• , - - I=ua, gasintrifit 6azetitt, PUBLISHED BY 111.11 ,Gligni UMW IVOCIAIIO3 SELHI3 OF THE GAZETTE. deism iterrunt;by man, per year...l4S of To. * sitalo copaa----. a. , Tarminia coinna, by =ti t I 60. 11). ;. • 2122.10 geitIlLVF BDITtCM, singilsoopkwfaii year— - 212b2 dr 2, tolo, Slabs 0110 ortion " IZ. end one ;lire to the iutr tenking dab. far a 4 010 pf Ztorn,sre still nod tbs. Ev=sino d1..;3 . 01 . it- club el twenty, ere ittlll sand -te nontecso Oszerrs daily; g adsSto copies. 5 centi. Air 611 sabot:tip:bow aridly oass, and papers strait slopped when ths erne ctptrts. The Reading Matter on this Page is= from Saturday's Evening Edition; Yet:nevem' dips put public -,expectation • hat - been. on the stretch. The facts reported .....rarpectinemilitary movements and prepare tions„ thou& of Obtains diminished by the pro hibitions of the authorities at Virashington.to the irualleit 'possible quaerein, ettli have sta gged to indicate that the bourne longpatient fy avalted b -the nation most 'strike Seri: very soon.' We think the molt significant intimation:— may tt convey nothingtattie Rebel/ that Genic etallatent woild not hoio them knoii! - --thit 'l=4a come to swot fhe irmainencsi of some • Mon slued it Richmond, is found in the. eet repOited en, Earache", that the French ships Which had ascended the James River to - CiryPoint, to receive. tobacco helonlitig to the Fronsb Government, were entered baek to SortrUs Monroe for reasons which hare been - laid :before the Preach ambassador suid erbloli he is Natisfrid" . with, "knowing theta to be antliclent." • This sure* , proVUthatriometbing may hap :- reAo l d t re e w b Zl _ before ttr t e h lbbLyTot such to take in their cargoes.. j Tie Tax on WILLAY. No doubt it was right in the noun to try once and again to Make the Whisky specula tors pay airy for the stooks they hold; but niter trying once and again and finding the Senate._ persistently rejecting so jut and equitable *Trent:ation—rejecting in the ob viou Interest of a sot of lobbying knaves the righteousdentands pf the nation, that this pablio interest be held paramount by its leg islators to evel other interest:end that, the public treasury be replenishad„ even if the anticipated gains of snecuLttoni ands the platy:trio condition of their wallets should be very_ setiOnsly, and (we are cruel enough to add) gtiekously interfered with—we tines- thus whether the House had not better desist, and leave the responsibility of playing into the hand: Wale Whisky speculator, where it tenly-ledengs,:with the Senate: *auction of &Stelae in making this nova- atteMptto seenre tilts tag of the 'took on hand for the Treeing,. shall only have the ultimate effect of dehtylng the whole tax bill for some weeks longer, morey.Willbe loot- then gained — and we fur this wilt;he the caso. A Washington dispatch to this N. Y. Tradine says : - The vote by which the House taxed thei stoek of whisky on hand was most unexpect ed. It caught Insulators here on the ground in the very act of increasing their PFtgh26 l3 o= l'hey grip their hold though, thus early, very. light upon what they have landed themselves with, confident that the Senate will disagree with the 'louse on principle not only, but in mensisteney witk its former votes. The N. Y. Tribune on the President , . Letter to Col. Bodges.- We doubt not that oar readers will be in terested in the following criticism of the President's letter to Col. Hodges, which we published a few days ago. We presume the article is from the pen of Mr. Greeley: The President Le not generally esteemed e man of signal ability; yet he has no adviser, and (since Jefferson) has had no predecessor, mho surpassed him in that [rare quality, the ability to snake a statementUrideb appeals , at once, and irresistibly, to the popular apprehen sion—what we may the 'shrewdly homely way of "putting things." As we are lsnown not to'fivor ranominatio' ta, J . udwe cannot be blinded by partiality 111, our gment that 'few men 'have . ever lived who mold have better explained and commended hi. course and attitude :with regard to slavery then he has done 'in his late letter to. Mr. Hodges of Kentucky. We consider that.. amine, th ati attitude, open to criticism; • but note,but a besotted partisan rem fail to see diet both itehosiestiy . and candidly Mt' forth 'in; the litter to Hodge; and that who! Orel' eliargexthe President w ith being impel. led by ofseatlehm"' belts edictal notion rerl, pewter slavery moat 'tie - aphid the clearest tire:•,do not favo r . the' drifting policy Mr.LiecolnLaspurated::-weareeimidenttha t thme- Lea:higher and=better.s.hot it has some recommendationg and among them this--tbet: as many are in precisely the, same es'egory with: the Presldent--haviog been driven by their Patriotism into *position of, .active hoe tility to ',Lavery, in spite of their ..",wa wisher', and efforts — that , - they will accept leiter as a vindication not leas ef 'their Gen coars e ) thee of his, and will 'Hirai:dm the'better tor, his•admtrable statemenier e3llViaii4S which they already felt. as deeply es be did; but could not so happily and forcibly express. His 'paragraph beginninV "I am zately and-slavery," is most terse end convincing presentment of whit are to•day the faith and feeling's! a majorityuf the. American people:' After • long paragraph relating to ' what the President gays of.the Constitlitious *Mal the writer regards as the best Portion - istilds. hitter. - and smother, equally loag,•contrevett-' tog the President's • Simons far :annulling fletiltrilt.P.ftment's polley'af 71101114 amen-. cipation in Himont., the article concludes es follows : ' *.batthe President says of the 'ldilleary expediency of Emancipation and of Arming the .11ia . oks, is ineonnevertable. : Therein ao - mesi.ad of add in g worL Ile Is simply and lagennetialyloValiditruth when. he says,.t. clidee'notte have Conteslled.ovents, hut con fire that. events hem etnitt?'''''. Had he only _ been a more &Mlle their teaching and prompt to' Sp preheat :their" bekringi!'ahould - have beenatived mazy disarteni end 'there'd pre. elcusrblooL May we not. hope that, with M t: • gstirfrldillatirdeiof solcilint who ham saireaderwl,and other quintet - Ls ef3heear., •be learned something/COI the ;h sore expatiates of thepas4 'aid' imitate the mate fidilitrof-the prophet Jonah Witting waiting the discipline of .that .prophot's ukilia*.seirtiraff co. to.qtrichea his inclination? dam Trent ..00TMAItinlies gensini,nmerienn Cenral 'at Vans, met to lb% Department of iigrieransra etc i W cemnianiestion upon: , ma. _• J Araantifictares from the hirsim of- DUO I 40 ntailahlmgeimuhle, Anemia, 'The en. c rile appears :to lune beam sicebssfat he; c the most sanguine expectations , Anion th artienfactured frossi the finsk4bie _ Assn; piper:staff, linen drillinge; oit dow :kart:Au; - firo.backsis, tar•corere, lattereinetopes,' flower paper, cigarette pa per!) and photographic) parchment paper. The 1111110 6011 tat appear to le of Ana -texture, but is adapted for 61100=02 purposes, Alkyl taisto toottire,heoi7 and yen Strang. 1 1, 0/ 31 44isk paper Is sord at Vienna cap _ rice' made from rage, end Ls said to be:egrial. to the ftnest /Loon paper. . Far timing and: doming papas 'lt Is '.11114 Labe Weaker to the aitlele now in nee: Alined • Vititsige, the honk.fibre" produces the guest kinds of fancy paper. The cost el the mad-, --("taatilyear -at the- Imperial"Mitie - a BehlageTahin4ii:273,TiOttaxins; Ana the ..means Ot - tbe product 579,000 dabs, visaing a• of 108,220 flosiosoT, 18 : x•2 Per coot. ''te r n litaitelorator to.; be built this sunnier. in' maltukow . Tio Uri Moe bizataq-Abie foootting,..34l/risiltltriittig, g ull *" vitt 40200 boar taking otos litlisistntioltYlot . ~• THE DAILY The Army Batton. - - The ocuunimPtion cad route of food by oar army Is enormous, and the transportatien of the immense supplies needed for its support is one' of the`rma! &Modelesand labors of the War Department. Prof. lionford, of liarvard University, has endeavored to apply science to the preparation of soldicrs'rations, so , astO SeCureticonomy, greater portability and' mote whisloonie food. The present marching ration weighs from thirty-two to forty ounces and occupies one hundred cubic inches. Thil may be reduced by the modifl• cations proposed, to thirteen or sixteen ounces, and Um bulk not exceed thirty.five cubic inches. In a pamphlet jest published be re commends as a substitute for hard biscuit and fresh..meat a ration of roasted wheat cod' sausage - meat': The use of sausage meat, prppared near where the cattle Is supplied, would save all the wastage and shrinking tensed `by driving the cattle to the army. the , condition and more wholesome than when killed afters long journey. All the useful partsof the animal could be used without :any vaste. This la, Irtrurrchingrationiand to toe morsel, the roast- 1 wheatanfilansige May be eaten. There would be no longer the preparation every few days of the ration of boiled beef, or raw pork and hard bread, only to teem= unpalatable and then thrown away. There would be no waste of atteittla tmmalairtation, eincti the weight bulk of - the ration would have been redured to a minimum, and the articles of diet admit of being packed with the least , waste of space A self- raising dour may also be prepared ;by int:operetta g bicarbonate of 'soda and pulverutent acid phosphate et lime with truer, and then mixing with water to a dough. Bach dough may even be wrapped in wet paper or leaver, and baited* in the ashen, and the soldier bet provided with fresh bread of a WbOitISOSIOASZICter. 'lns proposed, modifications in- the ration , would reduce the cenetsurption of dour from' mai , hatf teitwaskirds, with increased comfort and profit toile men, taxing , of transports- troll tktlie GOVerilinent;:tind or raw material I tils,eountri— They:would redoes enor mouldy the consuniption et cattle with advan tage to the soldier, saving to the Government in money, and of cattle to the country. They !tumid, in great degree, prevent the loss of one-third of the total commissary sundial now sacrideed in the marching ration. The weight ' , of the day's marching ration might be reduced 6°12113 to 16 ounces, in piece of the present Wien of from 32 to 40 ounces; and in bulk to $0 cubic inches, in placa of the present 100 cubic inches, without any diminution of the nutritive value. Twenty days' rations of the , proposed sappy may be . more easily carried then the present eight days' rations. Finally, the proposed ration would increase the mobil. tty of the army, &Adle/A time." . - • !• 11 . CoLona9ireocroao.—lfe senthat there is s; pretty general dhpositiontnatdfestlng itself throughout the country, to acquiesce in Dr. BNakipTtdfle..l opinion (thank Colonel Wool ford, who made use of such Improper and In• sibordiula poems in hie speech at Lex ington, Ny., some weeks ago. Dr. Breckin., rldge belieres that as be Ls really altrave,and meritorious Kamer in the field, though a vary fiblish talker end an absurd politician, be onght:moa.haie been dist:Mired the services but sent eft to Ms regiment after a gOod round rating for the unseemly offences of his uncov siiiable tongue end temper. As an [lntense of the more lenient slew that ts„ now taken of his 'case, 'we quote the following irom the N. Y. COremereini Advertiser : A Louisville despatch states that Colonel Woolford, of Kentucky, who was dismissed the service f0r,.." language .unbecoming ofilseil l has been 'Wtatrast that this announcement till prove true Though ColonePWOolford Moduli. of ;stab and vie- I lent language toward the President in his Lexington speochifdr. Lincoln,. In view of IIL gallant service tot the Union could very properly - Atielrid the order of • dismissal, and extend to.im ; the olomenoy Atm to an. old soldier of the republic. Some days since all .14. the ;Alien of Colonel Woolfores Tee:seal united-in i ' .petition praying the President not to hold their col onel responsible for lan vase need in moment of pander., but to take into considera(lon bie great worth to the sot - When hematitic' commemced,Col. Woolford - lookit bad:decided 'stand for the Union in Kontnekv,and though hie head was whitened over with the frosts of many winters, ho vol unteered in the Federal cause, and has since measured 'swords with the enemy on many battle fields. live times has be been wound ed when leading his men on a charge, and had six horses shot from under him. When Morgan invaded Obi* last year, Cul. Woolford panned him with ail the energy of • youth, and finally captured the outlaw with a portion of his bind, Surely, such eminent services ehauldnot be cancelled by &few hasty expressions - , dropped toa' moment of excite • meat. Col. Wolford - annotincedln a speech. • few days since, , that if be wasnotroinstated he should enlist as a private ; if not accepted in that capacity, he would return home and fight the guerillas on life "own hook:" We observe by our report of the poagres- 1 lllona PrOO/Sabogi:Xtst the : Hari. ific Norris; , Of New 'York, has proposed to the Senate a I very important measure, In the form of a resolatioa, recommending to the several State 'GovernMentale have a moms' Win In their respective States in the year 1885, upon the 'plan of the Federal comma, coupled with the 'proposition that, to order to facilitate the :work and give uniformity to It, the Govern- Mont ; eupply the:States . srith, the "no canary: aoliidules vstid..inittinctlons, and farther t• at She Go'vernment be supplied with copies of the original returns. Such a measure, if oar 'tied through Congresp, and.rsdopted hy the Statist, will, it seems to as, be Ono of a benifl Cent and highly important nature, as It will furnish a atatletical.. reaord. of ; deep inter het to &aired& %Nut acenetts tithes at the Present ti me Is still more Important, to view Of the great public debt, to Impart oonadence, pt !Clime and abroad; in - tbe abundant resoar, toe of the country, and establish by facts its ability to meat the immense liabilities gond. denly and unexpectedly thrown upon IL And the moral effeeta of the war upon our people, Ind its regatta on thepopuiation of the coun try watch the 'census would disclose, are hardly secondary to the-other more primary isonsiderations. So important, indeed, does Insomnia seem to nithat we feel confident I if the scheme ahokild appear too di ffi cult of imoompliehment by the States the country woutlnhaerfally encounter the e — XPease ofan :Inteliniediala adrenal Callan tor the tingle retire of its statistics In inspiring confidence in the suabstantiat wealthAg the notion, • ' . 1 A VALI:(3IM 1111 , 10931111111 . 13 NAIL Car ina has Just been applied to, one of Lbo 420 insabfues .of diet -Proiridenie Trin Co. of India street, by the inventor, Mr. Jobn ' Gould, of-, Boontoncliew. Jertiey, It eon ! elite of a self f-..ling . apparatus, which is eie. ingeniously ~ ranged, that it performs eiroirpfrit of ItW laborreepired Orit, with 1110TetoenlI BO natural and perfect, that it recommends itself to all lovers of mechan ical bkill,L and would well repay it That to the works. Daring the week that It has been b in operation here, It hu been visited e .y a large number 'Of mechanics and nail ep, who hire without an exception pro nouncedit the best thing of the kind that bits ever been Spplied to 1 nail =take. We understand that a number of the lead big manufacturers, are aboubeo plat It itito general litld — Ps eaidefice J o urnal ~a L - _ .. ' 'einfienient iris orind Clare lead Sew days age, byo the ac i c e idental dll ixivery of a large amount of Madan coin In instal." ohannel; at b point' wheretaillieen arse engaged in deepening tt. Qn Wangs onthe eats woo fond to neontsrfolt, taxi:seen buried 'by torso's years ago. The nitdof - h4 1 FV4 1,141 /. tr e !F" UnhaP ;eartAllt lasrontoOtating 'arrocgicWson Wins of 13. inch borei - at; the DaLitootor Worker, af.tho' -Pat Tbhiaerah street, Notch Aver, for the stostabra Pot tor and Pollan- The -golld 4b0y.,0r0 to throw will weigh 278 pionds, an , 3 the shell tl3 ponnds. - : t Tam Government cavalry &paid Of, Lois is en toneentti establishment. .dinoe October lest 17,548 r hoe betsparehisedits lB d mob, tnAin an intlay :of over .szApp,9oo, and the t a for -the ealmale niltabfr °Tar 7,000. Thenumber of. borate non; mimed 1700. A , mails- - Ottostnsollonls attif:hed.ti - TRIM are at presents tarenty.three days r Mocked proisiana:malurstd - anehettineasei I end: twentflt.:444l*.letltneivilietitand diaildli3W-IVlnsr ,llllll 7 es's! supply et -:!fitri Lesile's bath paints httlfsentet 1110.=. The ean , Coo Mill Sine for Iliy:*bas been remised, by Uri non supply the 'my, and aeonundste Saltine Near, Miner, Nos. Ti and 73 NMI street. per mut. - pas number is fall of interest to the ladies. -_i3x ~-` ~ ` -- t~ ". ~~ Ti T ~ tl r ~v ~~ 1 ~.~.'~tie - ~~ Y~ t ~a F A2.:,~v,.y ~iwa:<`a2.~ :.rE<c 'w" :..,..$). ~ ~,.,c...~. •~e..r•,y.~:u CrlY AND SSTBUBBAN Arrivals and Dep Arrive.. .BalCro fixe5...12455 p m Phila. do .... 1:20 p m fast Line 1:30 • m Thro' 1:00 • m John:Wu Acno'n.lo4s • cm Mt Well shin_ AS • rn 2d do ... a in Sd du ... 1:55 p m. dot—k Odo p m B Wall Elation hon Sunday) :45pm. l'Arat • (=C.o. APP.rt. Anima. Put Lino...—. 1:45 • ml Chicago &ay's.. 220 • m Express —.—... p m Phila. do hie p m NMI C3O a mlein'tl do 7.50 p m Alliance Acca'n. 215 p 790 p m Th. New Brighton Accommodation lent* Alin ghß Station at. la i 5 • m,12:05 in, 4:30 p tn, 5:40 p to. ny eaming, harm New Brighton Stotler, at 6:50 m, 7:00 a m,12:30 p co, and 290, m. Thro' &SO a co Thro • Mall-- 2:50 s m Thro' Esprots— 4:25 p m Cut 5:35 p Jobast'a Acta'o 3:00 p m led ntat'a— 4:30 a m td do —11:50 • m ad do .. S5O p ort el13:GO I Th. Church Train limo at 9:05 a mi return. at 1" 7;55 • m 3 : 00 P t WEempan.ll: oo • m 2d 4o . &IS p m NM. Pert, --.. 7 . .00 • m 1tradda1e1........ 4 : 15 m Th. smith, Thao P at ittalp m, sad enlace at • ALLlAltill Amara. TM • m Pzmem... &0 0 ccommaded. 1:00 p m 1:4.5 p m • 71 • m Steubenville—. 5:00 • m 01evelatid„—... 1:4.5 • ne do 1:46 p ml The Supposed Robbery of 53.000. We have already reported the lon of $3,000, in: greenbacks, by Alderman Dobbs, of this Ninth Ward. Re got the money about noon, and, rolling it up, placed it in his right hand ' vest pocket. Passing along Fifth street, he ■topped afew minutes at one of the auction houses, And after leaving tone be proneded up Filth to Smithfield St., towards the Monon gahela river. It was while on this street that he discovered his loss, and although he had not boon in a crowd at the auction house, ha concluded that he must base been robbed while there, by some adroit thief. This morning, however, a circumstance was brought to light which leaves scarooiy-*doubt that Mr. Dobbs lost the money. A dentist, idles business on Fourth street, called at the Mayor's ounce and states that, on Friday, about half past twelve o'clock, while passing along Smithfield street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street, he saw three men walking abreast together r and observed them making a rush for a large roll of notes which lay upon the sidewalk. lie saw the notes distinctly, and was near enough to distinguish that they were greenbacks. The man who walked between the other two first got, poses Sion of the notes, after which the three passed on to Woytean's corner, where they stopped toeramina the bills. The gentlemen who wits:towed this transac tion, on reading the scoounawf Mr.-Dobbs' loss to the morning papers, at'once concluded that the, money found might have been his, and gave information of the circumstance to the police. Mr. Dobbs is satisfininaw that he lost the money there, as he passed along that side of the street Just about that time. The notes being new and stiff, they would easily work up In DU vest pocket, and drop out. - -The dentist deraribes these meriss so. wird* as possible, and efforts aro being made to ascertain who they are. A Census In 1863 arttu - es of Trains. PANISYLY ...mammon AND OOKSETAATILIX. D. 1.1%. Armes. 1t.n... - .-.:::..... 6.- p m txpresa ..---104)0 • re let blllemport 71 10 p t. 2,1 do 2:05 P Port Perry..--. ik0:1 a m Umddoclec.—... &t 0 p m id from WEposport leaves ..t i(k.ll la. .11/.11 TULLY. Arrival._ __ 7:0 0 p Blab a in Accommodation elo m • I.II,IIIICMIZI. Sl (armln. Ix'par.. 503 p do 230 • m ISW:bee:Mlle A010 . ,03 o go To the Merelfel. .A piteoL6 Cri'for,holp has come to 11:1113 from Nufaille. In laboring among the thougands of poor refugees from But Tennessee, crowd ed into that city, one of the delegatss of the Pittsburgh branch of the' Christia*Oommis elan, has found many orphan children—be reared of both parents, and it s esh4Blo of neglect and wretchednesa which.no kunguage, can describe. To crave them from being car ried away by disease, or trampled -down by the crowd, he has appealed for permission to gather up these post victims of the war, and bring' them to the Orphan P. em Schools at Belknap!, arid Rochester. His ai3pliestia. has been brought before the authorities of these institutions, and though in debt $3,000 for the maintenance of former yearsi we coell not but resolve to orecioo all who wigAi do tent io the name of Him, who oath said: "Ile that recicoth so, rod a littto chit./ in my name, ' Veit number will probably helms; twenty • fro to fifty. The military authorities will pro vide for their transports:loc. But for all el.s provision must be mods bore. As our pea sant buildings are full, temporary b iard bar- racks will bare to be constructed. They most also be clothed, fed and educated; Ail th's will require money, clothing, provisions, bed ding, books, 10. Every donation of this kind will be most thankfully reoeired. We would especially ask the favor ofie lona cumber of blanketo,comforts, thee!. and #llow., and of pktin, efrong second-Amed.cretitioy jar girls mad 6940/ from two to foorssee years of aye. Tbue should bo cent to the widersigned,at the both store of W. 8. Haven, ccr. of Third and Wet d streets, by coca ea Tuesday nett, thakthey may I at onto be isken to Nashville by the Revs. Mr. Hells, the. Head-fdaster , pf the :Parry School at Zollenople. This gentleman 11,,'s been charged with the superintendence of this ' 1 whole work, and will personally examine:lnfo the ease of any child received. If act too burdensome, wp sok the friendly cooperation of the partors and khimites of three cities, In the rescue - erf them' 'helpless orphans. Any mention of their ea:left.= the nulpit will be gratefully appreciated:. W. A. femurs:tr. Accident Caused by Crincdbae The Cleveland /braid of Friday says: A singular accident declined on -Prosper . r•-t , t this lab:moon. An old: geitiaman.ri leg a couple nl ladles .on the Wow. ~ nen his foot caught in tbe . crinoline' cr• them, and ho fell backward, etriklng vi ly against the bottom of a lamp poet, ' g • open his scalp and stunning - him. e'er ; taken into a neighboring derailing , house at J his wound dressed. jt was fearsd that Lt: skull Wall fractured by the bloW, but the in.jo -1 ries_ proved not to be . dangsuans, ;though, in view of his age, serious results Hight have been feared. The gentleman is from Pitts burgh, and on a visit to this Too RWINT Eartossow.—The Philadelphia says : There are two singular resulu of the late steam boiler explosion at the manu factory of Messrs. Cornelius ta Baker, on 'cherry street. The snrfste of the wall of the northern wing, and half the 'Oleos of the eastern wing, took Ili though they had been subjected to the brush of a skillful painter. This is one of the effects of the explosion. It is a cembinetion of, coal ashes;and *Mate, aod, to all appearance, one would suppose the coating-to be ash-colored radial° paint. hear the cornice at thecaet kir:van icon sub was hurled with violence hy the foree of the explosion. The sastileftits full Imprint there, and fell to tho ground. Dup.—The frog which WU PRI . IO tae heart of a wild stone at Johnstown a few days liner, died. soon 'alter be ing brOught forth to the light of day: The stone had been built In a wail along tlie canal some thirty years before, bot bow long the frog ex. lited in It previous twthat data cannot be do teimined, farther than it le known Quit the Wine was quarried from a neighboring bill. The frog has been prespgrail in liquor as a oniteeity. It ought to be rent •dovtn to our Bonitos) , " Nair. Tuaowx 'mom • liorea,:r-A young man In the employ of Ron. Robert McKnight, was thrown from a horse this morning on Ohio street, Allegheny, near thetoes °Mee, and severely injured on the b Be was curled into the Mayo* o&Ue by 01.c.r Swain, and medloalAid oloonotted. He was afterward. token to the ~.,esillonito of Mr. hia 'Knight, where he realdoi. MO Injuries, al thaughaevorn, are not considered clangorous. dioapr, TM, W Rogan, e ineiether of the 1.02 a Bonhomie, eras behro the Major today on a charge of wanking a 0 a raw woman who tope • mean:eon-Lib arty stook She allege' that Itegad choked her abd to Aot her. fie odd !snot be heltdhre f or a trial, being fo wohjoet to military 'authority, and wu diachaird on papal:at of iittze:Sesetal'lltratet Cotret.—The can of Ift,, itiesrrtherged bethottlig deserter ere; titled split - this meriting, bet wed er'COpthifiednpgiMosdijmem ie6. In oozes iejiienie of um ‘bsertat , pt Ailraitart4 'titan'sfor the prosecution.: - PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. Award of Stall Contracts. , - i Tho-followin additional awards of mail , „!:, • - rr -- - ,- .PITTSTERGH THEATRE 0 PUB 13 EOLAL DISPATCELES.' • ___ Lowe nod Blaring, . el' art n ta tr2 ollll C CO Ls i d or f: W oM t f 6 h7 P P aa gnn ta: i D t a v pan ta tm . b e::: t'''' . .. . i Tressoror .. .. - J. 25 , 23. ,. 1 .,.. t0n5 i C3 2,, M in bar1au . ti, Maryland, to aroansborg. ...... lii9IINNSILVANIA LEGISLATURE 2...Y.4. Prom Somerset to Johnstown. Batonel P. ,,,,, ___ _ ._ _ Soyd-r, 6440. . Aroma, CIiCLI7 7 Olt', CA El I lb, to oto lobs., to the public, oho Iwo, prereotel from men, tole great owl., 01, sts fire produbstoo by ot h., o ogau•rnent„, n, t., l 9 ll s . . „ lrroni s77s. Blouterset to Itott.trtt via 11.,110. John , 66. r et al D:. (l ‘ot t . iltr P,t•N 4 lturgh Clo 7 rr . ' 2699 P.m, Somerset to Addison. nervy Mousiest, , , ' Manntrat• I, April 10, lEG-1. , TB IS 661:0719ti, ail! Lo prose ...4, tha great. 5229. .- 1101181 --.1/toltiny Sessiolt -Tho ilousc met , mot al trams, tit al, ail the orL t ost moor, tablonert • 2597. FroniBontorset toJoluutoon. C. L. Snyder, Bob socors, eatitteti 1149. erg bout ear Mer than uronl. Au - important UNCLE Tt.,51'9 CABIN. . 2119 . From Betho to a mo. ,111 .• uesis .d. vi. • I ofttlitago with arnmpany log documents eras rorfo Tom 51r 11111,,, II Platt, $3117 60.Cuorge liar ate._._...t' to y 25M. From Berlin to John•torm. John lirollier, lieltirod b.. Oho Carer nor urging the Loilli ' Ptuolut Fletcher A:. Fit-triter 22b5, attire to part a bill to pay ba:k to banks the No.°. lorry F. Chipp..ndsle 2.045. From Conuritarille to 11011111. ~111,, b Lan., .• Topry.... Lulls Marti,s2l9. $2119. moony .41.... ed to p. 7 the 'Stale militia lost , gii.,,, Kate lty nor 2001. From Uniontown to Masontown. William ' • t Redman bill to appoint eommiisionera to ex • , r -11.11.8chroyer, VIA i ' '''',. CON CIE RT, T(1 BE (; 11' E.N BY 2002. Froth iflatwoods to 1.711/ODMW.:I. i1..1 , 10P0 seam° 0101 tot of the pc uple of the southern l lv i ' ..- hunting, r2co. ow. ci.stms:Nr TETEI)Oti X, 21261. From lirogrussilie to Coloration. Alex. tier a c"tit. ^bo her 3nffrre d from robot Taror. 6230. t rill& and de.truotion of roped; by militia, ••r. 6, ecru, A i _tXl4. from limithilsld to blaplatolgo. Thom. P Godly , bill to to k rare of toldiera' Fenton, 6116. °C. I tiastitiic HALL, ill TIT E.5 7 `..5 P. MAT ID, 2606 . Fro,m Waynesburg to Weal Abotatia.r. Po • phone le before the hues , sod ma+ li•roeTed San net Ilunies 1607. 03. From 'Waynesburg to Wayncaburg. Samoa (ally. Adjourned until Monday. , or.. whi,rlr buNgsbn, tool, 11 ti, It. .I,tfor, of bid -25 tails uul t. 4- a t l.• pits. Itorst's Carolyn' Symphony Humes, 6179. ' 811 , 17 6- Moroiby Se • bit,. -Tho 1 , .1 I, wing for Plan, - Violin. Pan rote, l'oelto , , Mr, Tr rmp. 2.1217. From Waymoburg to Willow Tree, C. A. 0,, Trtangla nub itruto-ib.. last sto lostrumanta to Gonad, 1 70 . • hullo welt, read In plane • Mr. graham, fixing ra ' 0 ., ;,,,,,,,,,, b , r . 1nd ,... 2036 From Waynesburg to Cameron . J.l.Cpb I , at ... l , rd for ~,,k r, in mi ,,, rheny „,,,,,, mod for . Tinter., to, o att. Soot-rd trot. 75 cents. The Th.mpeon. $475 ,rala of fecund neat* sill extomNoco On FRIDAY, the 2609. From Waynesburg to tliddlebourno. John the North A merican Gold Minin g Comport;. 00th 1,00 nob 0.,,,,0k. .r r. C. 3,,,,.. 000.10 er,,ro. Tarlaa 6463. Tho bill rplativo to the fl, io !Monumental A, ' . .m W . 'd . triT' 1'.." "IT. ar , fir!„ ,, . Coo' 610. From Rice's Lauding to Waynestborti. rib... 1 . eat to contmenc. at ~ to N. +sort 61 16. 'Qurild, 1150. sedation came op to order, and the motion to 2611. From Cormichaers to Rim's Ltuttllng. John • .----- 'or. AT NIASONIc -HALL McCollister. Bala. 1 recommit it was dientletml and nartied. Tho • - 1 '' bill. relative, to the payment bock of =nay 2612. From Greensboro' tollonut Morris. Chas. i A. Ciarard, $B5. 3 ,, u. vr ,..,,, •b r . p10r ,,,,,,, to N,..„,,,,,,, 8,,,,,,,,,,,,i r d.', to banks borrowod but 'rummer, sod to pay' , ' the militia called out (I uiin g the re bt I in. WU FlOlll DMIDMVITiIIe to Pittaborgh. Henry Henillton.s49s. 2.216. From Washington to Mt Ploaaaut. Dutcher 'aeon, passed finally. a Glom, 6491 if Adjourned until afternoon. 2617. FrOm Washington to Wellatinrs. 7 boom Lane, SOL 1 2 , 16. From Wriablugt. to, Btenbenvillo„ 0 William W 111 t.mmn, $2 19. 2619 From Washington to Waynesburg W. /1.., C. Day, $5OO. 26°0. From Wallington to llookelown Samuel', McCombs, $490. I 2621. From Waablugton to Mar's Landing. Jo-' 2 1 Tales From 's, RM. I 21252 'Weld Middleton to Berentybain. Cor-7 nelina . Datber, $278. 26161. From Sparta to Promerity. David J. Evan.,' $7B. 2626. Tram Pittsburg to Greensboro' by atearnooals during navigation, end twice a week the residua of the year. edam Jacobs, $8,300. 2627. From Pittsburgh to Brownlngton, Samuel V. Lightcap 50725. 2620 From Pittsburgh toklatur. Nell S. Walker, 51,629 2C.. From Plltabogh to Washington. James Parson. 5400. 2630. From Pine:oTO to Wapt kLidaletowo. An- I deronn Cochian. 6190. 2681. From Plitaburgh to Steutenvllle. Dutcher di close. 61,795. 202. Fiala Plttaborgh to Independence. Jahn Chambers 5799. 2131. From Pittaburgh to Dealosille. :Brad Jentring., ' 2475. 2835, From Pittsburgh to Smtenburg. Shentaer LansfelL 6610. 2636. Prom Pittsburgh to EtreeCg Ron. Levi Le.ever. 5166. NOT TUN !Ala.—Robert McGovern. who wu arrested last evening by the Mayor** police, on suspicion of being the person who robbed Alderman Dobbs of $3,000, hada hearingthis morning which resulted In bit diseharge, he having proved satisfactorily how became into possession of the money found upon his per. TOIL Recovastao.—Davld McCombs, .ho wu shot by WM. Brockman tome dajs 'pin Al legheny, Is recovering slowly, Broeltman, who boa been oonfined at the Mayor's Ulu since the shooting, will probably be released on bail this eternoon. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES 110:1.1.1 Paul, Plata and Ornamental Slate Roofer, and dealer la Pennsylsarda.and Vermont slate of the best quality at low rates. *Mt 0. at 'Max. Lanealta'a, wsio. ay. *ate/ Werlq, ?tttstaugli, Srectu.'illorroz.—The .attention of onr readers:lS directed to the brilliant asiortmeit of Spring and summer Goods just rewired By our friend Mr. John Wafer, No. US Fed eral street, Allegheny. Ulm 'took 00*Wises' great variety of Fancy French, English. Scotch Arid American Calamerce andl)totlas, and tinetilk mid Claimer° Vestings,—all of which will be made up to order in the latest styles and in the beat =neer- A thole* cc leollon of Varnishing Floods also on band and for WO, together with a full stock of Seady Slade Clothing. well and fashionably made. Kim, mothers and eistere, whose be, bands, sons and brotbera, are serving la the army, ...not put into their knapsacks a more necessary or valuable gift than ► few buses of Holloway's Pills .t Ointment. They Itirurehealth even under the exposures of roldier's life. 'A piths and. Cantu:loot ore boor ro tailed. owing to eke high polo, of drug., Ace., at $0 omits, 74 wits and $l,lO per boxer pot. Por sale to Pittobergh by B. L. Patine/took k Co. For: sale oleo by tleorca A. icelly, Atte &betty otty. EDOTIOCTII opena May 21. Prof. Bilokorita hal been engaged as teacher of Piano and Singing, afro of -French, German and Italian. . • . Lessons in Er. pio 4ewbo system of Light Opt;Wiwi.. will be even by the Misses Has.. hell. Applications for adintssioljsay be loft at the bookstores of Davis, Milts Co., Pittsburgh, and E. C. Cochrane ' Allegheny, or Address Rev. A. Wit.t.:Ava,fitesicklerillo,. Dewar.. ap;6:l.st rtemoTmo —Samuel Graham Co., Mer ohany Tailor., have ramps. d to 73 Smithfield street. We are jolt,receiving our Beyond supply of spring an summer goods, and mould most respectfully Invite our friends and the public In general to examine oar new stock, believing it to be one of the finest stocks of merchant tailor goods in the city. Ntery garment warranted to give fall sad.. Cardillo ' - in both prime and quality. Give its a cad before purchasing elsewhere and Judge fdr Teurselves. thiamin klirceasnr.r.en, Merchant Tailors, No. Ti Smithfield 'Wet. Signature, Comma Aso Come.—F.w are Aware of the Importance cf checking a cutlet qt. "common cold" In Ito first stage ; that iieh, in the beginning worsidyield to a mild • :toedy, if neglected, soon prays upon the Brown'. Bronohiai Trochee;' or Cough I,4:ougas afford instant relief. For sale by druggists generally. Wsreas4 Amuse, 10.--J. M. Roberts, No. 17 Ville street, le now opening the moat chola, 'took et line Gold sad Enver Watches, Jewelry, Sliver ware mid Nag Goods inn iisplayed In this city, sad Is selling them at remertably low prime. Osamu; bad *amigo WW will be taken at the Omtifbaz once, No. 410 ?Imp grog, Any or night. All bid= fete at he aerie tdriai w.ll pn.mptly attended %Ili nett be paid la Tan pnbilo c‘reinsited to Mapes; the ben tiful assortment of eonfectionariee ken! bf Geeslin Deafen, at his Brno lied vend; Blend in the Alleshenj Vow Market flown. BABO/11021 In Mohair Lustre', at .1. Fleets's corner of Grant and BIM streets. 41)011101r.TEI snnlLgt eras May 513. Ad &via Rey. A. Wll.l.lsaa, SewiMll7•llo, loess M. 0.21 w, Attornoy it Law, 98 Grant stmt. al:Hm a. SELL, Dantist, 242 Ihma stmt. will 4 toad iw hemlnwei.tent of bl Tweets 00. 11:111.0"7'13. WANTED ea A KONTH..i.-- V RR I wane Agetas at Eld • month evens.. P.ld, to sell my EVEttLASTING PENCILS, uftIIONTkL 11115BNEed8, and tbliteen other VOW. useful and Flo rham articles. Paton cht Wars sent rani. Addrem, TOED, Biddeford, Mb* sp3CLlnk WANTED IMMEDIATELY , L PIIAOTIOAL MAN: Who V e:ooelated with the lationfeeter of the', OIFIS SINT EMI 011•131t0p4i .spteiSto Address, BOX 64, Llleeway city INANTED—Agenth-to-sell the suaW AHD. ELIBTOfft •Of TII WAL }• not o bo ttt o o ot y. -.0w,. agent. orol'okarftle trOsa PAO to two per gmath. 20000 volumes ildnotelly .old. Food tir-eirraltra. "alms 30;410,111=,. Ado.. PatA1abeam..141.132..., • - WA "J'ED, • = DRAM MOWDOL .D 4 aPULLIAM i. •: MD Wear iWat. s lb etN7 ED Boys it, lo End ra. ul i#. 4 K *a Stlia VIA hiMIM Ne=2=i riViitiONTEEI-491akottk. , ; , _ • v Ist owx *midi It-Trik ... s ak: s t a I . s.l . 4lKriavezZiat i a r = 1,102 • ,„, TELEGR.,IIIB Dissatisfaction among the Penn sylvania Reserves. iIiCIII.C6O,! April 27 —ln the Flout° of Reoresentetives, this evening, Mr. Barger made an important statement relative to the fifteen regiments of Peat )1v ania Rescreen. He stated that they enicted the service of Pennrylvarda in M sy, three years ogn,but were not muttered into the national eervice unlit two mont.l4 afterward•. They were greatly dissatisfied, so much io that many of them are under arrant, the men claiming that the time of service expired In May, and the national government contending it extended until July. Mr. Barger read extracts from a lettertfrom Col. McCandless commanding the division, relative to the dissatisfaction, fearing the men would refuse to serve after May. Gov. Curtin had urged some action on the pert of the Legislature to induce the gov ernment to comply with the demand of the Reserves. In aaeordaneo Mr. Barger offered a resolution urgently soliciting the Presid , rat tto discharge the Reserves. The resolution was unanimonsly adopted Washington tity Items WASHINGTON, April '2o.—ln the Senate, Mr. Wilson will tomorrow introduce a bil: pro hibiting any officer who has resigned, and ~whose resignation has teen secepto, from 'eommanding trocps ; until ho has bean regn iarly renominated and confirmed. ! The Cavalry Bureau has been placed under the immediate control of Mojor non. llalleck, by order of the War Department. Senator Howe has prep sred a resolution, which he will ofsr to-mono sr, for the appoint- Went of o committee - to investigate the. bbarges preferred by gr. Blair in his speech, and also into the 440 thlSTteasury pertinent, willettlias jos oomo to light Ip the I currency l lll* l llointingtutean. emientfiriiiiitiosetisidees and Senators was held toditi to conr.der the above subject, and decided t bare this matter thoroughly Investigated. Tbo Ways and-him , us had ander considera thin, this mending, the Senate Amendment to the Army ,A ppi.opr is.' ion bill. Willoin i e (mar ailment to place white and black tclidietn at •he some L.ittog woe con Stirred in, the Coo talttee, hemerer, changing the time whim to to lake effect, from the nit January List I, let Nicy neat, Secretary Chan: It till absent, his: it bas been amertaieed that helms no intention of re signing his pennon, not at least until all ibe <Urges against him have teen investigated. The Kritr. Fortrwe Monroe cttrrcspon dent of the 2S.h says ; We hnee w dos another exciting rug. In regard to affairs in North Carolina The report lettat Litre Washington was captured hp tho rPheir in Monday, and than the lureitniett of Newborn would immediately follow Ceram New Orlemon— All t/Itlet at Crawl Now Vona. April steamer Var.,o has arrived this afternoon from New Orleans. She briep no news of Isup.,rtnnee. A latter from Aleiandrie ba Use 18th soya that all in quiet at Grand Eoore. The enemy are fill around um, and we hope when we are ready f,r a forward movement again they win not be wanting. The same letter 0. firMS the deals of the nebel Gen. Greene ins fight cith the gun boats, The Red River Is slightly telling bat the hilsalleippl is rising feat, end a nee fr ex pected la consequence, in Red River. Gen. Stone and others, cf Den. liat.kb' sta. had arrived to route for Now Orleans. Tho aLeamer Oahawba. from New York, with 600 troops, had arrived at New Orleans. .Recontiolasonce to IlladLson C. El *eserworos, April VS —Advice's from the army of the Potomac State that a brigade of ;cavalry under Gen. Depin, went out yesterday to Madison C. U. on p raconnoisance, end found a party of about! 30 rebels In the place, most of whom they Saptarsd. No force of the enemy wzr discovered any where in that vicinity, although it woo currently reported they had crossed the Rapidan, cud were moving toward.. Lg. right. The expedition re• turned without any to e, C3valey right hrt Keuturky--The Reb els Whipped. OIXCIVIIATII, April 30.—A detachment of the 45th Kentucky, flobson's Larlaion, ander Captain h.dst/. attacked the tab ./de' Decal:4li co ty, Ry„ killing four, and'Amptariag 16 men and 24 borers. Adams then pushed fotwdrd and defeated Evemtt'a command, killing two.of kda a tg“ m and captains 35 mod. nissoL UTIO.IffS. c 1118,SOLITTION.—TIIE PAETNER BIM heretofore Galatia; botwom the undcre aUned, =dm the natme and style of 8. ItlDDlzil 1)04 arm diszotrod by mutual ogrpnaent on the SW !Layer( December r lBG3. TM Gamma mabltehment haat Mee Mica the Ist of Jannar7,.•lso, and will hemnferth be hi the hands and ander the exclude., ,agement of an Amociation organized under an act Of assembly, rylealm to Idnonfarming, to BIDDLZ A:Abort:ad to me the arm name in eettiement. All pollee hetlag debar net= tka Tate Me In re.quntua to meant the acme et the Couittleg Roma fet settlement; At44ll.pecritteakDOW. tog niCOIOI , IMIDVALIA, Win ran 4011 erld Wet 71IntbOlit W A). I t ErfP I ELLICII D IA JAMS IL nA04141, S. SCROTUM, Ir., 601:1EAT RIDDLE. MII=I Copartnership .horator 01 . • thy, treietlug between the urlanlydecd, wider the ityle of WHITE, 11110 fliEll.l 6 00., hes beau Wattlted by mutual couseet, to take effect from.the 'let hat., J011;4• WHITE retaing from tho firth. JOIEI'II 11 . 111 TE., • • JAS. hicHIB66III, JO/3h WELT& Ttl eptlemilmed will coothme the fervraTeing and Comcabokin bstellmee queer the namo and role of WHITE DUOS. 1 CO., at No. 6 hEVENTEI ETI9IIET, comer Liberty, Pittatmegh. JOSltell aptlll-Icod JAILIIcSIIIBEN, [IIB3ULUTION OF Pit 611.8111 P L,F —The yertnerehip heretofore existing between the stedernened, under the etyle al WII. . JOHN• BTOZZ 1000., le retrtpellrdlesolvect, to Mho Idled ferreithle date, ItiCiaLRD BIESON retiring trete the Inn. The Inuit/ me ortil.be continued se former. ly, ceder the etre es heretofore: • , ,wit.d. „rownerot, • 4 11. JOHNITOR, , ttIOUABD BETIOS. ritubtrolL 'Web. lith, 1861. nISSOLUTIO OF L`o4"Ait giartnerehly ttetntalre ariglng betty*. 701:5 Y. MAUI LTON EVAN DA 9.1,0. .ut 116 dm ot1:04, r. tlAtdl vrow 100 has bur& dinelvdll.l pputual mamas . 77oB . r. tIAM ILTOIf. au ih• lause 4m. la tho d 4 ittad. cover First and Libort, our. 305-Ir. HA 611111 T, ICVAN DA VTV • - 4 1 t.1m - LX VINE pri v ir;:a eni.dsi t tr XLM. I'lll tip In twat one piton Irm boinni OMEL Yor.slo by thodorn. *idle barrels saithalten UfikWigfilfigurTiFrt rr Yhtranssol .. 1 0,A. 6 ` 4 "8 . ir WILLAR BAGALEY , Wholosalo qxcar, 10. is endW Wcod street, Mb '~y~,;:;»,J.itS-t;:~r_`~:5.:;~;...:..5.-~G.~1a::y.:,0.:.:v;c;.~2'R ~. a I .itl US IF-111EJr7'S •N u. OTC,ItNtIInN WEDNESDAY, STAY 4th, 1864 M AiL ME ANNA DIM ttp• world- rannww , •l cantottlet, hai th. honor to annoon , r on. grand FAIIEWRLL CO:a:EEC, It twirtit {omit holy her 'ut apt., ram, In thin dry prior t her ,I.pstturx tor En rote. I.llt , will h. at01.t..11 by her and d.t.t4h , r, Att. ILL LI UP, ri , PilPtd r , • laly from and and Mr. A. t..1.101:11 I , 0ct17.. dinwer ne..l 1113.1,A1 Nroct,r PO (Cut. A ~ I v i.k Admixalon r 7.; TIT, SU,' WIT! 11 T ES 71:n run f'.4 e , at Ch11:1WI C. Mellor's Must , Store, fllf `.; u.,l .tract, sth..re a .11agrarn run be. se/ rt. Ssln to curntrlrrre ••rs isy, bin, 2. at Ths PI., Is I urstsioql by inane, agent for Chlckering Doors oven Cot,. rt cosomptl , ... at A, ap.'lo.4t 11,11,14 A zrut Ca-I D 1169,1 TES = • FoR vi `II ZB. ofCpp r St. CIA,. fn.r of th- r.t.nttyl e,i6 Beettetro Cavalry.) It Itl be a r.ndlLet,, .r n from the Net" 't • tath .Ith- jott actlon of the 11, put , 'lcan Con my Contention. my2.tc 04'01( CORONER.—Atex. AIRES? ba a candidata fur [he olika of Jurocar, subje,t o tho doclaiou of the Lapatolicaa Pak. Ouaut7 Ckalan.flou. 'rata d•syla cFy . FOR CA)KONER--eOLOMON : 4 •LA, of Bitrologl..ru, uia to • caucliil•l, for Cot ouor, rnbject the dro.el , ..f thu boioo Cuuuty Couvecalon. le G. pit CUR( IT.UtTZILL, or Ilirmihghual, vr.li o cand:date for Oor olaor,sut.,e,l to the ki.<1..111 , 1/ Els Ifrpnblimo Cuctutr OunTention. t,leattc ,7 •07. RON cy, of -, rlc • FUR l'itOT IN ()TA .--Geo FINI.ti 1,111 be 1. -audblat.• tbr car, of Prothwotatryornbleet to th , 1 of tb. Colon anpubliutto County lkeuvoution. P ROTIIO NOl'.l It \ 13. W...t.rTs, th, titzth NV a.rd, Ptltaborgb, will n candblat ft. Lilo ~ 01, of I . ,thottutary, nub a.. the ,:nctraott of L.b.. Cobs,. hopnt.llenn Cob tendon. 1.42.k1+7 FOR Plt()Tti( /NUJ A R C. C.-J are-ogrill tkem ,,, ,thrte 1, r the ~ ,I Sce of trutit.,o.tary, ottWect tO th.. , Ac:+ll,l,l thr: Unkm t , unt , l et t, . L lAA 1: .—THO3. . ,•. , .r ff , ce o f Frvtl v et i.jecr ter tf,tisi , fr of the Union aepub!lcau Goleventfun. el3:co FUR I` I'IS tiTA `i.—Geo. El.fur tut tri , ice if f flu declaim, of thr , Usflor, rev-Fri, It+ :d.ewte 11: 7 5-FOU :\ I 1 CO\I\II:SIONEK, —DAVID , Ipi.NIM:( f rll..Tiwa War:, AlOlieny, 'rill I. • , aodul,vn h'r Uonat., (I..totni•• Sono' , t 0., o: 1 h- Cot.o 11, pol,ll cat, Coacenttrm. F 7 -7 FOR C()UNT r( )Nlilt. —Al.l.ro Lae Y, Of PM ti.. 1.•• • !or lb« Ince 1 I t' ii Al: r, t to Mt do,osi•ql or lbt. r Ite; u• lir ,o CiA;NTI" lAINI : 4 . , 1 ( 0.:F.R. r•- , not tatw ut Poo t .t 11.14. crweldalo for In. %bore •.1 . 1` , 1. - " to lbo tho 1ic1,.0 11.,po.LIcen .11! 4:d.tv Ic r -z—Folt C civry commi,sioNEß. Liocm, • f %Laki, , owubbip. will t.udi.lavr for CArnrity autlyct to the Una.o Ikp , LLl: l cu: out.) , a.. .ontina Tr.ht,lawte = COUNTY Cl/N1 Nrl SS 0 N - hhOttilrho Fiht.o,t, of Sint Dr..r Toworhlp, • ill be • catollarte for the offir, C0ra..1.- , lh^t.tkOlohl to the doctrino or tht• Uhl 11Ppoh. mo .1.• o r.hthkh. UCTIOJr BALES 11(WNPLANTER ()IL YARD,—On V Tuesday •verop,, !day 10, trill be told of the rosoluetclal. tales Hu n 5 t Ft th strict, on termed floor, fleeser«s of s r o.d In Co‘lin,, tuutuseip, t. log un the itHeetteue Deer; teat the Engin-, Pomp, PI ,lee, nli r , ttuj Ito coo-huery, haLrolirt,e y'llt , cesn, and rsthat.l • witch he - pl.t -r l'ou pony Te• au mine too. n sp2 , VA Vib 8 ..11c.ILW AlNE,Armt.n. ri 0 ERN NI T A ITTIO N SALES. Lir —WI{DNE4ICAT if CRYING, flay 4, at 10 o'clock. at ALLY:CUE:NY AILSLNAL, Rill b sold to the Ilightet LLlder 44412 Infantry Cartridge Bone., 2, 5 / 1 1 G.Sling", 145,5 Infantry Wait Bell , 75,000 Tbd Ecrap Tr 00,id/i/ w • • Ircod, I(3 Kegs, OPowder Elam.ld, 1 Draft rg ,.. O'nling budihr. 'Terms cash--11rerubackm. T. A. idctI.ELL NO, :Luc/fonder. ?ay sTak:ET i AT AUOTP/N--on Tresday )I AI T Ch 6 • ' ( " l iir " (!trl b l,3 * r:l 4 a . . f l " :ll::TVD n L 'r atrit /bat dreble lin of ci/outd, Pitt., at tbe h.oaet c nrr ni Liberty and strict,. basing .front of 05 feet on lberty strvet, and ex. tending along W nab ingudi strict $.34; fret, on which arc eretted tiro two et Grp t rirk di/tidings, w idh On k buildings. To• me ofiah, ape half cash, .cad ttin Tinian, 10 12 months, with Interim . , •p 24 DAVIS Mel LWAI r., TNI a 1) STATESMI HA U no%tis. UIPTICT or 11614TANT QIIASITIRVASTO Wtl.llllllooo, Apnl la, 1604. ADOTIOISI—ViII he Bold on Wodneuioy, the leah dey ot Day, at the lhotr:Ad Depot to Alexandria, IToglnis; 600 WWI of 01 , 11411roed tonh of Old Co, Axlce; 50 tons of Cost Eerep Ina.; 100 tons of Wrought Ism; 3 tone of Old Bran ono Copper; 300 VD Derrell; 'forme' Omh to Government Yllllll.. Teli (10) Wl' °ant to he pild At the dote of ,porchruse, tho balanoo on delleeTy. The property mart be removed...lolln ten Cap from dote of to. II 1 110 111101., apl9tfo ' Capto end s A. A.Q.M. —. , — ----- E4VERNSIEN'r SALK—WiII bo sold 7 ...• .0 at:Public Auction, on NVEDREa DAT, May lick, eit to Aronal, commenting et 10 & • be., to the hightet bidder, the fallowlng priay, vie: 1• Draft Hors.. .17 375 Cartridge Bor., Delta, de, 76.0 0 Pia 8 rap Leather. 50,0601ba. do Iran. 7,72.5110zer, Darrel, and Yoga •Tertoe cub. IL B. H. WIIITELEY, epllitd. Lt. CoL of Ordn.eo. • AC?A lIGTION &all OF COIN OEM NED ELOBSYS. yrAn 01Seater ChtelQuartermatter, Wuhlogtoo, D. 0.. Aptlll.sll4lSrA. Will 1e potd at public auction, to tho hlghat hi dor Itt the lima nod place. ontad below, vis • 11.. v .;“. Thuraday. Noy abt Gott3nbatfCt moor. Mood.;. Mor %Li Altoona; ream; Thor. Lai, Nay .9th, ' P 16616. 'NUM, Thutadny, Nal lOth; . Renalbg,keuna, Thornday,llay.2 , 3l; Lebaswo, Irt.zus, ThatainYtiato Norttmoteiland, repos, Monday, Jane Vth; Pernutoo. routs. Thursday, Juno 16th: Will.inattpott, Peoria, Rhutodni, Juno Qa• bradr.l 1100) bongo at Gottpobwit. nod 100 hundred andfllty q5O) At web of the ewer Tkocfa• banes batto-lonon condemn-at-la trnitt'l67 theearllt7 Mlles of tbe Uo.ltd Stata Anta. rot' ra.tdand fora t annors nut; goat mrgnias nuti be had. [lone. Rill Ito radiant? , SON WA at 10 A., and coati:me dolly till °l4 ---yl2lt t tvi Tr,l• :P.Tars,t oartL.Alam34.ZW -1104.w0 O.Q. IL Caviar,' Burn. -01 1. irtaldligOxinuti of; oatuund and .Orikut igireetp, lerri,o7-Rt. Dr- flat- 114EVOLVERS—A largo Ixasortment on .Lt WO and for We by Ira - JAMS frOWN,I.SW•od street. _ ~;- ~ , f., ~... P I.4JrOS ' 7-Tate f R EMOVAL Wo take pla.suro lo fnfor In lug th, pubqc that WI uow occupy the large ..acommodla.sLoa.. 1% O. 12 BISSELL...4 BLOCK, of ‘l , 31. D. 136 A DBLIBY and SULIU.II , K6II t , new lot of ,t PERIOII PI AN . IS. Ale, act tnplete as•ortment of 01111E1.'8 celobrated IlsrmoulnCu , kh lodr•nna and Muulcal"gands ganrral, J. The cuperbott y of the El rIADIst. laY PIANO le readywelabboluel. In the hestory of Pt ,ma no new hisfrument has gain. I .3 rapidly in p.pularlty wrecelmd so many premiums *Ohm ti l e 4 ,f o year. al the now scale, Mil Iran fray e, , eurstrong bass and French grand actna Piano Foto, manufartnmd by NCI litltfoltdOßY, and Shomaker & Co's Plana basing been to begs4o barman,' kno• n in th's and otuer countries, n e e s uo ',zither comment. All guaranteed roc Or• years. V 2 AMBLIHR & BARS, tiole Sgents ,r Pittsburgh and Western Pa, Ho. 12 T. CL6III St., BlomWs Moot Good Second Sand Plena. for Rent. Toning and re/Aeo:le done promptly. el Vi PIANOS! OAB INET ORGANS! Gzbim 1 Organs 1 CABINET ORGANS! CHAS. C. MELLOR, A DUD Ell'.t.E.lV KS.ll3i.,'H GOLD WEI)AI ritgulum PIANOS. EIAINFIS BTUS. PILNO?, PRINCE'S II ELnDEOP S. A . I ; radii nor vcrls Jun - ,n Iv sp••la & LOTTIS RUM E. 4 ?In *lns, DECKERS PIANOS, WITH NEW PATENT IRI , N YUA IE, Atknoaledgrd by all tba brut canalcians to be superior .aU ciAer flat temeal"., rithot4 ecorptiou..and atm. TREAT 4 DAVIS' m•.et celebrated Melodeon". and Ilartnouintrot are only for sale by HOFFMANN, lIOENE A CO., ap) No. 53 Flfltt Amt. V SIEDLh', No. 13 SMITH TIELH ST Pianos and Musical Instruments, Ke..p. carnet...lily on Issod fine assortment of NEW PIANOS VIOLINS. 0 CITABS, AOOOIII7L OBS, STETNOS, Sc., which be will *AD roc LOW nrim. C.%1 P lETS. OIL C LOTEIS; IIA ING YU IiCHASED Asp ADDMD I=l ENTIRE STOOK CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, 1.91.+4 .:eid by W. 11c(161.24TU011i., at 119 Bisykst etrtwt, we are able, by the consolidation, to offer the LARGEST STOCK TO BE FOUND IN THI , , WEFT J r TILE LOWEST PRICES Oliver McOlintoc,ll & Co., El.. xi TIPTH wraps? FOURTH STREET rt NEW STYLES m WINDOW SHADE.S lIECEITED DAS D g , NEW SPRING STOCK 7 CARP E TS,I,I. I=l OIL CLOTH, ! ! FIAT • 43 A R sPsrigirrAitil l it ' air ) R mka9 • pAxo (x)vEns. Tine Embroidered Cloth. Embossed Cloth. Victoria. A 1.11 and rplimlld assortawat put rcentted at tE NEW - CI4IIPET STORE OF kicFAILLAND, COLLIES 4 cb. MUMMM2MI • La entirely new and complete amortmeot Put ave.' at toe NEW (.3...4.ICPSECT wr 011 IC 0 McFARLAND, COLLINS 4 CO. LIEG4L N 'II3E COURT OP . QCIARTEW SF.SSIODIS OP ALLIDOVETIT- 601.111- ..•1`• I TV. No. 11, Dersenter Sento.; ISMS eCcmmolk steam Peuns)lrants /1101ollext: and Dsnlet Chesnut. Sct re. dur. tertalted rscoastl• sauce . . . And now, April 16th, 'Sal, on marine' or It. At than, Esq , the Wart appoint., B. liikaGr6Oß, Andtter, to dist:that. the fond in Court:: aocouttsk to the Act of As:so/ably to much one . hoe& oho pro sided. ' BY TRH:IX/01M Attest : W. A. I:than:on, Clark. 'Notion is hweby `lvan that the . Auditor , above , named will nest itas pubes int. - opted bo the above , C.O. ea his ofilto, No. 139 Yonttb.etrnt.Ptt4lnryb. on SATURDAY, nay 14th, 1864. all dcbck p zo. nl.o.td J. 411111V...0 . 3 . ad' or. TN THE COURT OF COMILON.P.Ti&AR, Allegheny County, lie. 101 Keith Vrrof 186 k In the 'matter of tha application of Alfral Vilittfle/d4 for the Bandit of the %advent 1 Oleo :ie hettLy elm that the:nederegned,wl,ll makeopplke tlon in the above Court. on the frit Sattoilaf la tint 4 ensuing, between the hours of 10 end 1! cfclo4 a. to. of said day, for Ll 4 Ira &Khans end ,r rent laws of renuylrahle. aolfhttit ' AI , FW.BII wilorrtrun— TOR DISPOSAL, on moderate t erms ne....e.em of socood-hsinAlsl44 6 ntrrD AND TUBULAR BOILERS, of allresot sad.: Vs; • arsons) wood-hand ENGINES,of dig:renti +WI; WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS, for Moro awl Ms.. art,tel basts. DOC ORs. Also. Sass u,d;rlolls ENGINES and TREIGHT MISTERS: • Addrras THOS. U. ELLIS, DR F. BESE, Surgeon and bcconahetri Na. 144 011ITHYIELD BT., 2d dc;o, • • — 7l - "* . BOLOGNA SAIISAQE-A siiperior nr t lc loop goo 4 thronglilllbe *own's; rs. coked norl fat sak,ty JOIE A.IIESALIAW; ,,, • ~-nom-111.rtyatt4 Rood stmt s. --DANFT. P - I L Rants; v....utrian. tr. 'osl4'WOOd Colorsot Ito. 107 Siorkat attest, %arm WFABLISLIMI23AND-WliqiEFll4l. Alta vrompqattaup ey...,- p:o wit.: Meet. , BER— • eeerV Aß. , o ll l llv i zess J-P at /OM/ LlPettJ And, kIE-11;;;L I ;i.17.': .- ° LXXVII---NO: I OILS, Am WARING & KING, 001111111S.SION kiEßcildb-IS. Parotennt and its Produces, And &maws to Salukis Idatazialn _ce2l:27 No. 33 lii&EITT BT., pato. En of.ct.E. R OE ARVATdf Commission RI orsbasitt 4/k, Drakeri• Lictr.stnly bi Petroleum and Us Products, For import and home orneamptlan. &LW* boa , an for gangs, a! rssamabla rata, yhg.rai Magi • BREWER, BURKE & CO., CONIZISBION XXIICILANIS, &pato of tts ,citons, 1%07/0 AHD LIBERTY OIL WOBZI. , Ltbasl cob advances made on consignment. al itefinal_or _Crude-Petroleum. 01311. DIMILSSZ WAY a ITAHODaK SM. Pam:aim lA. RICHARDSON, HARLF.Y & CO., 00IIIIIE9IOS .I. POTLWAILDLNG IIiZECIZANTO. Crude and Refined Petrolenro, Ho. 12 i9Vi7l4 STREIT, 11 nus I gar Moral Corti marmots enr courlgnioroir for TittAborgh or Yoruark !tatted. n 11121711. 61171,E=C111 HAMM J. 8. Dilworth Bprinzer Harbangb, Esq., Thompson Boil, Eon., Pros!. OormeeeLl Rant. poly uITY OIL WOE LYDAY &1311011PENNINe s Inanahamren sad Min= of CARBON OLG. faND. AND LIIIIIIIOATING 0114 anidasbro b ORU DR k.Ir:TRAJMJECIIIII. Wart.. oppoalte gturpsborg. 01111., Efo. SI HAlil) BT3 LT WALLACE 1 CURTISS, Commission Merohanta. I=l CRUDER =FEUD PRI'BOLEUX, IMMUNE AliD LIMETCATDICr one. so. km= WEdBVF PFILLADEILPILIA oar Storage capacity (under onsor,) tor IWO Alan esnollant faelliti. for &hipping to Amu% and Yorsigu ports, at our wharf on tho Schuylkill 13.1v.r ng•sr the platform of aP. 11-11. I 1y TACK A: BRO., Crude and Relined Petroleum, BENZLNE, dra, 1z WALNUT ST., PIIILADIGLPEIII Business entrusted to our oar. all! wears our prompt personal attention. Haar to Messmaillebardsou, Harley & Co., Breyer, Burke .4 Co., and McClelland & Dist% Pittsburgh; Thos. Smith, Esq., Prost. Bank N. ;H. L. roster 6 Plalarielpbia. McCORMICK dc CALLENDEE, ti OIL BROKERS. 211 and 213 South Water Street. car Oocalgat.uta •olicIVA. I,7day R Cborpontarig, Iron Olt, Oil wort Jacob Painter, of 3. Painter /t Co. Jno. IL Chalfant, of Slang, Chalfant t Co J 4:1 VENANCIO OIL AND TRANSPORT; ATION COMPANY, OIL CITY, Penna., M prepared to receive, stove and evil Crude and Refined Petroleum Cu l the mast nasona r la . lll . emanito . mak. real Office, No. 12 Plcu, street, lito Tart. 130 . 1 M, Wy, Oil City. WALT= tair...r. tr. • Ali% 60 bitty ? &NES WILKINS, Aft, - Pitts • anti. • ifar - Consigareeate, vie Peartrylraniaoeatrale 1131 be stared at the Ooragany's fire-proof wareboaser sn Efobokee side of river. rat WALES, WETMORE A CO., 00211116E10N SHIPPERS OF prntouani. Uld IiZW YORE. Ample facilltios far 6TOILVILI MID SHIPPEEKI Mi=;l=l CIABOT,PEKBERTON R. WEBBVE Generol Merchandize Brokeil, • 1411 ?TAM STREET, Now York, Alto, 1.15 SOUTH YBONT BY., panmeirns,„ - r..: .- CRUDE & EXPEIVEDISIT , OLBMIL.. , cmisrio SODA: , SODA ASH, DRIRSTONT, DRUGS, OILS, AA, Ac. Orders to boy or foil promptly attsw44,4:t wady D. L. MILLER, jr.., Atuarr, LISIWAISITT ST., PHILADILTS2S. CEVDE a REMED PETROLEUM On Oriconhalma ancludynly. A➢ eking nt meat reamonablekstm. to cool calling roe CRUDE, Hader good Rhoda Particular attention laid to OIL POE •SPORT. ..Ittrpdx—OAUSTlO 80DA, SODA ZifiliL ars ALLEN & }EBDLES - PHIUDILPHIA. 00.1fkA39ION samoaeria. Nre..r .ttnuo. pad to ..untutiti Crude and Relined Petroleum. wirzawna MATIIICOI undo RIDS WOODWARD, tu" WP I - I t. wwd;,oxi"a Go-a cumalm, cows:mums mmunurr, _ - - - abialon.ttua tat ct Mule and - Relined - Petroleum 1.11 - 150IITII VIONT EITULT, ate. UTOODVILLE OIL REFINERY. - TV . - GE.O. W. nowsmpis GO Iltruntwtetrat of 'limn* on mit, =tad: '[hilt OIL. Env canttruttly an Want- th.T.rs ban grant: of BURN Ho O7y, acir:..l.ltbotti color; ..u.v pod *Lositxmon. pr• 1 1 111714 !,.gN• ZOLZ wit CAB 0B ML ' rarAl neat kft at tio.: ILS 111 Th 5 • 1 94 &Kerr 1 11 8 bt ProtniAlr.liWa . ter.. . . • ROBERT ASHWORTH,' 1 • Ho. 191. 41. 3/ !SB D PeCrWarding & Compinicru Merchant, =, ,AND DIt,LUES IN OILS.• - • orirrannariskiriatoiliarci;eittitr xnasomat °Ltd, otaatutly !mut and Scrr sib MU* lonstvarlutt vdcas. Catudiamicat puss , ti Oil Aq': a' lintinottiii?' Ordenldt at john Pa.tai3sl4 1 . 01.. a O. ins. • sera MASH= AID Inn JITatIT . I3, es lidvaertupt aeration . • - 'tan- l!M=liil
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