r A ... ,` . y . ';:C. - ;.~;,_ 1 __( fittsburgit Gazette, OSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1361 'oNAL ONION . 14OMINATIONB. -vox rye ABC(101111 VINC lf, of Illinois. --' • TOZ 11:02 arr : figitorraoingstivr, of xennessee. "UNION COUNTY TICKET coil:mu-22n ourratiri: •:.,,,TANES B. MOD:II4.E.L.D, Pittabargb •Caiaauu--23D DISTILIOr: TR02145157L10LE1, ttneth.tY. "" Tit7NA3 J. 81011611, Lawrarl3t. Clair LEISINELT P, caws, city. r IL. A, COLV/LLE,City. alleiheny. • I U. 881111t08, XleCandies.. BIaIUEL CEILDWICK, Collies. • GE0801: T. McKSE, South Fayette Comtism's* -AUp/BALM riLLow, lautm. =crz:n ILOG D. IC WALTER. Cl4r. • 41)111E11.24) CLAW 3015,0117. , . . rO - 011, DliSC*o - 8./4:-.?&V.lS.BorlOctey We Doing t . ' lewea et west tgoyestarday that the people 111. this city, in clew of its exposure to a raid the enemy,. met and appointed a committee d#:publiettfety. :Since then the rebel raid, filticlt4sitilietii.;lll - e- ionic of dinger, has itirat' andnow nnother3mpenda ; And foingtomeet ; correlate :appointed at that: irteetieg •-; • Pink4OP.inli at 'Orkee., and has since been lileadirg„l.Aboxieg, with an eye tingle to the sootl#4he !.e:1130t lute consulted with the W . :Tented with teem, dinveserytiting which men- cart do, la. •-lboitagerhitut. aseldnity worthy ofall praise. • . Buz burcons,powerie litnited; and notwith their they have found lkonitselves •ttnable to accomplish much mere fintaso-manyindiefiduala could do. , ;key Itrtf.not . .teen met, we regret to say, itt prOper.tipirit;.., They have boen sneered ; aE andridlouled by,:some, end expected by Odell irArk'iniractei, instead of meeting-, pith the 'hearty co-operation that was their 1: - doe. SttrY;tio — pli, iliter do not apprehend lliei . diiniter, or are unwilling to take tife'slo4l.:o reepcoisibility, that belongs to ;Tie .first `step retie taken in providing for 'Mb 'VOW° defense itrto obtain mm; and the runt thbg the touimittee did was to co-operate IWithlen, COOCI/ in devising a plan to Wee t.." - force. The plan adopted was 14:*an all the neeeiceroble men in the county asal ttividitkeit into ibises; firs; those who - 11 - 1010ir1111t'tg to go into Outfield and,meet the 'erietiorin th e mountain passes, through which Drayitetten:ietulle utqinorsecond, those who sOalt4 to : . serve in the fortifies- Aorta &bent tfiecity Is enusitoint6ot has been going on dozing repeat Week.,: - ..Thorioney to pay the expert- Ea al* this "flnrollmentpas raised by private graburiptioss; anti we learn that in the:cities solaizeigialiOrbOstf; and in some of the town ' ahlttielte:elmeoliment is very full 'and satia te/n*7,, .7.43464 . :11141i*1tCd 18 orSA*2ll/011 Ths ...snettlintemerelied need tobeorganisedintoeom.. The arms are ready lorthein;iihon organized Dcan.the commit lorriannetTorganizti them. That work, at greeeiii, !hail: be voluntary ; and if the pea, liecireTirreiriest, they will at ones see to it theecrolled men are or *feted* Atadirivady for effective service. 'libt(4,44 - Otiiitofigiii has alsO been asked . for authority to Alliet two light batteries-here. leht ofinciatitiost.importance- that this au. thicieiielio4l be obtained, and we trust the - .l3ectiele*,wiligrant it promptly. , • *•,:lbet-logislature meets to-morrow. Its first bete:tress - , will lie to . provide fora pr e empt en erilkoentif the mil'ttla and for raising means . to pit theni in thel Id: Would it, not expe dite matters initeriallj if the legislature Would legalieerthe enrollment Aire ,dy made 'here, and, tnible us to put thomea Chas en relied -ft:4 thofielkimmediattly 7 We emb• noltlll'spenSideralion to' the attention of our Intrabeis.." It 'will nave time; and time . B .!_kt7iting . nw: •6, have teen intims'ely conversant with the action of the COmmittee cf Pablo Safety, wild. we take pleasure in bearing teerimony tithe eernertniicand real with which they have labored, ant their ardent desire to shape nacitPeceuresas marbs needed for the pub Ea defence. ` They bare done what they °mid ii a ii.ilitary,anthority hero, In Gm tiara ,ilsl ilisirict, and tbeutmoot any c oin static'non do le to suggest and es operate. • het they need-new lithe hearty co-opine theliopir. The enemy is as . near us an lei-Wes-but week, ant is in a position to ai any time. It we prepare ; 1141tfrefrqind to meet him, he wig not troublens; lif-wOrteglect ;our opportionities, and leave the ijed,"tind defenceless, the enemy will ne,t . tfity:lewra ',of bat will be invited by *lir lenity' 'to 'pay. ui-Ih.e; Malt we profesi to likeed so nonits.'l. An; oufloe perueetitm is .‘orth tpatmd4f mwe; and the but prevene *ta.". - r :itifililiCaxi, - -la :to 'organize troops for defence. -It the people of-the Mere* yawls, buroughtssinitownshipswill•only lake • liitidfdf- tbe torittee l it.W can pry scow organ - iiiiiili4beArierpit.that.siay be needed, upon dr& - jinslts p•l'Etie eirollrlient already made. Nig ttley , do, ii 7 We await the answer. If dingei*inee end fixtda them unprepared they :111iiniCt seitirylreie col wro,d of it la time. 'Nut the cmiltiett of Ike or and .. L per o nco, Elet. mt.". ceoloy night and nomi , stated Gay. Lxviiilee, of Washingion imuity; Ter Con:groe. Two of the conferee. 4etiaty °tea ha the Ist& bal. .11:11.b.,the conforms fr..m Witshingten end ~111,1ivit'-se:ine M,L r. an n ENCE. We have known 14:nOnalne : e for * ony years, and bare the ~P6 4 :ootfidenea R io ins patriotism and sound -.l.itesippcn the greatquest:tame that divide the 12r0?• . .v...110 6 a man of ability and long ez_p.icae ,, , popular aed trustwor• p„t, stn can carily ho elected: Tho district ie iiprte , :htei itcs?: Lucca, Copper , . Mad.. t , ol the Blair, Cambria, Ilua atd film disdrico, • on the same , rsnia'Ed 3 &. irriran, of Cambria. atCtlieel cut botatiG.tion.aa,l one that to via Tho lictritt is now repro ieutf,d;hy 3.1 c ILLIST CS ppyrb ead. Tlic idirtiton ...7 2 ',71300tr010l Tennis of the election on Tars day-are toning , c corns in. Wo enbioin all two,. bait_ The majtei.y for tho soldiers' witeidoicii: 'will not b.+ less than 100,000: • Visdlirig ton. . .. ... . .. 1r93 139177 ... . ••••••••-..— t-j-«••••••••••-•••• rgts WPM Sontiu. .. ..«-.••••••••:-;•‘-.1-4-:•••;•-•;-4.-."-' 1:021 , , , 1raithan.02.1t?•••4.":”•,,.. The Leuen of Fast Day. !WI the o.4wirme asked himself the quessiiin on the day of the:National Fait, "What ' guilt . I do to help save the Unianr Yes, more: we are strongly of opinion that there could not have been an appropriate observance of the day, unless, this question was asked. For, what broth; fasting, huictiliation and prayer, unless followed by substantial evidences that they were the prompting. of a heart felt sin cerity, and not put on like a garment' . Our country is this day greatly in need of the earnest, unselfish, and untiring assistance of all her children. She calls loudly for help. She needs strong and brave men to fill up her snake; she needs money that, elm may ply those' armies, and preserve the national credit; and she mourns the absence of a purer patriotism and a more abiding faith in Else righteousness of her, ea tse. These are the things she needs; for these she calls; without them all is lost. Men and money; a purer patriotism and a truer faith: these form the material for an answer to the question, What shall I do to help save the 17,1= ' This war must be ended soon by the triumph of the rightful, lawful Government of the ties, or it will end in dissolution, bankruptcy and anarchy. A Welsh-proverb deplane that there are three 'things whish come not bank: the broken promise, the sped arrow, and the neglected opportunity.' We are not of those who believe that this war oast last for s Ufa time, or oven the half of it, bat we are of Shoo who think that the oplortunly to sod it in the interest of Liberty azdJustide may be losatoravor. We think .that _opportunity is presented -sow, and tkat, if we neglect it, in thiSbccgniii of the proverb, it will come net back. If you area young man, with no fauilly de- , pendit g upon you for support, we submit that it le yofff4tffy to,eat:rl.l# anahitnot for three years, then for one year. The President has called ,far five hundred thousand 'Ohm crs, and, if they ore not forthcoming by the Il oof Septa Other, a draft will'be ordered. If alirthe young unmarried men of the country (and every street-corner and country grocery 18 crowded with them) would promptly volun teer; the President would obtain all the men celled for, and the hardships and the odium of &draft would be avoided. And, with fire hundred thousand men promptly placed at the disposal of Gaoler aliudßentsusoi there ought not to be,and ae believe would not be, another call for troops to ouppress the Itebelliont And what ablative arty to the slob man who is clothed in soft raiment and whose abundance will ulnae* him to sleep soundly f There • are Itundiedi, nay, thousands, in this commu nity who wen:either rich before the war com menced or have beeothe so simile. They hive more moriegiliin they need, more than they will ever stied, andel:one of them hare mire than they know what lode with. To all mob thaVornint appeals for aid It has re cently asked for a Wan of two hundred mil lions of "dalliers upon terms that offer a fair dempensation to those who will lent to it, IS it dces not. get this money, and get it soon, there is grave danger that fat/moist ruin will foilOW at no irplaligrthr interest, then. is it is 'the 'duty, of all 'who ' have money which seeks Investment, or who have more money than they need to lend it to the Government.- .Fnonao- our rich -citizens have nobly - responded - to 9fr. Pestrsnines &p -ro!, but the moos have paid no heed to it, thus proclaiming to a ll men rLet the Govern ment take care of the war; we will look after our own intonate. If nal men asked them metres the quest on on fast day, Whet obeli do to help ease the Union 7 and answered it not with greenbacks ; then indeed have they 2,aeon to believe that the world may not ored it. them With either sincerity, or patriotism, or enlincrisi sagacity. 1:1401:119t, if all men were as patrietio aa they should be, and if all men possessed that 'strong faith lathe justice of our cause which • hey should rossiss, the Government would not want in the future either men or money, nor would It have Wantt&thera In the plot. But, as a people, we are looking both in pa. trutiern eU.d ie that faith which axes only in . the future ono government, one constitution' and one destiny for the United Bistro of Aeries. We ought to emulate the spirit of n• tie•dieg determinatien which the people of the South have all along ethibittd, and dirt p'ay that spirit cf undying devatioo to min .. try witch the women a Prn.s a masPre a I in 1015, when they gave their ves.ooe ()roa n ease to the go+crrmtrt and themsolvee wore mettle of iron. But Wall We do no'. Hew much longer tbi, awe of alhiee lane cm:tau - it, hare h no sign to tell. If, ae we h Inc has been the eas•, the ob:er• et ace of cur Nstimal Feist bas brought heats to terry Man the queellon of personal duty ar d p. recnal responsibility In oonneatidn •te h this "cruel war," the dawn of e better dey rosy be near at hand. 'lbe Hattie of the Ueittloir July Tte last battle before Atlanta, fought on • Tturedoy, the 28th of July, appoare to heart been, in its results upon the combatants, almost a repetition of the famous Bth of January, when Jeckeen's riflemen so murderously re. putted Packenham's army. General Sherman,' after along aeries at flack movementa'at last nezeLed down into the plains before A ttaneti, cad here, in an open eta level o:uotry, he: hoe fortified himtelf, daily strengthening as we II to advancing his limit, which invoot tin city. Efood, who re relic dJilinstoei's command the condi. ion that he timid deend Arnim to rte mode three grand s t cies on &ver tu:en, and hit failed •ut each, *lea d..tt 11'4 let, ce - llsoh ofisier-failures has heen worse than that which lunette' ti ; and in sixteen dip!, tram the 15th of July to-the let of . 2i9uit, oe' la-reposed to bare loot la Italia, irotradid -, and prisoners, twentyfour thousand men— very nearly if not quite half of the army whtsclr:Tobasett - tarned over to him. in the battle a 3h41 28th". lorilattChle whole army spinet Logan's , corps, st hick bad boen moved Lute the eight to the <i stets lefe, aril lisle!, thee. ore, the MOM is p<t-ti.n . pot rf out lies The wo,'er.t Ira! bar.'tt: It, et t•el sal Volt is tet t and Ores d tonere With slm•v t ed.th!e egtotb y Logan bud at.eatc tot tunsteiy. rota.] 6%,ric, its Lee trout, and had bis cannon and Lillasen in place when the att..oltieg c sinuous were d'eccvertd. A writer oho desorihee Ito. scene e• ye oho nature of the ground was such that tht enemy's movements cou:d be peroelved from the tole of leers, feints were therefore out of the guest on, std 1.,,c0n was :IV.e to post his troupe 50 69 10 moot full in the face ti•n coital:nos which Hood mantled against him. Tee Awcures he end 0 ,nersJ Hulse rd took wore nAteli cte some es Jackson's lecture NOW unsung. -- The men were ordered to lie behin I t6rir weeks uuttl IstAt ries or .tel G e; the o.enoss were loaded and p>iat.ed for short rat ; the ?Melina were instructed t) rice when the cannon I, gars firing, and take delibJ mato alt, "Ace!, pitting h•e man and tiring as it a , a deny" 7ho two rehel co . uesne, mmerded by Loring and Stewart, al vai•Cod 1117312411135.ip5ty. Our troops lay quiet nit they got within shortittioge. Then the whole of our lino blazed; the fire of grope, emitter and mush etry laid prostrate thehcals of the rebel colarate, ploughed them Ittraugh unultroke and shattered their formation. The eLemy recoiled More thiv fire and fief • once. Oen. Loring was'borte off the field • a bullet through his shoulder, and to en. Smart 'ma only ab to rally his mon to re to: ID 'be hors when they had fallen book out o'. rungs. Luing'a, command could not be 1,111. d .0 ell. Stewart charged a soma/ time • :ht. Loyd of what remained of his ocinma, nod use killed almost immediately. Oenrrel Suphtn I). Lee is also said to have bem onbiled in thie eeco , d oharge,whiebrennitvd only in increasing the enemy's lon and in a ruched flight. This finished the (hire work ; the enemy' did not stioir 'themselves again. They left nine hundred and twenty-fire dead and twelre'handred badly woarided "in front of our works, Insides several thousand firo armS, and annerher of colors. Their (lightly wounded milked or were carried off to the ,tkri .fe-ri"-es earl:trek but . Jew unhurt p_risoners. Tie rebel loss is tatiraatO 13 aeralsrHowartifTWLogati at 5,625;6 bated - - 'caw. resiinia; Lollies corp. 330 j ' Abbott*. corps_ MMI! Orr own lota wse n'nety killed and less then five hundred woundea; in ell lees than six hundred. Thia battle and the two whist preceded it show the immense advantage winh iliorman hat gained by the masterly and daring !ant. egg which carried our army over thi moon. tains down into the plains of Getergia. -Nehru' completely tnrned the tables upon the rebel commander, who must now attack instead of sustaining our assaults. It must have been a gratifying circumstance to the gallant fellowS who had so long and so repeatedly assaulted the enemy's works, to find themselves at hat receiving the attack. No doubt Sherman will push his advantage ; his skill is as great as the bravery of his troops. Oar cavalry, i a the meanwhile, have destroyed the r.ilroade in Il.tde rear, and the rebol general, whom re. sistance appears to have been of the greatest advantage tone, if he escapee at all will have o sneak away with an army diminished by belt since he took command, and dispirited b . , a eeties of bloody defeats. a he battle of the 28th ie a fair offset against the m enhance before Petersburg, which no n n red h-ee days later. The rebels have lost mire men in the three attacks made by Hood, le 6 teen days, that we have loot in Vteginia to the :sit month ; and while Hood's case has grown more desperate witty rash battle, and h- has lest position after position till he has nothing left to lose but Atlanta, Grant, on the o ter hand, has beet fewer m•n, and hold', w.th as it n grasp, all the positions whisk hi sailed et the beginning. If we were not gilt.. e.; to ictking at the dark side of our affair; i• there were not to many in the free State; ready to magnify 6rerrrebel Busmen one tr diminish every rebel disaster, this contrast would suggest itself to every one who reads t ene,nagapera; and woukt.he enen that in tsaratar,tualf _o'f -the moat iasaptign Alta r bole have suffered greater losses in men and motel ial than _we car r the,whole geld, and h .se tesidesthis lost - 15111am' fatally in one F ar, of the field, It ithout gaining anywhere.— N. Y. Ere. Post. , • The Borth IL.arolina kt cUon Thouth'ement attributed to a REtthmesti piper, which bee be widely circulated, that Vance the poor apostate eemi-unioniet, and ro. thorcu.h irvitor, bee been re-edoted Goren o• of Ncatb CaroUl3ll' by 5 forge msjOSS. ity over Holden, the editor of the suppressed S oars is premature at any rate, dace th e otion ' dii not kite pldee '(in the s h-at • e) until_ yesterday, the fait Thurs. nay in August. it •may be tbat the North C dies addle , It chmord and other pciats hose been .compelled under martial to. to east their *eta, and the votes of their dead comrades for Var.ee, prior to the regular day, in order thit the fact may be proclaimed Deer the State in time to overawe ahti 405. core the course of the peoplo at home ; and 1. aunt be to this !cue, given nutter military dureee, by contotipts, that the Richmond ed. itorttfets. Tire exports from New York last weak, ex olnelie or speole, were $8,286,012 The fig. area fcr the previous week were equally large, thus making over sixteen millions for the fortnight. Imports, in the meantime, are email, and the latter promise to continue es for some time to come. At this rate we shall soon hare gold coming back from Europe. Ex change is already at a point that renders shipments of oath unprofitable. ~.- PUBLIC JrOTICE S. E?F'01:11:013 WARD—The Fou tit Ward, PH 111 . 1 4 8 . irrropictlve or yo, ore rolocotad too•trt the SOH OL H CNC 1NG.14 8 o'clook, to or pals. rollitsay companies for coma ddonoc. as 1t THE. GRAND COUNCIL, N. U L, or Minh.). OccoMy 9911.1 mart lit AV (MIMS HALL, on ILIC•DAY, Aurae 9A,.. 10 o clock m A (n.l at lendsnoc ofdelmat.• I. &And. •MiAt Dr order of tno President. WARD—A meetio , z, of the tide m of .I.e. W•rst TO be tO DAT ttt , ILIDSO, a u‘net eel* k, at tho App Dtal steDeletol HIM*, .11 on OA . 0 • DAT DT1111610.10 tee Pmeecerts reboot U. 'for the t crireze of rate as ro•n and money to free us from tho drs't The enroll ment Het of doe ward tea on buds, and ars Veatly laolba totems forward and .4 la Da • me. n. an.s-13 1 HI?. i.M.AF I . —Til Pittsburgh, pal a 016 H SOIINTT TO ALL TOLVITIZIMI EEEMMEI=MI Thee deeming to enlartear *Malls! R 0.93 Oa t RV PTh RIM. app.; e the , kart Hale.. where the harrnit. log Oesoraitte will be bard a; oh raaernabls VaLlliteCT acd to ape the pending draft, TH af , rr AL Pratfall. Jura A. 8 1 .0.4164 brO:tt Itacraltlag aato tattoo. He, HEST COMPANY FOR ONE TUB—Large inducemeat , olerel to Ono Tway' .IEI n —Captain Ball baring radroded n company for 100 dayr and the g reater portion of orhire hire altavi• of fer d chat for ran afar. to now oCtata to all men do. nine, of enlisii.if too lira! period to bin company a my of Tharr Ii :IMMO AAD lIIILL.rO DOLL& ELS AND flirrY Goartaa cann' 18 ELAND •f. Goon, W. ironer i, former , y Cbinf Engine, of 11.. Pint r rpormaena C. Ist Lir-truant ..f tel. roonnney, and ran be e.on i c a y at W ILS INd fl ALL, from aim]. nocesanry 'atom:mileo may be obtrinr, MMMI DON" r WAIT TO BR DRAFTED I THE ZOLEVIII Yi'ADD,ALLEGIIZSI CITY, BItiIItST LOCAL 110EITI L 5 CABII for twrolte to MI the on to of lb. W.rd All who de. dre to .1: I tad rr.lre the ht e bwt lo al, t ortier with the Governme.t Bounty. Sr. tovileiln can ttt the 00,e th. t oterul:lrg Commute. , rio. Ml 6 •E DAB& I. Br, EEr, ast:tatite tt.• ?tyros& llatabare Error alto. oat. berate. 'Acetic. of ayty writ sett. tb.y may prefer . uot. paid ae woo iut mutated la. By c r ier of the Ova mitt • e. anIS,I yr . vra.tnra RfetNTkD— CAIiVAENNG ACIENT4, es; able of lor sting from fro 10 sm. to .11.,1 pot oo Porto, Putout Goo( bona bel.. Agoura ore ekating from VW w 32COper siontb, I,T MIT rr.ON, Mineral Afoot. OM o, No 74, firrnt rtrmt (op .)talrt 1 oa B;dr.l WAN TED-1' EACH -: TI ElCOtiOrl Win be bt d thepublle soh ell Imo., 211.11.ers of I, In Uof• o t weal:tip on 8 Uri: t OAT, tog. lath, at 2 o'elck, B,IE, 'grebe pliG.o,fe o'ffotto2 memo toeoh en tr theofell and sialettfom Of AI teelellt m ozha. T.ecoato.—Appleau a d-efrlng ler o. vati n to cot ft of any of the dlt.otore on t cloy of .14 e'ertlien• • W 1161.1621 140 W, 111ENAI/0 YOUNG, fieo . y. Uploo Tp.,Aog.B, 1114. WANTED-10 Teachers for the Pchools et Nobinvon loan /btp The wt sea Ination woll tate place on . tbel9t. Gut entuent'N csaletrartiood by tb. Enperibtendebt; sof the eimion en tee 91. t lout let ate hots. ot /AWLS N. PITTA LI, in slid town• ship. Tb., teaeber• applying alit pew e..t eyrtln• wee to the Board on that day. It; ...ler oft4e nacl:11. • itOrni 11.05.9, Panicle.% WANTED. PAPER AN) RAGS e4411 ,, 01c, W. wriat4 P.cph.4141 pp~e• t. nve , , vat rt •of I ,tel .r $114 , ,. • p Br' sfl yva istg• lo g 4 w 94 6,11 for L 22,11., PL Eta BOA VI N, 101 •••••"•. • We Lwlc aFt.t.ta wt.Ach wv will ay) tLuldtt.g spplic ut Addrces. .10N1:.9 BUM /I Y.D9 , d 00 erg• /-Murto tiel,im-nr, IITANT&D—A V V Mau., .Itnntna n..q.1 , : •!r•el All*Khor., fro, a,. to r vauti is tre.siti ?rant ot Allem %NV.. v .; J' • ra...uck Irs•nted lam•dlatdy. lequi, , 1).11:2,.• 11111 ANTED—TWO SIIRSTITUTT.S, 1.34 , T I.T • BL 6 TO DLLA. T. to anent toe ...r r. In-olv.t. its. twit Are.. Attt r.i hohnty sill ha ithld In ratdlll•n so th. th,rnmersl b..ohti aCort+l., Addrs. nu: 1617, Plttobur,th Pan VI/ N TED—A good mil sag Yi th: ITU AU UAW' LE. ilxg .1,01 If A Ci`ll: IS tH. rig•heet sa;cl ps1•1 ••F Eut, Tuo:.lrn of LIOCII a. IItPLE, 1 , 27:tt Car. of Poln • Ole,' lair! Deanna W•ry. Nr w r it p'y .t Hu. ga rgontes eTsi: roky. 4 , 6 T city. o.11:3t VOrlirl Or 1i0X71.01-41a Or ALLIAMIOR tin, PA., Pittsburgh, Angus: TO CO& L PEA I proposaft VIII hr t" ,, tred ut this Met, until the to' h is , bolts for aaci,l,lng thy. Court bone awl lull will to ast 11. Ow to .11.1:,0 L Lauhtla ofg , od merchantable coal, f oy. from alaok add dirt t to he doHtero('d.llf to snob q.,erV I •so mar be tadutrod at Ih• a:A , aros en Fifth a d Ross Ott. tot dal-teflon of noCrlty Ooamis. eh hoc lli9Yf LAIIILSBS. Usalscalor. ►as.ls RICHEST BOUNTY will ba paid Foß . VoLuxrttlis, to It the quota of the DOllOOOll OF TAULNITN, wage. the 4s.uthau draft 1 App:) to GS_ B. D. lllllllo,l3cdtt 80b.,. Itaule . , - ~ _ _ . Pl'7,r•E. 11 . ia b t; prime Pan ,top io Dia laZjileerge- I.wAtAltM i ' •.:., •-',;* it 77 - P .. r ,„ ; ,• LYOWEI NATEULEION LCathntron is &maths Greek ward "Rattan," or "lia tleire, Rattling to ohmage, reinrenate and restora. Title article is what Its name sigaffics. For presorting, restoring and beautifying the human hair it m tha most remarkable preparation In the world. It Is again own' d nr, d pot tip by the original proprietor, and is non used. with the acme ma, skill and attention which gave it a sue of over one aflibn balls* pet soars. • I t 1.. moot dallghtfill Hats Dmextg. It crailkatse scarf anti dandruff. It k.. the bead cool and cloan. It maks., tho hair rich, .aft and glow. It present. tbe hair falling off and taming gray. It rcatorca hair noon bald bonds. a • An v lady or gentleman who rain.. beauttfal held o httan .bonld can Lyon'. E.athntrort. It I. .hown and I Deed t broughont the efrillned world. Sold b, nil rnopoo taLle dealer. DELIAB B. BA.Z.NICS a 63.. N.. York. • Inimitable Hair Restorative, NOT A DIN but roster. tray hair to Its original color by ropplyl.4 the capillary tubes vith natural suste nance, Impaired by ace or disease. All iesiuetseuess ada ere composed of hem mastic. destroying the ritality and beauty of the hair, and sated of tluentelres dreedug. lieduistreet.• Inimitable Colorful not only ...tem hair to It. natural on/sw by bio.bwi, proms, but errs the hair • - • iellierrieel ' W Manly. crere:2lerbi'lereate Wa bead. Ithae ertmelVlactottie: deft the wih:l d pfa.aptu. A.& Colarlagoml Is consimatly laramalemin 130122. Used by both reatlemem and Maim; 11 le cold by 101romectable dram, or csa toprarared. be , them o ..7 a commercial spats, D. BA Men 00., 901 ram, Hem Taft. taro dead 60 mato aul am dollar. HAGAR'S ILiGNOLLI BALL Thiele the molt &tight al and artramitnary ,ropy ever dimovemd. It change. the ma-hermit Mcelend band, to spearly aatittratare of metalling beauty, torpairing the marble purity of penatb, and the atedeme appearance breitingin thecity bailee! NOM. It newt. tan. trecklea pimplea and rambles from the eimin,Usving the o ompleMon teeth, Maimum( and smooth. it eon • tem no material *Maims to the &ha. Patronised by &armee and II Opera Wagon. It le whatomm Luly should True. N hem. geld. moyerbera. Prepared ley W. 11. Mllll, . adder= all orders to DIMAS B. BLIiN 8 00. Bow York. MLEXICAIf MIIBTA2III roam:Rat ne pantie. in et. Lento .ad Otnatnuatt, who heed I ..0 commerfailist th e Maxims Liniment underpin tense of proprietorship. have been tharonghly utoped by the Court& Tor linostd %obit ferthar Impel! hen, I Inme procured from She United Eitstaelleasurys rote et vel-nUte revenue et&rop, whir& la plaosi over the top of tea Datil. Loh Marcy bean the lea sena. of my Memnon- kw:Whit/rout wbiot the antlolp le• emu terftilknengenone sad hoMddene Ignhatitn. Ituouhtt every beet). TEL Liniment Wu been in nee and glue, Jug in favor Lar many p en. There hardly °Mete u ham let on the habitable gione that doe not con &in eridence of it. wonderful edema. It a the beet emodent to lurid With Ito preeent improved logrellenth it. eS&M. open men and beam are perfectly rem Sorer ma !mire, peine relieved, line say.st, &Magda minmb made meefohnnd untold Sisiernagod. Tormthsbruisee !veins, ads:matt-Um. recthngs bites =thanked breath ntreined herons fn., it le &Sovereign hom ed / tharstionid not be oilspeaud with. If theca be in every /molly. field DIAL Druggists ID. B. BABA 61, New Tart. mYE:llmeod-iL• L -- . TIER Atasix merlons TO BALI BY Elmo N JOINNNTOL Onuarof BALIBIABI tart Tomb stmt. ikAfrAtosed-Raw ONE OF HIINNE W ELL'S GREAT nraitzvizs.—lt UNNEWLL L . SCLEOTIC PILL.9.—TIIIII Tata TOILII OP A CA., TB A RTIC.—IIy the application of tray Modica/ Lars, both ebarector Imd Homy are continned in tide me ell minable Pill. To prevent petting la to tha stomach surb gaantitlaraf fullitsoUblo and Wulf= drags ally contained in Pills that ;require Qom tour to aft to set • decent milirtic, and to mutt the Orip4•o Pos. so erroaeastsfy lattelstorl to bo suftlesco of chanca ter, wse the mud, In tble development. The dose eoldont immiteibis Dv, and sum own than two PITU, t :In the austfoo of uolsouy, and oseidozos marl ss to thou troy ammeter in Dyepesein, °mike. rot, Oldionsitem„ Liver Ciomplainte, Piles, ail dr rani- went. of the Stomach and bowels, and as a tree Family rm. Tor Worms they us suns cum a Ws by .11 Wholesals and flass/I Dealers. JOllll L. 1317NNLIVELL, Prrorimar, Prmttoal Chonstst, Bata, Limn fn. tale by Joe. Temtng, Geo. H. Kayos.., B. A. rahocatost 0 CO, J. 11, Felton, Agents for Pittetnargin 0... A. Roily. W. J. Means and Dr, Janus Brown 21,121. t er Alledaal City. v ocasaaa (10. alanagar 4.‘ /491n0.0tt J Ca) nreakan. Oat* ar Osp, Hnbbard 1 0..) 21 CSL a. WEO. PITTSBITAOH SAW WOB.SB FrUNIB&RDS & LOBO, Natafactsaars of PATENT OBDUND C7IIOVLAILS, warranted OAST BTILIEL SAWS, of ertridaocription ; UM, Nubby. grow Oott, G. and allot&of All Itcoda of KNIVILB & BPIIINGS, toads (rota &beat Craft Steel; lents.* Banal NEAP= AND MOWING, KNI VT &o. Worst:ow. and Works. tor, PATEN h SNORT MB., PittsbOWL Particular attAntloo ern It..tooothing, Gommlns .4 Str.fghtant.; Chentor 1 , .,a5; also moire oloD kfr.da. Pouching and Delltn& dais,* as naaonabla rats. a;Viely BARNHELL & CO., Bomes OURERS AND SILENT IRON WORE BLIP, Prom Bt., Nes. 20, =, -Si •nd PS. Hawing oared • largo dent •nel ftenlebod It erlth tbdood tm• P. , HI tdsehisefT, afe are impanel to rearodsotore nerd descriptkin of BOILERS, In the bad soden, den a idled epos] to end mado to the mod "y. (MIN. NESS, EMIGRES, BULB BEDS, STHA Id PIPES, LI .4 omorrvE BOILERS, tndIDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OT L STILLS, AGITATORS, SET- T [ISO PANS, BOILER LEON BRIDGES, PRIGAR PA NH, and Sole ado al:adorers of BARNHILL'S PATENT BOILERS. &palling dose oo !no shorted notke. dalh:tl 'ROBINSON, REA & f t (nom- ..0144,1 1.0 1{.111.11110.1, MM. A Sliza.r.m.) WASHING WORES, room/mu it.ll•muzugg, Plttabpro Armumfactunin of BOAT tow STATIONELIT 9TrAH INOItIEB, BLAST • imams, MILL MA. CH INERT, GILAIIING, EGIATTIVO, CASTINGB. :1 WI a/scrip/lona OIL TANKB i STILLS BOILER ANI , SHENT 11308 ' Aver..ta for OUTANDI3 PATENT INIEOTOB FOB PERDINO I:WUXI/6 to PO &GI 1211r14.........W. D. MOW.. LA BELLE STEEL WOBEB REITER di CO., Poccomor. to Bolter, Itsrtnt. a Co., manahoturon o I`..PT 13TISL BrIILNG, POW AND lILISTIVE STAT.L j'Srarsos, taus, (12OWPIAIIP, P. ',km, Y I PAT NP Ann, iilloghoup Qty. r._.••• PrINB1;1011.1. P. -JOHN COCHRAN It BRO., ;tai. Olt 4 , MO!, Kt/LIN., V ALlwia ~.I t %I L 1 Ot,Otte, WINDOW Nap) Wt./. C. I LILO, At-, Nos. UL lideUND Ltd tot TII I lilt REZT Let. V. vo.l end Blarnot there on h. , ' • c. rkot, t. , new rattorne, Wu" and p •tdlnhio tx MI rtart,osta. Notteutar ottnotton paid to onoloolog gran Lott Jal,:+mg damn s.t short node.. not DIBEE.SEB OY THE IiF,R VOllB, " tiK NAL , 'URINARY AND SEXUAL SYS ae• nee reltaLb. ttaetoteut—ba Ileparte of U. yard Asaaalattru. &at by mall le waled latter fro of chugs. Adder D. J. 8611.41 N Of% TON, Novel"! Aosoolatim., No. D Fk , att ou .'h ri Mt , l'l.ll,dvlybl.s. P. • ^N. HOLMRB it SONa.. DIALP:2II iv AOVEIGN AND DoMEATIC DILLA of 11.. X pi ANCE • CEETIFIOATIL OF rierOSIT, BANE h•'fih AND SPTITE, No. ST MALLET! OTLINET, IE=IZI3 0.7 (-oboe-Ulna malt: ne. rL th• prinalr.xl (Atlas .ittattLutt tb.'era PL.... ap2.7 • 'HENRY H. COLLINS, Foawato ILE /lUD COXIsI IMIr)21 SLERCILAM and s Co dlabr :o 071Stay r SIIITTEL, SEEM, TIPV, ps odors isosor•lbr, Fo . VI WI/011 M. TOUR. F1 .. 10747 . 111 . 77 Or PIMItI UM, 13.8 Clove laveltt larptalt 7 Pit sbargh, Rwt b:h le.t.) NEW LOAN— u. 8. 3-lUthB c interti Ho at Fr lota to-Y0 It t•ro tin 70 P.e.t4 0111 .I.),orlsodtoracteirn inbicrilirtl n., ra.LI oaf allow tD. ant , re per q.t. Itt.r.l. Do matt.? it.. awed Lbe WWII= ettC 1. 11. D. LiEllauS, • CHARLES 0. BALSLNY, Produce ar.d Commission Merchant. 1:0119B/iNtaz . 11,11:aogsa, All kind , CotritirsT PROPUGA. 17n. hip LtuinTi efuEzz me4:ll I . l:4e!yrwz, rE4:IritEATEA ra. • re ViVILL,Rg A-MNET 7VEx'DN (2 ` lHER .Ariasrf„P!Vrtrit l V.7,.*:, I.°°444rstr-,e4,!,°,1..tmg.t- ++,f~ ~.', t~': ~~` N OTICE -LI The perteerahlp here'nfore existing elder 'he arm tf Balewell, Pent Co., la Co. Coy diseoleed by the r.. tit =eat of Boni. P. Bakelrea Tie beeinesa IR heccehreurd be eouttuctat by the rentelang parl• etre, In bentectirro - with Jacob W, Paul, ender the wpm. by whttb ail the ecterbto of the late onecern will be itejet.ted. BAUM/M1..81'620S 6 00. au kit. ACCOUNT OF JACKSON DUNCAN, Committee of r P II • PLETT, flied la 'b. Burt of Common Picas of Alltgbauy 0000ty, at No. 98, June tam. lafia Nil • aot o ClPii(2l.d al tolutnly, acd sold Ccmmittat dlisrhararil • rrn CD Patorda!, anh, 1964, at 10 uolpna eufl tett flow Le Own. a Why Illy la no ph all boo 11A13.011 aLi BROW 1, urieult At Lip/ for Committee. PEEBLES ADD COLT PNS atrlotirm as well no self-Interest forbids tbo ne desd 'y of a draft la yr or dtstects We nrehothar and by the W. IL:par:mow to raiso a rem son, for ONE T all. Ail moans to recairr lha El LOBE 17 1 LOC iL 84.1115177 .d ore mouth's p s 7 In advance, op= baing mastered 1010 the& nine : tot ethrr with e G reamm nut Bsanty tf I'OO, one.third of Irbiab Is paid .1 the mrs t rask•r g a total of Carb at most, to each man of ou.r I'2'o (A nin on. le pay pro m :n:11 te as at I. v ar volontrer Pill 1m rant t, at lent FOBTYFITZ DOLLBIL3 0.1811, Cladding and Bat sr,. herr. tag Lail Litany, ddirgionif no. XTUIJCE-BAVJNO BOLD MY IS. ,L 1 TEREtT in the Lamp bu.l t BP. WAL• LACE. and ALP, H. CA Vll7, *he, with EL H. K I ES, vi I cn the tame under the emote Sail 11710 et W ALL af r., CAVirr A Oli„ at the old stand, 80. ei Wood &acct. I tats this cpprx.rinity sf relenting My grateful aekoowlerynnont to the coat. men of the old tritn. L r teen. n ry I beret patronage, and eh trimly to. o tniind my en madam to then kind eJnalilaration. I. O. K LEIKPATILICH • CU I'aIITAIRSIIIP —43 11 HIER bat thl. day mato. d'atttl w'th biro a P. WA LLACZ ard ALP. OA 111T, under tie D 116136 and s'lls of WALLACE. CA ,rt a 00., No. OS Wood .tr et, when they wII be A. b,t to toe the pattoaa of the old Arm, nod all °tin, dealclw fa the?' I r, Rho t firor them with 6 cal. NT.ERN.AL n.EVENUS The Attention of all d w'era 12 and manum juror. 01 etyma, to caned to Faction It. pate 11, of Incise law that west Inre ea.tt Jul, lot, 1101. Poortom 21 And be It hirther enacted, That If any person other than Um manufacturer shall oell. or con sign or remove for saM,or part with the poeseasion of manufactured Wham°, muff or cigar., upon %ohm!, the dtntn impootel by law have not been pail, wlththel knowlefte thereof, naeh panonoball he liabls to • poon aq* of ono hundred &Waco for each sod every offence. And any who shall pnichwe or receive for sale any . Derma tobarm, stuff or cigars, .bleb hen not boon ingeocod, branded ow stamped am requlrod by this act, or orlon which the or. ha. rot imn paid. It It hoe sc. crowd or l•mene payabla w.th knowkdge thereof, Ghat b Ilable tows realty .1 A , y cult and every aflame. And [Afyon/ea who shall perchom or to afro tweet. any mien tobt,o, mull, or clime, from Say manufacturer who ha. not • parted/ to manufacture, dub be Iletdo for each sad norm o7ooc. to • rmaill at am boa dred dollars, ma In additon the. to &forte ton cif set the articiel, u ararettia, to poychowvl obrecelv al, or the tan value thereof Ereaar c f 24 Yam's Dist. rlicatucih, ANT GM, IStii.at rivE FIRM OF ZCrG & PAINTER IS -I_ Oda day dleAred ry mutual coratot all ls•Oug d•hIll stairs tha aatd DM VIII prpoot them htltani, oey for oaltlmosrl. bd toembar of tho arm xlll Ova to Wice.dation. JACOB PAINTOB., 11 ZOO, B. H. P•r NUR, O. H ZOO. Pltteborgb, Avrost ed, 11 1. ruing UNDERSIGNS') HAT'S FORMED aro-partnerah,) for rail amanfaatare IraAtti /"'''.• I. QI J. P1113'3311 a riaarl, Ware ho Gm Ye Water Wert. 3. PATERS% pas lIISIDERSIGNED H&PING PQB MAIM from the We brat of zoo r PAINTEa the Fable Tnna York; Firth Ward. Plttsharitt, hwre lemma • putsenbit. bar the essaeLetareer hen and belle. The 9' I. of the One I. ZCat CO, O. 96 WAITE &Intl.; (vp der. ritag urab. Act'sat 14 visi. ..f, Iv P EORLITTING ./t ORNTS—The Under -11 ittped baring bona dsOy eotam.aslerod by Um Go• • mraor of ihmorylratita as IbcraWag arab, for the Btatract Ctory la mad Althatas, are shoot to tare for flea° , o glade to dlacharge of their &Wee Totec• stip, .soda std totb...Uatztels wlehlog to have Their to ye the qcotaa Mot cab participate by pat log the toct.taa lamb to the Troasarto, Joh. B. &mole. at tb. office of Hensple a Jamb comer of Thll4 and Wcoa wrote. to mho. ve [afar pattko interlaced for fulls • Information. The refreellre quotneof districts win b. fthd In rots , lon an food. may be &marital with the T two:mgr. !maim Latereetad Ihnrslose nee LI. ne e zombi action. /ELM 0.1.1111./LY. to Bay J. Li CLUPBELL. NoTIOVAL Aft or t Adeghtlay. Jalf A IPS{ f t 1 Ffl~ BANK 18 AUTHORIZED BY • the FOhotar) of the Trtillary to met, sab=rll.- 11.0ns 1, Ina THREE YEARS 7-30' LOAN, ~..,..-latme•att with ea 1:111-1M131.41 Ooapon• stt.hul, ;.11•bk .0 ler'. co' not Lto• oolo• raja, I. M 0.101117 L I.essl 'reader. .>" . 4 ) he mbeettwd .1 11, • Mien or the h"lle• lotto I r brawl. it beet. TI. chmosklwalots of the oat.. are 510. 61 , a $lOO F. . 0 .11 mu. , ntrade. JORN D. Ir AAVLA.OubI r. Guon NEWS FOR THE PIMLIC BOOTS SHOES, GAITERS AND 13 ILMORALS. Sell" e sl Itoossal tow prim to slow out Summer cock . so as to molts nom far to.l is oda ot - ot • eel...tont. wiSI do won t, toy eb tk I,fore porettotbig Loa •ttoro, st.; BORLAND'S 9S :dARKET STREBB, 1_11(1 MKI' WANTED—'rtie unlersignNi, , Fv lutod 11) tho Borough r'oulacil so oso u• collo!! Cumm!io-. I 0 burschargo..l ono goo, 0r t nub o!Low-encerIllo under trio Uuloorlay thr nutoron owl to attend to all balm:, portsholloq thin t sr!: psy thoLLIGeIEb I.O(JtoL BOOST! CUB to ts•above !lamb r men twourslia•oly • h. t.ouo.lttor or II be fonitd ft the office of Je cy, Shut., Luorrouruol!te. J&NGET, P./HAMAN LING +rear, A. J. LIALIBAUGIi, rimuralttoo. CysE YEAR MEN. NEW OROANIZATIO;N Les .1 Donn ty Ti et ,oual R. BIDDLS T0T12.0 Eseretting MB ~r, a. tils• 14.1 !Fourth rfao., ?MA ck-eh JJCCTOR JAMES KING, Nit 97 FOURTH BTIISKT. Oiposhe tho Provost Marshal's Office. it 143121 TENNYSON'S NEW BOOK. lECNOOLI ARDEN, 1 Vol. 1 Gmo. Prtoo, Joni 110001 TOY by , DAYII3, MUIR & CO , A 5V13:-.TITUTE WriNTED. ( YOUNG LADIE3, AT EEWICKLEY, PA. Th. P..18.61 . (111 opm on the TNI6D 111 OnID blK,TicalOra lb • h..st rdnr, em.malle rat. For '•rma, BEY. A. WILLIAM , . not.: Ito row Fe rcolt” TIOn Pa nut,' drawn by (3oergn / 1a.... now "I Clre..o d d poy..bl• olnrty d, • aft,rati• to the ...der, OF:' , HGE J ABIIIIAI4I, , 110u.•,..1 J .I,a, uAI at, 1......dh• , 4•••,. ts • o u, 0 On.. 40 I ek,sin by "Id Go,rg, y. AoLinan h•ta b eo 100 , 00.101.0. Th. pub'to 1 . .01.1.001 rt.t. 10 1.0.0,101. • 401 , hi lowvn 61 I OEO as . 1 J. A81.131.i . i. or, August 6M:4—.4'Z N z i e , v h e , nt w l w e c ae b A.o.li.es„,h74ovrea -4, toy, pl.,l4.la , lntzet.o falwancle...vdi p 4 , e.1• .1 c.n ro , l, utn r A n L 2...n0, bat pet or bads men d a ply i.11.1c...1.:n0 , n bp 1 , 1 oltb b. 0 A ~ ..XX.15106.A. , nycr Or J L. K NOX, OhAlrulon olOws.ulltee enb. d ( - 70-PA RTICER: 4 II.II' i CE -I HAN o 4 !./43: h xr iv Ibi ,ug IIL. bu.l. 0., p. W. 11. 41. VtLi a W ..4 j A a., B Atoll E:ON. Too tvalcess will I, iu - tal .084 Mena, c ITU e. Key ved Ihalcrr . os , ley, uy. dot 1t1.6 /I }le uIJaLIWAIL.IIOI.,4I4..k 4.1 J. aol:1 , 143 JOa 41:7A 11110 DNS. prrrsRURC it GRAIN RLI4VATOR ( o. A.r. clic. for 'oven Divrnore of lho CEO. irergt of ete erotor Groovyf erlO b• bold a t eh, o f. 0. F.,Y La EMU' V oTOVII CI, (op •iel,l) co the lath A UGUST, pros, L.oteneo Oka boon of o o and trolr Oat ok, b, in. 137 onkr o' thilkuni IRO Id GEO. D. OAS; events.ry.. tbSt - S_ALE-150 Acree of Coal; alga Op ocrts of tn. , . cool to pa,' Nn. e s „ ot,„, bwetlf 1,1 en , aaroad unt otberimprxrreamt. Ing elder ill pbol No. 3; oda tn. 011 OA Toelghtce,hafy /Led Outer-14,We llolleoei. raw*, of •• • • • •• • • WITAI VA WAND, ocG and door fkom Fi lb .3 Groot strNet-. $lAn FOR A NURSTITUTE--ONR ,OVI7 Tbassend Dellar4,loll,bire*Arffiziglea .....prtus to atiiis tnt• bu e. noval. Ilt SXL (IMMO) oTEIEST." LITSIVI WELtvIIII, B H. PAIN rim, A. R. W. PAIBTSIL O. ZUO, CL IL ZUG .Y 3 Wood thrs.ot t.,.tin t.u , . 11 Conn any 'Val has foes :An ta vitae era I t o pob4e vita all t o sp,qt• tee. fr at tame ... 1 uri : bur I P nu liti levenels. OA oh. dt t as, of t epn mb. r, • nen tI. p pct.-1 to tors ors !b• pr• t-t if 11.- g•ruy.omnot 1. costf?leta, Oct Con, pee; - 111/2 T.Trituf I al Obec I • I ult . , nth, 1101.7, rod pract,cal at • Can ma/ily trus• - t the prt-n• trot m. 7 he ram :nab!) , eaps3tAl r t) pre-sent Inc me, not to speak of if, pr aarett - ure dAr lurcu, ts. With C-od, 'ti worth SO c ill per 4•01-01 u the and ikl . 4-1110:ass in Los.l on boa d case al 11 tsbargb ; wilt. Ito graseut -or argot in t.ct , t c ext,sive enl cesnpet• Ilefincs - p, now In moot asectaseul opanttlan. ep7 . 0c • first clan. rept:testi ;th onOse Schedule t• tle- trent &Omni-lint-tont has ever been prcasulad t the pch lr linos tams more in n Inslc Al at nt pecan - it, old Ine•ra.• In 0 entort, if-on ney onrr 7f pr pet - tits that Las ore- bees oPSred to the nal t ett• EICIMEMII The Inelpel prod.:sing 'arm also •`j the Colom tin 01 6 .' 0 . /Plug on oho cppoele rode or oil Creek from 1 The gr• enco-te o LLo lobo:blob le oup "Abbe! to the blst.o s 0: out tug oorup solos Ite <4411. tel hes 1 , mewed Item t. 1,0010 to 11.50300. end el 11l pees et tbe rave of oio per coot. P' o - sus um. 110 e th os rtb et preeenl till. the par seine bolas EA. The R trlp.:ll r nr , f o''Oelds bar olt . tod7 pail I pot ..ent per rosoch Moo:end nod thereto, of Its 01 rL L. rv'errn - ref from TO fl ells'' , The e'splo tobeoe ' Oil Corroptur hai do. ere dlrlde sof lel rho .to rie per .or..s. per suakuns. Laporionce en ply ?!... roonotre toe Males kalwrably tooted end prodontly moo ' Company offers CoVer Inducedtes e for InTest lotus thou sus ethos butte.. No be.:er 011 writ,ry ho over tC' discovered than the. Low WIG red to the pulpit., I no tro / cosi to the phatiro Wail two ever tom struck. 01,,01.1 .coo the prevent rate of prodoction bo oontineei. (end It will, In sol prod:44.oy, b0 . a04.17 Pperessell 1 Neer* is ho re ulna orhi tho stack of the ...Ortr.lant'.' ih.old got bog!, at 000 tope) 3 1, or 40 per coot. to t•rots ter subseriytlon to lbo Cepitel Sink of Nit Drl limo Oil Compels. epea leloodek; &000 ,a bit, tbn onto. 01-lies.,, He I co, Itouters. antes t.hird end Wood t nett. 'f el. dopers pet , brato he paid a_ktho Cm', of gab lon,,on dollars at tt;‘, lima ate Oompttltit tan pot erosion of.tto• yroporty, cadtte amour tutu - Vito tat. Of .oa.r , olicre rook 411, alttyilipittliolAYA,Ttitad tear kity.fotther Infotniuttlats tan bo oolaloci LT ap rEiirmeozzirs. BRILLIANT OIL t - CAPITAL.S2,SOO,OOO IN 50.000 SHARES OF $5O EACH T:- Compouy le 0 . g00r.e4 for the purl,. alp" c.ng n flolug Petroleum to an ettataort act), t ',it Id t Lock Lurt3 Frew N. unrgc ou,l n tlat Oil orb, ti EtM, AEeglen7Oounty, Pentoyt tug It • Mint dt scalptite iitt of the di !t .rent t:• •'. embraced In the ;umbra, MEI= IA WI Co'. /arm, .ad 04/Jo.air4 w. 111o:.1 FA hie at' rum tht entire ireel of alit farm reantirii lark eve yard. flora the freak, givisa amid. tpaa. f. 11:1= rt till. trAck, .d one mart•121101 - if flobbol. Of Mug 11.4 Ant dOrd t barrtla per day for some month., wradaCy deereaelng ...en.ts the end of two sad • half oalsod to Atm, awl In now being pumped I.lth Nth pronett ztiaccen. Thescacnd fall was Ma lan se rver tint! In this or au, othz douo , r7 d .trlog the nit.traout quantity of 1000 bane'; per day, pure on. A (ter le e ", 3 , ,t00 barrels, fl •wn •ecand by MO"- which au opened sod the :law resumed wilLout imps - out diminution, viral tb0,114 was tap• yed by ILa Woodford WQII, when the production de Mani ona-aalf, &au aoattnned W dam.. until an az 1::=1 W,dtrd, Rinse which time it lintlmen gadan!ly In ca.. "lag; Itutil, at pratrat. It Is !Loring and primping burele per day. !or • chart time the Weed 7ard ob. ••• k Ino one third or the produttion of thte Tell. itt , ing OA •third of their pr.,lnctlan ; tiirewelghths of the hal I=l else 0. to mt. At prmant, tboiefors, our share Rom e 1... w II is &boot LYS barrels per dm, had lox rexalleg tico has ecarcely ever bums . r7Rail e. " farm, It Wtor Oar eugumitas to exptel • number of large ard's on thta [tart. So. 2 le the Halve Creek Warm ea tits Allegheny river. f.ai fallen above OH Clty, c , =pelalng tb try ...XI, 4c 'Mk t aff In fee elm ;le and all ender leave, thas enb staullally otenln, eaven.aledias of .he prodnet. roar a. I'. have been flank on tha farm, all of lehl.h have bet n recce alai, the prement prod/teflon bete[ Ith tot 81 be eels per day. There ample roam for fan or fl V. 66 add 10.1211 well.. N. 9 la laaao No. 16 ma the Colombia 011 Coal amyl Story Farm. oomyrtalog *era warn on tho Ceiok, on oh oh a. two w4/is, hatli of which hare royal or visaged, and are to Ir bring operated w 'fh eneoueaging yrtagercts. Tbrre La room on WI lease for fear or Ova ahilikutal vela. No. 4 la a large lot In 011 City, al Ailing Illlcithe.n mpao),•a lot, and conning beck to tho main atioet, on which taw Lary .hod for ghat-ate la/ • wall which. pump Ave to six barreta per day. o the Moran Form, on the Allegheny river, ono and a ball ntle. bel-w Oil 014, Wheel for too yews, an wb•rh le a well traliOtr Iln•incihmt angoioll, with room f r lac t Afton exidlti net walla o to Oa Imo Farm, laneedlatety o/p wale 011 Orr ' , tow!' ft. Coot. 17 rearm, on which. to a net boted, In • ttt h ars excol.ant lal callous, with ono oare_log p., twte of obtaining • r ood 71. , 7 I. leas on Moffat Perm. sllolo'ng Ohs °sleben -1,1 attertnan Weli , enh-let to Crawford 10e:, Id/ a are t,. de rettpe tbe property, mien no elle-fourth tree No. a a the Whoien Forth. of 10 a .area. to fm 01¢1- pht,not let explwed, on ler port of which ion tolerably od 'Ten of coal, Lod ell In the re •ge of 011 Territory Sr. 9 L. the atoltS F.r a, of 100 acres, more or ass, In t rein:Or,. wbtch no darolabotventsh two beta etude., bet In tbevitletty o' good oh land& Fe 101 s L I.'m ow-third interval la the lasso of o• out Terra, r a wbbh aro font walls, woof orbich p • tad fatty barrels p.r day,and all moos or les, tr t.r. ,•trents an vow being made to pcznP the. wells, 1. fair pro•pt eta of mow. No. 11. Hal lent Oil Rol:warn Nees?". Run, Alle gheny cunt ty, Perna, Iranta, all Mlles from Pittsburgh co Ally. bony 'Carey Railroad sod Alleghsuy Woo:. Ibis molt bolero eetetandualtut ti am of tht lorgoot, en`atafttles! • . 4 Wurke In the coun try Baring oats: !yawn icatlon with the Oil Ro gan! and Mall, ard coon et: n with the Past and West, sod lmfoo constro•ted on the moot opproved priociples, •tiothls to-atioo ant roper., go tllty .ad style of [u•on'acturso, baron - teen tt.• tarpon at! .0 In Cs Go a and h t tented Atari e second to that or on, other gonna,. it • :4tablielonent I. batik on a tract 4.4 la-.d SO, f ,t on ra A that:toy It leer, rottndi Iff bock about 1,507 fret, 15 blch are tam fAtnallfg bolldisge :• t. A .tone Still Bowe, 143 by 33 Net, Eaght. Hems, 40 ty fret, soi• Refiners , 83 by 33 feet, heti 44 Imo 7 • f s.s I Figpcs, ocattalning• flan Warn engine 4w•l LoUe or, end •reught "ells, ratable of relining 3103 hatterts ct •v p per week, with titres steam pomp., four agt t cr, tanks, condensers, •to, to c:rreepond ?•• etori• df sm w •g tv , l r f Lean t'a•f•y eathead, 150 by 36 fwd. orlKb IM fl fog 'auks, etc., hav's g rattrcad switch to the 8/. Frng• ware14:004.4 gray.l 4304. oppmite the 4,137 by 30 fo t. with ex/ MT bartnl etork„-s, .bap aid p. 1,4 loom, sill ideal MODS and I. of mil 4. 4.h. 1 hrte derailing bows., for aslnnar mad luxids. 314 Clem, dealing hozoe4 for hands Oh. gavel:awn iron and Ir.lod,a tanks, for Orsido and Bodged 01 , 11.1.1 . 2t0 and aotl luck a. cap a 4, ,, .O,OOJ bt.,614. 71 exa're property clear o' dl taco atran -a and fa grot aonlog order, the et lb belay a/z..10 /I unt.roly Ito 12 Is flen-e l ghtbe Int •t 'n the e's nth at Urll - t No. 2, one of the beet Torten's on the Shllesnny n: I 3 It Elva. Ightba Intern. - in al .yea barge, tr ru v og oft In balk, al: to good orl.r. re IS 1. sintoen barges for rnnalng all on the creek a0401.e., deludes:A rarrally osrr. Na le. Is el ;hi Mean vaginas, ns -Mad .t the differ. Ott ma 10, asid !situate In Cannthat.s. a 16. /..t.ta coypu and Iron taping at the wells, la suelsaurlng 1000 w 1000 Lat. . Va. IT. I welling hen ea, warehaysa., earns hatrem 1)r 19 tools, b 00.,., mules, • sgorta, ho o 0 iJ Taukag• an Tarr Tara and Hares Cr elk, tr• irtak nod r ground I cowl% r 30,000 tau el.. T. lobo o autnyrlo-r the most coop eto and or %anew° ./1"E r AD f "ER TLYEALIG.TTS. Fl FT I I STK E KT, PI TTS BU RG LT, PA. FOUNDED IN 1840, INCOMIRATED B 1 hiGISISME CHAETER, THE ONLY INSTITUITION, Of et kind, IF Tll r. UNION, conducted by pritetk 44 BCE NKSBI42I. Our 614hcat C.lmercie autDprltlces Feat and WeirrOprorounce Ilisttptem. rC ßoak.lteopc un.q.an.l;d6sprel4.l MOTs . r/ '6l studeut matron the "awl, In Ma or elglit 1r5064: - St , consist• ct • Stock Rooks C,eii ones. • ith a loss and twice with avian; art, r I bre. different Met tt ode, the trans:lir of old to new goats. Partnership Rop , ks, Coeductri 14 three &duvet exattodk exhtblllag the tr ulster of old to new Books.:with the Intruanctiott ore own partner ; also practica ll y lthutrat us the Priveac Ledger, By wear. of which the Pendia of the bairns. ars k .pt oat of the &mere! books,for the ow Ot th• partners only. The settle...l of Partnership Books by Single Entry, W rbe pneltal ll laetrntlony exhlbtang thn nab, nr: oprord by Doable Entry. A coact,. ral• 47e tectitylog Deranged Dotage-Entry Books, W ith at: epecificationa. The or bee funnel. and the X to correctky rti-opetted. The irarnar L 410 Oier• citett °Pilling Books; Frato fight opochtoollatio, Condalnii on, one, mot with In Woke.. Ateb, • pniesof oxen cLrth Closing Books, • From new and peculiar specilleatLria. The learner 'rasa • r ites shout eighty Rusissess Pornst of Prominary Notre, Judgment Note., Draft., Ord., Oat uf Eaccuane, Accounts, harciaes, dc, dc. Al", • kr. of Business Letter 3, Which, with the badness forme, small rowneeted wi th h mime of Bork. Keeping, meting it IL regular court of !fosterer practice, with at coarse of treaty-ft,. Lectures upon Boolz-Recptasg. Ity Senior Print/PI. explalufng ion lb. banalen, matt, recorded In the text. At.,, tw,levo Lectures on Business Subjects. Haw mery ono may got rieb. Brw to got rich by trio. The cltose• ecoratottial Galant.- On imam /aLvae. TI. moral Influence of int:evil to youth. k Alen, /octureo non - Commercial Law, On Partnornhips, CAntracto, Immigrant" 011amon the Ststato of Liiallationa. @t .rractical ingrac. Lone In dotacting Counterfeit Rank .rotes, Ty n Nil sot of vault. vignettes and eanaterv, and a Inrot collaction of counterfeit note. oth Railroad Boon-Weeping • Oa saanutexipt,Y exhibits the construction mid equip:. eat, the eperetinx v.. ipt.. - and . 'expenditures, the Il 'eke closed and* dicidand martial Vhses &ado are a :ye n' vkl by °then, .but /2Di tadest atavism:l. Wten cisy. Our new .)stem of , .. ._ Private Bank-Itooks,, mantleerlpt,) endenetod all thirtmt fort:urn: omr; emong. private }denten. Our new .larged edition of . Dt,b rm Steamboat Book-Keepini;-, Now in the Nun, kronincnced by. oomponnt .n/konty. " A perfect ss /tern tot such IN Oka • d mamas." In 41eror 131 111 student • no , . nu .Sl•4l2.olanr So. tperinvo dour. THOMAS-B. MTH, an ntpori enc.:l Prudent /Mercantil. Anconalann Innnonly te` fall eost 4 e of truetoes Pretties hectotleuehdtt TIFTT 81:h3 MSS I 80U5.13,' n telt° abssatetabirty'affe ereeti forme, vie It Lo Pen. 7' D.y.books, 6 Jerre oel.„ s .`l.. Soo. e 4-C•elr Boote e t 6- . . es .ISoolut a le, Boob. 1 Discount Doak,/ ,:htdr. Do p • IseeLister,2 •etlo Ihrytstere.TTl, , jig gieterr.l Freight 1442 2 Panne Bore I tepd Week. Arse oohs precti record abort d. bon trod bads I es [nose shore comprehending 1)...17 • ongioel rf brodneet•lnaseden latrodrueet Lerma:elle* yam ego. Sow 1., sateen - Imm store,. e I to holtatl ig him will oe best etrn by comparing the hie loess papers sad boom hotr p%as w.tb thou of ths g adthstoe of this Ital. toteop. • : I.I.4.IIPEL'a Xt•ILAZJED EDIT/ON:OP . DUFF'S B 0 K - KEEPING,, rri,„ a :rt. foe Nat Oa. &Ad 4,1 1 W/radiant pa &.A.BLED rout BILYZE MADAM Tha following testimonial; indicate th•r charache ' .4•l this wutit otber work upon Book-Keeping explain; the sub ject • Ith w much clearness and Iltroplirity... F. W EDBIONID6, Curlier 2lochaLloi Fa sk, & W attest, N. f. "it tires a elear Jade:a into MI tlepattinalli eftlhis scietica . A.l.r alßrai Caahleier Seventh Ward Dana, N;T: "It cuntalna muds matter important to the;merelaant. C. u MAl,te..;u Prstsident Manhattan Bank, S.t "The mast magpie., 111.1/1 er tn. Glad I Law* 04111 t seta ."' - _ . EXTERMINAtORI3 - :, "lb pats established in H. Tofiti.*:.,: • • ttanit latallibisreatotlas knosa." "ruts lbws l'aisons."•.. _ "Not dugstoss to Ills Neiman satatt..! .. "Cau emu ant oithedr Dales told y .11 Drt,valets every* bets. - hssaanz t of all madams Laltatkstat..: • Ostbses Depot, No. 02 Dr,sdiray, s +meow 1711 A. reassiTool3.B, 1101(6600.0011 U. I L 111.3 & , itrholeisla itad Pittslierdylta.; ELZHEY F. -13=WANiE,' Ma Serail&beat, Alleghas)"Oltr. ' • JIL.Iss 'Roo base putou yr o.t, loos eiparlaa'ssas•attoluot "Ellit4T , NATIONAL . • JAZ. B. /1.1.71111A1, rxesldant Bsetung. Bank, riz1.5...60 graduated la Dutra Collogo lu hall the time I ea - - p..1c1". lII* admirable ryatem Includes outhlo uor lu.tea oat auaituloo; J. It. 00.11PTON, Cashier Niagara Donk, Lockport r , S. Y. .1110 moat dear slid comprebenatto this I -hare met with." J 01.1 1 ,1 eiNTDEIt, Coattler Bunk of Pittaborgli. alt.tailtrt rit,l24 'Merchant., Fruat weer, N. •• M an exteasainiShip Oanner;anaalican sad Eanopeaa Wed:ova, Bala Ittrvator, etc., he has bathe the:relle. to Liu., to the Ithshoet order of hoelncas talents.' .113 UN m.ra.nt, zio. 8 Booth ateceL, N. T. “31. r. DWI la 6 16aa of rare qualiteatlow to tad uta.” JOWLY: D. TA YLOS, Ifiterthatrt, Union atnea, New Or4e4w. Ht. bar le a merchant of the erot rnepectabittty J. LANDis, ueeehant, N.. 0,0... Lon.rnblo oplutona airway •ipromrd cow wiL l/ laurat3 A.r. men da.tcrred, and Tv IT prrl ^4" OtItItILES H. LEIIPP, It'KUO , turLi f Itttar.a IiCELLY, t'..tecoittr• of the Iltatxtb, of I li-xtract from thr illautez.j I'ILOSI't.II WET2I.OIitS, ..tecr .Y. - ra Committee boantentutly cotton to the ttinnith of tte ottlay at the Impro‘est method of Mt, Dab' . GILItIJON J. I.Chthi, Ileoerdiog her'y of the .Ixertc*lt Ithattote, J(.l. ON \VM. H. DUFF'S PEN)IANSHIF I% FIRST PREZIITHS rot I.at Bum.. wad °mantes:tat reutriewhip, award. ry our 14.....nt Pclamest, try the Cutted t uw Fa,. at I. ...... l'uni,•% It an In btat. Fatr, at %, v•Fnitng V , •:.tern Per.klyiritUto Fair, et iltt.ourgh . W..teru Viraluie rat,. at And W. Ohio et as Fair at Cfrykland.____ ... AV or •re .11111bl:chi r.l war oat..._, ..T,rfert gem. o, ke4 l / 1 0/1 . • art.'—Pv.tat,,h p o y. ..T1..-so vellum... tee .4¢ uniy bas ...H.! by VI, gti ••All bb ornamental G,!gt. tn. new and revtartAbl• portoretanoes.”—Dsrairp Caccia , ..... . .. .11... latn Wabinru 'tunny:Tatra lair awardel him 5x Fua,r Pn.r.sl.luns In ..11 brancu,s of Lb, nrl..--(46./ Sant lawn,' OTIE. TERMS Sur tho Gksifinting Count time hallutivia....s-40 lattak‘ turdstatiutiery, (twisting 37 bt, The'rniartwil lltlnn of Duffs hook-hforptrig.,... 1 73 Ottir Blanks are mutter Ormi tura slut pay.r,ra.leil with hitloals of acalliartra, ww theritara psalm< My atudant wl h Ihs IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES:: 1 , 4 We Imre the ben - penman in the Wen ‘p,tilept the bank. the . . • r • Y• 3 tun o .1 1 ;oklksepinSi(canollaneS by the N.. lotk Cba-etee of Onrester,) teasel 11, the mole, 40.. • Nukes el sere, or elsbt mei et. In 'latent natty. 6114 Atirttdt the nate number of vats. board, tth. a basing Of VS er $7 In book aeglestety.--r• 7,1 e d (Anse r t.tud by one-o lor.g end so tantelay I..trrt.r, ea 1 , 2 acela szr For full 'r pvtl.palarksend t,rottr eleTant ub woks of.i Tuansaierthuittea and Evant.o.4 Writing. Inzlogng *.ces44, karinatpahlo _ P. 1)11P7 0034''Prilicfptili,:-: NM= ,m;P:tttsvr - - , c:==> • ~ - aIUCTIOJr o DGY AND seßouagg--on BAT .AY mom o, caul GI.. Sall enlotk..do mkt at Commercial JP 511:/ifth Emig: One Talllna 'top Bog= Ore Jemltl Buoma.e; anG L. lifolLlMlThnk V - 6 113 A_BlalF 1, (X:4a-A4411CZEt0.V...... v 11:112DALL /11, kavast. oto. fl 1 0 lcck,ixnloo:oo4 eOOO 01 • ..‘ 0 311.1/06 8004/00.a0. 0 Tint irieet : 0 abarca Illactlaulc3 Vara sto4. 10 do ilerasthalitla 2i longst tot 611pu7 61:0 A. / I . II .WAINIC, Aact'r.r. X ECIITTOR'S SALE Ora§ 124 'feted., eezteg, Arrest 91h. erA•e'cleck.i.ll b. ..id .t Om alordel e Les64-232th street, b, d r earcntor cf the r...t.ate 24 . 2,1 Au firlyet,b. doxsted, 23 ahem Bulk of Plrtebarehltott.. az6 A. 31eILWAINE, LA ‘1 P RICOEVILLR LOTiOn EF, cost 9th.ttt .10 o'clock, will be amid on the premises, by orderot thttOrpbene Omit. Lots Don lu • pen of ont by Rolm, Dell, Admlobtrator of blale , 4 n Leigh, doceiteetesch lot fronting 21 feet on Butler otrool.; end extending b.el, 110 het to Leech Erre; th*PFX.,th of Ulf* rerneellleo. Ton. of bittrien I ono sad two pass Vat Interezt, xveurot t» bbtle It!lwortzw,rik. .ac A. mar.a.u. T I C - 11 2 S T DA N Y o ir -‘'l jiii °''D is i a " ; •Pu N gOr D , 9th, at 8 o'clorit will basal at tbe Qinsi carelal lithe lewfAxte. bi ~ eat, lbw dealrabliltra nary brick dwelling boat!, S 9 Diamond itret4 thhl doorlw. low 91 Pelt,. Ch u rch, a nd at present 'occupied by J. G. Barbaro, Tea. The tot tee 9 feat front on'illasiortd Maki, by 15 thet to dep. to Scrip /Miry. The have 5374 wen bat, and oottialta aorm rsodhasi tenting Or T- na. , of We—Ono-bale' cash: balfoa 1 .0 t irs b re Intensu, ccared by -aa4 lasnleige. mitt L. MILIMSIL Lad% AUCTION -PALE OF CONOBIDOID HOltbEll Was D1111.12113111'. rAYALVL OCICIP otatilarQiietscauklio4 Wasbbutaa; D CL, Jtkrin la - will h o mold AU pita% suctio.o. t - st 431E88050, D. 0., on hlDATAzangt 6,18% CV n Dotson 71, Es DEX, A Ingot 1), 1nt. 103 y EIC.111; Moro bonem haul born coadamomik* Walt for tia . condri kireiro of Jo may. • Tor .oid aWd fainalsg pozpona.mpr . ,good largess may Pi kb. e ones sal/ eringly. Terms cub, Ire Maid Beaton enerrowl.. .1 CIES :A— IKIN; Lieut. 04 4tllrteteellieUtts ..Qemari II maxi. IMPROVED CITY PROPBBTY AT osraesat WONT ama.--onlVAmmilfrint tr.G. dogma Oth, at 8 o'olock. TALI be 1 4 14 . at th• Colt• inerefnl take Eloocall, 64 -1111 h d by otter 4604, obai* ‘Goact..lba toiltarlos nlaallsopearad cap 1 . pcopert Coto g to Galata of galeolki Latch: deed : On. l ooratFar =act, litast 6 . 0 / I/patina PS tt-34 oa ut... - tr-itzseticuLn.a, Wag back tO Match alloy, lawman ft Ittantad th e war very Mick Wasahotaa, Su 212 an01346:', Ow Inapt lot la roma abcms.oa conals;ollilrawinn7 and ClintAinticla, Ernatinß CO feat OP Iltrairbavy anon .• [a an imam* dep:b tf 50 loot stactia*.la BMW threniacry Mck 6.m0 flocao..a flpealionat, Et*- M. and , double - Toilets' of lale—Ona 4blrdtatb.lail 115 balsa* la al* and two harp, *lib- tatonst, lamadolly bta aILL . matron+ 1. maitman7r..Aicr4: A UCTION SALE 'Mt .0(41721tv11.D WAS Ditrtztarrr, artaii*Vhitnal , • Office OT Chid QwwlOMITTow, ' WeatturaTow. Atutett_ ,; WM Er *A 0 Attalla A a-tdax., thitTapboil et the time *tad plaCi)i o=o below, The. r . , • ' Iteotag, ,ltrursiv, Linnet neiitem • Altoona, Ti... 11100.1, Adaaet Mb.' WOW Letetron,Pa.-I.ltariday. floptabber 10,180 •- • flerltetweg, Pa. ThttnetaT,Teptembdillh. - - . Two mud,. d Caret" ItoiTewiTteoh.plkelre Then hste been condeametl* wolf tor MP , Csesb7 r, lee of the army. - For-flood an 3 FATIVIPIITPIaTzWIT bTl'Phul Wit be. Ras had. , es ton Tams—Ceselt to 170.thed Vibe - Llestastaiot *label mai Cblef taltorteleitentor, =e a, a_ . _ Oran , BSSOSIkt (11/PIEILICS' COM E T NJ °out' "Nat pEopstrry;lglawaregs. naz—o. nrscroxy HOHNIIICh. AIWA MlStiaat 10 ohloek, atd be add, - on the retr44 . - trouttag arsemborg Pike. In Stereo& of luta* the oak lielsolas Leech Homestead, whish.het elddlyLdiC„,. Into the folio. Ina 3D J3mOding Lote, SWAMIS'', WM , ate, ea the Oreembratudlos sad tm srldeitreett...- 1-Ltt DS feet trout co the pith - and itstaatrag ha* , to Denny etrest, He fret to dans Ms QOM ILK met HO feet 1134 lain oat he other, whence Is motet the large andisHetantlet Dark Deroltiot Lithe . . . - s Lot. eut; VS feet front on the pfltev9tutaxtenilete: been 1091eetto1fatrvIeralloy., • ; Lou eon DI feet front .I.469Dttisme entengns, "LA to.Denny,strtet,fro-n be to lift 3. Ma* , 1 Telenrci se Lot 19 foot front on ttilifilke,-tereati -Isek 66 feet t Inches end Ite 1 • 9,11 7.ft 9 f; In Lots oath II feet fro:4,am' Litratrainikratit, tendaqtbarkto•l2o Motley; from 77.591111 41qpilt, 1 Lot sit reatao inches trontan-Dcutfentot, WNW: kg beck t.'l:aniew ta4742 dna 614 93Clidkof on one`ede; oaf 661e0f totheeets f 190441944 leeet_. 69feet (tribe Sae, ' ; 191ene emit II feet Stott ms Def4t9ketek k tat Oat ttoed.p, ts , k,99Park nay fr9t, • 11,etntiost.fteelLoe I:met on Den9l:„ 'fliffTt;a l : l 9 .-O E - , feedlot beet to Pert alley IS I fast:: nem nu, tea beobzolned doe 'At!etrclltoota4 If 0.411 ; . . . Er.zow 841.3—Owtb!rd alibi be/Abbe in Kw act two yews, witkinterat, oecand by bond bod atorbpiko. 43Y:Ziartd . 111d1L71.1411, Amorr. . . R coma:um:a rwalttliitha Atoxbal Idstaaltrike. Unites Inc: raw, 1 nisget,•BlW r Piga, io sager the IL B. Interest Demo t e Leah fir tee 8.1 tirleen it Pia4Bl Pa. ) tit.; competing the breathe oll;nineragliimt • reel DO mlegham, Booth Pltishurglr'llfentsptheibr West Ilttebargb Temperament:Set the Tow. &lei of Italdsta, Roads, Irma tti &P Oppec4l4 D, Chrzeie ! kftobleaos.,lB.sth Bo Payette e 'radley, Moon, Crecuttliall 211,11 M• vttt ittead for the rewiring of talBllWaiihm, °Swat &B. etirtbres,l4/4411 trcalegliman,4allyirdsa• • d to awlllattirdayeexotpteejgramttwhillt ofistr tel the 41 of. Altipllti, IbldliS/1511..teitilNI1; lbw heats eta awl o. ea. ..111.. at the fohnirlogplaeral cut •6 lb, it the time of IA llsm ll t.ftabause torn tiotiay, basset Bth, at the ecru* of Al- S. Itabfimon tosnehipt.tuoilay, hugest 944 at thatents et IPtlih cllllerp 7 Weititsientailglie lethott Vobletteasi 1 4 .0 8 47'ar1) at tea boast of Tateilleyea, Scorrdes 10,141 2n tax As. t - 15fh,sithelpyree aro - W. 844, Waghtuten wag, per• flt. - Vial* tweedy Wedoxiday. ring •Thartday t aciastl74l welllth, at • the ollcsof• David llealssene Tionpnwaterlite. - alsostleed al titieitaeof, ohs (: het.- of Infanta) liarians, So. er.ifesith.etreet. Plttibrirgh. Oa .Paitirdays. until the'ilitit -- Ant• - hem la. m. t 0 73 p. m , r steely itteithajnalt, preerebeg by Ws sill be itrla anforeeB. • - Payment Inuit bents& la 13 0. maw.- -L: • • , • Jana a.saialitrz; Dvab OciSotor.4.l DirldoriAblplitrict, • 1118araelestaT sK;OIITALB.UP. SAT.Oill*ilb • PITTBB gets Pittabnigtii Clotipav4 - Pyliothdrity a th. Benv tvi cf (hi float is anthothed to roftlyo so to=lpfloti , o, - .Three learn Bevan and Tbzin.Tent • . I th cormVtt■ ittrohol coneczy." . /taso wars ••• ict , atstarl ty tit 2:.; tcryter.orcoatertib`•.st tbo opttlliOttoo,l4l4M, into SW. bovine Warm a pcx - c ea.. The lit tarsal be to dOttominottots of $lO . . 1 100 ;11311 . 9. • 51.(tti0n4.5,000. Ter.r.t! Cep ottiagOCOat•l 3as cif ;Into-trotrtre cf One 'roe 0.4 tam .o.he &saga , Se•the pir.cipal. ' VIg0.10=:11411101:1401 , [41 to IlaaktlAvi 81.1510114. bniuq JoHE D. sClur..T.l.,Conkbr., . TO 'CO! , TIIACTORS.--F.o3l4 , Troposti • LM gradoarioa. ma•aery,leitlitakii koala elm cro a thin .d layiNg the trick oo the Laerrwrout Roe- Mine leritsactortoklaYoungelorrelticilai Readied at tke olice.ort sty OasUbArif : 1 Braver Valley Railroad Campany, se lw o'clr k elk lEfre. Tb< =nut at;tiwoa iaitelij_lF . t . lila . =army mart La *twat.. PCs 0.111.41x44_ rscrtrei lur tha grathiti hrl lOW fernhhtna the crcar--tha Mad . by mg • . tb••• tyre Ib e. Flap. antrtPtrth.tlort tray De teen '6lZ:the ales at, py4l.,tj:(2 Arelture eth. TL Cootnur rettglit7ll.lllo4 to reject-any or all alda. - - ,----- -•- • --- I id. PAL . W G, JJABLEY, eta. Stag. (MOM OW; P Veit riiere, July LO, IE4 ::':•'. billtlia . REECE, Slia. & CO., WOOL Cion!unL;sion. rilerotttei; 341 LIBERTY STREViI'iT Corner of VPaynei &?~ I;iiMil;l=Ll:=M TTIN'ITZ.I) . STATES prwei . reettlystedeies. Irma kr tbli acv loan Ix sum of SSVIIIIOO, $514. 11.1x11 sadVAXElateliatesuiXiilicixgita. dsolpt. of its r‘trx pees= wborin spur-8560ft plus f.l of =S ant a. dity =Writ. 6.651001 var. jrklux .pqabt• semi snautly. PrteolOilpWab,lo Ihree Iquv, or couvertible tato tiM:O ix pxtitettlas 12X tateren of.vb.leh Is pxyWei flt . tolp., , .ltte tatter b„ 13tAnyt MOT .4‘fed.;:igire-4,: - • -• ~~~- 't1864.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers