. r. =EN INE it'ittib . Ur [ .o`-: `,, •—•ll)matcerserruld the - Wan---- A Democratic noternier*,'lrt commeit finittiPer.4ls, Maui article - this Pape; uses the Miming langnage °At thsprerustfires,the Paskurstie party is genuine adericate of proteenthl the war 1•1* ,1 4; bin*? or' Die 'reiroratime fif our Un (pit; dbolitasinte 46/ no such purpose. " ;Ivry briefly to correct this easeetisii,'athongh - to do en world siem be *work , of the merest supererogation, einem these "Ito assume to be. par =dime theDemocraio party as the present time have tionaseires disproved it by their mite in, doing'so; we wlalt to be understood as ' ittainigne - referenee to the patriotic men in eregy cemsennity who ease glorie4 in calk •-• fag themselves Democrats, and who Breslow standing rilfoitlitiold fiairand _reddening Its Mk with their blood. 13nel meit de not constitute the , TkcHOOTStrO 'party "at the meant time ;” ... they do net tote its tickets; „ they are not admitted' into. its .conmeds. _ Na wish to be understood as speaking of I /at as itteillict I" It 1 11 1 4 '. - Lit true, ass, that, bad grammar aside, Who pstnoenttle party letkesenulne &deo tate iiipiisienilng the war against treason • .."'" Bar Obi testcmitiori of our Union T' Go back palest threeyears, you who have. fhith in the pamonstio party "at the present !buy"'`'nd where was your party then? ]horn, and Tionrsor, and Cosa, and TOuen, and BrAmt, all members of the =,:,;'• Democratic Cabinet—ehall we tell you of tunas And, imbecile Amu BCHIANANt Had they done their duty this war wood never have been. Three/ears ago there. Sot-fairly started; Its heats were not marshaled by thousands and tens of Gaussian tie capital of the nation was art s „.beleaguered; Sumter could ha, • teeti — ieLenfireed with 'ease. What did JAHNS Bemuses undid., Democratic, advis Sr. do` at that- critical moment? They said they had no Power to coerce s seceding State; that the Government was powerless to protectitself from domestic foes; that to re•entbrott Sumter would be to, exasperate int SOitittiiii tuetheen. 'And thus it was, - to the everlasting disgrace of the American - ::":people, that the rebellion which could have keenerahed like an egg-shell if a Jaexsox or a Bonn bad been in the Presidential -chair, was allowed to gather strength day by day until, when BUCHANAN retired to make room foists honest and a loyal man, • it hidgiown to the proportions of a giant. This Is the manner ih which the Democratic party threajears ago prosecuted "the war against treason I” It is the blackest page of mecottotree history. - And during the many dark and anxious dais - Whielthave intervened between the in angtuatiori of AltilllTAN LINCOLN and the , present thus," what has been the :elation of the-leaders of the Democratic party to utile . ire; against treason?" At Aret the . overwhelming tide of national enthusias m swept even them into the support of the Gentirnspint,: - .ln ita(drove to preserve t h e reverses came, their tour ' ego failed them utterly; their old spirit of enbservienny to Southern dictation returned,to them, and thenceforth became peace men and Copperheads. BAU.:ANDIOHAN became their high priest-- Vallcurrptiam who proclaimed on the floor of Congress he would not vote a man nere dollarfor the prosecution of the war; Ik Knlghts of they Golden Cirri, extended their disaial 'organisation to every North ' int.liinte; Democratic editors and orators write and teiked shoot the rights of traitors. soldiers'--:were enticed to desert and then concealed, and United States oth ars attempting to arrest them were tired , . upon and-murdered by Democratic rebel eympath'sers; clans for hat Davis were gleam at Democratic meetings; the draft wait forcibly resisted, and the streets of Haw York made to run with the blood of Vatted States !olden slain by Copperhead Democrats.. Nor Ls this the wont. The oppos:_ . ilotiof the Cspierhead Democrats to spree station of the war notoriously encouraged the rebedi'M ,mske palter efforts to pro tranit, and also encouraged rebel symps ealn in Europe to fit out piratical vessels to prey upon our eommeree, audio run our blockade with.. all manner of 'applies for * thti:rebel - enlace: Add there facts the *Harts tonne of the Copperhead editors of thennintryln discouraging enlistments erersince-the spring of 1882, and still the shannfill-reeord Of the Copperhead Demo; envoy= the question : of "prosecuting the' mar against trensan" is not bill told. And7ct, In tie - fees of the fact that the world know' this by record of the last,three ytars by heart, Democratic edi ton' line 'the' andacity to say that their puff als the 'genuine advocate of prosecu ting the war agiinst treason." They even --do this bane the Ink is dry which an nerunece - the vote la. the Home en tke eraw enndtment when sixty Dem:•• =WO members 'of that body, headed by Fernando Wriod; voted to - kilt the only -....tneamers - uport w the Administration idles to fill sip th e , nuke of our wasted err Gentlemen of the Deanoenttie press t We ticktuit object to yonr. uteAbelltion. lit," It It gratifies you to do so; we do not sertensly - bideet to yOur Cappeilieedism, bemisui the more we tee of it, the greeter the necessity-we see for enlightening the piarldeNcea their dot, to a. bleeding opus, ...um brit we do - objeit mast inegiantlY to lone & h>rinly Frieda er , 'preteadlog to be in: of the _war when ahoest every word you writibati a direct tendency to • Dins that war be 'an tininecessful and un holstranr..-• Micolntlir!ed -In !mop -T r he repot If Um/to:ilia Genera of thtr ihst• upon Railroad. Is the -moil complete - • that has Lan piblishad. The 'following . *tatzlizit *big bat; prepared trout the ra. , ' - Volk sholling the uhaskishad railroads in ohs totjt v otith..ttio..atuntsor .. ot Wks """u" htitnra &sir completion Com tot6.4;ii,ionral. I. .F l "*. heotooht.. 13. t& Egla . YatLJ , Tyro , to " ?hie oat V 1 1 716 allard; . • htr I - iklia m r 6l6. Bl6lll%.• " Cfat. ll6.66barll2 44 * Poittiqdoft to '•" * . iltilint‘AtoOC 4 co. x.;;;W: •-• 16 . 211,44 .5 a d. - touL Demo to lob 'to f.m. ‘...ll•lldabelriot-iiirom-1 1 / I W . 6 'moans and Oc4wob* Caton: - blot, oz. * T Air i g l orktli ckait Itiosalltersamot o ! r E=Z=l3 ,~.~ frty'i!lsT, ;,* • g•- , 1 • 21. 7:ti N 4 ?4 h 1519 "We are enabled to state upon the vary highest authority, that General Grant has, within a few days, fOrmally, peremptorily; and in most decisive terms, rejected direct' offers made to him lately, by leading pan critic politician; to secure his nomination for the Presidency by their National Con ventioa." Program of the Campaign In the Southwest. The campaign in the Southwest develops in the most auspicdous manner, and some of the results which, though foreseen to be necessary itenseqnentiesof the moves, could yet hardly have been anticipated as likely to come so promptly, 'already ebow 'bem oans. We yesterday Indicated that the advance of Sherman's column toward Mer idian as an objective, might be expected to bare the effect or.callieg off a portion of Jabuiton's force from Dalton, and that the weakening of the rebel !onset that point . would In ell likelihood be followed by the 'dean°e of the Union force from Chain. a• oga. TTeclay we lave to chronic'o the fulfill meld of both of these prophecies. John ston Ituteen detaching trusts to weeny h en the forces opposed to Sherman, and there are ticlidge that the army at Chattanooga Is in motion. Gen. Sherman, following his easterly lino of advance parallel with the Southern tlissiesippi Railroad, has taken possession of Jackson. Jackson is the capital of the Suds forty-four miles cast of Vicksburg, and the point of Intersection of the South ern blississippl and the Memphis andfNew Orleans Railroads. It to a water highway to the Gulf by Pearl River, which empties into the Rigolets. Gen. Sherman entered Jackson on the Sib Ind, meeting with but sight resistance from the rebels,' who fell back oast of Pearl River. In connection with the Masao, of Gen. Sherman'. army we have to day the inter esting Intelligence of the setting out of another column which is destine& to play an impertantoomerstive part in the grand campaign in the Southwest. 'This Is um ' posed of the Fifteenth Army Corps, under command of Gen. Logan. It bas advanced from Huntsville, Ala., and crossed the Tina nessee river at Larkin's Ferry. What is the purpose of this movement? The telegraphic report assigns it eke ob joat of acting in conjunction with Sher i man'. force. There is, however, no pro- - bibillty of this Saab movement of two columns separated by an interval of three hundred miles with the enemy between them, would oertainly be in violation of fundamental military maxim, and would be barely admissible on the supposition that thert were no enemy to oppose it. The likelihood Is, therefore, that this corps ts declined for operation on Johnston's left flank, by a nun= due east (eixty.miles) on Rome, In conjuration with &movement due south of the Army of the Cumberland, on -the same point...We throw out this opin ion, however, with due diffidence, as indeed becomes those who speculate beyond the range of the larger strategic movement', which are dictated by great controlling principles, and attempt to descend to menceuvres of tactics, which necessarily ray Itiasiordanene with varying cireasm stems. And now with regard to the third col on% the cavalry corps under Gen.. Smith and Grierson. At tut advice. it was mu kg southward from Corinth, following the Mobil. and Ohio Railroad. A few days' marching must bring this force in position to over the left flank and front of Sher man's column. If imasenfal, it will doubt less anticipate the latter forte in the pee session of Meridian. A encoessful march on the part of Slier. ; man to Meridian would prompt the with drama of the rebel fora from Mobile, es, is that cue, its only raifrOad eanaticaietnies could be cut En the rear. But this should be expedited by a vigorous demonstration on the pert of Banks, as it Is of the utmost lm I parlance to get immediate command of the two &Manta of the Mobile River—the Tom bigbee and the Alabama—for the purpose of throwing up supplies to Sherman. While these movements are going on it Is not to be masted that the rebels will be still. Johnston is, however, placed In the =plume predicament of being threat ened at points which It is equally impart. ant for him to protect. If he fells back to oppose Sherman and cover Central Ala bama, he nnociveta Atlanta to the advance of the Union farces at Chattanooga. If, on !heather hand, he falls bask to cover Atlanta, Sherman's progress cannot be =larded. The only rebel fora known Is be in Bibert=tes line of advance, are the two cavalry tarps under Forrest and L D Lee, lately organised by General Hishop Polk. The campaign in as Southwest certainly open" with morrments of colossi proper uons, and their progress Arill be watched . with latexes interest. The forma are so placed that eneonateriahmty be expected immediately.—New Yott raw. We are much pleasod to find the follow ing timely and sensible - remarkain a Late editorial of the Se. Lo its Democrat, B. Orel: enterria paper, and the moat "radical" newspaper In the whole. West. Speaking of the Than party and Its . future, the writer of the article alluded to says:: "To IMMO! that pally we believe to be a primejteetuity. It hag so far borne the.bur den orthe war for the:Union, and if lt goes down, we shall seriously fear for the Union Baia We therefare , feel Ilia standing by: that - part", whom, ita nominee may be, aa we would eland by the .14 of the - country, whoever may uphold it. It is .yet; too soon, in 'Omer of war and revo lution like' think to tell or intelligently die , ono, who the nominee of the National Union party will be. Brenta m ay so 'hip them selves that'll,. LihooTn will unavoidably be the man ' • and on the Other head he may be ruled out of the queethan altogether. If we were to indulge -& prottlation, we would up turn. 0 4411.12111, stood the best chance of being taken up In the /bile and rivalry now gresaillsgamong prominent candidata.' Bat whoever the man may be, what we went and what we believe a vatemsjority - of liepublf. eau or Unionists want, is a fair party C.a. fatties, with' will mat poly &algae/ the candi. date, And trig lay down a said platinv of prig. etplat, asalpia caiididate open it go malreth Ago km dome demi teapot nkrisi., limey - - for tlem." Thlt STA= JOCIRAL.--WO iIIITO Teal the Ant number or e," new weekly with this name, published at Herrisbargby D. IL H Bleu; late of theMontoor Amer. jezu. •• lib to be devoted to the support of thelfsitiled end :.Eltate Admittistrettone: Ws hope lila prove to be e. remunerstivi futtlumtlal caliber:lr* the goat -mum; - _ , !ha laimpil Ai 2410.241avi sal. saMm444o; . s ; 11 , 11 papiwfis gnAgatost W ild! *bead.* lc* be it b4bxralaa*it*- Atiznitat'aiktirre neiniik'aiptintheer Clang - is; Pained the belief that !tiding Democrats *ll4olaiktcif i(tietiies s e - were at work to tiedfilitetteral Gat= their candidate for the Presidency, and added that we wereno so sure as we would , like 'tit be that ,the leading members of our party were making the proper moves to prevent such a 00115IIM: mitten of political rascality. Since 'that article was published, we have met In , sev eral deur exchanges with a denial-of the Generals intention to be a.candidate as the nominee of any party. None of these pa pen, however, bare questioned the main item to which we gave:erpremion, namely, theintention of the Democracy to make the General their candidate If they could. We have now, in a Washington letter to the .fifinclnnati Chntranvied, written by a cor respondent in whose statements we place great faith, the following verification of our leading assertion, coupled with an alleged pesitivedenial by Gan. Grant that he could be used by the Woods and Coxes and Soy motcri who' now run the Democratic "ma chine." We gladly place the paragraph of the Commercial's correspondent on record,. and trust that it may prove to be true in every particular: The Trne Doctrine. b Feeling In wiscia.; - - *lite? Orleans corre*sdiiii-of'4 Canto Tribune writes es follows: "!. IteupPlete ibe eountr7 in beginning to unlierstand the fast that Lonigans will be the Ant reconstructed Slate. Altai:mum st*rTeribessee mey follow cheely hi her fitii4tiii, cannot probsbly some 11 1 1 *id itek' 'vat: aeti . .hould be; foi- mit persuaded the moat thoroughly honest, zealous and , loyal people-month: of Mason and Dixon's line are to be.found among the Union men of We State. Their solaria- Geeslin deeper, their purposes purer, and their understanding of facts and principles more intelligent, than I hadetnrcenception of When! came here. Eiseve.ete I have seen so much' ahem Unionism parading itself, that I have naturally looked for the same thing in Louisiana, bat I have not found it. The line of demarkation between Unionists and Distudenteta—between lov ers of freedom and slavery propagators— is broadly and distinctly drawn. Loyalty which is based solely upon considerations of expediency and of personal interest, is not the most trustworthy kind of loyalty. Give me that mind which is hued upon a love of the old flog, as the emblem of • dear and never-bsbe-eurrendered nation ality. Give me loyalty which is a matter at sentiment, as well as *matter of deport ment." Antendintmts to the Constitution The New York - Post revives the history of the different amendments which have .been added to the Constitution eines its formation in 1787: Twelve amendsients to the canstitutieti. already exist. By the terms of &Mole tletV of the constitution, amendments may be proposed *Muir by Coupes or by a con notion called on the appliestion of the kitalatures of twothirda of the seam but all the amendments now eilsting have bon . proposed by Conine; and have bean natl. ded by state legislature', without the call of • national convention. Twelve articles of amendments were passed in Congress on the 26tif of Septeinber, 1789, by the requis ite Iwo alb& rot.. Ten of them ware ap proved by the legislatures of three-fourthe of the states, and became amendments of the constitution on the 16th of December ' 1791—mare then two years afterwards. The eleventh amendment was proposed in Congress on the sth of March, 1794, and became a part of the constitution on the Bth of January, 1798, needy four years afterwards. The twelfth was proposed in Congress on the 12th of December, 1808, and was adopted by the oonstitutional number of states in 1804. Au IS NOT GOLD =AS tharraaa.—A hit. Chase, who left lowa some two years ago on ► tour through the land of sold, hu re turned. He spent a month in Idaho, beau= lug some time in November. He gives the "other aide of the story"—states that the mines of California ore much richer than those of Idaho—thud in the latter country they campy a very limited specs, and are poor at that. It was estimated that 80,000 men in Idaho were out of employment, and everything exorbitantly. high. The cli mate Is told, and - they have Me there In Jurist. It is clothing uncommon is have four or fin feet of scow, which lasts all through winter. Rather • discouraging picture without the usual gold setting WHAT roe Union SHELLS DO to CHAR icstos. —A 200 pounder Parrott shell exploded last week in Charleston in the blacksmith's shop connected with one of the foundries, wounding six of the boys employed In the shop—one mortally, one seriouely, and four slightly. The alarm ball In the steeple of the First Station pail took of the general alarm on Sunday, and rang itself hoarse, cracking its throat in the attempt to call out the militia. Its tongue could hardly articulate a sound yesterday, and the bell will be of little future service in ringing the hours or sounding Ste "alarms" So much for ore- - exertion. E 77777 CUISIEO IRE SOLDIERS IA New YORK.-AD Albany dispatch, dated Mon day, says / The Goeeenor to day signed the amendment to the Constitution enabling the soldiers to sate, and appointing the second Tuesday in March for submitting the question to the people. PUBLIC .COTICES. 10. LECTURE—REV. A. B. BRAD. PORD delver a woad lesion so Om ..8011113 AND CUETONS IN (MINA," In Bov..1: Ils.lllllsos Chursh.:Beadsak7 moot. •lleoloss. THIN 0'. (Tk0r.1.7) tiNNING, lath lost, ,st cloc tlOnstodon 93 ants. Tickets for tads al th• drug su . mof J. d at thß. lIIIIIkon, r. H. P. Fchvarts and Owns S1(.11. ans •so fel! OFFICB OF g gtata TtoII.OZTATIO. CO • } lebibery 12th, 11161. 117TWE ANNITAL ALEETING of the gtoce holders of the Roden Treaspirtattosi Oompmy will be held et their office, to Pittsburgh, oe SODBDIT, rot ma, leek .110 o'clock . m. A. J. Iget.OVriLL. geeretere. -.BOUNTY FUND, THIRD WARD, ALL/WM/XT.—Vise be sa adjourned meeting of the earolhd mei, dilute tad Ilea llerielbtees, at MI. Gant'. Hat. as THOB.IIDa,T, nth. toe., at 7% p. m. The Block am requested t. mike social effort to add to their sub scrytkots and collections and he prompt is ahead. Inca at Us stestlag. It h expected east every one hating the mesas will sntetribe literally. (at Ills suderatood to be a keg ealy,) that the Oarersommt momap metes the meta of the mad mu lei w. U.BOUNTY FOR VOLUNTEERS. —Tha SZOOND WANDAllostany, to raw ult r a yay Mural South. to Talcum; oa pro. an traararlas certleboora treat tam Provo.' Nankai to WY. A. BUD, resumer a •Ilegberty Tron 00. JCWSPII KIHN.paTRICK, HOOT IteICNIGHT, JOHN HEATH, ONO. H. IMMIX, 111CNIIT =YAMLB, Boaaty Ca maralrana. Alt ealuarttran and oratrlboton to lb. &woad Ward Ilrasty rood are narrated to pay tradaptly to WY. A. BUD. Trusorn, rad tat their tall y calra JOBll.ll ILION PATRICK, 1a173( Chalrana. PAIR AND CONCERT, lot the Damn of the LADIES' CEILRITABLE SOCIETY, connected with YES MOUTH 005418IMATIONAIL 011112011. —The LOW Charitable loetety conseeted erlth the Tinsmitth h at t Ceegnotlona old l Church, nerptetrally ea bonne. hey will h B AIR .41L24'1,, CONOrelir AT AZITMLNI HALL, On wIDNuRAY.A =ausS T svmsPik faii. The Omani vlll comdst OYToial and Instrumen tal Made, and th. .d embrace mealy choke and Istallar wrap of tha olden time, tagetkur with the more poplar and favorite are of the pre.. sot. The lutramsetal part will be to charge of a full and competent orchestra, while the vocal part win Is imatalsont Ir/ft ember of our mist accent. pliebed antatewm. n. Manager. of Um /air Intend Introdneing • .DOILTHTIO 8012 / I "—ibeehi-deshe Wired kl to of Mt, yule ago, which will he a prominent attractiaa. Min folgaw U•FIBBT NATIONAL BiSK, OF .A.LiLICCi•ELIELNIr lib ptivliago to berme to mt. Rant now folly oresatiod and la nocom• Ail oparatkon. snaproparol tool * %aim bud= and odor oar cordon as corropanakal to Raub 8 "kall a s °Santry & Special situation stria to co ihni ,ta this !mad the colloining 0117 of Plilaborah, po von is on all pairof the coantry. Mosby* nedved on dopocii, and Ischnog* on 01/ theme pal Mho Dont* end sold. ornatou a • . T. H NVILN, H. H. DAMS , JOHN DIAN HINHT GIBW tu, WX. BARNA/01k JOHN THOHPBON. 0. O. BOTTA,_ NB D. H. WHITT. ARTHUR" HOHNOH, 11141VID, Pitman a, Cumin. ==f=M CARD.--Gratefel for the kind itbuttbet mat ratranap tiu• received tram the people et :Tittebergh andvkinitr, tbb ltbees 86011 ILL eretaltmeettbett mneultot that orb memtad be - admitted two their Claw. et Ittpieet hat Teb. - letb and letb, TOTZDAY via rams WRONI4 and ITlNtleoe, at baud Tg teepeetivaly: Ladled sad Citrat!elatt, entre of 10 bmataa.:—.3e • elbildnet. .1" " 4 00: THE ANNUM: 'MEETING OF O' 2IIII.IISOOILEOLDISB of tkikAtLLZOlllll. Iff VALLZT BAIL/10AD COIIIPA will be belt, at the 0111 Lee of the Cleteleay. as Wheftielfßh gm rittsbortii ee TITIXPAY , Ifebetttat. eaf, -et ' 11 Velods. at., ter thit u *of the - Anted Ifer• pet, tbe oliettess of Nel the tnaisiatket• Ofeetaielbee baster se ra 7 roma& 103.'0]ili;'' terlialE- CANAL-00MP 0 4 .411 y ~ UPON, atjhWtrletolll It the 11411 , 0 11 3 1 0Anejlet,?: ftditr ! ciirouiros.7,7; NEM f.a ,. ., liL.. ril STEAM SAW MILL FOR BALE- Simard na tho Raab of lb. 01110 vita, 12 max Rem ttw etty, - 12 fba Barougb orroalekleg. Tdf ABB kw tummy of. land nun b 11 30671=1* nlng_ord.t,Alipabli:6l cutting tlibb.*Al Sf.l lb l ing ountb, and adintrablt colugracted f r barge build pflrposol: Par bulbar particulars addrun BAZIEB A 1i416.67i18. Box 67, &wick lotrilla P. 0. , P.. HOUSR AND tor FOR RATAL - .L - - That valanbie Lot No. &a Palo Alto , etneot, &knead Ward, Allegheny Oily, running back to Franklin end, on which ls mental a good ft.,. Mono, of four canna, with on the Many applt warm llisparinea, abade, peach arid plonk Uwe la the yard ; and a viahrabla . building or boot,. .. silo on Palo Alto meet, *want. Far blfra fu w rther particular tannin on thvrecoW/. of THEY DIE INSTANTLY I Nene of MI tb• Hat Powcien. Pastes o MLR rid Inualoted will so effeettudly dubs, lure, alai. ROACHIPJ, ku., TOWSIIOIII EAT PASTE Thoyeat It Freedlly sail Me Waal]: Corner iamb weld amithisld stresti JUST PIYBLISRHD, BY LE& & Int&LILIES, T 22 CHESTNUT HISKIET, PHILADELPHIA Mood ?aropbrono do Contort on tits cm dlr. ' , LIME( TO MT If OOKTAI MID f* hitch. varied. oompord by Migrant Ibrifirao. TEL la tE. gdoor which mud nob • bombe or lb. Varian Hofforso Coooorth Prior LW, WAIT o tram TITA WAN ID ;" /nig .ud Mary lirodo adopted by T. N. Todd, Prior 60 pay. Libor of lb. above, or soy of our publitatiou ma fro. of potato ope nods f mutat vim. To to obis/aid, oho, atn o all the al blurb Storm LZII W irbEtt ttt Cbortout roost, Philorbdpia. I TALIAN WORKS OF ART, ELE OAR? PAROT GOODS, &a, TO-DAY, (Thursday ' ) lrabrsutry lath AT 10 VOLOON A. M. AND I P. 11. will Do saki, by cotaloor, *a tb•mand door of as Oommorrial &Dr Booms, No. 64 Fifth @not, as ao• =mina stock of boaottral Marble Statuary, Carved Vases, OA= ILIMVIIII6, TAZIL&S, IKL, Imported am Italy by Allgood Marmot,' sod raatkonl, or nor woe. fon DAWN A If cILWAIIIII. Aocers. BAILEY, FARRELL. & DIULIU IN MATE /HALE FOE WATER, GAS & STEAM No. 129 ROURTU ■TIIHET 13It OPOSALS PAM. STHAMBOAT TN ANSPONTATInN—PITTSBVIGH 011 LIZZLING TO ST 1.0013 AND MASA. Pwromma, Vebmsry Idth , lEW. UMW Proposal. am Imital until We IM ON MARCH, by Lb. andmaigued. for pampa:tatlay by staamer, from Plttemosh or Whmllng to 111.1.014. and to Omaha Olt v, Lem I,LOO TA mop TONS O f RAILWAY IRON AND 817PPLIES, batons the let day of /iamb sad 'motor July mat Proposals should ti for all or say part or portion of the tram porialloa. An Kameda mutt in accompanied with • ow. ante. fur its faithful performance. The right it reterved to reject any or ail the pro. vocals. OPSINOSS BARBA UGH a CO., No. ZS Liberty etree4- Agoura fur "Orden Penile B. H. Cia. - Gliktd CONSIO ?at ENTS OF PRODUCE now to store : GOO bag, prim* egOi 800 da Chicago Timothy dyed ; MO du Ear Coro ; MI do Dried Peocha.; MOO do Dried Apple. 60 bbl.. Leta 'Shwa TorcOp• ; 70 do Prowled CWT; WO Ws. Hamel Apple.; • 6 do Maple Oak* Bator NO bash. White Maim; 5,000 do Tart Slate Pow.. Par ago by L. H. •OtOT f CO. jUr T ARRIVED, AND FOR BALE cursr, at POTTER & AIKEN% No. 5 Later. 7 SACO to Codfish AO bbl. Fe. 2 Larp Mackerel ; "M do No. 1 Labrador Herring, yew 10 half bbl.. No. 2 Lairs Mackerel 23 qr. ►G.. No. 2 klsekimd ; ID ksto No 3 Mackerel; 20 boos. Burlington Hondo, 1 cook Smoked Shad. 4122 GET THE BEST. UNITED STATICS CO lfiT MAPS North Carolina and Taanassion. 00. SOitirof- - 1 CO. Ertenn part of lb. , tataof Loarrhaa and " Cluarlaston Harbor .o app..rooten.- 73. Tor oda by T CO.. 65Wacol stmt. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE a 0008. PliVrriT it 00../ 60 Obis. prime Lard 200 do Tatra Mos Boor; 40 do Beef Hama; 4 lap Pocked Totter ; 20 boob- forgo Illolog Nato; 4CO do tutu Dried Apples; Alm, • tdoo lot of flhoolflors, Sidra oad floats. 6111 VA.LUABLB ROBINSON STREET PROPZIPPT YOH SALT, SO bas trout by . 11 . 0 7 dm a to d. a paved allay 10 Stri b. wide. Two twx• tor, dm* chamber., bWci d ' irilott•roam nod ktte ring len. boll s par boom ranted Mr 1120 per anneal. Price tot both, Sauce, Apply to bIT 8 CUTHBERT • SONS, IT Marta U. QEOONDJUND STILLS WANTED— ?Second-Hine Stills, holding from 30 t• 73 bomb. wuttorl lnonilately. Parties who Mow them Ibr my Imre word at lb. It Chathe Hotel. *MU 011:113T urn. F R " o.lt LL BU • . rewfv•d e lCznzV i sy. do Epp. MI L. It. V &V 1 TONS MIDDLINGS and 10 TONS DW1..1 tb• landing, pr Ciiinn, and tar eale Ode inarning, by Gla[NOS & MAIM, No. 813 Liberty area. frit LET—The LARGE ROOM, with Ita.breof vomit,le nomad dory, sweat Waft, presat acebyl.d by A. Wr 11awrabold pr0..,/.IE 11117112 b stmt. •An WILL PURIJILISH s Frsmo • VV Homo and Lot at °Aland. MI I. OTTEIBMIT 4/10U, dlktarkal el plo IRON AND CLOVER t.lO to Union Tomes PIG DION; IWO busb. ocorza BOLD; - 18 .to 1 . 4 by Warr a wrisos. Jar . • . tat Mat/ rim 200 BILE CIIIOICE TAM. FLOUR Stop ud fin selaby PATMISON s AMON, 1116 No. • Wood .6200,000 600,000 CIEDDNE-1,000 hoses E. D. Cheese lAD do •W. B. • do. LOO do Bazaars dal Idu do Gahm ' ••• J. D. CANIIIILD. SOFT CULP . '" - ...50ET GALENA LEAD, to vii " m-4Y064 grrqED, . • Mali omit, near Wood. pIETRA NO. 1 MAUKEREL in kite AA wad bait Ill* kw fatally.r . me; also tar *shrill rata/l, by tba pound, et the' faml/7 Orooet7 Stor• of flelfN A. All ...Thar Malty GM Mad streets. VIITHITE LAGUAYRA. COFFE E--15 bipvery choke Whit . Legally% p e w Jut reostwo4 land for bar by 1: i : „„,;•A ow barrel, very choice Wife Jun wend gee by the basbrl or pound, by !DB* A. nuensw. corner Went, and Bend streets, gEßMlnripit„,,JtuFTry rac e e NJ flub smoked Sot Mahon; allo t s lot of prime argd °offish, lb! etele al the /faulty Georrery Sten of JOUN A. aLlieUblit. 1617 tintue ltdbarty tad nand anal& DIWED• 1,000 boshalipthd Applai 60 ,do 41,3 .Posehaor • ra*A.l. by 4 QB4ll. 0..1/15LLY, - ITO Mom Wore. 'WHITE BEANS-400 bushelf'prithe tor rahbl , :Cala . ALIEN' • . Llbaty stnit. CLOY= Ltiarinuro.Dgpavo. fwiste. low Issium !tan =mei Ist brads fet UAIAILDICICWIOO. ; B' iinmo " 16 bundles to 48111 TO 11111CUSer °Mammas by want a CO. MOUNT UNION COLLEGE.—This MOUNT luattatton, located et Ht. Elam. /huh moo. ty; Ohio, idterifts exteaulre educAtlonal tuttlltha to eradezteetimatb Ism • ; - The Tecultyatostetrof ausititoirti, V. 'reddens ; 0. CHAPAIA.N. A. 11..; ONO. It: 01 . 11 / 1 a,_... 11 .; N. HAttp3lloßN, A. B.; .la. W. WIAPHAN.II. a.. bead.. cam. Went Mechem to lutnunental Hoek, Iglocutloo, Olomoterdel dclacom, Optmeatlcs, and the German. Preach and Helongu Leagnagat The CoDhi, pomeatee eery Wawa» *nand. and V l:iglu. • 1... 110 1C.."1.t.y, Natural MID... p Boteu_y . Phyllolo/11.mgraloo. geology. Le. 11"'", rdh " lldT gl = 4 ' I then ge pp, t o 110 tag= Od toet ,e and tom mortise high, and u by any College Edifice to Ohlo, completed tor use next tom !Mich begins on the ant OP MARCH, 1540. Thl. new Whiled will convenleutly ammo luodat• 450 studio:an =arm, crss. Good board 'can I . ha oaD r d In priors ui fa Ne..t from t. 82 to per melt: and, at about IS oehte a week, good roves, ornalabed with bed,atoes and forratuna, C. rented to student. wbo board thezaelma or who dodre to hire toll/16°1rd to pinta tuntileaat about it BO per weak. The Tuition in the Teachers' fkieniffic awl Cha ska Oonricarangwo from in to 66 per quarMr. Those preparing to teach coo bare, without extra abarp, the sdrantag• of dolly drilla in CM ?formal Down:Lent. The eenlona begin on ebont the 81W OND TUESDAY of Augnet, iforambor and M., o b of eachear. hf yaw„ .... l Onion JOHN/MOS NIL tralat; • Tract, healthy sad moral cilia's lel* and a taint:llth of Alliance, tat Junction of at Maryland t Manorial Railroad with th. batik It. Walla/Ad Chharara ■allway, boad.dtrat art o. Catalorana. folikawdaltrar CONE AT UST TEN OEINT NOVEL. No. 0 THE CANNIBAL QUEEN ••041roadarfill imploltm aml ad... Attar to Build tralo " V la == Ocarallmo mite, gutrudiroly for th is aeries ner.. Bail th• rim •11 ALMS. 0B• FIRE JOHN. P. MUTT, M. Pi FMB 9 TRZET,I4I3O/110 HALL. MI VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.—In pentium of an order granted by the Probate Overt of Jefferson ootisty, Ohio. I will offer ihr at ?obit° Avalon, .o FEILDdif, the 4th day of Irani., A. D. 1244, at 2 o'obck p.m., epos the pron. laiw, • valuable TARN, oontaloing23o 612141:11, more or leek te Warren townabip, Jefferson county, Ohio. The starve rntlre gum L underlabl with a hill veto of Orel, known to ho of the beet quay , and to euppoiwed to be underlaid with o order vein, the lama s• Is &nog at Eltaabenville Ohio. The above oval in ontwawbrnt of ammo, both by undermining and ahaftbig, the land being within • gm hundred yard, of the river end allkdrdog thong/ wad depot at portlaud, eight mike ohms Wheeling. With the above land will b. .old the we half of Monty urea of Wheat, now growing nen the laud. and also the water prbibge• npon obi acre not b raided In the above land. Tama or fleah—Os.thlrd cash, es* thltd In am. sad oao-thlrd to two year; host tea day of ash, telli !stand. The pt moat. to be motored by moot epos womb= mold hay moon dashing to exultne the above prem ien. tau be .boon over tba who by calLtaw spew an et Monett's, too Inns below the meats.. TINLIA bon LL, heaterheater of WM of IO loeeph iota, deed. 0. G. JOHOWON, Attorney. fet37.31 JON SS D TIEI.VG .4J'D SCOUR 1.4" G GOODS RETURNF,D . IN TWO WEEKS you CAN ALWAYS PROCURE 011 r• Oil, for Table ore; Pon 81411,10/k Arrow Hoor ; Cora Starch, Tadao a a d 80. hoar ; Pura Cod Lim 011; Fiera Toilet &.p. and Parroasal ; Ambrorla, (r sto; Hair; Wiabart'r Pine Ton Tar Cordial ; 111••• Antler Hair Baruovr—groolo• Coaitliutkoa Warr, S. ; /to, At RIO. A. ICILLTO CENTRAL AVON', 133... r Obi .d folar.l stsmt• rpo G•RDSNERS AND VINE J. GIBOWEEP.—Ths orameriber boo sub divided die Vim, situate tots takedown the Ohio rim, oa wash the hotommiabso Trains of the Pittsburgh, fort k. Mosso B. R. stop, lute hots retying flotta to 14 am, Which he offer. lisr sas accountsoda. rare. n o. alba toZ i sre level sad wel . l eult t olbm ars partly =rod tb. my boot aka to We county tor vineyartle. Bever.dallag whip or essay gym lot, • plea or which OW be sews ai aw oke. a GRAHAM =BMW 155 and 157 Liberty street, Pittaburgh, and ea the premier, where per. Wins wielded Sutra.. gaol property war the eity will faddha PRODUCE Now RECEIVINW 4000 lba. huh 11•11 Butler ; 1100 homage ; 1.1:0) De. No. 1 to be.; 000 bunk, ous Ayp W do Coto Neal; 1.000 Ita. Buckwheat Mbar. 60 lb, tacks .10 bosh. poise Olovor timed bbl.. &Mot Book. Apple.; 10, de Bets Taselly !bur; IMOD fba. Bled Lea Totowa"; US balm Veneto Uwe* Cheese • To arrive sod lortale by H . suAnie. We. in Uteri, moot Ormi Of r a re .,Clamous etereare. Cu., HOLDERS Tebronnee Me. 1110 THE HOLDERS OF FIVE Y EAR J. NZ TIM OTNT. BOMA OT aasonlont OOMITT, MOM TOT BOUNTY TO VOLTS; TIZRA—Tite maul et 0.. NM Tar, eabeted fv Ibeee &mite. aftet _myth* Interest, vOll bow be op. piled to aria. liquidaUos, et the mar berretde mar. kat robe, _te emeant of TWIEHTT THOCILAND DOLLAR& Bolden sIMs t... 11 o..anly st Ude alida. BUILT LATIFTW , Cloelenlier. 1116-.51,14,11r1 WILESLSB & WILSON'S LOCK STITCH SEWING NIAOHINES avne WON TAe Ilickest PrOIWIWNI al ail de Imparted S. and Wadnakel Tana abate Waded Ode mem w I trg =jr.ar 'daintbet• eZrlne l de darks*. Mataldne Warranted W Tian. INNTMONTONS amp! eatrorrovan. gran sad ate tbm I. dl . Wffi SUBSER *Ca. wsinarard Aims. alarPatdmal . intae. P. WI NNW" Wreak iskaaavir JOINNNir a HAIN & (XL, THIRD AID WOOD num. naiad U. a INTEREST COUPONS. we will pay eba Wise pillis for U. S. COUPONS, natudlog thaw of 310 Lim e 6. Lt 11a mot. 833111PL8 itIONES, THIRD MID WOOD MMUS GOLD AND SILVER. we will pay the .hyeast =AM pram far GOLD AND SILVER COIN. t BENUE & JONES, GOLD, MYER •NI U. B. COUPONS. ?Ito tlitstat maxima pries told fat SOLD, SILVER & U. S. COUPONS, . - • •t tbaikaalaag Hausa of A. 12eT1011114 112 ItITTH swum. PlAtt UWEB AND TALLOW AT PUBLIC AUCTIO3I.—WIII beaVerad at Palle/loathe:, at II o'eloLk a, oa TIIMIDAT, the lad day of Tab maxi. at lift Monument Yard, In tha Olt y of Walk- Mateo, about kOOO BALTBD BUY 80134 .ad . • emoo LBL Or SALLOW. La aoo4 oendltlon. Tartu Omk. la Ckerteamout Fund .. 0044 0, MILL, ilmat. Oul. .ad O & GREEN APPLES. : 1450 3BLB. P/11111 11411VITT1 SO 8188. DIIIIID AMPLMS i SODS A. RMHAW, sad Until stmts. a Mara and to aratro and for d• by rt.zunso isTrauft 0.16:11r Oarlur 'MIA and Bali lOWId sines. $75 IprriaslsGOugli.msliOGNTaLtErtuThase 00111/11a nut ma Agsal la dash Gomm, with &Warden f ar Mir new 11l 111 CHINS, with pass, term &tad sad extra walla. W. par a liberal Wary sad expearer or en luvioameals :td=riztthWan+Mitarotrol,'"' - • rharral Aral Sr tU Wald Maim Ibildraddarret gAn VOLUM:9 LAW AND HIBCEL. out , LAZIOTIS noon AT ACCTIOIC—Op 117R8DAT ' AT NA803170. Atrotior noun; •Ikg.lealtbadd sh•oli,!,„ by erder'of Adatalandar. KOlrelsms• asd Chti,be INa • T. A.- worntizo.:44) woR BALE—A . Fravai doitidn. J: his Ara mash Outs sa tbe miser 9f Worn asidiarist welts ta the ilorovelli: Maatbislig. Ms La to IT het *oat by /lo Set Minot No: Matt ulnorkscus vatatimp, Amnam4 usta,wilbw.t.lownsow Mr 41 " 1 "its 0111171117. Coastallano's Greatest Effort 111171111.011 (Ist. Imin P. BoaWe) THE NAB EATERS; lIVNTRO UNIONIST TEVIVA, 23 L.IMIJES 21 RN 'l' No. 89 Ohio Street, EN= In Market Haas, kfyflnny !AYES GRABAX ;'~ ~,,; c.s.RPEt4 - taterz.Orilia, CARPEn —Vire are just, opening car BARGilin PENG 81`001, To mama Loom roa Aral*Wow dearr o p . s i g • e• mt ir l i t .. er, sl o r ”ta d iatiapis am't' Ws oft" English and American Goods, Wholesale or Rattail. To el eulln g may eoupely a4m .03,64,..rer bettor* 11 this martin. flaring poretward ear Ocala Jual pnrriono to tbo We advance la prices, wa now offer a groat part of our amortnannt at WILCILWALX, all Manufacturers' Prices Aad retail at • very mall selvane. McFAIILAND, OOLLINS dc 00 NZW CARPET STOW! Bo*. TI and 73 Fifth 8 eeeee , Clear Inner'. Bork Beare. A 3PLIINDID MAIORTMLNT -00 NEW 6110DS Jut quad OLIVER BIoOLINTOOK Ai CO.'S Mo. *3 FUlak 142.01., 001Llidi‘j of INQL•BU .ad •1111110/s2( BaUP. ILLS, THOM PLY, LET A, ■ad 711111 MOHAIR OARPETINGS. Floor OU Goths, Maniocs, WINDOW NIA DES, he., M, Pornhut!! MtLra the motet sslysasss, ono sots sell Los a is tbss Tasters samba rat.. w. ban LI. on b..d a lane stack Of 1CA..14.13 To 'blob'. Write the itttooMos of Ho NI We an tloteroaltiod to don rhea man= of OW. OLIVER M'CUNTOCI & CO., Embroidered Pi►aa & TAUS Cower.. moss.. usd 141,01 Rug*. Volvo! and Druml4 tlasseeks t /Le., W. D. & H. N'CALLIIIII'B, No. fl TOMS ram 1"14.4"08. Jf2171611C, Arc. Tait BEST ARE TUB CHEAPEST. W. B. BRADBURY, and WHOWLMIMAW.II CELEBRATED PIANOS Deve. remand fine prim. GOLD ODD OILY= IitZDAID i Irtslala • m Ali !W e o Ade the Annie= biatita onth, M. N. r hi /eft ut or L 103. 4 17 . DRADDMIY, tee ts e no: nix° rot SOHOIILACIMIS 00_ Fbliadalsdla. racatml the °lima, PALIOI FE= lUD si lanadaa. My bidden have mamma Nada* sad l ith i tetier of lit". !tate tram Ma isi t es " : int l, etahnaehar Gottschalk, strap bomb,Grab., Asa Mamas, and Wham. Dotter thd <beeps, oboe any other Plum node. Sr Warranted lb, ilia Tsars. WANELEBX & BABE, Sae /woad kr Pittobargh dad Wesbro P..... ISs. f BT. OLAIB crass:, THE BUGLE CALL BY 010. Y. 6402 .111 s Batt. On of Troikas,^ b to the BOOM; CALL. .Losic Lib to 8.. Bader. the Bravest of It II la the BUOLI CALL. .9taad up Ito Uncle B. b to tba " B BIIGILI CALL. "Bean Be are Tbay," te ha the BMA CALL. 0, Weep the Thei wound me, Dom" 41i the BOGLII CALL. "Mee the ringer. plytang IJAt," la hs BUOLII CALI. "Oar noun, gone Ow miles ht ih nr Sua" C l. the ALL. "Toll the Ihr the Hetes !have," hs ts the IMOLA CALL. "Elo 1 be she Gunboat.," Ls to the 81 . CALL. Baboid W. Bens. der ok . Is le the DOGMA CALI-. And FORTT more l'osaiooko Zoop i aro tbo Capin mailed on roodpt of DS conba l7 . OLI au r CIiAIL C. DILEILJaO EMOVAL.--Ozi the Jut of April we will mans oar Minato Iltore IM No. OS IrIIPTEIL ITHELT, Th• mmt b; Kama ILl•ber L. • 11 P wisortamo of PIANOS as WWI pm. *sat, at Na 61 ITOIS •TBEIT. J. I. ROFFMAN & BELO, Solo Maw If Deckles Plzbea. Ijr NAE UNRIVALLE AA- PIANOS NUN= 11110TNrgt sae• N. Toni PIMA_ GWYN MEW a 00.% N. YORK NUNN& sad MN lINLODZONS sod 81:3001. OMANI& A. splosed onorterst of dm ober* yell knows beedeoreeerep t ot revolved. ORA2LOIIII ILI7IIIII, GI Eft it, az Imre .r• PM noityteg I Fall and Winter Scook. And tartie that ftlondolutd tba path to outlaw Ilmttr 111 Math:led anti cora somplate silt broc.lo4 k. this mastst. " 4". • law reoctonst GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOD, 008NRS 01 PUN AND RT. CILATiSTNINITI, rtreuttaaii, P. BARGAINS pit TWO HOLIDAYS; DEM MM. zursitrqestr - *mutat:el a'"a aWleir At C4"l;' GENERAL PRODUCE DEALER% I AIMPB W. D. &Nom pATTERSON & &WON, Conuntsgon Merchants, aura /ND QUM AID La $ WOOD STEM raWarats, he) We eater Pkwuo is rstentsyg so LW 1011oiloa i l tu ll i t 9 r4o)., - Jao NeOnfly * 0%. • 1 Znitil. eleenb., I atdriao., It H. Jack* Co. Jos. %WIWI & 00. I. II pm* r'n' J nmeetmanl of POCIDf AND OONNITNII ROM DIAMIN, *a 1104—to jam ta .041,.• to w t ill lig WlOll Mint" Al 1gar ,16 3e:0).-. Was dl t 44u sad wttii , swede plief•-witli Aidoi, pante:up sad dull* '44tonlap. ..4111 Aimand am di* otscuseeost? t es tal,7 bis!.. Re!ils at s'amoubbrassal .- ~iINMdMIML s iii -.•-• ' 1' ..-- - •'• di N ilw . O aMrMsgumai twtl n t . & ep .M u A m W Wogiol. ia llrleniwnryi da 5... allot A.. 4 irftediad ad/OW* aht wNl S lsm, to wrg, . ' 1 il'ir 15 .3717741-1 , f.-.. v it..; GREATLY REDUCED 11110E8 HOODS, SOICTAOS, LADIES' WOOL VESTS • Inv ltr d. lIRAVY WOOL 8001E8, TRAVELING or NRGLIGHE SHONA UNDILROMUI:IMIk to short, at snlmotoootts w.ooetina• temp • won morbid stack i$ VRIBOUNOS, EMBROIDERER% HANDKERCHLEFS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS'and NIMNACHS, WOa Wttc7; s e 14 f t WORMS% at ally unass."ri w e STREET. MORITZ & GLUE. A NEW STOCK OF FORM% AND DOEMIC DRY COODBI Alex. Bates', 21 FIFTH ST. AM ELKS! BILKBI DRESS GOODS ! Housekeeping Goods GENT'S AND BOYS' WEAR! All New and Cheap, at J. W. BARKER'S, B 9 Jarket Street. GOODS I AS J. M. BURCHFIELD'S, RIARKET fITHESET TABLI LENIN, aIIPXMI t IILANIZTS AMID ILA/MILO; wan' PLILLAILD VALNI/LABBINLiy wins oomrrianiis ; COLOILD CX)1=1:10/181111; IRISH LIVIIIII, lILIACIIED 111311LINS CHINTAIIII, LID Spa NIOH 001708 STOOSINOB, Loft ow ft has sibs eamik. awn win b• Mi or the nd awn Imo al aal tergadar, thte pstr a! dam, N yobs. ALL FANCY WOOLBE QOM WOOtt so ar, Chang sat et ter rim. • SOILED HOOP szalas t , • k. dabs palst 2tlf Pielb . - Linen Handkerabiefe, vita Auspr Alexander's - Beat • Kw' elms; A I ;Kew: =irsj.ate u x? Gul f: , ma Pell Pea* JOSEPH HORSE Q 00. rt /AD Is sums iminam OW • . 747 •on WINTER GOODSI EATON NAONON &W 8, SWAT an49.ll2thlt. _ h acdisb dasses*Olii am* of wavo siainit Priessolo DdlireallUda ' and "Dealersi inu?NrfiaNmori'attummi - . antardiarnimi - • I Ir. nfaitillUllialsui. BUTTONS ' dicso• amortennt ot as meet &drams ass, 'neva brcsretsPos 0 7. is _ iLavoir.igAcava woods. •_ GREAT .B-LRJAIN- ' . 014 .0 2101 : 037 teas - !:37 , 7trxviii . = .v. 10410 : tgira Eons= ,ZER.Ltz . :;.] =;: . r... _~''.~. n~r<. !Itmm 4 / ol POB TU afiia? GasorameMfilitinin Tb. litT•htge et the actuate* • PARERIA' . BitAy4. an.. aa ¢poeiseaet easy .yee're pettlieltm* he., tem atm it tr the ellicttel la a War limepte' 41461 aria, Mai !s Pa rents Bras 2..p4188. Illsoodea 1124 bir• • wad& hir aitatmorrs anzerpgui; ranixitatokig Its:s unrialnuu "AT r?(FOtnii.f. Lsocomuraw 5t4.4 isseas,ot: - fur tninFialottaisi.‘: It las boat , log Prolhogoa goteto two antortm. time !mai Rung of PAIILLIk ELVA Boot Gang to oft Within the Reaoh of All. • l'er al &mem of fir Illiider;bap. •D.V.A.a &mints& us shihteh.hnialsiVasa eV. with this oassposad b itopsvir ht. AZ bad propartbr 1* the drat tiadommt by the mazb i t t i tita casatenadlag ta asp thof MEiWirG MUM=3IS ALON/L Tens loft *6a aup M selEsteg fro's' its. may ate aasugiamt gps Indteseallas- a/ OM gimlet trr aro bottle sad flop irpq. tow an 19)IIPO11TION TO TIO I. 11:6.0011 DEDIIIPOECTIOL L 063 07 Era= •Platt HAM lAD LLII.IIII. nalimara or mar. anima. LitunTuns. t * tINoo orikloti cute/ peel so SU olf. to tb• polo, to bolottem loptle !Ito, Traostwo Noy sod Doody iv %aloft maim connontott—o proattesk oltlkosit potratted.lllllMlte bang cozootttoll. Ltd Suds oat onthatitiouitoo that mom thr teas of im,nwBE•t3Lort 100 d.: than would be lbe lot sin ti„ /Wane afagispsw As Cho elands et Uwe human Ong* that a Ivry Imp proportion Of Mk letisats ors Oar dotiati** *ands iailp le M" babtes . • • - * WOE% MAME) OR i 111644 Or Yon looking drum* is Onrzniod win tad la tha :4 44: OB PABBSIA Man • !Wank Ibr ChlreaftMraM fit 2114MiMI L In ty, Wad re Saaprollad_ X• 01•16" laWbr Mom, tb• Man, marrararek oaf ta •I 4 rlbmis at thirGbatisl ar Mbar"' Orgiu. M Ow rhross Physic to the /?e154,42 Sap the humid lard. u Po• a• • Inalkaursigl Ivan thla Mello Math, to year Balm* SU= Clagards lad Ilk• aaarwas, fa all sigleamal t dampens dhow& cum met 81 lAUUL Erik . _ Alretataly as= ameat awns, of as swittsiAdisa taiga aestubdtag. No drags cd est% eigarsa. Soldiers Rome SOS Slalom*, • CT OP PAM= MILSAA 'apsetaa tar Mir Ma. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers