oittsitur g it 6antte. IFITESDAY, MAY 3.:1884. Swains Taxartos.—On our fourth par" this moialag, we pint the gist of a Joni article from the New York .ILitune on the shore subject. . ToCoanzspornsars.—We are in receipt 'of a umber of communications diseurshis the political situation, Mowry, CoPperhead ism, to. 'We respectfully Inform our eor tempt ndents that we cannot find room In anti:oll2min, so crowded are they with ad vertisements, for all that we would our tetras like to say on these and other subjects otimmedtate interest. We hope to be able soon to enlarge aomowhot the range of edi tor comment and to find room for the far .ra of oar friends. Retaliation. We resume the consideration of this sub- Jac; became it isuppermostinonr thoughts and it is in•the thoughts of the great body of the people. The government seems to be in earnest about it, but it does not yet, we fear, feel the strong pulsations of the pub lie lusart as it beats wildly in response to the story of the bloody wrongs inflicted uponit.. 7 he prisoners. • Let us take tap the thread of our remarks where wo left off, viz; on the mistaken kindness shown to the families of rebels left within our lines —mitt taken, because not appreciated by them, and because it cripples us as much as it helps the enemy., There has been, from the opening of this war, i a strong inclination apparent to make the war fill as lightly as possible on the rebels. War is, in itself, stern, fierce, Imre. lenting—full of horrors, privations, and hardships. Those who resort to it as the rebels did, do so knowing its nature and its consequences. But, Instead of making thoM feel these consequences in all their foree, our policy seems to, have been to rob it of all its terrors, wherever possible, and make its hand fall lightly In the hope of winning them back by forbearance and kindness. Vain hope! The experience of three years allows it to be futile. Oar kindness has never won a rebel from his fanaticism nor turned en enemy into a friend. - It has been thrown sway upon them because they'are unable to appreciate it. They have taken advantage of it, to be sure, al a windfall, bdt they.hare inva riably tarried ft to the benefit of the rebel lion had laughed at the blind folly which left snob chances open to them. It is &nether very instructive instance of the impolicy of throwing pearls before swine. ' .It' is time the policy wows abandoned. Oar kindness to their prisoners has been repaid by starving ours, and subjecting ours to the untold horrors of Libby and its adjuncts. Our support of their wives and children has been responded to by the mur der of surrendered garrisons in oold blood. Our forbearance toixardspersonsand prop -erty in the territory occupied. by us; bee been Met by the utter devastation of whit ever portion of the country may have fallen _ into their': hada;, Wherever they go, they carry war with them in all its fury and desolation. Of - Mir ire do not complain; bat now that they hive let their hellish _pinions loose,and, breaking over all bounds, bectime assassins and. out throats, we Lave a right to claim, as We do claim, that our policy of mitigating the horrors of war shill be abandoned, and that henceforth we shall make these rebels feel theterrors they have invoked and inflict them with the heaviest, head allowed within'. the limits of civilized warfare. War is "grim via. aged," aid since they would have • it, let Ds . not longer strive to hide from them ita hor , rid front. During.. our war with England in 1812, all aliens Wert required to leave the sea. board and: betake themselves to lotalities where they could 'Tender no service to the enemy. 'Our safety now demands that, in 'teed of 'polishing the families of rebels within our linds,prid nurturing thousands upon tholurande of spies upon our move. mots, we-should-compel-them to seek ref up witlia i4e rebel lines, and throw the burden of their eupport upon thoee with whom their erympathiee run. This xney'be cruel; but they' bars -rude theli bed and must lie upon :It. 'All.;;War, ii cruel; and having volutstarily gone to war, they can not justly , !iry 'oat cruelties come hole to them. Let ul take for example thnoute of Peter , Jones, of I , tarlivilie. Peter is a young I "ardent' ; man s a /loathe= eon could make hins:' with ; a4Ourig - Wife so fally devoted to the rebel Cattily that, when the' , Yan kees" invaded that city she Wank not pass under an Ante r rimnstlag, nor.loil her skiits by Calllatit:lrlih . i . blit! coat. Peter folloWe the retreating; rebel Governor ' of Tennessee into the rebef l arMy, and leaves his young wife: behludoincared and tutprovilled for. After awhile her means run, out, ehe mush have bread " and Meatdrom air counissary; so rhe !beghist , to abate the acorn with which she lase; looked upon soma soft ; hearted, captain or, •liardeikaat; Intro , &Lotions -and she ; , 'ld meats the war; is heir* itek and'sired of the- zebellion, - ehe =ye; aighaforthedaye of the old Union, and altogethor bewitches the sensitise officers Who are drawn , into her charmed cliche: She watches every thing thst transpires; - -notee ;Seri item Of. Intelligenoe p gfclto lier„,filands over the 14; and etow e away is IiPtrIIC,4,47PAPP, segiestiohe that have occu rred to het Mutt! time to ' timer.*: rill and by' el:Legate a letter front Dixie.. Her edger is dying ; cannot-i 6 gdsparilo go throoghtho lines to visit the death bed of her dear redaLive? (if cours‘, .she gets it; and - ittewiig away a rebel mall under her garments, with quinine, per., • chance, and perCnialch. ices air' taigii the -Itnea, slats tip*aomiting.face,r otrid Chen the hearta`cthii xeb4 : ftienda7l4 the co'ntribinaiirtlele's Abe haectaziitil*lti• her, our (Suers bantaltogetber t o. oeseeh "a And ea it gots; -die comae of MIL -Jones being accord log 04:traumata:Ices; by. Mrs. Thrimiison and - lasa:Stone, and thanajrzialsPicaita citerbh4 with aar bonzdy: - - • . car, all It is not 'required, of naibitiiiitieidt war fart and the na*lt!en of abeiancFailpt l oie no no esettoo ' for continuing it.4lllsitafter let no make wa r 111. P"rts*4'it'i4g. - 4r. hitherto .gloia .strike -Witt 'tip browny -!tn : mighty nation,- leaving tmonitiee to be when the war ; ls over: A ma= to the Ploy - Wm:es jeterd#o4 IfeerWera, April 22d, describing the ceptFe of Plymouth, does notallado,tit l3 o report that loyalliorthfivolidieluvoi negro f.rxgis were mal6eored '' t„ . . . A xi, Ilopkgoz,t,Thi*lr c;rlc, tut ,weak a1511(4 4 ilia andthio:deas)ed , lar bit'ltornacl4 _TL , ilia roinksitekthe Terming or emoookoo4, botboon.oaratot , • • , • • te....TAtz.l . . The.Tarill Resolution. Tlia.l o 4lt , imitator' which hasp:mt. passed both Ront'ws of Congress and been approved by the President prorides that,,antU the end of sixty days from its passage, fifty per Cent. of the rates of duties now imposed by law on all goods, wares, mer chandise and articles imported, shall be added to the present duties now charged on the importation of such articles. This resolution was offered by Mr. &revue in the Howe, and Its object was thus explained by .that gentleman: " The object is to put fifty per cent. on the present rates of duty on everything, so as to keep out imports• tions. The resolution Was designed to operate until a tariff bill could be delibez , etely framed. If this resolution had been in operation last week we should have received $2,000,000 of revenue, and saved the difference between 5 11 , 0 00,000 of im porta and $3,000,000 of exports." In other words, it is intended to check the flow of gold to Europe, to pay for needless luxuries. It may be said that one effect of the pas sage of this resolution will be the creation of a greater demand for gold to pay the in creased duties. At first, until importations are checked, this may be the case, but the Government, more than the gold gamblers, gains by it. Secretary Cases gels the money. In time, however, as importations are checked, the demand for gold will be cor respondingly decreased, and its price, as compared with greenbacks, should go down, The Government, as well ae the people, will gain in that. This joint resolution is to conti'nne in force sixty dayis. In the meantime it is to be expected that Congress will so amend the tariff as to provide more effeetnally against the evils of excessive importation. We want arobibitory tariff—an embargo, if necessary, to prevent the drain of our treasure to Europe. General Truman Seymour qhortly after the battle of Olustee, the N. Y. Evening Pat published an article severely criticising the above named officer, and, among other things, said of him that he wan a habitual oondomnar of the colored raco and of negro 'troops, and that he was pro-slavery in his instincts and opinions. We have just read a detailed reply to these and other damaging charges of the Post, written with much dignity of tone by Gen eral Sansone. himself; and addressed to the editors of the Past. The General flatly denies that he is pro-slavery, and produces abundant evidence to prove that the negro troops under his command have always been kindly and fairly treated by him. The Pat: publishes the letter and makes the amends honored& General SAYMOUICS conduct at the battle of Olustee will soon be investigated, and we apprehend that his unfitness to com mand even a regiment will be one of the conclusions of the court of inquiry. A friend who has served with him says that he is as brave as a lion, but without discre tion or military skill. Olustee would se•m to 'Verify this statement. &alums is his besetting military Sin. Pay of Negro Soldiers The country wilt approve the action of Congress in deciding to imy negro soldiers the 1111:110 wages, clothing, bounty, &c., as their white comrades. We published in our telegraphic caimans yesterday morning the particulars of this action. It is a deed of long delayed justice. There never existed any reason, except the base prejudice against en oppressed people, why all soldiers of the Repiiblie, whO are engaged in fighting its battles and defending its life, should not receive the same pay and bounty. Our black soldiers, to the number of at least 100,000, constitute today a powerful mili tary adjunct and support of the Govern ment:. Bat for them the draft would long ere this have fallen with terrible severity an every State in the Korth. To object to their enlistment was madness or worse; to refine tollaye them the same compensation nawhite soldiers was the hight of ingrati tude. We rejoice, therefore, that,. at last, Congress has resolved to deal justly, with those who are alike atilt ed to our Sym pathy for their sufferings under Rebe , taskmasters and to our gratitude for their heavy. blows in beh If of the Union. LATEZ accounts from Louisiana render it almost certain that the rebel loss In the different engagements of the 7th, Bth and oth of April was as three to two compared with the less on our eida The Rebel Gen. Forrest and his Fem. -.lly-Aheir Previous Itiatory,All Sinvedrivera and Women-Whipperm From the SpFeal Cornkpoadsut of the N. T. Trilmts. Knolvita.n, E. T. April 18, 1864. The news of rlas capture of Fort Miley by 'Forrest, and the - cowardly butchery - which followed of blacks and whites alike, has produced a profound sensation here. The universal eenthnent in—" lot no quart er be sluirm to these dastardly butchers of Forrest', comaand while the war lasts." These Forrest, the oldest of whom, Gen. Bedford Forrest, Ilea by this end other atroo ides obtained each a record of infamy, were all negro trader,. There were four broth era—Btdford, 'who kept a negro pen for five years before the war on Adams Street, in - the rear •of the Episaipal church, Mem ibis; Jahn, a cripple and a gambler, who fag jellor and oink for Bedford ; Bib For rest, an extended--negro-trader at Vicks burg; and ,Aaron Forrest, general agent imdfroal-drirer torment the country for his other: brothers. They accumulated large emu of money in--their nefarious trsde, mid /3461 rd iecriby, theFand tither influ. epees a nitural promotion 'be a - bilgadier in the women-whipping, baby stealing Con. ittiter.r 2 ;:lial is about 6U years of age, till, garret and sallow-v erg.d, with • long nosec•dipeer, black, pray eyes, full black Oise& ithout a moustache, sad hair worn leer, e ushally wore, while in the "alg ar'. trade in: Memphis, a stove.pipe bat vulikon the bank at his brad at an angle of forty.flve degree!. He was ace,oacited` mean, vindictive, duel and unscrupulous. Ira had two:wirree;-one 'while,..the other solorid (Catharine,) by each of whom he two children. upetriarchat' info, Catherine, and hie colored wife Thad ;requeniquerrds or doMeetia jar,. ' The slave pen of old Bedford Forrest, on -Adrime street, was a perfect- honor to all Degrees' far' and near. Hie mode of pun= . jibing refractory slave was to compel four of hie fellow/dales to stand and hol4ihe • 'fatten dretabed out in the air, and then Bedford and his brother John would stand, One on :earl - aide,•evith long, beery buil whips, and oat up their victims until the , blood triskled to the ground. Women were often stripped aked,:and Tithe. bucket of salt wateratanding by, in which to dip the inetruracnt - td- torture,. a heavy leather thong, their backs were out up until the busters covered the whole surface, the blood of their!wounde mingling with the briny mixture to add torment to, the infliction. One slave man was whippedlo death by Bedford, who need a tracerehain doubled for - the purpose of punishment. The slave wad secretly buried, and the circumstance -erne ply known to the elates of the prison s; "hoed, dared lo refer to thiaireetnanmce ' - - Boa srer,theniipropiiiieTtileddente in AM diameter of the monster tr ‘ io murdered , in Mold the gallant defender, of Fort Pllir; • -- - • . • • Ilia% BUM WAllw teronadast his nal& S BllBB ' Ili St:L.BO! on Btiardil night last.' (4 4j14° 1a3L113; "' - -; tittal"..4rvtiaittlZlPS, EIMI=I PUBLIC JrOTICES. L. A —Tim County Council .wil ciwt.t WILKINS BALL, ces TCEISDkY am ad day of Ray. at 10 o'clock. a. ta, Local mama!, will mad op their reports. Import utt bast.= will be transacted. m72:2t By order of the Ptsaldratt. 10" - Y. M.—NOTICE—The mem b.. of Lodge 45, A. T. 21 axe reputed t meet at the Hall, littb streot, THIS IBIES OAT, a I o'clock p. to, to atter d the funeral of oor tat • b other, Geckos r. Fr:nom:sm. Members of slate Lode et, and the fraterolts 1n gezerat, are also h alted to attend. By onto, tr73:l whf. HAMILTOIS, W. 11. NOTICE.—The Bass Bricklayers of Phteburgh, AlMenai CT] and ritint7 are requeeted to mot on WEI NM DAY SYI.OINO, Eli) ith, et T o'clock, at the Alle. h tty Inghte Hams, on Irwin mreet, to or top matters for the coming Elm:Mary Nair. • fell attendance revue/. ed. W,ll. OMENS, toy32t °balms, Orem' or rug Agasonswr GA" CorPANT, April 29, 180 t. 10. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholden or the Allegheny One Coln pkny will be he'd at their office No. 25 Diamond, on &nanny, May 9th, hoot 10 o'clock, A El., actil 9P. DI., for the porno". f elec:tng► President and eight Director', to "ern for the coming year. ►p3O-td 7A31.E3 BIAIISHALL, p.cd.ot. O.NOTICE. PITTSBURGH COAL EXCHANGE. All the member., of the Pittsburgh Oo•l Exchange an, argeotly turned to attend the meeting on TUESDAY, alley 11,18E4, at Il o'clock oa m, At the BOARD OF TB A:DE DOOMS. Br order. my:11 A. D. eiklITH, Prominent. gbu. a 10-40 BONDS. Thwe bonds are Wood under the act et Gongrose of March Bth, IE4, ',blob praTides that is lien of S. much of the loan authorized by the act of March Ed, IBA to which nib Is .uppiemotitary, the liiwirotat7 of the Trantry is authorized to borrow from time to time. on the credit of the Boiled States, not exceed• log TWO lIIINDRXD MILLION DOLLARS daring the =tent fecal year, arid to prepare and Leans Marta Coupon ant Regletrred Ronde of the United Stens ; and all Bonds Lamed ander this Act shall be =EMIT FROM TAXATION by or under any State or m❑❑loipal author.[). Sobtoriptiont to that Beads aro received In United Slates notes or Dot., Mboal Dank.. Thty art TO DE REDEEMED IN COIN, at the pleasura of the Governmeat, at any pniod not lest Liam tee nor owe then fork, pal hem their rate , and anti] their mdemption TIME PIM OLNT.IIITEBSiT WILL 1311 PAID IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one lattodrod &Mrs antsnlir, sad on all other Bonita aanst-ananally. The interest to payable on the tire day. rt Mar. and Eeptentbar la each_ year. The een.l.aaca•l pets are paysble et those data, sad the sassed Oosposuon the 60 end iOO dellar bon& are payable Babeeriberr xiU reeeireeltber Registered or Cono • Benda as they msy prefer Iltpleterrd Bonds are re orded oa the bookoe of the IL B. 'heaver, and be traneferrtd .oiy on the owner'. order. Coopo Bonds are payable to beers, and ara more co. Renato.' Ronda will to Lenard of the denomina tion of /My Duller* (13',0), One Hundred Doflue (5 1 OO). Fird Edudf.d Dal.* (1300), One Thoemand Dollar (51,000), Five Taonaand Dollar. (13 000), and Ten Thocaand Rollers ($101300)7 Coupon Bonds of the d:n minatiuns of Fif:7 Dollars (150), One Ronda.' Dalian (5100), Sin Hundred Dothan (55130) : and One Thourand Dollar (5.,100). Bobicilbcn t, Ills I an w , ll 60, th• option .8.1141114 r 8.0 tel cm, k.torer. from Mardi 14, by tasyleg the &cern° I Interest Ir ec.te—(or In 11. S otce, or the notes of listloaal Bank., adding thy Dec ant. for preculam,) or moive them drawing tarot tom the data of subsoription and deposit AI these Bands am exempt from nontaictaal State MI ati , their sear Is lucre...sal from One to throe per teat. 'per annum, ecoaldlog to th►a►q tax levies In vari rna parts of th. country At the pment rate cf veralcm on phi they pay • ter eight per coat. izterlit it cnrreacy, sad ROO of 'equal convordertt as • parmancnt or temporary In It V bemired thir no ccttritSes offer bo great in daoomonts to leodors as tha various llnstiptions of Q. B. Bonds. Itt otber forms of Indebtodness, tb faith or ability of private partk. or stock ocmpsoloo r reperets ersamcolitb.e only t. pledged for gaybeent, bflo for the debt. of the United Mato. the whole property of the country Is hold= to too:meths pay meat cf both prloc , pal end Interest to mho. Them Bonds medr be sublosibed fer In e®e from 650 op to any magnitude, on the came terms, and Out made equally available to ths @maths: baud I=l Into money at may moment, end the holder 'rill E tho benefit of , he luta:off the thtt that all dad. ea imports ate payable lu epee.. (=althea a filed for like payment of let:n et all Gavel - cant Lands Imply In oxtail, of th • is of the treasury for this paves. rpm ths receipt of subscriptions s isertUlaste of de pcnit U crefor, In duplicate, will be lantoll, theorist cal of whlch wW be fannaded - by the subsertbar to t 1 &ore Wry of the Treasury, at Washington, with • letter stating the kind (regietered or coupon) and the denominatirna of ben& required. Won the receipt of the original eartidostes at the Trrastu7 Department, the bezds nbscribed for wM he ttansmittod to thisebscribets rispectively. Subscriptions will be remind by tte 21wewoer qj a. (Idled Brat" at Weshingtoa, and the Assegai T'reanovre at New York, Boston and Philadelphia, and by the 71By7NATIONAL HANK 07 PITT/I -MMO/4 PA., THIRD NATIONAL BANE 07 prrzanortam, Azd by ell liatlonsl Hints which ere depoeftuh• of pada money. All ropootabL haulm and bunker, throughout the country will inn, rdshfarthor information op application, and afford ap3o2lrdalr ervri feotllty to sutsgrib.m Cram or Imo Prrnmusoo. row Wens al m Ninny ~ Pittsburgh, °smar Ma., April Bth Co , 1864. f 10. DIVIDEND.—Tho Board of Direct ors hare this day &eland $ Dividend of TWO AND oNmataLr MO PER MT on the capital Stook of the VoMPany, out of the net ant. lap, far the . quarter cleft Nark net, De) able (Be. of Government Tas.,) en and alter Oh. NM days,' Nay, pm, at the General °Zee these Company, In Pittsburgh, to the Stockholders these 'anal r.Wetered them, and at the Agency el the Oompany, Mende. Whaslow, Taney 00.3 Ca. 69 *all super, Not • Tank, to She Stockholders Whom stock Is regisinied therm The Trawler Books of the Company till stoma do'clook p m., on then.] °UAW, pros. mai will ree main cloned NCI° o'obek a. m. on thril7th of Nay thimalsr. UN ordor of es Board of intier& gel3masiS W. U. BAUNES, Berstary 0.21 SPECIAL MS TING of the Stockholder,' of tam Cleveland I Sitteburgb Barrow! Company wth be hold at the office of wad 10 Cionpany, cleveland, on the 4TCE DIY OP MIT, 120, at o'clock a. at., to ante upon the lumen of the Cepltrl Stock of WA Company, for - the par pose of allowing Ahe bonds of meld Company to he convected into stock., The Wattles Soak, will be closed rnitha 231dartif April and open on toe 6th das of My. • ordef of the &mad Of Dinzion. • .1; McGULLOUUII. Privldatt, Clenviand,.lffelth 28, 1284. ath3fimmy6 - Urn. Or Noses thmir Mtrtho Co., I 8S 7lßh sued, Pitlebursh, April 4, ME 10.THEDIRIECTORS of 3tia 'North CILYMIateg OnapailY, Of 1111.1pn." bare tented anameituseus of ObD DOLLAE PRE SHARE au the Capital Stook. the same may stand at the close of boaluom ma SATURDAY; the 30th Umlaut, payable to the Treasurer . TUESDAY, the 10th of May peat, pith latent wtor that date. aperttnyll —Taos. et. HOWE, Treasurer. o.r' OTICE TO TAXPAYERS—, who hare neglected to pay their City, pm ' s, r=se, Wafer. School or Building tax for 183, lu the Ater Ward, Pittsburgh, are noun.' that on lisy Ist; intitentll/ hdtnatttated in .11 CUM Vim who would aura meta will pay teem that day. ALL2I6IO3O)WiLL„ Gollector, • . 6.111 lotulb stmt. ht nersek nom 6to T &clam • . eh" evict EXCELIXOt HAM or Piiesavas; ; l Pfttaber April, 1et1.13611. jr - A:GENERAL WS TIN G OF B 0- v , Stockteddere of this Emit rolit ba Add at the Itaaltag Mew on THURSDAY. May Oth, at alma o'clatk, IA m.,., to Vete Into coluddmdlos tha ex. testi= etlbs charter, approved Isom: eth. Mat. 015444 , ... It , . ILAURBAY. °udder. NOTICR—The owners oton st theAnestust. landing aro rsquoted tri:10111 thti 011 st ones, ottuairto le will hays to to resiond st Shots =SO" ss thin 4 Dtt tools Masts do thotsersont Wain. Mtaatton to this sz*oat attorwlllimp troablo oadAottrous . WWI SLIMS istsm , W. 1., • A IIoTIGHR, IMSICER, 112 FIFTH strityintl OL var D. h o lr_ilhAtint prim IT • Gat t • , II: 11, Boodr,Jutlinsay Oatudy lame/ Bands; id. dim B4®4Baas. Alio. Aftbra NA eisabenvBleBigmlinock4: 17.&OomsossniamsAacor,D.: 74‘,7 ,- A , M I JrE fr .1D rERTISZXIEA''TS. WASTEP—A Prtor=As? Gum, for gmsrol kora aro:k., In • small VIVID! family Good • tend... plus. Apply at 172 AYGGlirl ET•RET. n•ar Groat. to.tlt ABLEAUX.—The took a col* nILH DEED •ELLe from Masonic u Monday morning, Is rorportod to tea • .e It •n6lto o•m.. W. I•. Id • asn ALL, 3.1 t 87 Wood s.toot. WANTED—A: Boy from 16 t 18 years Y 0r.45., to learn the 15 atchrnaklr brulaest. liono.but th so .boaan came rerommeoltd roof apply, at No. 95 FEDICHAL SrLigtr. D OG LOST.—A smsll black and tan IEIL BIER SLUT, For torhicb a reward ►.tl be paid I( reternel t. A. Be 41,017 ICA and IWSecoad sue et, Between Grant etneet and (Theme elle,. WANTED. 8 or 10 good Bonne Carpenter, Apply at 48 WATER STREET. Naas need apply except competent workmen tot 3.2 t XTOTlCE.—Wherese, Letters of Ad 4atrahlet of the Amato or Richard Beeson, late of allvgh.ny CI, and emnty. deceased, h meg teen granted to the uoderstg4ed, all person. lc debt el to geld Wale era hereby notited lamas imm.- ditto payment. and all pen no having eta ma ag that said °elate will metal teem fir aNnetment sod eat tlement, to J teuff BEILsOI9, Adair, Not 14 Webaer street, Allegheny City. roy3:3telt6 WANTED—At the House of Refuge, WOO parsons to act to the capacity of say— lE3= ONE 1.117118 E ONE ILOUSEHESPEB. Good reference required. Arpileatlro for either of the eituati sue co be handed In to the °Moo of the Institution, No 67 Fourth street, (op stain.) The epplicanta Is meet the Ocmmistee at the above offl.m, cu TEICIBIUAY, the 6th latent, et 4 o'clock p. m. He order of the Cominitlee of Instruct:on. m 73 3t 2asAimus'e Orme. A LAZEIIIMAT CA, , PA., Plttaburge, May 2d, 1064. f PURSITitIi Off, of the 21gt eeotion of au Act relating to Allegheny county, parsed Ray 91st, 1881, 1, DAVID A I A I:N, Jr., Tressor•r of saki mennry, hereby give -notice that I will attend for the purpose of receiving taxse to tho•oraral Wardr Barsuglui, Townships and 000 inch; of said county, at the ptnw.f holdlsg g floral elections therein ro ' rpoctltely, on tho 'oitowleg dnys, mom 10 o'clock A m. mall 3 o'cAck p. m., to wit: liras Ward, Pitt:shores ; Hoot Ward Allegheny Zilletwta eorongh, dewicithy borough, Vsodiey toeneh p, Eusaboth township, nankin] township, Pawn township, ON THOIISDA.Y, JUNE 2o . Second Ward, ,ritt botgb ; Bonnd lard, Lane's sty ; Writ lUssbotb sor.ugtt, Rog ros,s•ors n rough Elarsball tomoshlp, Ilarrinart tonsobtp, Sloop try o ship, Jefferson towns/11p, ON nil DAY, 3U 30. Pint proWricr, Third ward, Pittsburgh; liter pre cinct Third ward, Aiiegteuy ; Tsreut...m borough. bburstibutg bort ugh. rite toircehlp, North ra)ette to auutdp, tli 4n township, KIWI Deer township, ON riATUDDAY, JUNE rrs. Penrod prociliet, 'bird ward, Pittabargh; Beoond redact, Thud ..rd, Alleghtoy; Semtersuctvills rough, Duquette borough, Me sud.en township, .dians toisustilp, South Fayette township, Ver . Hite township, Ob MONDAY, JUNE Gen. Fourth word. /It:J.4rue'; Pint pzonct, Foutth 12:1t:S%,==251!I!!!! lUe borlugh, Hatoptort traroth p, Wien Deer to hip, itobloaoa torrusetp, Patton township, Obi TUESDAY, JUDE Ire. PI st product, firth ward, Pittsburgh ; Nomad Precloot. /Mirth ershl, Al egneoy ; West Paha; ugh bousegh, Alonovgabola huough, hi bland town ship, healer township, Upper ISL Clam township, Plum township. uN NESDAY, JUNK Fun. &sand prosiest Tata ward, Pit shush, Sixth Wud, Pittsburgh; south Pittsburgh; /Let pre eines, Binniughsta borough; hoe. toansh% was township !warden tosiuship, Pens township, ON TNUnsUsl, JUPS 9ea. Seventh aramd, Plttaburgh Etghtb ward. Mtn bo.gh 6e,nl Bamlnihena torangh Sect thrmlt glum noronyh, normaley lerClar. town•hlp. B. deft untruth p Nutt tp.. UN FnIDEY, JUNE la•n Binth card, Potslnitgl; Posers* township, CD tr tiers townsiop. On On I.wriship, WWIII. t pare fp, prnsi. ct Peniti. township, Collins turnip:hp Lower At Clair tontsslip. 011 BATURLAY, JUNE llut Eecond prtriact,.P.etnta zoirlubly; rat township Cowen% towns:tip; /Unfits tliwnship, ON IdOtiDAY, JUNE 13rw. Taxa cazi be pad at th• Treasures'. OtlSto within dirse months tram tbo dare fixed he OS %mop,. 41.tt tots, aubJeog to NOTE PER CENT,DiSCOUNT for ptumpt ipa.ot to .y potato paying the wh Ia acrooot of thole. t pita. m73:31:1 plithaDhLVl://A RFPUttn6, VOL. 4, Conta'nfmg the &clams pub.lahed is THE LEO 11, IWPILLIGIIIOCII, from 18W 1.61. Melodies. Price, T. nail, be m 73 KAY & 0 of, Wood Weal Ruukt erhat & Buffalo Cooper ToOla, JOB Tor alas by JAMES BOWN, 113=2:12221 WtilflMiUN'S cheep Sheara, for 8.310 by JAMBS BROWN. 'p. o. 136 Wood Strad. MOULDERS' 3 OULS, fur sale by Junta ROWW. W.WI Oa* BaJrK STaTE.VE.VTS BANK OF PITTSBURGH. Pirtssminu, May 2, 1884. MEANS. Lawn, WIN Mamas and 11. S. Certificates of Indebtoleuera.__ U. N. Bonds, 0 and T a•,O per Nod Forme wed Orotund Stocks and Mierellardoe...— Duo by other Danko. Bank Notes,Choeke d.Trean'y Notes. Specie. _...51,014,262 62 040,000 00 46,652 Is) 4,27 s 77 =6,24 69 000 679 CO 404 071 644 Cepitaltitock . Profits nod Samba.- Unpaid Dlviden. and Buirpons•Ael D. to other Banks ..... ...... Circulation-- Depoelte 3,624,9z0 60 The above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. J 01126 HARPED, Cubler. Sworn te 'and subscribed this 24 dayof Itay, 1884. 5. SUITIII , Notary Public. EXCILiN IL GE BANK OF PITTSICG Prrrestman. htay 4, MC • Loans.. Discount. Gold and Silver Gob O. 8 Legal Tender Note, I? a.... 305;400 00 Bolted Stoles Certificates, 0 $ ct.-. 1,142 000 00 Penallyloses Bonds ........ 00 pa. by other Bank. 1b7,7t0 76 Check.. end Votes of other 'Perdue and U. S. Lewd Tender Notes.-- now 24 Capital Stock. Nowarcalotion-- Du.-to other Haab Contingent Fund end Earning.-- 4C0,11.00 B 3 $1187,436 The ahem gatemen' is comet to the beet of my knowledge and bellef. H. DLllollll.&T,Cubler. A.ll2rMeel before me, Ode day. 0. H. ISRAEL, Notary Pobils. VirECHANICS BANK OF PITTS DIIII.GH. Peru.las, ILly 2, BEL LIABILITIES. I=I:ME Due to Depoettore.- Due to other Books. 0.8. Loans and Dlecotrn ts $ DS 086 0 U. 8. Oertificites, 6 per ....... 1,192,000 CO Trunry Noto acd Notes t Mute of other Danks.....-------... 110.20 26 Dos by other Beaks —.—. 69,816 21 EI,EINS Ole 02 The above etatement la Correct to the beet of my knowledge and ballet GEO. D. IinGIEW, Caehler. aware before me this 2d da7 of N.Y. 1844 . 1134hE W. KEN NEMO, Notary Public. IRON CITY BANK. Ptrremoroa, Nay P, 1861. 400,000 00 L 410.1 nag Diatomic • 47e.7.0 e 9 17: 8. end Pa; Bonds it Certlficatu... 689.600 00 Dopoeltref le. D. 0. BonTiassory.... 4E0,107 00 Deo by other Banks • 203,1e9 lon Temporary Loan to Governor of P. 2, 00 Note. and Cheeks of other Baas wod Tramury D. to otber.Bince:.--.: 903 863 16 ... 118,693 63 . 710,336 00 .. 6.913 40 i; m 1,615 85 The above determent la correct, according to the beet of ay knowledge and heifer. J. bi&GONITS, Cashier. Affirmed onto before trei thle day. B.; BMITII. Notare CITIZENS' BANE,. ar. 7 9,,1864. Loans sod 819,067 199,701 19 Notes sad Mocks of otgeHasks.... 111.015 00 Legs'lender N0te5......:.:._. .... .95,090 00 Muted SW*, 817.100 09 DS* Dom Banks sad Batten---- 93,197 07 On 879 00 Deoeo.- - 407,0:4 99 Dna to Banks sad MHO 16 The above statement la pomace . 10 ... the tat of my knowledge and belief. cao:.vaar DOEEN, Cubtat. Alffratol baton ono tblopf day of Mon Hai H. E.; DANIS; Notary RAM. A LLEGHENY BANK: Cap , Pggscruor, 21:y It, UM ag 600 . 01 : 0 00 Loons Lad gamuts— ' 1,119 9•P bit Duo by o th er 22,0i1 'to Nog* sod Clacks of toStri Secultko.kTganay•Notes... 144,4 g 00 WACO 10 • Obsgstlon... 917144 CO Dal to other Derk. 11,110,48 Dal to Deoogtori... X%784 LS • She ohm statomag Is 'oorroct, ocoorllng. to the boot'et. soy kortotlodis and bond. , 11% COOK, Guitar. liras mdi/x(o3i its tble_ a iy, , - 1.11=054 Mtn Pribllts. JrEW 41LO rERITSEJILEJrTH. MRS HENRY WARD BEECHER'S man who I=l Grover & Baker Onwer ef Bahr Ensir§g Madam Cornpasy Onniruntem—lt gi.C. me the Ererateat phew.e to add my testimony to the untie...lied excallendem of Groves d Baker's hewing Mad:fine. It is, In my opinion, he far the mart value!. • hf any I here Tbs:thoroiagh operation of It Is somtasey yed simple, and its unobtrusive and gales morements are very grateful to a west, heed. The wort whoa dove, M wonderful in Its strength. Mom than two. thirds of all toe miring done In my family for Ott Wt two years has been d ne by the Grover ft Bak. Elaelline, and I kayo toter bad a gement to rip wed mending..cpt those rents which mulles bur- will make whole e.• - •" - ,are .IL —Late ill itholo oath, and for them pl mcctuno has, I suppose. no tomody but . patch o dem. The seam on the tinder .:de, emetic:ma morn:ent re:l at objection to Oro. rs Baker. Machine, Is, I thing, only the evidence oil:mkt:HUl op 'ration. appnedatleg the euellencletof your Ma rble', am fatly as I have navel, I could give It no higher wain than the fact that when my only daoghter mutton I gave bee We long tried house. held Mend, depriving myself of Its vertices to light en her ant astrunption 0 , domestic dotlet. I can maoagenny madam, =atonable, but my daughter arm neyor gibing to um any but Otoyar Haltneg 1 kopo to be abla soon lo rend you a woll dewormd recommoodatlou from my timbal:o; meaner& Ile, It part of Ulla wl.l be of elle*. It In at tour tit.l,J. 'Faun, gratefully, bin. FL W. 13KCOBSE. BUY THE BEST-4. first clan Sewing Ilaebire—ons that has from its first to rn:42olllm to the p went ems, senaln ed au mirialide and world-side repot. Ilan; and desalts the buter opposition or lesbian rivals, for eleven years ham boon an:orded .eneh unmistakable est deo°, of publiu favor as to warrant to In terming it toe "NE PLUS OITIIA THE MOST Pori:Lew THE FAVORITE!! TUC VENT HIST! X VERT MAOIIINE WAILILLITTED 3 YEARS. Office, No. 18 FIFTH STREET A. F. CHATONEY, MOORHEAD ARTILLERY. HsAmmurnms AbrT. Osa . e. PNPLErrxre., 851•rlebar,, AprB '4, 1864 I=3 Otmositc-1 am directed by Gt. - craw Curtin to to. form ron tbat you ate autborized to roc,uit 01/lIINT Or user Y ASTIJeI,EhIf, agreeably tst eommunmatlon or orddr of the War Derartment, of 20th instant, from OrL Jame. B. Fry, Provost Ns, stud General, eat attested as clUcial by Thomas bt. Vincent, Assistant Adjutant General. Very mayectfolly, dc - - L IttISS£LL. Adjutant Otoefal of Ponuolvanla Under the shot* authority, the undextigned nig proceed at once to organize 1 Regiment cf &Ty Artil ety. Peron* enlisting to thie engine= ran - '11.f..41,11 [homages to the •übdittriot of their own choice, and such gob dlitrict will get credit therefor, ' thue guaranteeing the own the . . _ 111811iSt BOUNTIES and affordlni autAlatrieta the grastast facilities frr flibra thct quotas sattafacrorily. To each Ouropany there Will ba 1 Captain,' first Mantel:mots, 2 P•oond:Listrmanta, and la 7 non. cennati•dooned Oakani and vivaria. Po ouch opportunity may win offer to roan da atring to rrvo•thmir country in als favorite al= of tba aerates. - . Applicatiom Prom an* part of P•sumylvarals, for authorial to mmHg moo, mar ba addrarad to ma at H. rhbaarg or PlMA:rah ; tot am the tim. la Hula. ad, such applicsPorts mut ba mad. arlalmot delay. JOHN P. otAss, Colortel Ommoandhag. tooruitlag aloe. N. 63 TOM drank o‘a dour from tha Dbparch soyitif S . S. BRYAN, .VOTARY' IFUBLIC, NO. 59 FOURTH EITABET oma horn from 91. m. to 9 p. m. DESIRABLE.—Thera is nothing more &sizable atm s food bead of ham It is ovally *booked wad so early malted. ITe lITINNEN a. Tilit aocosapliob both; It causes hair to grow ow told head., sod provosts halt _front taboo off. Samoa. boyond dispute. Naha by all oolroot Drag- Oats. ovum JOHNSTON. Sots daost. 0.0 co toy 3 Corner Fourth and Balfthiteldstreets. 8500 R t . 1 3 0 A T t i nit or it . tlrt w be. • Idoblroen by way 0tr1G1,,5m1 , 1,15 dd, 7. unhand Wood moon, • packsis of MONEY, oottildning 113,000 In one bundrod duller to Gronobark, Th. above toward will be paid by 0101101 E DoBEIS, Ern., of the Mont Word, on the &divert rt the ww to biro, or touring It at the DISPATCH ICIIIL myt.St 411,14.1,500 CO =7,715 05 1,033 90 LEW 04 28,500 CO 1,015.{42 20 NOTICE -Letters testamentary with the sin am:nolo( B. Z. NAGOWIN, deo'd, have been panted to the underslaned All persons Indebted will please call at the ogles of 0. W. ROWS, No. 91 Diamond street, ;Ingham% and set tle, and all persons basing against de estate twat pleeaseend the agate properly entbenttea.ed. '70.911PH 011BIZN, 0, W. 11013, otP.3toeBter • Ears eft. Z. Ittneow , n. dead. TEE PHINIX IM3/3tl INSOBJUICE 00., OF BIIOO.KLYN, N. Y., Coital (Increased t0).—... with •tarp surplus. Yin and Inland Males Insurance. 8. 8. BBIAN, Pittsburgh Apot. og Fourth arose. $4.107.4 S 6-44 030,000 W. 1,9300 M CO: M 4,142 rt, 34,207 12 AMERICO . LIIII INDITBANOI CO. OP PaILADELPIRA • Aoo PolicylOn . ll;;OcTilio .. ..nifee' e74l27 8. B. rittsbnrgh/Iva , mei • 59 rocrth stnot. THE WASHINGTON INBINIANCIN CO., 01 NEW YORK, $968,03 00 23068 78 0,684 C 3 Capital and thirpina 45 lira ant Inland, Marino Inimnnab. B. S. EBYAN, Piti.barab davit, in 72 89 tenth street. $1,219,1,26 41 'WINDOW SHADES TT V Jost received • huge sari very fine war [meat Wholes of rielotte orlon and gees. WILL PARMA orpetteens and prime to salt everybody, mash; to to price feces 10 cute to 11,60 per role, of Na lai liederalecreet, Allegheny. ns32 . T. Z. IFAZZEIAti. FuRb'ITURE AT AUCTION—This TONeDaT NOUN'S°, Iffss,'o, at 10 o'click, at No. 2 4 Third street, between °rant sad hoes ate , sill bs sold, a qrant,ty of gamin:iv, embracing Bureaus, Tablas Omits, Balairsis, llairamos, Crib, Bastes. BUsO., Quassumare. Cook atoms to. T. a. gleOblebtAND. r WAN, PUMA T 13,1,1 OF YEAliti, on Bond, moored Itionroo, for account of tenor onfldrea,ZlOHT or lIINS THUM ND DOL. balm appl, ar TACILM OUTION WOHICP, emu, or at V WOOD aTaT4T, Pottrtuvab. apiTtw JOSIAH XING, On.rdfan. LEATHER AND INDIA- RUBBED DELTING—Tbe linen stoic In the city oo head mid for tale se low at con.be bought anywbere. eke one Ron, Par-Slog, Gage e, o n Una et the India Dubber Depot of " J. a H. PHILLIPS. twyS IS and 28 Ft Clete wed. 'AVIA OIL CLOiliti; of all widthi3 1: and pattern' mitt° salt any res, ban or room, and at prime that ws defy competition. Also labia all cloths traniparent green on cloth and window envies. For We wbolataa an 4 men at tn. indji, Robber Depot of J. I H. PEIILLIPSI, in 2 Broe. to dfa St IMAII MMliiiil N 0.183 LAOOOB 137811:11. AM/omq City snyt`ia Olt RENT—A tiriok w po. contiht l: :Weida. rooms , adjoins a Hamlet Boa township.. Fagot/sof .N. 31311311. • .1w No. 37 Fourth drat. TTNIVEKNAL l; cr. li• 12119—Ths best la us. sad sasisdas tam at the Tudfa Ltubba Depot, Er• 29 sad SS St. Chda swat: by lay 2 GREEN • • PLE/3-llniehels Green apple. rwelved sad trod 4 , 2 gint Matt Net AMIS. 24 Second Wed. A PPLN , BUITdI4-2 , bblo., a prime la. oracle br so.* 67 .auaeaes sass, Second stmt. AYithiTB • • D 11.1 1 :N . for sale by . k AMR, LSI :Bead stmt."' : • =bblx Letter !`.13," tar kiw to ekes caisignaist. ' • gIALUI kola a oo M:M=l ON THURSDAY EVENING NUMB IXD REID DRESSE' Ia angran (or tL> axtilloAlun ro Tbarsilay *wooing. EATON, MACKIN!! & CO., e UK =III Tho attention of the Ladhee 11 particularly called to our huge and eplendld Jacek c f NEW GOODS In addition to cur mud elteasive saaorttenOty they will end very pretty vtylea of Ladies' & hisses' Hats and Bonnets, in great variety, wad cheaper than ma generally void. Mao, SPRING , AND SUMMER BIPIORAL SIIRTS And a ren , chefea stock ta MZEINO AHD EL VESTS artd UNDEILOLBM Min, for ;C 17 . 4 g'M• 'MVXMTIr.rt :MM We hate also the anent end heat assorted stock of Floe Whits end 'Fleecy Thecae! Bidets as can be foe d to any ISurctlehlag Goode store. Also, Ladles' and Gent's Llm•n Cellars, Ttes, ecerfs, Gloves and Bnatery, Pocket Beoka, Porte Unmake and t mute, lspot Steel and Jet Pb. and Btssochea, Bebe and Belt Bocklo a, and a toll lbw of Tenanting and !army Goals, as cheap as the cheapest. sir Wltolasolo Booms op stab" and la basemssit General Agent. CLOAKS AND MANTLES, In every enj A handsome .took of NEW DRESS GOODS, CIIINIZES, ORGANDIES, Grenadines and Lawns, LILIEII AND COTTON GOODS, Wholesale and RetalL ALEX, BATES, 21 FIFTH STREET. AWN THIRD ARRIVAL I 7 - 311179 - GOODS (Uurb•i Bat!Mg J. M. BURCHFIELD'S Beautiful °Tumults's., Beautiful Blosumbiquea, Beautiful Panay Bilk. Plainjliaok Heavy II Whim Plain Silks, Buff Plaid and Main Silks, Buff Chintz, White Nalatooks and Hulls, Plate. and Berlped. Bled Eve Llama, eallsoes, el culla., blab Llnazes, sad Table Llneas. Thu stock .111 be Rend the largest and heaesem eat let thectty fun to covers department. • • ' MONDAY, APRIL 25ra. GUANO EXHIBITION Or SACQIIES, • CIECVLARS, BASQUINES, JACKETS. ALSO, NEW SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, The NIOUIST and CILEAPEEIT over offend hem at J. W. BARKER &"CO.'B, 'pH Oa. NI BASKET EIBEET. AT tempi. Bead ()Imp and Bead Buttons, AND OT111:11 HEW THIIHNINO The rant Sunlan Collar sad Cuff; elegan Point Gauss Iletto and Itasulkeretilirlti I. witted and flua L 111033 UMW& Laess, Gras- &dine and Crape V•Ils 0 Cambric in Hamburg 'tu=Up, In crest variety, at In prior ; deport Elomb sad Scarf Ribbon.; Bonnets, H. and Flow. Head Hats, of nary ESA* ; StaabVs. alum♦, Ooneta, limp Skirls and Spring Dabnorel MIAs. • 1411 lino of Alen , ' ranalahlag Goods always on band. L'sdfeP and Citifletron's Meng Uk end Oaase tradernati; LOW Whits Elul= Unde. • • • lam lima the material to mats amts. WtoWale Boom otadtt. Baden ha tbsclty and from the co. try will do well to look •S oar Mock batcro pu • Mg. .1110012 Tormerty with NFOR:: So. 111 Market BLreells Hum Dus totem lOU .took of EMBBOI. DERLES, TEIRMINO, THREAD Le ENGLISH and PREWNY CHASE. sad LINEN HANDELBOICITYS, OMITS PUBWHING GOODS : bad quality OQT. imam sod SILK UNDERGAR. GAILUENTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES; bed WHITE WIDE ,TEI LINEN std PAPER OOLLARS. BUTTONS, all Ids& ; SPOOL COTTON; &test stile BONNET RIBBONS, width ars *Strad to tbs trod.,tam of trholualosattittidLos tts sod ;Avenida for tab. MI=M STOM SadDEEI, EU& to ordnein2 abort ratich Ho. lor sem= sr, bonne* JIM sad Lautr pnROT GlTlGThtiiihrtage elairgest and 'best 14.7 Oka fa thotsi .p.n. 80119710116ificdAtrok DRY GOODS, Nc. IMMO==! Just Received MACRUM & GLYDR, Blitz Chintz, 4 II HORNE & CO., AND /9 NAUNET MINE nt,ID. Diaman. • Men= it 00. W. 5. DENNISON & CO., JOO. Ik-titan= SPECI4L_JrOTICES. u.LYOIirB KATHAIELON Lathshem It from the Greek word o llathro," e i e-L,,tbaire," Minifying to clown*, teptivenale and restore. nil ankle it what,lta clams •stnelltiec For peesarel og, restoring and beautifying the hems* bait It is the mast remarkable pregame/en In theyrorialt It to again owned and pot up by the originalpropriee tor, and le now made with the same cans, sk and at. tension which gem It a sate of over one million Wt. ilea per Imam. It 4 • moot delight:fat Bair Dreaming. It eradicate* emir! axed datedrat. It It one the bead coal and clean. It make. the Lair rich. .on and gleamy. It prevents the hair felling off and turning gray. It restore. hair upon bold heeds. Any lady or gentleman who value. a bwardlinl head of hair should use Lyon's Esthairo. It Is khans and cued throughout the civilized world. Sold by all rospectabLe dealer.. DIMAS 8. BS/111U a Cu., Now VOL MIIIMSTRILEPS Inimitable Hair Restorative, NOT A DYE, but tenon. gray hair to No original color, by enpplybu the capillary tubes with natural onstanattoo, impaired by ago or abeam. Mesa.- wee dgee aro compoed of lame mealy destroying the iitality and Nerdy of the heir, and ord of them. Mee Ao dresalag. Halmetreet'alnimitable Ooldring not only restores hate to IL natural odor by an may proem, but g!ves the Nair • MTN - Lomarteust Beeman otes Ite growth, presents Its Idling oft, intimate drat!, and impute health and pleasant:am tb the matt It has stood the test of time, being the original tart:blaring, and U constantly tucresams U Imo, had by both gentlemen and ladies. It Le w.,1 by all espentable denten', moan be grommet by them or the momerslal agenM, D. S. Bala hES I CO , 2L25t0.4. my, Seer York. Tem sines, 50 ants and gl. ILiGAME4 MAGNOLIA BALM. This la the mod delight ni and estraonlinary arti cle ever dimomred. lt changes the em-burnt ace and haada to a pearly satin texture; of ravtahing Waco ty, impairing the marble parity of youth, and tha olis appearance aro kill ging tia the city balk of fash ion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples snd routtlup-a• [tom Moab; leaving the complexion ftah, transpa rent and *moth. It contahis no material injariom to the skin. Patronized by Actremre and Opera Ohm era. It is what mem lady should ham. Bold every where.' Prepared by W. Z. RAGAII, Troy, N. T. Lubires all orders to DEXAB E. Besxxseao., New TOTk. MEXTCAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. The parties In St. Louis and Cincinnati, who have been oounterfelting the Mustang Liniment tinder pretense of propriennahip. hsse been thorottghly staged by the tiotsth To guard against farther patties. I hoes procured tram the United States Treasury • private steel.pSte revenue Swap, which t. planed over the top of sob bottle. Each stamp bean the few azoit• of my signature, and without which the article is • ommterfelti dangerous and worthies imitation. Examine er 1. bout. Tlds Liniment Mu been In use and l In (gran for 1:6•117 loan. There hardly exists. hamlet on the habitable globe that does not cos Mu side.* of its wonderful effect.. Its the best emu tent In the world. With its present Improved Ingredleeta, Its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sorel are healed, pains relieved, Ilse eased, valuable anbeisis made maid, and untold Ills semurei. For cat; bruins, *rains, rheumatism. re ellinga, bites. SM. caked breasts, stredned horses, be. it Is • Sovereign Remedy that ehonldhot bediszemesi with. It should be to every family. Sold by Druggist.. D. 8. DAIINZII, Dow York. O ,, TRE ABOVE ARTICLES 708 SASE BY SIMON JOHNSTON.. Conmsz of llngthentd and roarth street, aw. eceeau, ate =bait Vas ) 9*•( " 1 "11:..P"ITTEiB ITRGH SAW WO/Uri HUBBARDS & LONG, Kanufacturen of PATENT GROUND CIRCU LARS, warranted OAST Ersa. SAWS, of erera demripthnt ; NM. Malay, Cross Gott, Glum and all other varieties. All kind. of KNIVES dt SPRINGS, made from Sheet Out Stool; Extra Refined REAP. ER AND MOWING, KNIVES, do. Warehouse sad Works, oar. WATER A SHORT STS , MUM:nazi.. Particular attention gismo to Retoothing, Gumming and Straightening Oiroular Sawa ; also regain of all kindle. Pm:toting and Drilling done at ressonabli rats. stabay. O.DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS; szatreuL, WILTIARY SEXIILL iillIPSEILS—aaw and reliable treatreemb—la Deports albs Howard dsaarlatloa. font by anti la sealed letter envelope, Ave of charge. Address D. I.lilErl. LIN EIIiIIGHTON, Howard Association, No. 11 South Sloth street, Pbflaielphia, Pa. oalMbly PHOTOGRAPH ALBMIS, 606 PENS, S T ALT I 0 NM Rir, Of every description 13:33=1E1 BLANK BOOK WORK Inmented neatly and at short nottse. Chose Men, Checker Boards, Pen-lmives, Propelling Pencils, Indelible Ink, Ink Shade, &o. Oriental Note Paper, Envelopes PINS YUSECII NOT& PAYED, POCKET BOOKS, MSS, 11100ELIGE, and Counting-House Stag diraery NYBRO, BOROVIR & CO., 39 EWA Street. RELICS AND TROPHIES. "OLD CURIOSITY SHOP;" The aid and cs.opention of the pahlotin people of Welt.= Pennsylvania and Itestern Ohio, is here t7 repeated, in making the shore named depart most of the coming Pittsburgh Sanitary Poi:equal ly a =edit and amends. Numerous reliant:ld trogblis of tbe preeent war, of the Belt= war, war of 1812, Indian and Bardutlenarst wary cruiesitas connected with the early settlement of our region, or with events and men prominent In our history, coded ties of epry ducrlptlen are stored away in private :6. ceptaolle,uld may, If borogbt together, render the "OLD ClaTIOSPlifIllOP" not the least or the at. tnetions of the Weir.. The committee therefore oak that all who are willing la help along the good came, would mend in oath articles of the above de scription "a they may hare, or can procure from When, or notify the committee where they con be &and. Article. donated will be dieposed of ea the donors may direct, or under the direction of the . Ittecntive Committee. But articles merely Faced on =Whalen, receipted for by my.member of the committee, coal ho oestykileserwerted and reseed. A letter shatild occempluoy each settle safely Its =lsla, history, etc-end if ft be docalat, Po vales. Glee orerything you can, end head us the rest. On bettaff of the easoooltteo, JOS.& monarsor, chairman Glzezoi 11. Cris tn. Essltiiry. Argots. ofthei doi4tod, or left forerlibltlon, as to loft w4II, or addrea4 d to eltbor of, the, following sortatas of IN, eozniolttae: - W. D. Ii'DOWAS,F•ey Zz. Oa, • - • adVatrest.. Pittxb'g. au. us: nsca,: corner tat and Ono! suede. • - "Di. J110:1 ICIEtiOS, cceseePetut awl Mad strata. r. D.RIDDLD; = ' • ."' Pottakce, --/!,F3relDrDmit • Int ./4' . • SPECIAL .NOTICES. ODROBERSON, REA & CO., (no- moors to /Immo, btroto a Itruamaj WaSHING lON worms, ronn.... a IlAcorromo. Pittob.Bl,- lia.foettuers oF BOAT AND STATIONEBT STEAM ENGINES, BLAST• MiGINIG3, HELL 1 1ACIIINKET, GrABING, SHAFTING, OAST INDS, of all descripticras ; OIL TANKS A STILLS BOILER AND SHE= [BON HOBE.. Agent. ISn GIFFAILD'S PATENT INJECTOR. FOR TERDINO 'BOILERS. LABS SUPERIOR COPPER HILL & 13.11ZINING WOIIKI3, Prrtursalt. 'PARK, McCURDY & CO., MansfActarvt4 of SHEATHING, ORAYIERS• AND EOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOM, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, 4PALTER SOLDER. Also, Importers and Aorotra IA lIIE.:ALS, TEN PLATE.. MEET IRON, WI RE, ac. Osastantly hand. TINKERS• MACHINES AND TOOLS. lisrebonoo, No. 140 E 1 UST S Lal SECOND STS.. Pittaburgh, 144. tipettial order of mapper oat to say &sired pat tern. royntilydaser o.l'o NERVOUS SUFFERERg OF BOTH EISIES.—A reverend gentleman loor. Ing been rentored to health Ina tow dam after un dergoing on the usual routine nod Irregular .pott dm mode of trentmont. without eaorrss, 0004d= It his ancred duty to communicate to his aftlictal Wen mature, the mu= Of care. Ilona,. on the receipt of an addressed envelope, ho uill sendaree, a copy o! the preecriptimi used. Direct to Dr. JOBB H. DAGNALL, ISO Fulton street, H. Y. eihtlilydetsq O.TEIT coNFEssias s AND EX PERI-ENOS OF AN ID - VA LID, publlshad for the benefit and an a warzlogead carftlort to young men who suer Onus Aerrom Debility, Precostrus Navy of Alanhowd, etc., supplying, at the same time, Os new et sett awe. By one who has cured himself after being put to great expense and injury through medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing a past-paid addrworA envelope, single copies may be hod of the anthem, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq. my2l:lydaleY Bedford. Nlng - • eee2 . 33tY. N. LA BELIE STEEL WOBRO. REITER & CO., Bata:Quota to Better, Bons. A 00., miondhoterors of OAST STEEL, SPRING, PLOW AND ELLETT-11 ST EEL ; SP FLINGS, AXLES, ( BOW BALES, An. Worko, TIEST WARD, Alloghooy City, P. O. PITTSEMIGII Po WBABRVART'I3 TROCHES, FOR the cure of Roarseoree,fTbrost Theaseee amspeclally recommended- tokifolater.. Ehnen mod perione whose voestbdi cart therm to gall to pub. Be. Illanotnetared only by C.A. BANSi VAST A CO., trarrtaberg, P., to whom ell orders should he er.l• domed. zerSold by Druggists everywhere. - .JOBS COCHRAN' &BRO., Man- I:anal:wen of IRON RAILING, IKON VAULTS AND TA ULT DOORS, WINDOW SHUT: TERS, WINDOW GUARDS, Ao., Noe. 91 SECOND and Ed THIRD STREET, bet. Wand and Market. Have on band arortoty of now Patterns, fancy and sin, suitable for all parbceee. Particular attention paid to enclosing Groom Lot.. Jobbing done At abort natl.. ♦n9 H0L1428 & BONS., DBALIIRS FOBEIGN AND noniron() BILLS 07 EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, BANK NOTES AND SPECIE, No. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. oar Col octio. mush on all the pCnctpal sittos throughout tbo tfulted States. syZI 170.10EITICY B. COLLIN% Foam-Arm ING AND 001.4MI8SION 1111/.IIOHANT sad wholesale &dor Ies.SMIEGE, BUM= . B k:WDB FISH. sad prodeee morally, No. 25 WOOD T. Pittehortrh. P. chol WHEELER hAVILSONT3 ELMILEST Twormi LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES TEE =ATM BIELPLINT AIM BEST. Prkrepal (1,11,m and ITholonalo Emporium, No. 27 FIFTH ST., Threo door, trol,nr Emakßlock. WK. Immo. a VC3Tritil EBX MI. fol.s:acealrP 1864. AP " __ 1864. Wall Paper for Spring Trade. MIDI) IMAM - PM GOLD, for Parton. IMITATION for Cbrizober., A variety et °beep GOLD, SATIN & ',NOLA MCI WALL PAPS!' GLAZSD AND TINGLAZZE GREEN BONA BLED, MOOED WINDOW , fI igk A L D L f: A., to a Emme ll " of whicf " ste al.eirtlat riced and lkspectlon of km:makeover...4 mbar. is respectitaly eqaested. at the Wall Paper Ware/we...4 No 91 Wood street, between Swarth wad Tina, .mood door below DLeascmd alley THOMAS PALMED.. An extelmive aroortateut of Gold Bovered Treas. tr nt Line g: l l d° l4 " THOrIAS . PALMIg. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE.—Tho follawirg properly of NTLSON 0 5A1.P011r.4., dammed, lb be volt on the swab. by order of Orphsoi Court, H. OATIPBT ed• ministrator. on THIIRSDaT, dley .2, at 10 o'cl.eir., 41 sews adJobeiag the town a Perryroille. Hors tont:whip, bounded met by Alletbeny and Perrys• Title lankroad; andh by lint of Wm. Rea; awn by John' Doses north by H. Good . Will be told At • oaelot, or divided, ft dnirtd by purchasers. Ahm, one, lot, Na. 2,1 n Perrysville opposite &ben ensi 141 fort On WHAT, May 13th, at two leek, In the elqiof Allegheny, too lot fronting on 111ddlt. &ime by 1110 feet en Gay Why, with leer frame &allings and at abloa, at pr ment tempted by Jamas Canipbell, as a tavern. Mao, two Lta. Nt. 104 and , 105 In B.onicony property. wontlitg math 22 and It 3 Ehyrki n am e n pr, by ltA frot•o Ho oboß street Terms one.thlrd rash, talane•lnl2 and, le month. ,witt. interest. A. I.EOGATE, nuetttneer. ap2o.lagrd3or ;VLAGS FOR THE .SANITAR Y FAIR. All Indleone,Soeletliaand othe. leaving FLAGS, :aril requested to lend them to the rA ISA FIT %ALB Inrl 3 .l.ear or decoration In the Tallow bonding". 'ntansnmenta have tam made with klr. Jahn W. , Pal,ck, on Fifth street, to receive them. Be lOU 'OO proper rettlyt, and mark them, .o that they .eta be rectalmed after the Fah% If dadred. o, If the 11/title. nil It to mat Mote them for the Mast of the Sitiltary Comtandon,the receipt mei Indlnate tha 1 and thentante or thodonot- It Le deetrablothat they /legs b• lent 15 a. non e. itititale, so that thosemedmg It nmq be leaned. .Td.IILYS ELILLia, ad29l2er Chaim/in of Oommittenna • . yOl3 CAN 'ALWAYS PriOCITRE • &Metlntfba Watarnad iodine Water. Bunsen's Ootoatee and final..., LalnVe Bloom of Ynoth. Honan'e Hagman phony • Holloware PM. and tdotairot, Alta Allem', Hair Blaterer andZylobalsamum, Helmtald a Botha and Samoa:ma, Lindsey 's Unproved Blood *archer. Hllton'eLmluble Cement,' Blot Toilet Bonne and Perfume, ' Daly Braises, liaLl.Brenhae ' Tooth nnwhee, Ugh, Central Drag Stara. tinny: Oldo and Bede al Mae % la Markt t Holum; Allegheny. .411 • ago e. - arum it 00. MOTICE—STOVEN.-Coupons of .1:11 Bonds: $7O. Non. 2461, 21;11. 2401,111E4.2183: Ibrsi UM, Non 10,3:12; 10AS, 50,254; .Zlsro if:0 ; Ha. 02t6, rani Musa $lOO7, lsos. 21 03.070, W . ,[!:9; Itt" Coupo¢s;bt.r date ymrhos aim. • - parson _rostorto tits Costosts o: saring inch Information as •10 It'd - to the es:action of the We, sppb liberally raorssood , by ISAIAH DICKER CO Wator street. PitINTSHEI. PRESSES FOR SALE. :ONE vow rem= runs, putt= rani A l i fAtton. 617.1271;Zit. bed 33. zo wan. * TATLOB DOUBLE CYLINDER, bed Via 33 bee,. , ellb la void *lrking cedar. b• •ald at • bar. On. Earn or addeen) i•pllktf • ad. telTE.Plttsbunk, 216 VOTIOE L za iItiLIZERST r .. ,wt :win be melted at BISSELL 400 E, I tb et. 4 meet, artere llama sae a/wigwams ms bete. tea artattos, the PITESSEESEL bilte.LE =lb VAB011." cb,at. 129 Let wan. Saber- Mb aria b, entertained far alai nape. eerpeoer . ArOk awl moot.ozotprovar.o.: -au to to, bat op ILO lebreder t:be atmarai, auperintebbnak UWE- StesSay, t Ray cart, i • a. EIBYYLL, pron. itis—Tbe KJ , Sommer Tenn ottbla institution will woman co on AGENDA; lily leSt r A limited : eumter of it Ladles wN be readred . Louden fa the. faintly f the PrincipeL- telhunetion &WI tur:.. Waked cda o the zweeniees, a Ztertea Ihunet;ot .. t ~ A 1 1 1131!t#44 4 ,_ and W. a 134=0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers