- tftfisiturgit Sazettil - ÷—t7TY ,A,NI) fiT18U.1113.4.N re- ! . isrorsnasuu, rApanesa , . c,; - .. .., tileteetitti Anneal Report of the .Yenng ;, ;,., ~i ~ , ..i.:Neet, a LtbrarrAsseetethre. •-z-- , --4 ,, - • , 'Welukee bielpzestshedlerish s synopsis of ~,,i thirtidiLand int e resting 'risport of President t,,•;t : ;::ltsispoOrierbylsiii . at, the late meeting of -'; 7 . 4 vihe:::4lstoeistiert, !hie):' we lay before our l isiefin — ri.' 210:elided. says : "In assuming •.5 - :;kj;. , :titi I/44sec or &Imrmeat at the beginning of 14 . .Year;cre: limited tostratri with approhed fn ~.,~ . mu to thit ...,:t. , :4,.4Cpeehil tirirrera4dcered our country, .. t-'.- -' Strid - iiiilei oom incertaint of the times, it e-1. : , . . 70 ales, Atom! Olk that literary- slum oeyruui turd - tuttres,,thlierspesial oreationeand favorites of , - i,,,:i. , ?,petstroiltrufd pit fall to languish amid the sr 41traiiiiitta.Of rim. It . Is with unusual grail- Alealle ~ s_ . .ws A n :demeas able to report i - hen 1' ..- 44 ,- e. Amiiitelhiaiiieeiefprospethigrester than ~ ,--r-. blar.,ltrwe herori marked tho progress of the xnusessrur. e art the yeas oommltioes were ap- Imitated' " so rsiss for new members to sap. "plythy the toss ocessions4 by the glance of so of oar tu young nln the serriee of the ooaatry. The ' oo Wre oes we sneeessful not way up the delleienay,-bot to add - y Le thelist; and for the Ent Its theitistorrof the Institution the re "; .Itete - front 'iner.thershipe here been szttolent 11 . In 1862 the tout- PaYl4-"rrgi = les 491. Tne num- J . ...,..1...- 14r biti; ° w r irt it vit ,a tE mn aa fir w pai sa bl fa r 1E43 is 40f, •.. the lieres4i-belng 11G. The number who YoCjet. paid hi 60. There are else, of - member, 7; Life member*, 00. Totes•7l3:- • Of 114 davtlemben, 64 ware introdueedby 6V.l4fosisr43 - by Piorande,Esamer,aud to by Tacis.„. aria> saarO the thinks of the As— sbd• attest for -their efforts to advance its id. tatastei; • - , - ith eadaese the death ''''''4WitlYe t ‘ ° "" W miemberi 21•TIlle D. let "ill -Gar honor .. th . el ie of a long 1 1' , Osielitawiii:, 'who reached e r 0.... _ Lib , ,•:•:;itititaitder-liSe daring the . Ye " • ' C l ot% ra } x le ,- 'f -- itisii - -tadebted to , blat °rainy. _ t ."' '.--: - att diatillig with the / 0 4 6,1 his °r7 ' '%-.::: :,'Is:11.4IVIN" —,l limits, ead his asat* !r e p! ' .5 .,.. - , 1 1;, •:"' !" . 1ealt- be mtaterzbereit ea that of * polu i. h 2 • ' '. .... t t . , *ripe seholarOett*thfal historian • tumid - t '" rillAlltaa. li j - : • Beeel jets frow . all mums to dale. Itnue n ding atant V 2,905.03 --, - Eciditures,lncicling new obeli.- Banitte in .... :. 4 3 22 0 • • ••• 4'be details will be found in the ........... • ' - johafitowszt, Es q., late ••Treasnrer, . 11 Wringrelh01114.(teni the city,. resigned dor m s the a year, and Mr. it.. B. Smith was ap -r- and Mir etSclontly performed the of the mite. The removal of Mr. t has soused the Assoeiation tho loss of. Mae of its most valuable members. ..,,.LZBIOIT assn esaauo aeon. .the .esuabor of volumes on the libellee at the heigitudne of the year wee-. -.--VHS Adtle4llnrlng the yam by putchasa..—.47B u . horloaationt from Inditiduala —125 . , . . •Pteeebt tennberei ..... . ' J Rnieber et volumes rebound, 77; repaired y bleder, 2f.. About fifty pamphlets hays aho been prasamad. " Ira Piesident sets forth the imppoorrtLaannoa of „" saying all - pamphlets for future tefGreece, and ;layer the members and others to present whatever pamphlets they din procure, old or and evemelly everything which relates • oar IeMMI - history, or to the present war. - They will be thankfally meeirod, and care- " - • ettonuanos or 'aeons. • • The moot eneouraging feature of the your is band in the act that the Muntlation of books among the members it nearly diotte that of lk ' • 1212. 'The progrossivo Marengo in six years shown in the following table : Dram during the year 1858, 1,765 vols. 'a_ #44.60.". , . 4,052 " , 44 . ' • 1862, 6,762 " theln -reporting this. incline, Mr. Appleton, e Liblarian,.lo whose diligence and atten tion to the inmate of the =ambers lunch of It • Is doe, - .maker the following remark', which are reetsownded to your attention: "The ammo smoothly thetas' don of bookepow, to urointsummar marry moat so rho erode number .draentikeetthellbraryiu 'nu groat thaws. dertag east 'earls manly owing to two camas nat. the large additions made to the library or bookseanabis h o ca, end, onaredly, to • Wrw Systeon of keeplag accounts. by which the tong Gweetkle abeam Tres the library ts hutently end letthr deleted without ratarriag to awl Lr.dretenal aneenne,and the saanber notlean to return then. :whew hammy es the large husks. Is the eirodetkogef the newt attire:wins that the ,•.';-..deeases l ithe ziembars of the lends/don *meat be fenyiestlied; we still owl many works In elltbeetepannuagg,ind which are Creesently called ear? to rap the nme pimplaiat =martin be r.rbadkirlitth haat:Pat become et:meet - n*lln termer t• • • tbe ereplesesese creme Jacabers it the 111111lotbottka Mann from the lltrer7 ead their fr. - r-- , :iteartrtartin b 7 palcil wad ottunApp. The p eta l orker ellookr,and ettiapredcan of rebind pailLrt° im • P hrtar .. ea t . i'7•Theenoreil tat rer rennweg repAirr, lad par fq.:d•Pdleseteit etherrto replace them prom out by carafe.. =Ala prowl's's:raisin/re books that ire not bow !afar anner.7 reterrin that there are tinny . 'sight sinispapere and fifteen magnines regn .. !nig melted Utter reading room. • - . . . . - The Pretlatif snyii "Tie Association is • , initaistedlA.Thontite'Etakevell; Esq. for eom sgfOelilesefthe ifitiasoljateßigniccr from the Issl, •• itichmiva?.comPrieint e mass intairostlas,peried 14 the history of the tommAlT—lthloh bare IMen suitably bound and the" abatis*. :no. Stevan, Esq. ,„ • muidarY,inia ;presented- 6 . 4.•Oleates of sew key Jos Airs volurop, Ma'C. C. . eoluince,'_, To theit, , -*nd other dlotsots lams. suing, - TALI' be found in the • apradid the'lloport, the thanks of are due." Traddimt sites inn of lertures &Iron esaCthu of the Association last win ., which freis, however, not financially sue . oessfal; the Imeociative having =stained a ton 411103.29; Tho Lechue Committee = roe -..dontilsood octets, Co the Assoolat' lon, &rant ? — . -- flibstimidinr,tils Jas, it has paid into the Attaigattillobadsoase sum of i*Or.fifi, is the atm& of its Mere, The present Lactase Coln :01111t01111,:also e.rndysiren full proof of its esitgactien the Piteeint ciprateis etaiatioe the Committees aid of the Aseoelettea to ,the press of this city for their' , /The..semeinder of Tretideat Erunot's Bi-' ipoetrtsppear to-Asorraw's paper ] : Tho Crftobitat—idoi of the 'Oll-10 4 1 01 4 .47, at)? IhO murder - t Was cane et t,-.*.•Amon f *ma* iiind,Mliyerlteh melted from blab.; Altermsa Keay wm m, ' • - r+ alba' promo' the doolustiom of the de - ememei t am& Ai the Mate :day of the ooterr -7' am* bat the defuse obleetid, and the ob. • t 1 jojetios use. smtained b , the. Comm- The tii a . ! l , 61 11 to FA Mm. Kw' &l ea" I= l"wilh2 hiya g s% lm. eari tabs .atelsetatto,teldett oboist made tiatlee •!, ", the . lametiptloa -botbm the evotier's jury. , r . fliedkettbeweyer, weeld notpumit Wm to - .14 isaim, Sbbjetio than oloted. sa4"it 4"ifac 2athreett call any - tribalism, or sine Maiblma the }my on behalf of the de - Impeeitopen the agora that the Calmat-. • - wealth bed fellod to mat, oat ill ease al th e attMorwootabadttod wader tho esti: of the ' = aorta dad by the onamon thittkidtfaulant mu guilty of shish-, es'atede that% mmetaaghter, mod Meet ritr bight. law on, thts poftt from rads* Stowe, 7- '..tiro qr rutin& They man ittor Yoaad "'maw of net "golity,laut the:yrisoatrr was .Proeiam , . iiiitiiitildi.TANDltas ..PNrelige , _ ~...., aihczaittlair:Grese 'Pat t,,"Eir: ....06.Arsj07,.truittsited.. orpruk/ -__*,_ - at i . : . ~-!--: :,..., ; ` ! : 24l4lllL4 thilb. o r 3 :lThe ir l* hast P"4"* N i str t Irm i ll or ii k ia ttla .../lbeictli.77., utiymenr:- ''' Arrrodavdt try Idr.•za, i ss a2 ~...: au ' o a s mar &alba, . blearaske ad : l ,ii,,,, ...a. v a Lan aver vita= _. _ .... . aa,drow4G4 with a, u.l6l_lll.,_lit -- :bm 6ll - a mic• way= nalas'at. .. , ,.._ - _ , ... - .f . - , .:,..--;.... - 014 &AVM iakTjaAragt,ol,444 the A llr i ° - , :;i,1 Pe •-"•'*".""".-- laisak iha . •'--,-,- - - '.... intiC4X,ll toy Iva dun eh* -00 ii , 16 , 231 samesimust te ftemsan of cipl4llo6ll alb toduidellthileT . ' riabesaiila tilesda nun , o f p sw A „ ~,i ii i im aatia... es 0 ..1 4 a e a. Ala i palltroeti.,', lll .t,l,ruid 17, - 7.1:;;M. T. ..I%."34=7,P.t.eatAi7t-Ilirith'ol!;, ,-.:,•-:::...-."'-', .- • ::',lfE s; ~...- , ,, , .2", : .:2 : ~ ' , • N:.. :;f.,. - t.:.:• j 0, , , ,.- :7.,.,;,,,. 4 F,...y., ,, ..',. - ,-.),•., ::/;,_. ...:.,iw-,.‘-.,g,.,.-- MIZE ' .14, 1864. Wissisartar, Tan. 11, 1 361. DeDeer,lrwt.—.There bane - change. think, ht the Couniption Jet beyond the consolida tion of thselisses. On principle I should have voted against 1 the eosonntation obtuse, as more of a reemee than a w.. mees t me. When ewe aro wanted, I could net consent. to take surety. I cannot, Indeed, put a value en the Jerrie., of a free man in that way. After beginning In that way, however, it strikes me that it would he unjust now to al tar the law. It will pgobaidy produce men enough. The rebellion 11 about done; and if we can only keep up our mutter roll until the spring, we art give It the coop de race with out stiffing to our namber. In cue, however, it shall turn out that wa want more seen, we can begin 'anal, upon a different principle. As the ease now stands, I am whiled tlkOt the public judgment would disapprove of any chenge; although I would be glad to catch the copperhead who made No much complaint about the commutation clung. There are no men so anxious for its rotanUon as the rascals who deitortaced It before the election as a imam upon the poor man. They now claim it as a privilege. ti Very truly yours, Third United Prestqlerlan Church Rev: John G. Brown, piutor of this congre gation, delivered an appropriate and Inter esting di/amuse, on Sabbath morning, 3d Inst., it being the anniversary of the eerrenteenth year-of hie settlement in this place. grow the discourse, we were gratified to learn, that the congregation h in a flourishing condition, having now a membership of nearly 318. The attelannee on divineservices during the year was as good,and In come butane= better, than dining the preceding years of his Min istry. _ Mi. Brown, although • eomparatively young men, has-been a pastor longer than any other of hie brethren of that denomination in Pitts burgh. In the afternoon of the same day, ha ad dreued the children of the Sabbath school on the subject of Minions. Before closing him address, he thanked the children for the attention given, and also for the sontributions raised by them from their Sabbath collec tions, for mink:nary perpocu, amounting to come Arty dollies. This may seem small, bet when it is remembered that the ebildren of the echoed, • few weeks ago, raised over four tundra dellan for the Christian Commisaion, we think it will be regarded as no mean eon tributimi. 'twee decided that this amount ebould be appropriated to Foreign Missions— thifThina Weston preferred. The 105th Reglntent Re.Enllated. The 105th Regiment Pennsylvania Talon . teen him re-enlisted abnott to a man for three years, endue now at home for the pur pose of recruiting their thinned ranks. This regiment was raised by the late Colonel A. A. McKnight, of Jedlemon- °entity, who fell while nobly leading a charge at the battle of chancellor:llle, May 3ki,1663. No regiment from - the !state lure rendered more efficient tervioe to the Government. It has participa ted in sixteen battles and skirmishes, in all of which it has had 674 men killed and wounded: There la not an idiom is it who has not been wounded In some one of its bat tles. It is composed of the best material that Jefferson, Westmoreland, and Allegheny countiu could produce. The Sawicki,' In fantry, of Westmorland, now commanded by Capt. 0. C. Markle, la connected with this regiment. Col. Calvin A. Craig, o brave and efficient offleer, Is now in command of the regiment. The officers are sanguine of fill ing the regiment to the maximum during their stay in the State. Excerrzene granted in Allegheny Oily by the Board of ILarolhnent :34 District, Pa. M22Eiiiffl= • d tradattabldasco Hay— 1 .... '22124 Ward—Alldna.. ......37 10 ' 6 " lfon-rddldsutx. --- -....—. 2 ... thunltablicam of aim— 3 In " Total—Aliens Disability Tow th ....l ;xstabl DI isal itt a advertisement of Geo. H. daderain, of rooms to rent, °Oran. of Third and Wood streets. EUPEUIAL LOCAL NOTICES. Elwin ♦aD Rim's Elsrm Ntscradm, to Suety and lasnufsetitring purposes, are the beet In we. TIrOYA.I PAISIT, Mtn and Ornamental Mate Snohr, mad dealer In Nan:Titania and Vermont data ante best qustity at low into& Woe at Alm. Lasighlln's, near the Watt? 7erltniPittabeirghp Pa. • Stie-ace-no.no.aw—lona Spouse nue no.--Thia.Tobanto, Died by the North Amor itan.Rsdlans, to manufactured from the finest quality of tabors°, and emomingled with th e most healthful and ottoman toots, Barka and Herbs, Intliginotutto tho Rocky Mountains, is amok proportion, as to impart to its die -I:Weave eharacter, sad ware for it wherever it bermes known a ready welcome. A long reoidonee awing . the Indiana of the Rocig 'diountalis, insured am aoquaintsnee with their labile, custerine, and modes of lifo, and ammig other things, an Insight into, the com position of their smoking tobacco, and a Intowledge of the mean, by wldch the amid sits amma b produced, which renders ft so plowing to the smoker, and se acceptable to those who are Rot. Smokers who enee be come, acquaintod with this tabacee will nets, be without tt. Sold by all tobateonists and by the manufaoturst, 11 Hunt, SU Cho*. mat One*, Philadelphia. delibita los-nu am Mtn= Wass—Tie Um marl s past, and by the morninee frost, we begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will shortly I• upon ne, and wo mast provide oar. Melia with the m aterial to keep as comfort- able. A nice fill nit, or • geed and mai med* oserooat ore the myshthg, and we do tot know of w pleat whore ear- ruder& would salt thres better than at Means. Melee k aee ebthinit eatablishmont, donor of Yedoial street and Diamond Spam, Allegheny. They hay* site rebelrid a am plate assortment of geitleanues ftirnliking goods, and a great yarhdy of now patterns kw walstooMludke: Emarnroirlinusw Arrucran.—Mrs. Anne Mantes, of Lewisville, lty., says is a letter: in :Meir York, this mummer, / pur chased by way of m.iment some of Mrs. I. A. Allan's celeleuta Nair Restorer and Lyle hattatram, "Mob I hire found valuable. I now write to bare you send a* a deux of eaelthy express, for the 'meld my friends." Milk by druggist •errerywhere. Depot 188 41seenwich strestilfew York.- tie &bevels tor Patton'a Dreg Stare, Gyms:am ban ro. wafted the fa and Witter steak of pods at the Madan{ Tan loting—establidumat of Om. &ahem A C.., N0..14 Molts& street _ A fresh supply et psis map wank. . Itsre you szsadratd the prices of goods st itba Nerchaat Talloriazeztsbliskateat sr Sam. Oratuust /SON Ne. NI Market instil If not, It Ls rum time plat 'mild, sad we 20 per seat. ts yeas clothing . Ilavri k =4 , l war:sated Peifeet at. augga, ltteCssouss. . . • Somas, in en Harnrwl —.Young men, 'nutting Into the oommres and dangersof a floldlefs life, should papas , thomselres for the fatal reven, the Dpiatery, the gores and Dewy, width are almost attain to follow. HOLLOWATSPlLlAnsedomabinalty dur• lag the sampidga, wal imam Jamul health to every man. 'Only 25 ants per box. = • - Holloway's PIM and,olllment aro for sale Ifolton'o•Drag Store, ,Ifth street. 7 • • subsaibere witting to drake their whole attention to the msantsetare sad eels of tobacco, oder tdr sale their wen assorted shad' of groceries new la store, topther with their interest to the wholosalegreem bud- No better opportunity tumid torofforod to Om' laibitgrk,triUtlp „in Ms bunch of bads, _ tiwangsw Come, `saw . • • A 'HT, Liberty strain. Lams, Arpontoor:-4.Mletabufdr 41411- undo nal Awenciu geww, 65. rifirsineGba4 justraiwissit ajig piii,ag4;a3ssit otleijks4l slest% winOt win al seipl vim Asap. ffiME , _ s , Thenconotelrihn Law In Cowes& Thioleltaitnglinterfnin member of Coe ._ . gren ern pologly nal intended fin -publics- • oa; bat as flu iuWet matter is so . Ing, and th iviets- of the writer co jot, we !set satiated that: - neither he nor our readers Till Wants us for giving it publicity ! =M!MM M 3 LZ:t==l=l A. P. 0F141 . 031 - T, General Agent, No. la rift street. A' Frei; TeitiVaits. . Under thief:spited:we Might Write upon an Infinite number of subjects, gleiig, at the Fame time, considerable- information, (al though it were not original with ourself,) end tlekle the fancy With Incident and anecdote, but +mottle not altegethea our Intention arta° present time, es we desire to pall tae attention of our readers to hut one matter, and that I. the drag establishment atl4o Wbod street, corner of Virgin alley, of whirl' mar esteemed fnend,7Dr. George 11. Keyser, is the gentle manly and frank-hearted proprietor. We have often been impressed with the truth that true, genuine and solid meritwill never go by unrewarded—that whatever any man does In the way of alleviating the evils Incident to human life, or edvancingithe general good, will be recognized by every one, and a heavy balance stinek.br favor of the man who per forms it. Loonidu and his three hundred fol lowers were never forgotten for their intrepid bravery at Thermopylm, and ere corn yet en shrined in immortal glory, in the memory of the world. Washington, in our owe land, continues in the hearts of alibis countrymen, aye, in the hearts of all true lovers of liberty. Now, we do not Intend to argue from those instances that our friend, the Doctor, Is as great a man as Leonides and Washington were, (indeed he would not allow ns to enter tain such an irepression,) bet we will say that these instanoes argue the truth of the prop . - !Won we have laid down above, and that Dr. Keyser has dono es mveh in his line of busi ness LI any other men in the community, and is, therefore, entitled to the patronage of the public. • a • • • • His long experience as a practising physi cian enables him to judge of those prepara tions which have merit and will not Injure the system. Sash as these can always bo foand, fresh, moron hie shelves. Beside, the prepara tions of other persons, Dr. Keyser has fer sale several of the meet meritorious and efficacious medicines ever offered to the American people, which are prepared by himself. Ms "Cough Pectoral" hey been in use for several years, and ha, performed come almost miracallue cures of persons in the advanced stages of that insidious and terrible malady, eensauttition. This disease has received much careful atten tion from Dr. Keynes ever since . he became connected with hi, ' profession, and be is in every way qualified to treat it with success. His Pectoral hue received the approval of many eminent and able physicians from vari ous portions of our country and the Canada,. Everywhere it has been need it hes left good rooords behind it. Dr. Keyed hes also ducted much attention ' to the treatment of Hernia or Rupture, and has produced the best Trusses yet known to the profession, whioh he Beth at almost every conceivable price. Hee is the manufacturer of a capital article of Shoulder Braes, which has never; hi.oai opinion, been equalled. We have worn his Braca k and speak from our own knowledge when we say it is the bust ever manufantomd. POllOll3 of hollow and con tracted chests, stooped ■konllare, and who are subject to pains in the bark, should in ideally procure ono of Dr. Keyter's unap proachable Shoulder BMA/. - - In other blanches of the business Dr. Key ser's establishment is complete. Perfumeries from all the celebrated manufactories, and of every conceivable character, confections, drugs, brushes of every quality, pattern, de vice and style, &c., 4.c. ' aro there to be found in vast profusion. Wohave not time cr space to refer particularly to these things, nor is it neeessary, believing, as we do, that all who are in need of anything in this line will pat ronize Dr. Keyser. • Jur: Rzarrrso Azz RUDY POI Eau.—The file use:tonna of Pall and Winter Clotbing, lately received by Mesas. John Wier & Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 146 Federal street, Al legbemy. The stock of clothing consist& of the lineal variety of gents' pantaloons, vests, coats and overcoats. Tbo siyie of patterns is tasteful and fashionable. We would invite all of OUT readers to eve the above gentlemen a ealL B&oxcurnz, COOOll3, ASTHMA, and all dis orders of the Throat, Breath and Lange, Are relieved by uslng 'Brown's Broneiel Troches.' Sold by all dyuggista. Bemis's Tacocnas are for sale at Felton's Dreg store, Fifth streets New LIM VALZWILII lareovxmarte—llo aotetnend the patelo attention to the now and eomplateTatant. Bash Balance, In place of weighty, e, to the Grain Separator end Straw Omelet, be., now for a short tints •t ifare's Hotel, Liberty watt, opposite sm. M. Eaborto, No. 17 Fifth :Moot, M now owning the moot choke stook of Moo Gold sae Silver Watches, Jewelry. Silver Iran and Fancy Goods ever displayed In this city, mad is selling theta at remarkably lair prices. Osman and.eorrtage ealle mill be taken at the (Malibu offme, No. 410 Pena Street, day or night. AL order" left at the above plata rill be promptly attended to. An malts must be paid to advance. • Barr two ply all wool earpoto at T eenta -r yard, at J. Pinch'., corocr of Grant and fth Btreetr. LADIXI3 .bould call M McClelland'. Auction, 55 Fifth gamed, and ems the beautiful elyles of balmoral boots. Lames ehould attend the closing out sale of Furs, atJ. corner of Grant and Fifth i*treeta. 8114, Daiwa, TO Foal, 'treat, as tsar-te.eU brisiness of ta. paeglior. GETS BY TELEGRAPH Sew York &larkot kaw Jam 13.--Cutton market stead,; oleo of Ho ma . at else flour study au4 quiet ; oleo 6,1:00 DWI C. 40 4ekbe 5 5i7fit.t0,57,4.537 ; ,5 for Ohio, sad $7,6398:10 for soete.ra. wean closed with. • meekago g womltcy; sale 37,000 bash at $1.47‘441,0 for Clmeago gpriog, $1,60(41.5.1S for Klfersalae (kOk ; $1,512n01l tom Wel Western. Corn steady;; Wee W.OOO Ta m ( At $146 In store.Nableky closet! Ann at 48@ St; Remelpte of Floor 0,194 bbl.; Wheat, nova; fkirn, 4062 bath. Philadelphia Market. Entuarmxruta, Jae. 33.—Then L. rather more firmness in ireadetaffs hot not much doing. Salm of LOD bbl. extra f.xily !boar at $7 USX 50, and fancy at $9. Receipts sad Stocks II ht. Small tale. of Rye Four at 10 44.' In Corn Mail nothing doing. sl'b e gt adr.aa. L l le; 44,00: hush Rol said at $1 0001 164,.d Whitt. at $1 7, 45/ 00- 000 both U r ' oh ' at $1 40. Corn doll; rmail nate. of Yellow at I 1201 1 13. 3,01 Mt. Oat. sold at 83060 n.. Provisions of all kinds hare an upward landency, hut Man 1. vary 11111. Ulna. Sala of RV Lida Crude P4lll/111 bum at El i 600 Mb; /kilned In irond at 45, and Free at SU m 555. Clamed tell. at VIM' Vlaxeeed at 11. Whisky's unsettled; small axles at $l, and Drudge at 115,4260. Steck. excited; Pen. Sees, nekt; Reading Railroad Ulf,: Mania Canal 67; Lang I.land 41; Canna Railroad 70; Gold 15d7ti; Exchange . Now York par. Baltimore Market. BILTINOZt, Jan. 13.—Elatir firm; for Extra Soper• One !toward fittest Ittavy, 4 1r7y,47. Thera 1. nn damr.nd for grain. and reailptt arx. light. Option taatly; Rio ma. at 34a, New York Stock and Money Market. New You, Jen. 13.--Etorbi settee end Lower: C. N. I-...-..-.—.l4oNlCauton Co 111.Centrat ...... Virginia N. Con. bond.— .. -..l l 9 , lllBsinarla ....... 70 Melt. South. B. l Gold 15D y N. Y. C ....... Coupon. of 1881 1 0 03 Beading 1.13 k Treasury 1 11111. 3112, 3 .4:01m year citaffiratel. AOHSTHONG.—Oa tka 22 but, IBraadf Lieut. THOS. J. ALBEIITROX4, farlearly of fainveears. lOWA awl lately as Ora. Shales Bat, aliad 22 y Rho Mond' of the Wally ato reoputfally f to to attend tits hoer 1, from the mldermoo of hf I 12thor, No. 49 North Genoa, our Terforal shoot Allezhoor City, on Noun.; tlw 16th htotoot, at 2 <kiosk p. . RHOADS...At Mattison", Tee ,oeswe December lath s 16113, of woman@ received at 121ngold iltlll2X M. EIIOAD2, - of 00. Iltth Itentinent i V.lll., aged 23 item The 'metal will take Dice from Ike realdence of lito mother, Km N. IL Show% So. It ; fedatil Allegketly Oily, on Sninweaa, 141 h Loitaati' at 10 o'clock a. m. The Mande of the fatally are rupee t. folly !netted to {heed. 0L1T176 —O4 Tondo'', testae% et hie HawLit= Hatt. la Nit Chi township, Ailegh. , ny wanly, FL. 610U031 OHM% in the 36th par ef his sp. The Mural will tato idiot ou n11:4,7; the 13th led.. at TO tfoleek a. m.. it Saulay. Jan. at rut; dente of hie dughter,lM. Rubel Wood% $d MOBL IiZI4HII, aged 73 um. The funeral will Ulm plug ae Inureu, at It o'clock. The Hindi of the fatal, are renipeottully Mimi to attend. tt PRODUCE, NOW RECEIVING. 1117211M—XSO lbs. strictly 11%114 to drifts; 11003 lbs. fresh, la nil* CRE151.....„ EX bozos iricsbas; • ISO do Wait= Oath% • B.F. 7L0ER.3000,1154 ha 80 eb; mar, . Mk, Ism. WhilstAbest; .• CASSON 01...4111 de No. 1 Csrbss 011 t • 115AY3........140 brat. small Whits &tar, T011311P1L,..... SO do, to store._ , CIDER ....4.-- Mils. Strut Wise Mori WM 3 do, trash; sten stsil Cc sat by • If. lILDELE, EWE , Ir. tea - s *wt. pROPRLETARY AND RIS VENUS J. fILM•PfI. pf a fforiocoloatkof• • roll empty *ll...swab on_huLd. of Om Totem! Ammo No. Ellfeta strtwf, met door to 417 Tram um .11mtiony. - VAUD N. __ l.rOf Ooltootor of Internal ammo, Mt DIA. Po. • artr .Koth.".f ib. m—Lators shofold be dtractod Co •Iligtom .octf BBLS. 0 K • ORMIPTID 111317168 APPLI3. I 110014 d.. rouxotes.a N•ch Jur...mm*4l- W" ri V n t, tritergUni,Aftwo.a. LIARPOtP4 2 OO bbla. prim' Waite Ibrsila T. D. Ca 71444 THE ,TEST NEWS BY =MIMI 07R SPEOLttI, DISPATCHES, FROM WASHINGTON. "grew Olareiefir to tbs PittsbareltG- W.utlierrox CfwT, Ica.-il, 1144 . rue ISZPVLSION Of.aaaaarJarra. Harrell Davis attempted to prove his loy alty to-day in • few remarks, beginning be fore one' o'clock and continuing till four o'clock. The proof didn't, sum to be tom- Pleto, and after Senator Wilson bad spoken, ho was disposed to try it again, but was cut abort by adjournment. The occasion proved quite a 'caution, and the galleries were crowded to their utmost capacity. Davis' epeseh was the most remarkable ono any U•i ted State, Senator has been guilty of atar- - I log since the days of Mum; and Toombs, and Jeff. Darts. It has bean only a few months sinoe be wrote &resolution and per suaded another Senator to present it for the vzDtillfoir of hi, oelleaguis, Mr-Powell. When his own expulsion for treasonable utteranoce isPr•Prsed, his only excuse is, that nrhco he deliberately wrote that the people should re volt against their war leaden, he meant that at the nut election, they thinld vote against the administration candidetes, and urging this It. makes a more unworthy speech than Mr. Powell ever did, lie deigned to low, personal abase of &hater Wilson; said that he had heard that he wu bore a Welsh mac or a gipsy ; that he had once been colonel of a regiment, and had agreed to appoint a gentleman on condition that he. should get half the profits; that he had gone to Bull Bum as a military man, had got searclid at the outset, had run away with the foremost, and had »fumed to stay when failed upon to, aid his wounded sou; said he had hula ttit son boasted of being Daniel Webater's stiecom= so; coed went on in this style, winding up by , sitting down on the top of a desk and reading the Fugitive Slave Law, and then arraigning hinerachusette and her Senators for tresses in attempting to fru trate the design of that law by State enactments. Among other things ha' eulogised Geri'. McClellan and Thomas, and . spoke of them as the only flenerabi he maid praise. While speaking of burns made In. Boston, which be styled an insurrection, be want off tato rapturous praise of Millard more, the groat statesman and exalted patriot, who had suppressed it. Mr. Stunner quietly suggested that it was Frank Pierce who did that thing, whereupon Davis was slightly abashed at the universal titter at his ignorance, and transferred his ertloyf bodily to Pierce. „ Mr. Wilson replied very briefly, saying that to a speech as rambling, illogical, and (nee haunt as Davis', full of indecency and &De -1 hood, few words were needed. He denounced • Davis for becoming a common slanderer, and referred to the charges against himself, and pronounced them unmitigated avid con temptible falsehoods. Re defended Masse achusetts, and draw oaf hearty &Wears from the galleries. lie closed with a renewed argument that Davis' resolu tions were essentially disloyal, and cal culated to incite revolt, and warranted hie septillion. • The general feeling of Senators, is, that Sir. Wilson's resolution was at lust premature, and should have been submitted to as adminlltratbra cue= before being in troduced, but that Mr. Wilson bad deeldedly the hest of it to-day, and that Mr. Davis' ' speeeh was utterly unworthy of any one hold- log the dirtied position of an Arocrimus Senator, PIWORIDLIGS IA 41C11011.51. The Holm Pest Oflee Oonansittere will 'loon report the bill aliening psalms*, of niothilli to be eent to the soldiers Omagh the mails at two cents an:baneo. The Basuto and Sensate Military Committees to-day had a joint tendon, to &sem the COD •oription bin. The main topic of disci:Lesion was the three hundred dollar elsose. The noose Committee le solid &gait:mit striking It eat. The Senate Committee is divided, the Chairman being against, but several, perhaps the majority, were far striking It eat. The Senate .li:dietary Committee begs. hearing the teatintony in the ease of Jahn P Tea thousand conic. nob of (irant's and kictlellan's report. were ordered to be printed by tb. Douse to-day. Mr. liillhbarne wor ried Lb. Democrat, by propocing to bind both op In •ne salami. The Democrats wanted to dist:Drat° McCiollarr's rre a campaign docu meat, bat didn't wont mimeo It pet too much In contract with Groner. They protested so much that Wsubbrince daally gars way— some man on our side declaring that he ought to, a. it would be a shame to put Grant'. In such company. /inane J. Clay got his resolution through to-day, instructing the Committee on Com merce to inquire Into the expediency of v.- model' the restriotions to trade on the Mis eirtippi river. ==l The United SLetas Agricultural Society held its annual meeting to-day at the Smithsonian Inrtitute. She system adopted by the De partment of Agriculture for collecting statis tics was approved, and busfEtess pertaining to the organisation for the ensiling year acco rded the balance of the time. lion. B. B. French war elected President ; Mayor Ben Pettey Poor was re-elected Secretary. It is understood that the Serial.) , will prvliably bold an exhibition la thla city forth. prodtient of mechanical industry In Jane next, whlelt will bo arranged so as not to Interfere with the State fain. Tho Secretory of War Informed Congress, to-day, tbul thine am cow in our &My, Major Generalamnemployed,l4; Brigadrer flenerals, II; total-25. Blair odlocrs, 29. Colonels, Lieut. Colonels, 1, Majors, 2, Caralns, 12, Lieutenants, 2; total-25. Total monthly pay, $12,223. Gereeral Matron disablod by disease, B. °dicers on duty, not In tho Bold, 39. LICTTII /UV Our: BAILS The. President melted a letter today from Gin. Banks, eaying that they would b. able at one) to reorganize the State flovontment of Loulzians,under the late proclamation. Member, of the . Govornitiodthere expect that the re.organlzation will be eomplatod within sixty data. • Delays in the distribution of . F1:1) mousy were attributed, by a letter of the Secretary of the Navy fo the Hones to-day, to th►inter ferenee of foreign officials, appeals from deci sions, and the difficulty In adjusting chime. In a few 'oases delays hare resulted from neg lect of officials. FROM RICHMOND Itfebmond papers of the 2d hut., stab that an order has been issued from the War De partment, prohibiting the departure of any male ellison from the Confederacy daring the war, unless he shall first file In the department a certificate from the proper military author ities that he is unfit for 'military service.. Till DIXOCILLVO UTIONAL C011.72110X The vote •on the resolution is not ordered pet. It turns out that the National Domourstio Committee paid no attention to th recommendation:of Congrenzen, but chose Chicago as the plans of holding their Conven tion. • 171121/1011111 07 91170812 from the United Rata Depository at Ctn.:b ust', dated Dm. 11,1883, vas meelfed to-day at the General Land Offino, en amount oftalm of pnblle lamb, amounting to 11111,006, at Chfilleothe,Olde. =I3=IZU AL bill was Introdnew4 ftt the Boats ta•diii lacomoratlai a wwi street walway company la thh city: ',.••• • , , 14; ,Oih; ; :India:is; 'rut bli,ssaidea amaelkizithol ta-day. lfr. Yeasaa, of Valtnolsr, also soda a speoeb:, a~.~-~u.sm.Jaac~.:wlax.:E':,e«:~dc,.~. ~ ~..+~:~:.>ti Congredada ma. • Wateracta, Jan. 13. Hurter.—]it. Dawes (Ifaoo.) froM the CO/ZI• mitten on Electionaireported a monition for admitting 171111:.n. Jane to a sent se the de legate from Dacetati- This la not to damage the right of the contestant. The retolotion lie. ever. Mr. Wilson, of lowa, from the Committee en tho luditiary, reported a joint resolution to 'amend tho joint resolution esplanatory of the 'set to suppress ins...alien, punish treason and rebellion, tornffseate estates, and for ether :purposes, and which woe approved July, 1802. 'lt lays that no puniahment or proceedings "guider any act shall be ...trued to work the forfeiture of any orate, except during the - !ifs-time of the offender, in arnordance with aootion '3, article 3 of the Constitution of the Molted States, provided no other pahlia warn ; .g or proclamation under the act of July 17, 8112, is or shall he required than the prods- Imatiets of the 25th of July, 1862, which profelx mation so made shall be received and held :sufficient iu all ea., now pending, or which -may hereafter arise on the question being ken. The latter part of the above was agreed tom yeas 17—nays Si. Mr. Wilson explained hie object for the resolution reported by him, unfelt was to make andeonform to a provision of the oonititution. Tt wan not proposed to determine by legisla tion, whether the forfeiture shill be In tee or simply daring the lifetime of the offender. The whole question we. left to committees. Mr. Coo asked—dots tta gentleman pro pose to pre. this resolutiou to a vote without affording an opportunity for diernision. Mr. Wilson, I desire to - have an elation or, passage of it to-day. Mr. Cox—You can't haw it. Mr. Wathburne, of Illinois—We shall see. ' Mr. Cox said this party action strikes lathe organic law. Mr. Keenan, of New York, argued to show that the President, in approving of the roots =lion ant and explanatory resolutions here tofore patted, regards them as in foot, as hot one act, and themeforesigned both. The Pre.. !dent le his menage at that time said that soy attempt to make treason work a complete I forfeiture of life and ettata, would be uncon mitutional. It were better to leave untotteh• ed, the law oe it now stood. Ho wet for soppreuing the rebellion by all the means In our power, and hoped to too ourpeople Bring peaceably ender a united government; but it seemed to him that toward the mass of the people in the South we should hold out in ducements to divert the ....ion leaden, and to come trek under the constitution end law. Ono of the encouragement should be not to take away the right of the chili: on to inherit the estates forfeited during the life time of the offender.: Mr. Wilson moved to reoommtt the resolu tion to tho Judiciary Committee. When the Henze proceeded to other business. Mr. Orth, of rad., made a speech on the power of Congress, under the constitution, to declare the absolute forfeitore of the property of traitars. He took the position that Con. grees had inch power, end fortified his argu ments by a review of the law of tre.on in England.down to the adoption of the federal constitution, and the reason and true orn etruction of the clause ...erring this power on Congress.. A resolution woo adopted requesting the Second Auditor to report the character of the expense., and whether the military were milled out by the Governor for the defence of Pennsylvania, Ass, this information being necessary as a preliminary to the action la the pending bill to reimburse that State for - the expenses inourred. On motion of Mr. Steven., of Pa., the further consideration of the bill was postponed until Monday or 'Tuesday. Mr. Coffroth, of Pa., introdueed a bill com pelling the Proroet Members in eaoh Con greesional district to hold their examinaticus at the oottrity nut of each of their rospootire districts. The bill was referred to the Com mittee on Military Affairs. On motion of Mr. Myers, of Pa., the Com, mitt. on Military Affairs was inttructed to Inquire into the expediency of amending the Enrollment Act so as to make the torsi of ...ice one year, lensing the co.mutation law ne it now stand... ..Mr. Baldwin, of Ms,:., from the Commit. tee on Printing, rep 0....; a resolution In favor of printing 10,000 extra eerie. af Gene Me- Clollan and Grant's nfLoinl reports. which MY agreed to. ♦ resolatien eat offer, d and referred, dI- Netting an Inquiry ae to the expediency of extending the time for the States and Terri tort. to •rnept the grand of land under the Agricalteral College net. It rat alto ordered to bo printed, ie. Mr. Boutwell, of from the Commit tee on Judiciary, repot-lad buck the bill to enable the President carry Into Immediate execution his proclamation of January let ISIS, end prohibiting Its. holding of certain persons se slaves, In the oertaln States dells. noted. Mr. Spaulding, of N- York, reper'.eil back from the Committee on Naval Affairs, • reso. lotion which woe ealling on the Seerq' taro of dm Navy for co'rtsies reports, show ing the 'orrice and sin 'limey of iron-el...is, ea exhibited in former engagements. Mr. Elliott, of Ma... from the Select Com mittoeoe Sman.npat iota reported a bill to es tablish a bureau for th.- consider:akin of the affairs of freedmen. The bill wee postponed till next Wednesday. Mr. Steele, of Nor V -dr. said it resolution was adopted severe! coy, ego Instructing the Committee for the Isistrict of Colombia to in. quire and report rein tics to the prevaleney of the small pox. Thar o•rmusittoe tad had eer oral sittings, and it et'. I cktod the subject to a considerable ext.,. Is a member of the orb -committee he k.iti ,at there •es eo coo son fur onnsual a1arte..., , 1 that the &contemn. dations In the bespitels ore ample. Mr. Kelly, of Pa I..qu,reil whether the small pox woe net i:ing in this city. Mr. Steele replied 'hot extraordinary efforts had born m•de to tn4n rem of those suffering from that 'disease. The Notes then tr..o. into a Committee of the Whole on the stets of the Union, and to eonaider the tapir's dleettoted In the President'. IMO nal measage. Mr. Yearman, of Ky., eaptemd Lid lene on the message of the President. Although he differed from the President in some of the details of his plan for reconstructing the Union, ho wee-gratified with the soggesticz i n the .ego that the plan of the President did mit exclude the adoption of any other. The great feet wits admitted at lest, that it nA.I a political question, The matters of emancipation and rent iscation must be left ' to judicial tribunals. lie denied that a Stale maid be in rebellion, though persona in the State might be. nod his effort was to endeavor to assist in restoring the government—for we have not to reorganise .It. Ile, to he had declared in resoulatlons rtmen'..ty offered we. for putting down the rebellion and Insurrec tion by force of arm, and that insane:if., and rebellion did not work a forfeit aro o: tights of loyal persona. Ile was to favor of encouraging the loyal people to thence* the functions of loyal States. The ordinances of secession Sr. void on be half of Kentucky and tho border Stater, and be would say, with all deference to anoth er gentleman, that they are to-day the sort un conditional Union men on the continent, and Chia he would prevents! ono party would heti, the talon only on their theories of State sovereignty. They may have their theories : If they leave to the Union and Government, and their party would have the rnion with slavery and another without slavery, but one are for the Colon and the Goeernment under the Constitution. The Committee then rose. On motion of Mr. Noble, otOhlo, the Com mittee on Ways and Means was lostreeted to Inquire into the eaptileney of repealing the duty on paper. Mr. Schenck, of Ohio, from-the Military Committee 612 Military Affairs, reported a bill to promote the ellielenoy of wooehanical en gines. Mr. Holman, of Ind., asked leave to offer a preamble to the reeolntlon, Betting forth the frauds that have been charged against the army Others, and others, furnishing supplies sad providing for the appointment of a Select Committee to examine into the contracts made diming the present war, and the subject generally Including the question es to whether any of the offenders horn been brought to trial, Objection was made to the introduo lion of the proposition. The Henn then ad journed. S —Mr. Pomeroy presented a petition from the Institute of Rewards, of New York arty Mr. Wilson, of Masnehtuettr, reported bark from the Committee on Military Affairs, the bill authorising the appointment of an Assistant Secretary of War. Mr. Hoek&ley, of Penneylrerda, offered • resolution that fire thonsandioopiee of Gen. Ciellan's report be printed for the nee of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Anthony, of Rhode Island, a resolution was adopted, calling on the Mil itary Committee of the Senate, to enquire whether any obstacles hare been thrown to the way of epees of colored men not subject to cannery duty, from lb . District of Columbia. Mr. Sumner, of Massaohuseete, moved at half-part 42 o'clock, to take op Mr. Wilson's resolutions for expelling Mr. Doris, which was adopted. Mr. Wean said t On the sth of January the Senator from. Rentacky laid upon your table a series of seventeen. resolutions, and the Senate, in compllanoe - with Ms request, ordinid them to. bo printed. These resole- Mims' W re planedupon our desks, and they kattelaiiritierlavid . htennitini . mt:ikon Om etattiti-tiaamitoos upon the:molest ntaaleni eahnikatatn' to tax *dr powers of enchunsoa. . . Having • reasonalga degree etoonfadelma In my own powers of enduratuts, -I entered upon the task of reading them to thiptvgent and his cabinet, the majority in these chambers. the laws of Congress. the proclamation and , orders of the commander-Le-chief of oar army and navy, and of all who were clothed with the authority to administer to the Govern ment. I groped through this mass of vitu peration and accusations with mingled 'zoo. Liens of indignation and pity. In this farrago of spleen and malice, the chief magis trate end his eupportara have been arraigned andtmdennitaied. The hero. of Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Port Hudson, Chattanooga, and the fields made immortal by their endurance, and the valor of the heron who rescued Gen tacky. who rescued even the hearthstone. of that Senator from rebel desecration, are branded as subsidized armies, and the men who, at Pert Hudson, Milliken's Bend and Fort Wagner, fought with heroic valor, are ,thiginatised as negro janizaries. After hurling his accusations at the Presi dent and his eapporton in the Cabinet, and in the field, the Senator turns to the people of the loyal North and calls upon them to revolt against their war loader., to take the power Into their own hands and go into a national •onvention to terminate the war. Should the loyal people of the United State. act up to his declaration, should they be incited to molt against the President and hie constitotional advieers,and taking the power into their own hands assemble in • stational .ovention, a convention unknown to the constitution or laws, to terminate the war for the proservetien of the Union, the fields of the loyal States ' would be reddened with the blood of civil war. Ho asks the Senate of the United States, with their oaths of fidelity to the Cot:tithe Hon ree•rded, to proclaim to the American peo ple of this annonatitutional, revolutionary and treasonable doctrine, that they ought t• revolt and assume the powors that they bare delegated under the Constitution of the United States to men who bow fill the exec, the, legislative and judicial deportment, of the Government. In the 16th eeetioa he calls the bloody insurrection of the rebels a recoil, thereby showing that he knows the meaning of this word revolt, when he urged that It was ■ doty upon the loyal people of the United States. The Senator roust not trifle. He must re member that this is the Sans', of the trolled States, and not a barbecue in Kentucky. The Senators cannot tall bore to comprehend the Import end meaning of the words that are embodied is these resolutions, sod they know that theta ore tiro cords and praises of station:Chu, nod not the idle babbling of fools. Whereby the express words of his resolotious the Senator from Kentucky de clares toot the people North ought to revolt against their war leaders, and tate this great water into their own hand.. If, meat he hold to bare intended that they should rims and abjure their nikginuro :LLir auuntry ; 'net the Senator from Keutuoky moans by tho term war leaders the President and others subordinate to him in authority, and that the people should revolt ezeinst them is not and cannot he open to debate. To make good these charges of perversion of toe coneti.o. lion and laws and tho rights anti liberties of the people, and to fire the Northern heart for the revisit, rt i• farther .ler!ered in the resolu tions that the President of the United States, and the civil and military officers thereof may commit treason against any State, whose gov ernment is in the pertortnanee of its duties under the federal constitution, by levying war against it, or adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort, or re•L-tinn:, with on armed force, the exerot , en of its laws, or ad hering to truth armed force giting it aid and comfort. Mr. Wilson in the course or ilia romerks said : flow sublime a thing it would be is I this elicit, of our country for the Senate of the Suited States to rise to the heiglith of • stern and holy 'dirty, and cast oat one who hes dared to tell a loyal people to revolt and Lake to powers into their own heads. Such on act of ',caging patriotism wthid fire the loyal heart of America, silence 0.. e mutterings of rt.( awn, and nerve the arms of the heroes who are bat tling and bleeding f:r the Repo bile. Mr. Doolittle. ef wieconsia, thought It would be desirable, before coming to a vote, to bear the Senator from Kentucky. After that, he hoped the resolution would be refer red to a committee. Mr. Davis, of lfy p said he was ready on this or any other occasion to submit to the judgment of the Sonar. :t wri,, not for him to ingest what course ,board he taken. It was a grace question, but he was now pre• pared to reply to Senator Wilson. He asked for the reading of his resolutions upon which the Senator had arraigned hint, and the revs lotions were thee read. Mr. Darla said bo had not anticipated this movement. It was spring upon the Senate to his surprise. Ile, had considered his reso lutions wefl,nnd they had his definite approval. The jaundiced, narrow mind of the Senator from Massaehusetts was wholly unprepared to interpret them. Ilia heart and his mind totally disqualified him for the task. He entered hie solemn protest against the Sena, i.e. version, and asked all candid tensilde Senators to consider them for themselves. Ho denied that be had sold that the army had Men eubsidised by the President, and that the heroes of our battle fields were ma ligned. What he said that If the present executive endorses the schemes alluded to to his resolutions, these leaders in the event of the failure io reach their eonclusions, and to succeed in their ne farious and; treasonable object, would throw themselves back upon the armed power of the ' Government against the lords of the lard. He stood tip for biz resolution and .la tended to abide by its fate. lie would read the sec tion upon which the learned nod erudite nod patriotic beeator bases his indictment. Hie resolutione only proposed to in.tittito a plai• and frank invefitigation of the motthres of the administration, and intended to continue such Investigation nett! the donate expelled hint, and if 1-e senate eituuld do that be bad a higher mission its no American Senator and tree man, born under the Constitotion which he bad imbued is his tufhhoY• end eherahed lei his manhood, lie would go home to the people of his lo•ed en tire Keutneky, and rain the cry of opposi tion. tyranny, ueurpsitien and revolution, •gainst the Lsithless who have charge of th Government. We had fallen on e .I haree, e indeed. We bar a great rebellion, second, only is importance to that when Lucifer wet thrown from Heaven. W• have in this ad ministration of the Government, in all the departments, men who have sworn to support and defend the Constitution, not fee the power it confers upon lee., hot for the liberties it gives the people. Recreant to their high trust, and by :no abuse of civil and military power, they are trying to sub vert that Constitution and the proper liberty it croon, tp mho citizen, and yet any man having the andaoity to que.tion tho witdom gad constitntionality of the policy of the Ad ministration, is branded as disloyal. We have lout great men in the past. The locution of , o Government were great. A wise man and patriot, when he desired to learn their princi ples •f government, went to the noble founda tion of political knowledge. Sc-11 mon as the Senator from Mass, only perform the I:inset:See , ef muddying the foundation: ho is not Lltsd for any other wort:. nn this subject Mr. Web. star held that it was the undoubted right oi legislators to roan the 5."5s of public men. That this right woe Mil undoubted as the right of breathing or walking the earth. It is the last right that be would abandon. lie woe. d exercise it at all hasarde at an bumble dis tance, and in his fable way he intended to fol. low the great expounder of the constitution. The Senator from Massaanusetta, Mr. Wilson, .coins to have installed himself.. a tort o, overseer of this body, and ho was astonished at the dictatotial manner in which he bustled about admioisteriug rebukes In thie and the ether Moose. He has persuaded himself that he is the Government, and le particularly assured himself that he Is the Senate tittistast the jargon aad most important part of lt , --[langhter;) but I don't think there is a person to or out of the Senate who hags each • delusion' to hte breast, except himself. (Laughter.) He would read the resolution of this lea.-zied Senator—this able man who dis tinctly understand, everything in the Admin ietration and conduct of the irt: a Metier, in the field—to expel him. If the Senator had power commensurate with his purpose, it would bare been don., bat ho thanked his eters there were wiser, faster, abler and more patriotic men in the Senate and the country than the Senator from Massaolausetts. If there wet* not, God save the mart, the country 'would loon go to ruin. How long did the Senator sit under the tree , ennoble utterances of the leaders In the rebel- Son three years ago ? -At that time he, Davis, wag engaged at his evocations at home, and he occasionally referred to the debates in the Senate, and read the treasonable effusions of the band of traitors who have organized the rebellion: He road the avowal of Toombs, that he was a robot, end the world never saw a better man. This, as well-as-the audacious deolaraticn of Mason, that he owed no alle giance to the government, and others in their treasonable schemes was uttered to the"res. senae of the jest, pure, courageous and pa triotic Sumter from Mathachusette, who re mained as dumb as a fist. [Laughter.] There wasa chance for the display of the moral and physleal courage of the Sumter.. When he [Mr. Davie] read these &aerations his "blood belled in Marcia', and had he, been 'present be dared tdsay that he should not kept eilent,llko the Senator from Maunalessells, Now tho Senator has • mejorityfunwbrroked by:hundredeel thoosands of .raldiers antra- Aram who held their plias atthe will of the power at' the wthar end , of. .the-weenriei trio.' urhert.ithep , ers.ardersd to du-the bidding of that power, do it or "for iriounte, &thin . reyerisenztlial or death. .The Setuttsp, waa an all inffielent andinguaitiont(laughter) that ho did not . conitalf with stair hettietted all the gni'' , himself. He tallith& proposition foiti contention treason. He was told that the Se I Senator tented that he yea the imeauttor of Webster. -Te Gods/ what a aueensitor. (Laughter.) The Senator is afraid that Ida ',reputation rap the war. Them le-whore the &hoe pinches. He does not want the war totem.= -.lle (Sir. D.,. tin) dlinopmant the warto be !Mopped till the labels should hats submitted to the Constitu tion and the laws of the United Stales. He would not prows recreant to the tiovenuoent, but would support thou who are administer— log it, however incompetent he might deem them. The graid,purpose of the Senator was to carry on the war for the destruction of 'le i very, Cud to pervert the-watt power wodkll other powers of the Government to this end. He asked the Senator If the rehab in the Southern States were to offer to tome balk, with their rights under ilia censtissition, sate whore ltforfeits them their rights, for their ' rebellious &client would he ezree that they shoidd come Mel ? The Senator in ellent but,his heart answers the question. /here is no Senator but what knows that he la more deleted to the dosprnotion of eatery than to the vindication of the laws in the needed States. If. would 'weep away the &et. t tail en and State lawn to abolish elatery in violation of his oath - as &Senator, and yet to" hoar bite prate of loyalty, one would think there was no loyalty Io the United State' be lade. himself. Mr. Davis wild that while• he was opposed to each a wino es on abstract proposition, the majority of the State. had • right to meet together In costentien end do away - with the best government on earth. Thin political partnership cohle.ba conceited -by the eeneent of the partners. I net that the people of ail the Slaw ge into conten tion and take the, civil war into their hands and erne the bleeding toned, eC the nathm, re , nnurnating it upon the prin. rip!. of comp:masa and liberty upon nhieh Washington and his narochntr, acted. It woo the Senator', intention to place him in • Motu of wmpenslon here, lika efahoramact's coffin, betwcen learnt and path.- [Laughter.] His was in durance, and any durnaco the! Senator w cold establish net tileenough in G•d'e name. [Laughter.] Ho was for the prosecution of she tree to any honorable porno, hot would prefer that it should clone by learnable sub matelot of those in rebellion. --•• • • . Jr. book eouthaned et great length to re'- ter to the coon, of .11.11.husette in Shay's rebellion, in the scar of 1712, in the Mexican war led In her resietemae of the FEccitivo Slave net. lie referred to the Breech the of So not or from Meseachusslts during the rt, e troubles, in which the North is rolled upon to come forth and overthrow eLavepropagendists. Hie ran stronger than mine, and yet he hoe the audacity to introduce a reso:e tion to expel me for using language Ives nificant, lees enbvereive than his io thai. The neetilent State of Ilsees,ehtuotta had passed e law annulling the fugitive sieve law. oho wen covered all over rich treason in 1512, He hod rot been in ' , .14 body bet a few dais betere I received en anonym°ee letter in rela tion to the Senator, seettsing the Senator of selling a Butlerahip for one-holf the profits. I He didnet beliere it than, nor did he riga, bet the rerolat:ane mado in regard to plun der are testa/Wag that be did not knowythat to believe. Mr, Wilson replied to tho romariu of the Senator from Try. lie would, be !said, at tempt to follow tho Senate: in his rambling, Incoherent speech of throe hours, so fail of indesency, treason ■nd falsehood. lb ex plained in fell his cennection with the Std Regiment of Man. Vole., and denied in tote the merge contained in the anontnyons letter mentioned by rho Senator. The settle:ship was net given out until he had left the regi sent. Ho had spent night handrpd dollars in raising the regiment, of which he had never asked a soot. Re considered It a proper Fit. floge to have nude this smell contribhtion to his country's canto. Re believed the San ater's course would be condemned by the peo ple. Gallant and tree old Rentocky is rising with the rest of the country in sentiment. The Senator talks of the action of the itichtuetts Legislature on the Fog,iiive Slav• Act. Ile loves to linger cround the system of ("many. Massachusetts only desiredie pro tect her own citizens, and, it disputes or con flict of authority arose, to have it rijudicated In a proper tribunal. At 4::0 P. M. the Senate adjourned, witt eat any action on the resolution. FR O.V lia RR ISE 1:11G [DT TELL.I.AELE4 Spoolol Dispatch to tb• Pittaborgh Gazette_ EL.eraszrac, Jan. 13, 1214, The Ilocule Committees innonneed to-day are se follows : Mr. Bighans,Cheirman of tho Committco on Ways and Means; Mr. Olass, Chairman of the Military Committee; Mr. Slack, Chair man on Election D i stricts; Mr. Dennison, Chairmen on Passenger Railwayt; Mr. Her ron, Chalmos4 on Education. The Senate is mill locked. Thosity is fall of veteran soldiers. Two passengers were killed at Lockport lut night. The sezident was tattled by a broken rail, The Overland R onto to the Paclfie. Wynalrovox. Jan. 11.—The report of CapL Crawford of his opouttions in conducting an expedition for the prot.t.ion of emigrants overland to the Facile States •and territories, says the settlements have extended en tar pp Snake river as the Rocky Mountains that the journey between the eastern and western set tlements is mater:ally shortened, end the re cent eatabllshr..ent of military pn-s and camp, leaves but comparatively short dis tances for emigrants to travel unprotected. There was only tie instance of molee•ation by Indians lost year. From personal observe- WWI) of the miners in the tributaries cr tio Bahia river, Capt. Crawford LI uniedtel they are fully equal M richneas to any ever dis,v e,,d in California, and he has no doubt that by next Tone there will be within Coe limit. of Idaho territory a population of 10,1:1,0 ---- --- Operations of the 'Sanitary Conlini.lon at Cairo. Csmo, Jan. 13.—Over thirty hundred refu gees from welter's pests of the South, missed through Cairo tines July last. Three thou.- and of whom have received pecuniary aid from the United States Sanitary Agent here. Six thousand dolts-us have been thus applied from the fonds specially conttibutei by the people for that purpose. Parsees wishing to contribute to title noble charity, can address N. C. Shipman; United States Smeltery Agent, Cairo, Illinois. Near one hundred desert," and straglers ware forwarded to their regiments to-Jay by the Provost Marshal. Arrival of Cumuli! at New York. Nnw roar., Jan. 13.—Anived the shire Clime from New Orleans, and Humboldt from ilomharg, Evening Stu, from New Orleaee, Parana from Montevideo, bark Cluckauf from Rio Janeiro ' brigs W. M. bodge hum Fern arubuao, Maine from Eamon, T. J. King from St. Martino, and Heerlen% from Bermu da. Condition of the Men hi Park Barracks. New Tole, Jan.inveatigatien in to the condition of the Perk Ilarreeks, chewed that slaty man wer e quartered therer They are all in the meat toretchod - condition and covered with filth end vermin.. the Mayor will urge on the action relative thereto, in the Common Comma. Blockade Acumen at Bermuda. in Yove, Jan. 13 :—Itenanda dates to the 29th nit state that the steamers 'Flbra; Co quette, Bander, and another, were waiting to ran the Waldo. A schooner arrived at Et. Georgo's on tho 28th, from Wilmington, 'with a cargo of turpentine. and tobacoo. • Palutlngs oft4.Dlkttles ofCtackainag, smid"Cliattanoogn. Lo:fs►ttam, Jan. 12.-4amee Welker of New 7ork, the celebrated military pain tor, loft for Chatteimixia today, to make prelini- Wiry sketches for paintings of battles at Chick: &moats and Chattanooga. The Kanevp Leglsl,2tare. Laotanwears, Jan. I.l.—TheKiminz Leg islature organized yeeterdey by at -election of entt•Lane candidates for the Speaker. and Clerk of the ]tone, anti &crater" of the Senate. B.rie . c44z rranricEs. E...?..7OEairCOOILEt&N., &BRO Maxi a,,,tur,,rs 1202 t luinal-0, pox, WAVVIII AND,y4or Onts, ro l iovr aim iSßX,lngtovi- Az., "x«, mom) and iss Trail) D ILEET, 6t. Raid an& Z 640. Ann.. baud of now hounnwawn7 and lioinoro4bbrlnt- all tarpons. " " Portim attention paid to eneywh% Gem lota. Jobbtondoso *Johan Data. - Of) ORANGEST 7 ' — ' —, ixamts , jest► ! .l;a k tred Ana Ibr • ''••••• jar • trk ititn4l.99 %rood Welt: _ . .114010T}LY B=l.-100 trtuthels prime Ttatothy Iced bsod;stul kr sal. " 4 IBAUJI 11/C7l.rf YLEZ:LI%)II-: .choitt-:,Urtert epos fautei cart .-, iap. ogrf . , ..,~. vc :+ Neman awiratilVarl4.larbli4 4.11 P sm.r. plptalga ot Ora% bik et ago pbelts, disizets an. Nabs turgid 11.4111. dm. JO— Lame to U' Coy Ida NMI try Wanted PLAIPTATIoN Whlcb aser Dew recoarsissaind ey 4.101010 areal anthartttes, and warranied Oa Vaal*li 111111114121 lesnaldal .troot nay m airessidttiely ltdinatbe pabetly pare, ea ett=l sigarreed• all lab leek when a hatlny, stratiststinitlant L malted, Thr7 P bits, time:lan and Intigtbida, , • They baba • hisithis ippstita. Thiry are as &miaow to diiiiro or wifit tag et& nay areacatpa eCaiga elltutpatioaand labs MGM They atssitsthen lb. gab= andbiltras Cis Mid, {asset asimastallo.il I ess.el walla *am nag pasty lb. !math sad acidltralais atatsialiu. nay can Dyspepsia tad Genattpidbut" The; can burins, Chebtra sad Chaim Mai* The ? can Lssar Gamprufat and Thop war.. irt•ort stell are es , tessieel nottro . • Oast. Aagr estapeeed of the eabibential Ca.Y4„.7li, *f_ green, sassafras, root. owl I:torts...a p. 17 Cruit Itant. Par b.w.. r. aft, tlrcdan na , l tr.stto,otict. around Boert.ro of iseiatars. Exassiaa arh assay bolat BM - • that it km D. ff. ram.' oir-ottfo ow! B. 2tatop agar be ebb, odth oar firm sitplattro 'on a ilne steal pi . one Sidgrred* ode Labe. - rue that am Is eat . tn sr-floc4 and Maori°u p .- x L. testa the t..n or clutri.cior of gpr_tpprj.. ;5 17 .. 5t5 7 5. 441 .5 m .. 41 Piesadlitilltttati eT tbr' pls.a or o bon s io on traBagate46 b . ow log rattin bona,. Art pgatii" taltiiitr4 etis, te;ttie, or minas any other =bald' Dissiblutathis alb: Plantation Haws er .or, is-dtirbotiskeindir tha Law, sad sill be iiiiitaiiatteaft 881 Lie •-: arab, bin enr be en bee bottles, Am, sibs will • seemed itt wittlattbatestams • Wu dam quarters. Tao demand. Sat .Laake's Mate . • taalea Bittern frost Lattit44..olorgrossi:foloolaitii In, la parlScily tarred: bit, • Tha otT.PlClaialeit.te. • Ontilo tha asides*. sea vssecirat their swards saparitrity. nay aro !slab/ all:tearssatibla tags 2V`f•ra• I'DlWataiC/ft.tr.b; 114=diatti , sad - coantl7 atom, =7 . 6m-xuvgT DRAHB'B pzzriirTYl4 Mitt , . , TIME, :•.,c Irla.Socle sad rasa. • - • susoN JOAN WrtiN, wrmr • 6.aitaaa3.id,rmr..roirmak. • Dr. 1. e. cal! rylistaa !.036dy orgaza of ei.crakm. It t. rhykichat rho*. lift .11 ih;i4111t111:4114 Of Olt, CUM et dieee.ea, and Neittkiiiitilm;;:t • co-a, !v. - man Mau twenty pan. requislug no 141,11cruz. 444r..51**10*.11!: trent tlumistakert pructiee Ines ccsaputo,ls caned to the ptarli4 "•Xt:iii*HtW -csistde eat! perfectly safe. IL icte d Imparts etreerls and 'lgor a 0114besset • Clsoozoo.—Sho groat soma. of (..Sl3 r . isoostr..to frt. baby irrecoszont cm - es do lod to.lts . bel:Oglaka.jo4 b 7 onpriociplod Ems. Oboorre, thoi:e.tat the avatar., of the proprietet b aresod4lcliook-lfeii other is gumbo.. Pawed oat! tq - WE P. DAVOSON, 1541 * Pnliztotoi. eiticlitaildo Soli by all DrauLlia. Price, S. per ear Parma.. at whole :di by GEO. 11. MMta 110 Treed aim-r. JelY:lyafiarr • HOTIOII. : : :1833. TOME CMZEIS PII7SBUR6iA6VICINITT. o.dat'aittml trtvid ratipootfety:aalt attrotion to the prepanthm Iraoma as rrourfamvs CrIiTTIMS/VGGlialOTOntut Ter all Throat and Lung Camp HTITNENTILL'S TOLII A.NODY3N.. The great Tetral g ie, Ithoackaalo, needed*, Tooh ache, L.. at Sleep awl General Ferrous Remedy. Ales for the Paine la Alonthu t Ilenettandltrai a pia , hut relief. MICSNEWELL'S ICLZOTIO PILL/ , The moot perfect form of CathartSo .ter grorryaade which never rriaire more than ne ilia mi. dem bat me for . don, an errant tae leeergriplag, and cam Indigestion, iTotperalta Eribahats, Lira ComplalaM Prim, Worn; and aLL dernegnerne • stomach or bonle. Th.; aSsis of Inzslutalousdatterill• . • • t osla New Salsas casithiessea‘ need h 3.„ great s - atitsit of itgaisiasklina at prises withal mach of 24 cps ir:rtby tbeattossles of loorolOto, who will Sad them. strict 01.31*, to . nature is medians Without regarlioC ibe cadr .. meths.! of sob:ulna of sthertillsg, Cased IA co vhich sill ba saversL . ..t••• /VEIN L. /ICXSYVaLIy rsoprielor. • traetkaletest:as /Lst,it. Ems; r, t 7 at rho/teals and retail d•silets. Ito rroatal fr.0h7.0 carillpOliareCl aenciy-a, ea!: ra of gaol isStesses askyStil Cl viammaitates:' For lquabarsta at retail by J. X. loltem.. O. lie eye, It D., :seep!: L sznig: la 4LI/Isokr -• Cao Joyooo BOMOII; Ti ,B. J esass as. ass. s. /, a. FatorßATOtai *as. a-les•sne4awl, Woolosal, vita, I' Ittabin- - V?"1E SUPERICS, COPPER !JILL ot sszvrtaoverasio r.inc, Zit CVitin: 4, lfa:u.o'aren of ail c.a./amok, BUT' aro $1,12 CUPPED, IT,WED corral!: atoms* /AIME/Mt Borrow. OPAtTIIIISOI4= AI., tapering and &atm to .1111:ATIVI:IN bklEiT Ito:4 max, Le. dAist4tral - hand, TINICZILS IiACBIdTS ArD=DM, ; Irsreteuss, N 4.10 nun L 11. =cop, Oas, • Pntiberea, Pa. Epttlat °Mery of Conoo cud to say 4 / 1 1141144:4"' tem. TO NERVOUS SUPRIMEALSVE.:' DOTII risme jplttiki . tog Lota mama.' to health la a P.W dergolag all tha routtomi •Ite molt e etc atmont, itorenoitti !at estn-d duty to ..tran , ...l:atte to la ercoaano tho tootax of aura. AdJrai.ed cmolore; premlp ixt,el. • MAT. I. 4=l DMINALLL, ID6 ral4lll midi :1•4•1•T ra;;;;====v I.w.bEOBIN3ON, ft&A, - 6£1:14' , (113; ! . Boanatar, 2tvn it nizzat,):lT,tsBl23 • TON trcrn.%l, Toms= altsmliumPitta Knontu,t.. - i.,ra or BOAT AND STATIBMT sTrAm Exam - z 9; mAciu.srar.Y. srtalincri'4asz!- 1N(7.5..N.0 ,Nrcept4... ; on, Ts.-E11...F04,14' rsorr,ra AND MUST IKON *dim. .1.-- At for GLFFARD'S - I'ATSITZ FOR FREDISO BOILE91$: 11113 CONFESSIONS gm xx .• , ?Lamas ormi zatviiikpal4* kt the imnallt sad *a • i - a..711ag amicuttkii minrwho &afar fres Np 7 opk: ll44, lll4,.bi , it*cni Davy of Eanbo,d, ste., . 1 1 , D1741. al ill's loccisAiiii• Oa maw tfers" ma.' 87r , .4“.1r!kt tk*.k . t m e After haM: pat '• asst . 44 4.4. 64 1 4 4 ±7 0 1 A0 1 medial hmacaz mut vac -tin. • • • By an:timing put -pal adhatieficit"i4l;giiii' oppipa may be had otths NA.lll=Xli 11/i11.414.11g& thy:l:ly4mrT Bediord,Xthii atiii7.-N T. . • TO CONSITIOTIM"TheRa . E. A. Wll,l3os . E.fraudi for-Abs: earl o: cossettprioN, aszniu,tinalicAmpxous togratis..nd.at itaccif aid X. Atimilow to! joi.rw[en pamDbloi Chili Oil' KNetiPOILAVA abort - lbAdAry aka ettly . 411 lAkobtAlsest JO2ICP2; YLI4MO, lhagTAti. ComertiztAt Agtrisi AAA ttaDisistml.' tIERS '7.83-10VIIMS . , cer,.... rci4k of sa car:tbs Joh:..* Zen ! c laggq ► ,1 4 . !.- cohort, by mg or otborydato MOMS, Kircafteteerieed Oglei; doilYlso lb Rolden loao,-Nor Yak Onto ' " • N. ROUSES It 802184 lirozziux - Asp po*stra:rikiopr ascimwor, • - cmciTiicemi 4, Noise: Also 0.7,4_NA aar °audio.. ilUD'ack--04-...ptitko mesunt the itittrgair rVgivlzt. `cofitutaos- , ,m 4 C at. sae I n deo , Pi*• • "Duni. . _ -.5 ,--- .;,-- R• 1 1. De 4 ILL ; IOO. SOlPro Arn.S. ~:~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers