'-..!?: '.'17.. : t:F.: , '.;.' - a1...:^.. jittsinugh 6azeitt. ATIIIIIMY 610661160::::JULY 16, 1864 01111ERCIAL AND FIRM% PITTSBURGH MARKETS illeportel 6puclelly for the Pittsburgh Gaut*. ' , lunar. July S, WHEAT—There Is so tittle Wheat offering and the Stock is so extremely light, that the imported decline la tbetastern and western mute's, has, ma yet, bad no perm ptible effect hero. Ws condone to quote at lif.00.1 . 0: Bet, from wagon. and 8 2 , , d, 2 , 113 for whit. i,..:,0.1T8—.The extreme' high prima noir pre valllag has had the effect to draw out what few lots afoot. were in the hands of farmers and .peculs tor., and the rem:title, there Ls an improstment In the r,mipts. The supply. as lat. howervr, is very light anif the entlrat dr/a'at yrertotur rata—V.oo to 51,031roseidepot. and Tl;Cdal,lo from .tarn. 001117—Quist Dot Arm with s demand holly oval to the poet supply Woccntlntbs to (mow at 6150 from &toot, sod St,tB from non. LOl7 be dfwt Ina In 'old isnd the notaroratde fldrlaa ftwm Now York, Ina had tbs effect t+ eau ep 'the idifulvt somewhat, and come of our dealers were tame @seines to se I, and that, toe. at is slight me o.latns e round Into. In the small way, however, the,* .• no change to note to prices, and we continue t , nonta rand modern brands at Sttall.so. GEOCE &I CS—The mar set Is kit actlio and my for tooted dull, whin. prices are !Inn and fully ma. Mord Th • °lair Ulu report •d was 25 bp tilt Oo fes —to the trade--at 8S tiudad'and Reams remain athatiathdly it LOP quoted. "110 T, EB-1. scare and wanted; *ale of 16 pans prime frrob packed at 20c per pound. Prime 801 l tree edlll tter Allegheny market at from 40 to 45 EGOS—The dßossod tontlnnea light and tte mar ks, Is ve.7 dap; In the chasms of tale[, Ivo geol. Imo natty at 22..231 per do.. la • L —ta Orin and looking op; age o(51 Ws At 25,10—dalirend tOUN—Yee mitt keti tteraly with a fair jobblog demand...boot pr aloof quotations-16 for Shoofl y.; 15y.11y for gibbed Kid.; 19 for Plaint Hants, 22 for lain f fanny .d and 25.2. far Sugar Cured. If arm .ith . c named fair don:fwd, and ttosfl r mffotar IVY from acalmat $35 to 1540p0r tan E E—T. firm with • g demand nod limitod of Western Styr. at 18.10, Yid atm bug at Pltteburgh Petroteum Market. AMA IS—The market for Petroleum =annum doll and non:Anal, and, while there has been no material iodine a, yet, there is no diegui-ing the fact that the tendency It toward lower rates. There ADA • fele local demand fur Critic, tbe reported eaten comprie hog 653 bb's, ea folevr 195 bbl, at id , LI& returned; and 459 bb ., in lots. at 1.5. In Relined, there wee not • Solitary traneaction reported, and the market Is dull and nominal with n eirooplog tendency. Thera ars same few smell lots of outside braods of tree oil being oflelnd at A damn.; hut of prime city braille toe stock Is very light, and holders do not tram Isis. powed t farce s dee; Nestl. and Residuum ore quiet and app tr.:My unchanged . The receipts by the Allegheny river during the forty-eight bourn ending at, sveninsr are or lot. Clark & co 4011 Stockdaln._.— ..... _212 Jae Liadiay--........./761 R Ashrrorth—...__ 75 Briery.— -- 7J Gallagher --_-141 Strickler &Baxter-- 20, Maxwell k Palmer..._. 64 en ow3c. reosock Bell* c 0..... 311 New York, Petroleum Market. Special Dicpatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Maw Torn, ..ITLY Is—The market Ls dull and nomi nal. with a draping tendency. Crude may Le quot ed at EO , on the spot, .d 65 for Slopat delivery. tubond le dal! and lower, the nominal rate. beteg SO to St. Free Ott. alto baa declined, and may Lo qtystcd nominal at 85.87. The market It Sr. such pietillim condition thaelt:ls imp-aalble to give oor ct quotatle.. The Weather and the Crops. lernenitn. The Watertown Democrat nye. Many brawn in this county will commuter cutting their winter wheat the lattcipart of this week. Lees than the =cal =cunt of winter wheat was sown let (.11, b:t what there it, Ina be folly op to the enrage ylild both id go wilily and truth/. We have bun sh.tha several specie:l,ns- from different fields, nod better Oiled. and fetter irriet are not often Tie g.elo Prowlatra in not to bed by any nets as it sat before the -late Ws. Haying has atnedy commenced:ln au vicinity. de a general thing, the crop will be light and inferior, though there are too, few 'pieces of gram, both tame and wild, that are as goods. wool. This partial failure of thee:up trill bethrerely felt hy'stock growars,and tido Is now getting to be an I=pnriant branch of wis,Jtar.ll.4.llr. -- The Ft Patti Prate pf the gbh asp: Prit , te advices frome ilaTeral different ithallilts, re ceived thi. weak, npreaant the crops ea iceklug romp well since the tote rainy, and promising almost an overate yield. Erma to aims districts where three wveks ego the fermata thought they =mid Wee rotting they row rapiesent things In a very differ ent light, th y say the "yield viii he wad i ^ or that average crop will no haunted." W heat anti Dad producece large a straw crap as mai, hot 11"haadilag ont"-thealy. Of roars. there will be poor bride, and here and there deep croaker Is foetid, who declam it is not worth harvesting; but in gvneral a bop fit tone prevails. Pb, yield is estimated to be as large, or nearly as, as test year, which we. a fair dr , p the Sieve through, Coo ts coming on well. Pnatine are growleg strong Oats do not prolate, veal het may torn out better (boo it would seem now. Hay will be noes plenty than eras entlepsted before toe nine newton is reported to ho fatr one, Oa the whole the tnall - la My r 5. conrepieg._ The ability of our soil to withstand pro hatted dthaths is wonderbil, sod added -to recent rattle. (ho atputation of the State tot a,,,,icultnral purpos • alla.i e•olrereil higher than before, by the crops ranted to the face of mach recent bad pmeisats The fit Loal.Thilon of the 100 toys Oar at Lestoriesersogne ere cacoarughta of the condition or discrete. !remarry ail ports of dm Ma's The •beat harvest, now snout over, Isltol. Totally apolen of as good lo looms place. theey laid e to said to be thlrtY bath. to the acre, and in nearly all dketrkealts. yield re much better titan eves expect ed. Tito tereshieg. rates that ea bar. bad tout Loots daring the peoweele, seem to buret.. pretty Corinna. They Care been of Incalculable uentlat to O. noon, orplutt, though Pao plwattd sod tutoOtthst .tanned by the droUth of Blay,te now mowneg !they, and promisees • toad yield. The meadows every vberu hose beer broaght ere esmdisfully by the Into rates and now promos. • Iser Vail a strut. In the Mbarno distriet. the plume boon been tea oat, and though-era mason to late • good crop oil be made, rakes as eat!) urn she old prevent. The Tren•on, Few Jana, Goo tte nym "The sham acd ry• harm. hes.= osersted to tlds =Jahns, hood lbws farmers fare their grain out and panful, smelted. Ir/114 orbs/yam about to ono me,ta The crap alms tamotre of a good yield. having moved the fly, the =Maud the numerous dangers to which It I. expo's& The bay crop has been genera/1y othered,amdln good order; tbs 3 told L very large; sod at present prism sfll yteld • hand. sours return 0,.., eo far, look v.ll. and Will be • good crop. More ground haw hoer, sat ded to oau than LIM , , and so far a, we bare beard, lb. amp bat met with no lof ury. Corn Is growing firmly, bra, of course, It Is yet too early to MITI an opinion es to tb•prespecm of the yield. At prism t It to MI that wuld be whtegi. The Dal ton Journal of the Ilth nye: Oar Int =mien from the country oencernieg wlawat la cheering. Ilotalthetandlog the creekera, wears sum of that treoleld of whtat la this valley Err 11E4 to tenter than et km been for three ye... Meld which early In thexprfnisonned winter kill ed, mid locked .0 thin sod scrawny that farmers wer• tempted to turn their etock.upon it, developed In an extraordinary manner, producing from fifteen to twericy-dve beetude pm acre. We add that not withstand:Jig the ehernm of the one hundred clap' rem, not a stagielloal of wheat in this county will remain unharvested. ,The corn on Weigh els; M , ll b art pod, but the b lk of one cane le mined In bleak boitome, and, nOtwithotamling the drought, the bald/ look well, and will produce walL Pratte and warms Only axe 'bort On Om who4a Ore people will have het little to came them to do epond. QM= iWElrcon.rros,Ry., lay B—Euu. Cts. OssarrF Tbroustiout tbis seal. Marton sad •11.1•Ao tog unto• ties) stops • good. Tae wheat S. auout all bcr. vested and Is fully an mango of former years to quantity andeoperfor In quality. 11,0 oat amp la batter by fro= oat-loarth to oat-ba f tn. It out ban In do years,. Oarn t. 50n..0 anal for tls timtof the year, but nosertbeteas boob. •atl. the hie rani basing bronibt ft out considerably; and lithe season a:cabala a (*womb!' tbstus .511 be a fuU amens. 41rop. Flat; gran. do. Lo fall aromas of fdreaussaiona lo fact, lb. pre. eta for ths fanner this season Is very antterlor, as no does tot only ox 4oct to haeo an tqnsl sto.ust of grain for maybe! of &my former year, but Im able to gat sou th blgber Yrkes. Army Awatda at elacinnatL 21aJar B Daßarry, O. 13. 11. 13 L. at tbta rat, to day awarded caritraeta for 610,0:0 Ms of bacon abould. an wad tidaa, a tallow.: ISDOLLPDLRS. 30,t00 lbe J Brenton. at 173ic. 13 am 31,000 .. Lipplaratt eo eS ts. GLUM 111 Din. 7.22220 Ito, In tail, — .l Eamon, at 205i,0. CLL. 30,0001bs la dam* /fawn., at 19340. 60,000 lba to E Leighton, m 191:60.. 75,000 lin In imam; Eynon, Lippincott B on at 20 cent. 76,000 lb. in Imam, Rosh Illoßirrey S to, at goo. 70,0 - 0 Ibt.to Irmo, rtum Dar:at 00, at 16 3 / 4 c.• 80,000 Kim In boon. Mu boot. a 00, at Raj Jr Doßat, y bad admmleed for 760,0011 pounds. pat .51 rteelmo the bids Oran abore, all of Mach tok:al=epted. —CM G. Cleveland. Al itrlet. JILT 14—The CllllaCti all day have-teen parltet ',stagnant. 'nitro tow been no demand ',Waver fur wtout or d ma, and • not tramactlota enonsb to umbUgh snot woo One or too woof wbila wheat was wild bin inarydeellto, and one et two eon of rod, m ;lento . taring. Nothing doing to nitwit gram. 710nr—Notalin and no inquiry. ;cheat—gaisjena oar cboloo white, on Mak, at 99,20; on ear cram= do do at 112,12. Corn—ao aalas reported: Cats— Ntolnal at 900 oa trae4 Cincinnati Leaf Tobacco Market. SO Nub mil IS' N3;l* Um: ZS Midi Ithiwo *mats INA, / aoct.trasb. vim Au ma "3,25, 4 8 , 0 1 / 1 1 /11.6 0 , 0413,60a.15.75, at 1 16 .2 1 ** 16 , 60 . let 12,60 I** tA* 6 2 606124. 6 at 0 04 .44 1s atbvn Sent ban ykpits; mmgog m The Wool Trade. SEt 1113ro fleatiacl of Toosclaj action tale, or woof la that ilty rho pririo•e day, to the ei• tout 01312000 1151. SLo follcodeg are tte part-faro Ora: Wool a:wormed .2a3r, West ales_-- - wile a Mary local rpecul. tlve demand. Wee Melode 5.000 Ira trots a: 51 per lb, and WO 0311 lb. eeletted de at 51.0.3 The tEI was one sale, and we teller* le the largest tran (action to wall teat ham ever taken Vase to thL or any other Wtetern market. Sobsecoeutly a sale of 110,000 lb( wao made at 51,08 cash on the epos. The Elyria Democrat or this week, use the ram et 1230,C0iihas been paid for wool to Elyria, this sprigs, mostly' within the port two wets. Wool sold as high as 05e but week for good clips. The Carroll Tree Pleas imys: . 0u town has ores, isted quite a brisk eppearance for Carronon daring:the past week In e.osequence of the'wool whb h has teen brought in in large qmmtitiro, for which the groWers are rea/laing quite . nice prim, cabeng from about DOo to El per lb. 1 31 , 101/1.. The Valparaiso llepublic of the 7th sap: iho urool trade In Porter county L. growing, In Impel - WM* 'ebb a rapidity that data credit to the •nterprias of our farmers and tradesmen.. For the year 1882 the wool clip of this cowry amounoel to about 40,0-0 lbw, for 1663, 00,000 lbs and for 1811,, 90,0631b5. . Woe—Prom tho number o' wagons that have been itaudhig in oat !streets for the past els weeks, coo. Misting bundles of wool, wo are confirmed to the opinion that there are mans small flocks of sheep In this counly.—(ftloband Omemer. One lan..drea thousand pounds of wool have been Wrouhaael to tiro Beloit market dna season. About •ne halt of this amount hat been bought on private amount. The average prim Ms been from eighty to elgbly-flvsmuta. A load of wool Messier bi Col Wm Boitl et Bone, VW brought upon the etroet lam week, which 1/lighed 2,BGD woods, and war wild for the sung little nun of 143,23.5 At/other load ...Old by Dr Noble, of Twill°, weliftroti-2,6011 pounds. 0 noih er,aold by Tilr L." if Clark, weighed 1,203 pounds. Cotten, Sugar end Ocher Products of Lou Llama. Monthly malls!. of rot on at the port of Now Oritans from Eeptocubtr 1, 1653, to Juno 93, 1881: Back. and Dale. Map Sootatzter. 4,138 7,311 . 284 0,558 Noreroba , ..— 4,832 9,061 8 375 10,153 January, 7,878 9,183 8,825 March ..---.-------.11,935 2,860 1 724 7,343 926 as 718 57,809 Bringing the aseks and bap Into ha es of 450 Pm, the the total rezeipts for the season.m op Me hen dead .d slateen thoruand and fifty-eight hales OM Oda) The came of the ahip Mr William Peet, ql4bo as, lees 80 balm fold no demanded, Is will le wareboule and not on ihe market. The actoonts of the growing crop on the eo.t am favorable at thin time, though on soma estates the moo gtarf I. trocblemmr. It is, however, melt, to form any umlauts, or predict th, moult of w hat the seationa yield mep bet The roger cant, though on some em late. in rather diminutive, let it 14/Ok• fair, and m any cultivators ant satisfied with their prompects It generally .I:weds& that them will he a good yield of corn—ample for plantation purpo.r, and something over for the dry M.ket. Mee, we learn, It elm promising- well in most localitim. The fault. of this crop will he determined fn a few wade, imports Op Railroad. UV FT W• 1112 OISICELaO B rt, July 15- 107. k. oats, Dan Wallace; 102 bbl. whisky, Oro W Smith; 20 has soap, John A Reashaw; 100 hider., K Balmer; U;8 do do, A holstein; 15 aka 'tool, 6 balm dlt., ower; bbl %lanky, 8 M Baowden; lOU do, E Myers /1 co; sdo do, elm. Lorna ;50 de do, Jae Br sr, 10 bbl. flour, W K Koontz; 10 cad died tobacco, J A hisaurte; 100221. Boar, ntiomaken A .Lana; 176 aka oat., Patterson A Ammon; 108 oil bb s, Patronaoll 0.117 do. brooms, .1 Kirkpatrick Brr ; 10 has glass, C thataton 1 car metal, 11 G Loom is; 6 aka rags, God my A Clark; 1 to shoulders, I boo Bhomaker a Lang; 24 pkg. rags, breullough, Smith goo; 176 hes oars, Wl:lane a AnJrr, 17 eke rags, Godirey Clark; 11 baler tow, I B Vaal:Lad; 19 trgs flax area, Little and Trimble. Cram:wan ann Prrranonni; Hatnnoan, July 16— , 501 As mill feed, Dorrinvon a co; CB bosom... Ho. ;ley, Wale/20r, 1242 do do, Jones, Boyd A 0:.; in boa obeebes NPm /1.04ge; 12 do do,/ Mob.; 10 do do, 11 Eh4 0 11:2 0 112C0 7bes Moore; toms ;madal, Simla c 6 1 r appipe, H oolllnes eks road, I do butter, Head a gletsga.r; eke corn, J Mandl; 64 MTh emirs, A MllUk=n;l as rage, Cloarni Clark; 13 et. rye, 111 - ch-oca 21 , `reery a am 19 Leh floor, Copt D Dawson; 1 blol tobacco, .1 A blosorlo; 1 do do 12 Grarlor; I do do, C Manus; 100 bbLs dour, Grsbem .2 Thomas. Ar.r.sonur 5,...T10N, July IS-2 ears ps-tt, Si.ur um d Knox; 1 bbl tgga, Adam lorp .1. 4Lo must,T Eevueoy a Oro: :LS [beep. J S Hinchmuu; 11 pkzu produce, J Ottrl. 7do better aw. egg., 11 Lent;l pkal p%duc, Esorourloo; 1 'bbl r gg. Ellu7s, Sou t cu. SHIP I.M€7. O'NEILL 8 FOREIGN EMIGNATION AGE. NCI Plt,taburgh, Pena. Cheap Passage from the " Old Country." the Ant char, Clyde built at•smino! tha LI, orpsd and Londonderry Jloyel Melt Lino, ea follow: ELltiannan........2 &IL tow NOT. 2to tans Jars .... ...V NO toes Perorlaa--A,GOI n-ris Llsmiworia...-2,M0 tow. Iforanso--2 too to:s H. litarrlren...l,Boo tans Belgian. WO woe Vale dawns. leans Liverpool 8,17 TH O.3DA Y ranching!: Londonderry tar tb• lOL9 sr% to dkb protturers sod the and haw oisroptawil se tannaodallonv for pniesager• Yu, frost LIIVipOOI or Londonderry to Wt. Tart, sz.s. A 1,,, by Tee:GOTT% LINZ of crlebrstrd Clipper &Wing Pickens low We LI rerpwl far New lurk mks • Irak, and the ...X," stn: of London Packers, luvidg London forlliwr Yolk every ten days. ' so. 000tt'd Lin:pool Line romprees the follorlog shirr: I . e . , Tom. 0 _ 'I me I Wm. Tapacott -.......2 64-o,Eammald Tala-.....__.2,600 1 Gratusda,_.-9,6oolCormellatlon ---.2,trk 9e, .J ambe Adttatt...,..0,00. a tattaptara —...—..2,00 , I Elattarrotter........—_a pm a fbekly.—. —.2,60u nodarch of tbaSm.../kWat Caravan .......—...........1t 00 Oymesure.—....--2SMO IMoald---9.4:03 breadt.aviht.....-,-...2x60 Virtra7 .. -.........0,0 0 Albion.— .......--.2 VO Genera 01ee1etim...2 00 , adr0m.._....—..........11V50 d • Pits L1.ra........_1,600 Vault-ImM ....____l,oor For,, in ,armory, tone. York, $l6 ; tbrougb to Pittsburg*, VI GO. Paeamegers booked tbrmagb M sot part of Mr 1301 tel b u ttes or timed. vr , -ett molded. Two' of abase Maps leave New Took for Liver-pal evary ••tel- Velalabkollll OM It,. ontvard roma are found In emmtblog. Tare Prom Neer York to Ltrerpocl IWO .. - ..Mant FICAVTd ma all parts of Emope for We at the lowest rams. Apply to D O I hEILL, Zreatog , :broulcl4 Building, CUM gnat; j 712 or 66 omlildlold rtr.rt. PltrAorrgb QTEAM WEEKLY TO LIV -4J EELPOOL, touching et OgOIMISTOWEI. (Oork Darbor.) The soli guano Steamer. of r f !it o zrpll, (l l: , •ff liork e. srid POI/h&j plon 1 1 ) Ed to rail .. fol. OITT Or BALITESOIIE.--...Baturday, July H. .--.---Estnviay, July =. EDINDIF — E.GE.- .I.IIY 92. ,lud every 4.mo:ling exturttay, at con, fro= Fla 41, North illvar. Payable ID gold. or It. equivalent to currant, : ritat0t.b1r,......--11010 OD ,A: ataerago —..--12 0 00 00. 1 to Idom._ to _B5 00 " , Letdon..— Si 011 " to Parts_ —.. .55 OD " to Park.._._.. 4o Om " to Bamberg_ SO " to Elatoburg... 5700 0 1 1 . 1 .„ etie n li:lao t0=1 . 4 .1 1 to ga i rx,B th ra . xma . n, But Par. rem Liverpool or Qttooottoern : lot °obit, Fr, 1108 &twist, $l5. 7hmaa who vial) t ten for elate friend. can tmy 15mtato hero at these ea vol fartilta latormadoe appfy at th. Cmaperry's °Mon. JOHN O. FIALA, &gra; I.sRdway. N. T. D. olitri„ • for analgrstlon 1.1 No. GO Rraftloo.l.! atn.st, 03NARI) LINE.-4tifts.c tron uvalrool, Quaantrrowli C 7 14. .:dvalut U war,..) --out nu- toga, bk 9 to HGVMMAI. 1864. - cCOSTATVI" RAT, ROACH, 44, EXTERMINATORS is Oars tatabllthr . d In H. Y. Clltz." oody Infallibla reniallorknown. - 'Tres from l'olsons." "Not clangs.= to the Easton Fatally." "Bats coma out of tha t bola to dl Sold by Rii Drnagtsta =sued's... • Bnraaz I of all worthless fintlatlons. Outtar's D.prt, No. 452 Dr edway, N. Y. ales- Sold hf El L. PA EINZSTOoNa. BON a CO. and N . M. IiZI.LEIII* , Wlnleval• fled /Seta agent., Plttsbargh, MLA to P. 8113WLINIZ, Ism MiLlecale Ltd BOLO Agent, Alleghtny City. R F. QUEIIBY & CO., Commission Merchants, ao. 491) 13017113 WATIM OM, OILICAGO Ohre epociel attentkre to porcbealog Flour, Grain, Provisions, tic., Tor Eastern acooant. B. r. QtakEElT.—.---.GEO. T. DICOW2i mh.tlf mocoßD a oa, Winat44, Dati.ll Ha% Cara and Straw Goods, Hare Dow In Cars thio largod sal more emplida dock orgoo4l for j , a:Puma ISA. Lira. incrodirad to lir mot llorolodto 'is aoudad to WI sod dotooludtd sto4orldoll will too sold od V , l - rssl Wood 111., Pldlolgorgb. -.,;l'''.',:;-,,,•:',1,':"L:7 -,,,.."...;,-rf'-:i,11;-;,..7,,t,.;.-!:.;.'; ''''';.....''''''''''''' ' 4''''''.:ll._,. 7 ,e q-. OFFICIAL. - Lira OF THE UNITED STATES. Pasted at the Ant Station of the rhirtY eisad Congrus. [Peptic—No.l2d j AN ACT tusking appropriations for the our. rent and contingent expanses of the In diem Department, end for fulfilling trea. ty stipulations with various Indian tribes; for the year ending June thirti eth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and for other purposes. Be it emoted b the &nate and Bowe of Repeat:elation of the United State: of Ameri ca in Congress assembled, That the following samba, and they are hereby, appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not oth erwise appropriated, for the purpose of paying the current and contingent, expen ses of the Indian Department, and fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes. For the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, namely: For the pay of Superintendent of Indian Aff.tire and of Indian agents, - ninety-eight thousand eight hundred dollars. For pay of sub-agents, air. thousand dol lars. . For the salary of the agent of the Green Bay agency, to make the came fifteen bun. dred dollars per annum, an additional sum of five hundred dollars. • For ray of clerk to superintendent at Bt. Louts, Sitesourl, one thousand twe hundred dollars. For pay of temporary clerks to Banana tandents of Indian affairs, five thousand dollars. Far pay of clerk to the superintendent of Indian affaire in California, ono thousand eight hundred dollars. Far pay of four agents, seven thousand two hundred dollars. Far pay of one blaoksmith, one assistant blacken:dal, one farmer, and one carpenter, two thousand four hundrod dollars. For pay of interpreters, twenty-eight thousand four hundred dollars. For presents to Indians, five thousand dollars. For pro.isioss for Indians, e'sven thou sand eight bun lred dollars. For buildings at agencies and repairs thereof, ten thousand dollars. For 3ootingene;o3 of the Indian depart m,-tat, thirty-sir tho-rtiand fee hundred dollars. For fuifilliDg freaky stipulations with the 'rations Indian tribes: ILLACHFOTS INDIANS. For ninth of ton instalment], as annuity to be expended in the purchase or ouch goods, provisions and other useful articles as the President, at his disoretion, nosy from time to time determine, per ninth sr. title of the treaty of seventeenth Ootober, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, twenty thousand dollars, For ninth of ten instalments as annuity, to be expended in establishing and instruc• ring them in agricultural and mechanionl pursuits, and in educating their children, and promoting civilisation and ehriationl ty, at the dtecretion of the President, per tenth article of the treaty of seventeenth °etcher, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, fifteen thousand dollars. Di/ANSA, SCOTON, ♦ND InINCA INDIANS. For tenth of fifteen instalments of annu ity, to be expended ee directed by the President, per third artiole treaty sigh• teenth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars. For tenth of fifteen instalments for the pay of a farmer, per fifth article treaty mghteenth November, eighteen hundred end filly-four, ono thousand dollars. For tenth of fifteen Instalments for pay of phyaimen, medicines, and expense of osro of the took, per fifth article treaty eigicrenth November, eighteen hundred and fi'ty-four, one thousand fire hundred dollars. For tenth of '`teen instalments for pay of teachers and purchase of books and stn. tionery, per fifth ortiole treaty eighteenth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-fonr, one thousand two hundred dollars. ' CIIIPPEWAI Of LAK63CPIIIIIOII. For two-thirds of twenty•third of circa ty fire instalments In money, per fourth arti • ole treaty fourth Ootober, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth Easptember, eighteen. hundred and ft lty.four t eight thousay,d three hundred and thirty-thine dollars and thirty-three cent& For llso thirds of twenty-Li:lbl of twin ',five instalments for the pay of two oar peelers, per fourth article treaty fourth Ootobtr, eighteen hundred and forty-two, cud eighth article treaty thirtieth Septem ber, eightonn hundred and fifty-four, eight hundred ddliars. For two thirds of t wenty-thlrd of twenty fire instalments to gocds, per fourth arti cle treaty fourth o.rober, eighteen brksdred and forty-two, and etghth saciole treaty thirtieth 6eptember, eighteen hundred and fifty .four, seven thousand dollars. For two thirds of twenty third of twenty five instalments for the support of schools, per fourth article treoty .fourth °Aches, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth Beptercher, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, oo thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three unto. For tmo thirds of treaty-third of vain ty-five illeltalments for the pay of two farm ere, per fcurth article treaty fourth October, eighteen_hundred and forty. two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six hundred and silty-eix dollars and sixty-saven ciente. Fur two thirds of twenty-third of twenty ye instalments for the purchase of pro visions and tobacco, par fourth article treaty fourth of October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article trinity thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty fcur, one thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents. For tenth of twenty instalments in coin, goods, hontieltold turnitare, and cooking utensils, agricultural implements and cat tle, carpenters' and other tools and build ing materials; and for moral and eduoa- tional purposes, per fourth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, um &sea thousand dollars Poe tenth of twenty inetfaments for six mills] and assistants, per second and fifth articles treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, fire thousand and forty dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for the support of six smiths' shops, per second and fifth articles treaty thirtieth Septem ber, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand thtee hundred and twenty dol lars. For eighth of twenty instalments for the seventh smith and assistant, and support of shop, per second and fifth articles treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand and sixty dollars. For support of a smith, assistant, and chop for the Dots Forte band, during the pleasure of the President, per twelfth ar dole treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, ono thousand and sixty dollars. For support of two farmers for the Bole Forte band} during the pleasure of the President, per twelfth article treaty thir tieth September, eighteean hundred and fifty-four, one thousand two hundred dol. lure. CEIPPLIPMI 01 =2 ZYJSZSILPPL For one third of twenty-third of twenty five instaimeats in money, per fourth ar title treaty fourth October, eighteen hun dred and tarty-Awe, and eighth 'Miele treaty thirtieth September, eighteen bun dyed and fifty-four, four thousand One hun dred and sixty six dollars and sixty-seven Cents. For one third of twenty-third of twenty fire instalments for the pay of two eorpon tare, per fourth article treaty fourth °cite ber, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, four bun. dyed dollars. For one third of twenty-third of twenty tine instalments in geode, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and iltty-four, three .thousand fire hundred denim. For ono third of twenty•third of twenty. Ave instalments for the sopport of sohools, per !mirth article treaty !mirth October, eighteen htutdred and forty.two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and' fifty four, six lorand and sixtptdx dollars and algtpurren rents, For ens third of trenty•third of tviiityi En instalmettla for r timbale of pro: ,Clew and Inbaco per - *tea ankle - - treaty fourth dotober, eighteen htuidrea and forty-two, and eighth artiole treaty, thirtieth Bepteutber, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, iris. hundred and rim eix dollars and airty-seeen °cals. For one third of twenty-third of twenty. five initalments for Om support of two emitho' shops, including tie piy of two smiths and seeistante, ar..l furnishing iron and steel, per fourth artie'e treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth Septem ber, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, Mx hundred and eixty-six dollars and Merry, seven cents. Fur one third or twenty third or twenty fire instalments for pay of two farmers, per fourth artiolo treaty fourth Oolober, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth Brplember, eighteen hundreehlui tlftyifour, three hundred and thirty threrisiollara and thirty-three cents. For tenth 'of twenty Instalments of salinity in mousy per third article treaty twenty.seeond February, eighteen hundred dell fitly five, twenty thousand dollars. CRIPPEITAII OF FRE MISSIESIPPI, AND TELE PILLAGER AND LAKE WINNEDAOO9I,IISII DARDS or CEIIPPEWA INPIASS IN RINSE- For settlement of the claim for depreda tions committed by said 'adieus in eighteen hundred and eixtytwo, twenty thousand dollars. Fa- clearing and breaking in reservation and for building houses for the chide, three thoneand nix hundred dollars. For first of ten instalments for furnish ing said Indians with ten yoke of work oxen, agricultural Implementer, and mieoel. Monona items, ono tleoneand dollars. For expenses inourred by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota, in sending com missioners to visit-the Chippewa Indiana, in the year eighteen hundred and silly two, one , almost:id three hundred aed thirty-eight dollars, and seventy-five cents. Fur the employment of a sawyer, at the discretion of the President, and to remove the saw milt from Gulf Lake reservation to the new reservation set apart, and to extend the road between Gulf Lake and Leach Lek, to the junction of the Mississippi and Leach Lake river's, and to remove the agency to said jabotain, or as near as prat. linable, three thousand dollara. For compensation of female teachers on the reservation, who shall Lastroct tho In dian girls in domestic econotog, ono thou sand donate' CIIIPPICITAN Palit:EP, AND LASE IV.NNEDA CO9IIIBII Dl\D9 For tenth of thirty instate:ante of annu ity in money, per atild artiolu treaty tirenty , neconti February, eighteen hun dred bud fifty five, ten thouooud Mx hun dred end sixty-six dollars nod tkixty-ets amts. Fcr tenth of thirty instalments of annu ity in good& per third article treaty hem ty.scoond February, eighteen hundred sud nfty-flve, Litre thousand dollars. For tenth of thirty itata!mente for pur potes of utility, per tbird article treaty twenty-tieeorid Februsry, eighteen hundred and fitly-fire, four thousscd dollars. For tenth of twenty it:watt:Dents for pur- poses of eduestion, per third article treaty twenty-scum:id February, eight. ea hued red and fifty fire, thres tbousand chi( ers. For tenth of fifteen manual inetalroints for support or two smiths and samba' shops, per third article treaty twenty seo,nd February, eighteen hundred and fifty tire, two thousand one hundred and twenty del- Jars. Far pay of an engineer to grist and eev ail at Leach Lete, six hundred dollars. CIIIPPCWiII Or SAGINAW, swAN CASES: ASP For ninth of trn equal annual ins al l:Ciente in mein, to be dtetrlbuted per otp.to, in the usual manner of pling annuities, per second snuck of the treaty of second Augutt, eighteen Itunder.f and fifty fire, ten thousand dollars. For ninth of ten in it me r tba sup port of ono leLtiokemtco shop per steand aruole 'zesty of second August, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, tvielve hun trod and foray dollars. For fourth of dye equal annual iustal• manta for educational purp.ses, under the dirtailou of the Prceident, two thousand dollars. For fourth of five equal annual instal ments in agricultural implements, three thousand dollars. 01111 . PEPIA3, xa4olroxlll3, wISNEBACCUES, =CI For education dialog the pleasure of Gangrene, per 41;11 article treaty eleventh August, eighteen hundred and twenty-sev en, ottelbousand eve hundred dollars CUICIEMPARS. FOr permanent annuity in goads, per re of twenty-fifth February, osvfnuten bon dred and ninety wins, three thousand dui tars. For permanent annui.y, per second arti cle treaty sixteenth November, eighteen hundred sad fire, and thirtieth article trea ty twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-Hoe, three thousand dollars For permanent annuity for support of iighe-horsemen, per thtrtoenth artiste trra• ty eighteenth October, eighteen hundred and twenty, and thirteenth article treaty twenty-arcs:id June, eighteen tutedral and fifty-fire, Liz hundred dollars For pertr.anent provisivn far education, per second artiole treaty twentieth Janne. ry, eighteen hundred and twenty-tire, and thirteenth artiole treaty twentpeecond June, eighteen hundred Lad fifty-five, six thousand dollars. For perntament provision for bicieksmith, per !Lath article treaty eighteenth 04,ber, eighteen hundred and twenty, and thir teenth article treaty twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and tatty-five, six, han. tired dollars. For permanent prorieloo for Aran and steel, per ninth article treaty twentieth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-etre and thirteenth article of treaty twenty second June, eighteen hundred and Arty tee, three hundred and twenty dollars. For interest on five hundred flitinsand dollars, at five per centavo per annum, for education, support of the government, and other belltfulel purposes, under the dime tion of the general council of the Choctaws, In conformity with the provisions contain ed in the tenth and thirteenth articles of the treaty of twenty• second JUDE, eighteen hundred and fifty•five, twenty-five thou sand dollars. OAJWICLIMI, LIOWAZ, AEI •PACOIR 07 ALL IMIMEMIII POT the fret an lnetalmenle , beleg tiro second series for the purohate gf goods, provisions, and agrionitunil implements, per Meth article treaty terenty-seventb July, eightefn hundred and fifty-three, eighteen thousand dollars. For enamels of transportation of the Ant of tire instalments of good; provisione, and agricultural implements, per sixth ar• tide treaty twenty-seventh July, eighteen hundred and tiny-three, seven thousand dollars. • KIOWA!, APACHE, ASO e.iIIANCIIEII. For'the ellary - of an agent for the Kio way, Apache, and Comanche Indians, (or the Banal year endlngJane thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, fifteen hundred dollars. For permanent annuity in money, por fontth article treaty Bernath August, tee. enteen hundred and ninety, and fifth arti cle treaty serenth August, eighteen hun. dred and fifty air, one thousand five hun dred dollars. For permanent annuity in mor.ey, per second arUolo treaty sixteenth Jane, eigh teen hundred and two, and fifth article Levity seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-elx, three thousand dollars. For permanent annuity in money, per fourth article treaty twenty-fourth Jamw ry, eighteen hundred end twenty-six, and tlith article treaty eeventh August, eighteen hundred and iitty.eiz, twenty thousand dollars. For permanent provision for blaetemith and assistant, and for shop and tools, per eighth artiole treaty twetity-fourth Janu ary, eighteen hundred and twenty-eim, and fifth article treaty seventh Auguet, eigh teen hundred and firtyalx, eight hundred and forty dollars. For permanent provision for iron and steel for shop, per eighth article itreaty twenty-fourth January, eighteen hundred and twenty•aix, and fifth article treaty month August, eighteen hundred and fifty-tdr, two hundred and seventy dollars. 701 permanent provision for the pay of * wheelwright, per eighth an treaty tinialpfburth Jaausiy, eighteen hundred and twenty-aiz, and fifth artiole treaty - seventh August, eighteen hundred end fifty-eix, six hundred dollars. For blacksmith and assistant and shop and tools during the pleasure of the Ptoii• dent, per fifth article treaty fourteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty three, and fifth 'article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fif eight hundred and forty dollars. . For iron and steel for shop during the pleasure of the President, per fifth article treaty fourteenth February, eighteen hun dred and thirty-three, and fifth article treaty seven..ll August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, two hundred and seventy dollare. For wogon•maker, during the pleasure of the President, per fifth article treaty fourteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty.three, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, six hundred dollars. For astistauce in agricultural operations doting the pleasure of the President, per eighth artiolo treaty twenty-fourth Janua ry, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty 'wreath August, eigh teen hundred and fifty-six, two thousand dolfara. For education during the pleasure of the President, per fifth article treaty four teenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and fifth article treaty sev enth August, eighteen hundred and fifty six, one thousand dollars. For fire 'per centum interest on two hun dred thousand dollars for purposes of edu cation, per sixth article treaty seventh Au gust, eighteen hundred and fifty..six ; ten thousand dollars. For life annuity to chief, per private ar ticle to supplemental treaty twenty-fourth September, eighteen hundred and twenty. nine, to treaty of third October, eighteen hundred Dad eighteen, one hundred dol lars. For interest on forty-six thousand and eighty dollars, at fire porcentum, being the value of thirty-six sections of lend set apart ny treaty of eighteen hundred end twenty-nine for education, two thousand three hundred and four dollars. For Interest in lien of investment on fifty-seven thousand fivo hundred dollars, balance of one hundred and fifty-seven thousand dollars, to the fleet July, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, at five per ceatum, fur ednoation or other beneficial purposes, ander the direction of the President., two thousand eight hundred and erventy-fire dollars. For interest in lien of investment on two hundred thousand dollars, at five per cen. itim per annum, ten thousand dollars. OM= For eleventh instalment of interest, at five per cantata, on one hundred thousand dollars for educational and other beneficial purpeeev, five thousand dollars. For elerenth instalment on two hundred thousand dollars, to be paid in eighteen hundred and elx•y_fcur, per second article treaty eighteenth May, eighteen laundrtd and fifty-four, nine thousand dollars. EITIZITEE! For ninth of twelve Instalments for con tinuing and keeping up a blooksmith shop, and providing the usual quantity of iron and steel, per fourth smote treaty eigh teenth Ootobtr, eighteen hundred and forty eight, and third article treaty twelfth May, edghteen hundred and fifty-four, nine hun dred and sixteen dollars end sixty-six oentS. For ninth of ten instalments of annuity upin two hundred thousand dollars, bal. once of titter hundred and fifty thousand dollars for cersion of land., per fourth ar• tiole treaty eighteenth October, eighteen hundred and forty•eigbl, and third artist . ° treaty taelfth May, eighteen hundred and fiflT-four, twenty thousand dollars. Far ninth of fifteen instalments for pay of miller, per third article treaty twelfth Mly, eighteen hundred and fifty•four, olz hundred dollen.. [To OE C0:1171,17ED.] SILVUi PF_ARI. 64)AP CIRUNIPTON & CO.. Lltrarty Bisset, ( 1 / 4 .1.e Prz•P:ia:o and 116.FL:wt.:arm (vt Weetarn PeakeylveAL*, Ohio, Indiana, 1111110 b and If Issoc.i. Lao, matottacturars ct . rap•ricr article a Palm. Garman, Olive and Rosin Soap, Ml==l GOILICT AND VAIICY 110API: Of oar StLrzn PEARL SOAP, vhkll we waf• dealltaj roosamond sob/error for 5e sealtwo Kay eth.r Wm . * the pctia, ehrtild be borno =dud hae u..tthnr Potsede, gall, Lime or &Win, or no, oilwr r.bgtweas to Ito manufacture which can .brink cr Injure the groat fabrics. Irlanuels and W 001... con beembed with the rapt:fits of COtton or Lau, Clothe. 'aloha! val. BILVPB PEARL BOAP do out mare bolllea or half the rubbing, whlsta of 000 rte urns Ma veer nod tear. BLLVER PEARL SOAP ae•clovv• &salsa, Dirt, Tobacco Stains, P. - Intors' Ink, Smoke end tha worst Deign Water Maine nu. madiately, b io ? applying it with a moist Sponge, thus s pnecang Imbues, (lappets and narrators frogs suds end slop. It imparts a brilliancy to Plats, Jewelry, Glaasmani, F.arrielled Pal:Alto and Patent Leashes immediately; and for cleaning mashie and Pore tile It has nosscal For the Bath, and partlo. Warty for gloa.mpooolng, Cho SILVER PEARL 60AP t.. porfoct luxury In • wore. all who have tried Its superior yrullties, ae.knowielgo the mated diuovary of the ygr.. ThU Coamaay ask a trial Dom all who are haterestod to ming Poop, and In every case will refund the price of the same should It 64 to accomplish what we slain, far It, if aced accenting to oar diractiona Sold et revs =ZITS P&11 POCSD, m Any pontel boxer, delivered to the um or baste, or Co AJ leeteey lllrrainghom end city reeldenere tree of charge. Directione for Um en all Footsie.. !Ahem: dlecoont to the credo. Merchants horn abroad will do .11 to girl; ORIIMPTUII & 00. • cof 307 UN., arr., oPPIe site Pommy !yards Railroad Passenger Depot. Pa- Dewar,. of all imitations ; none annuls. noloss bearing our trade-mark--81 MISR PRA 11L n.RELL —as amoral by N.Uousl Copyright. mhPll GRAY'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Are mt.:imply CM plane or pow cut in the form of a collar, bed are Molded and Shaped to fit it.. seek, having a perfect cur, free from outdo or break., which la obtained by our patented proems, which Mao .acmes mother advantage parowyoed by ow oiler teLLar,—vis eran far du °carat in the turn-dawn style, the Inside of which le perfectly smooth and Tree from puckem, - Making We collar—for ewe, casteces and dttrabliity—umqualled. They are made in turn-dorm: style, in , leen Atom It to 17, and In Chrrote Rem 13 to 17 inches, cod pactswl in neat him bome, of 100 each ; also In metier ones of in eelb, —*he batter a very handy p.. 0 ago for travelers, army end navy ofCcere. Gift EVERT OOLLCII Is atampal ""Gray's Patent Molded Collara.'t 6c41 by dl ntdl deals:. in Iffen's Forntshbag :oda. She trade snypiled by VA V DE06701, DONHSIEII & CO., 627 Oheatnat street, Philadelphia; .9 J. Li LOWREY d CO., 97 Warr. street, New York. ELECTROPATIIY MADAMES LONE-ROAN AND CALDWELL Han opened an ompe on the corner of If tfth and Wylie street,, entrance ltS fI6TH 6THEILT, for the praettce of Malkin*. They ye regular grade• star, and have their Diplomv on exhlbtriou at their °Mae They are prepared to treat an diseases to a ecieutifte manner. OttargesmuousblG sad cur= mrudia MMIMM= "Hawing dlepoteed of my cane and medicine. to Klan. Loner.= Oa'dwell, whom I here evidence to bolter. are graduate. la the healing aro, I a n moat cheerfully recommend them to the ailllctul, and to the pubilo In general, ea every wayarorroy of their confidence and patronage, Plttsbunth, June 14th. 1 1 8 1 44 ‘1,°°DLRD ' ZI PI ;DS;;; DYSPEPSIA AND FITSI A atria 0171/E Von Them distressing complaints V oo made known In • Treatise an Soreign and Natira Herbal Papa w Mon, Dahlltlml by Dr. O. DIIXLPB The promiptlon was It=Sand him in inch a pro shims. ciatoanne .th at t he cannot comelmitionsly raft= Olssak• twn. m It has eared rftrybody who srd It, moss failed In • single au*. it Is snre In CAM of nu Mof Dyspepsia; wad t'Aglantlf. dints may ha found In any drop Plant. Bent fres to alt an the rscoipt of Elsa cents, N prepay address Dr. 0. PLIEL,EI DIIDWN, An I(M ems!, Jersey City. How Jenny. r KISSED AND COMMON BRICK 23: ( 4 ° ) cl;l3lMticm "44 and 67 DAYID innatusox. • • swum. ruml. OILS, k't jimEF num, BROkE, Alb DEALER IS CRUDE AND REFINED OIL PEBIIT Bcorg, nruL - w+NE Nv4l Siosnial .mtenilcin given to the PALE AND BITIPM•NT of Petrolints end Ito prat...Cs. Consignments respnethally solicited. ear Pltte , nrgh A gma - y ka. V.N NCO OIL AND VALES POLT CllO2l OC/ItlreNy, tabaly POST olfFloli BOX 141. 0. B. iIIIiN , 4 WARING (()21CIMS/011 /lIICIICEA UTE. And Broken in Petroleum and Us Products, 2...4 to Beanbag kistertala. 0<21417 lic, 83 ILAZEZT ST., Plttsbargh. 60t. ROE it PEARSALL, I=l Closa I. task.. Flarahaats & Brokars, =ME Petroleum and its Products, To... - 14n born mrnsumptiaa. Amp!, Neill tire for laorage, at rermonabla ratea. Liberal ethane. made, BREWER, BURKE a 00., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1=121211 GLOBS : Peciric &ND LIMITY OIL WORE& L40r.1 cash sdranoll ins..l4 on ccralgruneote of Ret',zed or Crude Petro/ruin. 00EL. IgIQUIV/Sirs WAY Is /LINOOCTIS an. RICHARDSON, EARLE I" & CO., 002111L53105 • ruILWAIIDING US EICILANTA Crude and &tined Petroleum, 19,, 1.0 IRWIN STIMIECT. VirratIIEGIEL Mr Liberal Gash adracros on cougligasoula for Plttgrargh or Eastern Divketa. rtrtslClm IMICILEmsg I !Seam J. 8. Dilworth 00., Sprin Harbangh, EN, ?reit Ooonoisraiol n ger nattier.aui pm% uITY oil WORKS LYDAY a 01101111 MING, himatalSoctarn, and Behan a CAIIBON on, 818 wax AND LOMILICATEHG 0118, and daslen b I. l k -46 -0°) .10 :4 th.o z+l•3•l:qs..-.1 Wmkß, npaalts 13barpffb-01. OAlce, No. GO HIM STILILVT WALLACE 1k CU R'rLtsS, Corn=loarlon rderasata. Lad Essiera I. CRUDE II RIEFIMED PETE.OLEUEL, BEEIZISZ AND TAIBBIOATIMI 01221, S. IN BOUTV WILOTZB, PAULADALPELL oar htorace tkftei ty (ender corer,) br 1d.,1/00 bbla Aho excellent facilities Ex ehlpplug to Amelia. btd lorelna porta, at ear wharf on the &haying] Ulcer, near the platform of the P. U. U. led15:1) TACK A. BRO., mass a Crude and Refined Petroleum, BM ZEN — E, dca., LEI WALNUT BT., PHILADELPHIA_ Stithimm enaranted to oar mnISE moan I= prhar renal attentioh. Bar ae kti ' S 0o!.= It i calitllaid MD. a . Ce' Plas E limig nn Tl. TM. Smith, Esq., Preitt. Beak E. A. i E. L. imam Co., Philadelphts. • •:.1 McCORMICE. As CALLEN'DBEI, OIL BROKERS. 211 and 213 South Water Street, Er Clonsignsua t. aniltliAslL I Lye., li Ctoupemhat IronOlty 011 Walla Jacob Painter, of J. Pointer 6 Co. J no. Po. ConHaat, of Span& gulfs= a Co. 17 23 // _ _ WALES WETMORE a CO. annXIESTOB IkIXBONAAra, SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, la MAIDEN LAMM, HIV TORE. Ample tuilltbs Sar BTOILACIE A 513 El/UPPING at their yard aad .peal, Raa myl4:tl CABOT, PEMBERTON Zit WEBSTER General Merchandise Brokers, 143 ?WIZ. !YESES, Elm Tat. Also, 1.36 SOUTH FIIONT BT., DblbsdolPbto, P► CRIME* MEM PETROL/MIL, 02,123710 SODA, SODA ASH, DICOSSNRIA, DRUGS, OILS, Am, *a. Orden to bay or oell promptly attoaded to. sally D L. MILLER, Jia., Aom, ISO WALNUT NT, PITILLEMIELPHIL. CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUI Oa OammbOa. sulaabsly. All charm al most reasonaLlo max BTOItAOL FOB MIN= to cool collaig. Foo MODE, order good oho& Partiadar &naafi= paid to OIL TOR KLPOIFf. fox this—OAOSTIO SODA. SODA WM, ko. sally ALLEN & NEEDLES, li PHILdDZELPICIA. COMEIBSIOR illtaaiLt STS, PirttonJaz attention pald to cooolgozootto Crude and Relined Petroleum. 11111 r Moral sdnuom omit. onl.l ENOS WOODWARD, (Isla of Wm. IL WocihrszA A Cl/4,,) 011157016.1, OOLIE2MIOIS ILVCROHAST, apocial attastbo &so to the Crude and Refined Petroleum. tio. 111 13011TII TBONT STUMM, 111.1/Lb 0c2.6:1333 woawiftmtnmrtNttr.-- GEO. W. HOLDSHIP & CO., Maoloctosen of Burma° OIL AIM LITHIUM. TL`IO OIL. u la r cannantly at fund tin my bit I f 2l LUDE G IOMIL purs " VI I IM. Tlia! ZOL.E . and QAH GUEASZ. • oar All ordorr len at No. MS 1511111111. Dank Block, wound door, Ira) be promptly arrondai ordAt ROBERT ASHWORTH, no. 1 BT. OLAJB BT. , PITTIEBIT2III. Forwarding & Commission merchant diall DAUM] II OIL& err ILLUXIBATING, LUBSIOATLIIM, OIIUDS DETIIOLEIMI OILS, do., consialitly ois head arid ter We .t the linnet market price.. Cbosirmeets and orders solicited. manila JAMES LEWIN, Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. Orden left at John Portartield Onniam nor of ILLS= AND fDLST 6111121:12. 1.......rnmes ISAAC HOUGH & CO., 00=ISEaOlff =IXMWMI, Tor Ma Nile of Crude and Relined Petroleum, el sorra Dzia...vaas Amos. jELIJrUF4C7'I7RERB. Die LAWRENCE IRON WORKS, .rew Castle, Pa DITHIUDOE II CO" 13=1 Present prime mils:, to clause of the mnikeL DUQUESNE Bit nStz WORKS, CADMAN & CIiAWFORI), ancLibetscr,za ct trrer7 vartety of Ilidated DRABS WORE FOR. PLMADETS, STEAM OR OAB FITTERS, lIIAOIIINISTB, AND :00PPKG81111E8. WELLES CABIiNGS, of all deacriptions. made to order. STEAMBOAT WORK, STEAM AND GAS. FITTING, and fIEPAIBING, promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to fitting up REFINE. DIES POE COAL ABB CA102024 OILS Also, Solo &gelato for the Western Matttot of Pena. sylvan's for the sale of L1A.11.5H, LA USDELL & 00.• S PATENT SYPHON rutty, the beat BTU to. vented. Hoeing no ralees It Is not liable to get out of order, and will thoom more mot. UM .7 Map of tortes Its Ida. 0018 IRON CITY WORKS. ILACILLII TOMEI, 6EMP1111.1.1. a CO roicmDras &ND MACEIINISIZI. Come of Plk. kad ()Maze, .rd (Noss City Water Woria,) Mane/Lotman of matformry and othor ENGINES, ROLLING MILL CASTINGS sad PLACILINERY, of all kitoLL and genera! Jobber. Prompt lottenn Wen to repairing ROLLING MILL MACHINERY. doSMIr ROBERTS, BARNES & CO., 1a E 9 Y'htrd 54, Pithgburgh, Passunsus, Ps. Tiy AHD eIILLT maw woraucrz, J A-1 - ".A.NNICaI TIN WAIL IL We are nom m.ttfllctorlog and have On hand Bathing Apparatna of all kinds, Toilet Ware In Beats, Water Cooler; Groan' Tea and Spice Oanisten, Owls and Spice Bozo,, Tntablor D Spittoons, An., de. A largo lot of Bird Gag a for sale Oil Cana of al shoe and pattern; Tin noollog, Conductors, and all kinds of Jobbing B orb done to order. PATENTED OCTOBER S, 1851 DITEUIDGE'a PATILIIT UV AL. I 4MP C.EIIDIN 11 ?LINT GLASS lbw. Oh .re tub:ado-1 far the flat dams, It to crock heathg all ing. D. D. D ports of the gloom equarlSlly, does IIEDOS. tot expel* Tort Pitt Glue Work., Waobitterns stroot, opl7 Plttoberrsh, Penna. B LACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS M=M PM, BROTHER tt CO., MT QUALITY RIM= CUB? STM. Square, Plat and Octagon, of all Oxen Warranted equal to any Imported or manufactured In this corm. liar Officer wad warehodas, No. 140 and 151 MIST and 120 and 122 SECOND STREETS, Plitsbargh. A .T.T.EN I,I'CORMIOK & M., VALLI!' 701.1)117. PittlarDlgh, P. 111, - Warettouse, a LIBIRTY STRECT, lilannfacturers of COOK. PARLOR AHD HEAT ING ECTOrISIS, PARLOR AHD tura= DILATES, HOLLOW WARE, etc, Steel md Glass Hands, Roll ing MD Castings, Mm Dearing, Gm, Water and /tr. firm Pipe, Sad Ire., Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes, Su gar Kettles, Pulle ne ys, hangers . C. Wheels, Couplings and Castings gerally. Ale., Jobbing md Hach*. Costiugs made to order. Patented Portable UM, oath Stems or Rene Pos.. anl4:6lnd BRITANNIA, BRASS OD SHEET METAL WORKS. COLLINS 6 WRIGHT, Masafectozews of GAITIOR PRASEISI,LAMPBMINe MRS and LAMP NRASSES generally. Alechlli LANTERN TRIMMINGS, ram J A B oo to. Mennfactorere of Oolilna a Wrightl Pate nt TIN Jib TOP. No. 1J Second greet, Plttebnegh. apIN ---- PEN MACHIN& WORKS AND MUMMY. U. WIGHT.BLAB 6 CO., "MISS BUILDZEB LSD ZIACEINI67S, LAcoci Baur; betvani federal sad liandasky ALLECUIEN7 OITY, Martufafturers of Pi IGElTtittai9 PATIBT PORT. LBWS OSOLLLATLNO STRAII ZNOIRS3, Shaft. lat= to. of .33 tthd• attended to. ''s " .too the ro.m. 411 111.1.74 O e is B. EXP.IIOI4 (Leto of Mitchell, Harr= & C 0.,) DION FOUNDERS sad STOPS Ilanufactrers, JJ,LEGILENY ST/Irri, Muth Ward, Pittsburgh Pa. ly !offs B. 11811.110 N d CO utyg WELLS, RIDDLE ,11: CO., No. - 215 TT Libtat7 arse, • yoolte Sixth, Pittsburgh, ostintifactarorl of WHIPS, LARRES and SWITOII ES, and ererl description of LEATHER BRAIDED WORK. Orders solicited from the trade, and roods pram* ehlwed as per Instructions. 74:// Q SEVERANCE, Na 2 Wknur. Si. Pittatragti, manufacturer of BOILER RIVET& WROUGHT BPIELS, common aad railroad, of every d =r atmd or duped SPDIII3 and METH hogs cr.:mall, made to order at short notice. A good sec etaisnt constantly on hand. einftirs a. .• • OfMor sad 'Wareham al No. U STITH BTESET Pitt.bazgb. lankly .eITTORJrErB. FX2IMM ATTOBFEY.ATmLAW All Legal Bealrmo promptly attended OSELob, No. 165 1111111CCT, new. Groot, Pittertirgh. apMacolam MaiIASTER & GAZZA3II3 OIPEPIOIC. Na 98 GRANT STREET. apekly O. UALBR&I.TII, Attorney and Conneellor•at•Law, iItEMPOST, Asia - more Cocrn, & F 3. C. SCHOYEB., Anon= Lam. Men, Ho.lb Toarth street, Pi oolf OILS. Sty. RIDES & CLARY-, --- 0017XIBBIOnl SEICECILIIM gad l'azica la_ !afraid= and Its Products, Ui CA a Dza a, iO., ail: BILOAD Mar= OD Witnal i LTS TEO= BT&' • lir Agents tar flo POETLANDHEEO=Ti OIL WOBEB. , HLW YOZIE PABAITII92 CaNDLII cormunr, t. ;". L. 011.A.PLIAZI, astar. Y! Water • MI ?Tons .T.l. lICKbiT oth WORMS Dll OAI, DIIITLAY 0:2 Para Whits litalized tiarbi” 0111 Mee, NII.I2I_LIMICIXTV urs'a:s-r S . E. VOULTNET, Onto, to Crude and Refined Petroleum, 131f.NZ IN IP" Zr 0.1191 TIMID Min% Plttsbtreb, Pa. apliato DIEISOLIPTIOXS. Ice ISSOLDT/ON OF ZARTNEitSHIP D Partonllo harnthetre carting t between th i g i e i terrd g emdat tbs st.ot WM. et.j0 . 1141 Meth III01 " 44 . 116:1109 :thing tett; the Ira. The bte.theteeitll•4 contlaned at form methtL stylt n bereattom • W 5. O. .1011113TOII, 301125T0.5 1110112ALD USN 71 rtheberga, rob. IZtb. WA PHILADELPHIA. Acme on Jonory 1,1864, 55,457,849 85, I=MEM - . In'ea.! Pardue.-- Or.settled Inaza for 10a Las Add &Ina Perpaal and 'romp INSURANCE, FIRE AND INLAND. Insurance Co. of North America. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. IliCrProtacti. eta be eeented In the aboea bauzud old and reliable caropedde, 147 :d 1 1 Bgptey. nmading., or wa.r gcmt. Iv - ASTERN INSURANCE COMP/0 Ellt OP PITTSBURGH, B. PLILLIZI, sr., Presidio:l. F. H. GORDON, diserstarii. 0111 co, No 89 Water street, Spar.g d Ga.'l horn., up stairs, Pittsburgh. inagos stamina ari qf Pin sod garbs Risks, A Muss Insaddios asanuosi by Dirodori as nor mil known in Oa 1.201.01441/. mid nisi ars &W. naval, proripusai tawrnwy, elfoolodso sikka, aim ban assumed, as grail*, Al kW praectios to Gore who dosir• to hi farsind. B. Miler, Jr.. James 211cAulay, Mamie' Holm:* Alen Nl.lPt, Ck.orge DantiN Clampbetl B. 00.17014 0. W. 111.c.tatnim, m 730 B. fIITLZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY kJ OF PITTSBURGH. Oftoe, cerase ItGatet and Water streets, second Sec, WIL BAGALZY, Ihnting. SAII7EL RNA, &avian,. Insure Stew:abeam nut Clamor. Immune %abut lon end to the stivtipgket .f the Bouthent end Weeteen Lakes La . Tone, end the navigation of the Seat hooves nab:tat lees end damage by an. Wm. Hak e, J. Park, Jr., W. O. Johart on. B. P. Janes, Bear, Ovens, Eton, 51- Howe, Hatay Preacm, Beata Bingham, PEOPLES INSITRA.NCE COMPANY, Office, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Sta. FIRE AHD MARINE INEVITRAIRM Wm. Flatly% John Wait, Wm. B. Hsu John E. Puke, Charles S. Shooll, Wm. Van Kirk, wl. F. GARDNER, - - ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COIL Pew" cot PITTSBURGH.— Offtna, Ho. SI MIL meet, Bank Black. !ream eget= ell klectsol 71re eati Miens Blab. ISAAC JONZB, Preeklerd, JOHZI D. lISOORD, Fier a IL BOOK, feetwereeA. Imo Jame; 0.0. Et rcy t„6. Jattrwhr, Jr., ' B. L, Pahnestock, pROPOSAIS FOR MORTAR &HELL Oromanc. Omer, Was Dararreccri, Wurrourrom D. 0., July Bth, 1504. I BEll= PUOPOBA.LB will be received at this °tam until MONDAY, the Ist day of, An llifid s for ti-INCH MORTAII SHELL, to be delivered to ahe following quantlibs; at the undermanad Aram toils, viz: At Watertown Arsenal, lianachtneetts,6.lXXL At the Watervliet Amend, New York, 10,00 k At the New York Areemal, Goverme. Wand, Ng* York. 20,000. At the Allegheny Arsenal, Pittedurgh, 10^ At t h e Wunington Annul, D. 0., 15,003. These projectiles are to be made of the kind of metal, and inspected after the balm Lad down be tha Ordnance. Manual, the tensile strength of their= to be not Imo thap.l4,ooo Ma per Kure inch. They are to be made in socordanco with the bastructicm 1 given In the Ordnance Manual. A ra w can be seen at soy of the United Rate. als. The prejectUrs ere to be lamented at the A D= . where cast, and are to be delivered at the bre of charge for handling. Mete. wile state the rate at whirl they will dehrer. Failure to maks dolly - miss at a specified them gill üblect the contractor to • forfeiture of the =unbar he may fail to deliver at that time. Bidden wBl state Implicitly the Arsenal or An. mile where they propose to deliver, and the ;samba iff prejectllu they proms to deliver at each place, for more than one. No bide will be couldend from puttee other ate regular founders, or proprietor. of mocks, who are known to thhi Department to be napalmed aucating the work proposed for. Blueild any party obtaining • contract offer .he.laother than three cut ln Ida own foundry, they will be Mooted, and the caninal -. rendered null ono Told. Farms of bid can be obtained at the above ex: a r ms. Proponds not made oat on this form will not be considered. otresArerss. The bidder will be required to accomoatty Ids • o w eltkm pithe.t .dr=. l 2l l . l e h red, of once execute the contract kr the amooodth wort and endlcient rentlea, in a tom squat to V* amount of the contract, to delleer the artleb pro posed, In oonfionnity with the tam ot Ms ad. nertheemenk and Mame the odd bidden. should (oil to enter into the oontram, they to make good the dltbst , once between the offer, of add bidder and Us matt responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. ty of the guarantors snit bp dioust by l tre officia l eertifionte of the Clark of the neof ark District (kmrt, or of the O. & Dtstrlct Attorney. Bonds to • sum equal to one-tenth of the maid of the contract, alined by the contractor and both Of his rirnarantors, mill be regoired of the inacceadhl Wader or bidden upon eltining the contract. We, the • residents of thacounty of Btateet hereby, Jointly and ornarally, oaratutaS with the Vatted States, and goarantee. cia• the bider geaecepted. that he or t , 4 1 a 1 within ten day. after am acceptance of said M.asao acts the oantract Ihr the =as with good and sal dens orretiee a ram equal to the ono= of the orotract. Oa tarnish the talkie propassd In two. (malty to the toms of the adootheenent dated.itme 11, Mt, thee/ Irblch As bid tram :nada; and,to ewe the sold - 411 to enter • mamba* atansaid, wa gnerantee to soaks good rho diakonal:* %otos.= the offer by the aid and the Mt Lome a warde d.der or the paean to VIM the =treat =ay be Witte% j Often tradsreentendiandgeall this • To thia goaranree rod be appended the 41:11 oartilosse inhere mentkraed. Each ixzty obtatrang a contract wilt be obUted to enter Into bond, art th approved suzettes, tor In tail. tut execution. Upta the award being =lda. =coned ttdolott bo cotated, ana toratatted formal =Vaal ukd bond. • • • - - tesortoo tbo right to Ned gay or all lada, It notarzoad slltfastory. CE P LErl7 l PZlSitra d larot 13 = 4* Gal" 0 nit Womb. toga., D. CL," and eadortod "Proposals for 15.1ar.b Mortar Baal." GEORGE D. RAIIILLY, J71.2,0dtd aria. Goa., Chia of Ordzumes. PROPOSALS FOB FLOITR--Sealed Protonle are Melted titil the lineal MT at 12 o'clock IL, on ftomte=ng the enbelstancs De• . partment with TWO THOUSAND (SOW) BARRELS OP moos. The pommels tall be for what Is known at Mb die. pot al N.A. S and 11, and tide will be =tartans:l for nay Quantity leo than the whole. eopTßide coin be f r n duplicate, sad for mob trade an Zirery o otthe does to coutiaarial wttata" to. Says from the opening of the bide, and in mit ntutatitlea, as the (=lnmate= may =feet, de livered either at the Gorernment antreimme to etewn, et the 'harms, of at the railroad depot. R , D. O. The delivery al all lbw awarded to be completed within twenty Out from the opening of the We._ • • Payment will be nods be oertnialtaa of lathebteSe • h e r or each other hada ma the uarernmeot mitt/ here_ dlebmeenterd.• The moat Geremmtot tropeetbat beleASOlttet before the Ocur Is reeelyed, ead Dona areopt• • oi which la not teeth groarid. An oath of ellegianne =tot armonpazgr the MS df mob bidder,- who ha, set the call. op Me la -this odl •w; and Be bid will be en'ortained from parties. who matt pore/anal) , taihd • t soowdy au: - bids, out o bidders =timed to Gesernsoort manethe right tar azq cam. • Shit a Jo to rnarmea ths. era ' rier, SPethlngtoh.-ama mal ter t) - • - .Lo.; m . trumi k e on , D. a oly;;camita mewl: %. Z. vitavvva 1829; 4 ' 33 Pm 41. FRANKLIN FIRE IMMURE COMPANY ~.........---.. —8 lOU ry POLCMI CM liberal Watt. IILIXTO/13 : °barks A. Banter, Totam Wagner, ERB • Samuel Grant, Jamb R. Smith, Gm W. Richards, CHARLES N EDWARD C. JAN. W. litcALLls Geo. Tales, Dr W. IL.") . s:Ea, DALE, Vice Prandial:A. O. 00PT1.24 Ape, ' oat add Third Warts. PHILADELPHIA -53,50 1 :000. lamt , _—___.._tiA34oA W. P. JONES, AGES"! inastmes: Andrem AcklAy, Alma,Far Bser, Mint al. Um& Ems J. Thomas, Decd. P. Baker/44 John B. 211Chros. M. GORDON. aentiffv. e. X. Rl^•, John Shiptao. learn M. Coopme. B. Harbinmet J. Caldirelr. ir., Jabn &Dilworth. Wm. A. Batten. IZMMI zr , •• us • George P. Joluo, C. $.211011 1.4744 MEI 74.11, Germ; yea Jahn D. McCord. Capt. Adam Jacobi. D. D. Stadia& Wm. Dewy & I...MaJraw Eat B. D.ti. V HO r OtidLLß.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers