ABJ__, - IS RED 1786 ry Ittfiburgh Mazettr. PUBLISHED BY PUBLIKUIG LISOgLiTIOT, orn sunscßlßEßs puNfobosn, cf Plttabongh dolly ra cntrially harm! to chary rho prices below their reapectlY• Joima/E, on and after • 1 11117 25111,1841: ;4 TILE GAZETTE.. Sditlii, jai nun, Oollv.rod b 7 curio, 25 " ooze by mail, per year, to ad- ...ARO 00 for via roontb44a advance...-. 2 00 " " I for time m nth*, " 260 ening Edition, by =rim:, per treat ...........». 13 midi, per yeti., In iranc2.., 22 60 4" " .t . .! fOrilLn_tomitba, a 23 " " for Harm " 1 02 THE 01120NHILE. wenn, &Unkind by 20 year, fa inlynarri, at by $5 GO rmonths. " _ " " ...—.-- 460 nanab2;:. nol 2 2. 2 THE CO11211311)Lf.L. '1:1 week, Winced by wrier ...—. 96 Tnnte In sdirannn e entaby rimmtbile ' -' " 600 'von =agu e " • " ----- 260 061.1 . 67711 4kropteros, *HAULM 6101261102.12, Publbb•r r ErenalagOlqoald.; inissourie HBWBP•Pi6 AHD PRINSIEG OOMPANI. '2ading,ldatter from Yesterday's _Evening Gazette. Can Sherman Keep op tills Linea t • have heititiOme Ocuits exPrened, writes a s i•!"pihville oorreepondent, as to the possibility of ".±ementat klieping nib's leis line of aommonl. Non andieedhag his immense army over the Cagle line Of railroad from Chattanooga to Ma tta. but It has 'retofora been accomplished:lthoronghly, and or no raidiof.fie ammo ; tiantkbaen sums's- Ft; Indeed no extensive raid has been attempted the enemy, The heavy massing of cavalry • f each wing of each army has rendered raids :4 - elast the communication" of either army a latter of &eras danger, and • 7 few have been et ;l-napted. • think ;bats+ lone as our cavalry Onaine intaCt; end as strong as et present, the pemy will make no venturesome raids, lush 111 at of Roosseen and Garrard; but should the Droe on the wings became weakened by any tpvement .or misfortune, we may look forward p--very bare...log raids by the enemy. The 8-es prevails with many that Forrest has joined food, and Is preparing to make excessive raids 9on the rallroadr,in order to cat us off from The militerfrailroeds have-been keeping the Vey well 'lapelled, and I know of nothing in re more, meritorione or noteworthy than • ia„ao admirable icutnagemerat of the railroads in department. The /plait of Oberman, the ing, of the man, appears to have bawl Mimed rite tverliman connected with the 11. 8. M. 8.. and they have been worked to en extent al * :Vast incredible. Mr. A. Anderson, the Super •Otenden t here, k one of those quiet, mealy ' „ening men, wbb incomplish a great deal with eery little evident labor. lam toad hem that the k:risineas of the road 'lnas Gen. Sherman took been treblt a. 1- April last. h" th roug h daily. ...I.' inn . herein .... non .. ne:t .. A. Q )Itt that three car s wenty C ft a'so an anat. ktStore one iaq ~pc,iiation:d the, A Q id. - t In chsrge i l the road . l a Ci n ' mo at energetic ,- ;,..... - I. : auo agent of th i n city is _tir.r.smn i n the ent , ~..ttigartm working deportment 1 . 4 , . 1 . ''.pmpathy of Switzerland for the Allllerl.. 'AO' • . • I'AIN •!•:, can Union. .., •"' • , ':. , et to assilexcle, August 8, 1864 —The govern flint has bean officially Sdvisted of the meeting '.7 t?::,- - .. --:::;• Paid at Geneva, Switzerland, on the 9th of Jnly, . •,::,: ." ( lin favor of the American Union and the meaa -7,..._..7•,;:f.;`. 4ros taken by "%be government at Washington .• ~ sr the *UMW!: of etayery," . .nd at which eel ~ -;...,;-,:,;iddresa was adopted offering the most ardent ayer that ,' itisplead solely by patriotic thought, ..'"•*, •,:...•;..,Ite SUitesetill ih revolt may range themselves ',•• 4' , :*" •'::Prever under the star-spangled banner of the *..",'",.• ;Minion. The people of Geneva, with all their " . ,. .":.•,' 1 .•;;-.114 1 1altee, forward this:lnovemtmt, bonanse.thenott i: ;. ~i•, . .;, . .nrth liberty will, be triumphant, without die hi n - -..,•.,:0.,:,:F action oirane, nt ithe 'North as well, on at the ,`:;..:::: - cut& ..* .. ..'i The Secretary of State hu responded as fol ."-'", ~., 1 '1 To the People of Geneva: I have received . •,",, •";-1.1:vom Hee American Consul who resides at Gene ; .4 - .:::.,. 41., and have laid before the President, your for• , -: " . Haat, Hainaut And most fraternal evident to the ;.;:.,;:,...,;:": 'Ocople of Alie.Enited.States. By hit command ..." ;•::'•:.sl give you thAtke in the name of all my omen. 1-.„ . rymen for the timely an I appropriate words of l ;"1: , ~ .':',„:0 mpatby and friandilltipwhich you have spoken. lol"'•.!":rictor addreu adds strength to tbe already strong , ':: '6 l ,:hain which bind! the first federal republic of :ii l : ' '-1 : . 't A 1118iiell to the oldest and foremost federal re ti:' ''''''-,"' üblio of Europe. • :„..:,..-..,.,•• , The people of Switzerland may rest assured, ii,„ : ' -: I.vbateverr Otto may fail, that it will not be the .1,4 ..„; ,;..9r le of the United States which will betray ...., .., ~.., ' . 'l,`s.lie republican eystem to foreign enemies, or :.7",' -::',.` "; purrender it to domestic furion. 1., , ,,;:-,....,:.:41 With ordout prayer. for the preservation of the •:,•;i"...;:', ,gPonstitution, the freedom and the rec.:Ter:My of ...',. :-;', - '7.4. -s....4liserlarld, I have the honor to renal,,, old - •-,; ; * , ..,.":Xen5, your most obedient servant and statue :•:: • ....."; .':;enriend We II Sewaao. c;:•.:'"":73.`,9jepartment of State, Wuhicgton, July 30,'81. I's '. ' Healthful Effects or the Tomato ~.". ....„ -:.-1 The tomato is one of the most healthful, as ......i,..,...c?"• •fl - ~ .9" *•-: . well as one of the moat universally liked, of all ~, " :•...., , c:3l._ g.".',..-4,-•_:...l,ipe asset:lller. Ira health Fu' gallitios do not "ti s pend on the mode of preparation for the table: .:,.. , 1 - ,,. i." t may be eaten thrice a day, cold or hot, ocokod -., :•::.!,:.,..;',..,4 r raw, alone or without salt or pepper or vine •,• 2:".,,,:. or altogether,:fo 'evlikeedlantage, end in i , . } :l; : ;1 :::. W.lithe'titmost that cus be t o k en with an appetite. :"...i , .. '4""-t:lts healthfui goalie, arieee from its slight :mil : ..: iv, in this' making It as valuable , perhaps, as N:...i ..; "hernias, cherries, currants, sad similar articles. '• • '- , ":•.f:' A tto also - highly nutridons. The tomato beaten •'. : .'.'.l",e nal with the frost. If the vine, are'polled up c.-:;.i. , !4 , .. fors the frost comes, and hung up in a we11..:..1.: . .:..1.: ...;:' ..,.' el:dilated caller, with the tomatoes hanging to ~.':,:r .i ...fr.. em, the .. love apple" will continue ripening ~• ....".;', ,f -T.7 . ..,, am Christmas. The cellar eboold not be too ~: L. , :p b er yi .: op r r oc ce o d w i z o n ag re. - . . /t l r i te kt ic lr i l:pl a s n o t f .g t e hl f s .. m t zy . -;,:•":--:::•: ;:: Abeneftt of Lathy who are invalids and who era .•'''. '. . : 1" , " .-fend of tbo tomato. . . , Devine In the crate Market. The Indianapolis Award of the lit, says: seecnistors in males bad the wind telt so out their balloons the past week, by C•pt.•Wilson, Qa°stet oiler Of this pixel!. Ad earthing • • for . 'tweed proposals, be received numerou,s.ao,t troor aw•n o•rr,bnt the mules wore held ...1 ., :: :. ..rj,;: - A r Ld slot per bred Tto . • 11. d, and c • p. etc t% li.ou tor.- l 'ro boy in op , n n art's at $: 5 3 pa s: 4.ye a re. - • • -rrabsr .1 tll4llO b.l °s +¢ pe r ` In 103 ...um tire+, or. hoar n t torn bought at d tn• ts g .n.zmistae s the spatula . ldfligurce—sls2.. This lowere d •:,:•7 r itlone of male dealers t , 12 t tfr i f b. l2 ood, .ad consequence they More can now be had b ore gla ce the Q lemon-later •l! can ',AC,. The mule m , ritet is deeidedly lively. - - - • ergaltrac of the boxamg of Chamberiburgr - the New York Tribtme thus disposes of a Cop • ;~+gerheedfall.ehoodt "Tee Copperhead organs • w hich allfaft that the flairn armies hove Inroad towns alder similar etreumstanees simply lie— • there is no other word that dLes them jostle, kfo Union tisneral over ordered the G,ing of M.oily or borough wherein he had tocountered I.oetstance 1 enough Qoannull not only burned l a wraisee, which was Imp iced and Icy bt his gh ye arey, but called most of its unarmed male eitisene cut of th.ir beds and butchered them In cold bleed." cj ifi-CUrrentiy reported that ft ald'Orollo3 be tiro nos Joe geme• ale, as to which ebould faux and Li command tho other, see the mein ostler. of oar Lao oolutruesy repute., before Petersbarg. Be fore the dispute couhl-he authoritatively settled, fi;j t b s god roomette bad parsed. We do not Nbuoy that tote is, uu. , but we doubtless atoll buoy when the court of ioqatry so promptly sad aproperly laatitatcd by Geo, aratit shell hove re portod. i;s? Wbi,do tut have comets of Ir u pt t y'prompt_ tity Instituted in every case of felturel ';., T * _. - - ~, Vteteicsi va MIMBII 07 ,Uoaaleas —A letter ai from Bt. Londe, dated lent Friday, to one of the .. 2,, * s nout papers e asyS that al liereraer Blag, oat ;.A.. o f the =etchers in the present Coograti, wet -" 2I Atoned in the etreete of Rs:homed, Ray amaty, E',= :- Me, where he lives, a fen arty' age. Vie as %;''l ,astilt was emir titled by radios] militia. He has ~!..1...1eft the place for tea. they will take hls Rte. ".. . .. . r..?fl -. Tl' Free 7bull Ob.rreer(blerra Leone) of Jane i , :rf: jab, 'tate' that M. Vote Gerard, know* al the i.b..f5-: Lton Killer,, bee Gaited to resell the interior of the continent by the route of Tlmbnotoo. Ile s!„,, .• Nihau been attseked and plundered by s the bo- P. &ea, mil withErawdlattrairr. saiiapitt with lai 1 • . . .. .. .; r - I I - A. Am 1-A 2_ A T I=l The fallowing deeision has been render° i by Mr. Lewis, Comminiener of Internal Revenue, fa tepid to theliablllty of distilled 'spirits; coal oil, and tobacco, in possession a the manafes tater on the Ist of July, 1864, to tans:ion under the act of Juno 30th, 1864 Ftcm various letters received at this ofB se, it moms that nreat diverelty of opinion &lists among the aims of internal revenue, and other parties inttremed, in regard to the constructien given to the 56:1i section of the sot of June 31 , , In the dueller of July 8. By the 65th tertioo, all spirits which may have been in the passesshn of the distiller, or in public store or bonded ware house, on the ierdiy df July, no duty having teen paid thazeou,,taball beheld and treated as If distilled on bat day. By the 1734 section, is is also prink' ed that l'all manufaCtures and produr• tuxes sad redaction,. on which a duty was Im. pcsed by either of the all repealed, which shall be in the possession of the matasfactdrer or pro - dltCl7 ' Or of his agent or agents on the day when this l ot takes effect, shall be held and deemed to bare been =nuke:arid or produced alter each date." • These provisioni are to he construed together. u the last 'standee the first; end. both cover the sane groped. They pignly apply to distilled shloh were on the let of July, in the }ossessioU of the distiller and manufsoturer; or in any pebtlo store or bonded warehouse, it lid elicits shipped under the old law In bilii of lading. 111 n 6 I.i* b&d been paid prior to July 1, no cinistioh of tole or remora °add Infer- vese,ll We spirits of that day were in the pee session of the diatiller, or in public store or bonded warehouse, but he mast pay the in• =lased rite. Coal Gilead tobacco when bonded, are, by bah the old and new isw,eaeject,to the same revelation, and liabilities as distilled spirits. The old law provided that spirits and oil ebduld bricome Raj.et to tax when sold, con sumed, or removed for consumption creole, and tobacco, when mold, or removed for consump• 'ion, or for delivery to others than agents of the reanufactiperr or producer, but not when bonded for export. Wien althea pt the, eonditionc stated scoute d; the law itbpotid - thii - duty, the =solutes - rarer be estne hentid to pay, and officers of internal rev enue to etforee the (inflection; if such duty was paid pries to July s l ot, then wag no liability Fo the Increase - it sait,„ thb potpetit hivioe.boaa made as regairedly how. But, until the condition occurred on which the manufacturer became chargeable, ha wee ender no liability to tee Government-for tax on his product; end the collector had no authority to coilect: Of roarer, any receipt ho might give for ton weald be in antleipatiorcof an obligation not yet devolved, and would not operate as a diecTergii of a dray to acoitto afterward. When, therefore, under the previa°os of the law and the regulations 91 this 00:103, any man • Wean» had become liable to the duty, and the manufacturer, beinglirand to pay, lord. prior to July 1, actually paid the duty according to the former law, no liability accrue for the increased duty imposed by the meant law. But U, under the sae= law and regulations, the article bad not become liable to duty, no payment by the manufalturer to the Colieetor could be made on amount of duty, or operate as legal dlsebarge of a liability thereafter to auras. Ot coerce It could not avail to defeat any in• mimed liability treated by the change In the law. littler the circular of the Secretary of the Treasury of March 30th, Dititt, in relation to horded warehouses, Collectors were required to enforce the payment of the duties on spirits hich were not removed to a bonder:l.lll . .ol°ns., or shipped enders bill of ladling, and when, to act - mean Cerwtth that circular, Collectors did not enforce the payment of the duty, sad such duty iru raid prior to jelly 1, such spirits must be held to be exempt from thelneroased rate. When Spirits, on the 30th •of Jape, were in a bonded warehouse, and on thet day the man ufacturer paid to - the Collector tin *moan; rtinel to the tiles on the same at the then nits of tax, Edt push Spirits remained in snob warehouse on the Ist of July, without change -of prisseselon, there was no payment df the duty within the meaning A f the law, and they still remain subject to the ir.ccomed rata prescribed by the new kw . If the }spirits or other manufactured articles ware in the poszanfon cf the distiller or m mu fecturer' his agect or agents, on the let of July, and no tax had previously been paid, the law is clear and explicit that each spirits or other articles mutt be held and treated AA if distilled cr manufactured on-that day, and subject to the increated sate of tax. The non payment of the tax la °occlusive, and no inquiry need be made further. It wobid seem from revers' .paragraphs of news fn ikte Chatieeton papal' 'shave received that an attack upon that city le anticipated be fore a mat while. The following item is from the Mercury of the 3d instant Alife age opposed to making mention of mill Ivy movements in the public pros, bat for the benefit of the croakers ether have looked so tor tern eve, limn troops wore withdrawn from the dr fent• tf this city to strengthen the army of Northern Virginia, It may be as :roil to ,tote bat the'firstaf.,everal well tried nigh:ants, the number and strength of which we will leave the enemy to discover, have arrived in this depart. went, end wiil be funni M the right pine, when the enemy makes his next advance." It is plain from this that the garrison at Charleston lone been pretty thoroughly depleted to strengthen bee's a..ny ; but its chief eignitl• acmes, as we have eel, Is the feat that it Lodi e.t.a an unpletulant nervousness concerning the intentions of Oen. Foster. The Charleston Charier, in making the seine announcement, cautiously observe, that "It Is not deemed prudent to mention the exact Erength of this force, bat it Is eneaturagelng to know that in the next effort of the enemy to take the city the disproportion of numbers will not b Co great as in the last campaign on John's an J whet' Wands' which resulted so gloriously to cur arms.—Phil Pre.. We have tad and always bellowed that the It famous order which the rebels asserted they found or.on the body of the late Colonel Ulric Dahigren was a deliberate and malicious forgery. We were led toThs assertion then by his well known character, which would turn from any thing mean and hose with loathing, and wo refer to it DOW became the proofs IMO present, strong and convincing, to bear us out. has remained for hie father ' Admiral Dahlgren, to show to the • i rid that his martyr MD was innocent of the slignant aspenlons cast upon him, and that his .enemies in life and In death were baser and more contemptible far than they would fain represent him. The Admiral bas received pho is graphic, copies of the forgery, and speaks of it with all the indignation that naturally fills a fatbeil hurt when be seeks to defend the mem• ory of p dead child from blackening. withering rollaway. Be 'aye the mar lea barefacied, atro cious forgery, so palpable that the wickedness of the Pot is only equalled by the reckietsnees with which the miserable ositLffs have 64 wee red to IL We are glad to make this innoutioemeni, a. well in viodiCallon of the memory of the dese—cf one of whom Phiaodelphis oan boa,: ea a martyred citizen, murdered atier battle by a...mins—as to chow the depth of perfidy to • blob treason can sink its mieguided ful,owers, wen In the hour of their triumph. Bs f.o ibo reboil:co, N..' Orloss's was stis it r . 4 0 , e , by the ”itow fever. On, o the fi d. , be by Yi•nerel Ba:ler, Ps N ow tt cue to toe ••,:reecent City only the retail at a dfdOntiV• unitary pot oe. no,her valuable iroprovernect made by , :or tr.qitar, Governors in that Important S ,uth ern .rop, lie, is the elevation of the levee along us rtnei val hudneee 'root. Defer. the toting of the Water of the river wuhed over the levee vial threaten.d the inundation of the oily. The ti,wyerte, In 'peaking of thechan4e, sa)ti: "We, dt not not when thole who hare for several years obi voted theuxvives from tasty homes, mid wan dared off to foreign land+, Phan return, they will tot fail to notice end pay a deserved tributt of the , k , olnets to the energy and publie spirit, as as well no charity and thoughtfulness, w ti!h have In this way adorned the fair Goat of Now Orleans." 7terlyo rape A It. tt.ao•o Them— As the tech from Fltoh to re, hi..., IP Ai peering through Shirley Villagt nn Tha•eday monkey, an I riehumn jumped from the can, and after bounding along about twenty feet, came to contact with the train, whist eaneed him to make another bound of t•elre or fifteen feet. The phyroeleu who was called thinks he la not fatally Warta. Via rater - no of the battonal book. hare been promptly made to tie Troaeory, nod It is grail *lug to hoer that nearly all of foam here to atteoant of lawful cameo,' on hand to el.". of the ptr tentage required by law. T3is It 1101:115 thing plaotioel, zed it argues well fur the . no twee of the aystam iastitutad by Mr. Chem. Wash araniare. Cuairturrow • Pena or Exciasioc—At effor! lo being made ty the rebel authorities to make Charlatan the future ezahange-paint of prison ere of war, and it lo apparent, from adroit - ow mode by ibern on Lela anaion, that every effort to e rprdlte this matter oh! he need by the rebel modalities. Commons , paper states tbat•utne-months' ambits* b•s been agreed upon between the Danes attd the German powers. It is expected tri be certain' that the conneolrin of Soblesertg Doisteikuid lisittibstj *ilk Dggiurk vW al- 1:3211= Vindication of ieol. Dahlgren Improvement In New , Orleans t r,l t•ic g of , Le • ith ,•rtilecCl .t h... tbat •ba 'es" ers.: PITTSBUR CITY AND SUBURBAN Deatn of Rev. J. D. Turner Editor, Gozette :-1 cos very mach atuptised when I a - rived fa this city, from Washingtm, on lit F I ay, to leans that the death of our la• mooted and much loved Chaplain his not been chron!cied in your paper. I refer to the it,. J. D. Turner, late Chaplain' of the ith Pcnniyl - Cavalry. Mr. Turner was commissioned as Chaplain in October, 1861, but for :ono months previens had been acting in that capa city, in ohm various hog:drab about Wasiiington We deeply repot the loss of Mr. Turner, on feel that in him we havelost a good loyal citicra, and a truly pions man. Mr. Turner was one of •the most active end zealous Chaplain-1 in the Amy of the Potomac. Be busied himself io 11...tallibtelillg to the wants if the men, both spir itual and temporal, and many a poor neither Fasted n "lied bleep you:•' no he assisted in besting him off tho held of haute, whltu ne whispered words of consolation in the earls of the 417 Lr g. I think we can truly nay that Mr. Tarn • er wee one of the most etilsient Chaplains in that army. Be woe always brawl at hie poet, and as, or woe known to deviate from this petit of duty. Re was ■ particular favorite in the Eng. intent., aisociating himself with the.men, as he fell It his duty to wsrn them to nibs from the wrath to coma" Be never lost an opportunity to pot In si word for Christ, and seemed to be at i:,, th• bales of his ambition when advocating the Word at cd. Mr. Tamer's death was caused by disease contracted during the Peniaanbaces•- palgn, when cMPunderwent the hardship, and I" lei,sitnaip of a soldier's life. His spirit depart cci on the 15. h day of June,lBo4. Gls remains •ero interted lo the Oongrnsfonal Cemetery, of Washington, D. C , followed by • lose commune of friends, and a large body of Marone, of whieh he was a. member. Truly, NJ (net end was peace. "Be ye also ready, for ye know not when the boor cometh." A Maxima Cr Ca C, 4.h Pennsylvania Cavalry A Brutal Husband Meyer Lowry bed before him to-day one of tbe menneit specimens of a husband Imaginable. 114 name is Peter Wilber, end be keeps a taoern in the Dlstnood. kils site is a fuse looking a-o pen, and exhibited considerable feeling and re. 6r.ement df manner. She bad recently returned from a • it to Germany, bringing with her • i g I rie su in gold, of whioh she is possessed in her own r ht. 'Elbe soon learned, on roaohing 1, ow tbai her hatband had boon acting badly 11 her absence, keeping company with a Mrs. Novae de, (whom he au to the habit of meeting at the bottle of Mrs. Lanai, on the bank of the river. Od Tuesday morning, hearing that Wil -ler was the above named place, the started thither, sea, on forcing.her way into an upper (bomber, naught them together. Mee. Wilber, unable to control herself, attacked Mrs. New t( de, rolled her hair severely, and demolished her night cap. This irritated the husband, and la determined to have revenge. Oa Toeedsy night a great rumpus was raised at Wilber'. ; Fie wife had been cruelly abated, and turned nut of the house to her nightclothes, together with her two daughters, one of whom is a young wo man. The police were called, and the brutal husband and father was arrested ant looked up. The tams above narrated were detailed on the hi acing, anti an information for &smolt and bat tery, and runty of the peace eras made against \Cubes. lie could not give ball, and was out • mimed to jail to answer. An information for adultery was made against Mre. Newrods, and the gave bail fora hearing this afternoon. Child Abandoned la yesterday's raper we alluded to the at te tort made by a woman to abandon her ohild by lose ng It 'n • basket at the 'tore of ,litfastra. H. Detach Si Co Liberty street. It yea dieter eyed helot. rho got one of eight, that there was a baby in the 1 asks!, end the was broal ht bask end compelled to take it with her. Oa the VMS day, shortly attar diner the womati left the basket ctztalning the infant, in front of the lutcher chop, at the corner of High aOt Grant esteem. The basket pot observed by the pro prietor, who took it into the store, when he eras tarp bed to find it containei • little child. The waif was removed from the basket and taken In charge by the prerrietor's wife. A then time after it no eteised with coeval/ions, and its re • svery V very d iubtful. I: Is supposed that the inhuman parent had do .ed it with ladiaisum, uto keep it quiet. The child II apparently but a lasi days old, and was very neatly clothed. Alleged Bobbery of a Soldier A discharged tol.4ier named D. W. Richards, who hadlerved three years, nod 11171•04 here on his wey home, appeared before Mayor Lowry thir morning, and preferred a charge of larceny egait 11 J. 0. Strath. lie stated that he had mode the acquaintance of Smith the previous r et cc OD, and gettingmellow together they bad concluded to out up for the night at the Eigle hotel. When Wetter& awoke k he found nit ote pinion gene, and on examining his clothing he clsooiered that all his money, am ountieg to $7O, and a watch worth $3O had been stolen it ot him. Be at once suspected tritith no the ti if, and a warrant was tossed for his arrest, lot tt has nut yet lees found. B-y Intot—Mallelous Act. On Tuesday evening, a couple of oolored bop, nem. d Green and Taylor, were playing "Ssoteh end Union," in the Seventh ward. Anothereol toted ,boy, named John Washington, handed • lists:lto Green. telling him that it was not load ed, and directing him to snap it at Taylor. Ores o did se reviewed, when the pistol was dia. chatge d. It bad Leen leaded with tanks, but feeenatsfy the charge grated the .Lie of the cane. 4.1.1 c log bat a slight sr ,and. 1:1-een woe stand og so dime to Taylor, chit the eye of the lett, was somewhat injared and blaosenol Ly e ps leder (rum the pistol. Washinston was arrested, and after shearing was committed to the 130 e,, of Itsfoge. Alleged Highway Robbery Cyrus Farl, an inoffenelve, though eccentric cltsienal, residing on the Uaaa river, near Ctriet tun, appeared Were the Mayor to day, std preferred a charge of highway robbery Jumes Nesbett. He alleged that, on or bort the Bret of Hey, Nelbett attacked him on the highway, threatened to kill him, and wrenched fr m him, by violence, a navy rovslrer, valued at $25. Fitch bad been mush annoyed by boys and others, and had purchased this re. v..her to defend himself with. Herbert mw aged taeeofpe at the time, and Pitch never heard of bis whereabouts until lately. A warrant was wood for his arrest. Floor Rl/3111141D Pll.llsl , llllBT x SLOrtiala Scoot,—At a men' meeting of oho teachers of the Part Rs formed Presbyterian Sabbath Solos!, his It C. flittler ' the callient Saperintendttr, soot lanced that he had entered the hundred days ..,vice, and requested the meeting t appoint some one to take charge of the school in hit ob. setae. The following resolutions wore then adopted : 1. Th this meeting expressos its entire entiofaction with the manner In which Mr. Kil ler has - dierhargeil the duties of Soperintenden'; at d teat cur fraternal good wf 'hes, end earneat May tie for his tate return, will f...tio• bum on his j tirri:y of pelf sass' fining dcv tiers to oar suffering Lath,- 2 That Mr. F. ft M'Ontoh cc nift,iLted StkpeflLlOtAdr.n. •• ck.ef. Tar. A I.ttle colder t! re.y, ege I tr , . e .h• roe,' i r :Jr ra k lin a milt arovn The the 2, -lac onArrthre street, in ht :seventh weld. Tca wagou..lo/11£ entered by tha young .romp while it eritr'd en WI/l0 stns t. Ile war 4trn 9 set sod thre • the money der., port o r yLlerr new away. Ile was 111,03t0i, and on hi. I alerts rc.a.i.ing to keep c: seer watch of Dim hereafter, ho war discharged. Ile coifessed m huvlig committed other robbs•is,., sod for ILO FO plug, zhibitr n ew.n.lerful prodder:ray In erlnse. PIFPITO Cotnteavetr POtTst.Lerte.—Pt simp er, hrilieg 110tH Wool. o •aety, 7e - I:catty arrive/ m thhi oiry, and put op et eto e t on; pennelpti hot.le. Ile Ma ea' z cn.e. of h c •crfeit fifty Cent p 5.a• ranee • .11 ttet,“ ad 'hipped off. Salim hi, tiep•rtu-a, four or tire :bolters "forth of these r plarinnt netee bet, beet acted to Me passing. They ere •ory bodly axe - uted, and ought not :5 de:oleo ordi.mry jail•• of money. Ts's! Plow of tee You net Lotlild Tears os• 1 to, lly, St Dridget's Church, uill e . Aogurt 11. The cure for the Plank, will toss, the Depot for Oloorrood at 7, 7.55, 0.33 &c.d. IL A v., and at 5:40 r u. The lut train for home is 7 r at. Nu person admitted on the ground without a ticket. It BEWILL Flee aR, an old citizen of Corydon, Waren county, wee killed a taw days sines. ❑se horse ran away and went over a high batik. the accident wan tot discovered until the 01. r. day, when Mr. Fillies end his horse were both found dead at tie foot of the bank. Pomo' Areorintsaya.—The Pollee Commit tee of the Allegheny Councils met fast crania,. end appointed the following persons to till th. eauncies on the night watch: Jooeph J ohnston J lon Soilage, John G. Lehman, and Willie•• Nixon. 7111 United Presbyterian Syno4.of Pittsburgh will meet la Canneesberg. on the first To ssday 018eptember. at two ofelook In t%e afternoon. Tali Third Hotted Proebyterian,aisrirah, el this rttyivill b. Dread krrke cut the inst. . , "tr /s" ""="- Tr, 77 i-- 7 p 1,11 '-'T - 7P r -77 gr „ f ikta A tir , 9 H, THCrILSDAY MORE bj, 111. S THE lITERSBURG DISASTER. Meade and Burnside Oast the Blame Upon Eaoh Other. OPERATIONS AROUND ATLANTA. Lorestrect's Co•ps sent to Reinforce lloed OAI3INLT MEETING. 'Reported Resigustion of Secretary E Elul on. Ns", Yens, Augoint 10—The Timex' Washing ton ■pssetal naye Jiiesde and Burnside both ca t tho Manna of the Petersburg diluter upon each otter. It sport's, that, upon a mnditioa lion of tho order on the Aight previous, a misun derstanding as to Ides ebonid superintend the attack occurred, and ntabdr less present to take command: The Beiat-Y..correepondent ZWM. Atlanta, say': Operation aromnd the city are settled down to a regular lege. We are pomading away an every side, and ti, doomed to be noon reduced. The rebels garrison the forts and ecaltranohments with maids, wild use the veterans to operate when required, their line-running so that they cam be marred with great ....Way. Yesserdny a demon stration war made along our line, resulting In d•ivlag the rebels bank to their entrenchments, gaining ilia rifle pits and capturing a picket re• serve of 1M.5 men. The reels =smatter:Altus long in Atlanta. If they con:lone butting against our works they will non Wear themselves out without doing us ID ern hurt, and ran the risk of losing their oom• monloatiob, upon which lee are continually opts. rating. The M o n line is the sely one left them, and It is said at we have des•royed that ;if so, we have got t em, if they cannot sno•md In bursting through our lines somewhere. Yet we Cr. so toe ertnlq matrenehed that a single line will be able to hold cur works against any assault of tholes. The ole►alinees and comfort of the inmates of our hoepliais reflect great credit on the medical gen train In attendance. The Ilettahr • Potomac army correspondent of the 7th, rays ; The efficiency of the whole com mand hactoten Increued by returned cenvalee• cents wounded in recant campaigns. limy artillery firing took place to-day. A r ortion oI • 'hell struck Major Chapman, of the 2t h Marattehnsetts, indicting a mortal w , und. New Yds s, August 10.—A 7rittin, corres pondent aapi It o generally believed In the Aim; of the Potomac that Lee kat sent Long • street's call,. to Hood's asiletence. The Washington special of the oth says: A cabinet meeting wee held to-day, at which questions ci State politry of mom than ordinary ',term' and Importance were discussed. It is confidently stated by those who are on in,imate yolitical and social relations with dil lti tut member. of the cabinet that Stanton has m stated and that the President hsis accepted hie t , titnittiOn. It u not positirely known that oh is the fact. retina) !.ante Legislature Ey. oat Divatch to tt., I.4tlkburg6 Gaiette. llama/arta, Aug. 10 ❑over—A number of bills, reoalled from the Gott:woos, passed at last session, were deafly palmed after a tong debate, after being amended so as to inolude tre en enabling State banks o become National. Alter a long deltrate, Mr. &alright obtained permissions to Introduce • bill proposing tO fatten thousedd doltere to build et telegraph frost rdoConnellsborg to 1;161o:down. The rstointion to visit Oharobersisorg to.ossr. rut., was passed. A ejouroad until Friday, 10 s. to. S. ers—A Resolution passed inetructing the C. Damietta on lodic:buy to Inquire Into the en p. (Henry . of bringing toe bill substituting Caste ~'notice yor county end muoicipal. Severn! ptivete bills were reed In place. Mr. St. Clair—One to change the ;Oakland Crrostery Company, of indisna county, Into J. tot earth company. Mr. Urge— crne to anthorillo the Franklin sr d Allegheny Bridge Camper)! to borrow notey. The :311121ki1l adopted the resolution prevent• irg the tetsodactioa of private bills. 13. th aL127011 adjourned to visit the ruins of Cl co I erotnvg to s•rrnn. The Senate meets again to-morrow eight at sight eel( ck. Indian Depredations In Nebraska. Outs August 10.—The In Huns aro hntt If cosniulktlng now depredations, stealing stock ac d burning trains. A coach strived from Fort Kearney. tithe It ruing. reports passing several trains banned end seeing eleven deed hollers by the roalside. A party of six whites were killed at Thirty•two Ureic last right.No roaches had strived a! Fort Kearney for three days. Two of them were corroled for three dr), The Indians stole the •tcek or Cottonwood station, ninety mile. west of Fort Kearney, this vs , rnirg. A party of soldiers gave pursuit. to well known that renegade white Wretches, I apio ed to bo !nom tflAntroll's old p troy, art, sseoviated with the Indiana in these deprede lit Ed. Latret From f , hermariPo Army. Wasursorou, Aug. In.—Gatlocal Sherman In .mittiog Logan's othoial report to General 11.1!tek rays Atihnugh the nuat•r o! dool rthels teems e nrassire, he is disr led to give full credit to the report that our Ins though only 3 !.21 killed, wounded and echoing, the eneny's deed on the field alone, amounted to 3,220. To tal prisoners lent north, 1018; total prisoners In tar hands wounded, 1,000. The estimated lore of the enemy is at least 10,000. Asir. ACCIDLXT. - A. man was killed A short dittance above Meadville hi the night express train bound west Saturday night. Itiestoposed he wn drunk .d Weep on the trek. He wee net dieeivered until the freight train came along in be morning, and hie name has not been as certained. KILLID or L101171111.G --Two 6111003 of Pile Grove Wwn.bip, Werreo county, were killed by Itghtning on Monday of lut week One WAR o. med Phillip., the other Billings. They sought the ter under a tree. Ehm.d.,. a Amber:: vrbo b:, b•r a. rd.4l/ , ' , t• 51 1 ,1 ed.zt 'l , 3e to:0 .p 1 tte o.lti t• T. ctitbraLva Yolveat.l eA.o L•en I. eland in the lion out Lords ag Weer Bins Yolr ton. DISSOLUTIOAII. 4c. 9 1 14 E 1 , 1101 01: /.—t• A. PAIN VE-t, IN this di.. 1.“1 y tuut.t.t All baring r.tII . .“11 pr...vet vnk rt.to•.l •• y , or Il• to.la mtru••• of It.. -to •-kv eigu to l'oqu ( e IC PalNr IL, 1. ZUG, 11. H. P TYTYII, 0.13 ZOGI. A wart le; I. rpfiP 11USCEFORM 711 ..0 ' Mal, • pf r . b. ..00fontore, of Ir o +cod I no.tn lb. nye of J Pei Nil, d 4 '4 4 . Ve r s:o• 4, W.to arc. t. J PIIVTE 3, II H. CAIN A. E. W. PA.lnt rpuF, 11,NI)EitS1ONET) lIIVING POT 1 cn fOCD front Ilia ten trat n zal P ‘INTIC the ht.lhr. Iron htutu., Pith W. •I, PI la tnnth h • I ap I I Ito Dm s EU.; .t LW, , Wn't Ell J. Li. -1. (up a.v. ) O. Tit•A) nrkh, S. rm . . 1.1.,1E64. fi. ol /.. U oF P 4 I p t •. El. Fr eat soil e u v and utyle '.D. If 1. .•rinu of. d u I • ei unit r d Altel EiT Y VALI re 1 In. and 0 r IC. 01,101 rien, n'tig the bn•lneti the .14 6,11 , 1 Any Habill per mad lete h eu will Le ••t• 1-d 1.. NtOer of the O.P I(l.oPrrile A(30011 SLOrf Fa& utph. Assist A, 15,1,- f'4(l-P ARTNERSI3 P NOTICR -I RAVE tbl 'a, e•Koslated h •no to th. tIo•••Ine. ` 4, o'• Bop 1.n•in.... IL.P.Telelkwa A 1 ,1111.1. N. Tbe win t.••• o oil no! lh st.nd. c••mrt Prlvtrio• • Way •wl nn' dxt tho )Iu nIIOEMUS q,lt • A 1 rtllnnea. riaPARTNERSH P NOTIOR—we luxe ap , .7..ted ertthudt , theOGA.9I 111/0.917 r TR. IF. Pl 7-121 PA, KoPrar M LMI.DT 'OUN take •Thet tr.. matt attar Aug. , us. 18641 Thi.”14,91 she Arm N+ n.mon am* , tart. Ise atir , . Os. sulaL r Ly a 03. TING, AUGUST 11. I ouctei.x. .41 Litt I n, orc PHOTOGRAPH CARDS. A LARGE AssoItTNIENT AT LOWEST PRICES, attn.hi P. HUNT. Alco:altab BlMloam and L'earadeVer, NO. 69 /MO II AMIN?, MASONIC NALL N EW DI)01014 JUST RECEIVED AT HENRY NHIIER'S. THE. EARLY DAWN. I Oa earTcars or (Milian Life in Eng'arpd in the Olden Time, HT THE AUTEPOS OE ISCHOEMISG an TUE FAMILY P 810111...... - . .1i 1.7 3 CBBOBICLi3 # 13CHOINIBEEO 1.7471:1118 TAMILY 14.11ormi Er' Well AiIDS, Ifiw rTemSlTearmo.. 511 E YltiriEß POST TO 1".113LIC 1a08111113.5. Oon larfong the Node of orm tug and C.ondocolagS , ela. tn.s, Clubs oknd oar., Oripi 111,4 tamoalotfone. Fall Isniol 01 Otder br IL.. Goya rnmane at their Delannea and CO3lneu. Connatte CL actions flo to Woopara ft. , atfun•, port• and P. itioou. and. the Mannar of e.. !Ml...wing OonYoutiona, Publio tlnotlaga, Gale. Lnnsers, 8.L , C1,11.11 and Pto•Nlca. Utc. MOVAilirlAr. or PHI FILET 9.i DL tna7 LI:M.. B, Htllua IJlltrerc. OUP. D(7 . 13. see Personal I:xperlent...l Coldler in lb. Allay 01 the POW... By A. W. UM, 01 lh• Eighth Ykoheyeraula 11.c..vret Nrir AND ummn RIDS& :t1 Ali b. ADO ALL OP LOBING'S POl'lll.lll UREA Lintoes triaLosrotte'o Eloo•eke.i or Felt b Go.rtagg's IStrtbookt —4l Q. l ib. 111 of the OA", `aook• mattsd free of postage I=l TI a T 3 Jinn BTI/ZET, nest door to P.O INUiO, Q UEANS AND IiNAVNS BO LONGER! NATIONALITY EVIIIITWHEBEI tItIFOBOICV EMBLEM ODED LOBO ENGEI I 'Onts Natlotahl Emblems, Shields, Stars and Flags, Teatimate the Butte b the ' AIdELLOAD OMID owireare UNION PLAYING MUM!. e• COLONEL INSTEAD OE BING. GODDEBH OF LLIIILATI INSTEAD 01 QUEEN. IlibT/CAD OF JACK. /Kir Golan Geri, are pot elp In • neat bon. BOLD AT JOHN W. PITTOOK'S NED'S DEPOT, FIFTH 15TE ENT, OPPOSITE TOL POST Dl/11171, /Yid N EW BOOKS! N 1 W NOWit!, I LIRE AND PP.OGRIESS SUNDAY SOUCOLS—A 01. irreyhy oI Rohl BAIL. end Wm. Fox. By John 0. Pune, I.el. Price 51 09. A tdANCALL ON I:ETNA/11TM; ELETTl—F , anded oc tt e Almtunay hf the par. tr,,lved Icthe op , stloA; li. Lind, innd pop, c/cetractlett a , leutrmsodma, de. I ,of. limo. It EAVIN Orli HOME. 1 eel. Iltrao. DAWN° AND BP ry BRING. Ely Weal Pettedrn at A !Tie ripply dram . newt lust roerna. HE D. X., ft."... NEW BUJ& 1430011 ARDEN, Vol. 1 Gabo. Cr/o•, 91.015 DAVIS, N. ar CIO E GoLD - 14.1t CENI-JEK—ThiS the arms of frrarthyry's new danbsth School Mack jr. st cut. qnsi r 1 'rushness sad lateral tr. Is bolt wo4 to Iv • o the BeN. Cash. or Snows, Prins, In repot rovers, 'r , r oarrts rwPyror B=e peer bun dr 41 In sett! r 1,1414, 31 cectr, or $25 per bruadrod. Seel fres, by cosh, on receint of pct-e. 425 DAVIS ,22.5 W. a 00.. W00d .0..1. , I VLItY Cll2/214 MAKI2 MUST HAVE ONE ( l ao r ken Are.sed Baok: prep•...l 00 , 1,tha tc ral Act. P. 1.11.15 Per sal, by .3 tlr A 00.. 51 Woo] etreet. Tr AY Sr. CO., Booksellers and Stationera, 11.1. No.NsHood strort, lost door t , tn. cnrnr Third, t.lorytt. 6(IROL And LAW 13006 b constantly on I...rtd. O. JOHNSTON & CO., Stationers, TV bisualt Book Ilanut.turen and Jub I-rioters, Nn. 47 Wood Pttutoaret. .30 VCTIOJr MALLS. A urrlnN S&LE OF CONDEMNED 1101/14:3. Wst Porstorsont, 0/04.1.1r1 8171.9.1 Ofßro of Celia Qoort•ramoter, Wonugoofon, Au Int 3. IBM. Will be .old at Publ. An Al., to tbs hlghwt bidder at 11, 11,e •ud b..10w, via 1 ^u .4. Us . t Itate , !sy. Snot , 1 x b P • 11,•,r• lb In I 1 nI. 11,1 r I. I 4.0 Ow. • , r.1c.4 I l•L. s: F • ilond e—ti Farm Lourvalksi cna47 rn.,l[...ri• us MA, Ire Lew Boars cold singly. livine--Caeb In United Peaty, currency. JAMES A. RHIN. tlentanant OoJanet and Chief tinart mouser. nno • n ilareiry Bursa, A - t SALEoN CoNuFALNED 1 - 1. HOMES el Dr r thenverr, Ohcht.Tl Bastin .) I Mc. Oi Chiel Q ~..ertnemter, e.. 111 gtou. I) C., Ju'y ?t IS 'I. ) .old at ;th ie alol lon, Li the bhsheat birder, at 0 11.5800.0 D. 1‘11.41. hne .nt F. 1.. 4, Ifo "evAry 11 , nu', V, A1,,,c10t 'There hcr....4 no .° t,te,n conchal:cued I.e und. for the .1.4. army. Fnr to.d and le , n.Ly purpose many pool 1arg.,..3 nnt he had ore., enle T...me teed, in Utillnd Stot...ctirreo^T• J Kv Lout. Col. end Uhler U rsrte me.t r, 1.).0 . 1.1.7 Barran. 1 , 3,1 .IF:k cool)S, ROO FS. lid() td, TIII2.UFID V ff t ,IN] sod ATTE& t , t) IST, &oar , 11 •I 1V and osel cit, tvlll bstudd tl.e a. 1,1 e V&A at eet, • 'erg st.r.k. of ge. te.Oleos, Jr., corn no delete., le a e.,..11t d e rammer cerrb,, .t ltt %neon, and Or se braid.sek a., olives ham one boonsta, WA.° f s'.lrta, carp t 1. •' 4 , 6 eeek .1 a, a le,. tattle ea lety el: , a in,t variety 01 1.11 i.. beys', and el•i boo.. sun .bars, in every et , la sett , A Mel I,WAT Anne, FURNI i Uhl.: AT AICTION-I.' , llJti - , DAT 1111'.1lb Aognat 1.11., .t 10 001 et, at Vlaeonle Flail A ' M 1 nth atme1...1 , 1 be ...Id I, gb and 10. p•c t • dsu• le 21,0. •nitl.ell 0 ta ble, r 0 d 1 , 51 0 , coo , 404 and 'wood chair., chi.d . • all at rta , re, vat Aedot - et - ten et. ca. It .00 0, deck., La Alto, .0 p..te 0. Van 5110.. T. A Lie ,, ELLARD. &Att. QCEHN-WkKE AT AOC rIoN —On Tol IRPD •Y If 11RNIPB, Atte. lith, 410 e,e1331r, •lla enld • VI astpic Dell Auctlue, 65 ri . th 4.44, • q .... 017 01 qt,,, , ntt, COW filing bowie. pitabers. pp re, pis. es, !lams tin •‘,4 sue T. • Ilea LIELT.A. 6, 63 T 1 ,41 .t. B AGATTLLE TABLE—On 1' FIRR AD & T MitObil. . WI .....t .t '1 ezlor.i. as 44 r 11418114104, will bil 04 1 Beistalle Tab • • . a* 'l'. a, 1111.807..ELLAND, kaara. W AMELINK tr. BIER, SOLE AGENTS OF TUE Bradbury & Schomacker & Co.'s CELEBRATED PIANOS. .L) ISIVLITI3. 6c C0.'131 American Organs and Melodeons, RIAX://, ST. CLAIR di. Wo tat, Vesnare In Tanning to s fen of who purnbuod Inds Ins:romenta In Plttaburgn sad Ci. b - szd Ford, ,Pei., trlP•rs, ; I , ect U. t,fan, Jsmee . W.lb BMWs. n Co., J. P. !mitt., Wm. lirSekei, Pr. u It EL BlscSbara., C. C. Wee, G.ousi Et. bat t t h.,A. 11 sswllor, Zet., D. B, ltcr L. Ell., I Lr D. M. /I:stetter, t. 1..1 E. Ems, Presidio, F. Dts, c m... es. 110,0001 Academy, Youcgatown, Pa. Elbe tereh Eir.tarLand, East Liberty. Capt. J. B. Conway. Lisrmlngkam. ker. C. Beek DC Sewickley. Bev. E. Delabnoty, klottadsollis, Urabam tete, Oakland N. otol3.lEaat Liverpool, 0. Baum. Coe, Ews., Allestway m. J. Kum, Very We. P. Nulled, do. Allto ILrastro. do. H. The, keg.. do. Dr. J. B. tdel:Bintock, Moe Liberty. Jobs MCOttrdy. do. All rk.bot, kialodecem, eta ' warranted too dm rtats. A tow Owl. secoLd.hand Pla sh for sale sad rout. Jy27 WEBER'S PIANOS. f fill Cal) TO TIM Pt DLIO. The enluvrilier has the pleasure of announcing that tin has bete appointed the oath:sirs egcnt for the eels of ,WI3BER'S PIANOS for Pittsburgh nod ricmtty. name Plant*, though nen yea advely nektown here, Des long enjoyed en en 'Mee repntatlon to the mate= °Ufa their many ea. csireet gestates will recvermend Montag once to onr mules! amateurs. • choice assortment of WillEllll Pi PllOB h.. plat bee. pratetn by the submariner to elide! the elteetion of the patilo ts Invited. CRARLE9 C. MELLOR, ant dl Wood erect. K 5 A B E B UNRIVALLED LBII, BEYOND L DOUBT TOE BEST IPTAr2IOS MADE Bold by 011A.11LWITZ BLUIIII, 43 Mb et.. 17 12 Bole Agent for 1 - 43--borrgb and West. Pa, N. 813.DLE, No. 183 Ebirsanium 3T. Pianos sad Musical Instruments, Keeps eontinntly on !mad • linv-osortEnont of PTAISOB, 710LINB, 0131T1X9, &000HOL1H9. 011019426, vtrinb to will ND Eur:bo rime. 13.11:16_4 pL&NO'S I alti EZONIUMS I • vary law smortmest of three, and ..t other kited *el Ittotratoest• tor seis by 11/8118 8, 130 1E611 00., 1813 80. /3 Flrth .treat. Kleher's otd stand. CdRPETS, OIL CLOTHS, "C. CANTON MAT7ING ftI'FARLAND„CaIIINS & CO., Boa. TIMID TD 711'213 ECTBZIT Hon Jturt revised a small . ..Mo. of PRASE! CANTOS b7Bd A Ald STII. to, of tin oplebeated B. F. VI. Sas pews.. n. Via mulls, of these goods is an- argroich- WI. by any other malting imported, and tho Limitad lawilty ',Ander, them mry 33 . 1 e. CI A CO., hoes. Am Ip•t remised a Yew pm meltingly mat and handsome:Ay lm of Fancy Plaid Mattings. WI of which b... loot been boded, and are, theasiose, the FESSUIZT BATTINGS I THE BABY= - OUT puma/ stock of rods Lsrtl2l.l , l to ex. tenter cr.rtotr, sad vs .1 all Omar <der car pstroar the Ismsat imam the marlel will afford. CHINA MATTING& Rae Ipg pureharrel before the r ,t. go.ate a large stock WIIITK. RUCKED MW 76NCT CHINA MATTINGIS. ln SR • laths tnd lastitien, we ea, enabled td °tor them T 1 • stleutine of the public It ailed to the above ipeele er they see the theapuit carpeting in the meek". We ha •e also ek large elirxl, of 2Kobeol tend, limtrovied sod Cloth Plano Coin, blob me offer st low ratvi. OLIVER McCLINTOCK & CO., with Intereee conprnte attrobed payable einnt.sannel. In cor.ehtl. These nous • ess••ble et ea/atm - it, le tenet Truce: , rr coaeur•ihte et the opt; ad of the boilers, toto Gold tar:tin. Interest 4 per • en• . Gonda. Tim Nntne arlh bet. denominations of $5O, 8103, ft .0i 0 land tkooa. Pereone nepotitang VIGGO° and npeent - de will be al le• ad ont•-q .arter of one par rehtnne on the snow; 01 the principal. The areal corambelon allessi to Bukt. and Bezawrii. t 30ILIS D. BOULLY, CLAW., E w 8 pRING sroc •la FIRST NATIONAL BANK, FOURTH STREET .! - Nll.)er tin LES t 0I '"",WINDOW SHADES cnt IIZOLIVED 'MI6 DAY. C M S, WELL BEAMS ED 14 1 OIL OLOT H. ; . . 1 AT M'C ALLI 3 WS. j CARPET STORE. .eiTToluriers c. ta 'cans, n 71311, I\l A CS RELI. ez .1% JIINt-4./N, .ICoLDIIUS CL till A,7 Bountirs 'or Womudad Soldiers oolloots.l la trona ten to me, .7 d.y.. az - (mice No. Ira GEANT STBEICT, Pittsburgh. tall hith iii.char,e sod no •ituoeses. do:4oy NOLII W. SHAFE R, WITOHNEI-LT•L ■o. 106 PirillinSire•y, Pittsburgb, Ps. flaltrui for PENSIONS, BUILSri, raga 11021 I.ti , aa, rtgonnuly prcofaut-d_ twat. SO Lill ERS' CLA.atli, BOUNTIES, PLIIB7OIIB ABB A81LF40.9 0l PALI. PrcmpAy attended to by LET/10113 A EIDDILL. 11.5 Folrth arse% Pittassgh. Ps. cett:sta....V lI.I'rAR Y CLAPAS L BOUNTIES, ITS PENSIONS, BACK PAT and ISILITAtIY CI AIMS of orrery deanription, oollented by the ent, mrtbm, et the tot/owing rates, Ma: PerAtons SID DO, all other MatmrfiS 80. 0. 0. TAYLOR, Attorney M Lam, No. 73 Grant atrent, Pttubargh, P.. IL B. Ro cpsrges •re made If the edam tom not mo oned, 104 .11 intonnottm , .teen remit. mbly j AMES LAFFERTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AL Lova Maims promptly attended to; Boe, so. iseromrrn srurr, m>< Gnat, Piii• brag], .pSl:llmb■ MoMASTER & GAZZ&III3 I.A.W OFFICE. No. 98 GRANT STROBL ap2Chly S. 11030711.3, =MS Q It B. C. SCHO Lao_ d rne-s Os .AO. peak dna. =wry. BOOTS 4?D s 11116 Z. (1 - HE - Ak . l'ili THAN THE CHF.APEST IMMENSE STOCK OF TINTS, SHOES AND GAITERS. in e'er: st j le at N'CLELLAND's AUCTION QOM, =IS A IcEw SUPPLY 1118523'. YOUTH'S. DOTW LED OBILDEI3II Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, No. 54 Market Street. CHEAP SHOE STORK IMMENSE STOCK OF dIcCLINTOCIEII SHOZ aTOILE N EW GOODS) NEW GOODS I We have Pre received car Bering stock of BOOTS AND MOIL Wbfeb mill all at the LOWIZT OAT P 1310112.. We Dan Da the largest and best elected stock of 111ea's Phu CMS glquarirtia•d Docrits, To be knead In the city. LADlffi• LAB GAITIIIIB to abundance. 01,. am • call. Jas. Babb, T" “ en R WORK I JIMA' 8.E087.1 , ED DT no. ALBRIER, SON & CO., no. T 1 WOOD ETRICZT Bole' 20221 Tol . t . th'2 HLalf g z a1 f. 7 3 2•11 • .. Kip 800.. Children'a 0.2 Htgl B.A. These Roods are msde to our speol•1 order, and . ;war tem tad unequalled onoMna work. leM5 GOOD NEW FOR 111E1 PUBLIC BOOTS SHOES, DAITERS AND BAMORAti MEIODIONB I StMal st unanual lov prtoes to doge out Sunni, eitock, to to to mato nom for tad g Coast.) merchints will do wall to call sod 'snoing my Ascii before purchasing elsenhars, or: 3ORLAND'S 99. MARKET STREET, lk-IdeCLINTOeK, Jobber end Retail V . Dvsbr ta HOOTS, 811011:8 and GalTelikl, el •r•nry dracdpalol6 Ha OS Tedwal scroot, n GUAR SAVINGS BANK. NO. 6 D OLLAR lowa &farm CHASTE:II3D 111 1136 E. Open daily from 9 to I o'clech, oleo on Wednesday and Pato Hay evenings, from May lotto November lit, from 7 to 9 o'clock, said from November let to May lot from o to 8 o'cinck. repo34lo received of all moss not less than One Dol. Is:, and a dlvliond of the profits declared tot. • year, to love and December. Interco has be= declare d eemi-anneally, in ions end , December, sincethe Dank wag orgattlastl, at the robs of at per autLa year. Intetees, tl not drawn ons, Is raced so toe onedll of to. deviator se principal, and boars Ito some tato:rest Rom i t . first days of .7-me end December, corotarundleg Mice a 'au without trenbllait the dera:itor to all, or cms to present his pate book. at this rate money 0111 donbls la lose than twelve p.s. Hooks, oentainlo4 the (homer. DY-Lovrts Dub. sad orsisaktes, l.t. d gratis, on application st the odic. Juno YeAram Jobs H. Sboestergsr Jame BISHICLIS.I4 Peter A. Ilsdetes, Walla. J. Arsamen. 4'011=74 M. D., hta Adam, Jab. C. Eitaitry, - , Cbarlee A. Ooltca, Jola. Bea). Tahnefftzek, Jobn J, 0111empte, Wtiltsta S. Dsica, Peterlltuittre, leberd Hays, Jalr.re D. Kell, Berra-ten, • Tr. mhl7 day L liar NAT:aINAL 1-ANK .'1 PITTSBURGH Py authority of the Set-mtary of the Treeelry thl Cent la authorized to tecely• eabscriptl,tu to the Three tern Seven zuad Three-Taut Netts, OF FORT WAYNE, INDSANA Bliignated Depsitory of the United Stele' IE3=::=ZIE Treald'.--J D. NUTTMAIL Omblar—W. H. FISH= 13•mzel [fumy Job a Or), 1 red. 1 ,, IsMinger John Ilavvo, k. D Br Tile Rank tenders ha aer on all anersetbla lerlnta neon yt attention. and came rk. Incinort. ooleeto of AERCH.A.MT T.I/LORS. G ANTLEREN WISHING FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. made 1n the 111013 T Fh.Bllloli A.BLZ watt eisr - rwzias, yrunid do wall to call 11. G. BALE II CO., MERCHANT TAil,f)ft& 0011:51LO OF ?FEB AND 014,11/ STZLIFIS il&re parchwita elareurs. Kee BISSELL'S W. H. MoCIEE. 10 ST. CL.ILIR STREET, World call tile attention of buyers to hi, • dock or /11.. 11 has b.c ..lected with great ma, and . 0 . *awe all the o. ent.trb. of noddy to tr. toned (*drat claim banana anat. wtening a solt al ...ties ciads to oder, will plea,* ran and CIMIIELIO oar good• and Lbw. . tall and comply. .too l of Furnishing Goods. Boys' I,LN.EIi SUITS White Duck Vests and Pants; Drown Duck Tests and Pants! a IMPPLT JOSS 11110 MID Br VOLUME isig PO R SA L E FO FARM AN o l d1:11,5ar alidaslAd Ai dela IrSai the cO,. o b e Watllladtmei mi. . atoms ed. kel'. I.k. on. A. oDutall. IN nor 4,1 vadat ten.. Me la.; tt., ti, L. , • Ca LS. t of • lwrg• Brick Dvenwir.bal le ma-le.o ell e:: e. 1.•%, ihre• other insa. Vim i tt., rea it., k...., • large Hoek DOR 40 1: 4 11 t wttt...sl,..i•• •tat.1.,•0 i orodard of OA beat. wi.adal of Welt, u.ht•lniugOk boirlow to,. * Siolijiarm li vell ...ma, 01th 110, he.va 4,1 lug .driAct.,.Cloanseted ..11, the above la the ••arost Lebanon 11431147, 4 0 4, * Pr hal • km , ,,, 0 ;Tie Trce-1, 2, 0 mad 4 T.ditildi 12,000 r•rh Treeo -1 pl.-rad. •, MCC 0 0 bort; Troueo-1 ard 9 Jean al.' 11,01 i, Pew ire,.. dwarf ...I .twoelanlal. 2 000 Quitcr Ta 10 , 04. t.h•J• To rimer,, usu ;ed. • 20,0.1)11.• - ergrveus, " e . th,U6Derr•P• Ylo•.- 4.,(00,1di10g Peach, fur 1.134.11ng. -' E. WI, 0 • Lug,. • •scricent of "um,' from. TWA parm sal Names) is allured •1 • luw 1.4.:.• Awl kiss dux id •hich th• •pecl•l site loth.• of capltwa*faud stA4lO c.to hi luvlted. Aft.cly at the off]. of ha rt. 31.,1A1s aco Ica trglain strew& TN OR t ALE— A Form of I _Amu, to et. Calf toatablp, Westatrirebtfai MOOT. Ara Alm, s Farm of 140 aorta In lkiinobeth•kriaktila A. irrybony conoty. Alm, • loan too-stork Brick EOM Lot ta II Boroneb of Ikea iliselotb. • Iro, lAIIII OF 145 ACIIII. to VerlilißLS tio; ' liaboey (000 M snout one and i bolt alibi. lett Of On boron4o of kick erotca, • Imo, a vo volcanbe 1 4.0 In It- CtiOr I:MOW Weametrals. dty. containing MO aprffia. Alpo, 12 1101LDIMI L6T9 in the bayrigh of Pot Illsobeth, ED b 5 ihn feet. Far liartiodorn boyars fa Ha ICS Tog dmit 103 o. E. Towira. D..l tato. AVIA FOR BALK. ILATNII • 130IITH Freedom Foundry PrOjjerts. Th. madenlgned ofuct f ste th. taw rvaseY which ha du &tied up la the tea atylaillhd COIL 7 ttn. Ice Fodnilry, Barrel helot, or - .WWI baying two truildisgia Mot foundry bittadtug I. 40:1 1 0. . •11h • good copo'• in It, and a tot or good nuts & the mop. boa-Wing LA la 7.K., With • goad akin ran 40- glue. 7 inch ryitode r. (cot wok. elghlkeabal WWI duals dos. %tore I. attached to It • OM maga sad Om lots. Alen, our goad HOCH& ANDLOT, sitifatad on Kale Anal, told plice For runner particulars Itoolre on ttoriirsnitssitig J3ntitir Jll SSILhD Irtsalom, b.. • GAITEIt, BALMOSKLS, oo r, do.' .tro.t Allegheny. aulo BAJMI9. • EINIAIII iLLEIRIIL Jams D. D. Nod% wm. Donisa, Ins.° M. ronnock, Jmna. Bhldle, John B. el craddoo, John O. Backnfon. John Marshal Ham 7 3. Wash, l, Walter P. Marshal, John Ore, Bobartl* Mom L.Rlagaralt, WWII= SokuL.V.I. hlarandar Spear, Alazandsr 'rindle, Wiliam nalcirk, Lass Whinier. Wm. P. Way - man, Claridtan ieLger. .HAS. L. OOLTOtI. F OR BALE—At Aladdin Alil Watts, $6 Crude Petrolemen.4 la prima order, ruturarkalatly brat atik =thart 6 . , Ir oft ms a, arid rail cantata 1101,211 /60 banal. 'sack. itribibuttoo ma, L. =atta at IL. Brdratry Amami' ~.,.;, Oa at Oat (Atka to Mubarak, ' . D111.11E101:4 JOHSSTO“ WILICI3IS. ' $ Lata rittabargb Truk Company 1 1 r. 7811" . ....-3150.00 0 Malt - TOL 3. D lantimaa, A. E W. B. fish., 0. F. G. Weyer, viek in sating ..leetions Oollvesinn .01 mast in. end* by draft Nes n Pi tnvvglx. 1051113 W. B. SWAM, Iffersbant ?a!kw, Ba. ID St. Clair stmt. PM-6%. crzaz k Loaaz, tfo.CIIM St LXXVII---NO• 204. run 151.11...e- - ,,roat R. Fux HALF— 'I.IBURBAI4 tVEB aro VILLAGE LOT 4 e.. 11 Tour Efillada.—Tha ea de ralgy rd. Immoral of the edam of Johir Hamm, dao'd oder for sale a ocmber of Lots, from otill'half tin one* each , altosted mar Po rt Brawn...n: l ;ln tkma a/lt mincers vof tta trmaltom tOs k mmrdla Pm/cog , Hallway. The aLvla am Mawtomud for prtram noldrataa: bo, 0 otalber of rmad Loa In the vittild• of Moon► wins, trouting co the h retg.r Ball way-rDluty to MUT lost front sadfrom 000 to two batuhartfrit dap for troormatron moat. of Atha drAlta ander dood, or W. A. tirllll.o6 Olarlet:•01100, Omit WA. a HERTION, JOBB D. HiftlioB. a J.. EtrB6olll, r. J. lIIMEC9SI, ammalorm FUR SALE A FARM OF EXCEL. LEST LAND, to Derrell te.esklpindlanaeow tp, Pam., me mile from Black Lick Dlibtica, Wilma Bmetb, coutaisiteg Uri 4011.01 . 15 Z DEILLYRI Ei—me bundnel aura being deified, maw gmid colti• leasion the balance being In good thigibm, prlooipW7 • bibs nab. Tbe improvements are large Vag and Draw buns•, and large Log Bern, Irish sheds Apr stale. Ttehi Ima 1• ersll watered, •Ldrt to clover, There I. also 0.., Hill, en a Ace gram, niacin aza.b* mai• meal mould tbe purcharer delve it. AM, so JOHN DOUGHERTY, ou LRe GY W.O AIDOLIIEDALGH, ISAILY DMosond strvt,Ptitt aragh. IIYI-2. • LOB SALE One new Stetra Engine, A: 16 Inch cylinder...9D Inch Wanks. on hairy Iron bed tnlntre rain c ove.—..c: Cr, 19 Ind: ryiindrr, AI Inch 6ro/47:noconil•tuoi, rent vfll be ma eur..o so now. Ono T Inch c7llnder, YO Inch stroks, Chet " ffi . Two Cyllnder Balm,8 0 ;h 11 1 11 rorti. Throe " o " two Vronght Irma On rolls. Alrn, 9131n0 her of Boring Tool.. tor OW Wolin Chug tor ca cti. Snquln. of IIiAL aye&llaitkumy Riser hank,thePatti. F 0 RR. SALE STEAM BAW MILL, AND OIL urn .—The onl?,hall at whole of .o Ott Iteduery sod bloom Ban Ed W. *Moen endow' ' half scree of ground ; an abandon= of Val on the bi— traopm and =hag *oohed. eltaste on. , th• Allegheny Diva and A. V. D. 8.. le Cored Am min.': The Daftstery • to nor and of modern ImNd. The dew to 12 . = did order. mtd *oil @Dinned, hertur.tibereek . frt. 11 to the new good locality to rldling bomb.. too pars:Malan cog 00 the ander. LIDA'S! OZEORP No, OD Hand street ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND desirable lot-shone for country 1 - 410 wound Era 1 itect• I. now allayed for vale, (root:Wig, on Highland Al' one about 100 levy, and oontainingtotom Mof• ; dtwte new tie realdense of telotoudav Banditry. I.q and oilcan, and it euaceptlble of tfutilno t intprovia. nvor. Thera Lon the place a too .0117 brick name, at ring to too, barn, do., .11 In good ordeftlalao alias or chard of young hum mostly bearing-v-Ibl, proparty, if dratted, nth b. divided into hro, 0. fintritectiona to eon puma:totem. for tonna, apply at 'Waif onal haul moo adios of it Di Butler street felervenaccrOlL F UR BALE—A VALITABLOARII, siF Wostmonland moody, rAisslau. Losmi Pltis• will ono 8 m la , rom AllegtionftWloy B. IL, at Lama's Perry. cooltdolos 200 worm,OlOut 123 same clam ed 140 acts avollow. A good .I.swel.Uwg Sims sad LVOV Bank Barn 'fhb Is sax stallaut stook at snit Immo. berm; wall watered b twrstjaUlagapslisp. W. u'd Still wall to divide Into two Condi. • . - - For luntirs pwrticalaxs mnom 80. RI Federal lareet. - Opak.or tak7, FOR SAJ-E. A TIIIICI-8701LT BfIICE nOISSIA, Containing .t Mat. and ball, Iccattd:.w Ibe Mn. of Log •n •no 30.st...trial, Also, • tii.atort PR ilia HO Cali, adjoining the alai., fronting. fall. Mosta. The atama prop•rt7 soil cats:nand on tett. avatars of T. 3. HQILPfIY, Adm . ; At the I Gte c.f tdurplay k Heap, btactin `• • near Irazi7. "plyll SA Lif-15 scree of iikod adjoining M. ust e Id. all plant.d to b uit. sr, re below .fivr....• flop, froustag - t. mut Chu , Irler. 1,, ru, et Gle, die f tall, n well sittiltad for • plats glut cot airy to ute, with • giver arGIL : ra:oo.w froat. P,l e•r. For particulars enquire of No. 10 Dtamoat:rillille."gbiNeaGyL4Cilt7. F OR Ste, A LoT OP FRAMING it 14 , orseog from 8 to 10 frchim Towstrest the arßee • f 111101 l 1.11^PIEL•81, nt.„st b., 003 Mt& Otroot. t'OR SALE--Thirty A oteo of choice land, W krtal, with apttop s of food rater, $a Jolt to sag po xhurn, aith five hundred. atkoks fruit bear, on the B. flier rya", three and osa4oitrth salsa blow AU , stony oily, boo sppoatte W. till%Pe.; tr. ..41 0 . 01 • elk to stag •o at Jacks Wan. 707tulko " Itt 61:1LCIIWISLV, corner of Youth:sad iliatkatatas. rtgeborga, or tha anlrtHgardm thiiptamtr t. an-W.l%d rro LET—For 12 year* E ,'74l. !Air OF L 011.0U191) Into'MING otl OELEOLABI, ATW. ny thry, ow the P. T. W. a 0. 6;8 nova, VC. ITEnt by 4Nderp, imitable for 11•44.35, Oooper. Blaiak4 mini or Wsponmslior Apply at No 713 POPL<lMlXlMilleeirctrhoir ve the presulaos, or 1119 if JAL*. BIC/50. • - VOX B.4LE-150 Acres of , coal; also 120 scret al Inv; coal In 1504 t, cute itsottnl nt ant oaf and otter a prtrrerp, it tnnd wort. Int , vier In f4Ol Ito. 3; one tract oit nen lo ;Antositaay • fear tad Connells• Mt Railroad. Intint re tit W Li - 31A sl WARD, ant fnt dolt from Ft tlinti Grant ttreet • FOR SA L E—ehNAN STAKET PROF. Era - T.-7Ln thrrerot.ry Brlek.E/tertri4, etntathr ing blue mom., N 0.14 Prnt streik 441114 lot, baring • front ct Yl Ire% 6 Inns., muniniltint lin fast to lo ns 01. r. hr tarn la nn knacion Lot mato'n.turint pnrprtes. Er 11601 iyi6,l T. A 116CLELLANEY;5 3 Elnh stmt. Vi*Oß LE—Tbe entin. atiitk• and tlitures r of esmbllstei TILI KEIL*/ AND ROMS h7OI:K. Is uArrtd tot ..:. uct LObstln spl.utld. All Sao. gla. s nswertd - 4stlitaotorti, and cre yug'ccly. gtsrc by sattrasYlut LiAJ6 74, A 1....b.c1y etc, Putt 01311. D. IVY. :Se :.:ALE.—A farm r:antaintng 116 intoared In Snowden itieninblp, alleatteray c•n, Y rn• to , le bum 6npre3 . • PIP L;4431 ton talks &vs htleto•an. The fetal vratifil sad Ina good • ale ...I ntAllystwo Fur farther;arilnalarn Inquire p' en i•na,•ab•cs.b..t. ann. I •lan. A. 51111'303. FOR FELT—A PIKE SIVRE ROOM, .Ith 1 Icedlog sod &able, oi,llot 61.3'e ttio Dta. mot d, o Psder.l Weed, Ureett , thq Part ...y. Sur:cur:, ocowed brit (Tom. e➢V l l to Joust DEAN. 15 :t1 &Bottom, Qty. . - OR SALE—A Lot of:jazonnd, at the .1: corm of Nevins sLol eavots, to: IN Ec:orel of Elm-las:was. Also, ;thil on corns, DIVA& nn sm szt4 Locost streets. Itgloal ., ward. Tons. ilia sne 0104 hatisvaate. laillol9 /LOT% Co ea litsaslod raorth statsrfs. VOR TALE—MCGINE AND BOILEB. /L.' AL tie bone poorer ploy to ooem amporoaxa au.p.o Iry o::wilairrow • 4:30. R E. n 0 r.COS. FINAL REM L. OVA JOHN HALL 800. Bar macro! their PLOW WOXELOI7III26 lies. 191 16 ISM, cotta ia, p as tyl trraumum.ra. a.sitiza2a, Gana. 1,1 Cosetimbe. 1114miumbh4m. gamma vas eltio SG LOUSE ACALCZ.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers