7 - 77 TI E- . DATIA . 'PITTSBURGH • GAZETTE"... ESTABLISHED IN 1786. JIISCELL.I.I - IEO U REAL ESTATE SAVINGS' INSII- nrruirr.;4totement. or din condition of the abate inetirotioo or ` theld day of Noycmber. 114:1, Published to contr.:tatty to the charter. LIABItMEEL, Amount of Dopc . oita Nov. 2d. 180.. Amnia of Interest Ow Depositors Alool l / 1 1 of tkoatogont Zubd finit Ifeaten NW Estate Unital iltittes - Saab D. B.7fabt Oertldeates and Notns, (market valus,Y.:...• • -- Internet earned, not dft. 0111 co Furniture —. The inadersigund, Auditing Commltte,s, have xam land Mar baelto as hastitutton, the bonds mad ...ca rats", coasted the cash, de-, and have round the illarreatateatent to be correct. W. n. COPELAND, NICHOLAS IrDEOHTLY, WM. H. SMITH. Depadte received DAILY, sad RYER! SATUR DAY IriIINLU. Interest paid at tper cent. per annum. TEINTZ/111: • ISAAC JONES, Preeldent. 1 .1 Bon. Thos. M. Bowe, Hon. J. }l.llloorhead. Wm. 11.1bolth C. Q. Hassey, WiEdAbMtd, . ". Jamb Painter, Agg i. , Hleholes Yonbtty. .' '2lo:l7llyEtp Et BTI/1131T. t1 ' !.' 611 f 6 4 .. ,.... . •'' —..: . .. . V.IIMEE.I64VDMS INSIT'rU'IION,. Na TIO'iIIEMMELD SntEET, Commas the thistiSit 1 1 / 1 ". , ) - Chartered by the /o¢slstrtre. Pnwident—ALlSTES Pdll3l";7r. , rice ruscoms: Wa.4,:litiattb, -1 IL F. Meld. Jolla ea rn A. BeWoman, Thee D. elder, Joshua Rhoda,. Thai: lair, Jaeokeillacktatla, .11*Tatipla Sellers, Alex. Bradley , Ur! Lie,* Alfred Black.. . .. anraissa L " ZaidiLb Slag. C. S- , a.i...vr sth ff, :t• 'kat.. Jae. thwartb. il raidir; W.A.. tined. - n' r... ‘ , ' i I. W. %soda:o4 R. C. flahmarta.. C.: S. AGM P:tralm. C. W. Slake:my 11..F.d'anno, : item-. 6. H. 17%fh'''''. 1 Jail";3 l 7. eatur. D. B. idaunky vi.Thzown " 7,. 4 Sara:Lary and Tranner—D. S. AV -INLIT. Oliiir dill.Ti tr I i.i..to ip. ite. Also, Tuesday Mid/bitch:My irrephip, hem 6.t0 it o'clock. i a•grALtix.v.ty.swroxankaix and *ppm*. ... 4 .1.... fie decterd.in December and June of each . „.-Tilefidnida ' amminot to remain am pinned •to the At il t. i ~ . .4the **niter m principal. asalbear Muir .pranpotinding it. ~ ;, . spatairdas Charter, By-Laws, &a, (andel,- ad: ... ..-- ~..._ ...41111fghte Deettatitandliers , ape lolly ha them per- ; •, 4 .9 1 L_ . _. .V 11,000 .9 1 01412hara wall, the oppormmte i to 1 itotra, by arasdkelsposite, easily mead, • mni 1 . , ..irlac4 will be• a rustics when needed, their money ~ slo t halpif pare, bat-bearing interest,inatead of i, . t."..-. improductluk. mylehlyme-aM • -- MiNER PENN lc ,ST. LAIR ErN rtrtsauitan, PA 161,14rtest, cheapest and most M1LC..11541 krilBineBB rlran's College In the United State.. etYdenta outer mud review at any time • t VIIIICMII7IS, containing fan Information. sant tree, toinikiddreno, on AP Auk -- • jifireittEitic s & NOREtlii, M ZIIO6 A N'T TAILOR, lie, 79 FEDERAL STREET, ALLoomsyr 0177, Pei AR the Istmt xtylfe of Cassimeres, Overcoatings, 0/03FLUZIEB AND VELVET VESTINGE, isposblelh!Wbitor veer, wads to order la the best •Vet Aeitti sikd eti Xtr 'hart no m TWITEE COURT OP CO,3IMOSTED '3.:pr,rar. . or ALLEGDENX. , CQI32VIT. !•"50:144;;Itati Ternt„ A. D. 18G3. Lillie A. Roberta, „b , bile: Mixt friewl. . Thos. R; Adam.; re. John D. .16Atglii, Libol ItiDlforOi. SaltjOtons bawd. Do. .itiptriedloletls7.hridny'or.Trorie. Returned li. E: I. 41146.170:0149; ellatilubixeno lesue4.. /tenantable , - ..;(loit t gOday or:October ;:also ream -441 li. E. I. . ” nig, odobierm. 18413 7 on niotlo y of Goo. 11. .:- nth; Attorney for Itbethila4.tht; Oran. direct the 4 r ' - • •to tare, mortis of ternellublialted to one or :rip** pulnias In saki county, for . foar Ni.Vrt•oki pilaf to the Sth Iflontlity of Demo. : -. blir , o . e4t; roinlring cho:eald party to appear on said ~.11,01!)- A ppFerSid- c omplatta. . .: • . TITS - 4.44: illSrs —TOS, ProthonY °OMIT. . • Xo 4Olpsilf.tika4--rh pursuance of iheabove or ,lnPorrenrs. Yitti iiiherelrY natiliod to - appear before tlus , 4oou'of Ulu Court of Common Piens of said etnirity...tui:l4lo2lDAT A 'a:m.2Bth day of Duzzober, Ad IX ISM, 'caned, It any yiria hare, yrhy the prayer of said petitioner Should not be granted. SAMUEL B. CLUL4S, Sheriff. Sheriff's Mitre, Ott 88th. 185 ocA29:lalrdPer E XECUTOR73 NOTlCE.—Letters tes , tammtars asAtuisdeate of Wit. JOUSSION, At ALS:away oosztay. &maned, having been ,:itrilnG4 triUss,OndorsignsCalliisessasbasing,sinims , str4l2llllosit. tits conotoot ttes niid decedent ISCSilliilrsfat•Xtli buts known the suns without de lAN, iStit Sheinittelibted to lag Olson:Ill make pig - Aent,:l4 , state or tbnisndersigned. VANLEL =GLIM, , AL Last Lib. • ' '• ST K"''''''' '- • - ' ' aipirk.t st., Pittstugb. '-"-esiiteritOnts painITRATOWS NOTIVE.-Let. Aindidetnitinntisslpg been granted to -Ake atate of Col. James B. 'XlllltiklAti of Allegheny windy, Pa, dresses* all :Inielkinatiniebted to raid estate ars requested to make piiittet - rothertnidiralgned,knd Cute having clakni V=maid -estate will present them, properly LI, C#Acie tc INIABLES A. HOWE, Adm'r, ...4tOlace of Hussey, Wells a Co„, (Jr to CMlr m litirin and Pike stretr; ' • No. ilTlifth.street,tPritstesYP" /SHE-DRAFT.—Persons who az..Trraft ed, who are entitled to.exemption for muse, dawn in the Conscription Act of March 3, 1863, ar e who yri•ii to be reliant! by_ the payment 013'300 thisitenswilrbVT, or wish to procure • Imbstitnte, =Eli OW* darlag,th within:id it to their tomtit on Tim NZ Mand with t 107 Yomtb olitoo!, near llttilihneidi - Oh' DK , FKANUIS , Mc -: ALUM - Zto'D.—'l4l - ters.vt Ade:antslntim is=aasta:Of F.: Sfearttl; late of Sqttlaturgh, haringlieented , e4s the Undersigned, all okaalkilurtfat -4.laire requested to-preens thenositedlleluisiartadebted arsrequired to mats 147154 Mt 10 TERESA MeGIULTIL, Adm'x, . seThlairdihr •Seeond nreet. PinsbErga. 4L . _TEer --F4f A.m. A. Itletohet r i t al of ' P i ct berg ilthe =.trett ¬ed to the nodersigneet, all " pereott' ,daiate itgatnet.eald estate ere • requested to t,fmemat del] eothentleated, poy oa sod all who ore nACOI ° 7I. o • 211coutrirAraniu. .~ .~i,t~ At BABE, • .4;;TI?..BAIRCO DE A.L'Eliii 108 WOOD 677IZET, i;-i:.- liosOlUitir.Off:thar lirio iiech of . i404,0 , ;,0,P1E15A2f10 alsorimareaecoo : 4110 ' i: ' • • immi *mei eF cash. AU orders aol7 . , RIMUETARYir AND 11.EVEIOR Fi g= B TAiltPtVr a il i resiiemi , astker. A rap imply Na. 67 Jabs stroot head t 'sj u LL 60 a Trit i g e ..._ - _-LIFFITYZS tic= ~.s- g . g. 5.. ..„ 4.4343 7 =wail= ..,„,„. L . .L--,..,. , ..,,.. ....h ir , ... AL.. .. . _.1 , d ,1t.P.14E8!-.186 - barrels ' [ l .'-7 dal `- .:.:,'"-'114.7j,- - I?,ll7l RElMlliird; riliG. D for • ste • {T.... 7qoo°e -,:di-ate-13itAS.'°. G to . • • Ala Vela J. B. OA rDiLD. .11 - - - . The Fir qt at Ringgold Station—S. rent ' the dietate, of humanity. Judge (Mid's an- Rebel Dispatches. Pliftibtinill 6ill:ette. s z kedadd le or the Rebel.. swag decline: , 1,,.., prop,,sitions of General Foal - at:Ss .510:Cana, Dee. s.—The Richmond Enquirer has a dispatch from Orange Court '.. A loiter to the Cinvinnati G.,,tr, dated Eitel:cock. makes a proffer for an arrange . o e u i s:,l say y i , ngi d T t ne t re th w e as en a em sp y iCited artil w lea . 7. isii,,. flinggold, - tle,rgia, Not. :!•th, gives the fol as da has lowing interesting detail:- of the final engage- up i l : o d ot w , o a r n l d d s n h o' o ' uld we dr O a r i o r ' o ' l ' f: la :r ei n ' t w t n h :r t m t c h l e us c i i o n n i , t , . up fortifications along their front. Last night • TER3IS OF TIIE GAZETTE.. went with Bragg's forces in the recent te r when it cm ntra,ts the two offer.. • they moved more to our right. IS AND Ii CH4XBIIIIS STIIRET, The Raleigh Standard of the 20th, contains I Roam liairratm, by mail, per twat as mt. of battle: , before Chattanooga : A rebel dispatch front Chattanooga nays Bragg Th . Alter the battle in hunt of Chattanooga. the• n dated Nov. 20th, (Formerly 112 Chatham street, New York„) " newith stating that thirteen large sMamers, heavily taatek 1,. glorious result of which you have ere this time Would call the attention of dealer. to the article. of u 3. fully laid before you, our ferns acre ~, e, f tl . • . d I much more p ,, vrer than Bragg. The change ,laden, ran ban been superceded b) Hardee. Hardee has : a dispatch from ihningt " ' the booked° into Wilmington on his manufacture, via: '' siegle ceplos the night of the 19th ult. , into three columns, leaving a sufficient garri- i, a harbinger of tii,re signal victories in the BROWN SNIIIIT. Evmstatt Erilvii,r, by mall, per year 4 Se. • son at Chattanooga, and started in pursuit of future. I Atlanta, Non."2B.—Bragg s headquarter, are I Lacaboy, Inns Zappe*, Coarse Rappee. American ' " month ns. , at Ringgold. Copenhagen Demigree, Pure Virginia, Nachiteettea, ! .. , the flying enemy. Sherman was on the left, . . wink 10. Dispatches from Knoxville to the 9Oth ult., . Great fears are entertained for Longstreet's Copenhagen. ilaird's division in the centre, and Hooker on YELLOW 8 1111EFF. - , •' single copies 2 . the right along the Ringgold road. Tie nb- confirm the reporta of the repulse of Long- ' safety. Three thousand of the enemy are Ncatth, High Tout Scotch, Irish High Toast or WeeelY Ent rum, Mania copies, per yew . _ 2On loci war, if iiossible, to flank and gobble u steer', with' los., or I,om o men. advancing toward Knoxille. A fight is going Lundyfoot, Roney Dew Scotch, fresh Honey Scotch, . on at Kingaton. Last week Wheeler was or- Fresh Scotch. • .. olnha fI to 10, " ... I 50. I the real of Bragg • s .retreating army, and to Di . . . , Attention is called to the reduction In price. I •• " clubs , fluor more . ... 1;n, : pre. mat Longstreet and litackner from joining ! , spat.•hes from tutula.r.and 4.ap report evert, fighting took place at Walker's ; I tiered there, anti firing is heard at Loudon. of Pine Cut . Chewing and thebuTing Tobaccos, which I and ens extra to the pa . .113 trending dm,. y or ~ I it. All along the road we picked up string- ' that ' Missouri Public Printer. will be founder•• ettEerior finality. TOBACM. ! °lobo . 0rt,,,,, a.,, win „,,,t to,. 1:,,,,,,,„ G„,,,„ , glers, small arms, caissons , limbers, de., rye. ' 1 ,, ri1, two toile- from the Gap, between Gene- . a I.:in • in short that marks the tr h 1 JeFFEILSON CITY, Dec. 4. in joint session of Eihroaren-Long, No. 1, Na 2, licsi. - 1 and II mixed, dally. Fie . a club ef twenty, we ell! semi the i m. - si - . 1,, r.. . a•e . a rat Fo.ter's and General Lungstroet s cavalry, 1 the Legislature t-d Dr. Curry, radical o ny, urry, Granulated. Montt trio Graz - rye dolly. Slagle copies, l•centa. , retreating and demoratizeu army. r of this city, lie 1 ,. .. c,, c.„„,,, m ,p . A, L . 0 ,. „ba n . c,,,,,.. . ~ . ' I At Chickamauga 'station Booker Scorn the " • in attempt;n , b. erm,- the Clin7h river. Our , editor dish, or Sweet ; Sweet ectmted &owe° ; Tin Foil , 461 -An "I'"*IP"'""*"1- 'ndiverre, and pspers I enemy from Ilia works, capturing prisoners ;force. "e " r'l''''''l, with 3 Inca of flit men• ' over D. Id. tiessetYn, con elected of the avendish. alWayx stepped ohmo the time ratiores. " and stores . No formidable resistance was :Wo captured four of the enemy's guns. St. Louis Caion, Swelmo-8. Jago, Spanish, Canester, Twitted:l. ___..........---___- --- -- - -- , made till we arrived at Ringgold, on'tho Chat- , it i, believed here that Gen. Sedgvrirk will ' N ' n ' -A ' it ' d " °/. P ri... will - Da assns en' • FPile.' Oa Tuasogy the Senate of ails:earl tabled , tanooga and Dalton Crunch Railroad, the l Members of Congress Arriving. Mon. aplOtly of the 27th. Here the enemy bad j r ' aPe " de Gen ' Mee ' le. Wagrit,:nrOX, Dec. s.—About two hundred - the question of nailing a new convention to 1 morning The chivalry saved the Moultrie House, members of Congress have already arrived, abolish slavery, and it will require a tivo. I taken position on Taylor's Ridge, at the foot ' of which is the village. The position is It rel'y Chatlr•our, from bombardment, by the laspi- ' and more aro arriving by every train. thirds rate to take it up. A bill, however, i ~,,,,g 0 ,,,,,,,,,, h iiko I t ri„ io ,, Rik , , r , i .,„,„-, fi . 1 „ ., , . . . . i. , __...______ ____ .. will probably )tease the House and be tent tn of Chattanooga. Opoaito the tovrn is a ions, " ''''''; , . S ,‘, all the c".“ : r 1 ' g " '3 I' 3 - aarUSE.7I.EXTS. • the Senate, where there i. , n clear majority, 'on each side of whiell the enemy had arrattged 'en"' ' ''' ' '.7 ". ''' wh.l' " nii the pc,inn„.„ say:, in i -.. iir , n r . i .. i.iii , i.n. ; his lines, expnaing butaittle of his forret to - - n . " -,..... Port Sumter rt I ma-- f =e•-n,l-hand build- r`: -7 . 3 I 1 I ' PSBURGIi THEATRE, .oy ' vies. Immediately on our nreiral, Hooker log materia:. • ---.....e.....---- Lossea and liaciague.. ordered lioary's And i t•t. erbaus' div irdons t . i . A Vl.l:re of five French steamers arrived ,•ff ,' m.ter..o= tilo• .1 I:zir 1. ,, ,r1 ',lran/. are Treasurer reale The tt,II owl charge the enema . , w Rish . _ Brazos (near the mouth et the P,io Urn tpie •on they did as bratiely an ever troop; two.-1 l " leer ' e • 1 , , nth night of the en,maamont crib, celebrated the 10th ult , from Vera l'en , , TIII , t-I'vol., : against a foe; but when near the top they wh.r.. 1. , ., -I- I • e'r• r• .•;: 1-.. i, ;MI , ,l ing ~ , o • ~,i . .,,,t i.. artiste, Mr. Q. E. ..1. midis, and his ill canner: ti en with the ambit ti.u. dee ign, ,d metl I. , : i c . . b nv , it T .. n ,e u r f i r l7 , l , ' .. 7 , t r e e d si ii. t ' ., % , : . ' e l a -'' t - h , al . la t i h it - . tli• : ip toe .pr.• . n 0 g ..tart!.•• -cal, Three , ed.:at...l flerevs ill kWATH A, NVAT.I.MA 11, and i‘r.v.'''. 07r:compelled to fall hack. The ' fight ~..1, ti, hundred hundred lighrer., 1,1••:. etch • tone, were rank GO LIAll• the French upon Tatnaulipa, on the THIS (Idonday) EVEING, site. of the river. ir.. ,, c. - “ , .. ot limo pre-cut . aid. , of the ridge won by far the most docile, In it,. ''"'lth c L l ll°''' "I''' ''''''' to (.. ""t' thin be prusented, for the asst. mime here, the rev time, unusual significance. There can be lit- I ate L , I" this week, geary's division held tit, if Gene, t Todielihn i • c et- l• eet n g a Vast Fp,- three ant drama, tacit had greund till they more Httotay cot to 1 icous. THE BANDIT HOST, or, Tit i 01 n I, or Cavehilltl. tem ..r deren•-t e uork , I ir.•n and earth tie doubt bat !hut the object of the Frer...h i, . The 7th ~b ,O had thirteen officers out of P•ur- Ern., nett It. E. J. Miles. to WSte-4- the ...Ve rne"' .. ' l '' ''l''' li ' ; "" , toen killed aod wounded in that charge. Col. The !:ni;''''l' i-noel. '''''' '''''' i'oo " I 'Led, , Si , d. it home Hiawatha Cee,, , ,ht,,,, ,if the 7th, who watt eouttnalling an" , no inT,ti ga m, "" , I 's ''''' l ' on ''" no. 2, L ' i :::;: (i. N. Kau , under Gen . Bank.. ' lb nand F. Chippetidar the Ist brigade of Henry 's division, was kill- thertlicr. . Gas. ROSectihNr. Ave mt. l'iro, - r0h,..0.-, 'el instantlY wipe ur g in g' hi , men t" list Tim 1,0,1-1. 1..0 do..noe ledges that the I•.••rtnre Orcheetr ..1,.• The , 1,111 hAti 4i.t. deees .. I art,ll r . ` ether great powers, a le or e w ith KA,. .1 he pleeed el. ~ but with ;, , tie '.' ''• n • ''• ington correspoudent Katiee . eentradieted a ff„, single, on the Pot ,st, , iu,ti..a. England , an. stitteniotrf made in the ili.patehe., f the Went- The fight wa• then e,raparati rely diecort- ' not, in any way, aid the fades in their at om mpo c i ated p re „ . ;,, t h e eff,.., tint Con. t/flUed. not!! the animal .1 our urtillery, of , tempt:, I. ,ants tit t,,, , , ot their •,-entry. ~ Titornie till tel , graphed t . 11 - a , hington givd which, 'r to the' repulse, we had not ' single The natit , n,trt v ..1 . P.tai,a :. i., be , I , literated . Lewes° arid Manager .. plot•e• ' :Inge ](sunset ing Rolleerans credit Cr the td , attatiesga ear.. I At 12 o'clock our batteries Leone to ) d ay rut in Wri, - .,i. paign, the Cincinnati ;,,t, tr.- ,nye g• I.toriallo Iho it idge, seemingly with goof effect, nod at 1..• Iv Cta'op e e, e• •Al ism Vict.dre ha He, CNPARALLELED ATTRACTION same limo a column of infantry WA. ~,.,.. , , , r . ,e, • ' L an d , The management Ilex the pleasue of anima that itlint the highest authnvity fer pre,. one_ . the r e trout ner b us Fi r • more.' up the Ridge. This tune the cam o ' -" '. ' " '' '' to th e eine...or Plttaburvh that h, will npeu I ing the eon trad,....0 . 'ert, fal-e. n,,,d, but 'juju tenjtujneo but skedaddled in •lt, ~ 1 . , , 'ramj.zon, late Si ini:ter of Eneland at..... Hall, fur ONE WEEK ONLY, commorieln, Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves, e . try direetion, leaving four pieces of art i I ler Y:n II ,t,. !, ....; tor.. 1.., 31.,... , ;e: l'!eh ip,ten t iary Thursday Evening, Dec. 3d, The 140 t and I : ft - tory...at knot villa.-;in uur handi. end all Lis killed and wounded . . , • ' ' ' , With the great sm ',teat R ti tati ,n itit-..a, obtained 0 de- And 0 irj. . d. .4 . atti . g. ft.. Water, G. sod i 5 „ .... itebed A, , saglt on INart Sounders.- luirdlet a number ef pri toner,. Baird's ,i,ri. . , . .. ZANYRETTAFAINTILY, Repulse of the At ' s - a iiElnia, etc., sere 'in eau, in by ant , tht , route just ,‘ ott: Le,: , I-e,lelng I,le 1 , ..rr,a; , . :••11 - Al:tries Lo- ' ...i a 1 to here been playing in the principal Theatre+ of Spoeitil dispatchee fr,tr: Si.. noxvflle t o 1,. ~. ht up the shout of victory ea the hill. Iv,. ...• k iv:th t0t,,,, t./' I.i. la. ,I II InILICIII obstetric/It ' AGITItTORS AND TANKS Fos OIL ENTINE- . E '‘ nropa and the United State...tt thalami triumph• ti . n th'• i • i' , • ,•• • - Cincinnati 0,,,,tut dated N,,,. 2,.,i,„ ,b, o . .ip!ured some siert , an lasts arias • I. i ./, ...I,.:•.• • , e r taut:tied in aut rirtectert, reeently frour Nlblo's Garden, New York. lave, bet the great 6:Willie° throw. 11 e ;:t..k. ~, ,• ~ •1-1,.. ~„1 and the Academy of Moak Philadelphia, +here they following atoonnt of the n,,, , 0 t fight at the t , l .r: the , n• - • ,,, .. The reißoa 1 from ( level:ill I -„i' ''”. ''''• '' ''''''' ''''` '''''''"'" • played • err sixty nights. ' This company only P oint, stud tho. disastrous , tepul...- , which m:- to Atlanta i• now e..mp'e,..ly ..o: or, and hot. t....... ;it..., c 1 ...a At neri , ,n !La rt' , rhea- in first clam Thqtrt+ arid Balls, to audlancws cum. p.m., of ladies and gentleman, and are now pie. tog forced the iris tirreireat of Longatroirt : lon freer i. to e. can i- a. =tier ..I,l.cott!a- I 1 .•• WI:, .... •.' , V,..4.h.e, ...hie, co tilt, Bet . etre 4 the mm[ sumweful engagementa ever played The great re6l blow, unxipdely entici pat 0 d ti'''' ..ii,. 1., ,-. a d.o-11,• .1, , ,, an 1: ,, ,:.5it ilergyman . m leheellag. ' 3latille , - , 1 IKi., o week, and the Hail crowded with so long, .‘ ,l, lgrnolt-titia ntpr[lS ng. Ite•enlerced ilon. J. It. Ciddlogs. u. N . I. ' '''''' .'"":',--""''' I \ " ' l " r, a ila ii y e Joh, and ebildreo, to nee this wonderful rem y. by the troaps of Sam. Junes, Jackson and The rourpany, as reorganised, is composed tmutly of Thu Ashtabula Se"iill, i guys , in norteiee the ~' '‘ :rglaia. Willinms,'Ueneral Lopgstreet nottght to mini- un . m . al „ I .11. ,,,,. J. R. ,i iiiding ' .., . ' iii. ' .iiin, . , Ow members of the RA,YEL FAMILY. i d...n.,5, agent. hate neon .tai ::,an ling -haste the Army of the Ulric by e tingle blow ; under a :cave of nines re from the rigor l e; thi: LOOK AT THE ATTRACTION I for which_ purling. , he aeluel e.l , eren [irked Canadian elirn..te, rendered accessory by hi. I''' ` i • ''' I ''' . ''' '. '' :'''''' :' '''''''''''' ' '"''''' L 7..t.NFRETTA FAMILY "'gimentl. ' Skirrni"jr4 '''''. I health , the eeid of lint winter ha, mg pr„_ l./.1 . 1.. e:1 all ill.: ~.::, :1 ::: , V.' .1,....1.il possession ZANtRETTA FAMILY night at tenled continued sharply until nu.i.,- doted • •- arroi•9, end threateneJ his life: ••11's ' „5 5 , , ,.. li r . -- i r „e r , ~ .... ,3 • . .., rearrange daylight on 'O'nr left trout, hero, r.;rt Sane- „, , ter..t.and e ll r. t; i,iding., th,,t h s d I,:, Le‘,;•! - , ' .. . ; , n . ,,,. ~ , ; ".“,.• , ' , 1 .. ; ,, , Brilliant and Graceful Dancers! dare, romnianded by tieueral Ferrero. arid de- prtnitted. he would have guar to prise:. at, , l ''''' ..'” - '''''' '''''. ' ..' ' ' '-'. - ". new The moat ROptierm Gymnast I (chard by the 79th Neo I,olr, Boujantin's :41 p,rniii,,,,l ~or i„,„iineryiiii ,mere.. ;-+c „. i. .. , pi,. •te, may rojo . , the pl. :1',.. NV. J. J. ..•••'- l '.'autlful Dnro.ett , e. _ , Id' LLE JOaR PRIM:: ZANYRETTA. G. S. artilleri, and Buckler's Rhode 1,...iiti01 1 ,b,„ L.1...,,,i, to b„,„ 6,,,,..,„ ~,,,,,fr,d h o , p er . • . Inc Cultat or A.o.riu,, battery. Oui pickets were ;trii in in, and the µliter, 01 ;It, process.. .1:11t ' he felt ihni it , 1 Noway ,hitil pu.be,404.1 a eulrels e• ••, ill, rill,- . ._ e I. • • • hit, etule or l ' oe.ili:lsllen a course VI elj:.i preha pits, but the fifannactionett. 1.e . .- ilrtve th,.., I.ly pot. tidal. Ile therefore ante i - ed imil, Lack. instrurtirg lima eseasel, on the loin, ••I {la Suddenly the rele•l •.',. ttaipg psi C. .s./ !,:, m , 111, not„,„,; ~,, ~l, the pro , •,,,t, •• ,t if the 10 lb and 17 'll t ' , "' , l f i ,'' I .;1 ISt. li'"'”' • a l . r, set' e. ntidetive that tl ' i ' ,: Cdrta,tort, ' 'u n der l'Oer 1. , emir • v et• ruppt, e . , r 0 r rent,,,g nat a, ... art will n..t be ma an itodrunieti; Ina 1.1 . •.- ; came to the Mfault, and appron 'he Ito wiiLn re sing the obicets Ji„.nes.joeiale, Who are ' one hundred yards of the tort. unbar:43.A. ',..... jai • . ,S-1111 totylgtifthiihixtre'r Then ensued a scene 'of desperate daring, , r ,, ,6, , ,)1irig. . Iliddingo, an d getii.g up anill , stubborn resistance, death. carnage and her- r,..ii,v between the peopl e of the United I , rur, scarcely equaled during the one. Thu.}, .. , ,,,..,,,,,t tha,, of Crro,d_,•• men, veterans of the Potorna• and the ti,•sr, , . ' . ' ___„..-.,,.....______ ....„, lof Lengstreet's army, r .nlident ..t the !.row- ' Ma. 1V,3 , :1TE, of St. loins, introduced ' hite iced rictorY. P l ungetbinto a b , Wltg be , l -.I ilo• .Mi•f uri Legislature, last Tuesday, • in '''''' lend, Wires bud been etrelehrol fret. ,tu to p rontl eri jo . , t rge r in,- tins Sena Wee u „d jo,: :Ito., J. a •ito.s.,- to ;stump, in front of the works, by Capt. P. , 0. ' r ,, ,ut,sting the Representatives of that Ile.- , r ths ,t..,-; ,n , cre. , !, or .., Over there the a2rancing enemy toll in coo- .... a te ,0 c..ngre,•. t. • urge an amendment of i . ~, i L i . ....,...., i „,. ... 0., Navy i.. non fused heaps with the killed and netted...l . I . ..• Lie nzt , .., :nat.!, Constitution, abolishing ~., ~' in,. ).. N.l. .ii .' ,/) . .., . \ ' I • I . •• t d ' - around them. e Our artillery me n hurled shell •Incerc througho o the Republic. It wa. re- `,';' 1' '-...,'• - r ~ ,`'. ;' '' ",.''',Y „, 1 !` -..-__ by dard upon the !ellen :Ind ,I,,, aj ed t.,.,,,.,c,.. the ( ~ ,m,,,u, et . the w .. hoi, „irk. t Ge I ,t.mate ,or n,, orant Ilea Ot !o . aVa/ FOR S.cit LE. . " and Marrne C... 11. 11,;1 not e%i•ceil Nl4 2,0 uo,. _ , rebels. - ,),.,,,,,,, Unit. The Hems that .1,o:1,p 0./. ..-•. Rot and bitter canto Ole hiefla t,f shei,.. The ground over v, hie!, they passed was he.- ly,,itit • . kn.- lie, is t'har ie. , I , a. peted with the slain. The diteh ten , fill , d eit nett el a water eure . •• It ,A net urn with the dead, enunded and dying. t he et, ; .; wonderful, Cro It te as old ti • the Deluge I n their - nide faltered ; unto b., re of the gal. tett. n ir no' . idl.ten, it Lai, d we're than II lant elarmers escaped. The nun rising 1. ,, ,e , -I down through the cold tni•t and shill of t ti..t ---...111. • ....___ November morning, upon the remains •T hn ' il l' rct•••• ited that the Fi , tic' , 1 :•'•pvt• • ... army. One thousand killed and Vl , lll/ le , l . 1 , ^' .1, 1 , "1` . •.:Ig . '."',,'"'• r .lca . f arl and prisoners, was the e , ,,, or 11, ds•te i a , eragteg Iyr , per eon! , in the , hinds all Fort Saunders. Nt.l.iy ha. it , s,tinr. i 1.., . 1'..;/ . 1.v0 vA....-14 lir lingtatel. ,ter __...... e• ....--. reputation of its namenak, I. a 7 rn i,:. .•, rg• I . his fall. 1,0 •cli..i mt... I:agli-:., Chr,tening ,tat,- Among the kiliLd acre d'..l. Girdrde, ~t ~.,,r " 'd lf t', I 1 ,,, 0ri .." ' ,., ".• 1 Ab.. - ' l, 13th Mississippi. rod hi. !Alone,' felot I r ',"••'• hr • -• g • liurl li•llt .' - ‘ • 1 -i'• IIIY I ' , • . lhe , •'' O'Brien, the brother of :11,. 1: , ..., I.: .w, i. :, ',••••,., m , .., "..."e Alo , • __-,.... • .....--._ prisoner. General Boresuie offel, 1 t :., r. ~.!; . A 0.... mi -; WA 0 I) . s fir , t ;pour. in "art l'ra r an armistice Irons ten e'clork in Re - ..1-- , idnugn I bite in 4t2,:ititt. A rternris en n till (no o'clOch in tire after roo I•ial I •• le in. ;hi, euecesr. !;see L. -I.,•• r -• their grounded and bury their ammpted. The :chat ~111.-orp reen aatenishment 4't th. -.410,591 IS 1.964 DI 9,412 92 1107,919 01 36 SX) 01 60,000 00 150 00 .....„. 11,011 24 5107,973 01 A. A. ciatuuce, Treasurer. HENRY 41 Items le Co., Fall and Winter ki cock, And Inttte their &tends and the public to examine tketr dock which 4 the, eed and mod complete vtlr brOagat to OW Wit. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. COSNER OD PYRE /ED SIT. °LAIR STREETS, BA ELS Y, FAR REP.g OF, . I enagncyq, PLUMBLELS, GAS AltD - SZELM ITITERS, B[!0. 'food Math Nod by • bow pm.... FURNI`I HE CANE ♦ND WOOD OIfAINS WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 17 and 09 Third moot, opposite E. Edmondson .1 ro. sold 111 Fourth S/TVOS. Pittaburet, P. PATENTED OCTOBER 8, )861 ()VAT. LA.M.P. CH INIIST XX FLINT GL ASS Thee Chimneys aro hstauded 110 the de dem, heating all parte of the glee equally, dons not expose it to cracking. Z. T. DITURIDGE, . Part Pitt alms Weeki,.Welangton street, apl7 Pittsburgh, Forme. WTIOLMALK DRUG HOUSE. A WHOLESALE DRUG AND JOBBING HOUSE, No. 341, corner LTBIPIATT k WAYNE STREETS, opposite Union PluarOttet Depot, and tibir usor for ale • general assonant:a of DM3013, PATENT MEDICINES, WHITE LEAD, OILS, PAINTS TARNISHES, DTZ-STUPTS, wraiow GLASS, GLASSWARE, etc. Purchasers will find our stock at all gnaw troll as serted, sod pricer each u to ere entire. amistactioa. J. J. BENDER & cot Liberty and Wasna strata , Pittolmre, notersodioa..ass JtiM. M'STBEN, Buss FOITIIDCI44, • °Ad A3ll Smut Fresno. 'Particular attention paid to the fitting tip and repairing of OIL REPT. NEIIIES. All kinds of IlItABB AND IRON COCR9 made to order. Aloe BRASS CASTISGB, of all madirift tb• shortest notice. All orders left atlier. 31 andl4 WATER EITILICET, near Liberty, will be promptly attended to. air The members of this firm Ewing 'vacant we ch•mks, of many yearn` experience In their bush..ss will insure to gin latlellmtion In evety respect. We are also agents for Guild, Garrison A Co.'s STEAM PCIMP, for pnmptug Wirer, Grubs and Re fined Oils, to. dr9:l y FOR TII.E . E r iEL Ule 1863 Extra elna.-2, S, 4 and S yeara r old—lnalndlng all du old leading vcriadea r as y new OM% Moo, a vary.larse ateeket -PEAR, Nitandard and &wart) CHERRY, PEACH; PLUM, EVERGREEN, SHAM _ AND ORNAMENTAL TREYS, ROSES, GRAPH VINES, SHRUBS, GREENHOUSE PLANTS, tn., Se., whales/Oa and mall at very Ina sonatas prima, JOHN 'MURDOCH, Jr., ae Indara Plttabargb and Oakland Nareerien EYES AND EAR. on the DISEASES,&Matr the ERZ to and tr eatment ; onetntot on okunAcr, SQUINT EU% for ARTIFICIAL PUFlL,lniertt ART/FM:HAL =Rik and treats all INFLAMMATORY EMI also HARD HEARING, and all disease, affecting the. Ear and leading to Deafaem Office. 100 FIFTH STREET. tnyTZ:lrle j O. BURGESS & CO., (Successors to 3,1 W. lAA HA,) Commkillon&Forwitrding Merchants ilavjug parchaeed the "Banns Warehouse at Oil City, and having ample room and facilities, we are now prepared to More and.forward„olle 4.11 D MU OHANDI9II, of every 4escription, and promise sat isfaction to all who may favor as with their patron. JOSEPH SNOWDEN, NOTARY ptrieLtc. $9 DUAIOND EMELT; Porsivitog. AolcaowleArtaezt4 of taiNii. flopOollkillo and AM' davit' taken. _ Mod, Deeds, 2 daffgageo, Aftkina Agreeniont o Leases and Legal Papers of emery kind written. , oolltem I. III ' COLLISTIOL-...... E ............“ ; 0nAl C. BA 61 M COLLD3T R BAER . 44 Ilansdhohows wad deaLwo lea kinds of =BLOC% MVP AND melt% SO. 108 WOOD Z2REET Pinuncur. . . Heaps cortiotuitly on haae.a ivy variety of awl BlinklacTobacca - corZly GW. — DASH, - Mrooturr TA.I.LOB, No. 0 413111111111111.D'ATRZET, sell cheap for cub II 11104 UNION BOIT' YOB STD: CA6II - au, Teel; BZ: BLACK CLOTH BUM $l6. A suit or cloth made to twelve blurs, at G. W. DASH'S, No. 91 Badthasld street. I RY APPLES, Nair-250 bush. prime In slaw Mt for Las by- MOE, PETTIT A CO., - 1993911.9fie1d street. t • t • r . Wm—A Partner wan - In an iittAfitind b.lnats. In .on ameful op,ratlos. Apply .to 4.4 ovranzaraisove, 51 Market .t. '~'`~>€%~,w~;Fas a~.~i~k---4_n.v~.tai,-,;~.G:+r""",~:."T52.5:,..;,c^.. JtirscleLz.f.rieou STABLISRED 1760. PETER LORILLVD, !MUTT AND TOBACCO 11.4.NETACTUREIL, Ara mow receiving their AhlIP eit barid.a taep savostaunt of Prrreirrass, P. sae, 126 f irCIETH STREET A/Ll.llO on AT itaitUalD Floors JAIL W. ,VOODW ELI. DITHEIDOrB PATENT ===El J. J. BENDER & CO Hare open( d to Pittsburgh 1:00,000 APPLE TRW& DR. BAELZ OIL OITY,, PL. nn'xiOrn PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1863 j MONDAY MORNING ........ works and the valor or our m• r. Our love will not roach 00, a:I t.•:d. r 50 of thh coneiett ..,nere , 1.•• . , Kentucky. who u ere captured • n th.• •••-tol: .f rirn ,,, il ( 17ETTE TLI1611:111S, LI 1..1i. I I .. the river. Whether Long.irect rai ...6..fic I wi i, i!, • impregnability " f ji "'"" "l '' wu I "'"" '''''• Of K PIMA illidlil.l Snuni. lIISPAIIII. What his next movement will lie I.:ay he pre dieted with confidence. lirgide '.::. , pri—raw, —, wo hare three battle 114 g, rape a u la,''; It,. L\ oa sw: or roNrisrdTED lirmitEßri . planted on our workx ut one time. The Chattanooga V ictory • -II ragng - Desertions of itchy i A correspondent write, : in ew e to e s timate the gm n a.lrau:at,•,„, ,i,„ iiii LIB Ii slh ter IT.H. , N lag to us from our late brilliant vb•toric.- Bragg is utterly de:noral at. 11, will BRAGG REPORTED SUPERCEDED damned by the whole Court:del:try, and, -- course, kicked out of big eotutuand. Not THE EIidITING I\ TENNESSEE, witsfitamusg, eh'', are j•.‘• i , rllrr I re-neroto Os kd in On' S wa b 14... /t eo.ocaA PTA A 1:01 - 1 ' (11 AI:LE:n . I% N. Bragg. The Southern people ere delet mined not to See in their cause the weakiirs tio - y attribute to unfortunate tleorra: , . "'boy Latest European Intelligenee. stirtately refused to reeeguits the disarst•ct which made Bragg's army a rabble, net to bed 1!1"! 2 . -, l Pit El`A I: INC WA It , r , .\ A controlled by the genius of a Natinliio. •I ROE This In nut disparaging the bravcry of oar men who fought before Chattanooga. No one T • who saw their gallant charge up 31insion "'Wresting English Divorce Cases. Ridge, could be persuaded that they would not have taken the enemy's position at any cost. But there is n moral in our comparatively easy l --- victory the country should understand. It is Special Dispatch to tlio Pittsburgh Gazette. a truth that is worth Much to us, that the six . thousand prisoners taken, rushed under the folds of the old stars and stripes with an ea- Thirty highly valuable estates in Nollelk gernees not altogether inspired by the point of I under the eon fiscal ion act yesterday. a bayonet. Officers cursed and rallied in vain. were hold There was one continuous current or desertion Eight were bought by Philadelphians and four notduring the whole engagement, and the end is by siapitalints in Pittsburgh, at an aggregate yot. - of ten million and a half of dollars. Part Tux London Spectator, ono of the most in- I the property belonged to men now high in the telilgent and most respectable journals in Eu- rebel arm v. The best lands in Elizabeth cone - rope, says of tho President: '..111r. Lincoln has been tested as few Governors have ever been , 'Y arc included in t h e on t o tested,•lll:l4.though he may not okay: have A gaunt, attenuated Philadelahian reached risen fally to the level of a great emergency, brie this morning. escaped from Libby he Imiae/domlailed to display a noble impar- I prison. Ills narrative of misery is confirmed tiality, a great firmness of purpose, and a . enu:ions, if somewhat utilitarian, judgment , to his own a • ptearance. Now store 3 are m- Re believe ajuster man never held the reins coined from the North and distributed. Two of Government!” days before he left he ate a rat, uncooked, caught in a snaro in prison. Ile says that our Tax churches. of Now Orleans are being. taken by the antitoritios for negro schools. negro soldiers when taken Prisoners aro sold They have thus occupied Dr. Palmer's church, an slaves and the officers hung. No exception one of the finest in the city. Et . L u ke's to this rule. Go says a Captain and Lieu- Church, which was thee occupied, seas burned tenant of a 11.15f,achuset Is negro regi ment were down on the night of the Re,-. Mr. Hedges was pastor of this church, but he was bong On the canto gallows, and thirty exiled and sent across the lake because lie rates were sold to a planter in Alabama as would not take the oath of eller:Moo to the c'santral Government. slaves for life, uniform stripped off and thirty lashes administered to each man. AT Santa Cruz, California, there WO over a survive. My informant doom !not expect to thousand acres covered with a substanee re- Starvation and filth have done their work. sembling asphaltum, from one to ten feet The Richmond papers contain an eloquent thick, which is In reality a epetitta of petro- . q -team, easily melted, and susceptible of being latter from General Hitchcock to general Ks*: purified and refined into excellent burning i edith. Tha-former adjures the rebel autherin. fluid. Ilea to treat the Union prisoners according to .irA.l 11 !rel. h • I :Jr k.l th, Mi,•i“ipiri wn , el.,,Tioy the late Irccv . --- ""e &lore Rebel Barbarities at Richmond PUILADELI,IIA, Dee. I Tho G.eae. dispatch from Chattanooga, dated Doe. the 4th, says Everything is quiet along the entire line. Our casualties inrthe late battle wore 4,500. The prisoners captured number 6,450, including 46 guns. A dispatch to the Coininurtica, from.Cum beamed Gap, dated Deo. 4th, says: General Poster has driven the enemy from the Chieka 'mango river, and Is in pursuit. Our chock yesterday will, howeier, doubtless cream Longstreet's retreat. flit (lue•tien of IlelliteN Hereinl'ai— Serrcla r) $1 elle.' II eport- - The Speak: . 1,„,„.,,, ership- ( Hirer,: of the flouse—The M I.LE ZANRETTA Cotton ill n, x a:, -- I Hai EN In 112.31.1 e's rh.... L.... 1 . ,: NI end torritle To,F.I.I.Aht MI.. Perfi F nmer, I 'illte , tot /II- The II Cu utled---li ealtil MoN.S. ALEXANDER ZANFREITA ei the Pre., , lent, etr. Ti. gmate, ;.,out ortion let io tho Wto Id, _.... . NUNS. CAPOI.O ZA ' NFRETTA. \ an, If- • .--A •pe•i.ll ji•ffat.h tE. Tagetlsor vitt. fife astounding feats of S : the T.- .., / 1 101 ,44.te.. 1 ,,Waeting r i.ton,../gp..-1,.pp. : MUSS. LOUfl ZANY/a CIA, • the rep al • ‘abent. the retzelval Au] ;le l: beautiful On the Vlying Rings, ;Meade tlfat Ypring up hefrtf tho meeting of CORPS DE DAILETI Conger, are premature. Aft., the l're.i devt ,treng , :i • utri, .ent to enable him GRAND DIATINER _ On SATURDAY AFTERNOON, „, ~,,,g, , 0,, ~..,.,,., ~, ~,,,, ~,,, „1.,,,.., , ~,,,,,7,..,ign 1 . d n- e Ladieis awl Children an opportunity to see jtn: e 1.0.1 .1. a .1, , :r. i, a mac 1.0 expected. The Great Zaufretta Family! . o n , ,r 1 h o n,,..: i n o ere.... nn report. 01, alr Ad,. i.nt , n. '2.: cryits. Reserved seats so rents. i..- Jed LI „ sc.: ti . iar , • I the Navy ir ow D '''" " '' 'rw” 7 ''''' k • ‘.." 6 " ai. ' at 7% o'clock. ; pi. 1. icing I'y Al - II „Ile, dvd.la .1: already elated, , —...,.. ii.e , >t l ol,l[l, for all hralo Ilea of the Nava/ an 1 Marine G.,: ps ...1 nyt e be,cil ,:s1 42,000.. ... : ic•a. The amen I h at 111.•romo. iho estimate I V r ANTESorgeons and Assistant t.. fit.- figure. k 'h. , ''sl . "'''' er the eee , true- T I Surgeons for Colored llogimouts in the De , ii , oi. n 1 Igor, 1,..:e ,f 11'1 Iroln t 11, q eel which, p„ rtments of tho South, Gulf, and Tennessee. I, ~ ,y ,l,„ ~,,,,,,,,, „( T h e il„, e ro m ew will r All sand most be examined before a Board of kledicui (Meets. yri.y ea,t a,. hill/ual maintenance and repair. The "pert will r ruggrot many improvements , ~,ti0jed.,"...',',:..00,,7eZ3,.: 1t 711,°,.da:,,8L'0utni:,'14,,e7.7,,11k,,,, ,f hn mane ,ent en I ..f nal al matter s . bane- li...dqoart„rs of tict Armies of tlau Potomac, Cumber : icy 11 c 1 I•• , a I! I.:,••te ome -pace to the land, and elsenhero. 1 1 .-, ~ ~ ~. ~ .., .;L i.. and;; i s said Clint the Applications Cra eramintalonr elvalld by made to , thy Surgeon 6..neral, U. S. A., Washington, D. C., .-,-.1- 1. i Il e . ati! ot re of the attack on Charles: :t i „ , l l : n n f s g v , he arroMpanied with ono or more tertia,- 0..0 the barbs r .1-trip:hot, aro too I gold tit..rat character from respectable la , . ~. ,• ;. I ... , c:-..iiie h, ie. t.l.r. :11r. ] Felinesons. i ~ • ve Ide to . on. i. i Y.. , 'rel.. a i the The R..... 1 will determine whether the candidate pr•qi.•rtv of the : , ,,..-y II, ; ..,,,,, ,to qualified rut - Surgeon or far Assistant Burgeon. I',.•t, i 4 n , , i , „, , „art , , , , ~,, , n ~,,,,,,, .m7l.l,,,l.Vanlili,taill tnant " be a i.,Ta dOa ta of sow. Regulrt ti .c f.Alege: eon-graduates will not bo exam , ‘...1 bar Spraker el I,' 11..1 •. 111 the lelli Con- ~,,i .1. R. BARNES, I K..' . •. 'Iwo! I a 1..0.1•.t 1,. . l. _t/ at the callrli.i Acting Surgeon Gene.). ~, I. ! 1., lon 1, . , , ~,,,,g 1 Lin„ , ,, -It ) . ! Stupor, General's Offloo, NOT. 18,180. ' nyi31...12w ~ :11., deet,,.. L • . > y. noraliy an It i-t. .. t that the e,, , u, KY GOODS STORE FOR SALE, in a , it 1..••: 4 .-n.• nominations for other ollicers D i. ,, ~ ..J.InS ''. er.l. 4 l''.' able ma -Y i'''' lbl Y ' C. R.V°'nriot'holvutgr7.lo"mternilost*l‘ro'renoPlettshlmPrg. F. V. n . bw A not 100 the ea , ... I doing • large and profitable trade. The stock le rho , 1•11,(1/ n t ankh i.Lte far Speaker alit , orw, acid km been selected with reference to the Ibe, wit 11. al nut •Iz doubt , i ~, it bein g error, I ...entry trade. Basalt knee purchased for cub at utip,...l HI. Ohio deeidisii . , prefers him to 1 k""t market Pri''''' P, u.locryn, me present proprietor has decided to retire (tom thoarade owing to bad health, and now relsata a ri n IV ...it, „ i.r. or. , bee. 4 _.Thu control for offers the stork for sale ; ohm the good will of the re p.d....1, creli.io has vea, .1 to be °telling. Col- tiring party. The house hae a large and respectable 1,,, e h „, i, a il Id. „.., n t 0.,,, lie goes in to tb, , made, which can be retained. The preeout stock ~,,,,,,,., ,„, ails,,, ~ , , ~t n , co vel , l! ,, lrr be voi r 7 4. fro cr : i nt r ev d en to tau thousand dollars, but kins T., lor, of I.,wa, has a i.tarl for floor l'artue ishing to e k ' n ' ow the particulars will piton. korp. r, and li. P. linyoks, of California, hen addl.. ~re c all person/Wyatt t Eh', ionttle track for P,.9llllarter. LYDA Y A CHORPENNINO, oclaa.f 62 Hand street, Pittsburgh, P. The chief con tei.t non is far the Clerkship, I 11., tween ilreett Adare.,yf lientucky, Mel'her- INIOR SALE.—Two superior Cylinder Isun, ~f Pit , I:.,„cii den, y I Ale.. and Butlenton.. -12 Bolters, 38 inches diameter, 30 feet log, made .11 Ala,. • of 1.• inch Iran, wrought Iron heads Ik,' thick. Boil- Letters Gam o f f i cers in (letter:ll ]lank?' army ! e7 thro m' O i ne ' l'o g rtAtTe ETlilne and Tubularl3oller of ray that largo amounts of eotttlll are discover- ' it horse power, A Inch cylinder and 12 inch taroks. ed daily by reconnoitering partici , in the Thin Engine liaa bored one well almost 700 fret deep, rior of the State. The ..st tows are very antrioue and is admirably adapted to that kind of work, or to gut it to market. preparatory arrange- sawing wend for loamotirea. ments are being node to reniiive that nearest 1 ~ ,i k i nts( t a i ne' e al s t. i soh ; l7 7n et'ssib s t at.i.zia.„ our lines to the riser fur shipment. The g;tverurtr. Well adaptod to run A grLst mill or coati .southwest portion of Texas travented by our hoc.p mIIL Amy are repreren Lod to ho t • nion. Enquire At H. M. BOLE'S, A fibroid speolal fromthe headquarters of , corner Point Alloy and Duque.. Way. i . ~,., the briny of the Potornne, dated Dec. 4, says :•1 -° ' a ‘ Pitatntrgh. - Laiii nigh tour picket, Were driven in et Ger limn. Ford, by rebel _cavalry, and the long roll .orratle•l throughout Cho ramps. The enemy i+ reported to lie accuse the river below. There was no damage done. and the army ,00n regained their upon! .ittiet. A number of furlough• were granted I of• &ore to go home. The weather i 5 fine. There is some epeculation in regard to the lueation whether Meade will be retained in coutinand oC thie army. The army is greatly diiided In regard to his ability airier the late campaign. Soilgwick rooms to ho meet in favor to him. Warren would be most accepta ble. A fbrobf's speeial dispatch from Washing ton, dated Dee. 4th, says r;None of the wound ed in the recent engagements south of the Rapidan will be brought to Washington, ar rangement, having been made for their treat ment in Alexandria. Tho lobe in killed, wounded and missing is estimated at 1,350. Tho health of the President is still feeble, and he is unable to leave his chamber, but is engaged in the completion of his message. supreme Judge of Ohio Appointed—. The Noble County Conaplratora—All Quiet at Chattanooga—The Enemy Driven from the Chickamauga River. ('iacinn ‘TI, Dee. S.—Governer Tod has ap pointed lion. Joshua R.Errau :411pm:tie:Judge Vire Ciholson, resigned. The nese of the Noble county conspirators , Vll9 decided yesterday. Mel'herran and Coyle were fineilss,ooo and costs, and Racoon $l,OOO, and to stand committed till the fine to paid. : : -, ,DCONCELLT BALL. FUR SALE.—The 2-etory Brick Dwell ing !donee, with four lots, 100 feet front by 145 Net deep, situated on east corner of Pout), Avenue, fronting the river In Allegheny city. The House. IMI MEM CI sight rooms, with finished attic. and Wash hoses. Also, two Unimproved/05,1D by 103 each, in Ninth ward, Pittsburgh, (routing on Allegheny HI or. For terms of sale apply to . . .102..1 yr LAnt, SALE—A lot of land, containing 78 acres, eituatedranee from Dirmont tiou, on the Pittetrugh,Vort Wayne & Chicago R. R. The above property to well timbered, with • good young orchard of bearing fruit Crow Thin property WIII be sold oo eipeobable terms. For further particulars addrees .• 0P.2..:im 8. 0. Mc!CUSTER. BowLckleywilfs, Pi. LIOR SALE—A manufacturing business now In imeceaatul operation, tnpable of realising, from a, mull capital, net profit of $75 pet wok. Will be sold low, laa tbo owner has otherimaineastle mending hie apecial attention. Apply to B. Naafi.; & 00. SEW IND HAND WAGON NOR SALE. A Oou Ilorsu Grocery Wagon, In good ord.r will be .old 101., and cau bo urea on application hi'. - JOHN A. RENSHAW, d.I comer Liberty and Hand iamb. arC770.4" RALE& vsixixtre - eb - oxixt - straltre. TUESDAY MEENTEGI, Dec. 816, 1863, a 1 714 o'clock, will be sokl, of the Commercial Bake /foams, 250.51 Filth acne t 10 elutes Exchango Bank Stock; do Mechanics' Dank Stock: 20 do Merchants' d Manntitctaxers' Dank; 20 do %warn Itunuance Co.: 15 do Eureka Iwraranco Os. Stock; 20 do Monongahela Inssmince Co.; do rithiblirah & Connellariile AB. Co.; CO do Allegbotty.VAlDOtaiDoCul Co,; 20 do Monongahela Bridge Co.; • . d,.4 DAVI&k McILWAINE doers. _ LEAF .LAIiD--In tiorce . s, Rag., end pall., the latter pat opexpresely for family ate, ell am pan rendering. • I. TOWNSEND, NO- 12. No lirth a.. near 116 e rt T .EAciER. BELTING; also; • Gam 1-1 Bettis'. PaeLlat, raai, ciatta;74oi: Loather. and Ittoot.; a large etock ataxia OA land at the In. die 'Rubber Depot of ' I.44I.'PHILLIPIL d•S Non.2a add Sta Bt: Clair stoat, • =ME VOLUME LXXVII---NO. 18. Wm. Ilmoce.sne Ovnxnuprox To coot-lode with TILE BELL ILINGEI/9 J. 0. &fflon Annie tryst IDEXILT WALTEII.B .—.AtcsANDER ZssrnsTrA. MILLS IDA ZANFARTTA. at their yard arid wharf. Itra, mllt.•tf NAYLOE & SWIM, Refiners and Dealers in. Carbon Oil, IrOgrdere 101 l at their Mika, No. 41 MAIINVT EITILEKT,or at their work. to Lawrormmilli,vlll.4* promptly attended to. &Lyon of cnc r DE.on.. mlal • ROBERT ASHWORTH, No. 1 Nr. mein ST., PrrrsntriNN, Forwarding & Conunisaioa *reheat 4 @'ILLOMrHATING, IGU,C i'ETROLXI,74.OELS. iltoctlttautir-lita filed for .ire a 2 tbe toirtmt market Prig. txtut.6=llo49, Ind orden soLietted. • • "no. WOODVILLE OftIiEFM:IIIY GEO. W. HOLDSIZIP G EOIIGIE ALDIIHE, No• 71 Wood street. • Blanaftcturers of RIIRNING OIL AMY LORRIES. TLEG OIL. /dee•p constsultlyan bitaCtbsrest text quality of BURNING OIL, class acid without Wiz: • also, a good LtranzcAmit,,pxtni ZO LE and CAR GREASE. . All orders left it Yo. 35 ITITI - 8211111" hank Block, second floor, attl ba pros:l2l4ly aUonslidd a:SW R 4 S.W MUDS, =Turin?, NACILINEELY ASP - PAINT - OILB, And deakTin Itelnlng Underlain. LOCEII7T OM WORKS. MINOAN, DMILAkit 0)4 Kaautictaxars of Pare White-Refined : - Ca;ban, - 0115, am*, No. 291 LIBIIITIP 11T/MCIc o . l 2lltaxants sollottoi' Lyday Mariett aI n& JamtriYintar t o.f .1. Paintericco' • f.; , Jiro. IL Cluilfustf 'may . c OILS, tfc. RICHARDSON, HAitLRY & CO., COMICISSINg s FCrSVITA.IIDING MERGIL&N'rs Crude and Refined Petroleum N.. 19 LEWIN STEEZT, Sir Liberal Cub adraneen on conegnmento ror Pittsburgh or Lane= Martata. ISTIMBIZIff II117131.1=I: itaseire.J. S. Dilworth & Oa., • trisger EfarbaNgh, Esq., • fr 8011, Esq., Pn&a, Commarclal Bank TACK & BRO., IntOIXISo Crude and Refined Petroleum, BENZINE, dza., WALNIFT IT., PIIILADS-LpillA Buslnca entrusted to our eve will reecho our prompt penman/. attention. Refer to Co., Richardlum, Barley & Brewer. Burke Co., and McClelland a Path, rittaburgh ; 'noel. Smith, Esq., Proot. Bonk N. A..; B. Nader & Co., Phlla&lphia. auSay JRONCITY OIL WORKb. LOH it-OHORPENAING,- 11aooltotmen and !tether, of CA REON OIL, BEN MB AND LCDRICATING OILS, anddealers In CI2LI)IE YISTRVI.IELIVI Works, opposite Skiarpsitarg. 'Mice, No. 69 HAND 13711.=LT. De L. MILLER, Jr., AGMVT, 12.3 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM On Cammlealon exclusively. All charge' at 'most reasonable rate. CRUDE, OR FOR REFIXED In cool collars. For STORA under good ebede. PertfcctLar attention ludd to OIL FOR EXPORT. Fon Sacn—CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASlcitc. CABOT & PEMBERTON, General Merchandize Brokers, 133 SOUTH FRONT ST., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASH, BRIMSTORIC, DRUGS, OILS, Ac., dc. Orden to buy or eon promptly attended" to. auLly _ _ ALLEN dc NEEDLES, PHILADELPHIA 00111fISSION MERCHAN 3 PartionLa attention paid to mineignmenta of Crude and Refined Petroleum. 63r Liberal advances made. anlrly HENRY ROE, 3 NORTH FRONT ST., PHILADELPHIA, Broker & Coznmiesion Merchant TN CRUDE - it REFIRED PETROLEUM, LCIIRICATLNO OIL AND BENZOLS, And deal, to °rude and Refined PETROLEZIII BA REELS. •u:ly BRII W & COMMISSION MERCILAIITS, 4.: Agoras of the °LOBE, PACIIFIO AND LIBERTY' OIL WORKS Ldbaral cub advances =do osti consla-nmenta of Refined or Crude P'etviletcni, OOH. DOQINCEINE WILT d BASCOM - STS., Pnmslimum. Pc JOHN I. .............. CHGIIBII. WALLACE dr. CURTISS, Commission Merchants. And deniers In CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUM, BYMZINE AND LIIEIRMATIM Oink 10. 134 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADHLPHIA MIT Storage rapacity (limier curer.) for 15,000 bblio. Also excellent facilities ter shipping to American nd Foreign parts, at oar wharf on Um Schuylkill Hirer, near the Platform of the P. H. H. j.25:1 WALES, WETMORE & CO., COXIItIBSION MIERCHANTS, SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, 19 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK Ampla fhcllittes So STONAGS An/ SHIPPING, Ortearpeyce ed by way to the market. /PD DEL:ILE:a IP OIL& Naas 'IuiRET . BT.. Pittaburth and 213 South Water.-Stye _etil, P1T7181710191, P•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers