Vita . gsh aze4. AD fun., _ , TtriSbAY 8;186?. that Fee or Exgipa --007-1-44manKerttafq. ^ ' I . - .Prod lovers - 'llottree wo ear n that there s been 1 I real sad rapid :growth of anti- ele:TerY r fee4g 3 niKeo 4 o97 for somo. time paS—prohablr is a greatly accelerated ra.- tio since the7OogiesVid events and the .tkarittikedKtnilltari ricitesslty / is obedi- whiok Pritddent issued hi; . praclamation on the Ist ofJannarjr, demon .sjiateCto:alf hist the wtllfuUq blind, that 2131revrand 130stession standto mtcliother 'of mother and daughter. 'glad. that just and sound import..t subject an aIritOIIr;LAZIZOEW, our fellorPoitisen3 •: in lionttuilry 7 at Atate whose resources in -for . inte,Q, and, above ail, in trait lOW stalwart men, rank her not lower diratili3laing the brat of thifirstolass States. •,--Roy. Robert...7e' Breckfluids - a on hia tinned:Affairs. . -We have just spoken of , the growth of a Gelding - in favor-of emancipation in Ken 'the growth has been steadily on . „ tro that it Will cover the whit karla9dd and: , 95 Itlichrthe dtbight re ..._ Atidrellifor, momentum and headway, at no rlrfdi,stitnt day. It is particularly bone fit - that such men as Governor BuAertFrrE • • sire beginning to abandon the old border . stato ehibboleths abeutilavery and the Con ., e l iataie&4`l6 tong visite - &from every public! Kentitelry, before he could attain 014 thien. - Nit what we Would now Intro dare Grtheirritieelef our Pew:Jere is the fol lowing sketch' of 1 'sermon preached on . . Thaneli),lng Day,: at Danville, Kentucky, - TrAgthWt. Rei..Dr. .1. BBICKINRIDOE, as sec d•IC • Spgiven by a correspondent in the Cin . nitrineti - Greisrlfe. His text was let Corn. itri*T,-: - A7rerl'..lhit thanks he to 314 which giver us . the victory, through our Lord AIMS Christ-" The Doctor treated his sub. Jed:lndex. .the : following divisions—in all :jet Moro have the suggestion,lf not the enunciation, of the great proposi •:-Alon•rif emancipation for the conservation • Af liberty anti the future security and peace • ; , -• theisation •_.-.soThatthe Government of the United •States, against which this rebellion is waged, ''lttuensit in any department of it, in any man `..nee'er; at any time, from Its origin to the pre ,' sent del, done any act which could possibly . -kistify, before-God or man, the sin, crime, uid madaessuf ite attempted overthrow. ' Somebody „la to be hold responsible to God and man r ,f . or-..a11- - the blood, murder, ,rapine, trinity; a nd: desolation which now pervade the ltindf !for this is sin, and the duty of • simtainingthitGerernment is aveligions duty, •, , made iso by the elsarest teachings all through• the ward of• God. • !,2.-That r when this--rebellion occurred, the people. of! the loyal States rose up as one man • - put it down; and, though :evil men, Med ' gated by the devil, have tried to divide and 'Detract the loyal people, and did for a time AO fer,inceeettas t, humbUg us, yet we arc now, as, recent events show, thoroughly , - • HlPASlDlAilithkriore determined-torn down ttio rebellion than ever. L'Xhat God had so completely frustrated all thie calculations of the leaders of the re hellion, on whiettheir hopes of success had been built. -•• 4•4,.!That Ged had eude:lined the great pow areOrthe world, so as to prevent their inter ference in our quarrel. ' • 5., That it was a matter of devout thankful ness, that, notwithstanding our mistakes In the Bald, reverses drawbacks,,through the ie . 1011Apettney:' 'our generals or othcrs,,oar ernirse was still onward in the great purpose Of laving the life of the nation. b. That in the midst of so much peril, re andMiclitalion, before our rulers, in the exercise' of such east powers as were simentiallor themto wield in putting down the iebelikin, they bad been preserved by an over . . illis Proeidetioe 'foam committing no more *Wakes than they bid done. Lit regard to the bearings of the war, upon alierisy, while - I have aaid r did not approve kof ail the government had done, I have al way 6 held that Whatever was necessary for the . • ,grivitentiont to do. - in 'Mdiu to , crush the rebel „ ••• 411161,,shatil.d be done , and I would uphold the ntin li. -• And this is the solemn, re dirty of every citizen. 141.botittheoryAhat the Administration has eetietide the corietitation, in this measure, be 1104Cthat not a single Administration had in !power since the origin of the gor r •”' lernment, against-Whieh the charge had not ~ ea made that it bad o trampled on the consti dation in something it had done, and therefore ' - .A!thls'cliarge was no new-thing. It was muse for thankfulness, that in the midst of perils, sacrifices and burdens, einparelieled, the heart of the people was qetead,, notwithstanding all the:arts of demi. - -.gegnith fn their determination to sustain the iprrernment In patting down the rebellion ; he frit nne, let what would come, was do ter inined-to' grind by the government in this par . pisse;andthat it was - the duty, the religious ittity,:ed erm7 .. „eitisen to do the same. DESSItTLIA ♦zD RUNAWAYS IN CANADA.- 7 11*Ifewbuilport Herald says that from let - ten from Canada and from men who, have re ,-,inutiiy visited there, it bits received 'informs -‘,,,..40n1atat there are at least forty : thousand men in the British - Provincos who have served from ILI months to `a year and s half in our Some Were broken down in spirits slid:bmith,by the hardships of war; some suf foredill-kreatment from drunken or brutal . 6111oert}'esora of them, having sick furloughs •er liberty,to'visit their homes, overstayed -. tbetrittn, tfr' mad lowed to go hack. Most of Abem3.winild new gladly return to their duty if soured that, they could do so -tvitlunit being eoseci to the terrors of a twat ..,.isassebal-tatd , pituneat The Hvaidthinks : - 'lLlto,"elainstion' to ilk etteet by the Prodded leiiirtwenty thousand of them tfPiliefa regimints,atiferotbolnkoflanuary. Coo Top 11 , -,BC I X O O ' . AT:mi.—The Buenos cifOnss.Stascloril, Of Octobor-104b; saps to iu saminarr of .nowsithat, total& raiders will • Oliiitied to know that orer.thlisti tone the --"`• tat 'best rattan Ird3A of all iletettitlons:have •been,dietiiboted, and. are 0 . 054' plinted in the pact { Of 'th4 nation roost 14apted to the trl i o f Manchester will bear with • ' that;mililions nad-:ifinlions of cotton -11.isialatoiaric:ctkrirostitit over Wo pro ;4',iteiltlikeEngllshosanufacturers Ara thousand WO g[ ,cotton ; ftom the Blies. Plate this iioipn Year: litinclitl. thousind 'the neat. ntis!Ootton bales we askneithor -pus 4ovarelgist nor 011BACI, but railway iron, , safttsin loads; htul etts ;bantams, raider the bounty sOt jail published by thegeneral court sill be:tho beat paid troAiPs isrtho world. The amount of and parte:bayonetted for „ - terrier.; by ivsoldlerwho' has pre- May, ninetnsontidor. more, if he has alai:lily of not less than thtee per ,l24oohisndet4.."*ahar,fee supp o rt, is - lletre.t. - ;:iNted. , , bounty, 002; 'th e . f -I '.."VOISIXffirnOULDWIL; ty, $ 326; pay, 4,468; slothlag,'s.l.26,aid to fondly; , • 1f ind eed 0f5325 in hand, from the Slate; be 'accepts the offer of , *lovartiotithincretsa afylay,ho will realm , TUkiaare than tho.sumittrovo. • ' . - - A Concorkiew - - Oteetei"iith. subetitt o,...„......,,..:TetienWgzaitclauteettao,- That , of t. •,tr',, 4 thetr_q/12 men, irt ..t:. be ktet"l biod, mtelteOeg ;,T,b,c city l a ey is 4). f u entetr uila P iis s too tz a b h uk PlitLa or at t h ... . Inv., Lx. att lodge , 1112 , Gailtn= natiS of-‘;"T; - 1 ' tuillAuips,-e,,,,,thhaf4ll•d i th eea. & UAW, lad . . thermesm---/- sista' at. w - o ,i t '6l the ..- Go um -101111ebrriticen Init. likely young '.).. "',.9'1*...' "11.1' hues of Uk ~-,stittotby attiglarrne __the _. of { formally- } realm - - the ~.fiti- 4 10. minllisia• Of 'th? ow ? 'at .--,-,r-ns74 0,..,11.ate, pogo itmrsra h u t. - hreatlY, .. ' I willite,-y-,11....013 ~.40 ____,t, 0=114; NinliViante war*-Pr7 '0#11,q19121 '. - . ~;' Tha :fleet of titiAtar in *noulll - trii.:Now . (Vrlcir 'Miner, falailasflitter, sage It is evident that this winter is to be a very 'har3'oae,~and'tlie coming 'yearTs net hopeful: There will probably be a great war in Europe, yrbletrEaghind cannot keep out of. The war ; in Alilol/06 fa a calamity to England, which she feels more and more every day. The war I may make.Autericans rich, but it diminishes the raga of Englishmen $05,000,000 a year. Even in London it has idioms thousands out of work. The rise in cotton g01;1111, hitherto the cheap clothing of the poor, is aloe a'great calamity. These goods bare nearly doubled to price in the part mouthy and they are rising every day. The cotton manufacturers and dealers are in consternation. It was all very , well ne.loncas - their heavy stooks were going ' off at "honey prices; but now these are gone, and nothing remains but dead capital, with a very short supply of poor staple, at an enor mous price. k Too will Mari within six months, a louder clamor against the American war than has yet been raised—the clamor of capi talists who want cotton to spin, and of the poor, who want cotton to wear. Indeed we were not unprepared for the sombre colorineof this account. The :idyl cos brought from Europe the week before had foreshadowed the worst that these de tails present. The Bank of France had raised is rate of discount to seven per cont., and the Bank of England rate was at six per cent., with the immediate prospect of an advance. As a contemporary well remarks: "When we consider that the loans of the Bank of England are about forty four millions sterling, and those of the Bank of France eight hundred millions of francs, together about three hundred and eighty millions of dollars, the advance of the rate of discount from a normal condi tion of three or four per cent. to an extra ordinary one of six or seven per cent., it becomes an Important feature. "The commercial affairs of both cotmtries wear an unfavorable aspect. Largely in debted to India and China, who take sinter and gold only for debts; with new and vast•enterpriseo involving great outlay of capital; with a large export of bullion and coin, and a lasting dependence upon &aria and the United Slates for'bre:tdstufs, the finan cial management of both England and France demand talents of the highest order fortholear 18(14." Ir ir As announced some time 114104 that Fred Douglass was going with Gen. Thomas to the lower Mississippi, to aid in the forma tion of colored regiments. For this purpose he stopped thepublication of his paper, sold out his materials, and was ready to start: It was•believed that his magic tongue would soon rally thousands of his race to the nation's standard. But then there was a hitch. The Government was not prepared to give him a "commission," and he was not prepared to go without it. Tie had no status—no protection; and, consequently, remained at home. A PLAIN Asc. Fame Arm SC:I - rum:T.—The last number of the Rebellion Record in the Di ary of Events hoe the following clear and suc cinct statement on the let of January, 1663 "Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, issued hie confirmatory emancipation proclaination, declaring the certain States and parts of States in rebellion to be henceforth and forever free." The great fact of history could not be more brifly and clearly stated. In one of Washington Irrings's loiters, written in 1853, he nye to a friend in Paris "Lords Napoleon and Eugenio Montijo, Em peror and Empress of _Prance I—one of whom I had a guest at my cottage on tho Hudson ; the other whom, when a child, I hare had on my knee at Granada! It 8001:1111 to cap the climax of the strange dramas of which. Paris has been the theatre during my lifetime." Ton Copperhead papers ore evidently MD nit% short of material for slanders. One of their last stories, started by the New York Day . Book, is that the President's eon, Robert, has made $500,000 as a Government contractor. The reasonableness of this delightful Action Is shown by the fact that he is only about twenty yam old, and was a student at ]far• card Colter,' till July last. TALK about under-ground railroads; leave the rebelsalone for that. John Morgan made one, and now we learn that seventy-eight rebel prisoners escaped from Camp Douglas (near Chicago) on Wednesday night, by dig ging a tunnel from the barracks to an outside fence. Between twenty and thirty of them were retaken up to Thursday evening. Tile notorious rebel guerrilla, Greek Our ,ley,ehsrpd with the murder of Brig.-Gen. - Robert L. McCook, Is how in our custody, and will be tried by a Military Commission, at Nashville, assembled by Gen. Thomas• for that pa o n s n vo e. Col. John Twenty-ninth Tun mines at Cariboo, British Columbia, hare at last given ont. The correspondent of the London TisteS,.: whose letters praising them drew a large' emigration, has to keep close to the government escort for fear the disappointed emigrants will shoot him, Tun emigrants who have arrivod at Castle Garden.since January .Ist number, according to the iitticial report of the Commissioners of Emigration, 146,619. The number last year to the corresponding date was 69,499. Tug internal revenue assessed in Massa chtmetts for the year ending on tho first day of September last amounted to $8,420,407 81. Tam Ladies's Fairat Indianapolis, Indiana, recently held, realized twelve thousand dol. ere for the benefit of soldiers' families. NRWItiUSIC STORK—We will open our Oar stock of PIANOS, MELODEONS, and everything pertaining to 'stint clan ainsie Estab- Raiment, on the 18th instant, at 24e. 2 ST. CLAIR MEET. Prof. VIA3LtLISE le now East, pia:chasing oar stock, which will ho the finest aver brought to this Perrone loterulltig to purchase anything to our lino for • Christmas or New Yeses present, would do well to wait hie antral. The pupils of Prof. W. will be n tiCod thrtragb evening papers when be will resume teaching. ills •beeeo,from the city will not be prolonged weer • week or ten days. WAMELINK & HARR. dra:flt FrO.ALASUFACTURMS OF HOSE.- 1 Proposals are hinted maid aril! be Intim% until FRIDAY, the 11th Met. by the Committee on Fine &minas of the City of Army, for the manufac ture and delivery, In said city, of one that:nand feet of thitheist quality of Leather Dose, imitable for the one °flits= Eire Engines. Separate . propenia an solicited foro and 10 inch huts complete. Crepes+ to buemled and left with A. D. detler • • p [OIFOB THE DRAIT.—Pe rso na nlidinlng EXEMPTION can hayo their paper, made outby calling upon WU. T. I. , I!DiN, No. In 3 Fifth street, Three doors bolo. Cathooks! IV. B.—There Phovad be no delay, ea the time for Ming claims I. reel short. Bring two ',Unease., head. of JOntales, with you. ' deiblw .AT WIVLESALE PRICEs! Drain ints mown' Floats, Shoes, Onins, Balmorali, Oeugress Gaiters, . . . _ . .• ,tadaTarsiblaf•alipe t o ono - . llaio, at ratan, thoroby lallaS toanly-foloOper mat. • . , Otos ma a call Wore purchaatag olamhora. ,'... Ss ' •• ' ati n Uoitt • ••••• AND, to Marko, al, dad SAII !wand door from TMh. 1,000 BARRELS NO. ':I.:,EX.TRA, In tworitiltili bark! tar sale detav PICSIWA BALI WirtIMACV CO • iuirf4ooifinlit ' - LAMM, 411177,101.131TA1TA111LD13221. Ma of Undo, rvief4s, r zltablO .fot:lrlet' tor . . rpo . v „epos steamer Bonnets 0' aluo-5700 irriiirsanatnoustunt, itawert L. a. VOIOrk CO. PIG LE.A.D.-;-50() p p.Oalennaa,, to strive and ?beads b 7 V. rnzt.o. • PUBLIC;; Jr'd~?CE~'`:;' Or -THE Reir...lXL. DEMPSEVD. .1111141 cm his celebrated reply to BISHOP HOPKINS' DEFENCE OTAILEaICAN PLAYER! at SOUTH COMPLON 2L H. OHllliCH,Allegheny, on TITIVRSDAY ZS - ENVOI, Hee.loth, for the beo ft of the Sunday School connected with that charge. Ticket.. 25 rents each—to be had at the stores of Pratt *Heaney and Thomas Chantlor, Tedeial t.„ Allegheny, sad at the Book Stones generally In Pitt. - band, Lecture to commence of 73, o'clock. deektel CONSUMPTIVES. no advertiser, hating been restored to health In few weeks by a very simple milady, eta having instrened several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—ls auzions to make known to his fellow sufferers the means."( ewe. To all who desire it, ha will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of advsp.,) with the dlrec- Mons for preparing sad owing the ems, which they will find awssive for CONSMMPTION, ASTHMA, COUGHS, COLDS, de. The only oldest of the advertiser to ending the prescription la to benefit the alfllMed, and mused Information which he conceive. to be Invaluable; and he hopes every =Serer will try his remedy, am it will cost them clothing, and may proves blessing. Pardee wiahing the prescription will please address Say. EDWARD A. WILSON, Willlameburgh, Xing. county, New York. The above remedy may be obtained In Pittsburgh of JOSSPII PLEMINO, Druggist, Corner Market etreot and the Diamond. Coll foc pamphlet, free of chant.. so2s:3mdawP j'TO CONSIIIIPTIVEB.—The Rev. .E. A. WILSON'S remedy fir the cute of CONSCIIPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, &a, can bo obtained in -Pittsburgh, Pa., of JOSEPH FLEMING, Druggist, Corner Market street and the Diamond. degalmdserl QtilUN EX,BUtIIVE COMMT TEI2.—/ meeting of said Committeo will be held at the °Mee of MARSHALL A BROWN, Fifth drool., Pittsburgh, on THURSDAY, Doc. 10th, lost-, at 2 o'clock p. nt. A. M. BROWN, Chairman. JOHN FL STRIVART, Secretary. dehat FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALLEGREN Y.—The election of Directors of this Bank will be held at the office of R. 11. DAVIS, corner of Federal etreet and South Common, MON DAY, the 7th Ind., between the boon of S and 12 o'clock. A. 0. ALEXANDER, Chairman. JOHN IRWTN, Jr., Bee`y. Allegheny, Dec. 3,126:1. dei:M U.LECTURE BY PROF. WILSON, at MASONIC BALL, on TUESDAY EVE.IB - Dec. Bth, at 7 o'clock. F.Qiect—•• the State of the Country." The proceed. for the berwfit of tho Christian Com 81i131011. Ticiete, 2.5 caulk For de at all the principal Boot end Periodical Stores in Pittsburgh and Alla- ghony (At) a COLLECTOR'S NoTiCa—The ‘'," Annual Assessment List for 1863, containing Taxes on Income, Silver Plate, Carriages, kr., and Lice.. Duties in the eth Division of the iffid Penn.. District, comprising the 6th, 7th and Bth Wards of the City of Pittsburgh, and Pitt Township, except. Ing that part north of Penn street, has born received from the Assesvor, and the Taxes are now doe. I will receive the Taxes es aforesaid, at the office of Aldermen BUTLAII, lffil Wylie street, from the dlst day of November until the 130 h day of Decem ber, 1563, inclutive. between the hours of I and 3 p. in., after which time the penalties prescribed by the law will be exacted. JUISB A. 87711.DEANT, peputy Collector lib Division, TM District. de.1:61e15 ~---=PITTSBURGII SANITARY CUM 6 - r-7 MITTEE. DM, and Dep,lDary, 39 Fonrth Uctaoe■ Wood 1613.1 Market Strects. =OE I=lr Cvntztlmtlove of matey and guodd Stott, slot to .11 yarte or the army Information furnished In relation to tits .irk .nd wounded in the Camp. and 11.ipitals. The freight ou &on& donated to reil , l tore Attdreff., P/TTSBUILGII SANITARY COMMITTER. 44:dtf . O' TO STUDENTS AND LOVERS OF CLIC ItOl.l efUslo.—The well-known comp Deer, Mr. JOHN ZONDEL, Om:admit and Di rector of Music of Homy %Yard , 's Church, Now York. will visit tide city dosing the mmt month to giro • short course of Itodruction in Harmony, the Organ or Idelodrost and Chorus Singing, connected stith public perforMances on th. Organ, and Naomi Comsat, On - colors, stating terms, eta, may be &- Wood at the Hoek Morro of IL E.lOl.- &JIM and O. 0. Mellor. nolittDerft WTIIE NEW GrArNASTICIS AT NEVILLE lIALL.—The Clams 'are open for non members at each time of manttng. Ladka and Gentlemen, TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVEN MOS, at 7% Lodi= sod ChOdra*, WEDNESDAY and SAT 0111.inY AFTERNOONS, et 3 o'clock. ADTAXCII For Adults, course of twenty 1e550n5.—......f8 00. Vas Lade and Misses, • OCL For Children. " 703. nolfitf T ;. rr . RE MAYORALTY OF ALLE - s" OIIEN —Capt. Eljacta Dwl, at the omit solicitation of many citizens, has consstrod In ploplt his nuts to be card as a candidate for the Mayoralty of Allegheny City, at the sassing min:trips] elec. tips. nelitto -ME wr aDrERTIREMEAVS. /IRE bblm. Grease on board NA steamer Conway No. 2, to arrive and for sale by deb 'SAUD DICKEY d CO. BABKL'T WILLOWS-72 bundles to arrive c.n steamer Lent LeoD, for sale by deB ismen DICKEY & CO. BUTTER -10 tube and 10 pails choice Dairy Just received and for sale by del J. B. CANFIELD. APPLE:. 4 .-IUO bblm. Greanings, Ras eats, &c., received and for esie by del J. D. CANFIELD. P NJ S 1 RVF.II TILMARINth , , put up --In glass Jar., Juel received and fir Cale at the Fancily Grocery Store of JOHN A. RENSHAW, deb Corner Llb.rty and fland streets. CONDENSED MILK.-- , Bordeau's pat ent,V prepared from pure Milk and Loaf Sugar, put up ill fir cans, and mill Iteergood In any ollmato; a fresh supply Just received and for sale by JOLTH A. RENSITAW, corner Liberty and Hand iamb, SMOKED SALMON—A fresh supply Jest received and for male by tho hound, et tho Family Grocery Store of . . JOHN A. RENSHAW, Corner Liberty and Hand Knots SEEDLESS RAISINS new crop very Line, Just Duals.. Al., Loudon Layer lialalne, In Thole, half wed Taarter boxes, rocelved and for JOHN A. RENSHAW, earner Liberty and Hand stroota 01.1, PANTS I OM PANTS ! ilso, Oil Coats, Jacke4 and Hats; Jun retched another Large supply at the Oil Cloth Depot of .1.. t 11. PHILLIPS, deb Nos. 'Nand 23 St. Clair street. DRY APPLES, Iren - -*E3O brish. prime In time and for male by COOK, 'PETTIT* CO., de4 No. I! Smithfield strait. S 3IOKEIi ICA MS.—A fresh supplyk fir reeeleed; 490, a tot of George's Bank supply sale at the Eel:oily 0 ra-ory Store of • JOILN A. REICBFIANri del Comer Liberty and Eland streets LLHER BELTLNG; also, Qom Baiting, Packink, Boss, Gaskets, Laos Lath, sad Meets ,--a large stock &says CM hand at the In• dia Dabber Depot of J... H. DitILLIPS. dab Nos. 2a and id 8a Clair strait. RECUT SCIENTIFIC PUBLICA PIONS. Enema on the Manufacture of Iron. - Supplement to Uret.Dlctidnary. Datum' Manuel of Geology. Lyell on the Antiquity of Mm. Brace's Itaces of the Old World.. Mill's Prim-lplei of Political Economy. Atuited's emit Stone Boot of Nnteire. Agssolen Similes in Natural Hilton For sale by SAY CO., 65 Wood low. PRODUCE. • 6000 Zs. Buckwheat Slattr. 60 Th. mkii 600 En. rash Ball Batter; 7000 The. aboloo packed do; 100doi. rainy Broome; 100 bbbs. Rama end DellliosterApples; 200 blab. Dried Apple.; 200 boxes Goshen Cbeeee; 100 do Western Baierre; 160 do EngUab Dall 7; 600 IDs. Family rkror. in imam 200 blab dried Psiabse. to tomb,: WO. do do Apples, do; In store sod to anise and far ale by deT it BIDDLE, 1113 Liberty street Cu" ON GOODS.—Nosr in store and tbr - ole: • • 2000 bblk Yott State, Itiehtsan apd Oldb krples; 7030 bush. Potatoes; 4000 tbk Buckwheat /lour, , 60 bola. Loki Shore ' 60 do Bioko/Al:ate; -200 bath. Walnuts; bbla. Samoa. Cider," 50 do WhlseCkwo Bk6l;‘ SO:: do ffotwicy,Glaits; 60 do , Mint 11c8818_,T; • . • 8 ettoiciltell.Buttral t-• 10. 7 48eNboximi- - . dal •12 pans Treat ticet - • ":" sstge.2lpuoite Sups, 'l2OO bulb. whit. Beaks; 10 bbla. Tallotr L 100 pm. old Side llama; dts 9016? it 00. yr:l i myl 4_ 7m .I.74r;F* elpf".wor 44111 1 i 4-11-Ax..4so 6 - UT OF • noN mart of good wfahing iO - eagage in the Neu:smile Basinaft, desire. a rit.tion es Ehliviog Clerk. 9[ la frugpettlatuthich. he .csm:d make him self genzrally beefuL eatisfAeumy ref . ..lreton cm Ire given. Acktrar "T. IL, Box 1451, Pittzloargh P. 0:' Hind 'WARR' UNPAID' WATER BIIIITS.—City, Poor and nu...loess Taxeq fur 18b.1, are due and moot be paid to sore costs. lia:tej•- td at City Trearurer's Other, Fourth arreet, during ~holiness hams; or at my =Odeon°, Nci.l7o Webster •Sirect,oppositsthe Water Works, from' 6 to tt a. m. and 5 to 7 o'cloct p. rts. de/ht( J. B. NEWMAN. Collector. Wit BALIS--A beautiful residence on roam Troy 11111. one mile from Allgbenr Cloy Market Homo, with a great abandanoe of ail kinds of fruit, evergroant, shade from, As. To he sold low and payments easy. Enquire of A. IL HARVEY, on the premhese Also, mane line braiding lots In Alleghe . ny city. FOR. RENT-RWII HILL FARM, containing 100 acme of land, on the Perrysville Plank Road, three rake from Allegheny, with fine dwelling hopes and tallikithonses. Suitable for and now occupied aa a Atari, known u the Green Trto Tavern. Engelke of J. LYNN ItcAUOT, (of Lane; kledboy C 0.,) daY.2w 140 Federal street, Allegheny. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, CHEAP FOE OASIT.—The Lot hes 2.8 feet front on Townsend street, Sixth Nl'ar4, and nine back 100 Feet to an alley. The 1100,10 lea two-story brick, containing flee roomaand in on the rem - or the lot, fronting on the alley. A good bargain may be had by applying soon, to JO DIE KNOWLSON, Townsend street, twat degilw TIIIS OFFICE. Dserry Qrsurszatarrsa Gruestat's Ormet, Pittsburgh, 8,16C1. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUG TION, '2,300 GILLEN BAOKS, .o FRIDAY, Doe. 11th, 1863, at 11 a. m., at the Publie Ware lipase, No. 355 Liberty street, to the highest liii4tor. ' Terms mall, Government Foods. . . . 0. CROSS, Lieut. Col. and Deputy Q. H. Gam SUPERIOR PIANO FORTE Er"CYTE BA.I. IC EIAL.LBT, DAY IB & CO., BOSTON It ran be intral at the “Pre/byterian Book Itoomg, 57 Hand street. - RAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM 7 i tab o r i sor T lA jo f t u h r ; tho flair ; Mrs. Allet's Hair Bolton, ; rscription ; Perfumery and Tout A rticlea, of rcery Family Dye Wort ; Gent', and Ladles' Shoulder Bract ; Of every description and I.,•aL quality, kept r,.a.taol ly on hand and ba amid at GEb. A. 'RIELLY'S, CENTRAL IoarGSTORE doe cur. Ohio t Federal sts.,ldarket IN 'IIIE MATTER OF THE N'OLUN- Thin ASIMGNMENT OF 11. I'. .CAIN TO WILLIAM P. BAUM. Ito. 28, Jona Trrin, 185 22 . In the enart of Common Pleas of Allegheny county. And now to wit, Dee. sth, 1853, the e,count of William P. Daum, designee of R. P. Cain, .xttllnted in open Wart and filed, and tteroupou it is ordered that the Prothonotary gt.o notice of the exhibition and filing of said seconnt, by pnbliestlen of this order in the Legal Juunani and Weekly 4.““05t3 for three weeks, and that the fame will be allowed on BATUIIDAT, the 2d day of January, A. D. 1884, or. Ins, In the meantime, cause staid too shown why the said nrconnt should not he allowrfl, ur TLIE cca - r.T Attest: 111:Nta Faso:, Frutbonotsu. de9:3tvrT PARTICULAR IsiOTICE.—As it be come. a matter teaching the beet interest. Id °rot,' M.. Worn. and Child ill Allegheny county to sce that money le not squandered, and that when expending the hard earned gain, procured by um ions care and amity hours of tall and hardship, it becomes the duty of every parent to see that full rube to received, and minething tangible and useful Is obtained, theft rem. Its an called forth at this time. as we are doily and hourly Wiwi open to hear the photons story of some poor woman, as with a moan of dispair she relates the loss of her prop and stay In this world,"—her bravo hmarand—who Went forth and nobly battled for his Country's Ilonerand Nation'. Flag, and now that she is left alone. she finds no friendly band to aid her; but, en the contra. ry, aa seem ready to Impose upon and take the ad vantage of her inexpertence, and with the cantle. log proof In hand, (a Morocco Root which has literal ly dropped ht can bat credit the sterna of their wrongs. Now this is to giro notice that on and after this date I will warrant every pair of 8041411 or Shoes sold et CONCERT lI"uLL ttllOE 670116, cd Fifth street, to be ptafmt, and in no manna to rip or come to pietes,and the money in all ewes to be re• forded ar the Work made greedcwimre ohs least Ilk satisfaction may rawer and pledge myself to sell this Ent clan warranteework/or Gar money than Is ask .d ter cotton= antk and second rate article. elec. where. den VALUioiLEtiTovicsAvr. AurrioN. • —op Tutsmtir , tftNisc, Il.r. sib, I 8 al 73L.o'clode, bo.sold, et the Onntrormf al Sake Ildetna, tio. Z 4 alfthxtrect : 10 eilaimi Rxobs o Bank Stook; 8 do Nocbanide Bank Stook; 20 do Morobante A Kannfactaxere Beet 20 do Westirrausarszce Co.: lb do Racks /tuntuace Oa. Stock; 0:1 do •Bloocrogshsts Itanrance Co.; 6/ do Pfttetough*Clonnellarille It. R. Cu.; .50 do Allegharkt Valley Usiltoad Co.: 20 do NonOngalthla Melds,' Co.; 6 do Bank of Pittsburgh Stock; doS DAVIS A itottwencr. FUR SALE---A Tavern stand iu the Borough of West Nowton, corner of Main end Thind stmt., ►t present neenplod by John end Philip Roland, and known as the Stokely property. Lot Gd by 192 feet, Largo building, 12 rooms and bar-room l • .tabling for 43 , homes; On* yard, well pared; good garden, with fruit sad shrobbcry. Offered at arced aacittico and on easy terms. Also, a t rec.-story Brick Dwelling and lot 66 by 132, (with another lot adjoining of same site if dellred,) etnate corner of eighth and Multi street, and at pres• out °coupled by John Boyd. Cori stable, with car riage house; Cue garden, fruit end !shrubbery. Offer ed low end on easy term.. Also. 47 share, Weal Newton Bridge Steen. Apply to 11,11,CLAIN A CO., Uri fourth EVES A.lO "OAR: DR. BAELZ mrtienlar attention to the treatment d rl ' irRUNIC DISEASES, the EYE and EAR ; operates on OATAlleiet, SQUINT EYES, for ANTTFICIAL PUPIL, Inserts ANTIFICIAIt ETES, and treats ail INFLAIDLiTOST EYES 1 deo HAND iIEeIIUNO, and all diseases affecting the Ear and leading to Deadness Ofilee. NO MTH STREET. torMlyis ALBA ROSA CREAM! A new and boaatiflat preparation air Chapped flestils,Zaps and Rough Skirt Cooioitil cold 0I ulnas areolbor. Premred LA for rale at GEOLtOIt A—KuLre =TAAL DIM BVMM, Ostia Oble and Talent Streets, lo Market lbws, Alkemny FOR SAAAS, Mts . .Low.---OneI'UPPET VALVE sus rylind.r, 5 Get stroke, In admirable condition, with or without Main Shaft, Illy Mime% 'gauges, loom Pump. Re. ml. 'Minim:, is well adapted for many purpoees, but e•pecially kir a Rolling Mill. Call and eoe It. THOS. ARBOCILIC & CO., Anchor Cotton Mills, dealt Allegheny City. NNOTIOE To TAX-PAYEES OF THE LAWRENOEVILT,T, DISTSIC.7.—The Coon. ty Trauma, hying placed In the hands of the Tu. &migned the (Minty - IMpllcate 'for collection, ail persona who have - Dot wiled the woe are reptlemr4 mynahs Immediate payment sod eats. coda. S, Colleator. OITIce, tinier It., neat Allen. BATELairreneenille. OLAIRS! . - .911AWLS.i YOU LADIMIAND CLEILD.I=. Alm', a stock of Ginatlemeses Tiling. ORlt k CO. Bog TETS, CUT FLOWERS,.,&o., Forwarded to or4e; Qom HDRDOCIIII OAKLAND onassnoust. fourth street ears ran out to dm Gs•entrotsit every Moo minutes, nol7Sf WANTED... 4 young man having a good business reputation, and eau einamand • cash capital of IMOD°, roable.of takingchirp of a eft of Boas, Finances and out-door businee, an . learn of • ran opponunity to enter an partner In a Ineratire Iron 'lndium fully astablfehed. Array to del "ii. IlletALN h to.; 10Stitottrth HOUSIS WANTED.-To - pitichase or rent for a term of years; a " 4 TIBBT-OL&PS'DWELLII.II, On Palm keen, hcaad Esaleor COIMIIODIL APO, tD W. . 4, Mir street. P. O. Haa M 4. „ dct.•lw CUE • F r ittsburgh Gaz CanWany yrfll era Our., rekt . tablitar mat.ufao. taring or.lomoate emit R ai Lmhd In thee treti,fri 434 yin Fe rmial d.litere! } wt an, nowis!able.dislanes. in tr+ &ch. . JAKEti Tal;Uurei. Q:11)4,* _FOR KENT ,t) i MA IiKET K- 7 !IT/OWL—The houdgione Iron Front, Uorkst Nifeetotext door to N. Itolmot & Foos, tt of &zed forlitot as first of Janutryottext. , tiddreet -40.11 N. wer, it., .no 18.••• 01, . . Storfoklortillt. Po. 11)(V • LS. " S"' 8 GAR; 'Parr Qsa. 0..140:1461.; . a;4: iCIIR TO:Op@ wilt 414 by • -- ' • ' • lINIVEU*SIII2g.; nod " Na. 128 sad 128 Wood etritt., -8 'cc • 200tay,miuststr,, , ;' 10 tram sew Sewlloss mtans: 10 casks saw Curnutur; Snot rawhide'. smoW:.I246ELTOIi. , . - :,-•Io - s yet ail t. Lunn all 3 trillidrun thli popular Lunn Cr/11. ,:alt C. Par, arui until ten lisp,' th, unZe.ignetl, a.. GIEN6ItAI. BrII SCIIII,TI,,N r. %titt r,nttna , V , solptar The uI, le arusunt L.sts tut homed Is 'rise Hundred 1111lione• ••( [howl, Neurty FOUR nuN. DIMIII MILLIONS HAVE BEES! A LREADTEt B• SORIBED iidlL AND PAIL , INTO TILE fREAS• UHT, mostly within the last *nests months. Thu large dernaud frosn etscomb an•l the rapidly incrcas- Ing hem , d0...d r r use as the leads for circulation ; by Natismal Banbsng Auuststiuns cuss organising ln all parts of the osultry. all!, In . rery short pert al, ' absorb ttes balance Salsa base lately ranged from ten I. Ilftecn million. weekly. Dequently exceeding three millions daily, and as It a veil knunis that the 'Secretary of the Treasury has ample and unfailing resources iu the Duties ou Imports and Interns! Rue cum e, ism' In the issue of the Interest beating Legal Tender Treasury Nutt., It Is almost a cortaluty that he will out find it nscemary, for a lung tlmo I cuts., to it,: a market fur any other Lo; or pormsnent TOE INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL ./F tYAICfi ABE PAYABLE IN GOLD. Prod.,. mid tolf•interewt mwd forte the nilnda of thwe contemplating tho formation or National Banking A.m.:lotions, ma bell se ilia minds of all I who Lave Idle money on tbetr hand., to the prompt t cocchatlou that they should Ms: no time In anbecrib lng to this moot popular Loan. It will wort be be- I yond their reach, And adran, t•. a handsaw° prowl. aa triue the roault with the iirtorrn Thirty" Loan, I when It trnA nil sold and ertht no long, r be anti scribe,' her at par. IT IS A 81.1 PER C. LOAN, TLIE INTKR• EiT AND PRIVCIPAI. PAYABLE IN COIN, thus yielding over NINE PER LENT. PER ANNUM, et the present rate of preminiu oo Coin Thu Goament require, all duties on onvdts ern to paid in rely ; those duties have for o loos time pool amounted to over a quarter of a ntillion of del lan ddily, a sum neatly three times greater than t bar required In the payment of the Internet no all the 1-2 re and other permanent I.oans. i. that 'lt is hoped that the vulpine ruin In the Troasnry, at no •dlstnot day, will enable tho Unitas! EWA, to roeume specie payments upon all liabilities. The Loan it callevl 5-TO from the fact that wtolet the Benda may run for 20 year, yet the Government hat a right to pay them off Ist gold at par, at any time after 7. year, THE INTEREST 16 PAID HALF YkARLT, ris : on the Ent days of November and alas._ littbxribers can have Coupon Bonds, which are Diyable to tourer, and aro FLO, 5100, 5100 and $lllOO ; or Registered Bonds of same denominations, and, In addition, 5.5,000 and 510,000. For Banking purposes and for investments of Trmt-mordes the Registered Bonds am preferable. These cannot be taxed by States, ritiee, towns or cormtiov, and the Government tax en them Is only one-endsasholf por rent. on the amount of Income, when the income of the holder exceeds Fix Hundred Dollars per annum ; ell other investments, such as income from Mortgages, Railroad Stock and Bomb, etc., most pay from three to tire per ROL. tax on the income. Banks and Bankers 111,nghellt the rountry continue to diepose of the Bonds ; and alPerdorm mail, or otherwise, promptly attended tn. The loceenrenleneo of a frier dela' delay In the de livery of the Bonds It rinsraidable, the d e m an d ipi,4 mast ; but as intercet romm•nrn from the day of eubscription, no ion is occasioned, and erery effort Is being mode to diminish the delay. JAS COOKE, Subscription Agent, 114 South Third street, Philadelphia. JOSHUA HANNA, Corner Third and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. doLlw NO MORE; GRAY HAIR LUXURIANT HAM DT USING I.'lllr. RAGS IU- V 11:1•1 A.T OR. Tor restoring .dlooatztliying the HA" This is an article but reoently Introdtwoci Into this country, but him long been theorably known by the nobility of Trance ea their only eSeetosil HAIR RESTORER It la comp Leta within itself, to other dressing or accompaniment of any kind being nors• eery to wenn, tha attainment of the following dest• rabbi molts, other that aches* compliance with the directions: 1. h adll , a. soacrs'er oatn auteaes,, rodent Grow Hair to in origins/ oak, I. It win oak. it grow oa Bad Moult. It. IC teal ratans ids Natural Stmrtioas. L It ea/ mama n. Denedndraad li. /twill ',abode RairEtoflocool Chao. 6. O sill priarrre tk. Origiaall Color Co Old A. wig prevent 0,4 Hoirfros Fading Of. 8. II sane as DllO4lllll of 11a Soaltp. It la not • contains no Nitrate of Bihar, or any attar bugrnt injurkens to either Shin or Hair. Prica, ONE DOLLAR. For sale by all respootabbs DruWats, SIMON JOHNSTON, Gemerat Agent, Oar. of ladthfield and Fourth Sta., Pittsburgh. nollhiscuszawl GREAT CLOSING OUT SALES DRY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS, SHOES AND BALMORALS, FOB ALL MA.DiKIND, AT Mee L E LI, A ND'S, Sy. 65 FIFTH STRZET 4.5 MILITARY CLAIMS. EXEMPTION CLAIMS W. J , & HALL PATrERSON, 144 Peurth Street, 24 &Cr, , PITII3BI7IIAH, PA Claims fur PENSION, BOUNTY, BACH lad EX TEA PAY, aussisTzsor, PRIZE MONEY. HOBBES lost or kMeol In the 'orrice promptly at tended t.. EXEMITION CLAIMS attended to without de lay. • de&ttst PENSIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY T. WALTER 121.A.1r, GENERAL CLAIM AGENT Idoeased by the U. 8. Govan:tame 103 117TH OTILEZT, lid door beLsw the Osakedral. Pentbyttaola Soldiers weet of the mountains, UM mu Ohio Soldlets, an 1 Wort Viretate Eloldient, tin base their Pensioce, Bounty and Back Pay securesl .at this Oleo. • Cirenbms gill be sent giving ital Informatics' to the Boltliont, or to deomut Sailors' Beira, showing who eve entitled to the Bandon, Botmty and rack Pay, and the manner of seeming the same, by apply. l_to me by letter or In mom. No charge tit collected. Whims -le pENSION6 13 oTflcTY, BACK PAY. H. C. MACKBEI,L, ATTO . ENZY AT LAW AIM MA= Aorq, NO. 114 IIIFTE STBEIST, Prrnrsome. Collections In Alleaßsay and adiontlng canatlas. Proseonten SOLD CLAMS, claw/ dataA2 . - . lion ; BOUNTIES for All dbobargad &leen. Pia .Blo.lo, mr trohaded omcori and Soldlars ; BOWS TIES and 'PENSIONS for Widows, Parents, Orphan CR,lldren, Brothers and Slaters, or other legal repro neutatirn of those woo hare died In the mortice, or ha" 'Mad an" Beene contracted In eervico. -111rNo charge =NI wileetad, Intl no letter lOU to IlikWele =IWO stamol.leriard. Cel9l)rio GLOVE'S. Soils*lab Gloves. GO. Gownles• Sherpakick do. we ball s oplandid Chifintlet Imitable for dr., . - int 4 bouud 11:1 dlflose at.Tlo,ll.iiirnr,. 088 „al SP PLENDID RAIDENCE 'FOR SALE, NJ-pleasantly slit:tided on Naft stntet, 4 All6- shell, Clip; GO teat:front, stands* back to Butler. strentiUrp two , atarybridtandling.porch•in front; nide tual; Lug(' Pul9r / 8 b* S 9 t• 44. dinlos•rooln. kitchen, - tenirbiainient lartni collar, bar gnome - and bnpg , tbapf ascend Boor, two attlo :mown gas exto s'dl4ll dlo well panted and Fpapand -sod LD,ltood:oidaz. Brkk catnap home and 0416 for *o. hams., Grope arbor t :llfo rarl•tho of grapes, fruit atat. shade tre.e;ahrabbery, ato. Immedian. on. 467 11. opTga=BS • SONO, 61 Market at. ENTIRE STOOK AT OOST, L. HIRSHFELD, Nu. S 3 Wood St MEN'S FrBNISHING GOODS, Complete lu overy brao,h Orcreoatlit,7 Cast/La:terra, &r., 13y t!, yard or MADE TO ORDER, ID mar nsnsl onsurpnned istyto at Oust Cline, Wing • redaction of ma kart 25 PER CENT Iron, our old =tea. I make tilts a good todneemette to thote who triah to boy bargains, being dealboua to elms main, entire stock by tba let of January% on lICEOIII3I of retiring (mot Dustups.. TIIE STORE TO LET. Poodmdtda glt,o vn the l.t of FOrnary. L. HritSHFELD, No. 83 Wood alert. t FAMILY DYY. COLORS. Ltimel .1 or 1.411 Darl. Blate, / ;OM Rue, Freud 1111 a• ttr,parn Ck r 4 Bro.. Light Brn l nl, Snntf I; , LA A 1 üb, L.,1 I al F 7. rc & brut', L. kw it Dro For Dyeing El. Scarf., Orman, Feathers, Kid 6_ kind, of Wearing Apparel. SOT A BA V I NU OF sn PER CERT.-FM For 25 cents yen min eider as many Foods 03 would otherwise cost tine times that turn. Various aliades can be produced from the same dye. The pmseas is simple, and any 030 can use the dye with perfect Directions In English, French and German, Insider each package. For further Information In Dyeing. sad giving • perfect knowledge what colors arc best adapted to dye over others, with many valuable recipes.) purchase Howe & Stevens' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mall on receipt of price-10 cents. klannfactured by HOWE& STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston ro mile by druggists and dealers generally, no t itGm ANAL 1-81.6. St. LOUIS, MO . \ SILICA Pra 01. !cos.— Ln..... -- 111.awtrue Warn._ =CM It 100. Having accepted the Agency for the eels or the SEMPLE CLAY, mined near St. Louie, Mo., I lo rite the areal ion of Glove and Steel Ilanufacturen to the Autdysis glen above, as reported by Profs. A. A. Lep, of Baum, and J. C. Booth, of Philadelphia, which, together with the test of actual experience by rommfacturers to Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louie, determines It to be the purest and moat valu able Clay now known, whether Foreign or AlRlCrielitl. Pot. mode from it have stood in the Glass Furnace from G 3 tot months. The Analysis is of the Clay as taken from the rake, without any washing or preparation Whatever. I, praseases great adhesiveness and pleartkity qualltits, which are not alarm" by the Analysts, and which ad mit of the mixture of a large proportion of *hell or burned clay. I am nose prepared to 11.11 orders for the above Clay to be shipped from St. Linde or delivered bore. ALEX. GORDON No. 121 BEOOND 13TRZET, pHoTouitApti A 1131.318 I GEI= PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS I Merocro, bolding 30 Pictured, 01 50 and riturt:ddlo, 3toroom holding 30 Pictures, 31 60 slid upirerda Iturocas,lloldlng 90 Picture., $1 50 wad upwards. Morocco, bolding 50 Platers., 8150 and upwards Morocco, bedding 6.3 Pictured, fa 60 dud upwards Morooce, bolding 50 Pictures, tr 3 50 and uperarde MI styles, from 50 teats (with gilt edgo end rlanpa,) upwardz. The MOT place to toy Photograph Album. lit at JOHN P. HUNT'S, 15; 0. 6 O Fifth Street, Masonic Han An Albans are warranted of the bast make and material. Ptustograph Cards From &I cents pr dos. upward,. n0..10 BOYS' CLOTHING A hash supply of Cape and Sack Overcoats, KELTON STAPLE/I PILOTS, and • Garibaldi and Cutaway Baits, TOR CHILDREN; And • Ml •aeorttnoat of math, of •ll k Inds, for BOYS AHD YOUTHS. GRAY & LOGAN, No. 19 Fin St STEEL COLLARS RATON, ILACIIIIM & CO., Nos. it AND 19 MTH 112DZST, PRA,-.s, P* Bcde &genii kr Atkinson's Steel Collars andOuffs, Enamelled White, having the eppearanoe and com fort of Linen. To military moo and travelers they. IrTAIL Pilau 0/ nil/ AND 011til Gent's Stanatit 00 rect. " 1,60 par pair. Wks' Narrow pp .. c h . Oak --...... 1.60 per pelt. Bent by post tra receipt of *1 16. SteerOollcor meneaselled for 26 cents i Ira wIII =• Sang COLLAR for an op. ONE, pro. is not broke or bent, for Ottente, Thettivile suppled aethe Nen York Agent's prise. for prise Usti addrese EiTON, maostrn 00, oattf Pittsburgh. P. THB BUOLE CALL Glre to a call before partllitilaVehteirloreila fool confident that our prices trillhatritund fari NACRUM.4I4I,YDE, 78 =BEM firpriril„. A refection of nearly fifty of the frosbort, *iciest I dt , Between Fourth arid Diantoird /anat . . and moat rowing Bogs, Trios, Qnartetts and Choruses published. Book should be in every loyal home, 4, runn kuau., and &roma sassy camp gre,—for It 'slo help the right, rrhllls Is &MVO, =tun au t entertains. BY 050. P. BOOT Ooplat culled on receipt of 55 cone. CHAS: a MELLOR, al WOOD BITSZT PALL ouoDsi NEW GOODS Jest maim! s- LA.NE/. NVABOY di; CO. _ I€l.llo IFIEDNIIAL etntplgt 41telPut IAW.ELLESIi ON PENN st BAI;L-Mte large thrysittary UWE mamma, Ho. as Penn street, bAew 1114 sttfe4, •Ss ofted for Ws: , Prigs 24,500. Th. tame •a*l bat% tarnished with marble mantels fat tui4 MUM Zap yard sad sliey tb Taw:- Any 020 11144xt Wier tbe cut itu.ter thiwb !Mk** co Venal 0244 • 301 IN WPr 13 0 11 -141 - 1 1 olik/drylbe • --,•• oar rf ' I Prime for mile ogit by 0. 8.414111; 179 ilbarty st. Dnr coo s; Ne- PREPARE FOR CittUSTMAS. J. M. BURCHFIELD, N. K eon Fourth and Market Stleitatit Ras nu fined rt.r3 . Illuxdsma. Goods for Christmas Prawn 0 I Lime Collars t Needle Worked Voltarsi Embroidered Lliseri Cambrie Poplins, Empress Cloth; Silks, colored and !Mack ; llonelsoms Cloaks i Do. Shawls and Seamy With a full EVlSortnent of *II klialsof DIRY4IOOO II . do; GREAT BARGAINS! NLRB, st GQ . 11-% omits, Emir" .t7let, good qualltled Jars Green, Lwu 0re.,, , Mapco:fa Itta ot to, Oronve Asa. Purple, Soya! Purpr Salmon. &Nark. SO.A I Aolet rrilato. CLOAKS, all prin.—Cheep, ob Dap, SHAWLS, ...try description, lang and span., very low. DIFt ENS (lOODB, • trech an 4 Ihe lerge,t ever exhibited het°, trum 12-Y, eenhloet.., op, •t J. W. BARKER & CCVSk Goatlt, Shunt., Ttonnets, Hata, 'thing, and all 50 Market Street. ROLiDAHC SAL Rti JOS. HORNE'S TRIMMING MIL 77 and 79 Market St; To-day vs comtnenoe our &pilaf - Nes or Embroideries, Lace Goods, and Linen Eandkerob Our stock of lbws Gosds is Moro complaqllilM ' any former acison. The prices karts' beeir . *kall down. We bare also Just openad • ado, Jirt Worked Slipper Patterns, Fancy IdonerltitipiLand Tine Coal:timers 'Scarfs, suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS. -Our stock of otter Seasonable Goods to sell at• sorted in Cloak Ornaments, Bead Gimps,_.Velvets and . Gimptire;;Laces, Silk and Felt Hats, Gloves, Feathers, Flou i ers,bOtlig • . . . Stockings Wool Hoods,: Basques,Bon • Balmoral - Guam; ' Corsets, HEAD DRESSES, 13EZCIM$4lZ:171 VICESTS AND Emis:wleus, Men's Undershirts and Drawers. FUR GAUNTLETS, HEAVY DRIVING GLOVEOf:.,, Also, • AO Moe NOTIONS, • 4 RiIALL WARES GENERALLY? , . .. .„ .. ti_._:_L ,. 4.., t Wholaulo Z.= up Maim Maraaaata * WA all who hay to soh nolo NaPPUWlllUortrkithailt• tale rat.. JOS. HORNE iiCf., 77 and 79 Market Street: del _r ON RANDS, A large and splendid sisdstmonteiGoodsfor 110LIDAY PRESENTS ! Consisting, in wt., of - • Morocco Satchels, Port-Roallaipp Parses and Wallets: ,"-" PHOTOGRAPH 4LHIYJRB r 7110 M El TO EYE Belts, Belt-Buckle; Jet Bitastpine • 'and Bets, Ear Hinge , Shawkand Scarf Pins, Shell, Boxes, TA laid Shell Gordis, Rea dresses, Ha* Nets, HOods, Nubia*, Sontag* and ComAmtik LADIES' AND GENT'S Maltese, Laee and llrrettierleatCy.. LaryHamtatitobed and-Entinkoi• dared Eland4mr4defs, 1 . '3041 . :Ty j f Gloves, NotionialinalLWitreat" At Wholesale 1101 FOR THE HOLIDAYfit Elegant Lace Conan and Sabi' Rich Lace Handkerilliars Prussian Lace Veils; Stuart ?kid .11,ibbod; Rmliroidered Etandkere Hoods, Boutan Nu Mosquitsire Bid Glover.: • •••.., Gems: Kid and Bizellfhtifiareg; Fine Dress Shirts.. Lined and Paper CoJTaxa Small warmth 114- %sq libilifte of AT, - EATON, rfiactiumi- -11 MID 19 FLETErST. WbOiesslitntliii*liiritt,lcidilarkia;' to any la do CRYOrtillstanctiftryai,bp • and indoeing., 7 7 A enr~ew M seam4-hafoftmliwaiT7l7l: 64
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers