. venal annually. .Prtecloti payable In Ate• irate, or cone. tibia enact-M alt pelr ant bond., •e Wien at of .h1:11 Ix payable In col. rot Girth. erllcelac , .pt ly to HANtiA, HART & CO., Agents. lyselos GOOD NEWS FOR TUB PUBLIC. [DOTS SHOES, GAITERS AND BALMORALS Belling at azontal lota prices to dole out Saromtr stook so .2 w tusks mom tor fail g oda. Ccomt.y onoravoto will do wall to cad •nd rromin to, ot,ck Wforo paratoodag tlooodurs, at: BORLAND'S 98 MARKET STRUET, II'!IMEN WANTED —Ttw underq'i:ll ,- ,1 •Orr , lnt ,l e , r t hr. tier - tie. , NJULCIi V • Ctrornftr.• to have oh.-c• •.1 1.11 , 14 (2. qn., of 1 4 lot oyb o . I,••• • , 3114, tb• o ',wont or. Ab.bso! to a.toiol tn to • bortnialog tza to,. tr. o a IO4I. !MUST. Ito LA4II oa c I er r n. Ituroodla b. • t01t.0,. w 11 be iound at It.. dace of Waist& .1•1 Laeaw.evi,le. WILLTAM JANUILT, JONA TEIS t , LONG Mai, A. J. EUNILLUOII, I) W../ GoLomlttoe. j HAM, arEctS, • BUTTES", POULTILY, LOGS, r4l all kin& at COURT = PHODUCIik sold c, Pm4nloa. t• 7 _ . - tio. 14/8 ILIAIIKIT E•THENT, 11 , T 1,;,‘ mtcral. ELef.rou. 10.115 If &mind. y • t,..t DCCIOR JAMES &LNG NO. 1r FOURTH STREET, Oppt4-ito the Pro Toot, Manama's Office. _ 1.1 ' I N DRFC.*3I(I F I , N „ror 74. u tir ) th 4, p/ e , .r • Ing and Ptraukiton il u b. fla r • bloom or Y. h, Dag. u o Alog rs• Pro4llres Ambraalt; Pu. o riarolndu Ar. I• Alr.♦ rupurtur lord •boul.lor enure heu reurPred et GPO. A - 5 IeLLT C 0 °. r.trui Derr eturr, cotner Obtopuri .tracts, In T w i a ,Allegbety . THi NV A SHINGTON INSHHANOH CO; of Nen lock Capital and MA AS—. - Tlr rnEr.rx ISEII s tiro}] C 0 .., of Vey Tort. (.11t.i 1,0 E GOLDRII CENSEK—This the ...Ail of Iteudbury't met . , Sabbath: &hoc Ulnae Polk, Pat oat:' To ernaltneas and Inters! It le binned to be Tully equal to lb. 11.11. Canto or boomer. Peat. .10 piLpee men, SA coot* •Itkale copy, ne $b per hulk &id Instill' tlndin;, cant, ct SUS pt. 4andrs%. beat tree, by mall, on et-calf,e of pia. PAP IS CLA RKE et m"... p 7 Waael Sccund National Bank, Third National Bank, No. MI FIFTH BTIIIET. rlnts Yittabargh Trust Company.; EMU= W. C. COPE. ~.. »....SSsi,t;y 8. 8, AO•nt. • 411Faarth next. ftark,'a • - . ._, . _ -..., . • 1 111 1 : • .:.::' . ".." • -17 . .07 _ • . --- - ' l‘: ', . ~ . -._. • . • XEW 410 FER TVIEJFIE.I"2"II. / • -10 T~IFTH STREET, PITTSBU RG H, PA FOUNDED IN 1840, CtICI'OIIATED El LEGISLATIIE CIIA&TLE, TITS ONLY INSTITUTION, Of the 'stud, IN 2111: UNItiN, d by n practical DUSTNY.SS3I.t N. Our high. .t c..evnercis4 auth4ritiem, ast and West, pr,sunce hi. mysternm of 11.ok-Kftving nods:m:led comprehending every department of final nese, and yet ao rkillfully eon 'ensod that the Stt.D tuaents ntseters the ebole io mix or eight ires4e. It ow...lst+; sf Stock Books vor wirl. a 1,.• and twice witl4•gotO ; exhibit. ng, l.f three dl3e,ul atetimbit, tbe gnu:.:., ef old 10 Partnership Books, Oendneted by three different enithodo, eahlb itinff th tr tinnier of old to new BooneZarin the irdried notion of new &Imo prectindly Ilinetrating the Private Ledger, Of mar. of which the regalia of the. business am leapt oat of the general boots, for the use of the pontoon. only. The settlement of lartnerahlp Cooke by Single Entry, With es practical !Rostra:loos, exhibiting the Book. re: oprurd by Double Entry. A cond.e rule for rectifying Deranged Doable-Entry Books, With slx rpeelfloatlone. fbe gain or loss found, and the Books earresily re-spend. Mee learner Le also ever. creed la Opening Books, Prop eight arwcificatlotin, Including !medal eosOltlaaa not ...tan tact with In ansiaosa. Also. a .r1”..0f ezwr• Closing hooks iron] !v.. , and pecnliarapdaddcatima. Th. lea.rnar 'nava about clgAtty • Business Forms of PorolliNsory Nolo., Judgment Note•, Draft!, Grins, BM, Ilsrhalo;e. Accoormol, Lowloos, tto. Also, • •or lo• of Business Letters, Which, with the !Amine. forms, are W coacci r tdl with co hi. onto of Book-Froping, making It apt arse of intaluma practice, with a coarse of twenty-des Lectures upon Book-Keeping. Py the Senior Principal, explaining eel' the t:ulnas tuattcr recorded in the text. Alin, tweiTe Lectures on Business Subjects. flow occry one may get rich. now to get rich by tza. then, The cannon of corn...mint tutlnzon On np,n -latlons. Th. moral lawnce of integrity in youth, Lc. Alow, lector. upon Commercial Law, nn Parcorthipa, Contrarta, Irtorrattre, Cfloirnon Cir. mos, t 5. Statute of Llmltation.t, at. Practical loatrtic ttoo, w drtortit: Counterfeit Ban!: .rotes, By a full set of contd. •471,t00 sal counters, anal largo adlection of coantertost notes. Our Railroad Book-Keeping utenwicript,) exhibits the untstruction and equip trieut, the rperatinc reculpta and expenditures, the 0.0, clued and a dt,idetedkrecorded. Theo Snots nee odr•rtisd L 7 others, Lint wit tnnght elsewhere nt the eny. (We Etter system at Private Hank Books, t.arsu,rtil. , rrnbrioluS all the an¢ t•.t. Dmllken. Our nom entargod vklltlop of 1.1 S icamboat Bpok-kerping le ital. department Minna. Intro dee. AlaiSt..ee of bur Superintendent, Mr. tkIOMAS B. SMITH, au ezparj ..beef Truckle. )lercantlla Accountant, and formerly Clet k of a id bulaalml steamer. ("or foil crocrse of business birsciice barbs/or stout gIiTY 11118121133 BuOSB, rolad to ob. 4,4hirry dta. of forms, eta It wers. T Day-books, I Jour -64.14, a htl, Boots 4 Cash Books, 4 Boles Books. I Ia• . los Books, 1 Dirarnot Book. I Conk likglsior.l Der 'Malt kieji-tro, I C.1ir..410.. Bosittars I Vet 10-.1. Hauls C• sister, I Yrsight Book, 2 Passag.. Bows I Post Book. There looks practially noon] shoot sir hwilred bri4- 11••• routpr.hcrllog naffs original piss f bostnrss education introdocrel twenty Bra ;oaf ago. Boa for caber. !we tre.10.C.3 to Imitating tuna aBl b. brat min by comparing the bottoms payers and boots of.their puisis w.th thoso of the g softie,* of Ws Instr. tette. RiRPER'S ENLARGED EDITION or DII F F'S B K-K EEPI N G, PO, 51:75. Pool•Evo II cta. &bi ki Itool.Rers AWARDED TOUR MUTES TINDAL& She I , llouing tvaimoraal. indicate We duracbr:of •• tuber work upon Dook.Ereplog explains the tub er with re reerh rlesmerr and site ettrity." MMEMIM •'it gives -a dear height into all departaratts of this A. S. FRASER, Cashier of &Tooth Ward haat. N.Y. I t cooledns much rant ter Important to thlCOtlettblat. C. 0. ILALSTEAD,_ President Manhattan Bank, N.Y. •Tits most colnidets emit of the kind I hers user JAN. V. InTIMAY, President Exchange Dank. Pttsesdrret el graduated to Duff. Cone:rim hail lho time I oz. pr,trol. illa admirable a7etem Include. nottUninper dta.cia, nor IOW"e out andtbing mom Mi.. J. 11. COLICTOX, Guider Niagara Bank, Lockport, N. T. ''Tl.O mat tic. Ind curnprelten.eve tliat I t;gme mel JOUN SNYDER. ashlar l.•.uk or Pittsburgh. You hoar. put yocrJarn ... „lnagcap,ienac.atnerchAn g.x4 uau to thL Tort. Merchant, No. u rpnat strnet, N. P. an ratecaiv- Ship Owner, fitn,ri , aa anJ Enropoa. ?1, Loot. Pant Dina:tat, ft.'. to La. Lorne filo:rope tat .on of the highest order .f hnsfnta'• talents: . .lOLLN W. BL It LIAM. lierchant, No. 8 aloutt 3Croot, U. Y. i•Mr. Puff I. a man of rim qualification& air bun JOLLIi L. P. TAYLOR, Merchant, Paton street, Now Orleans. .•11r. DmIL, R merchant or the flmt reepratabillry... J. LANDIS, Lteratant, New Orleans, The favorable apinlons already expromed by gently meo of meal-oleos authority are well deserved, and • healooly bomoved." CRADLES IL LEUPP, LEOPOLD IIIEILWLEtTII, EODEET KELLY, Special Certraultte• of the Chamber of Commerce. przteurt from the Mtuutral P RoSP ER AL WETNIOPL IC Secretary. I•Your 00IIntlii lee amonimovaly weary. to the...pluton oft the utility of the Improved method of Aft, Doff," EVLIDON J. LEEDS, ' ; Itecontin limey of Abe Amancao Institute. N. Y. THE NEW AND ESLAEGEJ EDIT/ON 07DIfitr9 Steamboat Book-Keeping, rrlx , el. Sold by So sk J tp. t pobi• hed tbe author. • general r perfect ei • ent for keeping each Loot, •nd • J. OLIO kt •CS F.1[11,1) r a L:or AI nbacti Daae.eieat starth. .lae • kro Tabo a' la, la avetht e petet of the baoL D Eeacee.4“. . . Late lc 'I: ite-ro-r R o an Vrraos. ..1 r ‘b.loaal toe Simmer'. P”..est Ito toe elf.. 1 error tear. port WI b mt a imp, o. the borkoo bratti” A O. Lice L Captain reamer ersoia. 'tte rely Work trabl MA of any r t is to the atom% or'. Ammo], .• J. r. J. LL Itt.ON. rolorrty Cirri. of the at...nor Tome. f'Tbo mot re trot ...teem of bt u . nee. FU Armed. l , t. 8 NB RS, loan rty Coptal Nadalllo. ON WM. H. DUN'S PENMANSHIP IA FIRST PREDIWILIS • . Foi b•si Fastness and Orstannrotal Penmanship; anstl. od bur yens.. Penman by lbs • viinedjstates Fair, at Cincinnati, in......,___.....,1873, Pews.) I.tiola Etat. Fati, lit Wyoming ISIIO. {F' tern Pennsylvania Fair, at Ylttgbarzb —..:..-18C.O. W tern Virg.. Fair, at Whcaling..— ...... ....—.....1.561 , 1. dud the Ohio hints Fair at Cleveland.-- —.....,......111624 1 till of w Linn pre exhibited at oar °ince. Terfsts gems uf tlx. penmen', art."—Piniblirgit Pot. These peeforsdandis un only be excelled by She an• tbir."—Psnobanfi Caserta. is All h ornamental, designs arable. and rtmarbdile i forsainnes."—Ernifsin Gazette. r Numb= e letelVeetero Pounsylvenla Fair aw.nided Lim Elti .F 1 sq. b= in all bKaarbra gill. art.—QS:. 805 Jo mai. . • Mat Tllllll£ll V 4 Ibe Graduating Came., Way stallmlte..t....fter 00 . _ ka and Statiotkerp. (wallop •47 chow • 2 111 enlarged edittoll Dutra ITS pp: illankm art candour 11. extra aixl . ).apor, ruled . complete, with fullset. of ail:Xi/jad& 11 ther.Lr• paean" the boalaela attdast trl.h ear fdlovalog . 151PORTANT ADVANTAGES: - - J.-1 L., W. have 1111 art p.tamali to CA Wo4.—partspir tba Leat I the ' , • • imp.piap.sa Ict , ok-keeplig; (taaelbutibirVa. N.). Scat Cbanierot Commane)taaatuabl tb: who;. 41. A molAg apses Or eletawislA bilfaimf tacky., A, A ...v. s tb• same oomboe of wfoka bOatt. 41.. Aaarlag of 16 er 17 to book mid b A Ciptt Ina • L n+•.'d er tort seta, gummy k. 4..... p • atptarow.p2. 1140114.101 /66 AA:6 - I=u*, sal ma a czeroasiot. , tOr Pot IWI oartteattis frodlf oar Omani new Ott cotor, pp.ol, with sample of our Nom: ea Dwaine and Ortuosteutol Artititg, LocloaLos YS coats fat }estop. to P. DOW dr, SON, Principals, PITISBOIMEI, Pl. er.P.4 %Mt. JWIOIIOII. cHER6tEIS MKtl63ing. CHEROKEE PILLtt, aooes-tx)enw VII •LII RZLIIILATO%. 073TAIN AND Still. For the Roman" of Ober:Wow sad the toototooba; scraartty to ta, Bsoarrsat• of tW 7- 114attay Perbda. tty' curs cc arise. those nsublemsel disuses 'Virg frcila irrecetiality, by mmcslag the trj Thsy cure Empyrean], !amain and Patent Die , 'lnn care Cirbem Blab:team (Oblorodaj Thai our. Nervoto and Spinal afoot Ion; POI= fief.'. Dock •ad losar parte of the Body, Heaviness Ta 410:,. ea eight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart [.esn•fft- . of 4414, Elystnio,floi floolacba, ClLlttnems, /Of. Li_ • .otti• by nnortaS the trr.Dalartty, they nmcm, mote, and with It all tar oftoots that epotnif Leon ti` - ecioposetl of thaplo vegotatls IcMrsetz, thgry *wag , matt./ 661ot:orlon, to any oorstftratat, haven't oast • mt., nut, Do:oaten Itotoi to ozbdiUgo 1419 e4 orialcb, whoa prowl), atedl. Choy "me Tt m• 7 be eafety used et uty age, and el 14: period, wept obvi.4 das Aryl gored etaretke derfste ettleti" tba =Wing ester. el tome Wien erode batelllbt: prevant P®o1• AU letter, mottos tnterm•tloa or 10 , 106 WE(. prrrptly. freely laid diaCractly •3231111111 d. Inn &rood= stxompooxy owb box. Ibrtoo 11 par box, or As bola for 111 Bent by tune tree of MB." ou inneds a rift. Bold by el respectable Drumbdr. 54.3; DR. W. E. =SW= km.. SobKalawss . :T:4 l : No. ea Truett woe. Wow PusirS: Tar Ws br Pittsburgh by N. PEoCILMMH it 06'47 °draw of thsDieuacrad asd I.arkst otroots. mhl7lsirdairdmir/ GIuSD NEWS I 10b TECI UMITDIVEIMULTI I THEIO22 SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED AT CHEROKEE REMEDY _ ONEMOKEE INJECTION. Oempoindst fract Exta, Bub and CIIIBOZZI=S.IIDIr, th. mat Ludlam Dlore4f one oval dim =e Of the miner, wpm, mu* as Lotale ,4 animal Of th. Urine, I.o.eu*ethat of the Itatiddr. deommtlon of the Itidneys, Stone to th. Bladder. 84 . : tore. Greed. Glatt, Gonorrhea, and la toPoolai7 mended ht those . awe of Mao datum (tee Whito4' houttej when an the old ;woozy medictoal It le prepared to • highly *momen %t.' fon !tOi. r doe. beats hem rtue to two toespomaolle throe Mali* , day. , It te diatomic ma alteretles to Its sotaxe—suitytta .1 cleansing tha Dlowi. causing It to flow h LI :Ii °right►] parity a.a4 vtigar,thri running booth* tyst,iii . all lasulckas causes which tava tadazad !classes. Moroi. Weal= Y latoodal am an 1117 or aolitlo to do Chorokatllmody.and &odd to toed to coolaallt Mot olth that toadlotoo to - all mot of Clatosattaso illl4 Fluor Alba, or Whltaa Ito olltot oro Walla& rottll4 sad dassuLteat i =eosin all KAMM /olds 40 r* ssd psis, beatesd of tba bursbalt sod .!mast Susib, durable pan Ms: 6 azys Hawed erltla nearly tat sheeponeck taleettoos. 1 . Ht C..• me of the OfflrElolE.llll 311:111:DY 011.13101tRE 121.730TION—the taro mesdlchtte et the saxes thrh—stl tsepsoder dlechertee ass remond.#ll the weeksoad organs era speedily restored to fell view sod etreasth. rm. Full portiostas, rat oar pamphlet hos atpl24 Stow In Ws evontryiw snits as, and we wM WWI itii, to Foy Whams. f tall Weal's. MICA, MI:MOM P.FMMDT, $2 pis bottbs* tbs. bottles Ibr.M. Prise, onatorri 132=012011, p pw UMW.* three tattles for M. _ , Beat by arab to any wittew, on the WOWS , Prim Ergd t 7.11 druggists nulsibsui. DE. W. R. ILIUM dr 03., goals Przyristut Ho. BO lasr.b strout,liair TorMw . : Pittsburgh by F. IffsMASTILIS rums, of the Diamond sad garkell Krieg =MIL asudasrunsl. ELIXIR. I ELIXIR! DR. WUIGIVI"D BEJVVENATINO ELIXIR; Or, Z2l-10101 01 LINA. Pres r-3 trovx Pas Vegetable Ectruta. notalag . loiveloot to tbo most The toinver-sanz Nltelris the mall of •• reties to the 'notable kh2gdett4 hula[ an w sad abetrect method of cam tneveettreOt This asedlene bas been tested by the moth ' Danl.! mesa of the Say, and by thank pronormsees , _ one of the wombat medical nbestarite of the we: Ons Utile win 01:12. General Inettllty. : A ear dare arms Ilyeterial In koalas. Cloe bottle corm Palpitsdan of tba Heart. - • A be dam newts ass omens of pruenthes. - Troth we to three bottles macaw the en.ollnlat it! ball vino, of Torah. to awes thanes the appetite. Three Dottie, ems the worst case of Impottotne . f.:- A bee doom thaw the bee Writs& ern battle restores =sots' power. &few doer kb:as the row tots ohnst. .3 Tb). =Maw melons to wanly rigor and dent - ..t• keen its focr, debllltated, nova-down and &Ors fog derotheof wownet plasma. The liana, worristal Tooth, the ever-tubd Eiji busithes, the vistas of nerroas depramials. or Intri. noel etrfferleg from general dainty, or front lintit. wee at Is ellse organ, win all and Immediate manna. relief by ths nee of this Elea or 104 Late. Price P per bails, ar Wye bottle. [sr SS, sal:4 yarded by =pray ou ree.tps O.> eras. • fold by DR. W. G erzawtr r Bole frnyristecifc: E. 69 LThery divot. Tor We In Fltlabargb by drourstawt 44*.- -orce: of ttw Dissosalo and Illartai , CHEROKEE CURE THZ GHIA? INDIAN MEDIOINO4", Ccemprozded trona Pooh, Barks and an smtallhog any for iiPsrmaterricca, West. bur, ISocturcal idalatn, i‘ad dbeaaii OLT self-rollotko, rub na Um - a lSemory , StAttw- . .al Lamed...de; Peas to th. 13. k, Disaaem., Pnalaturvord agil. Weak tag. Troablint Wakthat.... rraPtiaaa Pa. Omit...ace, Inicutity, clorstuatioa, sad. ;0414..6: direful coctplA•u caused bY &Puling Cm% *OlO ShL recaldae b aslatple Tegatabb. azkaef,d4•••ilf : cm which all cwi nly,as It has been seed to los =sly port, sad with donnas treattrili Afil;i0•• •fiodhl • abe.. lnetaam..lts oandlcs •hctithatadetit" ic;itibitictarp titer thit not 1 , •••• - St••• • •th• bats trifled with *Air . Ili they *trick Chekortlicoadistel thirot;:optitall %;X ,A. 61, se would rith - Datetdir sattlite Cherobitr*lrik;',l reorri paw with sad rigor, la eta allAtick ' • ?Of to particulars get ciatailar emit ••14 , i11"4 - titciri In the Gantry, or writ* the le*Seilt ~. . 1 11 - unit in» to any olt• 4,144 ikih sago, • is4ltriipt• It i" . * 41.4 *n. o• 1. § . l -. priciciltS par bottiti arse WM* br 115,148.••• ,1 1 warded ',perm: IE3OIO wts et the ' • , `I*II on raf"tia*lblitste. = : , as.a; w.usaiwuis, Ha. so Lmertritu•et. Inur*lt; Tor sib b Pllbborgri by IL iroCL/11111ASLii earner ittomoo4 and Martel 'trio% VibiTesoirCrwoorrlr. '
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