.7.:A47 , 2• 7,7 ';., sIT: .t. GROCERITS,rnonUCE , N 76 L (Sucncesor to McClelland d Da , is,) GESIIIILL COIIItiLSSICIN 31..StibLIANT Lti lour, Grain and PrOvisions tal !Viva glaea in the rarrhose awl ealo 01 8 1.1UDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM. So. 27 WOOD STIIIIDT, Atubwab:r. 0 - 'c ARLES lIADSLEY, ir'''Produce and Commission Merchant. VERCIIAITDISE BROSTE, kaki dodo . in all kindsof COITSIST PILOPLICY. y 0.1751 UREETY STRNEZ . . `111103.1t 1.0-1,,PCT00.1. r•. VIINCAN • /•.l. •RU, LI, (of the late fine of I). 44 P. ICDociald Plt tattlie;ll. d Ohio.) XrDONALD AIt33UVICLES, Whole :U.l We Grooms, Frain. ...a Conon liefon Mer iObbern faWETLY., N. 0. GAR6I loui MO LASSES, REE.LREP aiIiGARS t SYRUPS, F Lt;UR, NAOON. TOPICCO, TAS, RICE, CUM:SE, ltta- Maks, Ad+..Rao. SU anti E SI.I Liberty ttroet, needy SEERIVER k LAZEAIi, Wbotiosolo OGOCSI34 AND COMMISSION X KIICIIANII3, soy. !T andSEMILI74.I4I car. Second, tuuirll...lolll7ll7' " 11.31. LIA 11.1 C N AACKEOW Lk. usuART, Loua 131 ...xi, CUR FAUTo6.l,'Vagnscs slum Commission Ilagiuorts.lor Um as:* aGrain, I`.ni,, 11 1. 1.414;. 130tur Eggs, Mem, Essas, Taltes, Grease, realbers, ter , Vol mud I,•sarl , Lltused and La;S Vas, Drk& and Gre.. simMt4s.'4limntby, Clorsr, Flat and Groor Scvals. CAgy ads...silents moots nn Cnnalgnmnnts. apy.l7 No. VI Isllnitty strnnt. rmsbnrmh. W CY, II IrtiOLESALE OBOCI3II, So. STI LIBERTY STIIENT, Citt.glatrigh tinri , kg parchnsoi ch. lut.rrest his late partnere, Wall , :dalleve Ato bediloto a tiro ald ztand, end will b 4/ pleued to rewire Don patrottap• old fn./. 4,1 and vßstorner.. rny tt VV.EBB o_ Ma 12014 SI SSios BILB.cm,/,.. dcal/q. in NESTERS RESERVE CIIEESE, FRUITS, BUTTED., EGG 4, GRAINS. and pr,..113/1/ gro,/.117. LEATHER, I.IIDAS, OILS, Id., Sao. Ltb.rty .toot, Adrantemialta made. Alo,/./Igr.enents so-- Claw& 112-,na VAL I'. ISECI( CO., No I:=s T erty Street, Plttsbnr7..h, Whole:We. Gr. , - at m, Gomosi.loa Merchants, and &alert ta COCA TAY PRODI'GA, PIIOVISIoN/;. 1.0.1 C/ /N. LAUD, RIMER, EGGS, CHEESE, BARI, PROI/IIP F. F1,01:14, GLOATS, SEEDS, GREEN AND 1111111 FREITS, 1r.., SALT ./I 1/111E. /YD. N FI ELII, toMBII , ,ION PCP ForAßot/Dan And v//..//1/./ , 11/ .100101 in BARSTEFIN RESERVE Ell F. E , E, 111 1"r Fii. i. 114.. POIIA. BACON, FLOUR., Pll.ll, I't.'l AS It PEA 111. AIM FS. SALEIBATI'S, LI NAKF.I/ ASO LA OILS, 1/RIED ,FAVIT, sad Pro/Ince g/.//erully, 14.1 .ad 111 Trent strp.t, PitteldaßL. lATTLIIL, Pt TitnaL,Z. LITTLE TRIM BLE hoicAaio La ears and Conintlsainn IP4rlrant , dealer; In PRODUCE, PLOUR, BACON, CLIEESN, VISII CARBON AND LARD OM. IRON, NA MS, (iL ASS COTTON TARNS, and POol.urgh roanurnconre generally. 111. and 114 Second street, Pittsnaralt. pIIEY M ER. S; BROTH E ( (, 5231. ,. /. ; to Aralrrann,) Dralrr• POIiZION FuVITS, NUTS ANO,YICEN, t FECTIONSILY, FCCARS, Vlllll IVoRNS, Ita and la Bru-Al rtrert, aLore 'NOLA, jy_t3.ly . _ . rrllla AO 61 . 1“..V. CULP tc 1111E1'11A 11. D. l'oultiesuu , Menoncrm arid dicers in riot: n. GIIAIN, LID PIZMAIO . ..In. 1113 Litiorty ,street. Pittsburgh. j . , r3b6166 rands a !leer for Banton and F 0.1,1 1 -117 Y.` no on baud P•rtlcular attention pool to tilling n ert L, Hen-haw:lu vn , ..11 , ~ : , - ..alr . .. _ - (11.1.9: 4 LES U. .L, II: F.C.11, P . i.oun A:::, , V-Grain racoon •sn 0,3111.2 t, M r nrll \NT il, the sale of GR3116, 6r.liiiti. (lf EC...if.. 1'.,111 -, 'F.. bra -and writ for de tobibramil I za•mt. , m, . F. filfLIPII.110•. 116 &mond of 4,' , r trot sirr.its, bii men \rood and Sm , ithfield, I•ltt;bnh. 0!..3 DRArt.III:VAN 1.;4' litI)1111:, Produce end 1 Commission Iferchsot, Utak, In FLOCII., r.u-T. TES, BriioollB, SEEDS, LA.lllr, CIIEF- 6 E, ?OM:, DRIED . L 161) GESItiN VRIIIT6, and pruilum gvner. itliy. Libirral rash advances on romignmonm. Witruhouss. No , 116 Stroud strmt, Pittsburgh. {WAIL i • j_TEAD MET/AJAR., Grocers and 1111 Ckratuatulonllorottonto, and demon in wl k Jinni of Country Proilnu No. 249 Litorty mote, oppoulto hrtA of Won.Ein root, Pittaliargb. ..... (IEO. B. JONES kr SoN, Wrh o lesole croecni Bowl FUlliPbets. , 1..•:,-r+INA, )ILLA LOPE, I'i]Lll. and Pitt, burgh trionufuttina I N., in WI., .'t, !in,r• Illouotikobolo Pitiohorgh. 101•ZZI ... Tit4OBEE.T DALZBLI , S CO., AVliole rialo.Greeiso, cOMMUSiOUItOd Forwarding no ioisoh., awl dealers in Mauro nod Pittsburgh room. wilictetreo, Liberty orroot, Pittsburgh. ALEAOCCommission MerehiNi. Wu. butler in 11.01.7 It ono G N v‘,.. struot, °ppm.° Pentasyltartin It. N. Atilii=glr Up.; Pittsburgh, Pl. Storage Wurt "liliii.Orrier Wenn and Poriu 0.n.0.. • norly tritunAll & 6CST ..... •. BERT, SHITTONCO., Whole- L !ado Grocer, and Prothion Dealcre, to. G Sixth Omit, Pltitubungh. . joie . • WATT & WILSOFC, Mn.C.,mtutosion hloychnots, ocot altre Prodtice 61:11i ritl3blll7.ll Ill.ufactornt, No. Lib erty etrvet. Pittaborgts• ju2.5 ie.ctior.t. ....... 11 . 1 S I).SAY Witoksale .I.,land GROCEILS. WWI; 1,2 D ratiDUCT LEALILILS, IST Liberty etrevt, • sca;ssAann QCHOMAIiEtt-c LANG, CONIHIXNIIi. iiinarlun•ts and *bolt—alt. 1/OTIOIII in GIV, CURIES— FLOC 11, GUAM, PLIODUt:F., •t 4., No. ::•2.9 Liberty street, riP•nt..rgi, re•lnnily _ . a. S. tawry,. -101111 T S. LIGCET.O &CO , CITYFLOUR .) • INQ KILLS, corner LiLert, and Ads.. seeenta,•Pittaburgb,-Pn. - • Capaclty.4oo Salmis per day. an , TAMES DAtzELL.A.- buN; of-1,41tD lind Cornmlntion .Eler ..bnnttfar the pnrcbaan sad sate of CSIIIOK Alit YrritOLIWIT; Nos. 112 and 70 Water ifflanat; FM4E:myth Ada... male os (.0.11;IIIIVTIta. lance...rater ..... - ..... -near 1L1M1L1,111.411 , • I Knlacr ItiCK & .BROTH suel Er • asps». n h tilirkreo rl• ky. IiOL E SALE GRACEIL. Nos. VA sod 1 . 4 Lli.ert7 Stn-. Plidiburgh. • WI • LLLIIJI p DAVI. DI °ANNA., MA. (0/71'Sj ' I Spoctal Partner, I REINS & COFFI N, Emcee-son , - 10 . ' Weandlnws, Means Cp.. ITU OLESALI7, ClUeOZEJkoarnar of IV...KA Aud accents. !WOOL - ' • • ' 1y3,1y BEaS WA HEHOUSK —HENItYI SLCOLLIIIS, Forward ny and Comm , wdon 11,4 aunt la ellEggE, !SUTTER.. LAKE and Prnancenornendly, Yo. 2 Wood str , d; nlacren Water, Fittsbnrajs. my?. HOLLAND RI DM. gocceesor to Jmi McGill a 800 Na. la 3 111rort1 , IVe" Tr , 2124 CON 11N ttNT g m.to. o - i folly scathe& teo:t y JLCommission Merchant., and &Mta e Id: ~,,Rattace, ttaa4o Water street and 65 F o roat shoat, c.o. W. oiCiroarncdtvorrri: 13. DILWORTH te CO., Whoi eß .d J Groem, No.. 130 and 1:7- Send nftsa. Nt.bergb. nnl J 0 FLOYD ec CO., WhniegaiA am. u Cara and Commission Merchants. Km. 172 WO4 and 22 Liberty attest, Pittsburgh. Plfi WELL; (successor J to Jame Itolmes G C 0.,) PORIE PACKER .n 4 " 4 " baBOYMOAds Corner of Karka .01 Frrai ithsets,Pitiatrugh. J. TOWNSEND,(surcermor to Jack; UN — bine& Tormonal,)POßV PACKET: acd deal, PROVISIOI79, No. I 2 Fourth .tr00t..“. 141,- — erty, Pittithmcb. na? T - ; VOIGt dc, CO., succceitsorg to Si. 0: Gee; PRODUCE AND C031.111361011' -111111LCHAV11, 4 217 Minty arr.% Pittstamb. 41.-=ic Maces. JOHN HOWE k CO., Wholesale GROCERS AND WM MISSION MERCHANTS, Rheasand Water stmts. Pltt.bunzh. t:=l= ,p ---- Faimrk CO., Commission U .---- .ll6mtamts, and deem PRODOCE, /LOUR, 1 0 MMON:' WOOL, ORAN, itt., No. :a Sminea.al Omsk Mame.. myMiy WWARD HtAZELTON, Wholesale' ewers AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Meg Oerner of the Diamond, No. 11, Mittabcrgh. "-labllayst BAGALEY , Wholesale Grocer, Nos. Di .4 20 Wood .trop, JOAO A: ITEDER'KING, Wholesale Gro ss. aa.liMrt.rue Bop& ASR. No. VS Liberty Otooot.Pittotortes. mho WVIAEILTON COSOCESS 'AND COMMISSION 2111.114EANT13, 101 V i.od great.; Plttabargb. --: IT; • W' 4 4/...L.:P.APE 1 1 1 . 8, P. - 11ARFOIEW , ' Nay la, "WALL • .-n 11 4 ros; D to.. noViltlihulAh )4 THE DAILY .11.1-rUIn4CTURERS, Of c CADMAN & CRAWFORD, Ltan. of every vorloty of 6010h04 BRASS WORE. FOR PLUMBERS STEAM OR GAS FITTEIPPEtS, bIACIIINISTS, AND CORSMITHS. BRASS CASTINGS, of aft drecrlptlot., made to order. STEAMBOAT WORE, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, and REPAIRING, promptly atlyndtai to. Sattigular attention paid to fitting ap REFINE RIES FOR COAL AND CARBON OILS. AlOO, Sole Agents for the Western District of Penn. otranin for the sal. of 212,11.5.11, LAUSDELL A • " singl. repine 00.'S PATENT firrnox PUMP, lb. beet ever fn . , retard. Haring no settee it ls Dot llobla to set ant : Bi.nrrmef a 1.., per 7 of order, end vrill threw more antes than fury }amp . chiles of to 10, " 1 1 10. es tv in Its sine, Apia • ° sham of II or mere I SA, w. I. “."'""'" arn. en* mita to the party *ending dna. For • ifAiN CITY WORKS. . club of Afteen, at Will and lb. Brsarnee akiarfa doily. Ter • Glob of twenty, we will wens the SI AC ILISITOSIIs HEEIPELLIJ... & Op., daily. air All sulaeriptiene Oooif. in edemas, and paper* alwitya stopped eLem lb. time expires._ royal:mils AND MACHINISTS. Coreer of Pike and and . . Pike and Walnut Streets, 'iLSKlist.C.l" Do attempt is tondo CO correct the leirrtaLereenta of the Nor York MI-old, (Nmv City Water W.rka.) .. . for on itttle impormucc is attached to it, by Manufacturers of atatanary red AU., If NGTlttn, ' w 0 it i nterned people, that they lours its P.OLLLNG MILL Olin Min and ALAGLIIIiiitY, of all lands, and gri,ral Jobbers. ' realer, to find out the troth , if they desire to Prompt attention givou to repelling TdiLLING i PII. . MTLL MACH INKIIN. a o n : ,,, :it C lt, lillell And how they please, and just _ 'at their own le inure or at the pleasure of their JOHN II ALL & CO., . a Vry unreliable inftentOr. Occasionally, VALLEY FORGE PLOW WOXICS, however, when it misstates a matter of great j importance, mane notice must to taken of it. j PITT9IILMOR, TA.. A , tiordingly we End Orel a Waehingteti eery... 1 Mannfarterers and leases to ell the different kiwis ~.„,0 4 ,,,, o f the Trii.tue corrects a i Lament 1 e( Pl.iiM S. PLOW CACTINGS, SCOOTS, Ill'T. ' ' ' TING BOXES. It., With really lecremed feeill. wade in Toes day's /b.rio/d, under the heed ti... fer dome . bealeass, we earnestly Writs dealcrs to , o r ~..0 „ ,,1 i „ fir ,,, t .., n .,„, , ...., fon „„, give ea e call. Manufactory, Ttiaperetwerllle. Marrhettw, (teeth. alley and Liberty St.. PitteL'gh. " That an agreement to., hoer, entered intro La • JOIIN MALL, ' I w -en the National Banks and Secretor Chan T. J HALL. , allowing Lim to retain :10,004,000 of the notes STEPHEN Wflopp, oc7.,fire J An. J. BROW N. ' issued to them, they to entire instead fire. twenty bonds, or, no The finold makes it out, BLACK DIAMOND ST EEL WORKS, . ei loan of :hat amount 1:1'2 per net., il? entire ,ly without foundation in fart. Thectatement that any additional hone of legal tender notes will he aoked for or authorised is also incur - P PITIES PA. PAIL BROTHER ez CO., n n•lit lin TEn YOU A sistST sNT 9tE61410115. 1 Of 130 candidatet for appointment as At• Thu tkuration of Exchanging Prisoners. rremnt Surgeons I n tied Suttee Vela:avert, ,4 1 11 . 1n i Flee and Belaimni of all 417,4 Yl'AI -7 . 111.4 —The Rebels. to be Brought to Terms. 'examined before the .t rm s y Medical Board pow equal 1../ ally Izor.rt.d or mattutut urea In thii, roue- The A Wn•Lin..ton rorreatoundent of the N.' "' ...G.. oil "Warhingten, during 1,953 , .. v .. - 3 is . ETC Were ref unneeded for each app. nt- 11-..."'''''' r." ''''"""'.. '"'""""1 Vi" V. .14" '" " 'l'."' fully a.h P f " l:y °1 /1 " M., lot tho la tier number about 1 we„ty mot lA. mod 1.10, eEco ND ell( EETh, Ilittebtagb. fell lid remelt of thn utheeure, prop.: 0., be taken 1 hp, e heenxeduotfo.l . t.: be foil e s , trg t e e con v, :. , t ,: 0 . : ea W Il i:l i t:L i rO k re i nn i3 d i h ' l, -C irt i i l i r i l l i! ' . I, t ' ti t- A l e - i. l ;o f t i t: ;'.."'l by.,,Genterat,llA.Theic, rme ~ri a n i no :deu r ‘ ,l no „.l ,l r . i l, i gg : lo l ei . . t g l ,„ tisrtl; , e ,, ......... „ . 1 , 5 , 1 ,..„,":, " , . "..rib p ,... 1 . . , ` ,,,, . , 9 0f ,„"" 1 0„.,, , ~,,,,, STREET, 0,0. V, 2.2. 24 end an Ilit.irta oommi a a meats, tweh 0 a ere anettueetsful, only ono of Hy,. ye, d and furambed it with tht me, improved prieo net., tie aOl our . 1 ". r' , lrett°' lo , leill lo h.' , tint number hes ok g bean full surgeon, and he Ir7i "" or . Pr' P0r ..1 1 . neel . " l. " l. ' ^ `II') di-pat elle • yeelottley. Be q.t. the Wil•h• sae 3010133. itl.am tote. of BOILER in the be., 0101 30. and . ' 33.1-13.31100 nivinl to 003 med. In the roar" , legion di: on Ili i euhject from Wolin.. TIT; or.. I, .. 'l4 or , 1.. Hero," iIO T r. Ult.. , IP. ~ DIM> E ES, ORD MEN, El RE It El t., eFA CM t . , , , A ere tiler calling attention to deo inreoh• PIPM.s. 1.30 - ..OIoTIVE not LP it, e „,t, to i.s.L a yit s , ' IIY ' ~....,' • t...A. LT 1.. a NS. TONE, ml I. STILLS. AtitT 1 THIS. 'the t h iomoot of ~ en. Butlers hove hro a ova.-11 . '" .. •" '../C .l.a '.9. the .'"I""9I.,"3..C"Inr ,:itITTLINO P ANN, ROI I. hlt I Kith I:tai Dunn. ~,,,i,,,,,b th a n hm yet bren tteod. and rc• lir'co . 1 .• ilaruinond, nod 111.1 monsequently I 0- 0 ,........ " 9 " 9 " PANS."... ""'' ..'".. . ii.l ' 1-1 ' " I ` N-- i i ,•, ~ ••. i • .,r il .. ~,,,,, ~,,,,,. twins , 1.1....1ic0l 11p.31 tours of inept MI.A.. he I. t.i rep. •il t • non.. .I t hem. •., • I DILI, 3 tIATENT BOLLER, tlmm., ii, thee .., " . I L .r. peal,,- 1 t tio 3 3 30 Lrot 330,3 ~,,,, ,/ 1.3300, Ibfe o-,03... a., ..;ant 3,o3: • 333,3, • 0 30,,,i 01.11‘331 toe ilie .! It.y ot the M ....heal I.: iti...au, Le .1., ni,r .nr..i. •io •Itl , ~ iy,, ri. .•. ... ,•,,,,,,,, ~ r, ,1,,, „,.., , r ‘„. r , „.,,.. speet• r tient," • en.; otetl and ;tel. ine; •li.. ' Di( ii.in ii r0•....t. ets L•., c .1, r , • , 1.. ~(,rat!, ~,,, 11-ihrr, N:' , ; •\ Al's t) Me, 1 ' Ns IV` ''' l '' ' 6kj o ' o "I :;,;!o w a r o . ,•;• ' ;,po 'r :,,I• .1:... , 11 Bo ' tfrr 'poi on :nal proceeding , be taker. that the rt al ..1 • ; lie ga Ile e t .• ' I . r •• I• w,il I, t , n ,,. n , t h e , ~,,,,,,,t 0 ,„„, r . t „,.,...,,, ~it t . ,h, fa..to may 10: rocenniued, - A• the( he he rest. ien pal. no t.slit rap_, oho p r ....,d,„, h ., , „,„„ htge „,„ e „, , ter , i t.t , st e le ,abed in hi• trifiee. was to any comae, 1 COl. I, / .I.F. S & WRIGHT , ,-, ,• , ,l l ••, • • Congress. The consular beer + the names nt -• Ice t., 3111.1. .3 111..criitoon. I. n, ion., a ndOir i O i l. rnennin In Orin Ne•-tosi.) endorsement of hie proposed u ouree, r hot I r0• ,, 1.. 11,[ I s.d. rr.fr """ P"'" ' A g3.'7 11111 p .IsOrr gi.sn boo to met.ry the same into ' and "''`, ', i ‘ n ,, -- ,. r ' 1 5„ . . 9 % . ,"."' ,"-,,',, L'alsooraPettoa of L'AeT,,it 14.331 EA, MI (De. Crys. rife., Trent ell the re het ps..onert, abort. "'" "II . I9 .".''• '''''''. '''''`." I LAI:LE:3, .d a an... verb ty of EiIIITANN'A :tr tom i n hut: her, a m to be trar..asittra in hi, %, ~,,,, u“.r,r, ,1 Criveresty of New s osk lertieleo AI,. DA RBIS OIL LAMP REIZNEIIS .. • .. I . , , . ._. ~ . _ hh ~,,, .„ It • .1 M yeon Warren, 11. ury 1.. itmotl.l,ls, Hod LAM t• ISltAnnEb ,naur•lly, N.: 1..n 1 Moo. .Depart I ~-,, Ant. s ....•' .rY x. r . . ..., ~,,,,,,,, 1. „ . .1 ee.,,, Ar... 1,,,,,... pra,.,, , ,.. , street Pomburch. oon propos anu ..got:nate a 'bent, hare liees (' s. i 1 k LLEN M t.:O.:NtICK ‘,... Co , %..,,,, A , dater... lien 1'..5...0 . , •ote. 1 on .r• st s th e gL.L3. 1 ( L S,. 5'01.31/113,1.1,3103,/.11,1% L 12, .42 1,11.-ao Planter Olt 1110 Negro M x, a-oh. to, , .il I.IRE ET r ternorr, nt....!, .1.0 -et . • 1,...t't root( •••. and 1 bleu ceut,liota. Mx, ^fanfare., or 0..1.1. 1•0111.00 AND7I r AT- .n 0 0 1.. I 1.. . i ,1,, Instil 1 , 131111, EV ha. , p.,; s•r,,yl.:e. PAUL , .IL AN lt KITCIIEN GILA , EN, vol./it, e ettun . . ~, • thoni to iii ery 0 •••• , A i oro orre.p..ndrot npleS , 1 , 1 , Ci 1,1,,1.i,,,,,,+,,,,A,1ty.nt,.1.1 ~i,tz1,,,nn,,..1.1.,,,11,110.11,0_iir1i,,Tan,,,e,,,n1r... , 1.„ ~.. ~, ~. , r„.y ~ ~...1 ~,..1, ,„,,.,,, ~ .., h,,,, ~,,,.,,, , ~.:. , A ~. ~," . 1.,...,,..1.".. 1,,.,,,,,,,;.,...,,,,,.,.11,..h.:7: ,i ,. 0.,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,., Olen 1 1 Ipkr, Snot Iton, Dog In.^ Wayne n 0,...,. Nn. 11. I I eotaninnios. t. a .i, a.a .... n. . the . ~,n it . . ~ • hen , ~,r , en ~. ~ . , gar Kettles, PullerelletiaresolerWheele. on n oi,olt ..,, t 1,,. t h e ~,,,,,.. 11..: ; urps.re of go tteng arum to totalp li• ..., and t'aetinge generally. Alan. Jobbing P.. 1 Machine --s• - • ,. . -- - i 3 ad., that they might defend I:tented, .`" l ' il " lr * made ' ott'r . r''''"d ""I'L. 41'11 ' Cherie:elan—The 4:01.111tImst 01 the I. a„..inet glom WA, Ile cattle 03311113/d to :31 , 3 .3 3:3633 or House Power. .pl4+-nod —Tr. be Ili n I p It Tat en. Madrid, and reports tem country ill nolOn 10.1 . The New York Tr40,,,0r publohc , an .- 'lsl.' ewe', ooa that the sober e'l'se t tor 14.1, 33 that the strungeet side, Phi est.. r e e 1i.,,i, 0ne y, t ,,,,, , ~, Cs, FIRST AND LIBERTY STS., PlltolAtrgb, thentic rebel letter, erhi..ll rays: dently is the Union one, Aril gig throe g 1 .,,....a. , oh), sn ~ to ss In M.nanlnet ...re of Gen, ii(I.BIr11-(*I1 has 'l" 'ea trlllllrnelllte, I'- pettee 11 .o oileeeee in getting Mini. , is de; Dinh i b o a s ~s, p,,,,,,,,,, ~. 0 . ..„. -each all Is' , °. hr .... i . 'i l'.l ".."I d. ' ." its Id In c, so „ran,. with Iston, I was 10n.lit I —that nil irrolriu‘, ,„ .. .• . sr rEnion syga m Eritil h !le Itt •0•1111•111 , 7, Ae. ho ray, he wlll.et o il a Maoe of rain , No web hie cat..lor, In reply to who:What ought I „mo t ., ,n M...., ,or A.r mAt9.ll ono will es roplnor. o. this. as (Ley know the t h e h e ., ~,,,, to . srt i e thew e ., b„, ,aid Tee b a d .e.,,,,,,,, „,.,„„L A ~,,,,,,i , . ',Z 5E5 1 1.1.5r1 .. ., - ...,",; " . ..i \CAIRN. ST , t. • , areal,ltart et, se orn to &lotto} , cm.) so , nothing le do aa h it—and corer,. if.441.41k-traf.ilsettocond Entree . U. Pltulturgh. mannfarturur of BOILER RIVETS i•ge of tho Sreee.ten nest, if airy can take Lt. 1e „,,,,,,,t in b are an ytbi e e Is .17,,j,ii i,.., b r , W RuetellT ePIEEti, 301311311 3 11 end nalnavi,oleoms 11 tt ey thou le hver enter mar homer,, it, time :rot It would make 30 old, for the [ i•., ern ' I. . ~ , r , 4o,oiptsoo. ~.„, loge wester on them, fur 1 can't. It titoY meet and dm ern, would ply no ',Beath n to' Ei m:\c, iiiii:,,E, TELEt, AllN, R ' ...------d",.h.P.'""Kg"'""' s' . 3 cut or the city, you will hear of the gees[ - b t u, In the tire; place, the Cox:lode-roc , Lad tarps, or smell, marts t. order at share note,. A Il` m mt m e.ortment eototnotte• •"' land- my7etive e.t. ear thquako et or reused 1.. turnout •g,I. 00 Y. ' run on ten of Ito beet "nigger ar.l the -- - • II • II ,i 1", I- will no n cedool.ti'm I, ..ise, fur Jett ie rest [Wel.) in number, had run awny to ti.e Oi te Pllll,l/iLLPIIIi •PH ill. IW , i'ATtI; WHIA.S, RIDDLE & CO, f V Liberty Am.. oripasll. - :Grin, l'il'ir.linT.,,..ls., 1.. , . °TT ' . . h . TI : . ' h . ' ul' 'll . ' ‘,''''''L'6.C7r get b '''''' Vic:. army. - - rc.rainfactUrers of WHIPS, LASnEn and SW ETtlil. they will net ,- he unie •o the , n M•anun. lieu.. "Tho niggrr 1/winces," said be "io dans ~ , i , .. Eli. and entry deeetiption of LIAATIIKIL BRAIDED L 13331131,13 1 ,1 13 triell.ter.t obey nee 1n never get t i t , and tberehs no net, talking about it. It '• ' '" " ... P c ' '''' I s . • 'O-Wag. . len Miles bey oul the oily in any directom, a„„ , t ree k ° no adds h ev good n u n ion man o r dure . = Dread from the trade, end gool' l4 l'""Illd" hat he ts 'equally c or t folent they can nee: one may be, he'll lose hls niggers ,•'' and la . 1 b ~,. ,le . , ~., ..,. . b.. , ~.. r4L , ~ ~., Khipp,l hk per Wein:tette.. fes Say , , IllelE , ' Iner.- l. melsor.f.i to Err 1 - 1 .-ur.b ~, :..1.1,...i : "Frer Lance am war commence.l Old . D& W. RE N ;NET - r. Mantltatetatrer , 0 , .itrecti once hlir A with Ninety and I , " Li'". , Abe hae been turt•lng the terra, d own ma us , •.t. the Seituy!S .11 - , s . I: . 11 3 3 11, 5 . /0 • NVIIITH STONR CIIIN A and I.I4LAH t, e• and see :'cut ~,,,„L. t. t i„„,,,t, ooh the Cu' —firtt. a hole turn and Glen another: we don Lgr men 1s ts ...si Am.: ~, ~ •_ ~ i. 21.., • oo I.e. Lot a. gms DAVIS A. M itATAINE. Ariet're. (MED BARE. , . . hat bet keeps a turning of his ~,,„s er, at ~.„,t ~. t h,. c.,, ,1., , . , p.. ..„ ~ . Offlee and %Vanden.. at No 74 El PITH STREET, ' "1 1 ' 1nu .1 -11 ' -l. ..a then .1 our c o lored ecurely feel ot, Pittsburgh. en hte,,i, poel le cer a equalid irisb woman. s .trews, and now itt got to be dragon tight. ‘ ll,t O. Fitt ANL, I oI,ACCO —Oa I n0r,... ,o ~,.. cal .• ,'. • 1,,• .; :.• take o i••• NJ( Sall LIDA 1 MI.RIO I NU, January col, et to —..—_ _ . _ ___—_-- TITS ni.t3 d OF THE nau AT STMT..- IIi nr tear In M ismourt, the 1 niOn men thought' DK llr GOODS.. ~ ~...,., ,- ...Id, at the Commercial sit. Renate, • Th e Ch a rkrten (butter has t h e f e n eer i es ,„.; they mat a golng to „oe out nil right, heet . ett. h tot ler Gon. Cro 2. . I, hos ..,,,. i r. st . ent - ' C screws here come down on em so tong, I .ho ~,,,„ tr ., ~ , ,„,,,,,,, t h, : , e „,,,,. 0 t•t i. ringer Ilene. Mola.otes ' 7 *BI mr 1 . 4 " ,14 •— , ... 1 .• r 411, •••••. 4 •. 1.,4 ...... 14 ` eusint of the recent explosion at Sumter, 7,{711. ON CARR if. CO., . b Y l ' h ' ty had to do .otnething —end they done et, , •Th ., ,„,,,.,,,,.„, ~, ~," ~ . . , ~,.,,,,,r, ~,, c.,. , ~. t, , ,, , ,, ,, r, , , , ,:e. . rpt , mit. „, 5, ,,,,,. :,..,,,. . ' w hi c h men were killed and forty-one but 'tyrant . use, down mme the screw again ' m.,..e,,,,,, , c.,, N , (Loa lila." Dwyer rt Oh.) wounoledt . ni.ii your OO where they a,. .. X .. ~,,, , n a t a , m , e t, rhea, Mark 7.a. '•• real. kx.ping ill SChillleld was fur nothing' w both left New Peor. o . Ps h ul , ,f• r tits. so ~, , pe ,,,,,,,,,,, e ,,,, j., , e t .,., . A entail megesine in the tonthwest angle of Wit/pipet, amt." 11. yonEloo AND peat E.TI, 1 I..nt to take another turn ranthe acre. Now, , eilte. , e et the to , „,, , At ~,,,e tto, „„, „,,,, , . ak 1,31, t . 1,,...... MIT 0001.5, No 011 ood 3110 3 1, 110,11001,... airs, the lea, coo :Doing reboot rsee hundred end th,rl.). told Kat:cluck :she - feels a.... if she as , I JA nap Awe nt,..... been and alloy. Prttalotroh. splint! flay p 'ends of powder, and a quantity of . . I h the ~,,,,,,. ~,,, bray, and ~.., boon ~, brag- ; r,.....,wa th, in , to .1.. 1 ernmoillt and Rte. NI, Ili, ' 3.3.13'L 11. 1.3.31. J. LYN} ill La, L 1 a 13113.3. / 11.131.1 arr. e end other ammunition, exploded ~ . to' what Files dnue: bat Ton watt a spell,: The Lsoutenan, who i the 1 ..;.... to 1 • . ''' ''." 1 . d. 1 .. "' LANE. Mc A BOY /v. CO., Deniers in "b o ot 'a , o'clock tin Friday. The ( spins.. km, Imre Conn Stnrcli; Le i' hei you'll see the biggest kind of e screw in the charge was hole 1 1 FOILEION SOD LaO3IS.STIC Pia 1100 D 3, Yie ignited all the neater:ale in the room munched,' • .L. Posed, .aret ~ down en her, and if the don't walk the chalk," 140 F..tteral stmt, k.eiron•l door tel nes , Milinknl killing or wounding all those, in the imtneutate h„. . Ih , , , th ,, t ,„, hee,,ed nut. .c.,,,,,„.. The 1.0,0 ..t, the ..,her to, ws• . oe 12catten . 9 . lewd .leatitt Indigo. 2 4. c.0.:A.10 T.0h0..,, Ilousse,'s Alb•Le s tosny l IV. 1 . b91, A ininity. The 13,1171.1301 were horned _ with ' ' n '' '` •. • I ' 9 hbh, Cut and Dry Tette. e . 1 _ . 1[.i , .A.1N, 51-etelM. CO.:Moleaado greater or tore severity. Toe paamageo welt ',,,'"„,',.,`,,,', ' .1 " , ' ,. :" e ' r :,. / ,' , ,,, '" : c',,h,/°11.: all t i “ e l g ' 3 4 ' ,, l. n y ' l ee l .'"',l.,'en,. rant , "e'e',',.,-,,, we. ~,, eereee. ,. I The attentnni or the tr is titaitod e' 4 en l r... 11 Dealer. In TRIM 111INGS. 11111401. ' inoteatly filled with dente voliones of 'mut . , .• , J .1. DAVIS mi re LWE, Anctlth. reit bud. 1 Deo Mi../1 - 3149 n riser, though apt serenity 1 DERII , 7 I snit DRY GOODS, of ever , del-. 1 .1 41 ."., outman:4.d by a blaet Of gread :trete:is, • met. I Now 17 a. 19 Pin le .verse, 0 Intbernith EPIIANS' coutcr SALEM , ' PENN . prereatcdany pr..lenge•l, a...n..1344..1. , ia,„,,,,41” 1 „f a, Aguluat Guerrilla. in 1"r" . t . ''....''''','' '''' . `"Y ''''' I l':• mil orn FIT AliD 111 lIIIINIMIA el PROPERTY. 0 1 MACES:M. a:SGLYI.II.E, Wia,leatise and .0 ,etinguirh th e hie. Ah. et fr.rn i lin nut - y . 11 extern KtelltUdly RUA TeDlteitilla. form., In enable the ortlino.ry (raffle between —, to TG isla DA YXVEN I NO, Jen. lath, at I o Nock,c 1 111 Retail Dealers In FANCY AlilreTA PLY. ula ' with a tu-hlx • i wine low let a lot se o,.td, at it... Corrminrs - 14 Snits Rooms, I 000,1 , 0, TaIVIMENOIL L ''' w. " I'''''''' ' ' A letter from Cairo, dated kith Deactuber.. Old M . er.i hail n.. 111: In los ..orrt r I on, ' 9. . Nl. ' ''' IM ' l ' lk '' " 9 4' 9 ' , ". ...en - 3. to the el the garr, , ,n, riol4s.tt, se,..i. I.y order or i orphan's cou„ .7 A Regis, between Diamond mod Fourth Powhargto. I et , t ohm. -hate loa, a estaldo loc 1 along to ' •"" . 7 , 9 , " 1.......0 90, ..". 19 ... 1 E.... °I . - t rendered all the aid i• their power. 'I. le 'Aye s J M. IiUIteLIFIELD, (StlcenenCT to , teem,, 'J.... 11.,:r0n, dereaeed its of the gerroun nu Ler astir tr. I.E.e. mr Are ant . a pc, ting groat nowt. G•a• A• - 1 . , Ito . 00 •ic is • ".. I . prevent ' l9O 1 . , IC I." '7 ... LA I, un rnrin si ' rent,rltlnburgli. rola:Lens low. s Bun-Ifleld I Cool Wholesale and Bristol D.1rr1 0 0,,,,L000; :i o ,onoo - the ntghc,;t ereast. Mr Sin .1. lo rt I nine City T a few d0:5...-- , W.cr , 111.1 . 13 itt 11 11. t‘• (nem, trot the uortheeet teen of In STAPLE—UP FASCY Dia 4.:40115; Nortlanat 1 w.. R c . , ,,,,..,, te t,,,,,,,,h, e operator, s , ke., Oen. • L . inch lusTtui, • rcp.: 22 fr,t In- Lome ,. of Fonrth aml Merkel tweets, Pittsburgh. ~h 7 .001 , or e a. men after Forrest and his' . 1 ., h ae tel., Iwo are no , • 1 . 4 WY - ill 0 RD,. ❑ .1, .• n l. • -.,et, aud extendlugback northwanny adjoining quarter& wino noel pletel y et:rt.:olc J. gat, •e. Monti. till', other form., from .ot or IliS — EPli goat a Wholesale and lee- ~,, a,„.,,L,,g ,I••• 1.. t .t, 1. , fop al: .y. Ou thews lots is ererted • ...1 ton ,sire in all MIAMI of TRIMMINGS., DRY k,„,,, ,„ ‘ „ h fr,,,, , ~,,,,,,,,, Lao ~..,,:,,, 10 Ilidike I.i. u..y ~ .t. u •." ~, , Cr' t e, . e , eon the move, end thn hope is th A t ,tr d r. Chnteanone L. sat -story tonsl duelling Ittrio, In the Poet eligible 1 (D)011.1."Ae., Nos. TI and MI 'Market etruet. .I.ne greet guerrilla wail find himself between I At 1..,, l ; ; r p ot t. AI, , toom.l.l.ers set ra troten en I mstoret torso. of the ctly, amid Chnechts and W BARKER /tiCO., gnalare, in rall,„ , nftn n r t n . erd to velum ar•l eemlia hti iii.l.l. ' tiro ti in and be utterly d efeated . Thia IF a 4,,,,d on the ~,,,,, t ,,, , ~... ~, , „,,,,, „,,,, , he ni.t rhos 0,1.001 . . l isni k whooh hes beau delayed too long. for o , , . """ I "'- `. +lets. one I, .t . . Ito the through of Eironinehem. 141 11 • klteie Of Dltl GOODS, No rir Market street, s cold to 0310110 the man • ~• 110, • i 11331 in- .ao: ii en [ .. Ma.hluatita street, end extendidu hark 1 „rest an I Lie coon L ate L e p : Western lion- Leteswea Ttolkel and fourth, Pittelnienh. ,o^ ,nn' - 1 ,3 . (ma to hpriti• elley, biang Lot N0..111 1 Federal Operntione In ElOl -191 .• I Mir 4 v end T. n nhercu in aninterrwptad fear and 1 hale tnnt. 'on simsra's pt. Tr is lot to M the midst of • great 3 TI. P.:M - 01R, No. 84 WOW , Start., ' A ',tact (trim II ~y \' ,, l. Pints-Ls, 291:‘ "; , to, ”;0:1 i.ir nv „al us. este+ poet, beside, ex pe , ~ t 4.... Bose in kit n, of 14 coat... hole it rue. la man oitin.lor.linn,,Antrii t i , end calnebte for building , C - 333M lit NNES, ATS, STRA YT I- 31 I . A d 0... ha, Leon hLted nig. froto hte fn." i _ ~ , „ , . , a I I MINUS, an.II4IIANY IiOODS generally. , gir, an ammont of the dcrtrte„inti by al, . . „ . , p ...mn k.. 1 .. ~....., 10: it“,.1.11 . 3 0E113133 - ~,, ~,„,.., pAyl3 .5 ;1/1313.W 1 t1NR. Ance'rm. 1.117,113 ,11 111 3 ,lerroty of metupn ano on r oral 1 spodoi , ,a, cf the . a !cosi., rckel salt m,_,,..,,,,,, hoe,,. 1te, ,,, 10. thle, they het° o a n te whirr loy a l e o te , n , are t e k, ,AT by 1)1 . :\N AND Lll;Eici"; ,sr;tiETS St 0110 ill SI. Andrew, ::.y. The amoont of r t o., i . t...1 to. my men for the Confederate' g`l'rrlll...', In nat . ' ,,, a' ',.^ t'''' rebel r.'"'l'' I , ~,,,,,,,,,- It . ~t , ,,,,,..„ _,(,„ T ,..,,,,,,y tbisers In the A I, , inter of theoutrao• proper ty 113 3 Inlyed is !hut rum mood up e no my the oeseb this trholo region. i L • , 6V ES INii, Jan. lab. at 71,..'.1...h, ..til be taild, at , When .r (omen crecuateLl Janke., Toren , I i'lle •I'''D'h't" . "I tr... 1 .o I. ".• ' 9, ast ".'"of .t., on.ninser...l n...... Rona., i.l rir.n etroct i rii. boil., nip.: In.ltlns. ornin,ionll '..' burotnel end hit t mill 4, e.t• It. 'I,A -Lorimer, !Fore went and mud: his h at ed. , A ...1,3, 11 ty 'I.. 001111110 , 1. 1110 1033 lo lbe Tlo 3. 1 ,1 1 ,0, ,![nett •t the mmor of 1,111 303 303111 5 . ~... :.a11.., um ...bolo oath at 11 - • rer 1,...h. i . 1 t .•••• ' inert.. a there. Oar troops ere repairing the 1 ruhe le m (Ise thi •I , ni in money. Tbn A imago ~ .1, . ..., e 1.n t ea, n . .: t, , , . ....1. • . . .n i , , , , ,, r. , 1 0 ,1 1, , , A , .1 . t . ,. ., . t i ti, .: , . ., . .1 „ , , , , , , 1 t . 0 1 f . ,, ,, A , 7 l-I Alolnle and ohm railroad, which goem tool ( Orel. or gal,;,. ".* 3 3 ke ....... . r h I ' . I, A oat lon r.nl too .ac nog° at ..y, 00 1 5 0...1L 1.1031.•,13L.,,,, 1 ' , l' , " 01 ~,,, 1 1',1111151 and Jackson, and the intention le ~, „,', 1 .7.„ . ',:,' n ' t 1 ", e . ' . ,... 1,',7,.: .. ,,,','; ~,,,,,,,, i,, 1 ''' ' , e . hale, er utay result regarding Forroot, lei Oi it VU!'!Es An AcKED AT ,10NN11,1,1,, IA . ' ,0 0 too Hoe'. , ! ...0..r. ...it 1.,..1et..., to ~,,, r i rma..cupy and poen:est the whole of \Vett Ten-( At. l' il 1.1 .io Liliert, clue[ 1 inal.niistely rip moo,. K in ..tron t, bee Da 3 (loot ell. feet on Liberty • . '"." 7. ' nutmeg preparatory to the opening of the ' •—• ee . or, et, mot extending but '0 no 11.1. Itenhatige ails]. Spring eecoom, that farmers may be secure. IS urrender of Three Hundred men 7313313 31 33.1.11-0113 - 113 1 3 43•31, rsighluo In Oue S in e SO rmug the aborv• .." '...... 11, 9 " . /, after a De , p crate Resistance '''''' t " , "'" , " I ' L I "`"'''' L o f M en ipinit that so soon net VaI33IL heard 01 EOl fort'. partmulers arid). at An.-100 Itcsama the ai d of Ilan, Smith up. e laultron, he dr ~ I.',:d DAVIS a McILWA INK, Anet'n. retreated South to Ilolivrer, where ho Mato in Cie: , is el otl, .Inn i. -.1 , p ent lo the !boo i 111E , Ts try srizEET PROPERTY ,30111331. with Col. Ifetroli's cavalry, nod sharp ~e r ii t ifir. in Cumberland Grp, ilottil 1/.. C, • N.../ AT AUCTMN.--On TIM:IT/AT EVENTNG, I t k i m e t shing followed, which resulted in llatch sot m t An overt; holenine loam under Samos''' . int , wl 9 %4 0 ' , " . . 1 .. will he cold, In 11,, ~ Ir o n eta, The last • - ' fle, .W oisttommerrest Velem Its.ms,ni yllth intedt, " e ''''' Li :3' g 01. " 'IY " L'l"' • J.• neo sel :Led le m-et .1 [earl !t o rn Hatch was thet he was closely • •..l .' our L. p , en...silk Va. 'that dement* inn of ne 1 eftnato ru Chestital .tt e t . fret fn. the coreer'of Batik Lane, having rested, ab e t that tit 11 11 ..... C.r.lrT irat . no Sunday , con s isting of einint three hundred , • n front or .7 . 2 foot . Ulmatouestraa, and estendlint badly rut up. IL was feared that Forrest ,„,,,,. Alt er a &operate reeirlaso , 'r our troops hart tut net to Garton 'Wry, no which le etre so would gel away. . the tw,,,torr hell, Larlthog Nu 4 Choc. street, t .... ur u re n n .l o o le d r , mi n , c I gun s o,t i g . t a h itrwty. smallkil I.:d h a o n , :l iu t e h r i:ty o 7,0 ,, , ,,,, 7r ,.,,,,, 1 ,.. e i . , ,,, e .,,, ,e r ,,,,... , en,71 ,, , , ..,,,,,:‘,... .., ' wet., !deo on thereon ally, as., .v.. 4 t• o two. h 2 , 10 h ir . : ,, , a , r c , n l' i ti , l , . „ ( t ir b i; , (Frierson, Fol . I I Intl accounts, J vas _ _ _ ,nt illn e s. 1. pet•t cr 7ls ut Centre Within nine nallua Of the guerrillas. Grier:mt. Import out Land ink e C Decision , t r ''' I'"' 1• "' T. ' ° " 111 is mid to have a sufficient and effortive force, . 'feu -one third :AA.. reoldne In one and two en! it ist to be bop. from his go Phead char- 9 4 .3 1 3, 3011 interest. :toter, richly camiod in his campaign through n ee DA VI. A Mal-WA.' ICE: A at're. IA moitoippi iat yea,, that I. will .0 „tn. Joe trietny. lie the wholo,Forreses chance 8 A , ,, . 1 O N O I . 1 ..1 I . I ,, E u A N ' , F , A 12 J C . T , 10 ,, N t : —4 ., i l i n o :s „ l , A , T k, looks rather thus. 1,11 tin sold, at the CiOnsaioylal t l s.ori Stoners, No. 54 Posit sem., 0. Day Mar, 7 y,are uld•, al.l trot a ottle In 11,1 1 .• and a hell minutes; IN perf.vtly gentle and 411.1. la 7 IS \VI 0 n 111c11•WAIN 41, Auct , ne XTALUA ELF. STOCKS AT AUCTION. V —on TUESDAY EVENING, Jen. thin 18a4, al ne t o'ciork, will be sold, at the Commercial babe 1...5, No 1,4 Plfth env! t 11 3101111 tails...l Intuit Stock; • 24 do D Allegheny Bank Mock t Jae A VIE .4 EIcILAVA M ' E. Adele ---. 81ST QUA LITY it6FITTEII OAST ST krSEPLI, F. U.A_MILToN 6.; Q I MON JOEINSTON. Dealer in I'liftE 1 , -) tfOS AND ellY.sf ICALS, PF.ILFUNESY, ILT FAN , ' GOODS, DM:NINO yLcip, 011,3, 31EDICINFS, Sr., a attictly prim. quality, • liich off+, at lomat privet. e"roer and Fourth streola, Ploahrry h. Frearrlpllow , rare bullycompoutleA at all hem, PATI.gI4biJK Prngclais, and rtunnfacturen of WHITE LVAII AND LITHAftOE, comer of Wood and Front almeta, Pittrburgh. JOHN P. F(XYll l Wholesale Dealer in DRUGS, FAINTS, 01L11, AILNISFIES ANA DYE STII vcs, No, ..r..?“ Liberty alret.t, Pittalturigh. All ordrrs will romire prompt •tteatioo. - _ 1)r 140 Wood eumt, rumor TI:glo Ildtedougls. IA - *Sillf2.l.4^CE .tIGE.X7'S JGAROLNIR COFFLN Agent for • rran:lla, Thiladelphia and IteNano. lasnrance Companies, Northeast corner Woad and Third stn. _ - I'. JOYES, Agent North America, I A T . AL.. of P 81211111.011, and ilartiord I roor.. sem, Companies, e 7 Wator street Q.AIkiIJEL ItEA, 6coretury Citizens ' lT; 5...) mace Company, corner Market and Wan, sta. mF. n l3ollDON,Seeiretiry Western In • mown. 4 . 012111137, WI Water street. DAL ITOOlC " SeeretstriAlleghany In fo suremes Cronpany, St Fifth streat. 7.DNT~(~ ` ~~RR d eIIiAItI,OTTE BLUME, Dealer in MU ‘_./ SIC AND MUSICA L INSTRUMENTS. Sok ikg - rr‘t for RN ADE A CO.'S PIANOS. HAIN KS DIMS. PIANOS, and PRINCE .1t CO.R MELODE ONS. No. 43 PIRA street,lls.ati d.or shore flood, Pittsburgh. Pianos to let, and taken In exchange for or, KOS Kls I 1 BRO., Pealer! 11- 11.• SIO AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ond solo 'gotta for STEINWAY'S CELEBRATED Pl. ANUS, No. RS Firth .tact, Pitoborgh. m 520 CliA LILES C. MELLOR, Denier in PIANOS, MELODEONS, dm., No. Si Wood SI.. !mown/ Yonstb rimed and Diamond alloy, Plreeb'g BOOKSELLERS, tic. G. .101INSTON & CO., Statioli. era, Ebtok Book Montifutorors sod Job Printers, No. 67 Wood greet, Pittsburgh. pole Tr A}' & a ~- n ooksellers and grition .lv en, W 0.66 Wood st nett door to Wm rriros• of Third, Pittsburgh. Po ' 100 L and LAW 170066 constantly on lald. ITL iii do t ifo ti nisener Stationer, e. 76 Proves strook Apollo Ilidldlngs. AIIIILL C. OC/1014.13 Q L. . SCIIOYER, : Attornzl Los. Ones, faca:thAtripet, *VI Vitthburo 6aze.tte,. FRIDAY MORN ING: TERMS OF TILE GAZETTE. 1101 M L. 4.1 EDT., try matt, pur year EDITION, by mail, per ♦ M. kitkuutactr.ron of quite n streeTiny DRUGGISTS ~UVBIC, laic 4T.OZLA'Frs :JAN. S. 1E64 &Ingle coplea Thl2, if eurreot iianlf, ia, we eliculd pay Tbl3 ie Coel.iro w" g. , ro , pro doer, Mr. Blunt, n very Intolligent raid, and pro prictor of yalt worlo, retuarktolthet this Join uge would bo AA nlllnw to the Cootiol °racy a. the roll of Charleston would bolororently Bt. Arvlrows City rv. Jr. trojed. From North Carolina A Washington dispatch sny, An officer of the Government, just arrived [rem Newborn, N. C., reports that the scheme fur the occupation of abandoned planlaVione works admirably, the rental already produc lag quite it revcuu u, beside relieving , J t: ern tr:LPi of the SClppur OribilllolllldB IA poor po,. i pie, both white and colored. The prineyles of free lanai, and tbe dignity of self-support, are being inculcated, and arrangements are making for the perfection and ;extension of the system. rho Presidentmnesty Proc lamation Is generally appr'sove A d there, and, could the protection guaranteed bo given, thorn It but little doubt that loyal men 'coal.' be found to return North Carolina to her alio ginnce. Gen. Butler's call for negro cavalry created much enthusieam, and the second reg iment, now forming, was receiving Over one hundred recruits a week. The Great Water Highway A Cairo letter says: Cotton is coming up the river In inereased quantifies; the rivers aro 12011 free of ice, and boats are no longer dotnined. At present more sugar same lobe coming op time cotton—for the quantity is large; and housekeepers are glad again to got the yellow, hard, coaree-grained, New Or leans sugar. They value it much more than they do the foreign sugar. Oranges are ar rla !rig by the hundred barrels. Truly tho i. open. The largo quantity of artillery which has goon south from this point since the war corn. moneed is surprising, and yet there seems to be no cessation. To-day three batteries of acid-piece's were Laken from the cars and shipped South. - - Tot official !rebel line n Chickamauga le tinted u .follv.,ws: killed, 2290; dangctottly wounded, 47he ; rifghtly, 10,500; missing, 1900. Total, 10,475—0 r one-balf at least of tho.whole nambof of lirsteestp4:!- , Washington Telegrams. I drum, Taser's TaniCtrc 01 Lire.—lt it, THE PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. wri.,,Ht,,ro,,,ritt.itdo, h titi a , igga : • : said that Judge Taney has ftr many years appeared as if about to drop into the grave. TI!1 CNUOLI.A637 SCI,I , As long ago as 1,10,a gentlemen of Maryland Abstract of Governor Carlin's orenator Sumner to-day offend an amend- ! having some interest in a disputed land case, Message. moot to the Enrollment act, providing that no tinh.w.h.teLthyeir.o,zel:„zr.,s.iue,r.,a,piteori; rlfre_el‘Lgt man drafted shell be allowed a substitute, bat in ..tumors for the flat, of ,oine .0.1, „i„ye.r , PUlLantarita. Jan. 7.—Tbe message of that all substitutes shall be provided:by Gat- ito be employed. The nepAtfilr• leery was , bovernor Curtin will be transmitted to the ernment. Also, that all pononspaying cum- glean. The gentleman biro on , t , ht: i, la i t . te c. r ,i . Legislature to-day. We aro indebted to the mutation merles it It pay $3OO each, tr ' '441- '''' after talking ‘'h ' "bi l ' ..ll. i Fo.n.„g BuIl„. fur the following abstract: engaging Ina sort-tees. gtring, afterward , • reason that he intended his onse should stay 1 Tbo t•pveruer, after alluding to the moral tier, thereto a tax proportionated to their , income° as follows: O ver s„is„,.,°°„° and under, in court at least fire years; that Taney would , and material blessings which `Almighty $2.00 0 , ten per Dent; over "rs,". s'°' und e r , not live half that time, and than he would $5,000, twenty per cent: over $5,u0 0 , thirty (have to engage nos , 0i...f0i. Fifty yeas trod nor brrt , itto d upon tot during uitt post' . per rent. A farther amendment will probably have passed since then, and ten 3 cars ato that .3 ear, proceeds to the consideration of the oe Introduced explaining the manning of the tuditisititut nod ull.tho other Dottie , to the l'iiro:: • financial condition of the State. act to be, that the payment of Rho $3Oll corn- tractod suit, as wall as the lawyers on both The a tetal indebtedness amounts to thirty_ tr`ulatlen money shall apply oolY to that l'..r . 'ldea, and the Judges who tried the cause, 1 neuter draft upon which the pay ment h` i a were all dead, and Taney a.a, a. hale and nine d a half millions, hitherto the3tate. made. , hearty, as Imbed over been, hot still doceving has paid its interests io coin or its equivalent,) TOO ;Marl. people with his apparent feebleness. Ibut the Governor reaommends the careful A blooms Feestrarv.—The major of one of ; and immediate consideratio'n of the Legisia. tho Federal cavalry regiments in Virginia, lure to the aubject, and expresses the opinion I according to the - Washington Pcpublicao, 1 that the Commonwealth will have fulfilled her closely imitates Falstaff in some of his milt- • obligettona, by providing for the payment of. tary maruouvrcs, and iii, martial exploit: interest in the currency of the Government. would compere favorably with those of the lie deems the policy of paying coin to foreign I fat height at tee battle of Shrewsbury . . One , mnicurrency to domestic loan holders., wholly of thee° is thus rot dot: On en expedition 1 unwise, and founded on no legitimate pain -1 into Wert Virginia recently, this major, on riple. appr..aohing a loyal village, placed himself at' Among other financial recommendations is the head of his regiment. and, with drawn a tax on the gross receipts of all railroads, I sabre, lade them follow. They charged fori- canals and milling companies. 1 ontly through the s: rents, overtorned Ole hos- Alluding to the recent invasion of the 1 pitable, well laden tables spread out 05 doers. rttte, the Governor returns thanks to New ,s the Indies to Welvorco the Federal beepers ! look and New Jersey for their prompt 24- I —frightened the little children and small dogs, :.twee. i e nd spread horror end dismay throughout the lls Invite' the ottention of the Legislature village. The dineitile ol air John boil pre, i to oh, t hild.,iabio 0 ,, n d,t,0n of the loyal 1,,, °ordy ascertained, id, and a doubt. that there i.ie . ii l.drt Tonceisee. was art a rebel 'a ill in a donne mg, x. 4 the tic ran," his rerouGuendation for a eerie ' place. By this inoveterat hi. comma...! lota i . d a•I a aa a • lalt:12 Laws, .d trusts that if a good l`ener, but be Lamb:, hod I, a copula- ' ,„.,a e alte . : a., 'l,, a llowed, the State': quote non f., courage. •I ei:l be fil,it ty I oluutters. The State has already tee t •-t 0 hundred and tercet : l , - seven C0•0,-t. I :,eau ~.l ing " '''''' ..l 'l th cotand liar hundred and nine men to rho av`•``l.o°`=°` at ..."`s' lws , v is - • • ".! -- ro`'" tie bll held, for general and special rewire. .."' sic "I r " ..r . "` ho ` 'to - °'' 'TP"'s°````` : ' Tao ti.s ; :ernor ,notinucs st , V. Mows i•l'Llit to strike hard No, Root ally he proceeded rho. unnatural rebotlion may las speedily and it l'i.rilain". I. I .' o '''` lo " '' ''h t , - of the ,t!ectually crushed, we lie all under the obli- L "-h Mi ''' "" ' ' " ' f"'''S '" 1 ''` .". : l- f ' ' ''' '' "''' go,n of the nee permanent duty, that al rig 24 Nile•i•stpri Leas) .... ..bite An I , ln de ,r,,,u.1y ~pp0rt.,,,,.. „„.. ,4„,,,,,, in its ..'..... where a 'nn.'n.r' h di ‘nnnt. fl‘ toll nnt'' 1,1,, a rm t i thlt .. I. Ti, the fall extent of ;lie' g t Ow'. at • ` o ' '-`" k '" ti. " l '''''' . g - a.) , ....1 and ludo itlbal ebiiity, it stall ' found the house lightedop, raw the' , ~..,L , t , p . , .. ii: not ho,'!' iy roty on your itassi ,.. 4. il t , a ',,doe..a ti, the quirk :trains of a , „_ : ,„,,, u ,, siohn, mil, rushing cting the ben ibleted , ..1 „,,, r .,,1 t: merry inakt . ,, catitu - ed ut ,ri I.ieultna tit and ~,,,g , h„„ ~.,,,,,, ,eht pro. a trot ts ( tilt Coot...iota, -.rat., arter ....„ ~,, ~ ,„,,,, a I ." . 1 -'. n n.'" lorn n . '''''.. ' l . he ' 2 " t " . " l ~ I .tie not their modirria, toe tech aid, ettae an .l iii' olloierr i.e., I. rl ilia 6:a-king but or.;l to ii their pert oat rr , i :. o to slew . 0 ,, to mg ladle: upon the o,tir 1,1 tat:lied :tie ball ~,,, g. ,„,, ,„ , „,,„ ‘v, .„ fighting iho of tidd, of truth, of right, of Id, Tea Wa.hington eon, sioudCht of the i'Lti- . : -. 7: . ' '' A 'l ' e The Alttight lots la , . attribute that. can adelphia honorer tar , ' Sal or oil, yayage nu. r i egencrate t iterates. •• A gentlste. in tii.. e.ty has reCeit 0.4 2 N.- people , an sabot.: to ferritorial dismetn letter Isom •I..ner•t; •i - . - tt, in e hied: be alludes to „ noiit ..„ ..00t ti : , ii _ „ . .. trui . titiir in "` the "" " : '```` b " ' lad y ''''' g '"'" it " f tat its orsn ev„, ant in th ... .'.!' the ter r:d. ilut name in count, ;,,:n nab the lirosidi. cry. Ile ~., ~.. „,., o - ni. , .:4,,,,„, t. lot ~i.,,,emb,,,,. `tiilr''''lY . day l'il'i" shot he d'''. 0 " met.: ilia: vre aro ~,,,,4i. an, Id: :gaiiiet the roams e toilets ( . - biu;it• it• to tit 1 iiltl • ....at. Ita d , ~,,,,,, ~ . ,-.„ ~ - ar. I . ;k , ,i. , ,r mg hoc on thiar c tic!. a. a a . 'tea, far, Le .03.. , hco ,, j. 1 , ,, . • , e .., ..,.... , ..... 1 , ~ ~, ~, ~,,,, ''' h " "j ' '''. ' ' 0"`" ..1 thaw, "`"' ' HI ' " ..on t.als; al scan is the o,•••i•.City , t the tier ...ire. Le dot ii TIUL .n ran •`. •0. ; .1. ;ti, ~ . o.nii i : ot oto.wo . ; ..• :,. i.. ,i .. ii 11.: ii st • a ' ° P l " - " 1- ''' '' '' '. '`'''': ' '`' ii: It at :- tae qt.,. ata hi, ' i...r ...1...t, n ' t,•; by g'''''' '` . I ': - I. '''' 1.• "•``"- 11, b , -...ng of II it --r dir le •' it. t 'd al. ant 1., ugh, 11l talk np••it ti . al. i. I,i 111 ionic I: no ‘., L s o ilea! f a -orably. W.• L, .1.. t ...g toe pa I hotr le, iv tititget) , '.-- l''''.. l''''..- 'h. r --1---.. - '. t-'l-1-.'".... . in• t u -i I a ...Int.. u MI to all Itu urtn one - thing soil on' e u}. , n on. Eb*s. A ..• -` • " ~., • ;. , id) tn.ilo, la:. el 1: , f•. 1 1. , r h lat tato , . `. ``` •srl'''`' ; ' ° o. " - . ‘ • "'' " • ..' s " .;.‘,.; ` h ..'" `a.... to mod. NI Lin hor li-sl.enri cal], h . U.I. 1 1 , . ' ",,,, n .' l , ' , ',':' -' ' ln " - • : • - • ••',l' e l' c r, .: to iltbair Nile ~.a. •`I 11, , b 1,4,1 ~,.. Mrs. •`-ss• `-`' i s• , ` -. •-`` s o s'-`) ;. , -s`` ° " •• Wtii" riplic.l tar haiilicool, .. I i i s"•" 1 •••••"" s --• Goa •"•Y `', , evsserY, . in, w ilt.-.cam Ile taextiraele tlrternaina I t. ...; r . ',• t. at tilt: thing to , n... '''' L. trd-i., ;•• ....rsi .•,..1 ',I - lieu:a l e rhis The question ac to whether .the draft is to he carted into effect atone* oryobttponed, has excited much discussion here. It is under stood that no order for the immediate com mencement of the draft has been frened from the War Department as yet. COLORED ENIADDSIENTS BY DCTLISR In addition to the two rogiments of eolored cavalry raised by lien. Butler, a light battery also being organieod, which is rapidly till ing up. RETIRING TOGKR or Tilt ritrRRLIE. CoURT . . . The Judiciary Committee *ill report fa vorably on the bill introduced by' Senator Harlan, anti Lo_, rte noticed in the Tribun , , tor the rettrin g of the J u tic. of the Sopretua Court of the United States, with pensions graduated to their tern,. of .ervice. nsTrHs OF ,61%. 905100 TO TO 5151.0 a. Burnside letters to-morrow io C ,, LIIMPLId 44 the Delotrtment of the Ohio, 7,- fleeing Gefi Foster, who it rep:alai en I.ed henitb. I=ll fiocretar) Chute has [ ecovored from his re cent illness, and will be present at the Dr pat ItUrlat to morrow. N. IV 6E3, TO "IX. PC11.7.R. Wiesol, who is now in Cinninnoth has doted to report to Mn.j Gen. Lotter Camino Woos Partmarra.—The Board of Works in the city of Chigo hero giron the preference to wood nare ca ments over those of eta°, an bring the mat durable of any kind' yet used thoro. Tho following il des:rip lie. uf the toothed of construction Lay dorsn nooring of oneJlneh boards on a bed at nand; coat the Boor with asphaltumi.stand an end blocks of wood six Inches high_by three inches thick, and nine inches in length, in rows about one inch apart, divided by strips of hoards. Fill in these open narrow epueti with asphaltum. There w are six ft mi er les ia of these pavements In Chicago, hioh, a e yeas' constant war, not found to be nearly as per fect ae when laid down. BOTLIS INerusrr.—We °strut the follow log from a soldier's letter, delorlptive of the •hattle of Mission Ridge: During the rout of the rebels on Lookout lountain, large numbers of them crouched behind tho huge rocks, and u our men came rushing op to them, held up their bands im ploring, "Don't kill ns, we give up." "KiShell ll you, tho d—l, not lot any tobacco T out." And grabbing hastily their I/ripping' ,if tobacco, our boys rushed'on,manyof them holding aping betweealbeir teeth. Ma. N. Paco., of caul 'Lexington, Mates bag carried milk to potion for alzty-tbree! yiltarll, riving, st (Or o'acioy. oirety - raorn For Ai - atom. yo!tra be luta_covoc taisted'aitig. do , in, Abe pommel .delieirT of bbt ohs keeps at' lta r "-- • tttol think 1.1 ..311)vi . • h 3 r 01,1_ two tt• A ..•O: N•. MC- . .‘1.0., I/I I: ••• their h mt. `l l ton - 21 ,I i ~rAn WscntativiiN, Jan. 7 —Art important de cision woe made by toe General hand Office, involving the title of the city sf Red Bluff, Tema!, cownty, California, in which Gran ville Doll woe claimant, and the rid:sells of Rua Blatt contestants: bvitsg an appeal race from the 12cgister of the Northern District of that State. 'rho decision Ir adverse to the elannartt Doll. The cite embraces one hull , area and sixty acres of land, with several millions yf dollars r lievaded in itatienviimonts. Vennoui . . qua. Fall January 7k. Wood bridge, of Vermont, hoe reeekoa a telegram staling that the quota of that State ia 101, with u eurpluse of 270, heekleo the ro-ealiat meat of valunlocre in the bull Return of Butter to Fortress Monroe. LALTIVOIIr, Jan. 7.—lien. Butler passed through this city last night on hi+ return le Pertness Monroe. It is understood that ho Is clothed with ample powers solstice to the ex. ohnogo of prisoners, and Is confident of suc cess. 'rho Africa Due. llstirsx,. Jan. 7, Neon. —The steamship A trim, from Liverpool on the 211th ult., which is non fully duo, lime not been signalled np to the present hour.. The Steam er Chesapeake New You, Jam is Tho steamer Chers poake was placed in admiralty to-day by tho provincial government. From. Berzinida. Nair.Yojaz, J.sui.7.—The steamer Win-o'- 00-I.9hp Otlyed - from pertpuda,' for To i2==i2= rt.! i.r..i.rr L9 , -..ur., to , Comma:wing Monday, Jan, 4.1.11, 1961 . Itz 91.1,91.1 ,Coural•ty t.. them ❑l Hit , 4•nm.. .1 ITT/O.V S.II.IEN I HI S( ` —en 1 )t • s io .•; F ren •1. r I • • • •,•.: , • • . . .t liti. tra•••• 111. • L t't L I M=T=l A lo Sltl N NY AGON. -Om SAT U RDA Y MORNING. Jaututry Ital. at 11 o'cloct, wilt i.e sold, at Do Cum.:rasa Vpl.a floonti,tri YILli ono rorered ttpring Wa,ort, nearly Lew; s ¶Ol7 rior article. DAVIS L 11cILWAIICE, Auct.'n: • E.• L ESTATE .1 GE.rTS. . _ . XXI 11.1.1A.N1 WARD, Dealer in PROM y ISSOUIi NAYTES, BONDS, MOUTGAGSS, mut rocurittes for money. Pomo. rap procure LOANS, through my wary, oe reommablo term.. Theme ILlA:dug to Prrost their money saved advan tage, am aloros fled first .pd woad dem paper my odic. for mac. All rormarmlottloos sad I uterritOm ettieng etralV dentgd. Oldoe, damns arrest, main, Bt. r=ra • • BOOTS ollti CAMPIiELL, Manufachver6l J IWO'S!! MW KUM, at *req. deiFejOlosi lAa 34. mttlairld stmt, e4PII aga AIMErg ' KIN " Okr; ash Jiknd Xotalipeiders to-ZOOM $111019,11.; 'corner \rod sad Toeith'etteep, Pittamr43i. A-Trusrmnirrs ,. 10'PLITSB1311C111111ENtilq, ,r, Lumen .ad ......... (012180=1. Salmi of ilia popular lir. 0..1.0119 . 71 sho, itta tas gr. appeal tu the public 'API mp. burgh, Win A. 3 gad:tater, Vbgd. 6 1 4. * .4 Cupirla Puphatu. 11l ES SVEN IFO, perrernuel, the startling malady ant:tied, FAST MEN OF OiLIiEN TIME& ...... C. Laved.). Buckingham ...... 0. 8 Bamma. alleckat. 1 vioBo 4 oo )0I: S r C n AeuND.E f L r . om ha Chariot To Imm4a3. sonata& wt.. TU cutu - cr. SOT. 0. Lamellar r - • CONCERT UXLL - Gottschalk and Brignolil Two Grand Combination Performances, WEDNDSDAY AND FRIDAY, JAN116311%13 =I 15. NI AY STIIAILOAGIIe bat the honor-Wan: OM.. dint he Imo ancoesded to making artanid— moots with tho fullowied; constollation of mritical eolebrithw: AVLLE ANGELINE COILDIEII, the celebrated Prima Donna from tho Nees Took, liwton and Philsolelph la Aesdendo• of Music. RIG. BRIGNOLE the greatest tows in Antor.ra. sic. cenLo PATTI. fhe Tcupg and tat. sonol (brotlisr of Adelina ami•Carlottri: r..ta.) • L. PI. teOTTSCUALK, tbo. create*/ 11.!Aug Planht, nod AIR. V. BE 11A PE thedistingwithed Pient.t. 11mm kindly rendosiod t.. 1 as:sett Mr. Dotter-halt than 0CC.101.1%. ••- • • Lmiral Dircrtor and Conductor—S. 1471.111=8 litrAdral•ri.a,Mang Itcserrol Sew. On• D. tier Seam roay be sec, red for either of the two nights, at th , s , moslc etcro , d Q 0. Zalor.ccr. 11111.1cring DAL st va. m. Doors ore. a , 7,14 . o'clock. 'Cormort vs al o'clock. ran7.lf GitEAT PICTURE' MASSolsr IC H ALL I INECO WILLIAMS' CELZMIATED PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. 71,1 a is tho the Aortv.l Box1p.• ia 11, N. .rid,iy f•ut t_houlatzd jars of cmoNme. Op. e..h,rruang at 7'1um.1.11 , . an.l rawn..ty aftert...w , .f o'cl, e. yvard cl.l, IS 41-11.:7,. th,b•tf ; / ;;;C, RAND EN; ;1.1-11 I:coNta! ur the leen•flt the 7 n. 7 1•t•,. , - meutttee,by the curz tt-gr-r4 DL. P:, C1.11.711,Cti .1T 1-11".11 • ETTE 17.4 LL UN Tilt ItSt..IT LNING JiNcnas 2IST Ti. ELEBE.P. cut Qt . k 0 , 7 nioctl lu c....stder...lion a 0 . use Convert V tar. Tlt EL T. Ita.l !mut ..ny numltwr. f t ,nb.l tAuoe and at the MC4ie and Tory; lg. .6ARTHA - I.IIIS f•ANORA"IA.- • Mltl be exhibited at I.antyrttt. 11.111. BI AW• • GRAND 11ALIAN THE I.lr k ND •IF '0111111.1.1. • .ttetory alit be cccoutpaulvd Ft 4.• ut, frttn A 1, tit ORD M..,, Jana 1.1 Ith, ntftmire 1,.r a G•. ti•ya rmy Dot.tt ut OLcortm.-ttut ;3%. A. 10.1,110., vtttatt ; ett1:11-ezt trtalts j, Ltd MIM . . I NDEMNITY AOAINST LOSS BY L Fl M.: --FRANKLIN FIRE Nei. l'A N ui l..llive, 435 and CAI ,se.r.net street, near 4. l :en c.,tr .nand Stam , nent of Armta, Jaaratry I.6ML puttllabeatt ta an act of - Asmathla, 11..6.1ma amply ateenrad.:--.—ELMS: 3 00 tprealt aaL i10a,314 61) cast 102,1 1 35 Tentporary Loans on iiMpla .... , St.ls rtdas .—)< Noi•s ..dßilLs Ik-crivable t2,ltlrd.ftsl CZ' r only profits . front premiums orblob this Comb.) can divide by law aro from risks, ',blab b.re born Artorrainol. Incm:ince mad* our deocriptlon yirrlo sty, tvwn and .entry, as rates as lou so urn -o,slitrat stLb Slam , their locorwratlon, a pat u.f of ' , Mrs) , yesr; tbry base pond looses by fire to an amount exceeding Afitlosor of Dodo, oom:no tberebr sionlln g con letre of tn.&liiesoflntoo,hrc.atheir nWli and dtontn to meet with promptness cal Its: stints. =2= Charles N. Brucker, lour Lev., Mordecai D. Lewis, 13e1h R. Ntalth, Tobias agurr, Edward C. DsJa David R. Itroam, G. W. Richards, ISarneel Grant, Grnic. Vert, CIIARLF-9 TIANCKER, tS. adra. T.DW Ara) C. DA LW., Vior Pre./.est. Wm. A. R: eat, Nrte , ...ere fe'e J. GARDNER COFFIN, A. ruts Office Nortbrut mr. Ruud A Third sta. INSU iteNuN. - Insurance Co, of North America. Insurance Co. of the State of Penna., Hartford Fire Insurance Company. • CdoThant - once in the above old and tolialio to= punks can too obtaltdd on arplidatton to f, 27.413 Rapleya BnlLlinp• 87 Waterstralr, k i l. „Vr I d:11 A . NUE C°111 : A IL MILLER, Jr, Proima. r. M. GORDON, 5. ,,,, h‘n , OCiee, N. at Water stroot, Flpang .Co.`• Watt Lau,up otairs, Vittatoutglo. Niliwnwe 000 toot all Lioda of Fire end hioriOo L'14.4, J Booa fooQuhos nsooved by NI-elves ..as onwell known u th, oolocouniV, and who ano den , ix nd, Fu promptness and ti 7 scroWl•, I. maintain aw c! . .ratln achidt ttey two ogr.piN th. bW prrotectim - rn those solo &tan. lo be inzired. P. Miller, Jr., Junes McAnley, Nathaniel Melnnen, Nirnick, Creerno Larvae, Camp4ol B. Perron, C. W. tricUotana, rcr3o - IfTIZIiN'S I NSW AN C (MOM PA_N V OF PITTSBI.:=11: Office, earkkor Markot.kd W4l ,7 n.rts.tts,sou , dd ISAGALIV, lartame. 6.IM'EL ISZA, &v. !allures Steavaboata Canon. Insures against lots and Spuage in the uPvtralk. of Ow Southern and Weseern Rivera Lakes And tia.) one, and the navigation of the ;Seas. Inaume against Ines asd tlarnava t 7 Rro. . utractorys. Wm. Bag.kY. .-- - S. 11. Kier, 3.. Fart. Jr.. John hhiptun. W. U. Johnston. Jana. Si. Coop., R. F. Joon, S. Ilartaagh. F,w-Ao inrc am, J. Cablar4l, J. lion. T. )1.110.r., - .144.5: Dilworth, I:4sscLay Prnytoo. _Otorglßlngham, , p _, li - OP ICANUF, COALEARYLES INSU . . Office, N. E. corner Wooti.& riftli SU- FIRE AND MASIB nimutzra. VaDATENY INSUICANCE CO.W rsvrr OT rrrninultatt.—; - DO; St rt l. agc.inot.al kindsofTim d Marini:4lMo. ISLAO JONES, Rogan; • • - JORN D. 24'9DILD, •?, 2,111110014. • WILIAaIt; O*1:4101.11. Jrnscros ohn V Vel/ - rstrt: Mane Jornhi, IL -IL Strrllng.: ...., • • CnAt'WW4 DPW. JOSEPH -ADAllB,4 , behtiit "CinitteMfg EP twain': metweer rumate tirtsti Idskraiw.liferoS. ILlteack;llvitiV tidy, Thes.4tare liol?trips, Staid trett. 131117 VOLUME 11!II= rM un...t.rcE IE MEE PIIILADZLPIIIA P 'LILA D sLr a IA IT. T. JDlit/S, ..isemt. ESOB WOOIiWAIM, • ,• - (Late otWErt.i.Llicootrd a Cro.,fr- ..... --:.• -: L.: flttnata. COISNIEBIOIt . lifFt46l3.oi, - 1: ''...',. Fpodat stint!. et" to the !010 - 4 Crude and Refinedd -Petralenia. - : ,-, y F. JL COMMON, Eotttt.ro. No. 111.60R:7H FLIOIrt BT =rt. - 1421.4;". ,-,-•..-,, 1)111.7010 AralCIT Afki.33, Alrsnanler Dana It. Long, Deco Thomas., Ern): P, Ilokerrell, /clan It. Iftnne. . • MILLOTO6.I ; - • I j ert . Poisiregillaies Samuel P. E.bricar, Margo P.J.t.Otl, -. • Daniel Wallace • . C.•lbctaaa 1 .ar1 4 , .- - John B . Wm. B. sys. Joina E. Partc, • Charlet 3. IEOE4I. Wm. Vim • ILLlPS,Tretideist. ATE Mt /Yak lo4 - ' day, jul4:l • rttl• r JOHN F. GARD:MR. • 1!!!!=! IlarrerrhZas,„ Cvl,, R. O. Gray, Jam Irwin; Jr., B. I,..T.Joartort ~~~~,'~~+~y~t~ ~ ; ~~-=-Ito..:: OELS,_4'e pciN CITY OIL WOILKIS. • Inn it ClIQBPOWGii!::: Vointictorero owl or O..ii:ZGII 014 4 1 g". itiia AND IMIIEI02TI:1 13 WI-30a ttoaltes ti c xtrDE E...rrsormmtz Irtirta. oppedl. Fh.rsAbwg: Mical. iftbirA-11) PPilLtlox rr.TEilllt.rt. Ps. B"WSR' BURKE. & TB. li ' atetir of the -• GLO,M, P 401710 AND.LIBEIrry OrlayittaPc: cy oust .on ,aingsco mode am .."/01711 Refined or Crude Petri:atom Ci)U. DINULTIE & 47Li Ihnr;eci;cia:#l;'.. - IArAL - ES, WEITORIZ & CO., ElOlOEf 'IMr.MMO3, smons BE' proximal, BS MAID= LANZ, YEW 1.68 X. Alitpti laetttios ETOTIAGIS AND 8111PPE15421. at ttielr sud yr kart. Du. 11 Inyt4:ll ItieIbiRDSON,II.4.B.I.EY .37-CO; COMIIMIDE a IFORICAMNiNGI'MTILGLIa;iI;N. Crude and Refined' Petroleuni, No. 19 'tyro 6TREST, 111161313.81:13. Car Liberal Gob advances an 4.nolgronento kx rib r..t.ern Idnrnotn. _ Prrrsvmati 11Z1TAICSC116: Ito.sr.. J. S. I.lllworth k CO.. thabevirlx, Esq., flunupsou r—S. krot. Ocatarnctai Bank • mtat.:6s,l JRCI3 K. ..... ........ WA ',LACE. Ze. CURTI:36, Comm tasion lkierahante. And dtalari CRUDE 4Sc REFINED PETROLEUM; BENZIN; AND T.1:BRIOVITIZO OILS, 134 SO UTE' IYII.IB Vrf, PIITLAPELPILLI. • • ca' Story. capauty (under never,) for It',ooo UAL Alta excellent friltti««afar Oil - ping to A.mettati ' ' tez. anti Forescn portant our wheel en the Echttylkill Myer, tear the platform of the P. 'lt. It. je`21,17 " frAcK Crude and Refined Petroleum, BENZINE, &0.,. IL' WA.LN CT ST., FIIII,ADRI,PaI.k. ontrnii . t,cl to our we atL moire aer pel ,ml.l tun. . , to )foomo 11,11ardeton, gurle7 0.,13. wr • I,l<cienana burly, rlztabsCgibi • , Th.+ Itarik N. A.; H: L. Studer , .• - - ncC4 )1011CIE CALLENDFA OIL BROKERS, 211 and 213 South Water Street;.' RT Gosualv:unto ernitio . • . Lpity t ChorpectlnK, Iron City 011 Works. Painter, of i`ilutet t-Co. • Cliallauc, of e.r..i.ng, Cigar...L.lop , • DETROT.,EUIS 31ER: CHAtiT3. AnaisTrtoxt Fa KIDD. 6 aouza 14,6774 P, LivErcrgoL, Nn. Tork—NEe.rs. R.O. Duo Co , Ot ttlitlroluivrtry Prast..o6-31.esgra. MG: lem 430. /Amok. Co. : Lyda. Oil Co. S. •, • . Fur term, and inforzuntlyn applyt, o.6l:lCliTala Orr. Waal and lourtb streets , YYLtinr=ti D • L InTA.Eg.,Jit" AGEN4 WAL3fIiT IT., runamiE(Pnia.. . • - • CRUDE ttitianr - EP On Cemminf~a examt,a 7 , Lle tats. sTuRAGE F01ru7619 b cIICDE, tbd.r lic.ambed. Particular lute:alkali:odd to Ott. FOE —..— -Era , Pun SaIu—OACSTIC SODA, SODA ASH, Sul .1:17 CABOT 4: PEKBEBTON, General Merohandizeßrokpra i us soma FROST 52.. pmmeisialas. - ez =MID =minx CAIISTIO SODA. SODA AS. DDMSTODIA'' .4 DDCGS. OILS. Orden to bog or sail promptlz stiereuld • ALL &N - L, PEULADIMPELL COMMESION 2/Za(MAZIS, Pa.-titular atteation raid to =Aga= tOa Crade and Relined retroleanLr-'i tair Libel* adrararoar.vto. sally I_TENILY ROE, 13 50117T1 FBo= sr., rzruarsrrerx - Brokorik ConaliV.ssiciaßlerolusta_ CRUDE & BEETEIED PEI2BOI, MEDICATING 013, AND It=l7*S. , _ Apd 'tit,Oir C; . ll4s.alA . BARRELS.- aj33:llr ;ims pE;YROLITE OM WORKS. FROM wrirrzsAsixd-oit..nrszoLs - AND rer.llol,Et7l T.Arun t icyrzz?aa ,ol4 , - •:... 'Rir;EESE & GRAPF;Piai* -4. i s:. • . -Oran,. ROBERT ASIPNOICX.I4,, Ho. 1 ST. CLAIR. ST,- PrtTitt/115'14,..•. • -rt - Fon:raiding & Coiaraission • AND 12.VALL:3 is OILE. - ear I'LLINSNATING.LZT.RICATI.I76,CEiCDP , P.LTCOL.Etnt OILS, /Ca coax:43l2ly karat amt. d. for. at Ma lowest mart prices. Corat,lpioente".. and order, soikited) 01.0. IaTOODVILLK 011,ir.EFINEILY. ..e Tir GEO. nol,os - lip .s. Co., Itna¢faetann o f BININING OIL AND LDDIDDAII XING OIL. lisp conbinntly on hand I) vary bad.. A', Quality of litliNING 011....1i5s and ',Athens oolos;i 1 ,-i. Ain. a good LODDICATOII, I:aro 111IITE DEN- KOLE and CAB CUEA!..r. • onlas left at No. 35 711111 STDred . ..- Boot Mock. scowl door, sill is vamp" , attendoe' • W. 1 4 .11:% , - " 93113:DA M:YPID ! IfAelr..los:l) And:1110r Is Belying Irircrid‘ «Ili* No. as waraire sr, satsumas. • • " I MumEictrate ol ... 04itif-i'itrisal and -Agfa. Auilgoia.--z,, sob.; .6it.ii - sea a ci.;iarva. car tiEr eIIfAIIKET 1111D4IBST ISTILEVIS, xl3l mi - cilia molt sltetatogt. ' • ' !,.e - • - e —" I EMS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers