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IV r.,Ztl*: 4 . 3 , ' 4 V' 7 ' ......., :3.. '. .. 4: . t ..., ..:.;;;:•.‘:,,,• ..,..N.:.t.i , : , i;...:4• i: 43• 0 1 : - .. ,. :-. - ...:.:.r.,;:‘ , ,:st,?..',0! •••„:.',,,,..,!..?-......::.?:•!:. 4,. A - s , :::, , :: : :.;..-:;;,-4,--, ; -4 :-. A '''.:i ':::-.: 3 0: ':'.' .t . '1 . i.,:::f;:::: ' :: : .•;: - .. : ..:: :: 4( :...,4 ~..,...::,..:: ~,i.:,,,;...,,,:.::,;‹,51,•!.,:t;:1-,-.!::,..,. • • •1•; 1 ••'• •' -- :•.: 1 :. - .1- - :! •--..:., ......,,,, ~ 1 . ..-:, ' - :i.•: - ,1 -. ;: . '4;'- ''. -•.":: ;•.:•-::..;;,. 4 - - •^ o ' •• - . t - i!•• • :.:::-.-.,.- - ~,,„:„ .. . ';'•:;i1. "'; : 4 : ';L . “5:::',',7 t:;-• ''-, ;•,,:;•:, • ;,,-••.:,;•• ic41• 7 ... -- •.-,:-.:,.'•:7. ir..1 . 4:7'.•; , ..;.-.;j,:.•:::::::.: , - - •." .:! : ;•..!;::4::::' : .: .i.-.. , ......• :. -.-.-;•• .... ::...:• ! .. 1 ,7.,,.„ . ... : ‘, 5 . 1 ,,........ • .. . ... .• . • . _ MESE ;•4 44' •• • ..t. - 1 v , ;; i'~ .. .. .... .. ,_ , •••.:'.'4.'4..' , : - .1 ,,, •..... , .. , - . .?.•.. '. : l'''.• -:. MUM OEM :47 MEE :?:;, ,ir ~ti"~" C ' :' . ; AEC .~`~.q~y '.' ~_ '.. v%~Vjs^/_e4~T.77;~Rs'y' li . - .1 C ~ Bl3s. IhATM.: P. ISII - a : Cu,OM, No..lll&SnLitr letriltreet. rattsbarib. ra. *Wallahi4fm.i FP% Osinntwas ljrsDwta smd darbrrii to Wm; MY. Pit DDOta, Pir V1LH10%23,. 13Atki11, LAZO, BOTTIIII, IGO% OEII6B. F e8,b3.4 FBODIIO4, stwa no. 01116`alUllaiii Fit" 0114114M1D - D.411D 71011T5;113 :114 IPA . .41 - Ll la --- 9 -- 0 14 , slim it Wilt Vr ILK I hitiOrr,', Powwows ' rilill 'illf viAkiiortuadNo. ararnis Mr rat ass ______Jum. .. 0 1 /eis,naum.raut ~ a 1 EILITTIOS. -AWOL Clit al He . end cosonsol liesseells Also. ,--,110.4141114 mug , . MA kn.. No- t r Liberty tO woMM. meats so. tp4 imps 4 a r ilad f unfil i ll - :: komsoso4 ' mousy. ~,. ,iik IWN & 1,1311W1T nous . ---- Gnus firmorectsontomixo , .. . fineskorm, for olie M rtalmo Groin. rft;tL_ -SIP, Ms, Low* Moose Iress...Clooseeo_ ponso* -I wem . ._.. . , ; ~ ..:., , ftwm. Ty's...N. Forams Pooll - nmem =1 I ,--' ... 'Unmet 'setae* Omi t Dried ~.. 14:41sism , .'-- ,•.,!... .- - Tbsedri. Clome; Am nail 9chiesionik, .: '--- 3 ~ .4 L' , CIM edestmentistooo OnoslipamMte,_ , .; - . t , ' 441 l' 1 . 48+.11 , ~, , No: eel tame, R.. • - ntabansi s / - - .... latl' l lt,,,,ri . 4 10-11 N • .13. , .0 Ali VIEI. D i * ink 1 , ...., 1.., , ... . Igo. aifiv-Toilviiirro, Nuoisre y eat T... ,- .)/ . .1 , 4 vAlit•Ainio!-lii WDSTER.D . ifixit . _ Dimon notrai t i:B3, " ‘ 1 1 :.'4l =A5 mr Ms, eaticawru lab-, ;IMO. AND 'MID *OIL% DRUID ,211 s 4,3n,v. .3.,OPYOeIe• c.f.. la q COW' a sturataßD,_. Mix, ......:..t clw .fa. tiaisiirold ' , diger he FLOW IWR AND. ,- -nt tnnr/VAMODI7OII. lia. Dia Marty ' itireA, P. ,_ DijoAos brimAg At If kw for Balms oad t. 0116 ' .As batil. Portlea.Lsr Won , to 'Mu tor llorcluosato ge:wally. . ar . ~.,T.lref.A7 2o A ,-"c ..,„,, OhLigica & ii&15.;7 7 0 : 3 ". N i t , 1 SLOTTA‘AIDAID4 PRONDCIF! L o.,Na ao. 349. mat, otroef.; Ittoburob. f'•• --' " 'I ,01 ; 144:14441 . ..A... LICEOLI, F Aim ihsaii • rums io Oosomorsai Y lac t soolOot DRAM ammo: mass; itoDucrx I::: NUT ub 01.04. Eunithtber,drior - '.' lt-'4UIIB'DAT.7IZIAT . or eosin or LARD OIL, sad INlsak• : , La• thopozoimos rd uslo.ODONalk= • UPI PAYNOLZDNao. 89 and 730 W Pltlablush. Adm... nude on annaincullunlih,, ' 4l ' : 'Z rOLLAND REDDIA _rivictitaior loJet 11%131 t u a:o. 183 lain, amt. MD; WwilhAi.SW TWQW I WW, IMO= AND •" " 0081m331 0N BA.NT. -0 0 sAgoonolo sothAtod. i •• • T -KIRKPATRICK 1 agunurx. U to Brown . KOS Vaasa: w i =.llllB, B«. 191 sod la stnos. ABIPMKO •awl iII'OASED/rni • ititt. Sr corn* : -. ool4ftr a ncr ~• WiCloadlos, mons lk Co.. SI praual Cki4). ammo' Wood sad WatorstroothiLliaohorgiv O r r ;L:j 1 73'117 Orr It 045 mumisuiimisauxt drier FLO ARM, WILUOMEI, &SSW LARD, oaralak AISUITB nod Hodesoptv_ ninon mode on coiniotodorto. 4i0.,120 Second otroot, PtitoticurolL SLIM MOPS .......A.. E. roam I . H. 'NWT & CO., enoomor to L. G. - .11..418 Graff, elluDuar.oiD 00301124110 N lira. ~.) 0,1]..4.1:-linimnsoit Lm,,,topt.. ist;htublingh; Ps. oar. 7.. II r". 4.. "IrOBIT : s I:* ve, " aolasaLs V Gatamme aira 0012.1111111011 111/ACILIffs, pram et Smithfield and Water eueete, Pittatrarab, ' 4i4 - 11X- V . Llitaansawa,a,d &alas La EltuD r ao. osituidd . ,• • . lay it. It rrJ "alga 11..6.AZtiLttP14, WAOLium.Ll - .92001Wie n Wl111681.1111 1111/20 US)/ T. dandffebs, 0. Zia 1 4 1 ftsulDurf.h. I &Wei INikitigagi.: t=STE WiLlai t• sari Claganas ainAlosignamar Losoziarato. ; Wood larpoN -Pitrlfretw. , ;- * rlly C .: ;;.747:1 ; . I;o4ier: tiotitiait . • J JAL . : .01",,,,,,1N/10.0•••••••!,,,ww:know, p aux =s — I....:11111111M.Galiaz...*&1111$100=16.1111L _ WILOUNi'.O4RE TV' -,'! trait Wax:, Pores a 08.4 irmoimula °MIX'S LB RORLIGN,AND DISIIIOBTIO DRY GOODP. bean abcon rimhnrah.• sPIONIti 6LUX. Bellies, Damara Er 1 1 ,utof Ain) surs,s TRY GOWAN RiAltaiD ORLIFLA aI MC& scrod, riiimbaryi PI: , it.:-044/11)01 to or der.. ad010:17 //,, :la, • , ,„ r a • 13 11 r1...1, . ialaii.Jl,Lila 1CA50n........ Milli '.....,-. ' .!.' ,- ANIC,• atonßOY- i:•0().; Deaisil in .. . seaman = rat; tionsincl•Dal yawn, 9 • nt Waal ism* ostali. eaceleiler am Zan VAIONT-101,Ontlfd I CO p , 1111 gagtag_a Desime4ll'7l7llUff MTh wvt , .bru4 s Lai ..puunb k 7 ma il gash 7.--tt.t4rinallurge. , h4Atia Altlfi. Y DA; 11 , tioltutlilii and ratan Dmiiibriln FLAUT L nrALPI4I DIsT c..—: O!, an, In Id Mutat amid, • ikist.Dluto.d.an...rou ,,, b. Pltt.brerh. . 1. 1 :4 s iliaysour: air • Berrldleld *Co., Wholesale aid Blue Zeidesn . ra AtaLifinliol 000/11:10keek.. Wt earner og 'Fourth and Ilarket driven— .-. eat Sr& AUKNIS WhoAesale and 1k« • Ain AWE. to 'ail lamb of TaIIIMUNQZ, DIU "" fa; Soc. - mal TIT smut new. IVIBILKIERE. CO., Diaz iu aDu awns. sic , carkm ano s .- , 9 31 M 4 roma. rittabires. - - • - _ IRON Jol7l 4 .lBloN au tsi 11.PDIID ' ZOOMS 'AND' emu TAAIDWUrri - 24DRITISDYL _ Oak DAY. MI or raffo. - 7 *lab be *Don at lowest -term Ozoltb.':' so(UroarthArooto, Pa.; • • instrVUoso esaltally oosponndoll at- off A. mAkirdsegota. & (x)„ WIIOLD; ufaDnwmr sad ltaembatmre .. AND LITRADAID, oror of WoOdiiiot • With Y. tiIX)TT, Wissaama"Dsass z. : • a DkUGB, PAINTS, OILS, VAABILSDDS AND atoms, No. SW Meaty otrost„ AU cedars vat looehovrompt. stAnitioa"'= HEE •ns, • ,. 1.034). - FL ISAYeiltit, DZINGIST, Avid; cetaireal Wood street sal Pm. A - • pROp - • now tossnool • ,TALFORD, • •WAsoLlsaLi ,••• *ow - iltiokaii 01100.18; 11.60/1 nazi 11.L11141, 'lay loOligHltioroot. .1 , 74 %.la..oomairtin= i 7 oalubmd= . to BUTTES, LADS mod rodeos posoolly. ‘ o. IS Floodlit:not, so *- 4/lAA AL-LULU/ 'Slay (sizooessot So Mos Ramos Oci.4 Pass Pass“ of IPROVISIONS. San* of ilansi suf host sea:, .141JWNtilifiD,(sztooeisorto Jack ,gutiiinra ransiona PONS PLOW LID DZALitt at esovuuoss, No. 11 fourth st. war lastly. - - . -- ; ...----,:---earrTuterriers. a:in wilt: vre •-.- - '' r ' ' - , •e , "" oar)t.ti et t eOl-I* - 4AXMCBAN, ' AritIVIIIT 4i eamr.o.l TA. A pr L oAr . offi c k - as.,a) Gnat . :ice to ' 7 p4,_•Aajbasthow minima lo' ,::"3"1 c F,-1111.4ant aolltwproupt lItt•Iltielt; , 00.00001 , .2' 3 "J'apeit and b all adjoyatog oOptlolifid - „ ! 7 '" , *'''' ' Ss Wismattdid prolovelf:---- • - IWO' 1!..F1 I . ^IPPI h II • ashstitirt AM Law; 07fflwa. 1000011 et!ary KmoritLawiluak r!sfricr m thasead stmt. • • • - : wali mat* aka - ofd Maa fatddry boast=M i = iL wi t o dd* • : fit (Wawa. se . SALIII44. =MUM ArPaUlrili AT ,_ s • Wl* !Oa% 14111110ailiatellk. „7. 4 00 , .77,411 NM= I:12 :1A myriMi .7 a - num • , d iecti s loa, • .7.. ealste. Pl2ta• oatgly s tt2 .:LC, —^" •• iv no igpal Aril/rum • ws••••=aali,meglt orrior woad/ ~.r.,4:11=. en° -.„ r 4 .U11., wprrant• 44 bled prillsreal• ,•t • • - • . 7!;;:-...t. a 'v JA& DagataLT, a 801, : ' • I COO ribbed S i d as ; war - dcr. , -11,4747.1 c: HimilaPtahq) - . ex ,, 5b., 44 . 4 'lhisiklia 1111 ; 41 0n7 soogi a oo • p. 11.1110 i ESTABLISHED ;'.==. lN .'~s6:_ co:msassaszoor, ire. Llt Uti6JlB7B. ~A'.t~..~' , G i wTf'u' s ~`'K4~.. I.Lv~ `_.~2~ <.. - ~^^'^" _ ac • y. ',l • 4 - . • . , _ . . . . ~. '' ..ta-.r.:.i: >J~IsQ~~.~ LLZKAB, wainiewal elooxsa comiumatox xisomunz • nor duds eadtazda Mind, ern& forty& • / PrITICIMMEL, IL I GORMLY wprukula opal% 1.. in izeiniaT snow, • . per, thoteti paranoid - uw ititingieprift lang.panftm . mu wafting the Dodgy at the tartiad,and win icing ftliku l i k petztewm Ili mow SllOll.lllM.r. 4. :4Trf arg AIM Titan& 41WPRIMBIAhWiriziaaja •aileiboiwasis Ocklitil4B2 111 J &a Arni. m LPROMOS, FM% BACON. CMS& Inia. omuunimukz.Aarkonamontatuna, OAK toTroN jua t ue. sad PI 1 •0 1 11.0411 , 7:1P1 mad 114 Pacend=Pttubi="w „ . ca.x. Lao. aionlatia, Tat t h allelyßOVlA.*./e4lrDomid /Pittsburg,. JJ/4 &Asa Gammas. Pumas ura Ocaransaillas• • • Jobbers la 06811GAII sad • • Incrtop SWABS. wad MOM, • AOC% *TOBADOO, • 8.101, ”" IMAM ik4 W. 6 .1 et.. .P. - iutrinuk.:4..'./.s. imink. - ...;4. :v: iurnith. DBY?d3B, 46 B . ' - gacioeseri a.% to" Biriai a it - I , q• . . , : til lrisaliela• babes b TOBXIGIS PE AIifty,APICIEB..OOIII. M1X717011131Y.15130 IMO. 1.116 and lill Waal atressobsite IMO. P bom ithbarib. • Poun'i. - mows Jaw. aft. VatILILTZGAR, °zooms , ' oad'.doilolo to. an , Undo of Oftitst radio* to Pll4lllMaili UMW. No. NIVINIOO7. lariolocte• 1004 di Wool optbly rq k soon. 910 AU; WHoustuza [r kr i x44 H:ioaausvorxos== s.t •IP #t draimallicatandi uMN. N 0.141 Water A., %bon tbo Nottoombotalhidsoi Pittobarsh. ` CAORM.Diaaau co., Waour waiosoasm.oomusur. AND IfearAznum wootiumk, rad dealers la*P h.acill = and Put« woo losauflioterak Pittsburg "um VALLMEL AhEaRBT, EgiRTON /POO, WllOl.lll. tA sb =i . lPXonor Nikum29l, No. 6 ozo W/211411. WATP & Wl4Oll . WHOLINIdia GIIO -w, sad dealer, h h m s,/aldWs. rit re via VIUKBY urg ot,' OD, WaatanuLit eacpciu;Orionanaz '' sad asleep m FROMM, No. 80 Wart aiii46l4uststryt.• Pittsburgh.. .• _ • • THrto, irif — m — W7 — milk. oo a msoosits. - Ifti,l3o 111,- 4=4 strost, Smithfield. Pittsburgh:. , L ., • .• oat , Az,' emu Asu °masa= II now* No. 112 Wood and 2211 Lanny atm}, Pttt■borab. jold - - Wll.l .1 LIALUALA Y, Wuoulaus Win.ilWoomatooM.l2i ostiq Wood groat,t oStAtf Pitt*, Po. .A.LNICANIINK • acmasaue - awasauxo. Totoodu. ofippyus.l_llo.2ll Liberty 4tr u l t• Plegintlik ft' inns .NLiI4*CIF4CT,UREREL DD& W. BENNETT, MAstrzwroises •or WEITZ 820N1 OBINA MID ORIA.II 00L01119 WARR. • aromas LID -wasziours a No. 74 Pula Btu" Prnowinnow. PA. mhlikkybar sratorsoxzwrotnet. ainvibm P. SAW. lACKMAX4II: HEMPHILL & CO., owner Pik, and Cal Leta itrseta, near rho City sile. E lidszoilketniers of .11 .PTL'IrthrIFIKiTEIr P&TENVOSOILLATIING trilAllt 111161015 AILIDM ChlAliasof ail shwa and brat style. Zealot Fit op wieldnaly aflame easily sad of lhebest peaty, wawa. preperod to do heavy Job, king, awl *soh •clt work in this line, in:111414 MA by poomjsteew. and the oberecter of out work, to merit public hitrotnee. W. o te specal.atte a ntion to oar BALAROZD VAIrVI 1.110115114 r comblittos zdzeotspe befetokos onstrabsed in Ws drool Czarine& Jekklyd UiiiiabgZaiM Mrsekof TIM anti Idborty strut; 80t11011 eillAN 11631111121, ItikOHTNZET. masafrotarsrarßOLLlD NROANDITSPIKIN, CONNOR AND I,AnaoeD 4118 W 121 1Cair mind or shapod MEIN sad WY IND; • Cm Lads to order ad ablel d • • o. 21 414)14 al, N , Li sist§rpostra 1.1 . 1 . •earahmtann ot wain% LAMB AND ew St i sad rurkildeirlslwolLlNATlEsll BILLIDIR &dm sailir 117141, lad 'l oo d , Odnowl me Der fastssetiem. ' 6.0141/rwly T. TIAMIT P. CLAXIMIZI. EXCELS/OR GLASEM'ORKB. Vol" PLUNKETT it 00.. &Li Nosurrao rows. Worsham, No. 19 Wood stmt.alrow 4,N4cot. rittsbutzh..lW. os9l,yd ',mimic, 44 rt: : 4 I strani Awn Ix mune4,2lo_ituswat, winstiminpre. Solo mut Ow WWII 00.1/ PIANOS, Natal MA& IPLLWOIIoand Nita= 14:10.`d =LODI. OWL X0443"/Ittli otztot, woad door above Wood, Wlttobargbrti. 110"Ploaat to Would ham to oz. Idotiopigtor tiow. splo - rri: '4! & . 14. u. ig imm " ". f uratraar ika Olikbrated • °at NIL 431 Y0m.147 DIAL= a or fit i WasCeizi4; Mims Wait kultousw4•ll4l.Pltataugb, Avoorvievar. rant tiff •IV/ — Mai; , - Balkilawainter iCaliasead ait Gnat stroste r PS= o ; .4 t., • , A.AL , Dr—Hatiook, iZbradagraobeipsaimeraXeru.v.i wadi" Ofc, AIIpi.:II4OHNISTON i 00., Simrictir - Tv --- nowiz - saos - ItArew Aura Jos humus, ito: 51 Wood street,' .11 AY. "Av., BooKam-Asin . ;;lira= rte, No. /*Wood litotes, totit door Iliad . .0f Think, rue./, r. 1104001. ,and, IHELD; Boosinuass' ETA: logulakirPOWMINUMSr APeUe Buildiage. F2=2=WM IuBEPH HORNH, - Diu= a may, Unmans= am Brum C 191 1 .0,, WM: Mai* alawitt, Meat'. woow r iudzans-* co., mutassiii uluntimegmismostimmo, oNO6 amosmakiin.imaibargcitrunista.- I:=UMI;U= WALIAM • WARD, Thum' is hail. l ua ttos 11011 . 4 Bag* Naankrus. sad in i in = peones routsWov e' ay s'y ,fflairvidigtaid - tbits atosarte gads& fa bat maill wood dam p 'mw apa -caormidostimiuml totaniews — "bid* eau& OS% Graaf ignsh 'Was 111,1aara WALL P4PEILfI.- jp . .- MA RAMA Li s Damian, VirAii, j•:PALPEU,ll . onpusdirs.", No. 67 Wevkiiiilvt: , 0. - 0001 MAI% NSW Will ii itusuat, 43Will1ttlip•Opia • "1 Ititdoeb:MolrigheitheZilei Pent urbabi ammo,. also -( for Poes , lo P•st TOW/ CS' other "34104 fa the asks& she lads Gabber Dapoi to Gad mi R. Car ,trot. I A ' : ttr+A ,l3Wilibei W KLAUS • ibo cols wets's, gm A 'mislaid to Os ll* bbolSaa. an aad araadage Was 0 , /on=bod 4.saben. Wm gab by Xll *. rs t ito. SI cad Id Is. Obaritarsa. , , . PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1863. aIIiCELL4AIgOUS C4ADII. DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS CADIAN & MILWPOB,D, igehlisetutep of era, whey of 'tabbed sae= smut Fos ma:limns, 8711811 os GAS-MVIBIB, MA0111:1118140, AND I . ooe 388121188. • sums carriziaa; au 6airawas, Rua a Draw. erimmosr wolutorpuut mai f•us• PITTING, had RIPAII/188 necnaptbr Attendel ta. Parttenlar attention veld V, AWN up BMW& 8118 hill °Dab MID 08813011-011.8.' • Abe, PoleLaeste thoeWeetaen District et Peas. aylesnla lbr the sale of 111.48811,_ 1./.IBIDISLI. 00.'5 MIDST 871 , 11011 NUM the heat el* Welded Hn fat so ?aim, It la not liable head eat af . orlar. sad will thanw more water than aajpr pap of Ws lb We. apit id. Beasoug, ' A. 1.1M1113 A BHD„. Cbroor of Pfog Cbroirol Ws" `, LW:110B^ . =FILM COSICIASION ItiIDHANSB, La to Dr IL.^ .s 'et DUPONTI . I 011NPOW. AM AHD ISANIVIV ! ' • • HOOODo oooonikeicrat on Abase Nostars doom, mind oulko*nloosliirsor. . CANA at Wondiolim lar.lll INMAN Er. Botta A ua4 PHODAVII KOLE likkouoo. " ibowoo Oloiriold. WpAi Blowhard, Idorcboafie Honk Halumoror s UP IrMAI * Om% eihkeigi p4TICN rat • 8,1:.. 1, Dithridgies. Patent OVAL LAMP 01321:Ktafit , • Nanidic,itizsd i t t ; XI FLOM GLABS. Obbsitito ore titanded for the ,Itat Mum, which Matta' a pots +063 Itelnova,u7, 4.$ act " sp. irrirstoGA wort Pitt Glow Wads Watiklastou spit .per . LADISH FANCY j CIIIILDZiIIre /A TOT rime; azzirs rut' mins, mar.= OLO% MATS AND OArk. Illveg variety sad ay!. of tka abate foodti is VM I==i IipOOILD & CO.'S, 131 WOOD DT1311112. BLUM- D • W Przna roma, PA. PAR 4 . 11.11(iTHE8 CO., • Iffauotacturers of Bin QIYALFLT RID 17/032 ITIII4 Spot% I'lat spa ootadtm,or an sum: Wonsabd *gaol to faa litpXteit -az Atatottootared to lib oziotry. itglVOlos mad Worsham. 1188.149 sod ill NUM oalt Maui ISt B‘OO3D BTZKITO, Plittlottegh. - folt:lyd • • NSW titivDS..—ttannic just returned 4.1 from Ow Zan, n banracar to stare an Wm. BOOTS AND 10130.819 - Adapted to the Nem. Dealers awe be =WWI with LADtir, 11111181.EP and titlLLUltig's 4 )I4GAITZAZ a nd WAROT eaors, at a alight admen fee pa, at 610. irmass, ems akeoA, 1,14 Be. el- emomn Wood sad 'myth .to. blifillittlits, MYUIm Attu ; ert.Bald 70349.7.-I PECU4na.s_lfitr;NT. WiII.:TATE, Jr., & CO.. Denbo In .LB MI Ptrz. won SSA% BY.. DBa nTS, PIUS Pet, BiIkoDBLIBSS, 58..06518, and ?SUBMIT& Dandittags Stied "op .it hot and mad 'War am we In tba canal iv wand mama& Mt Sift (amt ad%) MIDSIBM, MIMS?, 2tl door baton &Adman Allegnany. N. B —Batadriag oomph, oot Mad an. ).am A1L1a..61, MotAnsitkalas 4,14., Yawn' 70171111 U Pittsburgh, Pi. sarWAlllllOl2ll, N0...101 Liberty stmt._ ilanulacturres of 000 R, PARLOR AHD ULM gRO 8201r28, PARLOR AND KITORION °RATIO, 1104 LOW WAR/how., stew &adularia Nsakts, log Chotlags, ilsortigh Goo, Worm god kr. tison Pipe,- Pad - ironal truss, Wog Ba ch iagi. Pr &i% Prins's, , Oor Whsolo, and Orthip runny. ' - jobblug a' Oottinge made to ardor. • PoLnitog - Portable DA with Slam or Borer Pomo. ' , n0i1414.0.1 /Ltd..% isatialill4l.eib thJ.;tftitlet Makers %ad Sheet • Inn ' Workers, NCNB STILEZT,Boa.22, AL 14 sad ta. Haring eetarol laraellardstid tantlihal It with the meat haprosse :weekbiery, as are prepared. to eaaanseture sten' droriptkoi et:0011.Shl0 to the. Mn macaw, sad lernated equal , to-ear end* ta the trountry. NUB BLOB, BUM! OEM 4 LOW2OTIVBIIOII.IIBB,OOIIDINBIite, :SALT PLNB,T/1131 , 40.111TILLIVADITaTOBs, IaTTLINO PA2llli BOILER- MAI: ISSIDOSB, lUGAN, PARS, sod sole eusatewneere - or BARB. "HILLS' PATE BOILIII. Bilpeg dose Oh the short., oath. Aelktt 14 violate U. tnier u.q 2411,61 Pd /601/1 I.lli In 6 on. batten', la Use Sala o 6 Powder It to tonged to medal h Otlir Wol 11 9. 61 °MU , ot Mai) mu* sodmat Mineral Waters, lieldas Powders, and other alml,n artlela . terms tales to the worolacneralerly, It luta an admirable idea on the mural remorse tonstipatios, werreating seloUtee, coo off all • felrils cow Valuta. Pre= eiltenta. • told by Maws. rABWISTOOK Y CO., POW burp, sad as for elematiosery, Do. 193 brim hi, tram out '3m LAYOx - ARNEMILL, booms asp Datums to tta most snlsot brand. of HAVANA OIGANSi Lim! lit Mode of MINING AND OH=WINO Toptiooo aNumr, NANDI NE:18011ATIN - FMB, INDl c hei tza s Aka, In gnat . misty, UMW= TNN AZ lito=y , ,ettgolbumkPL U 4! .4 . 4! Tads pappiDd Oti Oral torma. CHAS, SPPLUILICIY,, ?iodate 6 6eacni COMahllei lerekul. "Kgammulam Rama, 624 , . 11der lb . m 11116 liq. l oln7lll PRODUCER. 1ff4,1711 &pint/ armor. gmb4:4 • ' Paronnant. PA; IL—ENGLISH respeotfigly LTA. talon= ter thimins. PlOtaborgh, .tbak tot too boil spipollitot Otte Ken IttOtkooliot eou t toeigtual'ClZlll err Ammo* zesty' -PIM' Thor an vockoondatotod the Wood bosom to sloiotty. oast o . i g mktolt in I Quote, Bataters 064 Imola t 00., •; • illooturaio AK*, • • lasi Otro ilroosqlo n . Zvi 'Foam 41 liTbTEßNl'lhiitia 4 tominm, -- vv. Qua /UM Varitsiahr ator , pia 'alba lithe apo istr - roaaarticol oth ISM. M11111101.,,&11 COM. midi Wortat, liter DlllB/1 Ottittlx(iti at in ,Idaderlalosi altbriMataanal: , 41Vardoestalt Maim. - ant rlavalyorlllllo prampt,tiratasated to. • 4.11210 'mambas at - Mit Ina beta; pootiatil ma' qtr ia% at Om taus' szpialialta %War beldam avill tame to eve astlatlaataa to gnarl tompast. .TOi3T RUSIV D. i• is WO baud Ova* daft; . ILO half bbis. vitas twor Rioter..; No. 4, largos 12 stars ea for ode by I CHAO. O. 11.111.11LZT, 4,22 . • 1/...1112 Liberty smut. Ii4LLU 01.6-50 bids. No. 1; • - . I g. 2; tha 2221.1ti121/2b7- , . • - • . A/LIPALLKIELL i BON. ' ea Cie Weft, ain't. /1 4 11 6 1011kf .ir410...-dwo laces %, ail- 14110 0 24 Aiii'lrg,Fl ll,2 4",amit' imial‘Wposikodaa. _ ' _ hat • tornTaumet , sops. Iliarlait mt. - • I:4ltiblitilli Ocllkigtilt I , 800 bump/tee 1714 IL; • • 1.4r , -- 40 .4.*: *take Danboro • • .lastoregialocarir - • - r- otitis AviwaxnutoN. 9 , 1111•144N,E; As: hew . t;e. , • rnewiiiiwiiO4 • kiiarle NO* .11nr,Ltws. iDarzat htillvisi6=-oeal vanesy .A: , ..iplorginitiin - *Jam, • rg, s Vi W V m, °bray. t ecauPipet PollPciasa. 'P - 111 4301 R .1. Lti. it • o.t.ab.t. Gt tilJskitia 1.1:4) ,P 1411.: Watt - Asp R. 4 roostudiadlidali" 6 " 44 ) 7 1, i r • L km. I* Ammar uth., -- 04Lintesa """4102.44k 41101/. • los • sium Wear Anat. Vittsburgit Onzettit. RIDDLE- ed 00., NDITOAID AND PIOPIZINNOIIB. fulleatlon OffeeF ie. 84 Fink Street. 1101800 AND LYIJNINQNDmoNI,DAILT. oosrAnsuo THI LIMUIT NIMI UP TO TM nous 01 rooLicuriom THURSDAY, MORNING, AVG, 1.% EEW TERM OF THE GAZETTE, Manama B000:014.07 casu, itiyear.......110 00. 10800k....•• 0 1% • g. does 00y1e4.---- Mumma Itornas, by mailt per par.— 4 50. montk... at. Insk.4.. 10. a. '.? Wasur Lam% blues copies, per pace 2 CO. o oltdis of 6to 10, ' 160. • of nor num 22. —and ono extra to the, ,peety sanding stab. l- 4Or dab of Ittess, we Tamed Iles Suwon 'llssirtrs' dilly. larks cub rot twenty, we wni /void ea, NOMLlNl,Giserlidatly. • alai& ORONO onto. MrAll wetwitlptleaS ski* to elsoews, axed piperi always stoprAwbei tbs ttruk orphan. • '• I - Brave Word,* from Old Baglasdl. Tb. Loottm . SOF, of tho.2odi of 'July; Wm - spooks of Olti 11110001114 illoisbars sod , 11.t= tobori: "With deep, Arany and , gratefaljoy we publish to-day the sews of viotorlis thelare the heralds 81 a happy peace. Beldoin;ifuere: has it been the lot of the jeurallista..to as nom* on the same sheet two aunts of such tinneteidant imPtdianar as the faith! Vialts .burg and the retreat of Lee. Theplottotte Fourth of. July has indeed reetdved - s glorious. celebration. • - " la tens of thousands- of 'Northern homes the birthday of Atuerioin Modem wu being hart with mingled hope and fear—with bland ad esernotiee of joy and sateess, Of pride:and hangnigion, Throughout New Zealand and ~pepou n - 111ddlii Stifle, end the vast ttortheent r iairldeithat data beak frow.oar o wn hondeessantmoth tents:7, and is cities that have airwhd - .ap,:withht the memory of living Ines span the Atte of world-old forests or on virgin puitTetemit the - Pilgrim's 'l:naiad Gigs's, golCeiall,starcid_ ,of the Pa. d i k " , •—ehisehe ';, - or, the great 'Nepualle apake wit h tresauteseffie, as beleatts the AM* .of wink . swim,: ,sypiees; of their fathers' tape, `h. f liesdonk,lenekfnh• deadly ,etniggpe (If Arkdoli . •.thstr own 'tvogtars and sons were wis.:4l i ng kr the pr e h e yrmton of that glorious herise:te—tha Union, mud ,eillts to liberty and They . knew dirt that on that itry day the 41 6 4 of th e iNsoantry, ? and of their sho—the god of J a mi e & and of Inerhy—hat voitheafed to th e c@mico ornalai i west !delimanee, Their broken: re yways nail -telegraph iluei delayed the happ7:o4lngd that en that lame biw You n rs o h x4 oLJol o. y er th i e l . ie g \ e/ obs it ia t trotail had retha efaba utr ld n ou the s Si gto strem wo u t ta;ti t i . their 74 1)5 2 ti fibrehad ° k " Whatever 111113110.1111 tO `l3O done or 1:"ff i l l a —whatever hanks to be !might or fortre.N" to besiege—the artistes and tYwapeople of th: . Upton may at-least riJoloe, *at unutterable gLednue and theaksgtvlag, that the boastful progress of the enemy has bees turned back and the very Abbot of his defences brokos dem" Colonization. In noticing a long article which remently appoint In the Baltimore disiriasi, advooat-. tog the forsionmebnisitiow cf the nsgross of this counts, - no N. Tribuiesaysz—We should- Illie4lgU milt to see a /ibitaklealtim. Hof our National area--say Morita a thin of Texsa—ret aparuforillsok,sodemenst, and oar Colored People Indeed to ndgrato thither sod then develop and test their .industrial and politittaluipaeity. We like also Wilds* of Colonnitlon fn ...film by Sint Chrittians from this country, who go out to wary the blessings d civilisation and true volition to the benighted lands of their aneestory. So far, we heartily Indian the idea of Colonisa tion. • But that the whole peat and pranntLabor ins Class of tin or twelve Stats dour Union —Pour Millions in number—shoed ever be exiled from the land of their birth, moms to us • wild and vicious dream. in the tint plan, we need. Labor, and shoal& for the nut m um invite rather than repel it. Neat, the wooers of the Southern soil oattneirer And nor mould another Laboring ales Who will halt them so wed saw , HMI them so alhatlvidy -as that to which they are atenntonsed: The Poor Whites of the South will not yak as blew lingo • they must be vsdualp elevated and *dueled into small freeholders sad farmers. Theo:dna, dee and sugar of the South mast continue to b grown, as heretofore, on large plantation, sins, thsir nonomical produellos and preparation require a *anointment; si andipiin7 asd intewmanta booed th• won, of smell farmers.'.The blacks are lienstonnull to 'natation labor; they will dolv better and cheaper, when freed _oat fairly bind, then . , any other class will or can do It; and they*. anion Ms and labor of the plantation, with itikrooiai opportunities and. Usep gayeties, suit them better than ths isolaWn, and soli tary toil of the petty Walt. :Buda slavery from the truth tomorrow, and Mos ;ost mass of the plantation negates would unbar vrish to leave their present bolus nor Would their masters consent to lea. them. . Albthe shuts ended is the substitution of Mellon for els very, leaving all Waldo to go In much as hitherto. no position of the • blacks would still be totally distinot.from -that Of tlut Poor Whits( ' who never woman wUI be plantation laborm. As to Amalgamation. it would no more take plass than it now does la this city, where there Is less. of it among one million psoPle than in a slay, county or parish with twisty thousand inhabitants. - - keitacky Memos. 4thln • Ol a th u o (ka4 trat m! oii " tla s: mh p . in Kiatall7yhoOla- . . . Through lb. balbiot-boz tha - Ifuton maw of Santasky haat si*koa, sad by the decisive majority of swats. to 'nasty-lar" thousand, the estimate .t Frankfort bat night, they hi*: gloated their . tiokat. This it i grat inerault;draditabl• Weis iniu4Kentady, who dyad by. the Gowtramikt, d ohssrlsg 'td i.O.01.11 4 ,0 1 .0(114 ttati9a. tii W the. Wateratibbli . bfwasse arnesitt nigh was' apptakowladt sad lams* the minas of the so.oaLiat Dosiwastio Oast valid tine lodto . 'titan *at; farliardidlitaid Would kiwi ,tiiiaalani, and thti State danamm4c bj. fin , . . -Hy the pitriatio within of the 1461 *Ole 4h. Owe liovenunent WO, he eclattolled by own a)/ont whose 1 4 41 1 4:lbefejano question; men who nit textiby . .lit enrage; in their d.. taatnstlea is wash thie winked andeaunlees rebellion, sad front -wheats uneettsin mend la to be apprehended. The majority ter Goy. erne: 1/1,111/111. s niacin/lob %Yin aelotity of loyal-wen are eleoteete th e L eg ia imare . and that in suivinmeatant thelitste Got= anoint the Bowe-Wan and not•rilollar par ty, otherwise ailed Vallabdietein D, s % othikrenstOrt CopPinhiids b ari In • 11111101 , Lty Ala will render them: Walesa. They may Moo *ad mil, St kill awe, ea they have done heretofore, bge44,. !Ms they us rnnrr Darin Or draft 41:1' I:nut:math ward & nem Insident gave rise to math merriment, and seattibuted hs the shod feeling-ermy wheramentfeated &boat nheeensoription. I; the crowd stood a patenamktrisiunan, wtth his hands errand lad. arm belditd his beck. Its pu d knasitly u ma. um was driwa from the wheel of destlay... He had net been hear d u , E rin avoid to anyloody; Presently he appeared to be operated spelt by Nome en. mit battety. .Danag. , La , spun he *mg „4 &la sharp tone : •*.'Whert it toned I 'whirl It I.o o4o.—roluos It will yet" - ,,sholtted Oa , staa. ne IMO evident ly's!' atoms suspense. _ "What's themes,: Willa:7" shouted the PIMA I.ob, Johan, 'SIM It: Mad it doses thnekler that staa?nit.:drawid'Aut le my neat .der siditlb o r: Astute tHwnaliankiiiiikisizae In. --Piitais t it Noel Asserie . _ . . EMMEN , FAO* "WKSEIIIiNGT9W.: 7 ..i. the " Wiwi& Gaga , , .., , -WAseteeecte . Aug.*, 863 o•l3andsi the entire army - wee 11 °' . . . tioll. - PBlO2 to, et : time Bled been - win traria shove W stonindWarrenwa'' aii %low Most of oorpi oonuneeted sing on Betardey wards Culpepper. It nee. suPpossai that eapthlag beyond aklzialsiting con malt fro this movereentiruitil i rshed to tat Idephien Along the poi} th aide -allikiv- Ple rem Itstelo 4 , his line'}if ,defense. ..The. ts'O'rig Welt - lirkint; that military initeeeenits' al hf pteseeatedltiith moo ".' ' • ,' " i l - air-ertiatize: -- ' alavi-iirolititgAn the - DLtriol teihtinaa to . 14 proem:ot brialriji, and , weal, decisions of the tlapreiteCtolie of. the Illstifet Ni. to. Wive , given...lt , nee ilaPeillik To 4 eff. the , pspers give 4 eittolint ot the arrest of • ma attosipting:to emeggleeff 4 filo' negro anaong i twirq et tisitieee who bed'.been arrested uoder • w&rsat"froiti,thelialted Stetes,Cont agraioner. - Aids; 'or - two logo a' atm* woman `will Awrd' - todid?oiffool ;and ooDosaled is. iooni on -"the ofintio,,"iiader' , .the • watch .of dertabi-pastleri who propoaed to ran her of to Virginia. They had a warrant tor the inset of • fogidr• tram ,the 11... Si: Corionissiener. but, the negro woman whom they hedsineon -seedvidt Proved not re :be the 011111 named in the warrentynt 111., ,- , Osseo Wither to those ere Ishii anade,pithiloberp deg or we, while. it is altogether protsible thit by fer the grlyster :man* escape iandet•odad. ~."' h a nineliirsuid'the Costfeelentacie. Greasy aritei train Viola ,tiege•Buth tort:Chriesalth. • - There is some reason to balk'swhat theme • bean told by a Tiny itideasta, formerly is the empheof ifettentleir, - thit enema ?grey Jbeien Instristia,. u;acert.ia he Ataa Mash .Idieselfla tits.City,olllextee, to re cognise the; Gevematestatlelfersen DaHer and.to form some Mad of anima" with it. A paragraph to this ant dtttad I aweigh the telegraphie dispstoites ou tbs. Crenticent, but rlud. not pay muck intension Ito it; bat I has Km* meta lows to bidet *bat there is eometrath In It. • ~• --If Napoleon .gets . soriossly boiled urr American affairs, the more Eastern despotisms will begin their oneresehments again. These Beiglared will mast, heist pledged to prime& •tbe destreetiou elf the goeraummatal behave. will Warfare with u over there, only .bys* defeadieg herself. sad Brans over Liters, tut Yazoo easy laud its power to the Confederacy.: But. what. Italyi sad Poland -will do, under than: rircemsMsees, Samba and Garibaldi has not yet auhormeed. Go far as hums Indignant ass go, it would signal a world-wide.reyclatiou. .L. Berzon' Blow, it-Bevan& Ia prso- The groat oonffsb,.; aonseameneei tially,a gain for of no no less than:41,6 . 014000 worth of am.— - and other goods; belong:4lo blockade ran _ nen of British rale, having been destroyed. This will add :materially to; the' bankrupe7 whloh ha* air*, befallen so many English aterchints,sogagad the.sontritand trade. "Taken in iSOZIIISOUOII with the cronatant cap tors' wade by oar *shading Squadrons of large and:. valuable cargoes sad versals, this blow will fall heavily on the rebel sympathis • Bitgand. A CUllfryzrsid into rebeldout ii ii ai.;oottld have done no more''' to help our sun this great fire is likely to "moat plieh. The are the Mass Which tell abroad in the p ii i s " * Nr• rebel supplisi came from, and it• is far bet. ~to bankrupt _1 the British blockade runners an: OP•Oolotoro th a n to wool* ti me i n e m ot ion n ag s . , The fieillsh are the wag people engaged in 450 oontliband trade. 13errierum: =DIU l'He iioillW44 l l Lam — t La mama of roast Jeremiad:4n. it should be knout that pendia slureinireileded 66411 entered upon heeds under the Hodelteadlari,• ander the stipalatlee ot rive raze ao,!pal sod continual rattleinent, can; at anitime before dare:Oration of that:pa:Jodi chain a patent deed as 6 eardlicate tide, by pavieg the pries of the lands% the minimum pries per sore, and. making proof of settlement and; cultivation /is provided by existing 'loos glinting pre emption. • - I Returns At received at the emend Laid 011ee r trom Bt. Peters, Minnesota, and the stW raore distant mine of rifausonver, Waskisgton Territory, shrow that &dual set, dements are sou is progress under theHroms stead law. • Gass: Is- s working MS. Twirl ago ha inscriod In Bt. Lisle, recignod hir - dtistion in the snag, tuned Winer mid drove hie tests Into 8t :• Louis with wo od. ja hi; recent 'carob. in Moy, - woo Ares &pion toot, with hie rations -and' biggest ilesding hie won, not Nang willing to. dolly until Ids horns *Meld ems up. - - Yr Is itated theta hair; forte hils.gona from tie Yorktown 'Peplumla to asilst Gen. In tied*** of Oharbuton. • ' PLAlL.slainsir. pIANOS, FOVRTEEN NEW PIANOS 9, Jest twitted Itteh the ieetatot'' MOMIIIiNG a soriNiaatca.. I HALtXI'. Wig t 00.; Zarin, Ourpx*iistirr,li•vi, torti W. P. 1111111210N,Hostas. J. W. 170814 Ponce. Prices from $250 to Opp,' OUABa Mli/161i, " Jly3l2mair *OODi Brum. grigAWArd —'- ntilmiduri• suer auk* PJl .11171141444 . tia Waimea Tam Liabsll::„ ' to, , * l : l er W , A Dow dar t ° the' " 41- J ntir "" .111" or Bob Aran ly v ests mte Ihr ths Btortiaws, ode abut Bias a uo..ei Actium . PI•1104 • IN OUUSTSP.—Tba follawbg Phase lan been lE NSSIY.d tbb weft Om beautiful *Am plata mei Plailit : Ulth undue aint,"atiestmosi Undo .tesble, as mai as Mom. , Twr Na eight yetis, Tar gala by Js3o , ~ORARGUrrriI 8. UKII, 4331111th st LiairrNom PLY it ILLIMiI la dies mtmty, without dm:omi to imatbbs aka For was iy OWN JOIMSTWII. corms. sadasait poi Mmurtk Buzurre PIIMPAILLTIOSS stM raw Mit M a sai astlalso mu loati l j tur ilolllB4VllN EXIIIII. "21 i -14/14 • 1,11., RAILS ' 'Pan pletkrolio .ottootkot to tits latoloolotvet OnAosio .DlBlkaas qa 3.lltoad A•gt ow. drag 06.?&IMIT,SQVINT-11TENtir AMU'. uIAL tom* =1! ad tow. U. 11111141111112011-1171113; olio BUD' 111•11/110. sod on dhows slisslag the ireli LWtaitb at worost.. arrays ermilliT..' 't ND icarep 'ta bu* elparsallk 'OPP. aa rp Sul pot sour furlaottKeast*.t.:Path ostumtid th Gies: king* tri tho MANI , ft:s; feto, tuft Groan Starill la : Jvn • Rind *wee. A f.ruin IUU berse eei thisibutstrg _ _ • ,W 1 ; VW blr a 0Aw11711141% HAS— ~ e sour, i n skm, suitor sal• Dv LIMA EV moirltlf E:ESi!A i..,2 1. ' ) . ' OILS, /cc. RP. 41140 DS, 'renuassimi moakirr, • - A • A r Ikaterb OIUD AAM Un IIDBOAT,. With 82AV" ourostoshr MUM BLOOLfrating Alabgr i rr Wbert.Plemarab, Ps fiF M4P 1 9440**c 1 4 4441 . D4 c 1 : ' • • ~.44,00019a. • 21]...4 213' South water at.. • cauaiGo. Nuts'. • . -•-• • , , sys so 'Mimi t C6cartallip. txa 0111011•Wooto. • Joa - s EMITS,. J. PuntaCe• ' Jae CtaoArAiro, Spoiagrattoat tritalott . . VALLACA t (MB 'oosunsaroat 'airman; •, doslozottio. ORUDZ BEFIEW P/MLOLVOI4 . . . - • Ho. as tiisni - acids') Oulu; -81/13torolg000posit7 tondooporre,)tOr Aka eicotlatio iloollittal 'tot shipplair tio; Alsoodomi old Amato . ports, at oar Mini IND thi6balq l lo ll Il?!• 0/101171110 , MIKE 00, BREWAIR, Bt COMMISSION SERCIZAWIL GLOBI, pawn° AID L 1111110.11: WOW: . tia-unintaih . e4:nutai mien. amitgumats Relined or Crude Perkoleims: ooa Dtronsmi Wu pm Limoviz pritugmalri es. palmy - • nut a orathi, - 0 OXXISSION 'mac, rag+)Aamaki aiD • friontr' ' - ' 1114 " FrN • • - :.:. ••, ea, • - •ist isRoAD maim! 1111-1141110 IffBANT.. erAssay Ise the POWILAUDinOtan Chi Wouar ÜBW TOSE. PAAMIBII OANDLI °mar. al: 71. A. OW4WILIB. Apo% - 156 Hand atm& LEON CITY OIL WORILK -"P 080RP.1121111.11G, - 114aufactaiir-- -Tiviucasure OLSSON' 014 BIOOLINZ AIIID .Aad OD UD JI rsrsozzum. cffirWarka, onoffiWSecapg , Wffi., Office ha PLIIIti BLOCK, Degarcie Way, . , . avffi:Oac - . _ffirnesawaffi Wa. W 412 1. "Taw 4 . 00 , tmomernsplo* : . • inUi ".l l U 0.-.31!A0/Wia!"3,C!ll4';i!.; zia *opt f.fith, saw roles -100-44 4 49 . 61 # 1 * Li: 11 /rWEI Pima, at agetriiiidandlok6l,ll:6 Boos Cilia ittei a : g =tri gabanamma Nor br ot - '!hi,BOt Old= whoa *boy oaa Imo OWL aanad and mamatoilaalas Ilia Qty. Mono, as oboe, awe Pr°°ll4. *lt ndgi Nog , **We all* in Maar :K 1 4 ,1 qa.: 0 Oa Oa .1101allias Nana 'macaw, above Taairrimath labia* UI aqui Um boats atria to the - asl4 a h lim r i aa oe la i Zat, Let at Walk All oaten iistamtspi , Illrollka bad. is 011istair Z. B. 'etan% .7 i ) 1310 tronAlumoN44l4aT 01 V' ' 00 111011414 aid linrigen to eki CRUDE a , imam , l*.Boum, a aim imairnitaconai' =M:= Wags. J. 4 Dzioionst 10oi Itnamiaa Ruination; tummies am, Preet Cloalimilmi Beak. •• • 0131110, 41311. W Wit 0 - re . •ac ; ChM num C a11312 4 6) !1 iterellant - . . . . AND DALLTABB DI .0174 . . suruaannAtoge,upaainis.cauDs pirrsoLscni olio. oaapiaatly se bead sad kr We ad .11•Llowasamstked pder. ammussm mokozwomoducena. , , . sear 610, 201111111% OODIFILLIC OIL RElanalt. cloned.. IRMABMA ON aquanimionaannanisicuante . smp..em.kau 7 go head DINCIPIIM, ambrishd 'Most .odor •1114116cofi Ufflia ,l 9: ll llru. 9 .3laß4, l l ll inCaf t mak Moak roßd Ur, wlll be peraptlyillimbi pe, • LUCEONT OWWO/UK 1/1111041114,19,1114.2 e go o : ZUNI warms mornum CARBON auk cosh 1b.1111.1424ety,114 JAMES IRWIN, , OIL 0 7 17114 6 2 .‘ , • " Wu, st. WMia _Liam /l AMU ale lisebt sat itilitsbudes Idgriedis DIAMOND OIL wpiraa. NAYLOR& 1011714 , . Onion Ali) Dumas IX 0:42111111`0!4 lla ~ IblWf thipmetit. LA at tistr. Gam. 80. 51 itaiume aimarr, or at tlislevado uLetrusesstithstillts FWACIM4otvl6ie ://06 11111111 pEntornE, om irons, iiiatmanis can mans aims asoiciaira mcommomousonmemais,•;- _ awidelv two taemeniropt reis.-4 GRAI7, Pmeistork . AMP Offlosi Ataciplis4lidas QToKatliO it Sall IltifficAturr4fis IfNef mots* of onion ref *aim if Amodio tie Ifoi GaAs fooloommoi moo wliffi sal sad !k rdellhadal*ltemisehig Mandl un. • ; ROM I,llllWarti. VIAL DOPMeI. - WM sad II 010111.14. ttuFu Arrwc • law" 011011 .44, sail dr psis bp' -4 4.. 2. C 18.12111114 AraLOAF. ►j~At7& &BRO, • Ilsokal fstrolenm, ;en:tusks., us suiistrz st, ran,splbsau. lkollrosumorrantto our • •FtFe.P . M. 4I . I • Pororroarosori.4 l ximord** . K. 111; L Irma. 061 D ,sow. ...us VIALIi LT sr, PliZissusta. `0311111.110411,101:11111rPZIBOLIIIII '0 111, 6 ‘ ll tuition szthattety. - datum at moot 'iromotaalatdos, *Tomos Nov, win/14i ti ceLati. Va. Pal l° ulAkar soca Tar.l a taar Mulattos poll to OIL YOU K 2, tsratia—Olt . OSTIO SOON BODL APO, &a saLl • 0 404krt "htislat,LU# • GENZBAL MilsoliesDief IsNotaltB._ ukewni riory ',mo t Cruderand Resisted r!etroleum,i' QUM*. Bona. eons, Abu,' saiii,zo. ouai_as., ie. 1•11,Pi$114 , 1 1 7 attUdid tO. ALLEN & IiBILDLES, . • -tioxami4siol;L: :Merchants. rumour ittuttlor paid toorestgasents of C BO P Ed6 WINED PETRomani. ':449l,6astotsnado. ff3RY P.OE, • 7413 sou' lien 11Inus, • . 13/101111842D OCllll toN 111CROILA3E Crude 070.1Ri ed Petroleuns, .LtBIWLTIIfG OH. AIM 131C21Z 'LC,. A l 4 dean *, °nob-104 B,llaed rrr.ocitinc 11•11821.8. - 6.3 ly VISSINSCIRILNCE adPAN V ood and Fifth So elk!, Nik-oarner'w IinyiwarEINSTALBCI Fl. ' 3sax• D. UMW. . :ilitilllM4 .ii. . ~ Clet.. John L. tizoada - . .--- „Jahn Ye. ~1g1i..... L ' - ' awn. B. 4°1 " 16 * lt il• A. , -..." Daniel Watlac% L'Apas D. Di . ' ~,__ _ ___ I& IND rant, 7ni.pDlladzz. Prealma. ,•• ' . • , "0 wk.r.r. f!spirrssaiw LI:17 . ' • Noro.n. - P ZE;2I —w Seemws 40 : r. OARDNIS , sigh. -'1)• A. Tor tA "AN g,• Chestnut ltre,t. aft. Btatamont of /Limb, alumni, oposably to in not of Armtek - forsolt valuos t ai4 61j traperaty .onariipb Oollak t • atm*, (mint Talus 8 1 3 4 Ver IV ant.- Ifotootatii Bills H001tvat0...;;,...;„,... anti a1111"the iaa. which untimely caw' elide by law are Make wit bars been dittantamal. lamas= made ow every dlectipthei - el propert7. la.towiretl atawtiw, al sates atlowes era coaskunt Ighteit Weir laititiatatiaa, s ported at thin: you,, lag have palalawes brara to ask woo= exceedir.g tor Mai o: -Deasm thug., elkwahtig evidence at tbell4llll2 lestiratute, se wallas their abtli• aad to' meet - - with ..lareaetness .11 . . mime BlL'Amill i • •Disiissiiiid cfarbiii Dui' par Diat....::.......51*0u s i i 1 i Moils IL Boca* '... . lasso Ls" Dardscal D. Lark Jacob D. &mink Tobias Wagner. - Alward l isotr. • 7 Anti& Drown,: f. Al LOGO. W. 1 61,1148 . linlittajtMlideil 4 , 4% , .. • A -,. WAAL, O. DAM/4170s Prokiesi :i Wilval ' ' ' Ln. iAlu ix = . roirs Agea - ' M S ' iaia Northeast t Wcid a Thfra q r. V3T/iBbi •111elOKdNl7S CUMFA 'll , lllOl pirnatualan. - it; it. aciaoini_ 02* No. 99 Wear meek irns k co.'s *us Z l s , stsytrot-Pirs owl Moine Wk. ilossilsolasSok.suppass Dire/tern W* to e ill ail army. ..d mho an gear. ' .a/ ilbenstair. to salamis As .arritsir ais . aawairimo Uri • • Lim lOU doing t 'means; oetwurs re, least aft& Jumutg42,oC9 , A) 4160 Cl. xx(o ;aro JO Am.l 1:~' 27;606 14 Pratt= maw Sob,_sad MIL nimr li JI: 11Wor. Jr. . • J , Andisw eats', ;hair YeAnkh .. , . Jiltataritter Speer, 'lsthaaist Rola"; . ' Dsrl4 Ji. Lon& 1 Alai. itakly ' . 8.. J. Thoulaa, • mimed% , - 2.. _ - , 11104. P. thauerau s B. OEM, . -....- Job& B.lVOckne. 0, W. lyclustsoo. • • - 5130.. P. AL Oxiion. baron. paamxos. IISUBABOB• COUP'Y OP NORTH 110/3144. /annum" ex of the Btat• of Penn's., )Urt Company •4a Me slOnno old inurnilibleiCoa • 11. 44,f14.11P114,8ka . 307 . 1 - X4 Apr. Bi r aw s. paidtw. in.Watar anis . J~isle3lls~ tY:' f `- OLTlZElsrBilitillkuaiwitximyes Y OTPTIMIBM4III. • Odhosooraar llattst wad lidalaaatnata,ed Nix Sae: - , - , - WM. , 810/I.llTi Thaddiat , Ildinrily- 71.11 A. Barer ir.. : ' • Imam asambalaa sod Oargorr, iii /arigra mon = La iii_.l4 donee* la tb• entailer am woman Illasia, Lobs to 'lllroakaad tler asaliaiSoa of the arm. - 2 ' , lmam aphid lam sad amass Or 4a.1011M11111 • 'A iii.tachip, . .X. Zile. :' , '•ltrz:ltakari... '-- • Jolm .. ' ; .•W: ill; &imam. --- ! . Jaa.-11... • . • -44•111 . 40a5ar ~ 8.• • ` MINS 011qu . - 3,, • 1 r • ‘ Era T.*. - • John li. . . • ~, Ihmaigr Premm; . , . Mario R. ....goaimilamMai. • - 4404.4 A Llaitirkiiibil. LISISUAANIA tA)111. amt.4I2,ZUFLOW sTrzenuaa. Oen, Zip.ll7lllllb Disk alcdr.' • • hoar wassail kb& of Plisand Nadal Zeta: DAMS JOINS, Zitaiirs, • tens hi, hiccup. hue pr...k.a. wxol4 . hcoliccir- • apt. wit. /MAXI GOWN 440 .11:11101114,8 , . . bre As* •Cl. _ _ _ • °Rum vagssii. ma.« bre. on.. • , 61.- de • '• w;*, • hi VIII rollAhrego vu- 'mar* rn. inotri no lOr 111.41013, awarmaaaza„ 227 OIMS, ate. - .4131 metro Ca .• Gs. lad 10e01.1. !Will. iaq.. Prot. itillrat.agoeWrCit• Oda Lurks nY AINSVICIaiIarb . COY . (Map 436 and 431 ciabll4 l4 ISh. 't VAMPS 81 vs , 966 „,, spa ' 4 O • 0086 ti -11211,251 Ve PEILAD/MMia. 'obi D. Iteo Capt: Adam ars.ate R. Maim& : .,. - ,. - 7,...-..45At.1;i:: ,- ; ; ;:',;-..f;:. , #1 ; , , ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers