r • e _ • _ . - • t ' ' • M=!SV FIERA otobwgh 06..aztffi. J • AT.MORIKKO=: - .•=BIIGETBr 8,1864. ;OHL -* AND FINANCIAL. ;.t ; iIiARKErg. • fountain ibr rtflattargit Chorttal ILtroLlAr. Luguot 6. Ifdt • &8--TM recalpta ran Wm etryllght, and with lade . •,tae market firm though prices are minheitigid. WS routines to quote from first hands at 1100 for 800 nOd itnfor to. 111.0—Gentinth to sales pretty freely, but the do. brae, am yet, mem to be al to the supply. Sale of ICS barb now trop to aid ,at XI, and 1 Car old, in bad, It 10. 0 1. • 00114-1 a Ina with rsble Inquiry, and pekoe fro bat tmthim od.4alio ICOOindb abelled at $1,55; gad small saki from stole at 48.,60. -'lll,ollll—ln debt and neglected, the demand belt, "miff Infil bud the transactions httEdtect. We note twee Li lallaateXtbela I:2tra Tangly at 810,50a10,71 and 1111, 404"prithig tO many. The mcelpte continue _.11.11e011.-Mhare it a fair labbitg demand for ilar:on, .11111 - 111 - 1502alerdsr tuba too Wresting at about pro filist dttotatfota-48 for ettoulders; ify„,r7 for Ribbed -11filoglflat234 tar Pekin Hartun 22 for Canrass,d, and 25 air ittralnar Corea. 011001bUtt—Tkene atoraritto burin detnand Anse*. ft, area dasralfdletkt groceries, and the market It dinktt und doll. erhlia Prices are nominally unchaag ' tatrisact.ire and all that off tra is taken astildf prices.: Wu quota peeked at 22,01 k; vim at 10.11, and priest ciao. It ta thought dab Viblitlllll4 howurtaned eery tong.. .gotto—Oonifotte to tribe r.tty fmgy, and tha .0 onb Ant toodtddanthn Li wee of she demand. We clef at Wow csoging from 12 to 15 pre wt Lb • fair city and country da mask sabblinatinaba arsine ao but prize selected W e lt_at _ _ at la taus Pettis st,lB matt. ,other dioaraptbus arm too notottaol to quota correctly. leelleneliadlegas uttalllota ot. our crop are comlog itartlloolOs otllS,COper tibL MI bat without quotabla change. Bala. 41011kIslot K la Iota(ol 111.0.teittPerton.• Quist bat ..Ty arm. sod prime city totatrai Carat/4 0011i0gat193413*,.' . 01111311APPLY.2-1. good demand arid tenipta coo. .Ifastt Ltgbf. ,, We mots saw to lots of 1/6 Wm at tp,6o to of 12 tout:4.4llm.y Uldallne at ass sot (411,1; azola toy Shorts. from stop, at 635. PUppiirgh'petrolimizi, Markin. enquiry for Ovate to. • ilichtitlaiiii.*tips'azia ihtpmmt, bnt eta aisiana sailt&Li'm bat a trivienoy fis gskatkikwrigkas. Oar railners an offering 35 ota, .11bUrikeuisiffiihaci bli9 iwelniatoriffia man are asitstait 37 add sit, and 42543. & sahvot ZOO bbl. was asigtoriated at 43, delivered at Phlladelphia, wbiot: 1. sitaint• 433 ban. Bawd la *MA tot*RtintOrm, aal the stock on !sand is lie.ht. tathtteff; tiv 11113 Ms ^Brilliant" in "I.ll.oll~ffatlas . -ffstitsg s aLifft...Eras 011/1.41311 sad -44 3044tae ask to tba atweiicsoi arias, we omit quota- Utak ...Rapti:ibis...4li bot them lona do- Iteridataaa in tat* dsznairile aril higher, 37,62 "_ Istria; beesioffstad sat refund. • Visatioripta try lbw Allegheny river elming the twaity eliding this main &rasa follow, : CI it teat— .313111—worth. • J Oithsaer,wwwwiwe.wii.... 810 ROGamo.„.--..... to Sli9 Weather and the Crop—Samming Up Harvest. FiltaitatgUitai ulna the latest data, from and. !Lwow abut completed. In Geodlmts -sile*.tti444partehad4 been more sod more favorable, natlkailaignebeat crme„thdl canape! the mat. In &on • stealth amyl an the MoR windy pukk a. the wheat prantlaall to.larpan. that of Lit year, and the people - Peel refacing ovortlidOpmsnoot. In Olnutaid and Mum wanting the dronllt had greatly Injeral the gram and W s, and corn wu =Wag on .lowly. The - et* Um Waking mil daring the early Part of the daften. =Mt harp end theca a field letbmul by the Nitre. Bet the adult bug had attacked ninny of the listwearawillalddaltd "ara of extended maga ware sifietilalVlLoWloartilla/ds lor - taantally - out of Uwe. Oltualfaith eointYlhere hi more than an .ave!age . .) - ftletik ettog. Oats, Dopy, and 174 were icsadoelni well, and corn waigtellng anemia:rt. panda. -Petah= wit ylill4.4a*ly,of Twit Etlrly Wo. grandeOppenVlLlti appeared to brunerow uratwolbnatterhattlextv hunk* lOD !mike wit for 'easmahno, hot thetas, and south winds had kept titm to bdtat the bedeet datactlta lOW oh r•abey / n .clontla_atnipal den.. enough to accuse ft, • 'B'dfa]Fnidr NTTSATlnuanta in 785 9, ;Man MOM, tot gheaVadal 2,1137,470 buhali of corm 114 i aatlaiatAketbkotolison',ighosaaopli.4:oPW boakula „ ITEWltoinfahaTele.'"UelibMte 35t ilanfagii dons by tha Chinch Whoa been trugginated.lt nu wheat, Unitdraw taw! by the bug. where the b !me erry Is emus • ea. glampaw_the env of avenge mums , and many gfddattaingwatonolmeMt• think* V•era lute the crop fair. Corn, potatoes and oats an rery prude: Thebilarboygan Thom records bear, rate there, and reljatbeltaae.of libtatxrd sessuliy of mortal uni roastugar for MIS= bee- pretty zoneb etrui barman aro nabs wearing Tory howled Garotte iuy tboil spring wheat and 6 441. 3 5 . 0 X 1 .41,..71 7 7.F 1 . Prni , 'ePm.t. atntuizeD Bastian wail. eh In that tools ham Awn thltofebbieb buy, and the mho they meads waa • Elko tbatcf breitortsuileg -.- • . • .210 Baraboo &public says seat odorant of woll hat -boon brought to thatulabstbils *amen end the lac , Weirliwaroinumalng day sod night Warmer. , are b ay barrwillow the Vght crops. mating It a short Job. tiogbigrelok will be loft rtaadlny as bat worth paha, ! ii 2tUrigiaaisduThdelot softies to alO Benno:II from Bank 4:10.24 tin tbaßlth. gays Ottr 6.7lllbtelittL Pfeepseti ea far Pili/C whostUroti Poing 'aridly blared ei the.obTiiiti buy. Daring it. 'lad two WO.lll tiny haia made mid ravage., all through Cifßaraboo aulltv. On Babb's Pralliu some of soe to MM . INA atria adJetalny Ode village. Wed en erlid.ds tans wens brmihrdi of gone of voting wheat moo , If BYLltittlabt.that sot U will hariveted se .111 'fweilthestntind Boon, Wye, f misers mast boy glib' r bread and art& Otter portio-uofthe ratiry BldWribt toilet sufferrib we:nth, but It being gime ten IBM Uttstatireeka yet tif lig barred, It la feared Cast lyo.,wkotretop la a tatiore lluttu whEaUfariore b.a velar been witnessed wet` of Lairs if I tblyan. ' Airtby nu. alinort entirely destroyed brae droathaid bug. Oats - ars out yet rseagel. The IMO /lowed flaldegrill to &strayed If adj.eledou or user tbsobest; is tbk.keert Sr/edit:oils bell to fold se the - Plitti:2/pttia. -1110 early sswid oats In WV. yin 424 me:cou 'ortltto doubt be ahortened by *been. what extent time alone can reveal. Driacossitr.produced, in 164, I.s,Bl2,C2S'buthele of -Wasca,. but no dation:Cm ' the ylma thle year at nom itbana,fal,noo, r ot one.thlrl or an average crop, lelte allowance for - the facts= of are sown dazing Oblast:four, yeas. fa the tegin of Waibl.lgton the AllOl - 6131; boa mom ' meammalirrearegre on (hoverer ease. In the vicinity of Oirsorcad - nacal tromp 'told of ghee% ran expect the lahtate,, though -the bog bed infirm/ ti to Mine Seidl. , ' The .Irribetine Theca glvea en account of tb• Weaken of the thinoblocronir at city. MOO,. Ira Vied with thorn. They poem to be going north :jastably to queen of Mee shed. We have but Ilttle - Saba atop information from this f tate, but !airing from enchant. heretofore given, vie think the To.wa whetat awn IV be about two-thirds of en amens. The crop Orioles to Isso ins E bushels, and meklog el lnelno. tor the increase of /W. Gown there will prob . •011ibtle , bett.t.TAXI.000bnehels ihrolhecl this meant. ikraleregl dfnt the'llisioccri Democrat, from trissaNa.kirancitris from a great number of aeon erfacattertaoccr tics Rath, which taef by chnclihnid Wears:sin for the vbole. We giro the ah:at•ad oats elf Winter "iffleat, Oct - mud in matry; insr,trot pig PCfOR, Data, 11TOrage lee breadth and "Iferthige—Trinter wheat, good. Oats, light. cflina...l: ll B l 4;- arrlog light. Oat. arid U tight. _. - gtMflt — chAnch. hog rnv , go 4 ang,Thent: ant corn. fll.ll crop intest. Oats. geed inall clop. bat geed; spring, ...71( 141101 c,Wititte-ttbnatk.goalll CO, Icl6 • •fti , , (Jab., s'cort it mfr. bficoof—trinte: , ir a. fed 'l:mg r .Al:4er wheat, roil e ../.01; a:win r goad; ellia g..eer; erring 4elovr Sirius% cats Strchr. "1 1 171th1..--Fp , 'o I r. wisest, spring goo!;; .11 wb,nt fair. 01;6 thisoltion—iinnicr whoa:little tovrodbut rmod;e./elar, . . ...traersgr: Cal Mr. .. iggentur a eWhteg; slater; and sp - Inz short tram drone!, ;I .6441,41 Oita betas' arer - a. hlrengn-altrogit;l3 sad unbars bort wheat, oat; and • Clbialetiail—NO , Etirr "rrh t felt; sPrlnn rex'. 1 :. , . 4-- Pags—Akintersinst,Ame; .prim 63, ..d note end Clis—Winter wheat, umoti breadth, war, spring prr, '. Ceti old Ira light. ~ ~ .Cllout.—.lVituer wheat Mod. - Oat, f,tlr. •"" Colf?strn-ri7loter wheat Inferior. Oats and barley, - . iroqUots—Viltitrs *Scat a agora; rprlng wheat light;' +WS 1tabt.........-' a a ..- . - Brosna.—M , Inter tehrat ears infer', e s t. Gth.. • . - Irodgar...Wllo2 , Cast very -goad; oprlog, gaud aye ; I . teM oats, good -, ft s urgte .F- - Wittig-gloat - .Lair bat thin ; grog; -, " . 410adrat loOga well - .• .. rf .rataton,-Nyinteg !cheat "two-third. crag, - guts g od ~...... netton-47toter wheat., little sown ; sprhay, light; 41Staldearinter Whist good; nosprlog. Oatt good, bat '. .' . ..l...,..l.4Yggitire*lnier aghast good; tittle sptiTg grown. Oat, ; dasolegtan tUraog... • ' ..... ••,.ocon,....tprin6 wheat, oats and bidet; light. - ,,7,111111.•-.1 1 prlog Wheat, rant, ryr, go,11:„10. - ','•lfttiseats , eVitger -lead, half a crop; tglog, /tot touch 1,110111t2 del l fbco . ... Nefligeougke`—lAlater 7- *beat, little • sown; gazing , • ~, S ibes& goo d sad large breadth; eats aCtl rya, ,,,i. li .i'lll.oUßlo7.,Wittia whist ; litthi 1114.1; spring, ere ..., - 'claratryAilsqt Wliat,pcaFi . spring, half crap; ere, . .. itandelvt&_... -... .._.1. .g..... j' :. .. Igerocr—tv toter - Wm.-A., .....417 ......eged„lpring, badly r'--&•mstwaildetgeD4 rye, good.. jggyage.l4ll=corilltatdOtitigg _ad lionigotnlnarVi/rdor , ghegt.:•reodl' eats g' goof; fie. . _ .. :." : „..Nosteli—Wintst cttbt.lfirtp; spring, good, oats, t) . tio.e.i Liii. 'kale - IPthig 4 gliesti In:patrol • ,- 1'001.4 , --Vnetii' what. menigt mut, nat-iairre:. __ . , aparlar, be ttar.ttuusliny .11=0 dues !Basica". poor: Itaildotpb—Wiriar :wheat, rprixig pgaroco—Nrista whet!" 111.1lt (!wittarb); Igbf; oats Pad .'oa- - —fitc44 , ..11/nter;..irWe 6c!)d, *at. pert* crop; oaf; ISZEITI etrfiert , -Wlnter erbeelt r averse, quires, frOr. Ht e n—Wiuter wheat, 4=4 tYrI.B wheat, mu.: qW fer, ... • • ... 'Larval —Wlnfir end' *beteg gaud; sets, u tat6.40,10.-a rye; good. cata r Whlteg ir ae—Wlnter wheat, wake; sprint wheat, goof; L . W 'NIEI4 oats. And repp &wage, lirecttford—thniag uhritt.torly oats euttrye, tight. From fhb ertaho we cannot NM OW two thuds of ea swage ,f wheat Ulan the whole ritee togethar. Illhaole produced, In 185 u, 24,151,563 trtui,el. of latent. but .e cannot wealth , It shorn 1.11„O3e.e01, afte,allowlag ror she Increase of population and cattl e:Ml= drortn the pat four few& "acs's. Tk.o word from Ibis State has been uniformly moat Inc Irma log. 'lndiana has harrested tbe largest crop <lt cheat eke has Boor producal. Iler yield In /80 was icolip t ialb.,i,sl4,snci this amen It may be tbe doarn at :10,l119,(03. One scold ',mum that rein'wes asorelty, from the lotoxicarion of delight It 0 ,, ,51e•• 'Yoe example the lochatopolin Journal of yeaterdey thus discourses: r. Dm. LAUSUME.-1.1 raided yesterday! The In tmattng 0,41 OMUTA at preclmly fifteen minted pert the. o o'Clock to the shaven:l, and was attended with a coneldonble fall of "War. It I, hardly mom mry to to that ne “CUlTtrit• for the past month has elven each noirusalaattafaction to men of all parties. the effect of the abater was dellelona- The brown and hazy scat which mime had dimmed, am eltartgei for one of refreablog seidue, and the thick. Maly, sultry atr saa thhanal and ruffled, mall it was really • tamales to %Abell:L.l,okt meatball:a, Bat not (mat o! the cheer inn teems-was the laying of the dust. Panama an now distlogniah each at/wrist Um street at a remectable dis tance, and It to quite sat, to Was promertada. igen, We say. dellcione . , The Albany, N. T., rspreas, - of the `26 ult. gobs off the et Loon I.—ltejoloe, ohl madoe, suasive theake. Tice ghat:ma of helms. Which hay* b roe reel.] up eo many days, en:mope:ledleek/dal Morning, and the clouds that-her been so charyadillelz Wore tent down upon no .thalr. dripping messengers so foreenunere of • wet. coutel hoe andivioe—idorm.' 100,'.indent, about $ o'clock the heart Of 011111, sad women. t00...am more, elan the tittle num of tbo householl—war toads Mad Whon Us7lelal3llollllCtd by the more watchful ones that • drop ordain had actually fallen =dial Us Mark up• on the Fitment. No tone alnont Mend could hare cre•tedamsreyleteent sensation by lobe sudden appear ance. did ea that fret drop=that alma forgotten globule of darepanza--eras followed by another, sad ...the: l .ml fad another, mail they - came In myriads, bow bephy wets To all at the pmepzet that the weed out blzmlng. earth WY fd tajls7 the untold luxury of • copious hhetion—auth • draught sill has not bran per mitted- to ludo:gulp for deny • emery day sad weet. Army awards at phlebitis% Major B. Da Darr,, 0.8. D. B. 6., at CiMein. pad, made the following award, for fornfahing Isupplios to the 03011ftrUlent on Fel:tag tart : , • urn rem • ,zoo Brook., 3ohasaa 00., a 1 1141 50. 400 bd., 13204 ks &haste lk 0.., at 547 7 370 brie, Geo. I ape, at 511 50. • 100 We, Dabcie A /Loge , at 543. 220 be* G. !J. W. March, et 153 235 Drip, W. 1/aersou ; at stt 66. 200 beta, J. Baum, at 54.75. 0211A1 Rico' 821105. 50 000 10.. Mitchell k Ladd, at 20 Mc. 70,00016 e, Mitchell A Lal O. at 2040.. 50.000 J Amman, at 90 75e. 5,200 lb., 1. IL Boatman, at Mk. CLIAZ Ma 08003 4023. 35,000 lb., Cea. Lape, at 19 20e. 25,0001414,8,15a51ar.1e,JaC0.,144-19.20.t. 15,000 lb., 9.144,14, Jr, k Co I at 19 55e. 40,200 the, liaittliy - Trotebrigge 7.55', at 20c. 70,000315, Braelus..lohnuea d Co., at 20c. 75,00010% 13.1gge.19v2t d Oa - , al 40e. 00.0001h9,029A 1 agham-49 110 a. 'at 75 5 0.- 32,000/ht,lftichait LAW, at 200. 10,000710, lalte.helfa %is, is t i 60, SIAM lbe Attaffer, at 19 115 c. 60,00077a,Rea05, Llpplesacat & Hods% at 20e, 45 0701ba, M.0.-0M 10.20 e 100 000 lba, , Meleaban A rears, at 212. 715,00016., Backing/am • M.ttbriee, St 1107. tOO,COOIba, Siltattuati, at 455. Rico* ascruons. AGO() 16..0.5. Lass, at 17 so. 25,0001244'8. Dols. Jr., d Co at 1715. ROAM, lts, Brooke, Job roast 100,. at 1 5 1.- 20,0001bn, 601004e71 d Ladd, at Igc 50,500116„ Seek &Mpg., at 17 00c. 6e,00016., Erami, Idpplete oil A. Sowed, at 15e. 40,0 1 0 lb e, W: C. Melt at 194. 40,701 lb; McKeehan d Brea., at 15, MAUL Ctia, A Erkeabrecter, at $5 75. 2,04.10 brie. Y. klarmat Co, as 50.2.3. Boa?. ze,6no IH, Priutor *Gamble, at lirGO Pear, 8419 Cl•at Rib Neon Eldrig, 1 Deumnrlocadzra, flocr, Orly • !Soo rev,. akeCO -.-Philgdelpt4a BlLsrket--Halt Itepatt. f - Aro .5--Grain omen to sinwly, and Whoa: limb with • steady dematal for taltlint, at folly thinner rub oho ratilling snap 37,000 boaheb, in lob, at ' , Wm. , . for labriar toprba• old Perrerileanta rattr,MahOrt for god and prime new do, and =bank for old and saw 50¢therra. the latter for claire lota, afloat Waite le way scares, and If hare would moorland 270a2730 ' Bye I. wanted, and g freely at Ma l,fßo for D.laware end Anon !unit Oorn l. ie 2601iirlte requed, with Wee of about 25,000 babel. to note at IT far yellow, afloat, 171•115 c for*, In atoms, mod IV gat for whits. Oat, ar•liot so pirtity. and:firmer ik; the clop, wit( calm o• 20,000 'buttrls at =Mc for lbw, and &Sank for oIL Berierb last. Of litarliy Latber sales aro rovrt, ed. at STA. rtstd•— • Thero la Ivrylittle Omar Seed *Erring, and the dealisstaribesa ptoklag rip in •small way at 1111 512, and Wittig taelaaned wed at 1111.41.5 per bashrt 111¢o111 Is 'quiet, and held it 55 per butte!. Talmo. mare tows; extent, Of fiance - I riles are rented at plea prr barest, which is *decline. Wave—roctinnee dull awl nr-glecied and prices Error the bnyerc them baseborn :ICI Isitlbar atilirgb, but ins demand It Ilmlkd , and oraly some e9fta7Co bags. mostly Rio, bale been dlrposell In k 4Sa3oe par lb, chiefly at the fanner agars. WrolTbe Menace In Mariann of inlyr.ra and smi lers limits erratic., and the market la Inactive. with mks of some 300.1:r00 lba fleece, to iota. at Idifallde, chiefly at lc:Cain& fOr medium and ant, cash Tame meet •Itla raidy es a at 17ba18Or fcr lb to Moats. Fault—Mere la little or clothing doing In :argil, and nvehangra to nOte. Of dontattic the sale. are can. fired toGreen pples and Peach., which are moiling freely. sod briar 'vac plop, say .54. t..) ti per tuekat for u..,.1 Lc. to 745‘.3Gr rum la tor. Review or the New York Grocery Mae ket. (rroa it. fildienz LW Aug. 6 Cerise—Thy market I. still very quiet, the boatmen nelogloraffinfont o runtish a basis for guatotlons, and tiny ITP3IIIII elnanSt entirely nominal. The 051.0 ars nonlhasil to_ 13C41 bogs Rio, fa bits, et 48c, nate; and 36 . • Caste Rim, an terrne not coadslicbile. barer—'hem Is era isoprornd demand from Miners and the trade, sad the market boa roomed. flrtoor tone, being strengtbenand .ter by the rise 'ln gels .ed ,scbsoge, bolder., how, ver, Laos root the rtes. of troy. en quite frreiy, and psi -e. are a -.ohenged—felr refining bt it g sill' quoted at Mc. /kilned distiori,.lione aro to br, 11410.13 i and firm; forothor. qtv to IY,tsWo for . bird white, 2N ii 28.4 LH rate white red t 3020 WV , ell net The ealea.of re. an 162 l bbd., Cuba at . 0 fin do Ina grade, 1.5%; 29 tee In bred, 221 4 iceslJ); 93 bbd. Porto Rico, 23; 4) tire alavone, 2(i . vetriy. tzßor; and &la do on I vases* did not learn. The jock yesterday Iris nom bad., 44,- bre.83,384 I:manager and 1194 4tnim Ykladq . ilolosive—Tbe &mend coottome very limited, and prices for the weak era 2.3,. or galon lower. The mita are= bhda , :hba Muscovado et ' eWil do Porto Lice, ,03; has pints Time Orksa.s, in lots, El 15 4 Toro; and 110 bias cloyed Cabs on want not m •de public. The stook totarday Wit 7002 bids Cabo, 6416 do Porto Rico and 3742364 SterteOrleana. Ico--.llexollos.var, 1 un the stock oat of bond .414 oee.ly exhane•rd: the Wee ae 100 bao dewed Pat, a, at/4%5 ICOalhado Rangon In bond, wt., and.= do Oil torteave did not loam Cleveland Market. o—FkoZ4—Xton4 aret:lre but mettalageel. Salm .041140 bits %X red 04 11050. • Rhea'-In' , ratbrx bettor soli:rot for car whoat 8 earn red en iniek at 52 VI; 6 can do do as 82 lic. - - COYErptatetwi =Anal. No Wiz reptrtict On two Veo:LI/4q . lo.t.iiihkatin.... SAW 1 act Cal track at • - 'npins by aaitroa Ptrerirmbik; PT Wirstlli petwAlibll akrtit 0- 2.f.r. plea Fred,' li•lestalb Peirir es; glare rye, t est lingbam,,targesait es; TV pica bred. B A l'sbn• . .verek k ,o, Steles Tags Pool k sr ICO bide, ll' 101.401121..200 bb Omit, Only h Bhrperdi IT pkg. sd.pf V. ;I 45 bpi stirs!, RI a,. ven,er, co; 4 care er esti 38 .14kgett & oo; IT bides, II el . Teadsierit 4 Mir remb., W bbli lard P Ws I goer. Jobs &Meth; T rah brother Jr,,./ ilerdmas; 43 As J r li..owsta; 1 'cir rn,P.41,614 like - rap, Garrey k rt. 12.119 AND PITIINVIIO3 R. 4442050, Ana 6r. • 1.44 P Irapsordan Ia) b , ,s. dear, Grabsls & In Lu. •, , a. upsp, K. kpor:l4 & 11,1 40.wirg 0r445 , 1,4. m bun., a ,o; coro, 3343- , 43 El 003E3.3M:1. oil. a 4, • Intm,...x • de, Joplin P 1144..0 • Br .; *3 Lbl4 apples. Firming & 11.5 4k• corn, live& K4l; 2 4004 1.41 , er. Flamm Fell do.; 40: 1 0044 Over W 42 14,1431, 2.5 b. wsp.lo rods, 111 600.41.,n. 21 box b-Ea.n a c. ;:a bslra cattaa,Alag A Cann .ck: 47 m.o. 4.13343, Tbdi 161 140/0* 070 MI/Mel. on., A B Olegcry. ALuourmy 07Anos, Aro 6-100 DA, emir, A Har tr.; v.,?..Ax Amt., 01mr.cm Knox; 571 .k. whe.o, al' t Ke , Daly A Hru; 21 Ow mart•lhog, W Gill; II bbt. appiwONona ik Keened); 1461. par,, Jab, Eiwrlrerz. DiripErrDs. wawa .. Otrztar o,tva Prrsaanscrni foe, nano) MID Damodar , ..ftenmer Uo„ Pittstnirib, Pa_, IVlDENa4—qbe.Poard of Directors of sht. One:s:ay has. this day &elated a MM..; df PY. PLR CeNT. Da She soars. of Ma original Oapitsi &ma of the Company, payabhs Om of Onsasssunt lee,) all , lll/Ailliter We halal ',watt. preeeee, et the Cethsa Sc thn Ckmaptep SO ta. Mt. ‘.l at the Transfer dernsyyPilnilits..4anear Q Os-die./6 W street, H.. teL 13t.oedaed.rie at reentersd at the 114; ,,, ti ,,, .etas. Tmuftz. D. do of the Lotman, will deer torao2l.o of.hdyilvatant, at 2 o'clock p. on, and re main cLoand natfl the GM des at Atigtrpt4Pieofia. Dy Grans of thiLoard: -W. 11, BA8NI:9, o.:,^t•rf: .DIVIDE.ND NOW. omos or Pingstriou st. Dories Have Ca., Pittsbur, , 141. Tbs D.:rectors of Abe Pittabrugh gh so d ' Bston *lnter Vows moo tiara &ratted is thridatid ot ANUS Dols.. - VAX/Iran saifla.an onnnKong Stock. ea Sho onus may Conti at the sloair of twining on !Wordily. tho Ltd' p,yalde to Elsokboidars or their toga( repro.. w ri at.m on sod afar Tau BSDAT, tro4th el oncost' proshr.o • !Win iltorkto4dar•-•lllreoalvotheltiii,' Vend at ch. Mho of the Ctstopuiy, No, WI Killyorrroat, Mad. =lid. IL IL)Wit, Ireasotur. rainDEND. • 0.111=6 Ar.untrurt 1 Premicat oa 00., I ,tll3lssatlkThird at.; Phnik. Jzlr 120644 Tha Dlieatara aT ttio Alkshaok*Pittabarah till Cfas. pan, Live Ws Aim &dazed ••Dividend at TWO Pitt thaThagtal tsock, - a rth. math at /nu, Levi rr ra7ahleackitalatiar thajfa 4/W: 101 WM.* LANZ, Ilaaratazy. CURRANTS AND PLUMES-31 casks drd Kirk-r at 4 2‘ , ektc ' VANter l itiM it" sn; gimissea ifocK2 atpat. OROCEIZIES, PRODUCE, Ire. THOS. L. (Fluccessor t look Mad A DATE.) ORSEBAL 001111881011 EXEDRAS'S ES Flour, Grain and Provisions. ar D ranacin y r si m to the purchsao and ado of N 0.27 ROOD ISTILLICS, rinsbugh. Po. jokly B. F. QUIMBY CO., Commission Merchants, Ea 190 SOVIII WA= ST., CHICAGO Oka special attantion to purchasing Flour, Grain, Provisions, Dec., 11. F. EOW rab&ly suostss rummt.--aonn sonsa._.._rtgrum a. attErsaa. DOTTER, AIKEN & SIIEPARD, Com m Mina and Dealers In Foreign mod Do mestic VIIDITS, FLOUR, DOTTER, Ott SE-.Y., EGGS, POTATOES, an Produce genera/Iy, No. WO Liberty meet, opposite Pass.. er Dapot , Pittstigb. Rem : J. B. Dilworth &Co Means & Cain, Only & Shepard, Atwell, Let & On, John Gnisicr, Pittsburgh; belser & McDowell Van Brunt & Co., PhilmiAl TiTß&ti A tilnitoons, Bt. Louis ; Sinclair & Grant, Now York ; iitsztottl & Lake% Oindrulatl. myikly FRANK VAN GORDNR, Produce and Commission Merchant, Ho.lo BEITAITELD OM= cower Tina. = th E,War rEa dirr i" ffthi, "2ll .,,4 caralgsuitazits. bulges,' arDarayn,...—......Kr Catis. - a sua.'Ltsrects, of the tsts firm °YD. a - P. WA:mega ), Pittsburgh. g Co., Wellsville, Ohio.) . MIXINALD.AtAIi3IICK:LES,WhoIes4c Omen, Produce mid Cotruninfou Pierchsats, totters to COFFEE, N. 0. 8170.48 sad MOLABSYN, 11..NYINIZD BEGA.I3J3 ADD SYBIIPS, FL01:01, HAWK TOBACOO, TEAS, 111016., CHESSN, SSNDS, to., Nan. P. 42 sad 244 Liberty stash Pittsburgh. neatly Palmer audstows..., '" ACKEOWN h LINRIRT, FLotnt p 411 GLUM Yurrou, nap= Asco 0011.12103 . Manus, for an tale of Flour, Grab, Pork, Baron, L. I, Batter, t, stp,, Chem., Beam, Tallow, OrraaO, Veal, a, PotatotLe and Peal 4141144., Barrens, 144 44 4 , 4 % Said 0 Dri ed and Grom Fruits, Timothy Q.. trial sod Beals. Me adrsocerneats made oo Consignments. eISA.Y No. e.,77 Liberty street, PIM. HENRY WALLACE Commission Merchant, Ai,. LSO OD WATER or., ORIOADO, Mine • P•rtlaalu attention paid to Elias Dam SIGHWIN/13, mongols's, 111,0178 • mblteto •M'BAICS & ANJER, 00MM:18510N ■SSVBAtiTa dad Ceders In Flour, °ruin and Produce MI SECOND OT., between Wood k Bmitheeid, SIIRIVER LAZEAIt, whamat. 11110C1119 3111) COEMLSSION 111-Er.OELLNTS, Sat t 7 &ad 15NITHITILD BT., cp. Boast& WA: PISTE CHABLES B. LEECH, FLOUR END Gnarl( WACTO. I.ND C3IIIIIIIIOI MULCILASIt ror m. ..a. of GE.Ani, SEEDS. CUEESE. PliatillCE. arid egrat for the celebrated Uniontown CLOSEST. Nor. 110.23econd end 11S Tint uremia, between Wadiand Staitbdeld e Pittsbargit. es 3 ans.. 6. 16216¢611. i 101 EAD & METZGAIi, Grocers and CO2I- .I.ll.mtslou Ncrrms :its, and &alt. la all kinds of : Country Prod... att4 Plttsburgb Maw: 249 Lita-ty Erre; opyrielte bead of Wood stn 6 tt ' , l1 1 4:7 burgh. ap&ly '1, 1 17E88 A; WILKINSON, Conunission leforcbutti,l2balreals &slew to WENSIIIN R.E. SERVE CHEESE. DRIED /sum BUTTER, COGS, GRA11:8, awl proem. suturally. Also. LE.4111.111, LIED7O, RMS. &a.. No. 217 Liberty drat, wa Plttsbuty.2. tlarttealt adrattutuanuta mad. Clowrlgwate aulletwd. Ara-WA . Vt. P. WM. P. BECK & CQ No. 185 Liberty T Stmt, Pittstssit. ra Wholosls Osuass, Oms. suisSion Merchants, .4 &elm to COMMIT PRO DUCE. PROVISIONS, BACON, LAZO, MIER, EGGS. CREWE, POLL *a, PRODUCE. PLORR, GRAM SEEDS, GREEN AND.DRIED 1 1 / 1 7173, f3aL,2 awlIS 101 IN B. CANFIELD . , Coiciatunom Aro ratinamso NI/danuter as4l whadedide dealer ha nvaLILN ILLNERTE CTIEU , E, HUTTED, LARD, FORE DACOW. FLOUR, FISh, POT AND PEARL ASDES, /ULULATES, Lid/LED AND LADD OILS, DRI ED TRULT, wad Poach. gadArally, Easldl andll3 Prost etrnet, Pitt.Largh. ocIL Inc.. unix, Waal. LITTLE k, TRIMBLE, Wholesale Oro ura Cadutairlan Ide.a.s,des/ard In POO - MOUS, BACON, castar.„ VESIMILIIOISI AND LARD OIL, 18014, HAILS, [MAIO cxIITON TAIINS t Plugd.re. maxmfd.cms g.era/17. I. 11,1121.-............1111L D. =TM. RftyLI.I . EB k BBOTh ERS (ottcomory to tusdenoz,) DeAlan to POD ITIFIViiiI7II, VMS AND IinCCES, CONTLYTION an. BMUS, FIRM WOMB,bk.., 126 sad tits Wad etzest, above Pittobargh. /7"-.17 •WI MM. F ATTER!MON, b oolllll 677l l3ollo A ll 3 ‘tscr.oumns, HAUB MU) assts. preeral PROMS dad.; mehlay No. 0 WOOD BMWS, Pittabargi, to CHEESE WAREHOUSE-HENRY FL COLLINS. Fennattllrig soda.=Loh. Alorcltszs sod &Ida la MIME, BUTTES, ',mama. sal Punt.* gesetally, Lio. 49 Wood atreelokboa. Wsur. IMIT ruaro j OILN FLOYD te, CO., Wholesalo Gro era and Commission Zdrratants, Nue. ILM Wood and Libertj wen, Pl:ulnae, Jolt) rEARLES L CALDWELL (atutoessor to Jazr. Hotcm & 0o.,) PORK PAWS ES Ana doalor to P110 , 71131020,c0rn0r of Earket and Pronto Weak flitaorgb. CULP & dIIEPHARD, Comananios ll Efszonan - rs and denten tn /LOUR, GRAIN ADD PRODUCE, No. 347 IlLerty attest, Pittsburgh. Choice brands of Flour for Bakers and Fatally use eats ftiLotly °ob.& Parßcolar altorttion pad to Ching mama for Fletchandlas gworettf, oeCtills aJ. TOWNS END, (aarcessor to Jackson . l'ovromaid,) POtI K PACES)/ sal desist Lo PR051.810N14, .4c., No. 12 l'oaral .aset, saw ?Mahwah, rmartm. curt —... n. TOW( VOIGT h CO., ottoooegoors to I. G. 1.14 Grser, PRODUCE AND 0010111381011 KIM CHASM UT Liberty street, %Minuet. MIME? I. .1.21•11. ROBERT ,DALZELL 4. CO., Thole. age Grousn, Counalsadou sad YonrardLug lier. &Sots. end dealers La Produce end Pittsburgh man ofstturus, Liberty srtros . t. Pittsburgh. DWALLACE, _Commission Merchant, • gad Wholesale Doha la FLOOR sad GRAIN. No. 963 Liberty angst, meat* Pennsylvania K. 1/. Psuassigor De t, Pittsburgh, Pa. Storeisi Wua home, oornor Wage. sod Peon arresta uol7sly OfltT 60RTOM •.0 WILL. AMISERT, SHIPTON & CO. Whole,- .L../ eels Grocers .d Produce Duelers, No. el Rea •tart. Plttelsorir.h., Jete ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., Wholesale Gropers, Comaloan 818888sura, and deslera In PRODUCIS, No. 80 Wain latts{ awl 65 frau: strut, Pittdmrib. ....JOS. ***** KlO. JKIRKPATRICK it BROTHER, liuo• • cenr.n to Broero R Kirkpatrick', WILOLI. as LE OLLOCEI3B, Noe. 191 and L 93 Liberty street, ilritburob. spiLly CBOICR 1110 . c0v,1r.F.—.1.14 fro c' hcl Cave wait., id na t 4 1.141•4, CASK.. For en. r u „ I, go., =an COZZI =l= JAMES DALZELL & SON, Mannfaa turoro of LARD OIL, wl Ow=Neon Ma - chants for the worms and We of 0114409 Ain) 11171/511D PEISOLL'I7If, Noe. 69 wl - 10 Water staut, Plttrbvrgb. Adrancau made on ooneignmentu JS. LIGGETT ec CO, CITY FLOC . ING EMU, comer Marty Adam md Weak, Pilubergh, Ps. 4440 - Capexity, 400 Womb per dal. • spl QCLIONSAKER dc LANG, Comtism? , litszrnss. .0 wholewale a , .len t ortorjeit i ES, YI.OUIL, GUMS, 191.0DIXS, sc., No. 329 Liberty utreet . Pttlabutgh. 7.0,134.11 y Joey 11111121071. t7C7ATC t WILSON, Wlnlextdo Oro. I cent, Comm Winn Merchant., and. dealer. le Pre. duce and Pittsburgh manufacture., Ho. In Liberty itrret ,Tltnhargh. Jun s LINDSAY Ja. & lIRO., Wholesale Ned atetall 0 BOUM, FLO VII AND PAODUOaO LA5.,157 ,Lltarty stied, Pittsburgh. skttm , _ OLLAND RIDDLE, snoceasor to. john' • zdnn a Pon, No. LibatlY . iertat"Pitt. Mimi+, gems, PIIODUCS; GIWUEGY ANT 00M• Eflt9lol9 KEttellANT. Couilgunmsts respeattalt thlkittd. 4e3G:17 & W. BENNETT, Manufaaturera of L.,. RIM'S STORM 011111 tad MILK OOLOII. CD WASP.. Odha aad Mare ansi at Era 74 1117211 STU= Pittataraa. i541.6:11 OHN QAhtPlmlL , . Manufaaturor of DOOTO AND Snots, .r cowry dasuiption. .t 34 fitolthtlfld mad, DlDteborat ' priltat nEO. ALBRBE, SON & CO., Wholesale ana Rath thsalari In BOOTS, MOM, rer." Wood ita Yernib atraets, DGERTO3.I & STEWA.R.T Wholesale E 81100EIZ9 AND 001IMI98ION MAW:MANTA No. 107 14,103 .trawl. Pittodwfth 1.9111. lOCR 1. Tom. I. 'infra C 0.,& bRo. CMDS AND COMMISSION M 6 CLOOAN'td. anan cdSmlthfleld sad Water rtmxt•, P llbbwgb. • AMA" Iff PaCTUR MR 9: Ire. LAWRICY;;OE IRON WORKS, - - - Aleut Castle, Pa. CI.. W. orrinvoor.....:-.......—,Am.MINZILNAM. Ir. P. DITIIIID9) DITHRIDOE & 00., linotact.stren of IRON, NAILS AND - SPIKES. Prerent prim =bird to chimps of t h e market. jo.SIX.Iga NEW CASTLE, LAlrnr.A.cz 00., PA. DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS., CADMAN & CRAWFORD, MgmulAdman of stio variety of lialdusd tItAES WORK TOE PLIIMIIZASTILLIf OH GAS pima's, MACHIN'S . AItD - -•-. .- • DOPPiltooto 'Tun. EDAM CAETINGB, of all descriptinol, mods to or der. ATTAIDDOAT WORK, STEAM AND COMM TI NO, and ItEPATILINiLroptIy attenAnd to. Pastieniar attention to fitting up ILNILNISNIE.9 ror. GOAL AND OAI2 ON OILS. Also, sole Agents for tha Weetern /ertel of Pm:m4 rants for tha .ale of CIASISEI, LAITBDYLL a 00.'8 PATENT BYPHON PUMP, the beat ever inven ted. Elating no ram ft la not liable to get rot of order, and wdl throw loon water than any pumped' twice Its ohm. .018 W. I. 1NUCU1r20011......J. Z. •. RAW. IRON CITY WORKS. ritCH.IIITOBII, FLEIMPOCILLL t CO., 701:111DZII3 AZID BLLOITSIBTEL Ograir of Pike sad CPUftra' s aid Pike axe Wan=t swots, (Hear CELty Wake WoiUJ Maaonootanora of otatlaaary and other 1:311INZ8, ROLLING MILL CLUITIMOS and IaCIIIIIMBIr S of all klndkand moral Jobbers. Pronsprattontion prra W reigetoi ELOLLIUG MILL MACIIINI.I2IL &MIT ROBEECTIes 'LAMES a CO., No. $9 Third It., Plueberity, TIN ♦HH BEER MOH WO9EXILI, J AP-ANN - ED TIN W.A.IIIL W. an now manalletnrinig and bay* on hand Bath. log Apparatus of all klnda, Tolled Ware In dolt; Woks . Cook., GLroo, re Tea andSpios Canisters, Cash and Bpka Bozos, Tumbler Drawn, Spittoon., ko, k large lot of Blnt dim. for oak low. Oil Ora of an alms and patter., Tin Roofing, Caadoctora, sad all kinds of Job bing Work dente coder. pATENTED ocroßn 8, 1861 torrinote Parart OVAL LAMP C11.1.111..N IL WS, XX PIIITT 03A1111. nen °Misuse's .n Isteadtel t h e the AM tuns, beat. INV .11 Isstle of the c 1 ....n. 11 7. dm Ed .00 It 03 cracking. I. D. DITIOLIDOZ, Fart Pitt Ohms Worts. %eldest. stmt. 417 Pitteharth, Penne. B LLcK in,liau:in STEEL WORJVi, l/TTEIB VEGA PA. PARR, BROTHER:a CO., BM QUALITY 11.1011142 D OAST ISTLITA, Nom, TIM and Odom. of ill I. Wonsatatt equal lo sr., import44l or monfnetured to thi. °mar/. Igr (Monad mirsbacwlSas. IGO sad 11:1 YOST sod 120 and 1129 8/.00211)8Ili11113. Ptstabargk. 11.11:17d ALLEN & 00., VAIL= Pormo, Pitt:amnia, P. IdarWarobonsa, ÜBEIVIT MEET, Wh MI. .o Loom of 000 E, P.BI/411 Arrrio HEWING trrorn, PAELO2 LED KITCHEN MMES. 404 LOW WARE, et, Iliad snil Gino dloodda,SoUlas MW Cning. 101 Clearlag, Wear Arttaon pips, dad Iron. Dot . lroos, Worm 80... Mar it•tace. rul• I S;. ll =lobbing and 11=ronsattagn to p to der. Panted Poriabla 12tH, tita Stoant or Homo Power. aadtdoni, PENN MAUIILNS WORKS AND YOUITDRY. H. WIGISTILIB O CO.. 115611511 131711.D100 ASD OLORIISLINO Lima: Drury, batlrma /Wags! and 6angeolty, 41.1.50111187 CITY. PA. iganniartinall or MC atn i12(11 PAYE= PORTA KA UECILLATUIO &Man 15012110, BLa2llad, Palle's, da Repairing oral Linda artandad ta. COLL/Rine WLEIMAN, ILLIIIO2I AV S); Unholy CRty, Bisnatentierwr for sale Day & Grabs Stakes. of Inorsonet. Union, Bulks; suli Prstris Bird psi- VadtRTORRI AND DIOGAOIC MIRKA W L.- s. crurrato DOXICB and Wagon work et ail descriptions Also, SWIM TIMID, kw Mkt end tints Ulm. ap2earossolowit THIRD EITRERT FOUNDRY. &LIMED DAVIS, T•rstarly %mai& at &Marx.= & PIII/11717011. kdorse• 61a erbsul• mad [la public . 1&A.3 • LA. oporwl • 7.. .dry si U. corner of drool lad Moan Isms, media Pullin'. B. Faciattry, Atbrogg• of nmaafacturing LIGHT KlOalIS CA GLASS &ADS, PUIJACTII, &a. I ...rams &Twat. Pluutter• InaL nayllktm FOWNEB, (late of tho firm of N_J Toms, a Hirddry,) JOON B. HRSIIOIS (1. of &Timbal, Ilerroa & C 0.,) MOS /11119DLL9 sal STUTZ Nanafacture:a, AIXECUIZNY BTIIRET, th Word, Plttaant., P.. JOHN B. HE tiROIS • 00. WELT t, RIDDLE & CO., No. 215 Librrty irtmet, oplaandie Sixth, PlUeberge. 6atamsurere of WIITPS . NS and BWI7CH• it l / 4 sai miry doodipam of LEATHER BILAIDEL , V.OlBll. Orarn ecifelted tram the trade, and rapt. promptly eittpixd aa per hatraetknas. SSEM - IL - VCR, No. 53 W.Tsit ST. Pittaborp, ruanotacturor of BOILEB RJVETIP WROUGHT dPISILB, =moo sad tailraa.‘of nary do- Kription. Particular aised,ar ahapod SPIKES .od 11111 Was of soma, made to order at short notld. a cood acortmont constantly an hand. coStOist DRI - „ifIOODS, If c. PnIN -DAVID 1111 • CLNOLI WILSON, CARR 6r. CO., (Les WSW*, Paves A Lb.) Wholesale &.tcr.lu FODZION AND DOM}STIO DILI GOODS, N 0.94 Wood street, third house shove Diu:sous alloy. Pittsburgh. splottf E. 4 ATON, MACRUM & CO, Wholesale and Rend] Malan In TILIMMI KW, ZBIBIIOIDIIIII and Dia GOODS. at 4 ,, al d.caPti 4 .4 3 .• 17 " 1 1111 h stmt, MACTRUM dr OLYDE, Wholesale and 131 noun Drel•rs in FANCY AND STAPLIO DRY ,sonDB, TLUMMINGS. to., N. Te Mutat street. Le. wren Dispond and Fourth, Plitabarsh. R. 11. PALMNR, No. 84 Wood Street, Dealer IrIDONIYITS. RATS, STRAW TUTU MIN(IB, and 1377141 Y 0001/8 generall.r. JD. BU R C H FIELD , Who and • Retail Dealer in STAYLS AND SANOT DRY GOODS, Mathews cam+ Fourth and Slarliot •treata, Pitt burgh. 'JOSEPH EIORNE, Wholcsale an! Rase 1.4.1 ff In nll titian el Tit lIIMINGe, , Nos. 77 as.d ;J Iln i R. VA l • 11, I /..•Llor. .oi 1 , 111" Gmllll NI. t• 11,10 wad Furth, Piltal.urgh ••••,7 LIES V 1ft.1.4 - CE GE,XTS GA R DINKEL COFFIN, A gout for the tl • Fnzikllzz; Philadelphia nud Reltano , , I.tontwoo Co,,,ppalott .tiorawast contrr cut. W P. JONF..r!, Agent for North Amnion., . Etas. of Poonej•lfo.on, .d [font - m."l Insufs_, Colopooko, b 7 Wotor *trod L cIASII'EL RSA. Sear , tary CRiscns' In {.._7 ecuwce Cotoputy. tonant Mnrket r..ia FFGORDl.N,Seorctary Mestern In • ettraVeLeMpft 21.1 Water stmt. T)Bor)K, Secretary of Aliegltonyln -1-1• num.. 00[014111, 37 FHA au,et. DR U PG'S TS. QIN1()N JOIINTON ) Dealer in PURR nautili AND C3ll63ll[Wali t rEAruaLRY, melrls GODI , S,II:SSING FLUw, OTI.S, EA hit ItT al 1. Dill? , I'S. &a., td strictly prime tivallty, which Ile ra at hurter prluv Con,t l mIII I I aad Fourth tirt.t.te,Tillalterrgh. Pmactlptiona carstally OtaPo.t.l - at all Loan. TT A. FA lINESTOCK CO., Wholewilo Llis Druggists, and manurscituron or WfrilE LEAD AND LITDALIGE, curlier of Wood and Smut Arterial, Pittsburgh. .• ear nu. GROIIGE L. KEYSER, Druggist, No. 130 Wall Moor, cantor or Phyla alloy, PlUaboroh. JIIMIC s'c, BLlTMElemicr in NEDBIO k) ADD IkIUAIOALINSTRDALSIfti. Bole wet for ENAIIT • DO:8 PIANOS, DAINIDI TIDOS. PIANOS, end PHINDA.4 YIELODIODS. - Do. 44 FM et, wood doer above WOO. Pittsburgh. Pianos to let, and taken in .:change Mr now. , *pie RLEBER lt BRO., Dealers in Mom -Li • AND MITRICIAL TARTREMZWT9. and .44 :wept. for 6TILTHWATB (Pi r IaDttATID PILNO3, gtreet,wet. . aly29 PEAS. Q DIFILLOR, Dealer in PIANOS, MELODEONS. dc.. Nn. on.l sire.-t, tmtwouu a'ar-nb street awl blaimozol, dlcr, Ylitabcl4l,. OJT" iffis, BRILLIANT OIL co.—Books of Sub seriptupg De the sansusr OIL On. win to rtat the Heaths House of lI&HEA, LIMIT & e. Third and Wood Meet., on Monday, August BM, 1861 Pasophlato hootalnittg • deserlpflon of the property held 17 the Company ran be had at the same p 1.., oa aad .uer the 4 h of AnfraeL • Jyffatf WEi= NUOLEB AND DIALER IN CRUDE AND REFINED OIL, FURY BLOCK, 1/PGI7I'I2IE WAY teT Pperial attention elan to the RA L. 6 AND 2IIIP INT of Parole run and Ito prnanote. Conalgamenta rmpectfolly s4llcami. WY' Pittsbnrgh Agmany for YOUNG° OIL AND TIAN 8 POIITAIION COMPANY. mh2:ly PONT 0171011 ROT 142. RICHARDSO.N, HARLEY & CO., CIOZINUSSION k roawLaDrao Crude and Refined Petroleum, Ho. II IRWIN ST/INCT, PITTEBITIME. Mr Liberal Oath dranoto on conslionosto for Pitt. Burgh or loot= liorkoti. MUM= Xi:MUCCI I I 1 os. J . . 1 B. I Dilwo 4 r th l & O a, I=taa Doll, 1"O torrola .thio TUE elz BRO., =MA VI Crude and }kilned Petroleum, BENZINE, &o.; no WiI.IMT BT.. PIELIADLLPHLIL . Duoloom .=crated to =roma mashy oar prompt Poroonal ottontiou. to Memo. Itlettorthas, ilarloy & 00., Brower, Maim and Illeelollottrl Doris, Plttabraglt ; Thos. Prod. Boa N. L. IL L. Foster k Phgodelphlo. tautly McOORIUCH & fILLLENDEE, OIL BROKERS. Noe. SU Lad Mg South Water Street, lan dor °auldlndata =lt lad. Wu?* Cbtopsoalr.s, boa err 011 Worn Jacob slot.; of J. Painter k Co. zoo. R. OhaMat, or Swag, Chalfant I Oil. Jy121:17 WALES, WETMORE & CO., uoluroarox SHIPPERS OP PETROLEUM. ILI kIAIDUI Ld3; ara roar. Ampla tactlltle• the BTOIII4II MID 5111PF1IN as ther yard sad slue. Zia ELM. 'Rued vITY OIL WOKKI LYDAY & CHORPRINNING, alarmlsatornor slut Ulnas of ILULBOII OIL, O Zli MX MID 1.178810111:140 OILB, .sad Mahn b CRUDE PrETTFLOLACIINL: Wort", amai) ITharpetrarg. Clan, Ea IS MILD MEM W/I• PHILLIPS . P.dda✓. JOHN WATT, Pa Paneldkai. WV. T. GAUDYlll, lpixebn. jultly A LLEGIIIiNv " - !•zU RAN CE COM PANT Of 1.11'13b LIBOR Da 37 TM amt. Dank Block. Imam agaton all klndan/Ttro ant Marina Elam DIAAO JONES, PrnaLima„ JOHN D. ITOORD, Pw Prodd.lll. D. K. BOOK, ikenmary. Es. LI 110018 IfILABITEK PUILILIMILPHLL WALLACE a cuirriss; .. 4Doccuairalcua blemobluits: AM dram Ls CrRUDE & /MEM PETROLEIIK, MIX= UM LIIBRICA2TIIO 021.11. Storage atonally parlor otorarjlbr WV/ able Also arotilertt 1a../Inart for dttiplog to Ilattericra rod rototaa 7trta, at em *hart oft the tlekrytklDl Wow, ater.tlto atailorat of Or F. B. It. taftly BREWER, BURKE d CO., COZEIIBBION KEROWTI3, Agunti of Qs awns, PALCGLVICI ABM unitary OIL Wog 5.% ILltscal eimith anneal -- as twatpussoli if Refined or Crude Petroleum. von. 11M312311 W•lr • amscoac EMIL, PtPiszoaaa. Pa. EN 1::6 WOODWARD, TH'! 'r7T.l.j I - s Bimetal attaottoo Om to to. mit et Crude and Refined Petroleum. Pito. 111 50113M14110WZ nun, nu 4 L. .3tt-Int WOODVILLE OIL REFINERY GEO. W. normsnip a co., hinnote•lurrr• DUBSING OIL AND Li:mates -ISila OIL. Seep .tautly..con 11.,1 the eery beat eas.l. ily of =Tunica OIL, claw and orithoot color ; Wen, • ,ond BiNZOLE and IL•13 OIIILIBIL gar ordang al lip. as TITI7I BTIICET, BlooY, mosod door, vin log promptly attoodogg go. ocs:tl CABC"' PEMBERTON & WEBSTER. General Merchandise Brokers, 142 PZIAP.L eTDZ, Him Pork. LIS Porn' PIRO= 2?.. PhilattaAL. P. CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM, CaWIN SODA SODA asp, 3.111:17=1.01. DRUGS. 011 d, to., to. Orem bay ar aW prompAy sisaadad IS. • Way D L MILLER, Aum, .1.11 veßzarvr er., PIIILADRIBPECIA. CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM 012 0001111li./03,1 sselual,ty, , W dump, al sogn.ble rocs. OTODAGS TOE =rump to Mal wawa for CLtDr a under good sled. Particular adandloli paid to OIL TOE lIIPOBT. Ina Lass—Clai USTI° BODA, SODA AEII. *o. soLly A LLEN & NEEDLES, rifIkIiDZILPILIA: COBILIIEPIOB rzeartairz .211-rtcultr ottotalos gold to conootgoomb of Crude and Hefted Petroleum. CO- 10 gairc A 111.-t 110; is of Vitriol and Aqua Alumina T.oerfisl4 d 04'5 0710, outace ta A BRET ANT VEST lITETXIII, .111 01......tta5t ROLF.RT ASIIIVORTE, He. 16T. MAUI IT.. PITTEIBUIVE• Forrardin' g Commis:ion Merchant AHD DEAL/S8 LIS Ofral der ILLOSIII 4 I , TEIRG,LIMSTOATING,OCIIIDS FE TOoLIii!DI OILS, U., con,st.tly harld .4 Cur ..L. 11 thr lowest tutaltot prior. Oututsnawcas sad ordrea ap7.est r 4AC HOUGH d: CO., 00EILIMSION itsaanwrra, I=l Crude and Relined Petroleum Ike BOUTH DELLAWABIi AVON TI, ra133:.). P01L.1154,211. L S. WA: , rl.O WAIL:isTO & KING, • 00/4/11W10$ , ISZISCHAMPJ, and lirtskers ta Petroleum and Us Products, /114 Enka* Is Refiztue IQSGefalt call" ZlO. tel Itanarr ffr. , Pittsburith flaunt. ROE a; PBARRAT,I. Oimansfaalea Wolinsats & Wolters, Rumen 37 fa Pare:emu and Us Prod Suers, Tor export axe home oottrOtapitea. am:b tarTIN to mows, at rsamoaablo raiz. L4Detal otlexactoi toads. 113:17 .14 - 11 ost.egirc& arldirria 1829 ; PLIIPWSULL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSERASCE COIIPANY PHILADELPHIA /. on Jamul 1.1801. ,5 45t0. Capital ..-... . 1400,C00 Accrued Narlo:ae-.- —....—...- .911,01.0 I IATC•: , .. , Preartome ._.. 1,a3a,2,8 Creole( 1.31a/ms ...... .......I 8,418 Leona* for 18a. ............................... MO,OOl Lcaa Paid min, 1%.9 5.000,000 Pevartual and Tern porary Polkas ot liberal tams 13. I ICCTO. Marian D. lisockcr,laaao Loa. Tobisa Ettrarcl C. Date, Earacel Grant, I I GM. Pat., Jacob H. Emit?, Alfred Yltkr, Geo, W. BicLard+. Yrs, W. I.,ew is, M. D. CO 10 .P.8Pr-0 , 1,ut, EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Pre:idol:Lc. /LS. W. 31cALLIbTSP., S.C. Pro. Tem. J. G. COFFIN, Agent, DataT coraar Wood mod Third cowls. INSC:RANCE, FIRE AND INLAND. Insurance Co. of North America. =ED _._..___..41,500,t Hartford Fire Insurance Company. .511,11,115,CM 11. - Notft-tion can be 'scared In the above nasand ad and reliallin courpnalsa. W. P. JONES, jaw, 657:0J Bspleis BstiStess, If Water street. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPA TT NY or PITTIMITBAH. U. MILLIE% Jr., Priadat V. 11. GORDON. Beommy. Ibm g Zia In Waterstzelsa,i3psug it 00.1117grutitruse, ,:p stairs, Pittsburgh. WM laws ousesse Masts tif Pro and Karim Bibb. RM. imarr.tim marmot by Direr:array Amara age!l !mom ba tar arararmity, .d at, are dam, bI prcgmarum artailar.fm Omelimecim rHrb A. km!. mgmbal. u ./rim am Mt mmeatim to awe rib doirg be !mar el. owl Andrew Antlob Akaandu Elpw, Baird tt. Lon& Ber 3. 'norms, Bey. P. 13akowoll, John B. Iff'Cane. IL /101,, Jr., Jam. ilacule.y, liarlardel Holm; Ntmirk, Oruro Donde, Clx,yEr.ri B. Ilrrron, 0. W. 111c.tetron, =3O N. GORDON. &cream. GITIZEN'S ENSEITtAI.CE COMPANY V Or PITTSBURGH. cons , Ilarkst .ad Water etreete, second Coon. WIC IiAGALIT, IbaL . . MINIM LEA, iligroissi. masses Stessaboassuld Canoe& twang against loss and damage in ttue nastgation of the Ponthero and Western Spats, Lakes and Bayoas, sad tbs nasigation of the eau Lamm against loss and damage by tlrs. D11:12, 8. 11. Illor John tlthlpt:on. Jame I. °cops, Wrr ~►._ar Jr, W. O. Jobre36o, 6. Harbaugh J. Oa Jr., Jody 8. Dilworth, Wr L. Bodgess. de..94.1r1 EU= Nreas, T. M. Hoes, Dar_lay Region Grarga Iltugbarl, pEoPLES LNBUEANCE COMPANY+ OfEce, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Sts. FIER. AND MARINE INSURANCE. eines D. Verna, (Jot John L. Shon6; Ontannl P. fituirer, Geary. P. Jonas, C. Ranson Lows, W. PbralpP. J he CV it, W. B. Elam J , nn B. Parke. Dimell, Wm- Vs. Kirk. on.:ta ert~tl~ Capt. WIC - 01L53 3 Oral A. laua cara. O. G. arm s. Gam.. 0. Gray J., Fa Traria, Jr.. Jahn D. Ila Cot. Adam Jacaie. D.B. Starthal. Cot- Wm. Dana. H. Lai/Grew. Saba U. Davis. B.dJrACIS. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK., NO, 6 A./ Tatms Bmm. craermaino mime.. Open gaily from 9 to II o'clock, alum Wednesday od Wards; evenings, from May Isi to Bomber la, from ir to 9 o'clock, and from Notembor Irt to NV let from oto o'clock, Deptialts received of MI nuns not boa than Ows ler, end. dividend of the proidts declared twice a year, lcals and Doombor. Intelsat low boom declared well-eon Jima sad Deascohs, elnotths Bank wee lb We of Ms pm maim ow. !mamma if drwont otta tit puled so um meal of the depositor ea prlnclpel, end bears the smn interact rtethe Ontit day. of Ilene and Dewooles, compowndlng mica • yam without tronbllng CM depositor to calL Or err", to present hls paw book. At this ram mosey will docbte t. km than twelve yaws. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rubs sal Horclattomi, Ilariaed gratis, cm application st the oil! a. ratunaar—G.SilliaiS 11aAnley, Sbo.nterter IMMiI re. A. kl• Arin, J. Andorran ZA. raa:a►, N. D. Jams libldla Jobs D. le Jelin O. ilinkohrs. Calvin Adana, J 44.03 C. Dladkr, lioorge Black, 11111 Bargwin. Wrater P. blartbral, Rohn Orr, Robert Robb, Henry L. littnalt, William H. BcLmerta, Alex.ld. Speer, Alexander Witham Peak:lrk Lome Whittler, Wm. P. Wernsa, Obrlsttso Team. ro A. croVrott. AlovAr. A. Ovrrfar, Ovaries A. add.. /bn Dv. i ' '' ' 'a A,I nortotk, Jobn J.olliegga, Will.= B. Ham, 1 . 0 B. Honks,. Dichanl ELsys, :wars D. Et. Dy. bccarruty • Fain NATIONAL BANK, ON FORT WAYNE, INDIANA. Designated Depository of the United States. GLOW paid up --...-113 0.000 Prrvnidl.--.1 D. NITITII kW. Mahler—W. B. 17.8/3 Fismael Ho,no, Jvits Orli, )Ted. Nltdbegor Jai El Mown, , D. El anima, k Elkitas, W. B. Tkihrr, O. T. o.lleyer. &adri4 rwiner in mating eallactbas Ckillactinir will mkt will irpt made by draft on bilwr ir tibia -4h. Jr...s:tra s. P Br 11.10 Bank tamd.r. Br .3 , all arnotht. point. 1,1 , 14 attrtitiall, 111111 rttlit S. 14•• Was , OtLLe.i , O. COTTAGE DRABS, GROUND IS rigE LIEBULD OIL. Gla diftvrrat Dnb Shads, kw w..l"FACiltel, VII, LA3, ILLILICOLD DXPOTIS, /co. Mu, DRY for ROnFS, BARER, ELEVATORS, FREIGHT GABE, ft. ROBERT 11.110 9 NOLDS, Nuera: Sit., 14 blaktes Loam N..* Tort MEM I=l nave., Caps and fitraw Goads, En,o wrrs to gZ.rs the largest erd vr.est oNtpl.is .toot gevai for SI. ILIN G- MA. E. OS rm <tined In the 4aL tiorchents oramlenatel eL cod asoctlrs our stock, rbloh ve:11.,,,h1 at my km nark. 13126 1 Wand .t., Pittebera. Lo, ~E SDI OUTI.ICH., POTJWitiV, MOGS, kind, M OCiD.NTEY PROL , I7 US. sold La arultalLa, Ly _ . W. C. COPE, 1L26 MARE Kr nTEINWT, IMII•depU, Prmpl retarrt. if .h - f: - f''' etkylTlTnld TO PELS.Tiatli PRESSES FOR S4LE. est &DAUB' FA/Z I MESS,. plattsa Lan a Inctn 0t OD t.:,-1.:3N 50 Oli E TAYLOR DOUAI'. CrLi !WEB, lAA d 7.03 11cs rood warklngonter. WLII b add at • larodu 1.1.`1,1 viz* Aflame, r. 1./ ILLEGITIL. ritttbarglt, Pa, 'MEW CONBIONNIAENT3, now in otoro, 738 blithebi Ostr. 1160 brirbrls 16 barrobr relr; 6. kegs pul43tilterg TB bitg7 otiiDr it-d 4, Pewter, Ifo b.. - eel. Timely Man • 100 bnikvilo CO lit.reis Dried 6.010414 It,ooo Tight baud limy P6lOl. Ibr mga by 11 L. H. VOIGT it CO. BACON. BACON. " rIECIEI.4 rare 1:3 SIIOLDIIIB, no elms firEnn. Ira ECII0:. Az= A LAISNI'd 22/ Maly amt. PRO sa pROPOSALS FOR M ATERIALS FOR .1. Tall BATT. NAVY DPP A lITIIII4T. Beltrs. or Xotironr nap itallarrralnL July 1614. 1866 BLAMED PROPOSALS to turatsh waters's!, for the fee the year endlas SOth Jena, last, will b. M. mired at tea Roman of Equipment and raerulthltri mlll the 13n8 DAY OF AUGUST. mat, at 10 o'ckiat A m„ when the bide will b. opened, without regard to nay accidental detention of mall. or other mamas. he materials and articimi embraced to to. clam* tamed are particularly dcwilbed to DM petaled c bed- Pis. any of which wilt be farabthed to Mel as desire to ff, or, I.l4.lkAtiOn to Ilia commandant. of th. reopen ti•ti sort., or to the nary agent nearest thoret t, and flue al: the ye tts rooe applfrAtlea to the hereon. 711..11ritodrn Into clasp being for the morenfeites of draiio• to each, snob portionemly will be tarnished as ate Decently rtqalied for him. The commandant and Oart .scat of reel% .t.ti n will In ottiltloa to the rebel via et c'er.rs at their own yard., hare • ewe of the s at Ire °tilt,- yartl•lor olnanotion only, from hu h r,ny jnlptd • Iteth, It will be deers:Dl. to asks at ',Wain nr any LI the clam= et t yards- Petra wad I. made on the or the clam at any yard ay., on. of i he pr In ed echelolos, era strict wa y unity thcros Ith, On lloy will not be c•nolderYd. in computing the Osiers, th. price .toted to th, tslit nu of yo Ir. will be the atsi.dard, sad the aggregate of th ol.ao n it Le rand out atot , dlog to too pri-on stated. It is tatuested of Liddrre to avoid erasure. and Ira! , Marlon of figuirs, and to roe that the amounts sr; torridly carried cot. the cootrseta aid ba awarded to tho lo mat loon iddyr who Om proper recurity for Pa totting:mt. Lio buteso res.raoa ths right to r, all the Lida for Loy CiUtt, 1: C<COU • II exorbitant. au al I.ld. mat bevel the ray bed onoldity, to be &I nvend in the nay pude In good ordrroutd In suitable and Peckers, property marked with the tame of the tenirakr, u the co Qin be, at the apeman:l ask t f the anirwtor, and in al respeaa rabjeet to the lupe-Won, mrearetant. aunt, weight, to , of the yeri where rein trot and to the attire satishwtion of the coop mandant thereof. Blddere are referred to tee rnetmandantof the ranee the yards for eamplos, inlownctions, or pvticular de scrlptlm of the ar Mk.; and aU other things Ming Kind. premium will be given to article.' of American Inanufactura. [vary abr. la reached b 7 limo( lath artint,l•46,, mut M amotopard.4 by a trrittan guaranty, the torso or which b ban:traitor fleet., sad oleo by a certificate e t l r tt by ir th k e n co b t=f , Inter t at im , : I mem hoe . ue for Ilcensr lo' do 1 ID the art:idea whkh he popover to tarnish, or le as althlarit eigued by Idatatil aod alma to before keno magistrate. sathsrized adatinister each oath, that he rcaz earl:Over stied sr regular &afar ht. Q. he o f len ro supply, aid has a UOVIIM luau& cum or iesler. Than only wince offers coy be accepted WM be noti fied...ad the cootract will be forwarded sea oxen there. altar as plactizable,irhichttery will be requited Wan cute within ten day& after Its receipt at thole:it Office or Levy agency mecca by Orbs The contracts will bear date the day the notllcatkat I. ginta sad tisane.a can to demanded. bur t/631n tho follamwntwlll6szietgqaalr.d tartan the contract, sad teal, rename lenity certlfed to by • United States dirt. lot Judge, Milted Steins district attorney, collector or nary smut Ls addltionalweemity, twenty per cer-torn will be withheld trom the aconnt ott the billanntil the contract Mall ham bona c noplatol; ; and Milo per manna of each 6111,11;pm - red in triplicate by the ca.matencants of the rearectin yards, will be paid by the nary agent at the palate of callvery--onto re gonna by the amtrattor to he paid at another navy aortcy—Trltlal.4 Ma day - 4,0<.r warrants 'hall have bean paw d by tho Secretary cf the Tr mercy. It la stipulated to thocontraot that if default be made by the parties of the first part in deltvering all or azny of tits arttclee mentioted in arty them bid for to the con tra t, or the quality at each time and places above pro. rittd, then end it that moo the ctairmtorano moll forfeit cad pay to the United Santee a sum of matey not raotednag twice the manta of nob clan, which may be recovered from limo to time, secoordlor to th e act of eongreat la t h at cam provided, approved Much 3, UM. No bids for num titan owe yard 'moot b. onclotod S. one anvolops, and th e mama mnst•ba distinctly andonad on Lb. eufalds, "Propcmla fur idatariala far tba Nary, for tba Nary-yard .t OW= the yardl..' and addronsed tbaCbiaf or Ova linrdiur 61 Equipment and lisarnit ins, Nary Departaccut, N asbtnoton, D. O." YOBK or OfILII. Whirl, from a Ann, amt be Maned by all of dal numbers -, In thedesto of --, bratty agree to tarnish and deliver In the nepectiv• navy yard. all the ankles named In the =nee hereto antserded, ably to tEs 'metric= of the ikhotable therefor, and to OGlttormll7 with the adenettannent of the Burson of ffeelpo eat and ratortAint, dated' .101,716 th, 1334. ftbcnid toy offer be acxptio. I sequoia to be addressed at -, and the contract toot to the nary neat at -, or to -, rot signstore .of ertgllcao. (Bistanturs ) A, B. (Date ) W The ecbedule !bleb the bidder tease. malt b. stilt ed to die tan., and each of them Aped 6y him. mo, rate uncle le the sandal. the plot mart b. wet, the omen,. Demuth:di cot, the aitleege , e - fueed up for each class, sad the emouhi likewise wettish la wortbi. If he mulles who bid do not reeide near the piece where the article. ere to be deli...red, they mast name In Chyle offer • perm, to whom weds. en them we so be Winced. FORM OF OIIAIII2FIT the m derrigned, a-, or - to th. State of -, .4 -. of -, to the State of hereby guaran that In the foregoing Ohl ot fer any of thu of t ara then In named ha amayrtal. or h. y a. 4 'CUM, ten day* altar the receipt or tha tan• tract .t the post ako named, ar oavy agent &equated, ...cote the ccatr.t far the mime with good and .nl4. treat anretlers, and In care the rald --- shah tali to enter tato contract, Au aforesaid. ea gas...tee to make good the dlffrneace betas® the offer of the mid - and that vklch may he accepted (414. tares of ter. guarantors.) a b. X. ft. ata.) I nearby certify chat re above ruined - are known to me or men or property. and &LI. to puke good Lb..Lr guaranty. (Elinature) G. EL (Date) To too itintd ty the thafts.l Etat. Dintrlot intr. United Matto Divatot Attorney. Col:ector, or .slovy Agent The follerering are the dawn required at the reepec t ire osey jarde : No 1, Plaz G 1111,•• nod Torino; Nol, Broarr; Oil; No 7, ()real, g, MonaPa; No 10. Loathory No 13, Loather Ham No 13. Lnatarna; WO 18, Tsam No 11, Station .) ; No 23, Hardaralny No Pa, 801 p Olanadlory ; No Ifoot 43 Goods; No 0. I ltotanotl4 No SI, Tar 00 and Soil:a -011 073,4.11.L1LT0WN, INASELSCHNI3ZI7B. zro 1, tru. Oars •nd Torino ; Ho S, epeno on ; No 7, 000k124 Otero llc Not, Moron Nolo, Loather; Noll, Leather Bow; No 121.0: Melo for Ltope; No 13, Elbrat lion ; No Is., &no sad WS • ;, Ho 20, Bamboo; No 21. kmem. No 13 wore ; 01, Ship Obsall.2): r o 22, No d 7, Ve 27, Dry Goods : No 29, Ftre- No ; No 37, 7 171151e,72,•=1 Notbroot on. BBOONLYS, NSW YOBIL No I, Ran CLIMaI and iwtowll.3,lnra Haladhetr. litivom, to.; No 471 a, Zinc, eta.; No t, dperm 081 boa, NI hits Hine, dab, Black y..10E4,4.14,4 du 7, Crok. Ins Deana.; No 8, &tons and Illoklng cabooeo.; No 10, t; No 11, Leather no Llccam Ie; No 3 toI re. ta r Lamp. no 18, dap and Tallow : No u, 0, milts No=, ruationar. ; Nora, Hardware I No 21_ 04p Llarllet7, No 27, Dry Glooda; No r,t, firs, • oul ; N. 31, Nentskx OIL PIIIIADELPTII a, PENNSYLVANIA, Ho 1, IL. Cane,. a,d Twh a; No 3 Opere 011; N 0.7, Cc. 1,:4 tequila; No 10, telethon No It, Loather Hue.; o IP, Soap ani Tallow; No 1:0,-.13.31., s; No 23, nes •top. yi No V 3, Hardware; 20,21, Ship Chandlery; No 27, In y Goode; No J. ilreidOol, No 31, Tar Od and Ire•Lfuot OIL • VrA3EITNG7ON. D. C. No 1 31. Cacrao =1 Tatar; No 4. Tin . t 4.1.; Ne 6. Sperm 011; No ii, Storm and Coating Q.. or, No 1.0, Luber, No 12. Identonvitt , No 13. Lail.. -; No 13, flcay and 71110 w; No 20, Brio 11w; No 22, etatlonery; No LS, Hardware; No 24, Map Mundlery;Ne 2y Ooypar Wire; He 27, Dry Oood. ; No 32, Gallery Iron; No '64, Ruin Ir.; No3o, Wilnat, ilat.ogany and Mb; NO 34, Ingot Coyly., Jy21:11.1 • pROPCIeALS FOR HORSE Kivu , - WEB, B. OZDILI.C• Prrict, WA& DZT,LVAILLVT. WAsTriscwon, D. 0 , 23tti, 1224.1 Dr, perel, will ha irew,,14,4 ty this Department CM ill fiu412,4 t 2 h , 1264, as 4 WI., tar the &awes., at-the ft Low Ing a•wahls of 11-rws Equipment., 1121te4 Blares tavwl.y rsilfirt, as tierntesitor *tared • At the New Tort Areentel, 1.0,C03. F,auktort 4 . eneo. A 'leeway ° 6. CO. et bait wt. of boles equipment. ate to be ratable! top..te, • wit lb. exceptpan Of how= brut, real, comb, lariat, Oast plo. Use noes bega, :purl and alrep., blankets, watering Midis and sweat lath '(. .tbe b bite VII Marna sato =earn strlctli 1e wt- tern nod Anteb to thole &pelted ag the stare nand greenlet. The' 'sellable Iron Women' sr. to he it. pant& The trete 14910 beef the repletion Ware, sisortai thne, noble= then sg lucks Doman ashan 00 the Inside of the oomeepd ; tee .Ide bats ail white wood or beech; the potn,cmla and-artist of beech, .all pot loather: All the Mee are to be chi-tenth of an bob thick, and ell let lea the .tad to boated atth t h e beet targhtcren con hide. All other corer 1r cs veil es :elected. Thebaltsraate b besiAted.:ll melt. be. In corps r rivets, ea amen in sarapleA The btlitio•trin. 1. to be eoloo-tighthe of so tech Vls se sod a:team per Maple. The girth strapping to he el • etre The two D tie: t ha. tap; two rivets is .11. a end of tin . 1 no neon .teas, and all t •or elltztiltpt ttron.bout tho rem wig not be lees than eight (0 etitchin to de itch, The et Irrap hap trill he °milts& The c rl is e • oreket .trap 1, to be matted' stilt two 110 tt curler fir... 21-o twee tut to be Imbibe: to b epealao eel Le all ..agar of their manta nee, end If et dn. o wart, Ito leather to te wet to the tabtleW oft t et: intitu t b Ci, before c. Wu— r 01.01 • ill I, =a oat tea anrrai eq.7te r r rt. eAt 1.• r1.4.1e 1••ta et 155 t las a xri onk, t• t. ; rtr. n• thr. vele. e• orn-rat eopttaetorl :rt. IS': Cr tet I lux" to imitaido • x; thr• !Volute to maul dellreq. et sopa:LW time will sat. led ae a rtnerer to a [Welfare of the nombes he rule roil to dower at that time. No bids b. considered other thatt tram putts, who on known 10 to regular toeutrdi taros, w/I trla am stable of estentlng In [Hole stern shop ths walk proposed for If Id& re all! elate implicitly the Ammo! or Arsenate *bore tbe7 prrTooe to deliver, sod the number of pro: ).r.lie. they propose to &liver of =eel rte., If roe: man teen one. Feral; of hid eon be obtaked at the .Dose-n gold , efoo, Pr...poesks not mods out on fhb fora vitt net e. tedered OtiIIaNTEFL The blades will be nnoired to anximpenty hi. ;Tops* nee with a anstracry, dosed try two =wattle/a par rone, tt et to cue his bid is accepted he will at one , eactute the contract fee the rone,with good end fat Meet sureties. be • tr. Naar to the a.monnt of the, entreat, to deliver the article proposed. In eonformtly with the tan= or thL edrectierment ; and in case the' said bidder should Ail to enter into the eolith:tot they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder md the nest reepopsible bidder,or the pencils/4 whoa, theo.tract way be awsrSid. The responsibility of the panniers must be shown by then al eerrificats of the Qat of the tsars t Diarist (k.O ft, or of the V.& District ittorety. Donde Ina Ran Opal to me-tooth of the armlet of the ofree, sinned by the contractor end huh et hit eitorartont, will be rescind of the ernmedni hidden lir hidden cyon cloth. the contract , lOVABAFTgIit. ,We,,tho tasderelatc ed. resident. of to .ontyr,f author , heist Ll, Joictis end amore ly, consent with the Cnith4 Watt*, .4 rserinthee, to costs the feregebtx Mut - be accepted, that he An they jUI, within ten dayi after th e annotance of Laid bid, eite.th the mama fee the came with good .1 anteol.l enrethm, In a enee eqvith to the imeorrot of the contend ; to ithohl eh 4 net ten prropored In conformity to the tamed ttmedver , entreat detest Joe. 11. anderwhith the bid wee modes and. on new the laid --two shell tail to sat. tote a tontrael se aforesaid, we penrantee to make Oa the difference between the offer by the mid gni the nest lowan respoodhle hitider • te pawn til whom the Matadi maybe awarded. .. ' ; das Mira undiroar Incas lain l * Etursalo too damned te .11rioner O m en oloßcrE D. ItiiIIMAT. WO of Ordanneo, Wsditat- Illa D.C..," mod wiU to calmed "Proposals tor Roue Eququouto GEOE.GD D. Ir. SEI9W, sultudtel :Dr;g Oa., Chief of o. , dinause. • ' • . . . _ • -#=, .• ' mrt• . .:: . : _ .. 4 • osanic4a*,. CHEROKEE MEDICI:MIS, CIIEROKEE Pala SUGABAVATIM rcuALr4inurcuL osznati wgp 8d is lot tho Bostorol of OlostruetLood*W 111112.400.11 Bagalsritl la Ma &soli'since at us. Ilocatay 1N,r124,11. thic.r. or obviate chow mu:ll4= Caws wits from irrepasricy, by ragthe Irmals They cure Stypreeeed, Lreeestse*id Rlnfal 111. etrusition. They curoartasa flickneso (0hi6601.). nay taro Pfin-row and Spinaifikoitiona, Palm Ilia Bub anti loansr [Arts of tho Bod,t, /famines ratigai t on alight exertion, Palpitation efAhe Heart Lowno4 l , of Bipirlta, Ilyateria,34 aosdarloa,:obtablas, ie. 11 a ford, by remotes tb. u - mpairti7, thty rate". Las, elute, sad utt..ll me elfeeti3itat *deg hot 0,,,, r0ie d of ototpto eegotoblo oitesclo, tha et■ntw nothtmg Waterloo, to •ay oanetttisttoo. homing' doir, tote, tittle Autcticra bens to sOit.tion tarns* Lei 'zones, Each. whoa proyeniii , *. thq WOW' nay say be ably and at in ego, gad at 6.4.. .some Arias 0. And *pas, Asa* !At ths antslang sub= of gulraoll6 wodd tablnc; pretoat pregniturr. An 'gun satlnt latoem.etc Of a.tw la* primptly, freely and Elscreetly sitlr*irmL - , ran 4froctioza acomsopaainaibes. price par tax, at Elx wan aiiria. Sint by mail, brio of pcstags, an - 110W issts4 , add by 11rsspmtabl. Dr .r DB. W. B. 111:14tWill la. Si Libertiitrsol, ror ma to Pittsburgh by 11. IityOLAIIBLIS a 014 coma of flolriszocoa and idactO6trosio. GLAD NEWS! los Tin mioannuTsi THE LOH SOUGHT FOR DISCOGERO IT 14.!1.1,1 0 HEROIeE E 4ElKiia CHEROKEE EIIinWHON. Cktilpitsubd tram goof; a/Aiello:4lam CHEBOWEBILINCDT, tiza CSC ladtu Diuntik cares addlimas of the winery at;►na, mohao at Oa Una= of tta Urine, dada:Waco of the Slitooyo, StoulflOho Muddle. Mr .; Mrs, Grant, Moo; Gonorrhea, 10.4 impadolly xdoadcd Mast caoas of lrluoi*bfi (or Maude d•zolooi 'bare all the old namiadi modlcdood Mii =nod. • It ta prop :v.l to a hlgttly tdowmtratad dcwa4oo data Wog tram one to two tompulaitala this tin rpi day. Gliontetto aott &atrial.* Itt„ tto tottoit 7 torgos col dooming the blood, oszotaili to dot Ls -VI Me , . origin.) Fairs sod tttor,thot , II!t afl porofolovaraoseo etkh two 140001111:6000. 3.. 3 cp.okrirdsottoti Watt:dal of 4. ittrotaiditid to Got atorobilltomott.sa aho o idt owl to UOO VIM Oat toollottio foal nate! potiontai, di* floor Albuitniflltot. Ito i4aefKam 1X »t toit dermstkont; xmlottig all 101±4ag t and Wm, tutted of. the lottrol4atad tylottot torti Osaablo pato that Is sozostautott th soiostroll ; .90 chtop truck . • ; ay time we et the CaL80,114:11 „BUY= ClaltoE6ll Eff,lZOTlON—thefilassesdkiaw at atee use kosnapes dtednatie ars seaweed, abl the Re tail aqua ere opeedlty*Wrid b rea r eflpe end atreesta. - • =im. Vet eel edqaolat fma a'W/ 3 "6 , Store to OM coyanti7, or Rif. Uhl," we sin mat few; to way sadism,* LaII treetbe. Pea, 01118011111 HERIDti. Z 9 par pot thrro battles ftera. Prim, MIRO= 121.171311pyi 101 plc balk et . „ three buctlai 17rr SP • s.za by express, to ii '46*, to ttia Flog. Fed by all danglita everywba‘:. - DS W. Z. ILVisani 100.. Bdt Proyelatma. • Ho. 52 Matt allaa4. Nat Tor ul. In Pittabsargb by N. I‘ol4lllll i ati etc= cf fbe Mama bed 11Larkialtbana. zalal7aaardavalair7 ELuil.. it imam DU. watairri BEIVVREFATING U?. ITISM2IO7 • . Pn•-iand ft= Pus Tegetzble-aparso,..% nottktagJarlow So Lie** The B.,',TresilLtg Mitt thitiritilt Of orreries la the vatatehli mow and abitract thithod of ecrs.::l:l . tegoothe 94 old and trorn-ant rota= rh.4 rend!clua has been tasted by tb• mod mediae gm of the a:7, and by thin& prostonamt am of the grease! toodloil Alliairellog of the sea Om bottle axe Gonad Ddil/Ant,, A fir. daze =rem Hotarlot i s ingslan, One beitla eau ralattatios ' efairtairt• 'T AAA doom nestand Ow minas 4 kemaratlas. MIA ono to them bedlam odd&tha atudind ftbs: .1v , d 24 . , slat. bottle emaa thy warn cm of tanotizoic , ' A by deoetaarts ti» for notelltd., t Ono bolds gnome mostal point.'„ & taw dam blinks tho to tbstbtny„. , medkbto =tarns to Mangy maw sat raid. - _ Iselb the Too; dabbititod t • oftontdoint sad durNe,* log dodo. d otasnal planning, Ira was, fterraud yontb t tbin grar.todcal XIS // Owning lb. dettai of nom= deproadog, of Sst dm) andirrton from &stood didelf7l on lbed of s gre. =gm, pill dl listilanadtstsgiti awned idle by the as of tbillialsfr an insidde Prize is pm lath, or tlma• to4 - Uor for rr mated 14 ragmen, os reml ar Oirthror, m • 1 4 • dron. data by all ingests srenwana ea. R. Y. tsks*usa !au_ mata.a. bro. Lfbarty ISOM. X•lo forL scr..f. fn rtaaaa by B. kW bbufals kOO =MY of as Daman sad Ilanskidessla. . eakl79milatrxre7 CHEROKEE CURE Tax anis.? INDIAN MEDIOINW CompostmWl from Roots, Zahn andl4ll.lllli. • An aufalltag cure for Pprimilfurrites,'llasallii irmtmesa, Ilocturnal tudeators,ittnil diaraisit . ea by selfloctilatioo, ma. as Loot ittifsmorr, Stalin* . 01 Laultos, Pales fa as BaciPtlmuttaa, Itia* Premature ma AO. Reek tr , i , lB.Ariscuu I a rirsio;-_, Trtuatfur. Wakeltdurea, Minions as ttailtwo, pale Co:uteri:cause, Insanity, OrniMaalcat, ma an Um ard=l eutuptaluts eauttd b 7 4 4 4 .1 .41 .1 , 8 frtitct tae 7 1 4 °lnaba, • • • This Medlc;ne la a stsspia •141:4446 Baal an which all can rely,as kt haa bee n . to ant pasilaplis or am:74lam sad with tharaositmota4,4s b i et .End to *Anglo tostlatts. sic t ithe powata Ilasa - hews sufficient to Ws wktoryoreleias gastutabbsis To ihnos la* bars triSed wee ;ti' they MIA tbesoarh." Urged *rev the , of Awned .exid• we wee l4 se7, DmPar self nut= pa bad% and vigor, Out after 4.11- !or hasmilcous vie a einalic_fros Non litho =atm or mite thejtliiiletar, an ttairta aa7 MOD &thing ittinillyh r tall trait* Isaibled Rm. --Rocs f9Pefltptga, Wei tict toe 16,401 warded* rim= to iJf trim at 14 reit, t!-1,11-yi -44: by draigistig.**y.tirkl.e.p • DU. 11. Warn WIN I 13041::: No. 611 Laleitt. - . lfrest. Now Yet. rot ask In Pittsburgh by BAFOLLIMAYt .4 00 4 career Diamond sad Verkst WIC,' • • • ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers