Vit4intrgit 6anitt. MAT 26, 11304. 7 Bas our telegraphic columns this morn ing for the most glorious news of the war. LIE is in full retreat to Richmond. Hadar Is after. him. Jan Desna is slid to have left the city. 061 Ftlien PAGC this morning contains ranch reading• matter of interest: official intelligence from GRANT; glorious none from BuxaeiY ; notice of the obsequies of Lient.-dol„ firm.; a letter from oar special correspondent at Fredericksburg ; lists of killed and wounded Pennsylvanians ; Wash ington Dispatches, etc., etc. Workmen are now engaged in patting in place for us one 'of Hoes four cylinder presses, which is capable of printing ten thottsand copies of the Gas Errs in an hour. This press costs us about $12,000. Its pur chase was rendered necessary by the large increase of our circulation, which has been almost doubled ohm our enlargement In the Month of December last.. The presses we are now using are taxed to their utmost capacity to furnish our various editions in 'time for the mails, and the rapidity with which they are required to work off these editions prevents that neatness of execution which every pressman who possesses even a moderato degreeof pride in his calling strives to secure. To obviate these difficul ties and defects, as well .as to be able to present to our readers both our morning and evening editions an hour or two earlier than they era now served, we have bought the press. It will be perhaps two weeks before it is ready for its work. When pub in use, the expected improvement in the rapidity and neatness of the press work Fill not be the only improvement ip the Gaperrn observable by our readers. Othbr changes are in contemplation, which, it is hoped, will at once cause It to take rank with the best papers of its size and scope in the Union. Support the Goretninent We do not just now urge the reader to volunteer, even for a hundred days, al though to so would certainly be praise worthy; we do not here recite, for the third or fourth time, the virtue of economy as a means of preserving the national life, al though the frightful extravagance every where prevailing calls loudly for line upon line of economical homily; we do not ask you to give, if you have not already given, one day's wage's to our Sanitary Fair, that our wounded soldiers' may not suffer for want of delicacies and careful nursing, although the Macedonian cry comes from beyond the Potomac aid the Cumberland—Cams over and help us. Our appeal to-day is;in behalf of the United Slates Treasury—in behalf of the Ten-Forty Loan. Nor is It necessary to multiply words. The case is briefly this: The Government having long since ceased to issue green backs as a means of meeting its liabilities, has resorted to popular loans. Pive hun dred millions of Five Twenties welt ab sorbed at six per cent. gold interest within s few months. About the first of March another loan for two hundred ml!- lions, payable in gold after ten and before forty years, and bearing five per tent. gold interest, was put upon the market. This loan-has not been token as rapidly as the first. The amount of subectiptlonerepor ed lithe Treasury Department op to Saturday the 21st inst, was $54,564,400. The sub scriptions have averaged atout a million dollars .s day dace the loan was first offered. These figures, it is true, are not discouraging, but the Government needs money faster than the loan is bringing it in. its expenses are nearly three millions daily. It crust have more money, and it is bad policy to increase the volume of green backs. • What is to be done 7 The Secretary of the Treasury looks to the people- to take this Ten Forty loan. We are assured it is his opinion that, if this is not more prompt ly done than the experience of the past two months attests, it will become necessary to issue more paper money. This alternative woulticettainly be an evil which all patriots would deplore. The way to avert it is, to taker/Le/arm The investment is a safe one; the interest is payable semi-annually in gold; and the bonds are exempt from muni cipal and State taxation. We are rapidly finishing up the Rebellion, and there can bone doubt of the paymrnt of the principal at maturity, in gold. The bonds can be bought with greenbacks. Why not, then, 0 rich maul support the Government by buying Its bonds _Slavery Condemned - 4 14 e have already chronicled the fact that 'the 'General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, now in session at Phila delphia, has passed en amendment to the Rule of the quich Discipline respecting slavery. That Ante forbade "the buying and selling of _Men, women and children, with the intention to ensla4e them!" The amendment forbids also the — rdlaing of slaves, and when it. is passed by three fourths of the annual Conferences, as it doubtless will be y slavery will ba entirely expelled from this branch of the Christian Church. In the Old Bello?' Presbyterian Assembly at Newark, on 'Wednesday, Judge Mar 'Swawa, from tbo &Camille° on Bills and Overtures, presented an able report on the subject of slavery, founded upon an over ture from the Presbytery of Newton. The tending of this report produced a profound Sensation. The repott presents in detail a historical revise of the action of former general Assemblies Self ectiog slavery, tie duty of the denomination to refuse longer to tolerate it, the connection which has.ex - toted and still exists between slavery and 111 , 1. Rebellion, and concludes with an in dorsement of the :measures taken by the National and Stale authordtes for the es: ation of the institution: By a large -- ' jority of the- Assembly the report was p , 1 rdered lobo printed and made the special ' order for Friday of this week. There can be no doubt of its final adoption. . hue aro two of the most powerful and influential religions denominations of the -_ country, through their highest ecelesiasti• '. - idd authorities, deliberately affirming the '-,lonfrine vvitieh .Jotm Wrerzr long ago tit— ' Jared, that - "slavery is the slam of all vil lainies." The Presbyterian report goes . further than this :: it expressly approves the effonis of the Government tudettroy. slavery: Ile,eentitnont of the:Diethodist benfirenee, . -as ,aipressed in its address to ;President : 74soens, was earnestly in the , same direct. -.; lion. `'Purely, ' ' when our most' powerful ' chnreltes cOndemnalaverY'eukett aril and a aio, and deelartiiii death necessary to the saliation . .of the nation; it wont belong ctn. tO the. politicians '..of all' p artied : will also , condom li and trample upon i t. i -- '„,l - ;s: , •,•-•b::".i"-, - c fi,,Z..1•,;;',.::.'-`.i . J.,t: -7 ,i..';'61'4A0:.4::;'...'•' - '=•tP: : : : '-';.i.=• . ' i .. , ` ,.;1.,:- :'•L. i4 , . - 4 . 01,...;,,,,:.'4!,:.'J:i".:. 7 .%, , ...T... - ; , P:6' , !;.::: , 1: , ... , : - L , 'lat;.!*.;. -. 0•4;:• - !. -., :vg ;1,.j .' ,3 : 4,,,,1--?1,, . .. , ....—..,,.., • .. , . , Some. Tharepresentations Corrected. We notice in many of the anti-Adminis tration newspapers of the country a studied attempt to identify HOW -tan, the prociama tine forger, with tie Hnion party organiza tion, just as if there were not black sheep in all flocks. But the charge is not suscepti ble of proof, as the New York Evening Po.t shows in the following article: "Some of the opposition journals lauds' anxious to clear their own skirts of blame in the matter of the recent atrocious fbrgery of the President's name, gwa little too far. They insist that Howard, the forger, was a Republican, and make much of the circumstance that be was once connected with the Time. and Tribune. They omit to state, what is equally true, that be was dis charged long ego both from the Trawls and Timm, and that he never held any position on either of these journals where his you t. heal opinions were in question, being merely a reporter. If they are anxious to learn the causes of his discharge from the Times, with which alone he was, we believe, at any time permanently connected, they can doubtless bearof them by addressing aletter of inquiry to' the editor of that journal." "As to his connection with the Republi can party, its importance may be estimated from the tact that when it was proposed to establish a Republican journal in Drcrtk lyn, Howard sought the place of managing editor upon it, but his services were declined at once; ho thereupon took, without hesita tion and without scruple, a place upon the Eagle, the opposition journal in Brooklyn, where he omitted no opportunity to ridicule and villify the gentlemen ebb: whom he had sought to connect. biousetf in business, and whose political principles be had declared himself ready to support. That is not the conduct of a man who has political princi ples or convictiona. It is the conduct of an adventurer, a eoldier of fortune, a person ready to write upon either or any side, and who is not troubled with convictions or principles. And that is precisely this per . - sort's condition. In the Brooklyn journal Iry which be was employed he villified con stantly the leading Republicans of that city, ridiculed Republican meetings,in short served his Democratic 'employer zealously, though with little judgment, rued sometimes without decency. He would have written as readily cor a Republican employer against the opposition lenders and party if any Republic= journal had thought at to offer him better wages. That nose of them did so, we held to be oreditable to their good sense and good taste. He was a mere camp follower." The President's .Amnesty Proclamation E=l:r E! The credentials of WILLIAM M. FIAMBACX have been presented in the Senate of the United States by Ckneral Loss. This se tion opens up the whole question of the re organization of State governments under the President's proclamation of amnesty. The convention which recently revisnd the constitution of Arkansas was chosen by the people in about forty of the counties of the State. It established a provisional govern. ment, submitted to the people amentimente to too constitution, and provtded for the election of State officers. The election was held on the 14th of March, with the follow ing results: For the constitution as amend ed, 12,177; against. 220. Over 54,000 votes had been cast in 1560. The proclamation of the President only rectirerfone-tenth of ino vote of 1800 to so obte a livbel State to be reoognized as within the Uoion. The legislature repre.outs over forty three of the counties of th€ State, and it i• strongly anti slavery. Mr. Fisuatcr $111.5 a signer of the ordinance of secession. but has returned to allegiance, and is a radical Union man. A dispatch from Itinshington states that the Dsmocrats and Radical Republican! will vote against the cilmission of Mr. • TUE' CoNveNrioxrC—lhe Illinois Union State Convention met yesterday. General RICILAILD OGLEEDT WllB nomina , ed for Gov ernor, and the Administration of A namisu Ltscocsr was indo..7ed. The C.invintion adopted a resolution favoring his nomina tion for a second term. The Ohio Union State Convention met at Columbus yesterday. and also declared in favor of the re election of Mr. LSNCOLS. IM=111:t! A rebel mail was recently captured on Che'lmake'Llay by U. 8. detectives. Over a thousand letters from the South, ad dressed'to portleo in MA out every Northern State, Were found in if.. The contents of 'some of them were =immanent, and some of th'em gave valuable information to How ernnient. Many of the writers detail the wants and privations of which they ore subjected, and the high price of food, cloth ing, too. One stales that he was mei,. log $5,500 per annum, but did not depend oltogetoer on his salary, no he paid $4OO per week board, and for a cult of broad cloth ho had paid $l,OOO for a black silk hot $l5O, and a pair of boots $2llO. The price of board in hotels wee $3O per day. One of the writers mates that he poi chased o breakfast AA Minna : One loaf of bread $l. four onions $2 one eye; 50 cents; total $3,50, and with thin meat he was until the next diy. A lady states that she could do without soother dress if she could get but one pound of tea Tne Spottswood 'Hotel, and Rol/oafs liotol, In Richmond, sho - v complete bißs of fare, but immense prleee, for inetouce: Ch.= pligne $BO per bottle, oil cognac broody $75, Jt ffrey's ale $l5, Aleop's pale ale $25, egge $l, fish $5 ka $7, beefsteak $O, coffee and bread $5 eta and bread $5, vegetables fr.m $3 to $5. Si that a person taking dinner at a hotel could get off with little less then $2O. II nearly tool letter the writgre ed•ute and persuade those to whom they write to toad their I , tters by the litg of truce boat. News Pkuulmary Ton INSEMLNAL Rnvneve.—The ULti rod States Senate is expected tr pass the Internal Revenue bill by the is: of Juno. The Senate Committee having reported three hundred amendments to. the House bill, there in no telling tow long it will take thereafter to bring the two branches to an agreement. Meantime the revenue is not . iocteased ; expenses are going on, and the currency is being further Mato). Congress - has not dons Its duty. ANOTPI2. 111.03-CL 4 , I3ATIEHT TZSYLD , The trial trip of the Ericsson battery Manhattan took place on Monday. The vessel sailed from Sector's yard, in Jersey City, where she woe built, wtth Admiral Gregory and a number of other welhknown officers on.beard—soma from the foreign war vessels in oar harbor. The trial is declared to have been quite satisfactory ; and it is expected that the Nldebditati will go immediately into the service. Tus DELLFT to New Yost:. errt—New Turk ho almost filled her quota under all The Government account is to the r fleet that two htindscal Emu are needed to fi I the last call ; bat it is understood to he decfaed that under no circumstances will the draft now be enforcect, Tno Sr. Louie Fora —The emelt rz eeipte of the Bt. L 113113 Sanitary Fair, up to Saturday, were $BOOOOO It. wan expected the total would reach $500,000. S..orre county, Neared& iontribu , ed $20,000 in eil.vez&bezt equal to 5.5,000 In currency', MOVELLNT In liraah logien le pronounced by the correigendent of the New York Post to he a fizzle. The ladies' continue to bay whatever their heart/ desire. Little Children tarving. A correspondent, speaking of the suffer ing of the poor in the corustiee of Spott- Sylvania,fitafford and Caroline, saye : I stopped near a village to feed my horse and refresh myself, and here discovered for the first time the state of the poor in the vicin ity. Where my horse had eaten his corn from a blanket, several grains lay scattered on the ground. Three-little half clad chil dren came and gathered thorn up and ate them. I vraeinterested in one of them, little girl, and called her to toe, and upon questioning her she eald they had not eaten a piece of • bread for three day; their only food having been wild greens gather ed from the fields. Bho said her father was killed:in the fast battle of Frederioltebin, and there wee now no one in the neighbor lkentin WhOm they could apply, for help. 'I gave tlizin whit I bad in 'llO-...brivereaci, andleitethgm eztloying thes_ielves. Marble, the "Martyr Ma. Motto Kinnt.c, of the rew York Beems to have succumbed to his many misfortunes. Ho finds matter enough for fxurtren columns of extract and cum merit in the recent suppression of his pa per, dour eolumno•of which are addressed to Abraham Livcobx, President of the United States. In this letter ho diecumses the legal tender paper inflation, Itlr. Lin coln's "oblivion of hit oath," "pitiable subserviency to party prejudice," and the crimes for which CLIAIL.EB "lost his crown and life." The most startling statement Me. Marble makes is this: "By a curious felicity the stylus with which hie amanuensis copied on tinne. pa per the proclamation, and signed your name, was abstracted from the editorial rooms of the TriLune." This is certainly a very remarkable state ment, and one that the country will read with infinite ooncern ; but it does not as sume any additional honor by being ad dressed to the President, and having Mr. iiiswrosr Mannta's named signed at the bottom.—Forney's Prep.' PUBLIC ArINTICEB S LIST, SANITA , ULM ES, Trourcuvr liani racelpt of Um following .- z r - -•TitgASURER' 8Y r A Ift.—N. lacy Val., acknowledges add it ional cion tribn From Dry Goode lurch lAld.ored ...$ 240 04, Ti.omp•ynd Groutr.l. got .. 200n1 J Drown. jr..... 100 00 6 Bl'iboy .4. Co UN 00 Dunlap, L¢ter ante, Allegheny city Turner !oral, 25 00 J N•chols.. 10 00 11e1rhoser.... 6 l 0 J ...... 6 DJ D i oiler ..... 3 00 5 N Becker__ L 00 J Werriog.. ..... 1 041 W A 11 B-gp_ 1 DJ Employees of hm Lemp!o.. 35 25 100 CO 100 to 200 00 1.0 Ott be Dr 3, 00 Wm Sean A F Veataatt., H J II Carr Morris A Hum -20 OGI Fr tu tb• HerellaAt anon sod Clothier, 1211=211 I If (lorercune 10 OU .11 G Grulfuer 10 1 , 0 Davle d Thorou 10 00 H 11 Wiemso I __...s ?.IX) Stein 1 8r05... 2O OU, J T 61*Canca 150 OJI (ire), P...taial 6 A Fr0...1115,4 6Dra 1111... Fla, Kaufman l'o J U !Salaam 10 0 3 W S L VogAl... lu lA/ .1./Aubs it Cap poll . 10 DO i/ A ridding ... 10 to Geo.:a Ozotech 10 (.0 Miller • Gar &her 1O co It snail 00.1in.0.1 r on] fleivonan 00 ors! R. 1 ., A Duffy... Ists 10 J R,olsyer Ed 0 Hole A Co. 75 on, J Lee is 0.1 LlSsitnl)er • gr. 0 J Tu ell__ 2500 J Fink 0 Bro.. 25 On 01 Honswer...... 2.5 00 ll'farland I. Frage , . ...... 5 I A BurnAtt .. Au E Iloerustleu IJar boy 5 00 li:turcup b to Aionson ...... 11 , .81'Caue I s OO :I Aschetto 8 00 Ituu.nbuot- ElltOr rbil:lps IS I. g Bernina.— SS Ot• W l'itramm 2.5 Ou G P Llatlstelu a Int Geo 11 Ur mig It tiorria I, Kaufman 2A W A WveraW•kla .. 1.910..11114/114.1..... to Shaler WI A A 16 1w :rtyr. gel mil tow lsll r to co I El Len........,....... I Well. IA ..... _ Cutl.r s D !;nideJa.n.-- A irlut,et) =LE Fn.m I , :erson, Proton .tCo.' workmen Peter erico 5 (nr Andy Ute.ry...... 1 Oa Y w L0a........ 61,rin.. 2 61.1 A Fns. u E,os 5 00 Jou Y D0g.... J leo hos liugent.... J 3,3,1 1(nvt..... 4 00 Jou Mart.. ..... Caul Evan. (Ig. 441 Jnanes....... JJ•Lab Finks.- 1 Mike 11./I.Jy.. J ...... 2 50 11rL. Naughton J.. L.. ta.,—... 2 fat Jam Dan_ Pr.ser..... 1 initino ll•rtto ..... 5 04 11.0r7 an Int... J 1 Is V•i 5 6 00111 Joe 00 Phil &bort .... Ilurgao. ...... 6 WWII Utter, . Nuktuen 1 06 , 4(4 Jneutoy..... 1' hardr.-... 3 00 . jr.... J tat G.. . ........ 3 011 11•Vid Logan.- J WilGaiu• 3 Will CJ uos 1: Lraur2 u. ulosa Dobir.wat. 1.... is LA — ..._ 2 5o Bobt Srurrh ..... 11 to Xvona.-..... 1 004 Plasmgau..... Lowland Jon. 5 O B;aircer ... Mro Carr..._... iv; W FJ.par, boy David Lewis-. la. Jobs Wye a__ Jan I.:Ancy ..... .. tvy Jot. Clot _ A Ilughes ....... 0.0'./ ..L4 Mallen__ levao Jou.-- nn Jae Gower Jun Darla-.... DI Tu. V wyd...._ Die ti Parry E.r., (1 1161telon.e., C Du rot ..... 50 ilobert late... Jur. r mith DoK; Tol wood .-... Thorne. bloom J 11 Moore -... (0 J Db.rockerr I , arid JoAws..... DOI! Ja,.Aln. il Prerrharde - Oo 0 J Jartle___ J. • Casley Wm J Orrt.y... 3 lar 11 lkAwild•oo.. Il .r, 1 homes.- 2 21 J bruttir -.—. Sic Jouen 3 all L. T.. A MI:loud ...... 2 tv.J Donau NT. Dixon —.. 2 501 W K a ..._. D Gallaher 1 65,J Plgrulw.:.- Geo Craig- ...... . 1 45'C De., . I a Toiriorrf y ... 1 53 A Al,!. Juo Ldwards ... 2 25 T Bit:motto__ Jno Lo. ..... .... 2 50 J Wrl•on J. DiAveqt—. 10 01 N Maratie Frrd liramer ... t 25 P Tern_..... Jo. Gov < ....... 10 00 1T Girrowtryng. W Flbha 2 00 .1 Keall C Jac .hy, t I 1 00,J Grogan. Deal flail__ 5 Cu J J.. ..... tai Allle .1. b , . ..rraser 330:3 Ettimer ...... Jun Wright__ 7 80:W y D 'lowland.-- 4 o.i D lintriart --.. I 551 From De-Iry LF.I.d Mni Coal %Vol 55, Pool No, G 1.y.1e d ti05.....-N3OO CO .1 Lon.— D 11. btr.a.da W T, taut. J E61:0 Utsu4,l6. 6 OW & 66614 e.. OU J r xlrni.l4 NV Ileakusa 6 00 J u la'Llarnna.. Lavgbre, 6 la f 4 cm 1.14, 4 Vo tP Iladaaft—. 00 E 0 Nv.el 00..1 5 (O),J Gilbert 6 bap Jan 5 06 a Ito •Webb. .1 Cundt Et ... .1 St b. • I D 13.1t1 . r win. • J I.uu.. at _ P Utt . V tic fl Da. Lao . 5 Xoi Nmacr... N Bret/nly_ . 6 00 : W Watkins. J Fisiding• 6 00 F Pryer J • 600 a Simonds_ P Webb, 00 D Br 8k,.._. C0.e... 20 J Scott N 00 1 3 J rtionin,risans. S 1..1 • W Fitincy 6 La 1 From Dickson, Stewart A Co.'. Goa Works IV White 5 On, W J Moorsmai., 00 . ./ Argyle ...,.... G Ltslis --. 1 00'.1 •rip 1e....-- 3 Tim gown. .1.0.08.,• Mackin 1 011 T Saoderzon... 6 Frcemse 2 M. li Bur —. A Frederick 300 Tkicker 11 Gro 00,3 Baler ..... .. J Losman ...._. 1 OW,J A II Msrk.. ..... 1 001Jas Bemadsn... W 4 00.1 P.Madolts, sr.. I Plies _ 1 Ou J Eta .a 100 1 O. ff Doom—. 8 00 6 00 .1 Circenwall.... 00 1 (0 (0 300 60 0 ...... 3 0 3 CO . A D)3gberty . 300 '2 00in 31636t118..... 000 1 00 Jltittor 3 00 3 IV C rattlnger..—: 200 00 C 1100 hrs ....—. 1 03 2 06 II Hughes 3 180 ifi Thotepoor,..... 3 0, 3 CO 3 P Vatithte..„ 3 0 2 00 , 11 fillty...--- 100 1 30113 steley —. 160 3 00 C0:4666.810w cf c (glide b.,18. N Alexander.— T Arse,— ..... V AltNuitan.... w Mut/oigau.. J O Smith J W dam 5...... J W Cswica T J Iln E Ml.l I a fOiJ ... ICO P BPLaugblla 1 J ld'Cllntock... 1 00 J Dougherty._ 00 , ,J Bunts • 00 II McManus ... 100.61 1 00 T 1 00 P 'deCurrly..-. 7 60 br Wilson 1 00 Bearding, Chapter of Temper.. and Employees of Johnson, Bailor 0 Co., En- Oliver Blackburn, taq..--- 60 00 Farmers sad Provars Bank, Waynembnrg, - 5 00 - 61 05 2,1 50 5113 00 5500 O E May ,+t. Paul, 'Minn Nta OA Ward Poldtr. fohoola, ()Marra Wratern Yanltentlary.. Eland .t - ..t Bridia Co A In c Carnahan, lart ............... bt. Pant Lutb. Mat Birmingham Eninfey...• of .1 B Lyon d Ca, (PH.. Dmolmes t E , q Vi to Mr. Sinker I , ll , ln•rurtb, 900 10) 90 A Friend in St 1. .. . 10 00 John Sampson, Eng, Mancho.tor 60 00 Goo C Maoron, Bochestor, N ...... _ 100 Oitiesos of lit Township_..__—___ 32 60 llefuromid Pres Churdh, Wilkluborg..l. 54 115 Corpora/mat Park, Bros 19 63 Trinity Church, OM Ward, 4 53 mut Coal Commlttrs u follows : J W Fowler, now tow boat --SIM 00 W. Neel, Pool No 2 -- l 000) • E•Art ..... ..... 10 00 /52 00 2502 :5500 Robart Loug...—. ilartlsy t hesAtm Amount pmnlousiy reported NOTICE.-Tile first meeting of the Am:sciatica+ known a the MINING 0 )11PATit . .111 he held at the Office of the P•ttnbargh S Beata. Males Co., to the thty of PI taboret', oo daTEIHDAY the llth day of Join, nett, at II o'clock c a., to lurthersuce of the prtyle. Loot et the Lae. of Xichlsatt r anthortahse the for. motion of Corperatlons for IRlolltd, Ihnehlhg. for the purse*. of 'Jostle". Tilmoton and adeptleg tha groventroeet of sad Jiscolatloo, sad the tnatousetlou of such other bubo.. at Mar properly come before ale lacing. MUM C. 11111.31 Y, TliflnfAh ht. NOWA HARVEY 01:1114DS, JAMES R. DIME AT,. =WOW BAUM PUBLIC .rorwies ~;~❑... 1040 BONDS uf ?larch WI, 18 , 4, which pr. v:tl that ell Pkatd hma uc der %hie al FBA Li. DE ItEDSEIIED COIN, et o,ml:we of the (.I.leqmotrat, et any period /40 then tell nor is. !au et forty Pm" rro • their [at:, ;tad their n 12 FIVE PEA QUXIMEIR 0001)8, lIATIL 13 . 02 , 11412 D lIIVES —On TlitlUlitSDAT 110212- 160 sad LIVIEllat ON, May 56th. est ie sad, nIII be Wel, st lie scauttsr.slal Ling leen. 51 l'lttb etrast, at 'Rodw .f seasanable awls, t• Rh'ct the all/mattes of tn. trada 1. In•Arti The sttrck 'statutes Lading' Drees Gests, Be Lain's, Iterages, L..s Pataes, Lbw r•/I's., 6-I Potrintss Itinbretterp Be.. auk Hair Nola, Ltd.. Mantles, rs•••lt Cterse Ha. Skirl, Cull. drsa's Jacket., Ladles' sad ail.' Olerea, Neck Ties, Shirt Loom! aad Cellars, Livia Past EILSI, Ladled' sad liter.' !lat.'s, Ilea asset Teutn's Coate .8 Sloes, Cl.ttk Ova, Lagharn and 15eti Weel par annum, according to the rate of tax lexica In 9 2 4 t. . 2,23 L. hid - LW/LINA /owes. CENT. INII:RE:L . WILL BP. PAID IN COIN Bonds of not over one hubd-rA dollen, and on all oilier anode semi-onLcally. The. thtue,t paysita on the tile. day. td 'fault and Eept.mhe =UM Al the.. 13undo, by Act of o,..gteu, aro S.S.E.III"T mom ?II:NICIPAL OIL STAIR. TAXATION their swine is iticreneni from oae to than per cent At tb. present rate cf pretrancit on said they OVER EIGHT TER CENT. INTEREST to car. r!ney, and are of equal coneenlence aa a permanent or temporary larestmmt, It t beaered that no toonritles offer ao great I dneemetaa to lender. as the various de crlptions 0. B. Bond.. In n 1 other forme of ind,htedume, th. fal.h or ability of prirato partireor stark compani r parate con/m.4oes eel) , to 0E404 fjr ray meet, while be the debta or the Malted State, th. •hole property or the country Is hold , n to room the payment or tro:h julecip .1 and Interest M col. Thy., blonde cosy be ent• riled for In ennm tro 350 up to any magnPule, on the same term., ami era the. mado equally available to the emalleat lender and the harp.: caplta;lo. They can bp N. vetted law mote,' at say foment, wed the hold .;II hove the btu , fit of we lotoros The Yu.. Debt of the United Stotts talon,: la payable In gold, on tho ad day of Meath If GI, win 8 lGil,tols.tato. The Interott on this deb • fir tho coming fFetal year chi bo 885,937,128, vial the clutvoms reveo.;• In gold for the current Elting usdlng Jane .It/th, 1801, he% Nam far at th ra t e o f a t ae 51, 0,0 O . l t 4) per •acatt. «v 1• lto pratent gold n♦ W." 11 the 6,,,13.r, al ar har,iiy In fiCCSB or lb wants"( lb. Ttrutury the payment a gt,l4 la =II 1=1:1 {kit lIIAMP slot. t loportationa, w 111:4.(1,0,00 Tb. autherlaad am uut or thi, I. Tw... Linn flanks ect:e, es lawn epute •ere not Lowed int' the t:nl rd Sta,s Trtsaury up to May 214 t wea $5-I rifl.l 1)1.)0. Stantriptlittla w)11 I+, rect•ke! 17 tho Treasure of the Cul tett sletre et Wr.shlte,t Win , sada 1:1!!!ILI:EEEE=IMI:Mli!EM1121!E and P 1111,4,4,431, land 1.1 IL Flll-41 1:11atIonal Bank, of ri.toboryb, ra Third National Bank, rit.siburgh, P. And by nit National Banks which ars Leptal tan • 1 pubbc and all rospec,able Dan k aad Banker. tlm.ag6aut lb° (.ctlng neon, of tb. Not and Derrll:ary neat. )1.))1 fue •Lh roan r tufo:cm:l,o 0a,,:r.,a00, and sttlrd :Ter, l',Wty to tal. • ri^ort. Y.d..r 1111XIBLE'S VA KIETI PENN Brßser J. Li •.r .gd U. U .... GLORPAIS BCC.:ISS OTTO'S DILW DI/NAGE ArNINCES. Entire New rrograzorna To-3lght. I t.. 5 1 "4 1 5u 2w 22 2 I(T1 tia"...ardny INight's• FU•t appearnive of HART & FITZGERALD'S VARIETY MINSTRELS 31.mday , realug, Mn 7 Wth, bencet of McDONA.LD. 0 7 / I CI Ptrno aoa 8111...00 AAAAA Biay lath, IkA. 7 . WILL BE UPEND FOR ,•^-.• SUB.:LIM - 10N to th. C•I'ITSL STOCK of the Pitiaborgh 1311,1 g• Ooropway, at IL. following 'Anoka, : On Ttl VIDA Y, Nay VI, at TlLban's I.Ltal, cv tkus 13:euterarills Txtruplk, Oa TH CENG A T, Hay 26,10. Pierces Hotel, nu Itur Cteubni•lll. TurnOls. Ut, T [SDK T, 3lvy 31, at Garrett's Kota, an lb. Wuktingua Turetnk.s. INtrries d•rlrl g to make a ware and prottabls mould +trate tt c•ayeateat le strand at tk• ply ar,lttogred An the Cage named. Boots ./ Nubscription ass open daily at tha ofike of Wll. K. 2rltll Y , Trauurar, No s 5 roster rt. ray 17.0.•14t.► r STZKL, 1w i G 5 IGS 1 .4 2 00 1 35 2 Ukt 1 L. 1 OU TO TAXPAYER:-All persons •laS base orgies-L.4 to pas titolr City, Poor, Baste... Wstar. P.buol or BolldLog tax LI. ISesi, th• ilrIS Marti, Pittsburgh, ass 1.0.1 that oo t.y Ist, stilts will Is• !assns./ is all cams. ?hew Into vottlil Sass c..U.111 pay I.ll:.rettus tsp. ALLLN 00IIPELL, Goll.ctor, 6 00 6W H 6 Ou 3 lla, 6 00 6 00 5 00 6W 0 00 6W PECIAIr MYPICE.—Tbe owners of thio Alloghons Ixndlxa are rosimootatt to rensooo telt (Mott osoo, otherwise It will hare to W removed at [hair ospaym, Y Mu,. Is not room there to do the meet. business. •Mandon to this mutter will asen miscible and experts* whit AMES A LLIN. Wharf. Ilaater. REWAliD.—Loat on Wednesday $ eflerhoon,jl e late city nr Allegheny. • ma/. he .en Itather POItISET BOOM, n.mtatnln g begetter, seo or 150. The .ho, reseed alll he yell by lea, tag the same at the ettla. of the: I Ot 3 0 0 s 0 3 00 .3 26.1 MONONGAHELA tiorE. pITTSKI1R(111 SANITARY FAIR— STEAMBOAT SIOTIOS.-Bttantbsat men all: pLwse enclote their eabset ipt leas to the Steamboat Toad of Fittabtoah Sanitary Pale, to tither of Ow Ootatel toe, before Mae Ant day of Jane, ae theca! re be awarded oat that day, to the bat. tetatning Ms !smolt Nobeorlittita. It. C. GRAY, Chairman S. B. Onarnittoo. co uu uo on ou ou ou DNsuLUTION OF PARTNIIRSHIP. partgarship heretofore gaieties ender toe name end mills gf Jhill.ll/ALL I CO.. 'fresh Mawascii:as., Is tele day dissolved. TIRO business, VIII be magi:lord ay the matiersgoed, tad. the sane arid sty Is of MeLL a 11•1161) 1110. DILL. HAttella HAMM Hay 9 i th, 1164. re111:1t MARV IN'S SUPIti 310 R CRACKERS Made no ll* al POIIIIIII /Tart If B —My natant rod oven enable. an to fnruish Oratkoni any tu.d. soot tif tho Moun tain.. 11. IL Id MITIV, No. It toUrth otnnt, iny2t•lyinn Pomo:tam Pa. ATTENTION! BATTERY O. /Estop's 100 Day Salta/ion. Too Iva hereby dottrel to repo t at WHAMS BALL, 'fourth .toll, atilt De I , (11tonolay,) May nth, puoctaolly 0t , 3% p. m. , folly .qulopod. The flattery sill m. 01.1 for Wath.gtun at fuer p. Oa. yofirtt SAIRIEL lIIDDLIt. Op• lain. AaIkiINISTX&TOR S NOTICL —Let fort of Atholo}ttratton ups , * the or ter• of "Ikea. algroaa Liss elfrower et. Qolr roomahlp, deed, Asell.g base snare!! to tbs oneoroltud, all persona tadobtee to raid orteroare req looted to meats home. Wale pays:aria ~ nod It ere harry( elates sr atalnat ntitatoto r li. payout thorn, properly as• lim gl a/oed km WI aortal, to I.OBIIT SIODSICII3, adollaretrater. notts:tmor SI'EtAY EL) ruLEN—Un P'uuday Wahl, the 22d I pitant, fr.= the farm or Joieph Hancock, in ludlatta township, Alt. h• ay county, agar the, Deer Ure-h bock, one mull OAT HORS F, race year. old. anal white .tripe la the for:bead, and ore whit• hlndlfo.r. A bo, . •11.5.7 HARZ, 12 pears old, heavy set t tetra slight touch of lb* heoroa. Arty peraon rot aro Ilia told hones, or Cylog lobar- MAU. of their arttienbun'o, amoly reward. od by the subactibel.. JuS'EPH /IA2IOOOII. myrikat • Harroersellio. MONOtitiA 411 LA WATER COM. PANT —Tbv Legislators Letting entimrined the 11.eengehele Water Clempany to Malmo their Cepltel died , to live Hood ed Thontand th• Ana no-dna 'Themend having Kea takn, the Books .111 be opened S. the :ern OP MAT, at the Banlieg Rowel of IRA P. KOUT di CIU., um pet of Smithfield Anil Tenrth Knot., ror the pnrpom a receiving additli.d..o snineripthina to the fleck of uld 00tar..7. Sly °ram of tt,. Beard .f risnegers. mitt,. IbDWAID HOYE, Secret _ 122 WOOD th.'KEET. Final 'Removal. Wo have finally removed nor Piano and WWI: Wareroonte to onr non building. No. IP2 W 092 StflErf, tor door above 111th 'tweet, and nearly °poodle tho rine National Dank, whore we will be happy to wall on onrlends and the publla to goneral. H. SUMER lb SRO Min of the Go!dal harp, gor2llOw 122 WOOD lirf STE43I FIITDIII, in all its branches, properly *muted by _ NOMA, INDLS. .11,111thti. YALIKINti, OAS- J. LEM atul.ROP at all Altai, for tale at the la ttla Rubber De pot. J. H. NE111.128. ODIJNTRY- RESIDENCE IN Mo. cm: SE TOWNSII`P AT AEC ISOM - be bald, or, the premien* 0.1 NIONDAY, )lay Oth, at I.torlo.k Elt/EIT AlftEn good garden Lana, in 3f ;Clore t hip with g od d•ellima hones of fhb room.. PonlE - ontbon..e. earn, tnt tinnon of wet., and wlth , n tat, minn.d.' walk E aftnenu'o Station on Van eit•nbern, a 31-nnbotter P. It. It. le eitu. weed to W.A.' Ron, gnat altov• Oh, Station, and adpins premier. of Dobein Carr. Inquire of d 0. lIAEhUR, lea Bearor arreet, or at ti. aura n Doe.. of A. LECIOAIII, VD Federal stre.t, Allegheny. DESIRABLE SEVENTH WARD 6IDENCE.—On ni.9 DA EVENING, Il.y 3let, et !I o'cicw.t, • 111 te , , 0.14, •t Ike Comm., nuel Nebo ROOMS, At Fifth etteet That dadroble lot •f ground age:tete on the arena old. of Duncan street, cdi fa t 3 Inch., from tho corner Date •nd Duncan ....ten, hawing • front el 06 het on D.ncsn street nod extend'. g bock .40 feet, onwhich he goacted the new two storied Bold t Dwelllug, cen t strong eaten coons, hub rain a•d dreeolug room. Behind attlr and cement So r. ullar Th.. h,..ute antehed throtezhout in the brat etyle role flue Ordeal , d grates. Otero beet rs ge hot nod cold oat.; and got; awed, rind !gnat tiers on we Tanws—Onisthlrd each, residno In dew alla two years, with Interest, re. - rod by bond and mortgage. t 0 7 .26 ♦. McILWAINE, Acct., - - A DJOUR.IN ED ORPHANS' COT; ET BALII.—Dy •Irtem of as orler :4 as criolisme. Ceti: t Oemmty, I mill expose mt. r:t Om:CORNS 1100511 I. tl..lty otlPitte burcla, en 17/1 URDAY. the nth lay or Kahl at 10 Vol:4k a. cm.. That Law and Lot Ne. SS Groat street, oiritealla the t attodral. Pittsburgh,o•espiel by Brace A •Neglay. and ether., we law office. •les, T we couture*. wiz ea the want tide of Oen• grew atones, Pita hargh, N... LI and 14 in the plaa of toe Watson estate, each lot having a front of !cot. and a depth of SO Nob Alai, A lot en the earner of Velton lanai and Borferd Plitalcurgh, b.l.g IS leas and II Indi es la .rout. by IYS feet I 1.. has la tooth. M3IMMMM=I Teens ea Bite-omb, and conveyanees as!• Nab- Jere ta the cave for the year Itbe, and the parehaetr to p. 7 expense or the ernewyear•, .ad the reenLrt• three la stamp thereon. USN illeltdelTali, eny.httd Adair et Andre. Idohlatter, AUCTION HALEOF KERSEY CUT .CII. TOG fiS TUI9C AT, Jl.ll, '4l, • D 114, at ID e . ,leck a. to. crib.4J, s, the Donate Halm /tinter) Clothing Depot, Market street, Eleabea• tale, Ohio, to the oteheet aleaot 7006 TIIOLE&IND 0,000) fOtOODI Of DIEW Lunn . ILI 116511 Y OI.TTIII OI Tame wf sale teelt, to (levees... Tants. W ANTED. A FIRST CI. kFS pLrninna DA7I3 rIIILLIPB, 1u7:6 110 Haler str.a.t. WANTED, A GARDNER. To Like ea. a' • guctl ..rd uear the city. lop:pre at 71113 • Flf 7.. ry2Atf , B . or s , b . c:tw . e . .31 , 2 ,.. t , he ... 0Le5 d t ‘ o V p f o N t ir . r.E. 2. 4p o l l' A l no at r !LISSY I Itti A—MI Will • N Pb. ..r of Ga. tees tie.telag. meto 2; WANTED='d good MAN be DUIVI A CLACK Ell WAGON. • NO. WM apply ual•ea tbey can haslet. fNi corn - eendalleas. myt , 11. I bl LILY'S. • T on i, St WASTED. To tato clu , go cf a mall Tonot-lo.ot B JI SOL, Allegboxy P.O Pentroncate n.crdrad w• • • NTED- $5O A MON't 11_- ITt want Agents at ed. • W., td tay E.T.ALASTING PENCILS, 01.1.17T•L ?ICS:and, and [Lima.n other now, asenal and ca. arttclea. fttato amnian east rasa. EIMUSM= WANTED—A good SlatTklff Gum, who ontlerstandr men] hitAiwwork, .4 C. w~llfttg F. go Co Me ownatry to llvs, To wish • ear • porataiwol olloattori and go-4 wages will W give. lagAini at 71 o. JO ell ITIIYIILIi If nit 11 WANTED—Bonds and Mortgages to nets to c , t, property, g trust $1 $10,...00. Apply to AcLA IN • GO., recall Nixon. MEEK= JI /3. 97 St: Clair Street Mfrs. nAILTIN would lartlts 1, hoz now .tact faillittary Goods, _fiats sad straw Rorarwts, krone, Crape and stilt Uotmets, ILlbbolas, Paoli:is., te121.10 Lac.. sad Blondes. nivwPSD.—The Monongahela In anew Company, of WI. clay. dm thin do d caroll • flivldood of 11E71 I nu-Ana pa OELMI&E,Yna la on and Idler dm 2.5 th rnot.„ 11. n. DAVIS, [ocrolary. Pltlabargb, May Mft, it N. nry25.10 %/ER. D. LANG has paid over to the LVJ eltea.titniat rand of the Pittsburgh Gaudery Fair, the following ettbac•lptlora from the cable cw of the steamboat Paragtm, Cepa I GM:. If .al other boat. would imitate I. ...mute. It would add greatly to one fritd. They ea . their letter: "trusting deep y that the laudable enterprise may prove an entire succa we are, respectfully, Tom., B. 31 thon.y 11:0 (0; 11fred Davis 103 Retort 31•10,ney— e 00Llob. rl,p er 100 01 Wm ..... 1 Cal a Rt. Miller— 110 R.abt. ...... I 0,) eeo.StevemboU....... 1 JUS'f itECgaN:D. Wltbart's Moo Trait T.. CoriILL Wllbart • Itytpeptla P 1.1.. &Ver . . tlowiptusd Syrup or Lil. wort A Tar. Huuttoat 3.1.041 awl yth a way. t 4.1. for tett. ate. Pekoes 'Para Col Lly, Ott. Sint. Alto.. Llilrliostorar. Wine lillyeartuo ..d Honey Soap, Storllog's Aa.brroia, for lb. halt. flair, Nall auk Tooth Eruatua. Illltoa'a latolablo Cztuot.t. At the Ccotrat Drug Store, corner Tederel And ObSo streets, Alleeteny. ret2o G. A. IiCILLT 00. M OTICH ' TO CONTBACTORS--Pro /I vomit lin torltpt ohd will be molted by the Ceomitteoi ea .11treere, of the aiiy at illegitexy, goo 11l him 171 k that., ler the limiter sod itsyssg et Ohl. Lae* (hhi • !emir eittaslog shill 1.... at }fo ment threat) lion thaw. L... to the hot elle of til . Tiwllilli meet, thor with the beeeisary curb stone *ad eiCetalb. toe. for the voila; ittd paving of Borth ...hie hie imilual street 1. (Ala, ay.. ash from Cieilsr oven to Batt Loge, together with tine .*1:.%117 an , ....d sidewalk... Payne.% hit. be node to the .Lenten ea aeon BB 11. Y. wpaa.sts eau be cal hal et .1. property. Prop*. to be telt 1, 10111011, ittreth Ooleoliatien. or. or JOIN WARM!, 0.01 Chalretas of o.oseal um cm Iltroote, ROBINSON, MoOLEAIi & GO., II (NKIERS AND BROKERS, No. 75 YOUltill ST . oppocita hot City Bank. w. are iirryarad to do. demand DAWKINS AND 1111.0S.CUA WC BUSINESS. Se..lara in coarrinnent &cern'. out all It Inds. Boyand Noll Donk Not's, Sold, Silver, Strati, Bond., Commercial Paper, Limits on lieor.Tork. do. Mandy rentitid on deport} to largo or mall suonsta. Ilpecial •ttettt ma &ea to Lou. on trproved Ott. lateral& lettered all*Wei on, anti lw 60111 WRIISI, liaC LEA W • 00 pu tor lAANGEr PROVOGRAPII ROOMS, 00ENES nrrn AIM ittAltatT STIIERTS, T„,3 and Ld,tor4y over aialartUNA . ll Jefli•ll7 Otoneo Prrrsairson, Pa. ekip•rotaH.A.F.i-Da. cri every slim and style, plate, or colored, from ispalsr Oorts do Visits to Cabinet sod Ws C.. Mr. PITEVIANCTE lipoid particularly ball the st. iatttioll of th. AG RD ARM 1131111.111 to the awry ao.• ossaibility of this sstabliatonemt, being maul by a , single abort litsbt of ',Jain. Prices moderate. and IstUllbetlan srmirsoie.d. wytilklneasrTis Nzw RAINIMING AND ittRITIBIELNO 11001, • No. 81 Market Street. New TIIIDQHOO, 111HI01DEEIIS and BOBS, LAOS and WHIM GOOINS, LIT= IDS. GIN; LIBLN =IL), 11111 NO KG' TN DKBALENINTS; menziewra art wawa 8111111:15; OLOYI2,IIO3INRY, NAINIDNISOII7B. WNOI TINA GUTI FANOT SWIM the env TA lONSTI IluAer, GRATIN.* BAGS, YON IIM IINI:LLANWIIII11118, TANS. te. et ICOBEHAD, tom k MEE= isinieT. WINDOW. BEAM; WINDOW PANED; lit T IAD NATIONAL BANK OF Garner Wood Street and Virgin Allay. Deslgnated Pepnelto and Ylzanclal Avant of th e Unitad blew. Ana ribiPliptiellt Si eta 10-40 BONDS. Bann and Danten one logowod to on no Sob. Agin., at 34 par conecosanlinioa. Want Alm k4pt a ha at. ADAM lIIRLIIAB, Ptesident. . JYO. D. LT1 . 12036T0N, Oublet. WALL PAPERS; DIMS d PHILLIPS, No. 110 Water street &WHIG 1004 of HIDE LIGHT PURA !ft., Lc., selling asap, at No. 204 Tediral d., Allssbm. mit T.'4 *MEWL I :1 UCTIOJr SJLES. ♦LLI•NDLI COIN, tJap.. a.. Q. Et. Tli - .4l.trTS . IILL[A'CRY' DI rIDEXDS M=ZEE!=!, DR)" GOODS ARRIVAL %LW GOOD 4, J, RI, BURCHFIELD'S New Drew Goods Now Calicos I 13=1 New alagham• 1 New . Wlaile grtlllnnt•, New Plqn as 1 N low Bl•ach eat ➢i uslina i New lrbh Linens ♦ I. aftrortgoent of Every Detoription of New Goode, JUST RUM YID mil 4 SI LIU I Shawls! bacques Circular.ti! Bag gliittes Jacket s ! 1)• ess Goods Parasol s ! Hoop skirts Bun Umbrellas! PEW AND CUEAP 1 AT J. W. BARKER & 59 Market Street EVERY VARIETY AND MLA IN 1.1 0 A. X. DILL AND CIOTE, Wor L•ethis and 'Kisses. Tie largest asarrtaut of Fashionable Dry floods, SILKS, SHAWLS, ANN DREGS GOODS! AT LLEL BATES', No. Al ErLith "Street. Atell NEW BOOESi NEW BOOKS I RISE AND PROGRESS OP SUNDAY SCHOOLS —A biography of Robb Ralkos .ad Wm. Pox. By John O. Power. 1 Yob Price al 00. A NAVAL ON EXTRACTING' TELFTII— on the Anatomy of the parte harolred to the operation; the Mods .od proper corwtructira or instruments, dre. I rob lbw. IfSAVICN OCR EIGER. I rob 1-tolo. DARING AND SOY TERING. fly Potten. ger. A large supply of the latter work NU remised. Jab J. 1. READ. TS Fourth &Vera NEW GOODS. A NEW WORK ON STETn I NEW GOODS I Just Received. The attend. of tits Luna to Tarifa:duly coiled to our Luz. nod splarAld stock of In addition to oar nail extshatim tesortasent, they will Ind very prttty Idyl,. of Ladies' & Kisses' Hats and Bonnets, ill great 'trig]. .1 cheaper lb. :law immorally .old. AL*, SPRING OD SL'IMER BALMORAL BIRD And • v•ri choir* nook of HEHISo AM) 15/L VESTS and UNDULGAIIIIIENTS, for EaN'T ECM IC N W EGAVr- w. !moo aloo tea nowt and boot matted Mack of F. Whlta and Fanny flannel IShlrto as can be [cold In shy Iturahllng Goods Phan. Ladled' and Gent'. Lin. Conan, Ilia, Bated, Glov. and HoaWry, Pock. Nadia, Porta iloneda• and Yams, eletast etael.d J.t Pim and 8r... aaul Bolt Buckle., .4 a fall Be.. of Trim-ad. and fancy Onada, o. ck.ap .. 07 - Wtwlearale llama op rtsirs and la baamont. Precßux & emtm, TO M EIRCI/LPTS AND DiLikERS. EATON, ITIAORIIIII & SO., Nes, 19 and 10 Fifth street, loon* tho &tongs% of WROLIIIAI3I 311Trall to tbstr roost stook, orhlok lo sow omplato to ovary toportosest. £ll Stetr progt wan mroksmod loft. litopnorma GRE4T RISE LA" PRICES, dad they feel &MOM Le nil at a was:lW &hum, sad M rake mash bra thaik EASTERN PRICES I OITZICIAIIIII, MILLINZILS, nod all vim bay to MI wan, ore topootollrtzottoll so 001 l ood •2•241110 oat stock. , EATON, HAMM & CO., No. 17 AND 19 2171 - 11/ WM:ET. AT ENTAIL. Bead Blimp and Dead Batton, !NJ OTIZIS VW TIIIIIIIIIINC The earn ElaszalAa Collar ay Cat!) elegant. PaciVanni Data tat Hasdkareklaki kw .priced and 11. Limas IPdlolli Lama, arm. &Mae bud Craps Vella, Cambria sail Rualarg Trivial-4gs, In grant twisty, at kw prim t dept l Cab cad Bee Elbbou y Banutli, Eat' sad Mow .rf i Elos4 Note, of over, idyls i Iltoektop. Cow, coots, Hoop Skirts uld liprlng llalusral Edda. • MIN. of Nes , ' PuralshingCloods alms ca band. ladle.• and ChEdnaN Elarticy Mk ea Gana. &; Lake' Wtkitit Mambo Under. ekkM—eoet lam than the material to make them. Mamas &ems wp stairs. Ewa mid tear! y .trom tlOO aowaitry . will do won "to lak.atoooo idcwlc wsSaaing AV-• HOENE CO4* ••Aia•,-; 111910 70 austirr MILEY'S 'ARCTIC caxem. FREE- Zia, wproatol to Creme exam ltdonttO so asontmeest of ens kat recotTot4a4 tomb at dui razo.Uy grocery Mon of _ JOKE A. lIIMERAW, 1573 ConsieLThastran trod awl 't% BOOKS. ..ILLBK.MS, rtt V EN' PUBLICATIONS, AT lIENHY a: r..s, vitt, bmulartt and ,tic. Q S •ota,r o: • My ruin et ••1. rm.= 1.11," Pro. el; tb SI 75 11. W.ln.luthark. By tlt. Kalb., of , Man la (1r.)," ...spat:am to •N‘ onanat iu Vitutn.• —...--.. I 10 Liu,' Administratl... Ily,Llettry J. c,ott, PAtrlctlein and Pa;.,nr. Tly 'tarn Sloeteao D•ppaMal Years, cr Sitttel, et tii•ra Vi. Obror lel. of ibeSbombert—Coits Family. DI, Th, Ladies Complt te Golfe lb LLedie We and Diabrchierls. Dy HI. Lambert. Dew Th Latta' Guido to iron Polito:ay. ead ••-• • • • tvel Ilataacra. Ly hi.. Le.lto. blew Id_ 1 L.O II Flow. tle 'or thn Psrlor xna Gtodett, h.ndrom. It lly E. c..Boti. Greru c oth. 2 LO Tbc.a,hts on Persoral be.ll,:on, being a Trra C.. on Chtt:tlan Life By E. M. Gottlborn D. D. Cloth. - ..... 2:n.1 on Foipl'al IL(rodoctiala by 1/Is,rip ?atter. C 1,411 I f.. 5 Woodburn • NOTIL y Rocs .Lffrey. C. 0... 151 1111. Barge aeld's Eg+t or, Bet ro the a to. vul Amenclta nye , and ld,nbera. 1.7t0 . 1 /s{ , I.IY. .tirpoathe : a I L By t ba• author of 011 , 1 101 J..orsal or tho Ibecoeery of the E'onroe of tho bit.. fly t aputut Ypeae Cl:th X VI Nab end Netore; or, Peyeleal Ciente/Lb', 7 as toodifled by Leman Action. BT (loot', I'. XVI,. Etodi. 41 noliglon• Alcor, sta OritHem Ily 11. Rm.'. Swaim, aolnOr Or •Lf.f. uhri.l.• 250 . - XVIII. ebnplaios •3,1 Clargy of we Ronk lart. By y. CI I 4 -....-- .. 160 MIL America and tor Colasoat.tcrs. Bj Twker X X Th. Ferry Ili end 111. Flnendrr. A capital "Book :or 80y.." Cloth 1 25 x.t The farmer Boy, and now a. Became Com. mend. r to.Oldef. A Badt that every y can shonld read. Cloth- 1 25 Cop. , " of the above book. mailed fi.e of p sine oti receipt of pricy 851C84.112/241t, m 725 n and 73 Fllll - 51.. nest door to P. ek. ILLIISTR &TIONIL Grant's Victories In Virginia. Ths great Sghte illastrated h We weak'. k WHIRL Tall portlcatere trots the seal of tear .r all the tight lag •t Grant's, Shammies @ Butler's Armin to thle ernk`e Naar Tort WELIELT HERALD. TIOII4, T5[1515151 asd WottlD A large extra moot; et H. .►.n h./ bees roaeivad at mrtirs-r • t 5. Ma le TITTII TILEZT, IgABOISIO4IALL. Use, Marais( sad loosing Zsittlocs of the pea: Xes., Pork Daily ropers, And the Ottiltadolgehirt Papers, Coatalulag a 53 tba War llietre, Ltata of the 15111“ atta Welt:mead, etc, ter sale by JOIN P. HUNT, Whelan!, as/ a.utt gookteller. Ittstteas: .ad Newsdealer. arm 59 FIFTH V.. Maseale H's. Including Forging. Burdening, Tedirporlng. Anneal. lap Shrinking acid Expansion. alio, rho Coro- Hardening of Ire. By George Ede Price 60r. For solo by RAY .t COMFAS Y, niy2s E 5 wood street. &on 8.11. E-1,1111. VALUABLE FIVER PILOPEP:'.6" lOC BALE, situated cia the 810.04;one/a River, ahoy. the Am Lock, hating a Lout an 041 i river .felt feet, and ortendlug Conk to 13zAddcc1 Meet, I.4:gaming the Ballroad„ eon wining 4 soma and 77 paretic... This to eo admire. ble location for manufacturingpumas.; having the riser in trout and pnblio street and railroad is the near, and Bar Kill and building. thereat. erected_ /or puma,. = apply HARI Aril( TUSTIN, on the gra , ar to W. 0. AOCIFLNBACOII. No. Us Diamond street, Pittsburgh. tf FOR SALE-A LARGE MODERN built tbra. story brick bon., sitnato 012 SASS SUMS r, between Arta and High streets, contain. Inif tea roomy anti good cell. and finishd tar. rot. The lot has a trout of ar but., Bon Matt, ma tting back 70 foot to • afoot alley. The kocso 0..1;a/oily .d bas orator and gas tbronsiont tbo beading. for hull,.r particularsengnien of A. 0. CABBAGE, apitattf 38 A:mood, Pittsburg)... "VOIR SALE-VALUABLE ALAICCEIES i: ter property, being jperfoof the v,ll known ro tate "llcacciae," fronting on the Uhlo river, between Weahlagum and (Tbretnnt ourchs,• mumble back to Proofs .tre.t. Tbi. pr , party dan be dithlod into 37 lora, mostly 24 feet front, and from 12 , J to 1,03 feet deep. Th• property .111 be sold ea an entirety, and peewee. particular adventagee fora coanufecturini, .St.. Tern. tan be made mattsfamary. Apply to • GIULLGIX 0UL11017 , 11, Pealasylranla hat llaaatectorimtoo., corner Plot atrect and /Inv:4mm, Way, Pittsh.h„, toy2elm pOR SALE-150 ACRES OF LAND. L.: —The undersigned offer. for W. a Sam on .`cut 150 acres, la a which are cleared and 1.. good state of cultlretlon ; the bahloco leennuswady well Withered, with white oak chiefly. It toes rear the Ohio river, oboist Nut-dissent trona Strtalug. ham'. and Courtney . . Stations, of eke Pithsbargn, lon Wayne a Chicago FL L Title porlbot. /or twins legatee of N. WILe3II.B, No. AI Pena Brat, or at N 0.65 Water street, Allegheny City. myllhgee2w 406111E9 NIL• 11 US. VOR SALE-7-20 Lots in Allegheny 1: City, together baring a Ihnt rum* Law of about 180 met, =id rounieg back 100 root, being late numbered nom 6 to 31 In John O'Hern'i plan oi tm, Mug the property wham Mn. Ford now Ileac The lone will be add eeparatety or in • body. Tor terms, to., apply to mutat J. W. V. W 11121:, 106 Itlfth etrest. PARM FOR SALE—That %actable I. TAMS situate ou th. Pittsburgh sad Pharos Grade Road, in Boblnfos towstdlip, Jrtioun as the Pelll Faris." .bout five miles trom the city, taming about 124 .cm, lOU be .old at private w.h. Tor terms apply to td. SPELL, ar, J. 0. YOUNG, 0121 /t . =-st-Law, Ho. US Tool tame Pittsburgh. 1j 013, RAUL—That two-story . BRICK DWILLIII6, lzdsksit lex good .44, and le elbtleW ord.. Sittn.t.d as eh. ..omit of Daestm west aled Carpsetor's allay, Sixth Ward, ontelz• keg alight maws bat Waked Quit. Con be dal- • leargato.. Amara el gimp A BEEPAZID, 31,3 Liberty street. Li l ol3 SALE—A. Lot el Gencutd, at the r avacr of 11.111, gad Barraoa,) math In th Bornah of Dirsolagtata. Liao, ona oa. coma ai V. Sm. Arata fed. T.. our sad NW thalrmatda. A.Oll IFLOTD, • tlf 4ruer Rao a. Four. M. 0.. FOR BALE--Country Seates Coenn dale Station, nine rotes below Plstibtorgh, on tn. l'lttaburgb, fort Wapiti A Chlnige D.' 8., rang. to Cara inner t. an sonic far particular" anqulr• at the Baal Wats Ma of C. BRI/Illot.ll, =Oki& 21.10 Diamond Allcabeny. FOR SALE—A'SPECULATION.—.We V hare 11X, aszarof prism T 146•2 Luigi% Is Torso musty. whist sri ars instructed Scotus act .t Ms lactinalagjoriss a:UM, LPSII M , • sasts 9. Vol Al V 41. rig ,lexlS•ssili stn. fl ba—riloToosAni Gallen to the um bonding corner Tedsrat ad Warr etas% 411.1ecay, cnYtei ivarmiter. fiElf - LX4I4 .IfLatclildr,EB WHEELER & WlibiOlVS lIIGSZST PEZIIMT LOCK STITCH SEWING BIAOFIINES THE IDIZAPISI, Malan AND DEM Prthetpal OtHos and Vilsolmm:6o Zaltr rtnni; N 0.27 STPTSI ST" Three awls below Eaak Block. W 8 sinmEA 00, ainerna 1143mmelt FOR SALE. FOR SALS. George W. Smith's FarM. sonewarese of the reetovil of 00 of My Weill, say o•O no, god other coastdoreileta of prt•ete ead fatally mature. I griek to othahrect Say oreelre sod conger at etseettee to ray old east. Itshed Brewing awl 'Hellish plutons le Wheelie& eat to oosool,lush Leh I in Ibr cale, by prtrate oentraot, till the girt DAY or bIAY, lhee. end Cr mot thee told, by retilo Auction, the kt — agaiticeat Estate of Waddiarteta, Ctiniataiad did LOBO a! hasailfal and ittlii• bUI land, tevil v..throg atilt nem lailittgaitrthipt IP 9.41 el lib• pmt mint:ale,* ertaatrbra lath' .till, ' and salamis' ta a aoighboritecd ofweis=il y d tT roo,ta otn• p.p.. It le an Out pit., tour not. treat Witching. Th. outdo. is to ther.e,h . rrystr, I•• and hostlctOdiotie, (141 hot hp 14 thot,) v I h *VW, me.. oahhostlet" aurtamded tt. otraaerty Lad treats. Tee principal lama* bon. iv a m e nt had everonaltio two-stet* hrlah. The dairy 4.uto-1a apaciame ad datarmare aware. alactly •rmag.l. Tits. nra aise eight retina. ill the astate,"tall ranted to addmei reed unsailda,) th• rests/ 41 artist pay. ware theta lite Oates. la as tangle. Gera, with swam Numsat d 4414.4 iota sto at.' kr intones, wad awl, far el culla, with eel. lars Haag, wawa. sal arerythiag la the highest r< qc.f.ra of • 4•w; it audits la a yard 171 het elute, aarro sad.' by line% steds far sattla wad 411. p; Liao, War-tomtu atop and giants*. tour. Tits farat la will kepi.. re Ito Um brat Wayward and most biziOy cultivated in Oda pert et tint Una. try, started nit), imported sad *Oar choler cattle. abtsp, her., totpleatesta to., go. not Marini crept .11,11. of 31 umn of all wheat; SO aorta et Fil tar try; IT ern. It ova.: lur4y 1N fern at , bleat oats; 10 aCall. ; of potatoes 155 ,e• of xstadotr, 11. bal.a la duirell.h.F., all of whi let raid .a ate*. natal ea iii 3lst Of ht •T. 111E4. P.m., of palahmaa mad.. Imowa as day of tale, d at dm a...alai plAcat, whore plan of lha place ad artier particalan falli to giros attar till, 115th a! limy, .Bt4: I.* York—At the aSoo of Moms. T 42112, 11.001 C(.. 1 Water strut: 111. Joan J2I 6AJI2afl, Pearl otroot ; )Jr VAL P • 2, road stroot; blosarklisoE4lll2.2,2clLLD, Il Wusr etreet. Al=l= Ealua,.r.-ue+.r B. STE/03, 820. II BILL tr tal.arta—Mr. J. TIM'S Drag 114 m. Cavalsaa—Kr. J.B. /MITI'S Malt Halm. • . . CtusNast' I. ILITOSIELL • Os, Watts St rt. I.sals—W..% 111.11611.111111.01SHOPEN. U=Lt=M LARGE SALE OP Farm Staekand Implements, AT WM:44E11:08 'AIM, rear WI. ha. Wheeling, on ?Missy Tanga*. lt Oa TU•IIAT, tbst Nap, SW, and taDleartag tau dart, 1 moll eV by pablie mastic., all lay lint stanly .11Ipchau tatrty Harms. tattabtars asp paosa; Burtata and {rade Calla r, Warier, (*tavola and Grad+ Sc.". a la, anortag Crain sad part of ray Ilaasanold ParMiura. Apply at ay Iltsrary, se t. JORII 111388 ALL, IN{ t b (.11,111. for ntrtlter puck..tam Cat4losll. of tht resist Ns .t Litt Stalk and lattnenktotta luta h. had at as .intworr o an th. SOth 4.7 tf liq. lanl. advarthresnant mrla:tt 4 110. W. . FOE SALE. • A FARM OF 61 ACRES, . 4 ). which I. cr)ctsd • Brisk Dr tilling UM*, occi• tening ten rooms, witk • Frame natant Home and largo Trams Barn, • good orchard, .to. L wan rsterad, and only firs milts from the COAT. For particalat• ran or caldron BAILEY, FAREFIL it CO, IRS FOURTH STEM, Plitibinth. my 23 PUBLIC BALE OF • GOIIIT7IIT FLONZ3 WY prep:tea to otter at Pnbllo Ws, as TIMM& DAY, ht. y tOth, 1864, .t 10 o'clock a. tn. oUr prop. erty of thartirra Crept, adjotniag IlLuadaldi Mad at the juoettoo or the t terthenvilite and CLarttlarat to,d• Tito Leta range beta ar.rea up ta lb saes eaQ t, - oAalbos. Ell leave H. , a sots) at II ta. of Ike day of aal. A good. diatom Ell Y 8 lILIEOBIII w. aro sathorizrd to ray that the StettbeittO• PAllsead wfll b• fti °p.m& Iva lids Wl. '• tor farther r.rtictilsro tee B. kteLLTZ. , Mf. lttl romtth lanes; JAB. L. ALAB,H•GL. 133 Llba” strwt, Pittsbalgit ; or IL B. BIiOWN, titatarld. P. vsyStAlt FOR SALE. TIDEFit It 1a.411.1C113. A tract of 1500 acres, &bat:lading ha Oak, Piss bad Ilrober, on the upper illerheay rheir. GO taller above Tideoutc, 15 E.t.a from Warresk, baths from Stoanaburg, 611 tbo A. I Q. W. 11.1/..., , is No- Kean county, fa now offered for cal. A plot n. 7 be Kea bad • urinate demeriptyla 5 1 5 /P4lri to B. B. BAYA2E; Broker and LESIIMIICO agent, Es. U 1001711 MITI, , t'OR GALE—That beautiful site for a °notify Beat, Ernst° on the Parryarrito Plat Road, oppcmito Ike realdroso• of W. If sßlietock. and a.rjoinler Lk, Ocaorrator7 propeit y. con- Wallas IIVS: AND ON.D.BALR (534) RAW= This is ono of the IriCR t dnfzobl. locarlor• la tho richaßy of tarter city, Wing wi.bla abort Wilkiag &m.o. of rho Sosprosloa Bridge. • Thera ar• • anteber of lam faint trees oa tbs property, , and • somber of ckoic• frail and aror mental meet sot .at - • The bol• property writ In gold la eon tmet, or divided into lots. Toro.. q. Title ludinpatable For Innate. partlonlaa Inquiry of GEO. E. bras; nt519:11:3 133 Wood .fast, Pithibanh. Wit SALE—A two story brick house co the ttorth tido att. North Common, bottoms lateral and Bendostry etrmts, Allegheny ,ciq. Alm, Three two story brink tetetnents On the sank& of OnerTy Alley, bebstru &mud and Third 'trees; Pittsburgh. Also, Lot and -handing., on the southeast Soria. of Fourth and Peaty etreete Pittehueut. Alto, A aldose brick buil:Hog. on she woad& of. Youth tmet, (Tmtot allsokut) Pictabarghomilable ter beaming hours er bank.. dip, TlNold (laseCa the Dorthittly. tide of Third otzoot., abultlldas tho above lot. Zoontre uf WAL M-.13H1N11. me/lm S,. 137 Yount stmt. ULOB SALE—A rum of 118 soli* is L Bt. Glair tnernalip, Waettnatoland =nay. Pl. Atoo, a Fano of 1.10 acts in 7.lloaketh WM/4, Allegheny conaty.• /0N • I aro two.otory Brink Lan and. Zit ta Borongh of nrott ratzsbettt. Al., a Brick lifacctnand loot in Ellsaboth boronb. A 1.., Ilvo Lobe eoJolnico, the! balm& of Illoboot. part, la Jenne it ,rotty'a plan, Sta. 6d. 47 , ON PP and 60. Also, very valuta., tract of Opal Lank to !nod no 2, on rha Bloponsakola Over. Tor partkonlarsiogairo At 120. 1641...r0arth Strad. 12, 3 1.2:1 1 O. H lowza. E•al Utata .• 2. • . puR. SUE OR RENT—A Beautiful 11-oldenoo to Eborpotarrg, Watt"! al Moll at boom, courant moon rooato onAl Ilnlohot Sala. I good troll of orator tuld so asoollontalotorti 11 tba door, ottb pomp In each. T. lot ii 77 foes 4 flaw trout and KO foot dap, to •ranit rhare la is St, oto w or. nod Shroblery fa .bandana. Parma dr a rcv of typrthgl.gar rontior a tonatlltlnitdestes oosnot Boa ors plesoost ono In this vldnity: Enquiry of tha madly of ohs subecrtbarom tL moth . or J. 0. of the Armor Loirio„Dol soh 1 Oa, at their DILI m licarpatrog. opalsond3or fI.II. L7CIIII. VOR. billat-42,500 will pnrahaaa a L 'Farm of never ettpona acts; =OW w good own of calltatition, wall watarrel spits'. nod nude. g-od Lace, 'baste 'boat Woo sada dall nodal boil Groonabayg, Wannurraland comlly, oa Um 'Philo. delptlla Wks, one nal, from ton Pang ialtrawl. - MO thayomeozenta aro • too-story. /Wok Hope % rum. Bun, rpring Home, and good oncluird of choieo CmIL Terns my: Apply at AtAllool Wats and toonramodlor of nytll Thot.larldtsg,, iaCLd.4l= t ' SALE---thae rtew Stadam 'Caking u. nen eglinaer, 50 lath eSsokikew Iwo; Iron • • b,ca , inlenee valve governor LS Irnh egl Ender; 30 Inch at owood-hand. will be as good es new • • . One 7 Incb clangor, 90 Inch dr", new. . Owe $5 • _ Two Opine= Bogen, ad la. aidai:. so toot bag, thra CS • ".• • . T:c;oWronsht Irmo 011 gyp Sta. Also, Throe 84. of Bostogr Tools, for on Oboop for omh. •Eaqolro 4. BOW, ,All.rbrur Ithrrs Book, mamas Pala. LitUR. SALE-BT.E.M. tike# SILL Li AND OIL 11111 . 73 TITL—Ther•onabilf lor whole den Oil liednery and Bias Ba, Alill; th 1 crjt end cashed' serer c 4 ground pan . eh of eel OD the lot—cdneopes 'Ltd Wag worked, id ea the Allegheny Blur wad. A. V. 11. Ti, is or otla The Rater: is new and * of toot ri, ' as dew HID to ix sglendld otter, end is welt t te. wed haring a creek nutting front IA _tc! the , gloodknallty ler hafting boats. • -. • : rm particulars cat on t h e undersigned. • ' _, • • LTDAY a OHOEPLINNINO, Witt fro. 69 fiend street. Pltubtrgly PI LIO.H. CLUX. ' ' . " ' ' , 1, ATTIS7IO3 I sTicearaowr mnintall. 10,000 foot face menetre of ankfotelfm two took DECELNG Is offered for We at the. Planing Milli of 3. DAIIIIEII, on Az:demon street, Allegheny. Ofty. pri.l6B per thotread feet, board names: Tits Deckles is already plated sad woody Or '•I o f tire of • • 6Et . aoltaf - '• Oa the WeetatsalL . tiBJAS Olt EZUELAN FOR CITY Psorat—Tbst LARGIVra ,, coo, with Amanda attached, on Canon for. rosrlyaccupl44 Chriltdan i• •• cd Zan Diredaghain. Staling 6nd ••• • In Um tear of the Dvelling listme. • - ' nom Innirdartb street,'P • Inilb: Le r-4%. .three., briok 1. DWELLING 'JIDDA , Well •- • dud th goat =ler; 'VAUD. is. Maga Cethl4 o Prds, etd.; rid; aerated arg papered; gal Tud deldluee ; Aguas w pan gent, abare juk•.: 1702EIMTli,_130NO, AM,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers