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" :',..:'• ‘.' •ff LiF ESTABLISHED IN 1786. iintpCOLIF.S,PRODUCE,bre .V.I.rUF4CTURERS, trc. 15121=12 kroduoe and Commission bleaohmit. :'sod dedarlo sEI kbada of 0017NTIMY "rriormciE, 'ninteAn psanaLn, .L 63. • (alba Lin of D.& D. ht•Dounld .} Pittsburgh. Ca., WelbrriLls, Ohio.) AfiIDIONALD k ARBUCKLES, Whole 4= .z.oroceas e Produce and Commission H. ien . t.sijor.dais COYFEE N. 0. SUOMI and MO .HEEINED SUoAilll STB.UPS, f LOUD, * * " 7. 7 -ToitAtico. TEAS, RICE, CHEESE, /11/41414.-.N.. 212 &A.( 241 /aberty .Loot, Pitts. lttirib . • no14:17 ONOMMII AND CONUTSMON IFESCIIANIII No. 27 and 21 , Smithfield Bt., mr. 9.ond, mirict.ay. MAOKEOWN Xc I:MI:IA.1g, Puma 4.7.l..aviesaia ram= P ! d 7 O.AND 1 L T: _ .Grnt Port E.- s. Lard,l r., Y: ciia Feathers, Potatoes, Pot And Pearl Ashes, Alalaristris, Lasted and Lard Oile, Dried and amen . r p:rolis k ,Lirsatlty, Clorox, and Oran ! No. 297 Liberty street. Pittaboritb. ISGbHMLY, VaotEaktx anoczu, • ' PTI 'LIBERTY ITRZYT, PLlt•bmik4 gartrig ‘ parehaeed the totereet hts tete pato? . .hethicontinde the bosloesto nt the ale stand, arid et 11 , ,kbppleuse het:wire the patronage of hl. era Mende 'glad onstePtera. • , —myl6:tt .WKISB /4 WILKINSON,' OommrssioN llzacsuirra, Wlic,loud* dealers It, =STEEN 41MSEItY11 mar= DRIED FRUITS, BUTTER. ..a. O OS, °DAUM a,4 prod..g .. . ‘ll7 At. n, mums, OILS, de„;lo. 217Llb.rti - 011.tvet;Pjttsbargh. I"t ilarCeott. oduncelatElts roads. Condipmemta ' lBl2-6,1141 r. arrenna .BECK. ISS LlB erty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Wbelentle Gro- APlClondinssfair - Mentanta, and dealers In CODS PRODDOE,• PROVISIONS, %SIM LARD, qlOl7/04'ED0EI, MEESE, SUN; en.; 'PRODUCE, LO •'• GRAIN, S an EEDS, OREM' AND 'DRIED • . •r. An• SALT d LINE. • : " Jyln (MYEL GAIL i ELD, • • „ i ' 4 l Al KC, NACON4 FLOUR, FIRE, POT AND PEAR • IMA, ,NE.LICIATUA, LINSEED AND LAE DIWDEEED YltOrE, arid , ftoduce gemecally, N. rfiliatt.l.Prantairest. Pittsburgh.: trrr* VTTLE 'dc TRIMBLE, Wholesale Gro- M.eere owa..6*Mtiduion Str,rchan scale[. to Fi.01311, DAWN, GELLESS, FIB Li 11311klatiiD LAUD 011..[JAILS, ASS PX.OOARNS. Pitteb.rib miumfaetrires ersiihnllly 4 112 inui 114 kleco.), stmt. Plttabarzb.- n: tau. 1 1 MER - kßitcyraißs,•(oticessors Inate&Dine/Am In 'ERriGaDITS, IMPS AND SPICES. CON. ;awns. FIRE WORKS, At., Km, .I%AdI2SIVmAt altreet, n.t.ore Fifth, MALl:rip, 111441121. r—.— sigma.. • 1/11101.11 . * SHE PII A lib COICSISSION deniers in FL OUR. GRAIN, StriVPREWUCM:I4O,OI3-Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Chalctitaintda OfFtenr.for Rakers .and ranally use sisal:milt `an • bank , -Particular attention paid - to Ordent4:lderchundlle aenerally. Ad...LEECII,• noun AND •.. .1101tiOntlitazsrult AID COMMIIALON 1.113.11 ANT curt 411 • AgYetkawi i /MUDS, MEESE, PRODUCE, ita;c4ua. agwt for , the, entelauted Uniontown GE. .- . 1 - 111110,11aLUI1114isturnd and 145 First streets, 1.- . phetAlfied•s3l4Bl.lll6,l4, Pittaborgh. . GOKUER, Prod and . Mai : Chant, thiller in rtoationrr eiswxisoalamszspe, LAED, CHEESE; pOltlE,, 4 11110.4111),ErIIIGEN FRIIITS, and produce ganef. cash: adnuaces on conalgolnents. Iltatnisounews so. 1.26 Second street, Pittalsurna. Qt..... -BAD & KETZGAR, • Groeers and Ocattessims Marrebants, and deal•rrlri alPk Inds oT Comas,' Produce and Pittsburgh Matands4nurs, NO, 219.1,11rsrty street, opposlta head of Want oErect, SEUtsilsrgh. sp3:ly JONES SON, Wiio n le ' snre , L.JI Strums and Boat Farnham.", dcalern In ILL: SMIS4L4I. 1101%, OAKUM, OILS, PllOll. lout 0110. ifterctured .sothei tt i les,.llAr Water .tact, . , . 11...tF-31„matz-ww 00;47 ---,Damian and Far a . gMm &dm . a.Prodaw and • "dix' " annanusa. Liberty streed, - Pinattorir"rg4 voimrisEiotEmerchant, Dnaleritt YLOtritand GRAIN, I Nii.ll4Libeit6street;oppw ..it. P...jr/mrdm bll PAtirmSer,ik t, 1 . /U.614h, Y. Horne W..- hilme.• • • ayne wad Perak streak n017,1y Ri3civrlakusT-:.Jaw WALIACS. rAMBEET, suirroN & co., Whole jlatiaAmen.axid Prothro, Deem. bio, 6 Sixth NITATT & WILSON, Wholesale 'Geo -sue Commisdon 31.rchant, and &aim la Rtadaca aad Pittgargh atanufacturrA, tio. 15s Lib ant street, PlLUbmgb. ja2.5 stinmr.443!kalr,..rt== & TELFOith, Wholesale X.l.ataltetal artOCERS,II,OI:III AND PRODUCE IXA.LIBIS:47 Ll!:srty street, rittslAugla. r.. um. TrHOMAKER. - LANG, Co3olDisioN • ilszleiumnynna wbniman in GAO. El 3, FLOVIL - GUAIN, PRODUCE, to., No. 32 ElbOrtystriiet,-PlabmTh. Wen. r I 1 , S. LIGGETT 4k. CO , CI.TY FLOUR ep wqzra Ammer Liberty. and ottaits • Ttriaborgh, • AlarCaPlici4. 4oo tomb per day. ap, DAL4n "L SON: ..Manufae -A4XW V.*- ". nu - 69 aunt 70 Viktor Th .."RSOkiKtt .EOLLI7I4 , atookilttsbUlits• Ad Wax. too‘ e7lgnment.. itif4ralvatauc..=.—...ommupow.x. ITIVREPATRICK. k BROTH_Efi,euo tl to Biotin:4 - Xtripitrinki, WHOLZ -1 Nan. 191' and LTS - Llborty 'sow, itVoloittL: • "optoly DAVID JAVA BMX.% -1/41.:; 1"" A: :Cr "S' rftßr ell.nrr. ' t Special Partner. EAN9COVRIN, succeseots to M'Cudleoa, Meson & Co., WITOLISALB Mitpalifts, ear= of Wood and Water moots, pitto -113.17 OREM& WAREEIOUSE—IIKNRY N., M. COLLINS. 'forwarding and Omahalon Mer e4inY ookit - illoolerlor CHEMIN, BOTTZU, LANK - TlB4 sad Itottoro.gesonilly, Na Zi Wood won, ;molt .Jr.;,/..lOlitiANDl l ,l l 9./LE, ouctesotor to Jno No. 10 Liboit.l .M..coat, Pitt. looeforOMM PRODUON,I32OCZNX-.A.ND COM Ult iNZECNANT. Coistgasoco4 tespoot . Wray eitAii. DICKEY & 0)4 'Wholesale tlrokahrie;Comeedsarms.irdrebazdi; lend dealers Is Prodom,, Au. GO Miter itccit and rd Treat stmq, ate. stalrenste....— T 4t. CO,, Wholesale tkirlateers, Nos: 136 end 1.72 &rend atm& near . Irerdthaeld. Pirtsbnigh. net aer rum,. OIIN. FLOYD & CV., 'Wholesale Oro- Oon i rstm %train No!. 112 j i: l 7d " . MA.R.LEB - 1.1. CALDWELL, (evocessor dWe°67Nrottistiar. CBEIt .ad at ..t rner of Barket Had . TOWNSEND, (ourcessor to Jack- Vt.'-10$Vrivnistto,) Yoßs. PACS= Asia die.l- trinIMQVISTO2O, Yotutt ginet, near Lib , erth-Pittganda - it. 'Om. VOIGT• & • CO., eneecessors to ms.4iestt, I.RM= AND cotlauSSION ati:2olMol3, 24T Motif otredlPMitargb. sao nom. TORN. ;E. ett.;- Wholesale tt, GEM= AND COMXIII9IO3 XXRCLLINTs. Mimeo 8001101 Mod Water Arms, Plioistrtrib. 'ETTIT & (X)., Commission hiotnahr l P ,. t c. u rN r ga Ftheeree. erypty WARD ILEAZELTORi. Wholesale GEOCIar AND coniXIBSTON Sort war; of taw DjamolVlSfir. 18. PlUoblullb- BAGALEY, Wholesale to W Woo d ' stid, Pleb- St b.johttl A =ANDRIC. IMG, Whole Gro -...Akeirr Importer of SODA Ai18K,.!.• tb t elty VDDERTON & srEwAi 3 z:Wholesale 0.17.00813.8 /LIM COXIIISSIoN BlEnata7ilS, 111.144 stmt. PWituargh. -zWIY 111111.-:E ST.ITE AO S. Vinta.lll2 WARD, Deafer PROM .d !our Ncrrzs. BONDS, litoidalitms,..d Aims'Vies far awn,- name eaaytoceta LOABH, , thsonta aip=o, thetimoaartoaood.th&b. toir.4 POO= 11111=04Sist .sodsersDid.elsispirr a t tifrtiufviiteteef 4 1 ;5i," 6 0 ab:"A otr°llo ..L Blttar At • 4: r....0 - 1 , 914 ,- ) J . 4 TA lIIIMOBASDISZ 31108101, is ill zzazirr arsurrr. PITISEOIIaIL DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & CB.AWFORD, Manufacturer, of aver, variety of finished DBMS WORE- FOR PLUNDERS, STEAM OR G Iv"; BLASS CABILID3B, of all deireriptkms, zuela to order. STEAMBOAT:MOM FITIA3I AND GAS artd.REPAIDDIG, promptly attended to. Partlcolat 'attention paid to fitting up BEFIDE MSS VOA COAL AND CARBON OILY. . ...... Abut, Bole Agents for the Wcotern District of Penn• eltronia for true ago of KARIM, LADEDELL • C. 0.1 PATENS AY PHON PUMP, the beat suer in rental. Hatton no salves it is not liable to get out of onict, sad will throw Inane water than any pump W twice its six. apt! jOtiii HALL,ac CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, PIT,BIIOItGEI, PA., . Alouufactucurs And. deolarslu.sl the dlfferont kinds of • PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS; SCOOPS, CUT TING BOXES. &c... WWI itustly theteised faith. bushitiss. Ise accusals ltkVite &sloes to girls us a coll. Xatitractory, Tanperancovillo. Warehouse, Coals alley avid Liberty tit.. DIGWRIt• • Jots: HALL, T. J.nisLL, STrPITEN WOODS, • 11,9:4.8E0WN. - - r. nem vrACICINTOSH, HEMPHILL .CO.& O Mi.:corner Pike and 'llara streets, near the City Water Works, Pittahorgh, manufacturer. of MACK , INTOSII - IbIIEMPLIILL'S.IMPROVED OSCIL.LA ' TING STEAX MIBISES-A313 SIDE VALVES, of au aims and best style. /laving-nut by teaching:ll of lirgo capacity and of the beetquality, we am revered to do beery sob bing, and imMt work to this line, trending that by prompts s; and the thar:acter of our work, to Merit Re , Roblin netrage.. i p n a vite spacial attentlon'tn out BALANCED 'VALVE OSCILLATING ENGINES, as combining advantages heretofore unottained to this clam of BogioAL .la2cay BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WOKKS, PIITLIBITRO/1, Pa. PARR. BROTHER & CO., Matiot.ctureti of MST QUALITY CAST STULL, &inareaba and Octagon, of an slue. Warranted equal to any imported or roarittfachwed la thirconn. try. NW 0115 and warehouse, Now HO and 161 MST and ID3 and 122 SECOND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Mt:lrd Makers and Sheet Iron Workerr, PENN STREET, No. 51,,V., rind. 26. Ilayirtg molted a lat. yard and furnished IL lath the assailattimred machinery, Ire oF. preparat to manufacture terry deactiptton of BOILERS , In tlik beat manner, and Inkritto Ltd equal to any made in the w orry. CHIMNEYS, BOWMEN, FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PA-NS, • BULLER IRON BRIDGES , SEGAL. PANS, so b aide marnifictstrers of BARB -311/Jll5 RAU:ABDOMENS. - itepairinic deists ow litetihertest Make. ' ' BRITANNIA AND BRASS WutlKb COLLINS & WRIGHT, (Sucesssore to Orin Newton.) Moo egfactsiero of CANTOR BRAME:I MIME, CUPS, LADLES, and • at variety of BRITANNIA articles, Also. A EON OIL LAMP BURNERS szol LAMP DILAsSES generally, No. fic.cood Mon. Plootoogh. A LLEN M WILMICK & CO.. v ALLer nuaburgh. 0:21 - Warehouse, a9i LIBERTY STREET, -11anufactarerraLUDOK. PAILLOIL AND HEAT TKO STOVES. PAWLOII AND KITCHEN G RA T I.IS, HOLLOW Weae, etc.,Steel and Glaaa Bloalda,/1011- inghtillGualitga,llllll Dearing, Ma, Water mud At. tiaea Sail Irons, Dog Irons, Wag. Boon, No telja,liattpwa, Qtr Coupling. Laid Catifin JU. trignarrally. Also, Jabbing Marhitie cwidUaii , hialt. 10 .014er. rotated Portable 11111, with Sim. or natio Pew, wtll4:Owd JOSEPH F. HAMILTON k etli C. FIRST AND LIBERTY STD., PRuburgh dines to adopt sugTv, "lions made some week. ago upon the subject of recruiting. No new organisations are allowed except a few compa- Corrox to Itutions.--.The laymen In South •ditTEVERANCE,, No. 53- WAida Fr., t nice to fill incomplete regiments . A gencral. ern Illinois have for some weeks been badly Pittaburgh.msounieterir of BOILER IIITETS, ! o rd er h a s been isioed from th e office of the. I employed with cotton :plelehng. Upon'the poatMIGHT SPIKES, common nod relined, of erery high g Adjutant General defining the plan of recruit- " )nr " ti the ern' MN bet little le i" &Iscriptioa. by the frost; In the bottoms And low lands it Particalervived shaped "LEES.'" EirLT B ' lug adopted, and calling upon the people of , was totally ruined. The crop everywhere Is' large or meallonada to order et short notice. A • good ialortment constantly an hand. nut the ..everal enrollment districts of theState ! light—ettributet to the -dreuglit'tad ko . ffie varieties of seed planted. A number of cotton _WRGI4I R11:14613 "lc M., No. 215 1 to offerbiiuntierto volunteers. Tho deficiency ; • T - Liberty linnet, re in Sixth, Pittabingb, of p ontingirn a n being in properrien ie her i presses are going np Union and Jackson imsaufactuters LM and SWITC/I• i counties , and cotton gins aroounnlng In every ES, and emery description of LEATHER BRAIDED - population less than, that of any of the ad- neighborhood. W A% enithithei hum the trade, and good. prompt , „infield States, It is hoped that by a vigorous Joint lidoscax.—The Cincinnati 'Gault* says ly shipped es per ivtructlons. !effort her 'Viet' ma y be Stied b y ' elantee " , that one "whose word it has no reason to D et W. BENNETT, Manufactuteru of and the dra ft than be prevented. doubt," gives the information that on Thurs. E *TONIC MINA and CREAM COL- , day of last week, six days after Morgan's es- Gen. Grant on the CornereStatte a t the: cape, the General crossed the Ohio river at' Om and :Romney. at Kai. 74 yfirTll STREET, coblenly Rebellion. ' the Filth Street Ferry, In this city, took din- Tn . N. l" . HeraLl, in its nen ., e ,. eien n w e h r e r at . o a u n r o i ted nfor re m b sn eP t e w hili o ns: noo n ... ttli m ot w h e eh way,,saw dented that Gen.ftlitAXT had e ver written him. Ito then went to Florence Ina buggy,' lade w"..." , ....//ww such a letter on the Slavery question in the and there changing hones, proceeded to the WILSON,- CA RR & CO., rebel Rites, as Senator Wri4ifix gave the sub• intaolor of the State. We have no reliable! of in - his stance information al to any prospect of his recap ce recent speech in Philadelphia. „ ire. however, did write jest what Senator WiLaos said he did, in a private letter ' to the lion. E. It. WASIISOILSIL, dated so long ago as August 13, 1863, and the extract has been published. So that question, which probably no paper loss reckless than the Herald would have raised, is now finally cot at rest. If Gen. Gusty/ were writing on the some subject now, (dee months later,) he would probably say something to disturb the "Conservntives" and Copperheads still more. arrraktuß 211F4.31. racitalua, ER!, .tc. myls:tt ARV GOODS. (Lahr Wi11.... Ww.k Ce.,) Wholesale deeltri lu.i()RE/GN AND D 0312.5710 DRY GOODS, No. 94 Wets] Me m!, tilled house above Diamond alley, 'lnset:cm!, . aplOng seal. M. Lilt J. LIMN M alit EU TETT.- LA;E;AIeA BOY kCO., Dealers in FOREIGN .V.STI DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 140 Federal street, (omen! door below new Market Nome,) Allegbenj4llT. ahlely EA'roZi, - MACR,Ubi & CO., Wholesale and Retail Deslitil In TILTSIMINGS, 'EMBROI DERIES and DUI Gilt/DS, of weary descriptioa, No.. 17 and IS Tin street, Pittsburgh. VrACRUSI & GLYDE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In rANCI" AND STA PLR DRY GOODS, TRILUGINOS, Lc., No. DI Market street, between DrteßG siaXotietit ltt•Lartb. M. ito BURCHFIELD, (successor to er • Duratiold L C 0.,) Wholesale and Retail Dealer In ISTAIIMAND2 FANCY DAY GOODS, Northeast. corner of Fourth and Market strong, Pitttburah. 11)SX11111.0.11, rholessle And Re el tall Dealer to an was afts=llso9, DRY GOODS, to., Na.. 77 and 79 Market shunt. JIT - 1 dc in 3ARKEIL CU., Dealers all • kinds of DRY GOODS, No. 57 illartiot asset, Wis... Third slid Fourth, Pittsburgh. RII. PALMER, No. 84 Wood Screot, . Dealer In BONNETS, RATS, STRAW TRIM MINGS, and STRAW GOODS generally. DRUGGISTS QIMON JOHNSTON, Dealer in PUKE kJ DEEDS AND CHEMICALS, PRIIFEMSIIT, FANCT , GOOD9,IFOII3II4,IILDID, OILS, VAM ILY itaptonrEs - , , -ai:; or•fiddly prime quality, arblet, ofrtrapt lalreat,pea.. Corner Sroltblield and Fautth,strealikrauthqp,:. , rreacriptlona care aniipauidorai all bourn. B: A. _.FAkiNEsTotai...k CO., Whole . .. ,, rogilits, and molaufActunny of WRITE LEAD AND LITDAWIE,copor of Wood sad root .[testa; PlitsborAlA , - • - • • • mbl J011ik.P.450011. 1 ..W-holenale Denier in “DEUGS, PAINTS; OILS; TARIM/IV AND DYE STUFFS, No. ,W 6 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. AU orders will receive prompt attention. DR GEORGE H. KEYSER, Druggist, No. - 140 Wood .treat, corner of Theo Alk7, Pittsburgh. • JOCUSIC, gre. OHAELOTTE BLUME, Dealer in ttU vv AND MUSICAL INSISUNENTS. Bole Wr ritDlfSlln• ita A.. T,lpitzttKr ON& No. 43 Fifth street, wend door 0501. yrood, Pftteborgh. Mace to let, and taken =eking* for new. IT - - KLEBI R BRO., era in U il. BIC AND MUSICAL INSTR pals spots far STELIWAY'S CZLEITILLMI and ANUS. Na-53 PM strait, Pittsburgh.— '-torn riIiaRLES 0. MELLOR, Dealer in ild.l5O3.llllll.ODZONS.dtc., No. 11l Wood damn rocuth Menet and Diamond allay, Man's l.rBViitor4V, .gIIGEJCTS. ir GARDINER COFFIN . , Agent.' for . Franklin, l'biladelphitaed Rallancarinmirance Companies, Northemt caner ifnqd and Viird sta. 'UT P. JONES, / Ageit - North Amerin, Sta. of:Penamnfinia..66d Hartford tramr aare Campania, 67 Water street. SMUED REA, Rebriturq - Citizeruj In. um., onepsob wren 111 . 10 .. 4 V V !`lt. r DI GORDON,Seeretary \ cetera In- F. mar.. Compatiy,92 Water draft. DAL BOOK, Secretary _Allegheny ht • nrow.,.c.np•Pr. n Fin steel. . nOOASELZEfSIcc. UThL G. JOIIIiSTGI,I4 CO; j9tation- T en, Blank Bach Witusigactinwa uithl Job Printers, No. LT Wood street, Pittsburgh. t otdo llir - AY'dc llookrienfirs' and Station'. an, No.BB Weed strosAnazi, door to elm maw% of Rltteevrcb. SCHOOL AAA LAW 14)015 • •'• • dweller ti.dcl ztali liner, tio ,7l l•n ut* IltnIti:000 113 44linge• :4 7 ;i2 o'txitk WftteNt'.2;rl PITTSBURGH, MONDO .MOOTING, DECEMBER 14 % 1863. ,9 ittsburgh o.sazett. 14, 1883. SIONDAT MORNING TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. lloemro Sem" b 1 mall, per year—....... 58 00. month—. 70. 18. single Romeo, by mall, per year„._—. 4 M. week. 10. angle copies Wstrato Eamon, eagle copies, per year-. 2 00. • dabs of 6 to 10, " ...160. dabs ale or mere•' I U. —and one aura to the rawly Nadia& oh*. fa • dab of fifteen, we will wad the lirescse puma dally. Ter a dab at twenty, we Witt lend the Homan (lawns daily. giriale copied, L oleets. Or All saaLecriptleneatiali V adsseee.and PAW, always slapped whoa the time esplra. The - Chesapeake—Rebel Agents to Kew York—Precautionary Measures Re— , commended. • , The New York Trffiaae, of Friday, says The daring acts of piracy and murder com mitted by the men who seined the steamer Cbasaphake continuo to he the princlpia topic of town talk, end men oboes judgment is authority insist that the public safety de mands • special detective polioo force. Our streets swarm with blockade-runners and rebels who have:played the part of spies and agents inthe -tterrlee of the Confederacy. They havkibeir places t 4 rendezvous, their signs of rnitegn,itionitheir . - treasury, and their Coppery aispelattlsoiho work the wires for A rebel whohitibe‘ vilicating between this sty and 'gavannatt.ienclw the petted guest t one of our . fistdonaNti hotels. lie boasts panty ofliindhealon to the Babel Govern agent, and it Is Wet; known that he assisted in tarring and feathering AI good Union man in Oeor a beinutie:Se - would net join with him in den nialttgthe old:bagel Stars and Stripes. It is supposed that arrangements have been made to soleaother vessels, and kill any lbyal man who may stand in the way of the pirates from the South and elsewhere who now infest this citirhenco the necessity of placing do teetiree on their track. Many of them are tted, and will find it diffi cult to accomplish their purpose.; Bata opts= of granting or ro fusing passports would make it impossible to do farther m tetchier like that of the Chesapeake. Every hotel, every railroad depot, every steamboat pier should bo watched. No sae- I prated man should be permitted to leave the ; city for ajoniney, by land or by sea, without a passport, and no vessel should be allowed to leave without good and satisfactory evidence that nothing on board will be used to give aid and comfort to the rebels. The Chesapeake' . ii now pursued bye fleet of armed steamers. She bad only a small supply of coal, and bar stock of provisions was not large, unless the packages Which were put on board a short time wore her departure contained the needed stores. Sho had two cannon and a number of muskets and pistols os board, and there is ' little doubt that 60E110 of the freight parrots sontain powder. Various opinions are given in relation to the desperadoes. Some 'oppose that.the guar nibs Morgan and some of his staff are the !endure; otbors that some of the men who hoped to rescue the prisoners on Johnson Island are the guilty parties; but the more prevalent impreasion is that the plan was concocted here in scent conclave by the class of men who encouraged Andrews' to lead the rioters in their work of slaughter sad con flagration. Gay. Curtin'. Siuggeattuus BeJetted. It is stated in the eastern papers that Gov Curtin, of Pennsylvania, on Thursday re eeired a commprdeation from the War Depart meat announcing that the Government de Row the Hay Operators at St. Lout. Came to Grier. A St. Louis dispatch to the Chicago 15ibun• Several days ago the Secretary of the Union Merchant's Exchange, J. 11. Alexander, ad dressed a remonstrance to Gen. Allen, thief Apart/n=lbn of tholVest, against the threat ened Beim:ire of hay, antes. the Government was freely supplied by dealers at $25,00 per ton. The response of 13013. Allen is a scathing exposure of the combination of speculators, who endeavored to swindle the producers and impose oe the Government, by running op the price fifty par cent., In less than a fort night. The General ,aye that he did not oontem plata forcible impressment, bat that the order hsa nevertheicsa worked wall in bringing to his notice reit quantities of hay on the Ohio river and elsewhere, offered to him at the price fixed by the advertisement. He has in his grasp already, 60,000 tons of hay, aullieien t to supply the armies of the West for six months. This fact shows very conclusively that the speculators are defeated. Gen. Shermants March to Reinforce Grant. A Chicago paper says that General Sher man, In moving froth Eastport, in northern to Chattanooga, aecomplithed one of the moat remarkable feats in 114 his tory of army marches. Its ammo for the most part laid through the enemy's country, which it went through a kiting." A very limited amount of supplies was taken along by wagon, and the whole country for miles en either dank was 'tripped of every article of food and every pound of forage. Thesit ileum!: were sorelypressed for the necessaries of ;life, but the safety and sustenance of the armies wore balanced against this, and the beam swung In favor of the latter. All ani mals capable of carrying a soldier, his gun and blanket, were proceed into the service; and almost the whole command, oonsequottUy, came mounted. Such rigs were never seen be fore.. Some had strapped a blanket around the frail, haggard frames of hunger pinched hones, and were plodding leieurely along, looking Like, di followers of the Knight de la Mancha after an arduous and fruitless ad venture. LABOR WELL P.m.—There h no country in the world where labor is so well paid as in the United States at tho'present time. The di. mend forskilled labor is SO grestu in meas ure to defeat the requirements of the armlet In the field, and a competition arises beteeen the employers and the i;ovirmment for the possession of this labor. States and cities, to Induce volunteering to raise their requited quota, hive to teems° the amount of the bounties, and employees, to retain their /311 M, baud to add to .the amount of their wages. these high. prices and high twenties are, however,not onlye/tracting large numbers of emigrant. from XSTRPer,liet the DeWitt Prov inces areeendingqeiteu, largo polio:tot their laboring .pOpuluttott to this country. In the crrejOr fn ihiecraikdOp, theylllfnd Weir Ato lee& adequately pat& • •. . Alialieut.' , polo •Blaiont.—ihnot the -f E , tlß>ntairof - 14:Malone! '4141 Ujik* •++mtd~ =,, _ ~„,i:r “Greentoixkiko i n Bittmand. The rebels have attazdteri4 after "green bults"--wblth - Mem!: andecerstable;lF they have even is remnant of faith left In their "independence and soserteignti o " one of the .attribules of which it is to Lune money. Limn. hfcradden, of the t9th .Tadieha : Regiment, hu just been released from the Libby prison, and hu arrlvetfat IndistiapPlie: The Amsted relates that when he reassuresitiolunond„he bad SMO in grnettbaults,ithiele the rebels k from him assuming that It ahead be returned on his release. Rtbsti..thatl Uzi arrived, he found in the prison office $1,820 Ia Confeden , ate money. lie toldthe quartermaster be had rather. have hil t Feratiacks t Tire latter rit plied that they were' net e*rWy"in Rich . - mond, and that they could not. bq allowed do take them. "TAY." retorted Mi.TtleFaddeni "If read In this city only this morning that the Vintee curreneywas worth , tees: Shat the' Treunry was bankrupt and if it Ii why may not.l u well .have my: o*n niondy, espedally so I bad,ratber haveitt'A Therein ear replied that "he" Wanted no *cods 'about it." This "poser': was met with the Mbar• anee that if he mode any further crtntroversy oho* if heehouldlinatsmitetoCeigtandatsy there. So he took the money. The 'quarter muter instructed a ,clerk to ,onset. Br. McFadden interrupted' thin rather tn.' necessary operation with the remark, "I tm to a great hurry,sir, and „Ton .need .notintit to count it. A few hundred dolle' More or less will make no difference." This came near sending him back to prison whether or no, ut be managed to avoid the peril and get ut to and that a hack. refused to ea to the boat, about a quarter of a mile from e prison, forsloo of hie rebet money.. Border-Ruffianism In Missouri. A dispatch from Desmoines, lows,givis the following Some months since a colored man mime from Missouri to Indianola, Wirriin.codnly. About two weeks ago be employed tiros/Idt° men to take their teams and go with him to remove his family foindlantins. On their Way back irlthifilfamily, whin within ten miles of the lowa State line, and ramped for be night, they were attankod by a party of ab nit fifteen pro-slavery romans. The coloredu.an escaped to the brush, hearing one of he ruffians say to his companions, "Damn you won't run off any more,' and simultane ously three pistel shots were fired. Theodlolred man returned home and told the stery,pid a detachment of home shards left Indianola yesterday for the border to investigate the matter. Great excitement prevails at diano I a , :the belief prevailing that the white men tiara. murdered add the colored family taken Ithelt into slavery. Judge Taney., A Washington correspondent writes to die Cincinnati tlassiscrsiol: Judge Taney hat his home in this city. Ile taken his slat upon the Supreme Bench to morrow. Ile is in feeble hoolth,•unoble to undergo the fatigue of walk ing moral than i squaraertwo,.kiut hlsmind is, apparently, In fall vigor. lie takes& deep Interest In the excitements of the present time, reads the war news carefully, midis very inquisitive about the contest for Speakershlp. Democrats hare who pretend to be intiniate with him say he has no intentional' resigulagi Ilearillnontinuo In Ice until removed lir • power that had very little to do with his ap pointment, the scriptural assertion Aunt the ordination of the powers that benotwithstand ing. A anscrireL specimen of photographic en graving on steal—in other words, a photo graphic picture on steel—effected solely by the agency of light acting on certain thomi oats, has recently excited great attention in London. The specimen is said to be quite unmatched. It represents on exquisite scene in Java---as ravine and rivulet fringed with banana trees. Nut the least wonderful cir cumstance connected with it to, that at toast five thousand copies can be taken before the plate deteriorates. Snob a result, after so many years of Labor, says the Ablitarrsosi, most be. for Mr. Fox Talbut, a genuine triumph. ULNKIIAL Oman has issued an order stating that "no encouragement will be given to traders or army followers who have left their homes to avoid enrollment and the draft, and to ■peculate upon the soldiers' pay, and this class of persons will not be tolerated at this post" Do you understand that? General Grant does aot believe trade should follow the flog; and he is right. Too END OF a SLATI litennirt,-.Three slaves were aavertised to be sold in New Orleans on tho ith ult., but before the time for the sue ticro arrived it was determined that they should not be sold. The Ens intimates that the sale vas stopped on account of an unfa vorable state of public opinion on the subject, native Louisianians even disalaring that snob an affair would be a disgrace to the city. Aa Ertglhh lady who died reschtly, left a legsey of £40,000 to Mr. Disraeli, of whom she was a. great admintrialthough the was an entire stranger to him. EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS The Chickamauga Battle-field-41ea. Wl:miler' of Gen.liner—The Pennsylvania Going Home—Total Lou at Knoxville. CIXMAXATI, Dec. 12.—A special toile Com mercial, from Chattanooga, -Deo. 11th, says Yesterday three regiments went ont on a re conuoinanco to the battle-field of Chicka mauga, accompanied by Gans. Grant and Thomas. The sides of thetrees receiving our Ore are filled with balls, while the oppOsite sides receiving the enemy's fires hu very few bullets, sheering that our An was much the severest. The pares of a number of others wore found, end the bodies of other catkins found unburied. Kelly's house, In which: liar wounded were left on our retreat, was fond burned. An expedition goes out to-uorrow to bury the dead. The resignation of Gen. Palmer, com manding the 14th corps, on &mounter pri vate busindla,_hns been accepted. The enlistment as veteran volanteore pro greues favorably. -The 79th Pennsylvania Regiment which re enlisted, leave for home in &few days on fur lough. The axuttes Knoxville correspon dent &aye our total loss daring the siege Was one thousand. The rebel loss will resell five thousand. The Comnianil of the Potomac Arm— Stormy Rebel emigres. Predicted— General Garfield. .Raw Tou, Dee. IL—A special dlopatet to the Man from Washington, dated Deo. 1 th, toys The Army of the Potomaa will be lm, mediately re-organised.,.lts chief , ennumuid will be probably tendered to Ifooker or Thomas. It. le .beliemut General Thonuto wouldprefor remaining Where he G. Genpril ilooker's reputation Gam the battle of Look out Mountain steads higher than over. he ie considered hero, by some, as the nexteina• mender of thaArrey of the Potomu.• The present corps oenunandor, Throne exception, will be relieved. : Private advice. received here to-dortro* Richmond ray the present mission of the Con. federate Song:rue will bo-a stormy ono.' The question of re.oonitniction will, befeinietaly presented to the Southern pools by that:ion rereritive nrinnters ,from North Carolina.! ggrrpttymsny..;members `.looted--Oa the "lett direr plitrorm arissittt• hi specially in! ?or of the petit/ Miteturted by the Werth W.. oliria Coneervidleesi::,Witant nerninilou vii wen be tairridenied "taking grans croands J . favor of rmanniattozr.t. - - - , 4te: Glutei& WIIV tiotaili 11C 41441.1'11,0r gat Rots* "411104,CotigisIttog.: ;; , , , i r ia i l mo rigig :7 litportg, . 8_ ,4 IniirinaleVntait • "e Znfigcleg. OUR • SPECIAL DISPATCHES. SINKING - OF YRS IRON-CLAD WEEKAREN Twenty;Pour of the Crew Drowned. PRIZE CAPTURED AND RELINQUISHED I== The News ti•ozn Mexico OEN. DOMONFORT REPORTED KILLED. The Joon*. Ooverilusestt , Powerless Spotisl Iltspatcti to tits Pittsburgh Outette PBILADILTHIA, tee. 12,189 Intelligence of the loss of the iron clad Weehawken, which sunkat• anchor inside of I • - • Dbarielton baron Sunday last..is received with great regret. Four engiteers and twen ty,sig of ber,crew were drowned. A (Orions gale inoiniled. So. dainage was sustained by the root of Admiral Dehlgrett's Sect. The transport Fulton, on her way from Port Boyd on the 911, opts rod the British 'cheep 0. 0. lligelow, eleven dais out Dem Bor• mnda, with • cargo of raft-for Newborn, N. C. After towing hot' two hundred miles the Fulton relinquished her prise imacceuntof the violence of the weather as it was an Dopes !Nifty of getting ahead with her till the gale subsided. Jeff. Davis ' message commences with a ws view of the war for the past year, and closer with the sentiment that the only hope of peace is the vigor of resistance. Mr. Davis Is rather dubious as to the means of • rigorous resilt since. The policy of foreign governments and the currency question, arab the best mode of saving Increased taxation, are the topics most elaborately discussed. Ile recom mends largely Increased taxation and fresh levies of troops. Its informs Congress that the mines of the South and its foundries and workshops can supply them with the tmtnsi tions and material needed for continuing the war. "As foreirn nations have refused vs the benefit •of the treaties to which we were par ties, they certainly have ceased to be binding on us, and In my opinion our relalit;os with European nations are therefore now controlled exclusively by the general rules of the low of nations. "On the sea roast," be says, "the en emy is exhausted by vain efforts to ca pture our ports, while on the northern frontier ho has In them felt the pressure, and dreads the re newal of invasion. It is doe to you and to our conptry, that this full statement should b made of the just grounds which exist for ittssatliefact.on with the conduct of the British Government. !. I am well aware that wo are unfortunately wiihoal adequate remedy for the injustice übtlac which wo bare suffered at the hands of a powerful nation at a juncture when our en tire resources are absorbed In the defence of o:Ti i ves, liberties, and independence against envy possessed of greatly superior aero be a and material resources." A 'Special 'dispatch from San Francisco, this morning, sap: The news from Mexico re - porta that General Gomenfom wan killed on the riled between Sart Luis Pot - osi and Fuana• junteiwbile fighting a hand of hlesicans who fevoMal the French occupation. The Juarez Goverement was represented to be powerless, and anarchy reigned within his nominal jur bullet R. .1. 1. t ' Cons Ilaileck's Report. •"" Wanwortm..Dee..ll.- 7 1:he Lckort_ei • lgeneint-iriAterle very - lengthy. no-docu ment is mainly a summary of the military operations since his test report. Referring to the Department of the Poto mac, the general say.: Ilitinside proposed a change of bane not approved by him. Burn chin therefore consented to crest his army by the fords of the Upper Rappahannock, and then move down to ale. the heights . of Fred , eriekaberg, while a email force wart,, be sent is north of the r iv er enco s ieavempt to re-open the railroad. This phis was acceded to, but not approved. Burnside, instead of cross ing the Rappahannock by the hods as ho was expected to do, ni•rehod his whole army down to the north, book of tl)at river. Lee's army In thu maaniirue moved down to the South hank of the ri, er at this time ford able a few mites ahoy e town. and Sumner asked permission to cross and occupy the heights, but was refund. No attempt woe made to effect • passage till December 11th, by which time Lee's arm• had been concen trated. The alleged defeat which we suffered soon after resulted from the neglect to for ward the pontoon train .from Washington, whereas the pontoons, at the time were at Ber lin in the Army of the Potomac. Delay;there fore was unavoidable, and on investigation of results Burnside pronounced it so. Speaking of affairs in Grant's Department, the General-inv.Ghlef says: lams beeral !aged that Grant positively disobeyed his su periors: It is hardly nominal" to remark that Grant never dbeheyed on order. More over, he has never complained that the Gov ernment did not furnish him all means and assistance in Its power to facilitate the exe cution of any plan be maw fit to adopt. The General suggests that as tho rebel army tires upon-the country through which it peruse, that the Federate do the mune,as it famlitatos rapidity or movements Our commandert in the rebel States hardly ever find supplies, end in the border Stites it to difficult to dlstin between friends and enemies. In re gard to eutiere,he say. their entire abolition would rid the army of sutlers? wagons sae a march, and the nuisance or sutlers' stalls and booths in campi. It would improve the dis cipline and efficiency of the troops In many ways, and particularly by removing from clamps the prolific evils of drunkenneme. rt is not difficult far sutlers to net the part of mpite, informers, smugglers and contraband traders. The General . thlnks.the courts martial leo Cumbrous with its proceedings for the battle 'field, and he suggests a more speedy mode of punishment. Ile suggests that the Inspec tor General's Department be emerged into the Adjutant General's Department. Ile recom mends thatsesoral reformations be made in regard to the organisation of regiments, bag sales andeorps. Ife claims that the cartel for exchange of prisoners, Which has been . !knit ted, was in regard , to colored soldiers. • iLossior the Monitor Webetoken.' NOW YQIN, December It —Dy the, arrival of the steamer Fulton, from Pert Royal, we learn the lon of the Monitor Wohawlern, which stink at anchor, inside of- Charleston Dar, on Bentley last. Four englneeri , and twenty-41x of her crow , trero drowned. , A !scion gale ties 'blowing' et thiTtinie. The other vessel■ sustained no damage.- The situation before Charleston is in obanpd. The Wehawken lies in Ilse fathoms 'seater. It It exported that ehe ei - is be raised. The loss is earl to be itom•neglect and bad management. From New Orleiuts. . . Now Yea:, Dee. 12.—The steamer Ooltim blot ITom New (blamer on the sth,has army td. it dittoes from Taaota say the health a he .treepa,ta. excellent, and that - they are reedy manager tapah•lato_ths trawler. 'Matamoros advice, date thit Cortena.s Lad turned' over the goroinMent . to demi* de. la Zama the old eonstitutionifeleeted govertn. - Ox c art! Ba n ks apdatatl had arrived in w Gen, Mende , . Recent atevement. '2.VT.tattiaiiitue, Dee. 11.—The accounts that to-eight all report to the effect-that 004. Meade.baa.esot been . sapettedef; at T , „ „ , „t0.„.,..,".1ght, , AllllMessislajAa foto ye' tardiy cd his report a' the !reetnie the Rapidan toAtie 'Weir - Def.enetent4 I le eoefdestly- lettleTedit 'tern be.eMialactor . to Istezetcoodtrzoelitetrag. Nuteliptlt'rWi* ,, RT.T.t°F.YeV4 f 4 fitsmat t i satithe_ itimAtoeitteg•— iht V - FOR 84LE. DRY GOODS STORE FOR ‘;a • iloarbb lag Western town on the F.T. • . a C. 11, H., not over 300 miles from Pitistrorgh. now doing • large and profitable trade. The stock It new, and has been wlooted with reihrence to the country trade. Has all been parchated for cub at lowest market Prima. The parent proprietor has deckled to retire hc - ars the trade owing JO bad health, and now refrwmathr offers the stack for sale; also the good will of the re. tiriairParl7. The bolas has • large and rap ertabas trade, which can be retained. Ths mewed *tack will Invoke from wren to tenthousand dollars, but Parties wishing to know tha particulars will plass* address or call personally on LYDAY & CEIOEPENNING, 67 Hand street, Pittsburgh, lit„ VIE SALEA Tavern Stand in the Borough of West Newton, corner of Main end Third streets, at present occupied byJohn and Philip Solved, and known sa the Stokely property. Lot 40 by.l32fret. Largo knitting, LS rooms and bar-room; stabling for 45 horses; fine yard, well pastel; good garden, with fruit andahrobbery. Offered at "great .24silice and on easy terms. AI., a two-nary Brick Dwelling and lot G 6 by (with another lot satroluing of male alre if donned.) attnatetorner oil OM and !fain etroot,and at prea ant ocenplodly John Boyd. Good state, with ear ciao benne; due garden, fruit andabrabboty. Oar ed low and on way tem,. Also. 47 aharealireet Newton Dridigalltock. Apply to B. DeLAIN t 00..1G9 Youth at. ' VOR SALE.—Two superior Cylinder A.' Bans, J 6 innhes diameter, 30 fast Imp, nude o n t Itch t twin . wro , :ift iron bonds s•r s think. Boil ' Also, Clue &able an. and Tabsdar 11 - Otter of sis horte Wer. - 1515aricyllnder sad 12 inch stroke. nit has borwisam ssalltdmost 103 fast doe% eintle ,adsided to that kind of wok.. amity' w ood kw locomotive,' Also, One - Engine, heart bon boo peoto,l4 tad/ cylinder. 30 Incite. Evoke; am with banana man o mor, Well adapted to run grilt min ortinalt Enquire at 11. IL BOLLS, corner Point Alloy and Dmmems Way, oolOam Pittabargh. PUBLIC SALE.—We will offer for sale In tha town of Bridgeport; MIN cat the 2 . 1 . 1 or! DECEMBER, 1613, oar SAW AND PLANIND MILLS, with 11 Lots connected and 3 oats( Lot. not connected with the Mill., Theme, 1 wagon and Bar tow, °Mee Bonito:re, 16,000 feer of Comber, with natty ether things too nomercem to mention. Salo to commence at o'clock a. in. Texas—Por Beal Xstata, one-third down, the bal ance lo two equal mutual lostalmeuts from April Ist, 1864, tinarlnq Interest from 'hat date. Persona l M cub. BTEIVA UT A. /MEUSE. do9i2w FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FITE AOCEB OF LAND, Within a few minutes' walk of • Passenger Railway Station. The Improvements atea mall Dwelling Douse, an acre or large and .ma ll fruits, As. An abundance of ..ter on the place. Abo, • Dome and Lat'neas Blanchette, for particular. Imitate at the CIIDONIOLZ OfDICI. .LlOll SALE—A STEAM &roma, 13 foot /: stroke, to inch cylinder, 15 feet Iron ity wheel, and of about BO horse power. Moo, nos Elevator, two Dry Owens, aid Steam Glue Boilers, on. hog Rot ktachins, oat Chain Dock flaw , one for nuking Vamp Eh& for Olt Wells,one Dors TOO Machine awl about 160 act 234 and 21nch Shafting. All of itie above article. will b. 'old at a great bare 'Mu by applying at owe at U FIFTD srszrr. 'von 1: VALVE ENGINE. 10 loch cylinder, 5 feet stroke,. In admirable coudition, with or without Main abuts , fly Wheel, flange., Tones Poop, Sc. This Engine le well adapted for twiny purposes, but especially fora Dolling Mill. Call and a e it. THOS. ARBUCKLE A CO.. Anchor Cotton Mills, &Zit Allegheny City. 14 -1 6 R SA_LE—A. beautiful residence on Mount Troy 11111, out rolls from Aligherty City gasket Howe, with. cleat abandon.. of all khads of fruit, ever-rem. I, shads trees, ie. To be cold low and payinenta easy. Enquire of JOIIM 11. McVADDEN, Market street; or, A. LI. LIAIIVEY, on the premises. tooe toe building lots In Allegheny City. dut:awd VIII RENT-RICH HILL FARAI, ntatoloing 100 acres et on the Perrysville Plank Dowd, Inn. miles from Allegheny. Witty Mae dwelling h. Li:, and tenant booms. nultablo for and now ossuphil as a detry, known we the Green Tree Tavern. Enquire of J. LYNN 61oltD01", , (of Lazo. ItcAboy d C 0.,) tin Ir•dsral eAr..A. A ll,booy _ . • 18.#14,E—A lot of land; containing, I. Ts serve, situated 13 ,1 miles from Dismont Eta tion, on the Plitsbargb. Fort Wayne h Chicago R. U. The ewe property b wen timbered. with • coed 'bong ortharif of Dearfog (het treos. This proporty win I- sok! obreasoostilo tensor. fflEiffirM 'pH wax— aufkor.Frzumbg7 4 . i - mod • If'.I.TTS fIOCID GIRL WANTED—To do gen VI Aral heivemork, • •hort &O s., In the rem try. Lligheet waps pt.t. Apply at the del: tt GAZETTE OIVICT. SALESMAN WANTED.—A Salesman t..) In. Wholeenle Grocery lion. In Philadelphia. To one hoeing experiert-e In the landaus. • lihwal eatery will be given Aldan BOX Nu. 201, Phnr delphia P.O. delO.S2 875 A in .. MONTI err t t l y — . l ma t m a ! o t:li t re !rats mT we Pj Alt., ll c egA r ga,.=. EWy WANTED A GARDNEIL—A mar VT tied ISLlM•altheat child:. preferred. U. Enna nosteretand the oatmeal Grapes, and not be .bald tf d tittle bard work. The right kind of. man can pit • permanent nitration, and Food pay. running at 12.1neeoal street. Pittllburch, P. deg WANTED.—S6O • Moicrm—Ws want VT Agente at sco a month, sqietwen paid, to eel! our Ww.f.Anal., Oriental Thrown, arid thirteen other new, useful and °orlon. Itiftsep *Al den wint.free. Addrem. ==MV=I WANTED.—A young man having a good basin.. ropatation, and an caugniand • cash capital at WM, capable a taking charge of a eet of Dcbta, Financial and out-doorlonelnes, can , earn as rasa opportunity to enter a putnet In • lucrative Iran Bash:lea fay eatablbbed. Apply to deg B. NeLAllli A 00.,101 Fourth Meet, WANTEEIn an old established No- Dun Holm in Philadelphia, A GOOD, ACTIVE BAJLEBSIAN, Who can influence cash and ehort.tlnt. country trade. Dddress, BOX. No. 2U2, Philadelphia P. O. delnite w ~ ; ,,.-~ ; ,. - An Experienced Carpet Uphol la wintetd lew:N.llst*ly ai ourvca aueLteroca a ow% OILS, R IDF,R,, CLARK, COMMISSION ISERCILSISTS, Petroleum and its Products, Oils, 04 xDL NS, 10., dia fii BIWA D To9x. 98 WATER a 132 FRONT Bp —ll22fisvaaii. lir AMU Orr Oa PORTLAND REROSIINI OIL Wallas, NSW TORE PA/UNWIRE. DANDLE COISPANT, ta. W. A. 011APISAN, Acisar, BS Water k LW. Front sta. aplTaut LUCENT OIL WORKS DIINIZIA2f, DUNLAP & CO., blanufactorero of Pure White Refined Carbon Oibi, Wks, No. 291 LIBLIITY BTBZILT, PIT7SBORGII; PA. BOOTS 4.lrD SHOES. f/ENTLISHISTI3 WTNTER - 1300Ta--i VVff w. would Inlrlte the attention o 1 gentlom." utto,losre ollttleulty In getting Boots nude, to our lams assortment of BOBBLE SOLE CAL/ BOOT& rims do do do. Do do WATERPROOF GIIAIN BOOTS DOUBLE BOLE AND UPPER CALF The geoda era made to special ardor, and for neat ) durability are warranted equal an any city work. GEO. ALB= SON & CO., noll Connor of Wood and Fourth erne.. JOHN CMPBELL,. Manufacturer of BOOTS AND U 03.87: of every doocrlption, No. Ji Stoladltdd Meet, Pittsburgh. on21:1, r i Eo. .ALIMEE, SON dt CO.; Whole. VI nolo andltotall Donlon...ha BOOTS, !MOM dz., oorner Wood and Yonstla strenio. Pittiburgb. AVOI`IOX _444M s. VALUABLE STOCKS AT Aucnotr. -0. TUESDAY ILVIIIING. DO._ a _lsth ligA ' a art, wi ll ba aold,•*l tha.cankmannsi SHIN In ••• Val, Utak ittonlG 1 In 'do klinetanta•ak inaned'actorers* Bank; I no Irdn'thly Beak Stank; 211 do Omar Bulk Buck: • • -,. I . do Inuiten Railway ol; _ • Ilitabomb kakauslt..ll. Co.; ; • .44.klinskentlalley Maroon Pa; .i.delt DLIKI34 a • • . , Lt. 1;r - 51 t. •atiajdaj l ode rvoreark,„.l6otaki t.a:t -ems moot • , >; } _ ~~ 0TL4, 1 - . RICHARDSON, RLls'Y dc . CO., COMM:I36IOW & FOURadiDIISI3 MZUCHANTS, Crude and Refined Petrolen No. is laWIN ernsrr, rrrtsatracut • ! ear LibenJ Cuh *Luzon au oculiganaula . 1 Pittsburgh bri $ or Ha Illarketo. 3.1114=13. Maim J.&. Dilworth it 00., Springer fl .Mb, Esq.. .Thoicn 1341, S.eq., Prat. Commonl6l Bank. TACK do BRO., Mil= IN Crude and Refined Petrolawn BENZINE,..ta, IEI WALNUT Iff., PHILADELPHIA. 6 Ito/anon entmated to oar as ‘11:1 MOOIIIOE4 mated peracmal attention. Hof., to Moseraitichardeon, Mule} kUo. , Mecectri Burks it Co., and McClelland k Davie, Pittabtolth; Thos. Smith. gag., PrLat. Plank IC h.: IL L. Voile{ Co., Philadelphia. IRON CITY OIL WORKS. LIDAY & CHORPEN'NING, 11.0.1. sad Adam of CANNON OIL, BENI. ZIHZ AND LODDIOATING 011.19, and &Alm IA IaRT-WIE Pirrit.ol.4ql-I.SIL, Works, oppodta Sharosborg. Oflx, No. II DASD STIMIT. apll:fins Ptrramal. PA- I D L. MILLER, Ja., AgErr, I.= WALNUT SI.,•PITILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REFINED PHD:WILED-21 On Commission exclusively. All charges .t twill reasoned. rates. STORAGE FOR REFINED W cool wan. 741. MULE, wader good abode. Particular attentlon {mid to OIL FOR ESPOWL Vox Sams—CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASH, de. sully CABOT & PEMBERTON, - General Merchandize Brokers, 135 BOOTH MONT 87., PHILADELPHIA • CRUDE & REFINED YETROLEDId, CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASII, DaIMSTONZ, DRUGS. OILS. Am, to . Orden to bay or .11 promptly attended to. solay ALLEN ,I, - NEEDLES, PHILADELPHIA. COMIMSION MEACZNI NT& Particular sttention paid to consignments of rude and Refined Petroleum. OD - Liberal adman ones. HENRY ROE, 13 NORTH FRONT AT., PHILADELPHIA, Etroker & CommisErlon Moroluant CRUDE & RIMMED PETROLEUM, LVDRICATING OIL AHD BENZOLT., /led dealer la Crael• and Relined PLTIZOLEITM BARBELS. BREWER, BURKE COMMISSION GLOBE, PACITIO AND Refined or Crti -, 6o4 l.qtragirl rl JeMly - SOW", WALLACE dr. CU Commission Merchant!: And deafen in CRUDE & MINED PETROLEIM, BINZINZ AND LUBRICATING 011.3, N. 134 aoura WHARF:CS, POILADII.L.PIIIA. orStorage oaparlly (wader I...era/n.15,000 bbhu Also cerellont tocllltleo for dapping to Amerlmo end Foreign pert., .t our wharf on tk. Schuylkill River, Dow the platform of the P. 11.11.. r 2 .1y WALES, WEThIORE & CO., GOMM/3910N 1111=CILA1313, SKIPPERS OP PETROLEUM, 112 MAIDEN LANE, NNW YORK. Amid. &Mlles be STORAGE AND SHIPPING atele yard and wharf , Exa :Han. .4.1 f McCORMICK A CALLENDEIL, OIL BROKERS, 211 and 213 South Water Street, *iir Umasigti.ralm •olkited. Lyday Ctiorponning, Irtin City 011 Work.. Jacob Painter, of J. Painter Co. Jao. S. Chalfant, of Spang, Moffatt I Co. kraay DIAMOND OIL WORKS. NAYLOB & SEITIL Redman and Dealers in Carbon Oil, thaearpssee4 by say In the marks!. OW Orders Lett at their calm No. tt MARIE? 82REKT, or at their works In LawrematolUs, U. pr orkomlal ptly attended to. Doyen of CRUDE' OIL. ROBERT Astiwount, - Ea 1 BT. CLAIR ST.. Prn I3 UILOI4 - Forwarding .& COMMISIIiOn Meicliant AND DNAIZEI tx arra gar ILLUMINATING. LURSICATING,VBIIDSI PRTROLZUN OILS. ke. constantly on tnued.an4' for Nee at Ms loinat marist 'prices. Consignment& MU4failiA GEO. H., UOLDEIHIP 8 , CO.; Illatudiecturere of DDINTRO OIL AND turauto. TING OIL. Keep constantly ea hand thoturytiest quality of MINING OIL, clear ited sitbout colar l also, • good LITDRICATOR, pure „WHITE 11/CR EOLE pod CAB DURAS& ifir All •or . dero 16 . 1% at . No. 35 !TRH. lITIMET, Baipi Block , nocoa4 floor, will be promptly stroodot R s. WARING, - Drafter m - - CIIIODI3, DLTINZD, MAUfiiDEDY AND PAM .t-.$ And AWN. la tiellulig Matadi& a.:21:17 No. 33 inunii - r ST.. (Las °Mai. w0&i.:10 . 4 ossmit. conaussion. nanimurre sprelal siteution , Crude and Refined Petroletri* HO. in )sourn nom'. J.nll4li JAMB iterin.---.....-----.JtATINIT4I.IILiI pETROLITE OlL•lycmotrics. ;:'sViaabetaceii ~.: i ?anis urntimultar OIL. asizoLe,tairt' PRIBOLEWI LUBRICATING OLL. ~ , Gaped Ohm aciiissisAllitrieGierinikyrl:l' e j ' BEM a onerzfluirnjEr4. i ofik..3goronarE 4 tiousi.,,p fi tikpi. e .. J ANlEilitlirrN, ..,. , , ~.. • 01L.441r44141, ..;40 41 ".• fak ~I ,l p!` I np atiltA „ ow istsuaws,suosiarx . . , int 4 oktorarikattu4k Ki.. - ; - -- -- '-, 4190 ~:j ~~ ~Z_~~'._ ♦ 3 , ~T`.t CluirliolNlDasecker; , . _ litankail D. Limit, Jaalttli kL , gm4 24. l l 2l' • ; zaiezre DavilXB..Broven...Ge9:l7. 134thiuel Geo • .S.DWAJID Srur, Earnetdrytio _ S. VARRIaIt, cArriZ O. Nalitensteor.'Woced Third-de. PSURAPai. • c. • InsnranceCo.of North Itierica; P 111 L DliiißlAE' Inum4Lee'Cooi the "State Of Penifa • r a Hartibit Pint Intaintriati 'ailftulthait. the . obtab.d ea ..12P 1 4.144? . to , • JOI4II:IV4Mi. e MIUMII2 WE, . I. IINSORAI4 . OEC t% 4 ZINP • /y OF PITTSURGII.; • - it.. - /lILTOZI44,i, • . • 015* Nd. =Water Ulve‘'.l3pktif POLW** house.-up stsini,,Pkttsgh. • PM Wane aixtur Risks, -.11106"..bab1i Y0....404-41,314TINLV'l an wrli holm is - tb. plogmaiirorgicir irks othu , 4 4 / MePaQin ear. iibtratier,ll4,:mpberatAbe character. saki. em p r e to aio dairy to be loured. .t = ' .n_ M?4r., JAMOS. McAuley, Nathsalel - Holmai; Alax. Maack, likarge Dante "Ostalill listroa, W.Sictetaort. • Alaxsader Spear. Lotc," , Roes .7. Thenasr,, BenJ.T.:l3ikawelt ' auirsarcine!: coromak,'4,ci,i4 "SINSURANCE COMPANI _ - =or Prrrsou GH.. Ottlastrimarl Mr-keit Irr ' I472 ! 4 !IP_T S T'" • lafaret.4tnriLOat, Lad Cu;On. __ Arum. golost kr and rtazorit: ittitat, of tha cogthcrp, 5.4 luta rho tusigit error lorr WO. 484n.4 le!..Tand _ EL prs Jr.' t .4"L` . 14.7:Li t tPsavetmersc..' _ _ ALEGIIENT. , .• INSURANCE r,E11111". huir:0r:Pr1T412131194.9144N Jolt :Cao R. lard; rinr, , - . s.lcobta H. Daste.,:-Ve. •.- =QM O. a 1 .47. rd: i - ` ran - zrwhi,4r.;" B:wrsheortoet. OENTICS - AirdWG - 004 7 .;•;.:Y- 7 4 - cii;AWaise 444•01.1;a lit*r„ sliwurziscrpoDA WAITS, • --- • PATINT. 7E01(ICIM ....„ ONBIL a; STONEMAN, IsANur A . " 4.. •4111.4 'WI ..I? Is UAW BOBm WIIII 'CLOTH raMTV,LAif, Ida _ ,ds • =DOLLS.; for Totmelry o.o; WOISHI TOR WW8,1:4.4 BraDALHMI, OII TIAHHerM MARA WARS. far Affi 51 7:44.-; , , - ark( idsoi if Inn kt: as iioAo.*ibithuriWaire 1351 MAN PCBBLII_SPECTAC . LES: Nohdthstandthirk th•—•B444, , -, 4-401411. = pc . yynars, 'who. Man , la,tho USittedr:PEßßWMTAtila i dte isciarZdiflitlter v4ineiinireteemiaintbar cabana, I that. fir asked ti.to_enastv r il s i t g or th" lltor : satti ..T.l'lL9l[o2acTrialltgOtdb:Uktzl It.¢do~deex øt t4►Smyt . Pb Ja7o; .-': SO 14tZLitiea'G[oitite4 %it~vtidlnr 1 1 ULO at&ieiP • o OLLTAMIXinr . ' "hand _lugo:aad oetioned lox* of DZOICINO; BOATAND.zoTripIi PIM - i 4 WIADOW211.&1111 EMITS taFriss, , en oictaii. 1 IDr ILLWKW'6fmnrc-v4 Polfom'andstfattista.l r PorgroLvana t utiviliimainiaij , iip.. iksar*pauccury,loll. toeflualoe hfitotod. - • Wefts ou Olidg ' Itqtrukfa.,l, •;5051042 - M4;K4ilWo's 7-1 NABBLE-1111017R34.,:„... I ' Llg a , --7 - ,,--;-...wadmr -1.---les,„ •-•-r_-- ,,, ~ .r.., , ...: , ,... ...44..c., r ~`}~" ;~;:~ _"~ . - Vl v. ^ 'I~ r~: e'':= ~:,:..
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