Vatsturfill dutftit. TUESDAY WOMB% _mpg •480 Clii AFF4llth or ()Ma= PAP3:B OP p MIT " . oaaaavaltass for the ea- Naos 1 4 9 . Mum. Optician, No. 5# Fifth oiroot—oonooloa asttr IN Uri. Ur IMO& . Altai A. 1t............. SO 69 13 4 its '- , m......... 108 83 P. it...- 76 1 . ,..... 1 4r0uttet.............. ......... 29 5-19 Pittsburgh Sanitary Committee. fonowiag donations hare been received far tie leek mding June 27,1863. The ' Vedienoldiery Aid Society of Garai- Vill•-20 muslin shirts, 17 pairs drawee, 13 handkentiefs, 7 towels, 1 pair slippers, 2 packages rags, 1 pound dried blacitherriss, 1 pair woolen soda; 15 rolls of bandage, 3 pounds lint, 2 name vista, 2 summer mats, 11 balls darning yarn and 8 darning needles, 2 feathsr palows, maga:lass and papers. • Ladles' Aid Satiety of Worthington --1 bushel tired apples, 11 quarts of dried elder berries, dried emu, 2 blankets, 6 towels, 1 pair pillow cuss, *loth for bandages, 34 bushel of dried peaches,.l pair -Sheets, 1 pair pilkwe, 2 shirts, cloth for bandages, books, 6 pounds dried apples, 2 pairs socks, 1 barrel potatoes. Soldiers' Aid Society of Merosr-12 quilts, 1 shoot. 10 enplane. 13 towels, 5 new shirts, 1 bandage, 1 oleos Wen best, magazines, pa pen, .to., 63i • pounds dried, apples, 5 packa ges-et fruit, 5 pillows, Ig f pillow-cases, 21 handkerehleft, 4 pairs drawers,half-worn shirts, 3 , pairs scale, 20 cans fnit, 19 pounds shiedeppie, 253 pounds mad peaches and ap tadtarrellid Beaty of Grenville-23 towels, pair looks, 2 MIAMI shirts, 1 jar pickled tomatoes, 5 cans fruit, 1 bar soap, 1 bushel potatoes, and a quantity of dried ap- Ow: Mni. Wm. Bagley-20 pounds corn starch ' 1 drawly, 16 bars soap, 12 papas farina, 6. cans cemented milk. • Soldiers' Ala Society of Kittanning-1 bar el potatoes. • Ladies* Aid Society of Webster 43 muslin 'tau, 7 pairs drawers, 4 sheets, 4 pairs Pil low eases, 8 bait-wom shine, 11 towels, 29 handtereirefs, 3 pain woolen socks, 1 pair 'lotion seas, 3 quilts, 13 rolls of bandages, 6 bandies rags, 1 Cox liar, 24 palm-laaf fans, 3 oasis Iralt„.11 dans apple batter, 8 packages dried trait, 1 sack filled apple, 4 combs, 1 cake soap, and 2 packages literature. • Wissilisli Ladles' Soldiers' Aid Beaty of Mt. 'Jackson-29 shirts, 23 pairs drawers, 3 towels, 1 Unlit sheet, and a quantity of pa ws. • Soldlimo Aid Society of New Brighton-6 lbed-ticks, 23 towels, 1 bundle old insulin and Um. 8 pipers corn starch, 1 paper farina, 2 packages dried cherries, 1 package dried pesetas, 2 packages dried apples, 1 package green tea, 1 passage maple sugar, 1 package blast tea, 2 bustles blackberry wine, a gain say of books and papers, 2 bags dried apples, 1 jar fest batter, 8 elms fruit, 14 wrappers, 36 muslin shirts, 1 Pilotage old muslin shirts, 6-pairs drawers, 33 handkerchiefs, 14 yards mosquito net, 3 eiavats, leakages pipes*. Soldiers' Aid Society, Rochester —9 jars fruit, 20 ems trait, 6 glasses jelly, 3 butt es vinegar, 2 bottles barnip,l bottle no name, 1 bottle cherry wine, 2 packages alai" 1 bundle lint, 1 bundle sap. Marmon, Society, Economy—Messrs. Baker and Sendai, 1 barrel wbisky, 1 barrel wine. Soldiers' Aid Society, Clarion-4 comforts, quilts and 7 double wrappers, 84 handker chiefs, 2 cravats, 2 mule shirts, 6 flannel stab, 11 pairs semen, 1 1 strew yllow and slip, 1 pair socks. Allegbeity Ladies' Aid Rocisty-2 packages gapers, 1 sack dried blackberries, 1 small bag elderberries, 1 paper Lanes. 1 paper barley, 35 Wows, 35 pillow-asses, 4 bandies mosquito net, 5 pairs socks, l blanket, 1 cost, 1 doable 'raped; gas palm-leaf fang, part of a banal of potatoes), 6 pads, 2 sheets; 1 shirt. Soldiers' Aid Society of Riehlaad, Hamp ton, and Pine Townships-58 handterchins, 2 Ainnel shirt", 26 muslin shirts, 6 pairs ikewart.' Sixth Ward Bohool-3 shirts. dieldiere Aid Society of Clarksville 13 ssm-pillows,ll pounds dried trait, 4 sheets, 20 pillows, 20 pillow-eases, 32 towels, 30 pious soap, 2 pairs drawers, .4 handkerchiefs, 1 dos as combs, 10 palm-leaf fans, 1 bed-tiok, 29 shirts. A Friend ....—.. ' 110 00 Prosper& Co. 8. A., Jos. G. Beals, Ceptain....—.. .... ............. 28 80 APrised - -.—.4.—......." 1 00 Collected at Mt. thlesel.... 88 80 was Mesiting Kithlnning. The anion! of Yesterdays (Monday)morn fag pain from Pittsburgh, iningikg WWII of the ideas= oz garriaburg„ grapy wetted time people of, this , ronunnaity../Tho people ptherei In pimps on the earner of the struts to hear the saws read from the morning papers, and it was resolved to take immedLeue steps to and men to the lest of war. Dul ness was 'upended, and the citinne met in %mama meating in the Court Hoes*, at 2 o'clock la tie aftifilooll. The spurious room 111111 oomfortably Ailed. The misting was organ had by calling lion. Judge Buffington to the Chair, assisted by Chambers 0rr,,J.8. Brown, Ateitandsr B.synolds,-Bsp, and Go. B. O. Orr, Verse President, and James Qedgbiy and D. 0. Boggs, ilsoustizies. D. Bartley, stated the object of the lusting to be to raise • potion of the aunty's assessment of three months troops in maponse to the call of Gov. Curtin. OM. J. B. Findlay, Jadge • hoz Thomas MeOiainall, and others, tNairn brief addresses. Tao nuns of relen , tw o, obtained by reamitiag odious for thnes omp oelles were read, and is was stated other , toani taio„ Placer" had quite • number of LIMP& ie.. fr e s thought a sufilident number of sows won.'d it' enrolled altogether to form at h oot t wo tw ormaiss. Messrs. 00L Wed. Loy; 3. 8. codex' out 8. Buffington' were up. pontind • ounnithe . *Milo fends to, support the famith of those wk., efOold volunteer.' Mr. Gotha, one of tho somorittos • young and promising lawyer, objected to in. conic. hem. tofom pursued of ..petting subearip done after ' . :ther, saes bad loft; to support thint faw4lioir •and. Moo, hi- was lassancem, falling , pay their subsciiptions.c Be insistaii..a th.Altt- Mu pitying down what they proposed &•iiir•• Fed ail to gtvr.liberally. Be moved NO g• - seirki by pl:tidag upon the table ftgreezbaoks.' This pronto' turn of h:. 4 spook' created asuman applause is the an dantes, end was immodluely followed with eautelhations of SiOd Usk from' Col. J. B. itindliiy, J. A. Cablioll, Judges Bullizpon; ' Item, lispiolds, arid WC trout J. B. Brown. • Boos nearly $1 , 550 was obtained in eash:—ln tYI cub sad satioriptioiss, j 1,400. 'Mhos the moaq was coming re, the samulasui roee to ob* pitch Mule was (UMW' for the Pres ides* le • mahitalm order.i When the oozing train left fotthis - citylthe Meeting was stilt la prephis o .ash" the . work of opening going TEN andetslgned dufri to .isorult a comps by, for the throe months' seryloi. A roll has hum opened In the Mak ?vow, over S. P. Stn 'a &ureters, corner of Federal street sad Bona Common; ( Allegheny 0117. hoped that In this boar, whoa oar State Is In. "ailed and oar city thrastonoi then WA be sew to rally for the Undue. Other catitpa• Wei ire Wog formed, . under thrviston , of a.lO. Due, also Capt. W. P. Marin ate adJeulat of the llid Pa. Volunteers. • The 'rots et the tomer wUt be Road, for the pros'. ut i , at the Club Rooms—that of the Uttar at *the old Market Bono, dUeshsny Olt,. One •alupsay for this saw% ander, Capt. Befir,ls sew Is Rona. * loin C. wan, atootoos K. OAXILION. Pen Wass Twin= Et sanir.—Prfnel. pal, Bank • - Orman Asslartant—Mlss B. A. WU. Assn, An. A Hawk, Mrs. J. 1. row, N . , • Anil= Dopsnasin—igiss Mu --nee, in L Mass, Ain , Kyle, Mu B. Prima Dspartant—giss Ban cat- iser,,./Ass Maggio NoOright, ' Ain Bring Onallsb, Miss aside McOlsiland, Ain B. Zunaws, Miss Bain Bums, Miss A, B. Ir. gonsanor.-11.usn. aray, Possisland Bow, isii ;Igor?, itruptian fired! awl irsa bat . bum& ass , oft • the tortilloa- Was. Inorglag to- Ws Is.; Torah whoa 'kw ben twea;,7-two Th• in% v• Smut% irtsk tae p.m main ta• re. IWO So 1 S Ilatety 4 ~ ~.~ .. ~1,^... • •••• • • , • . qetts,Se , ,r-P.4.0 +011.1A„ • - , ; • , ' 16; • 7 ,, •`' • The Work Ott 'the Fortifications.- Riesling of the ltseentive Commit -, tee of Pebble Safety. At the mooting (Ida Rzosoillv Conunittos of Pabllo Eighty, hold last oveningsports of th. number of nun ongspd on thoi-ortlfl cations wan rewind. W.foot up as follows: Davis'..... —1044 LowsWs 625 MeHeever'i 4iB Squirrel 663 Mt. 913 Cemetery Pert..........---- .... •—• 231 Hazlett 's 11111.—,... 2e5 BOMA'S Tattle Creek...........—. Mlintres Hill (colored men) Robinion's .... The squad of 200 Ckordwaners wu &malarial to Port Z og. The Conimittee appointed to wait upon.tho coal men, reported $lOO sunaoribed by James H. Hales, also the payment of $lOO by wimp son Homer, heretofore roported. One Hundred and fifty rasa from Birming ham were assigned on Tuesday to Bort Zug. Mr Chas then reported that injatioe had be.. done Mr. W. H. Brown Is former reports, that Mr. B. had the following number of men upon tits work Aat his own expense.) Jane 22, 41; Jane MI, 48; and Jane 24, 46 men, sad on Monday had a fair squad of men upon the work. Mr. Brown desired it stated that to every man from his seal works who would volunteer for active melee under any of the calls for troops he would give to his family house,and coal free of charge. The draymen handed in a report that the redoubt open whisk they were especially en gaged wee completed, which was received, and on motion the thanks of the Committee were tendered them for their zeal. On it being stated that the liraymen had purchased from their own contributions a flag for the fort, had erected it, and appointed a guard to take charge of It until a military force can be pliced upon It it was Beaked, That the draymen of the city be requested to form themselves into an artillery company, to defend the fort they have so pa triotically erected. Ai . Baldwin and Troutman, .the com mittee on collection of funds on the south aide of the Allegheny river, reported the following list of collections, when, en motion, the thanks of the Committee were tendered to Messrs. Baldwin and Troutman for their Ma and in dustry in the duty assigned them. The following sums have been received by Masers. D. Baldwin and A. Troutman, ool lames south of the Monongahela river. Mrs 0 Jobason...----$ 6 0 ..... 1 W Orttrooka— 10 J .... 1 0 J Bohol a ______ 10 0 N 1 11'0.0 a Alt.--.-- 8 J Kg-mos_ 8 lu 0 111 ano•dick7.----. 3 . 5 Li 11 . - mborn_____.- 6 o James Uammit....-- 1 Juho Beare_ J. oepri 1 Henry Kinckerly— 1 Dora Notiolio—.--- W • 6606 r— ------ Mary KLuollog -- 610 I C , ooff Amber_ 2 Om S loth - i r 3 P Weisruberger,_ 1 JO Nir 1 Ed J NAL.. 1 Tlic• Chorine Gehring... 2 b John Purer ---- 3 Mr. Mrscurenz--.-- 1 If J lo If A Arnbalt. 1 at J ties I . 'sweat.— 50 Louis Kolb-- 6 Vontersen --..---. 6 GoUttar" Brim_ 1 Jacob 3 Louis Wellopert—...... 1 Phillip Preaud..—... 1 Goals Renner.— 1 John 2 Phillip Phi 10..........— t 10 John John P 2 1 IB • 6 iJoho P Beech._.___.. 2 IJohn I to U 11 •27.::::::—... 21 BSilvem.,---- ""'""" 2 - 0 Sch. r .,.... 2 • litut2 „,....... ---- 1 Joe.Ph Sbalse — 1 JOkt• Lindsay:----.. --"—... 2 15 'I mith—... ruter.... " P Ja.em.n.":---. --.6 B 5 Duncan A N 111c6 2,4—'4.... onl 2 2 B u Slocum.-- J N 86/gatr. b —.-- 10 .. P D.14...............= ...... 1 D 1heu2............... i 1. 0155 lintitn_....—.. 4 John P Laot•—. 6 0 i Markt._ —..--.... .1 1 Goodwin._._......_— li Henry Jr.tigol.—.... 2 Tat,' IC was thrall/acid that a 'pedal train leaves at 8 o'clock from the Pennsylvania Railroad depot, to take workmen to Davis's Rill. A preamble and resolutions ware then offered from the workmen on the Squirrel Hill works, to the effect that the works would be touch more ra k idiy advanced it bounces was again entirely suspended. Oa motion, the rosohrtions were then refer red to the committee of Ave on labor. The committee reported that the committee of live reported in reference to the resolutions from Squirrel Rill, that so far as those reso lutions ask for a general suspension of buil moss, we order to the more speedy and certain completion" of the- fortilicrettons. This com mittee while believing that course to be the beet antiparhaps the only ellialent one to pur sue, yet regards It to be one beyond their promise, and upon whirth the Execrative Committee itself should decide. The Committee of Ivo will opus no pains to apply. laborers to the works, but regard their Oddly to do so u so entirely dependent upon fin co-operation of the public, that they cannot yet report whether the - works can be carried to completion in time to meet the emergency with the means and power they pollen,as there is nit money at our dispo sal, we bare to rely entirely on volunteer la borers, and ism whale the sum total s übs al ba In mom so applied, it would not pep for two days *irk, sack as that of to-day. The Committee would aerators earnestly uric every citizen to devote two or three days to their. country by working upon the de fence', repairing, without further order, to that point most convenient for them. - The Committee of Ylnanoe reported that they him added to Melt number the follow ing: Yours. (Isom R. Tit:unto:4 W 66 Leo and J. IL Median YE:Ptammer reported that ha hid rsoldred as contributions, from Alex. .9100 Dr. Sykes 10 Gen. J. H. Moorhead then made a state ment relative to the gone for the fortifications, aad stated, from his personal knowledge, the 'cannon were In the oky. Mr. Bennett stated that ha would be at the Commissary's OZCO from 7 to 9 team*, to supply redone for working wiles. Oil Xining At no period since the first trot discover lee, (says the 011 - City Register,) has there boon so mush activity displayed In sinking wells along Oil Creek, and Its immediate' vi cinity, as at present. At this time sanest as we can estimate, there are between two and three hundred wells new under proms of bomb.. The susaissial ones so far are Teri OW, in proportion to the number of Mons that bees wink. Some few hare made • strike, ' ac as thi Caldwell, Farrell, iisKin end it• few other wells, but the lamest proportion hare not, thas far, amountot to lima. Qat* a number of the milers have struck uratia Ireins,7 mud others hare raced to strike the waviest where the oil is °cumin. Many paellas in view of ths number of will being aunt, decline to marolmee hearty at present prices, believing that lasso disoor arks of oU.wlll bo made between the present date and fall. It Is :a fixed fact that unless large Wells are struck,. pricer will rale high this fall. Knowing this partite are Anzio:ts• ly awaiting the fume tfarelopment of th:u valuable tat mysterious prodast. Bow far thlr ooabluslon . in mar:lto buying cheap oorreck we are not prepared to state. The 'only way In which we can approximate to the .dinolopininate of the fawn, L by a ostroat of th e, part. tin to tit. 16th day .of k ey, p ,1863, there had bent sank immediately along the Valley of 011 Creek, from OU City to the Sharman well, 495 wells. Of thus only lb were flowing weUsr—many of Wpm small Ones. - - It is but reasonable ; to suppose ; that the proportion at this time will not. be sanoh greater. There is no ontain.guaniaty,!eran witittho most prootioil of oar tamers. ifermuton ; honors To Laraoax..—The hulaspimila Railroad Company 'win dame exennien tithing to Latrobe, for the ir too.n modation of persons dashing to attend ti le ex hibition of fit. Roeder% Aaadozo, on4Ve dna'- . next--the taken to be good until tbe 24 of July. A tells will !care tea Inbantos be fore in o'clock on Wednesday ism mho. Should Amin' WIWI be' interierred with, Mr. Connie will pat on oho trains. Buirrir - , Of lima Asap Wath—This optiphtlyald mud salmis will take twin- It oa Wedsowlay midrib apoa which °coi tion s flovalsaCtatenstiag bill , will be pt would. W.:Uttar& Re*lda; II Germ to - actor of , note frau I New `York, will perk* m the part of Monks de'lioo; tlakik; "MU the rut of tbe play will'beacadattid is gag- HA. Moo Ward Will aloohproz la a ;sew!, r it illoiraSer• , - ' Meeting of ChnineUs. A regular monthly meeting of Dowdls was held on Monday nubs, Jane Ittk. In &las, present, Messrs. Allen, Brown, Rudman, Miller, MoMillen, Morrow, Mo- Clintook, Phillips; Quinn, Thompson, Rees, D. Reed, Young, Prea't. The mbintes of the previous meeting were read and approval. Mr. Phillips prevented the petition of Mr. Thomas Botta., counselor for the sonstruo time of the tunnel on the Stsubemville Rail road, asking for the privilege of erecting wooden shops on the lot between Seventh and Washington streets, along Grant street, for the purpose of storing cement, and doing car penter and blacksmith work for the tunnel— the shops to be removed when the tunnel finished. ' »...» 664 NEE Mr. Phillips moved that the privilege be granted. Withdrawn for the pnuent. Mr. D. Reed prompted petitions from citi zens of Webster street, asking for s larger water pipe—the supply et water being WO- Arlene.. Referred to the Water Committee. Petitions from John C. Loire asking for • It reduction of business tax. :Marred to the Filllllloll Mr. MaCarp, City Omar°liar, (Omitted a communisation, oovering the following bills : Bill of Thomas J. Keenan, Prothonotary of Supreme Court, for 010,00 for costa in the Mandamus mats. Bill of Isaac Mooley, City Reg:Gator, for 12b0,00 for cervices. The eommtugution was accepted. The bill of Mr. Reiman was referred to the City Solicitor for examination. The bill of Mr. Morley was erupted, and a resolution adopt• ed for its payment. Mr. Phillips presented the following: Resolv 4 That Mr. Thomu Butter, con tractor for the erection of the tunnel on the Steubenville Railroad, be hereby granted' the privilegeof erecting temporary wooden shops on the lot between Seventh and Weal:Meow streets, fronting on Grant street—raid build ings to be removed when the tunnel is fin ished. The yeas and nays were called, and the res olution was passed by a vote of 10 yam to 4 nays. 0. 0. non.oonourred. Mr. claim present:ad the following; Besmobd, That permission be granted to John Quinn to remote his frame bons* to the adjoining lot, of Ms line of the Pittsburgh and Shinbone(lle Railroad, as located in the Third Ward. Read three times, and passed. An ordinance was adopted, providing for the grading and paving of Penn street, from Clymer tp Taylor streets. Mr. D. Reed offered the following s &solved, That the City Solloiter be request ed to will upon the Controller and ascertain whether the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad Company has filed with said Coe troller the necessary security to indemnify persons who shall sustain actual or conse quential damages as provided by ordinance recently passed, and in cue snob security has not been given an i filed with the Controller then to tale such measures to ruoind the privileges granted as he may deem legal and proper under the oirenntstanees. Read titres times and pass.d. The President read a communication from Mr. A B. Berger, of the Sixth Ward, setting forth that Bs is about to change his plate of residence to Laminae county, and tendering his resignation as a member of Council. On motion, the oommunloation was received mid the resignation aooeptsd. In Chaisson Council, present all the mem bers excepting Messrs. Ardray, Armstrong, Barokley, ColviUs, Holmes, Mellows, and O'Neill. Prayer by the Clerk. Minutes of the pre vious meeting read and approved. Mr. Kearns offered the following 3 Resolved, That a Committee of doe be ap pointed, two from the Select and three from the Common Council, to draw up an oil ordi nance, and report at the next regular meeting. Reed three times and passed—and Messrs. Kearns, fdoCandiees and tl au:blimp, of C. 0., and Messrs. Brown and Rees, of B. 0., ap pointed as said Committee. Mr. Taylor presented the following: Resolved, That the Street Oommisoloner be Instructed to have Etna West, in front of the Water Works, graded and paved. Referred to the Water Committee. Mr. Kearns, the following: Resolved, That the Gas Committee be tn straoted to hive 6 pa lamp Immediately planed on the earner of Grant and Eighth streets. He:erred to the Committee on Gu Light ing. Mr. ifeCandltse, the following: ftwolerd, That the members of the City COUCCUI be earnestly requested to enroll their nemeses members of some military company, and that they use all their Indiana to rare? companies for home date:wets their respective wards. Adopted. In all actions not otherwise noted there was a mum:l coneurrenee, when Oonneile ad journed. Ku, it before the public. that Boots sad Shoes are to be had at the Masonic; Bali An den House, at Tau low prioes. Bormoa Mammas at the Masao:do Hall Austion Holm to cask boyars of Hoot aad Shoes. Murcia To Cearu will be produced at the Theatre this evening. KIrtICWOOD-0a libe 26th Init.. of Virc of wooed. received .6 the bottle of Oh.o• °Worse% .• 0,4. W. ft KULL WOOD, of the EU 4e {Went Penneylvanta Yohisitesra. 1)0TC111111'S LIGHTNENO Bonito • want felt by entry wood howleloteptr. X very nowt enli MU a gait wham Woe toy Watt. limulaber that It b DUT4/11411 that does thla and n Gee the tow hattattoos that ate offered. The nal article Is for sale of a/1 reepeatabho bra tilde. B. A, 1 tAftli "STOOLS, PUB A Ott., cornea ol Mot and Wood etteeta, je111:11.1 ROLiIC 8, IiIiBEICNAe, Tisursi, &A.—without exceptkm tbie toned end bed colltotton of Bedding Plana about tha etly, at IlltritDoo2ll OAKLAND !mama. == =MSI W m. d Www, Um mamma his oast to the Gamma or Um an ehrasna, liaan Itaushaw's Ittots, 'stew* OS Liberty hours hum 9 s. m. till f p. m. Hu:u 1 4 10 g LIVEKPOi)L, (LoaDING AT BAL- A: T 7101.11. PriliOLlta.)—Tl. VASA Brit M bblp Pgaribilitall, sow kasha' se firsfalem Wharf, 111.1 ..It cn 16111 JOLT. ally [might 'Suppe by tole ma .1 from H menses will co forwarded Ores Of ma= be. •.4 if consigned is alp Meads in Liverpms, liberal can 'dual, e mods. for !might wpply to tile andessigood. UsilitS. A. 113111111' Jetlaw fouth Gey 61., Baltimore, lid. QLLINGLEN AND BARRELS, 110 100,000 Ho. 1 apUt SktagLir, 100 atm Flour Barrotr, tOlii 08 " Holum dik would salt for Oroas 00,00 fiat Whitt Oak, EU, Sat On band tad tor sals by H. lIIDDItt, 0511 Ila. 11011 Manta sort, VIEXIOLN MUtSTANG LINIMENT JAL cars abanamiln, cam Pallas In the Back_ saabl.m, ems brows Wallah Bann. nab Ws, or Wounds of any klnd: rot sale at GaO. A. NISILTS CIESTILILL Dian) STO oor. tibia and /*drool Knot& J.% lOpthiEttkr CITRATE MiGNISLA AN productive of the beet multi hi /ac laserleutor. Li:tuns al tee btoinech, lieartburn. sad all rem. Wins whine from Aced 7. lot ode as 010 A. ININTYLL DRUG 7T0112. mow Ohio sod Federal street*. 1.22 LiqUiD & Wpatha Would Boma, for toriktog, ha a few =bat.', dodo oat jut roesfrad and for sale at VOX ■IbL4•Y 0 VIAL DRUG SlOll3, oor. Ohio arid !Nears! MM. 1•B CUNu • • 00 LULU, o&P■ NAT. This Ant elan Hotel fa now open for Ow roooptkro of gowns. Illaolaal t VAST. Proprietors.. Joanno tows equAnp--e. • tome on the sysanra Oascrim. - Maths at Um Clauatto; bemnao tn. boars of 9 mut a o•Moot p. m., or at 7t31 Penn attest, from Itto 9 (Moak p. m. J47:0 C l.h.UmktlA OAPS MAT. "Ids Ant ohs Hour old be open fer the nap Non of gu.4ts ost Jasii 37th. . J. IF OAWIh Proarleter Maxiiii Dui/La.-3u Was. strictly ILl:Prlad As& Bogor iro Had sad for sob by larr4ll A TAIIIIILI. Ara 111 .al 11l !livid drat. EWATEittlidr..lo bbla. new Bs* Ana Mat= sow la Om al tat ash lor—L 1 , 7ll.1 11- 7 . . _ CROY= AND BALlca's SNIMIO Mamma, for family and manufacturing parposes, are the but In us. A. P. ORATORY, General Agent, No. 18,Bilth street. Tnomaa Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofer, arid dealer in Pennryl , ante and Ver mont slats of the beet quality) at low rates. °Zoe at Alex. Laugh Ma% near the Water Werke, Pittebarith. Ph. eng:tile Niw Amara, OF 813/11/11 CLonuno.—Of ten we are asked, where can we buy a neat and comfortable summer snit, made to order, thus having the chance of seleotintour own goods? To all these inquiries would answer, go to Messrs. W. H. Magee 00., corner of Federal street sod Diamond figure, Alleghe ny, and you will be suited sourding to your taste. They have jut received their scunmer goods, and for elegance of styles they cannot be surpassed, and for fitness they are the very persons, as their work is all done under their own supervision. Give them a call, and you cannot fail to be satisfied. Arnurriog, Itirragan VOLULMIIIB I—The attention of our oocultu's brave defenders re cently returned from the seat of war, and of the pubis in general, is again dlreitted to the very extensive and handsome assortment of the latest style. of French, English and American piece goods, for pants, coats and vests, lately received by Messrs. John Weer & Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 126 Federal large" Allegheny. A tasteful selection of gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always be found on the shelves of the establishment, together with a Lit of ready-made clothing, got up in the beet manner. Jun awl:rune lOM Tra ilasr.—damtel Graham, Merchant Tailor, would respectfully inform him friends and the public in general that he has just returned from the Nast with his new stook of Spring and Summer Goods, conalsting of all the latest styles of cloths, mamma and vetting,. llontlemen devising a gook to West from that cannot la surpass ed by any other in the city, and their gar manta made in tho most fashionable =manor, would do well to give him a call before pur chasing elsewhere. .roar. Gain x, Merchant'Pallor No. bd Market street, one door from ThiCd. Um Wire Arraovia.—Rev. I. Moore, late Agent Amerioan Bible Union, writes--.. have used Mrs. B. A. Allen's World's ILtir Restorer and Hair Dressing, and it has also been used by my wife. We unqualifiedly pro noun°, them toe best preparations we have ever used—in which declaration onswerona friend. join se." Said by Druggists everywhere. Depot, 198 Greenwich et., Mew York. mew D8,12 . 18T, spicum LOCAL NOTICES. CHIA? Danrusrar.—At the Dental Insti tute, No. 25t, Penn street, lets of teeth for roar dollars, better tlipn those at eve dollars at the other dental eitebllehmenut. All por ton§ are• requested to call at the Institute after haying aseertained the Jewett prices at the other cheap places. All work dune at the Institute is guaranteed superior to any cheap Dent Lott, in the city. Boum and Scrotalons Eruptions will soon cover the bodies of theta brave men who are fighting their country'e battles. Night air, had food, and drenching rains will make can havoc with the atrongest, therefor, lot every man supply himself with Bellawn's. Oint ment, it is • certain cum for every kind of akin disease. Only 25 eta. per pot. 215 Norton ro Pnorsarr Hannan, Annan AID ALL 01111111 LITIALITID.—Far repairs or al tneations to stores or dwellings, new roofs, or anything sloe in the Carpenter line, cull at CuthberVs Carpenter ahoy, Virgin alley, above thnitheolel streets. Ail orders promptly attended to. This evening's Star oontains tho following: —By a lady who arrived yesterday from Hagerstown, we learn that the last of Lee's ,army left there in the direCtion of Harrisburg on Friday night last. Oar own army is not letting the grass grow under its feet, though It would not be proper to give its locality. The public) may bo assured that It may be From Rosecrane Arm counted in for a oig mess with the enemy y.-Aayance ot , the Army of the Cumbestand-. i""q• ,liX11:7,11 and Caaziaata It taira, at the Omit!oat arty rant, day 6: :tight A.: urdrrt iat at.. akurra place =rill b trumpttr ratt, , t, t • Mill void ba paid 'ro • Ilta righting Going On. The Cleveland herald, of Monday, says that Lieut. Carran, who arrived in ''that city on Friday night from thoutriny of the Cumberland, having left Murfreesboro on the night of Wednesday, the 2ith inst., brings some important news from the Army of the Cumberland. on the 22d a forward movement was made on Bragg's headquarters at Shelbyville. Lieut. Col-Brow, ti to w, (son of Parson Brown low,) with the let Tennessee Cavalry, en tered Shelbyville, and found that Bragg's forces had fallen back to Tullahoma. Toe entire army of llen. Rosecrans moved on Shelbyville in four divisions, from Beady villa, Murfreesboro, Triune and Franklin. CoL Jefferson C. Davis was left behind with a picked force to keep open communications. On the 28d Shelbyville watt occupied by our entire force, and a forward macrh made on Tullahoma. When LieuL Carran left, a-tremendous cannonading was going oh in the direction of Tullahoma, and a great battle was un doubtedly going on there. Bragg's army had been seriously weakened by forces drawn off for the relief of Vicksburg and to reinforce Lee. Oar army is in excellent condition. All the Mak and wounded were order:alto Nash ville, but lees than Sour hundred could be induced to go; others joined in_ the oh want march. We may look for' stirring news soon. RUMOR= ADVAJICZ or GEN. Dix on Rica. uoza.—A Washington dispatch (perhaps somewhat sensational) to the N. Y. Sunday Mercury, states that the people of Richmond are intensely excited at the reported ad vance of Dix with 80,000 men on-that pity. The rebel reports states that Dix's whole army is at White House, approaching Rich mond by ItioDistr.Art's old line. It is also stated that Richmond is defended by 80,000 conscripts. Vjtu■ ow NSOLOIS is lifianoom.--The Co lumbus (Boone_oomit) Nolamas reports a sale alright pogrom at that place on the 18th instant. They belonged to N. W. Wilson. and were sold under deed •f trust. They were all likely negro'', and young, and brought in the aggregate $1,403. Before the rebellion broke oat soy one of the adults in the let would bay. brought more money than As whole realised. EXTRACTED WITLIOUT 1 PALII.—We take this method of lofOrsini' our Meade and the publlo plurally that ye as now prepared to iI l BM* TOWS iIIITOODT PUN in the practice of Destistiy. Them who ;hays tem ocietpoidng this numb dreaded operation may now lay said* lair fears sad Pre as a cell, at, the app. wane we tuts Is cue has beau thoroughly metes our. aka put lour purs, folly tha planless character of the operation, 90 Drop or Oriamicalesor Oelverdo Battery seed All three wishing the Nervicrw of a good and rellsole Dentist will do wall Co call end coned: with SAABS 8. KING, D, D. 8., No. pd Pith lame dr, Da. O. KING fetes= No 47 dmithilold k. Pittsburgh. Jlt M. M'bTREN, Buis. FimirDua t • OAS Aso &rams Pirram. Particular 'Munk n pelt to the dittos up and repairing of 01.1. ann. mum. eB kinds of BRAN ADD IRON 000E8 made to order. Also, BEAM O.IUPTISOB, of atl kinds, muds at the shortest notice. Ali ordinu I titbloc. 01 AB4 WATCH BralliT; mar Liberty, will be promptly attended to. UW'Th members of this Arlo Wing practieed me. .O_U., of many pm& experience to their boldness, ow toms to l ots Whim:lton In wary respsca. dolkl 3011 N. song.l4„ MATE/SEVILLE, (oinsooosors to Win. 1 Tat.. Jr. 10o.,) _PBACIFIOaI 1.40618i1td, Oar! AND MOAN /MAU, No. 997 6daert9 Pitttbaret. and No . 69 lothural atm! Alloghay, hays on hand and will furnish LIAD PIPS. ME= kVA% BAB I.BAD, GUM ROSA, BITDILAWrq oIiOWBB B ATED, WATEB 01.0616T5. BATE! MI6 ; _LITT, PO OT 1114 ALL PUMP% By. DRAWLICI BABA, OBANDEILINAS, PJANDLOTtI, BBACILNIA, to. MI watt warm/nod to On matte. motion lorrlarata 28,000 kusa • Mt NIAIS „„, Nor male attbs axosuan GOAL AND MIN:NADEL MAISON •111X014 Ariaaaofr Cu.l ■,lflbffdf . p , ., . JAW gem% 401A.nithid W AIR% asa =ls lint n ito gin t. 0/1011WS ! , /9.110#1k. J. •a. PRAllra 4 „1""Pl."4. 1 811. ow. Amt. THE LATEST NEWS RY TELEGRAPH OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON. Sp_vial Dlepatch to the Pitteburgh Gavotte. WASHINGTON, June 29, 1863 The rebel cavalry which crossed the Poto mac at Edward's Ferry and occupied Poole,- villa, and Yesterday captured. the wagon train i l near Eockvillo, has not sin been heard of, except in ;mall detachment gathering up bon u es throughout the stnt y and the like, save In the single direction Sykesville, ex cept on the main stem of t s Baltimore ana Ohio railroad, between Fred rick and the Re lay HOTXIIO. There a email s tied of them ap peared early this morning, ut the telegraph wires, and tore up the track All communi action by rail and telegraph between Freder ick and Washington, or Bel more, is there fore temporarily suspended. There have been approhonelons that this oa airy would also attempt cutting roads between Washington and Baltimore, but up to this evening, there has been no dieturbance of leommunioations. 0. A. Andrews, of the let Virginia cavalry, was taken prisoner at Rockville thin morn ing He t totes that his regiment wee in the neighborhood of Rockville last . night, but .1 - .os not know whether they have changed their since then or not. Re places Lee's cavalry above Rockville, between that place and Harper's Ferry. Yesterday a squad 'of rebel • cavalry, numbering ton, made their appearance in the vicinity of Cola:Title, Montgomery county, Md., not many idles from Belleville, on the Baltimore and W shington Railroad. They are said to be see ring the country in quest .of heroes. The ra el cavalry made their appearan c e at varion points in Montgomery county, Md., yesterday and this morning, making levies upon horse flesh generally, pouncing with epeeist vie upon the fat- animals owned by the Qoaltere about Sandy . Spring. Some of them skirted as near Washington ae Silver Spring, on the Seventh Street Road, but left again in considerable haste. Thia morning the raiders halted the stage which conneeta with therrailroad at Laurel. taking out the horses, but letting the driver and passengers off :matt free. Bandy Spring is about fourteen miles from Laurel. 'RI VLI.LITIDIOM•11 COMMITS' The Vallandigham Committee has gone without seeing the President It is again stated, on good authority, that. a copperhead went to Richmond a fortnight since, to urge. Lm's presont movoment, as a means of peace favorable to the South. Tim also suggested town burning, which Jeff. re volted at. Medic,lnes are ordered in Philadelphia in large qaantltiaa 00a ARMY OS 701 NOVI 111=11 A squad of Col. Bak•r's rangers sueoeeded In roleming Afty-seven wagons and about four hundred mules taken by the rebels at itookrille yesto:thy... They um Stuart; with about four bregadea of cavalry, there, who boasted of a speedy attack on Washhgtoa. RIMEL BOISE ATIIALDICI IXPEDITION The rebels visited Old Frank Itlair's Owe, called Slyer Springs, yetkerday, but did no serious damage. From rime of his neigh bors, homes were taken, ird sorry oid nags loft in their piece. The folloiing associations have non* ta kon out certificates of authority to oentrnAitee banking:—Springfield, Men. , Davenport s lowa, Lafayette, Ind., Safoidusty, 0., Car lisle, Pe., Ann Arbor, isticilfgan. 37 ♦ QUANDARY It is not knowa•what Gen. Lee Gea. Dix refers to as being captured, bat it is certain that it 4 not Gen. Fita•liagh Los, ai that of. aster is DOW commandins rebel cavalry la Wl pleaaant proximity to as here. TOftl!Q KINITTII3 3131,1131 TO 31 TAIND The L'ammiseioner of Internal novenae has decided that Foreign Ministers salartee are entjeot to the income ten. The inqalry teal made by Lard Lyons. OLLOUIID flitoolll The Tooth end last oampany of the lit regiment o f Nee York colored treopi will be mastered In te-morrose. lADI/11111 &ROT The Taneton.and Sioux are threatening Fort listasdali; a number of them having been shot by the garrison. I== aen. Butler is believed to be here, solely to attend the oommenotlioeut of the Georgetowa Convent, where his daughter la is graduate WASHINGTON, Jane 28.—Gen. Hooker was last night roll red from command of the Army of the Potomac, at him own request, and Gen. Heade appointad his onemoor. New YORE, Jnne 29.—A Washington dis patch to a Philadelphia paper says, the rebels who captured a wagon! train consisted et part ot Fitzhugh Lee's brigisie. The whole of which was marching to Beltiville, on the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad. Two rebelreglinenbilwere encamped at Acootink, tea miles from Alex andria. The captured rehab say that Etnart's cavalry with artillery are marching on the railroad between Washington sad Baltinsoie. The whole of the rebel army except Eitiart's is now la•Pennglranls. The'rebel cheers say they Pre determined to make Penneylva nia their future battliOnsld. Rebel lill.tveniebie 11l Marylvtsl. , 86.01110111, June tio.--The rebels appeared thts morning, at an early hour, four milts be yond blerrlottaville, ind tem up the traok. About 1.1. Welook another smaU forced rebels appeared at Sykesville, thirty-one miles from Baltimore, and deitro}ed the railroad track. A rebel cavalry fora encamped last night at Bandy Spring, ifontgornary county, and sent out mating parties. This foree•is mirk posed to be the same . that :appeared at the point above-mentioned. • The road to Washington is, as yet, Unmo lested by rebels. Arrival of the Clay of lioltilooko. Br.. Jon's, Jane 17.•:--The city or. Bald more, from LiverpooCon. he fib, entS hoard ed off Cape Bets on Friday 'misc.! Her advioes wore one day later than the Herman. The Kangaroo arrived at Liverpool`, on Abe lkh, and t h e Great Eutoni OA IlltersOin on the 17th. j Lord Palmerston, ht his Moth at thf Lord Maler's banquet, in London, on' the 16th , said that on all questions el peace orl mu, whether in the Beatof Wast, Pomona Eng land wire perfect sooordance. - Vie Invasion. • Raßamona, June 10.—Informatlon tn. mind by the authorities this morning, which thy consider partway reliable, that 11.000 troop, had prarwilturough Obainbaraburg up to flatutdoY tortathar with 104 Oren of. at. tinier,. Usu. Lae.wag at Obintbansburg up to Saturday. Tba„,indioationa are. that. a 'Mang snort will triads to •obtala foot. hold this old, of Miriam. The rebels ; ham sustained appuontly Muth* In our front up to *Mims Walk LATEST FROM ROS.ECEANS' ARMY. A Skirmish Between McCook's Ad vance and a Rebel Brigade. , OUR LOU 226 KILLED AND WOUNDED. Address to Indiana DemooiatEa. June 29.—A Murfreesboro dispatch of the 27th says: In skirmishes on the 24th and 25th, at Quip Gap, between the advance of Mo- Cook's corps and a rebel brigade, our lose was two hundred and twenty•live killed and wounded, including Capt. Waiter L. Thomas, of the 77th Pennsylvania, killed. Captains Kanbo, Martin and Leine, and 'Lieutenante Foulke, Bing and Jones, of the same regi ment, were wounded. An Indiana dispatch says that the Onion Democrats Issued an address to the Democ racy, and have called a mass meeting, to be held there on the 13th of August. Over ono thousand troops are in Sullivan and Green counties, enforcing the enrollment, and arresting deserters. Locrisvrram, June 213.—T0-day's Nashville Haim reports that one division of the Feder ate captured 1,000 rebels on Saturday, when going through Hoover's Gap. No further particulars. It Is also reported that the Seventeenth Regular Infantry (mounted), being surround ed by four regiments -of rebel infantry, cut their way through, taking a number of pris oners. VoL Miller, of Negley'e division, is reported wounded in the eye, A special dispatch to the Louisville Journal, from Manebester, Tenn., says that Wilder's mounted infantry dashed into Manchester, capturing a large party of rebels, Including Capt. Anderson, of the First Kentucky caval ry. Wilder's counts captured, yesterday, a cour ier from Morgan and Wheeler's commands, with important dispatches. Bragg reviewed the rebel troops at Hoover's Gap on the morning of the battle. Wilder's force burned the trestle-work yes terday on the Manchester and Tullahoma road. The Chattanooga Rebel of the 24th Bays the firing continues with inoreallog rapidity at Vioksbarg. PROM PRIL.IDELPIII4. Special *Dlapatah to the Plttabarrar Garotte Pan.anzLente, June 29,1863 An attack is hourly expeoted on Harrisburg. Tore was skirmishing along the line this moriaizg. One man was shot. Great excitement oontinuos in Philadelphia. Gen. Gans makes a requisition for two thous and laborers to dig trenches. The °him' are organising fast. A detaehment of ma rines was'sent to guard the powder tusgesine. All the war Is at the Navy Yard have been plaosd in fighting order. The bridge over the Susquehanna, at Co tumble, destroyed last night, was 5,610 feet long, fourteen feet above high water, and oost $157,000. Among those In the fight wu fifty-three aggro's, who, after making intrenohmentr, fought bravely. The rebel force wee about 8.000 The engagement oommenoed by sklrmishing on tho left, on the railroad, betwasa & small squad and fifty rebel dismounted oayalry. Major Baez narrowly *soaped. Our squad fell back to the intrenchmente Half an hour afterwards the piekets on the turnpike, a mile and a half from the intrench ments, were attaoked and retired, and were followed by the enemy. In • few momenta thtee pieces of artillery wino planted on the pike, about flee hundred yards. from the in tranehments and three in a field to the right. At the same time it was discovered l2iat we were flanked on both sides. Our forces engaged comprised the 27th regi ment, three companies of the 20th, so inde pendent Maryland company, detachments of the convalescents, Captain Walker's cm patsy of the 26th, and a negro company. After a gallant deforms without artillery, the order for retreat was given, and in good order we retreated. To-day rebel pickets are icon on the oppo site side of the river. Their intention is to attempt to moss. Basra ars entertained that the dam will be destroyed to make the river fordable. . • Gen. Booker's Farewell Addreis-- Gen. gleade , s Address on Taking Command of the Army of the Po• HMADQIILITIOS Amt! Cr TEM POTOMAC, June 28.—Gen. Hooker has issued the follow ing farewell address: In conformity with orders from the War Department, dated June 27th, I relinquish command of the Army of the Potomac. It is transferred to Major General Geo. G. Meade, a brave and accomplished officer, ho hes nobly earned the confidence and este* of the army on men, well might fields. Lfs avoid with the belief that my usefulness as coin. winder of the Army of the Potomac is im palm', I part from it, yet not without the the deepest emotion. Tee sorrow'of parting with comrades of to many battles is relieved by the conviction that the osuragi.and devo tion of this army will never cease nor fail; that It will yield to my mooessor, as it has to me, a hearty and willing support. With an earnest prayer. that the triumph of its arms may bring eneoesses worthy of it and the na tion, I bid it farewell. [Signed] J 0311.11 Boo's'. This was followed by an address from G. Made, datad: MIADQUALITIIS AIXT OP sun Porento, J nee 28,1863. J By direction of the President of the United Mate., I hereby anions commend- of tae Army of the Potomac as a soldier. In obey, leg this order, an ordcr totally tinerOotod and unsolicited, I hire no nrondies or pledges The country looks to the army to relieve it from the devastation and disgrace of a hostile - invasion. ' Whatever ascrificie we are called upon to . =derv), let as have in VIM aonotangy the magnitude of the interest Unwind, and lea each man determine to do his dray, leaving to an sLL•controlling Providence the dirration of the oontut. It la with great diffidence that I relieve in oommead of this army an emiaeo t and aeiOm pUshsd soldier, whose same most ever appear conspicuous lathe history of its settiormseram but / rely upon the hearty support• of. my comrades in arms •to assist me tattle disaharge of the duties of the Important trust which has been confided to ma. tx=o Geo. G. M ►~Dl, MO ; Gen. Ocan'd'g. • Important ..front ,Kentuelry.-Fight at- Liberty Gap—Reber* Ronted—fteb. el General Claybourn Reported Killed. BeLeine, Jene 10.=the RePe Wore@ -*pe dal, dated Ressionettas Limy of thee:sober.' land, Beech Grove,lB miles south of binriress bore, says: • -, A metal forward movement of Roteorsnee army began en the 24th. ; Continuous heavy, rains made movements slow, but they. have' been satistantory. • • - All the enemy's force oopesed to : Cur ad. vanes embed beak with serum punishment. ..Oa. - Wilder's mounted Infantry bed a se vere skirmish at Ramses Glop, on the 24th last, &ivies a impeller tersest infantry, aed , laillating aloes of several hundred killed and woundW, while his own Wm was mill 40 or . Willieh's Weede r , theitiinee of 400ook's corps, drove two regimentSf, infantry and a beam of artille.y.from matrong .position ai r Liberty; Gap' miles tenth of Merfreeiboro, on the Wiriest, sulferingalmis of 80. - Is the afternoon piths 25th a nett oacur red at the ism plies between a Rebel dime. lon. enderlOisiYhors and Wallahs; Wibler's, add Outer's brigad e.. After an hone* salon thee 'enemy was oeletely rested, leaving ttl* deinli part oftis wounded, and a Am ber of selsosete 14 ear heads. Oar less was 40 kills and 100 Wounded inolnding 14 ell -011111. One . Mitchell's eavalty. aontedi a body of the bola on the Eihalbyrille Pike • on the 23d ine The • • opr are in high spirits, and eager to meet, th - enemy. p n of the Rtbeliber not-WM' dna; sped, h•• indication' are thet,,they will not give bat e this side of Dark River. Oar a• rinse mired at , Meneheitter on the 27th. Prisonen say that ilign..Slaybpurn was kilted in the fight at Liberty Gap .and . that Bragg reviewed the troops's' fiew halms befoite the action; and that Genershrlihrdew f ad Stewart witnessed th eeeee gentent;:-. Telegraphic Coinmunicatiot: PHILADILPF3II, Jana 19 —Thu telegraphic communication between Harrisburg end Pitts burgh 1111 still portlier. There le no truth in the rumored capture of Harrisburg, DEPOT (IU4I/1 , 41 &Si KB'S oI FICK, LuOLITILLI. Ks., Jane 13:1863. QIC &LED PnuPobe La wilt be receiv. ed net 1 611 m. sn JOISE 33ra. tar fcantsb l 6ll toe follo•fog naop le. , welds most be 3.llserad it Lapels, 1, ni,lrs , e 01 (huge :ar packages or Height cod tea y Joe se pm et. "hoe loysl p.rt es nerd spply, and the oath-of Cl evens* pseseriessi 1 y mm DO rop:red of mature' bidden abII gI L O I I ..IITQIIII/ 1 4D. . 100 (Ore handrtd) Ca.rlage 11.ate,-ta‘.l6; i IMO dee baltadradj *a a. , 3,1% ; LOG Ise haunted 0 0 '2%.4•16; suu Ise handre, 0 .. 3%16461 61.0 are bund , eo .. 0 4,a, &CO dye bonJre 0 ga 64 1,600 (*lateen hood el ponafa %lid% nand Iron; 20000 (t sro thOr• and, Paguaulig 3 , :a0 ' . aa 0 ,00,Or os tSo .........) 0 X 0 0 0 6,0.0 (Clee tbodia,d) 0 E. 1. 74t CO reren 40 mend 0 % 0 0 o 7,10 . lesson 000080 d 0 'U.* 7.000 .s-sen tbOulano ag A 0 0 41 3,060 (three the the 0 P i n 0 a* aa TO 4**,4 n thou alto) • 0 • fp [4,010 (our thocaand, 0 4 ' 0 4. ,1,4100 coos thinsande a. A 0 .. 2,010 (taro thans awl I 4 . 0 —.. .. ).:$' • cs . .66 X1X:10 tie., thousand) 0 , 6,000 (so 14 mama a) .. 4 by 1%16„4•ral Iron 4.00., (woe thaaast.o) .. A• y L to. . 0 4,04 0 (kur thou aO.) 0 4 4i tnott acinare. 2,000 Oleo ID se.aed) . p 16 0 16 . 11l .°l6O (1160 1. 0126,60 1 44 A 4 6EIO 1. 61 11 tboc. i ed) ag ea 64 600 a z thou and) 0 , 46 . . r,00a•o M0...a 0) a* . 415100 h tdal " 4,00 u (four 10,0 ao) 0 4 ,,, 0,,11 0(4.0 tootenurd) 0 ain ga 0 aa 00.0 , inpr al 0 4 c , •• 0.. 4,.01 nor throne. d) .. 'zt 0 0 0 4:00' tano a botidarad) a. a 4 0 .. .• 6 000elz 11,1..1 ) .... 0 Outl(.La taw:m.4v) , 61010 (.1.1 1.. taeaa ) ° ~3 .11 c• 0 i 400!1 oar . h Le we) . ° )*O4 7 , 00 able, th .1”a - d) a , ,I . 0 . 1 tua , ..0 thou.:tad) .. 1% .. .. .. 3,000 ts co .thoGnlo.o) . th 0 0 .• i 0,0.0 wo thousand 0 c 254 0 0 2 400 (coo th lisatad 0 x, 2, , ix. (Ma thud. aim " IA 2005(40o 10.5•000 0 0- 6.1 . .. 0 6010 (three thonnend) 0 _ Na!,, , ,' 6, , 40 (.2 thou a• d) 0 14,‘ c 0 0 '. au (4 et ) } tar.clo,% !nth Ilu p Iron; 40 Voce, . .k. 4 40 aar A 0 1 . 0 (one hon•lred) nuld7col 100'4 EtO`p iron; 1,100 (0.0 , honsau , 1 ' ante% lacy linen g 8t0e1; GO (41t,) tars 1%0% non 0 .• 66 •11 t 0( oat)) 0 No y i 1,00 ( ILO tiodeand) novude ii% loch Oat " Itre h Atdrec) sere 3101. note It .• le ;.100 b •nd ea and 6 t ,Ittege bor.allboa Nana; dune les.' tiro . ..Shoes; ',‘•o ti: octane) 0 111u1e _ " _ ;Jae nooses.) Wagon Yssat Box" 15.V.2 In., it la long :bar two sssal) Ambnlstioo Pipe Boxes, lye eh.. 8)61.. lotto; ',tsr.otry t[1.11114110) Hind Wheel (army Waive) ;Soo astound) Float Rilel (Irmy Wave) pass is; SOO ( lost honied Army Wostoo BoM; 1,5..0 (Ohms busidtod) hind Wheel (Ambaleam) oke.; POO (800 hu urea) Brent Wheal (Imbi'ar.ce) Op Soo; AU bid. so La aldrtared, giving role ogee ream,, to tao aadosoligood W.JiII NS, Jo 21:. OH (loot o•d •.Q .1-. n ti Arm.. Yap - thT a.aaW.L ethee•J. Ve Wi,L wiblitaten. Noy ea, 1863. f NOTICE—The attention of all officer@ who have been honorably discharged on ao• not of moon- s or obabtlitr, end who direln to re. liar toe •ervioe In toe Invalid Oorp., 1. called to no pthlth lOUS of General O der., No. 101, on 1863, • no the War Department, pub.febed in the papers tironacrot the cm:IIMT. 'OO.O *Mar. ono reqa sled • co et 13r promptly with the provitione of toat or. •er. and to bead written application., ea teem. to pro, ided, far p Lint)oe to the invalta 00. p., tam. Ling tn.o nharaonar of their diesbaltyo with as little d.ley as &alibis, to the doting Aulsiant Provost anhal General of the ate!, tn whnolt they mop be. Ouch oulatant Proioat Maraud Omietal will at once forward the applications, vim' his fedora. went. to the ProVoat.elarskiel_ Gamed o 1 tbe thane. Officer* ter for the Invalid tlorpswill be appoilitted im• otechately upon tarnishing •he paws nathired by Gerona llroar-Itio. Ing e of 1863. five. War . D.pairr. elect. 3 hole - pay anal eraohimente &romance leom date of scceptsuce of inch appalutritecte, end not from date of organisational toe rapeotite own. mends to which they May be aai t lgned. J. Fla. Provoat Voiotia] General. A P.. Luxim. Pia Lx. lams S.W. Lt.x .OL limaannu-- .OL Truing ante Pied the Agency for the side of the BIMPLA filial', mined [l.lOl . Et. Louis, Mo., I in. irtt• the attentloo of Glass mad Steel Manufacturers to Ike onetime given sewn as repo.fed by front. A.. 4 Hays, of BAJO% and J. O. Boothia' Ph halal. phis, which, tossther with the teat of actual expert. ence stinfecturen in Pltarbergh, Cincinnati and Et. Lo ea afs. outfit:due be the palest sod mod ve'usible Clay now known, 'twitter foreign or agouti:an Pot. movie from it tuts stood in the Ginn furnace nom IN toil month.. the Analyst, is of the Clay u taken from the mine s sedum: any areshing or preparation abet. ever. ft pineweass gust adhesiveneas sod p astiolty qua IlLa which are not shlwa by the Analysts. end which admit of the admixture or • large proportloa of shell er funned olsy: I am now prepared to fili orders for the above Btu, to be shipped from ft. lan:l6or &Hurled hem. ALEX. GORDON, Na 191 BICIOND !STRICT, &sena Prrmrounr, Pa. O'' WRITS SULPHUR SPRINGS. Thle well karma watering plate •will De fOrtnellf Opee.d on th• lere ur JON n. • The fiedings. tine Tray, will be under the lament. seperveoun of th• Prorri.ter. who will be ea. elated by mesas. Anoint e. BWATI(LE. man 0. t 3. Jllloeile. - • - it 1. the Inlenlon to make the lope% In all re. veil!. Wpm/ the beat ••Ne In, ;Jaen In the anin• try. Ann provicoAgenerally N.; thN wawa ae.d icreenreodation Glib. eaeata. ~ , Yerternia or Oittr Inhumation ✓drn WelotO N 7e14 m we t• teo .. . T t "A a.. i - e.witm "A V A:nth ii.untit.r..A - 9 / VI e base ;" Olt dal smaelatslotte eta !Atha Belittle MILL "imitate:A. 3. OVAL, lb. sty'. et tbs trm to es 'BUSK, Ga.rr MILLO tba partnership ut take alLet this Aty o ,.• lea WI bealeatishi be PM led cm by tee attempts:nate* harsh.Lne. • May YAM, 1804 =l3l a °Garr. 'ten tun. sump* emir. AIDISI(J. ECU. anew Dom., alonotri -of •X dasstass of Efooipwoot Wed Natal, toustssotsd ow. wadi w stew a wain this kind of woo • speoutitliw• ipectinUy II has of the tray _ ts . fire r Office. comer at ilmithatta WWeir strews toy 6 r . • L. OALDri (n.c.or to :ma: Holmes & ow,) .P PBX Dealer la B &CON, LAMA IRIGAII-470/tXD LUIS, . _ 00 !Warr inti:ll.lthrt STRUT% .11411. 8. , . Prmrsva•mr. Pa. &abb. bl. . A.V.Ozumn, , • ihrIIDUN 1:1171,701, DzawUcas aoss enorsiiia,sson. BalldiowszTO mpartetteda theft irocilenosi reisonabla team- • _ : __Ottlak mi./1.124Kx% skew, tooting bopoooli sail 50bloion strut.. Aliegbaly city. SQUGAIR t.UK ED RAMS..-- Vid QOD to% illichoU UMW' __ tOPUIDS,_ do -Ao .. WW floo!o: • - 100,64 It's: lzbooldirif - - IMOD atdoe,V • • IC° bbar Satre rissitli 117*In1 ilkllicrit and Proliost • ib o l Ovua. rIT TIT , a, ZIC: • - oAta .= sia bi l k; I m o.° Er.m ' • PORK ; 300 *a: kVA/ LARD; , . -450 d. White and arirva ORS - WI 7 400 b n. load iihdrti3g* Cal 13/DOW OO I stantent tor sol• by WY. 10 Hi 1,"1a te 00.• t ropmr.bondoome iibbcd diger t. 0 2 OA 8110.16 (0141) , l'or slea 10 11.111,611 , 5 t j DiA#l4l lALIBallit.A.,4O I VrAIRS etd d er I.PsO- !, ma Aso Itlealuds. 60 04011 , 006 ba I •ph alma star. , T.nazzm MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers