, - • _ •,• ' • • • , • ••• , n , •••••••1•.• • • , •- - • , , , - . • • . • . , , - • • till' • , ~• •• • ' • . . • - • VRfiiiittrgit 6azette. P im"! AUMNING::: Gomm BD MAMA mtrssuasau mARKEn *41,31 , 14 the yittoargn. c.tta • I`.liczsbAy, iday 2G, ic4. :Giarr=whoewirittimara 2.,14 Arta, trlth Lot Lithe atnin:afe2lllol.• trans!. wagon at st;to for, it. 4 . 114:4111 . 1 1 130 tor Avbstp. DOM limleri4 morn freely, ,4:14 ilia mattstja a jibs& easter; es . .. of -1(X , bath, I¢ fruzu depot, at Net°, .d iW bob h do, frt. otoreott $1,45. Ihsts—ln better supply and a shade 311,, r; UuMlith without qaotab?e ehanze; sale of 2 eartut 9D, tad 400 bash, In lo:a, from depot, at 9Pa I.ltja 7 -41ono uffarlub, , - batOLIEILIES—tior Irmore Active at,d firm but esehant.l; *slept ftalds_prituu Calmat 13, 'aud 3 hhda prune 21e. Orleans at V. Illotroses t but 911th sitar at a1At34!,10: V,ltati 1 wciik and dlln./004 gra quote nutulasily atiCalCi* "(The of Cud* us Adigllollll.ll[o.l. Baltimore. is Imi:easily May, beluirtapostad at 171,1:s1 bags.) • . .11.01.1a-I'aerola no detuund 01 a. 4 carsolutipta *milli atlas and, It aro =rapt th e used patty .trassekel..es, time Is liothieg dolt; whatever. 11u14.. sal; hewever, are very Ana tErtheir 01,01, and they dot trut aem &lip:am:ll9 utakelba boast couceastou ut *aorta atTgct , • . 4 gLalysii—Claa listaidgeantlated jiiiibingdemand nod grimily° dim bat latching. 44. TeA,n, Oslo inquiry tor /day Pork on awns ho dare ars now' aaldng . higuer &tel. AI Sea 1114 quot. nina hiatat *Walt. Lard to , hind dad priatilltry randier." 14 bald &day at 11S. fritti iS itli—llintar la in :dr demand, and _rwith dilispeatgoi, al* market ititady prat um at 121 tie 3 d,lorgood- - tYatriaily prima..Eggs may be qutedlirmal2l.6o.2, sad in pidy PYTILMIS.I—Tha demand cautioned, Ilabt and the saWy li,lncreasing, and prima ua a atind• corer— '-tiwirjak that bare at. ha is ELLS per bash. W• note We. °LIU& (min whartat tO. ••• Har—l-'l5 Steady with . fair denouul owl o alight ofilktloi T.elpta. We quota at 90 1033 per quitelient film while prices are acebansed. Salmi of bble common 'et '` 8.13141)541ex Biwa iii India:egad and yells reedilyiit boat i4fls ta55,30.1 per biish. .• ZgIED EllifTli—Ariples meet with • feir defined al 1.241124 lialmiorPeachessa IS for quartet, mid.imi far hiMIW. Pfttaburgh retroletun Market. liar fa-There fn a continnedvoll load end snip. lag - demand for grade, and truth light receipts and an extreme/y.2mM stock ma hand, the market rides ' ea:Mittel! Ism, and - petits hate a;aln advanced. We mai ' , Pit 5 5 4 PIIIS id bolt et iliN. 210-1,11,. It tiiii4.l4Ott the spot, C. 33;andinOiln du, at 31, treat. . . boned_ cut, in sdattkp to the ,bare we also board ot ar mlee' Z,Can bbls *bulk at 23, betas it was not well authenticated,'wei do liMt, Of coarse, roach for the correctriere of the mare. There is also an 'net ive demaridtir Itellnisd it bond, on the ,lad as wed no far ltanni delivery, sod the only etwtable In the way of large transactions, I. that then, Is, tempera nut, spratrz, none to ho had. Our caner. are elf sold Mom tap and many or them, for two mende ahead, so that malty, then., but little nuns for operutene. Wenote a sale of 330 kohl., -Lucifer," for July delivery, at 65: and WO btdestintebritudn Philadelphia-. GO, Free 011, too, .lala good-oppealatire &mend, het the e.t.d./lota. oritadders Lao • -tendency tom,- tent basinass. Buyers areathiring GI, ter prime city brands, while seller. era asking. 65. There It antalat In tiaptha or Seeldrinta. The tea - Int. by, the Allegiken, riser 'during the fart3r•elithe Arian madisig thin erening, areas fallow,: Ikastiworth....-.....:-/tX) 31:111bbons -,-..—.. 60 . 7 m(ta11agber....;.....-....1X) Cr 5: Clark-,...—......278 Itlchardeon.-..........-713 Davie di Stawart.—...6Cti OS L0ng,,,.........:-...-...2101 ....- Total nom taw barrels__:._._. ......_._._......._.2 731 .Reetele of tho Pittsburgh Tobacco Market. (*Perk , ' for U. gautto. by O.D. .!LraAtha!, D. 8 Tim dxeMets oowd la. my prmatam repult of the totiiii - bliputot,hiecon,inand with butoaght Tarts- flan datlag thapstat ends, ►nl atttazgh noir= hare been male Etr'inferior grade, still the trarhat:ehowora:slight-upward tendenzy; with a good inquiry roc: welt manufactured, and. carefully put ttp toba-uos. 71.1 a sprat - rot good leaf fgr menu far.,Uring purposes, being held to the priump haMo wentuntsts,ai hignfigurea; the decrease of sr. cep.-Ptcu hi.de durlog.the month slap:11 against 14,2 J hit& um. month last year; the certainly orthe incresaed tar by tbeGovernment. most of necessity lncrClLm the dale of .all good mid area inentrautured tobaccos. -Then an no stocks of any onsequ..nes , hald by our mann'actmeraotod 'Towna ruling rectory rates es folvws: he trliand kits --o..mmon-650 to Ze-rgood.. CO to 65 NOY F.... 41 sad half pounds 66 to 116 Brut GO to GO Natural Leo' tO to V/ Diant,md 70 to $0 Bright L. 76 to GO Stoic pittatairgn tuoiber !Market. ifiyss4l,6 rrliipl. of iamb.- by the r•l<cldt .In - Pdicidleeteny:rirer, were dirger than had been • :" whit -li, In idAtion to fair receipts from . 131MMg0 and othSrpoints rret, has a tendency to de." pre. the'aznttot AL meithot, although (botches lei n es . A. falehmhdoss done for the lower machete. Tbr re ' Appears to be Si nlmoet entire abeamof epeculmion - attd the yard-mcn are buy leg eery spiringly—buth • ./. demister and. specelatore beteg narlui of a material • .! doediub." Boards bore sold more freely than /sot week, but ai asllght droll.. Timber, mom parti cialarlydheClowor grades, le Tory dell. nod tore, Geed Timber is ete.oly with • a moderate Inquiry; whrio common sad Inferior Le extremely dull; with a supply largely in races& of the demand. 4hingien meet with a fair demand but the stook le large, and TalnewbaTo'nedorgous no material change. The fol .' doWing are the vernal rates at thornier: Li to rx per foot Booed ..._r.._....... _ .. to MI per M. to ES,SU per 11. • iterleir of the ie ew 'York Grocery Marl et. Moro tha,klityping List, Iday Eiugar—A moro active demand 6cla sprung up far raw, loPts from relined ..e4. the trade, and ea expert, eta ciao operate oircialututily. the market Is decidedly -Miner, and our notations are advanced half a cent it D, &nag very lireoly at the Improvement. .11.e0esd, .0 10,, more settee request, and prices aro high , r •Z' —nts quota other than Moat s'e. Hare r.14.1a..e0u 0 Whit. •21.34 , 3234, and' Tellus leant. t,OW hbls . Cluatted bald yesterday, part tar export, at .4.4124 e, stets. The eel. etras, Which ere target...than ter some thneout, include Slat ittide and UV Rae Ceiba a515%•1774e; ')O Wit Clarlded do, 113. 215 bhde and 2.1 to Cub!, tot upon, 11, In bond (cash); 256 Porto Mee; 17?-„,alfitV,137 Nevi Orleans, , ?4 Clarithd 20, fOneags Brown Pernambuco, 17; 3:3Blsre Havana,l6ll6V, - ICaldn, MO 'alalada,l2!4,-4 mu. . ' Oaks—There is so little demand or buitinese in Bradt, that we can bona to have any Mar— kat, end oar notakur , th ugh reduced half a cent, • dill entirely notoilteL ,For West Indio there Is tan» little .demand, hut rim, favor - &nne. We . • , notica , l3 bags-&o-Sk imlege at about 44k; bble - • Port, E 1 ce.,115, 4 mph; 11 hag. fit, Domingo, S 0; .1411 44 - for Expert,.2334a2l, Cub, in tend. and KO ‘Naracall*:ra private term.... Nie.li - ortr that EEO , • . base or. Ziosaingri will be shipped item first ..The stock of, Brazil in the stooge., as made no by 'lieler*WmAtett d flan, le 12:1414 hage,rtz,lol, 23 l - • -loin bere.arel , l4,olo at Baltimore. : itolamortf—Tbere le a ixioderettr but increasing in . • ."1 11 k7 twat eempoirierikairl the market, though still • . • dul4,le firmed:ea advAuu 0124-10 Pam. The • Italltnre 7111 hdr,ll/1 teitand2o big. Cubs 51e.u0, , Tidos' 7.5.113c;c7.7 WA* Englith pl; Ca hhcle ' . riert6 Elco08; SGSbbla sad 21t Sew-Orleaa, SO ar,00,4 moat sodhbde Dementrio, ea term.' tot • • transpired;' Anßoston,loo Bhp sour Cobs sold et Teu—The busters, In tldieraihs is almost at a thind; there being no speculation, and COLNUMiIt• .• . ; buy 601yfoithe supply or their teens, 'tato sit; .231 hi chesslionehoug, in- 0 7 r Order, sold io . bo n d, StA- to 600 atotoogV - yrsterday, on oriente Baltimore Illsirkediall Atoport. • ~ Nay 21-oOflreo—Sire notice the 'anise! to-day et beg Escape, from Btu, sliak .Vtr, ideimaleit the. • . Stock here t 0 .22,000 bur. Timmatket without in , imaityialmmulattolders renialollnin velar no 'disioel flan IA foineselei.' : '- flons-11 deed.oso lnictlvet' isles of 100 Ithls ." Howard street and Ohio super at $7,75 id Ltd. Ito change la Prices 01 ether desertprlone. . Gentr t -'lO-oay 100 Y bosh lir Ilitiian4 dcr ' red • - Wheat offered. nutlike mmorlei63o brienyadto at . 111,81.2,05,and 100 du red at 4482 push. Coro— •.- Sylatbash whlteartMO - do yolloaron be-me with • sailor 4540busti of She former at. 81,30 a dm:ine of ' several emits; and a eitallYot,. of yellow. ft. $1;40 It 'ltmah, , Of Oats 12:0 taitsh - educed'. 010 hush 41.7,1-sod reild 0.1:0e; aright: - Of Ilya 'l6OO teal Now York. .Stists brought 61.06{} boat. - sithnti market very dull ba, prices nab:derail the mute as heron. reported. , MA..I • 40, day,Mu okaand 23 tcsfrem Porrollizo, and Et cks prottsions-i-Areast i remelyrslutl, bot pricer are nem . - fumatitided., 4rt 004. Wast:tm liens moth at 113220 ~61M ' o 500014.0, 123-44111des 13%; 1364t0rr4; do Bogen-Cured lies - •S e...snd caterioned 21122.3/01) Mak ehonlJer. /2c; 2441n123iel drysnitett /bums 10a#344, &and . dO 163t1i3f t 5 . :012,: , 144 1 43.4.14gotalnewnieur • ball — ltteflumlnalet and uriiSa; sturdy kr Into from Merest sa for t.n.onddlonaland,S4,24lol. finey . . AantnArdooenrce Arb4 worth 10.2 0- -S I•l4L bhurd7so-ebush.• notice tba-arriral to-day from Porto ltko or Vs bbd.,7tunodl6o Ws, and - DOM EVA :NOM& and 20 toe; Wllh fair arotA the. market main' dant Cny Monday &tom natured r akish:pace. *on Ltalt hull and eoft. and ootrquoto Auttalr 0, powderediod gramdated 24Xe; soft mesh -• ad A white 2234 Q-a d. 22,1. g...nr. my:4e; . yellow dire 9.: ,0 34c• • - • • ' 1 1 1.4kat: Ski 21mie.i..-.:511. lust cis:thug, s atter.eur nr• part'l,ooo •Du Atabar 41146 at 150 et Taus,r,, Won th• tocelpt at isitilteu 11 , :uu Now York.4o) ass,l4s au ard.l/75 tut Ambit tl4ton.-0131o:. rattr. report. ..14000 tut scut .2,150 bit !No l ILJ at 246ths, and tocri . bo Ito 4 Bed at 143r4. =Mts. aid &trod. ...tlosttotato.bold qclitti trebly, at 145 e for Po 1 Bat zed lOU . etr.--abont I,,talew the asking Ouri— at NAV Now Task ra q.au—Tnera la a. par tigiair*lllituiStilariimt ' Oan Is moue *x the mutkett : ••,, -Bs+Norolnulty - . • serlif—Nu!ltUtAt .dolisg:,;,:weAUpta • • Ciefetand liaarlicet--31ay 26. IlostrOnly -. 12 . 01c0n ' 422 for Um itrunotrat a. Ot Nrbtar—tialer tato Ur& re 4 PA 4acoblzat no to o at 84= • coni—la folr revossr 422 marker inoooraftlyl22l, - Sole a 4n, froarnara. as / Larva 44k• .1 12421943** on track at &It; 1. 4:ad.& at 72.*; 2 cars from - 4ton a t . 200. - ' , lD2dcwbr42-0112:124222,16.. - . - Nothing de121114 othrrifilthipluA4P*M92°u6"l"--1 ~~~~. • an - • . ,Plttabtatt Iraii d Nall Market.. May 2G—Tbern ks a ali,T,Vt off to the de mand for manufactured Iron and nails, bat ibis is aethtagtmtimsi ett this ovamoo of tbo yo.r, its tti time for tit* mill. to s,rupec , l operations In order t. :::711AY 27, 1964' =Ain) the wend repaira, L osar at hand. Stir, there 1.1 fair boa Ina. doing, and our memnfacturers hare abiant as, many ordars as they can-or CII.TO shoat— Siting. The following art the card rates, corrected up to date: • to G. by tt,', to 1 10ch...—. 4 to 6,, try 1 to 13<, to .1% by % to yi 13iibo Ih' by 0!..6 Ineb-___ to 6, by 3.; to 3-16 loch_ _„,„ 114'o / 1 /.. by ?,-4 &ad 3-16 loth_ 101%, by v end 3-10 Inch----..—_ to 54, by 3-4 and 3 16 5: to I,.tky 6-1 G inch... 1109 P AND LION? BAND 21 , to 6 inch. Aland 2.... . • —.— .8 , 4 l'lsicb.: -- ii poll Hoops co is t to specified lengtit7, — y — eeni. per pottnd =lra. LOVSP AND 614CA.Itt. ia ro I 334 te, and % to It , loch inch 9 tar, inch__ DM,' OVAL An all v . D.OOIM 11' iq loch o 1 o 7_ ..... 7 . . 411 dimeover 29 luc he* wide', .?.11, PLJerrl. 0-16, and 6.1 Inch Over a).lmchet to arklvh, lb extra Heads . . PlorrEOztve ••• Winge Panchnt and coaster tank. tot'. by % to fx, Incb---.-... by% and 7-16 tacit. , by % atm 34 flub ..... .... ...-... hop trd 8,18 MI foal Nails 7,13%4 N keg 84 and Fin, .. .... .... 9,37% .1 and in. ..... ..1h.87% 84 and 54 ouch ............_ .« b 3d. ...... . ....... Cut 7,33 L Casing Tiarfs. Dorm! _.........._......._.._9A,13inch 7,131 1 inch . ........._..._...n,38 inch _7,88 FlLLshing. 7,b3 10d. , , t,131 Pri Fuuject to Pisan, of Market. Abatement Shnet,T . orilereel to lots of 30 tom or over, 12;4e per 1001.. Oti Nails ordered 114104 ef 1.50 kegs or over, 12. S cents per keg. Terms—Settlement by note or mcoptmce of draft at 4 mantle from date of Invoice, poyablo with ox. change an Pittsburgh or New I ark. Discount for Cash flyer cent, if remitted in par funds at Pitts burgh, within ten days from date of invoice. No discount olluir.l 09 bills of loos amount than fifty dollars. Allegheny Cattle Market AILLDIUST CITY, May 26—tbero was an an ly Wit etipply of catt/e at these yards during the past week. and, with e fair local demand, the mar ket nitledrErm, and an leisure, over last week's rates was established. Ibis advance, IL Is hardly - probable, however. wit 'Win Waal, so it Is contldently pre dicted alit there will he a decided Improvement in the realpta from the west durttrg the next thirty days. There were eq preeminent buyer. In the mar ket that we maid hear of, and-tint for tits rust prices wuld doubtless have Advanced more than they did. • • Hood beavyatoct,enitable for the retail trede. arid at from e 8,50 ire 119,60 ' , Wolin, grow—the most of the Wm, however, ranged at from 11s to ED, and three Ogurea may be taken ar a fetrandeit of the prerailieg rata. A few heal of emse cattle erwe mid at 89,73 69437 Ytcwt , but there are extreme priceean t cann,i betaken ae a fair or - Union of the entreat. As - Mere wore some orr.:re In the award. for cattle at Baltimore, aa noted In oar lAA report, repro duce the num. of the contractors, numer of cattle awarded, and the prices Lew. Myer, 3 , UfA head, average 1,200 fox, at PAT B cwt. J J Bankard, 2,000 hail, averAgli 1,1:0 It., at (111,0 cwt. Jon 2113,4 L. Bra, I,CY-01 . 1e),4, 4verso 1;1,0 Iba, at :9.3111 eat. W It Webb, 1,0)0 heed, arerege 1,1:0 lb, et T 5,97, arid 2,000 brad, average Like) ire, The whole somber of cattle told dorlor the past week, aggregate only aboat :440 heed, and summed w 11 bolwada partial list of tire treotectioue, W 8 J Lehman wholeasied 02 head of fair Ohio stook of 135,24. Ilaaluereod.t 11c-re, retailed • mixed lot of 42 bettl frocer.4o to 50,00. • TB. . dr:re, sold 33 head of folr Jodi.oa alma at 89,30, J fireepma wholesaled Ire head of alto heavy neck at 88,88. 8il;y01%r. Bro, retailod aboat 45. head at from 57,30 to W Wadd , e, sold 5 lead of oose at from Z 45 to f5O per head; and d Lead steers at from tad to 148 per head. • • Iu adtlittoo to the .Lore these were several oth • all lot 4 sold et the ..me ago orprinse. fiNEEP. Tha demand eatatinnia dinned, and notarltheintid• Ink tho receipts are light, the market in quiet and rathar dull, Outlet prioeelare undergo. nuclide.e. Clipped iitimp may Imrproted at from MOO t., g c,OO per or; gm; in a ..11 way; the .leeredund lot ado rasSUO head at $3,25, ' i t det Emit Nq wooled sheen offering. IIOGS. With the excnstloa cis; fa; smell soles to the retell trade, there Is =thing- whaler. r dotes is this clue or stock. The omits sale tar tho week only foot 11D heal. Chicago Market... Mall Report. 21a.2 25—Tbo vtbe%t market opened fin:4'l6th sal No 2 fgriag at $1,2.534a,22; bat on rnocipt of th laaarabla sun,. moms orlon tell,back. to $1,24a1.2.1% cicaing steady at 11,21 N, No 1 Spring Irma vary gala at 111,2631,2 C%. Tba demand oss &Ingather apaenbalra. . - lioldeta of fl , nr were Guam In their visa/ oo at. count of lmprei•J reports from New Tort, but there b no quotable adminm to notice in prim. Theremia an attire aprenlatir• and ehlkplng de- Maud for corn, and the market ruled Grin at an ad. vaimaof Titifts"oper ha. No I In More sold at $1,03a 1,10. and No 0 et 51,06%61,0TM rarpmtirely. The demand 'for oate bas more actlro, and DriCell improved le,. with sales at fifiall7e for No 1 ; at "avo .° V.te k' re r iata .. " ea ruler' fxling In'and rale, of No 1 wars made at 41,80a1,40, Barley*. neglinted and noarinoL T.bo garter for HigLerbeaopaard steady al 81,0, bat dead doll. Slot Provision market fa &mar, on account of the favorable report• from New York. Most holden are eking f017,70a28,00 for mess pork, but salt. were tuarle at 7r-1A0127,23. Lulli. inactive and uotolnaL Ymports by ganroad. ihTT3IIMGII VT.:WAY/ER 000 Clircaco BAILLLD, May 26-1 bbl rate, Joint 'Dank; 156 Lg. barley, J Rhodoe; WO tibia floor, Dan Wallace-1 ear scrap lron_, Witt Maloney; 23 kg. OSIS, 9 do cord 6 do ;Potatoes, A P Emu:110011 bUtaolua A Canshey et co; 3 cam gains, .1 J Balya, 133 bp wheat .1 S'LlggetS & on; 823 tks oats, Colo d nbejahard; 1 ear clay, Wharton, Bro d co; Ido do. Kier, Glover At no: bp Doi coed, I' and &root. 201.61. spirlta, II * P Leiria, 75 11012 1 o il' or 'do r . nt j et ir al: l 7ll! nb" l.; '' 90 aka W auley; 67 Dbl. flour, Andre. Jackman; 890 raire,l - 11'WeSdlo; 81,11 carbon do , .1 A Canghey; 35 pkgs flab, Berm McCoy; 22 do , deltornaker Long, 20 bider, A Holatelne; 4 bbla dotage, flea k Sell; Ybbb enve 11 Corals; 4 do do, Iliad a kfetrarar;• 10 bbls Dowry J [brit*, 25 ;popftsh, W 11 - Kirkpatrick 41 . co; 19 by tai ac d. • Litt], i Trimble; ft Bg. barley, Jtotam Bkoder, 7 bblo Wino, Mcßano A a $J,4'2 bbla talk John Floyd co; 14 bas cheese, Lambert kablpton.. CLIMIAND AXD PtilliErll.o9 BiILiOAII. May 26- 60 dos branne, Shamiiker Lang, 1 blidbatim, /lob- Intook. McKinney; lBbsschan, P Fationlerr; ea do , do, 4 Rao rime, s,ad malt:11,bl; lour, Dan at o c.; 164 astern, 8 Matt * co; azo sks cot., tOkeina et co; 420 by rye, Thee Dzl1;1104 1/cido, Thee Monte; 96 bp plaster, Burke d name; ICO bbls konr,"lfartraan A bra; 12d hides, 0 }reefer; . 40 P 2 114 fish, Potter, *lkea • bbcpact4 VI do do, Walt .d Wilson; 41 bill cbtoefea 11 Caotteldt 13 alto Map, Godfrey Clark; M/ aka eats, P 214.11eiryt 17 Lahr. 'cheese, Simla. ion& a:Oskar 11. seed. P Vangarder; : 52 bbls dortr, Mna k..kfiail;2tare hay D Myer 4 aka 1014%9 do beau , . 44 °norm. L 8.00; 1 ear DOlrlfigton Le C.); 171 aka torn, Mukh, Mar - gam A CO. • - • • 'Al.Leaturny fluxion, 6 1 / 1 7 28-4 . 7 0 UP *best. Noble & Angolz, 'LS km It/Wen, 21,rnin- & Getty; JO eh/ 4 f. GpoA Eelly:27:dodo, Stall.; eon & co; •In do do, 8 Dyfr; 1126 k. corn- 447 .17,0 Mau, J Li Spain 7- bbls.no, 4 144 lard, Y bbls &Inmate, I/obi/ion 4 tnEtn, 0y;03.,ks corn 177 dclenujiltopson & Knox, 0100 ft lazober, Wm Iloyd; bbl. whisky, Munn & floblorom 81,u paid.", .1 Batt; 6661, aim bid, 6 do biglmlue*, :Tiernan "Betty; 67by oats, eh* Crain 42d0 no, J Achmon 1 car corn ./ 1j spmr; 42 Op produce, 46 pm Noon, J W &moo, 10 bra pointoo. fle.yor; LSO bdlllpaper„ & 0 langion/Al 60/ po: tit o en, IT 1210110 N AVENUE, AUeshinti C 47. Dumf.Alm for..saJo flay it Grafts 'Hakes, -of the DS:jai:may; Umon , Sulkey ord. Prs.rlo lllyd patterns; aIoo.ATOUN AND DAGOADY 71,U0113, I ,, rstalecituovar. (711 U G BOXES And Wag on work of aU deiropelosra: Ala, wren INEXH, for. Nay and.Graln Dam aifly3meodav► WELLS, RIDDLE 5: CO, No. 215 TV - Liberty .tre.z. oppoet. Stub. -Pburo. thandicturone of %WM Ld.stlm and ownen; E s, .. 4 1 Mgr ibricriptlan LZATELSII ISUAIDED • Ordenrsolkitod 666 ta. =a rodi prompt ithipped4kar poriparactlowi. 6 -Prima Full and "#4l. "#4l.)itinzior *‘n'ti'it}i‘.2E4 114 , . • thet4j. title/4 Pittebtattr, BUffEL: OAV3for sale by _ sniv gnig '-- 'scan F ~ - -. .._ -. ~ 1 3 r ,f" ~ :.4^y=F ..m.~~w._ t _._ ...,., ~'vs:,;: ~ -,...n yr.,si.:~c`~~ J.] ~ .-a-is BRANT RAND IRON Bo it enacted ,hy tbe • Senate and Rouse: I ol Representatives of the United &Ass of Amer lea in Congress assembled, That any Slate or Territory may accept and shall be env tf ed to the benefits of 'the act entitled fAn net donating public lands to the several States and Territorietwhich natty provide colleges far the benefit of agriculture and the me chanic arts," approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two by expressing its acceptance thereof as provided in said act, within two yews from the date of the ap proval of this act, subject, however,,to the condictions in said act contained. 1=1:13=1 Su. 2. And be it further enacted That the beneOt of the provisions of thin net, and of the enia rot approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, be, and the same are hereby', extended to the State of West Virginia Approved, April 14, 1864 An am' to ;enable the people of Nebraska to form a "coestitution and State Govern ment, and for the admission ofsuch State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States. . Be it enacted by the Senate.and limas Rep • resentativet tzf the United States of America in (Impress assembled That the inhabitants of that portion of o h o Territory of Nebraska inoluded•in the boundary hereinafter de signated ito and they are hereby authorised to form for themselves a constitution and State Government, with the name aforesaid, 'whioh State, when so formed, shall be ad milted into the Union as hereinafter pro et Jed ic. 2. And be it farther enacted, That e sold State of bebraelca shall consist of d the territory included within the fol lowing houndaries,to wit: Commencing at a point farmed by the intersection or the western boundary of the State of Mierouri with the fortieth degree of nortb•latitude; eitending thence due west along !aid foal eih degree of north latitude to a point form ed by ite intersection with the twenty-fifth degree of longitude west from Washingtoe ; thence north along said twenty-fifth degree of longitude to a point formel by its inter section with the ferty.firtet degree of north latitude; thence west along said forty first degree of north attitude to a point Permed by its intersection with the twenty-seventh degree of longitude west from Washing , on: thence north along said twenty-seventh de grey of west lougitude to a point formed by its intersection with the forty-third de gree of north latitude ; thence meet along said forty-third degree of noryb latitude to the Reya Pahe river, thence down the middle of the chancel of said river ' with its meanderiltge, to its junction with the Nio• braes Meer; theime down the middle of the channel of said Niobrara Meer, and follow ing the mcauderinge thereof, to itejenction with the Missouri river; thence down Iho middle of the chant:it-lot said Missouri riv er, and following the meander/age thereof, to the place of beginning. See. A. ,dad best further enacted, That all persons qualified by law to vote for rep eentatives to the General Assembly of said Territory . shall be qualified to be elected and they are hereby authorized to vote for and choose representatives to form ee.Cen yentioe, under such rules and regulations as the Governor of 'eaid Territory may preaoribe and also to vote upon the accept ance •or rejection of each constitution as may be formed by said Convention, under. ouch rules and regulation as said Con vention may prescribe; and if any of said citizens are enlisted in the army of the United Stater, and are still withiqaid Ter !item they ;ball be permitted to vote at their pile° of rendrereoe ; and if any ere absent from said Territory, by reason of theirenlistrimnt in the army of the United States, they Shall he permitted to vote at their place of service, under the rules and regulations in each case to be prescribed as aforesaid; and the aforesaid representi tivee to form the aforesaid Convention shall be apportioned among the ventral counties in said Territory in proportion to the:population as nenetie may be, and raid apportionment shall be mode for said Territory by the Governor, United States distriet attorney, end chief justice, thereof, or any two of them. And the Governor of said Territory, shall by preclamation, on or before the find Monday of May next, order an • election of the representatives aforesaid to be held on the best Monday in JUne thereafter, throughout the Territory; and such election ;ball be conducted In the tiamo manner se is prescribed by the laws of eaid Territory regulating elections therein for members of the douse of Rep resentatives; and the number of members to said Convention shell be the name as now, constitute both branches of the Lees. Interco( the aforesaid Territory. See. 4. And be it further enacted That the _ membere of the Conventiog thus elected eball meet at the capital of said Territory on the first Monday in. July next, and after organisation than declare, on behalf of the people of said Territory, that they adopt the Constitution of the United States;.: whereupon tho said Convention Shall be end in hereby authorised to form a•Consti union and fitate,Gavernment: Provuled, That the Constitution when formed shall be republican, and not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States and the principles of the Declaration of Independ- . erica : And provided furthers That said Comilla ion shall provide, by On article forever irrevocable, without the consent of the Congress. of the United States.: First. That slavery or involinstarY ear ritude shall be forever, prohibited in said State. " • Second. That perfect-toleration of re ligiouseentiment shall be insured, and no inhabitant of said State shall ever - be mo lested in perm or property on account of his or her mode of religions worship. Third. That the people inhabiting gold Territory do agree and declare that they. forever disclaim all right and title ba the unappropriated public lands' lying within to Territory, and that the same shall he and remain at tho sole and entire disposition of the United States, and that the !andel:Coning to citizens of the Unit,. eti States residing without the said State shall naval' be tared higher than the land belonging to residenti 'thereof; and that nn taxa shall be impoSed by said State on leads or property therein belonging to. or which may hereafter be porch:wed by the United States: ' SEQ. 5. And ball trader enaetea; Thtit In ease a constitution and State Gov e rnment shalt be formed for the•people of said Ter. ritory of Nebraska, In compliance with the _provisions of this act, that said Convention fermieg the same shall provide by ordi nance tor eubmittit g said constitution to the penplatif •iiqd State for their ratlike lion or releithin•ni an election- to he _hold en the undid Tueeday of October, one thou sand eight bundled and stzty-four, at each places and under such .rogulatiou as may be prencribed therein, at which election the qualified voters, as hereinbotore provi ded, obeli Tote directly for or against the proposed confab:Sion, and the returns of laid election shall bet made to' the acting governor of the Territory, who, together with the United. States district attorney and chief justice of the said Territory, or any two of them, shall cations the- . same,' and if a majority of legal vptes shall be cut for said constitution in said proposed Suite, the said - acting governor shall eel , tify the same to tho President of the Uni- . . ted fitates, together *lth a. tepid slid emistitatioa and ofdlhattoWS ;whereupon it shall be ;the duty of the President af the ualted Elates to issue his prooMmatien de elarieg thatatate admitted late the linion on on ettal footing with thaoriglitil tlGado, without Roy further notion whatorer 41, the part of. Copgrees. . Szo.lo. And be it further enacted, That until the next„geoend resins shall be :taken said Suite of Nebraska shall he, en-- titled to one lispreseuUttire IO the ffonso of lieprlienlitt/yes of the llttited Stites, which Repreetatatile, together :with. the %Terrier and Btate snd.othir cinema ~ :pro. Tided for in eald oonilttution;onay heels* . ed on the mane day a Tote le token for or OFT7CI4L LAWS OF TUE UNITED STATES Tossed at the First Smion of the Thirty ej?tA [Funtac —No. 4f; As aux extending the time within which the States and Territoriea. may accept the grant of lands made by the act en titled "An act donating public lands to the several Sate and Territories which may preside colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts," ap proved July eeoond, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. [Pun lac —No. 47.] against the proposed constitution and State Government. Sec. T. .dud he it further snarled, That sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six in every township, and when such sections hare been sold or otherwise disposed of by any act of Congress!, other lands equivalent thereto, in legal subdivisions of not leas than one qua: ter sect•ort, nut) as contiguous as may be, ahall be and are hereby granted to said State for the- support of common schools. Sec S. And bait furrier masted, That provided the State et Nebrataka shall be ad milted into the Union in accordance with . the foregoing previsions of this act, that twenty entire seotiona tf the unappropvist ed public lands within said State, to be se lected and located by directionof the Legie- Lattice thereof, on or before the first day if January, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, shall be and - they are hereby granted, in legal subdivisions of not less than one hundred and sixty acres, to said State for the purpose of erecting public buildings at the capital of said State for legislative and judicial purposes, in ouch manner as the Legislature shall prescribe. BEO. V. And be hither imaeltd, That fifty other entire sections of land, as aforesaid, to Select and located as aforesaid, in legal subdivreions as aforedaid, obeli be and they are hereby granted to said State for the purpose of erecting a suitable building for a penitentiary or State prison in the man ner aforesaid. BEO.IO. And it be further enacted, That seventy-two other sections of land shall be set apart and reserved for the use and sup port of a State university, to be selected in manner aforpoid, end to be appropriat ed and applied as the Legislature of the said State may preeoribo for the purpohes named, and for no other purpose- Bee. 11. And be it further enacted, That all salt springs within said State, not ex ceeding twelve in number, with six °co ttons' of land adjoining, or as dontiguous an may be to tan, shall be granted to said State for its ass, the said land to be select ed by the Governor thereof, within one year after the admission of the State, and when so selected to bo used or disposed of on snob term., conditions, and regulations as the Legislature shall direct, Proveded, that no colt spring or land, the right whereof is now vested in any individual or individuals, or which hereafter shad be confirmed or adjudged to any individual or individuate, shall, by this no, be granted to said S ate. Sec 12. And t. it /rerriter enackd, That fire per centum of the proceeds of the sales of all public lauds lying within said State, which hoe° been or shall be sold by the Uoited S ate prior or subsequent to the admission of said. Stole into the Union, after deducting all expenses incident to the same, shall be paid to the said State for the support of common schools. see. 13 And k it furth, matted, That from and after the edmiasion of the said State of I braekn into the Union in pur suance of ibis act, the laws of the United 8111 , 1,9, not locally inapplicable, eball hate the some force and effect within the said State t.a elsewhere within the Witted States; and said State shall continuo one judicial district, and be called the. district of Nithraskii. Sac. 14. And be it herther enacted, That any unegreaded balance of the approprio- Cone for said territorial legislative ea. penses of Nebraska remaining for the fis pal yearn eigiteen hundred and sixty three and eighteen hundred. and sixty four, or eo much thereof 'as may be nec:es eery, shall be applied to and used for de fraying tito expenacs of told Convention and for the payment of the members there of, under the Mme rules, regulations and rates as are now provided by law fur the payment of the Territorial Legislature. • Approved, April la , 18d4. Tomasearai's Orrics, Act:segue Co., Ps., I Pitteburgh, May 24,1001. N PURIM A.NCE of the 21st section of -I_ an Act r:sting to Alieghony coring, paisod leg Bit, 18i5l, 2, DAVID At s Eh, Jr., Treastuvr of sea county, brroby ere notice that 1 mill attend for tho fairpose of receiving taxes (ho •inered Wards, Baronets, Tovrcutilps and Previncts of raid county, at au, taco.. p bolding vinoral electiona thertin opoctively, on the moleg dap, trona 10 o'clock a. o.notil 3 o'c:ock p. on to wit : First Ward, Piltsosh; Viral Ward Allogtteny : Elliabern borough, : &mirth, borough, Eindloy tanouh p, Elisabeth fuoriuloip, Frsukho tcrgreabip, Pawn township, Ur ITIUBSDAT, JUNE 20. • • &mond Ward, Pitt-burgh; boomd ard, Allegho ny West IlLesbech borough, Negro:wort borough, Baseball township, Harr/run township, Bum tom.. ship, Jar.llol3 township. ON PLLIDAY, JUNE So. First proCcet, Third ward, Pittsburgh ; rirsi pre. eines Third mood, Aliegkerl bOrwagb, bn.n.b. , T_Wr..gh, toisniship, North Fayette iwormhtp, Nina covuship, East Doer Low-ndop, UN dATVEDAY, JUNE 4rst. Ea and prweinct, Thl,l ward, Pittsburgh; Second toswoct •a d, Alle,hsny ; Tiwupstniss.vilis horosith, Dnqcsone txmott,h, tic antrin township, Indiana tawnablp, South Faystni township, Ver smiths township, UN EIONDAT TUNE fans. . . fourth treed, Pittsburgh; First prainsi, Booth ward, Arlughery kleneuester borough, bootee, berlugh,Lsosprou so►nsb:p, Wuo Doer loon. ship, Debb.son tourusttp, Polio turrnalsip, ON TOLIDA r. JC..B Ten. First precinct, F irth ard. Pittsburgh; Second product, fourth ward, Allcgrieny; West Pittsburgh bow,gh, idonougabsia borough, Eichlutd town• ship, tinder towtoutip, Upper St. Ciao. towasuld, Plrom towuship, ON WEDNESDAY, 'ONE Ora Second product, Firth ward, Pittsburgh, Sixth watt!, ?Stature, ; South Pittsburgh; Sirs: pr.• duet, titrainghaut borough; No.. township, (yhto tOwnshlp, knowden township, Penn townthip, ON TIII7BSOLT, /ONE Sm. Seventh ward, Pittsburgh t Eighth ward. Pitts burgh ; S:cond pm:lnd, Birmingham bdrough; Not Dirmicgham borough, Sawicaley township, McClure township. Baldwln townshtp, Scott tp., Oti FRIDAY, JUNE loin. Bluth ward, Pittsburgh; Noserre township, Char tiara township ' Union township, kw township, First precicet anion township, Collins towasdig. Lower St. Glob township. OH dATUNDAY, JUNE lien. Second prainet, Peebles tolfruhlp Pitt Soya:ship, Crearernt townenip, Nartlle towriehip, ON MONDAY:, JUNE Urn. Taxes can be paid at the Tressuraeo OCiloe within three months from the cote fixed In the foregoing districts, suhiect to SUTE. WINT. DISOOLTNT for prompt pw, meth to any person paying the whole amount of their tales. SILVER PEARL SOAP. CRUMPTON & CO.. SST Liberty Street, Solo Prop - Wars lifinuraettirori for Weatern Ponnsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, 111pro1s and Miami. Also, coanotooturen of a nnparlor article of Palm, German, Olive and Rosin Soap Ad rarfons 2"011,1ea AND FABICY UOAPN. Of our BILVEIt PLUM SOAP, which we cool. dentiolly reoommend es bettor for general um then miy other before the public., ehmild be borne In mho: tun neither Potash, Balt, Lime or Bode, or any other substance Is Its manufacture which can shrink or Ware the finest fabrics. Flannels and Woolens am be washed with the rapidity of Outton or Linen. Clothes washed with the ELILVI2 PILIBL 804 P do not romalre boiling or bell the rubbing, which of course {5,03 the woof and tau, SILVER PEARL SOAP Somme. Grain, Dirt, Unman° gnaw, Printene Ink, dmoir.d the worst Beige Water Statue needle/el), b, aek/yLog tt with n motel Sponge, thou protecting tudnea Garnett and larrdtare from soda and .lop. It Impart. If brilliant., to Plate, Jgerelry,Glasnrare,.Enansellesi Painting. and Pstoni Leather itentedielnlY • and tor cleaning marble and ;111.7 Olin it hes no egml, Tor the Bath, and wife :ularly for nhannpooning. the IifLPER PE SAIL 110.4? Se, perfect Irma, Ina worn, all who have tried , MtPeffor qualities, acknowledge It the greatest Ocoverj of the age. This Company ask • trial from iii who are Inten-sted In wing Bone, and In eve r) paw will refund the price of the tame ehoold It fog o accompllab what we clnisa fof It, If need eanynnng to our (lbw-Um.. . - • - Bold at nys ULOT MB POUND, In DR) pound bona, delinsal to the can or boon, or In el logterny, Birmingham end city naldencoo floe of darge. Direction. kir use on ail package... Lliaral ,41aconxit to the trade. • Iforehnisti froa abroad will 4o well to gin ORBEIPTON 100. a ran, 867 Liberty area., oppo- Ilta Railroad Pameogor Depot: tarilewan +gall imitation.; none gettable anion hearing' Mu trado-mark--BILVIR PRMIL SBXLL , i—as amoral by Rational Copyright. ratan GENTLEMEN WISHING FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. made In the MOST PASIIEWEILBLE and Z., AT .E.firr I3TyLE anoadd do . wall tOIn UP= IL If.. HAM& CO., lERCEXT fAILOO, warms op PZBIZ AM) ET , OLLIII ATBIZTFI Debra pa:raising elevation. INDIA- RUBBER BELTING; of -et& A.B.gtorisatths 09.41tairteretiuu. inn" bolas ir4*-41, and 4 pty. •At: lava stook, ilir999 1.4 bad At e lOU /data Depot of 9104 & B. PEOLGLIMI. STE4XI3O4TS. pOR CINCINNATI & LOU- - • 1." 491TILLS.—Tbv flnn Imar etemner 71119 I'LE, Captain Jame& Bono, 1,111 leave f the above porta on THIS 1)&14, .T.'th Inst., at 4 p m. For Wight or passage apply on board or to J. D. ()DLL' NGWOUD, my 2.3 JOLIN FLACK, }Agents. r 0 R NASHVILTY —The splendid now pemenger steamer All filt.lo ek, Capt. Goldin. vlll kora for the a re ayld intermediate porta on VMS Dal', 27th in , tnnt, al 1 o'clock p. m. For meted or psettage apply on board rr to J. It LOLLING WOOD, itly23 1 . a JOHN FLACK, 1 Vnte. L l Oll lAAnsVILLE, c.e.uto 12 AND T. LOUIS —The now end splendid poseenger steamer JA.1.12.1 K. Olhelullkl, Captain Jolly, sill have se announced above Go THIS DAY, Flch Inehent, et 10 o'clock m. Far lrelibt or polowge apply vo boars or to mi 18 JAS. COLLINS et CO., Agorae. putt CINCINNA'II Jo LOU 75VILLE —ffho fplea4l4 atentnere RS &NOB E, Copt. E. Wean -a, viii leave ae nt.ove on YDIS DAY, s7lb Inst., at 4 p. ro. For freight or twinge apply on 'ward or to 00424 JAS. CoLLINS a CO., Agmate. cAirco & IST. LOU it4,— 127 1: —The iln, steamer mTA ill 0, Capt. hartom, leave for the above and intermediate ports tiATUILDA Y, ath met., et 4 o'clock p, m. Fir freight or message appiy on beard or to /ORR FLACK, myt. t D. COLLINOWOOD, f A P''' . RN.(. ULAN 1.%i PARKERSBURG PACKET.—The tlne steamer IdINSIIVA, Capt. John Donlon, e leave Pittsburgh for Wheeling every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY mad FRIDAY, making chum con• hectic/ns with the Wheeling and Parkersbutg Pack • eta. Returning, will leer° Wheeling every TUES• DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY. Paseengers and freight remipied through to Parkersburg. Z. freight or peerage apply on beard or to JAS. COLLINS di CO, Agents Mart Boat, at the foot of Wood etreett. dallaltf pOR WIRT I .1 NG, ALAILLE'r- TA AND ZAIIRSTILLE.—The doe rc - postonger emu. ERNA GRAHAM, ht... Ayres, Commander, leATe. Pittsburgh ovary TUESDAY, at 4 p. m., load Zasearilla evory FRIDAY, at 8 o'clock m. The new steamer JULIA, m. Ooalson, Com mander, learn Pittsburgh aTery ATURDAY, at 4 p. m., and Zanesville ovary TU DAY, at 8 o'clock F"r frdght or ppppl77 Lcnzd J. D. COL INOWOOD, geuo to H. S. PIERCEdt Agnuts, . Zaar:ortlle. OLIO. THE GREAT UNION RAFFLE, For tbo boot or the Mississippi Valley Sanitary Fair, To take plow the la•t week of the Pair, coder the timepiece of tho finance Committals. I Prizes--Aggregating $50,000, Tickets-•-ONE DOLLAR EACH. —TON 821117-011 PAItH, mnelsting of 100 actm. highly cultivated lend, Is, the county of St Lon., with conymient buildings, doae'rd by * the Hon Judgek of the Cosner Ooort...Stu.o u —A PIOTOIIB, of TDB CEUI,I Flx ej B , dona ted by the U IL limitary Crecunisslon...32,(o) -a% octave PIANO WalaTE, with roltd pearl keys, and in torewood p.m, donated by I.lbeled, Barra Duncan, of Bt. Lot 1e......82.090 —The famines AIDEDABI DUISTILB, with • full and.riegmt .at of Hajar General's Bunipta. , ota. (Dm gun Homer cots 5.3,61X1 lo gold, in:Terrnont, In 1839; ha. trotted in pub lic to skeleton wagon, a toile In 9:111; ha norm bee. trained on a race track;) donated by I . O. Illeagal.... - el.g.t BCOOI, donated by the Ahern. Book, A Co ....3- ECM —A aplendil PlO2lO SttliTC, donated ty - Tutkiall 1 106/1. 10//1,4, orgently with gold, .firer and ivory, donated by Capt. !Stumm, late A. A. 0. on staff of Bldg. Chn 0. —A dory okogAzat BILLIA ND TABLZ, donated by Hems. Brunswick) Bro., Br. 1e0nte....),C0 - Pictuti, of the ado; emu of the Holy Trio ity by all Sothis, donated' by Lase Ilosonhl , Lp nd —A pair of very floe MATCH /1013..5E3, done:./ by rims Tyler ....... -....---... ref/ —A hotattfol modal tue steamer JENNIE DEA/N.., comp. In every r.prct, six feet long and two 0 .1 blob from keel to lb. top of smoke stack exttllntlntr Oro, b-am, sp., small boat st •ge wheel, window., redestil, NA: In hot ths little one looks as If mho tool "walk the motel jibe a thing of Me." Donato] by Mn Captain S. A. Ooe- Tickets to the above grand echoing tangly or in packages of 401910 to JOt, emp h. had at the sal othotd to ba designated hereafter: (Cooke, 80. I Co., earner Main told Olive. A Karst northeast career Main and Olive. LaJcse, Too., A 00.. cinwit &rood and lime Fourth Bat Omni Dark, cidAtr of Wutivigion and Third. A. Lvltch, corner Poorth and Oliva. Pint national Dank, junction Pllth and Pecond West.. People's Bevicgs InstOntion, earner Derontiolet acd Park arena.. Dank of ht. l ends, rernsr Third sod Clive Beal Estate Fart.. institution, Toted street, be. trcen Oltei and Lnect• l. Assistant Treasurer United Bost.. Atl.o.lt iuronno. Oet. P. Al. Onlbarn, T. H., A. A ft. L 11 It., Ticket Odic°. Dwight Durkee. J. M. Crawfools lta Worn. John P. (lamp, 63 insetengtin attune. And in tits Fair Dolidir.g. Orders, with cash from ear friends In the cone- try, addrisesd to P. A. I,ADOP., r.q., Treasurer of the &het Posnultteo, will recsive grumpt.attention 660 - 60,000 numbers (Irons 1 to 60,900) to bald...est In wheel, under the superintoodvoce of ills licnor, the Mayor, sad eleven of the= drape oat. IL. ter. son holding the ifeluit conerresding with first does numb, to be entitled to the fret pnis, or with the Profs, Farm , and so on with the other drawn sum. Notice will Do glees of the time and place of draw ing, end the balder* of tickets In nattendnom nal bore the p•letlede of denignating the commlate to enpmintend the droning. W. A. EIASCADIWR, • GENERAL C PIKS, P. A. !ACCT., 501 a. 8111ITEI, Meet Committee of the Finance Committee. m 723 At W II EELER HIGHEST PHEEIIIISI LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES THZ CaZAP7ST, MMUS AND MT Principal 015 a. •nd Who Wale Emporium. No. 27 FIFTH ST. Thros door below Bank Block, W. BIIICIFER it 00., WIBTIIBB AGSWZB,S 1:11=f3 COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, ta., EXTERMINATORS Id years eetabllshod to H. Y. eq..' ,- ., 11 10111, remediee known." , Tree from Pelsoaa. • ••tlot dangorom to the Nemo Yemlly.“ wltata come out of their holm to dlo." . fold by all Druggiate everywhere. Duress! of all worthless Imitations. 0 0ostar'e Deyat, 210. 422 Broadway. H. Y. SYrfolil by B. A. YABNICETOCKS, SON A (* kid — B. Et SELLERS 00., Wboleval, and Pat& d4vatil, Pa.; litNnt P.,Bonwharry. yhoirsale .d Detail Agent, Allegheny City, mh2Agm B RIDGEWAT.I I ET. 1760. COTTAGE DRABS, 6110IIND ID etrna mem off, dlr. different Drab Bbadee, for GOTTAGES, VILLAS, RAILROAD DEPOW, .14. tj' ' D" S t raNVILS, B ARICIT 41123,ka. CgIELIPZET PAINT IN TII2 drAßlrkr. Addrcao, ILOSERT REYNOLDS, General Agent, TI Malden Lans, , Bew Tort. ratned PAPER WAREHOUSE. FABRELL, IRVING &ICI, No. 610 1128011 mut PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Usaufactunum at Double gitrength „Manilla Paper, Cl2=l .8014.1. WB&PPECS. ma band or made to ardor. ',l3:llben a. t price pthl EOPE,In lave to amen quatlik • mbllma • ATLANTIC AND PACED? STEAM aue . tinss tx) cairrowns.. ; . TU. Env:miler;Jr., kw= ammo cam. ruargank, ablimilannar 411, 1' . . - OILS, If c- WAJUNCI KING. I:MISCHA STI, MIMEO ctrotesern and Its Products, • Bofining Elsttrt•l• oel.:11 So. 33 MARS= ST., Pitts, wzcz.u. ROE h PEA. 12,91.1.„ Ceat na :4610a ..ft a1aha...14 C. Broker Exr 1-21sct7 Petro/cunt and Us Products Icemen tuid Dam. eeneempbaa ample twill dee roe storage, at reasonable rues. Liberal whence* made cabil BREWER. BURST dg COMMISSION DIERCHANTS lEMIC GLOBE, PACIFIC AND LIBERTY OIL WOBEB labe.J ft.sh ulrewas male on co.tgmarab Refined or Crude Petroleum CCM DOkirIIWYS k a H.A.5000( BTB. RICLIARDSoN, EE,IRLEY 14 CO. °MINIMUM A FORWARDING AIMERCHAIPFS, Crude and Relined Petroleum No. 16 1.21W1N bTUEIZT, IPIr Littoral Comb adratteogan consicm.tv to Pit - taboret or roAtorn ilatltete. . . ELems. J. S. Dilworth & Co., Springer ilarliangh, n o i r c ogn Den. goq., Pro.. Onnotooreiti Plank pu.N UITY 011, WORK.J. LYDAY & INIORPENNING, idlenufacturon sad Itednon of OLSSON OIL, MN RUIZ AND LUBRICATING MG, and dealer. b rWt . i. 4.0 :•k. V :Ail in :v • Forks, oppcelle Sharplburg. Off Los, N. ea HARD MEM WALLACE az CURTISS, Coramiesion Illerohanta II:E=E1 CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM, BENZINS AND LUDDICATING one, No. 114 BOOTH raw mi. PHILADELPHIA. Alen -S elregn tr a f p oo a ctliyo. f do r o h n lptprg or oM O n D e r h i bL and Foreign porta, at nor trhoof on the Schoritill alter, near the platform:of the P. R. R. inkly TACK & pKo., Crude and Refined Petroleum, BENZINE, /so., WALEZT ST., PIIILADELPICIA. Onsincm entrusted to oar care err& receive Mr prompt pensmal attentiou_ Refer to Hessrs. Richardson, Harley &Co., Bremo, Rorke & Co., Had McClelland & Davis, Pittsburgh; Thee. Smith, En., Prat. Bank H. A. R. L. roster & On, Pbilalielphia. mail McCORMICH & CALLENDER, OIL BROKERS, Sll and 213 South Water Street, . ger Co.!a,.mnats wllated. 1.1131 TO Lyday & Oborpenning. leen City 013 Fork. Jacob Painter of J. Painter & /no. B. OhsHILL of Sparta. Chalfant & yENANGO OIL AND TRANSPORT OIL CITY, Penna., Are preporeJ to remits, IftoTO and will Crude and Relined Petroleum On the moat reasonable terms, and to ;ea literal L. A. CULVER, Prealdent, Ofilne, No. 12 Pine street, Neat Fork, W7l. BOWEN, boo 7, Oil City. WALTER CHESTER, Ag't,lll City. .1151£3 WILKINS, Ag`t, Pittaboryth. file - Conslanotents, to Penortylranhs Central, srlll be atored as the Company's Ire-phsof tramhouse, on Robot.= Ole of rteer. mlaly WALEB, WETMORE & CO., COMILIZSION lIIKFICIEUSIX, SHIPPERS OF PETROLEDII, ni warms Lear, zrzw TOBIL. Ample tscilltlos for 9TOII.e.GE AND BILLPFTHO at their yard and wharf, It= goat, mylttf CABOT, PEMI3ERTON A; WEBSTEB. General Merobandize Broken, H 2 PEARL 6TRZET, Fey/York, Also, 1 80IITEI non , 8T PldbedelPh* Pe. CRUDE & RITMO PETROLEUM, 0A1313710 SODA, SODA Allll, BBIBLEITO" DRUGS. OILS, krt. &o. Orders to buy or sell prataptly ettensded to. D. L, MIILER, 38, AGENT, 123 WALNUT BT., PIIILADELFELL. CRUDE & REPMTED PETROLEUM Oa Ormmlnt= szoluliely. All charm at inn nasonable tatas. STOBAGS YOU 1111:17111ED la owl Dam. r MODE, under good abeda. Particular attention paid to OIL 7012 =POD% Nos Bats—OAUSTIO SODA, SODA ASII, do. . ALUM & NEEDLES, PHTLADELPELC owtadEwoli ELEBOILM2I. Partlades attention paid to eanaligninstiln Crude and Refined Petroleum oar Liberal erlyariore mad*. oni:ly • EIC OS WOODWARD, Mots of Wm. H. 'Woodward OZNIIIIILL 0011211:613ION ircnonarr. koala] otteattost ens to Mt rho of Crude and Relined Petroleum. No. 111 MOTH 1110 T oeattm OILDVLLLPv liEIZN WOO y, tiEO. IV. HOLDSHIP & CO., Nalarthetnrcrs of BURNING OIL AND Li7BRIOA. TING OIL. Reap eoludantl r y on band the vary beat quality of BURNING OIL, clear and vithout oolor o good LUBBIGA TON., pure WRITS DU. ROLE and 0244 B ari 1-Utt la No. 86 BrIZIET • floor, win to p rom p tl y atmdb4 to.• . ROBERT AINIWORTE, • Su. 1 er. MAUI Bi, P111821:184111. Forwaiding & Commission Nerohan . AIM MUM 13 OM. naanermenso. LIIBEICIATING, OZTIDIII PSTILOLZMI de, constently on hand and gala at the lowed market prima. Oonelgrunents and orders solicited. JAMES ERWIN, I=ll Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. Mon hit at John Porterßold a Co.'s! 026 e tor of UAW= AND riEST IiTABEnt..III. ••••..o.mono .511% .xllll3lllr OW/ JIM Ir.. PETROLITE OIL WORKS. rhaaniktam al • . • rates warn (LLII.BON.. ou BIDSTAL.IICAND prsoprOlt Ly 1414, USING (R._ 0411101421/9 thaannd bomb pp: it ORAPt ftwßalwa • lIONONCIAII=4, BUM, VititsztrOy 21:123 „0., ,b'sq 'n'~~+.yi.~s PROPOSAILS P RuPu;&L OR FOI h;L Cmn Qassmaa.a....ls Orris Wslltimgeon Drpot„ broom tve• S, e, Sealed prop are 111 , i1"1 by the underrich s d for supplying the C. d. graerterm.g...e• Department, at Washington. D. 0., Dahlman, ATd., Alexandria .a. Fort Mouroe, Vs, sr either of 010110 plwra , inth HAT, CORN, OATS and STRAW. . . sell) -.-- • . DSOs be rreelved for tho delScrry of 6,000 bash, of con or oats, sod Ow toss cf hoy or straw, and up. ...rd., idders maid state et which of the above mood points they propose w run:, detireres, and the rates at which they will mei. deliveries thereat, theNnan- Illy of melt article pro reed to he delivenel, ail time when sidd deliveries shalt be ear...need, and. abed to be completed. The price moot be wrlttim out In words ott the tints. Corn to be pot up It. -.,.,t stunt usal,of about two budiens each. Oats in she acne, of ;shunt, three buthels each. The sacks to ho threaded without to.. tra charge to the Government. The hay thdstraw- , to be secnrely balain • The particulor hood or desicaptlon of oath,' corn, nay, ur straw [Top...lto be delivered, must be stated - to In tbe pr optima, All the articles elfeemd thder the bids bemoan Le.. Cited Will be subleet to a rigid Inspection toy the: Government itwpector, before being accepted. Giurrecte will bo owarend trout time to time to Lhb lowest responsible bidder, tie the hatcrest of the Gov ernment U.) regain-, thd payment will be made when the whole emount coutructed fur shall have been &livened and accepted. The :pithier will La required to accompany his poo ptniel with a guarenty, signed by two responsible persons, that in came his bid Is &vented he or they will, within ten deds thetharter, execute the contrect Po or the same, with gaud nod sufbelont snretits4 to a m equal to the amount of the contact, to deliver the forage proposed in conformity with the terns of this advertisement; mud Items. the said bidder should failto cuter Lao the Ccenenet, they Ist maks good the difference bet non the otter of said bidder oral the nest lowest responsible bidder, or the Fenno to whom the controct may he aommeled. The rvetxmasibllity of the gown:store must beshown by the oocla/ certificate of a U. B. DletriCi Attorney, Collector of Customs, or any other officer under the United Etats. Gknomment, or responahle person etsoisu to this office. All bidder. will be duly nodded of the nocepfanoe or rejection of their propoeal.• The full name and P. O. address of each bidder wont ho legibly written to the proposal. Proposalsmust be add/wad te Brigadier General D. H. BUOK.BiI, Chief Depot Quirtermaster, Wash ington, D. 0., and should be plsinly marked "Propo sal. fon Forage," Bends, In nam equal to the emoust of the con tract, nigned by the contractor sad both of his guar antors, will to required of the sticfaisaftti bidder or bidders upon signing the oontrect.. Blank forms of bid., guarantee, and bonda, may be obtained upon application et thin airs. • FC/Mil or PROPOSAL. (Town, Omar, and Stato,) I, the snbaerlber,do hereby propels, to farrdsch and dgn . e . Lto the Oohed Sates, at the Quarternarder yWent at ----,ngreeably to the tern:card acTine=nt, Inviting proposal. for forage, dated Windt Depot, Dinember 8, 1833, the, fol lowing articles, viz c bridals of Corn, in nacks.at per bushel, of 88 pounds. —bunhela of Oats, In tacks, at per btuthel, of 32 pounds. of law Bay. ad .-- for lon, of 4000 pound, _to. o ri3t mw , at —per ton, of 2,000 pordids. Delivery to oexamentwon or before the -- day of --., 186-, and to be eetm4tdd on or berate the— day of---, US, end p myself to enter into s written Dantean with ;he tilted Suttee, with good and approved securities, within the spade of ten clap after being notified that my bid has been accepted. You obedient aernwitt, Prrrounsra, Pl. Brig - Adler Gsaerel D. H. EVCialt, Chief Depot (ptertermeetnr, Wootangtoz, D. C. Wo, tho unliershrned, rooldonte of thocotuat of and Elia • hereby. Jointly and tererally, covenant with the Dtdted States, and guarantee, in COW the romping bid of • be accepted, that he or they willt, within ten days after the acceptantce of said bid, exe cute the contract for the mine with (mod and indlthont sureties, to 11•1119 equal to the amount of the octant; to furnish the forage proposed In comformity to the terms of advertisement dated December tisala, nr-dor which the bid was made, and, to came the said -- .ball fail to enter into a contract as athresaid, we guar =tat to make good the di/retinae between the offer by the mid and the next lowest reeponxible bidder, or the pariah to whom the contract may be awarded. Wltrum, J fatval =dor our hands and with / thin —day of —,IZ6-. rag I hereby c0:144 that, to tha best.: zwy knowteige and balk!, the above mated guarantor. aro goo they sulbcient so =intim a for the amottut for which otter to be wood . To be cortblod by the United StatesDiittict Attar. oey, Collector of Custom., or any other amour nodes the Unltsd States Government, or responlble person Swan to Ode office. All proposals received under tide advertisement will t opened and examined at this office 019 WED: Nr.t3DAY and fIASIIIIDAY of each week, at 12 r. Bidders are respectfully invited to be present at the opening of bids, if they dmles. PHOPOSA.LS FOR FLOOR—Sealed PrOpoutta ore- Insitol rill the SOrn of MAY at 12 reckok al, for furolthlog the flubristenee bo wlament trltb LICHT THOUSAND (8,030) HAERTLS or neotro. Thv proposals wit , be for what le known at this de pot end 3, and •Me trill be entertained for any quantity tem than tho whole. Bids must be to duplicate, and for each grad* On. separate shoos of paper. The to be fresh grondd, sod detirerrd ib TTn oak barrel., head lined he delivery or the flour to be commenced within flee day. from the opening of the bids, and in such quantities, dolly, as the Government may direct, do- livered either at the Gorornment warehouse In Georgetown, at the wharves, or at tho railroad depot, Wtuilangt on. D. C. -. • . The duhrery of all 'Blom merartltd to be completoui within tors-et, day. from Ow opening of the bids. 'Lament will be made in certificates of indebted ness, er such other funds as the Government may lutto for disberossinnut. .. • . The oral Government Inspoction will be mode Jost *Actore the dour Is received, end DOI. will be encepte ed which is not mesh pound. An oath of allegtoom must accompany the bid of Ciath bidder, who has not the meth on Ills in this mince, and no bid will he entertelned from parties who here previrmly foiled to comply with Moir bid, or from bidders not present to respond. Government reserves the tight to reject any bid for any MOS, Bids to bo addressed to the anderslgned, nrEro. = 0 street, Washington, D. 0. , endorsed .Propo. We for Flottr.” 8. 0. GREENE, Captain and 0.8. V. Washington, D. 0., May 10, 1661. my22:td • - - OILS. A*c.. RIDER.do CLlLitli; WrIISMIRIFION ursomurra IMEM2I3 Potrolenia and lta Products, Oil; 0A . 11D1.413, ed.. 51 1410 AD ETBSIST---....---,llaw Tors. D 3 WATT-11 Al 4 111011 T ETB.---PlTrntrAuz oar AgonU On PORTLAND ICXBOYEZMOLL WORM% tor NEW YORE PARAYYLNE CANDLE COMPANY, to. • a. At. €73.t.r-lAN, Mar?, 47 Wator & Frt AO- LUCENT OIL WORIQ MINOAN, DIIIILAP a CO Pare Wbita Refined thirboll 011 a, Can, Zip. MI Zatiany natirc, ISAAC HOUGH k. Co., OOMMIBBIOH 211BURAHTB, For the Woof Crude and Refined Petroleum, 416 SOUTH DSLAWAILE AIFSHTTF, E E. POULTNEY, Crude and Refined Petroleum, Esirzrzunr., &0., Ba 2 MILD srmmr, Plltsbar g ly Ps. z spLtam ►TWIN CITY PLANING MILI WM! e dy .$/exandery Beeer.tly Inemed oat, take ploeuram Informbes Mbar friends and the public generally, that they' ham hewed =MI and poems Ir, tb• UNION PLAY- LliG HILL, near their late location, and an now prrpezed to =mate order, eattneted to them, with promptnem and dispatch: JIM hag a large stock of Dry Lttritiar on band, not damaged by the rant Ire,..thay now prepared to larnbh dry hall flaming, an Loin Chairing. in any mantity. at 'maim:tab!. nktedk. .tith4E,9ia cries. W. EgVILLEid: Grinders and Polishers, • (formerly Young Bro.'s Clituding *ad 'Bertlring t rg.1) . 1 1 1 1 . 71:1 . 74 . 11111113 , g from It tfth.treet to Dia. Botch:re' attarces7 Holm; Cerpontore, Compere' and Titiner.. Tools. Folooorw r ltazor., Tailor.. near., &dim. Salm,' Mowing Machine Guides.. Sod Iteo., Ae. AU Qtiadlog and Palablog promptly attracted to. revr,:24,l6n. It Al SEEDS, BUTTER, POULTRY, EarraZ, And all Clods of 001INTEY PZIODUCR I fold fal commission, by • W. C. COPE, • No, IM3 MAIIMET STREET, Philadelphia. Prompt returns. Let',memo shrug i.imirott., myttomd T ,YON ARNSTIL4I 4 , : IMPORTER JLI.•&Mt DEAL.= la the mot aelect brands all OghIIIIHE ILAVANA. CIGARS...sad AU kinds Of SIICIIIING MTh CIthIVANG TOBACCO, SKIM FEINT hIBEESORASIX PIPESaTITIMA,-/tade., fishnet TerietYltrliDZSt Tnz . r...caraurata Ro t - 748,,,Tb•Trivhcaviuidfoubwmfieilin: bv lir Ala EMT IL 00i/J213, lie:oralog Tod= crrlre l 0 Pfttsbargb as Adios I Baltimon, p.m. I.olp. m. Fan 1:0) a 111. Thmingis 17,30 a. m. ipbastow4 Aommtoo.latime... 6. so. Hint Tralre Utation Accommodatkm...-... 613 a m. .6.eroao W etre Station Locoomeadatioa—. Ihtl m. 'Third Ware Station Aommotoiattes.---. 1405 p. so. Tounk Were Stet!. kccommolatioo... Mll3 O. ay Baltimore &mos arill arrive with Madephla .7sprose et LOO p. ma. 00 klomisii. Train Ibr Bialrarillesnalattamememmelat Blare. Inutramilon 'with Tistor.ei Acoommalatioa Jobemtenre Amoremolotion and lisps, Tads East. {lad oalat.lcwith Baltimore Exposniand Jobastown Acmes& e Tratm 117.grt, arr Baminw ornWeet at Cession T a m DDT''® Tw in aud ElnllTra Arse rt,and with Tamed' kamemodotton and Ell.lllll Train Sad. ?ASCU TO Hew York-- —413 SO To lialtboors....-- $lO 03 To Pbtlatelphla...... 10 SO To Lanewiter....... 6' o , !To Y 65 To Albeema— 3 60 itaggage anted to all kaelesta ea the Ponorytra• Oettral ltarlmad, .6 to Plellselelpbte, Baltimore !mallow York. homogeny pont tletkoM %be oars will te akarm.l an moms, to the distant* anal ~ in MCCa t 0 the station rata, excewt from stations wkme the Company hat a* amt. BOTICE.—Lo no* of lan, dm Company TM bold tkennalnis rospcmallils. Emsonal Damp 0017. and rar an ameniat Not einmedtog V6(6 M• N. B.—An Ormilnis Ly ksa hse o oinl 3o o l 3 to arry pamengers and iwattewato and from the Ds. -pa, at s Maras not to nosed f 3 radii, lir auk pa. sums and hums. . Tar titbits apply to 'J. BISVA.IIT, Agent. At Cm Peamylnuals Contra' Bathed Paimana Oration. an Talbeirty sad Omatistrata. roy23 . rerFAP PAESAGE FRO - IfTHE - AM 6ED COUNTRY.t, LOWER THAN TEE LOWEST. ;..Z.7;74===botwt ors, direct to Hew York, or Pittabargb }UM Liverpool. Clovenotovrn. Londonderry, Glasgow, Galwy• Lower Than Any Other Agent Here.r . Gail and gee the rates and • be convinced. Oar dimmers sail mi. a week, andsassengere ars gausd to everything. The notterOglied is also Agent for • TAPSCOTT'S LINE of ftworits , LlTorpool paclitr. calling twice n soak.. end for the X Moo of l'arttra t aut by this licu, at low rates. .SIGHTDILaIbroughS Ira any part of Europe for sale. Apply to D. O'NDELL, • *mad. Of:lst No. Td nab .treat.... and from t to to p. on. at 6G8=1011141,3 groat, Pitta. - *btrgh, . D. R. DIICELSIL, Drlg. Gen. and Qmartarmant.. QTEAR, WEEKLY TO LIV ERPOOL, toxschtog QUE22.IBTOWH, Mona 11Anson.) The soll-known rkazonsOta grerpool, Soo York and Plaldalpbla Steama ptp Ginow.ny arrlotmufod as WM: 41['Y CIIAwn. 0117 .07 LONDON...._.—._.E.attuday, Mara kid awn stozosdtng fiatcrsday, as goon. from No. tij .Rortb arm Or rirsirla. 00/4. ..-Cs ....f.aleat Cartar.o....._. Tian Clam-- —54 tiltractuaa,—.... —RV te do to Isudraa 60 ... 65 d0 to Lonics 31 CO do to Pula...—. 55 CO do to Parlor_ 10 50 do to Ilamharg .P. out do to flambe 57 00 eloo tonrarl.d to Mare, Bremen. RCS. at paOD7 bet r tun. Tar' o I.*.rpod u Qufttottonmt 116 0 .7 . A, 565, 5106. Stems., Gar. 11...0 te .l.e.zei er l thole elloodt no boy t.!‘kata ham at then rate.. tor ittrt6.r ttoorauttm aptly at ale o,•=pufa /Oar G. DAM rut. TG 10 08..7130 nm.4 7 1 .44 • ',hod tut Leal fram thotaida...l' 'lol:barorai. CU.N.Lith LINE.--Staasz !toma" A pgazaslowlk I; tvIL, t 4 ocairstmt 1.2 ay. =Ai cy. 14.11, non werk. Appl, faillfLU env r tmT AND SHADE Ti 111.19, Of APPLE, so here some 200,003, sad of di the I..ling varieties most prollteblo for We Location.. Wettest...en ens trees, as Early HervestOtelden Blush, litlistd Pippin Deldalis, ll'ilsoireter, Oats% Ring of Tompkins tio Liss& Island Green, Hewn Bounty, Betpbel, Stu:As-hone% Toldeale Smith'. Mar, as., with a vary large intik of MERRY, PEACII,PLUELE srUZEZEN, BRAD TIMES. EWES, VIEGBILIitty GNIECNROPEN. PLANTS, An., Ao. A. nor Wpm we Wier' crest lisdouments plenten wholdikal• Kn. Orden left 1.1 tbo Grownhonse {COE:. Plttaborgh Post OW., will bo prvat iru Art _ JOHN Jr itillardeser Pittsburgh end Oaklandli lf, suseerh ., a; • EAGSI BAGSI • Seamlea, Burlap & 61m4Y Bag% fet2ln ltd. 11.9 North Treat V.. Sk'ORTSALEISI'S EfEADQII/tTEI43, Invites tfto attention of Sportsman sad oikers to kb .plemdld stuk of GUNS, lIIPLYH =VOL • , TIMS, PISTOLS, OAHE BAGS, POWDER PLUMB, SHOT BELTS and POUCHES, BB= PLASS& sad sat, mosaic° oresrry kind HO stock Is tbs kraut ell* brettakt to Shia market coST T J. ORE & CO., , X.X. PINE TAR, ' Prayetcd sapresalp for AXLES. Pat rep to neat oil gallon Iron bound nuessis -Forage by tbs doss* and la barrels and halves. . Oaks, No. LTSPIE,Sr BmzEr, i'ittal?nrgh. npsi*2 . TREET litYLlCE.—.All.pasons inter 4 to COW are hereby notiged that the toped of that Visas:l *pp:Anted to trim and NNW daimon mil bowels anising_from *ha proposed owang of sabre* 'ln the &mond Virg of Allesbuty, koa • yoiat QC. Allegheny Aisnas,lo4 tel mil t of granllla stteot.f 'heti the suns crosses said Amato distantly; aorttbroststly to a point on rabbi/a attach hot that of lildweU latest, has bass Med to this gnsoi trkt Cann at Allegbony coning Oat boutisinatlOa. • 'n. &mulles, It. • • in.ll• Soll-ltoe for All oa t.fi r . ' A LLEGLIENT . fonetntercend are hereby nottded that tb. ,porsof Viewers antedated to view and awn dam mr. ttpd t t t at e iritivg from the et:ening 01 trienterenne, from the north line of litdge Onset 0. ntagoul etreet ordentd to be opened, • distaste° st 51.6a2 feet, In Ms Sint art Second Wards of Ails. ittenrOtty, has Wee filed In the Ells:rlit Coast el 41k:erten eonniyibr ounftrinotton. 1. BCLEDIEB. " &Letter for •Iletheny ppIiAVELLTSTREET.—AIi parions k- J" t f ro d a at. triCby notified that itue merit et Viensearstrenistril to tam and IMSBI2 dersickse Eraollisi arising from the wi timing of Dlihrell street &ca.& want, Allospiay, nom ?markt street to Licadleace, haa trial: filed in the District Coral of arbsitiecy County for courassettoo. S. EctroTra, Jr., Solicitor tor . pxEcuTO.RS -NO T 1 0 E.=-Whereae, :La Letter Testamentary hoe been ttds do tcxta es to the nuticr•fsneci Executor et Abe Int esta -• testament or Witham ticinsEhtlnt *tom% na' yentas* letttehted to tha sert decedent ant beret/ PEcttte pay the amut, without delay: lathe utdeN ' h o ed' by ntezta theicbts of decedent Still be settled. • • yleaterd • OtATIGE lIIIIGHEY4 Executor. , rplIV - ERAAL , CLOTHES WRING- .. ea n, oonteded ti ell who two need eon to hf. superior tonyothet make; ena the only one with cogwheeltorithout whlnh no %terns eve reliable. "I,' cad IA en.d see the 'adds W - OPerStioni sad °Mak enrage of yrieea and reeornmeadaUozut. In every are where they-do not eye eolleteetlen. the money will he Wended, Z. it U. MUM% lob koala It1:011 oyvair. ' - ILAILROJIDS. 1 8 6 4. B. 11..--Otin Mgt AD11411031 Dlalla YiA tk.natant Winona are being mase.lio the eattp. moot of this extellont doubbt treat roue, and ovary partible tan win be e>mtetavd ibr the *anion pf panargari and rapid morament of Erdal. Trains will loam the Depot In Pithabaral fiallows Tbe "mamma AOOOII2IODATICLII MAYS harm the Pcoeltdor St.iten,„"llp,o4..(=.ls'Mge la G:00 • ra., Mopping at ao oorga and Pbilradolphia, and noacurg =en connwa Won for nor York and Ptilladelphiba. The TEr.ouon MAIL TRAIN lame the Pile ranger Station every morning (Mint ahlatiarj at &CO a m. , W.PPIOS salt at nrichg.r. cooking direct corancothma at bOrg.for e.ore Nredthogton, and for New rack Chi PhDs. delphis. Ta.u.orcs 3.P117.2.8 TEAM keen CU p.m.. cropppingwbu mite. - Ipolatatims. awn connection at Hurl:than for Beltitoore,Wath- Moon and2biladelphia. Tho PAST Min lama the Mahlon dally (mope arraday) at P " H 45 p. __ ,etap - tog oily princdpal ata. correcting at H> toe Baltimore and Washington, and for Sear York no Allentown nosh, without charge of on; alto, at Platodelpltha gam York. ACOOMIIIODAT/OEF MAINS. Toe Jokuntown Accommodahkra Train loam daily (except granday)st p.m.,atepping u all Orations and racing as Ear as Ooneroargh. Firm - Aocotamolatloa Teals Orr Wan Rattan Item dany (except Sunday) at t.:LO a. to. &mad Aceoramodatien Trchs for Mal Station Icons dally (except ganday) atiLLO a. VS. Third Accommodation Train for WWI Station • ca daily (except Sunday) at COO y, m. Fourth Arecemcdatton Train for Wolfs Elation .mem deny (arceotgarday) 6:10 p. tn. The Cbarcia Tram rearm Wail's Statical army &, - •ay at Otte a ts; returning, lamer rittabmwb at 2.45 p. it. SHIPPLA'G. LONDON PACKETS, :as::: OM TORS, Irta d catintaw EVERGREENS, &i. New .4 tom:id-bawl rLort . l Alio SALT BAGS, All et.os, tatatrA to cader l tgt JOIIN T. BAILEY It Ono MG WOOD =DDT. j J:A.3I32rJFS 330NL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers