<avalanan= _ M=lWOlin tacit • 44. jujo ,I 1:h.111 . 7861 , I aw,miutm, PROD 17041 i, OS. L BScG7.ffi.LANI3 VP Riturdsuaxiaagd• cnorn&Looltussnos MORANT 1 Flour, Grasn and Provision . eriau M gir_letiil A tr 1641 . 111w0 and ohs In VIR-" IriS TID.IfWLZUM- 4` t Pt Wren , Pa. =NMNI= ,•,..04 U4II. 4 I:BALBLET,- , : Prod r ea and 00111111111i011 Eraraluali. aisaaaas Bum, t o t s uj a r m at ilaraimatoiAsir 14 :assosswafferrizrre. i • 1 ,•.. •-1 , 14,110 Mat . PA. ^..• • 010...41W DArDoll4lid r *PM= 411 "'T.N . 11111141. C 4 rF L A :I t. sad la: _ azimm ;Ivo ~PArigraihYLOSA 2.11.0 M, TOBLOM - MElas.. t0.....#99.139.9 999 2.44 Liberty Wee% Pitt ! a: " •• Mczas Ain " Nu t 1 1 8 149 2 !, KAIPP4*P., Ma. 41 sat 99 Itclol Mad Elt... 4mr. Sewed, atito irrinisithon.' imzyraLcumnr__ ..a.wr m... - aM11111...... ....IMIAMI LIIIIMA .k r *M.39.IIAILLINILILLDI4 41.01. b..swwimr.zw=s, tom= azoo=m=uaa IftarauxraphOtbcfal•sitAricrar.Gratikatr.4.- aop..Lani, Hanna, Zip, Mom, Baum, Tall ~ anusilt,.psathors, Potatoes, Pot sad Pearl lialt4 11 4114111 %2 144 ,111ax g rfleadla. " - - ant sarastonecati made ontoreirsatata. I .titIFT • —,, „ $9,721 /gluts stitot.-Pltttlangh.l , _ . iriihnsasts GROOM .ERA.T.l.endZidirefelfEafet, Baylis swami! Ole Inbred .f ht. I. Ooll2ol2oBolothanklEsod= ilosatreoissa.loo.2=l. vaissidknomektkl WXI33 dL WILIKINSON 0 Olilittilifoif let 11.1121252 sa r i & • 2 , M llartlak otnusanseats nisdk 11.210+L 477 f t•L'. , 1* 1t:442 4 E 24 BECK , " 13134-NikrlgS I TAND:y; gam tim ov i t ; . I - . Anmany,:bnabuNaz . 1 , * ilTtatFtro7.s7. T" .I..(kwasms 110floainSOILeactilt Seiler 61 111 BLEISICVS =LEM BOTZLO,.: LARD, PORK, BACON, SIAM; MU, SOT AND PHI AL ...•.1111. , W14101.1.1518 =WAND , OILS, DRIED /RUM and Prodttee generally, I' L tlt 141 and 143 Snot am., Pittalnitu. _ Ir .ITTLE &THIMBLE, Whoksale Gr¢ " W ilm 'aN"aci a ' al iusti PAODUM* 7 "NA CARBON AND OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS rs OOTTON NABAS. 1114 ritt.b. , AU ;Inutile Sixoad stmet, MB•• •• • • • • • soarass......orA. 11X10N31.- lY - br a BROTLIEW on t es.unis, 1 4 1 7rcar i :COP! =1,2 111SULTA ... inur_ way . _ . O.IOFLP & SHEPHARD; .; ;.- ~., ~. V Xsacearra atul dealer. in YLOIM, CillAl , _ M0D,131111,11a..243.L1berty Wed, PLI • • • :rl' lualldatalatialrritakera t•• , • • t d y. :aa baud. Particular attenthra paid • 73 dim ornaully. pefl: , aLEt ' ~ji.F.XOII,- 7 r„otat - i tim-t. ' 4112Comiiiatisaa 'll:Gracuirr;fiir 40 * — '4 1 9 .apahvamez- - znappg. le.„,:earetezt ;,lluo alalabritad„rpluutoara, 11/111T,Naa WI Boma aud - 145 PIM iamb, 14- tlresitilrood and antl dada, Pittsburgh. so 3 ZE. MET An, Grocers Cmmlob= Merchant., aid dealers in all kin 4.Aptilatrtry. Baidtraplaid:2l2tatcalv nlial/11? MUM. dratt,nppimite bind Wifoll at es, ninUilberabara , Mot rsptlp C. B. JONES .1, SON Who •.. Dostr.ltrenialter4, M71,..4k11431:44 012,111,M14t014144.2 lmegh sissaffsctued ankle/. No. 141 Water • • shwa es Ximpagattela Bridgo, Pittatergh. . 1 111)011ERTI , DALZBELIVIDO.V Wliolo - odik Gionns, Ocuusiii&in talrowatelnn tßn c4anb, and deniers In Pralues wad Plttoblnti max , Wart _antort,Alt . tatargn. , CB;Cotuitiftioil etchisiA . .ea Wham& Match' FLOUR and OEMS, F.:=Abatriltr.‘PPlNO/t 0 TA.Maighlua.. ll , l 4. 1440./tnit4rei,: Margo 171 Innin, corner Ws • • and Painillfts— • isle G tti natb surgtg.- autyrodtgoe DaslAns, Yo. 6 jal • 6 • • Pi "M , l7 . 4 ( ifiT s 4 ol **e , g. 4441., 044.40 R strert. imi g t i tst ttagkWhine, 2i945¢ LL1CC6114.111......................,301131 Etter goosts f WELFOREP.L. ;IM= mitt .01,17(r) DIALZELS, la Liberty atreet, Plitabargb. .QC.IIOMAKER •LANG, Commussu iika.:xiassagurs Am& holesaiu. gagers, in..GB (lIIIINIPRODUCHAUMOA Merry &trust, Pittsburgh. T .LIGGETT & GO, CITY FLO • . Loom .ni mum, cm,. Liberty 111dsari strotiOtainti eaVaroditY. banal ter 40. 81: 41 Li TAMES IDALZUL t 80X, 21Matic co liras of LAUD Qthidtpd ..Clasulthalandiles.l dusts bt ... tht_l .. ydzotuur areal of 011 . 171)11 A. 11) 0., ~. r,~.r~ _ . . smriuk n .... • " -:. mama. sasoisi *. a , a a O.I3CHOYER, At0p:1.7154 . I,7 „ ArillieMbitelb Ste,rwamnit .. ,iL! B TONNUra ll sr - Ae7F — A , ' 1.444... - 011 , 1•4#4110 1 . , ji, maml ;. 1' ta t i . ; ! Era A tatromastardrai% •• '..: " - =, j --- - - — 77. Tr -- W1,. -- TT— '''''''''. :;. : -- tl•"".,.iiZtift -I°.- -, .. . ''.ln. : .•;', l ' c .. IM": '' ' ' - A l6- ' llo ' I T: i i ii 11..L'.100,j A - - I . 7:ik 4 i... .C.#l , -ik. 1 -%-i ,, ; 77 . 1 ustr. ...... . , ~,: , .7 - 1 7 4 7 1 111 ' z..T. FSIIIETR-t-v , 5.1 - - 01114 : 7 , 7 G cry/AE* 9 o l,c- DUQUES,WE BRASS WORKS, 314 13 W:ft PorP_ pgp, _ litanntertnnee of awry variety of plaited • DRAM woiiic MAN ON OAS =MA. NACU:WWI% AND • IOOPPMNITLIN: MAW 0.1.5nN0N, of all yillwaiintiona made to order. trITANDOAV WO= =NA N AND OAS. grryThO, and BKPAIBXNCL vrompity ,Mtended to. Pmt attantiMegalld t er A up ELTINN. WIZ 705 COAL AND CANNON OMB. tan . 81. Acts for o tbrWastam Dl A tr s ePea i. ll- ZS PATINT. !Awn rented. Haden nd MaiTm it .ma la to pomp Monier, and will th row mom water than any metal spin 0. P. F. Mt. IRONOUTY:VORNEV„:= &401ICIRT0311. -IOSILPEIMIAL & CO TOOSDZBEI AID AI4gBAUNTIL. Castor of Pito e. 1341 1 ,!!”. oaf : Pike and Walnut (t..: a Wit.iWats,) , MaaabcturibrtettitaiieuarT ., - tad ?Aar ENGINIS, 119LLING . Mr" ' —"AVIIINEELY, ',tt.Lperrukcis end gip' Wfipx — liakii, m ri t r o mAt W .lindititioatt,tobbert. • • attoation a ilvon to gybing ROLLING 3MINHALL & co., VALLEY PORDE PLOW WORE% , Pt UStlitatie'PA4 .terrere ind &elite al the different lands of pLowg, PLOW cermas, sown, cur 80.1ML Le. With gristly truirensed WIN- O* .linhoeiziemone inownige. Welt* dealers to itietant'W;AriMThadenres Warehouse, Oeinie idly wad Mgr" Bt., PI dele'gh. 40111:1•HEL14 T. J. HALL, : STlPlllitti WOOD" 30 4 J . BROWN. !VOW 7 J. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORK I PPITSIBURGII. PA. PARK, BROTHER & CO., zi:i4bisvoreal, 6onare,llat and Ootagon, or all Elsa. Warranted opal to any Imported or otanureetzred to thle Trifir wnti- Omoe and wan:hods:4 Boa. 149 and 161 120 d 122 SECOND 22112228, Pltuthurgh. !.1211:1; 1 i LAM B ARNHILL & CO, Bonza t Iron 'Warta', pszar • ••••• • - and XL iniiriiiititeennel • and fern it with the mod haptweed • nary, we are papered to mannfacionv wrere - •tion of HOMTMS, in the beet oranned, and ted equal to era . made In the i cr i f i na " • EIBIL,BIZDI3, rem, 'CONIIIINEENS, HALT PAS ' TA IL BTI AGTIATOBS„ IDITTLING PANS, BOILED. 18011./31/lIIGIVA MTrMAlnettliflinnantLAtitaitB- ATILNT - 130ILEINV Itepairtar done ank thasharteet. nod.. - • ----deifkif V Mr7.V.WIII'7.IIZN'iT7 COLLINS & WRIGHT, ' Oiiil64ion4 Kaaafaotalsra of CASTOR PRAMIN, MUGS, CUP% LADLE* and a great variety of BRITANNIA articka, Also, CARBON OIL LAMP BURNERS saIf.I.AND'AILLESREC EirOAd t3ladd7 l, .k;(. ALIEN M CORMICH & CO., VALLint Toormat, Pittsburgh, Pa. lairWarabouse, Mil MEW= STREIT,. Kannbanters of COOK, PARLOR AND HEAT: CR43470173, ?AMOK ASPILITDKKK MATTA HOLLOW WAPClVldeteal grid Otiregtoultbi, tog 3RD Coldngs, KW Gearing, Claa, Water and Ar. then Pipe, gad w, Dog Irons, Wagon Baxe., bre. gar Kettles, Pulleys, liangers, Olt Wheels, Coupliugs and Cagaitte..7,ll7. Jobbirv e lLfach4 t ua elisthriKk orta r .tate . tdid, agllkenad SEVERANCE, No. 53 WATER P 35.,, • Pittsburgh, manufactroar of BOILER EITETIS, mraocrektratmx.4l.m.ro and railroad , orereq Particular alo;k1 or .taped BPIHEB and lITYKTB, huge of mall, mods to arder,at short Lotto% A good satortroont constantly or band. onylesto , WWJA-4f (4 , 11, NO. W . 2 / L "4 "lbtirty.dtei 81.gth; Pittsburgh; anutufactutera of , LABHEB and SWITCH. t& prep goacription ot LEATHER BRAIDED Orden galena tram tim 4adh sas'Eacd.Pnaait. I 7 Wood a* instractiona. fa/3:17 IL W. BENNETT Manufacturers of D OTONZACUIEt sad ORIAltt 010 L» OffStr,WAßtai t - v Office and Wareham* at 80. 74 - 117111 RTELEZT, Plttelnaltt. aktalkly DRY' GOODS Amt .11161C...171in Ir. Istuna.sal WILSON, CARR & CO., Wholesale dealer. In FORMES AND DOMNSIIO DRY GOODS, No. Si Weed Welt, third boom above DlStab h. shlthtt 11.1Jel. M. LTfl 110.1181.---.1 TILTTLIK, A.NB, MoABOY R CO„ Dealers in IJ FOREIGN AND:DONISTIODIVZOONDS; No, 140 rodent street, 0.:51.4 door t.olcw, us. Market f oosoiy/laktbdor . :ja m , EATON MAOldrKi o.).,,Wholesale gold Rotki Dentin to TRIMMINGS, 'MOROI, REINES, sad ,3111 X: of wary doecriptioa, Nor. 17 and 19 111111 street, Pittaborgln. II Udall Des Lars In FAN ANDSTATLirDItI 6001/4, Turiculticak Ifte., No. 78 Narked . treat, Wynn Dimond laid Touter Plttsburth. TeriTIMM" Oneceesoe - To In &FATLY AND FANCY DRY 000DEI, Tiortheud a.m. of Fourth and Mutat 'treats, Pittsburgh. tll3SMOlMELWlfoiekiige - and ten - 'retair evamaraas, DIIY GOODS. &a, Nos. Mud 7P Market .treat. • tiv :11:4 Fe :41 tWii - i.cDtrr .trod, Warne Thild aid Yearth, Plttabareu -11 - 05g0. :pd UM Errasirtnnr. UM& Inal*W4l99W-grPrARY. IIRUGGIH7AL 12 trit *J0.171,- Dealer in PURI4 11.1•Daralp 4 ABD 40111110AL8, 111111•DMIIITT, FANO? DOOM MMTEDG TLITLD, DILS, TL)L ELT ICEDICATI= Of Istl64lrprfolo'quallty,, which he after, at prim. Donor BalthOol,l and owthotowtf„ Plttsborgh. Prescriptions I:mm.4 • • • . • seill haw, LI El• • - 4 r nr" . • l 4l l ' EBTOVILM", , C11 4 , A761e. 2.0. ale • gad sofumbotanoo of WHIT* Ad r 4 V D • " tot,' el)l'I•f5. •MaTEO3,4 4- INAS) Wooratlrld,'lxtdie AorPLIWEeNFACeur-rrs• kABDINEB LIOFF/N, Agent foe ur • • Trialdf Phrtalelphla and &gismo Instrtnai lkospanlaclforthairreccenorW MICT4I4I - - . 0 e • I V. State pt Posnolloala, sad Reralbed 'marl Et Witter lams. su . rszell ; corner kw' Eat and Watax ata.; t'l lii . "NUTT' ,t -:g s.: .11 e . i n to • 2,,, MM COPPORY. ../riagae: gaga' CRLlEUMlnagrADAiDaslerin MII4 quo-dalf VIIBIOIIII aMMEOMIINTIL ad• swot ,Itc /MB; CO.IUZIANOS, 114/Nl3 MEV PILAW and •Pursorgt owszimon=, EB. ire. 43 nth Atm% mead door alxrrellrool.t -Pittatargb. Pug* goUt. an 4 Lain -497- 1 0 10 1 M. osi .11 LMlLlllSSlOX..tingriffiefErElaTh. 1.1.;i10 AND swam IRISTEMEDprgsad, Id* apilltrOtiebll3XlßATl3 CILICORLSW 11-1 ANOIS, No. 63 Vet ails% Pltlaburgh. ZEBEEZL 3WMICITADEONItibaxdffO. Waal IL.. Seurat straillaild Diamond allay. PlttiWig BOOKSZVENRS. ate. I d.. JOHNSTON lil,ol Station= Stjd Job. Motors, No. 67 Wood otnotaltinburgb. P viniTnii .c LA4D'Oli; :1:4.11 • • rel and Stationer 4k,11.*1T9 ' ligazp ESTAZIEt utarkdrrth . ; IrIC _fem mth ' 7.ll"l4ll"lll4 ,i' llims twitte l asaafi civia t itc , , :-.!aigegii' of . 004: , 1 racoon Asa Wm. pfeallre w es nweable % 1 Thaw w logos! Winn, wishing lii timid thidr Wm/ diem. a , lige, Oati slings AIM' and NOW spi tap fat ~,M MAi 2 1 11 11000t51,.. ~..-o,,itli .T , , tfil ‘t; tittsbargh Oniettit. S. RIDDLE & INICIDIS AID IFIDPIIMICIDIS. TERMS OP THE GAZETTE. Alaimo Eorrto2;by nag, ips yarr.—....11 ..... 18. ," • sin& . 14,83 rim Itiretow, by mall, par year_._.... 4 PA. •WLIZIN EDMOII, &Insist:opts, per Frar— , P W. " diem or lOor mere" 1 .15. —sad ono extra to the petty Paroling old,. rot *lob of AltotOr; ort Orol lota Ms Shull. GIINTIII dally. For • dub Of turauty, In will mud tea Mounts Oeszere daily. Stella copier, & mute. Allthelehricevie tidaseekiltd Men httraye seemed whelk the time expirah THURSDAY MOIINENO... .... FEB. 18, 1864: The Movement on Riehmond—Cause of its Failure. The Wulangton eorreepondenl of the Cin. einnatt Gageste gives the folloWlng account of the Whim of General Butler's late moremeng on Richmond: • It was proposed to slip to at the blots door of Ittehatond; while the rebels yarded the front door. The idea of gainiog great advantages by takihrßichtnend bee alwaysbcan w (kW; itt Is not a strategic , point, hot valuable as 0, base 'iir,'OPeiatiOns, or u A point in a ptactleable line of advance ; the sole importance tak-t' log it would Ile in tharelease of our prisoners; the destruction or the iron works, and the dispersion or possible capture of the rebel authorities. This much could as be well so oomplished by stratagem as by righting; . this mush it was proposed to do. Gen. Butler's plans embraced a co-opera- , Gee mwstedulafibt- the army of the Patellae; which should keep Loa too busy to attend to Richmond; di three difisions of his own. form onelastruoted to prooeed at once to the destruction of the Tredegar Iron Work€; another to release the twelve to eighteen thoasandprisouara confined in Libby Prison and on 'Belle felandl. and the third to guard. the &TIMM* of escape, and seise 111 many of the Abel eMcials as possible. wtritedWeahtngten,and laid these plans boforethe,PresidenL The Prealdenrapproved la the main, butzeferredhlm to than. Sauk , .tidon't east anything shout your plans ; you move on Richmond, you do it on your own responsibility," was the substance of that officer's , ~ply. Gen. Butler decided, it they would give him the troops, to take re. llsposusibllity, and returned to Fortress Monroe. Ile had his spies all through Richmond, and had familiarised himself with the defenses, aventeref approach, and numbers to be over come. It was reported that our prisoners waret,likalyto be speedily removed to safer i taints jn the IConfedurany, and whatever was Vet elhersfore, recptired tiviridene quoin". Stitermerits of - the clue 'and requests for the needed troops Wets *ant Washington; " 4 oaths undentandingrecaived that the tempi won - Idle faraltleld, the arrangeMsrate for the tneveMint.were'all complete.' With Ore or alititerandeitiatty, (for, of cornea, the quick work of:the daah in to the yawl =PM molt be done by cavalry,) he would have been rat ioned. After waittng and waiting till the last possible niment, he required a begglAY three or fohrlfnndrdd I There is the real secret of the brilliant fail ure. Gen. Butler determined to go ahead and make the effort anyway; but his original plane had not depended on absolute surprise of the rebel kihison at Richmond for their success, There were forty. thousand spare troops about Washington. With ive thousand more cavalry the leader of the expedition wouldhave been prepared to force past the opposition at Bot tom's bridge, egbt Ms way Into the town, and liberate the prisoners at least; whether the re mauler al programme had or had not bocci defeated by ala untimely disclosure. tirced4 not fay- that flem. Haller*, or who ever else controlled the failure to tarnish the .' I needed troops, was unwilling that, under ex isting circum stances, military and political, an officer like Gen. Butler should have the honor of so brilliant an aohievement as be was on the very verge of accomplishing. That eta a thing can even be thought of -by the many whams'ee no other good reason for the courserportsued, is the best possibhi eoniesen - tcrj on the President's policy in the retention Of GOD. Ballet*. Saglent and alhrmanagement In East A letter from Knoxville to the New York Travis says' Ten thousand bushels of wheat, at least, dould liave been collected in the New Market Valley in the neighborhoodef Mossy Creek and New Market, which was left to fall into the hands of. Longstreet. Several of the farmers had a two years' crop in their barns, and all of them were extremely anxious to dispose of It to the Union army. They ap plied to several officers • and offered to sell their wheel, and alnin to ' Mao a present of It to the Union forces rather than hare it fall into rebel hands For instance, Mr. had four hundred bulbs's; Mr. had form hundred; fear, hundred Mr.—two feiscins'irope—probeidj onek thousand bash ele, aid may others in the same proportion. General Starglast one time agreed to send his magoor for some of - Ma - wheat, but dr eam/tutu:es probably prevented him from do ing sb. "Empty wagons were all the time re turning tram•tais fall mammies to Straw berry TrlabarTiniforietir, dayi or more the cars ratitit Mossy Creek before we - felt back. Thero were, however, within our foraging lines plenty of !the ! best souring mills,; of whloh there are two at the mouth of Buffalo Creek, f011a.04-Moul Creek, one at Mill Spring,ilkir2 Mayworth'e 'before the last named, and many others. These mills the rebels say they intend to born as *minas they bre* pound-up all the wheat holenaln an During the pretence of oar fore. In this region, our army vu very 'tort of bread, and tome officers (Cal—Allay for one) stated to me that &Valli:lV,, they had only eight ounces of. breadatuff tuned toatient by the Commis sary. (cold and Coal Products. The Philadelphia A.:cries:A institutes the following semosrsion between the products at Pennsylvania and California: If California exceeds Pennsylvania in golden products, Pennsylvania certainly stir ; passes Ito rival as markedly in the produet of coal The value of the California gold mon was $41,689,0771n111811 $47,471,378 In 186 i, and $50,297,549 in 1863. The amount of coal proditie . din this Plate during the same periods, canatit.be exactly given, since the returns of that ithicli has an outlet st.Pittaburgh are Incomplete and deadent Tho reported an thracite prodneteflB62wail,howsuntr,7,B4o,o9s tons, and that of 1883;9,420155 tons. Inthe same years the semi and bituminous product was 1,359,7115 and 2,188,985 tons. This gives a total of 11,5E1,120 tons In 1863, or an oxoess of 2,588,499 tons over 1862. Calculating the value atsBprzton, the worth of Pounytrania's Mining for 1862—1 n one portion of the State only—is $34,781,369. Calculating the velum at $5 per ton, the result is $57,935,600. That Is .to say, the coal crops of Rant:wpm:di, in 1863 was more worms th than tho gold crop of California in 1863, 57,858,251. Perhaps the unrecorded exports of coal from Pittsburgh may serve to offset the unknown amounts of gold smuggledfrom and retainod in California, withoutpublication. A Ravage Growl at Um Richmond Rulers. The. Colombia (8. 0.) South Carothaws, of the 4th Inst., has the following: Fifty thousand pairs of shoos, 200,000 pain of soaks, and piles of blankets, Sr. awaiting to-day, in the city of Augusta, a Government purchaser. Oar brave soldiers are sulfuring from cold, and frown fest have been lappedoffly the Sarpon'S knife. These facts are known in Richmond, and yet the heartless policy of the administrative of tani thtlint.ia such that humanity and nionesity are iteenthigli of but secondary consideration. " To willful men the injuries that they them selves procure must be their own schoolmas. tert." 4rittlab fe often slow to by matired. The right le. sometimes orarbarailiy wring, sad wealtais4 , by the &Talk" .of Wertpo bat at tut the destroying bolt busts forth; "The d lid ova lkrosch.':. -- lbatastasts Norm eitrAmt.-11iiti. George N. Lewis, of the 12th RegEment, awe, stopping at : the U. OatotaL . Hla remarkable NottPd Proldbitie to-heal and bbr Ithe 1111 be saved.. ~ Not ea• mewls ten •thattotatir *mold inweivelneb diatted4ll;fria etladdster shot, Wiftilit about fouroult*;add =ids* bolo oliaithroogtillin; ihittertng bdieollse.bane aaddbaubter...bladNadeigillateateed_s spine. ladidatedrildsoe the vertabreh _'2lllleVizda eudigrbit Jed: imildelfilimfli liaiinailid• through Idisisad it it NM Oat .tiettupti satisk ere . torreeed tbvevib'te; f~: w .. s J.. ,s t r ; + ,> PitTSI3UII,GII. THUII:Sp4 -4ORNING, FEBRUARY' , IS, 1864. aussamou &am of the PlttsbutEb C 42 2" ISlrr You, Yeti. 11, 1864. supedltlon is In regress. A pretty goo deal ,float has :already sailed during the, week fetitirarrou latitude, and more of the same sort will foNewspeedily. Navnl °Meer. are disaPpearing from the streets rapidly.; soldiers are leaving the North Star behind; the navy yard and government eaMbllslenumb in the vicinity ere all activity day and IM,g6f L ; the pavements resound at unseasonable herds with the tread of armed men, and the rumbling of heavy artillery ; Intact well thing Indicates, not only I. Mitt 4 •filiona° prosecution of the war," but some socroairi eiel enrolee ' destined greatly to assist -lb breaking th e heck of the rebellion.- gualper Rat his private idea Of,,the dattl Eat! of Mt 9lleielltion, but - all .agreelitthe hope that mere geed sollfbenellte: will Aillirk this than bar :attended =tether pelf Astra achievements. The action of Collgro4l-011 ,W 0 4 .1 1 131101001 In relation to the ejectment of a colored mth from a street railroad oar In Washington, wi11,41 la hopedpui, our city sillroYsd ',imp ales to thiffing. It is pretty certain that our reading, thinking people, havebeen open ing their eye/Ili:this :outrage of turning the cold shoulder to the colored man, by these rich corporetlemb And thisgruit rebuke Att tared by the supreme !Ulu making power will tend to strengthen _the _growing, opinion and furnish s lieaßliy,m•U‘&nt. • Our. Lighter tore has taken into othsideretion the course of certain of the city companies, who, shut the riote r hass refused to allow ,m,lored lure. pis la du& daiii Weigh the feirbf invoking the hatred of that cleat of people who foment ed these yioM, end Anima the lobby presume onusuallY abing. those usodatione , will wake up some dos wanting minas a tharterl., The Core Mateli-Molibiley cue flies been withdrawn from the Court by the saline. This is as decent people hoped. Enterprising weekly newspapers, always on the alert for prurient details, w hich they place under the bead7ll46 of "Sunday Reeding," have lost a althea gold by this proeeeding. Meanwhile Core ha advanced the adiedeslon fee to her lectures, from ten to twenty-eve cents. 066 has crowded houses. =!!!!!E3 chiii of II to 10, Mr. George Christy, the renowned Ethiopian performer, and Tor • long time proprietor of the Cluisty's Minstrel Hall, appeared last evening upon the boards of an ,establightualit of questionable resposetability.. Hs Ina W endy a wealthy man, and for realms tilt known to himself, bee been compelled to ad eept a tit:tuition to - a Conant gait: flu ► peatancithere ran the occasion of much pity and oomitheration among his many -former friends. Wall atreet f, easily fluttered. The I Att. °ldiom that oar andel have lamed gm &lightest check, or achieved the slightest nor seas, b safaciant to cause the greatest or the greatest delight. Gamblers In al 7M hare made fortune by Amply „exhibiting bogus lie* ietitten ea a bolentardda blank. This dodge at length neadne lastractual, fat the pupae. for which it was datigned. One would suppose that men bad u mnoftintollt: genco Lei berm, which, yet renalinbe;, .0 1 aordiaa to the fable, was not to be ofight a mesa time with eltiff. Wallatmet min owl demtly Arm an exception. • A day or two ohms the bnlbi and bears were called upon to pal tinlphte In an excitement which .tUy had no et all anticipated. An "extra Berard" was issued from some job printing office at the. deo wand of some sharp fellow, announcing groat deeds, the elfect of which was to pm:mince a sot ?lons decline in Gold and Starks 'enteral:lY; The soi dieser "extra" was discovered to be humbug, After somebody had feathered his own nest well. Yesterday afternoon than appeased before the recruiting officer of one . of the down-tewrt stations, two men who were anion, to enlist in the army. One was accepted but the other was found branded with thb D, having dm sorted from the British service in Canada some time ago to join our army, and was wanted in the attempt- lie subsequently mad* good his esesPs, Ind attempted ta calla with hu comrade, who had made but one attempre4 desertion tad was suisoeuitth' - 'Tbribissu• man was rejected. The reuniting' aloe: was told that both were deserters btit acoapted only one, and that one who had shown the leant enthtudaam for as. The more emforto nate man cried as though his heart would break, and when tut seen, was going In the direction of a druggists for a plaster I Was net this some red tapery Skating has been Indulged In during the put two days, much to the delight of the youngsters; bat the "ball" went down with the sun yesterday, under the softening influ ence of a southwest wind. • However, the softening influence, above mentioned, has brought some joy with IL This is particu larly the • ease with a certain young man up town who, feeling tao poor to buy a forty dollar flvercoot, established a therimpate: In his attic, and at every decline of two degrees of the mercury below 30 Wm., be put en an additional:lost. Being plathoricalty eleagin ons, and of tench rotundity, ha has survived the winter spbsndidly. heartilyeendemu any inveitinant In overcoats; though ten vests at three dollars each Is not so great a saving after all. WA:ours Tennessee. Oss of outtentists, says the New Bedford Mennu-y, has met with a man who rumlnates like an ox ill his food, in duo time after being swaildwed, being returned tithe month and remasticsted. This i, done without any herds.) of the patient's will, and is attended with the same quiet enjoyment that marks the coon 'ensue*: a ruminating eow. The case te to be reported to 'the Dental COMO, and we may refer to it agaln. It is certainly • most extraordinary phisiological feat. . Nan Yost jury has boon lined $250 each for briber:lA in a verdict of '"fro agree to Ca pron." The near who reggestild Abe ver dict to the 'foreman of the jury was fined $lOO, and suspended tram pay and duffer 'until the further order of the court. A raw dap ago, a loyal company Asada up in Walker county, cut aC hiacklurao's Cate, ha that minty - , to organise their company, when a raid was made upon them bj, ua they supposed, Margan's man, capturing twenty three of their number: Is accordsicw with a resolution of the City Connell, • room, bu been neatly Stied ap in Clooinnati fog th e depoili and ante keeping of all war memorial', tap, connected with the history of the war. Tea BaltbUire military authorities are now adopting nevi Midas of puntelnuent for Ms loyalist; Thom they meat.. Some hero been sentenced to gond/lemma and hard labor for slaty days. IT hi not generally known that the saLlorS of the Confederate nary an. not proirtdedwith clothing by the Gorernment,„ bat are ,obliged to purehm" .te fir ibuitialru oat atheir warts. Tn fanny of Inertia Collap, 111., bare denied the Cincinnati Empire, admiclion Into the reading room of that huititation andsnt Karma the indoel,ibroree• Prohibiernsio,, Tun great' geng upon Colt's stotory, wide" sounded continually OW tha building wu burnt down tiasaciard dlstinotly at iAI ltloran- Ur, dleturio• al 27 . tulles., Accointib the report recently midi itY the Postaaaater General, sous orthe pathos ter, get lees than $2 per week for Up 1r iier vices. BALAZDX, the astronomer,. e passion for eating ridden. An Amen= lady, now In Paris, woe once In the habit of taking them ea medicine. Douan Bram purporting to be issued by the Ilartford (Com.) Ea:bingo Bank are In circulation. Thera la no lurk bank. . . Tr* millions of dollars, in one sad two year eve per mit. legal tendon, bees been out to pay the Army of the Cambarlaad. Tassels a seLty of tents" at Brldj Welty of tauter - at .....ipport, Ala., tante:hang twenty Gleamd troop', under eommand of Gen. Geary. Aoovr one thousand tons of Goal hairs been donated for the famllles of soldier' by the operative' of Schuylkill equity, Pa. lihtestimated_that tbreaost per man of the army nearly if not quite • We've hundred dollars per annum. wsirremin the London Reid SaYji thvi It not a toad;froki, snake or reptile of any kind in Neer roundlead. Vim r'llaiepabbrie powder erotica turn out WO kindred Um& of gunpowder monthly. ..; Twa locraarp at the sold - produat Almw,#lll war, le said. te. be naartriarly, mIIIIOO mt Tart Palate Mau .waya , ths plating and , binding for tha Ln yaar,disoCanst p i aoo,ooo., Ts* granola • puma 'noreueal of 'Far troop arnat.M: fort44o44K— —Tailiabigitaiiirtmaap-tha-maufaa*? of dsadrop.aaAtlantaifhi.l - P** 7 4 141 0 1 ._ rt+aPUiWF• _ .4- ±7,i, OUR REM YORK LRYTEIU It is Pretty curtain that iinothai gnat na NIMB AND DEDICELLABY. ~ 5. .[~ .~... .ixr ~J i .. C tir a'e%l.+.4n ~r . General Grant Advances. The saint:alga has began in the South-west, and, though from the brief and general ao counts of the military movements, the plan cannot eartainly be determined, it is evident that all oar forces are ao-operating against I the main body of the enemy. Gen. Sherman ! has entered Jackson, fdluissippl ; Clan. Logan has marched from Huntsville, Alabama, to act in conjunction with him, a phrase which does not necessarily mein a union of the two armies; a cavalry expedition simultaneously tressed the country eouthwardly from Corinth; and the Wire army at Chattanooga, under cornmeal/ of lihant,is. weld, upon ['Dalton. It is reported that the rebels are receiving rsinforeemente, and everything Indicate. that the great struggle for the mastery of Ala tame, Georgia end Mississippi Is begun. That• deflates battlewill be soon fought, I, s 1 pry Conjectural ; that • decisive campaign is already beginning is certain. That the rebels hare thus far been defeated and driven back In the skirmishes in Mississippi, means the ecumantrallon of their forces. j.lOl/8•111 brilliant may be the preliminary iincortiso of !hit iletaelied Vedmal farces, Choy Rolf 4., Satan indiriset lenience on then. Natal ties great battle to coma. But it le:this great battle for which the country!! ready; 'rem Vile our Tamen' reements hare. re-en listed ;- for this tbeGoreenterdirldni used every energy in preparation ; end for thb General Gnarl game to. the front. The news.from the West Le fulls( Interest and encouragement. Gem 'Grad ladritars and we have no feu that hi wilt Prre.. Destruet!on of Bloekide IRonoora. . The Nevi Depariment , news of the de etinetion 01' fonr blockade • raineri, As: The Nutfield, an Iron paddle-wheel steamer of about 400 tons • fine new and powerful boat Ellie sailed tons, Landon in December fait, with perk, 'biscuit. Sm. S. The Dee, a double-screw iron steamer bunt especially for the Southern trade at London. She wu a dim vessel of the draft of ten feet, and said to be very fast, 18 or twenty miles an hour. 3. Ths Fanny and Jenny, the old prize Scotia, eaptared in October , 1861, condemnedand sold to Outside . partles, not being deemed fit for naval 'arms. Her name was changed to the Gen. Banks, and she was taken to Deltas, and sailed from there le July, 1863, to engage in blockade running under the name of the Fanny and Jenny. 4. The Emily, • new strew steamer, built in London last fall, owned by Bisbee, a fine boat of 500 tons. President Waking In Washington. A Washington letter says: PreeldouLinaking is rather at a stand still, those managers who have "played their pawns" not having realized favorable rasa]. therefrom. The pronunclamentos of Mr. Sun Draper or. not to obtained; Trowbridge's promised popular biography of the Secretary of the Treasury does not make Its appearance; the Teutonic champion. of the Pathfinder guz zle their lager in silence ; neither do we hear of the cleft qualifications. of Oin..MoClollan, whose reports are sant forth in silence. In deed "ail Is quiet along the Potomac" in the Presidential camps, except it be whisper. from the friends of the President that the Indiana State "Convention, which is about tb anemble on the 22d, will come out flat-footed for "Old Abe," and adopt his declaration when asked In dismiss a cabinet officer, that '"taint best to swap horses while fording • creek when the raises high." Cavalry Ordered to Gen. Outlet's De. •• partmeut. .A New York paper of Monday says that the Third Now York cavalry, veteran volunteers, eotamanded by Col. S. 11. Mix, a splendid regiment, 1,200 strong, is ordered to Nowbern to Grox.. Butler, the exigeneies of the service reqniring lu presence there. It is a pity that this fine regiment had net received the order to return to Gen. Bn.ler a little sooner. With Ito help who can tell but the late expedition to Richmond, instead of a failure, would pare proved a glorious seems * atTUINISO T4:l TUX WAS.--a 010610111.1 Cr. • y departing fracitthe city on their return to the war. While the regiment which bat just arrived is marching up the street, anoth er regiment, whose furlou gh 1. out, Is march ing down the street on its way back to the war. The furlough we. for .thirty days, and during that time the veterans hare enjoyed themselves visiting their friends In city and country. A good:many "figure ea missing" when the regiments Cr. mastered for inspeo- Mon et the .endervous, fiat, as a general rule, they nearly all report for duty before the time arrives for leaving the city. All the regi ments go back much stronger (in the artiste of new recruits) than they came,—Lou;•rilk Journal. Alas. 8. C. Hsu. Is about to commence a periodical for girls, with the assistance of writers end artists who have already won favor with the young. Boys have •msay caterers for their amusement and instruction. Ladles aleo have their magazine, and news papery, but the field of special labor for the benefit of girls V stN invitingly upon. "Msraawras" writes to the London Her ald: J. Plorenee has played the Tlcket of-Leave•Man at the Winter Garden for 79 night., and hu Masted po,ooo. It is gener a,' understood that be Intends to send the clever author of it, Mr. Tow Taylor, one fourth of the earnings—a bill tar 54,000 sterling. Tux Way. and Means Committee of the Cetus has prepared a resolution which may be termed a gold smasher. It authorises See rotary Chase to soli the euxplus gold on hand at any time and in each a stay on ly may choose. It le said he (mild now spare twelve millions tort bear operation. ►'OTICES. 3TH RI OfEI&NT, all volunteers atilleting in this Regiment ‘lll rf aim it BMA; at Four Hundred Dollars. Prom Gorsranient, mill the first day of Nara, MI; .ako the &stoat local bountg offered by lug Word. Borough, Township or aunty. Recruiting Omar,' No. el nrni. &Dore emttb• Bald Utroet. Pittekirgh. DALLAS O. IRISH, 136 %Warr, Sacral/Jag Warr. kl;trahl $602 TO VETERANS! , boa. TO NSW RECRUIT/. O' Authorised V. 6. Beendtheg Agau7, 11n. 86 ranabs, 816.612. Allegheny 014. to tbs rear et the Proneetlianhars Wee. irena 6160 tee 1200 LOO.AIe ROVATI paid to 04116.. Ileetalta ein Select their *taint. Ste ' 2. Itt Ilflnlakeruldng AteoL (10L. DALE'S , BMALION, 116TH P. T.-1111 &alining naniold 'pram Or. thcesd to b. rafrou• go y = e b s i c . ig , T h !te l. ng Meth PmMQlninla Yob:Worn , DAVID' 111.1411. AW, Bandquaztais at .Trutt-liarahare Olnos. Allsotamy qty. apt. 1111111111L1100/11tt Plltalpagh.l.2l i; Luc= 7.r.,waiteg• inaltTAPei.' BURNHIDE'd OLD NINTH CORM VOL USTZEItS WASTED, To MI to the Pantrybreak Reglosente of thre famous r Oarps, .11hrbesl boards We. anti. to tans. W. TYSON, abut &Lump. SWilhattd street, Mttsbot.b. toltkrt inet.e•rs. VIVAN/41).--$6O • hlorna.-4 watt Ta=wayst HIO sixontb, enema paUl. tort h.*. 041014 Brea* and thirteen mbar tvw meta az.4 cork= uttrien BIM. art a. 4es =attn. I. 2Bl, adr.er JOHN T. LOUD. Biddeford. Ks. 4 t ry tr A ISONTIII-4viont to filooltierita iD $ immer comity at $75 a month,stpett asw claomk natty ttatttnit Xatss • 11.51,18051, alfail‘llLataa. 11 • D—A •iaod, anark'etio MAN, 'to tauf da. - a pat route Cr o fin mum :=ll,terumntanZtratip7ovittr 800K -BINDERS WANIIM-B,itral I Riiinrista 'ffitgiatteatAY g'ne omox um*, TIARDENER WANTED: . —A 'man tor emelt Thigard and Pm% °Arden', near the en". A out broth for • toad men. Megetre maTELIS 0117101. AOOD:13111L Todo wk. . : __ . }141 4 ilTri aptimei.lll . 4111,1:01pp nilii *....in . " Pf it A are U.° 17/dIC , . " 2 M n 44 u ri • • t. • 01111/1/04. • =111•=1.. • lir r : k U = 431101111i.1,1.ANKI) °lb °MI M I Gelb G.. , . r F~'r r +~ I ;, EVENING GAZETTE HUMS; FROM MARRIBBURG.I PIEMVINLi LEGISLITHE PROCEIDEG TEE MEOW COUNTY BOLINTV BILI, PASSER. is., U., &a. Special Dispatch to tho !Motor& Oszotte. Itaantssreci, Feb. 17,18 The following bills were favorably repo (14. Mr. Negleyrs supplement to the bill thoridng the arrest of professional thleves in Philadelphia. Bill extending the spatial fee bill, nOw Mr. Phelan's bill permitting the it'll law ln Crawford county, to . Jetferson.eotinty. Lutheran Church to sell a certain lot to Johns town. Dill changing the place for holding ark Bite Lion In Cherry township, Butler county. The bill autioriiinig 4cwee townsbip, Elk county,l4 erect a hriJße over the *set Clarion. . To increase the pay of &venison of Broad Top townehip, Bedford eounty. The following bile were preaentedi Mr. Migkrun'i bill tore-charter the Bank of /ills burgh. - Mr. filack, one authorizing the borough of Manchester, Allegheny county, to horror.. Mr. Patton, one to re•charter the Farmers' Bank of Waynesburg. 4 • Soars.—Mlquiat along thelines._ Intro is not ortn.any picket tiring. The Democracy held &mums this morning to choose the ohm camas of those who were to be appointed by the Speaker upon_ tha Apportionment Committee of twimtpone. The House We moment passed your county bill for bounty to volunteers. A Traveling , Tliee Vrtgen..invalki giaa - id Ace= modillon. WAIIRINCITON, Feb. 17. -A emitting °Sloe wagon for the Adjutant General'sDepute:ma of.tho Department of the Cumberland, Du just been completed at the Government shops here. It 11 anew Invention. It aommionodates ' seven clerks and a driver,and 12 drawn by l i four horses, and can be taken apart and put together in flee minutes. A similar one will shortly be completed for Qat. Pleuantou of the Army of the Potomac. The Seeend Presbyterian church, corner of Prince and St. Asaph streets, Alexandria, Is being fitted up for the aecommodntion of in valid squads now on duty in that city. The Potomac. Army to be Paid MX The Philadelphia Union Lague and Mr. Lincoln. , ,WAsauccrop,aitt. il.—The funds e nearly ready for die payment of the Potomac Army. ItU Probably be paid or nest week. A Committee of seven Philadelphians, bea.l - by Morton McMichael, to-day, formally presented to President Lincoln his nomina tion for the next Presidential term, on be half of the Union League of Philadelphia. IJMUR.S.reIg. INSU KAN Insurance Co. of North America. Insurance Co. of the State of Penna., Hartford Fire Insurance Company. ailrlnsurance In the above old and retiabia om pant.. am bo obtained en application to w. r. JONTS, Apar fatdly &woke. Bulldinsi, II Water Arm. ERN INSURA?CE COMP& OF PIMBURGH, IFILLIFB, Jr., Prynawsi. F. M. GORDON, 8. y. 022 w, No. 92 Water meet, Sprig • Oa'. Wan. boar op Main, Pittlb WM inns, Nair dna, ay Mt ad Nana. Baba al Heine laditaties raisapiti by Dinarieeir ore writ Farm M fM commanity, and yr aro Us , Ward, by prospers asai Llrratiar, to maintain As akar*, rad ilas Lew oared. as ettrfriv W 11.4 arra= to Sam orb dere , ta to Ward. B. Ilißon Jr., JamerWellnty. Ilathardel Holm" Lk: Mullet, o , lsOrge aibt 1 27.11.20., 0. W. likkertran. my3O T. Andrew Ackley, Matanda Speer, Dand 1C Gun, Z-71 allEg IL GORDON, Gr.... Orin,. CIITIZRII3 INSURANCE COMPANY NJ 01 rrrreeusm Offlor, corner onto sad Water streets, round door. WhL BACIALIig. Prosktast. BA/DM BMA, Beenthsy. beam BMW: data and Canoe. Inanen aptinsi low and damacein the navigation of the , Southern sad Weateen Blum Lakes and Bayou. and the navigation of the Bee. Intone epilog le. nut damage by tiza. IDIAZOSOIL E. N. Etat, John Shiphso James M. Goolpnr, B..flarbangh, J-Calduall, Jr John S. Dilworth, Wm. L. Baden. • dn10:10 Ptak. Ragalay, Jam. P. Ir., W. B. Johrutoa. B. Y. Jour*, Remo Onsa, R. T. M. Bain, Barclay Preston, Gauge Masbate, AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CORPAST, DP PUILADZLPIIIA ALM'. INITILLDIN, Presldlnt. eklit'L. WORE, inn Pr.ldent. _...__.rm,000. lams the Truetcem WC. J. COWARD, leg., J. Meat TKOMPSON: LW,' sad flue. JA POLLOCK. lama poncho at the Muer WTtI&L rite; beld am of which share ha the mate- .Tba hit Lome tree 43 per cent. JOINT 810011.. rates are . 33 met. Ira than the klataaL •D laformalloo hzrafttud oo appllootkom to IL S. BRIAN, Pltbbargb Agent, 60 Iroarth 04wt, (Thrbei. 860600 PEOPLES INSURANCE COMPANY, Ofttoo, N. E. corner Wood AMA fits. FIRE AND 1141.1117/B INFORANCE. MIXT= • Jeanie D. Vornar, Oapt. John L. Rhsedu, . BainualP. Shrives, Odom P. Jonas, O. Hanson ; Charles A.rbockle. Wm. Phratim, Jam Walt, W. B, um, John Z. Pork*, maws. inmen, Wm. Val Kirk WM• P JOHN WX. F. GARDNXS, . ALLEGHENY' INSURANCE - COM real or PITTSEIIIIDIL-- - . DELA no. 37 VIM street, Bank Block.. , Imam newt all kindc arid Nadas Bids IDAAO JOXES, Pocciacci, JOHN V. wmap, baddind. D. N. BOOK, Bitaffani. °apt WY. DUN, &arca Alf M. haw lams, o.pt. n. 0. Oray, . John Inrln, Jr., B. L. rattelareak. JoOa D. Idedid: a. ANA. Man .lacclik, Ovt• Wm. Ihfut. D. Basal. Norli. ADDY it NWIINI3, PILILOPICIAL GAB AID STEAK Firrett ica.llooD ET., Doodle 114. urth Mat*** MOM STDBAIITff, SHUT 1.441:11. LILO PIP; PIG and 13AP. MD, and eliannare mon"' La rant. Wrens:lo &tad ap La On .arast paved manner. Sank' Mod' nisi dad or ' me. 'Muss fitted with satin *ad p• cedar, promptly atandnd aPI d. 11111111.844 TATE at:En:us._ 1240si0n 11.1711131111?1,‘ GAS, MID STEM i/TURS if4aricbzuLaturt.AUNlS4ll4.4ii Ltirbotnisi. 141;146_ WElLlin t irp.-4-00 4 " : 2U ';ftwasiatoleajas.z...__w, .li~~'~;:r'ae~=:r'l.'fr 6 s.'~>.;'.' 3 i:=~s ; c' 3.acf-•z VOLMg LW/EX= [WPirrbisuOlfilSEßATlM " Lame sad Thaater4 Tnagerns. Fourth idea of • rr-eagagtueut of inn /LIMN WXBrIBB.I the young mad tainted it- Ws. who yW appeut ma bliaml Lind 'lraq Liud• 1 1 333 Cr 44 ThdV.) IrFEXING, . Will b preurustad, BOokatorat'a beautiful ,4tausa of wan 111181111:3 st, 817 . 111£113' OF VIM I EZZ=MI Wakro. lemma Wetted C.lq'r lids}. ...~...). cip. i. . To etociailo with the musical Am of JIMMY LIND. L- 1 . 1 , with d0 n ,.. ." -- Itraleti Wanton. ToOar Lenrhol:trogs.._.. . t. Catlppts46l4,. nthet ,,, Ad. Ticket-of.Loato Neu." • CONCERT OF - YE OLDEN TIME. By Ama±9ur in Antiqui Costainee, the benefSt of Ibo P114118U86 SUBfiLSTEN . CR 601111111* ct,2 4 roir.rvr HALL.- ON SA 7011°A V' EVENTS°, PEEL, SO • tlekata, St Llellte VI 6.1 at sr.coe., burg. Itre. CochriiM'e, Alfoghany. and from the w • of the Bat Wean Comm Woe. 7riscra Train ofil 1. ore as the Ponelylcuita Iletiroul , M. 0.. Mon of the okomart, canning at far .. Braddock'. Matta, for ebeaccommodatioe of More mialdhis to attend the Ckrno rt. Doors epee at leafier bobre ace—Cocoamt to cemenesoe at 714 clock. felG:tot O...M.A;SONIC HALL. Tll - IRDAND LAST WEEK BUT ONE: OP= LITOCT Hioar, AND 'MI WRAY AFTEEI.OOOII THIS WEER. Ms an eVraardths7 saltation to am inald. THE GREAT MILTOBLIAN TABLEAUX OF PARADISE LOST. GibiLASZ L) ALATINICICS - 7.7i2 S i • ?SERI:4OO2i THIS 77521 C, 4'4* wham Children till to admitted for 10 ire boo, apon Ceeotnee al 7 o'clock- Extdbl no:Arreozetti&al.ock pr . ecl 2 op. k. sir Tot rareutigan . • A. D. MORRISON, Proprietor and Made. MZZ== GRAND Vocal ant Initrumental Concert, CONCERT HALL, tost TA nrida,7 _Eventing, Feb. 18, 1884 biXtILIIISID.-I.nor raw. 1. ViallooDagLolo—.lr. Prof. Fortort. 2A No Ong "Do nOt MOWN," from ....... W L.'Beriba Soug...—l- 'Prot Woo:loth*. 6. tura*, (rMwat ) suer _P to( Z. A. gem 6. Thaw Blight Mack Dyto.-Duchen WEEMS I. &lam Ilohn .41 IL Alr Va5 . 1e...0. D 8eri01.... L — rt“ - - 17 . 171 r 6 31 " 1 3r5 t. 1. A r r.,: 3. Viallnottllo aolo—Vadation. Barlett all WamWak. b. I.lappy of the forest_....Wallare —Mho L. Scribe. llarrdet fur Brand Plano. manufactured by D Brad • has .been Itodly (arab bed by Basra. Wameltu Darr. taatialouar. Doors open at 7p. par- Manioc, t 3 ars o'clock. Tickets to be at /team. Italuemart, 31eyrou ladle. • Waruellbk ; 31,.. Blumes ; C. C. BellorNI: and at the dour. • (1401 MrrnPrM'lr" - r4 PENSIONS, BOUNTY, - RACR PAT. T. WALTER DAY, Soldiers' Claim Agent, .110itniED BY SHE 0. 9. 00TOLNY/Vit So. 103 BUM Ey Zd dominion" the cub.ara. t %l=7 ,.. ted before Contrrm i te , C= r efalz at Waeldnit.. i r r e. Pot.. Money and Beernltln; 0N.... CIA= promptly attended to. MILITARY CLAIMS. ICIXIIPTIO3 CLAIN& W. J. A HALL PATTERSON, to Fourth - PECTSBUBOH. Olahna for PINUOOIi, BOUNTY, BACOinnd TR& PAY, BUBBIBTIONOZ, PHIES NOSEY, toc• NORMS nal or tbo atm, psounnly Wolof to. lELEMPT/ON CLAIM ittoodod to *lama' ni.• hi.l% S.C. eAsoisau.-- KELL & JOHNSON, • AT' Oltaratil.ATA.A AND iimptsrar clam AO/ r', N. CIBANT -13.19.3117. • NOAH W. SHAFER, No, 106 NIII,II Stoost, OLOotrat PIINENONIS, BOTINTT. MUM! BION -6Y *o eigolixisky peoisented. . _ • IsSAm MILITARY CLALMS BQUNTLE4 190:0110NO. BACK PAY.ond CLAIMS of army deseriptkna, eollectod• by )be 40b , scribe:rod the Iblkoriew rotearris uPeuttoos $lO 00; ell atm olatm p 60.. . . 0. 0. TAYLOR, Ationtej Las, No. RI Gaza amt., TlOabargh, 11. B. No ebargos as made U the alga dew not oaccoad. end all WWl:nation alvao arab. . MAY, SOLDIERS OA MR, BOUNTIES, PIRVLIONiI AHD =lll3 07 PA7, Promptly to by BIDpELL, 41400:emdavrT No. Ma fourth stroot, PltitbUrith. Pa. DI9BOLVTIOAIB. 14:c. DIE...SOLUTION OF. , CO,ReaCTNER. lIIIP.—The Oa•Pertnerihip berstakre exist. fug halibuts the : abileregned, cadet the style of SAILOR At SMITH, II Obis do y dbeoltattbi,boa ta eceient. li , worry!, .to be lewd et the (Ma of th.renndrloe Smith, .Ihat I , ll%;Nlath Ward, to authorised tg settle thelmaluese,thebite Om. ItZNaT It&TL011; Pitubirgb, f . o.b. 4. LK& T ..:! r .ersh bwitofocotilsttoy , Whose Os on • • Copartn i ." the afallenfaWls. ie Moan Yodoml Nino Allogkeety_elty,•mde the Ann of W. *l . llcarl disotilto *aoeb Parma ttoommator Indebted to the DM .IA ;Wm sail pi*. 'W;II:ErAtC, O.IL'DABCO3.- riItMLUTIoN OF aII'ARTN}.II- enre.-:-Irse partnership baretaParer *21414 batsman JOEr r.tismirros axe Waif DAVID, madir tau Lira of JOA UAIIILTI)N ft CO. has bass elissolied by mutual .assent. JO& Y. BAYI ILTON trul salad to Ito nmettled fromosts amid Anse at Ito abtrard, corner Pint and. Liberty sta. JOB. Y. ItA 11111.2q5, lettkiaptit rum rays. puma ErERZET UPHOLSTERY, dm 7s sou= nacre, Ili I WOO.. • Tha gaboalban loanallictars and hap Laaiktatty an Rand amide In they OORRICU.; ORA , CURTAIN- CONVOIRIA, PRATHER BEDS, _ _NATTRASSEN as CI kinds: Am Ibeadibralad PATRIIT SPRING BM). All kb of [WADES, BLINDS aatTEIVINIES. haat sitastioa gal D ai g t r: to .01 Woo laelDlEj Wag TA OR Clods, Oa. ~aaantest UP.lnnotaßßlNll l .4lllTilli ii, oda Imp do-4'ot goods lor 4 0a1•444 to ofkontroot - tartans at .:ere nsel ' W. ptiosa 11L1LT1414.8=41 nolr./1244:p4QUAT• 1114541:11; )i g.st twisty of .8 7. LS & 1,L0014 OM CLOTS/ r. OW/1M MID L/1 0047:1111;Anal4sg .s hom 44rocood Moo VII* &ramrod 11.4Wa/ no los1117) old e ., 1 Nom .41/104117. C W ! '• ' '!' ''.. ? g':'^ il! Milifelia:llllE T , . iiilol4l4 Itotottoll,'At:.' ~_ ~~~ . .;t . • . . : ;;.....,..., - ..f.i.. ~.)- ...., 011.8 DOE & PFARTiTi . "; - DO • .411 ' 4 cud its Vor =ANS sad bay cositomptou %Mr tacia ties for statue, at razioaablo Mac IRON CITY - 011, WORKET. : 7 .. : :_'. t I..:LititirialOßaNgtit:;*;ll Iltsatileeterancosil EOM eIGULEONCIA,3O2O4-d ratty' Asp itratircerlltcl littli;sttraiagiiilk ' ;' , I CRUDE 'r . lo - 119:Lim " 1;* .; !, 1 $ 6 .-kk orpoot: iii. n .i. 4 .. ' 1 " - . ef, ~..,, 10,0 94 414)..p..,turp azramer. • . p.r -' E c t : .4 - s:; c..•. • , .J. •L • Attitgarit. 11ia.:: , , spilli mam., ItURICIt& Oa; , COMMISSION -ISMICHAM: 4:-' 2l , • - T, 4 • ‘ i -,..: ~.•:: .. ,•1 ii!egh• 1 - .. . . .. , ..—.. alas, is:011e iii.i.iiiiiiriVieWaFiC" 1, 4,1, 0 4 o.t,,,lTimeotvokou'ogoolAnkeotie 1;1 Helloed or grade l r efiiiii*L 1.4. 145a:Ducr1isidN4vi iiifq2ol43 c L .. "' 6 WALDI, 00111111 MOS itiMigUkSiek - rt'A BICIPPEBB OF PETBOLM-4 112 KAIDZS LA 1 :44.24ZW -YOWL Ample taellltle• br STOiLIGN AND BEIP#BII at their yard sad ',far; Exa'Exic. - RICHARDSON,IIMILEY . ZfiKt Connuanou i rosw.eaDisa Crude and Refined re:4o*k, H.. 12 LIIWIN MIT?, PITT3llll2lllir . air Liberal Cub odroricto ou timidgramatt Pitratnugb or Mortara Market.- „ lama.. J. IL Daaorth th ltaa=BBl.l, PAM. Oodamactal Maar— nallo.6.ra WALLACE it'COlitlES,'--r Commiimitoita Mervitiai* : , • , ORUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM, - , BIMINI AND LUBRICATING Ong, 131 SOUTH WHAIWII% PIXIIIIDELPIII4. air /Ramo capacity (cuder arm) br 14000 Alio arcellant factlittia for .hipping to Arnarkaa and !Sams p Sa, at ma start oa thti ay '•. liver uric platform or Cao Y. R. y, . TI.PII. 6c BRO., • Crude and Hefted PetroleniN'e, ' • • BENZINE 7 Jko n uts widow! , sr, PUILADatrarL Bream carrutcd to oar care win receive oar ) la rtrrt nesar.. " tt Itl=, fluky &CO.. , Sark* & Co., and McClellsod & Dar* Pit= r MocOILVICK & CAUENDp3, OIL BROTIERS.7i. 211 and 213 South Watei*,2traf; . CHICAGO. ebtamegmanar ezusisid. Wiry Chorpoonbag, Iron City „ Jacob Paluber, - , or J. Faintar a Co. .Jako. a. ct.u..44.8;.,..g, cnsups a tb. •••• • ; Jrgkir iIIWTROLEIIM COmmirstß/9)l—X4l{-,, , , CHARTS. ARMSTRONG 'dir =DA ' GOMM PIAZZAS. :Linn/POOL, irgOLARIVU Te - xl—Nzates. IL G. Dan Oe ,3 roue y. ' 00 , 41.0 , 444-11aorm. S. 0. Dun & Lcuam,;, Ott d. : for OU Oo ltortorts mid tufbrstallau snly:for z -• , 4 SEIONEIMIT fir. Wood and 'fourth ateob ," Plt}sLctgb mutes, JR, A.Grair, • 3 iminn RE,PIIMADILPNIk. - ; thrgim & worm' *Rai* on a...won AT4 -clangq STOBACE YOB - REPILISIIr to teal ,diallattD IA (MIME, and& goal iSoda. • Partiddlar attention paid e. - cort Tolflys liata--QAINFT/G BpIJA Astraet....:-. c .& mitignTort, - I - General Merehandiießrokert; A , A- '.us sons ssoarr / 1 4Fpgp.P$TRQzggiu, ourzio Auttarrzsz l; Orders to:bu; of f1g144 #l. 6t. TIBEIi k- OuriiogtOltta.: • DOMMIS&IO3 HEZICSAJOTIX Parthrgair dual= NMI aw s inzu z i grade' - and Etilatd : Peik.oladni iltarLibmg 'drums, FTAs , , T '` ' s ll )^'. NI I (u s . or 11.40. i *ca..) PUMA , . COMine/OE =CUM" SpFelai. loth:aka ghat to drgli :e/~si ad. Crude and l i eirtiletUi . la pot= w OIT BTRZLIV MULL: V.ETROLITE OIL WORM, Ppritz'irnm: mansom LI7IIRICATI.ISO WWl— do ebaumtbaT 4 wPW.Nreak.... RBEBB & GRATA - ;; ; . f vtace, NONONGABILA gam . as]lT. CUM arrspa, roma:thug 4.Commirsioalleichaut • • • tan Dirdirrllf MVO , ' - NarnammaTroo, ramumitritd, PlalltELTUrt 0/Lft, 4c, aoastealir ott band and fair tats at ttra lowest taatket prima; .-coaatztateuta mcnactF. , "l WO.ODVILLN OIL REFLZITFtaIt;-,.51... CEO. W. EIOLDSRUEi Idateehetutere of 80111.11M0 OM AND 2750 OM .%teep coesteetly ea head the very teet..; -- quoin, of 13U7411113 0114 dear sae without coke r „- else • pod LITBSIOALTOIre Pure inativalFW:f -- pi Lof rert teem We N0..1t5-.lllPTlfilitiM Bonk wood dean win letenteAltettetal;: -. *ci ..." - • guns, rusrunry, L'; 0 ................ 4 , l44.l4tanda — him s t e z• - •1•1 - J;•,•:".. , • - • ••• • • 41,.. 6141 No. is IrAnirrer:l,`;,, • ,„. - , if A , t, 'l7 !Cr- 411:4 •".11,'"r° -:~c~~, :.-.~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers