.. ...., c .. ~^rip-mrrxs:~l'w,s'F'rr~r~.,,ei~*!'-R^ -.~"."~~~-92,,"$k. ~suvr - f~, . a*""~' ~1"4~t :r~-..: `?t'w'-gz!'• "~ - .:' - r -- ~,~ rn~ -- ~ ~- ~ -~.xi eittsburgit duet, INEDNE3II4 V OIURNINGtr.sMAY 4,1894 'CITY AND SUB URBAN. SCHEDULE. OF ADVERTISING RATES. - *Axiom; *Arms. lEEE 1 e4rlSf W ~ ill 75 0 40 I 1 ) 701 1 60 05 1 00 115 I tO t3O 560 l4O :::I W :gill 160 4 0 11 76 6 6u 13 76, 7oi to m i tt • u 07 01,1 5 3•001, 1.11 gASO TWO .1 N.ll-4.... 1 Tire. •Toe , Uwe.* sleara.- 0.,, Wu lIIWILL T ree ••ea• tiee Two month,— Tn mouths emettle....—.: :etas azuoita.. One 10 9w 4 • 1 600 / 60, 9 •6, Tor wk. no tdl6r•d tau. I 'Alt Lateradm e6.lloltlte 09e allll lOnnivt 4.1. twine.. of da Waco. 4la exact oro.l • am.•, vm. I Nil, Is •eek] inek.• I One ....—.......—.1 $9 b 5 1. , 0 0 44 7 0 33 00 Three (6'Ootua.—l nll 11 4 aa) . 1 4/ 1511 10437(6.--- 24 07 1 . 0 16 76 10 /0 Oa , 1,744 a....... - 40 00 !0 6 24 00 140 rat a las &maw am. Marra rata. Dta22 aatlem, Irak 60 cents Plartlaga a 76 Drama a• atlaprtiantaaaa, lesawatant or Adatialarala.? Daaaaa— 276 • .e. The Pipaburgh Fair. The Chicago Trames sends oaths following chewing intelligenoe. We are only cony • 'that oar Chicago friends are not going to hate another Pair .of their own, ea that we meld reciprocate their kindness: • ' 'Them wu a meeting held at Bryan Ball on Bauudsy in the interest of the Pittsburgh Ssektrau Commission. The ladies of the city were present in considerable ntunbara, and a disposition to do cilia their power -in aid of this noble charity was manifested. There is . Rule doubt but that the city of Chicago will be largely represented at the Pair, and that the display of -uefal and ornamental wares on then obaaaloa will equal that of the burgh 'display at our Berth-Western Pair. 'The meeting wee organised by the choice of Mra..lre Moyne as Cashman, and hint Roa mer as Secretary, Mrs. Tinkhico, who was ap _, piloted by the Pittsburgh ladles, hating re • signed. ; A committee wee appointed from each of the churches of the city to solloit oon tribritians. This is the beginning of the en terprise on the part, of the ladies. The end , will be sun is the accumulation of articles of utility and ornament at come point to be here after designated. • -Mrs. idoMilian, Correrponding Secretary of the Ledies''Brectitive Committee, has near-, • ed from E. P. Puiltham, Esq , of Chicago, the , action. of -the Board of Trade of that city, in .milerenee to our-fair. It is as follows: WUSESSe. This annatuntty - fedi under a debt of gratitude to the genet - ions people of Pittsburg, Pa.. wh te,J nobly alued the- bat:diary Pair' held to thist any bast felt, an • the manages of the Chicago lair hoeing Riposted the Preach nt and Directors of Mi. Board to appoint a committee to solicit, from our spleens ana othiones men, subscrlptioue of money, Of of thatul eud fancy sends for the benefit of the Sanitary pair to be be a at Pitteourg dialog the comic[ inan.h; therefore, be It Re 015.4 That this Board heartily concur in this riteeseenti anti winudttegently request the following named gentlentei to no. es a to.omitts to obtain entecripthnot and donations for the bencilt Of meld ra r. In T. Unto; Chairman hsuncey T Bowen and P tut EalFfor the Dry Goode merchentit a. U. igge 'Ala W er, . B. novo, for the Bookardles Gm - teee. for the...l eyelets ; U. hi Crosby, tor tee Wet iii.re ; 'Mitts Onager, for the Rieraton • Chs • IL Culhert-on and anarew Drown, fur tee Pickers tied Pro. idea dealer* Ell /Wei and 15.4mn Lad• &net e, fit the Ducar dealers: %Y. Raymond, at lure; B. W. Rhode e and 0 S. Wicker. fur the Onset.; Allan y bets., in bets f of the Board of Trade. • Shop'!Meg In Allegheny On Tuesday morning a woman antered the dry goods esu,Litsbnaoneal Mr. William pie, on Fedentritreet, Allegheny, and while making some mat purohues was observed allipirig a piece of calico into a market baa kite The attention of Mr. Semple woe called to the transaction, and as the woman was issuing the stern, ho requested her to -permit. him to tie up her patches.' Into one handle, and white doing so the altering calico was freed in bee butes. Police officer Will we. '',sent for, cod the lapin token into costody. ...Wttile at the Alsyor's office the denied having ' waternitted the theti, and stated that she had ptuchased the good. from ajoang man in the store.. Tne alert alluded to was sent for, and denied peettieely haying sold her the cello,. After a heating of the care, the Mayor held her to bail to anewar o charge of Larceny. , The woman &bore allanea to to the wife of • worthy and industrious,though poor labor,- ing malt, and is the mot her of flee children. Sue is a, resident of. Allegheny, end hu here tofore bierne a good character for honesty. When the circumstances of herself and family were made known, Mr. Semple generously of fered to watndran tbo eau, bat as the Mayor bad accepted btli, it was notin his power to settle the care. Mr. Semple, accompanied by the Mayor, visited District Attorney Kirk patrick, end endeavored to stay farther pro , Osidinge, bat, so believe, was ansuctuafaL As thy request of parties interested. and throagh sympathy for her husband and family, we refrain from giling publicity to the Wale/ name at the wesens timo. - The Courts. [Reported expressly tor the Gavotte.] Plane.—The following cams zero disposed of yesterdsj 7. Jobe A a on .54 vv. II Charlet:a Vole, Tonnes tor . itextur. sr: at 10 tatArbead 2U.e.D. 0. MeConalsk. Conlin. aid $2 Jos Waffle ys A trovablo's guests*. Cowin asd 41. W. T. Itol7larg tor me n. 2 r Mum= 0 Co. Ckattlontol 44. 41.0. 24ee,41 Jbf 130117. Verdict for:Plan- SW, 45. T L Gambian not Cblllol.. On lyr. 40 June peedls vs. - Halm Plastid'. non. Pooltive7 . o2lo4VS Dilworth 0 Ewing. Con. • thisl LElalPosin. Cortutontd. 66 Janes - Little azl.4eire-4, Smith, Park L Co. 46. 1111reiris es .1 oOierville. Coetinood. Dolsoes, Duiaip4 Arnim IC ic Co. Coo _ 04,19 WlisyS.roi 014 ‘ll II P Gordon. Meth:mut -- LIST ha wZDan69I.I G.WLliins.rsPitWdeßUClo. , .lIL Wayorwie Monona of Dahlman, n P Con oellwilts 12}.00 , W. C s: &moat of Esslilvv 0 Colvin. . Lyon; anore a 00. Tv Owls& Co. ' CAL Milieu:od wi.• is Da 'II Afxr.sight. iiinzo6rlvDla Reserve. Waaile Itinntated that M. J. B, . 6ypher, . long 113} Oilay corrsmdent of the ,liirew York o . Whole. sail : far several yeari oonneotOd with thapreas of 'Lancaster city, hie now coltriv• ted his swan getnents for- the woblication_of ' , History of the Pennsylvania It Corp" • BPu Bari k Co., of Lansaster city, to_bc the publishers. A truthfully written bistery.of the Pennsylvania !solemn cannot fall to fill the brightest give in the annals of tfie strop ,slo to put down rebellion. The eirolinstan , OVS wittendleg . the argent:l4.km et the Re fens, the liberally in their equipient end the can devoted tc their dielplinie before they Ws the State, with the alacrity "with which thy : entered the sonic* it the National Gov. arament, - the steadfast devotion .with which. they have continued that service. fog ours yousorill.roirar rbtitory df witch tre•• rj Penstrylrarirr =CALI. tree Werra must 4.:4•014., Hamby 0;4 na m e th e d smongistinguish. ~ . . liethiers of . i.hieoitntry, fa hatter knw• t h e we `, ihst et the Rev.-Dr. ChapSn;:of New Yet k Thi eattedpate, there forti;tht &holland fn. talllsmiCandienne *lll be - attracted to Cemoyort Hall to-morrow 'evening, to hear what all the leading yams' or tbo - euttni . cities- 41 s° Turk. - Boston.' Vidladeryble, everywhere in !earthen thealreinset gentleinaa ha...delivered It—have deseribed as even bis obi d'erarre se • hotnre:: ly: Chapin, it will to ran Li bated, ) era i ; Scrape, leaf yew, onl halm of &Win" from is tongregation, ta. ire prepare reenilt hie health, lied e hte return was rigneetto ibis I iitire; to "lath be bus embodied the re. Gall of his obser.ealepe andreftecalene on the relielene zitdicharacteriettra allows and Amerteis; smith. -lush comptebentivenen and liege o r rbeeght, and In each a chaste and Islieltose etyle;as can bat sellocalta. found . united he • popular addres• :. - -t - . d .. .sam.o7 Deuirtar.-oa. ht on alb slat, deserter from lb* 4hr7ssy„ In th* Sixth want mid wbileiiinveying. 'lllcf ttra Provost Marstors cAtto, tboy were sd by toms rordlos cos Webster suits. •.:•, end', rood to tStesfor.thrirprisotor.'lloverar .:•.. of lb • rosdfail ? - wefit reeopised.. , :goid. ~,,,v4. - '2llOO OSSini . irreited and erptlibed; ...... -,:' I s -,, 13 cold brA. .M 5111614 e;:ittOtiontior, 414 Pi ti • ct:ef. , To.iday orgailpg May ii 1 , , - St;rsot /pis Itti4ps 5urack.4......4...........i....;.: $31)50 - : Upon Bask . ' , , , NW 31.0sbasit4i . Nu* at0c1k,..........‘...i.«.«,, -0110 ''''7, Valb7s42,3olBZoat***,-. 'l7ooi .. ~.,..,.. Tenting' and the Fair. At a meeting of the Principal( of tho schools of Allegheny and (=rounding Bor oughs, held at the 'fourth ward 8eh0..1 House, on Tuesday avuulng, May Id, L. T. Doti...tne In the chair, ft vas g*oroet. That the timbers of Allegheny sad enn. minding bacchant • and • towto.tops notle with the teachers of Pittsbargh and her bonnigh• and lown• shine to the" o ntr buttons to the udt• 77 for. hwedoet. That Memos. Wens. and G' be • omit:tithee too near with the P u burgh e .motittee lo getting up • euliabie eiruder to all the teeth to and directors that out be retched, soncithog their Id. bee hwt. That the Vuttess of be Alleghon... en ma y, ted • end bor.ngbe end ton:whip edjecent, Codoinatte of the Whole to .poste in their districts. Ilss i rlyiloTT It was unfortunate that the subject of thee uniting the teachers in a coucentrated effort was not sooner taken up, as It was found on comparing notes that nearly all at them were 'identified with their several atturcberin this patriot.° object; and while their °Carts and contribution' will the. not be put down to their credit as teachers, they will be found to have given, through other channels, as mush at least, if not more than the Committee asked of them. 135 46 I 45 25 200 110 V6O 1 33 3 761 00 111 15/ 133/ 60 4.0 9 00/ 6 I/ 10 7 1 / 10 Mammoth IVooleu t•aetory In Johns,- A company of eastern capitalists, operat. lag under the style ofthe'lohnstown Manu facturing CUM play," and ' , ammonite g a capi tal of $200,000, having purchased the piece of bottom land about a mile above Johnstown, kifown as "Munray's Grove," together with dermal UM off the Prosier tract, upo• which they propose erecting a largo factory for the manufacture, upon • large scale, et woolen goods. The ground plan of the proposed rectory contemplates a structure 50 feet wide by 140 feet long, for the auxin building, with • wing 25 by 40. The building le to be of brick, Ober stories high in the clear. Bat half the main building, sod the wing, will be erect ed this season, the remainder to be erected .hereafter. This much of the proposed stsno• tar; will accommodate about fifteen hundred spindles, which will work op, one day with another ' about four hundred pounds of wool daily. The machinery for this - pert of the factory has been ordered, and is now in course of contraction, With a view of having it ready by the time the building is in readiness to receive it, which is expected to bo *bout the let of December next. Allegheny Board of ControL Tho regular monthly meeting of the Alle gheny City Board of Control was held on Tuesday evening in the Fourth Ward School House. In the observes of the President, Boy. Mr. McMillan was called to the chair. The minutes of the lut meeting wore read and approved. The monthly reports of the Principals of the various ward cahoots were read and order ed to be printed. . The monthly report of the 'eachers' Insti tute was read and referred t the Committee on institutes. A petition from the Glattifivy, of the Second and Fourth Ward Schools, asking the Board to dismiss thd Institute for the months of May and Juno, in order that the teachers might devote more time to the Sanitary Fair, was read, and the request granted: Mr. Riddle stated that the terms for which members of the Board had been elected had not been determined, sad offered a resolution, which was adopted, directing the Secretary to examine the returns at the Court Boum, and report at the next meeting of the Board. On motionadJoarned. Tat. M. E. Gesenaz. Cosisaicrci.— The General Conference of the Methodist Episco pal Church commenced it; session on Monday In the Union M. E, Church, Fourth street, below Arch, Philadelphia, at nine o'clock. It is composed of nearly two hundred and fifty delegates from all the loyal States and Territories. There - will be repreeentatires fermi the Wesleyan Methodist Conference in ;England, and also from the Canadian Confer ence. It generally requires from lour to elm weeks forthis body to' transact Its business. Questions of great 11106100 T, to the denomina tion- will be debated. We understand that each delegate is provided with a comfortable home daring ids stay In the gasket. city. It Ye as intensely loyal body of men, frilly up to the times. Ma Trraixon's Coioarr —The neaten Sven by Mr: Totadotti and hie popll/, at ussonic Hail last eventag was actendod by a Large and apreciative andienne, and mu tol 1.1 as aneciecsfal as the one glean mine week. elate. A New and Grand nenraiGn.—Captain Williams , 'Whaling Voyage. On Mandl', night neat. May 114 we are to have this new exhltation—panoranila and dramatic, including,* real whale boat end whaling crow—flat rate acting and talking. It hest belM exciting and delighting thou...nos for handrails of sights in succession in New York, Boston, rthadelphia end other cities We have received a private Latta; from one of the leading editors of the Stan if Now York, which int:radon' Capt. Williams and his exhibition to us as worthy of the highest praise. It says: "He has got ono of the beat panoramas I ever magl the accompanying lect ures of lb. rollicking old salt is one of the besrUsings I ever heard. tie 0 Intelllgenq he dlscderses a van amonat of interesting tn. fartnatithi ha works up the ' psiiap it hitt enduinge to remarkable enthitaLum; he is witty, and makes sdead kiln he speaks fir anti, and elogaantiy, too. You will never come saran a betterrepresentatlan of the bet. ter alias of gallon than Capt. W. He is bug: hearted, and I gaols gives away more than half be Garai." The above, sad the followlag extraeta from notices 9f the exhibition In the New Turk Triarne, will, to a measure, prepare our mei .seas for the treat in store for tbesn. °The gallant captain is the concentrated esteem) of the bast specimen of the Jack Tar. He looks, speaks and walks the aea, He is the lilt of the cull. If the captain had not been of Nantucket where the wastes are pre ferred-to the regular drama, he would proba bly have been 'tags-streak instead of whale struck, for he hes qualities for - in actor. Not ell - the herding of rough winds and exposures has stricken from his epidermis the mobility due the expression of the Mat:onto man. lie acts out the whaler. He has the machinery, loathe whale and loss the water, to do so. On the stage there is • whale-boat, provided with harpoons; ropes, oars and sailors. 'The whole tragedy and comedy of whaleoatchlug, not marred by blood or commas, are repro. seated bythe captain andlas crew. They row, they throw out the line, they strain at the oars, the comic sailor lad.falls overboard, they har poon one watery brute; and miss anotbor; they fall asleep with over-exertion ; the cap tain precedes this pisoticaldisplay of the art by redting it, dramatically, technical and ro mantic; matter connected with it; and a series of wellimecotad, illaroloitied panoramas of the magnitleiont work of the whaler and the magnificent proportion of, the !nudes, pass before the spectator; while Unseen maddens 'di/Toasts Sweet and applicable Mato end verse and as the moving picture comes-to the blend of Queen Pomona, and' the 'Albertan 'fleet loons, on the. tame,-the inevitable Slit is let fall before the audienearansi the ;aim. itelde' ,, Star Spangled Banner" stirs the norverot tbetandtance. The' transperencles in question - give clear VW,/ of- thi' subject; this whale spouting blood as though a Ship were on lire and outing its flames into the Leavens;-or eraturahicrup • bOit, 4114 boat load of ttstoeit or dui 7,:ibing his vast ore of agony before ho sleeps in the bosom of- his mother orator. - 6 _ Rent (WearleedeY),merielag, it 10 o'clock, et the Allegheny &smug. will be sold; by order of Col:White ' large goatitlty of ear. bides boxee,, 4e jboxepi burble - end kegs; 9,000 gouda of leather, 00,000 penodi Of scrip Iron, sod one hone and caddie. Tipials cash, In Gore/arm, l4nd,. 1% 4. MaGioN land' aoHonior. . ) , SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. 71.1117;;PlatiCan d Ornankented Blatt Woofer. and dealer in Pennsiteanhiand Ter moor' sista of as best quality at IoN rein. Mann et Akte4;.- 1 / 1 1:0141111, near the Water Work!, Pittebprab. Pa. °lmam and earriagto halls will be taken of itor Omnibus ogles; No. 41,10 - Penn etniet, do or night. AU orders left at the oboe plane wLabs prompt 4 attended to. All calls meet be paid In rtdranoe, * WASCanli, :21rWLIT, &o —J. Id. Roberti 1.11 Bath street, la. now °midis the post slake steels of dee Gold, sod,t)litsr,Wshbes, "'chi. Waie• sod Panay Oopds eras displayed to this at". and h soiling shoot at sessigkstdi low prioss,, , •, • RumUms,—Samael _Graham, At C 0.,; about l'allors;harlinsior.4.to,ll autllbfteld •strest. We ars Just receiving ours nteCond supply of spring' atel would most respectfully invite our binds sod Or Publics IA Arsenal to examine our. riew stock, belleslex It. to be One of the &leak steals ettuerchazi tailor rids In the City. -13fory, prment.merriustea to give full Cabe-._ feetiou, in both pieiesa quality. - Oitifis raw %Torii p.sTasslns utreobere sad PAW for =row ; 'Osamu* Woassomucs.- TsTlan, Ns. TS Smitlll•l4 404; s~:;: THE LATEST NEWS BY 'IBLEBBAPIL OWE SPECIAL DLSPATOERS, PENNSYLVABIA LIGIBLATIME. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Oaten. Uastiusatraa, Dlay 3,1884.. EXIILTZ-+MOlAing &Nl° . A.—An sot relative to the eppointment of Inspectors of the West ern. Penitentiary wo pasted—yeas, 17 ; nays, LS. , An not authorising the Governor to accept the donation of fifty thousand dollars from the Pennsylvania Railroad' Company for the support of the orphans of soldiers, Laidover A supplement to an net to preside for the adjudication and payment for the lees of horses caused by robe! raids in 1862 and 1883. Laid over. An act deolaring Washington's birthday o public, holiday was peeved.. hlr. Donovan arose to the privileged noes- Mon in reference to the publication of the pro m:millets of a meeting held in :Harriebarg ss publiabed in the Leglelative 'Record. Various resolutions and amendments were offered, the object of !Allah were to deprive Bergner,State Printer, of pay for the pages occupied I. said proceedings. After • long and warm debate It was referred to the Judiciary Committee. An act in relation to Allegheny county wu passed, fixing the amount of bail for certain officers. Hores—Moroing Barton.—The Militia bill passed finally as amended in the Senate. The Demmer:oe attempted to stop it, but failed on all aide motions. The Ito= was proceeding with a private calendar. fissamt—egtfisrocon Sterios,.-1, 'supplement to the act incorporating the But Liberty Ma sonic Hal Association Passed. Tie unlace/. poratiog Et Mary's Coal Company passed. The act to lay out a State road In Clarion and Vernongo counties paned. The act to in- corporate Garrick Oil Company passed. The sot relative to the compensation. of county auditors In . Fayette county passed. The act to Incorporate the Central 0110ompany pored• The act to vacate a part of Piney street, Rochester, puled. The sot to *change the time of bottling an 'election in the borough of Leechhurg, Armstrong county, passed. The sot relating to the reel estate of Martha S. Irvin, Roes township, passed. Act to enable the Mayor of the city of Pittsburgh to appoint a deputy in certain assn. Mr. lloge,relative to the Mercer Union SchcolDistrict home. The Sonata was engaged au afternoon on the private calendar Hoces--Nigla aims—Tile House proceed ed to consider private calendar. I=l= One relative to the buellkl ground of the Pint Bapttst Chnrab of Pittabargh ; supple ment to extend the fee bill of Justices of the Puce of Erie and Allegheny conntlisT; one to charter the Union Turnpike Company of Allegheny county ; one relative 'to the Oak land Paaranger Railway COPPanY ; one relative to Sheriffs of Westmoreland; one re 'Atka to the relief list of Butler aunty, one relative, to Notaries Public Of Closuleld ; Ap propriation BBL The report of the Conference Committee was oalled op-45' to 42. A bill for s supplement to the Freeport and Shenentro Railroad; one for a charter to the Allegheny A. lam i one' relative to poring in the borough of Duquesne. A motion we, made to suspend the rules sad tato up the bill regulating Live mode of :'soldiers voting In the fold, all the Democrats .voting negatively. The Rouse then adjourned. WallBllo7oll, May 9, MC Ilottn.--'slr. Washburn*, IlL,lntrodnoed a joint rerolution providing bet the staff ott ears of the Lieutenant General, shall be enti tled to 'receive pay, emoluments and allow ances, as °alders of the msqle aradis on staffs of Corp, commanders, to take effect from the day of &pistil:at:Dent. .111 a. Washburne said he had letters which if desired he would read In ermlansalon from General Grant, Imhof) , desired it, reed and it immediately peeled. The House then after a debate concurred in the Senate's amendment to this pease Minne sota land Railroad boll. Recess Watts 7P. hi. Ecceivg Pitsios—The bill to guarantee • republican form of government to the dents. ostoieruad or overthrown by the rebellion. being before the House. 01" . - Longues.. of Mithigan Donnelly, of Idinnesoia, and Ste vens, delleined speeches in Ma favor, and Mr. Dennison, of Pennsylvania, and Craven., of Indiana, In opposition. Aojounsed at 10 SO. Elssave.—The Senate has adopted an amendment to the onrrency act preventing essoolatiOns under the sot from holding rem estate for a longer period than dee years. An amendment woe offered by Mr. Conn.'s, to add 525,000,000 to the epprePtiatton - bill, giving the President power to Continue the stifles. of troop, called oat for Lone hundred days for six months. It was isjeoted by • vote of twenty .llre agalest eleven. The bill would have passed bad It not been for lark of quorum on the final vote. Wan:soros, 'May Saivra—Mr. Foamiest repertnd from the Pinnace Committee the army appropriation bill as amendod by the Mouse, and asked for a Cominittee of Confsrence r .which was agreed to. Mr. Harlin, from the Committee on Public Lands, reported n bill to diapcto Of coal I-, and town property on the publie domain Mr. Sherman called up the telointion a goon= of the Senate shall constinrit - majority oflbe Senators prezenCdoly quo: Add. After soma debate' on tho sutject It made the special order for; 12X ceolook. The Home Joint resobation approprla Cog $25,000,010 for the pay of the 100 day troops was passed, 23 to 14. Alter several onsnotessfal attempts to obtain n goon= of votes to adopt the Senate's amendments to the bill establishing a Hamm of Military Justice, tho Senate at 30 p.m. adjourned. Honay.-31r. Sahel:oh, of Ohio, from the Come:due° on Military Affihi, reported a bill prOilding that on and altar the Let of May next the pay of privates in the army shall be increased from sl3 to Me mouthosed of non• commissioned clams as forlowst Corporal( $l6; !largos:it Moja*, $26 per month; Mork; to psymesters,sf2ooper annum. Mr:Schenck moved the previous question and was about to explain the bill, when Mr. Cox asked Ms oollearuts to withdraw hie demand, so as to allow Film to amend the hill by inereasing tbo pay of private soldiers to $lll per month, and now couttalationed oMaers to sss per, month. Even this would barely suMow to keep .pace with the increase in the price of the gems lades of life for the families of the soldiers. ills (Mr. Ona's)'frieeds on his olds of the Houreofered this In good faith. Mr. Schanck deolieed to comply, having been initrtoted by his Committee to urge the present bill. Mr. Davison, of Pennsylvania, ' rippssiocl to Mr. E.:begot. lie wait:Marmon et the Dom °walla canons, and desired tooffor that which that canons had agreed to offer for .the tot. dices. Mr. Schenck replied-that it the p2goeratip cantos were more. mintermis than the polon miens, they would vote down the motion tor the imertous oneetion. e' Schenck proceeded to explain the MIL Both Beneee and Mouse having sated upon It. and egnsooeed to equalise the milt Edam 4,4 colored soldiers. The edpcnittee'on Military Affairs had MinciPally confined themselves to the increase of pay. In theconme of Woo,. marks he meld it was proposed 'Alcamo:ld a for.. mer law, so 'bet officers may have lee v e of ab senterfor causes other thanpickness or wounds without the deduction of pay :and illovonoo. end that the absence shall not erased- thirty days la any one case. The ration of .1661 I. restored, making is reduction of out dollar and thirty.olos cants- a montbi; This took away nothing essautial to the solllor'e comfort bat gave him. supplies IQII/11 to say soldlor in the world,. and twice as mach aa droop of Jig. Davis. 'Tip the aggregate the :Government Sim cove rinildohible, nriiiie the enlaces are paid Sr.tlialic a,rg ac hin 0 1 4 at the , eodtia . tlons:in thehurt' mike: ;Ps pay. The bill was ptuaed nanatom?udy, there bang 133 Yvan. .= • „. Mr. fitevant repriii4l - t l oni Cotamittsa af. Ways. and atesaattia "flout* aniendments . ..the Naval - Appropriation the "Home 'concurred in - .thesis .OPP,roPfitittall sl',3od',ooll fqi the tomplelltra of etatee,ttlinrcif 'lltessmalnops;s4ol:l,oo,l2 for MonTiMMILD orta piil3.44 Twat for Sweeten: wavomd:VA- _.~ - ~y.: .~~ 4 ww_.L....cnw.t,;;.~~~asuil2is'i%'.i'-.a~~'v'~:..+t::~.7l:2.+u:r"kl+ito3'. 000 for the manse and charter of Vestals for blockading pupates. The Banat. amok oat the appropriation of 8185,000 for the purchase of lan* adjoining the Charleston. Nat? Yard, and col the amendment tho Committee on Ways and Moll= recommended a non -mermen.. Mr. Holman, of Ind.. moved a redaction of the appropriation to $60,000, sbilving that ilia was the yak's of the propert7 loot au tumn. Mr. Stevens explained the eireamstances under which this subject came before the Committee on Way, and Miens. The appro• prfarion was recommended by ail the cora mendanta who hod been at the yard, by Ad totral4mitb, of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, and by Secretary Welles, al) of whom consider the purchase of this property nem. sary for Government uses. 'Mr. Rice, of Massaehusetts, showed that the enlargement of the Charlestown Rev, Yard hod become necessary by the large in crease of the Nary. Mr. Duren, of Ky , said that on the break ing out of the rebethon the Arudemy was re. Moved to Newaat by the Secretary of the Navy; the same authority that removed it *an restore it. The academie year wilt corn ;newels in Deptember, 18115, and if an emu!oa should emus for its removal before that time it irould daubing be done. Beside, the Naval property at Annapolle was occupied by the War Department, which bad destined to car render it. Sr. Ste4ens, of Pa., said, Newport was a large and fubionable place, .od with its vices was no At , place for a losing man. It is al waye better to have seminaries of learning to small, places where there are for temptations fn vice. The debate was continued, those who ep pated the appropriation regarding it &sea speculation. The House concurred in the Senate amendment by a vote of 56 to 38, Tee horse then concurred in the Senate amend meat providing that no mOolly appropriated for the Naval Academy shall be applied for the support of any midshipman who ehaltnot hireaftir be appointed in strict conlormity with the law. Tee House considered the Senate's amand mentsroviding that the Naval acendemy be returned to and re established at Annapolis before the commencement of the academic year. The amendmentetu concurred in Annapolis Li • small and Jost about the right place. The Government, by return ing the Academy to Annapolis, will save $75 000 or $lOO,OOO • year. The House resumed the consideration of the bill guaranteclog a Republican form of government to the Bates subverted or over. thrown by the rebellien. Mr. Perham, of Heine, prefaced his re marks by saying that all our efforts should be directed to the suppression of the rebellion. There never was a more disgraceful record than that made by the leaders of the Demo cretin party during the last four years. The rebellion was Maur:tented under aDeusocretio administration, with Its patronage and con sent, stimulated and encouraged by the prem ise cattle northern Demoorata, and now kept alittein the hope that the same party will come to its assistance. The cones. of Demo. crate here hes done more for the rebellion than our defeats in the battle field. While the Democrats hold President Lincoln to a strict account, and charge him with violations of the Constitution, they have no complaints • to utter against the rebels, who set the Con atilt:alma at defiance. They want to tender him powerless to punish traitors. In conclu sion Mr. Perham said that slavery must cease with the last struggle of the rebellion. Mr. KODDIDD of New York, examined the merits of the bill under consideration and op posed it because, according to hie judgment, it was ID violation and subversive of the goat fundamental principle. on Which the general and State Government stand. The people could, according to the bill, enjoy civil and domestic institutions on these conditione, namely, the trampling stad.r fool of all the power. of the States. The Federal Govern ment has no right to interfere with the people in chaaging .their constitutions and making their laws. We can do nothing more than guarantees republican form of government la aciordance with the Constitution. He believed that the enact of the hal would be to crush ont:the loyal men in these States fetid stimulate them to resistance. It was an evasion of the powers of the people of a State, which are inherent and of shish they eannotlaefully be deprived. The opposition should not, while seeking to preserve the Government, be in. financed - by feeling and prejudice. They should be guided by reason and Justice. The natation is not how much the South have stand hot whet is wise and best fora happy and peaceful onion for both the Surat and the South, for history tells Di teat If we disregard the Constitution, *bleb La the greet bond which bolds the Union together, we will not only trample upon the tights of the States, but destroy our own liberties. W. will not says had restore the people of the land under one government by trampling on the guarantees of the Constitution. Drive out the usurper*, then the people will take ears of their own States. Thou:tame of Simnel J. Randall, of Penn sylvania was erroneously printed in favor In stand of against the bill equalising the pay of color d troop*, and placing theta on the 611.1120 footing with white &idiom Mr. Lem:LW Myers. of Pencayiranla, ob rained leave to record his rote in favor of the snide measure. The /3013116 'Chet tOOk • Well Ural Moll P- AL- Bova.; Sari= —The bill guaranteeing a republican term of government to the reel iikte Sates being under consideration, Mr. Gooch said, for year. the argument was be• teem freedom and slavery.: The latter being defeated, appealed ve arm, and hence the bloody milieu He believed that there was enfpalent power to crumb the rebellion to the very bed. Had James Buchanan been In the Presidential chair in the place of Jaakeon, John 0 Calhoun, instead of being an cede totaled nullifier, would have been President of a eo called Confederacy; end if Jackson had been in the place of James Buchanan, Jeff Davis would have been an estlegoletivel ittiessionlit instead of President of the Booth- Confederney. To we the government it was necesrary to destroy slavery, and we must provide he the fundamental, as proposed by the bill under consideration, thee thvol• miter, servitude than be f pro hibited, and the freedom of all porsone guaranteed. Hs did not believe thetthe rebels had *eased to be 'object to the Government, ' or that they were oat of the Hokin ; but no matter what laws might be poised by Con gross --and what acts done by the Ithecntive reepeeting the States revolved or subverted by. treason, the recognition of a recognised Jovernment by both the Bonet. and Home, end other department', became necessary be er- they could be restored to their right. in b• l'uion. Mr. Perry Bald that not one less vivion would have been won by our army litho President had not Limed his proolamation, end if Congress had been dumb. The President's proclamation and the Con grepthonal action had been closed to victory. Oar army hmtachleved mace'''s in spite of them. Al long as the Administration epurned the advice of General 2d'Ciellan„ be had not a hope that his own counsels would enlist the sots of those In power; haring re. jested that General's military plans, they did hiss civil policy which wept hand in band with it bat there was a higher authority to which he''would appeal. The Peopls, who were quick to detect Imbecility and. corruption, would listen to cannel, and •althiough they might be 'tabled for a time the dedeption could not be long condoned. They tyonid render leastiqe to all, sod to him whose splendid mil itary parolees had been treated with base in gratittide, Ignominy and diagrams. He con damned the sots President and Admin istration generally. Pernetitio Wood said.: be had carefully ex amined the bill and the speech of the chair man of the SOltett Committee, (Mr. Davis of Maryland) to 'Neenah) on what facts the he predicated made the warden that the .State.GoirerOMent had boon' overthrown. The gentlemen bed &clued that there/ could be no reptildleen State Government which did not recognise Coogress and the President, and that the Government here , represented was the ." ' only. Government t , existing, This was'bat en somptuptieu'and the ex!, trona '1 folly. The Confedizate Constiut- Aloe is all its elements rutin Improvement on lour own, botanic ninon' clearly defined the powers of the Stites. The people of the Southern States enjoyed mots liberty to day tbie,tl ifs had for the test three years. NOM OWlll4eres *putty - Opposing th e Confederate EzeOative. What 'Northern UMW :would dare to follow the' example in respect to' out own I 'Doubtless deepotbrn existed Si the South, is - military autheirity was al waysfrepugnint to Liberty._ To impose on any people a government. against their seta; would be the worst form of government. Heifirther controverted the delimits enpneiv raid by the gentlemen from bild4eonteridlng that ethatever might be the condition . .of the wintry the States remained:. He pm:leaded to tette*llityBelieners foimerremarks,wie. charged tint he bad riteolathendid ,the se -014111.106 of Asia York. To th is he replied that he ;did on the first of Jintary,ll3sl, in ad vance of the soceselon °Cony State, 'lna spe cial suessageilti gin 01rnittion Connell of New City, recommend that if. ?spooned linings and outrages of the State Legislature sheinittlee reputed on that istosthatit Wolin seftee city, not, however,lidipeidiot of the Federal Government AncithefolutitO was that he had made a - ntinnelt itthe Iftnkn. Union meeting in . April. 'lllOl, and tiers dn• elsied.lduiiiilf'to be siiWor'Dinatintit%i And the gentlemeut:-added.that hir.lL o o 4 4 -1 :1 (Wood'.) Me's! thiplittlkene'esiCsaidlolt may call It an honor or dirbonor if yen will Ilie(Weors)yartieipation in that meeting,how - ever, was confined to an advocacy of rasing money end troop to defend the orriltal. Elo wont no farther than this. of coarse he was for maintaining the Union. In fact he was to now, white the member from Ohio and his co-laborers in the care of forcible negro emancipation were avowed disationlits. lf, raid Mr. Wood, that gentleman stood by my side, he epoka at the side of one who never Bed inglorina.ly from the field of battle, or lammainously from thc flu strioa by a man who never vilified or tra duced the tainted Jeckson, nod nover eulogised the Jeff,les who tried deck-eon interposing between pats-iota and traitors. Ile stood by the ride of a man who never, clothed with a little brief military authority, performed the acts of a despot and interfered with the richt. of two sovereign States. As to Gen. Schenk's retignation of his eommis elan, he (Wooed) Oedged himself that if he could not prove, maroon opportunity afforded, that there was a verbal understaedlng with the 'Secretary of War, that he (Schenck) could resume his commission at pleasure, be (Wood) would resign his seat Re then replied to the other charge. of Mr. Sl:amuck, and e.p-oially that implicating bite with the New York members. The party in power bed raised armies under false preten ce., end had comailtied the grossest outrages against the Union and constitutional liberty ever perpetrated by drepott , so• hlr.,Kelly, a tor tasking an Maslen to Mr. Wood, said that Robert T be, in telegraph ing to the Mayor . ..l New York, spoke of arms and sot inerobandas. Tot. is nreaord which tweed. &galas' the, gentleman'. asmertien, the genti•man lat',Now Yolk with riot and sedition boding, the'( the fiend, might do their wolic.. Ile than advdca.ed the bill, althoegb it wet not exactly what be desired. The people of the Sou , h have not only aboliebed State g0re...m.1%4, but have estab liahed other State government', and we know the Seat of the Confederacy is at Richmond. As to the territory it belongs to the enemy for all time, and if he could he would drive the traitors to the gulf beyond. He winid de this with joy. The Supreme 0..0rt of the United States declared that thee* revolted Seams hire tbo same rightonly as alien one mita breading the land, and that they are cot only traitors but public enemies. The States are overthrodn, and it is the deity of the Government to provide for them when conquest is made, and It is oar duty to COD q der by all means known to modern warfare in the nation, The Rouse at la:40 edict:treed. Arrival 01 Paruitd Prieonere BaLTIIIO6N, Say 3.--The American'• special Annapolis letter says: "Too flag of tote. steamer Now York arrivd at the Naval Academy wharf yesterday morning from City Point 'vita 34 paroled offi-ere and 964 men. Stich was the condition of the latter that every man of them was admitted to the hospital, and 160 of them had to be carried from -the boat. Their looks and words abundantly show that their miserable coodition has been produced by starvation, and many are un doubtedly pail the reach of medicine or non, lahmept. Among the officers le CoL Rose, o! the 77th Pennsylvania regiment, who was chief engineer of the tunnel by which so many of our officers escaped in February last, ho having been recaptured. Washington Items. Watmitrovoe April, 3.—The Senate Naval Committee aro considering the propriety of increasing payments to °or-tractors foe Iron alai ?noels prorided the amk be speedily pour plated. /finch damage hoe been done in this vicini ty by a violent rain storm •hich continued ail last night. All array o pLratlene moot be sete. needed the Navel Committee en decvered to docide open a site for the now Navy Yard. To-morrow moraiog,it is expected the Com mittee will make a report on the Blair corm. pondonce. All quiet on the Rapidan. From New Turk Natl. Yost, ?Say 3 —Tee steamert Edin burgh sod Oly rapt from Liverpool, and the George Cromwell and Cslt-tebs, trot New Or leans, have Stilted. The•a I.no later newe Wm O. Bayer, U. S. Coney! General fo• Egypt, died at Ale:loins on the 10:11 of April. Wtiu, mothers end &WWI, •1101.0 has• bende r lons and brotbArt, Sr. serving In the s - my, cannot put into their knapsack, a MOTO • noebesary or r,luabls gift than a row honor of Hollows, 's Mies & Ointment. They Iwo,a health oven odor the a:poetises of a soldier', life, Hollowny'a Pills ,d Ointment aro now re- Calla& Oiling co th.. high price of drugs, &c., at 30 cents, 75 eon', cad $l,lO per boa or pot. For este to Pittaborgh by A. k Vahan cock Co. For talc also Ly George A. Kelly, Alio glicay city. NOTIolt ine alten..ion of our readers is directed to the hsillisSit assortment of Spring and Summer (tools just received by ow friend Hr. John Ws or, No. 1213 Fed coal street, Allegheny. flit stock comprises groat variety of Fancy French, English, Scotch and American Cassimeres and Clothe, and dna Silk and Ca r ssiut•re F esttnms,—all of which will bo made tip to order in the latest styles and in the best manner. A choice so loction of Furnishing thuds also on hoed and for sale, together with a 101 l stock of Beady Made. Clothing. well and fssiti otm bly mad.. Basonics lu Mohair Lauren, et 1. Mach's, corner of Grant so d n [recta. Jcaara M. (1.2,p.a, .I.:torzey at Law, 98 Chilli WOO,. a1:45131 MARE!M KY 1 ELEGRAPEI NEW York Market Now Toot, May 3.--rotion more awl... and 1320 LaMar,. at 814 , 6 c kl far idlitua Orland, and 4/ 04dio f Loi Olddltu., I.,,..—s tata an d tt a.m. a lee. 8. aiar. nettled and 50iito I..wer ; Et.l6a7.a. far Ea/ tra dud- B. 11. 0, 5...1 $7..5.17,3L 3 75 bir T. ado Brand-, lb. market ebel.,g with o Baba at the onts:de - tatlnad It Linty flrmer .t 51,21/al rsl r eta • and W. atom W brat dal .05 notnit..l' y low., at elow,it rott Wrap Spring and 511/ wattles I lob. $1.7e.41 BI t r 111uecr Had %Vattern, 11 ito).s fair Old istd.We•Lt ru in atom. riewdoutberst Yellow al 40 Oats icons 5e..1.8 and 870880 6 r I, add.. ; inclua r d In Meath. ate 50,0/0 b.:1.: Prime to the Gorier Dinetit a. equal to hit, Pe troleom—hellued In hood rutted and nigher 08, , 460r, la Philadelphia at ISo; Llatla a d free galas at 1.540.60; t.redis Orin at 0134'. Wool Orator. Pork quiet and Ono at 120 504.6,76, Bleu; 120,60 Old dn:1 28 . 50 0=6:15. how au; 8'14323, Old ant New Pr0nt1147,75627,50 for P. 102. Moan; alto 6,100 bbl. New Mors, for Jetty, hey...' opilon a $3O; 1,000 tibia do , for sumo UPI,. •esler.. ..pt tan, at MI /5...0 bid. Wm. daily rani* from May 10 to Jutm LS, buya.s . option, at $lB beef firm and mare &carnal 05c, and Lk for 111.11, 0(370 for Onion., 1(10180 for Be y Meas. and lealthi for E.t.a natl. Prime Ileaa /Lae puha and Bent at LI 023. Deer Elam. quiet and unchuined. Boron /Mho dull and bond. nal. Lard steady et 11014%., thelattur an execs Le plrAret7 choice kettle rendered Ltat. Butter warm and d . mar at 8.4033 for mat*, and Ohio notaisoL lbeess undtangoi. Stack attd Money Elarket. 'NA* Toot, Slay th—Hooey qutat and easy ht Ear tent. diethyl Omer, opening at 105 X, eloclug at 117881411%. in currency. Gold firmer, opardn, at 17ai. c./wlng quiet at 1000%. rtramente ockequtet 1 II N. 6.l . BlGoopths, 113; fora Ounpotta,'lo.sXoloo; 7.At . Oct./beret/5d aprtl, 1/.OX/31 0. !hoc.* better : I istrgi .at ceratiot.s... osX 111 1 1110ta1ei....4.......;. 7u 0. a M. crrtlecialt. 17 twitto T Erie.....-.._, lx Eris 4/41—.. —lO7 a Itadkoti ...... —227 Sirs Taal, Slay %Copper:. ital. Jorngan.--......_..6 Inane teed 03 . 31 •-•—•-• -•••• 8 34 N. eensultdate norto3. ney 3 -Sliding noel: ..... An% neenel ..... tapper Fene.--......4:41 nockutud. 14: irrwana a I pow "'trot% Cattle Market. put Ton:, M. 3.—The current priers for Abe week it all the 131sIkets ere: The( Cetus, firs; qud jst7,.sllBi7 l or t .."tent L d, Ilit,toli: tetheto,omb WOQ sand Cale.* first quallt), 1114665; Urclihery, 1i5h42,50; tiotemen. 11.1 h mob; tnietler, tit Veal Celtics, drat qtienty,9,tic /pith; Ortince ".83.irit . /te; CotOm jitael ; 11,4ry. 4 ', • ftt".,:.17,`:17,tre, ,4,409.; _The .denreasien Cbteh Drareiledettliettiel.l' atiloserVe cattle market W. men npWrcet than ever this teak, Int prices writ ebent The seep et priors Ircre moth the ewes; ttnt the were tuner, end ,the seentie prkxviretoa.ally ur, spit, ball tent tailor lait *ark. • • Mb* toad rocalpti.crstadiatail the Yards for ibis artak.:aud lass arek arose as follow.: Drorea 3,00 Cows 131; Veal CAT1,?11.7.0:4 tllwep and Lambs 10,617; alma 13,332.• f ClLle9g9r. Market • UMW-MIA Aim a —l'lntur dal and declined 10315 c. • Wheat valet and declined %Ole; .ales at 91,24 (Jr 1 1 .. It and SIP tor Iu 9. I...rJrn quiet and declined a-lat; at 054d0r FO. 1. Oats dull . aud.de. cibeed 'le ; ales at GCOGGX. lllgharto.a idlet at 913411.1 d: TYrrinbts gull and dminfinig. Beeripti-4094..tdis.Nlimr. 21A0:1..ntli Meet, 17,600 bush Mtn. 1C,C.00 limb Oats. . •, ettaalo o.lltrAtt. ' • -.. . . Mrlnin. Way 3:—Sl mi. dull' and .unebanded; ntml!ega GO, ged Whiten Euro 51,60, Extra 54,7 1 1, Wheal.-_ nall, , lnanills ntal...oninla .1; : Winter Vad W..i. Dir,l,o. 110.1.' a:n.o imd 11111wAnkino daind .VAL.. Ouna , :,Sams/.an. 1/...114241 ~ ...cl. slag Alull all h .a doW9nal4 tnndef cx, galvanic; al 77a , Bar •.7 and icia nominal: . flin4.ll4l,l4n.neat 11.1:$01 ; 1 8 ..., , thalli . Yinidtdi: la Idein'snd.k.;•ll2rnat. RolA til. • i'a nn'aloratil ;.• Cam Idi. '--- , ''.- • -.-.. -: .J.alt Imieutt*-11.ur,32,714. t.b!s;.3rhad,ll4 o :F . Oaati . .Xii7rts4lftteatO p id ttab ittx!si' to,O. : .! I "PP!!,!4# l f; : ii , ,,iiiii. -- ;,--. -, ,1 , / t ,. . :.::, ~,,-. I.; f.,-,.;-,.. , :q t ~ .s rtaf‘e . .?‘4- ..,.. MEM= MEMO a 1 VEII IN TELLIGE WCF: 111{11/11.s. 6111103., Ranging flock. !&dritaas, Oil City Llute Manta, Cta. Risj. Anderson, Cirt Urlids, 011 City. The riser at this polot appeared to be ...thug alowly last awning, with A little otter wseta feet ID the chasucl. The weather yesterday IRA closly, raw, wet and disagreeable, .3 was calenLated fn auggest anything elan, tbau the plaanut scenes, which are cannily brought with the Brat of May. The &nitite Include the Alpha from Hanging Ttoa,erith a cargo of metal, and the Mule Atuttri from Cleemuati. Toon, are several boats due, some nr.hich oil doobth. be Lund at the wharf thia moraine, Tine MaJdr Anderson and Jennie flubbs, for Cin cinnati. got off lost eveoing. The Anderson had a moderate freight lisa and a fair number of ?sown gen. The Hahne had among other items, some fifteen hendred keen of nails—batter kuosen to .team-boot-menu "red-brad. " 'the Advance ore teed from Oil City yosieerday, and the Urilda, •Ith an excel:ant Ulp, lett for thesseme point laet.evening. The Come Graham Ca2oo up frect the Marine Rail way, whence an. has been tendenguing repair.. last evening, wed nil Ives's for Zateselff. to-day at [11.10.4. The Pelm• Done • I ft Cincinnati for thle city on. ...ateirday. and tn. Ohio Valley, K-atom and Jame. It Ghee re we o • nuanced to In low on Monday. rapt Bait t Is baring some Important cbangeel med. on the Allegheny river pack. t, 0 ttsg., shut whenn completed will add matertaly to bee rutward •Plesdesuis.. The priusltle charge in the trahafer ring oi them lo cabin from be, eau the boilers and enslneenn •b lower dank, where It wag formerly to lb , tipper de k Tee • ate itebleson wan unisblo to get o/ for Cin cinnati and evening as anneuntod, in..oneer toe. or the bed Weather, but alia Will poe- Itlr.ly leave t.. day at anon. The smplr.• thy C.pt lisslop,sta the NesOda. Coot Mos 6 s r. bo h [pat poss. ogors. Ste en• 'noutred 101 s.e or St i oafs forteslth p. mt. J. It. Itichard-on Late. ol.rk of th. rm.r b.:, sad Mr D K go!. IN &c.c.s bi rof the later . „ Tbo Lon .pt as alll bc cby car , L..onounord L.r Clochtuatl said L alavtilo Curt ti,cltl rho cape a rclon. Is rho rogular packet for Whetnag ot 130.1. $114121.1171181[111111•8T ..pate May Yd. Ad dreaa Rea% A. Wiimaits, Sawiakiyatilo, Pa. lw a. BILL., Dentist, 201 Penn street, will al wad to all badness of his profession. VIiOAID-81DLED..—April slit , UM. at tb. raddeaa, the b tee', wants, by di+ Ray. J. D. Elam Pdr. J A 11.E.S U. E. (NOAID, the lit n.;% P. V., atal Inn KAM C. o.h IBLIE, all of kart. chaatar, P.. LTRICIL —At in, reidenne or ber tae.., la Pell mow a,unty.En on -nabs th, Clay , , At, l'O', Alga E, woe ake II•on I y.-r, or A Ilegheny (ley E - " , REMOVAL, 199 1 TOI 129 Wood Stroot. 1 Wood Stmt. ar present location otk Fifth rtreet ha tog , of It 1. trots. rts,s sad eon andeatrab for our bow oil beg to 1.1017111.1..1.3. 11.1 slli nose oar 11118101 W, on the. IST Or APRIL son, to 122 WOOD STREET. TOUB BOOBS ABOVE 11TH 8731121 - 2, Ifeszty opposite tbs Plttsborgh 'hart Oampany. SW- The sreustra sensor for • ST EINWAI'S PIANOS rtsrods is oar poomaion, u berm. H. HUBER & BRO. 1r27-Stsw-iersat ROBERTS, BARNES tr. PAR YB, No. 89 Third Bt., Pittsburgh, lb ME AND MEET MOS WOIINZIGh J A.l-"A_N - NIED TIN' A.R.IG We are now mainfactufleg and hare oa band Bathing Apitarato. of a I Stud., Toilet Ware in Sett; Wow O.ler', Una ta . Tes and Spice Cantsters, (1,11 and Spica Bozo, nimbler Dralarrs, Spittcoefs, an.. on. A large lota oft ilia.= tor ode Li. Oil Cans f ell sine sad patter. , Tin booflui, Coodoctors, and-all kind. of Jobbing Work done to order. pu V LAIS CEM PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, CCEINISN rim/ AND tiAIIICET STlrerrv, and Al .torte.. Slobardeoee Jewelry Bloc %) PIMOWIOI4 ra. HOT 0 Ci 01 nery .he otyle, Plata or =local, from tie popular Carte de Vlelte to Cabinet and Ws Atha. Kr. PIIRTIANC6 would particularly call lb. at tention 01 lb. /GNU AND INTIRII to tbe easy se oweiblltiy of-thle eatabliebnoost, boing reacbod by a coach, snort bight of metre. Prier. .oderv.e. and aotiellection arlarmoread. leynAlyarawile N . 6" ) LINDH lES. N...) so. Eolf bbtd. NTLito ri.b; 3)0 do I eke , 'orrag: Ibo do No. altrgo md moi Hadk...-n2l bb , c, No. 2 do do; W do bk.. a 15.r20 eel m.d. So b.mea Emden:. Diu (tons; 101 bbl, Itellotd Varboo oil; To Store sod for dale by 1.1.2 )_R. OA NV IFL . BY COOK, PEITII' & CO 12 811111.111E11D 6THEET. Just received to nor.: Vu rfroo • prima L•af Lard; 5(0 plroce v.. Macau 15,' , 0 d do Plan Yams; 1U 000 oo Otocittoott Sugar Cra..l; 5.1E4 clog. • d rlbbed a del; 4 . bulb Unt-d eppl.a mb24 SUGARS! r Ut4A.s I t 5 bbls ornabcd Sopa. 33 do Po.d'd bad Oraerrlated dug.; 10 do '`e'' ond ..B ' eery: 30 do '4l" do; 10 Wads. choice N. 0 Pnesq It do Ones do; r 00&. by SCBOIeILKU& LANG eAI f Ihort• rt ST .1, ti ANL+ a.k..; HAM —lO [es a. 0...• east.. of t...ts orloor.t.d ' , raw., put ..prsp sods isr our 000 Grant sslv j just rresty.o f:uot I lOustt aca for r.l. b. LM tfs of cr eq.'s latm, at tb.o lamb) Groo”, slur. of _ PHILADELPHIA EFPOItM, voL 4, Ctsta!tang pob fabed TRE INTYLLICIIISOIII, from MO to 1 15 / 1 ./. 1 .Y. 'lt., ea r r ..la by r 073 KAY 4% 0 ~ to Wrod •t•tot. 1.14,13 dAr ?I) tN Witt, J~ obi pdrtat and bait ILklng Pocd, that I. liZvro,,ptir ap 1. p.p r psokaan, for tab tha famLy Emmy dta-aut BARLEY' MAUL—Primo Fall and Bprlag DPILLICY lIIALT. Constantly on Lad nod for sal. ay D. IL GaLATall, aln.. MSS Liam., Pi,.hortl. SYktUP.--630 bble. ti3rrup..of the fol lowiwt brands: Jobb:Mott S Lo alto, Ilimototot a Elder, Booth a Ed at, Greet, Tuner • 0.., Bud oon 111-or, Otsop, litooJoit • Shirty, 113,trand'a Honey, for solo by LITTLE • Tilltd BS, tab:: Has. 113 ..d tl4 &rand L ARD 1)14.1 LaRD ()IL I 0 bb.le. prim No 11 Wernatted oval to any mrdp, toff sale by JAB. boallaEld. a SON, ay23 69 and TO Water street. Michtrio 0entnJ....139 P. a 11. riahlgsa Eavothora . 9/K Catanla/0p....129 0.1 P... ...._..108)4 ...Jovial ll. ; a ' T...18,10 .11? • • U. a N. 01 Stock. • lag Stocalt: PlO IRON AND CLOVER vEED. 250 tom Dnloa Ponnve PIO IRON ; • 9.0 bush. GI UYSD BLED; , In don and for este WATT At. mos , JAV riw Liti.rrr anv.A. 500 HUSSii, IT atTLEt4. 9:'01P , b6 LA. !Mo.. Pot a; ' 95 bous trub Roll Batter; 10 bbl. Inn; e 0 b'ob. Ilfenl99; 1.0 Mac Ohi01:1.. NY) bah Baum: Now In .to.. awl fox anlo b 7 L R. wror 9 CO DECO.ATIV.E WALL PArtairt Par-WA. Plll4n, Frames, Otatoary, flays, T atom Pm* Perms, Pordera ac,. for sac . W. P. II AURAL!. IT Wood dint LIEXCEL unueoLATii—o, the fit 1 quilt,. Joh metro, sod for pleat the fatally grocery stoma JO ON A. BendflAW, ap2o corner Ltbtrty aod Send strecta &lid; NAILS—We offer fur solo 300 t t.2221 , 01 . Lie.114 ; Tr: 1 t • 44inpurcham to, et Ica LITTLE a TBINELT., sp27 No. 112 and 114 &cowl .trod. 3vvBOURELIS CIiOICIS FAXUL r mull In tlora, ar.d for We by LITTLER TIIINZILII, asa • No. 114 and 114 14.cand avert. WISH ' at; large stock for sale by 41111 n BOIVTI. 134-Wood ss. spa° Olt. BAlititth Tlt E?.58 HOC/Hi for side try . JAIN VI !SMELLS!' Wor.d lona, lark, HAvl 7 HIS DA Y AIbSUCIA • I'JD YY With as 0P0D.211 D. COOL Ili' the ;P10dr.... Dsocio axd Cedsral Onoullnloa Eu,th . /OM IM ISM ' COOS, PSTTIT & CO. spls:lo,ad rpluss BOOMS, Oil Barrel Site, far -L sat. by 31111:15 DOWN, lab Weed 030 JT t) AII3S--278ft:Bushele;' to arrive, or sale by - LIDLLETIIIITBLI4I sp. 30. 411&1148econdttetei. TOpot.4l,STEtt. iz Buffalo Cooper , Tools, T Z "l.b7 `l ll 3 l i t t itra riC wtihrar4, for ante by' BEOV/241 : , -, - !- .1.13 Wood Built.. (INV, OAR LOAD PKA OH BLOW I'o._ - yr TOO/18; Id6lDr:lPrthis3,4l ttaln darr zatzr 110 pisissos lautotr,i 4rT ....,•11903704.45tai4 • :'. 11:1::?; BIAREtIk-D I=l JWIN e. SEISISRAW, Our., Liborty and Hand stn.. JOHN A. REFEIELAW. Oar... Lthwrty and Hand =elan. =ZlMial=== .707/ICELL.CrEO US. ELWit T TAMS! CLAM:KULL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, 2fo. It, St. CIO: stmt. Terms CI pa saala pet tieuat,,e. of It weeks to advance. Boon of Toltiot from So. a. tilt I p. to. TESI7IfOTHAL9i , • Itocsman—l take pleasure fa' eying that ProL William to amply enallawf to grenipllfk acid to teach the art of &milts and Speaking ales ease, dis tinctness, elegance, energy and impremilte Ohne: HOB f. KIDD, Prokmor cf Elocution. Isoca-Eocerso Age Pranannie.—As a coacher of Book-keeping and Penmanship he bat nemperior. CHAS, EL ISM, El , Sees Lumens ell A J. LEE. of Atwell, Le.d Co. Those who desire • mientlflo as well as • thoroughly practical know.edgs of the best es stems of Heoksteep tog and accomns can co when obtain teat knowkdo a runnier Manner that 11e:er the telt/toe of Prof. Capt. • /OREL TAO.I6IIT, Prof. JOS. EL SIOSTGOILEbk, OEO. W. DlTllaiDolf. . Doult-artpr . r tor E. D. Maeda% JOHN tr. FERGIIPON. A taary a taw. Ito Las, In my opinion, no superior as it Lauber ad to blot lawn is da ran t coo. etrr ram. S. Si. BEY NtILDS, Itp. nstri Br/A-keeper for E 'erten, Preston & On. BLANDY'S STEAM ENGINE WORKS, z.A.NEsvILLE, orno, BLANDI'S NEWARK MACHINE wpßks. NzwAinc, onlo. ' Mean. If. / P B LAN Int, har'es pet...haled the xtro•ieo eetablieharent of the leervert Wor:e company, thes &holing thihr arleady larre faedithe for tueonfictu , tog B . ANDII P&IIN f POR taBLB STtA3I EritoLYßi 'and BLANDrs pdQTtIiLE BTS.ASI B&W ItilLtA, en now pre. pared to Brenta rrarre for their tothlnery, tCgethar .'tb all deeeriptione of outlay, Vith very great pre:tiptoes& Cr Lien, p-oftterly Ilinstrateel, Ibrwar4rd to soy &dunes Omen, eti corrarprii.spes sollottoi. Ad. d , ... 11. a I. BidetiDt e trirh , oe:odr.teer Zer,s. Ile or Heiterk O. NE' SPRING GOODS. 10 ST. CLAIR STRE,T, Jost r..oslvd from &it sastsyn title; a Lip aod in, well ..l.ctsd stock or goods. d4.l.nert for Ins orb( snd entotosr t ads cot slsplog In part of thy iltm log goods: FISE •CH Cuff MI and CASIIM am, setit.T NnGLIOU, °LIMAN and Attila Okla COATINGS! and CAS tIINSIMP;Af almost ars7 anat.. style and color, ail of •Llch I trill nokslay to onr In the latest and In st Essbinbakls mans= by snout. cc. d workman at anon ..odes sad an •isablo team alas, a large stock of I%nts. /ans/slag Goods, snob as a.. contstly kept In Orst efinitarnlan- Ing storm. Inttnrspolkltod and Fri:Molly at rated. Id W. ,IleGille. npUtly No.lo ELMO- irost, Pluab* IN IHE CoU WE OF QUAtiTE 113 1. SESSIONS Or ALLEC.EgY OnTIFN TT. No 11, December beetle. • 1851 0, 9:1011,111- uoyltb t Pummlrwrle err. ItlepheLri m/4 Dant I Ctbrecort. 801. to liar. forisfut recoBr4 a lug. Aild DM/. April lath, M 4 on motion dr 2t. Ad , , toe *dirtll2ollol.ll2ollol. And.tar, svpdas I. 11201101. BOY. Aud.tar. so distribute Hie fond to Condt, according Act or Assenutly la such nab crude and pro vided. BT TUB 0006 T. Attest W. A. Banana, Clark. Nett. V bareby Elven that no MaMar slam aimed will a eat dam p.daa latent , tad la lha abuts ca.. at to. ofsca, No. 133 /fourth .treat, Mud:arab. on EIATIM.Da I , nay 14th, NU, at II p m. ...14 1.8 rERGrAo An• 11NEJL &. 13TONEMAII, HANLVAOSIMMS ON wraa WOLE, IleonD ohm's on Sono and nuke to order MN &H BLUES &MESE WIRE MOTU frrnU oi fll E 3 kid.; EIDDL, for foundry 11.11 i WORE fOE WINDOWS, ko_ ; MED CAGES, 0 IlLdlatti'LAL lIMRE ROUX, tar flowers, 10. Ger All elo.. of trims tiff cols. Attk *o. SIMETt. BAGS I BAGS I BAGS 6,000 8.-anden tan Inaba Bap; 2.000 lattation d. 4o; 10,000 Wt. 81102.1 e,of 0 four Inuhel 61167 0)61 Bogs ; 2,600 Sall Bap. • 1,00 l accord band Seaaloss Bas,; 1,600 Gunny Banta oanat.dy reeddra uror and mound-band Baia Backs and Onnztda. Th. 10145 anrylloi. BITCH =B, 6100}/162111 6 . 00., nattlealn LI, Been ,d atveat. pATTERSON & BROS., .I).lets In Youghiogheny Coal and Nut Coal. Orden left at t 6. Office. on DAILILOTE Imam mat Bradley'• W.lna rxtory, Alltiglleny promptly attended to. OFT/taloa meet* pmaptly fated. mh.ll):4airdtf N THE' COU OF COMMON I finoZhesq Oortty. tio. 101 March 1frt1,13. , 4. Li the matter of the •ppl Omean et -Alfred Whitfteht, for t' Beet Et of the Ituoleect rottl• to bertby dye° that ttre;utde.tgred;teill maks eppEcs- Coo Mtae m_onCoort„ on the ant Bawds) , tit Ma!, ...alai betireerk that... of 10 end a. m. or; ...Wily. for tti3 tkel ditchers, ittoLT the bleol• vent Is of Peomailenolo. ALTBJTV. VlintirTELD.= COLUMBUS COLEMAN, WiIZEON AVENTE, AregiaLy Clty, ifannfartares for asts nay & Graln Rakez, cf U,. Beoootoy, Union, Au!ker.& PrATio Bird yeAtorns ; ATOM: AND BAGOAC4I TBIICINA, NAIL EIABB.OWS, r'UTTINQ noxra And Wog ,n lbork of all deocripcluos. ' 6TICEL TEB[B, for flay sad Grain Bakal. 2,B:coodr•rf ATLA.NTic AND PACIFIC OTEAM thruP Lisz TO CAI OUIL BEWELLIt, Ma= raven Otko, Pittsta!gb, tah4.4.1)-“vsay AMERICAN Larz INSIIIIANCS CO. OS PIITLADLLPMA. 41ST m Polley In;and on Uwe on lavnrmicternal. B. S. SILYALIS, Ptinburgh A g.F.t, n 371 Ea <wt.% btr.lat. THE WASHINGTON 111.9171L&NOZ OD., O 7 NEW TOLLS, Capital and Anrptn•.__......__......._..a5&",110 la Tiro en! Inland, Mar a• Inettraras: b. 0. OILY A. 21, Plusintrali fist, ml] f 0 roartttstiat. • Nsi INBOW :H4DES— Ju.t reo•leed • taro and vary ens luso talent of dbadeo ul rai turn o. lora and tips. WALL' PAPSE4, o' peter= and peon - Ulna evoliboa, r* al•qi. 111 Flo, ram ID centl to PAO p4' at AD. i% Twomlcroos, allegtiony. mll T. IL VITAKiI/AX. • A MeTIOHE, BANKER, 112 SIFTEI antes, Intl lay the Iroch..t• pita lbe GOLD. eII.ViCD, _ U.S. Bomb, ille4netyoounty Rificand Boyd% Sol- Mo. Bounty Dada Abe. tOlegpoy Volley aaa Btanbelollle BoWad Sto 10. U a. COUPONS TA SIIN AS COLD. aPtitt WALL PAPElk—Moving g and olenn 1.4 classums..l haul; beaotlrefoer tem.* by mattes them, tor 41.bieb call aod .•a, from the alepas Gold Esobroldrrel, hslald and! Voltot Parlor Pawl to the cheapest wade thsioashet, at No ha Itarktt atra.t, twat Flats. • nabs. )MG R. urinals N • OTlGH—Leers testimentely with tw ••• t szakezed a/ re E. 11,110 W IL dce . d, ban bum granted to the oaclexcrigned. AU tattoo Indebted au' Orin call at the ettes of C. W. 80 dB, !to. 91 Clawed line; Plltstrerge utd tat: tie, and all puma, haying asalast eale stay WUI phase wed tee same roped, eatheatitated. 1081SPZI WhitlEN, C. W. Itollß, Errs of It. E. V °twee. deed.ll ==l ADMINISTRATORS' 140110 E- All parsecs hootring tbabseirtuto be ititebtad to the WWI/ of James Lowry, Sr.. lsta firths ay of fittsbargb, deesessd, at. hereby tuatled.to make calmest. and thou basing alai= Splint 0.14 es tae *lll plans gressat tba rusk properly sotbenti. bated, forrett'suisaL JAIIII3LOWnr, Jr., • ap28;1110d0w ~Arbithil.trstor. LEATHER. AND INDIA RUBBER lICLTING—The Wiest MonCin Me city an hand and ter min u law seem be taught anywhere. els , , them BUN Packing, GaAs e, M., sieve en bend at the India/mei:cc repot et • ' J. A 0. BILLIP nun 28 and te Kt. Glair eine. teLOOll 01.1, CLOTHS, of• a 4 widths .1: and patterns rat to snit any e'ei, hallnr rinse, and et priced that Ira der tanirtitlea. Alan Cabin an COLDS. transparent men osl,4lutks and window abates. Tor sale wank.* and men at the %du Slabber Depot of J. t H. PHILLIPS, rot: Nos; LS and 211 at CIO 0. All.Altb OrrOM UNIT f .—.44 /Souk, 13tatioust and Non Depot Err eetle, 1.0 the ton location, to • /arse city. and liEng s Zoe Intim. nortreoo velth about UM capital. It ellll WEE lor =sr - zit P. innern, Wk. , lEssonto nen. Eitth *tenet 1 U L&MI, FUN lc KM OF oo 11.4, owsred by bforliga; for a6mrsmi or laver enilereedi WHY cix HINZ 1110r8.% ND LOT, gbamy. or a AMt 21 W Y OOD AGL N I- 0021 0 ittibtrg 11 !SWIMS, iILT, b. • aljgaiir , JOSIAH KIHO, D ON -. ."1 : ii.s'itcat:red hotel 2ssllkbeee:4t.-ec .. LACO7.E 81W13117. Alie hinj City mit qa ' • • DOCTOK PfIYSTCI A Q :A±ick stricti)w: • He, i 59 P7F. tolowltua, Plit.tarak• WAltil VA ..3414111.00=-A2i'D "0031.111231011" .1113DICEL&NT. Aut arross-ortbeDimaad; lio;'lNrittabfailb,' ..friargest ani - bes gebetutheta h mtv 9 74 - •• •-• moors .s.rD snows. GMAT JIMI74I:ENTI , • UNPARALL ATTSICIIONI, OLD PRICES CONTIETTEI .rote is the Excepted Thus! =Ana 7IIAH TEE OIVATBSTI BOOTS AND SHOES, AT UNHEARD OF PRICES. CHILDREN'S SHOES FOR NY CIS. AT CONCERT HALL SHOE STORE, No. 62 Fifth street. =raw EmPri anoz 10151 arm B°°7'6, SHOES AND GAITERS. SLATER & SOUTH, 54 Market Street. Hare tussle ovary rtylr at teats, Musa kat Geier to Loa& atlearra,./nas• sad A LARGE ASSORMENT OF LAM', NIB= IND CEIELDIIIN'D Reelect's, Hohnorais 4 Boots, Of all tlia lased ables sod qualities, jut nutelued and will to add at Qs earl fatal Wes is eles day. J . H. BOELLHDT, g 3 liaitit @bink Stelna dorm eras 111%, NEW GUODY L J nvf 000,051 We haee jot racelved wr aping dock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Whirl we wrCl all at th. LOWEST CAICH PBX6C6. We ban th. Lamed and tan nada .toot BIL wee Plum Calf Equaratood Boats. rob. Cozad In lb. dty. LAST Garr= In Wanda.. Clap...can. Jas. Robb, C3= OUSTOM M&DEBHOES--WE HAVE A-Ij= realty,' a bap wartiant et BOWS, KILLS AND EINGI. best New To:k and Phlledelphieelestazi Week. Ter Laois Dad M 1... G. Ma, klhmootoi •_g Luting halaterele, Ike.ts sad Gaiters. he all ets These goads ire mareentad to ho the BX3Z spode made In the chantey. &leo a genera amettaent tf all kinds sad Tuttle. of Chllaretie Staple and Taney bitcee. 080. AIMEE, SOW It CO., apt! Fre. 71. ear. of Wood Aid 7...1.4 • St SOME OF LAST SUMMER'S OWDS AT.OLD PRICE" TOM( CAIII7I3KLL, 31anazo tura fa: ZIP BOOTH AIM HEM, of wary dmriptlon, Iro, Si, /Smithfield Amt. NMI. ,h. C_IEO. AIMEE, SON & CO., Whole sal, and &tall Onsien In BOOTS, 8E101241n, corner Weed and Swann letrreta. Pittabalth. _ SILVER PEARL SOAP. • CRIIMPTON 4 CO.. 307 Liberty Wrest, 841 Providers and lisnufactrirera fcr Wagers Pannotranta, Ohio, Indian% llllaxda and Mligonal. marothetaxen. of r4411x sztlras of Palm, German. Olive and Eosin Soap, I=l TOILET AND FANCY SOAP& Of cox BTU= PLUM BOSP, wtddtra me &nodally rear/aw as better for general nal than any ntliantatnn n& patio, shod& hs borne In mind has neither Potash, Nalt, Lira or Bodo, or at, otlus tntortance in Its mann:futon which 'tan &rink or the tarot &brim ilannets and Woolscui ton Y . he noshed trith the rapidity of Own= cr Clothes nubs& with tan BUM PEARL 504 P do not muds boiling or hall the nabbing, which of coase sane the Wear and boar. BILVER-PEARL - BOLP Itosocms Gime, Dirt, Totem Malan, Patiatersk ; 1•11, !inland tin ward Bolin Water Biafra mongol', apidyinag It with • moist Baca" cites Fotentioi laden; Osman wad liturultare fens nib lot slop. It impario • Era Wary_ to Plato, ,' Jawohp,lneenntra licaniellnl Panting. Led Patent Loather I.m.y; and tor cleanly' marble and ; da.ar tile It Da no Kali. Ter the Bath, and porde- Warty for Phatispxcung,abo SLIM PUPIL SOAP 4' I. • perfect luxury In • word. •B Who-hare acted i . Ice warpartor wuWti., ackandaig• It tin itnetant dinctrrary of the sgat TeliCkennah• NI • gill nom awl who •xe Interested la =lns ficap,and to arra, - caw will rehand the price of the moan shaakt to ancespitin what to claim fin It, it and accorang to mar directions. Bold at nrsi OMB rati rovaD, to SD7 nomad bun, dollvered m tho c•rs car twataec In • a. liwbeny, Blratingann sod city nstaliawan -not of ,- =Direct:torn tar are ®ad packages. Lineal a, t to the With, . •. Inwebonto trim Atwood win do well to- eve 0111111.PTON 1100. a will, 867 LibuV cowl, app. - ells Penney lesals Balltwed Paawiger • Jar &mayor all tmaeatkos woo gamins eaten bowing our tnidecoarb.-81.1.1'n PEAL , SIMI& —b. seeared by Rational Clowigitti • zebra GENTLEMEN WRILIING FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. ins& In the ZOST IASHIONABLE sad LATEwrsTYLEP. vsold dDset to call was 0 IL 11. ILES k COMBCILIM TAMP, =US or PM MID szawasammi. Bram purlosln elmeetgah, • •-SEW on= or . • Wall Paper for Spring .Trade, =MD STADIVID HOLD. tbs IMITATION " In'Llunsbnrs..NA misty at atop 'COLD, SATIN t MAIM 47.101 _WAIL PAP=: MAGID' AND =OUZEL 4 WILMS. MINS, . DnIIS, TIM= Wismar SHADES. An !stance analnient of low priced L WALL PAPTB,-to all et ankh abe atumstka and lupin-Hon boanakwataanladani Ii raped: WIZ reqoatud, at Ina Wall Paper Hannan.. Aie 911 Wood area, Moran Stott kinfo, second duo bolow_Dlainani 'ADDS. • "[MINAS PAUSAL Anastuudv• antriazent ot Gala klanritvd.7nuat.',. saran; Limn Wl4as tnatat Natnna,:an,. tat by AG O I . THoIIAS tA..311,M ,sal SVC. LIU /' . Congrta IS'a Totem"; . • • Italtatterd dpdd Ti.bak.do ; , Nary Comb - do; ' ' •"- • '• Brig dt do L • C st sad Dry Edtoklar Tobacco; . do do, *lvry &add prd; dots= litoto Cut do; . aoa o Owed ridded fins - ;Bald: ItteCOLLIITICS,&4I,LtI6II:4IWO4 E YE 4 #1.P1E14.1!;-)t ' - iEf ( 10AI:color - ottootka - io, tzeatinii,t'ot ItIZAMOS, ITZ and EAR; apareAa 031,?1,22 ) 0p,:504U1RT for ARTIFICIAL a. PUPIL, boats ARTIFICIAL RYES; and trtita INFLAMMATORY TM; all* MAUD lltapaziG. and WI dlamaaa aMMI,?‘ Mo RA , 1004 to MUM. - • R E=MBE - - • r. , ;• • mom van. rparistrtpt.; NOIINTAINteketS'SDT. rea ba ' oladaid ti. Pstrptel. Urge? 144 - rtNtlittit 4 .6L ULE.II.IIr.S ; What. Efie—T baba CM. r. 3 l , l , 4viiarridittomi Si &b. Tata ItatberDepA, aw• ' 304,3423 • 8 "3 3. t 1372 • -J 4 iLPEtittri.s. figia4 , l A.r2bEtt.-75 busltelt, ,1444,34 A.,?4/lipplogruelved at 41 2 ,4414. 1 -4 , • .. /4 5. 4 1 3 . 1 %a.4 1 0. 3 41. - U 014;4;44:444t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers