diietk EC.gENG::::IIAY 4, ,1864. jEDNESDAY 'Arrivals Bad-Departgres of Tratn& worssasssas I ii,..-AeSiels.:-. &50 s m bakr• Exp..-121 4 P la ant'WWl-- laso • m Phila. de -. iao pER .I.re ,Illitrama... 413 pma hat Lbw .--.1: 1 0 • m re{ LL05.......- 8.35 p ma Time Mail.-- Lie • ma J.amosea Amen I& p m Johzatha /mm*1130195 win ;14 Wralstat's- lUD • SI se, Wall sten-, Wit's ,11 i do ...1114 aco 24 do ... 8.15 &i 'II do .., 1,60 p tal3d do ... lalid'p m 11. _.- dm : ...: WV p mlith ,:La 6. - 05 p an rb• Church Train laws Wall }hallos (on Sunday, ' " WI BO • ma; returns at IT* p m. i j ~;•_:' Ilielamdmi .:: - ''drr . *mi. Irsidida•---. Imo a at Memo lixes- so a at Itxpream LIS pma Phil. do - 2 10 pto 1 Wall Tads.-- &..10 •al Chet! do _ - The p Altlanam Acorn. LII pr Chomillon ilmall... TOO p m • ihm 'Zia 'Brighton tooootarnodiaßOn learn LB. &mew Statkmas 0: 15 • mi - 1200 at. Oil p na, 6:40p m. Rm.mthg. Imam New Brighton Buation at 6:60 a .i . am, TAlrromilßSOP w. u , d 2,50 P PL . ' : , rnworonon . a= . ocammukrmaas. \ Depaora. 1 drrwmr. 1i1L......---* 1:65 am 11•11..--.. BO) pm 1- E5pru5......... 3. - 00 p oa txpr05m...,....-10:00 ra, ma lot 111,ComPott-11.1:0 • am lot Inisisport. TIM p is 1 - IS ' do bib p mbi do 2.105 p m Port Perry —.. VW • am Port Pary.— 11:20 em 1 Braddockht --.. 4:11p m Braddoek's4-- MAO p TM Thi dunday Trmln to and from Brffeemport Bates at LIN p mousd anima at IVA m.' LLIAGEMIT TALLST. , lAn D;Pati. dra. . limil-----.. TIO a m 11101...- -- 7:00 p m . -.....' k0rmat........ 800 p m Ezhatam---- PM a m I Acton 4 . o) p m deComnsodatlon nao a m ciLiriLium arm errnalmaa. &pars arrive. elaminamil--.. 1:45 a m Ma1L....-- Bbh p m -.-. 1.-0 p on Bladn. sem.; 8. - 05 p m .1.:.5ti..414 --,....- on aln . _ ei. gao . m ' fisibmills-... AIM 6 la Stanbonvill•Ao 10:00 • m : eirrams—..--. 1:4,5 • , m s. de 1:16 p COMMARWAL ABuOBD. i 011111-Theta la a ontiltened good demand for ~. Oats, sad pilaw ara limn, with an upward tendency. ! :aloof am nia, to antra, at BS; .110. atoll dos it to .tors at 581.13. Cny - Wed. molds with • fair &mud ! addle the aupp•y.bi seri light; sale of I ear, in can, -I iternmetottglsent Ismail wthartrum yore at 61,33. 1 Stead Is'eoraidansble Indigo for flys and 'Wheat, halthant Is mato lathe mar itch ,1 I'll.OPlSlO'S9—Torro to a sari good lo a d demand in, 11. CD. and plow; ars Arm Put unchanged. ' tn ''elnuasidaavalsol Hams arn lied tg at %lei - which Is i at advance. Nos P.rk Is sedum at iNall,and , • ''F'lliesslheaf it 1111601,60 i• Lard t. quiet =item, with •'.!.. anal ides at In then •aoti: and 1.434 for city.. • 6fIOOSWIE)-1 agar Is Ann wiehn moderateclocd 1 &mod at! stehaelled vlieeig., Balati italea St Italia Or , abed l 0 for Porto Rico, Ilhat for New Orionis: ...rAttiltl}l47,...l::Pnw, *de FoWdered artl Nra. alma!, ' ITos 14 asisay, eri••!•••4-• • •••• te• hg,ertg, * pi an A g g letterflotre forstrittlyn -WS Itlo - 'ace Ls UM Crap , at V..tlS, tut aw....,.., ..“ 4 ....aslyakoi. No lisseaLt...wo untitled to quote carterstr. flhOrld—theftb bat adulated demand for this ra j tido thwtet *Omar: ..0 to atellaSand hoiden nes j wrallyire was to= In their when We note' small' •...l irtlas Of .Stnen fstald• nitro= dre7 3 to SSAI 'a :bi — ' WwwallalSS,ol:, ,, z • •._;,..., - ,E., ...... .-•- • '1 I fLod—Wlszassratire bald 'croaky, though, cricei an r ! _no; onotshly. blown No 3 - 11-41 0 may hal:Noted ' an g10,:5a10,6 • per bbl: azedsl2.7sal: fir No 3 Large.' .. . Bala olds half hob: No :do as $8.15. La 'tiering ma)) be qadtol at . :NS aCVS per hall bpi, and White I Irish et in oo • . WEIt'..BT-...omman Sedated is firm but pilots are to) unsettled to, gnote-oaneet!,. Sahli. of :lbu ..• 1„, hbls Hlghwimis. la lot., at 111 a. -II ag—fa toe nate. bet without !potable change. Sihn, of .4 , selml"Prfoinbalikold wharf, aglllth and. 3 - • dots km.. Ltura aPIeS.I.C4O. , ..L . SUS I'S it a, gelitid—lotter to dud and drooping, I &aloof Bolliti frinia - .., to 41'fOr odonon to prime. .. ) . 3C lFZie i gsgs ' =set:l;la\ trlttnigd; galas from atm at 51,03 to WO per Drab; and :3.75 to Sid* 1 DRIED 111171 T— - demand ts fair ,soul the ' '.• 'martnet dint. *ND vital Pisani Wills. for Apple). ! 13&42—Quiet bat. Moldy with 'mail ades of Sol I 7 ;,...„- int iv. ...9.s..partibl—ilas latter figura when 1 dallowed. SEEDS—Tbnro I. some • inquiry for Flax Seed, ' nottainnotianall Wass:: ,7115. Qom and:lmottly 1 11912112 star-binged. • •• • .. PIttatIITIIII-Petroleum- Kibitz& Marbet. -SAT 3-There - Is s.roatinned good demand for - artidei:Mpeelillylor ablpment; brit the grist Ala fairy if Plana 51killTkitratiterko Phfladelphirand New Torkourwell ea otharßelnts to klurEart,linf a OPeratlens; as bniai are not taking bold 0.1 freely as they .wou id . .. bet int . this tact. -The reported mks today comprise at - 4,T311 bbla as ABB.= 1,100 and 750 bble, at 41;1,7114 -Ands Mettided=bydlTerentelolitiontbektick ai2ll; 550 do de at 1:81(d end 1,000 do d at ,T3A, free on board ears. Wined is la d mind tea nir present and faints daises - y-Imm especially the latter bat ae the:nemeses tote' conalderanls difference be.. tweed the dam of boyera a..d whets, cod as the . market if very ruinktle • we omit quotations. 7liere were wee trinmo ions In tendril, for Daum dell wary, the partlealarsorwhleb, we annual! to barn. Haytlteta steady bat nate, and the combed gent. Pone are 80 to 83 Itaaldnom le bold firmly at 51, 5 0 The receipts by the Allegheny river daring the twady•four boors andtbg ' tdde erselng: .01 11 1. 1011 1,833 ai Brewer, Burke & 47% Meade* 31te 10 Ponlmay, 181; Jr. Wilkins, 031 Mbar & cr. II Loot wade, 34; Wmlnirtelibrg,.sl-tddalLllss bbl. . b . • Xew Pork Petroleum - Market, IhuichLlphrotA to the Pittolueth GuMlie• - , • lire lei; a 7 2. iheto hem twice . aprecOstire demand for Crude eari pion hare amfraercersalre at-Z73428, eper..,; grOned In* meta gtoody, lath • Air demand • hake vett* spetatheahh and ect for-Jone. delivery : Tree eit aced hia far Went at CO Soh% es the spot •er hr Key thew, •sime 70 f t July, buyer' cptio • nap cco cbececor 2ispOui._•,. Boston totfon Goods'alarketr Thelihlpples List of Seth gprilseym—"The tee . gegay.ar, primp is upwardaid ivory , ' good Witten • • heirless:L acme the -past Meoi. Standard Brown • Sheetlegs grafts= and have been in demand at tly,c, and taMiliM /bone hisceilegs Tine Brown .and. Mulched Cottons axe inactive deemed and at advancing 'prices. •reeinnye - hi. obeetimgt ham selling,et bdo at 41ii . ,Kflo ist3l:4Pennieett I.lr.Mch elwetings Battier .11111 do_at So, llarly , Ponti do - at C. Illeathed - 81sestiep ; and Imre teen in Cheesed im full and adnuati g Vie notice 111 , that market the pol l week the new bleached goods of the Bartlett Mum Allah. ••. - fetorable.stylei et' goods hat teen imt crake mead tcre ra Inn , Green tosprousmeem Use been sunde the' roses§ or - susentectlipsi Lend ;the • new gmste aro sawstor thew mule hy this compeer. The essiousiwidthe;o.4 4 - 4 and .13 • inch, wen all tideni tp lennallitely on write; sod them is an: lequitr fur m e at JOOOl Ti. marbet. - Brawn Cbtutur and *nest Jefili are told :clear op 3* . prAcellog," :01.C1111.4* 11NC 3rans axe . acdd - .l* andse.al I"7o,•assi MlLtlerdCtErtni &Utile to •• Wm mom •cydera- mu:egret Walne.- - Bsourn -. llttua Use edeancei gro, and are searcd alaZ dritt at . " . that piiie - ,:eatioullei - AiitarThi - ennuis , wid th, supply be. conch' atonlisw en au- neinsed: eiries Ised '1161.1 are scarce uvi jending. : upward.'Prict Cloths are Arm but have been cpilet: Pronto routines in demigod and ell leadlug styles are • sold clime up et full pfica. 41111:w0tiee Motet. ---- April SO—Aher Maths the gown- llamn nubsa om- , _ - . day nubs we nrelerstand th ere were at lout WACO Da ansn what tadet .g 1.2% tot pi Bpring Leg shmnotte at - die oc,...bit to about 201),020 bib. There wee no ileeldtel &sage to the market d oting the atteromMwlntestrdreg lAtsnat 60,000 bug, So 1. Nortek ebabged Jmnde as Um Newnan still s illY e al,gl for winter and $1,44a1.n01g fersummer remises. "I be :ttµget_sliwedLW!i gestl .wwwws It the lower . The wheat Waal way quite eta yesterday, wltb ..,Le do tts wnward trod:ney,aod freom the elaie ot 'Ohaage. wearily . nominal up twg p -in 'were bat Ilulre oser Ino,toebmb—eal eprLeg M. 111,4% at,%tor wftWeraid 111,2&(1117 tm summer rocellws Tse meted chiral on 'Change at 11,23 y, roe, tn. ybeTr teetenlhaw are hot slosed to uencede re -any As- Ws were lower..Ro rots Alm of SW o bit .V7O tor mreeted awl Mlyestor Mos rose kk4leo °ern gold on honied et WM dellrertd; fed [year 1;1,14 in Mont: Bo sslti of birley . Illebeinte unsettled MAliwnwerinertbe measulit immebt up ku.Vougruar vuTbaraday Is ‘ rokl.s the tagettoloot,e/orlte bead: _,L . -,..llotUnure Coils e Market, "bitsvi notelbo ar. of i.bitaimonfkielaido;'tnyi BIN r frith 4495 .;figt.: e k!4, Lt 010.0. 001POCk adOsCrfptiori Mit 1111 ipacebut baade to 10000 bra. *ids 1700 bye. liaßaln bin! *And trots Porto. Cet6ll , l 11 ' 7 00000:,11alestipirs beta lantaperut itldAupta , ttouiclowViluintreettle4 s adnamtna4 theparesol ita.'74l,ll7sert through b.th • bnuttho, of Ooocelss, Inatug radii:milk bolder's , . alo. draw thrle stocks .oral a to eldpnible ItifanC4 on •na Wes, 13 , -d.y Ur" to stote a Jos of 1100 . • by. ezadOxide, loot 490 biz& et aril: - Ear. lo , ol 43 113 1 1m}rtg b$ Main's& . .Purtartuart Pr. WAIXIC:011141numoo n. 111120.4.14 May 5-3 Mrs boy, Got Cross;St WA hider, rehuda, Boat•da. Wooluilkicluotai o . livery 4.-40; •:„....udabraxancl-Pottotuom'tbblr /a • . Wart 7 gluts rap, Goofreld dark it Ws, 1: C•oshen 17 stain:toy, epoocer }I.I j; 2 btu; 1 do but o. .1444r1 pplro.-o DtstabOttbso soap, IlloDou, , Auld, Verson D co' 14 I,ols : • Pirminsaii , , -;43sirikogl;.. Ai.. so bbla Mutt. lUD yap balk. Dortto IOU %plot flob."..s:ArOoLlo' tug IS r bbilo moor,. PorDrol Atikch:Artti D0o0Fr: I als 'ego, ' 1111, 4 1 .1it edr cora, - Dorr Int & co; 1111 e hMour. !miaow: a ar,e Ortrlitdigi - 1 6 bit es'. taarwliPitl l l. lo Cc C ° ; f*D, tune, * limb); ld tcisdsm; g •:, up titla Dour, alooK , usu & t Dint IDS -aka cors, ask:ban rOpri= i turac a per CT. e„, 1 1 gt r f a mcausty*P. 43 bgesbah B r4di , wilt prim 04141cr , appla4.,o o.ll.4leyrniiuipo: twei.T Monk; klbsa rueuroa4.,Dosill Alr co. :gisz ta mrll.2lldirrodiiamp GodfreritUrk; br iuk alfre 3 111 ( 1 1 102'1.4 , Walt &No: lb l atir e i g t - * rbTs . apple, :ft 74ourolyt A4114e 1 . 4 : 1 Ausanin stestOr.: 11, = 43 "T`lr . s4lrruori i • 1 coiLllour..ALDADurs4r Eon kr& b°*fDlD. Learn 4 'WPM; JAL-4302g. iiilietiioPWC4 4l 4 r gA a . gatistcr /data; *or soaggow.- t ft; *Do 40, tZieltratrAticUlf D:rl td4 ~ ..._ : ..;i L.,::~ -Waiter Brown'a Monthly Wool Clr Hfw You=, Nay 2. During the month under C. 11,1 1. (April, there has been an thawed activity in the demand for domes tic place Wools, arid pee. hate slightly advanced. & number of agents. of Ow larger maaulaeturing• compautee bawl heen to the, market, some of whom purchased aiocki iirllidcleuf to curl them over the •.moles memos. Coustartersof fhb class will not, to say the bust, be compelled to go Into the country for 113ppliell daring the approaching clipping wm- It may not be anseemenVe to *dent here to the probable effect triads pelmet, both in the motels and the wool growlngethitticta Of tho west, of the panne Id the bill now before Cengtess, wbleb promisee Le Mamma largely the duties oh.foreign wools, and to fagged te'Mantifactmers the expediency of antici pating their wants by ptirchteee before this effect Is telt in m Aerially advanced rates. Believing three precauthinary vie es will obtain tore considerable *tent W ith conqinners, We then not be serprisal to ere daring the month an increase in the nember boyar, and satitocks to market motions to afford mod infectious, we look for au milmated trade at kogrovlrtg Pealed Wools have been very active, and prima nave advanced from Zak 'f b. The stork being dgbt, sad the demand go 4. there le • prepect of e dal farther riaela wool. of tlits des .ription. California Wools have mid freely at teir rates, and the market is to favomblecondleten for receiving tbe early lob of the spring clipping now an mute by steamer, Manisa probably in the preamt mouth. The demand for foreign Wools of all, middle:a Ma been active, 'and there bas been considerable excite ment snot; importers le consequence of the new thrift and the blab ester of gold, and • rim In pritim somewhat greater thou tout in /madam Wool has ImPn• estabLhilsed Large Wm bare been effected, and th e — market contienes rely firm at the advanced regard. 'thy stock has been materially reduced, id though some of the large parcels bare merely changed owner, and will be again offend for ode By late 'fomlgn edvicedi we learn that all the muketa ate firm, and pricy of nearly all descrip tions of Wool are higher. We have reported the following sales daring the past month. Fleeces, 1,440 000 Ms, G7•Boc. Polled, etio,OCO Be, 5§}4121 - 6e; 205,04 lhat.l.li(proia,'2s.ls2e; 3,10:0124 fad" 37af'....im balselleetiso 37.40 c; a5OO tales klailterraiann; '1255 bales Doniki, 4.0a -52W.; 49 balm tintagurlan; QM tales African 21 Wes Carders: 240 hobs East Indta4o bales sneered anstralisti, 111•1.5 n; 600 bales Province; 250 balm 37)in; 115 bales Montevideo; On Wealth, G1.1:08. At Anction-120 bales Cape, 27.450;4; 158 bales:ltri can, 225.150/ 9 balm Restive, 2530. fa Boirteri—Voo,o,o Ito Fleece and Polled, gee; 14;000 the Canada, at 80c; 1420 bake foreign 57a- OW' • Army Awards at Indianapolis. April 28.—Df Capt. Thos. Foster, 11-8. Porenis. tory of olndreniii of Volunteers. P rt-4013 bbls to Talton. Keen & co, at 527; 100 do to Pattison &co at 1527:' and 61 du prima to. es ,port to Robert Morey & to, of Latapette, SZ,7O. 830013 oidea--30,0 00 clear to Tartion, Keen e t Co at 113 , 5 c, and suoVo ms of clear ribbed to rotetoti 41 -13 ° .,:t t o i lMiassb-12,0 00 160 to Tarlton, Keen a . co at We,. and MOW IlDs to El Coffin & co at 10%. Flour-400 bills door, Searatary Chase brand, at V,7P. itics-1.6,1X10 lbs to Maguire, Jones & co. ar naLt. dor—"JM ins to Maguire, Jones co,& at lOstlo. I and .7),(00 t the saw at lleXc; 10,000 111 Cuba Ammar to J. L. Reynolds & co, Labdette, at 18W-. Star.Candlcs-4,'W Rs to Maitotto, Jones & co. at Soap-4,000N to Maguire, Jones tt co at s,lic; 4,- 000 lbs to Farrington & liittians, Terre Rana, at 11 , 40, and 4,01:0 IN to same, at 11)4 SaIt—SAWN toPoineroy, Fs .t co at 6.7 c. per • 211olisses-1,0,10 gallons to Tarlton, Keen & so at Cleveland Market. NAT 2.—Slour—Market Inlet emdseithotit any lame transactions. Sales contlued to the heal rob& ID Waal lots. Wheate-Market uld quiet. Sales this morn ing *now good whits oh tra. at $l . , 1 car 1041. as aced on track at fi1,52.. On 'Change =CO Indiana red Boson Board at PM. Oorn—Qulet and uncharged. Sales 3 can shelled from store at $1;20.1 tar do on track at 51,17, and I - • - car do d oes Ift.So- 0.t.—5er...1p4 In_excass of the demand—curket dull at Vail!e or! track. Rye—There L. Ina ingulry, and the market terminal at SI,2U. Ilariey—Neralid at 151,25a1,25 for good to prime on track. i _ Boston rntl Market. April 20.-11.1xipta of gyring catch wary I.ght; and with waravorabla weather and had hank to MI Goorl.- ge's fleet, theta:kat is Teri flr3w and Indica still' =0 WI, Sales of Grand Bask at 36,25a' Bay Panay IpMeMetomall 155,104:76 lore, and 5 6 . 25 parked. New Tindlock name, and wiling ha met lota at 53,75441,1 qtL Pollock gt, lowa liackeral aro Arm with a. goal demand Sales of No 1. at i 17,50; No 2-largo 1113,6na14 and medium 5124 No I WV: 1R0,2540,-50. and medium ga,76 /4 Obi A 10. wires aro ware. and nominal $1 ~o 111. Pickhd Narringo aro selling • £2.50a6 par 5TE.1.41 El OATS piß v CINCINNATI & LOU.• ,_ usoltivlLl:=.62", R7l.lLr'r u above /MI DAT, 844 Ina. at 4 O'cl ' ock p. tn. s lot fralgbadirjaTtap i jka 4 w lr o ma or to ; says , _,. JOON PLAOK, OD, 1 Agmu, pog ST. LOUIE—The fine I....jMtp steamer aidPIDE CITY, Cap4.l. bat', Heat*, mill lam aa abort. on THIS DAY, the 4t13 fast. • Tor fzelght sr me v aaVel , board or to J. D. OuLLINUROOD, A l' . U• "Vlll3. CLNCINNATI & LOU ': ItiVlLL—The fin new steamer KATE BO I4 DEN.9ON. Capt. Itatobinaor4eg AS above 011 TetlB DAY, 4th Inst. Iror !might orkmadl7im board or to J. DCOLLING A WOOD. V'''. FOB NASHVILLE —The Carl P ' w ytle., l .t. '"Tpara T orgaztra .l d tntennedtana pans 9 n T/1113 , apply au board ght S.D. ioii , i iLecs FOR CAIRO AND. SAINT' LOMB—Thestftmet NEVADA, ()opt. Th.'. Bolan: Clerk. W. D. Boxorm, tall Ism for the 10.nm:id intetcoedkte port on TZAR9- •D.la,ltio othon p. at: to r9reralght or Os•rogo apply Ward. or JOHN DIACK.i. J. D. COLLINGWOOD, }Agents. aO3 - • J NS. OnLl..l9alk C pEOULAR . WIEMELINCi & L AF I A PAREZESIIIIIICI PACKET.—The fine 'steamer lIINEUVA. Capt. John ,- : -- cf=r .."'" ), rill leave Plitaburgh tar Wiarellcg tray TUESDAY. THURSDAY. and SATUUDAY, making close oon• web. with the Wtmellng and Parkerobvitg Peck. etL Iletu =vlfll leave Wheeling every: MOli• DAY, WILDNIXDAY and FkIIDAY. -rimeengrs anallivight rocelptedtheudgh to l'adletibtal. 7orltelght orttsW i sly N o s u a,, V:pr to Onlrharf'Doet. at the foot ofWaritrt et. - • • ROitIVITaLIN G,II . ARIET- Jr 14.44 .11: TA AND ZANESV4I4,I4.—TIie ffie relane staves: EMMA (, Mona Ayres, #l,"o";.lvsna:Pitnitelvgh everp - TEILSDAY, at p, anliZateaville Amer PUIDAT; Watch a. tn. -The nes Memel JULL!,.. Wm. Ooolacth,Core. sunder, leaves Pittsburgh , .even BATUMI/AY, at 4 p . m.; and Zanesville. every TUESDAY, at B.3`elnek a. m. Pot rs Dt oraiww oPp . lynn bowl or to J'l).-49W."•?ttitati on& RIDES a mega; 99=U 1 UQJLXi=t 4 UU S . ,ilavadget; Petiolgrtun - and - its Products; .o& cilvOzar4 - att, WATER 403; =OUT 0711......Prossunsos. tasawszutiamiawszur. ow iron IMF F.e4ainiu9c rooinz x.tllttlVAlr AGM, „ wt ... 4 , Aft%MO & I 71431 Luggyr woRO,: . litilfoAls; DUNLAP t Co., Clar.trimbmmr or Para ••White 'Mint& Carbon OM Via, Sv rrt Innis trimmer, • geFla~ ". ~ A eTRAI-19 1 L WORKS ;SHIRAI: tiontsiE, ' Itologlmtebsord du Bodnar latilf °lied try WiL BOANDON'i Yr. aro Dow pr:paredto ea. to thd - pdtito - ott impotior lit&unitra.om, Mite. La ura:lon atrlellJ solosaido iFfoelyleft, and Tar rated - 'raft. ulttoviathir)avo.. - Intatair - Wood abut. IVOR .t:4:4.).f '-oonizrEgrpn Iszizoir-orp, • roi in& or Crude'and i Segued 'Petroleum, 11.6 BOUSII DIIIAWAIIIC VIM% Antatniusnu__, vow TATH,,ourp on, womm: Sato lintlircanosliimailet i zoii ABD ITTBAJLEMI LI3BIIJ.C.MIG oiti two tboosisna butoi week: •' BB & GRAFF, W.ar=rosit ciebecZoNONGLin24,llotag 11101411:14, 13 .0 8,401 P . rA rpl amp ihrossik4b• moasin ". iertel and br 1010 1 7 JOng ^.lngosaftw; I Z 1: • I I; •alleCtl.r, ier."6" Cathenii Us drapr.ar.A.X.Pat= OFFICIAL LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Paned at the Fif li Session o/ the Thirty :eighth Congress. [Poetic—No. 82 ] AN 'ACT anteadatory of the homestead law and for other putposee. Be if enacted by the Senate an! Bouts of Bepretentatives of Mt Untted States of Amur ion to Congeal aaseriold, That in case of any person desirous of availing' lifmself of the benefits or the homestead set of twen tieth of May, eighteen hundred and sixty two, but who, by reason of actual service in the military or naval service of tholini ted Statee, is unable to do UM pettooat preliminary acts at the diet/let laud office which the said ant of twentieth May, sigh teen hundred and sixty-two, requites, and whose family, or some member thereof, le residing on the lend which he desires to enter, and upon which a bona fide improve ment and settlement have been made, It shall and may be lawful for each potion to make the affidavit required by said not tp-fore the officer commanding in the branch of the eervice in which the party may be engaged, which effidavii. Dhoti be as bind ing in law, and with like penalties, as if taken before therregister or receiver; and upon snob affidavit b eingl i filed with the -regiete'r by the wife or other representative of the party,. the same shall become effect ive from the date of each filing, provided the said application and affidavit ore ac companied by the fee and commissions, as required by law. Bee 2• And be it further enacted, That the ten-dollar fee exacted by the said act, the homestead applicant shall hereafter pay .to the register and receiver each, as commissions, at the time of entr,,, one per minium upon the cash price as fixed oy low of the land applied for, and like c o mmissions when the claim is nastily es tabliehed and the certificate therefor isened as the basis of patent. - Bea. S. And be at further enacted, ioant That in any case hereafter in which the app l toe the benefit of the homestead, and whose family, or some member thereof,ls residing on the laud which he deairee to enter, and upon which a bona fide improvement and have been made, is prevented, by reason of distance, bodily/infirmity, or other good canoe, from personal attendance at the dietrietland office, it shalt and may be lawful for him to make the affidavit re quired bithir original statute before the Mark of the court for the county in which the applicant le an actual resident, and to Cransmit the same, With the fee and com missions, to the register and receiver. • Bea 4., And ba it ierther exacta, That in lieu of the fee allowed by the twelfth sec tion of the pre-emption sot of the fourth of September, eighteen hundred riud forty-one. the 'register and receiver shall be entitled to one dollar for their services in acting upon pre.emption claims, and shall be al lowed, jointly, at the rate of Steen cents pet hundred words for the testimony which may be reduced by them to writing for claimants, in establishing pre-emption or homestead rights, the regulations for giv ing proper effect to the provisious of this act to be pen:mei/rad by the Commissioner of the General Land Office. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That where a pre grapier has taken the initiatat, ry steps required by exerting laws in TV., geed to actual settlement, and is called' away from such settlement by being actu ally engaged in the military or naval ger vice of the United States, and by reason of sorts absence is unable to appear at the district land effice, to make before the reg ister or receiver, the affidavits requind by the thuteenth motion of the pre-emp tion act of the fourth September, eighteen hundred and (mai one, the time of filing each affidavit and making final proof and entry or location -shall be extended six months after the expiration of his term of service, upon eatisfaptory proof by affidavit or the testimony of •witnetins, that the said pre.dmptor is so,in• the service, being filc,d wi h the register of the land office for the districtin which his 'settlement. Is made, See 6. Arid be it further enacted, That the registers and receivers in the' State of California, in the State of Oregon, and in the Territories of Vieshington, Nevada, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, and Arizona guilt be entitled to collect and receive in addition to the fees and allowances pro vided by this act, fifty per centum of said free and allowances as compensation for their services: &wiled, That' the salary and fees allowed any register or receiver titan not exceed In the aggregate the sum of three thousand dollars per annum. Approved, March 21, 1864.. w HEELvath Wthso-N•b; Biour..sr PEZMIInd LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES TIM crumansT, 811EITLIST AHD BUT. Pr'twain] Oak. aui Wholmale Eraporiam 'flaw awry tab. Dank Block. wg 81:111Nia 4 CO., WISTIEHIS AGIINTB res:scrawl, " rontua rorrromrotio AliZI-Jr.rela L. IZIPAIIIP "DOTTER, AIKKN SITEPARD, Conr salaam Merchants and Deshil intraroto Dotneettio WHITITS, FLOUR, DIM= ONCI>N, EGGS POTATOShoiroil Prato. etoneralty, No. 91,0 Liberty stmet, oppoel Dt to Paageon,er, Depot, Pltiab'eiti. tlesc J. 8. Dilworth Co ,Wm & Collo, Cali> 'a kvair ard, Miro% Leo k tb, John Grazier Pittrbitilio; rsoloor LDrur ehli.Ysa Boost Phillwia4 Treartiott L Shootions, Bt. LoulstBloclitir.4 Mont, Nrw To.kh tltattrortl & Lave% Clocinoott. IrCenWOL. ' 0.14111 MCOLLISTER BAER, .:-itinifactertri -sot awn, to la klads of loinecoorsunreso CICIAILB 80. ICB WOOD aragyzi, PITTIEMII, Pb , . . Keeps iZrairtszttly an 40 *lmp Tarkty of Pipes atiatioiatuerobeimii myttay - • VTALUABLR' FA.RM FOR 1341:g. r One hundred and ten choicefrom Arty to sixty. ietultlntiun.remsinder! ember, dwelling houen._denstdectuu, shingled Mot arelard of Inn teem frd . 6l tiro to tbrat.dears growth, good aell, osterml, am:ensue, rpringa, pWantly 'situated In Bearer Co, &bout A saline from &vie klsy Yoe 01100 and terms apply 13 to • • . oMaildlly a 1301513, sadn • . . Ahlarket arrest. i. . . nONSIGNILEIITS.. " .4.1 - 76 baxerthsagail ; . 2 car lota. Pwtatcaal ! , 541 bats area £pp''; 75 tali V 5115 , ,-- ' . . . . '4O bbla. lake Hartligt_ .. %OOP tat 0542,4 . . - ... , . , • • 5 6 bozos trim. Rat Ma te; , . 25 bbl., lat. mad half' ebb tratkeral; Joit reolvtd, loamy*. lad pr 'sale at lid. EICO Lib% any ~tenet. ~ ap27.; . . . rormit ,antZtt At 0113EPABIL rvirsurnitrn. NEW - BOOKS t- NEW 8001031 sisiwro . notThuzss --- ot 'awn ffirsatoout blerraphy of llobL Nalltpo , sud Wm. To& D 7 John 11. Pomp. 'I ' thico II CO.. MANUAL ON EXIIILOTING Notoutol on tho. Anatomy of the put. Involved In et. emotion the Unload ptoyor oottgenetlon matrament ,g — ata. - A niv,turio.: • EINAVICti OUWIIONIL 4v0417m0. NABINO AND 81111 0 1 MING. 13, Wont. Patten. ger. brp voppli auto bitterly** Jost received. , , _ . AZAD, 78 fourth stams...;, UUABMS: PAULL!' i FLOUR, v 6001 s Das; t • 100 eo Po to a tst oni B.ooopptNri stoftgaLTZtis "al? bang " 4 kt P; rerrEpeos alatmoa. so. vrOca ge. • 110VECEVED ON:.CONSIGN =NT. 'tow lad lroz Statit'Apykr, - Trion -140 bb... ropitOevi ' ' ifl!'r 4 11 : 1 0.10 GREEN SAL nDed, .1.1 3 000.31 sen !Mild 73 , r7 tali" i d 6 aos 0 " 1 P l orattrital3llMatilv __ tatoicomorod., `1•44 - ilSr01"12"°2"14 w --atorNnins bls4 0 1 .; 41 • 1 *, , ' i,g;#! ° . 11 , 4. * tanowtorsil. by JAIL DAIMILL tier, f q Os anayowaserybrior EilE=l NEW GOODS I Just Received The attention of the I. wises partierdarly called too. large and if tuck of NEW GOODS. In srlcilricrc to cur usual ostensive assortasset. tbsy corUl End very pretty styla of Ladies' & Misses' Hats and Bonnets, M A l so ty . , varie. and cheaper th an itow Bomar 6. DING AND KAMER MORAL 8188 tad • very choice etccli of 111111.00 AHD AIL TEM ma DLIDSAQAtiIIEHTS, for 0-ICNTLACNI IC N'B WEAR We I,s , e 61w the tined and beet worts, tuck of Thu and Tivey Mout tittuta u cut b fu_d Wb arki furnishing GUod. store. Also, Lake and Gent's Lltn.n Collars, The. Pnerfs, Gloves and Hosiery, Paket Books, Porte Id.nnales and rums, sleets, t !steel and Jet Phu and Brooches, Unload Belt }kohl... and • et Irlsandag mid Autry Goods, as cheap ay at the cheapest. Nor Wkolsole Boo= cp stars and b2.buenmmt. TABLEAUX VIVANTS, ON THURSDAY EVENING A CIIOIOII AISORTIMNT OF lAS AM HEAD DRESSES br the •zhtte.tion cn Thursday evening EATON, MACRtra & CO., THIRD ARRIVAL N'LW7" aoons J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. Ileautlfni Grenadines. BanatHUl Blinambtques, Deanelfal Haney SUka Plain Black Heavy illks, White Pllll2 Bilks,' Buff, Fli'd and Plain Bilks. Ourrehlnts, mug Chintz, Whits Piativook. and Ninth, Platn and niziped. t d gee Linen.. Cannon,. Linens, and Table Linens. Thl. stock *ill be found the largeet statutes. rat in the city fell In own depattm•nt ap27 CLOAKS AND MANTLES, In ovary .$31.. a. handsome soak of NEW DRESS GOODS, MIMS, ORGANDIES, Grenadines and Lawns, UNEN AND COTTON GOODS, Wholesale end Retell. ALEX, BATES El FIFTH STREET. ..29 AT RETAIL. Bead Gimp and Bead Buttons, no. 27 FIFTH ST aro RASSiala Collar and Cheri tlecsat Pointer= Setts sad Elandlterebtellei low Piked sad Ana Liman Fisdin% Lanes,Ores. idlna and Craps Valli; Clainbrio sad Itambars iilanaldp, m area variety, at law Flows; cam! . Bub and foci Itibbens I Bowls% Hag ne.dinow• in{ Matt Hots, of nory otytz; elookflogiOtibmo. 'Onsets. Hoop octets mei Spins ilattsoral Skirts. • '4ll . lina of Bleak;s Varatabling Goodt always on hand. Wise and ebildren% gprion, Bilk 112 planes Cadential; LOW/ Mita Merino Mader - okl hes than the ?World tomnk• seem Manton& Bonds up , statra. Boyers In do city ;sod 003:12 tko amino will do . will to look of oor 'dock Wont porthulog. ' MONDAY, APRIL 2.5Tu. ELMO - AO 'DBES' The 8101119 E and OTLICAPIST ever °WOW" at JAMES LAFFERTY, One., No. 168 TOTTrit Mir nrs=t. WIASTER & GiaZ?l,lf: f. sosotz I.ll_ /4A3:•13. - EMOTES, emtr Wray. - tradiacaproasuisisMttopahl rir groNM: timrotirti w omP r itt_rati: e s MLA atm= Whin. Col. lalkeisollii to ttatissoi =ROL Man • reaoiced at L ATE PIISI . tcATION 3 , alicrray. DILINFEWS. &mous by Bra. Froderiek W. Robertson: G. IL Elfsh Swim. I thl. 12tno. Uniform with the former volumes- .... 0 1 26 Lim of Wm. H. Proioalit, by George Ticknor. Library Edition. cloth 9 00 Life of Won B Pomona, by George B. Tirane., Popular clition..— Onaplebm sod (Terry of Um Itevolalem. 99-7 J 150 T. Madly. Alo O th ci Toe illanaamnent thteel. Innding If.ramg, Tempering, Annealing, Shrink. Hg tog and Expansion. Afso, the tame Heroen. lug of Iron. By Georg.. 60 1.11111111.p01000 and the Bartle of rmveddan. 75 family Pride. The GroakNew Book by the Ala. that of Pions. Paper, 21,2 L Clotho.-- 1 00 Ilan and Pamirs ov, Physical Geography re Modified by bum. vtton. By Georg° P. Marth Moth-- 29 60 John Law and the et Mlissippi Nubble. By AdAphe Shkre. Translat. d by P.O. Fiske. Dengsro;l4; • ' thati or Before , itie ileum. A Novel of atnevicen 1. 11. and Manner. Ma- 100 Mos: /owlet , NoveL 17t Mak skate'. liouseketlim A CompauLn to , tut,. Cloth... , _ 95 1 00 it similar Quo Woo.. Persagos and Plans •in amnion ow, MLA, 4roat English .tabors. Vellum.* 2 ..... I 60 Pon:ilia. by ,a. put.. A We of thn Orwt TransiVon. 01010 I 60 An of Consethati n with ter pflf. Education. Cloth' .. 1 2.5 itpeke's Africa; a Jount.l of the dlscove4y of the Sone et of bile. By Coot Spats. Cloth S 60 Stoats. of II Ditto. History an unclean,. By II Erma% Bonat. anchor of Lit-of Jeans. 60 Nepontilla Novel. By the ether of 011 e. . 4 I 51, Annualof Stier tile Discovery tor 1664 Cloth. 1 01 Elletory of the Dactrbas of • rotors Life. By Amer. .- 3 10 Youth's History Alger. toe ltebelßon Bt idTlievir. 160 Illustrations of Onivonal Program. By Her bert Stone.; with a totico of llpththr . e New fiyetem of Millowephy. Clotho.----- t La Otorintsl • tipmish NoveL By germ= Ca. banana Cloth..---- ------ t L 5 Ten Acres Enough I a Practical TExperrience Showing how • very stimil ma! bo scuds to keep livery large famtly. Q0th....... 1 2.5 Out of Prison .1 inn • Mas," and'oothing that relates te Mao ts ladiflerent. to me Clo. 126 .0.0. Lite In Vithainerg. with Lettere of Trid and Tram& By &Southern Lady. CD. I CO Hints to Etifieweis. By U. W 8. Cleveland. • 1 28 Church gaup. .By McWhorter. Cl eland . 1 00 -Crape tiultisse. A Treatise .4n the Cultivation of the Native Vine. By And-S. Pollee. peso. Howl Horticulturist. Moth ..' 1 25 Work and Play or, Litents7 Varieties. By Harsco BuslinelL 1 60 Ticknor'. Bimory of Bpanish Liberation. 2 vls. 1 00 Common ThaL By Jean Paul, author of "Is. Tana,' "Titan,. etc.; cloth _....._..----• 1 60 The Von Partly Lifted and Jeans Becoming ',bale. By W. H. farness; I 416 MACBUM & GLYDE. Ills. T 8 Elarket It. Ban awl 79 9lfth .trout. Pink Chintz, AND OTEITII NEW vinnarsts .1013EPH HORNE& CO., 17 VW n 11•10 ZIT MOM GUANO EXHIBITION OIRCVLA.RS BASQITLNES, JACIEETS I. W. •BAIIKIIR, "& CO.'S - Na ti nig* . Bitittr - eirroitx.ers. A.TTOEINEY.A'T.LAW in UPI tNigreim primptir Z x.A.-cv wry' • No. NS .04, 1 1,,Ny -prangs: Ckple, of .3' of the above boob mulled tree pottage . rooelpt of price. =NUT 11 awl 13 fifth .treat, wit do. to P. O. ilaitkaz • ALL THE NEW AND POPITLAIL BOONE AT IIU NT'S. Pistoi• AT attrirs ALL TUE MAGAZINES, with ail or 612CElt wig. AT tiuNr,s. Albums Car& from 23 Nab • dozen ar,d nor.* AT 1117 MT'S Photograph Albums, all dam, styles. ahapra and qualities, with gilt odp and clasp, fromixt upward AT HU NT,S. Sishool Books and A T Bustomr, AT EtIUNT,S. ill the Mae Books at AT 111:INT,S Prang's Minim Picture., to oil colors, told o sal. and retails* Prang's price*, by JOHN P. HUNT. General Agent, .•16 69 111116 lama. 11115.6rade 11,91 ptICYrOGRAPII ALI3OIISt CARD PROTOGMPHB PITT° C LATE 1100115 • CoOLELLAH'S REPORT A WOMAN • S HANSOM ounro•e atvv. HASISi 11111113T09 lIAILD OABH BIITLIES ffi 11ZW ORLF.IIII%. All Bomb ristiud u sum as pabllshol, go • PITTOCHT BOOZ, MiTIOBERT AND OTOS% DOPOI Opposite the Post 01Sloe. mitts --------- NEW BOOKS. FRESH SUPPLIES Journal of the discovery of the EOll/C. the Azatti , • ikul tut Ooninentator ,hy B. T. luta- Trenehen Omni nine of the ban Yeste=ol. t Tamola Quotallot ea raced to their noume 150 Mayhew'. lilusuntee Bone fdenag•nieutl....-. 3 50 Youth's Gitlin') of the llllnsirted. 1 25 Darprliald's Wet. A Neer American Novel.- 1 50 The Chsplatre of the Anted= tteroloticu. 87 1 LO Christian Mesta:in their Agents and Bosuns. 6 00 klawdre's Life of /saner Matthew ..... 150 1 adularia! BI graph ) . By 13331nel 1 4 milea.—.. 1 2.5 Conant and Coto wt. By the Gouttry Person 1 53 The Biooof Pref.*. By Boundatt reimer . -.... 1 50 Aloes Whiney of the Doetrineola Potato Lim 3 50 Tor ode by IEAT A CO., Al Wood erect. sp3ll Tas NATIONAL ALMANAC, FOR 1804.. • T'ale 'arguable Annual la now ready for IBM Mere la no ens but can and mme Information worth tam times nova' of the bout to them. DAVIS. CLAMED 00 Tor std* by LADIES', MISSES' & CHILDREN'S ROOF SKIRTS, EITILICAIDINABT HAIIGAILIS OTURBED AT M'CLELLAND'S AUCTION No. 55 Fifth Street PLUMBING, Gas , and Steam! Fitting, In amyl branches, caroinll7 attradal Fo ht ritiAcihrPorTjtaorlimen, A him suortmcni of PINK& • BATH TUBB. 8110WEIt DATUB, HYOBANTB. ac.. obust.„, , , as hand and made to oribir. - TATE & SEVILLE, No, to =DIMS. STUMM, Alleghenp ; And iff LIBERTY 11 . 11/ILlT*lttabarAh. mosiosssismi= you OAN ALWAYS Pzt CIIRE : I:kaintitution Waaer and lodine Water, BufneWa 000Aloo and Ealnaton, • , Latid's Bloom of Yonth, flanan'a Balm, • Holkersrarels sad Ofataseet. Mo. Allan's liatr Ittatoref and Zylobalnuntun, El l Va m ir 4 2 11 = "bu Ololon Mi H, no Toilet wasp. arul Parfam • rushe, Nall Freshet, Teeth /nem'. ihe Natal DreAlStcmh comer able sad Federal Meet;lli6heh t, Pltrket Fees!, A - - Otrt a SLY . . • , 11.014144111Ntiv"-ikanuiL flea' Usilo Isigiiilock of Oats enr.0688,1 ebb to caw. gnat - tarpios ortromoly Manila 1318:4;.ffair..1181A audistaildAT. TAMEN mot evitity of 88AD LI A nowt on, OLOTIthi 08BPIrtfi s S' ca , BOW= 00 1 111818 AAllaido; Gros,. azul r Ofilo lkoderid lass, r oft7uDetqd9sisSaisii. AU wan, widly atizefi4 to. - U oi 1/10D1LOAL Apol.hat 0 8 = 8 4 occclirs br Es , katili j C • TIALIEDB.- • 11 • "WAN. .• • • 6obitrlpttoaa to ciippvtitarlpoirlewki .I.oAlif . iti;eitel:l4 tacit.** iimuf :fien. A OA. . ' iC F.',BBSFy: ~l' : •in I• ", wrrlm6iGn, Pi. XISCEL L.IXEO US AILF. r, I:Alcitii.l.l. S ci =REM Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, ott L, WO, VI, nap' I; at to.ded to by skill .d t•xttottottoo.l wo•ktr.n, c , o sort oroutontly on o.tol I.r,sasortlnent of GAS FIY.TURis MITE! Special &Mut ,,, • giTril t+lhr fl•elog rr Oil Reilarr- Agltat re sad i tling Tr .ke third rrOh :sae, kr No. 129 vouttril ST., Prrregatott PATENTED ociroßE DITIIBIDGIrS P&TIMS CHItiINEYLK -ILX PLINT CLASS Three ChiLllo.ll are futendrd ior the Oat tame heating all peelstame, of the Kruee equally, doe. not earn: It to cracking. K. T. DITIIIIIDGE, Tort Pitt Ohtto Works, Woothingtoo street, apt'? Pittsburgh,Penn. Fl u IT AND bIIADE TILERS, UV ERG REEFS, ear. Of APPLE we hove some MO,Min, and of all the leafing wad. ths mere pr for this locarlari. We have extra rre., as L tabl axly Narver., Maiden Binsh, Pippo, Baldwin. Tallowater. Claws, Bing of Tomplilm Co Ishode Island Gross, Rome Boma ; , Bonito, Smoke home, Tolman's Bomar, Smith's Cider, do., with e very large met of P 1.5 OELEILEY, PEAC H, PLUM, BVESLOBEEN, SHADZ THINS, ROSES, BRUUBBAIitT, GREENHOUSE. PLANTS, Az., IA A. our Moot I. large, we ogee Mal 101 commie to pliwtere or wholesale parch*. eons. Orders left at Oreenhonse, aklaod. OT ['Mahar& fh Poet O , a, will b, promptle attended W JOHN 1111.1110/Cill, .7r IkalkdrarT Pittsinrovh and Crakhgot Norooßoi, FORK ITORE CAVE AHD WOOD CHAIR lIIILLEIG OTT St ZEDOCID FILICIS. WHOLIMLEI 011 IMAM. JAS. W. WOODWELL 97 and 99 Third lama, oppalta L Sdamadaan a Oa.. and ill Foartb Btme MoCORD dr CO., Wholesale Deslase to Rats, Caps and Straw Goods, Hare no. to .fete the largest and most earaplege stock of good. for SPRAIN C. 4. SAT FS. ICrer offered to tbo west. Ittereblusta ere regulated to call sad esemtue our .rock, which will be sold el eery low rotes. 131 Weed BL,Plttsbstildt. PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING & CO., No. so 111E108 STILEST, PIIILADIIIMILL Pa. M.ofuturar. of Double Strength Manilla Paper EMI= ROLL WRAPPERS, m bmd or made to ardor Ingram% priaa paid for PLOPZ, in lame or ®all quantitica. mh?-117.1d BAGS! BAGS I BAGSI Nem and secoad-hand Seamless, Burlap & Gunny Bags, YLOUB AND BALT BAGB, l!ill sire, printed to order, by J 0133 T. DAILEY £ CO failaso 118 Forth hon. PhElodelptda TWIN CITY PLANING MIL White diesandet, Swaney burned out, tate plowmen in informhts their cries& and the public generally. that thy have leered room and po ear in the UNION , PLAti• BULL, near their iSte location, and•are n rr• perm! to em ate al orders entreated to them. nti pronytaea. and &sprach. Having • large au.% of Pry lumbar on hand, not damaged by the recent lire, they are now prepared to tornbili dry MU Mooring and plain bhaleing, any quanti . y. at reasonable rum. inantcSoi & M. M'STEEN, 13R.Asa Fou=nos, u • GAI 13D Bras Primus. Particular Munition ppasfid to the fitting op and vo Irt°g of OIL BIM. NEHLES. All kinds of BRAM AND IRON COCKS mule to order. Also BILIIIS OASTINGEI, of ail kinds. made at the shortest notice. All orders left at Not. 31 and Si WATER VILEST. over Liberty, .111 be promptly attended to. eltarßhe members of this Arm being prisedentme. Masks, of many years' I:ap e ßN rient. in dIASIT business forme to give satisfaction in every reaped. We me aim agents for Gad, Garrison JIT Co.l STEAM Pump, for pumping Water, Crude mid Re fined Oils. dc. deddy BRITANNIA, BRAES AND BUM METAL vronKs. COLLINS & WRIGHT. tramlbAursii of 0.113T011711.1.110.LANP BONN. NES 41ad , ..4A117 'BRASSES generally. Almo . TIN LANTERN TRTMIIINOS, PEWIT TAU 00VICHS, bo. Navasota:ors a oc,llo. a Wright's Patent TIN JUG TOE. No. 19 bocroul 'Mot, Pittsburgh. 4021 CHARLES L. CALDVTELL, 1:1=1=1 (Bnroboor to lemur Holm= di Co. POE PAOILZB, Dealer In B&OON, LAE ILED BEE D-6IIGILB CIDIED HAM, MOF, to, . 001121ZB2tAIL1iST AND rost 52711=13, Prrianruni. P. ently JOSEPH SNOWDEN, NOTAFCV PUBLIC Office at .11.1d0111 oratOz, Irourth iiireet, star arettecia, Pittargt , . Acknowledgments of Deals Dapoalttoas ara AM emits tam Also, Dosle, Idortimos ,Asticiee of AgroemFut, 1..... end Lep% Papers oCircini 1411 Wad `Witt. . • 1110 S E. POULTNEY, linker In -Crude and Refined Patrolman, ,870 Ha 92 TEIIIID STBET.T, Pittsburgb, P splibSm SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS, 130 WOOD STMT. JAMES SOWN . Invites too alto:Mon of Spornsmen and others to Ids nvlnvild Aka, of GUNS, BITLES, _IIBIOLVP4 PISTOLS, GAME BAGS, POWDER TLISES;SIIW' BELTS and POIICULV, DRAM-STASES, and am. .munition otsrrery kin& Ms stock 'admits:pit isrvi Sonoibt ig Ibis market. • . MoINTY.ItE MinatlGH - Ett Stone and Brick Pavers. • • -All cedars for CITREATONT, PAVINCIiIITLAD VS% or sattbtos flu= HAN promptly Atterida Addrou BaK. AlliShAttr tort Mee, or NolikllKll3, troDftftag noSS, 4U.Aboffl Oitl 40120 Ern JAMES Ai e 8aL.P13,;: • Paining LiiU it `Daianalis .kan erierniancas, fat an kinds' of Entaldnva and awn:Made 'dads '<mace on ramonable terms.-• • _ Mc* on Andaman attest, Wawa lannata and Bobhuan atm* Alniarban•• city. . TIBESSED AND 00aMON BRICK 140,001) pr. 2911141). sad eo,ooo COIIUON bawl . . . . 011b.and and tbr sale by DIVA litllolll,llo2i YON----ARNS'nIAL, IMPORTER IA AND ISNALEU IA th. mad *not brand' of OZNIIINIC HAVANA OMAHA, sad All klAds alloWiNa -AND ("UNWIND ToBAINDSS Warn( FANG! UslacsoliAull PriwN. TUNAA.A., AA, uNDAU =NAT. oakum HO. Plaitorgb Ps. ' _ la•._ orli!d Co: l 4 , '"hria. - , LIQUID BOM— E C B l ' Ala ' s iiarnsicia 6 ati-c it,.. ll° .„b,S t re't:amisiesuiam• tp lot t " ---- suitor NU a .keg. , -- - JOSH A. BMW w, _ imp Of TAborly mul Mal Ora% aga low Acomu4mu s PROPOSALS.; pROPOSALS FOR FORADR. mcq.,.. ........---------- pßl.Niii CEElCTnve.xle Curer Qusamo r eessca's crrlce, Washington Depot, Doorman F., ism( de lAt ii i ti, Sealed proposals • by the midecticsted for w on , %Num DAILyiTUAII/6. .Pfaildd the U.S. Q'''''''''''''' o.o pq. ' "4 " t• " Othstant addition. ars being taws to the kat:. ATasisinstun, D. C., lisitimons kW., Alesandria aced meet of this excellent doable track and . = F o rt mosece, Vs, or either of te ed ,place , with _ __. wra th', 5.,, will be coo RAT, GOIthisOATB and STILAW. to, sca arred7 the comfort of pessengers and rapid movement o Bids will be received fee the delivery lot 5,080 bosh. , _ ~,,...h 7L. ~ ,i l, irrir.ihe Depot ir , m o rn , .. d... f oath or oats, and GO tens of Icy et straw c a. op- t ,7.7il i t .• The 'T'iILUCGLI AOCOMMODATIO.I Mani - Bidders mutt gist° at which of the above mated 1 loam the Passenger button daily, (except. Sanday,) 176'uthl:"'"'" '''klid°"'ri'''' ." t e , " :: at WO e. no.. clopping at &DBL... between PM. Wlwhicht y win make do.- friff . . td `' .l ln t • bar& and shlladelphis and nuking direct comma WI of df.lt drU ck F T .- - be"- , — , u- time .0. L. New York =a Philadelphian. when said Wired. s all bo commenced, and when The TllllOllOll MAIL TRAIN lose. the PSIS to be completed. The price must be written out in welds orethe Mao. - dn d , " • ,,,, 0. 8.dd..1.7.4t'e-ths-I...7stittosrtrga td8=1,),..1.1 tont racks, of about two bushe°7.sWa.h.be "iosopteWing'dLikor esc — ks, of . abet three .""'____, and ~dl"'is...shindddgtmldtrdiods.astf,.r t. v bsuit .o. La• p r 0... 1. boahoin each. The decks tote furnienvi without ex. V i r h , - .. -- troselotrge to the Gcm.thddi. The td 7 ''S ''''''' 'Etc Tasman EMPBESS T 11.03 loam Wry a* to Co monthly Dalai The particular kind or deocription of rote, ax. ift ,,,, L15 P"cont,'",,,°,7,,,tlZEL..„.ol7l,Prw`,____ tr4,..,3t.th''',„1.....m."4..W..6 hay, or atm , . exposed to Le delivered, indstbe elated ~,,,,r , ,, ~,, phim.irith. ours le the prop this. The PAM alit leaves the Blatt. daily (except All the ensign offered .ider the bids heroin tb. s „,„ ) , ip ,,, p. y ,,„ .. „mare...h. ~r.otpa ~.... vital .1.1 be entilret to s ri 3 Od inspection by the rt.% cennecting at ilarrisburiJot Aldus. and Gesetedwrit fesPodtor , b.f.. dethd ddd'''l64. Washturan. and for New York vie Atlanta., route thothrects will be awarded ham time to titrid to the ,o/boor clangs of cars; elm, al Philadelphia to; lowest responsible bidder, no the interest of the Gov. iii , ii T ,,,,, ernmerst may require, and payment. trill be 'made AGOOMIODAT IO9 TELAIEB. when the "'"' s dddmdi contracted fir . h.i b " e The za,...,... accommodath. Tn., keen dans been delivered and weepted. (except Sunday) at 3.-00 p. to., stopping at all fitatio.e The bidder will be required to arecontothy bie R te ' ',ad running is far ea Coderdeddh. prowlwithu r''''''' ni k'' ed b Y to° r""m'ibl° rims A....=mmhtio. ' helm for WalTs eurs. persona, that in ca. hls hid is accepted he or they , t intrulayi st fe.3o a. ret. ' I ds '"' "117 ("c‘.9 Cl•rain for Wars Etat,. will, witniu ten days th ereafter...nth thecontract 8 ,,,,,,, h d 4 ,,,,,datim for the ammo, with good and sufficient surepte, IP • hr .,. ,s,,il i (now ganday) at 11.40 A. ill. MID 6011 to the amount of tite corttract, to deliver Third 4 , i0 ,..,,,war. v a le roe Wall , . e tatia . the forage prop.. in conformity ith the! terms of ...,,,,,,,p r i rr. ,,,,,, 11.4.,i) at 8,60 p... thin advertiatacent; and In cans the o dd bidder should fourth '„ioro„,,,,,,dornon Trail tp, Wawa platk,a fell to enter into the contract, they ...kb gust id , b ra ,. daily (except Bunchy)Mail ) = difference between the odor of eald bidet. and the The ch.., Try,.0.000 ev, i ne, 8 a e ns ~,,,0 B e et ac _ mit loaolit respomible bidder, or thoponon to whom dayday.l 9 , 4 .. rd.; ' ,m e an& leaves rintrgh the contract 0007 be awarded._,_ 1246 p. at. tee tal, ~ The rompndbilil of the guarantors must be attentla , ue ...... Tr.,. antra ri,tt,bargh o U.B. Distriet,Attemcy . e—_ _____„,,,,,.„,..„.........V5.8_1) p. to, . .. E.S, a ,de by the oHolal certificate of - a Collector of Customs, or any other officer under the United States Government, or reapmalble person .10111112 to OA. 02/CO. All bidders will be duly notified of the comp.am or reject'an of their proposal. The full name .d P. O. address of_ . each bidder must be tenthly smitten in the p.p.:ad. PropoeW must be addrewad to Brigialer General 1). 11. BUCHER, Chief Depot Quartermaster, WWI. ington, D. 0., and should be plololy maned "Prop, sa tor Forma' . Bonds, lot sum equal to the amount et the eon tract, signed by the contractor and both of hie guar =tors, will be required of the meowed) bidder or bidders upon signing the contract. Diank.forme of bids, p.m tem, and bonds, may be obtained upon application lag tills °Ma: /ORM OF PROPOSAL. • (Town, Ommty and Biz.) I, thembscriber, do Imreby propose tufurnith ewd. deliver to the United States, at the Quarterreastor'. Department at agreeably to the terms of your_ advertisement, inviting proposals for forage, dated Washington Depot, December ft, 1/333, the fob lowing articles, via --- brothels of Ours.th tub, •-"Ir DOT of 56 pounds. Oate,ln nelm, at pee bUthei, of 32 w=dit. of baled Hay, at •-•-• palm. of 2,000 potada. --- tons of Straw, at—per De 11.7 toccenmeneeonor onoWhei lesto UG. , , and to bo completedr before S day of --•-,186-, arid pledge myself td en te4 Into • written contraas with the United State., with geod andag d 7d armultiee,aithin the epriceof ten days after notified thatmy tddliaa been accepted. our obedient servant, Brigadier General D. H. Mims. Cidef Depot larcarbwroather, Weellington,D. 0. CIUABANTT. We. the nodereliteed, readmits of the county of and titers hereby, jointly and semn - ally, wswol with the United States, said marantee, in case the foregoing Seaocepted,thst er they will. within ten daysifter the acceptance of said bid, OI.D. rotetbe contract for the samewithgoodantienifoitht enretteltnasumequaltote i n cf the contract, to thrash th e forage proposed in comforsolty to too termsofadrertisement datedeceinberf.,l B , tinder which the bid arse rude, and, in ewe the odd than fail to enter into contract as aforesidd, we guar antee to mete good the diderenee between the odor by the said —and too noel lowest responsible Midas'. or the person to whore the contract may be awardeL Wittma, f Olsen nude, our iunae and sea. t tide —day of—, I hereby certifythst, to the beet of InY knowl go andbelief, the above awned gunrantore are isoodlthd —eleient as sureties for the amount for which they - - ollorto be secority. To be certified by the United State, District Atter. ooy. collector of Czetrans, or any other edicerunder the United States Government, or respiitable perm. Alns to this office. l • pervade received under this advertisement will be opened and examined at this otdce on WED NESDAY and GATIMDAY of each sleek. at lil m. Bidders are respectfully invited to he present ai the °prelim of bids, if they desire. D. EL DUGS= delLtles DA& Gen. and Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FOR FLOVR--Sealed . Prop°.la are Invited till the ID. of NAT .13 o'clock H., for furnishing the :fittbeLstence De partment with EIGHT THOUSAND (B,ooo)Hexurao l 11.01:18. Tbenropotal! oil , be for what la kneWn Wade. pot th.s. 1, o and 3, and Ida will be entertained for any gaudily law than the whole,: Bids most be m &Thrace, and Hr huh pale on secte elteeta of paper. delivery of the tic= to be commenced within flee dale from the opening of the bide, with men quantal., daily, es the Government May disect, de livered either et the Governmtht:!searehouse to Georgetown, et the whereto, or at the 3slinatul depot, Washington, D.C. Toe &diver, of all ll= awarded le be corapleded within twenty de. Dom the anemias of the bids. Payment will be made to certificate, of indebted. hinds as the Govern unsemont. i rnent rev hue The usual Government Garnett= WM be narsitict. before the dour Le received, .d node min be swept. 03 which is not mesh ground. An bath of allegiance most .coitipany the bid of each bidder, who hes act the ostobn ha •in this °Moe, and co bid will be entertnibM Crete p.ties who hare proviocaly failed to oomph with their bids, or than bidders not present te!ttepond.• Government reserves the right tai reject any bid for soy Bide to be ad:lnwood to the urAandgned, at No. 7330 street, Washington, D. 04 tpdmeed sale for TIMM." 8. G., GREENE, _ _99 . t** end O. T. .W•gdngton, D. o.,Aprll 27i1:71861: . . pPOPOSLLS FOR WHITE 'PINE 21IIIIIILES. Owe. QvancreceacceOrme De Depot of Wactdfcgton IVutangton, AP.MI 211.1, ISPA. Sealed Proposals vlll be received ;at this elitee an ll TOZDIDAIf, May ID, 16e4, at! o'clock, IL, Co the delivery at that depot of tkelbliCartag accoanc tlh Wral llo¢ (1,000,f00) Ho. 1,18 inch .hot. Plus shingles, (aimed dear) The shingles to ba made from %ad mated,]. to be sohtected to • Geld inspection be ro beitsg.recsi od and the whole =cant vatranterllor to,bs, &Beef cd within tairt7 dais (SO) days from signingsfrontract. Bonds in • sum equal to half or the &meant of the , conirscta will be required of the eirsesaftti bidder or bidders. Bids remind for two hundred ind grtyVounsand (480,030)shhigica or more. . samples of she shingles proposed for irEl be re quired of each bidder. Proposals must be plainly endUrsI,"PISOPOB..a.L I3 7011 WHITE PLEB BILILIGLES4' . and iddroned to the undusigoed. D. H. 111101/Pl4' Blig•dier General and Chief Dowsermartor, atelkunif Delp,. of Washington. CATTJ Sealed Propowls, to deptiralAltrill be opened daily at tbe Office of the Commissary of Butelatence. No 291 Pam stmet; Yittabargh. Psi; at 12 in. for BELT OnTTLZ, to be delltered 1n flit city. i lltdintetinit state the .ipmatity they •antii to arinP/Y. and the • waled sal character of the Cattlet abutter, shorten thee in nbich they can be delitmen. . PrOprectininlit be accomptinii2 by critclat Pc" an far the faiihfin performance of the rot tract The Cenetncient Dawes • the tight, to reject taasammedovettoushie. The Cattle Tlll be 'object to 4 HO bislaction be fore being miff& Paymeot to be male In each ine& as amen hand at the time; enafonirth of tbeilMOTlOt dos on the &Urea tone retelsen until the noel tamplttion o' the contract. • , A. L. CARLETON. eptailot Chun. sad (1, 8. T. 8. rru CONTRACTORki -1 Ferris an totted for , the Grannattcm, H a % LaTikacirtrfilegTre gilt="&ctrmuolue betscoa OonnellarMe and Cumberland, embracing•distance -of 'beet eighty ...ens 07) mils, In .sectlons of *bout Ca* mile each. . Speen cations and Profiles ars Li ir ready at the Oompecy's Pric. Le Pittsburgh, and propcials sill be centred ;mat the 30re or APRIL. imam H. LATuome, bixadte* Otgat at P.lO. B. H. Oa.. r Putaborgiu.muct:.iath..l.lo4.f kbuia 4801112110 . 2 Bo we am. CATTLE I ;CAME I TABIROAD CONTRACTORS.— Thi ithogliooyWarr IlldfroadOmoido7 tarifa propoosta for 4h• Uo6.lll'll= o Iladoiu7 of abort eigldfaUesof thitexcad,betimoo the *mei of KW RaoOlog sad CA mouth of . Alldralog.Croa,ln sec- Um aboatime WI& ' • • • . ;Proakaalazia atol Spociflmtlotts of the work Iv ".bo, ready rot examlnatlon at, the =mot tho Com- puy, ea IThr afoot, In Oa atzr of Plltabargh, Co and after Co 47th toff i and' Propeadi 7111 to calved until the iss Olt_toesV . Chid rolflooef' Plttittmedb. Atoll I.lth, 804.1 ; aplUd I t rutices * I 9PP IPBEar - zatzwetalsouir; , Tl4oshucoi‘icy IMBLE-MitTEAS , Ifogumenta and ;Grave stones IWO= nun, nosiOnVpli•sr , TOirlitZttillEfrro , rp . is oau co.'. ; :~ xft.blifix , x.X -PINE :11AR. .teleAa- mum,- 191 - ollSTAld'r_eLerveilicrit.T.4 ll, „.. 4saamitari` . SO , 93onlistnl4. on end . lamer ina-Pkiftl l l ousweedVockal-IMOKISCC. 139 AT ILO rwals wunow.:. rue= szurs LurV. CICNTRAT, Dy.IICIF*OIO3,e-- Jorsa, oroirvlschlabi% •• - • , arour atiodis rodint*,4 41.1-orieni-ear.flAWLT,,,,n, .r Woactra<sac r 'P- ' 9 .£ KAMM? rianzeiP;:- ; .4/tout , ingaVso- ct' • Esut imaticraui uzcuzattiVa__,... t n ! 441,40diwiiitta; „liroggeorcriartfrer,tir.pott..!,!: 'Wellurigirittaqina " , C 11,." 5-kii • • • ilar OL ztre " 44 • , apzi ' - ,Prepdred eibresq_bir Vt. amt /dim itosbomid nerar3.- /NJ* bl the &an mg taloned dad - - - .. meek No.us Rom *l4tairii. ~ 'c-'mA . n.:~-' Bard-mon - japrow-...-............*........ --- Philadelphia Ezproa—...-........---,--- 1:20 P.m. Finn Lira- -...---.---. ----. WO a. nt. Through tilallTrana..--.-.---,..--....-. 1.100 a. as. Johnstown Actommotation- - .--..1 dam float Weirs Station docomso;daThon- -... a. Second Wall'. Stan. Aocommodarion— flaS a nu Third Wall's &lake Accommodation- . IzsB p. ot. fourth Wain, Station amoramodation..- &OS p. ca. Balthaare mattes will arrive with Phlbtdelphta at 1120 p. in. on Bandar. Ih glns for Bloirnfileandlnthanacanneet at Blain, sills Intontratoa with Through acoommadatima Johnstown aammoodallon arid Through Train - East, and with Baltimore Express and Jobtatonn A.0: , 01.6* mitodaticro Won. Tral. tor Ebensburg marmot at CLTIMOSi with lfrt. I io, ess Tie. end KO Train West, and with Tnnongh [ S.cco=codation and Barnum Train Bast. TARA : IV 1 To Few Vsdk.. —slll To 8ai11m0re......-4/0 08 To Phliadelphia-.- 10 60 To - Lancaster 0....8 ES To Harrisburg.. 7 GS To Altoona—.....- I 09 check.] to all Milo. on thy Fenraylva nlaTharral Railroad, and to Philadelphia, 114W:c.v.. and New York. Passeugges purchasing tickets In the now will b an =own, %cocain to the dbitanes wanled, =inn to the station rates, arnopt from stations wham the Oompany hu no agent HOTICIB.-In mm of too, t h e Company win hold themselves megerrodbla ihr pared baggage only, and for an amenant not ~ . .edlog POO. - H. 15.-An Oramibrd Line has boon employed to rearm pasantinna and tamp to and from the Thl. pot, at a charge not to armed 05 conts, for each po w:qua and bagman. For dope . ti v e r ta4y it to T, Ava. AS the Fonna7lwanla Ombra BaJlroad Nampa . Station. to Liberty and Grant atm.". bad SHIP pir..w•G BTRAP-PASSAOR FROM. THE “OLD COUNTRY.” LOWER THAN THE LOWEST The undersigned to now prepared to Wing out pas- -..! senora by Stmt Class Regal !anti Sienna- era, dire t to New York, or Pitteborgh from .'. Liverpool, .. Queenstown, Londonderry, - .. Glasgow. •, Galway, !- i Lower Than Any Other Agent Here. 0.1.1 and get tbe rage and be convinced. Uor .'. etoemen sail twin, a week, and passenger. are ibund to everything. The undersigned Is also Agent for TAPSCOTT'S LINE of aud tor favorita the Lir orina p . o l f ackets, mailbag take a week X Lk LONDON PACKETS. ALAI. btougbt cut b) this Ifne of lov rata. BIGHT Inmanon any Port of hurl:Teta .11. Apply to D. O'NEILL, Caeookle oMos. No. ID Fitch street• and from 6 to 10 p. m. at 66 fimltbadd etrrokritte burgh. apl9 STEAM W.KKE 14Y TO LIV, CItPOOL, touching me QUEEESTOWN, ((Cent Rama) The .11-inunen deeseLent a! the hem Sort eaa Phltedelphis Staamehig Gomm... Intended. Cfflr Of WaSHINOTON, CITY 01 ZIANCIIESTEr end re Si 14, Eorth salurdayo l, o T. —Saturday, may It. --Saturday, /lay • • • ,aL WOK, 6173 k sumo 01 ritual.. i pose...tts its Goa or to mateoleat Os Oatmatta 'mar 0ta50..—....—V0 04 PT12.311.01...-......430 GO do to Loadoat —B5 (Xl do to Lon /4 00 do to Poria....—. 96 00 do to. Porto— j4O 60. do to 'Umtata. to CO do to liamtg 3? 03 Paaostmors alas formodod to Halm, Boson, Bob ; tordam, antmsrp,— Oa., at ovally loss roam Forst from Liverpool or Qlloollllto‘llj la oat., 475. OM OWL Swamp, tM.t. Thom who dohts . saal Sta Omit trim:lda mai bay Octots hero fat them. ror tcrtnitr t•icrtratlco imply at tb• Ootagarg;c:,l 02=11. JOl3l l O. oam. avni• Ib Sr Scalgclx. , JOHS WIClitY5O2l, Agent. '. Baste. •Marl. tint bonne Cc= tb• bridge. 1 inbilktf pirt.t.,tl 5 . 4 CUNARD ironk jAir§,il LiPtItPOOL AB) QtrIUMTOVI'Vs tas In coo, or It equivnis.l ~ ./M 4r. MOM EILW 20131 i, OS In gummy Mae ern: mit- 4W4 to ..'rrn.7.kli .t FAMILY DY L COLURM. PATtIiCVZ) Oaronn ts,no: Mack, Etlock for Dark 13Irm, Mght Thah Frcacktßiad, Mame /c, Dark 5r..% ugu ems flrr" MT% ir.ftera . 0. . •-v ! • for Dyalat . thawES, Surfs, Drones, ---,,_ ~....... _ ~ no.. Heathers, Eli. Glares, Clollotterell 'Clettithg, 4 -irld g. 1.; t *„ ... ktna of ww,r_4o,trel., • - . !RH A. fthlarAi OH 80 . PHJI LIEHNT.IIII „•., Tor LS mote you con color Si man } foie worl d otherwise wet flee timed tint sera. i thloue on bo produced from the lam dm : The 3o oimplo, sad say ass esa roe tho dye wi . rft indenet Dlrectne Le saguAL French sad perm. . --ie .., , ,_ thildeof each postage: ~ , , Itar hatter latbrroltion id"lnelrm, and &tag i perfect knowledgs what colors h arshstadapUd to Oa um others, with =lf ralut reeiSwo news m o ll 'groats •on Dierdgaad grern. Sent by moll on recolyi of price-10 ?tenth - • •,,.. I.lthnfactored by • HOWE hTglniall, 'i• 1 I -SW lirowiwil; &And: • ' Nor Ws h7-4,17815$ and dialers Etw.r4l7: . H 110Thfal 1 184 . M0E01%31'91 lIA.T, nott.cri, i VAX . 71iER I No4 ' 7r. oBig. liebtfj &tq '9& vast . . ; • ••.laglibt. Auti s m. ' , 7brie4om Pelts. • •,•. , . . "Not dangerous o thearamast itimlll." .11its come opt f Oak bales to db." Bold by roni#4 • .41nr . s, Bnyuir.l of all vatIII.O Klogla• apat,'Wei. 4£o artolit by B. A. VABRESIM BON &40 iitut 131CLVES$ Wb Rata A.Avats; Pittsburstr • 6011WAlgrA, Whole end AgwWl Al beb /b BIUDOEWAIRET.:I76O." COTTAGE DRABS -02013210 IN PM LINSEED ' inr,dir+2liireontsded, o9Traols, walks, sum's, inspl:p. - Atm. Dior brsorms.smiss. 4 ILIVATOBB, IBM= WINO. ` cansrpaarr I. Try; ittaint* Addrect, 'cam= iisaisoin# 'IDLEt aissii; 'nudism ~f^-a. r ~.r s:t_ - _ i Dark Gmes, Ugit Ow% kang.s. "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers