.i' ~i .. t~., .. ~:. EgABLISEED IN 1786. , J II . I .4"URICTVREIFLS, Dot DUQUESND BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD, lilicaMfictsfitia of Mel iarlety of tlntebad BRASS WWI TOR PLUMBERS, STEAMOD GAS Fr TEGS, DI Atlif ISIS, A.N • GOPPLIIMMITHS. BGASS , GASTIXOS, or all dacriptiom, ood to order. tE1173111110.1.T WORK, STEAIf AND end3MPALIII2:II, promptly atteadod to. Particular aftecitiou paid to fitting op REFINE IMPS POP, GOO lAN - 11 CARGOS OILS. LW, Sot. AgtAtiicor the Western Lit tri et of Praia rytmola to dm OM of MARSH, LAPSDELL A PATHISTEArtIiON P1.7.11P, the net mar in muted Ilaviaih, val Tel it to not.. liable to got out atonic . , aid Illittprow more water Mon toy pomp a Wee It allt , i; opto • ' J. JOILC & CO., VALLEY PORGE PLOW WORKS, hletuttecturersVenters In all tip different kinds S, of PLOW P CASTINGS, SCouPS, LET TING BOXES. ; 2 With greed] lllrttew'si tine for obis; boat:was we earnestAyf belle dealers to Owl us a WI. hfadollectory, TernpreneerSie, Warehouse, Ceelle alley and Liberty St., Pltreb'es JOHN BALL, T. J. BALL, STEPHEN WOODS, I JAS. J. BROWN'. Vii. mum:moan nritrart.t. .. .. e. near. 14 - Aelf.lNT9,Sii, .11EM.P1.1 . 11.1, & CO., IFlcorner Plksind Fliers streets, tear the City Water Werke, Pillebtogh, meoutactonre of MACK IBTO9II HEMRIIILL'S 131.PEOVED OSCILLA. TM) 6iEtll Elia - DIES A.M.) BIDE VALVES, of all Cue sal best ftyle • Baying Opt ni tiorldnery . nt largsvapartty auto( the beiiiiquslity s Rq. are preparlid to do heavy Job- Meg, and sollettlenrk Talhisllos, trusting that by promptness, sad the character of our work, to merit public tronage., We Me pa lte „ spcial aftentin to our p3ALANCED VA-ItTS',OSCI.U.k7 I -NG COnahLll3l: advantaged, 11 , erttefors nuattilised In this class et Engine*. • - LAUK DLOIOND STEEL WOitic, PITMIGIIQH, PA. PAR& BROTHER ec CO., r== REST QVALTiT RETTNED CAST iTiEL, Square, Flat and: Octagon, of 111 okra. Warranted equal to an; laaportwl, enanufactund to this Mies OMea iml warehouse, Non. 14 . 0 and lel 711181 and 120 and 122 911C0.21 .013T11 Ern, l'lttaburch. lllLLa'CO,Bottza Rinke - „cs uid Sheet I r'2o6.n Workers...PENN STREET, gra. i /0;' Z.% 24 and Having eecnred o Rage)and and furnished it :with the.tunia ItnproTed ins.'ikos-prtrotrod• to tnnuolsotnn, c•ory deacrip9on of BOILERS, in the lent manner, and warm:led Nail Ite any mad, In the country. OtILILIETS. .FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, SALT PANS, TAKES, OIL STILLS, AGITAToRS, SETTLING rA.N's, BOILER lIION JIMMIES, ISMAIL PANS; an[l solo Manaleolarvis of /LARN- E:ILL'S PATENT iBOILERS. Repairing done on jou.trrA.Nmr7iisu BR Ass 31-• - • & WRIGHT, Pottoor. to Orin Nrort.la.) • Mania...lnt - 0,1/f CASTOR FRAMES, mros, CIIT4, LADLES, and a great variety of BRITANNIA articles.: Also,: CARRON OIL LASIP B ['RN fiRS and LAMP ; BRASSES generally, No. I'm Strand sheet, Plttgbargh. A LL"' 7 u LVIthLICK s 10.. V ALLEY rocsnaTtPlllllpnrgh, I's. WriVarehouw, LIBERTY STREET. Manufacturers at COOK r DADLOR AND HEAT ING STOVES, PARLOR AND EITC/lENCIITES. HOLLOW WAIM-ajc.,Stool. andGlnet lug 21111 Coalinga, Ail Ceirtng, G. Water an d linen Pipe, Sad Init., Dog Wogon Bonen. Su gar Hind., PulkYO.Tholgen, OarWheas. Contain,* and Onartinosenceall; Ala..4dhhinE And' MIL.Bhd , Castlhra made' trtinhier. >Patented 1:o rt ablo unt, with p,eoza , oriloirTownr. anl4,dmi JO B Erif r..SO..MILTON & CU, CIor , r_ TIRST STS. t ritubstrgb, loputacturlF. et st3PlD:ilon s:l l :47Cels &mks, ilAcuvisiiir, So. _ O.tit VI:RANCE, No. 53 WATER ST., pi tu tolh,atinOtactorsT ' f BOILER RIVETS, WILOGGII.T PPIt•-9,1, , ,i0r0100xl sod.rnlzoodoxf *rem degalption. i • • -' Particular 'liedOa:Loped SPIKES and ItIIIIMEI, Large or soAßlT,torh. to order .t-.hort ootlca. A good anortmeot: cbtilitartily on imod. cutorsg WELLS, RIDDLE 4.; CO., • 1"; . o. • 215 Llberty Ft% oppocits Sixth, 'riroborgb, re llnalcturcre of; LASHES .4 SWITCH ES end arm Ftleqif Nan of Lnarttrz nnAumi) WORK. • ^„.„.4 • Ord.crtsolleltatzsoia 411.4.irade, and goods prompt ly 417Ipped ilerillirtrnetton4. f0.4:7y w..131L51 PT, Manufacturers of SMITE 32157413 CIIINA and CREAM COL ,PHEV,VAP.Ei, Mace antl Wnititquee at Fo. 74 rirrn STILLET, rai4t4bargh.• mhl6:ly DIY GOODS. app t 1/IM.M.V.:—/iMM t. Clal.-.0.11> WILSON, CARR dc. CO., v be c.a. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY WOGS, r 4 IA Wood street, third !muse &bor. Di m , td 011 y. Pi tredttrch,_ gdiktf ...—........ au r i ~ 1....2..V2•:.,). Loss IeADOIr..-,...2 Ivor.. LN - 1, 7 ,• 3144130 Y 3.: CO., Dealers in rowg t.as op DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Nwo. To Federal,, Oreco,,l saerod door below loon Market WV1611,) 1i110i.... w 0y 0,1. mbS..ly insA_TON , IA:I:ACRinI & CO , Wholesale J'4 R eta il fOßlttis In TIMIGMiNGS.-EMIIIIOI. la. GlIg.S 1.4 Der GOODS, of everLdraeriptlen, A N 5 • " " a 11 l 'Y- I .' • '''.'' 4„ . fft• r t - 1 2 - 1 1 it '4 --. r- to t - - 4 x t iL '''a tt l k . 3 . k tp . in Velicr ' AND 'h .4 l A e PLE DRY ZSA GOODS. • 7-Di/i25.501.:41 1 r,g,?" 4 .!' n ' t • toolorrno Dlsznot,raa': . ' r :I'h w T xi. .1,-, ,AL taecessor to J. „ rh,,! 0:4 4 14 c z-e....e..... .., Retail Dealer ID 8 rAPLI3 AND o p _holesale • GS, Not thonod oornor of F. 10tti,,,,, . ;Net DES GO, ..IM.O0• -ioapifir-w"9tsurtnt-stroit, Pi,. d to rmat,..r-.TE;;Whote. sale -snit -...,',`" , GOODS. A z.. i Itl i;kluo oi TIIIMILNGS. DM'Z' 1 jW:ITT ,„.,._4: Itail '. Market stmt. J. ktn ,„..., .R.14..T. k CO., Dealers in all Le:lriv, Tte. _DIIrGOODS, No_ GO Warhol wroot, .rd aturrOorltl. l'lstaborgh. IL PALADIR, No. S 4 Wood Street. " R R Gs. Ser in BCINNETS, CUTS, STRAW ?RIM. and STI I4W GOODS gendrally. niteGGISTS s r SION JOllSTO.N,iealer,in PiiitE TY DREGS. ANDCEIEIIieALS, 'RENFUXIAT, 1,.4.1,:cr GOODS, iturzumo FLUID, OILS, FAX, yr XDDlClNESOtt4o(..trittly D dui . . ggatily; ail h be offers it lirist Trier!: - Cornf.r. Sioltialeld ' int 7„l'd . orth strotta;:iltteburgh. proserlptlano !use:, ' talt• conwsupdcd it' Wt hiSnr.. ; „• ,'. :. ~.:...._: •• • k A. FAWfWPcill,',97., WIIFO e, L isle DMITLAINNI,cI'I2IIM lembanenvortill.l2 . ll ',ELI I AND I.3:FH.GE, corner of Wood and Front ' itroc4 4 Pittaborgt.4-': - . • .. " . :., ~, T' 6+h7,F 1 .-- 01 IN 1 2 ..800'; Wholesa o Dealer in evJ In RIMS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES ANV IPTZ 5101 i'r; Liberty street, Pittsburgh. `. All .4 on will recelvp prompt attention. DEOliG4' IL SER.; Druggist, 7 L 'slt t. 140 Wag street, corner of Virgin alley, tgb. MUSIC, lfc ABLOTTEf BLUM, Dealer 31U VV ekt ~LaTD,lrratoair tb,711t17311114"111. Solo mt Dr I,T.SAISIC' 1" CO.'S PI OS, HAKES MOS. P 1 05, lead I . IIINCE it CO.'S BLYLODE.. 31.0nftlfstreet, 'mond doorafionpyood, pittgarsh. ( rix,A , fii exchango kir new. VS .. .09 , BRO. Dealers in Mil - 5...5...1310 AND IiahIICATeLNSTIEMNTS; an' Wol• spots for EITZIDCFAT'S CELEBRATED Pl .d2to 30. my 2 9 : - .Deal¢r:, in PL S. te ' ‘ 47 ) 4 ) i 11 , 6t 'aponwit rourtbstrfori • • A •• Ptdw r unAlrev 'oci6.rifLa ( GARME4 - , COFidLN, Agent% •Trankitttglalligolphla wad Itanno• OM:sq. 1 F . J° s 4 AVMs ISPrtb.,Ainesina, ...puts of Pettarytrant. . sad Hartford Um at I,',lNMalit VI Vow/trees.. ITUNDIEII„ REA, Seateetary Citiznue In -1 ..., ..... . 4 n eat Comfaab ran= Marta sad Ward? ma ip: d. 0011 DON, Secreta r ry Westertifti: - g mint* , 401 41 111 7. 02 Wate stmt. I, ST - - 7 - TrANA.:Pecrezz.* l oo,fa,nsl,A7, .11.nCelk.VVitit VT 0tt0rt...... . • 'f•L' . alrea 4 -""''----.4---‘ _ • -. 1 - •• , ' igeoz.LltitElßs.-4.c,,„ , , _2l ' i' t(Fp.4inoll eUroSkT 017-t CO Btatibn „Ln* .57,10,,ssnesenue sat/ b i,. , o ig; 0-315ookselIara and Sdition 1, No. fitfl st ood n t•ataxtsdator io Ora °Mo'. g ate, iSHHOOltattd um Bo9ad -, eller-WU' EWUratr. '4 _ll.l-tmt,,'l'''zei..liiinth's43lll,4*.r... THE DAILY PITTIURGH G REAL ESTATE SAVINGS INSTI TUTION.--Statement of the condition of the above tomltutlon on the 24 day of November. 18e1., pribiblhod In conformity to the charter. Amount of Deposita Nov. 2d, 180.--411r.,554 18 Amount of Interest dos Depolltors......—. 1,994 91 Amount of Contlngvnt fund 8018192 • ASSETS. Tint LS.= an Rea' Estat. 39,200 01 Elnitc.l BIAGI 110044.—. Etl 000 (0 Q. S. Dobt Certllcates sad iietes, * (markol 11,051 79 659 5T 1.70 Tura(Van—. . " Cub so bscd..... 150 The utederidipsed, Auditing Committee, Can rms. toed the books of the Institution, it. bonds and eons titles, counted the cash, &o, and here tonnd the stens etatiollitill to be °onset. , W. 11:COPELAND, NICHOLAS TOI.I3IITLY, WM. 11. SMITH. _ Dep.lta rmolveci DAILY, sad STE.ItIr !UWE DAY EVENING. laterrot paid as I per teat. penman:. ISAAC JONES, President. Ron. D. R. Hone, Ro.l. lifoothead. Wm. H. Einitb, 0. 0. linssey, W. B. Copeland, • Jaimb Painter, Harvey Childs, Nicholas Toechtty. m - 0.., No. 01 rou TEt tona.m.od ESTABLISHED 1780. BNUTI . AND TOBACCO MANCRACTUREIL Monacoly 42 Chatham 0tre04,..,N0w York 4 Would tall the attentlon of 4allini ea the aitlcles of his maaufottore, tit 1a..1/101. Tine 141;p0, 611124 intnteo, American Gentlest.), Dernsigren, N. 'Virginia, Hachltricbeti, Gspna t ager tg FELLOW EinTrr. Protch, Hih Tout Scisitsh, Irish High Tcost or Lttodyfoot, Honey Del. Scotch, Fresh lioney Scotch, Atienli 4;n . & caned to the large redaction In prime offline Cot Chewing. and finicking Tobaccos, vthich will be found of •as r iot datocerito—Long, No. 1, No. 2, ;:0.1 and attzed, Crencd•ted.. A' cn cwisa—P. A. L.,or plain - Coven diebOr Brent ; frockt '*— Lenied rocnoce ; Tin Poll CeTendiatt. liouLno-8. inpa Spanish, Cezuster, Turkieb. 5. B.—A circular of prime will be aunt on aprica ^pi dly_ AILEY FARRELL et tX) 'SAS, AND . STEAM FITTERS, Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves, And at kinds of fining. tor -cos.., 0.... d Brow AGITATORS AND TANKS TOR OIL REFINE RIO. th 264 with lead b 7 a new prvems. Fill and Winter Stock, tea fnrtte attar trim& and tee poblle to esttztrtsmt thetr .took, which hi the ihrest and most complete cror trroailht to this market. Always oa - haad. a Ism anortaleal of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. omits or-ratscukut num, pxTENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861 OVAL La 6.1111. CI-LIBLISTEN"PI. I=l Those Chimneye me-Wended (or the dot name, hotting all parts of the g 1 ms squall does not canoe* It to main. •41. T. DI !toot Pitt Olaseirertkirashismton street, apl7 Plttaborgh. Penni. feU kt:s. OA;NIC ♦ND WOOD OHAILS WHOLESALE Olt RETAIL. JAS. W. wooinvELL, 07 and 40 Thisd street, appal% R. td.rucoml6,na & and 111 Fourth Atreet. . . mlllO M. ArsT.EE.N, 13 Formazas, riLre .0.014 Sinker Titiiran eactientar attention to the aint nnn,ti{rritng~ofOlLSEXl ^TEb. 'AU tinds:nr.BUAW AND IRON COCES elder. - nleO.BnoiSs--coaSTIs45.- or au elteriett.natina • kind., made w." -- •stor-1140 . 34 1 VAlin4TREET. Au enlera left '- .1 - - , qapty idt5,44 to. I noar ba e'neqf Wag pmethad..., sarTbe teem berrot dune :nosineee cleat,., or many rare win in. oe toliva:satintstlion-tn et: cb:s aba amts rer zone; STEMI PUMP, tor punßlng W.stet,CFE* . '-::74 1 tined on.. an. :" doa• 7,1 ItfcCOLIAISTE4 TOBACCO DICALIdta, ltet MOD STAZET Are waling off their l qe itock of TOBACCO, PIPES Awn SMOICIKO TOBACCO At the Inn-, lowing 11c01111 for .troth. All order. promptly Attended . nol7 R. •••' • O. SIM M anajgra " ICKaikt, Mantlisetaras tod &gift In all lamb TOBACCO. FNurr LIM CIGARS, NO. 10$ WOOD HTLIIIET, Prrinnsall; 0 1 AI g I"' (Eincenapr Ileatoci Co.) "; 4 iPOILIIPAOHXD, Dealer IrriACON. LA - 6,1070.01 Curie mills COltNEh 24.11tErr AND /MST . layiteirt s'attsatton of Sports:at . ea d °them to bid saVtildfrktock GLI RIFLES szvowos, PISTOLS, WIZ of BAGS M , POWDERS, n LAfISS, MOT BELTS and POUCHES, DRAM !LASKO, sad sa tatualtkasof sway kat& Ills stock is the larva eras broastlf to MU soarkst. . . dsclT LYON',, A A. 'ST AL, IMPORTER AND , DEALER. to the moot oolect. broads of GENIILNIeIIAVANA CIGAILS; old all kind. of HISWEISOI.ILND CHEWING TOBAOCO, STEM WILISCT MITIOCIIAUX PIPES. TIMM A 0... £4, P. in s treaf Tule*. EINDXR.TLIE er.rawkwas no. T :.Pitiaboogb; N.B..—TILO Trade strollel as Moats! term. • ; snit :Alp FLOWERS, kn., .rued latadeirfteas % - 6 " / "" qiumorElL mann.= tanout to d' a . A • 1154: 3ALP11, 1 :• , ; , X '1".111 0 - 1, - ; Poway wd Ortv I .M):CAPM I .7fIISCELL.I.TEO Us MEM $107,M9 01 A. A. CAIIILLEII, Treasurer. PETER LORILLARD, 18 4ND 18 CI4MBBBB 6712222; 12111=Mi lii==l Art,lowtAx,trlng their F=2=l73 PATMIT 1111/12.1341 on IT ZASIOCLO 1M1C... MME;;IMI3 1310.1iLD ,m & m WO WOOD STRUM. 13017g2i PITTSBURGH, g SATURDAY MO ' FOR SaL.E. - • DRY GOODS STORE FOR SALE, _in flourishing Weeteru tows on the P. T. W. C. R. R., oot. over TX , mike from Pittsburgh, o doing • large d profitable trade. The stock is new, and him b een *elected with reference to the country trade. Lira .11 loom pnrchared for =do at lowest market prime. The present proprietor has decided to retire from the Ire& owing to had health, and now rehmtandy cam the mock for We; also the good will of the re tiring party. The boom has • lasue and respectable trade, which can be retained. The present dal mill iLITOiCII from Irfell to ten thonsand &Pare, hot mold be reduced If desired. Partin wtvbing to know the partfotlare will pilaw address or nil personally on LYDAY k OBOUPENNTSG, 50 Band Are., Pittoburgh,.P. OR 6,ILE—A Tavern stand in the Borough of {Vest Newton, owner of Ital. and Third stroeta,at (mons (coupled by John and Philip Boland, and know-n as the thokelyairoperty. Lot 06 by 132 Wet. Large building, Li rooms and bar-rdom (AMAIN'. fin 46 horse.; thee yard , well paved; good garden, with fruit and abrubbery. Offered at ogre.t ourlfice and on easy terms. Also, • t wodnory Brick Dwelling and lot 66 by 122, (with another lot adjoining ear same airs if desired.) sitnato corner of Eighth awl Main street, and at pre. eeat occupied by John Boyd. Good noble, with oar riAge Lorne; fine gamin, fruit and shrubbery. Offer ed low and on easy terms. Aho. 47 charm West Newton Bridge Stuck. Apply to B. ItirLA IN 6 C0..106 Fewth at. - LIOR SALE.—Two superior Cylinder 800..., as inches diameter, 'EP feet long, mode of y, tart, iron, wrought Iron heads thick. Boil ers almost se good as new. Also, Oise Portable Engine sod Tubular Boiler el At hotelwer, 6 Loth cylinder and 12 inch stroke. MIS En gin e ba s bored one well almost 700 feet deep, and I. • 'relay selaptod to that kind of work, or . =wing wood for locomotive/1. Alto One Engine, hoary iron bed piste , 14 Inch .71.1. 0 47. 30 Inches new, with balance Tali. gorernor. Well adapted to run • grim mill or =all hoop milL Enquire at 11. kl. BOLWI3, corner Point Alloy sod Peuperfate Way, 0010:bn Pittsburgh. PUBIAC SALE.—Wo will offer for sale la the town of Bridgeport. Obin, on the urn of DECEMBER, 1993, oar SAW AND PLANLSG ILLS, with 15 Lot. connected and 3 other Lots not connected sr Ith the 31111 s, Sharma, I ',fagots and har ness, oMon lAroltrme„ls,ooo foot of lumber, AIM many other things too nuenemus to meultoa. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock a. m. Trpant—For lt«il data., onto-third down, the W ne./ in Moe:dual annual instalments from April Ist, 'hilt, bearing interest from that date. I'erooo al property C. 1.111. 521t1rA1t2 d Kamm; E. HOTEL „YOH tiAl.E.—The property known cut 31EANOIt'S HOTEL, situate on Fourth etreet, between Fu-ry and 31arket street. The lot Is 40 feet front co Fourth allect, by 63 fret deep. The Hotel In • three story brick, 37 feet by 73 feet. The home tens lately built, and la doing • good boole,se, The furniture will b 0 acid with the hotel, if required. For further pertlenlany aa to temp, lc., legal of J. W. HILL. No. SO Fifth street, go of J. /I Mt:ANON...et the proooloe ECEETEI 'KM SALE AT A BARGAIN Within a few minutes' aro* of a ramenger Railway Slation. Tha Improvements ttre a mall Dwelling House, an acre of large and email fruits, Ac. An abundance of water on the place. A 1.,, a House end Lot near Ilanch,vter. . . For particulars mgoire at the defttla CLIRONICLE OFFICE. WAGOAKER tirfor IN F° N-M To eidl to a good wark• man my entire Mock, root sting of everything in the Wagonmaking Ihnitneee—Oak, Aeh, Pim and H ory Plank, Axles, aud Sawed Minimal, 4,000 Spokes, and a large lot of Termed Spoke., am I atith to - gire coy attention to the Slacaamith lug buetneat alone. A rare , chance Li offered to . tad_ W.F.. I.G maker. Malaita of HAM, nottdcoditer Temperanciaille. Y FOIL SALE. COAL PROPERT Mein or Ica, of COAL AND LAN D. on the 31.n0x g' tiuro " photo minus she third L.,ek. " or. RICHARD E. BREED, ovri.wl:w..o)T No. 100 Wood ...cot, copy 0 time. and rh. this alleaq. pi. - 01 FOR mA situated n.ii.t.n county,six miles from Blairsville, on the North. ern Pike, containlog ONE IIC.I2DREc AND SIXTT ACRES, ninety soros cleared mid In good cnirtra. lion. Neu frame house and ontbelldlogs, young orchard of choir. fruit, gibundanos of excellent water. Enquire at the office of W. C. AIIOILENDAITO B. BED, &SWARTZ, No. 112 Diamond stmt. noTheodlm R. SALE, THEY Low—One PUPPET 1.: VALVE ENGINE, = inch rylindor, 5 feet troke, admirable condition. with or without Maks Shaft, Fly Wheel, Map., Yore. Pump, Tb.logyiosoefeelnelli gory:cony i:wpm., but coperially for o tolltag KM. Call and ow ft. THOS. ARBUCKLE A CO., Anchor Cotton HiLls. dent( Allegheny City. fiX)li. SALK—A beautiful residence on 1 Monad Troy Dill, one End, from A 11101.113, Cal Market Moors, temb • areal abut:Atom or all trade of fruit, evergreena, shade trem, te. To be sold km nod pep:motsmay. 'agolie of )01Ibl 11. BIeFADDEN, Market street; or, A. H. HA F/YET, on the premixe. Ale., tome flue ballding loin In Allegheny Oily dehierd SALE.-81X ISM Al.l 1311.11 A HOUSES. sane. on Sturgeon street, Allegheny. The hotly. aftl ln avid on terms to make It • &clim b's Lneeetzneett . eapitalbets, or persona dennng cheap and comfortable hordes. Inquire of J. U. BARE. No. 40 Diamond, Allegheny; or of S. B. W. GILL. Attorney-al-Lan, noLlmodlf No. Ai Fifth street, Pittsburgh. OM HALF-A lot of land, containing L . 711 acme. eituated I% mine from DisarmsAßM. Hon, en the P4tebursiti.Fors. Wayne .4 CAlcagei 8.8. The above properiy timbered, eith • good young orchard of bearing frail trees. This property he fold on rtaeonsbin teems. • , Far fernier puticolars imam. S. C. bicldArsTEß. &serials/wine. 1.1.. F FCHt HENT—RICH HILL, ARM, containing !Misers, of land, on the Perryerille Plank Raid, thine miles from Allegheny, with tine dwelling hems and tenant hours. Suitable tile and sow occupied no n dairy, known se the Creep Tree Tnerrn. Eninire a J. LYN'S IIcABOT, re Lane, EleAlsoy A C 0.,) 110 te.l.ral street. AlleubenT• 'OR SALF.,—Three newly limit three etory 'Said Homes, with Store Booms on erg Boor; situate ea the corner of Wylie .6 Coop.. streets. Finished Is mrilDro st,sle .4 the best moo, ner. Far Ruttier Infonstaitst Inquire st deit2tsiod No. 61 WOOD STREET. 1.411.1 t. SALE—A lot fill Virgin alley, a:be tween Wood 0.1 lintitlaftel.letreete, 30 feet trout. crittalultig strart 6,00 q.t. real , well adopted for ttismstrufactrwing eir,elletterent, will be cold low, Apply o ro. GI WOOD STICK= do7.thret.l Mit ;SALE-1i Ault Orfram - ing I"im E terotveraging 5.0t0 0 to 12 lorlott pore. Enquire at. tGo. 10./ 111111 ern Err. ..vest UCTIOX SALES 4/4/tOcBRIES, TOBACCO b., SEG '• i..nto SATURDAY IitOII.SI.NO, Dee. 15.11 a, et . to sold, at Ms Comm.rolal 10 ;•1411"treot Dooms. r 4 • natitere% 20 half btda. , 50 bozos Dot/ 311 do . gen..... 1 Cab.. de prin... Csrendtsta 5 !file. Cut and Dry Ettnokluj;." 10 chests Green nod Mack Teas; - 115 Doane G•vernment Java Cotner; 10 -de Diu Moor and Tsrattrallt, • 10 do 31tdago•Rslsise: 33 do. 'ground Spletsn. in do Mustard; . 6 do pliare Corn Starch; 3 du bast quality Indigo; • do Paraffins Candi.% 10 du Castile Soap; •Al do pals ielloia'Soaln Tbs attention or the Dada is Invited_ • deln DAVIS A 11oILWALRE.. Auot'rs. NTALuu" aOCKti AT AUCTION. —o LIMA'S =ENING, Dee. ltols, 1R53, at To'clock, will sold , at thee Commando' Sala ma No. 54 Tittle drat: la skarn' Exchange Dank Moak; . 15 do . Merchant?dt Monafactored.' Nook; I do ;tr. City Butt Stock; 20 do i Citizens Dank Stock; I do Merino Railway Co.: 1 , 9 do ,Pittaburgh rellearoollerilla R. R. G.;,60 40 - Allogbeny Valley Railroad Co 8. • • • 12 . DAVIS A IlloIMAM; Ater& PIiOTOGBAI'It ALBUMS, SATURDAY ESTNING, Doc. nib, a 7% o'clock, will bo sold, at. the Comniaintal dales Room, 04 Fifth Arcot, a largo colscollacaons eollio- Urn of noviand swond-tiand Book,. oondlifbillid olar and standard Litsratura. Theology, if , Trawdo.AN, Dwaine., &a. Alwpoi groat yarletTof cleat PitograthAvAllabirilicintsou*PAisfuloorkgra. - D EAR. IDR. BAELZ el tmt iliz Angt t l i o: to Om trestatont i s o on OAT CT, 141111:1 EYES, toe All. E TlF e rett PUPIL, AUTIBICIAL EYES. and Mats all' INTLAIIMATOITT ETES; Alen UMW IlltAllt1;0, and all aura afOtotinctlte Ear - and lowans to Ottlee.loollll7TH STREET. miELI • PROPMETARYAN REVENVE 'INTAMPfI, of atl' danixtdrattchr. A 161 T ropply kept - tonstaitly ah hand, at the /eternal -arcane Moe, Ito. CI Water duet; nut door to My Tres' .cry Alle "ti rbray. /AVID .Wltr , rs Collector of Internal llerattrukttld Dlst. , ► Vorr.—Lertars ehtnild Irt.dlnoted -th 4lirlthrti7. - - -- BELTING; Op, (Jam 134tlegi iroftbr GNAW, Lar.•_, /ostler atutleteste; WV stack , 14 , ..1)11 co 0141 i at the In dta Mabberlie ot- ' k. I'iIMTAP‘ 445' " Oa; 26'.132193 elite ttrwill., _ ,'ji_+~~h_F~~ Vittslitirgh SATURDAY NORNIICO: :::DEC. 12, 1868 TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. Mowoto raFrIIOP, by man, p.r 7r5.r....--41 ea. •bagle A gym:. ErwrAr4 by mall, per year—,.... 4 49. Wrans.l Rpmtoe, single osplaa per year... 2 01 data of 5 t• ... I SO. " clubs of lOor mare" 1 U. —undone ethe to lb. party sending-dab. ror • dub of ahem, we will send the Ewen Gear= roe elub .f twenty, se . wlll wad the Mourn* Geerrre Sloe. mph", 8 cesta.• IrJr MI enbeerlptheusrbiedy is amour, aud papers sleep 'topped when the timer:pins. EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAIISi OUR PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL •DISPATCH:, SpedA DtepateLes to the Plttebergh Gazette. PLILLADSLPLIU. Doe. 11, 1883 General Lee's army is thus posted: Hill's corps around Orange Court Noose, Lee'e headquarters; Early's division nova Summer ville roads, at Morton's - and Tobacco Fords; Johnston's division at Mitchell's, Brown's and Germania fords. Dense volumes of smoke are seen arising from the woods and batteries south of Duo coon sod Morton fords, which show that the onsmy are also in fuel there. 'neer' art oonaing botuo by dozens on fur lough. The rebel authorities state that Leo had over sixty thousand men in the late campaign, end was certain %f victory bad we the rash ness to amok his strong position. The Richmond papers still further confirm the retreat of Gen. Longatreet from Knox ville, in consequence of heavy reinforcements received by Burnside. The rebel forces fell back to the Mountain, where they intended to make a stand. The loss at Knoxville is ad mitted to be 000, principally in Gen. Hoods Division. A dispatch to the &meaner from Dalton says that our cavalry at Ringgold were at tacked by the rebel cavalry on the sth and driven a mile beyond the town. A private letter to a shipping house here says the scheme to carry off the Chesapeake was toad° by the rebel agents at St. Johns, N. B. Conspirators wero sent from there to New. York, where they went on board the Chesa peake, armed and ready to carry out their purpose. The cargo was shipped by rebel agents with the intention of soiling her and conveying her to the South. It appears that she took in no coal at St. John, but took on board Capt. Parker, tormerly of the privateer Retribution, who took command of her. The. telegraph says she was at Cape Sable yester day. Thore it no news from Charleston, exceat from rebel papers of the Bth lust.; on that morning a brisk fire wan going on between Fort Moultrie and Battery Oregg. Our force" hare erased firing on Sumter, and are Annie ing their battery, and entrenching Oren eastward. One of the monitors has timber work around her sides to protect her from torpe does. The Cotton &um published at Gainesville, Florida, says a telegram received at head quarters, Lake City, states that the Setwanrese river Is blockaded. 't • Tho sieuoST posed to he . the Laura, at the city landing. l'has ends the I:deck:de running for that point. - - W. J. J. The Potomac Army—Rumored Arm's tlee Asked by Lee—Prestdent's Pro ctamatlan—The Tax on Liquors and Tobacco--Aratts of the Dealt. etc. Now Toes, December 11.—A special to the World, dated Army of the Potomac, Dec. 10, says: There is no movement to record in the Army of the Potomac. It Is Intended to keep the army here for some time, unless cir cumstances that are not now calculated upon should arise, Is everywhere apparent. The men are building comfortable quarters, and are preparing for winter. There is a rumor current hero to-day, which may be given for what it is worth, that Lee had, under a flag of truce, forwarded& request to Gen. Mende, asking for an armistice of three months' duratfon. The Tribune's special from Washington, dated Deo. 10th, says: The proclamation sub joined to tho President's Message was written substantially in the form in which .. it was issued, several weeks ago, and the President at the time seriously thought of issuing it be fore the meeting of Congress. dine Its ap pearance the question has been raised In official quarter as to whether the rebel prisoners In our hands under rank of Colonel, may not avail themselves of the amnesty offered. The name person thinks three-focirths of the rebel prisoners now In our hands would gladly, if it Includes them, and the question thus becomes of mush importance. There is, so far as can be ascertained, a general disposition on the part of the members of Congress, to carry out the recommendatioas of the Commissioner of Internal Ravenna and Secretary Of tbe Treasury, with respect to the increase of taxes on liquors and tobacco. It is thought probable Congress will impose a homier tax upon whisky than proposed, per haps 75 cents or $l, per gallon. The oral's of the draft, so far am aster. tamed up to this time, are 60'000 men, and $12,000,000 are the figures given in the Secre tary of War's Report, based upon data two or threeneeks old. The Navy department has thirteen Tomas in pursuit of the pirate Chesapeake. A special to the Herald from the Army of the Potomac Dee. 9th, says : Three deserters from the sth North Carolina volimusers,which regiment woo on picket duty, near Horton's ' Ford, tame into our line during Last night. They report that the whole of their regiment anbrwant, an ."opportunity to desert, when they will gladly avail themselves of it. In ~,,g,,ization of this the regime:it was not pp yotor d and 4, an Alabama regiment took their plue I have it from reliable authority that Oen. Lee's army occupy the following positions: Hill's Carps, around Orange Court Roue, where thea. Lushes his hen:lnverters. Early's Division is near Summerville Roads, at Hor ton and Tobacco Porde, and !ohnson le at Mitchell, Brown ant Germania Fords. From the dense volumes of smoke arising from the wood, and batteries south of Raetoon ' and Marion Fords, it Is evident that the enemy lila three there. The rebels picket all along the South side of the river from near the function orate Rap. adan itnd Rappaltannook to above Robert son's river. Tbe rebel authorities state that Lee had over 60,000 mon in the last campaign, and he was certain of victory bad we had the ruh nes■ to attack him in hie strong position. It is stated that the enemy Is building win ter , neuters. Guerrillas Troublesome... Chattanooga Prisoners—The lientunkl to ture-.Alrairs In the vicinity or hat- tensing& Cnrcumart, Deo. IL—A Louisville dispatch says The guerrillu in Cumberiend, w_rg on. end Clinton counties, are yell trrtioll• some and Often make raids th e Cumber land:destroying propartyotoaling tomes and oonaeripting citizens. They are generally believed to be rebel eitizens who take Oh method of robbing union men. Font thousand two hundred °hammers prisoners hare'passed through Louisville: Itisganevelly belieredthatJan:authrie wtll be elected United States Senator, by the Ken ttteky Leglabstnve. A vote 'pr thanks to am ends Grant and-Burnside. ras othiredbl the !Cantu*, Senate yerterday. . tesorrizoocu Dee."lo.--...Gen. P. r. • Blair, sad G. N. Wils on, of Gen. Greatly staff, - nr. riroul from Enonrille today:. "Blab goes-to Vengintr atninri t ,: ' Sherman rowan in te..inw r=2llM in , a it* , listiy, feria talEitoidllCs. 1114 . 1.*414. uumrntysiossirpenilint smld itt - tatt"46 " l = - ~..:. _~ G, DECEMBER 12, 1863 101 . Rlehttiond Prisoners—Rebel DU ,., patches. • thorns, Om 11.—Tho Sew remains tlißowing: te trues Mourne. Dee. 'J.—Major General E. A., lleoeh t My belief is that our prison ers Bello Island are In tents. I have re qn . d Mr. Otild to share the clothing and au 4 4e tenets Bent by the government with our of n prieonere. 1 hare ne doubt it bus been I da lliPled, I J. A. Mcaturrn.. mu Monroe, Dee. 10.—Tho Richmond i o f the oth has the following : felon, Dec. B.—A brisk fire between ildisprie and Battery Gregg opened this me ins. The Yankees have ceased firing on E. er, and they roe alternating their bat to and intrenehing Gregg eastward. One me tor luu latimber work around her sides to pro the; from torpedoes. i 1 batteries keep up o slow fire on the e 4,'S working parties. Slow fires aro kept up isen the enemy's batteries and ours. ' fool, Dec. T.—General Longstreot has 1!R " d the siege of Knoxville, In consequence cif She heavy relnforeements to Burnside. QA Friday night our force fell back to M orris tollt,Sthere a stand will probably be made. • the work of puttingetho East' - Tonnes.° in, sn.l: 7 o l: , in D ia iri llai .i. lr o o . ad e th a runnunhri,ncoforde Georgia,r wli bo tithed forward by Col. Owen. Lu lees at Knoxville was 600, principally ;la di Col. Either, of Misaisalppi, severely i : 'tided, and Captain Dann, of tongstreot's s ;Wounded. be Ciiflitlit on the 20th failed, In conies. ipcsithe of a forged order recalling General M-detrion4 brigade. • ,'Ataltort. B.—The ealamy's cavalry Opeared yesterday at Ringgold, bat being attacked by our caralry ander Grigsby, wore %I:area a mile beyond lite town. tlllsl President's message was resolved and rtad.th both the Rouse and in Congress yes *any.. fliOrdon of Gen. Gantt--The Reclproe- Ity Treaty W 4E7,11 GTON, Doc. 10.—The Pee eilleat signed the pardon oxempting E. W. Gantt, of Arkartsas, from tho penalty of treason which he incurred by accepting and elercil , lag the office of Brig-General, in the service of the rebels. The pardon also reinstates Gen. Gantt all his rights of properly except ing elates. RepresentativeMorrill,of Vermont,h as gtven notice of a Lill haring in view the termination of the reciprocity treaty, and Bop representative Word proposes a joint res olution to anthoriso tho appointment of a commissioner to negotiate for the new treaty with the British Goren:anent for the British provinces of North America, based upon the true principles of reciprocity. From Texas. este°, December 10.—The steamer MeC!el len, whichirrired from New Orleans on the 3rd, brought the rebel prisoners that were captured on Mustang Island. Among them woro a number of officers. lion. Hamilton, Military Governor of Towel, arrived at Bretoes on tho 2d, and will enter upon the &ale,. of his office, no soon nil posei bk. An Important Dlocovery The Washington correspondent of the New York Jesse/ of Commere r e write. that a curious and interesting discovery Lae just been made Jo the Department el State, beating upon the boundary line between the State of Mlnnotota and the British prorlnnen. From time immo rtal, all the maps that hove come before the public have represented the dividing line as barely touching the utmost Southern extremity e! the Lake of the Woods, and then passing directly to the westward. A recent investiga tion of the maps and treaty touching alit matter has brought to light the fact that the homadary line, after reaching the lake, pusses 'through one-half of its centre, thence west ward 194 an extensive bay or arm, then di rectly need, again, until it reaches the MILD meridian, anti than continues to the west. Tbo upshot of the story is, that Minnesota has a big lump of valeable land which she did not know belonged to her, and that she has full command of the Lake of thc Woods. Gent Grant on Slavery Senator Wilson, inn recent speech in Phil- I saw the other day a letter from General Mont. That General says : I hare never been an anti-literary man, but I try to judge Just*. of what I see; I made up my mind when this war opened, that the North and the South could only lire together In pearl, as one nation by being a free nation. Slavery, said he, which constituted the corner stone of the so-called Confederacy, Is knocked out: and It will take more men to hold the black raze no stares titan it would to put down the rebellion; and, said he, much az I desire to see peace, end I long for it, I net opposed to any peace dritil this question of slavery is forever settled. ' A NT.- Tritsrr.c has been constructed in Fano, Italy, the birth-place of Ginglint, the famous singer He was asked to sing at its inauguration iy his fellow-townsmen. Ile declined singing for unthtng, but assured them if they would prepare a contract binding themselves to pay him emtinsfe per night ho would some with plea, u re. It is needless to say his terms wore gladly accepted, and his reception Rol in the highest degree enthusi astic. Wilat.VTAg GOOD GIRL WANTED—To do ge <t •I h^tuoes - ork. • ' , boll. dlataAc• in the coati try. 13!ghost •egra p.id. Apply el the &At( GAzerrE OTTICE. SALESItAN WANTED.—A Salaam:in in • Wholemle °Amory HOOP, In Philadelphia. Ta 011, haring oxporion-o In the boomer; a liberal Wary mill beet.. Addrom BOX No. 2421, Phila.. 6141 phis P. O. 4.20.31 $75 A MONTH t—l want to hiro Agents le mary county at $26 • month, expense. paid, to call my timr p d chim Family Bowing Aladadom. Ad ltros or-12brtrimrli A. DISON Altrod, Malmo I It y .ANTED A. GARDNER—A mar 'Heel mm n : lthenal children prellrrrad. Flnman A:lndent..ud the , culture , of Grape% and not ho afraid Os little hard work. The right hind of a-man can net a permanent situation, a... pay. Magnin at Pillabarnh, Pa. de2 WANTED.—S6O AloNTH.—Wcs want T /tents at {la) • month, aroma. paid; turn our aortae.. Pewi t. , Gairatal ihumerr, awl lineal atm um, acid and eurloua artit - lca. Mts., artl. dam tarstfran Marta., eaMtrodorlf MAW At (MARK. Biddeford. Bt. WANTED.—A young man having good businese reputation, and cm command • cub capital of psotn, oapable or taking chug. of . lot of Boots, Tinsman. and ont•door 'business, caa *MI of s nue opportunity to niter am partner 111 /nerstlvis Iron Balloon fully astablinhod. • Apply to dal B. MELAIN A C0,,,102 Fourth .trout. IVANI'ED—In an old establialled No- Y Oen Douse In Philadelphia, A GOOD, ACTIVE nALEHMAIf, Who can Influence cub and .111=AI:us country trade. MAU* DOA No. 2132, Plalladaphla P. 0 delOavr. WANTED. La Caper'mead Carpet Op!taleteret L elated bawdWA, • OLIVIZII 11cOLINTOCK lIMMTM WANTED.—Surgeons and Asaiatant Burgeons for Colortal lb" Po pulmente of tho South, Gulf, and Tandem.. All candidata. most tm examined before a Board of nedital Offlem Boman an Dam la minim at Piatoa. Harr garb, Washington; Oniejnosti and at, Loa* and at Ibo headquarter:ll of lb* Armies of lb* Potomac. Cumber land, sod eliembera. Applitatioas for examinatiorm should b meads to dm burgess General, 11. B. A., Washington,. D. C., cad mist be iiceompanied with area or more testis:la alas of good moral dummies from importable per ' SOUL trbe beard will determine 'braier lb. candidata In quilled fOr &neon or for Assistmet Vorgeom Tna snenlidjite most bs a graduate of Mme liogalar 111edical College; con-graduates will not be ennui. Sued. J. It. HUMES, - Acting &mem General. Barren General, Gglaa Wee. le, Sep. neltixedltw' AGA:4I3 11.AGNOLLL BALM ;.. Storlloiro Atobroila, for the Dolt ; • Lotrtfm.Bloom of Tooth; LlltsVo oar Mouser; . rotrlptlott; P•TIVErar, And Toatt Artlelso, of retry tto• Ifontilyllo Colors ; GU:10111W Loan' fibooldor Braces; Of mon doottitlalmod bet quallty,lmpt omatantly an head and Or solo at - OEO * . A. ITACILIPS, • • , , ' • OfiIiTILLD !TVG OTORI t . • dol . 10 a Wend sta.: Wait . lefitioe.. Gm= RIDDLE, 4 ?!"r.V 434.1 '. <' a4CER• - - 011 0 1 , 1 ; P ' " l E 6 °O 104. rut O , Kf.:; . iT-:. , 41. ',:%' ,. . , 1. -, '• - - 4:IOISEJfEEJr7B. OmPITT'SBURGH THEATRY. Leave and Hanager--.—Ww.. assarmas Trearmreer Lem algbt cf the engagement or the celebrated equestrian artiste, Mr. 11. E.. 1. 3111.M3, 'rho .CI appear a• "Herne, the Hunter, - and “Jaut Shope I.trd TUTS (Haturday) Err—SUM WEI ba premsated,Ah. molo-drasstia r{ecbct• ILEELNE, THE ECISTERI O. TELE FOEF-ST FIEND AND DEMON nonsz E!!!!!M!!!:3MM Leawood-- ---G. S. Kama O. beam. Mat.l Annie terile. The Demon Hoes, Illantha _._._._..__.._...__...!(ice milkman. M=MM JACK SHEPPARD ON HORSEBACK Jonathail — E .r. -CONCEKT HALL SIX NIGIIITEI OiLT Commencing Monday, Deo. 14th, 1803 MORNINGSTAR'S MINSTRELS AND CORNET RIND SIXTEEN 017 TED AISTLSTS I Ins grand SOIREE Do AFRIQUE I EL= alr For particular. ore Provarnima , 141:81 E. U. ABIL9TEOHO, agent. v;i ,, TLLEATIZE. SIIISB A. ELIERLIE , H HEIVEFIT MONDAY ErSNYNO, Dee. 14th, Tho 4G-rout Night of tho Sesition. The performance will commence with the three set mutation play relied HELENA, THE'SLAVZ. . . Al.an the inhale raproaratatlon of the groat Inter; nation.' fight bettor= Dern.% and Ring, by J. Ilaekny and pupil. SlnOns and danclng by Cheap John, Drady, Rob. orb,. M DM. Don, Becket, Jennie. To conclude with Laura Ileedan's Dew Hibernian drama of the 'RISK REBELLIOS ; or, &r. PAT RICK'S EVE. dallt2t CL.I LM ell GEJI^TR. EILEXPTION CLAIMS. W. J. & RAIL PATTERSON, 14-t Fourth Street, hl floor. Mims for PENSION, BOUNTY BACH and EX TRA PAY, SUBSISTENCE, PRIZE MONEY, end BOSSES tom or MEW to the ermtre, promptly st t...lal EXEMPTION CLAIMS attended to 'Flamini de ! • &Ex, pIiNSIONS, BOUNTY, BACK. PAY. T. WALTER DAY GENERAL CLAIM AGENT 103 FITTU SITIEtr, ad dm. beim the Cadmdzsl. Pennsylvania lloidtars wen of the montatalia, Haat aris Ohio Sidler., awl Wist Virginia Poitiers, can have their Ponsiona, Bounty wd Back Pay seamed at this al", Catalan. tell b soot giving ball Bauman= to the. deafen, or to &comma Boldiom' Beira aboatog alto are entitled to nal Pension. Bounty wad Back ray, cad tlto manner of cocaring the. mama 1.1 apply ing tr. coo by tutor Of il.l perms. air ko char, ant i collected.liblysta.la pENSIO..".O, BUUNI'Y, BACK PAY. No 114 TIT.a erfltr.ET, Prrnrrus. Oottections i. Alleeway and adjoining colnatles. Protecono SOLDIERS CLnINS. of own 7 SeeEwl_ don; BOUNTIES fro ell ditmhpai Soldiers. oft, suma, f or woonded 5o Want BOUN TIES end PENSIONS Su 'WI own, Parent., Orphan Childntn, Brothers and Bidets, or other legal entire. mantle. of Owe, who horn Cited in the amine, or have Bel after dbobarge Cam disenee contractad to sortie. SktrNo &argent:aft collactad, arid ha letter •1110. vortrend owr ..tame t taek•ed. &Warn ifitARY CALMS, BOUNTIES, PENSIO . NII, BACK PAY tad MILITAIII ebAlllB of evet7 descriptlan. mile:tett by the aut• emitter. at the folloartug mat, ate: Penske:tall° 00; all other clattasS3 84 C. C. TAYLOR, Attoran at L.., Ito. 73 Grant street, Plttabargh, Pa. N. B. No charge. are aaaela If the claim doom not eurtred. sad all information claan Fratta. Whip OILS. If.. 1-111",- ff)lMetlf3lON NERCELLETS. Petroleum and its . Products, Oils, 51 BROAD 811111=—...------Nnr To5B. 55 WATER & 152 Fawn . BTS.--Prrrszvasi. N' /Louts for the PORYLAYD KEROSENE OIL WORKS, YEW r OEIS PARAITLNK CANDLE COMPANY. L. • LUCENT (ML WORKS. DUNCAN, DIINIAP & Co., itozoofoefuren of Pure White Refined Carbon Oils, No. an LIBERTY erases, CTIAMING 011f6F . ENURE STOOK AT OOST, L. HIRSHFELD, No.' 83 Wood St., vrEl.o hi. tottry stock of HEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Complete to every Mach. OrorcoeUngs„ Cloths. Casalmares. &c.. By the yard or MADE TO ORDER, In our wool unsurpamod style at (loot Price, befog • redaction of at loot 85 PER 013 INT. Emma!, old rates. I make this • gwAladeaelmste. to tbose wbo wish to bay bargains, being desirous beeline out my Oat» dock by the Ist of Janom7, on aotoa•t of twitting from trostarat. THE 820IIE TO LET. romeestoo glean on theist of February. • L. HIRSEPRLD, !FdliJ To. 83 Wood amt. TERIMU, nc ALL rra enaxon ss.-11aring parodued • large stock of goods tot CASH; so are able to ogee great bwrgalbe at at. Womb , low pia. FEATURE BEDS •, RAIDL IMMIX AND SPAIN MATIRAPBI63, OLD lIATTRASSIM, re-se to the bottatuutaef, sae TEATIME BIDS renovated. Aft ear earlety of BLINDS, TABLE A FLOOR OIL CLOT EMBOSSED TABLE COVERS; ADZ. LADE, MUSS sad ELANILLA BOWER= MATS, CARPET BINDINGS, and 'eery variety of Oda kept In tbilt Eno. W• lathe Ow attention of the public away to oar WELL ASSPATED STOOL AU ordera prompt Vr atttaded to: - flaw eye to • all at USX FEDERAL STIMIET, Alleltway,onve In omapled by l 4 Se soHARKEN A NOW.. R USSIAN PEBBLE. 81"ECNAGLES. ••Ifotatitbstaadlog tha attacks of Palm =lacy Pandas% also =Elio to tba tams of 0:d1- , BIISSLLII PEBBLE SPECTACLES, .. Ara recolchat daily Qs warmest aodosatimeata of ow 1 CittiOP.V2 All that is 'acted Is to aambat 0 other ; than can lad by the MIBBILIA M t r al lLkl out. ••Wor aids by 7 4.14 . 110ND,Prszlical 11.1mirer of tbp MaiLui 14.104tEpietad511. jati r '+' '"112 Firth staid. llarnthiPediftindlui FALL OF 1863 Ism% ,-M9.065 , 41211111 , Xxtr&lfw"T :_>:~ti - _ .: ,=` Boetnese entreated to oar care ant metre oar P 7reer to Ilea= Blott%ao, Barley *Co., Brame Bente Co., and McClelland. A Davis, Pltutettriar, Item Smith, Zoo '"Preat Boat N. A.; IL 1.. Tooter oo,rhtladelphia. anStly IRON CITY OIL WORKS. LIMY & CHORPENNE6, Bian!ftelosaissekil .116 tam of OLIEBON OIL. BYB. MB AND LIIBBIoAspta. 611,9. sad dean In CRIME] PirMitOLICVISI. Work", oppodta Sharrberr e Mos, No. 61 /LOD STRICCe. D L MILLER, Jr., Ainurr, • • lib WALYUr IT.. PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REFINED PETROLE#3I On Om. Solon or elusively. An charm at mat npuountds ratan STORAGE FOR REFUSED In tang collart. For CRUDE, wider good ands. Partiesdnr sttentkos paid to OIL FOR EXPORT. Ton Buz—CAUSTIO SODA, SODA ASH, dn. anlay CABOT PEMBERTON, General Merchandise Brokers, 03.5 SOUTH FROST ST., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REPINED PLTEOLIMI, OAUSTIO • SOMG43.Ogats,ALEI,,.m.BRIELSTOICE, Orders to Lev or wU promptly attended to. anlay PrInSBUBGH,PA ALLEN & NEEDLES, Particular attentiaa raid to coulgo . to at Crude and Refined Petroleum. Liberal Win.= sailla. ly HE' RY ROE, 13 NORTH TIION't V, FIIIIADSLPELIA, Broker dc Commission Meroluant CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM; LITEILIOLTINO OIL AIM BEICZOLZ, And dealer In Crude anal Relined PETROLIMII BAEUELS. ansgy BREWER, BURKE & co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GLOBE, PACIFIC AND LIDEBIT OIL WOBISB. Liberal cadh adrznees eta& m 2 voeulgstmeati.al Refined or Crude Petroleum OWL DINITEBIIIIIWAY EASCOaIi WALLACE it CUItTISS, AM dealers La CRUDE & IMMO PETROLEUM, AND LITBSICLITSO OITA Se. u 1 soura wiziarre, PIiILADELPIII.d. R7' Storage capacity (cedar carer,) for 15,000 bbla. Lim asterient thermion ter shipping MI kmorkaa mei /creme porta, at oar wharf cm Om &heylkill Elver, sear the platform of the P. 8.. Joalely WALES, Vi b fMORB b• CO., SHIPPERS OP PETILOLEIIIif kmpl. flacrlttlAr tn. STORAGE AND SEITPPTFG, W. A. CHAPEAN, Atnerr, 08 Wale l 133 haul .1. at tborir yard and 'dart Era Matz myl43f A iccoßmicK & CALLENDER, 211 and 213 South Water Street. ==l Lyeloyjl Chomp.log, boo. City Olt Work. Jacob Pafoyer, of J. Painter t Co. Jae. R. Chalfortt, of bang, Cbalfaut Ja Co. ifna, DLO 0/. — D OIL WORKS. Refiners and Dealer, in Cabon DU, lyzonseweed by my bo the toszkoh derOrders left id their ale% No. Il EUlltEllT irrilLZT.or at their •orb ha Loorenceerille, trill be %ally &needed to. Buyers of camp. One. OBERT.ASHWORTiI, No. ISt CLAIM ST., prrissonon; Forwarding & Commiositm ffierabant AND DMZ= IN On& • L 05111062130, OSIIDE PETZOLEOSI OILS, dm, toostsatitto, !triad end fir solo at the lowest market prices. Oa:old/porno:do sad orders solkited. sOtear OVA. V. 1103 , 01!1 ! ► WOODVILLE OIL REFINERY. . CM We HOispllMP & COY.'., tdasatsctorsrs of EMMA° On AND LOBEICA. TIRO OIL. Keep coosesttly oistsod sir:best t&slit7 4 MINING OIL; dear awl 'ebb's& eess treed:treed:LUBRICATOR, gas _q LOLE and CAR. CREASE. ilar AN onlins' ioNiit No. 35 1111711 i3TREPT, Bonk Block, wood boar, rat be promptly alloodod AfAria, 0:14:4/74*INED, EIACHiIiTEEICAND C' .1 • .a.,14 :S is: And datiot.th 114 fining latorialt. • altly '" No. 113 MAUR= ET. [lnaba:mt.' arat4r,o awassum .3trBourr, alselo; ottoilttoO , eio 3l Co At00 . a 1 ,,:;;, Crgde and Renned ' reooo*; tra. ni:ibuTp:rsons , frrairr, naps - 1 • • w41:11Cr..X114111 ETROLITZ OIL WORX.S.s:,-,` P .. muss muir catatis ert. 216YEkr,44-7ii. - • =Roam voznicktipaOrt4;, 47 .- cgracimtwo dimaiskt ,REEO MIRATZTR - oat* iptchipuitzcsizont.p.Nwer— " , r,tr• , 07 21-3:g 1 :~~:~ ~=r~: , y. <u,:r.'-t'«:F ;.fir: ~±' ~. BENZLYE, WALNUT BT., PHILADILPIILL PIIILADELPUIA. 001111I&STON BIRECHANTE 1=1=1:1 rrrntariza. Commission blerohants, CONICIMION lifracgArrs, lIS MAIDEN' LANZ, NEW TOILE.. OIL BROKERS, 07LICAGO NAYLOR & SIGTH, D Alin, • of Wm. 11. Wtx;prard e arralk"4l 4= '' n ,L I - ftuisnt.' n?"f . .7q1 2 - 1 7,, - P . F . ' — * W ii k l -'- - 1 WU"' inst" . S,l 1.-1 , ll'Pi a i ""- 141 -, 11. .° 14 11•P`' P" IS t i . ' !:r . 5 1 .1 Chaivolf.lienektr,...... Jane - ~r i . 0 - ,, , ivg LeVb, 2 1_ 'Ulu( Wavier ..,..-:‘• z Emend , Aiv-V - ---,, Trattd B. Brown. ..., g." 3 -, .7. 141 ii.fLlV:r 4 . MAHLER „ILIA ftiv. Olt , "- EDWARD O. DAl,6,7icept. i ., -:,.... - rusr 4l2" arthiaP a a:tat:+=,l ll 7,!! l :: IKNuts. ' ° -• -- 5' 77 :" .,1 ,' 4,*-M1 7 ,41 : ? . `;' , i 1 :1.74 ,-- ' ~ I InSnianee to. of NortlAssellott 4 Vit;:tll ~- - - ..,...-__,,,•.- •.,•:-....--,,- 1 rat gp - ralfa', ' ..- _„....._..,. Ll.- - z - • • ~ . - ....--z.: 14 r.:• ''.45 .c.n.:talift`.:: I Inucranie - Co; sif the Stets -` : - Pli IVA Silitr SP Pit AV , t' 4:- , "• 11. 0 1 4- s. ; . .... •., a.. -::-.....,:. k:',..:ti/;W:..‘, , f., liariford- . Fin Inannuicci-Cotripair 1 : •- . . , '. • -... z • :r.-,,•-a- 0._.r., , ,, - ; ,- 44: - /. , • 1 . 77..:__..,, c .:.,... 4 ,-- 1 .•,vi:.4 - 4 serinn.n. ill the lg 4 abora and a .reltails /1.. 1 1 .4- l.ai°F.... 0bir.8. 1911 APPileatlMl! "- -, l'..rt ;.... - 1 -F s' •'• 1. - •-.` zrt - r4A fdl.ol ' nagileiixrdittillktiiid'ar ..• ' -•.-. 11'ItIERMA1`.:PW 2 04 P,„-.1 , 4". 'Or PIirIZEIC3OI3, - . ; . • •a.XlLldirs'lr ~1" 4 116., 0. M. GORDON, frentergr. ..! rnr4;-,1 Nvriver,streic eVaxif befirsre-4 b. at Nobles, Plinibretele.-• nal 47.4 t. - :.0 - 4--.A. Wag .4; I.ito inn and •KOCK.-414iiy7- , thaw 2.1 11., guittatios rubpaygd by - .ren Ayowy as bbbleasseastly‘ islynntibbArS Stiff ' I34 eSoW.,V , , s 'A -;- ,plarretioarsiteetares.darinite beilawietr. , 4 ASSZTS, OCTOBER 8,4 a • - oac. op= -Aixoastf.' ;• • II6ISZWE •ennf,"? 27,C23 IL ,;;.- ,;;', tinteasnd H. r, Jr., Andrew Steklal, Mosel Dleardry, Idatbt6hlllolniss. _ Ttalrd If : td" Abs. Windet, , Georgia:Soh,- - - 'Beet. Zakisrell," ifighos'ids dapith a ,niehialt i linjana n - C. W.o2leketenh • 1, •-" CITIZEN'S INSIIRANCEV473IOAIfr '" oryrassintan; otsies eeritterSeekif Watenstreant, secaod goon t- • • Blu r • Lamm Steamboats and Cargoes. r Insares tahot too and donor hliaalgrathas, ef tha leant= old Western :Zhao, 'Lao- BaToo. and tha notation of the Seast, — 11:101 apar leo and damns Iry ' XtMI2.7EMIL 8. kie r John Shizd:on, James Ig o Oxlirr. Ws& Bairs/07. Jai. Park, Jr.." W. a. fahnstem' EA% la* Rm. 31...H0we Swell Predoli, Goarg*todna, Of Ikea. iivirner FIRE 'AND : JanavD: eusititi Rsh—Plllll.lp., • . Jolallatt. Hall.: John E. Puke, • Charien.S. Miser!, Wen. Tnn Ehir.. • I . I Int. 71 6111151,113, A 14.1.8GHEZilr: 'INS) .ALM. DOT or PmBBv' rilthitmqta t akDk r .r. :- Daum ppDIA 411 kind* , 48.&10230) JOHN IL 7 Ssersixoy. 0:0:14041 Gcsy, Job e s .1r.,•; , .• B. L. l'ahltettock,, '706, l.eopt,j, Mat. STATE OP 0101--.4.- Omar or.Oosixes Issatt.:Nok, sad Sat Osiett R S. ya. Strobe*. It. A, ' latltloa fidetlare Nortgarii. She uridenloodlise been lopoldued ratedoner Ih"tthlWgtoe,to thetle raid Com any taberibes =Am he ben the holdnis thsta. `t. ~ , s ot topmast the simol elm la &Ashanti:Mt - on or befgolle - or JANtrelhttl widths arealt outber aoltelld ale ef Um_ e pray matflts..___ Way tra. maim oaths Normalise term ofssldltss.. sad a stay ofeinatloa of Natal*. tberesdeantlt Nest de, of .1.118 i; sae plated toiluddh.the.4 ; , Teditan or: said PlUV•ta - 110Zilk"itgpacithlOpheig , - heretofore mibadeted to them far Itknitilmetla‘L , ' , .: y et setorder Of ateerlo tartilnly be sametlisk mid flest - dty of Jamey, 1664. %mks. iStotkladdera.- HT:yl wE =most., that time lama elimlted, Is seettlate their Meat to Um satnader of oadeladftletesteds, sad their interest mt_thile elahmesgslialthiithat•F.-M5. ,4 ; ha* Pula.: thmehan.• /f.s..hoitteditliddlitalett:4ltsti sad nears, tO ths -111 orono•ball3atrIbelyl , O.W mak. sad the astasatettl erailtAraVailtr t k i ttle-_ oat war"; I ardently. tall not tool to - to ;-;- /118111111.1.110/1.11121, 141k:o teribonvilyi .04 -1 .ortioliecittitiolootkoneos: witltsomonulloWskt±t „A. teott 11 1 f 01, ,W m a.k.- 1 PeOld*.aael- Npontst - LA' ikAi.lochi. DILA: ViXt ma i c..477.:111.1%.. , our $21471:14f vi;b o 4 . ; . l4 ii table; awl third= VIA cbt WelLtrgeciti4'. %.4 - 1 Therein etaitbslikeld naetwroker•iihil n‘utik , ' Rhin M7i;i ~. h~. .. ~_ S `. ~ `-i+L ~'~:: ~~.
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