~~ fi t`` 4~ ~ c y~i+ * . -4AN §_ isazetitt. • • • heir u_ozanta=zsa.as, 1:. . SUBURBAN. PAPE.n.va , rain Act tolLegal their lame. 'tiikkil ' beits banished with a copy ot at of bootie to setteWitig the PIP" by Mr Guar, from the Afign, mid which pe 414, aektihe 11 * 49 " 1.41"..1 elated in our Mete raterdila u tabirsiltie dicpeteltlL s.Tha intection legsllses_ At bonds,, war iiitt,t4o`eettliientesof htdeltedneu ironed ---thwOosemlssionere orComnduloncrs arid of say county, or the co:potato so aAr. tiltj or horodgh or tosmship of *mattes to !num,. as mdid escLl;iiiihig se it WI pow. had existed for /*PHU , and mains , saa t d' bounties to volantems, " aces or ."otrporsts author pilaw i n isogon. gest,andaliloins made ,'-10:111sIdaitticaillial for inch Impose. Thathird scd4n authorises and requires thoiliktint onperitessithotitice designated D z 'to segueanteomphits all agreements =de Obis for 'the paymeit of bondage to Cot. Antsers, or-tor estanding adranosmadsmade 4a - that prposei •on condition that they ilmiltirtortiftrnded, seemding 'to' the tram hint iMII Meaning ot inch sgreentiontsi and Slue= authorised to .41m010 sumer mut Issue bond', with or with. cat Mart ootpons, -payable at nett-time as • splidopon, .and to levy suds tens 14.47,*# allietiWar to mot the ,payment of heti= ..fourth legalises all assusments himotbfortt lade of tales , for the prerpose qf 4 Whig :hanetiMi as aforesaid: provided that at grialiwohatter soldier or 11014.Xli111:12111. inenedi*Uww,et hatted militia man or eon -sslthotei UM =Wally 'muiteitid Into the ter = so .discharged th erefrom, ~-4orool be required tstpay, any of the tales :.wind in =mu ne. of this ant. : Wands and applies the .11reirialthe of he let winumbtag the &MOO- Idiftjet wallet tai for the families of voltai c Iwo. tit tha ,fentillas of men who hare Men —thallader maw:4W into the sorrizet loma t= an amigements made by the several ''Oesnithis of the State for the support of each ;sfamiliesl and &Mho:ism the Oommbskuvers 'to homey money for the purpose of =tend lug tM stiouttry aid and relief. - I•Wen-sdzet authorises the Commission -On of WV county to bernOW enehient money _ ' 4 =eathStrolonteeriroin said county, who on' or after'thir 17th of October, r INS, or, who may, hereafter enlist, a sum t.itattwatmedings3oo it provided, that wi '7.'ll=oo er towislip anthorities have pelt eannemsed to raise fonds to pa7 ' n - tel besaths, they shell he= power to borrow alsheems as they May main, and if their respective quotas shall bars been tiled, then tbegtiballitoentept from any tax levied by the minty for the payment of bountlee. ;Abell= men= prorlas that no bond shall behrethen sloolnamoant, and shad not be for a longer period then tan years. Bertha eighth provides that where a part of the bounty has been paid by any township, oity cm borough, and , the authorities thereof rahmixt pay the remainder, then the differ. nee =Masa the amount paid and the foil .umenut promised (not ow:soling $3OO to each .. - -nebtuttear)*balt be paid by the county ameba -1Mo; the shall assess and =Heat &taxon each Wealth:lg townships, boroughs or titles, in 0= amounts as may be required to pay the - • &Alas ninth authorises the county Mem- Mit to receive the money borrowed by the Othanianoners and pay the bounties to the naleataMe• Tike' tenth !motion providos, that montly borrowed by school dtrsotors, road connate ,lidersere or supervisors of elites, boroughs or tairsaips, Asti be paid to a treasurer of ;,2111101korn appointment, who shall give aura - skrat.baufs for the proper payment of the eleventh provides, that if, Any sot . Zee antilleirto 'receive a bounty, shall die Ware roes - leieltlS asses; the money shall be *Pia& penion , er- resent as would be .. - estlttled -no it under the laws of the Outbid ,11seatereare all - the provisions contained -'4l" . .4big'lol; - .eessfally condensed and stripped i ai= nl verbiage. , It seems to meet every t, and will be doubt become a low, altenai-the Baum Is organised eeitestrt of .Ire Olden Time." Oar , idtbsens will enjoy a rare musi- MI treat Oa* Sitimisy evening next, on the media ef "ye : olden time" cement for the besellt - At the Subsistence. Conunlttee. The 0 0 1 , .P44 l 4 l adzsigil hands—game of the best MeMistthe city having volunteered to lend Latien*ln this behalf. The arum whisk * 'kik used by the amateurs • are noir: mostly eollsoted, and - have'_ all been need to aeon tne persons of those Wbet led the fashions In days long tele ‘ ll , -This 'festers' of the entertain ment ereeedingly interesting. as we ate WSW that no garments will be gotten Ispeepseially for the concert. Then the per- Setaists. 'ltiesusloss, or at least part of them LSlnierliellik "ye 014,1'A8:i . e." .It is hinted tlugiskbe -vim of some of our most re will appear upon the l; - Bea,ll.74ket Judge ---- upon the, kesp,land KM. Major --- will per , JUNI Oft the :piano,. eta. Bat perhaps is shield set WI all w• have heard, es [taw britettiou to usurprlie" Musa who attend '...olt.iteklost‘ It an do no harm to say, bow ., Ifter;:tlett alltiOStioll.l* nob for tickets, old tleseilsho &dm to get forward tats eeteSpktheligidision cards boron the .`3OO/1311-. 6 1 theiforiarrt: It is hoped—let as „"Mly..ll.lismitabi-4thats large fond will thus Ip:M*lW for tfie bens& of , that noble Bud . tufin,the Pittsburgh Subsistence Committee.. the First Hard. 411 - 111 aeljimmted meeting of the citizens of ..111MilsetWard,bild for the pulp:wear taking tumarentaprentre marolte te ell the quote, 114,0117 RA, It TM resolved that the .111oet Clailfai 'lnitrinned to renew their saboariptloas and to report atm" adjelliaid meeting" to be held at the eseeteitl bona os Friday ovenllff. , ' 'Ximiltilloiruiltene reported hawing gab - Itelptlaier totito assonit of Mx thousand dol. 7 'II was resolved that Holt, 'strolled man t, Om% hemlled' an, and , requested, to AO. NwO.taenit' ism reported se mewed ht(aOrsawia,tad.endlted to the quota of _v; 11 . • , Ankara tun Of . the. Ward fe • la be resent at Um meetlag on hi _ CUM Abducted. Lot ..w t:newoonorata,Jenoo,of the Ifbili,Facioric abducted from tbs . bout of thi Pus* Watil velduu, who IssA fol . *ploy of the famil7 as I fiabiiiitkr Theyhin lately booms addicts:l 4744111 0. 1 %" re. Ahai0. 04 , 1 % Aida' Skleal aut 4 eiilit/7 Arrua4 1 7,ik• poltai„for-trieoltotutos, Lai had Jul ken . 60 04 1 C 4 11. gad $ ll, IrePid biliamossiitpra &purism= fordloolati ;.:llB49refuld . 011 . 101414 i4 Jo r i En diooi 'the AMU,' Ao Out Timis booboo amialsid to la JO ohatiotot, 113 d 'TIOISZit I . ll7tin . • ro= l oo li to tto saf ul o ri ty l !of lb* Ths throat to kill it was probob# an terthroot,lots -- sills *MU- to is allot! .ttillagitit la hued that it may sofa tram az tOtbo .old. The:Mayor wan WOO i hi lialdni.iint paw wore Mimi toilinotot-is no' iron ofOrt to annul di* oNoptoioadlsoomo tbs dila ft Intsiblo; 4 ' Anist •tf* Alleged !Mit .' A 414141•9' from PbiladelSida =lra . I ' l tbaAtl bit *44 with a plotossafb:Of asa Vie* Ansa with_ Issiasy la Ml*. - llisrllkeasss was ssalatud by abut 4, 1 ,1 W Lug and the "widths!. vas tam - 131 Uwe alkalis of bar ustia at imam, susb sure, b• bad= bus •spb7l4 fey a but "let WE. ilk EMI at Ws. Massa; and • •••••, ••• tboriod ; Chem =A bated *pier • bads& whldi tabu, Wigs before Maydr Latddiet#lolll4%, 0 "` "• _ ,i nc i ata t h i , ~StalkalliktUtz yin ;bass swept, .7 11 .0" 1/Renta ' loitiot!,, 41140111410*.lo; _itotionameosto ittlel• to . 11011110=010101"1"1' or 612-1"7 mars la the illititth Weird.—Veluntser 43tinaty Fund. 1, An adjourned meeting of citizens of the Sixth Ward eras held at the School horse on Wednesday evening, Mr. Jacob 11. Waiter is the chair, and Mr. Andrew Barns acting as ihmetary. The different block Committees, appointed by the Risentirs Committee, were milled upon to report after which the follow ing resolution . was adopted, being the arms adopted at a previous meeting with slight amendment. likedred, That a enfildent animal of money be Weed In this ward, by a enbeniption if forty dol lars from reddente, for the P.P.. of Mina IWO each to •anfildeat number of robretteess to all the quota.? the Ward to the Impending emit. the Kra Of beIDS unable to procure the number of voles teentreudnid, that Motels& mmandes on hand be arproprlated, Ord, to paying $2OO to these drafted men who hare contributed to the fond: The following committees were authorized to mein the respective blocks at ono., and report to an adjourned meeting of the eiti vans, to be held on Saturday evening next, at seven o'clock, at widely it is expemetthers will be • mead attendance of citizens lit block, Vine to Tannehlll, Thos. Cluley andileorge Bolton. 2d block, Tannehill to Crawford, P. Good an, W. P. Little. 541 block, Crawford Rebt. McAd ams, Wm. Dodds. 4th blook,Fulton.to TOwnsand, Wm. Burke, D. O'Donovan. oth block, Townsend to Logan, Theodore Robins, Evart Arlberg. dth block, Logan to Sim, Charles Jeremy, J. D. Strout. Ith. block, Glm to Congress, A. M'Donald, J. G.:Patti:non. ' Bth block, Congress to Washington, Thos. Kerr, John B. Campbell. • 9th block, Washington to Federal, Jae. A. Butler, John Phillips. 10th block, Federal to Chatham, John Phil lips, J. W. Woodcock. Movement of Troops. We learned last evening, from the Subsist ent* Committee, that the 40th regiment Penn eylvania Volunteers was momentarily expect ed in this city, and they were consequently arranging to give them a "warm" reception. We are also informed that the 28th Pennsyl- Wilda and the let Michigan regiments, are ex pected in a day or two on their return to the army; and the 78th, 79th and 1034 Pennsyl vania, are also soon expected here on their way home, on furlough. The 78th and 79th are known as Col. Sirwell and Col. Hambright's old regiments, and originally formed. part of Can. Negley's brigade. The 1024 regiment is under the command of a well known Pitts burgher, Col. T. F. Lehman, and was organ ised at Kittanning—A number of men Wiring been recruited to this city. The Committee will "hare their hands full" during the next few days, and we would urge our fellow-citiseas to contribute liberally to their support. They are In need of money and zapper at present. Shall they not have them Dana's Treatises on 6 eology. Allow me to recommend through your col umns Professor Danes new treatises on Ge <dap, just published by Theodore Bliss, of Philadelphia. Unlike most works In this department of eaten* those do the fullest Justus to the vast Geological treasures of our own country. The American instructor, aspechdly at the West, has not fora long time received a richer boon. than has thus been rendered him by Prof. Dana. The Manned is a thorough eompend of the results of Geologieslinvutlgation. The Text Book is exactly adapted to the wants of our Celtsges, in every section of the country. We have introduredtt into the Pittsburgh Female Believe, and, although weber:l:not yet used It with a clan, we are certain it is just the Text Book needed. H. Jour:tor. BOUNTY FUNDS. 11"0131ITH WARD, ALLEGHENY. Tho following mounts hare boon paid In to Z. O. M'Pharson,tretworor of the Fourth Ward (Allegheny city) Bounty Fund: David Hitch1e......11 40 00c.30. W 0. 11 1..1 40 00 Heary_Grobe 40 00 , 11eury Turner_... 40 00 Trod 2(0fte1dar...... 40 00 Herman Turner.... 40 00 Wlil .1000...._ ...... 20 00 0100100 6 00 Wm Lebeetter...... 40 CO Fred Steinke...-..... 49 ou S 32. Aida (add)... 20 00 Loofa 1d0uL.... 40 00 LHartmayar (aid) 20 03 V &Medi. a CO Jralar $14111.,. 53 co rw Nyisr-. 20 00 /11ebolaa Ilaba.-... 40 0010 trebbbnit..-.-... .g 1 00 Child Meyer..._... 40 00 John T Speer.....- 40 00 Istrat-..-- 10 CO ,S 13 McKeon. 20 00 —Taller- 5 00'21 D llopkbro 20 00 D oorboT (add)... 10 40 1 3 P Kennedy - VI 00 C Eennenti (add. 10 00 Joel Smith, Jr.-- 40 00 Haar) Stara (a dd ). 00 03 41.3prev'ely rspll,l4o CO Jamb Straub (ad) 15 CO Jamb flack (add). 12$ 00 Total.._. A Raid In the !lath Ward Quito a number of the personal friends of Mr. Wlll. J. Bender, members of the Liberty street hf. B. Church, by concert of action among themselves, met at his residence, on Franklin street, Sixth Ward, last Thursday evening. Shortly after the company had arrived, quite unexpectedly to the host, an elegantly chased diver tea service, from the establiehment of John Steverson, silversmith, was borne into the ream, and presented• by Rev. W. A. Davidson, pastor of the church, in a brief speech, to Mr. Bender, as an evi &no* of appreciation, or his valuable servi ces as leader of the eluting of the congrege- Don and Sunday 50h0.% to which be responded In a few wards. Mr. B. Heaselton, superin tendent of the 'School, also made some re marks. • es . 0. Sproul, pnt, Fourth Yu by .1 ' Ileartalting • 16th : state United States street, on Feb Name. Sob-Dist. crold. Loralltd. /ten= W 2d trard,22d. Not ctratted. Dyson irm 241 ward, WaL do Ortli Sylmter. amigos tp,t3d. do nal Hoary Pitt tp, 22d. Waablagtoaeitit Moot Td W Shaba tp, 22d. Not.rolltd. Martin N g It Payette tp, 22d do do Nom /saw do do Jermia h Thomas and Jackson Wheeler credited to Pint Ward, Pittsburgh, in rutsr aay'e paper, Rhoda be credited to Pitt tows ship. Wis. H. !Mar, blacksmith, aged ♦3 years born brAlleglismy month Pe; disability. Sows "gifted Mind" of the "Pint Claes Hewapaper: editorial corps—(sano was in seas eorpore,as the elassicaltmdcomplimen- Ory ,Dr. Poor would say)--Shows that when that youthful and sanguinely hopeful autsolation promised to "be found doing battle:with the friends of Progress and Hu man Freedom," it was (awarding to Web. Oar's Dietionary)' so equivocal an expres sion Duni& &dot measarilyporiendhostaity, or threaten the said "friends of Progress and Human freedom r' • We presume there can be no obJeotion to our neighbors taking whatever position they choose, but when they undertake to explain what It 14 they elwild not use an ambiguous explosion, and then blame people for not understand !netball! meanies. In th.% these 'Gifted Minds's?. neither 'withal' nor 'Oared.' Axon= Luizu.—The lecture of Mr. linkifted Wt uldht for . Mei. J. McMillin's ChitraVAliejtheny, was gilts mai& Not. witbsteading the isolesteuay of the weather the blue weillied st so early hour. The littered of. thdruider‘iiroi the able mow with which It au haardtalhilruistelned the high character of the lecturer. ThesB Who failed to hest him wilt bspleased to ham that halal bestiprintailed Ivo* to deliver •m -ood taatanthla erestng ea the same subject. $011)11.11 n Prnistomm—Tin recent ar rsit-of - maul notorlou rowdlos, and the prompt sadists?' punishment meted out to thmo by our new mayor, has aboady bad a salutary Mdeatinsuppessionths spiru of law- Isamu which was inanitutad throughout the eity. Then le nothing better adiatatsd to "huh minis thin prompt moot and sum, pliabillnalleg mid Nam Lowry is determined toviiit strip prewishment of thU olio. He *Dam all ids 'pawn to plume the pears of *idly, adorn the orahrinear, and giC 2 r B a good =motor lb. sommunity; , . , Tan Moots Tascumw.—WS us Indebted to the scartsisy of ths editor bf tb Johnstown •ltgooss tun slip °mantilla' therwtiotthirs of ' mania of Aids& Disrbourg Joseph Yaws. Thsy do not, dila smanttally from thirsty fall asonst glom In °amnion *di ttos of Ilatlistudly.. Tlu sulancholystfatr hu assts4mst rultament In Johnstown. Banta% Dna - Soso Noon, No. 12, hu been . toetiond at Pittooro Vilth okoot op. poolit* ttuiposhofflos.. It contains a number of - atolls/it :tintimental, comic and ism. 11Ita Ems Werthair.—.Tbli lady appear' at tha Months th/a einthlng, In thne awns ters-4—aa Ulm! In Gum Idasku, and Jenny Llnd and Jonnj latatlundanp .I.s, the mutual tam of Jenny . • . • -11Marap, 01111A111 1 0:4270r0hir4 Wont us Attu eat ask ha and letter stook ca sloth at. fedossil itgers.. Gentlemen destrths slusipalgi sad roll;nuolsault of 01417 mold" do inn; to , itniss • 011liblAn. - ht_ _01110400&._ Quito" :* - -XaVulaS Tam, NI Kaska stmt. rcrrwrlvmr..Trmrffn The Wheeling lardllocaccr 'states that the notorious guerrilla and bushwhacker, Bill Harper, who has been a terror to the loyal people of Randolph, Tooker, Pentekln and adjoining counties, ever place the breaking out of the rebellion, is no longer In the land of the living. A few days ago Capt. Sampson Snyder, of the Randolph Home Guards, hear tag that Limper was stopping at the house of Leonard Harper, • relative, who resides Ii Pendleton county, took a squad of his men and went over tepapttrrelibn. They surround ed the house and demanded a surrender. Harper ranted to surrendea. whet he war fired upon and wounded. He still fought desperately, even after he wasdown upon the ground, and is said to have cut Snyder a se vere gash upon the arm. Wnen Really 4:ca pered and subdued, It was disootered that some thirteen er fourteen balls Thad been lodged in his body by Snydsr's squad. HU , per U said to have murdered more men, steles more horses, and destroyed more property than any other single individual In the State. He was a man of most 'desperate end deter mined character and always had about him a gang composed of men of similar mould. ITALus Wonn or An.—Thti beantifol marble etsicuum, carved Valli, card raceiTers Turas, &e., Imported from Italy by Signori Gialralll2olll and Zemmol, of Pftainse, wtll continue to be sold by catalogae on the see end door of DUI/ Mollwalzio's Auction Rooms ' Fifth street, this morning at ten o'clock, and this afternoon at tab eolock. Ladies and gentlemen diuiring these *horst honsehold ornaments should attend this .closing sale. It is seldom that an oppor tunity for molt suporb works of art is present ed in our city. SPECIAL LOVA& NOTION& Taouoa Paw, Pilo sad qpitomaatal Slav Roofer, sad doolor la Peansythoda and Vermont eats of the but quality at low rata. 01lei at Alm losughbes. aw Oa Water Worts, Pittsburgh. Pa. • Guru Benue Mecum Wm obtained the highest premium et intrry State, County, and Institute Pair held to 1813, u the best family end the lust ruumfeertarind machines, and for the best machine reek. A. F. eIIaIVIIT. General Agent. 18 PIM street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Botmike 3!strtll morma—Do yieltr duty to yourselves, protect your health, U. HOL LOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTIiHNT. For Wounds, Sores, Bowel Complaints and Pavers, they am • perfect safeguard. Pall dhatudons how to tie them with ovary box. Holloway's Pills and Ointment an now es !Alm!, owing to the high pries of drop, ec, at 30 mats, 70 omits, andsl,lo par him or pot. Per tale tu Pittsburgh, Pa.,by IL L. Palms stool & Co. Por sale also at Paltoa's Drag Proro, YIM street. Itsowe's Baolorast, Tummies an mom mended to eonsamptive patients, fofallaying the uneemforcable Irritation of tickling of tite throat, dilleulty of breathing, and hacking emegia. They wIR relieve Asthma, BM.- km. For sale at Patton's Drug 84., 'fifth otreet, Pittsburgh. 4 Jon. Smarm: AID EL= son fista--The fine assortment of Pall and Mattinglotting, lately received by IL.am. John Vet k oe, hiemhant Tailors, No. 146 Peden' stem, Al legheny. The stook of clothing amble of the tam rudely of to pantaleens, vest s coati and enemata. The ogle of patients to WW I / 4 U and fashionsble. We would invite all of ear readers to give its above gentleman • call. WATERED, M. Roberts, No. 1? Fifth street, ls now opernlng the most choice stook of Ana Gold and Sliver Watokes, Jewelry, Silver ware and Panay *oda over dirplayedfn thL city, and la selllna them at remarkably low mime. Own= aad ostriags calla trlll be taken at the Ottuabna oZos, Ao. 410 P. street, day or night. All ordain left at the above place will be pwomptly ottanded to. All calla toot be paid •froco• • ---- -- C. Bru., Dentist, 143 Pena street will w ten3 'o all nasinateees of kl. ow.hwarna. ours —Ol Wednesday moralag, the 17th hut., ROBIIIT S. ODOM arid SO yearn The (nacre' win take place oa TaanaT al 10 o'clock, from the reeldence et Jr D. Catilale. woo fecolad Toll Gate. layand the Oakland Stailen. Carriage. .11l leave O. kenteocie, Ire. 41 Ondtbleld attest, at 9 o'clock. It LICUM.--02 Wodooodoy morning, the 17t% test., at ba madam to On &moors of lorroacoldllo, /WIT, vtlo of ths IMa 'Wool= Loa*. o N.tte. of [aortal in monde' PVC• C4,rDIDATES. [O3. FOR PROTRONOTARY.--than. IL Itum.a win be • CIUSAILLIe art tb• Gem of try:thaw:4am rubiwt b lb* taalataa of Lba Mews Oaa mita. bladarrta 1r74 ,, CO rY CO 3iltitilOlClSH. ~,Y Azonsuul Paton. of Mart Deer? will 1w • candidate for th. aloe of Coaritifenototta• Dear, sueJ set to the America of the Ireton lieratr• hum Goer, nava. filtdarr Irv. COUNT' 1 Y;1=1:10NE11. IL Mchear, of Turtle Creek, PmWu Town ehlp, will be • candidate for theolhoe of Ooftty Gm adealoner, moklect to the declaim of the Vasa Re publican Oonmalon. Itekte FOB PROTHOINOT. RY.-1). C. ...W 7 Rom urn be • (Matilda/As for the olitor of ProtYoawarJ. oubject to flu dental= of the Raba Republican veration jam FOR PROI :ON I rAjet__G jo Frubot .111 b. . candidate tor tbe GSA of Protbouotarp, subject to lila decbaon of lb. Union Republican County Conuoutfou. 0•FOR PROTHONOTkftir:.-JAcon B. WAVIII, of tits !bit Ward, Pittsburgh, vii! be ■ candidata for the also of Prothonotary, algal to the &tendon of nu Make Inubllcan Om. voution. jalfsto .Ir:POR PROTHONOTABI.—Thot Brom will b• • oandlelato bar the ofik• of Prothonotary, inbioet to tho dioidos of 9m. valor Itapabliesa tioasontioa. jour. •S °CUING, of OVA. tioift Vol Want. alleginny, arfli boa candi data for Corona, at Alladhany Coonty.salifect to iba declaim of tin anaultig Omni, Vann. Contanttoa. otalanta N. SLEDLE, No. 183 Soirwarng; Bt► Engler In Pianos and Musical butramerits, Inop: countaany an land a nua asonsual of TIRO! h,V112.11, rivet HYLAND, WOODS i CO., EXACIII/LINDISS IMOILE/1111, LOMIARD ISTEZIIT, DALTIIIIOII3OIID. Oran* for, parchowl of 00711X11, LOOM, to. hillb . 111 , mooted. attrition gine to atilpplOs. " latTlut. bi Potothatto. Items. amytea, 8;moott a Co., Nat Yet. Taro Whaler it Cu., do ; l Bkftlo, libtford Co., ;to ; j a s... loq&alydit:oott a Co., paldnera. AlL9ciezz ! .sArzova. CALL AT ONCE AND DEE TEEM CALL AT ONCE AND Ell THHOI CALL AT ONCE AND SIM THICES VALENTINES! t VALENIINEB I VALENTINES! COMO AND UNTIHINTAL. PHOTOGRAPHSI PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS! TWO THOUSAND NNW GARDE . ALBUMS ! ALBIIIIS ! VIM KINNARD STTLES, AT PITTOCKII, 07P011112 TUN MT OMCL UNION BRASS WOMB. MANSPIELD * WITZII2IIIIO2IIII. -Brass Founders . TlHieuzD BULBS W021111trol•but et thettatrt• Alt stales. it markt wilds of 11.11211tr5 PAM -110 marrAG tor 13 MO. OtiD, war Abort stmt. Ptttabund. As. ta113:17 Dwa ""tianfts Ir!‘i.' o2 % . Bab BAKkgVIIIIIO i artek_b a sterr safety& NMI HOZ 11 , 1101101 A Midi WL. 21==2::IMM THE LATEST NEWS OUR SPECIAL -DISPATCHES. FROM ,U!ASEit,T.NGTOI•I. SpeMal D4pateb:Pitlibargt Clasettc 1467, Feb. 17,, 111$4. inioii.louto ere'. The Celtfnii*Cazitailts ' taiW on Conscription this evardig sisie*SW - report, which will, in all probability, b. preinpilY adopted both Houses. They retain the section draft lug slaw, bat provide that Instead of nuts tan giving thorn a deed of manumission, they shall be free by a law at the United BMW, en entering the service; they also take the House seotion rotative to the threw hundred deface commutation, which payment shall exempt for that quota only; that is to say, shall exempt probably for one year. XXOTSIX Mr TO 'II 00XTUT19. Mr. 1:4..2481d, -of Maryland, came before the Laotian Committee to-day, proposing to catgut the seat of Mr. Creams% and asking to have his memorial printed. — Mr. fintestrell probated vigemusly, en the ground that he had never Litton native of his intention to eoutrat, and it was:now too tars to procure evidenoe. Crisfield urges that the military interfornes was such as to utterly vitiate the election. Continuos running t• the Bouts. When he will ran down. nobody knows. mi. ustow's 'soros mi. Ur. Limn bu introdaead a. bill providing that where ehaplahtte, gautermastees or eat lees shall be doing active envies la any cat tle or skirmish; and shall be tilled or fatally weandad, the sane ponstoas shall he allotrod as In the cue of • geoentl-Lientanant. 0011111L410/111. Eldward H. Darrell, to be Judy of the District Court for the listen: Distriet of California; Thomas Beefy, lava, to be Bag- War of Land Ogice at Des Moines ; 0. H. Irish, Nebraska, Baparistandent of Indian Affair* for the Territory of Utah; John 11. Mohr onab, California, to be hospital chaplain Ralph S. Darr, nominated by the President for receiver otpablic money, at California refuted by the Renate; Lawrence Upson to be Surveyor General, California; Wm. Ir vine, to be Consul at Lonenenarg, Germany. From a communication from the Secretary of the Nary concerning statements of Bureau °Moors relative to the mode of obtaining sup plies, it appears that considerate divergent* from the contract opt= was obtained, re sulting mainly from the wallet exigencies of the puhlio senior. In the Baron of Equip. meat about 40 per cent. of the purchases were made In open market, manly by easy agents. la that of Taub and Docks 43 per mt. Is attributed to tke lateness in the passage and approval of the appropriation bill. The Chief of the latter bureau notices a disposition la some navy spats to wear Gievornment pat ronage on certain favorod parties, and meow meads an essential modilloation of the laws regulating naval supplies. In the Bureau of Navigation It L doemod unsafe to . attempt to obtain nautical tostruments and °harts by advertising for proposals. Most of the instniments formerly Imparted are now made at home since the begizining of the war, and aye of a better quality than for eign work. Ship's libraries were bought by contract. The purchases ace made by con tract la the Ordnance Sargon, which lc ea eraptod from the operation of contract by the new regulation department. It is suggested that tke manufacturers of 'ordnance being few in number, might oombine, If notified by advertising. Some articles might be scoured by contract with well-known istinufactatall. In the Bureau of Construction, purchases are mostly made by cant:sot, bet the novel and peculiar eharaotar of many vermis pre clude positlrely of the universal @cu tout. It Is asserted that contractors combine high and low prices in the tame bid to complicate an award, and deter others from bidding; that middle men often bid the manufacturer, and that this mis sion might lad to a combination of manufae turers. It also suggests that guarantees that bidders accept and fill contracts should be required, and that classes embrace things of one general character. The Chief of the Clothing Bureau recommends Anther legisla tion to exclude the irresponsible, and designate parties, soma of whom propose to furnish half a million dollars in storm, and their bide must be taken if the lowest. The Secretary fur nishes a draft of the law mating a disbursing and purchasing agent, naval atoms keeper insueotor and receiver, and prescribes • mode of making contracts. Little Samuel Clon felt called upon to ' day to aims' his views on the naval app». priatioa bill, by making a slouch on amalga mation, which ha instead was a landing dog ma el the Administration party. Hs was especially wen upon the class of men who were constantly calling the negro a man and • brother, while he was dwelt' amal gamation on the Administration aide. Kr Washburn' sought to Interrupt him, but Con very fatty Maud to ylold. to a moment he Bat down, and Kr. Washburn, got the floor, armed with a small &ma'am* volute, sometimes sun in polities; campaigns in the Columbia district, and known u Buckeye abroad. He said he Ira delighted to beer Mr. Cos's *peach again. He bad heard ;It many times are, and was always pleased with it ; but from the las Ohlo eleatlons he feared be would ham an opportunity to hur it again. Meantime, although the Ad ministration aids ware not quite willing to go at barb on amalgamation and negro brotha hood, es the gentleman had Intimated, yet ha was very glad to be able to produce another who did. He than provided to read from Cols book about his emotions en hearing a negro preach in essis chach, and his Might at lading the prandloos of cola disappear ing and the noopition of the common broth erhood of man. The Mouse wu Oaailligall with laughter, amid Whloh Mr. Cox did his best to edge to an uplaastloa. no," , said Mr. Wishbone, "I wauld not be less :petite 'that the gentleman himulf. Hrdeclined to yield W me, I de clined to yield to him." Mr. Co: tried to persist, when the flpsaker ordered him to-talte his seat, and he subildid amid a pont roar from the door and gal leries.. Julio* to the little follow, perhaps, requires the statement that he wanted to ex plain that the negro preacher he went into eostanies orar, woo not a negro, but only an African of Abyssinian descent, and that be was further recommended by line culture. 11301417T10/1 OP T 11.11141 TO 111171 The following resolution from the Committee paned the Mussels morning and will undoubtedly peas the Ilsoatto at an earl days Award, That the grubs .f Googroto ue bat aims to Safi Babb and broth men wbo, Wing seedy so lilting entlimitt.tbobutleblpo pans ot vow for more 'than two pan in nypcoi ottbetr marl Anil tie& pthaent the volillun spouted* o y f win voluntarily werali tbnoselver th the For another ' hr. thu oyant, or ed tomes tho war shall MAIM. fterehrolf, Shit the Iteeretery bf War came them, ne• otattove:tobe reed to each of the retina mitlmitote which hem moalleted. °reheat ri•eallit bettor+ eaten td regular forme "(the Vatted itetill; . =MIZE= Tba Emus disagreed ta • tho &tub, Wing cub of wblaky *Owl to-day, tad Nikki oomialtamat, f r ialifirtave: Tba,lllPeskit ef•- palitaa til•We 211146, Itetigii 'and raiums-: do wood. :Waft at tbia fallout/kat,' lii*aattatiiiatka emoocolk 141404 .0 sad 00 00 onto, bat at loaat fa oath par. haps more. It le Understood also that a majority of the Senate have the same_ lnollna tion. The competition of this committee, therefor., frightens the whisky specilators again dreadfully. The vote on whisky yes terday, unless this Coniferous. Committee should serene it all, will probably be consid ered as a settling principle that no tax will be levied on goods of any kind on band, but only to those subsequently manufactured— that is to say, other interests will all insist that the lame principle which has been ep. plied to whisky shall also be applied to them. TB! GOLD QIIZSTIOX.s It is onpeotod that thejoint resolution, em powering Secretary Chase to sell gold when eller he pleases, will COMO up tomorrow. Mr. Hassan, of lowa, in speaking of it to day, said that the operation of the present system, was to maks Secretary Chase the biggest bull in the market—th►t Is, that his being compelled to hoard theme larger sumo of gold, had a constant tendency to put gold up, and that It was this defector our own laws, which In part secountod for the present premium on gold. Gil. ILOWOH The Committee on the conduct of the War have reached the conclusion, that there wasne Gommlsm for asp ll:meditation In the course Of 04. Slough at diszandria. He shot up the liquor 'bops on amount of the soldiers, and the liquor soften railed a bowl—that Is all. Congressional. Wasearcrtox. Feb. IT, 1864. Snare.—The Senate passed the bill for the relief of Albert Brown, after • debate of an hour. Mr. Davis, of Ky., resumed the Boor and oontinned his.speech on his amendment to the bill equalising the pay, Ate., of troops in the United States service. Mr. Sumner presented the memorials of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, and of • Mass Convention of Christian people of Allegheny City, Pa., praying for much amendments to-the Constitution of the United States as may pro mote changes with respect to °Moos, slavery and other matter.. Referred to the Commit tee onpuditiary. Mr. Brown offered a joint resolution to abolish slavery throughout the States and Lu ria/lea. The resolution provide. that from and after the passage of this aot slavery shall not exist in any State or territory, any law, usage, claim or custom to the contrary t withstanding. It prohibits all involuntary servitude, except for crime. Referred to select Committee on Slavery and Freedmen. Mr. Johnson, from the Judiciary Commit tee, reported back adversely the resolution in amendment of the joint resolution explana tory of the Confiscation act, which passed the Boos. on February 6th. Mr. Johnsen, also, from the same Commit tee, reported back adversely the bill of Mr. Sumner, to remove all doubts on the eatiatroo floc of the Joint resolution G.:plane/or, of the Confiscation act, and to declare that 110e0 a resolution than not be construed tamest* any other restriction on the forfeiture of the real estate of an offender under said act, than is created by the Constitution of the United States in the case of an attainder of treason. The hill equalising the pay of soldier. of the United States is under consideration. Mr. Davis resumed hi. remake on the amendment offered by him yesterday. Mr. Davis proceeded at great length in do. nunelatiOn of the course of Momairtiteetts since:the formation of the Federal Government and madroome satirical allusions to her Sen ators on the Senate floor at this time. He said that thiCktilitary Senstor,Wilson, had at - tempted to bully and domineer over those who were on this floor. Mr. Wilson called Mr. Davis to order. The Illtalr}mstained the question of order. Mr. Doolittle thought the whole tenor of the remarks of the Senator from Ky. was cal culated to create a personal etrife. He should either call the Senatia from Ky. to to order or leave the Senate, WI he could not sit In his seat and listen to these personal attacks. They wen not only ant of order, hut beneath the dignity of the Senate. Mr. Davis then concluded his remarks. Mr. Sumner offered amendments to the Constitution of the United State. as a sub stitute to those reported by Mr. Trumbull, from the Judiciary Committee, • few days ago, and asked Gut they be made a special or der for Monday next. Mr. Sumnm's amend ments are as lidlows : - let There shall he neither. slavery nor In voluntary servitude In the United Statek, or within the jurisdiction thereof, otherwise than in punishment for crime, and that Con gress may make all laws necessary and proper to enforce its prohibition. 2. To strike out the third paragraph, emoted section, of the fourth article of the Constitution, except tide "excluding the Indians not taxed,. so that the who'. Manse should read, "repre sentatives and direct ,taxes shall be appor tioned among the several States of the Union according to their numbers, excluding Indi ans not taxed." 3. To strike out from the third paragraph, second section, of the fourth article of the Gotatitution. the words ' " So person held to service or labor in one State, under the law. thereof, and escaping into another, shall, lb tionsequenoe of any flaw or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on the claim of parties ta whom such services or labor may he due." On motion of Mr. Hale, the Senate went Into Assailers session, and shortly after wards adjourned. Horse: The House took up the Senate's Joint resolution of thank, to Major General George Thomas and the officers and men un der his commend at the battle of Chlakamanga. Mr. Garfield, of Ohlo, moved to include the the name of Gen. W. Roseemns. Mr. Farnsworth thought that thanks to that officer ought to be provided for in the &mete reset talon. Mr. Garfield rapidly traced the military operations of Gen. Roseanne at Bowling Green, Murfreesboro, and :Mother points, and said that at Chattanooga we had numbers in ferior to the enemy, while at Chickamauga the rebels outnumbered as. His would honor Gen. Thomas, but Gen. Thomas would not desire to Abe honored at the expense of Gen Roseanne. Gen. Thoutax'inease deserved to li be written in letters of gold. Belem he part ed with Gen. Thomas, the latter said to him in the Most solemn manner after the battle of Chickamauga: By all means, proven{ the re moval of Gen. Bateman' from the command of the army. This man, said Mr. Garfield, you would burden with t hanks at the expense of his superior officer. Mr. Dawes reported • resolution from the Committee on Klestil:ma In favor of Mr. Rice to the contested seat from Massachusetts. The bill to establish a bureau for Freed men's affairs was discussed. Mr, Cox opposed the bareau;frir Freedmen's affairs. The Senate resolution of thanks to General Thomas was taken up, when Mr. Garfield moved to add the name of Roseman,. He eulogised the latter, and thought It would be unjust to pan by the principal in the lights. The relfolation was referred to the Milita ry Committee. The House resumed the consideration of the Nary appropriation bill. The consideration of the Senate's amend ments of the Internal Revenue bill was re sumed. The Housopy • write of minty-four yeas to forty-three nays tabled the motion Tots, by which the lions. disagreed to • illdiag ovals, en spirits. The Rouse yester day &timid to strike oat the additional tax of twenty ciente on adalterated spirits on band for sale. The House disagreed to the Senate amendment providing a eliding scale on foreign spirits, and retained the additional tar. of forty cents. With theta emotions all the other amendments of . the Senate were agreed to. The Bona then asked the for a Committee of Conference. On motion of Mr. Pantos, of New York; the resolution was referred to the Committee on Itllitaey Moira. The Boom then want into Committee of the Mole on the state of the Union on the Navy Appropriation bill. Mr. Dawson, of Pa., made a speech in fawn of the amendment, for paying seamen is Sold, or It. e_quivalent. Mr. Monti& of Oregon, regarding the war es en. for self.defetom, made a strong Onion glisoeb. The Committee then rote, and at half-past font Honseidjmuned. Frees Camber Mud eap...altatztlebel Deserters lay. Cellantab GAP, Fab. 17.-4Capl. Hz Watkini,'Prorost Marshal at this post; says: Thi arm* number at Matters from Lone- street's army, who report to tdm, is AM par day. They all complain of being tamely dok of the war.. Their &moats eareborats. The others genendly maids, themselves whipped, bat theasht that the North's finit es' sere &lac t ate. At teas when the robld A p esteems are tharrounde, relferisyvard, they data! or oho IMO of tat:plaint/has deistrtstV The; mosey - Li tall of seoh, who ea,asittog p. ,apportnnitiss to give ni _s . - "DaTzgalait,' , lmiettrest'i hiedtpasstare wan al Itailetani. • Ills - mat aces lie at literibetallalasOliadm 'man*.Mee. Tymy,u,y,sbes shemesowilty foonstreat dt4 tet MtmeArce Oros, wimp *alit of connotes I Arrival of the Escaped Union °Sears' al Eallthnore--Eldrther PartictilUWO' their Escape.. Bu.ctuoax,• Feb. 17.--The ;steeped li ' officers arrived here this morning, and leave for Wuhington this aturrnoon. The coconut of their escape is full of thrilling bsterest; but for prudential reasons ' map of the par ticulars are withdrawn from publication at present. They were fi fty-one days engaged making a tunnel. Bering managed to find seams to the cellar, they commenced the work, relieving one another u opportunity afforded. Their instrument/ were case knives pocket knives,chisels and files. Thrleethey had to abandon their work and commence anew, on account of obstructions which they could not pau. They had hoped to have availed them selves of &culvert, but found it impracticable. After getting through the wall, they disposed of the excavated soil by moving It out in • spittoon, which they attacked to a cord. Thin would be filled by the party at work la the tunnel, and pulled outdate the moiler by their companions, who disposed of it by spreading It in shallow layers over the floor, and con cealing it beneath straw. The work was necseuarily very slow. So close was the at mosphere In the tunnel, that they eonld re main in It bat a few momenta ate time, and their candles would go out. Atone time they got so near the bed of the street, that a hole about the size of a store pipe broke through, but fortunately this was not observed by the guard, and was of great service, admitting alr, and enabling them to prosecute their work more rapidly. The tunnel when com pleted, was about 60 feet long and opened into tobacco shed, beyond the line of guards. As soon as theyfonssogthe way clear they emerged slowly in small squads of two or three, and sauntered oar until they got clear of the guards, making their way towards the Williamsburg coed, by the shortest routs. The dam:less favored Aeon, and the fact that all the rebel soldiers whom they met were hebited in the army coats of Uncle Sam, which they had stolen from the supplies lent to our .prisoners by oar government, was of great help to them; although they were attired in our army &au, and many had their hav ersacks they found a national uniform • better disguise than if they bad been provided with the genalne rebel uniforms. In order to elude their pursuers, *hem they knew would loon be on their tracks, they scattered as muck as possible. Many were their hardships and sufferings, and freqeent their narrow escapes from rebel cavalry, who next morning were bushwhacking in every direction for them. The joy which they experienced when they first caught sight of our troops sent out to help them and protect them from their pursuer., cannotbe expressed. To the officers and men of the I lib Panne- cav alry, whom they first met, they express the most profohnd gratitude for their unbounded kindness, and also bear testimony to the gailaatry with which their gallant fellows pruned the rebel cavalry, and related many of cur way won fugitives, who otherwise would have been re-captured. There is good reason to hope that many more will yet oome In sera Prom an Francisco. New Yogi, February IL—A dispatch from Sao Francisco says, that the Steamer Conon tattoo which left on the 13th. for Panama, took 1,500,000 dollars for the United States Government. 13a1 Ilkaactsee, Feb. 17.—The hark' Rogea arrived at tide port to-day from Eaziagawa, Japan, on the 17th ult. The Palace of the Tycoon at Yeddo, wu burned on Christmas day. On the next day the cutout home was closed, the offmers de claring themselum so grieved at the Tycoon'. misfortune that they wore wholly unable to transact business. It was reported that the Ere originated in • gunpowder plot to blowup the palace for the purpose of killing the.Ty- COOLL The city of Yeddo was again ravaged by fire on New Year'e day. The" buildings on eleven large streets is the wealthy business quarters, besides numerous adjoining hack streets and alleys ware destroyed. It be esti mated that five hundred houses of the better olasses were burned. New. had marked ganagawa that on 31. t. of 4October all of. grakodadi had been burned by Incendiary Ores. A dispatch from a mercantile Arm in China, states that the plrate Alabama was hemmed in the dock at Amoy, China, and the United States steamer Wyoming was standing sentry over her. We may hope that het career 's anded. Fight with Gaerrlllas of M=Z:==:l2 IV Arnim roe, Feb. 17.—A scouting party of some My 61012 were ambushed by guerrillas when arming the bridgermr Ogther-eue, • • two mile. *Auto( Drentsville, last Bmcday, and Maj. Jas. Lorimer, acting Inrpector General of Gen. Crawford's staff, was killed. Two cavalry men were also killed, and four wound ed. Our mon were driven back; but re-en. foroements arriving, the guerrillas fled in the direction of Fredericksburg. after having rob bed the dead. Three rebels were left dead, and several were wounded. About three o'clock this afternoon forty-one deserters from Le army spired in this city, and marched up Penn's Aeon* to the Provost Marshal's. They Were oonsaipted six weeks ago, and escaped through the rebels pickets and across the' Rapidan. They say they are all loyalists' and seek protection antler the government. . From Cairo. Canto, Feb. 17.—The steamer Imperial, from Bt. Louis, has arrived. She reports passing tho steamer Orient, conk to hpr bar- Means dealt to Dog Tooth Bend, twenty piles above here. Oho Amok • snag 04 half put 'oven o'clock this morning, and went down In tan minutes. Twenty-five or 'thirty lives were supposed to be lost, Including the wife of Capt. - Borton, the pluunbermaltif, stew ard, barkeeper and • Custom Howe officer. The boat was ladened with Government stores, including eighty home, all but,lhreo of whieh were Lost. The Imperial brought down the surviving passengers and men. The steamer Continental, from Nelf Or loans,arrived this morning with a largo cargo of sugar and mamas for Bt. Loots, and the ist Indiana artillery and 47th Indiana in fantry, numbering 1,000 veteran yolonteets, u rout. for home. The mercury was 10 degrou above taro, at men o'clock this forenoon. CoL Ph Expedition. Lllllllll'ol7ll, Feb. Vt.—Addeo' froinliOol. Phillip 'e expedition In the Indian Terri orb, state that be penetrated forth - sr Into the rebel territory than ever before reached,. and le marching on to Texas beithehe Kansas troops and a loyal Indian brigade. The rebel Oen. Cooper's headquarters are Washtub. Cols. Standwalte and Adair are at Preston, Texas. Coll'Apr frntn Say la. b.- Tiogs anti Qattara., tably dam ain't of a draped. Bonds. • utmost on , for six muting to Nsw Tow West reports tweak the tT Ildstaroitet, in which boi aged. The prize at the Interest NIT You, 60,000,040 of motto, falls $1,825,000. I== !pedal Dispatch to:the Pl'isburg Omits. CIMEMITIT, liabroary 17. The weather to day has Dow War but excnalrely cold. Tb. riv.r b.. fallen one root la fbe pest tirukty. four home. There la alio thlcteen feet 00 • Inch In gm clotting, ; non imerilnete dull an ,pilats notarial. Whitt) Inactive, with • ydod opecilatlre daiMail4and Priem adesna&l di per cent par clefts drat at 60d. Prethlons—Tbare is a w l i t ai lm isi. oand for men learle, and an adratuto dean etmely at 1122422.60 for choke cone and city. Wbeat—dlitt at 111,2601,30 for red, end lll,76el,to'liddt,t.' OM at NORMnor la balk. lifi Including limb. Ityi-41 . 4 fair demand at st;z4r,ss; pt. nominal, holden ask „6631,91 for prim. epting and fall. d a, Nr lea York Market. New Yoax, fib.17..-Otttan declined le • ries cd MI bales at 103481111. near bony; saes 111,111:0 1... bbArge.br fur IltaUlA/M47.45 lbr OW. and $74568 An Southend. -.raw adaratlag unneans; palm or ram Aram at Ild.l&fall Lr Chblutuderlull. 61.470)1,C0 =nuke, ab and 1n,a1411,62 roe Bad. (tern mantled ; Was .W ,O bath at 41.2701.28. Part Brom at 123ZISAL Lard Armor at 13,3ia1i. Widely then gnus deans 44 WWI, eag beaey rat No for Waies. Sbiturbuorast; Ortsaas 13316ri. Cade* dull; Igo. bums dull. Naval item atald.e. Per.beem ; Redluad at 4t3.. heights quiet. Baltimore Market. , Nos.enteatt. Yob. It —Oirlag to the dorm sad ptad mends', bat 111 11 ; rain bao beau mato! ent has adv.:end le. Whoa MEL flour dull Mut bens. Whitley steady ; Ohio 91092. Correa orq and sami Ile Stock and Bo* Barites? Bn roag,robar.:-/itoda soma s • s IL 7 , ._ t „ tliteltlgan andralr...lloi. Omnrwierand!imam' '113;- EL Muted beetp,...„l • '; O. R' 7 , ....*;...1117 Illeddigaslloathara.„' 'LEL& • • • 144 fr ili re'Vdt tria llt l Mooed ea. ' -MC zrio camolostßlelmo—sitX .-..,.•".,,-, -.-- -'. '''''*''-'4',',',l''''''''.'il.''....l''',-,.'...,,r.,:,,'=',,:t :4.1‘,:i'1?',t'.4:,',,,, :''.'',.7.4...,.:,.,',:':'•:''-',%.%.:N''',('''.',''.!l';,'::&,,..;'',';'..-'''r:!,.',:f.:!...','‘. '''''- 'SPECIAL A•orzetm ORX., OP, HUMWELLI . ti l l #A ta g i 3O " ?! o #lMii . ot U4* qtrO, RlYnYfl.. kam mei c , 6thf.isi.m co .tdated iiod by imei tba traatan ago:44, or Daly uu• by nhlc&Ahratt and Lung cap ba etfacnally raormt7 t To pm.= kaiy, moms of grrat ears, abeam Local maw nininisloienall abtob_,o32l- Plaints at la groat, 1 madjilak.4oo.a4anca, ablza mill b. mend, in coins, flora EroneMal and astlonatle Whooping Gough, and to all Timmt sad ta4lakittia plaata, which, atm% neglected, and la Comma:MUG& Tratlmonlabk from Payalaimia of ttas hialuat ability, and from Invalid., can to men at, my offm• by all luta:testa& for calm by all Wholesale acid Retail Dada, JOHN E. HIINNZWELL, Prowlator, Practical Obecaist, Itoctaa, Neu taliata—tamay.aa O.PILIVATE DISEASES. Dr. Lndruni's SpeciSo I. tin otly tellable Tandy *,r & s. of th. organ, of praerstlon. It Is tb. Mammy of sat amtasat Iltideted wham life was devoted to the treatment a this clam of Maws; cod with ansortcodeubotl zoo. OM. ix man Una nrogdy yam 111. perfacticm La Melt reqUlring m 131,0038 M% diSeliflk• Non the mistake. practlo• wad the otannuot martll 14e. etwapoututt offorpt to the publia it la sattrO7 wqrstabla wad perloctly ads. U,.d sad bnpsrta idanzth ant 'iglu. so Ctio almond Odunow.—Tho great .cans 91 this randy In el hating permanent onina.haa led to tin being tail tea; by bapribalplibt man. Obarrs, tbai4b;ra, 0111 dieutan. of U. proprtstor le sucnauleeth 'ber.Not.• other is yeartbm. Prepared only by. WM. F. DAVIDSON, dOle Proprietor, 01.1wien1q, 0. Bald by all Drags:Wt. Pricey ft ix+t box. 011 - For Ws al •bolwdo by OLO. H. NSTBEL, 411 Woad stmt. jaftlyelawr f27?LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER KILL t !MXLTING WORKS. Prrrataaccc PARK, McCURDY 8 CO., Manufacturers of SHEATHING, ISZAZIEBS MID BOLT OOPPICH, PRIMO COPP= BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL, BOTTOMS. 6PALTKII SOLDER. Alm, Importers and dealers in MEALS, TES PLATA SHUT IRON,. WWI. Constantly re band. TIMBERS' MACHETES AND TOOLS. Warohotne, No. J4O FIRST a 190 SZOOND BIM, Pittsburgh, Ps. ermua orders of Copra otstt to aoy doiefroA pat. tern._ torZlayd•w?- . U.THE CONFESSIONS L AND EX PICRIZNCI 07 AN 1:17761.1D, pabilthed lb.e benefit and me smeraLug aad *mike to pew men trip maw hum Nervous. Death Premature Dea4 of kfaubood;eto., eupplytag,afthe tame thee, Osemmo. &Of mt. Dj one 'rho has Owed kisartl AB. ain put to great gaper= mud t Nary througli 13:101ibla humbug sad quackery. By .ndoldng • post•patj addressed .metope, Ca& ooplea may b had of tN sittbar,' NATRANUL Berets. LV -13: l3adtord, Elmo. county, T F. 11104611302. - Igarn 11041.190/11. g'BOBINSON, BRA & CO., (imo. alms* to Bouussou, Ilstrut M+ Y,) WASHING TON WORKS, TOOOO S A Munn, Pittsburgh. Manufsaurors a BOAT AND STATIONENT • 8111.1411.• KNGINMS, BLAST =Gum, MT.LL icidunsxst, ar.muzio. SHAFTING, CAST. INGE. ofall dettoriptioas ; OIL TANKS* STILLS, BOLL= AND INEBT IRON WORE.' • Agouto for OWYABIrS YAMS INJECTOR, TOIL RIDING BOILERS. ,' wro rice.vous Burl/maga BOTH lIIIMIL=A mar and gontlattaaaltsv. tog bum natured to hula ha • taw days, attar on.• &again( all tha anal mann and Inirtlat wpm. tent too& of treatment.. without imams; madden It LL sacred duty to toaustonteato to ntaattletad tallow miasma tba wand ntatan Mom:* tb!F*s.o l .. fan addeve .metope, ha wilt senairei, ioopi of the pnrcelptlan used. Direct to Dr. JOHN IL D6ONALL, Utt Walton atttat. N.Y. tohllthyday? . 1310 130NbularnYES.--The Rev. R. L. imams reatedy. bas tbs cure al CORSIMPIMON, AS TH/L4,111/OAtllllll3, COLDS 00IIGELI sad an "fluent end Leas 4.llbctlose, paws irltb a pasupktot &lag tbe Putaletlbz nia • stunt history or Itts sue, mai te obtatesd of , JOll3lll PLEI 7 / 7 18, Inustibt, Omar* Mutest etrurt and dm Diamond. ~j~1M: rsi: [.~:1a11~;, olhosarew of IRON RAMIRO,- LEON VAIIVISAND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SHWI3 TRW, WINDOW CSIARDStta,.II99: 91 SECOND oad Re THERM STRUT, 6.t Wood sad Market. gm on Land a variety of tom Patterns, bate" and P articular imitable tor all mama. Particular attention said to enelostog Grass La 4 labblno don* at short DOOM ' 10' • HOLMES a 8 I Ns., thuums oz FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BILLS OP 110EANON, CEETIE/CATES OP DEPOSIT. BANS NOM AND SPECIM, No. 57 HAMM STUNT. Pittsburgh. P.. Coilletbios made an all du' principal - ado* throghout eha Unftad 'Stink • O'grarn COLEMS,Tozwinti DIG AND CONAUBSION UNCUANT moos orholsolo &aka Ia.CMCESIS. BUTTER, SEEDS 5155, sad produce vronoolls . No. 55 'WOOD ST. Pittsbarob. Po H I NA 10 AL HAIN 11 ; b riTTOBIarBOR —An liartioo far Rho Dl re,t... an of this Dank Will be held ,00 SATURDAY, the MI of garch, Ul4. at the Me of the Dime Ravine Tomitothmi batmen ibe home of le'smt ist o'alock a. m. • • DORRIS 11, SCRKZETS, • • Cleebter. CHEAPEST PASSAGE FROM rt ...tug "OLD cosinr,.. Pai, Ave, brozielt oat to 1111 ST CLAES MAIL BTRAXER.I3, Own LOnorpcol, Landenzderry, or Ont. Ike Twenty-V*7n Dollrra And by oatllig Tremolo M TWIBITT-ORI VOL. LABS, la tummy. ' to • -• D. lYlitrILL, Rank. Moak!. Bonding. Biros% Wißabi insftolorarWd, .b.bwßh• G . : CHM, FOREIGN AGENCY AUSTIN BALDWIN a Gat TS 'I3IIOADWAY, NRW TOEX.- &mittana 104, a°. o4 mr= LirarePl lbsemitawn. to &Uvula of they'd& . Inbusu 11110111.11 M, Jr. Amt.- L:tureZsprentXtki, PlibUngau j NO. BURGESS dr CO.; poommoss to J. IW. U* I 4 Coo?mlastalkit!and 417 J...!;. OIL CrITY,-.PA.: nattog parohaawl Maoßanos Worsbams" at 00 elty. sod tunlag mobs crofts-am/ toottOdsa, ix. 'Wm prepared to Moro a - Os/Onwardrd OIL 4110. /UM CHAIIDIOS, orator, Stonription; Ltd proadsolosto. bdrollos to a into May font at srAtt ~ SUBNI : KIBEIt, AGICIrr 1011 Join" Harsh k - Vale ; ., SOAs constion4 tocenring MO won ' ; . 111 . ilk on the nod Ammesble tom. Aldo , non lo hey Manta to Or nunodocnoro if Glom • - o.w. OKIJEOHIieri .oi i "PVlssosr e r star , ren . al p etk• Tug CHESTS,- 'BI3I I HIGERATORE; .L AND =AT 8011101:1L—In. pros Lr noble, flank% Bow 11•1144.e.,`/A. 24 41111 4 1,1 4 13104 4 11 4. 1 , 4 1 ,4 :: 110 00T 020 . sad nada as good as art. 7101 stlautlan Of kw . Inas 11 144 14 10 0011 01110000 meof 39d Thep 011 HARM annrs:iituiatiftia civew ug. sr gem', or , Wren 210 X 111, AD•chosy P. o: 100.ftecillIf- T.TEIOX a co.- ORU I& 0 . 1741:103,-.. o I 101- - --sizet; IL; f AGITATORS, , ONDIINSIRG , !O -- TAI"! IT! 4:ilA ' 'All ir=r4Z e t ' tia staza7r,irsarz. dui, nal ' apohlk -P!'" ghdo i zz ot eddro99l' 64 /MOO R. 0. , 6 - 3:449.4.41p711- 1- I F4, l l*# 05% .401 6 . qt t i m i n ii t y*t ; .- Inixtrwlrt 7 l.lkgklclist: -•- ra 130 M OVU. • MOST , ELEGAIVI' GOODS ITi-. 7 1.. . 2.-; ::,, , _•', '- -' c. '',-.. " . 1 - - - -'.',' l - 1 .• . • . LOWEST PRIORS t = •:- . _. Moat Dutible and Itiallianabip . .. .. • . .. , ...• . ~::::::13.C)OTS & SHOES, is si i i s aTT;IB 1.1 -1-1 H t, '•i. ,. :. ,- ..i. CONCUT HALL 1,5',,5108E ....... ." No. 62 Fifth Street,ric. .415 CHEAP! , caEtiPt aMU' CILNAPA OHEAP I CH2IP ; CELCiP ; oamer I • Cirzmi, , SHOE'S! McClelland's Auction, fell as ru m tataim AT OLD PRICES.—We •havit on.hand • binge and dentable stack d of all st les o Ocute o n r n .BOOTE i .AID 8101* M Am U:W ; MinVSfinTII I CO ;.- X hLaiBUTTON uTLACC GAITERS ;BEQ108.;13/1d ; end 0173/ onanIONS, which we are sellAokat the old price. Command examine our .70a; M. Borleinds: 08 linii.SET ST .2d door rim Ftfls street, au 111101 BOX 111' for sea TWENTY na BAYED Bartt ;ova 1100111 Jt sacra this ist9l ' ldttint I 198 BORIAIIIPS, 99 If crltat street. TOHN CAMPBELL, MannEsKtaiiii of ep tows AND SHOES, of rtmj 4 . 10 * 1 4 31141041111413 dreet,"PitUblargs. -4313:17 REJIMINATOR" , iron THE Ttio wortdortel *Corte of this ankle Inradorlog kale to Ito nlgdoo DA.. sod prodsclog liatstobere. ft had altogether fallen ell, or histiras' fhb; L irony day bsoorelog moos toonlatet, and eatuddlaltee, bet .• • Ica acilde atilactf -- • • ,St; to g ogle mare. con osier - . risers' OrigThrir •to tit Wee. fled It raQlamhta pow as Bold /Dods: Thet EC mare Ike Nahrsi Tidy mitt more Derairsurroest Etes gear usk.rhs Harr Strt seset Maw. fiet goilsernorn Orarbal Cater brad Apt • Tide stalpseesteur Side fro. Ml6* Off: • nag aid our stlDOoeso of tie Bosbe, • • It Is sot a Dy•totradaltatzto littrate of Saw; or aog other berst Work= to ettbarEklatarEfolr. Frio& OHS DOLLAR.• - • ,•-• • of ZENON , JOHl4sl433,•Clealsr . slttq t, thaltbaslit sod berth ets4Pltts WIZOLINALE DR110.1101T84,. J. J. BEIFMLIV i c oo- , •7 Ban opaLad in Patently • WHOLLSALII D 11179 can 10 . 8312103i0F1374 su, oamtai- triutarira weir= !maxim' MY A D SS TaaI Parrfflagar , Ny4.04 - taaardla =rk Taal aaortmeat of .I)BI74IS,PARIENT V• 11114 DYLSTI7IWia&WQ= . Pratbaaas vitt tad oar stork at slit L. creel, aad pans nab as to glaa calm artialballaa. J.. 7. BICISDIat •00.4 ear. Libel and Wayaararlata, Pttataa*. • . MORGAN & co., • - (Bancessors to a. B.• Di. Martina t•• 4, DNALSBN IN AND SHIPPE99 011 Connellaville Coal and., „Ca% By Junx..4 mad No. 74 WATER STILIOICT, grp aura.) Ban toDyaupplled with oiraira am; sad ON • lag, a. heretofore, particular aitant.ip c .- orratem orders Ira an prawn!, to•biP 141 .7 7 New COAL AND CORD to all paints. by.rall.or.b7 A Dar bergs Waning to - alb, pities raA7 - leaded at nor aldlag, near lioNgtoport,.'.. • . WA yB 1111 thy orders by the au ;741, ; . Rivantozow. FRANK VAN GORDEN ". 4 - . 1 - N - Prodnoe and Commiiiion iferf4iikut, No. lie escoarD Errazirr; Pittitrtaig Duals/ in FLOUR; BIITTEB, 81L00704 AMMO • lan% cmssaac roux, Nu= -41,D . , Amid 1 7 / I. = lad produce • an sanntimmentz:,.. To IRONAI4N: • Wbo bar bet WWII yl4ll . ispelings toirickitica edit IIntarACTAI sad 11()LLIallit MlLL.k:woald take • iltastfon at either, or In winos ifseebastsit Inv] se 1611.1 w," oasms omcaL MECHANICAL DRAWING..44ex mon Bebolutinitakd tolllll op it - clais tons tag tor fastraelkoa IA 1, ~.. . DII&IFING Apsty to 6. L. BUTLZIt, Yacbaalnl iiitotott Ant Draftsman, No: 11 GBAST - dialog boatmen N SOOOO. co 11011D4a:OT,IIIPBEIDAY2 ITLAIOS le13:1/. WALL PAPIER, ' • A! CHKAP 13 all CBW.l7nr Waselag that I sin ma WAVE, PAIWJA 'W irrehrixdori . DOE DISPOSAIs anntodersietaitliaor cub, Allen lot atrocedasad2.lkihmalANAMED" AND TUBULAR DOILEIII, of daunt digs; slop, - want woad-hand BMUS= alratkutraut; 'WROUGHT MON 51NA136,. en stanesad aid*. vbatbasto. DOCTORIL , A/W-Els* and.FlCrtlr . NNOPIL3 sad ,Itlitfin NOISTAILS., Adana TEO& D.-ILDV L;DEMOVAL.ELENRY - '1114:111T :111.1 • b ran' 114 kir stock or Mtn sot QOl2BB-. MAIM ito 21 WOO_ SlSlMkoilf otoLog.Tor. =XII-. Wm. b07131b0040W., Of door bb - ] kto • ;MOO* wan onartsoc ofit -alALeitkios to Moo, as to no ts &allies, 'klin!Y3:6za!, brAtab, disabkita, trid a Ng aaA cottOr76tilits OTIOE 111. - .MION 'LAND: ' .NAIL N DXLLZRt~ at about ono bwxdrqd sadlllll tagricObarircqh 301 ' inbly welt sastated; and ;Ow kegs astli; belmegg *9 )asla=/4431400110740111.b0t yat-..> "%Ma MOUT 00. liteiD I LSLnt MO, Plplo md7ei ns b,7 . - • - • ' r .r WALL - PAPER AT-OED,poICm4 . ink,B4 plivers y4pArOol:,4gboakl r aters ar,L.l5 esata,,i rmib bps bac) r Maid IeIiratIatIMPAIRO.IIWFAIM- L.. 4111) NEING T-DINKRaAL;,,CLOW °mammal-a - 701.8.-4,aothelP% .#?*, . stribloWisa . .; sty 7:Jkff ' iwvA•it o.L.wmiu,; MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers