~......E.:::, ~. .:..,..,:„.„,.. r ': ' , " : 4;e: r t*4 . 4!),„.-,7:, 4'44% -51'.' X 6.47 ',6 " 11r 1) .;"'"'51....'.- ; ,:t ~-; , I`.4*---.'-'7' „, '41,,,;7:;.-;').:!f:r;',.,:;_;.,'.2,' 11 1 - 1 4-1-177ttnitt , • •-- : - • ,_ • _ •~, PMMAY lIIMNIERbrA.II.I4,I!Ia _MT An STlBlllthAat ftinYeater4o 4 Bl{Yeß4wiliii 'Pritaloptarkark Itentaaf. . iilateiraatlng.pt the Platten* of Mo. ettelii4libli Mr; MiLeT *bolus accept* 44. .'°ol l Pti!"';. "hith' wire ,Tbikatelvtai TtlemPre, P4b/..-telireffebliea A47' of thaw ordination; Ur. W. 2'4 Beier& Abortormon, Bey. John -Go Brown to and propose. the,roistilmtional Elie; Rey. F. nutaison to, addirret the pastor, and Ifer.: S. B: Bird:the peep's-- • lfeims. B. B. iiiibartsmi and B. G. Campbell -• i. vote taken' under the - .Can Of Psesbytaly no. ;-ktirdebte of theology -- Ilium A. M'Cemtell an eroroito lieforsPreibptary. .111 e former via tumbled SI • speamum '. , ..?fireigelremint, and the latter es aimeeinuot of ekAlln . earmonising......Mesere: A. Calhoun . W. M. Colentan_ulantecrtid to. ago two • uonthato the army under Um d irective of the Chtisefaa Commission' prodded. •Pialbyterj tromld - *may their elpits daring their air• rienee: - Their - prelim! on was, atoepled,and tie Committee - Mille Bala es. Or arectrAto mate'arrangements 'for the' supply of their • -; , At a late meeting of the Priebytery of Al • liithotty.a call from the Third Church, Alla ! J liiteziorelateued to Mr. Joseph B. Kerr, was -• _-i t rese en u rrtot and i.. i ld re ts d i to r d naZerg were :pp P olls l Man committ ee to Witmer YYaarryy arrange men 'for the rdination sad la .::-,o'a tathitioie of Vr a . Kerr at_ nert.toplar -)hottlng, If : e accepts the' Alter ,dne deliberation, it wu reselrcd to take nit'aotion Col , pr,43ittlalle's &mission- of hi, charge till - moiler fall ntooting.:::-Mr.:O. , ;21:Ifnaa .irse recobred as asap:kat of theajotry «....The.:proyelaty 9f ordaining:lKr. ff. A. a. atadeat, who -hat Mtn far tee „rags Jaaliiiaraty; in order that be erpttlie, appointment 'of chaplain,' wu 'OIISStd,OWIC.Dic bletman;wis attthirised to •';; ,--iltrosisn - hlwi Of' o rdin - ati orb to be 'daily , l'arsd-icifora:Primbit4z7 at tlui earliest convo ' * ' 7 4.1011 . ...._4oktr. - It*bcrt. Stewart dolireid .: ..critie7l - diteorais from 2 Cor. e;11, whieh was ..::._:nsuitan:pmly, was mined. - • Ztitillitiec for Stamps on Deed& - - 7-- Ljudge-Sharine — rMd,ef-Philadelptda, hasjast tendered. in „Iteportint decision tsle-the . &laity fortbeeest of stamps to be attached to Xkerierae was tried upon a case Stated that of Broreedy vs.CalLehan. Itemise, that 'the defendant purchased et peddle salaisome slays alnie, - * certain property, at the price of sionalveldtitilliaving previously eontracted :with •Ilut-Ws'exeitne -* good and soillelent deed Isla The deed of conveyance • hoeing Übe prepared and presented to execute, a:question arose as to which '.'poorty•-ihottld patter:the stamps required 'fry Ams„te attarletto the deed, the coatis this fistulae being SISO. .After some diecuision,_ pita fur them ender preheat, and • brought the-natter before the court. On the -:ifinition- at - issue. Judge Sharewood,* few daystaitite;deliveredthe following opinion : qnestion presented now , is, whether • _-; vender er vendee under a contract "to amend. agood and suMeient deed in fee , On ph.," is board to pay 'for the stamps. The q.eitoian statue that ".. rt. bas for nmay year! hese " , ,the onions In this city that purchasers of real eatite farilik the deed." The eontraethere L pot that the vender shall prepare, hot *se ., intathe deed. If it had been the former it 'Would have overrides the meta= Vet belt doer net, we see no reason to referee fell weight - to' 'aubh"a orate. It to o'reasoriable saves all ..dispute as- to the style, 'winner ' and verbiage of the deed, whether it 'l...—shall-bevrittea or' printed on parchment er paper, whether theaearches shall be more 'or k.se - minute, Eventually we know' that ku taxes and expenses ettending-the transfer or property fall on the seller. The purchaser if ile etslealotes timely, includes the expenses of obtaining the title, in hie estimate of the price *Web be will giro for: the property. /st ment'for plaintiff, WM. IMES , Criminal Conn. Court--Sud.ei Sterrett, SW* and being present—took up - ;(hi. morning ofttni Coreinentrealth is. indletedforthe murder of Dr. lifeentth. retodma are well with, the air . 611011140* attending the death of the dee'r_es. neednot repeat them bare. The - ' . - defendult wean brother,in-law of the deciae. . • od,'ltndent the of September, 1863, , the Parties:bad a - diGleally at the doctor's dente, miliftb , street, and on the 7tlyday of same Month - the diltor - died fro:tithe, then .o re t eeiret . _Th: defendant d quality =rendered himself and - ga - fe ball for The miaow= taken np this mernhlg-- ;--: Thomas.- /Toward, .Esq., appearing for ;the ......2. - • - :> -- ConMeinwettith - ,,nnd Thomas M. Marshall, 'Ese.; teethe defense. .... • —Thi 'fret Withess'oalled was:hint. Theresa :lifklreth; widow of the deceased. She testified OM, on the afternoon of the - Ist .of Septam bet ..last; eke heard a lap' at her hosimed'S Amer, in the third etory,- Thai:doctor opened the door, and.thisawthat the person who had '2 • ripped _wee. her brother, the lefendant. - dodo, imbed st hire, end immediately crash.- On <musing out,'she saw tin ,faffing on the bannister, irhteh had been broken.,. She did not sae any knew nothing aboatthe oflgla of the digt,:atty. fiarmst'ether witnesses: wen examined, but gto4eatillintyitai not Material, On trial. Ceia. Mkethdlan Th• Tralkillgtlll.; . • 'lila held at Esown's Motel, Per ,• . - - -.Z.7:slMedbe, on-the IsC when and where it Jnapnanfmonsly •. • . the min 'Whoor tha4eople inield - Wori, delight. to bonerwbores entire •elarnoterfler framed stir the model of lemdt • Ilegtoni and Whose pest lifels ems guaranty tor hit teturerpstrbr hi (lea. fiee. B. M' - - -With lath" bead of the nation, them be:Saved • from —the - FAY . ...Oonstiteton,and, laws mays.* be preserved— ••-• and ell-may yes be cetera, theit...!nn der his -own wino and As tree with none to fear MM." Immediately afterward, s duly organtrelL James A. Gibson ~-- i ihnieii- P ri,ddeitt;4l4sert Morrow, A. Mendid, Sandals, • • - • : ';'''.ll:lhatinit, - ;.Ciibro.' Gee.. Whitten, 'mad /Mild VleerPrisidentik! A. Parke,. Eiq., diEgl3eerettry, Ind Viro4yrrs and Pattie remßeeretarios. -John Koown, Tres- MIMPI/ uDI tponeyloAn"-ILit...lohn. Dairi n, for BieiLient, awktkei ferlrizo .. . .. - : '—z--''.:• . :, `" 1! pink Note - Quatationa, - ' ~.1.27 ' .. : - .7":7 . sonwtocivirie•l•lljlbr tOi Oa e au, by Mossis. 1.-.... , ....'. f..,i-, .7".. 2 rdiAk..taie, of the „Italie:lad :Baitir lie!te Ice. ri f- -- - - ';' ',"' :: ... • . .; , ... :,pcFlee,.. ,liatez o„nombHin atiouont; ,'..,;-'- .:.,--:,.,.__....,_ ".,- ..._. -Prz!sivoik, /mum 13, zr.•4 . - v•se kierd'Statccr Nll i inclifti:- - ,lnterir„.- - r '•- - ...± - ,;:,*: ' , 1 - -- ,' 7.1 4 4:11t k:5 er ."-...- pir fig:1 4 3..." - : 7 : -. :Thm .l = E 'r i i-7rt'' ' A G**T a ' a --.-..-4-- '-'-' i Y ' -''' ' “,- - Pittal: ". ' j'" 1,0•ta••;: 7— '..........*= - C . ., , , r ! ... , " : , .... -,:„..".sikiitpittatant6,•_-, 1ittritarAy............- Or -'• • • ' Stag/Utter Co., pr. 52 Teuneuee..—........r r... e .Bk.nf Le 1 : :i,•• - 1 ' 11 4. 1t ; :- 40 !21'49.' ttaiiii ' ..: 12, 3 '4,,, , r2aVtditryalliehkad:- 7 M :•• •• - • ,, , Dalai jt. rars 4..,:,,,tra: .1 WitmaxLs.-,-...-.1 ,: ... ..,.12,==, - .: I s ge;.-,-. ^^-•-•••••• 1 = zut•4o•.: - ;:flixtrowl::.=.2.o• ..,.. / .....tri•ti.-yfbagior" 4 . 3. pgba5..,.....—...0.. 114 ..., ..;.:.:., -.- • :...- 1 ' .',' ti ' , d ,'"•,"41•••••• 'fa,: Y.* - .. - Jui Ali, .........:, -•. ' 1 , - , 110.111..et. aver btakstd• rands. -- - . - f r - 'nr -4 N 5 . , totiOxvot000:t000s. =Tor & t : •• • i s i ''.-'.'''L• . ....,- .-i - . l "t lo ' ° . Thr. '''..L..,...-:.,...,,,,,,____. - -.-. . : -.. ' • The flaunty Peed—Time .Extended 4 ......e.A.T.RIITOI Vesteri, Prevost Mental if. the 112 , 3 MOW bit Jag reiefred.tbe follow. . illthaPatant dllpatch: IfAsAitervs, - .iss. iSrrr.—Tbb Ogle far ply. ... Wit belittle/(a allowed Prior to Munta , 7 bti) ; bas been extestud fess teer weeks. Coatielle sagistmersts sielerdis sly.. ~ ~.., ~ -,,,,:: , ~,.. , <, • I. ,V. 8011110110, -.., ~, .. Lint. Col. A. A. Pre. .11. G. d ' . Tke akin 'll a very imperiled einem , * --110110 ? sedwill *benefi t err , rathfitatlon by - - '' ' ' '; i f t ipr ia. "e rirbsd,ro l 4rucllfierbj 2 ' ml" ' .--'• .- - ' - TVA besteess of leergitleg• will ea doubt to on 'Woad, I ' oo ' o ' hOil and i n th°44 , 7 * .. j . ' ' blwsrtpnasoiEoLL—Tbtattanatoaoftbo fe _ i. ,,,i dear; air to • - parefisso 4 first class dealt* '„. --;beastisfiltectei es .the edvertiument index . -- the optima ghtshehts Residence tor Bald " • 1'....-% . ;,...Ver honsePteesselhat condition Led , Vid.-PPitt-P11.4 with an., 01 . 111 ° 4113 i ni r" i 11114241simicontlalazieei. Tim lodation as '; 1. _ r &Altos/ail as *lir ~. ti Itn 1 ~,,... " -, • ' '',7 . ' . vi„ - * ----- A ik al terof-filesehin -.. , i ti t ,sv d =wiwic.ll4-twart., sr -A , ,, n „,„l“,liarsttactok'.4.9btsmno► : *ibm' l46ll44 " . "-.. Z .' " ,- 1, :, -..: !--`...': ".' '' .. :7• 1141 ' ''''',.., ,s.' •,. ill: ' - ..+•,'V-7:-''f,,:z.::'.::Z::j,:-A3.r..--lt.P:i';-.'AVrz''t'*'43:e'-'4' - 111 ;:44=4*irctftm. Th..aelpte and shlaran els•daring the - twenty !bar lemare ending at noes tooday,,reni aa lblkrere.: thlpannta, - to New Y05t.271 bble wadi; to Iralla.kl gie, 631 tibia relined, 136 bbl. Roadies; 18 LW. upths, 110 Ude cendeq.West. 13 bblaraLtaad 3 .bble send.. Iteaelpti—per Allegheny Valley Dalloeitd— "3ll bbl reoad , 031 bbl. crude. . BDdv DhPattk. is tba PittalistrO Omits • NurTess, Jas. - 13—rela it dolt but wltbool 'amaze; mall ear at - 31*. on the spot. Sathiad, aloe I+ dull at 453914.30 In bond, and free may- be quoted at 11143.54 e. 2rotbifinotalnal at ft,. tagity and Maltase, ?Ia NOW Orleans. -s;.Mom the film Cairene, Jan-1.) Sugar—At the data of on boa meekly sport, ire Meted that, with lugs minima sod • limited de tiand, the tutu ems unsettled and prime were regular and miler. Slur than than ha been • larger stock on the landing and the market has boas dullasd veil supplied. Purchasea giurally. Wit bean holdlogiesk for a declbee, but War bu ben no material *barge in prin. The sake bp to Wed- Redly inclusirs, - Picardie( 2500 bhbla Maly lots, Melicillief.M Ina, as a.cticiiim 93b3i • for rotas, to good conamou, 100111 t far fair to folly fair, • .hor null lot. of folly Ma commanding 3‘ U XOI / /-Ye 4 famine I. ebok• 112312.410 for Yeller Maned and 13;1113%o "alb Mr white clarified, oar crop. On /tido, Chratimm no basins- on. din sad. on Wednesday *pastime oars prevented by rainy wea ther. Tarte:play there was more • dimaltion on Ihe part arboretum:sato operate , but the scormaest Rns checked by inclamest moan end the very bed con. dales of tbelate„prinhipally the War. and Om seise ware cestaqmotir confined to Pal kb& at I#ll - pricer . By intim 1.11 bhdreold to 1% eta. ifig,loX; 11", lay; and Will 710'. ;Tisk toul aim or the week them mann Yon bbd. say slimy .lole takes on emaciation and for *sport to In Worth sad West, smelly kr export. A pert *Me re, miss sea for expert direct anapm est24th rues Goon , meat Amoun' Arrived glace a int, 100 W t, e. did to and bids. Cleared ahem- Me Sisb in.: Orr P.. York 113 lads; Philadelphia 211. Pmemola 1; together Coastwise SU blob; for Be Leak WI bhda • Nialemea--Inour bat weekly report rte dated that with anal runty on Me lading, the demand rte Italy ma. lan then thaw ham tom no change. nrarthy of - ..site;- -The supply hae bees Lam but •irith ileltdencast grime beret hmer Meant up to Wednesday luclecate. embraced Win bln la radon lots at 4380 tor good and prime old Prop, 4.46111 e Miamian anfordlnary, 610ldire for Mrt ' aa, Da r= ktrig'ekemardede7ard on Wedbha. day operation war Panned -by rainy Inaba. Yesterday the dawned magiums roma, and prier 11.112 dmidoily.flim, and Ultolthetasding the Tory bad manna of the le me e - the bb na! wed bY ancifeatairned IMO ble At , seMorituay,ingUe fir praraidAde*:fot .bola nes ;crop.. :Teetotal sabot *Mown elate stake is ag gregate.o67oo bbliy.takes *ribs Fat, the North saes osapaulationp a . - A - p t at of -tier PecaPis export dna, and la r rnmest account. 'Arrived ase on. fur ertki 11th "lastomcuffirve bbl, Cleared educe the Slth Initasti4M - Ifor; York .1217 baron, Philadelphia ON; together Coastwise -Cal bbl., for at. facia 136 and Ifni) eippund.illEsseltes . . • . .Nrt LITO,o4 •• antyt atr4 Arra; Ades eacatlT st ,1115.143V0 graer—at.takkni. Atrilppen—market : Ihrernd &vino 1.01915 e bleier; ulps at sB,l7. l 67,Bkioastly• $6,1:567A, dividing on • Vtartitorts btutyint 33 higher ea tam sad Illblzhar copilots tista , Balk utast& Weber; ado tri),bbla MOO Id Maid/UM/4. id kU Inaba; ftZ bbu strytasatiltr4ZOOda, lotic at 'itl4s4: Wit do' roomy lavas at 1117.73; ally tam Is hold ALIO *lt% bay's* at ide: talostC oo hhts pttme tate at 113411.111,,chlaftyat sl3,lBlStat'34;Oo4 Taxa halal shoulders at laaral4o.oeo 24 do at Gr. boas; 1100lIkera .balk.laata. at Ile base; 170 time. &Usti dims atiCatatEtttra,lopit cut hams at 10Xo, &timid la XII Wanks% alas handrs4 bra short tie tamalsasta3(4. lard lain &Wind at Ltettlis, -1.414.".141b5ad t5O A/1101%.=82111.4rdi .14 d 1 4 2 1" a 2- gtai. Iftthbla at lap. Malt axial aad - Oxen dre3; new; e33a. old ittooi=leirerpivci:ls3lloo?"Sys• sad 1 3alt§11641* - gbirleeti , - , (trosktheirlivlath 1411.) . - • tolAii:-Eleas Width, bet *Atop a.. Dola ..; ii;ive4 - crmiiibli larlooigtiites ioimto. , _ twaotbso,4, l : 3 Saii . F,ttititotp::: '.. •-ltilaaviindllottri-4104.t tbla tea ir • hi,: to sots sum or as lose etyabir tat *bite Hanna So oir, takatt Art refroloo.4 ii Oral Pee Jb .0 'rat I otooths. ~ Prim Aszklbr barb ostkits.• i ,- Proilabtos-Lor4.-41-totsorib..rogrosot - awl '. WI bior4-lot tro-luiro tio ougortal Attorstke to onto la after droextpttood42ttes orof -oaten] at U lan: 'Now lion Park Ilk $112,504.1MXP, sad oldl_do at CO ow bbl. Old ' B.... lllOatilliou to . • S do Illitto s ag&q. asw ambles at PA di Rh* ontl A loolt. - . Zia Sheol/ors ot atiddo stf3WoB_,.. pl_o_AL 4 3 , 7 , Zar4 it . 12111rasten - deasiagazufp,...D6T,k , Witsdtp-iriaelksialainsd to WI City . 4 Itidiffileonallabbie Ohio, to minim id fak. Pn'gst. rtswltrardopratffinua":4lrstes it Wit Prifel49o4Pq:itaR 4 Y ';V::j.;,...1 , ,::.. ii.: 4 r.r..1,. liriedio ,- . -- * --1 0101.11211tillen --'4141111411011 41111.1r ',.• I,l42,4lair:ll.4qiebripe- ater4240417 2112. v:rill iiittirludtgilfeentslElol62l4_ 3 4 1 / s r• h`" %tota l .= iag,.. ... Silsett-curket lillie-4411. ii"i"."iir4l66lll7- - - 14- .:41fee-- ----1 1:t ith . - 4"" "n rieg - .77.0.frrign *I6 re t rinIr k. i,z,s' i b m ut . - i Agegg r gi',. ' ''' Viopy . .." - , ittielolliii Id tzser P -asl,tr no. we heir or i.a....1- = 4' ' i , -.....,* arm Logr setrad . itas trirdtat 11 001 Dotr-walor hro ears -I —4 " ul i2PIAXI3II -' 7147 *-- thwiti s i ea itlft. it's asdratid it 12,11' foam ion, ,2:131 2.1 am track. *4l / 1 11111 / 1 "* . tbiliclibl i ' g asdat , quillodapialattat e! . int: , Nag Asa tlglarrgo limb° due ~ 2.... -1 + .. b • Ran " 4 the inaSilly ea - ImpOry, r , ' 6111"1"1"lans to bag, -ni-giillsted .- - ' --- - " - gi,„ : ,„,,,,;. ... la.- . ..„,.. Ithei'ailalh ' lr g iultit. - agbattegy yin ig g ocuu7s, wlD A a .,""ita. batter, .' 7 ./1. al h --=- I.l" ala klk AlpeotnOw-ko6llm, inlet, 1:11 Teat it co; 92 ski *hest 311 Limn, i r e. - th i s --- n i ; 1.41 X131; . eittiida 12:1 aka COllll, Sllllpiali tEttot; 21 OPP " b "... - ' lial opp lail b. 46" - e alat iten wi' d s toldhu di Dllltortli t t toidr i fig nl peapa, joiv n,...., wears .r .t . vin tag e ga ..... to; nu* Yr , . ro - I , ,„,,, d gulag to/apt/car to thiihrsurenu, ealtr.r. ig,gt. s .1; a= bp *Trak= 3 . 1 ..^. ~ P_,, 0 lilthir tbli fa*"s- ' llde--fr.ell4"reei " 24' ' - - a... H rb bbt i ttra lh sh j e l , a ll: Thr l" ll ; 11g:arabunbiltatt%117;124e'LLddliPtroAr Id Ms. Jana 02 61110 hay, o f 1 Corodurn =bloomy Ms._ orb , Wins Leo; jot humble*, Jaw Ilatrliforow Prittrosoa. rt. Ritara d (11110.00 RIIIIIIO.II. J. 12-01 balsa boy, I Zonorrord 100 Obi* door, A 1.5- Itroihr 0. lasharo Z roorPy 01 e 1 . 1 , J M. r.i. na ... 7 . alder; .1 Brintor; intplel wets and win, ow _ d,k, mod. rolw, 1 , 1 - 111rollb kwo; 6 _dodo, 7 Id Gmaley; sdo do, W Cooper; 6do do, J Maps - riele2 Bro;5 do do, 115 Dilworth I co; 6do do, ribo. ,aralorr it ratila <I balm twin, , H Collets; 1 tar bay. J D 'realm, 1 do stand, Lydoy .11 Chorpordod; GO Ws I:thawing/4D Wanazo, IA do do, B. Ilonoestr DOIAtIOW Varr,—ltec- lit phstei of OA, United rosbyttrEoal'alutrelt; who'. left iihr.ebhgregation mad keno last nishej to aelteplaiii heSienersi Chase's &my; ohs =visited, jest blilhe , ere of his dsiattase , , by i'latunber: of the „itmestets of his &area ahtreenitegation;iho: showed thsie4pprsidellos *this -reitit , and Seesiees, titatesisisertioresaisstintiel than rein, wards.. Ihsorisitilitiseetalandetitisttui intereoarse, thelohey Woad remembrarearita tended toscialui itstimetang to be reethiethered. ererz. ne wesiat. ' Einsunn — A;XIDLIT : --A serious aceideut oeconsd 02 - the Pennsylvania -Railroad-lam aight,..bY which two lives was let. It at. . poen Oates the _Express trim, bona mini neared 2 lockport, three_ ears were throwmpf ttpx. trash .by, broken sell.. -Two- meis, ins IMMO John Cllsbea, e .risident of - Lebuton ourety,andthe °they°. new, bilenglayt tOthe 'Firitgliohigaa Carary, attempted te,get put atoned the pan, whin the train was yet la motion, and.wens • hurled against this sidief the eat in wblub the accident took ;dui, and lastintlyddiled.., A private soldier who Was also °Lae. train was Wand, but this other .punageis esesped. - - , , , Exissa.-Jaitaaaa. go to press 'a labia roacrula,,, as *hit, two awn ware killed - 14 thioAafile 9440 p ,patlls o Allestaay. wikayp - Wi pa:dollars. craymPnemL 2EQOAD. Prillaratill - INuitiCßTs: •. : • . -:,---. l l lktortiCiar,:innaryl3, ItEd. PROYlSlONV—llatrilita mil:atoned 'active danuntd ler Ekon, and To ham 0 maid iltpotieil . 10,01):1 Its mtentaQe.traa, andtooopr, elipr . Corea tam: at 1 3 34.:"hnitm. 13 0n34,.. Load V Era aid tin aste'salra sfio la rime city at M. * la rf r ck".. ll o Of 350 bhla, to go oat of the market. of U . 1,60 pa MI. -Balk ktelHate of 10,000 Ate ;Mel at POO Der mit • GLUE—porn Is - 'absolutely nothing doing la Grabs, aid ie. market Is nu, - quiet, owing altogether to the Got that than Is none offerirm. sod hot comlnk• te. Corn le to demand, and we Doti a tale of 112 eke fa Ears on track at PAO; also, gusiall Wes from More at SIX: Wheat, Oats, Timis, and Itte, remain shoats. hat quoted. 11 OUIla ;islet bit dem with mull odae from atari at fernxer tradatand. mot* &ale of 150, bP/sEatriTaadly. et srm to 17.01 per tag. Book what Soar may be quoted at $1,0060,25 per owl. GROGICID3-71tere b wane laqulry for Graced.. ' thotigh the transactions araentfroly low and an. taspartant. R. notorman 'idea at 13,015 c for Gnat Saga; weed 17,101a3 c for Banned doh 1.5 to ado for 'Coffee, and at to 70r. for 75alalsea n6l)S—Ttire L tonsWitablo Inquiry am Cliiier Aoki, atol we mote • aal• of 00 Imsh at. WOO. Flax Stall ataia tiPotatl .0 $2.03, dad Timothy at 53,t. DlPirAraitEGG&—Tho &mad farliall itatter Is Cab, sad aro wee atlas of feta•at Wo::firs* .A3' ba ottotal at 250 per damns r • • • WOOL-The marked la steady with a tritalar de rmsd,"and•lll" that offers ii:taken st fill rates. &gape ere4eitay be laotai itt3 so nu, uai suu hof :t to 5U., the tart natant haat...may for extra . . ITIT 7 -4a muting in mum tinily, but. the oininnet fa/ ynal m the 0i , 14 4 ./. and Oa markot'W ontady at Eimer quotation. gales foam wain at Win 114 polo too; ano 10 tons Weil ou track at 131. APPLES—study and stratattuas mad I. fairly disittai from fl A fp.l4 - ..Skaper MA; nip a 7LI LIU S.Resaetta,” Watts quaff's, at ~65-Per bbl. OIL ItEALAnti silth a 19011 - of GOOD Its at 111.1'S , . - ClDEtt—al. of Sl* irepaml . :at moo per bta Pittsburgh 'Petrotenni-Musket. Jam. /3.—The demand fire Crude Outfaces limited and the anirket . iaikai With a droop Lag tradeney; the only aide mudded yes 000 bids at 24, Neon baud tans. ltellud; also, is exceedingly dull and Inutile, ind some Golding, In coder to realize, appear.willlng to miteis allghocOneetalon. Good brands of bonded, Ls the abeam of rah*, may be quoted D0Z1112161 at 21 , 00, although setae at tar retinas ars asling 411042. Tree oil is offered at tom 40 to • 40, for Ilthe straw to white, and some small sees were reported at the above range. The !lax queiti94l' I. the great L nentiiiotattractlon Jog now, and emit it Is wattled one Way or theother, but littlelnisinsea In Petroleum need be eel:beard. Ivor York Petroleum Market • , DTPAUTZUNT -OF,AGILICULTEMS, Watifoitrn*D. C., Iwo. 16, 1883. rilo . THE' GROW.E.S. AND. MAIM- A..tlerourara or FLAX AND MM.—The Comsdniosere appointed by this DePartment, con sisting of Hon K. Moorhead or Penneylvanta, NOW, of Mods Ulan_ ,d sad Johu A. Warier:4f Ohio, to consider the [Miming appro priation Mad* by thalami Commas, vis : • • Tor investiptlono to toot the practicability of cultivating and preparing flax and hemp as • eribmi. tato for eottca, twenty thomand dollars," , • Erring stet, and after mem' days• Invert !piton, belletin that n farther, and (Wier notice of their M itentiglit modem valnablo niroltmadJmun ' ed to melt again en WEDMIDDAT; the !AO day of February next, at 12 - e'clock m. They request all Interuard to-the distribullon of this itippropriatio anxious to develop two .object for lb. publio good , Lomond to this Department, uW or balm that , samples of tide hemp and Ilan in the differenti•ei of preparation ;II the fibres and. hbrlQpirperM - by them, aceempintied• by State.' sante Of •the.various procensa used, and the not of Cto sach•ease • also, deaniptlons of the t i t a d cal of nuMbinnry used, rhere made, We., trintheririth say and all Information that ow, ha Maui t 6 Vibe Cormalasion. ibis inftareatiii Is necessary before an intelligent distritsitirn of the appropriation can be made. dediktil ISAAC NEWTON, Commiarioner. TTNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRING i• Ilift.--Reed the following opinion by Orange Judd, of Um Americas' dyritidterish whet sap of the Rent Premium Uniscreal Clothes Wringer “Trom camel years' experience with it In our awn family; from the testimony of hundreds who Lhaseused it ; and from the comitthetion of the Ira phnnent itear,--.e f0e!0144.11] th at It Corthy a Woe is arm family erliarWe washing b done at berm • child eta murky wring out • inbred of elatkm in • lbw minutes. it 4to reality a Clothes Saver I • Time Saver I and • Strength barer I The saving averments will alone pay • large percentage ea its coo. We think the machine much more than pay. fin itself army year in the easing of garments. There are aeveracirands, nearly allkedr. general con struction. but we comildir It Impunities that the Wringer be fitted with Cogs, otherwise • maeo of pimento may clog the rollers, and the rollers open the crank•shalt slip and tear the clothes. Our ono Is one, of the first sonde, and It Is as good no new, after nearly four yearn' constant use," For tale only at Ike. Pt god St. Clair etreet, oy 3. & 11. PHILLIPS, den Solo %rent. for this county. VALUABIA FARM FOR SALE sit wed le Cherryhlll township, Imtans county, motel:clog 20. arms, moor Of a., with • 411111 frame Bank Ban, lam Imam Bane,Ms stools.; some/ Spring throe, vitt n glory of frame over it ; • nohr-faillos :Triad of water conweelent. Then. I. • etreata of water running through it sufficient fw mill pow.. About ono-half of It cleared and anise good foam; • good quantity of meadow mg It; • good apple erchard of good Obit, convenient to ®cubs, goboole, SHIN and Stoles, and within wren oaths of tho county seat. Thur. Is coal aotorewbent. Thin ki nn ososollora .took or grain farm. Payments made to salt purchasers, and • good title given. For further pante... addreas, A. E. FAITH/320N, Agent, J•tand tharrellls. lodises Goan Ps. VALUABI.EI FARM FOR SALE.—A rahmble Farm containing 201 acts, eltave to Franklin Pairrobill,lrayetto..ponsity, Pa. IX mt. totanton'• Sutton, on tbk Pltsbersh and Cats nalholte Railroad ; let moo • to • good state of eel. No. Ml, corner LIBITITT k WATOB STROM, Station, t..1n0 good theanr land. The Improen oslts Cabo Pareeng. Depot, nod M. , OSA tbr meat ate ato nod log 4.0111ng, weather boarded. 010 a moral smortmeat of DIRNDL PATENT entaatalng roma, sod good collar; a largo Imam biIITIICINER, WOITB LEADS, OILS, PAI barn, taltb etabllag andcromth ; a w.4-an honse, VARNISHES, DTE-SITIVF9, WINDOW GLASS, core cribs, pro., ae. Bald form Hen well, is mill GLASSWARE, An ...took, sod matelot 10 SM. of ••lomble foal, with Purchagere wlll Bed car stock ,ett on than not so • too, foot tent. For term., apply to tortetkand prices each se Were ituttro ooti.Lctloe. 0 S. DATES. Ccatmerclal Wok., J. JJIDENDCII A CO_ diet - Otte., natl. street Lawrommilln. ." ..1.4 "" " A W., " ""'"' ri"" " Tb ' /OH ACHES OF GROUNDkik nokkutextbsonsat ALE—A comfortable and contentently errors RUSSIAN PEBBLE SP ECTACL ES. ^d Jwrll,og boor uihe room., f.rge born, troll of excelloot water, font and Owe loom, env/tarries, „ rkr , „nth.s the esm. of notavories, crap. vto.s end obrntborr, altos% throe the miles form the Pity, and ni of • nab Gum Woode Hoe Station, P. F. le, A C. C. R.; a good road and mak walk to too station. BUBSL4II PEBBLE SPECTACLES, tor pot. sad t- once apply to , n. COI . I7TtEIZT d SONS, Commetchl Brokers, II Nark. et WHOLESALE DUG ROUSE J. J. BENDK.U, & CO H•wt altTnal lb Pitteargb A WHOLESALE DEM AND JOBIHNO HOUSE 4iee teheelehnt daily the warmest enoin m., nt, &eta °Mun. Ail that ke aeked Is te examine ell ctbee tretetaele ; then ml and exeraine the PEBBLIt ober. Ver vale by • RIAIIONA,Yrn.Ocai Ota 11111aanAwtaros d tR. baIMISZI Pnbtole E4....1.11,1,a. 461 . Viftlaotrro r W . 6 ,; , 11P. ISAAC CRAIG, EZE= Karp amt.t.ty aa baud brae ana dr:mon-hip amount wke.k a DECKING, BOAT AND T.^ , TTON PLAICE, WINIADVi MINE 871/17, LINTLEB, SITLIGLIAJOINTS, lIPOUTINO, usTar, PAL. num, sk, U. 101 CD orders for GAR= STUFF with swalapenew sat at fair mks. If. D. Ears:am Irantba LOGO TIMIDIER - at POP LAR are patticalwry invited to swains his *We , - 11111.015aa w rAaii stmitet, aft: tobitunsi... iSfoCARGO'S hLiEBLV, WORKS, SO LI:BEV:17 STBSZT, trantiiie sad wied samosUmmt at MARBLE MANTELS, Konaments and Grave Stones. riasr2B PARIS. ttOtiZEDALI AND JOEIN. & M. MSTEEN, Muss Forgnsms, . Gu AM. 8714 X striae. Particular attention paid to the =lug op and repairing of OIL REFI NERIES. AU ktudo of BEAM AND IROB COCKS mad* to order. Also BRASS CASTINGS, of all kimiy made at dm shortest notice. AU orders left k Nat. 31 and 34 WATER neer Liberty, tall be promptly attcoded to. eirrite members of this firm being pnmgod Again, of =my yews` experience Is their bralessr sill insure togs. satisfaction. In ore ry respect. WO Q. .1.. .Sent. for Gond. G.lllOll a We STEAM PUMP, for pumping Water, Crude and fined 011 s, an. deal, JAM .M-M. BALPII, ABOUITACCIT PRIMA" EXPLICIT Thusingcn min Brsoricariosi, Ibr all kinds of Buildings, and groulotends thiqtr =action on rosoonsido serum Otfi,o ott Andaman mOrcet, totowro Ltaeod anti Salaam streets. Alllegionly city.. SUNDRIES. 100asea Concentrated Lys; 100 Wag arsortnl Soap; • loft do Pout Starch; 60 do Silver Glos. Starch; 10 do Corn Starch; 60 kegs 15 C. Soda; 50 loxes do do; 10 csaka SW. Sods; la .ton and for Ws by. dela J. RIBIEPAIIiIOII 1 p6O SUNDIUES.-2U sacks Potatoes; 12 bbl.. Onions; 150 do One. Apple 4; 20 ii Dry Arpin.; 100 bash. Whit. Deans; /Tor sac at 155 ilbcrty street. dsZi WM. P. DECK a, co SUNDRIES. WO bbl.. °links" i'olatoce; .150 do Dolccyo do; 1W do eh , Irn Green Applon; In store snd toe ale by no? CULP & 811 EPA RD Mal OIL. - 641 bbl.. No. I Winter BIrtlood• ' 9 Torn. b 7 JAIL DALZELL t SON. d 045 WI .4 70 Water .beet. 1.00 LI D it 4IJ ( 4 3 1o AR C ; 0 " Poled, Ondl. and Cradled 13agar !art received and Ma oda by 14'1111E11a Duos.. 26 ap4 128 Waal street. • saiiDr.linicitir—o ..../ dace folds Rai preinatonv novae." The bat preventive 4.riliof IVATEB,P4OOP-1100Tn. Go and iretrifle, tt ' -dein -, •• JAS. gnaws, 671.1neket street: QAA BMA. GOITI .51T1.41,8 FAMILY B nouiro:' ' r • 'SOD tletrokiviedo 'Mr LAUD; la stare u46Raabb7. ' - 'WALLA Ur, 4812 3.lll4berty nr.t. -CRUDE -AND. •REFINED OIL 'ithraye an band and tor oat.* • • • - JAA DALZRLL it 8077, and 70 water street. NEW MACKEREL-900 packages, bbIL, ban' bbl.., quarters and Ilia, Nos. 1, 2 and 2 lam osedltun, Insure and Pr sale by LITTLE it 1111.11615. GRAPES! tiRAPEf3I-45 boxes eholeo Catawba Grip*" put up expend, for family Inky My Am Robby:. . OUL? AllgrAltfl,lsl 3 Liborfl ibr.f.l I WAGON FOR tIALR.—A _pod 'strong TT oo.horea weand4axid SpringlWavei tomb RASILE AVILLOWS-72 bundles to • J.A4P2IIIIOEI Mama Lad Level, Par =ls by 110E03137:ED TIES - psi steamer lAtm g etsiit...4s4oo Mi. blight Dried Apyteb , la barred., sad fro blab by L. H. 901431 T a CO. WiLLOWa -4 •64 3. Willoll3 . lerrivia r id for gib, tq. " . =Tux n.,DLtars: QWEAT,OIDEK-15 bbllvneorgiO barneteater abletby 4 41 ! WK. BEC/C* ak;,*Libat7 &ULLA sigEs -.200 bbls. MUlassoEl ili ti ston silo tor ad. by : au< . JAIIIINTATILIEISa.2BO:I rifERD.-4)0 tierces' Holt: PYALT.AQn, erScr..-ftefit :2:11 Sited iacer aitgbr Oda r - • Mort, strogl!.. 1. , 03P.XIANS' COURT SALE —Byi cent; order of the Orphism! Coast or A/leghea7 r . , at No. 54, December Tertn;lllB3, the mdse. ei[n.d Adastulttrator <SLUM isetatoot Vilna= Ho flatland, dsCemod. =ppm to Pribile Bale. oh. Cowl House. Its Pittaborgh, on 114TORDALYeb remry 13th, 1884, at le o'clock ei-m,411 the right. tide, Internet mid Mate of sishideredeM. of. In and to that certain lot or piens of ground sheets In Per blne f? .. .'hiP , told co mfr. on t h e north tilde of the 'Foment nod Mechanics Turnpike Smut oboot two miles horn the city line, commencing at the pr.pwy of Mrs. C. H. Molferland; Muses atom , 0414 Turnpike Hoot west 291 feet to a public road; thence along maid road &V foot to • 40 loot 'treat-, thence along said street 311 feet; thence eloog "woof Mrs. McFarland. •On Het, 'to place of beginning. contain. rig about 0' The Oekleuti and East Liberty Pamempor Railway puns In front of said property mety honr,ssed only • her m11,1114.1' wait from • Station on the Pennsyl vania Railroad. This property I. • very Meltable plans fora country redeem.. Terms msh. For information:inquire of M. 1. BTHWAIIT. torneym-Law. No. 83 Filth Wert, or • WkL. A. HERRON, A.dminletrator. Clerk's (film, Court House. Pittsburgh isteoodid BLAST FURNACE FOR BALE.=Tho MIDDLE-92Z =mum, at Middle.; gn aw °panty, Pa., was takes by the aneent owners for holebtedneet, sad as they hare other haportant to. - taste stageleat to folly occupy their attentkra thee offer this property for eel., at a moderato peke. • Thy Furnace bee reuatty been reaunteneted and ins pond, the ilearth and ng an new--the latter, birth nut sad outer walls, • f Na. I Tire /Mak. The Stank le • mantra none work, as • rock fornulattun. A railway brings the oval to the top of tk• ,task. The On and Coal Ilonsorare rum Th e. . Sr. sheet 17Q0 tons of Lake Superior On now ea hand, and • Mut. o.rtaia =PAT toe./ be negotiated ler a term o . f . M a r i :eds t re e I. %4 l t ut. be , s i t ei qu y l!ty i r . lnat .. . nude a the Paul, belugleg * the primly Sr the depealt of On and Iran, &ad the U,L and Pitts. Imah 'Leaned crown the_prenalsre, thus giving a shofar of traespertatlon. Will Iron as the present prima, the profita of making Pig Iron an rely lugs, and t h e oppretnalty of donning lees riethetely late • highly renemerattre bolero, teeth only to be an. neunoed to he appreolatai. Nor torn. lenyly to the underalgnal. at Chereland, Ohio. H. IL TUTTLE t l N. gorelend, Ohlo, Deo. SO, 1141. DRY GOODS STORE FOR SALE, in • 110=10:Ling Wedeln town on the P. T. W. & C. it. H., not oars 800 miles' tram Pittabloglt, now doing • large and profitable made. Us Stock to cow, and has born selected with ratcrenc• to the canary nwdo. Boa all boo put-hued for cub al lowest market prices. The mow proprietor has decided to palm groin the trade owing to had health, wad now rrtacrosay, cars U. stock for ado; also lb. good will of tin re tiring party. The be has • largo and rampertabla trade, which can be rehained. ymcnt stock will invoke than warn to tan dollar, but weld be minced deairod. Put k. vizi:ging to know th. particulars .01 plooao Aar.. or till peravaslty on LPDAY CHORPENNINO, • oclErtf 64) Hood at .t. VALUABLE FARM FOR 6ALE_, situ v wad at Larlater's !Punnet. P. 11. IL, M meta nut or pltt•burab, nontalnlag 111 seta, will, Annan Mare and Lne Barn Therm= =arm aro aacalind bottorn land. •••• the baland• almnda swith bar ons» and art , with • enaPpit In npernitlaa. IPuran. Biro ,iYert drril lA, NUL for forth, istrtimloro Inquire of Whl. WILSON, at Lortmer's &Eaton, or AARON Ilt/WELL, Jos*. 4.ltlnta. .tai:Esrd POR SALE, rim Low.,—One rai'PET I. 'CALVE ENGINE, ZS tacit cylinder: S And strut*, to ads:droll. ountlitioo, with Or without Mon Shall, in,Flanges, Form Pump, 1 . Ib. Call •Id P". it. 'ENO& ARIIIICZLE CO., Anchor Cotton MO., dart( _ TO LET—A well finished two-story nitwit DWELLING, on Wylie timer, N.. sa, ck,hl rooms. with sh•wcr.hath, hot nod Largo yard, with oot-oreo. lioni Ptls. Alto, A moo.rtory Home on Clay alloy, nma Mot. born snnot. Real $lO per moth Ingnins of Nttal Dr. STERRE TT, SIT Poona- POR SALR—A lot of land, containing te oltnitel 1 miles from Tibunnot Sln. tato, on th• Partaborgh, Fort Warm &China a. E. Tho shore property to with • pod young orchard of hearty:at trait trem. This property will b. *old 00 Sanaa for fctrtber particulars address MMO= LVR SALII—A Los of Ground, with two /rams two oiling. thrown,, of:tutted on the North Closorcoa, am the Second Word School Mat, Allotheny City, with 00 toot front on the Ootaroons, and muting back 100 foot. Tor yartfctiltra (nacho , at th. promises. of Atte 11. IfeKET,TT. throe-siorind Dwell- Ina Hawn No. 30. eltnaled on Federal atent, Alloabiwy Olty,twatif manila tho rsoldonco of GEC Itotrosen. Ito terms apply to JOHN OAT, Jr., at Watt A Wilson's, No. 56i Llterty aqua, Flttsbargh. jot:waif Mo6nl6olt UNDZII.WOOD. camexTs. OIL CLOTHE, ire. G OO U 9 FOR THB `UOUDATB k OLIVER WOLINTOCK & 00 No. 23 Fifth Street, To vim of the arproactt of the OFIRD3'II3&A.Ig HOLAI7JA:YD 1 1 ***1.t aPmed a 1.., sad oh:mad asmtment of NEW GOODS Consisting of Tistarla, Eno band sail ElabrulAserd TABLE AND PIANO COVEICA; Plain and Gilt Bordered WINDOW BLIADI3: Velvet, Chatillia and Tana, BAGS; Main and rang' MATS, IIAB• BOCEIS, An. Alm, the largnt sad mod coteplde stock d CarPettnegt Oil Cloths, Mattlogs, te, RT. bmaglit to the city, at lea. than pe+►ent m , la! ratiL. ouvrn NoOLINTOCE A C 0.,. 4011 No. V lIINk ,t, t. Pittsburg% AT THE NEW clAstvivr 142•611. E, w..ball eel, daring tbityrneent month, at wboloode and Mall, WITHOUT ANY ADYANC2I PII IOS. Idol' Una of. CARPETS, Floor Oil Cloths, Isr sheet. to Si feet Wan, WOOLEN DRIICIGETB AHD CRUDE (MOM, WINDOW SHADMITANLX AND PIANO oovIAUIBTAI a s t, HAA.ATS. Tbeatanerto have advano.d, to drat 'hand., Ram TIN to TWERTT•VIVI PKR GENT. within thirty da nod WO aye nos oellioa ott tasa:TIIAN:STAN. 'Cr OUSTO ., Pre v. KS. o , v r l c t stock ,L.attoa.it.oo - tat spa 1 nett , for tag., at the Teti tonest pricts of tlmpar. NoFarland, Collins & Co., Fles.7lABDB r thdyrea, Pod. M. sad .D ' immitca rralldala.ffp.""del. _ • fiLOUR I FLOUR I Sao bids. fermi X-X D.ker. floor; 300 0 tiartlott's XX 400 .• Pride of blinoesola Baker's Tl,er . eto De tea Family 000 Golden &beef linker's 11.10 rasioos brands T. 1.4 AM. Tor out. by BCIIOkIAXXII A1.A140, 4,44 te9 Ltberty street. 51RTA.1.38..7-20 hhda. prime N. O. Suer; 90 do bland 60 times do do; 60 bbl,. crashed do• to do A "050ee • do; Z 1 do A do GO do B do do; In store nod for sale by dol4 J. Etlill - PATRICX nno. - puopucz. 330 bbl.. prime Green Applo1; • 10 Sweet Cider; (Abash. Nblie Bunn 5,000 16.. Backubast Stour; .. just rroolved and for sale by .T. DILWOITTII A Co., — solo • • 1:c5.190 end InSecorld street. • ,:s D'nza _awhce ; - 90 UT.. prime Cilia - 133;4as cidei VANOCMVE,I4IQO244O3kat. 11. 0.4 = - 4 1 .1 1 N4qm • BALITE' AND DISRARE. ■ .. - 11111117,1111NEMOD 07 Ota Apse malortty of diemses allianthor the human ejelein are horn some derangement of the digestive organ.. The ehareeter or hew of them Como le the use, though manifesting itself lo . groat variety of forme; Shan, Liver Oomplaint, ari•lng from indi gestion, rowed by torpidity of the Dm; and ware polo In the stomach, mused by gaarie derangement In the throes coat:beg of the etonoich, am two widely different matilkatatleneof dhow, but, the type belng the maim they eni both cured ,by the same remedy. When the stomach and havela perform their nine them naturally, when the prove of the akin are open and when tho kidneys ars In good condition, coining the urlee-to flow healthful and clear, dive= et diges tions are impiedble. When any of them agent. fall to perform their work properly, &max. of digertion are the natural mid inevitable commence:toe The orterassmeG VEGETABLY PILLS will eller. all dinneee of digoatie relieve all disteate of los, no matter what may to the eymptueus. Dwanr they open I. panty elegem tad etrungthea the damask and bowie; make (benzine dew healthfully, and gin toe and 'Liter to the whole min= DOME= OF DIGISTION. The GILLEFFSIBBSIO TS:GETABLE PILLS, 25 seats P.f boo, sr* eessrellin 1a the cure of Bilious Oemplaints, Asthma, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Zirry rlpelae, Low, Nervosa and Simple Sheers, Quirk Tau., Olive, Heartburn, Headache, Indlostlon Blatcrits, LiTsr Compiatnt,Neonlgta, Ehoornstfase, and all disease. arising from want of action in the digestive organsLltoils, Deficient action in Bowie Breed Pang, Catarrh, Cough of Prespaancy, Difileta Breathing, Dyspepsia, Dyepeptic Conmaption, lu pe:Tact Digestion, Betennination of Blood to the Head, Earache, Epilepsy, Vlatulecacy, Propene Bleeding at the Hale, Outdo /ever, Headache, Hys terics, Incontinence of Mine. Intanunat be of Yital Parte, tollacconittion of the Stomach, Jaundice, Low It May ho said that a Pill which Is recommended for so many different amnion Is too pretending, and to corsoeuence blow worthy Of conddence than if it profs ...0210 con fewer dim... Ent,. mentioned dam them compittinht arise troserthe stone ocasec— .dormurament of the , digeralm organs—and MI a pn era-Wt. Nature Mute the same ohm of diseases on 'slew leading principles, meh as eater int* the phi losophy of the (kmelcabery Weary Odor. wir'hoza CB • Paraieux Inntla L'S. - VII That Physician to MikciNater• ; taught of no human school, nor puff. ed up with any math* follies. Thor Pills fall In harmonionaly with the !owlet that physichtm and bears ,tbeir power over • east variety of diseases a ri s ing Rout derangement of ,the mane vital organs. Thee ale some complaints in whkh thene pills are utterly pcwarkes—sod for the muy of the. the reader to referred to Tee Grae,frederp dleassecielffeeliii and other publications of the GrilarElberg rantl puny. But let those who ender hem any of the complaints Jot enumerated give them • fair trial, according to directions, and they will be healed. TESTIMONIALS AND ATYIDAYATS. We, the undersigned, citlcena of Bracken County Kentucky, amity tharfor many years ve-hcie 11x. gamily mod in oar familiar various kind. of numb does, some of which ham been preeerlhed WIF family physicians; And Mee/ ofiolnh ca median-a," ire hare pnrchamd from drugs.. errl merchants who bad Om for =le. W. heir mini/ toad the, "Grlicie eeR Titania/de Pair and Family Ilallchlies ;" a• have fully hated their virtue and merit by acing them at different timai ; hare men and heard ur their remarkable effhwey, bath in or awn and ether families., and we deem them Liect drdly the meet deterring, the Wen amt met ruin able medicine ever tamed to the public, awl tee rv. cemmend them to all who need medicine. It. O. ILEDIESOIi, WILLIAM ELY, GAULLE ANDEILSON, JOILE 11E,11 Eh N, ILLIA9 THOMAS, GEO. 111c311 , 1.E11. 1, Jame. Houston, Justice of Um Pence for ftraeken Co., Itertancly, hereby errtify that the 6uLor: re Lurre the (arraying certificate. are chants at Ilan-ken CamitY, licilitnay, and / know them to Ly perwito or lariat veracity and good repute, sad ion .or. ei would not lead inert:cm:am above, but with nonfat conadence in the maliein., Gering inert the •'UtaA roberg Vegetable Par in my family, I abeerfaili aid tmtimony al their favor. Hirers under my nand and yell, JAMIJi 110liFION,JUPtit. of the rnane We, the undersigned, and cit.... el the lON {1 of Persia, esti/bran,. County, N. T., and tlin to• a al Colitlte, Kn. County. N. Y., most close - lolly i - nrufy that we and our faradic. base uand tins to•ntenbers Vegetable Pills and [amity medleines, and nil In. mists gratifying result.. W. beliers tbs., Just, merit the gael tittalitica claimed to Clem by tics Oraefenberg romp.), and would coundebli, mend them to the public. Signal by S. rndrer. Thum. J. Pnrker, (;212..2.:_22) Abraham kgker,(farterrp L P. NoU,N, v422(2222 2 Job ti 11.22rerui,(metchau t); Ely Page, (Cartuorg .2.20.222. 2 [looker, (farmer); .2E. J. Gomm, (212 . .... r); G. Y. South ick, (lamer); P. Walden, (farm,r); Pea. Urlgninit chgleher); b. Gnunalt,(heelwright); F.21%.n Y. Gail.rt N. 112(2.2ker, (merchan. /Ow ( 6, .. 22 .1; YAII burin, t) !Nora twin,. .1311:., D. vranot, Ju....ac. or the Pr.. Dli. GED. IL K.1:115E8,140 Wood ..trc.rt. /419 1 1 / 4 ,1e .'.Root lot Yltaai.ntrbth TIIE Ate prepearoi under the huttedlate of • Wailful physician. emit they may be 101,1 titini fo en ream The intellicenre of Ora CoMiboully Is LW inattlini by the offer of a Cottle inetticine • bah ‘IZID to care all di•ratee, bet the Graefrobrry iteneollei consirt of eke.. diffetent m.dlolom , all no—ioalli-1 in the rare of the thereat for which thoy mandril, among which may be selrotiod ono aprro, plate to any of the Macao* Incident to (ht. wintry. sod ells:am The Gmfenterg Vegrtahle Ptlle ere telt... h.,,..5 other kind of pills le the world. Price tic...et, • tee. The Onee*oberg baresparttla I. by 4.1 Ile nee 'remain! and effect ems compound In ue Price el • bottle. The Graefenbatig Dr./atoll Syrup Is • certain and quick reaelly for all dl•••••• of Ma bane's. Pric 50 cent. • bottle. The Orserenborg Tile Remedy never Isila to per =neatly millre thb distreeeng Cocas Prim 11 a bottle. The Grastroberg Chlltheree Parcice. is an In vain able compound In .11 direseca I:trident to children! Price fie rade . bottle. The GrostJuberg refer and Agcts Remedy 1. • ho.. Mita neetne VOr WA pasta:low dl.cass Frit. 50 =tin boz. The Orsetenberg Orem Mottntsts thEarno.l e seeds al other salvos In Its earstive effects. Pri. 46 cants • box. Tho Graohaerg Conanmiptives Balm &liar& the most satoalthlng folk( In a rglasonarl complaint.. Prles $3 a SAID, The Orsefracmg Health tif items ►eethe mint ant . Bad ttellghtft2l tonic ones. ;mewed. P no. 25 amt.& who, Th. Orssfanbers £j. Lo ilka Is osparallols.l is al tollsoonstlon or dhows oh. qa. Prks 2S coat • bottls. The Graofroberg Handal of Health (elretotly 111 .tasted with expottelve j engrarings,) Is th. roost complete malleal boot lo mitt. Primo:4 25 ante. Sent brats% poet-paid, to and part of the won't,, on receipt of 25 cent.. The entefrraborg (11sandmIl') Morin. Coth"llcon Is an infalllbloremedy for ill female dloramo, month ly Irrogularltl4l, wooknono, tumors, ulcoration, In flammatloe, littlloo, !lanai; and othor local dement,- mai of tho uterine. ammo. Pilo v. bottle; ITO Lottkm OAPTION.--AS ankh., WhOiif 1:111\mthorls.1, neorty rhea reennabllag thle la awns and label, ham b.,en pee In latlon. All of the Graefeaberg Family Bodkin.. Do safely lout by expem. to quantities dro de lament,* 004 upward, they erlll be forward/NI at Iberia doductiow from retail prlas. PR. 61Z. H. KETWER, doll? Amt. for Pittsburgh. IIEALTII OP AMERICAN VW" 44 F. rerkirGenuti iltratfonbeng family Eamedlin ar• mad WI. blo. In Mi. loniveral astf dlarealog ,114445 es of women, the moods an potl4,Judic4o. awl manly 4ffixtiro. ' • • [hew dr If. T. Tams: ffitterfid,ro/. 1 . 1M0.1 Wo mid= oak* atty of tbo selverthiemeots to oor pew, eoppondng thats"ery adren bet ono elate hie mns clatms to public soundenoe. Sometime', tm. sm. s matter comes up ofsofficient Itsportnime to Justify word trout cm. duth.yre deem to b. the fine *Aber* Compel, Wm ha Piet Its. •bosti Lax al moot tevolutiosisol Motifs! practice by .11. tool acing' mos KM most ineemsfal mstlsois of man The tom not testimonials from .ossry past e'en. comory beer ocidencs of trod:l./end Rpm them we post. that lb. Dimetors of the Gtoefentratz instliotwo, owls, m.t.s their claims to nubile sonfidoens; iono".1 of claiming too mach—A-aerials sign ,thst thto .tand Ann on tin obsOlot* merits of ths moseis th-y ,oloco Tb. Woe of Med. team:ea:oho tiro , MS, a« mired 414k...fr0m ISes, Dr. Bonne, of OK 14..thn. dlitOntirthf Trawls Mal, Tonottetoc of tho Cime marcial Adrorther, and othem of nemousildiity and boom.. Previous untied, and testimonials have oofill.lisbed' the raet that the Ortd,I7,EZIIIGI 00JI PANT'S ILUISIVALI'n UTirtltlZ 0AT710L1c09. 7 12 the ftly repatte 'are Ibr those , 41svtars vatic+ rPraer, U.. tiros of WODit ?rem tbeig• uplitra, uflairabis U. as extant OUI7 kriawalt. tlkeurs•lves. Ti.... dis• wee afflict ; married and angle, and •no ended gab. “Citemeta or/DIM or bodkin in aff.llll •oTguaraoh wad Om. Web th. lead uterine eimptomi, fhey are alba attended with Deranged tdrattdi 'Pemba, DingtdarlatiOireakanne, feint. taw, Deranged Appstlra, Bellow Clnipleilia, Cato to the Bug sad Sidney* Chllls, Cold Baas aad Peet, Dbeatllrga, Tererigiale. Bell . folgth !WOW lion of tba fleart,,Bledanw,Bentvortew, Ileadatbe, aelltlf!nrdt Diffulfad Meg. Mabee of Brea, Dea nna: POla 0( . 11 , 1114 fad Pats la be Spate sod' la tweet be Stwaldire., Add Stottaen, Nana, Dull. gna Den, Blfhtd .stasolog of CAN, with beat or Ittilag,ll22llll4 or Irritation of Ow ITtorliw:Orgerun Ifighttaare, Deubdr, Abbate, , .4404..fted.Bace,.Nerrons. Twitching, Start be. Coartfgallea. Irritable Taiper,' flake:a, Depraved Yaoltibta; Bloated mad Dregolar petrel!. floplanaat Bermes, Pala la. the Marine Ordway ',abase aid Pata to iimbi; took,- NOM. al* .mDy nemory, 1 1 renion*trik 4 Ii".. 41 6 4 , tf prepared ..lueq.asoyuk aiab bi falls depended. Ispr. 41,131,0u5t i r=hoold ••• OIL 11'..131Yr ea. , 411/k.I 401111ftpet 4.1:ev;..7; ESTABLktlita; PETER LORILLARD, INIIII7 AIM TOBACCI) MASIMACTUIINE, 16 AND 16 CHAMBERS b'TZEST. (lormarly L Ctuabosta irtnart, 2iew T.rk.) Wenl4 call the attention of dealeta to the snit:. of manutietem, viz BItOWN SNUFF. .11... W 7. nut Rapp., Coax,. ar,pl..nu, At:erk. wentkeraen, Dctoigron, P. '1 Iron!, Naxlvitoriano. 0,1.2h4g.• rIGLLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Blab Toe.. Srotol.. 111.1liTt to- Landyfoot, 'Loney Dew Scotch, 3 r..b Hooey ttootch. Fresh Scotch. Attoutlera h c011..1 to the large prke. of life Cot Ch....114.11d TUbla..v.l, which will be found of a f tr TOBACC... Snontao—Long. I. n, xu.. 1 Lod 0 tatx....l. Granulated. r 1,12 LIT C/Ira MU— V. A L., or plain Cavan. dlah, as Sweet; Surat .rent.-. 1 0r0n0.,; Thi full Cavendish. fizaxm—S. Jaen, etpnalsik, l'anautar, Turkish. hi. H.—A .n prit.vs v sut t un appl Can. .1. ha HENRY G. HALE & CXI, Are now re 101 l log their Fall and Winter Scock, And Invite thear telethl• end the publie to esahltne their stock. rthl.:ll to the fluvita,a me. compinta vor brought to till. olortot Abram on lawd, n lan. smortment or GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODF OORIEI OP PENN AND ST. cLern STEEETA, I-' EXCELSIOR FIANT GLA -00-11 PAIST bare now conc. of ..rociloa on GiBT 6TR2ET, 1,11.9.41 Noes, I.wl• Av.., ...1 W. }UM, um" Llpptartq, . extevire WORKS, .1' ma, and will b. lo r. , n 1,.• w MIL CAI% (1 , lelr O. or bout ilba r/iIST Or - N trir, vim nay lOU be prepared to manes • .opstira quality of Flint (laws Chimneys 611 orders preempt'', etteaded ear OFFICE AT WOBICEI Address, JAB. M. LINDSAY, d.14:17 FURNITURE THIASUM. DANZ 11ID WOOD CHAIRS VVROLESALR OR RETAIL JAS. W. Vl' OODIV ELL, 97 .499 Third stmet, oproolut E. E.....111;C:.._ . m 4 111 Fo. alma. pATENTEI) OCTOBER 8, 1861. TTEI RIDGE'S PATraiT OVAL. 1.A.111F. CHIAINICV.S XX FLINT CLASS Thisbe rhitanoyi ate Lotondoot for the fat flan., boat In; all parts of the ess• «molly. dot* not expooo It to crackfug. Z. T. I/LT[IIIIMR, loot Pitt Of.. Works, Washington street, aplTPittsba34, Paoli& . _ H ATS ' AND _ ND CAPS! Of n 7 •tr,. I, Al 3 lIECS• Frt./M4S ! Of ortyry 10.4 And quality LADLES' AND KISSES' HATS ! To tit all tmsea - 2 - BY WHOLE/MLA MID DM& IL, AT iIIeCORD & 00A, welt 131 WOOD PITS= CHARLES L. CALDWELL, (Sac:manor to lnmen golove & Oa.) Dealer In ItACV , t a ktl i T i liit r l? . .tt CUILED 11. r, CORNER NA RENT AND TIENT STREET , •17:11 PrrrAers.a., PA SUITABLII HOLIDAY PILZSENTR Embroidered PI/310 & Tasle Cover. Musing, and Vetrot Rugs, VOrel and Brussels 124ocks, W. D. & a Irq&LLIIM'S, rf BTUZET. dam M COL LIST E R & BAER, kfAvadaotwors and &alas la all kinds of TDDACM SNVIT AND OICIAIUN NO. UlB WOOD grant?. Prrnactee, Pa., aa Kenya tonataa M tly a ams band • lamb mita, of Phod Smoking 'a mally MARION HARLAND'S NEW ROO& IMES. Cot. FLorn'a Raw... On• volume, Trim 61 60. 1:2=113 KAY 1 COMPANY'S, 4.14 65 Wood .trmt SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS, 136 WOOD STRUT. J .4-NLEGS EtUIVV N splendid Invites ine ellen!. GOSS of Sport , ...4 others U his las i,k a RIFL ILEVOLVEILS, PISTOLS, OAHE DAGS„POWDE ES, P. FLAH/I,BIIOT SZLTS and POUCIIIL3, DRAM. FLASKS, sod woe lonoltion of overykis. His .lock is the issvest ~or Defined to this :whet. • oar JO,SEPII SNOWDEN, NTOMA-FLT 1q..1.111.6110. Na a➢ DIANOND MEWL Prressmax Acknowledgment. of Deeds, Pepoettione and A Ift• darite taken. Alma, Ikeda, ktortimee. Artloleo of Apeesnent, Leases and Legal Paper, of oeoey kwd eole:em LUBRICATING OIL 100 bbl.. pure Dark Creak Oil; I) . 6 • . 6 Franklin Warrantial not to <till or rtl9. equal to No. SI Lard Op a, lubricators, far etle by JAB. DA LZELL k BON, daNt 09 end 7u Woj., ettv.4. O SIJOAR A,ND 310LASSP5.— .1-1. 'IS Olds N. O. Sugar; ' ' 60 do Coles dre ' 3M 6bl, N. 0. liolasses; 7., <bests Green Teasi 80 de —Bleck deq _ . • 125 boxes assorted Brands Tabscro; 800 pkg. etkerel, Boston Insperdon: Prime New terd Kettle I:tendered, and • general . stock of ifoode.. H to our oe, for mole and ill store. Mid LrriVin 01 si.nosslD k AULICA;.E d. fed . 242 sunl 216 Liberty street. UI BUTII R. bbls. id Boll Beater 112 key &eked. do; Torsedo ai 185 Liberty 'street. MA • - WM. P. lIECK a Co._ 1. Wed on;.• On band'and fir We by • • • • -JAS. DALZELL NON, nol • -• 2 and 70• Water etreet. eff.IL I ESH.-3,000 boxes A Choose; W. It. do; 100 , Hamburg do; ?or We ' do .Goshen Lit CLANTTLI.D. G :0 LO U. ANICOILED tTIIING,,of all -kindly always an band and far We, selteltnalo or tetall e ~% the indl. Ilobber Depot or J. it 2.2._VIILLi - Nos. 4$ awl 5:4 N. Car attest. 013ARN.41.15.-I,ooo.Prirao, - second .`k.l hold Crude and On Murals, for lode by , , . JAS. DALZZLL BON, dotd Itt and 71:1 Water drart. 3* .--30 Ma• and tinroen-.I,,EAF 644 ftenoazArcra &LINO. p wiz/. - AND - TABLE PUTLERYi .42 JAI 80W1.1116114.48 r.:MTEP !1 . 4 • 'LL'mv&r.:° l4 !X'. rlq. WZi=l TUE:A TILAStTIO7"--RISHAS BAYAL HAIL TIDE COMPANY. - • • NALW•E LINE. 4DItIATIO, I,BCO lionre.pover, 4.060 tom BIDiCB\ le, I.Cou tiorst-pover, Lou, tot... COL L' NOLA, tpuo [;one-paver, Wo.i tot.. A H C lAA, lOW Ilorsevower, 2,000 to.. Tba. tuagtalicent Steatozhip 111 ENEMA will .10 berm lees - York for Liverpool oo TUIND.2 2., the tlth of Deeemte.y. o r —r.aelage Tram lit. York to 1.1.,rp001. gay Iddir to gold or Its *go Intent to torrkocy. .• td . *rtgotngav forwarded Moo to Loodca, Pula, M.. bare, aura, Brent, Twtbaaato, Aorwart., kr_ al the lowest rata. . . . . . Barn from Liverpool or (Nulty to :v-• York .1 amtott. 823. 83 6 . 670. SSEr. nos. Tor parse aiply at the utgo. 01 the EA.... SADEL FEMME, 2.1 M• 11141, or. D. O'NEILL, fk.ariap giruaiele llctloirg, No. 90 iLRb so.. jynilyst and CG Suilthtleld at u STE.L.NI WEEKLY TO LIV- I n ETITOOL. touching al QUEENEttITN. latrna.) T. I'oll.Ltraris daemon 01 the Liverpool, New Turk nod Philadelphia Stranaihlp Clanimety are Intended os CITY OP MANCH ESTER.—..--„Salurclmy, Jan. Si. CITY OF DA LTIIIO Jan. la. rITT OF LONDON—... . —Saturday, Jan. 23. Pt, And Emery Eiger, awarding Illattnt....T. at woo.. fro= Pier North IL.. or P 5.4.01. . Pswabbt ia Guid, ✓ iloopc.poielat Peru _frit 01U. do to 1..ud0n..- 8.5 Mt! LOodou De do to P0(1. 9.5 txt, d o to 60 do to Iluniburg eui Co to Mtobr 1 , 7 00 ihmooogrtv 1 , 1 . 1,11.4 to nave., Drormaii, Bat- Antuery, ett 10. rat.. Fur. freer Llvery.4.l or ; bot Cobh, tk% $lO4. E‘t..orNto. S. 'risque 'oho with to toad tbr tbolt friends con b oy tleketie here I. dime rAtes. Tor (mass ireformetkh skjAy ei the Cestipsny's o.llcos. JOH!. O. D A LZ, Agent lb Einsalissy He. Talk. JOHIS THOMYSON.rt. Hand serest. first bons, from ths ridgy. Ethilat JOttaltrab. CHEAPEST PAS SAG FIZOMAS . "THE "OLD CC/ENVIE." rn.u.ttrrn brunght out in YIBST CLAbS MAIL STEAM) 58, Rom Londuslckrry, 69.11rny or Cork, fOr Twenty-F 4 1v..13..11ttr0. And by oultug .es/..1, for TWENTY-ONE DOL LARS. In <urn Apply to D. D'N RILL. Craig, COsrovide Ru 11,1.111, littth toy2 . .tlttood mod Sol ttbn.qd Plttnburgh. CUNARD LINE.--Steam from LIVIIRPOOL ARL QU151:15.120 11:15.tu gold; go Its ognltalont In currency. I=l 1111= ,FROM craw. YOMI., as egarr.ay. Cab •mory took. Apply to 17101LA8 aerriaer, Agront, =Mauls Pittsburgh. • PROPOS.I.LS. pior;OWiLif,OßitiltA.GE: CHM/ Qe•vrrYbti mermen oyrteT, Weshingtan 1. t, Deeetuber letS. Sealed propoeolo ere Welt.' by the anclersigne4 for ebpplying the U. S. Quartenua..ter'e Department, at We.hiNeten, D. Clthbur.e, Alexendria and F..rt Munn, er either of ammo platy, with HAT, CORN, OA TS and STRAW. 111.15.111 be rect.:veal foe the delivery of ..tl,OOO burl, cf..ru or oat+, and toot of lot] or ptruvr, etri.l vrenin. Bidden must state al u1.1c491 the atone mantel Ole! Prolawn to mate 4.4Al:rife, awl the ratty at which they will mate deliveries thereat, the quan tity of each article prnpwicol to be deheerod, the (1018 when ' deliveries shall be cormr.dimmi, aud when to be completed. The pricainnt, le written nut in wortlren that:it.. Corn 10 be put up lc bood iron: eacka, of n boot two each. Oat, in lite mete, 01 eliont throo bushel. men. 71:c -note to hi fornialeed without ex tra charge to the Government. The Pity and IIIIMA• to be ...tidy The particular bind or description of oats, corn hay, or straw proposed to ho delivered, mint be stated to the propoeals. All the artklea offered under the bids herein In vited will In .b,leet too rig i d inspection by the Government Inspector, letfose helm; accepted. Gmtracta b• awarded from lima to time to tho lowest reepontlbla bidder, as the interest of the Gov ernment may require, and payment .111 be made when the whole amn not contracted for gull have been delivered and accepted. Th. bidder will be requited to accompany his pro p.m! with • guaranty, signed 03 two respomible perwm that In aset his bid to accepted he or they will, wl:Lln ten days thentafter,raecnto the contract for ths same, with good and aufllcient sureties, m • rum spud to the amount of Gm mntract, to deliver the forage proposed In conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and ha math* odd baler shonld fail la enter Into the contr.; they to make good the difference between.thsoffar of said bidder and tb• next lowest corpotesibla bidder, or the person to whom' the contract rosy b• awarded. Tha remponsibility of the guarantors mast Le shown by the ofitcW certificate of • U. S. District Attorney, Collector of Chit.._, or any other officer ender the. United fitatia Goirernment, or ntspotalble per'sn known to this office, All bidden will be duly notlfird of the acorpter.te nr rejectioa of their proposal. 'the full aim, 5114.1. P. U. addrese of each bidder must be leitibly written In the proposal. Prop-rode must Iw addromod to Brigadier Gernrel D. 11. PUCKER, Chief Depot Quarter, Wash logtoo. D. C., and should be plainly marked "Propo sals for Forage, Bonds, In a sons equal to the ersonitt of the can trset, eyed by U. coshosetar and both of his goer eaters, will be required of tits env:meta West o. bhliters upon signing the caotracti Blank forms of tads, guarantees, and bond', mV to obtained upon •PPl{Citio2lat this office. • - TORII OF PROPOSAL (Sown, County ani State, I, thezebecriber,de hereby ropeee te harrosh and deliver to the United ettatee, p at the Qtrartermatteee Dopartmrnt at , agreeably to the ter:nerd your advertteement. harrung prepoula for forage, dated Weablegton Delect, Deocmbrr o, 18g3, the ltd. lowing articles, tit: —bushels of Corn, in melts, at =- per bushel, of 66 pacada. hostage of flats, in earke, per bushel, of 32 pauwis. —tout of baled Ilay, at per too, of 2,206 pound.. tom of Straw, at— per ton, of 2,000 pomade. Delivery to comma...eon or before d e , of arid to be eompleted en er before the— day 166-, and pledge myself to enter tufo a wrlttea contract with the tolled States, with goof and approved erenfltbw, within the .peen of ten days after Whig math:led that my bid has been fusers/ed. Your obedient eerniut, Brigadier General D. IL Ryer., - Chief Depot Quartermaster, Waakingtent,D. 0. GUARANTY. We, the undersigned, residents of in the county of and Statoot hereby, jointly and eeve ' rlilly, covenant with We fretted State., and guatantee, in elm the funning Wel be accepted, Wat he or they vrW, within ten departer the acceptance of said bid, cute We contract for the same with good =dentin/ant sureties, in a awn equal to the amount Of the contract, to furuish the forage propane! In comformity to the terma otadvertisement dated Deoember7,izth, order which the bid was made, and, in Ave the geld - shall fall teenier into •contract me aforesaid, wormer nntee to "d make good the if between the offer 4742 . 4 or thepotion .' t. l o t :l e to n m ex te lo con t may t i ro ° awarded. Witams, f GiTCSI Uriderour hands and eoaLs 1 day of [Heall I hereby certify that, to the beet at my knorrlc god belief, the edema named vantotara um good and sufficient as emetics ter the =mount for which they offer robe bo malted 6i the United &Atom DintrietAt tot ney, Collector of Cnetoms, or any other oil=ms, under the trotted States Government, or respooiblei persoe known to Ibis eke. , All propsals received wake ads advertisement 'lfni b. *lamed and curninsd at this oB ou WED NESIXAX and BATI/RDAT of oath 'rock, a/12 At. Bidders are respectfully Invited to be prreent of the epoa/ng of bid., If they desire. D. 11. RUCIVIZIC, DM/. Oen. and Atematormaster. ROPOS A LS leob. UAVALRY 1. nouns. 0.111111.1. Beaman, Omen or nu Cum Qvitimistsvez, WasLington, D. 0., 1g0r..1, 1803. Proposal. are eolielted,aml will he received at this °Mob for the Banishing et Cavalry Iron% to be de livered at Washington, D. 0., St. Louis, 'IIO., and Chicago, IIL • - v. Bon.. to comply With the lelloilngs/due,.. flour, Tit: To be tram fifteen (b 5) to alztcen (It) hatuln high, from five (5) to thine (u)Teakifold, tro broken to the peddle, - eorortittly built, in good Mob and free from-alt defect. The andity.of . the bidder to - fatilll -Lb Agreement most be guaranteed by two rOIpOO.SUPO ipprzon.,• whose siguntnrce mutt be appended to the guarantee. no will be entertained unless tan oath of allegiance of the person or ronmarblddlag shell be on tile in this ago.- The reaponeibility alba goinranton matt beabovn by the official eettitlatet( LLS Cleritor tho nearest Dietrkt Contt oinf Oval/alto& stato District At. Propoiala mutt b addresaed to Lieut. Col. G. G. ILLIVTELLE, (blot Quartermaster, Cavalry Bureau, and be endorald on the caroler.. '• Fropostds Ibr Meson." • - Onvalry Renee weeder with the above, eperifiea. Mos will bentrnhased lu open market, at Oar pelves, at the following ptaaw, vier New Tod , City, Albert)", Buffalo and Rochester N. T.; Pittsburgh, Penns. I Oolumb., Ohio, Dalton; nun ; Knouts, ?de.; and Ifulleon, 'WIN. O. 0. BANTELLE; Lieut. 001. and Chief-Quartermaster, noggrdtl Caretryflanean. QUNDRIES. NJ DOTTED-101ad14:cholea•Datryl• • lOtnba • do, bozaa• : do -toll ;- 01.LEME-420 do ..flostan!...d ir>nd , * WO do' Wootern..rOwerre; CO di VrigliA:Cpam I.IOIIINY 20 bbd. Ma; • ARDS-, 40 caalo Pearl . • • FLIII-102 ball bLI. LakallerriLs; APPLES-403 Ws: duke Gro.n; In atom and fbr Wa br • D. PAN .fIROCERIFq, StO higi SW COOl, • •IZO Mids. N. O. Oviar ; • SO do P, Z.; ••do. • • • . 175 atm. Seated do ; 725^ - do T. - -07rupg • ' —• 'llO dulls T. rc: a. v impwila • • 00 - do abet 'OM; -Aso Oane. Muir isid Op= 801 l Tobscok 40 de- .tiatztrea Ulf-- • '1 2. 43-kfelfir WON:4W* Ao; ; St, WU. W 4. .:•t„• - •••• - Aciztaas.. 1 Ica* I • hesua pithei!hir V,P**4lo ". 7.r. f i ' = ' P--- " A I -14,7 t -,,--. : 4..- t - i - e ---- -.... -----,1 =' ,-- -• -1,- . 7,-- :' ,---.. .•: ,.. .... ,,,,,,,,,,,, :i•:.•,-.: - ,-••••;,:.-4-ii.?--,•,..,..:•:. , •- e z. - -,..,•:-:,-,,,•:- .:,, • •,tf,....uL1.,,,,,-. :... ,-,. . „,,... .. 1 ._ ,- ...:.. ,--4. 4. - . 4..,.. ,, , - ..-:;• , , F4..- - -1L . ::•-•-•,--t" ,. -1.-,....--,r ~.- -.•••,"-- - , - , - - -• , :i- - --..-- c-, • ~ ‘ ", : fiv•i„•,...- 3,-. 3"..iz,-..qi-,., . ..,,, z z:•-,„•,;,2,,-,704., , ,, , , w .,;....,, , -,1,....r.„-; ; ; . --„,• . 4 - . ;;;, ". : " • • ''' l74- flis-5.14445,14. ~ ' - ,' - ,5 . ., • , -0 4 NZ:11, : 114 1 , -,. ', -- - : .;z rt4.1:.-;.', . ....,..- , ..• . •'; . ' '' i ',...".....:.'•••5tiA-VELISI"AI."-'*V.Va-P•fk-A . . ~.- - ....,• ... ,-..-• `:-•-•- 4.Y.--444-i'ii'•s4lT": . , -. ~ ~ _ .. ,~s ._ ~w..,. 15n.....4....4-- - - - ,-- 1:—.4.. - .....:- ' asa. tit EmisrityAman a m .1. uESTRAL 8.-13 WIWI= ALBAN afmvt—Nur DAUM IMINW courant additost as bobtristifiebiribe 4*. [nett of Mb tizoolinat flanbl. tnialk'sg=ts route. and every' pieta, tan will-Nr . che rondurt of proager• and rapid rarrraand al fo.aikt Train! yl_Udcamtba Sava fn ritfabafak ar fLatolri: - - . Th. THROUGH ACCONHODATHIA TEA I team* the I!"msenv'elgiatiott aft. (atrsptlkeda.) et 7al all SW., berme Pinto bm- g h wad PbUdJP In, wad inakinglizsat mum- Hon for Now York and PhlEade The THROUGH Win TRiallikleara ea Ptia monger titation lorety ILMIZMAg ja 2t. 8." Mb(l 6 M., "topping only al priad ata _and "makig &mi srtection" bratibe SO U t ' Loa for Hem Tor via nes -11.311.115. The 21111.0=1 Zit's= MIMI Walla dMl at L. m.. stop n 14 only it principal station.. Main turn. m monertf. at Barria a. bura IntrßattantweTeali. aro Philmielphi . • - The VAST LINE leaved the Station dally (essays , n 047) at &SS p. atoning only at-prfnuipal sta. ounteuilus at Flarrtaburat (or Baltimona an d Washiu,to o , and . for time Tort via Allentown 1111300, ithoUt Taste of Gin ate'`etafOr 1" Tort . coolotobwrlpir trallst: The Johnstown Actom modatkenMora daily (vzoept. Sunday) at tr0,3 •1114.tar..0011, tad running as Ear a• Sint Aooommodaitort Train tot. 47a1Ps Station leaves daily (amid Sunday) at 6,10 na. Second Arcommodation 'Hall the ITafre gratis* learns daily (F e l nit hmday)aallzin t a ta . Third A so on Train for wall`. Statics luaus daily (a ceps Sunday)) at&tat Tom - th Aconnamodatket Train for Wain. Station leases (laity (unapt Sunday) at 6. - 00 p. au. The ChurchTrahr louver Wall's/Ration every Sun day at ettn, a. m.; returning, tearer Plataburgit at 1.2:15 p. En. . . • Beaming Trans erten in . Beewlettrgh an It:Bows Usitilmmt ta• p. s. ,frt 73 1.fr3 uil a ea. a. m. Johnstown a. in. Tire War. Station AccoMmodation—......6a23 a. st. Semnd Wall's Station Acanntmoclation..... at=t a. En. Third Wall's Statism Acconntodatbm—... P. m. fourth Wall'a Station AsammnaMmion...—• ataS p. m. Bennen. Elms. will urns with Mdlwie4hh, Innen at p. m. litonanya. Vat. tar Blatessilleand amused at Blain elle Thiel-motion srith Thningh Asecentudatkat Johnstown de,ananalstion and r.• ma Train Lee ed Italantore Expmes and'Jo Accom modation West. Z. - - Valais klwasbmw dainawt st with pis Trub ail m and M Train Walt,ilitWawit Mg . adirithThivagli Acomstmodati. wet Rzwrstrals gut: To . 1 T , New York -...-41 X g0 To Baltd eOD T. Platledelohla-... 10 60 To Laneaalow taw.. it ON To lierriebara..—. 7 a 5 To Altoooa.--........ NOD Berm" elter.ked to all lotions on tka rd. Cateral Itedroad, and to PktladelpWlial and New York. Pat:wagers parebaatng tkkeln la Akdi will tat cbar-ad. exam. according to the diatanco traeslad, ln addltlen to the station Wok except #taa atatbsto where the Oompany boa no swot. - NOTICIL-lo one at lark the Caolpaoterlll bold tkotneelrea respoindbla Oa .badokka sly. and for au =tont not ex jlolld. - , N. -dn °renal. Line kaa boon endplayed to convey paneeagora and 4 baddragarto and trots the Do w, at a chard. not to exceedita con" fat each pow ORMEM C l7B % _ PITTS' =NCI iostuf,.. the Depot of ==::1 Pataistrga mid Mel*'llse. .1 LeavePlttahargh i 1:45I. la. 0451. a. tn. 1:15 p. la. do Wellsrille. I .4:10 " 8:451 " 4:05 " do fitetibenVeil 6110 "._ 01.5 ".. 8:o5 " do 'Wheeling. tista " 11:00 " 638 at Artless Beller.— 6:93. -tl 11:16 " 6:20 " Coaneetias, al iiteubensilla and pedals with Stan. Ismailia and Indfana Ilallsbadand Censtallshlallall. mad far Zlr.AiinlkrlC.M.kt 62 ". 1 . 32, X. ".' 1 1 . ton, Indianapolis, Ciarlsaael, Lot:distils, Cairo, t Louis, St. Joseph, and all puinti wart and southwest at e . 0111 - heeling with Baltimore Sad <Alt Ballroul Pittalaspi aad Oleastand Lima %RH r 1 .. Leases PAttab0rg1 , —,............. 43 015 i a . I:66p.as do 17sIlaville.- . ,—.... 0 •. . .401 do do allionce----.—.. fc.55'..,' II . do 1iat0nna......—.—... Dfa - . 1141 . do Dodson. .-......... - 8:11 •' L'7:311 . Arrlvra at Cleveland---. iiniS 4 1., „1 . 4 a Connecting at Iloyard with was ch for New Philadelphia and Canal Darer; it Alliance with Pittaburgb, lest Wayne and Glitrials Unread; at Harems with Atiantic and Great Wmrteraritallroaa for, Warren, Greenville, licadrille, En‘Corry, Jamestown and gataduanca; at Hudson w Chew land, &Lumina and Cincinnati Railroad for kroa, e a .rythoga Falls end ID i.vcaborg,' and r od with C. a E. R.ll. for 1 ,,, ,,, Lhmkirk and Buffalo with C. a T. R. R. for nar..2..11, Tolado,and also with steamers for Detroit. - Sloubenvilte .4 Wellsville Acoosammiatimaleama Allegheny City at 3.100 p. m. . n.torrang trains strive at 1.07 C. es., m., 8053 p. m.. 4 MIO a, m. Through Tickets to .n prominent Points Suaa be procured at the Liberty Sheet Beppu litostentes. GEOBGE PLltliiti. Ticket Agent. And at Allegheny City. A. Q. CAB9ELBIC6II7 trot. for frt her information apply to Y. A WILLIAtf SPEWAIMAgent, At the Company's'Olilea In Freight Station. Peens!. noie ft.g.rzEs. FOIST NATIONAL BALNII4 OF PITTSBqRGH. TIM:U=2 DRPARTILLITT Om. ms Courant. or rem Ousaanten t i Waiddmoton City. Aution &hand, Sentaxas, By satisfactory toildenni MOM to I undeuipted, has beat roads ftv that the FIRST NATIONAL BANS OrIPPOCIINGBGH. the Comity of Allczbeny, and Etatuf Pessnaylea ' b"9 a. 17 orcanbood nadorsuldecomitliag to the reurtremente of the Ad of Corquu,stettitled An Act to provide s, Ruin. thersetcyudeterod by • pledgo of United States Blocks, ind.lopfacids for the circulation, sod redemption thaisof,'!. oppreefed To:WT=7 20th, ISGS. a.. has resaulledddlk all tin omelet°. of said &op required toles, statspikii with before rammensting the bath.. of Beaks: Now, tlierefore, I. Thus linCounar, of the Currency, do he_rer certite th 4 a= Zinn NATIONAL: BAISV: of PITTSBURGH. oriole ABefinny. sad Blabs of Pmenryturd.de authorised to commun. theimelneu Bankbassar der the Act aforesaid. • . , _ In testimony whereof • splines" ay bad fss land' seal of oft., thislithelsy orArtgrad, 11130.• ' Ullll YeIefOLLOCEI. CosoptroUarof thnanessicy. . . THE FIRST NATIONAL 8.4151$ OP prrratrzon,. tIaLTE PITT:I3O=B zpar cigitr) Garer.U. Sl4oo,ooo.rit to biasses to e1..00.0.0 : The Pittsburgh Trust Gemptury beret:extol:sib:od under the act to provide • Maimed , under the title of the IITEST* Zi T OurrencyUN& or PITTEITII2OII. vonldrospecthilly offer Its arils for the collection ortiotes, Dregs"BlLL of mein moneTort. do It a n iuri e l a lZt. c l uinge cm all pouts of the countvie.: • The mem stitch hie idtiudid - the Treat Compsay, since its orgiithuiltgti.biWwri ere believe, be a sulthient gma . thterthit bushes entrusted to the raw orgsaisatioa WllFtbottli the woe prompt. atteution. .11•11 • very exteuetro common deseewitbasaks and Bers throughout the country,'” belie" ire can oder =awl feelliiiew to tbesu.ythie V.VOftess with rol. • Ttrolmtsmmtallitm iMMIMLIML o,lkalismoiolleam sad DlnmWm. . ' - u, ~.,%-,.,'":,,,_,' .3mitrMW:..,• - J 5 , , ,, ou Lan-rile, I A4 , Z4.4.1 ,- -- B . ~, Robert H. /lay.. . Brands 0. ey Thomas 80 11 , . ' - 61M.:13.ridlaZ, -- ' ' Thomas Wigttmaa. ' 1 Satitril 0440-1 ',.'. Wm. K. Nimick, - 1 ' JAMEs LAlloBl.l2l,lliil4atc. JOIDi D. SCLrLLT, • Asmt HL 180. DoLLAB. se.V !NW BANK,. lip. 6 oirewa Yucixa iii>"rit . cven dally - from 9 to : °Vick, alao OtiWastssoffsz' ..d Sattottay maims coat law Ist sci,Natesnber ist, rnms and f r om lisrmabst Ist to - :lay tat trout 6 toll-o'clock: Depostto troetrol.ot. a ll mow 330 f Ibm, :MO - Dollar, and i dlyidend - ortto pronto &dared "tato 11' yur, In Joao atlLDettather. aalareal.ba9 kwlt de. '7 eland aroll-asztuttly,lli Jmro and Docenttor, Abel tin Batik Ina organt=dota OA tato ants Per cats. tom, It. not o,ramm silt Is o=4. M!,. th.iferopt and beere them= ;: wet from The flu aiyit of.fulieeeeThimeter:ereetedirer, take &yea withoutpadbllu thr6pod tor to fall: et elert greneetelepseelook.l,64lll9 nee nuetey,wlll4ouble in le//• Mao twelve reem, /Spoke, containing Abe' AfFleiejObe aid itMe3,:teral g ..l "lerf lia t c * . • :raiimori—Cilnfiitim • --- • . Johatß-Iffeiedees,- Alesender epee?. Ikea: .14:- natter Jame* Vaulty, Janes Malmo, Calla Mani; 70hA0.13.:1 - cAms. Jolla awIl• . AloArA A. CarlinA Charles* A: aillos, Dactilar, - Jan - Evahr; - PM.er Mani. Richard /Jam' James D: Saki:" munizeß, Layelj tau 41" 1,1 lutarin.i thi citizen of 11(241kaxti been appointed yob sittntfar ths sl o th; a sos,.•a oaigurat. CEMENT ANUalluiciar_ /TX.: momcteodedt . b . s P i li=rr ooentaa.d-Co -107*Cttr , RuNtes - mom '3l NEW' IUSTO RIPAr k igsroirr oiren.uct* - 111Apoxal jam -- OP NsmeziAtisrota, ' ,aAwmAlmichw, ugteast
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers