iPitts*rB ll ,Saztlig -L. THURSDAY HORMEL AUG. 6. To DAY Wan , appointed. by ib. Trost - : , . - -dent at'. a Day of National. Thaniiiiiiringi -r- :: ... - .. Prahosiaarl Pispor;!. a oarranian .pOrt !LILL, battik& ti, MU can ; nor will .or toentint .editidit be hiltard Friday, union some news of Elora than .iiitirast , and iiiii6ttanott dual roach us; of itch we ibAld be obliged i; harp 'oar read • /defied. - - &Until Thin giving,- Praise, area By Ike Pro/idsof* , flailed Bann of do s urrieo ' • -.' WI , alliAlloli. ' It has plowed - a ~ l it,,id% ' hiekaat_to, the ' aapsdkadana and • -, it. Wan UMW ftd . . .astssclotife to lb. • and Abe nary of the United . . gras s 's, coatt• Load .• • oaf - the fle e so dotal aiesia __. . _. ..._ voteettre at 4. f arm—Trioastulatritads for aug , - wonted couSdenee that the U - the States will : ' '::l4:iimuntatatik thatt.loClasUlnilon Prostered. and ' • 'J . 4 / 4 111 , 14 • 1 9 4 . 44. 9 1 ” 1 . t 7 nutbentlY Meertwit - leit - th6iiiii•Mee til " not wlthoit - , taerifios.ttf life, limb and fiber y, ino3rred.liy , braid ' ) , patriotic, . and loyal" oitizeita,,, /howl. afilkdion to 'essay pert ot thatonatr* lighrealzi 14 tndst of thou ..fear felheristiSl . ,:ftfi'utett and tight to rtorg nun and"cootheithe penman of tie Vatighty lather and the power of liiihand equal !Yin these triamtka . , llon,lharinin, ULU ain't 44'0 do set apart , z• . r .-. ractrayp fie *nth dot of .110diWie. lob* *bin red• so a day . of National iltaigcsgiring,prabse and praiii. - Anil lathe titijosiltit,Of the United Maus to a5....1 ....1 i ,- swabie on that 000adon in their owdirnagy plates , of • worship, and In the bra apprond by thitr . oiniecei.,- ctiiier . aeon iki - bsemattoku t4e plum *4 11 ,7 : ..., „ ty lot the vonderld Wogs ~ 4 ban done In the Na . tila'sbehalf, iod iaroke tai 'Unseen of HU Holy ' SPirli, 'to subdue the anger which ha produced, and ' solkwg enitstaal a natter aad .esnel nuance . ; to ' .. - - chow the, hearts tel the hisurgento i' to glide' Ibi „ win o& of thatfiiiretaaratiritinihi oin Istentiita to i to great a Nationalists/4.m.y; ariale rUiruntrten---- .41ir eatNitad inn:datio n thnniiiiet lb. tenth and . breadth o' oiarland i all than who, through the ekde * .; ' sande olitiariliKeigileci,batiteii•and deem hart. ems brought to coif, r in =lad, body or estate, and' finally to lead the whole nation through paths of rt. ' giaittinos'aitti . Sidorillioii te . ..thi Divine OW, back , to the .iserfeet;snloyaotot of amen and fraternal " pease. . In althea whereof I. tufo boneasto pet my band :Ad canoed tb. “a 1 of tho', LT.*, • • Doaiat 0;0 04 of WeglilWCla pit. 'sus day of ' JnViln tlio 'rid' , of our fork one thnumad AOC Antodn# end siofy-puoo, and of tbtladaloodsoca of lb* Ilsddad States of 411OO' Ny,gatAfaidot., „ 411}4,11181 moorar.--- • ~ state, Tiro iffaitiu . 43oll/91114010 I , outis shwas. _ Ourreadtua--wELsekbp,..rsference to - the -proekedinp ,irlitiliOtTilifmterr 10 fully .luasent in Other columns, that the 'Union Convention have plaoed homination for Governor, lion. A. 13-. Coaiin and tor A TM4 - is Was B!spreass Caul, Hon. Vatusa &maw, of &aver county. The action of the Convcntion in nomi nating Governm" eta= wan taken in op position to qtefaattrestly expressed protest of a very reepeutable minority of that body, who are well Infodned as to the eligibility olosmiidates. Their efforts, and our own, actuttuf by ihe highest seals dot* ta ' the „unity, Ats they were . ,_ have proved un ovaillsz The -responsibility rests with tho Majority. - lib better man could have bout selected far the Judgeship than Judge knew. As 'a jai's; his reputation"' co-extensive with the State; his private &miter is pure aul elevated, and his devotion to - thillnicin • cause sincere. will, if elected, adorn the Bench where so many distinguished • men have sat. 1116W8 FIOH TIII 801P111. P em aortas Ps Arley to De iteorgastzed to T hirty,Deri... 9 , o oo.o9o worth of Property Destroyed by the Ala. 'base& and Florida. . We have received files enticlutOnd - pa; _ iers.rip io Baturday last, frosn which we . gather a number of paragraphs interest. The-, Dispaten hen the - following in refer.: anal iO , Tits urs Wurasx I. wow:" "The death , of William 14 Yancey, Cop federate Senator from Alabama, is an event thstoccalions much public regret. lie was among the most devoted of the owns or the - south to the cause of the Boutin as he was one'rif iteablest defenders. ibis oeueded generally to have been the mord Frilliant man in the Confederate Senate; as hi was the most Chute and eloqueai orator, in Die South. Though . wi_mustL.all driplore loss of leaders in our struggle, we may be , assured that the'eause itself will bring out more than enough to fill thidr planes, far ,:,the limes must be fruitfulof great run." - . zurupwarr's Amer ro ns iSozossizen ion sums. gea. PembertOn has issued lin order to the paroled way of Viskrhug, of which the following Le an extracts Piaildent has entrusted 4 my Caere* lion the granthsg of furloughs td this army. Dover die the country rapine the ifffvfoei of her . .defenders mote than as this time. It was the President's most eardou desire that this hie distbageLhadlualf by a gsJ .. lanurand enduraiwe of. hardahlo t alawst • 'without parotid in densauef the milt tit porteet point la the lloufeeersoi. should be Instils/end. ;vas hatmlfaie washing., meotand defeat tksenesay spewed squalid& • Many of you hare bean loss sbielt bronlyons home*, and I folly sympathise afth'idd Ise your natural desire to see thoseyou besi-losa,- 7..TiosPrelddlog hasjieldrible My applieation, and yon are pandued to visit your homes fer shelongest — rierfed the country en possibly dupe's* with year - sinker. Some of you will remain at home a longer and ; eons s less, time. I give nob and all of yen. who 'desire it, $ Lave ofabsearefor thirty_dsare from the care.af 'As . invitintetten L'of"tine order.- I °calamity hope -that not one au of the. army of - Vicksburg will be found absent from his post at the aspiration of this period." After the , up/ration of the, thirty - anis, - ' says the`Diipah ? tha eauurrandiis to be re assembled at Demopolis, Ala, where it will be armed and equipped Lk meetl.the --- . • 211117114R1DA LTD CM COMINWHIEII. Tlue Fsyelleville (N. C.) ObServer. pub lishes MI extract of a letter from Captain J. N. ?WM, of the steamer Florida, to hie *hidden in Payetteville.L.li is 'dated Fer. May. 12 th , 1868.- --The following extracts of general interest : "I am very we ll , arid very, very busy. I feel to tell y u_ that: the Florida has been: doing a fieree business: Up to May 11 she hoe destroy s9 7ot 0001 of Imhof conucene, irul dud thirteen Federal men. ..' of-war sent to destroy berand thiidlabazaa. 'The Florida and A l / 1 11411111 deittopd.ten_ of the enemy's largest mut* April 22 411 withhe sixty miles of each- othei, but up to May-13 have not met. I menet write what 112 7 'Valli szo-nthii 'dilly ' in:very - terrible upon one's. mental and physical ability; but I am doing allin_my. power for the ben. .61 of the : Confederacy. .. ~,_ 1 , _ . , .c.ter do ro 9UALLZIING'' '' . ' • Col:John 8. Trenton has published an • order from Gen. Besuregesd, proldbliing waists children and nen•combalaiits from entering 'tits Oily of . Charleston.: A guard will be - stationed . at. Branobvilk Imose . duty' 11 will be to prevent all 'such from coming nearer to .:, he 11144 unless they • have passport hesitate llSitesnlcommawd " ,1 48- -- - - -•_•_.:_ -- -1_ , i , - TintteterdosrTAltirlran,l47loo44ll4 rivias at bee. GratNi boadqui, ' fofuseetblit ettgoilti sot be Mat S" by • lasi tiork#4 yeMts, 'trying to army /sow , ,a ß este,, , eemarisestiyilest len . 3 ,ty i n k 44( of •T• • ' 'thiktotaibi to -,, ,--- --4, - ,- --....:7 -, risk - -, -,-... , , - ,,, , -.p: - .-1-. A . ,•...., 7....,. ,*- • ^ • -- - 1:!.:1,..,---%`':,--.-::_.71.., Ottl--_-:,,,,,..-liatb.4,-..4,:,,,,,,.:.c:,41.,... ~: , ,-4 . ,i . , . ., .. ,1 7" ,.,,,,, ;, ,, ,‘,, ,,„ ~,,,,,:_,_ ~,..,.7,,,,,,.....,,,,,..4,..... ' , -' 4 4: ,. " ';',-*":".-j....‘1",-45-112,..t;:.1,.....71-.,c,"3..,,t ..1,..V.Z 1 4 , 4=g„, , ,,W§N,*fr , t..... , i:f ?,j-.4:..51U,;41....'-,i.11-`4ti,?'k..y.,e-77.Mt1ei,t..,;.,-..,„_,,. ~,. ',:':!,"-?..,....1%.? :t.-1„..4 , -, , , „ - -- -T . , „ ,ii.. , .. , ", 4.3.. 9 r ." , .' ' -zr'''...t,,.......i.Fr.,%,kbi 0 4 ''''' 'VA...7,4{0ar‘....141:40....tiE,W,....1„44 , 4:41,....•: , ..J.., , tt , 45... , ...{, ,,, ..,. ,- ....y. . -- a,:47,0'4-i4c4rt'- '''.. _ 1 IJmon State Convention. tio.tothe Union State Conlon ? tion to nominate candidates for Governor aiiihndipt of the Supreme Court, SUM_ bled on Wednesday morning, at eleven o'clock, in Concert Hall. The hall had beenloonvemiently orrang , _ . ed kaitelgly decorated for the occasion, A - partititm had been , placed across the centre—the front portion being reserred 7e* - Git" delegatesi_and members of the press, while the remainder of the hall, to gether With the gallery, was thrown open ' to Gil public. The rice and stage were hindsomely surnionnted pith fliis,.eier green' wreathe, towers, etc. There were ampleetiinodtititizielfer aces..., ..00nahloiveo'initittikietoc t Gong con duce to their comfort and cictifenleiree. -- The Cotivation Was called tocrder at eleven o'clock by Gen. C. P. Markle, of trillini'oWtiiiid"oatini.3l-citidiakan of the State Central Corantittee. • •, . On motion, If on. , Edward hfoPherson, of Adaniti Oonnty, waa appointed .one of the liteeretariee. . Wm. B. Main, of PitiliAleipbls, moved, teat Abe tkiwpoiritTn - Committee of ~threlkto open the doors, (*Alt (befriends of , tlietontention be "a)mitted to t h e bell.. Agreed to. .i*:.The,Chaly.appointi4 Messrs. Mann, of Philadelphia, Fuller, of Fayette, and Gra ham, of Allegheny. The doors were opened, when the -body : -of the hall and the gallery were soon tilled , with spectators. • A motion was made.that the Secretaries prypire . a. ,list of Ike delegates from their respective counties, and hare the same printed. Agreed to. Secretary MoPfierion then Galled, over the names of the delegates, whkth were as 1111A201,1AL Dli3al2llll • Ist Durrixor--John SI. Butler, C. A. Wal, born, Wm. B. Mans, 0. T. Jones. 24 Durratar—Wayne McVeigh. 3 d -" 'Charles Nagle. 4th " D. Corey. ath Hose. H. D. Maxwell. 6th "- George J. Eakin. 7th " Henry Hnha. ' . (oznitut.) 9th " (eonteet.) 10th " Joseph H. &wanton. 11th " Stephan F. Wibon. 12th ". Stephen Gould. lyryi f. Robert B. Clara. 14th " E Steart. 15th " T. T. Worth. ' 16th " • O. M. Kline, 2 Myers. • 17th " Stephen Kiefer. 18th " D. S. H Donald. 19th " Henry S. Wharton. 10th " Hos. John 'Patton. Sln " A. W. Taylor. 124 " Smith Paver. c -234 " Ears 18. Bayne. 14th " - Thomas H Marshall, Robert • - B. Cartialtin'. 25,b Drermar—D. 1. Intbrie. 26th " - Vita Waugh, H. Wands (oaa noel). 271h - Drarmor —O. D. Ashley. :th " J. N. lietheringtoa. 1112 . 111ZIMILITTZ 7161111 AM. Admes-Hon. E. McPhee . ..am •Ggleasy-AM=. lillacia, Jas. L. unhurt, K. P. Nano, W. B. Beaky, H. J. Gilmore. Arsetroagt-D. Benny (contorted} limpor.-41 Weyeas. Berlferi-A. Xing. terke-Heury Hiatmen, W. H. Wickland, Z. Z. Grahame. 111eir-Hon S. R. I& lr: Brafent-111. 0. Manor, George Landon. G. P. Mama (coatetted). , Stacey I/nem AlcOoy. 11 Gnat. , -,Ce C rbon-J. W, /babody •(aketeeted). "cunt-D. Blanchard. bridgeClewer,..L. I. Roberts, O. Blogwalt, J. A. Straw . - Glarkm-George Keen. . - Helghbold - tierryleld-Sen . Hartshorn, (couteited,) A. P. A. Monroe, P. 11. Genatemmer. Grewford-ria A. elbatey. Onebtrieted-Hon. Lemuel Todd. Nap/en-J. Darllagtoa. J. Shoemaker, Joe. H. Maley. Dektrame-IL Zrie-Joba P. Ilacent, James 8111. . CHalset-Wet. li. Hamilton. JDaelll4.-alsx. Z. McClure. 7.llellan. .• Grade:-.1/tram Smith. Diestlaiden-Hart.; Geo. - Taylor. 'Alesander. Justate-4obre I. Patterson. - Lemaseer--Gwa. D. ILehathy, 0. J. Dickey, 0. „M. Alba. B. 111. Grekter. -M. Sunman. f.loara-anthm77 S. Z. • Letlyk-A. W. Iwitemiot, C. M. Igessaieg--Homrr . Johnson. leo, 8. P. Dawned, D. G. Drift bash sijile-,M. Bawls. Boarod--Wm. Darla. MoMpeury- . W.W . L. Wllllemesom John .H. Edna, hunt. Dimly& Shoemaker. 111 _ortipropt..-W. H Thompeoreaoks Honer. Dwaseramrkeed-J. Tousimain. ferr7-4eme Xrenady. • Fotter-T Olmstead. /FA SedelpAie -J. W, Blaykeki Heap Schallar, Jabs - IL • Oa- ff." P.' Galtegiesse, Jam" Bowe, Jr.. Dada sett ' tar, Jame Garatom Janes V. Makes, J. L. li&etester, H. W. Gray, IL H. Dickinson, J. Xcliiialut, George TM Hann, Jr Litz. Gem. mbrp„ a. 0 Hamar, OaL Banco Jenks, W. J. P. Csaipboll.se*Alsill.--P. D. Luther; J. D. Yocum; Jas. H. &Oar a -,Jolinakr. . . - _. _. . . &med -II - a4o.kanea.-.41. T. RoomL ~.. 2 fops..-6. L. Pone. . W Vows" Go-L. L. Mathes. J. 11. liabliuien, L Malmo 0-.-Geoto T. Deena. Wm. Mc Kan .• - , Warree:—Tbaa. Iltruthees. Wers•—ll. L. Temp Wauheareirg—Theg 7, Gallagher. I. H. McAfee. Yeh—Wm. )for, 0. A. IClWordier. Hon. James H. Campbell, of llobnyllelll, Moved the.homimition#4l9n. H. D. Un well, of DTorthimptoD , u tempotary Choi& man of the Convention. Thomas K Marshall,,Esq.,ei Allegheny, moved to amend by - snbelltating the isins of Hon. George V. Lawrence., of Wash ington. Theyesif and nays were called, and re stilted as fellows: Maxwell7s; for Lawrence 45. Mr. iazßfu 'us • this ' :Maned :tomporry 431:aittesa- aid after tois,is oos4notod to tho Wad: he addregoit tho eon i ratkot of ' DWG-0140M atArwat; do anmestke a. I thank you —moat heart* &kink Jon'—fir thildols honor yoii have eenferrid upon me t . &IWO* my dutlee.eal be bilef„ becalm dory sipper tale only to the organisation of this Conroe ties, to * somarke be very brief, for I hue eV, the desire to p to, the Pork of the Conrention. I desire to say a tow words to you, mind then montane* nominees doyenne sini as I and not speak of no Importune of.the gnat contest entail Is to ease off is Onsobe& / nonnet inn to jot of the great straggtle In width the United, anew of Amide& Is' *s taged, and, f whin the Onto of Pasant's eta lormiso Important a part. Bet I de' ley, th net, fee li ng Ili / do, and knowing, as you do, e Inaperlanes of that atrattle," sad time Im ot this aeons. r bet stibled That this convention Wilt 'lowness - ppm in deem, and.will nations In the pOTIOIBitaOII of those diner with as eye sieve to the good lif-the onstry, and to the good *Utile glorious old Commonwealth 'of 'Peansylvania. [ap• plasm , lig kinmi t,pntleman of the Coseestlea, nadir a broad - bat a , nest noollest me. These an Oct thins for inn lefty hens. Tine aro . sof Ulna far kW. Pane _Paint. Bit in this great etriato gong on—n which these solierabb rebels.arasselling t destrn th• ht best tneristant :that ever it la rig and prow that,&* there are and mho tonennesn theme Mos be loti two pantos '- - .4111 (note Van Intone ataleit Is tight that ._4le Mends of : , .,the 'thin' shall inn ibinvention mind Nish their endidato endesson eat as we have mat. And I led datitlid:that the soleetion Intik this 'an xieties will ask., sal be on nal will re- Mead Si 'the' kens of the Oastnionnaltit aisinteen Matsu. [Apynne] ; .Pent*truds, Peek Dineen bas tess:ttr_btr'ldstorsAilt2,4r liggfrop. an W tri ...eltOit, and I MD manna 1W she . nal k, •.40t,> - ; 4 " 4 sioVit , - - - equally trim in the votes whisk she will aloe next Catel•r to instal* th. .ountr7—kustain tbiAjCommonwesith, and to eastain those sons thekare now battling for ell that is deer CO) 4 - s"-• n, gentlemen. feeling eatisfieutoat snob will be the result, I desire now to take up the performsooe of the abort ditties devolvteg npop me. I oat, ask—l only desire—and I know it is not netessaiy to note the expteli lea, that in the action of this Convention,- . from Its very dotemettoement twits very clove, ..esdoezted koreamy" be oar watchword; that no word be 'oaken—that no spceoh be made that will hereafter give astute for regret. ! But when we'separate, that we separate a united band, and return to our homes, there to work zealously and intelligently for the success of the gentlemen whom we shall , place In noni station for the high allioes of Governor of the Commonwealth and Judge of the Sophism Coon [Applause With tease remarxe, I proosmiSo diaohsule the brief duties devolving _upon our, and then give way to- the , permanent argankstion of .this Convention. [Applause ] Odmotion, Messrs. Wm. H. Strickland, lit Marks, and W. J. P. White, of Philadel -114 Were appointed additional temporary ecretaries. - Hon. Mani,' of - Philadelphia, moved,the appointment of a Committee of Hine, to examine. and.report upon contest 'dews. Agreed to. The Chair announced the following named gentlemen as said Committee ; Wm. B. Mann, - of Philadelphia; James L Graham, Allegheny; R. F. Clarke, Colum bia; W. H. Thompson, Northanipton; Gee. D. Ifehairsy, Lincaster;Joeeplißly, Bucks J.• A. Birsirkidri, Chester; D, A. Finney, Crawford,- and. James Alexander, of In diana. - Mr. Fuller ' of Fayette, 'moved the ap pointment of a Committee of thirty, three, Pone from each Senatorial -Distrioi) on ermanent Organization. Agreed to. . The following gentlemen were appointed by the Chair as said Committee: 1. John I,Sholenaker, John R. Orr, J. V Stokes , 0. T. Jon 2. Edward Darlington. & John H. BringbuntA Dr. - Caney. Z. O. M. Reek a. Hen. Ty Hartman: 7. J. IL Totem. Reed, 9. Wes l i atan l l sL we. H 10. Stair= 11.101611i0ILDg: ' man. le. E. 0. gunner.. 16. JOhn J. Shoemaker. IA a. MAMA, E. Myna. 17. 0. A. Cliaefalter. 18. W. W./Se/lam. 19. Aka. Sing. 20. John Pat ton. 21. A. W. Tol 22.er. John M. Faller. 23. Ezra if . savers H. B. B. Carnahan and R. P. Mode. IS. IL Weiland. Pt J. H. Robinson. 27. 0. D.Aahletgb. 25. xttan.. , - Mr. IlleVidgit, of Cheater - *panty, mond that a committee be appointed to draft resolu tions expressive of the sense. of the Conven tion, and that the Committee report to the Convention, after its permaaant organisation, for its coadderation. Agreed to. On motion, it wan agreed that the Commit tee cordial of nine members, to be appointed by the Chair. The Committee wasanatemeed as follows: Wayne McVeigh, of Chester; Thee. M. Mar- she% of -Allegheey; Alec. Cumming*, of Philadelphia; - Henry Hahn e et fishuylkill; J. P. Vlsoent,of Erie; Alex. Liberator, of Carbon; Lemuel Todd, of Camberlead; Gee. Taylor, of Huntingdon ; 0. J. Diets', of Leattale. On 1110t100, the Convention tonic a 1110118 until kV o'clock. Armin:lox 11313101. The Canonici was called to order ai half peat thin Welook, by the temporal", okainnas, who announced that the drat business in or der would be the report of the Committee on Ponaasent Organisation. A &deists suggested skit the report of the Committee Oa Contested Beata would be is order. The Chairmen of thee* Committees not be lag present, the matter was passel our. Col. McClure, of ffreakiin, offered the fol lowing resolution : Beroterd, TWA resolutions submitted to thus Convention relative to trandidatts. de" elaration of principles, to be adopmci,„ be re fsrrdtotheCommitteeof Betohalose without debate, and that nonionibtr of this Conven tion shall speak longer than li!teee minutes at on time, and more than nos on the same subject. Mr. Yuan, of Clarion moved to stake out nation" ant Wart te n." CoL McClure amened the amendment. Mr. Marshal. of Allegheny, asked the gen tleman from litrankils not to proms & resole thatot that 'tint at tkis time. Thom wore sonref gentleman pretest who unlit doubt less desire to speak on tka resolution as pre sented, and he amid bee so good Yuan why resolutions submitted akenki ;be referred without debate. He Gould insane is season, however, for so doing, as It 'cal bo a- eon miens way to mother the sentiments of ale minority. Be hoped the mom *mad with- - draw the resolution. Col. Kellam remarked that the roulades wee offered solely. to famlitate the business of the oenvention. It was anal to adopt some, soak resolution, but if a mrjerity of the Coa: natio& °Neon he would withdraw it. .11 the opposition, however, ease solely from Um patients from Allegheny, he wend mess it. liz-Lawnatta, of Washington, mated that Um ;mange of tits malaise *mad its to Inge a nomination without gjrfng the mi nority *I QM COSYSIALCM a Night- to say a word In rotommoolo alj tandLiato who might be presentod. [Applamol 00l liietliare said he did not with to be almopromatod. II elm totoiatkm whit* be bed paled was or understood, he wonitlmlth , I Yr. Ilanludi remarked that the palate of the resolution would simply oprrate am a gag upon tine minority. • [Applause.] Clue did not wish to give the minerity an opportunity to oamplain, and Ye therefore withdrew the resolution. Mr. Mara, Chairman of the Committee on Contested Boats, admitted their report te fol. lows : • This Committee unanimously report to favor of ft, Hartshorn, of Marl eoung. In the Eighth ¬arial District, Um Clommittes report to favor of 13. P. Walla; in tho Ninth Distil*, Is favor of G. F. Mason. Also, to favor of Goorp Laudon sad W. 13: Merour,' reprint:Midas &legatos ,from Bradford; B. Booker, of Lamaist, and D. Barash of Armstrong. A warm dismission ensued upon emotion give the contestants an opportnnity 'to be rmrd Jo their own behalf. „ Tho Obsirman of the Clocomittl• thought .thattlie report should be rata, and tilt Abe contsstants should not .be permitted to as sume, the .tltimpf the formation In discuss. is matlais bait 'patiently haves. tigatod and finally dem/Wood by it. CO2I - I Mr. lil'Pherson made a vigorous speech la favor of granting the aostestaats reaeonabio time to lay their me before the Convention, sad the mottos was (tarried. The report of the Coanalttee was *ea Wen op, Aso tholr 'odes in favor of Masers. liartshans, Weiler sad Mason waa &proved by the Cloarestion. Whew that pestles of the report Matta& to the Bradford dbtrist was reacted, Mr. Torah eontestaat, made a lengthy le Ms own mad wes followed by his eolhigitei 'Kr; Loidoo, bob of whoin olaintad to itle ss. 'Wady Aosta delegates. -Hr. Naas easteleed the septet ofthlifol• anus at oonsiderebleape* tee gentled betels asutrgielvineastder of the re pgrf k edefdtd- Mr. Cliairnatia lir the . I :lematletes on PitleSllolll Orgealsetles, !spotted thty lowing TJUILIDSIT. t 1311IIBL TODD, of Crumbetland: . vice rassrosaro. - Jobs H. Bothir i PhUodelphla. , • Joon Y. Stokoo, !. , War. B Mann, ' ~ Gawp DaHaveu I ~ Stacey Brown, Books. Oberlin Kotal•r i , At qatemay. ~ Pot., 8. kbalther; Soltankin. Baeiza DAM/lion!, Delswate. - 0: - P: - Wallsr. - Wsibil. ~ ... L. L. MeGolo; Ifiroor. I.' B. Nloookard, Coati& S e Jolopli H, Yolrloy, aupkto. - - D: M. bribtro, 800 throrge:Teiler, Rua ok." Jima ritizorder, 1 dtaks, • Joropb H. Straatoo b Leanne.. B. M. Odder, Laserhator. - Goorgo,W. Mohaffs a ros Loator. Robortl. Harks Clolosibio. 3- E. Groomer. Barka. ' Bataan Helfor, York. , • ' Juba J. Patttamacginlata. • -•- - a; S. bawd. Amos. .. „Jana siu, sth. inns ilidtionsis. ' • ' AL o . ol ekani , lfyoalsi.. - - Mex. Holliad, Alloshopy. • k. &girl, , Dr.',Ukikkok r. irearsia. OelAsibilwirWatiaresll4B, W aLl'hosolktOlattatifipqm. 8129881 . 1 -busraiois. l k4k,i •,,, - - 8; ILJUstr, 8i11i , ,. r.' , A ! a 1 . •• &Ward Menem°, Adamei • P. White, Pbtlidelphia, Wm H Striekler, B rke, ...3 .- "-Pdward Bonit , Someraer, William W. ugh, hierce.r, William L W illlamv biontgomery, Anthony B. Ely, Lebanon DOOl LAMM . . Zaire. Coogan, Philadelphia. Tini-Preaident of the Convention Via then conducted to the platform, and upon advano lag to the front wite reeelvad with applaud,. Lipod. , being hitrodnoed by the umporary ehairman, Mr. Todd epoke se follow, /DORM OP PRESIDIA! ?ADD. (4utleesese of this Cocaina*. :—I w. uld be wanting in common sensibility if I failed to express my gratitude for the honor which it hoe pleased yen to cuter upon sue. As- my acquaintances with the talcs which govern de. liberathe bodies is vary limited, I shell have of course and of necomity to throw myself upon your °estrum:end forbearance; and sim ply promise that I will endeavor honestly to -do my duty. The trust reposed la your baud, is a grave and transeendent one. It bus upon your cotseietose W sess that it is disoliarged grave ly and honestly. We are situated at this mo ment perilously. The life of the nation is struck at, and it Is the duty of every loyal man--even man who loves his country and its institutions, to stand by the constituted authorities in their efforts to crush this hell born rebellion. (Applause.) In the menu* of this great issue, we should walk united, forgetting self in our de sire to promote the great pubilo good: Now in at:prom:deg the dotter which have con vened you here, you have had but one desire, and that is to select candidates who are wor thy of cur ptinoipies—worthy Of our party. Laying aside personal grist and grievance,, Jet as do the boot we can for our came and country, and having done that, lot us go home and labor. for its mous. No mitter who my bo miected—mo matter who may be de sired, or who suoseed. I trust harctiony and peace may reign over our diiiberations. I knit the buslaess of the Convention will be done speedily, and in a taw hours, having disoharged all the duties which hose as here, we will be quietly On our way home, to meet again in Ootober next at the ballot box and let the world know thatnotiritltstanding ill the assaults midi upon the people of the State—ail the UMW made upon the authoritise—the great common heart heats true to the Stars and Stripes, papa e ] are,] and that we will triumph. [Ap- Mr. Campbell, of Schuylkill, now moved that the Convention proceed to nominate min didetes for Gerstner. Mr. MoKennan, of Washington, offered as a substitute the foil:went resolution : Waitaki, An antagonism at one* deplora hie and bitter has sprung up bottoms the hinds of the leading candidates, both of whom have rendered conspicuous them:thy ; and Witanua, Thitexisteno of this feeling will impale lite clielenoy,lof either u a candidate, mid endanger the stomas not only of the Gu berwatorial nominitkin, but of the Judith! and Legislative also: therefora Esiehent, As the muse of thisr Convention, that the best intareetiof the country and of the llnfouparg of thefitate, require the nom ination elan acceptable candidate, whose re moval from rum disturbing *anus would give greater promise of cordial, united, and suemsesfal support—a duty at all times im perative, but doubly so at the present crisis, which dements of every good citizen the ear tender of every losal or persona fooling, or pmpossession, when required by the public good. Ths resolution was received with cheers. A motion was made that the tionaideration of the original motion be postponed, that the substitute might be considered. Cal- McClure apposed the resolution, be ockimesliNkunoent that neither Certin nor odiirelsoald be nominated. Cries of 'byes," end applause. The yeaa and nays ware thentallea upon the question to postpone the motion to go into • emanation, la order to consider Mr. Mellen aon'e resolution. suThelted yeas and pays wore ordered and re - - 45 Bo the motion was decided The Chair unsound the question to be theinmination of eandidates for Governor. Mr. Campbell, of Cobuyiktil, thin nomi nated °our 01.118•111 worthy Chief Executive, Andrew G. Cann." The announcement was received with hisses and applause. The Chair admonhhed the spootaton that they were fount by saurian, sad would not be permitted to disturb or interrupt the pro seeding'. Mr. Manhall, at Allegheny, sailed the at tention of the Connell= to the fact that the real/nation of Governor Outin we. a matter of paella mord, and asked If eel member' meant m satkorised to withdraw thht de.' autis Mr. Campbell, of ilobsylkitl, replied that Andrew G. Cartin,llid int pannier himself at rayrdasmieocin n& t lf t t h h e e wasp l & e l e n a s r i e s d te d tht hiifConnor °neje e mu again plaited in nand 'ulna, he would go before the people and ' stamp the Bate. A neihttlin was offered, declaring Bon. Man- D. Moon, of Philadelphia, as the disks of lles Connothin as a audidato for 'Governor. The rewolution was ruled out of order. The fitilowing nominations. were then ra 128111d 3 Bon. A. 0. Curtis, Centre, Bon. John Conde, Westmoreland, Mon. John P. Penny, Allegany, Hem Bean D. Moon, Philadelptda, Hon. JohnJ. Nunn, Dauphin, P. Carrell Brewster Esq., Philadelphia, Boa. James Vesielt;Payettm A delegate stated that there mu no bitter ness an teie pan O'Connor Curties Mends again Mr. Conde. - -A delegate olaineed that the Ourtin men had ao UMW for bitter feeling against the Ctovode ten but by his own ame, and his solemn leimiege to tin Legislate's- declining a re. aondnation and then taeitty agreeing not to be s eandiditte will have t damagiig effect In the canvass, and endaeger hie electioa, and, therefore, the enbstitetion of • new man In plus of either of these gentlemen was the du, "of the Convention, and would be pro dentin of harem* and meats in the foil The delegate who nominated Mr. Coyote nitl i that is 'order to promote harmony he would within, the name of that penman. ifv - Barolay, - of 'Armstrong, thanked the punnet formlthdrisming tee nun of Mr. Cotole, miff enlisted tint macchould not be permitted to impetti,the puns. of the Into* Re ipplatiii 'to the friends of the Wenner-to withdraw the name of A. 0, Our-, tin, and give • obit of unity *4:Vibe Conlin. thin by naming &awns& • .1; . Preronarsi, dew !ilea. To ni Frolicker 00/ is aldose i7efose irek Chum. ; tka,-41s t ad ous the triumph ; o ur Wind- Pk; and the sumo Of ernet this time, ot paramosat impertaace=tiel grathirse Uos sad pommel edessermmeatiaoti 'Anne M 7 this,. mums ups the repromenteUve men of our grisly since U 7 wring lath!, city, Wink% litat t iotant s to the selsothin of gnu iris as our s y yo ~ a. in the approaching skates, and one raterhont the entire *noon and strength at our otgeniseUmt sag be neutered. I him determined to withdraw: riesa•from ouraosoidoratioao sod imPlein Ude*. portent* torso deka - lbw maay years Lidentined with the prindplea which'ear orgenisstion moons' I am at this trials in on. Soda and National Chats, to oar or do scything which may oat lo Jeered/ one ago. out, and I kayo taiga this snip, hoping thereby to do'my part towards prourring toe.. lama of strife erIU work &Meter tow all to the feature, un-' lam a satishatery adjastment I. made sow,. route bate lesest,4lbinitted to prominent gentle moo of you lodge That emend and will tot be nosedirs the feta* and oa excuse of ignoreace of leseefacte can ter Needed In mitigation of the nog- NO Waive them foil weight now In your, .dellterst. V O ll4 and whatessrdisster nay oocur,:surawandly .wlit if the warning ia ' llls ankreded doe kr olYndf, luck,sand ~view, gentlemen or the . Goorentleo, se wkh to ha s ps yonesoontry, and the Interests of the 1 °,711... _Plea yon trul y roprmarilathorthau the Foca „Lo4Lcuel:politioei, Atomised a kw men, that the, bluiP of MU Mambo pieced open the right 5 401 1 . erc , • Truly. Jogs Gowns. • . - - • -Mt. Lett/in, of Bradford, argued that Mr. Cartla wu the prow 'man opmbitur Mr.Lawronas of Watlbitoairald no met would 'maks more 'seethes alma he would, he bid'sllPPortatd blow: Colts 'throe yaws - ago ', hehed stood byMeighad his, and kitenkidtk end wfald lappets him tf.,somlnatad. Bat nom did a , Coalwatton meat - noldfity. finch rasyoustbllltt hats not the ' l4, 0 1 4 - ; 0 1 - :titir„ People now., , titio of No t ih:got t k e 'frltiads had , Majority lad 'oould someway. ate, bat !hi -friends or Como m6l; ho.: ware et itrmin. N it him end derma. Es vu t a4 saadNate . whowield units every kite Mao elsll4-thoriwas ao dliatton. on Oath, but - *ply; utmost slut fr war 1 to. It you ohooorotor soaditato him, you ea tin .eurui. rad glow ysir traheut Mr. Gummiest, of Philadelphia, remarked (ip reference to Mr. Moga:mares rcaolutions) diet he supposed thsy :Stood but very little MOM Chance of adoption now than iheit the motion to postpone was made, an I o 0P .411 Be hid no personcil feeling on the - stion. Be was present, not a partisan of an of the candidates who bad been named. B warned gentlemen assuming anoh a. Tempo sibility.' lio apprehended . that tho .aleotion f Judga Woodward,ainitibt upon the sante pls. form 1111 Gov. Seymour would be equivalent a most to conatithmitltirt — cif 'the utmost lope of the rebels !albeit wildest dreams. It is next to an impossibility that this governmen can Live: with a oombinatka of two of the greatest States in the Union against it. , We are ap iarists this oontest with that issue before us. The preheat is not 'a qiestioit of triumph in this State, tint • question whether this nation shall stand. If Gov. Curtin we, sought by the mallet of the public men of this Common riealth, Me would arqololoolo it. TlM'question recurring on the resolution of Mr. Moßemenur, de yeas and nays were or dered and resulted as foßoVs—yeu, 46; nays; _ do the resolution was losL Mr. - McVeigh moved that the Conv ention Con proceed tO ballot for &candidate for'G owner. was made to Before the ballet ' was ordered, a motion. adjourn till nine o'clock Thank day morning, which was lost by ZI TOW of 18 yeas to 100 nays. These impels were answered bythe'Catirt Men insisting on a ballot for °minor, which was ordered, with the following malt : .. . • For Cards—Wm. B. Mann, O. T. Jona, Wayne MoVaigh, Charles Engle, A. Carey. D. Maxwell, George J.. Eckert, Henry Sab i n, C. P. Waller. G. R. Mason, Joseph 11. 'florenten, Stephen P. Wilson, Ste hen Gould, Robert P. Clark, IL O. Stewart, T. T. Worth, G. M. /Cline, P. Myeri, Dr. 8. E. Donald, Hem S. Wharton, Hon. John Patton, D. L. Lobes. Wm. Waugh, Wm. M. Braids, O. D. Ashley, M. Weyand, A. Klee, W. IL dtriak land, Henry Hartman; N. E. Grelmmer M. O. klurceri Geo. Landon, Joseph Ell, 8 ;of, Braise, Gyres Eider, E. Shepherd, Leonard P. Roberts, 8. 'Busman, J.A. Strawbridge, Geo. Means, P. Hartshorn, Issas P. Monroe, P. M. Ostarkauser, Darwin A. PinneY,. BIM. Le, mad Todd, We., L. Hamilton, J. J. t3hoe imaker, I. It NlsaLly; E. Darlington,. J. P. ' Vincent, James S il l, Alex. K. McClure, W. W. Sellers, Hon. Geo: Taylor, John J. ha t/won, Geo. D. Mehstfiy, 0. J. Dickey, B. M. ifireider, G. Hooka, Anthony 8. Ely. A. W. Leiserming, O. If. Sunk, Henry 'Johnson, Wash. Lae, S. P. Loagstreet, D. G. :Ca lf book, WinbatsiDevis..M. Bowie, W. L WS- Samson, John M. Bringhtuit, Denial Ghats. maker, W. H. Thompson, John Ho ,J. Yenngsan, T. Olmstead . Gm Saha John R. Orr, James Gannon, Jewel V. Bei es, 1. L. Shoemaker , H. W. Gray, M. .11.• ohm son, J. Mellfarne, Geo. Dehaven, Jr., A. G. Hanna, P. D. Luther, J. H. Tome, on. J. R. Oaltpbalr, John Bilges, O. F. Rad, Lima - I. Powers, L. L. MetiinEn, J. IL ; Robinson, B. W. Davis, M. L. Tisey, Thos. Stentiten- - 95. Steerhn M. Butler, 0. A. Walborn. , Smith Bailer, Sam. 111. Boyers, J. N. listherington, Iron. E. "Mo.; Pherson, D. Barclay, B. McCoy, 11. Grant,. B. B. Bann, Hiram Smith, Daniel T. Belt i ler, Alex. Commlngs, W. J. P. Whl • W. Moore, C. A. Blinefelter-17. •Por Passey—A.W: Taylor, T. K. shall, Robert B. Carnahan, Alex. =ands amen 1.. Graham, Robert Blair , W. B. t N slay, W. J. Gilmore, B. G. ,A. P. Delo hod, James Alexander, &Small, Geo.V. Lonesome% Wm. McKean's, T. B. &WAD*, Thos.: Gal. higher-16. - For Arearbead—Jesse Hennedy :=l. "sr Droners—Zama W. Blaylock, 11. P. Gillingham, Barton Jenks-3. _ Total tote.-1111. The President then announced thatAndrow G. Culla, having received • majority of all the votes cast, wan nominated by the 1:131111M. Ilan for Governor of the SW" of Pennsylva nia. Mr. P.. P. Nevin, of Allegheny, remarked that he was not among those who had sup. ported the nomination of Gov. Gunn, but he was above political influences of whet:rear character, and there was nothing which Could induce him to abandon the PtlitalPhia opt hi. party. Be did not know how, for he leight be calmed by his eolleagnst and others, but he took this opportunity to move that the nomination of Andrew G. Curtin be made ananizumze. This annonsoiment was received with his els and applause. . Mr. Nevin was requested by several mem ben to withdrew kis motion, but declined to do so. The Question was ogled, and the motion was not agreed to—several delegates vary emphatically noting "no." At this point • motion was made to adjourn which was negatived, sad the Convention proceeded to nominate oandidates for Supreme I Judo, The following nominations were roads Mr. Imbue nominated D. Agnew, Buyer. Mr. Dickey nominated Thou. Franklin, 110011111 G Mr. Muller nominated Mathew „Ewing, Payette. M.r. Iphia. Batter nominated Andrew Thompson, Philade t Mr. Taylor nominated Mr. John Scott ' , Hantingdon. Adjourned until 9 o'clock p., a. 'MUM The Oonvendon zmassembloC at nine o'clock, and proceeded to nominate a candi date for Satirize Judge. The names •of Messrs. Franklin; Soot', Thompson and &wing were withdrawn, sad Judge Apiew being the only nominee for . Supreme Judge, was nominated by aradanta: n on , -Judge liaswell moved that a camalitseof Ave (the President of this Convention biting chairmen) be appointed to notify the: nand- , nem Of, their Chutes, and request their accept. itcohus moved that the delete - 1a fa littendinee shall Wee. one Intent from each county, with the addlUon of two members far each Chariot whiOk har more than env tor, as a comndttele boaduet theztatmign. , The committee' o wait on tha akiminfilla, is ras follows: Lemuel Todd, D. /Laattedl, T. X. Marsha% Leonard Y. Gobints, A. W. Taylor, O. J. Dickey. ; _ Mr. MoVeigli, Chairman of MO Committee on Besolations,proseatted the folkowing report: The loyal men of fiznyllatile. In Clohyolike isrobled, partlaanshlp, and knotting no mum bet that _the country, declare mr float. melees and their conmitnenu let. Their Ludeilble purpoie to esalutala.hy any , hemmer, effort, sorvlce and sawn% theZlatiOald Unlaiss all the Ind. the blithest, the aunt solemn and the mot overshadowing of ail political dutlea xd. That the tehellloa which threatens the axial- Mee of the Union was without cause, UM roweled la wlokedases, organised La toy, and deseloped by rookie. ylolenat, th story tree. sod detratible in m,... , and lacernal la mhst be stepresed bs the people of the ontted atstss, at atria de traction of Wheiteßbestlee sad the ametluow I of whole free tastltuthne It is implowdy atone. 3d. That in CM mewentone oaten now the muse. end oz. to but two pullers the 09 . whifirmly sustain the emeinater of the nation feenkethig all the awe thine?, and fa amicable =.li3 l aliou which thegovezaient rule. and as once the. pasty oflamTof Chat,. 9tol or patriot ; dumber which rviMhd to commuted authorities, of the neitos in smarm in( the hors;secturlog the safety and tomerving the' Mihe sattoo, sad Is, niereties,- the parent of ,16 the enemy of ardor and a Partiollooi of tree ,esails,;ails,whoa* detesUble preettoos , not oily glee Veld and coalbm" to the comma enemy, bat as metemid , in Richmond, liskt up then days of rebel arkttea and Wanner, and actuslly stimulate them to tuallild end dements strata to recruit their lamer, and to whom la this dalJualli thrtirtabk whatever of vitality the mbenme poem., and whatever of oslealty or mottos the Anther pro. traction of the contest may involve. Bet for Meth-. ern aympattlizere, sad the hopes their treasonable existence Lupin., the rsboa voile ham sank under the stagering we it.let 411 440nr0n VlaLsbuta sue - f Hatton. 4,14 .-Thst whailY without sympathy tbir am' who'have 04140 that war again. a Sr.,, Rsiolnihotl I Government, or far. Maintain or home lsonhimilt whoa. I/4meg /t. mu. Loommtel. or the cease r - deo polio principle to which It la now derided, this Con vention helixes all engaged thine., while' op to ned. to rtrOtth7 only of our patriotic hate; acc ike •o t w: dmoure• as doubly Mama' sad ' Wee thus, raiment. of the loyal Meta wco tolerate 11111011, would lotto* with snare traitors, and , again aririonfierour government end iltertlesto their bat Aliabahl Liscolo. the Proemial of the United.Statee, by kle diorhafirs of Lie taost onerous, I dude in them deli dihrs chit wet hi. min for .. himee.f ,theaffectlosi ard. regard of tlis - Amehten PooP l Mandalwarrbearlog himself chola We 144 1 ottlembsa matitareal the lamp*, of the. Glam, and kept oar honey: untarnished throakhout the world, sad table and Misdate's:ration; Its princi ple and its policy, we girt our hearty approvakend plods:eau earnest and enthusiastic support. Thatoretempootheolent sohtcePeco- Ile, the . etas ouful aa devotheas.w. ourn ettesztio e wem tthabr « hohaa j b d Sheirbl;dtbsir erieskelownty '.led cersh thetraem Naderly and poud 654001111011 OPOWITOOO, 111 hire as. matente that the bre dollar and Calmat Ilk shall be givento twinkles thementll tag noes In fur. Thastkwerturram4tts. h 7 theflffet'„ tivesimport. he arm the Greinnizt prezocilenof the mar, Vemi.fir 'our soldierkinlko in the nod, ,the 4end- the ,hospitelines oft Fainehmikee lima ,of dm loyal BMW. 8 .41 to tunas Zen her loyal mason; one -In phut • • , ': : :j:;_:.::: ,..: :V•2 , :, -, ,= -, i'.!•..', - -....!':.'-,-' Nato in nomination; we bat eke onlenetdoll to the spontaneous widest pf the Cleentoonweelth be tae Awned so welt. to preiget, it-r tr an sy'w•pa. truth statemean, who to albs the bind d thO Mantled thelboreite of the people. Itembisd Thatthe amendments propose to the Constlastion.ht idling oar soldiers in tee geld the right of suffrage. merits onr hearty ilicraTil f end will metro our united rapport, and that we re commend the conventions of loyal men titre the State, to pledge all o milldams thrthe le alms to vote for It. eth. Sentra, That we bend". Wan oar weal. terabit. attachment to the drottines of the Where of o :e.g.roblic.anonanciated. deolaratlon by name, that there shall be no -intahr: mice by a Lamp= or foreign power, with Govan. mewed alndriapon this continent. • 10th.../Yeerieet, That, to Hon. Diehl" we present an exam tenet, a p mt.: ad a loyal claim. Hs will adorn the t kinglet tribunal of the Ckonnionweedth. sod ' seldttionel 'erictirtty to the rights of wean sod property.. The resolutions were ananlmouty adopted. Mr. Helahhold, of Jefferson, offered the fol• lowing, which was ensidataturly adopted: .derolved, That the bold and daterigneg stand taken by the Administration+ , ii Seen: fierily arresting yarrow found to be titiltiot ii4torono *otiose. Inertia our hell*, solltl- - mendatlen a and that Itiptrforallag this pare of its milltsmdallec, where mummy ter the pabllo safety, .ww, pledge It oar he ,arty so operatton. . . AtlikKo'eloak, the °mention adjougned , . ki.i4dEUA4Jf 410 we T 4 l • miss ass were: emir;` 3 take ahem .• et, Ne. 93 osll. n the orz if 12 and I, or so6:tt xviainga-A. Eltaz. Si, maid in gm • +—end housework dto take ma of a chllltwo yore of ;ago, In • am 11 batty. Icsalaire as the Ooludirt of THIS 0117102. aahi(• . arm 0001716 tuna Usatuase• ummr. ~QK l.ll".4ll 6o P D, l"g iti f6B 1'1) la . D 22.12 IoLOW stAblit: jilt 'into I . Weld* - no.. the ziOnr DAL or AVOW_ .2P13, be hanbldeit nal •deltvert et: rye Madre& 1 Qr.'s ar erod .4i&e. • AND MOTOZIr WOOD, a nta fair erenads,PittaborglL.Pas lldlowsz lOD Oerie to be oeUrned ar tof r.;tbe ISM of ItO lob. ttoisio bitari , 130th of Argoat, 1663. 100 Ode& 66*iiii4. on or Deters; tbe . 2dth of 44 11tiodo to be delliond en or 'before ; lb. 31eI of %oda to -be &pima on or before tbr•Siat of &planter, UM. '••k • - • • - • Wood nut not oontiloi say ration foe d amn; snobs, idtdri.. and men be well. carded; gad contain MI Cello foot to the and. • - froponds ,ddb be neviad “Propssoli kr w•Od.r. end Android OIL& C. Deputy Querisr rombrr. thoosnoL ILL A., Plitebousb. The endoutneed - roam to • Monett the fled' - lite. se/ be WI Wenn* be any. don toe MOO - regment to In nos& upon tbe EliSpletioa ot the eostreor.. - or se eoonlbereernir,se the underdpit ebail be In tends._ • —•• 0. MOM • I 10614.7 LtinL OoL end b. Q. IL 1 - DeenaQtreatianoamihoraust Onsch, • Plteikeirek Ph.' top : 100 - Tb 2113 BAIXP RAT; _ be e fed Pineleafe .111 bit nee/edit tble Oahe until 12 ta th e lova DILLOW AUGUR!: 1 1414 . 2* - tbe fatotselag sad etellotry el Oil IILISDAND MONO 'or 000 0luroaoarraorm_ all' belesinirl• log 250=1", She lair eitr t y rind:4llllh 25 - tone osier Jefeee'tbe 15th day atAnimt,iro. 2511aaree Of balbratbs NM day of.Asiveffe 2 tom r s - O bkete h b M i a th t ddaay o /hiust.. Ulll3 ISM Poheeet hart 6. tuned “Propeeele 2ur Ife teat Patared Hob" sad addrested tie Lt. Gel. 0.'1120118. Lelf7 Quattas deoeral,l7. O. Amy. bank Pg. • 2ae ozalacalglod men. to Moist( the rigid to Matt say or ta stl bala tbat be teardesta too Wet. - Ramat be made epos tb• completicie ef the' oeatosed,- or az okei abeteeher al its eaderdieed _ 0. 01022. - stud ent be bi te feeft- Ltert. Chi. and D. IV tt. goolool- Beatistbits, - : EC 0 8., Zl - 311'S Trim m ingStore, 77 Aim 79 REARM BT. , We are stllleg our:MlTfiti'lltOpk ail M moi E R.:- co ob s. AM PRAT: LOW vuolus - t nest Pumas . olattbe it* city will Itio eel; ta to CULL AND =MINX. BOOMS op Maki. ,JOS. EMU . 411 k was. n Ann maul* inr,m, me lIISSOLUTIOI4 OF 00-RAKTNRII LI 811a.—The o.Pertearshtp harstelety fable. leg between the ettordmed. wader the • - 40 &02111110 N, 111N111 • SIILLII.S. hes beau thlt day dawdled by metes! ocasant. 41,11.mouslass. tag mamas Tail OW- Ist• Am Uwe tat sattlamest et tb6 eta stesd,__Ve.ht strait: Chas secession; Kam; YOZIIBOII,IIIII. • W. , harbor easuaed-,thf caok et ell sets. &bad esetteoeblisay She busby itehied to tbass. with tall eutteatbr to settle ler Ote woe • wria.ux 0. sozntioir, wrraisow DOUGLOAB, • rlitaborgh. 'hugest IMO. TUE trifitmaGNSD,.; ha . ring ha lased of their fetus* Le tbatt Wass= Wests,",hetekdare tented ea Jo, hlitaxasj to Kum. 1011131110 W -Wei wield obetatelby mammas the ant Apik.A• lb. pattw.g. of lb. paUlo. • ' • MUMS. . 14 1 01311 4141. - iehalt 1. atik klinktiliTiOgrll4l.lBllll Waite-tram Ow late Ilan et 204.1211101LirrMa& lIILLIBI ere premed to oarrim **beldam at Ibusdars mud shafting - fn ell tartesuctak ustse the' sty/s of hOBLOION. lll& CO ,'sed resteattally tonal a ecattatuems at Oat Mend rdlessii• to the lai• Sr.. All 1 .Datums made byebe Am of 3011111160 N. SIMS at MOLLS'S, see sot ratcomead. are assumed by GTO. T. BONN 11.. - Pithibtr" Awned Lus anisrspanstos.- k • subtler Vp&Birs hiAtiNigrio uth eat bolas 'jlAt tha rapahatbs u has but to , num of being •Isterlay to say Mir yyttassua Or Itelsaett buten.- = It tee be paslttnaly auettad that .' . .ltasera &Amato au 0. • . Raab Meru* Meow. &oaf dybottotia; haerrateguilla 'Otteura - bas: hors Mayes& as atm Weak Johk Baer Mayeatta Oa sa f er Ukenteed her* ItudrirMagmeriOttaua Mintasilitalschi; Jleire Megsetto Wont Nodal rest; Ilidd'a Magas& OR arm lovi4 Tritiewl# boars Nivel* Oa pret , . Asses Yew* oa WIN =VII ad 264 • IWO' lbws& 044 . 0 1•1 , 01/011111 ANCINow _t• aerlt. MlllllMlOlMtunirareeir awl nes*, sue tedtastly__ swift elk Ittlietasy trOotaassuedthe ^Aimed to imaid."" arson losserdir' 'curaiiiniiithrotawaida•gessAs. AA • I • ,gtinaligus woman, • - hza , ai6 zurwer emu: aantiturfass !alba mintasitt ' MARBLE 31 _,,AN* ACTORS:I4I(I'nd "MT° Btonu. 1 . 16/1441111 XOll/11IDAL1 SAID TOWN Cillfirti. 01/101111/ TOO LY Of AUJlLdirf , Pittobtdo. Po. Jol7 UN, INB. • ad bps!, -11 BROWITil—Aisileit radoostitall . bo tittoitid N ildo ono. mill AU NT. tea, 014violbt - 411101d1 Of tram slasThoosiad. to -To Badholt of good X attrarottio OO&L. &T AU too of tito Coen Bow sad Jill. to to litd dart it thti cohodos PM 'add on 800 arms; to Wool tat Ilad tbintittd Ea. dtrd emboli pot 47. hymn tittoolt o as compel. slur of dtrtoM, BP ditotyou of yottoty admittododsio • ' staolt • :-'l.BlottriAltaltit amusig,: TUUts,ldre _WOIJLII , DO WALL TV roll sad euyyly thearbree. uille !bit - very as:. tizatdoes os Tuvuunistirro; • ott'Artda vats,. tiOstiOd'ajup Lucite!' of nth, l"! " 100 “ , - • KAORtrit G_ • 041. fa Vortut - .LUC "%WO osomoom LYDII, o, - NMAgaz4A Asa iiii-awt ab .. , ti-sooTs, moss; GAlTltiti ._. . _ aS*Avarz.niugir. sad SALM° NI lau olaiart BraLuW easiest, make iva.ke Tall and Vir Ihods. - .- „. .., Mr *}iiiii•it,....._al et igl , !ltXr.itlirr, lb' stornid - doar mos nu& ,-, . , i efil .- W UM! pOlvsm , tir i DSO'S 10 1010.1p1,0 lit TOS7 /Ow VANN 1. CU, 14:$ A - 11 ) .44.811th ir . lad 41!".1 °MI" 1442 . 1 0 . ; 1 P0 *, 0114" " ) k 44 E` 710p4111Y1, iikartit Ott . {_ 1 rr apirveserirszxMli CAR? IL CLOTH 4 . AND WINDOW BUADt S. Mai tadoad at tie MW tAIP3i atlfil of McFarland, Collins' & Co., Vic T 1 iI7D 79 'iris a ;lISIT, ibi Pc* 'Oman it'd Ilvazumb ,riti'llog to aarolum Exr the 7 TILED/ - AN_ • ENITZBEY , STOOK, aro *Ong ail goods my os Wail at PllOllll Settle -rresent 411 Rates. , 'sr WI impoiday WU! tb. attiontlin if 001M gly10 HANTS miIIUIDLIIIAMI BUTIJI. AN AL L 111314..... ` . --f p .----.. Ed. ..r.. , • ..e. ,j. Azassox•--MM. ', P:< oz. lam sso st , LOws , I° ' laze K it m L A 4o. Oise` Basin scosyiedl tbik Assairi Or Uss ids et Lis 8111111• LI MILT Alma *or St. Lads. Masi too Tits OS MINIM; el Oho sit Semi Itssuistanes to th• Analysts chi& ibises at emitted bi ta =a. 41. /1." %Lys. s• Nati" mad J:CL %SW se ph* srusia,..= „ witistbs WS dacha saps& sass by fa lits•Novbstaamtll lal SR Loodi. detanala banns ss SS S . o le - PIM 104 1 mossi valssbl• gay WM vim Ibloill le Auction- pogo 7. it• kw AC Ilimwat,ocd In es Mos lostais• kook • asolliiii• Ms lislysts is ' DO OW sis Mow boss thr lids 4 willbsn IV i•• l lbLer lissimrstin lie& gm ' It ptessois met ...........- nis=ll2 gssalt=rkkik ar•as•abaira by tbs, VIM ales adastztobso• a Iwo preporties , iqaionaa.- Pa. gy dial se Mond slay. i i .. th . agi. Lo be sb=r i bcs: bombes 1111111111114 bum ' ' OOpozi iro. eiontkirrsam VABit 808 B ALD OICUNT, . az . ~OUSTAWING fi AOI. &II marllisay . and 'la a good sistooi *ligation. The faimmossits maidola BSIOYDWIL. entsbasig 10 now LTiO 31/!A112 unrAirisnaii:iith 6 !NMI 6 6 6 PM Mined of young ti,hin(Oß4iyir,itfivas . slob bra. M. tsitosbip ivoiaOse hoes Um Eff!!El AIAILST4LUMM . No. Vig Iroatleitted. 2i rt mou-ANNI T AI wow's. ARM FIRE impudge,i COMPANY, or azir - rOsii. . No. 18 - Wall itioot. Eisoarcounm nix.flear. USILI CASH OD. LLHI ves,m W 10,426 14 8 itenunizir iondttbstoy.'do hobo Niro Dr • ono= *grow, on 04 lands" of . lin MX Cob In lbst.—. • Dento o n i ttionimout_tiolnlbtitnit Hut Bost Mato Jiroolteltonllo4= • - - yog i at Join mom) - • u 2 .69e pans an Moab,. yoyono,,:ogA Narks* -Woo 3110 Ir Mad° . Lico oo 62.1.11=in_n_ttnoilmt Ow. , notkol- 101000 00 1 4 021 taut noontob. _ Ain Ito Jnty stAysZ=., - 7,410$ 113 Sobtatels bads OA non bk maw ' -of tainonbuloa bons aipat0..„„„,...„... 11,b00 00 BOY Jitalbrinnonsx___ an - Ebkvand Slow C • 20,t53 40 alk IPonabona niantectin on Pianos . Moil %WU $0:10,771 /411151taitilL • Otalnio tor ..._ l l l llentstaidbg Jut , Witlll 0,012 31 Vapidll II ‘ 1176 fint 6201"10 /In DMtriA! ll boy Alb 001t 1 / 1 •11 40 tortronsabott kn i fed by Non* and tbodsoprn °tura Navtgothin ost WW m. tamable as tba,natuto tb Mks mad ibo toalsonotty4 Ibitanyooooo 0 ( lai °myna aw tronnat. - 4 Loom V otaltagsnMaitittatuds t. . TIMM, aitenty.• loastnnos ipply to ' W.. 11113.0 1 1/ Alma, . 37111TH STAMM SI SUM = PA. GRNIPEI PATSNT =Ur PROOF 1 { • aux. aßarrunialzaraiiiipws, • INgiOnds. *milli% scatapt: l # ll3 / dams cobra: GUTS' 711111 LIU 191:13114 Tpir St 60.-•-t-t= tor sib b 7 - YAM= a Olin; sal Italia ilik *lamp& OOTH AND BROM is cialaivsavitozfx. - • • NI& Lori am& 41 • 1147 •1 1 ;70 "XI n e!' " X I. . . Ahem gob asning " 3 7 344 . J A 11 . 11101 11:1111fiukst atm* rim simemanD .*ll2OOl eia l li AltWf t Inks WY ateles,tilteugx Is MA* MX rato7nr PAIN etamtles atbestatits.; themithr line bat ,iftese Mr sieltilreallol . eissuesS two me ,w siihmethe hems sad , emus* es as eser. Mee we haw la ate bp Joist ii i i. 117iba tai li sam e oft . Os iallo et the '.. Imo """ sel , gess& sold.'ll Illeve ',Wog the anew se stem* ad yank nadir rga *ma es ou mdcomods Ida - - . -.• .mu a 'NtLx.p.... ~.., Ar t Di •13. d s .7 - .. - _ , At. rtiftwas C =I7T faigap,!-I`, Boat masa 'ato toe ne. 4014Calaiimea *C 4 ildikil Jil6 .. D 11Ylalk. at roma a "wawa& nOUNTRY, 414That.Ssiiiduiiiatio alla's' ay- Ammar liaCtare lawnsita. Oka 444 Isonenk. =lbw loft ate Wade aki.....cfa„..weakny as elsa Mean% late argil 4 sa ...Instaln kOplaY/40411.1-7. iNinSCUL7BIII4 moo* JLa maw at arnualaftstaw hand et Ms manna anwintallea AU. MAryine Maw. Ala. panowasnamlag.. in qwww WU& awl kla lawman's amsama;, wa ' . ISAVIEL_ - — stawarar maim ...ma. lhias -WOTAN 10 43- Tate ing•hid •Ktlipailos of thiuts.,: OT144.1111"4-sliskMilitst ot jarG ry: wings lintraftehrl °ata Nada IlLiaomaluanr :I, il4 ,7 s ita u two Wel igMad 'NM im,lhat UTZ:: alltik at - ffire*,_:litS),ll 16;t4.4. MA Saillisral low teak", =um b illing!, oco.. .. • - LA a .1411%, . - • autazwiremmitz, ~. ~, ~ - r~n nr,;: I+.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers