-211E13DAT 40411".PM8° . LOCAL 1NTELL16:1111 01 L --- From Yotterday's - iliwitioid Edition. —....-- ' , All 0141110-rittePetrgh " Than, this . thilitetsiork Attu, of ~ . ... . . gatAndAy, sa : "We eommended hi ghly- the 'oily of pigs Initaday, for -iii s pi rited and tieieki tl O 110PrePetittite meet the rsbel Waldo -We stated that the storm had all burs elowld i firr -w. = week end the olds. had tuned' ti , alrittiVOi:Mune, and from 8,. ioo to 10,00 _ . llOl l , yozklng on the -ferttst tions. We ser and that* did not, in' this • .Itonorshio - ..to that blame eennanal. ty mach• , ball ludo. -I' • . Pittsburgh assearraf ...sayer 4 . Thts - work is gemming -aligehtle.. 14.000 men - at work tet- 1 naittlisesl4, 00, with 14,000 • *mot* t 'edrildp — ' their ,pleks and 'aureole - lit talorwp 'mu =drills", "- or atm the • - -Andes) iheone o z . 1 1 mtlr pople'adt 1414, oonMikuld,rith this of hie city ,. bit 0. , , ',Up e ras 4 intreit , hinieet,aill trod ' invader. That is • glorious .00toe.to ommtlfp fro* its 'hal lowed Bite s ot old Tort - Du 0.. , In sight of Pittsburgh - thi'dalkhs gibe, took, Pfau wideli,drrenght out the trilliktri genies of Geergelfashlngton ; and it is &happy omen that to the present day if Penksylvenia's Os , ourligtoddsk 11,14,,humillitip a Spirit s• Itlimrstudn ekitrlni. - Ontmess, the, Odd of Wash-, ington's maiden battie-" 0 , The Pldladelphla Belluip, of tha sass date. contrasts onirSotdon with that of the' citizens of Philadelphia, that:. "This oinduotethe • citizens of 13tisburgh:lit At .. anililiPaikd t&T" • orals oontreet with that of our•oltisens In ' the present nnurpsoy.• ,, Thare - business has been almost wholly suspended, and the etten . thou of tha whole amantruidty MO beinglven totthe Aoestriotlon of Sorb, for ni. dofensi • of th• city. ;A tabular. statement; has , been ; pabllsltd, showing that: 14801 , MD are en- I mid upon fortilloatiOn4 WO WM 'tuba/ adraneed.s(far as to'bitri,lboling of se mit, among the inhabitants.- a 4 Philadel.. Olt were as satire astPltteinugbows should kayo W - ilds modumn,:sizty 'thousan d' Mon .. digging, intramoldng end 000rtniettlit ening . sad other Initidiments to the : &dynes. of th• enemy. his not toolate to begin now. Bos- Inns should be stopped and the able. bodied men should be . called upon to go to work at onoe.'.' „ , „ ( , , Fort 41•4aatait—Lpfpg .P eee eats/tom The aghast tape fkag presalltation at this fort, es flateftey, mar swey;imposiag. pot tiro hours,the stream of eassisges and groups of sea art&WOMMI, 1 / 4 111Mill IMO winding their Way 'up ill loos hill,abw and then resting on. the graft 'slopes and shady `spots that meta , . • Mt. Washington., such.. • lately spot. The fort could no patella thiaiies of - Parlous, for besides those isestlwasol, whelawswira/...* - ' itsn, were the deans of ismalres)the war es% Ofts, who seam 14 la martial indef., swa b:owned and hardy lOoltisg. IL was &Aso sight to et* these resaitheb "eimmtrys pride," with the dust.imd•sweat ef toil asthma, for lb. dermal ef our haus. Sr. W. batik set the meeting la mottos, by tarring that Ur. W. Douglas be Prisideut, which was usanistumsly sompted. Musts. hialinger Bighorn, Yolifebou fed Awl, Vies Presidents, and Mr. Wm. Yurdook, ago , . The beautiful flag Ma laity feet . streamer *as then produced, and pressatid by Prof. Mem, on the part of ths . tediee,)to the Ye. ohaalos of Beath Pittsburgh` sod Sligo. S. Blew% En., responded , for the median les, at the .loss of.Arkioh, up meat the deg to Its Asieles-11105TroheersMf the mat . thuds , and the roll the drum—owed by the! , ,Eltar Spasm tomer," by the baud. The order and entire prommodisp was ad mirable, and eatid - Maill joy and expressions of patriotism, the meeting dispassd. Iseendiarylire* in Allegheny On Ebradiy night .about nine o'elook, the aispenin shop of Mr. Hugh Olson, near the wan of Ohio strut and the But Ottoman, Allegheny, wu discerned to be on Are, mind ins very'short thisit was la a heap of rotas. A houndwellini adjoining 'lke shop, own pied by a Dually asaNd Howard, was consid erably damaged by water and lie, and ths redden, of gr. Frank Rahn, also *ear the shop, wait In'.'grost donor for a time" but lastly seespg with sillg,lit soorilting. The An s i/as undoubledly the. work of an inneridi in*as there had been no fire about the shop for sent tinscoad on. Saturday _evening the - shavings bad beet onetally removed. Mr. Gluey was partially insured, but lot said : neatly to rover the loss. • On evening, at itu#srliii hour, an • . attempt was so* to bum pow 'fad* on the strut orY4tvUd Chestnut stouts, in the TUNA:Ward. A lot of natehes had been thrown Into the now, the hay had ought, bat it was diseorerwi stud sztingnishod before gektliskiadway. The; .Butehers• and the Present According to a notice in Saturday's papas, tatohers were to meet at the Market How, In Pittsburgh, on Monday morning, and *asp to proceed to Work on the intro:Loh ., mats. The undersigned, toPthar with two bends - wont thae;bit :mind no other butcher there ;ready togs to w,ork. Now it strikes ms that one day'rwork per week on the intamsh tante is doing the work • anther slowly, The butchers might work orrery day on the in= treashsnents, if ; they. properly &neap :their business. The old men amongst the butchers - an kill and sell enough meet, and haw it -- sold by 8 or 9 o'clock, a m., for the:next three, snonthsond the young menmil ita tivrolli o Wilitrenolineits till -- they as lad, work, and thereafter drill as cavalry or lieu, with their horses; de. Q - ditense. is to be made; let it be done encrgetioally, and with view sueoess. , I don't Wiens in bait measurei. old Botabers An. and Union man. .joir*Musitiza. Attn.* week of goissilsl , seuvostsion, busi ness lois 'Lola tiatiAwoweid awl - the shops and storm osociaiwe mews aavalssated. and . busy apiwaranos.. The nut upon the ptiaol - --Lpit-try-geoiewatteleassisg-stexelvies 'win; -steam" •aad thwasiOds of lediaa - wia ' wally tripping - trap'. to El . she' •atadkoat. " 55"tht eoatteoWS_lasa andradd hiad tkuplasittenr. Wad- baritaisdag - for those artistes of wafers sad luxury et which they • " have boil deprived durtaithe past few 'days: The heavy stainkfactodtlsestabllsbawats ars 'also gettlagaidei way, aai lb. atMas enials, the fassaseilke fortioraad the lOW 4R ease mop be Pei Aineuteensi sans. At tbeigli the bury. anus et isdnetry Is spin bola thraushost - the eltr, the week os the forttlestloes is sot sesleoted, and the tonal debte defames wllt be pshedionwird to cow Odes. tato the oily osEatudaj attar/loon. and het- .«Los duet, to frost of lien- nows's Aro. Otta. ROI/11 made silken, spool, whieh VIM respon dad to witltthroe ohms for Gamuts Brooks sad Sews. Th• battery thorn pro - oudislioahe Consul, sad-bad In drill, to widoh they- dub stglitais Vast After drill guy emu our to City Sall, sad had s good topper set est to them by thsßsbeie tesa Oosuaittea t After input illaY,tode to 'amp, rushing it about 10 o'clock 1.. w..tke horns sot allowing sub fatigite. • Oa Sudsy iteraittg,st Wyman, as order was read _ dithadbg _the aria- of Oergeaat Blab sada patios of ith sqltad to , itietrlet oa from the roll for the • good of, tbs bb tom. . They were &Myst 'ftwabardingis. . , •:. • tk , . • • , .. @Mk_ Wait Teracken 1 ... .. , . '' - ' AT *again, ot 01. Sixth war/ seroa 'DR 4, - seaters; bold oa Jose d 27,1116;451 fellow's's ---,:_.-- - samosas wore . .' .--- tor elle easidng.yelet : . , ..„ • '-': .44- tirsaintir Iiialatibila.)10181011, 3 ,1 - 0. 8. Dads, 'right 11,011;ae1dia.,, ,, • - ♦ ,,. 44 ' Intennodlote.,Deportesse-Ullea id. 11 ...Pf U .. awakes 111,J , Ttosaa, /I, illitlimpsear 14 74.• . 4 . _$ i; I aodpses E. .1. GOttY•'' '' '. " ' -b. 54 ' 6 t.-4 ''..: - •:'.. ill4lo6 4 iiiti*lV - "li lli ii MarkEL:W. : .Vt Joiale. 31..iXillZats g . . Missile Saida., E. Brows , !Lopata ir --- Itt,-11:It.Illskii;lt. A. (le**. Atari: Al; ~ ti Hada. ~ - -- .. . ,1.. r -• • ~:1-Ilt;:, Via 'elation et• Prams', was • postponed . ". ! 't/41 until the ilea sorbs imeetion. • '-' ' liiiMallars , ?di!ageif• ; f . , b 1 ilt.litotdbo.Woooos''' carol :Jo doolrodd sits truly • mu' .hhiOdliP.4l.' #. laksidi. , .ploolos MOW B ro ws{ *mr • 'awls th e old Allogliosy bosom . ~ - -.....-,,..--....,-1---,..--.---- . 4. . . . • . .. ; , ~ . - . ; _„„11.:,,,,,..,_,„ ~,,....„ ~.... •;-...,-,;,:' .; ,-. • • -,,,,.. r" , •:.` -,,...t •e,,:„,.,Vf„- 'F.4147: ~,. . ..,„„;,..,..- ~..,....,,,...+-,:-,--_-7-1-,-tz--::::-.7,7 :,-,-, ^ , - '' . ..,:- . .. 1 -, ' -.--, .:i, - ;rs.- ..: - . - •...;,.'.1'.;', , , 'T: - , , ,;',' , .• 1-7:',4 .:';,..-*:,.',',"..,;1: , ,: - ::, W.V. , , ib1,:A-,?1,5 , 3t1 - 14.*. 4 % ..-„ - : -. . -- ..... ,. . , :e : ,,,, ,;,h.- . K. -, 1 , ..- - e....-4, ..,, !. 4.., ~. .4 ,-. .- . 4 ...f. .. ., ,r e,, f ,5"....YZt -Ai1i.,64,1, 4-.. e\ - ,._ ,,,, ;.,4*' "•-•., ~..,,, ~ , ,: , , ..4,,,,,,,,..,.:1,4!.,,...147.7-cr-"','• '...,:. ,•'''.:''..;;;',g.-,\.:,.g.:.•.We1,'...z•j::,,Zf:1f"ji;1.V•','41,7.1151..,:?,.,.,•g;V54cri`Prt•g':••''',,,,t0'.'''7, % *- M'',V4,o',., .0 ° ..:.,..... , r; • -,`„ ,•,, , :,, ... ,,,, A ,, ri,r.r......, F. - ; G - . -, . , /, 4.4t2 .1 .r , -;, - . , .:17 - ': , 1,7, - ,c , iielq , 2.1- '=-'.5.",,,,4".•`;`'N-t7.li'V, N'..-1',.' p : i ,,; rg.c!., 0 r.5 .- ;;5,,,,- , g-. l X : 'P. ,, f , '-' 43 ' - ' , ''' ''- - - AX.Y .,- ' 14 ? ,4- ''''' '-''''' "''' ' - '' . ''' =. - c..... , - : : :-:,-- . ....=•:=., • *,;:',,,,v..,,- .. • \ ,,, A . 4• , : , .... ,5" .. ,,,, ,, ,.,-- , , 05 . ,„ - ,3 ,,. K - ; ,, , ,,, . , ... - s -o 1 ,,. 1 -.4-.'-'''''-kt:ir , 4 F 4* - ...?:'' - '' , '---‘' "' , ' '' . .." . ,..,/q ...- -, .• ,--". it ,,,, ,,,• ••''''..Z. ,. '" , .. '3'''' 2 " , •' .--- •-•''' A ''''''' 4 ' 6 ••'''' N ''''' . ' - '" ' '' ~, , • .•/..\--,*: ../,-i..: ',1., -11-6.,-,,, 1.44 ..,,,,,,N..42,,,k-5t,.,..,t...,p.t5. .i. t _„, - ' ,. .. 3 . - - - -: l. cd.. , . -'-`. ,-..•,:-:- —.-.....,,,,..,,..--, , -. ' • " - 4 v 45,' , ... , ~ 4. r , ' ',,,, ' .4 . ; ,- ,4e. - '0 , ,,, , , - -&" - -' ,. ....t''''''' I 1.?, tkl. . , 1 - -A-6 , - ,,, ..t , ..,.. ,,, ,,t4. 4 , , „...A-. 1 ,., ,44,:_:-. 1 -e1........,- , a . .. c;Fm,,,„,-,,,.-, ;-„,t , e,e.nv.,F,:;:, , ,..*„.:,, , 3 , .;126,..,,,zegimkt,t , ~,,,,,,, ,-. . 0=217 Batten A. This ins clomp's; lindaCapt. Keep, earns Resulting as Earalleaaal la Cala. -• • - Three • nien,lleme4; JebitLM. McKenzie, David Watt, and Joseph Will, Ir., hams' been mum:titled to jilt la „this- city, by or der of Chi Provost *lethal-if this 17th , Dis trict, charpd.mith_obstrnoting the enroll ment In Cambria county. Written sysoilism tloni him* thollnilad States Distriet Attorney-tor-the Western District, and Marshal ,Mardoeb has Jody& the par ties In jell "until further, orden." • A Barna oi Noma —.Henry Miner, Fifth - street, next door, to the Rost -piths, Imo re' *alma from Peterson Brothers, of Ithiladel phis, throe novas jut published diem. %Two of these starths are apropos of • oar time ...that's; they are . milliath..llolr l o ll , and will, no doubt, be mamma to our solutes in comp --and might perhaps' be binevoleitly admit ted to cheer the weary and lonely hours in the hospital. 'Diener; eotitiedVihories of Wa terloo; an Histories' Boerne," .by W. ,Maxwell;. H. and "Tim Guerrilla Chid, ore Ito- Monogr of War," by Captain Grant. The for mer has long Shia yea popuhrity, and takes a high place among_ works of It. , ethos; end the latter bee also enough exciting adventure and startling incident to yield a sessation loving reader the falba' satisfaction: The third is a story which may oho have some in temst—perhaps have a Lessore,for: our time. We have everyreavox to lediamathat ths so cra society, known, al "the Snfgbta ot, the Golden Chola," sodaßy,Woree —mom ezensaW:-. than - Irish "Itibbonism." Be this salt - may, chie "Life and Advmairres of Body the Rover, the Rib- Mania of Ireland" by Witham Carleton, the foams author of "Trait& and Stories of the Irish P•aseary," will certainly he read with absorbing interest, merely as a story,lnde- pendent of any estimate of the vain of its moral and p olitical teachings. lisxwell's."Stories of Waterloo!' end Grant's “Guenilla Clair are also for sale by W. A. Glidenfennej, 41, Fifth strut. Gnaw Orenina.-.-Our neighbors, White, Orr k 00., will have an Opening this morning one of their openings snob as Choy hare in ths Spring and Pall-4nt an opening , of their store, whioh has been closed for a 111141 k to the detriment of many of oar lady readers. They offer their entire stook at reduced prior*, and as it was principally laid -in before the late troubles, it is a tine opportunity to lay in anything you need In the dry goods line, and get a good article at a low prim. Se Improve the chinos, ladles, While the store is open. Tao Munoz ermannz.—The Monitor sprinkling - out, to used n Pitch and Wood streets, is now completed, and will be In ope ration on Tuesday morning: While the warm weather continues, the sprinkler will be of gust bends to die merchants and business man, as well wall others who crowd these busy thirongidares. • We hope It will be lib.: orally patronised, and that the enterpriang proprietor may be enabled to extend the basl nese to other streets. GOOD PON BATTS= A.—As will be seen by ad./Gramm/at, this Battery, under Capt. gasp, is Mai up for three .months. This ie a fine chinos for those who may prefer tip attractive - branch of the serrim, and thosh who leaflike defending the State, at oat* should join. Bnrythlng is now ready it amp for field cards% and we would urp that, atom who intend defending their homes 'should apply at ones. Bascxwoon won Juxi.—The June number, closing the 93d volume of Btastwood, has pat been published by Mum. L. Scott & Co., of New York, and is for sale by their agent here, Mr. W. A. Glldenfannev, 45 Fifth street. it it an ILLOOIIIIIS number of this favorite maga sine, containing several articles written with great ability on subjects of considerable in terest, historical, political, literary and mis cellaneous. Joao P. Hurt has Jost received a novel entitled the" Guerrilla Otisf--a tale of War,'? by Capt. Great. To those who have a taste fordhis oharsoter of literature, this work, we have no doubt, will be very interesting. It contains two hundred and thirty three-pages of reading matter beads quits • number of so rings. Prim Ally cents. 'lTire Nslld—Ass matter of precuntion, the mall matter from this oolat, for the eut„ will be suit round by way of Cleveland for the present. The trains, however, oentinne to nut as usual on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The mail from the east, doe here at noon to day, came through all right. SHAWN°I GIIAIDe.—This company it ROW romaiting oat the old Washington Hotel, canal bridge, Sth Ward. Here is an exultant emus for good men to enlist in aigood out pony, soder pod commanders, both of which have seen active servka, and are well known u tried soldiers. Oissitun ro Daman Yana Soria.— The oompany enrolled at store of James EMbli a 89 Market street, will Inset this evening, at VA eclat, at the Diamond, MA'AM Hansa, mond story, for the puzpose of atomisation. An opporrosity is now offered to enroll in this °moony. Saws. Co., 1)1110p1209 that they will open this morning, and eentlim• open until faztimr notion: This store, all will Minember, is 59 Market street. It looms they ale determined to dispose of their entire stook at onoe. See their silvertimment. AWN' BOOKS. STANDARD MILITARY WORKS. U. 12. Yafeatry Tactlas &Aborts xi a :Ilion. ' 011hased Slannal lot If olautsms WOW. Infantry sad Bide Tactics. Scott's infantry Tasks. 3 rely. McClellan's Bayonet Iserciss. XingeStries Artillery mad Infantry. August' on /bid Artillery. Cooke. IL &Cavalry Tartan. vols. Coppoe's /Phi Iffsnusi tot Cowie Martial. The Oconsay Otvk. ocattainlavisstractioss for reeSts. Ms and other pipit. r- sale by . Kea b 00, 56 Weed et. LO** Ole . L ALUAISLIS BOOKS. A 7 Diversions of Parley.; 3 rola • Lidind's Debris" Writers.' 2 rob. Dr. Porter's Lectures on Remithat Cloodito de Trento, In ilisabit sad Lolls Howe's Trestles. IA so. &Ideas of the lismurestios Maley. Mew. and Setae Worts. 1 Vol. - Kkystook`Oldessish. 2 rob..aro. Ool4ere Lecturer on licriptuts,reote A Prophesy How', Worki. Y vols., it To. svls J. L. 11711 D 71 Voarth nowt. r1.113110A lONA' XAlliti Ugh= ltrlaads. %Kirk. VoTtZot i ato Iloitachay of =or grid. Ttu Chia Ina Whim' Rhaslood.. Ilensalcoo. ; Diatom's Thirty Irmits to lb. O. K amts. La. Ittoorgoloh.. Cloth mad mot. Lys luta Tam Bomber. ' 'Rho Mors end the Angola. Ilotkaht Tel. Thaq•P: _•_Modichio, so. el. II Worth Amt. TO_ LET. _ QM BENT—The iiirmstory BRICK wamsigoues. so. i-Wood WWI, two doom from Wafts stmt. • 100 tame 134 16 (allow .--4r sougrirweobwam terror SI wedlbod witmota. rINU 1.101 . --twael Two 01-1 brew tsoona J. In tbsibirdor MU* stow women ono& in& /Mb Womb, with 01 without limit power inn yrowboit URAL Itisliir—dtho:thiiii- - otorl of :sbo Wang now o • by theiaNOMNI a St. Clalt mast aali DnquissirWa7. • • • kowr.,Ainiiwww. 1863. - ,..•„,, gAGiiith SIiORE LINE. Tbs in . &pa 10111611MUI stows/ imeLAN. WARD. Om. W. a&IMIWWIN WM ran dubs the sums betwpos lb" iNboifil ports al = - kir thithint Olth Fast Ilailsor allay tooddiest -Yeti 11.szyni - Losbigtom, - Part isillap. ranetirilarsimillArrotat , Amblig", Pat lutist awl Tawas Ow. airy WIUMMWAT annum if I Wasiak._ ,ii bwreatiagisailts4 -01 T, 11 ,torsVistatake owie. • van wit ....andesioriosiWth nosh* inapt et; l-v e a go p j l liis O li d ta le i&l sor T i i a s t s m a agdelWLtkov lndoawpenrs lwill a ., ba" ILIZETeur e DZAPSES MOWANS. litase URA !Omni '-7 tIO - ocliooOp WU* '4304 .11140001111 at Made's.- Faitooni imam' it ma Jtot to Mit Aboolletwoo tatr a lsooblo pros alto h Mar 0•40:Dble. aura= -40 do ,00soiotb ri a M... - 0 1 1 40:trIlib 11'AX.; Jae —Weinv asrasi, ' gime sipoliNsriboadias t '7.110 pui and ke *kb/ COMMERCIAL ILE'COBD risTsnu KGB - NAU T a °Min or vine P Dam QUIRTS, Illounte, June 29. len. Pitney matters remain se they have been for w ere! syspnet. quiet aid dull, with no new feature worth of notice. The general market is very deli and neglected, the transeettom 'piling limited, and altogether of a local eliminator. There is no speculative demand scarcely for anything, and buyers genteelly perches, Put enough to meet their Front went& Them is maw inquiry for Ilene, °recedes and Provisions, without, however, any change in quotations. Previews is In good demand, and all that is craned, is sold readily at Priem mites. Omit is very dull, and with the eiceptiou of Oata, palm manifest a drooping ten. deaey. ifoteritbstandiag, It woe generally understood that badness woo to be rammed to-day, there wee really so little done, that we am compelled to omit NW usual market report. Wean in hopes, however, that we will be able to record an Improvement before many days elapse. Pittsburgh Oil Aarhus. .Jou I 0 —There h a continual good demand for Ontde, and tis market le firm but Tiehanged—suip tug from 16% to 17 0 , packages retuned, end 246 22 % packages included. Bales of 165, 150, and 220 bble at 1630 packages returned, and 136 bbls from the "Boom Well" at 16Mo. There Is alum ccudderable Inquiry for Seined, and with a limited supply on the Market, mica are firm with an advancing ten. !Saucy. Bale of 100 bble bonded for present delivery at 43c; 160 do at tic, acid 200 bblo for future delivery al M. Wind, free, bas advanced and ie firm, but in the absence of sales we omit quotations. There is no inquiry whatever for Sensing. Melees received tram Oil City to-day. report the market Arm there but unchanged. Pew York retrolinm Market. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Nov YOU, Jane £o—The market to-day wee ex. cited: Selma! Conde at 306510. Bond mold at IV 650 for July de:learn 664)57340 for August, and 600 for September. Sales of Baptha at 2202.60. 0. Weekly Itevlew or the New York Petroleum illarket. [Deported Bxpressly for the Pittsburgh Oara ire) Nrw You, Juno 27, 1863. The market kir both Crude and Defined Petroleum remained very .qalet during the early pert of the week, the public mind harlog become remain:red In regard to the improbability that the rebel read, or whatever it maybe termed, would be extended to Pittsburgh. The demand for both kinds was very moderate, and the tendency was to a lower range el prices. But the extreme boldness of the rebels, and the uninterrupted march Into Peneneylvanise coupled with their reported expremell determination to pub on to Pittsburgh, again excited the market, and stimulated an active speculative demand under which pipes have been advanced from 2 to 4 cents for Crude, and 4 to 6 cents for liallned, on the spot and for fu ture delivery. During the put few days, but per- Ocularly on Thorsday and Friday, the speculative Doling was rampant, and some lots were sold over and ever again, but each time at an advance. 115 b suns remarks will apply to contract., which went from one owner to another with marvellous facility, and in some came were bought back by the origina tor at a much higher figure than they were sold. Is sky anomolocui state of the market It will be under stood that it is imp:stale to ascertain the exact amount of oil sold, and the aggregate we premien em braces Wee resale—on the net and to arrive—ln cluding isles of entracte. The prevailing excited etas of the market being the result of apprehended interruption of omemrutication between the oil re. gion andahle city, and fears for the safety of Pi t ts. burgh, may be expected to terminate Jost as soon as the rebel' are driven out of Pennsylvania, or their further advance rendered Impossible. The Commit a(tke nominated to proceed to Visshlegtos, have put the matter in the hands of Be. Arian. one of to. hest intelligent and popular of the Internal RITO3IIIO Collectors, who hes proceeded, or will proceed, to ' Waehington, to exert his Influence to have the regu- Dikes simplified. The dealing kr lb* week past, Outaprim about 76,000 DM& (saes and resales) of which 16,000 bble Crude, at a reap of 17630 cents for Crude; 54,000 do Refined, on the spot and fir ture delivery, 6,000 gallons in tin, 3,500 bbl'free, Ind 2,500 do Nautili,. Of the 54,000 bbls Refined. about 44,000 bbl' were for future delivery. Tat mar. let to-day was comparatively quiet but firm for lots on the spot, but rather weak for future delivery. The W ile d quotations are as fellow.: °rude 30 ainta Wiled. in bond, care cents, on the spot, 60,452)4 for July delivery; 654157% for August, and ho for September. Refined flopthe may be quoted at .21% 023 mute. • 0. ilacrae'a rOSTOICIIIIII . Circular lavrwroox, June 12. ISO. Smacks—The business of the week has been. as mishit* eipected, o ta very retail character, but an , doubted &mars has been exhibited throughout.o The declining pima that reach ne t o bane not had any deprecating effect, end it holders do glee way at al ), there are ready buyers up till the end of the year at any. thing tinder prment quota. dons. The arrival of the Milton with a largo u sed snlacellansom cargo, will tea the market by my next Woe. Orndo-600 Club of American at £l6 is to LIB kes, £l7 hatng spin required. No sales of Ormadien. Hafted-20 00 casks at Is Ild Es, chiefly the Brains dull at la to le Lubricating Oils—Nothing of moment. New York Dry Goods Trade. Jess 27—In th. absence of a decided Union vic tory oa the Iflestrippl Blew, and In an of Macon tlaued ofiansira morsampt of the Gonhaterate army In Maryland and Perainala es market for Got ten has ruled buoyant ny and firm a t a larva advance in arca, and the market ler Manufactured Good a s s s been la fall sympathy with th raw material. An scam demand hr prralled ;Or Domestic Oaten Goods, and pars re DP cents higher on nearly all kinds. fiery Brown lireflass hsva advanced to 50 costa, sad medium grads. of Sheeting. and Skirtings are morreepondingly laighar. Bleached Muslim are firmar—Lonadala havaeoid freely at If mute; the agents demand M. Thu general market Is rare, and low and medium grades an oornwpondingly higher. Drill. ham advanced to tO cents. Cotton Jeans are active, Laconia 25e, Charter Oak 17, and Waterford 19. Stripes, Ticks. andDenimas aremore active, and market valor am higher with both Ant and second hand., but prima mestill nominal. Print ing Cloths—MU are advanced to 14 cents. Print. are steady. Woolen Goods are tolerably Drive at full s. Imago price Goods are quiet and unchanged. Cleveland Darker. Jens 27—Thicir-Balas of 60 Dbl. red XS at IMP; 60 bbls cholas brands do at Di. Wiest—Buyers and eaters were apart today, and the only sale was 4 cars Indians waits on trick at 125 a Tor red f o 125 c was asked. Oorn—Bo mar to-day. Quotable at 590 for shelled on track. Oale—Are unchanged. - . Imports by Railroad Prrisstraan, rT. WATIII ♦ Llaa° Bannoin, /ins 9D-.360 bldti.l l I Brim; 310 m Nl* Coro. I, X , Sour, D k K Wallsoda 80 !Ms flour, Kickdown /disbar% WOdo doithdp t gibtosp4 92 dawn brscans. Landon liklpion; llx bacon, Watts wibon; 400 bbl. Roar, Docaskar At Lang; 150 bp awn, Bea a Kell; 157 by whist,/ 11 Lliptt d co; 420 bides, Wm Bingbaso. Minim®t Orxrxxiwo Kinzoio, Juno 97 96 bids four, 0 11spn, 9 cars islll Ised, dilOpOod Knox; 100 bbl. door Kacksown I Unbars; 100 do do. Bdo Ni11;111kall DMA dab . 14 6 0Bli San do 17 do do Kaislotos; /5 do de. FLOM. al 0051 o; DM' whisky, 100 do Ildor, D II Wallies; 30 bbli wbtoky, Lambert 8 1 911 peen; 11 W brimstone; Jos Indin; aka potatote. L K Wirt cc; 50 bbli buckwhiat,llltObcock, Keenan, & Co. EXDSLSIOR INSTITUTE. A SWUM SCHOOL FOB ?NACRES& eat. W. S. Obay..--. —.....Prtnelyal. Paw. Amur TsMoe, sdvanos,)-1114 1 for • hill comm. Th. /lithEweelon SID ocanmensw MONDAY July Oth, and okra PRIDAT . Arepud The ?riacf pals will be malated_by an 'Odour of Tedabwe, snug jeTzpf T.:WAILMUNA, Organist to 11.4WMP.Oashierar; a matter of Sects. and Am. whkr.Mille ; red. MAX. '150W1,31Y, of - Iron Oil, 0.11;g4 the bat Weller w tkallalmi. who euela all Mae •WMIM la hmehlog Plaid and Ornamental Pen. minsiW ,and PTOL BOWE. - *LOD, of Oinehmatti, Afterloa. Illooadoelst. - Thermals of. dad, mall Wheelie, ontbrwling all bhuldwo neeally Welt la oar Public eshools, WWI Willa" of Iliweetle Analysts wed Phan°. grepldo Namosual by tbsPrthelpal; Nook. and Matientala Arl by Prob. JDNlttill 01111 Vaud Maile,by J.T. WAMILINN4 PectieiIMOCOMMID lige2", of tbirt7 lemma, by Prof.' As • Imam of Moogitiouvrtol. Kidd bag Sow iiquals.n—Piths:Diveleh. " To ell who = Ins, Cr anveoblie *hoe, commend Prof ekwatlonery pow's, are wonderad."— Ohnesiole. --- Opedal lecteree will b• delivered daring lisismishe aponlerteetage, Payday/. Oilcan. ery mid- !malice of Temblog, Mental end Moral gallitavalhlord lbachenk.' and other wlideeta In. ideating and Wroltabla to Yeaohere, hy Nava. A. Br MUS.' B. Si Ilsan and llamas Wilson D. D.; • DM. Tama. '3. Unarm end J. W lion Prof,. Mcamon, Diem Oman, Jill , " SUM , . g 1 1 0 .11 1.1 DOOM! and Warn rat_partlealesteall at IlMeelsior Inalltute NAL Iron Cbllewe Dldldln=er• al Penn and It. Mar Weds, or mad for I•l 4l4 =wabsw 2 piaci OBlla UOTIJIT II:ILI& -:„11:11/italliti Oa hand sal •ftmk2 Oka of DVOICLIMISONT AND - LAM WINDOW . lIMLI MVP. =MIK !E.« 40111131. .11P9FrIalih WHS. PA. . 1- Mgi. . e . • '•• 7e :plettlatwip•prlit wll.ll. gig 11Weadrisselkibeire 11 lof 194V44111" '''Zrl , ;.ro • r If PROPOSALS Neer DF,PAILTMS.T. I 800 OF T-L6Da can Loan_ Jane 11, 1e63.1 BBLLZD FILOPOSA LS for etch clay seper.tely. eneoneel "Proposals for Clue No (neon the o'sse, M the navy yard at /arms the para.)" will be recodud at this dace until neon -a the 1 sth day of July nest, for turnithiag ant delivering at tbr ••I' • oral navy Yards named the materials iced arced e embneezd in printed Deb.:tales, which • itl be for. niched oo spoilt:select, and sent by aal, if eo re• gin strd, to pareone clearing to offer to contra 1 tor any or all of b., threes nemad therein, by the cox mandants of the @traria navy yards, for the doss. for theyarde tinier their command, or by the nary agent nearest 'ferret', or by the bureau for any or all of the yards. To prewar co•fadon and iniitaker in sealing l'.• of- I ft., so bid will las rewire which contains el/14a for more thaneee wolf Is one inweboys; and each loin • vides' cf • arm must 1311p2 the bid end contract. Bidden are hereby cautioned and particcilarly no tiled that their offer. tenet be in the form heroinaf. ter prescribed, and be mailed in time ta Vas iv dedfltstlen before the time exp'res for thee.. leg them ; no bid sal be coloblered which shot/ be rereimi it/tort/at Fantod dec.:Land no afforosaw will be medajer Paler. of the mei. To guard against offers belay • pined ho ore the time appointed. bidders are requuted to endwse on the envelope, lama the Maws, end draw • lino un• der the endorsement, thew: "Prorhhat for Clan No. blame the class) Pt as Nary Yard et them the yard) To the thief of the Bowan of Yar.is and Decks, Washington, D.C. Farm of Offen (dere data the Lifer.) The undersigned, (here Insert the tame or names °amp:sing the firm who bid,) of Mime lb* wile) the state of :slime the poets,) hereby offer to to torah& under your adverusemeot dated (data of advertise aunt,) and subject to all the mildrements of the same, amid the printedithedule to which it refers, all the artlam embrecod to Glass 140. (name the then or clams) for tne navy sard et (name the y ard) :fi acocrding to raid achede, : (here paste on tbo printed Mass from the echedole, and eppodta ve t o arath, rat the pith std carry out the.amoant to the columns for dollar's and cents and foot tip the aggro. sate amount of the hie for the else%) amounting to (here write the amount In swede.) Cho:11d my (or marl offer be accepted, I (or we) re gout the contract may be prepared and sent to the navy want at (Game the egethy,) for elgnatzire and certif cate. And it (or we) hereny declare that the above offer Is made to strict cant:malty in every par tly:tier with the law approved Starch sd, then, loc. lion Si, bertha quoted : mrthanms 1100 LAM or Tn. oat= IrrArld. dec. lf. dad ha it /weber enacted, That no eontract byorder or any or Interact therein ahall be tranederred the Pithy parties to whom inch contnict or order may be given to any other party or parties, and that any moth transeir shall caws the annul meat at the contractor or order tr.:throned so far the United theta are cobeserned; reentided, That all the right ot action are hereby reeerved to the United states tor t h y breach of such contract by the oon tracotug party or parties. 800. 16. dad be ft father meted, That whenever any contractor for mobalstenoe, clothing, anal, am munition, munition of ware and fm eve.K:leecriP• Won of supplies for the Army or Navy of t Gaited Slates shall be found guilty by a wart-martial 01 fraud co willful neglect of duty, be Shalt be phtlished by fine, imprisonment, or non other punlahmeit the court martial shall adjudge; and any Pawn who shall oontract.to famish rupplles of any tend or Ascription *sr the Army or ho shall be deem • ed and taken as • part of the land or naval forces of the Ualted thathe tor which he shall contract to fu rl& veld supplka, ant be rubjem to the rules end regulations for the government of the land and naval forces of the United States. Approved July 17, lin. tea. 2. And be „Nab* . esodsd, That the chef of any bayou of the Navy Depot talent, in contracting for naval supplies, shall be .0 liberty to reject the offer of any pawn who, ae prtheipal or surety, has been • &honer in any previous centred with the Navy Department ; nor shall partly who have felled se principal. or threthee in any former cantrath be received as emetics on other eentracis ; nor shall the othertiems of any liras be received as thretled for such firm or for each other; nor, In contracts with the same bureau, guff one contract:3 . be retorted as surety fer another; and every contract chill esquire the delivee? of • specified quantity; and no We hey. tog uthelnat or ticdfions prices shall be considered. That if more than one bid be offered by any one per ty, by or In the name of hie or their clerk, partner, as other psson, all lick bids may be rejectel ; and na persta shall be received as *contractor whole not mannlacturer of, or reviler dealer to, the articiee which he Mien to supply, who has not • Meuse ea each matufacthrer or dealer, and all OMANI Otter. 1 bide shall have thethe rig t t a t . 0 , 3 present when the 6040 are opened me Approved Marta Sd. ISM (core the bidder or bidden and each member of. the Ann to sign.) For of Gsereatee. The undersigned, (name of gnarantor,) cf (name the town,) and dome of (name the thate,) end (came ode coed guarantor, do—) hereby undertake that the shove named (name the bidder or blid.ses,) will, If his [or their] nOel as above be acceptet, era -1. into onntract, mita the United Motes, within tea dem aloe lite date of notice, thromin the poet Slice, of the am:mann, of hi. [or their) offer before mention ed. sad we beret! ember. that neither of us have been defaulter. to any contremt previa...kr male with tee navy Department. Witter, (elgulturee of gearentors.) I ..y that the abive named (here and the u nto are lemma to me to be good and respite. able gearantere in this case, and that the above de. Semitone of the guarantors to this efLer am, to the best et my knowledge and belief, true and reliable. (Olgoatum ) To be signed by the District Judge, lintrict Atter. nay, lkilsetor, navy Agent, or Done person knoll ix to the human to to reepfnettle, lite schedule will state the Game se-Shin which az. Seim will be resulted to be delivered ; and where the printed.chsdnie le sot used, the periods stated In It for deliveries must be copied In the MO. All the eoliths which may be contracted for musthe de. Hewed at such piece or ohms. Including drayage amine:mg. to the place where used within the navy yard., remectively, for which the SW Is trade, an testy be directed by the commanding Wittier thereof, one all ether thing. being equal, prefeream will be given to Amok= manuiacture. So article el-I be Readied alter the expiration of Go period *peddled in the schedules for the completion of &Oven les, un less spectidly antherned by to. Department. In competing Methane, the price stated In Om column of Fiore will be the standard, and the aggregate el the time will be carried out acoordlng to the grime slated. ill the arileim under the contract mud be ef the beet quality, delivered In good order, free of all end every charge or expense to the Government for de livery, sad subject to the Invention count, weight, Cr lisalgtellaillt . of the mid neer }aid, Liebe in all respects skiefeitory to the oecomatidant thereof. Bidden are referred to the yard for plena, e a of or sample; end any further descriptions of toe articles or explications they may desire. When hid dem shell hem doubt se to the precise articles tamed In the ethedu es, they will apply to the commanding ,Deer of the wry yard and of to 'apropos for de erniptiote ol the arida. in dou which intirMation the said Slicer will glee In wi ld g. Approved rezettert,le the full amount cf the cone tract will be zwied, and twenty per mate= as ad ditional security deducted Irma each payment until the centre d s have been completed or cancelled. lakes oth an th orfaed by toe Department, aei eighty per e m of theamount of all deliveries made wilt be by the navy split at within within tern. days alter warrants ler the same shall. Ormabeito gamed by the Secretary of the Timmy. No part of,ltte per erontam i resemed le to be un til all the gawked articles offered ceder the con tract shall have been removed Iron the. yard, union moistly authorised by the Department. . It will be all in the contract that if &Malt shall be made by the battles of the keit part in de livering eller any of tee artielespeutionedln any Oast hid tor, of the quality' and at the timea and pieces Mona Provided, then ant in the that case States the told a parties will farteit sad pay to Gaited sum of Othisyhot to IMMO tyke the amount of such claw which - may be moneted, from them to time, according to the act of Gouge... En thetas:a moelded, approved March 5,1813. The swathe Mastdye the contract, std their rie• sPolmibility be canned to by • ellmy lent. collector. "CASS attorney, clerk of the DIM= Mutt, or come . Other Meson gettentemili haat/kW tip bureau. It le to to prodded la the mitred tkit the bureau Stall have the power;of annulling the oostmcl,Witte. out lose or damage to she Garernment, in amg *me grey shall not have inadesklent approprighthe for thicartiries same!, or for theh oompletletiof Works mttlailled - for, and an which title edirartbeitant is Peaces wham offal shall be accepted will be nail, lied by litter through the mat which notlai 'ban "401454,4 90516521;_and tote do not ter tart contract ix =WWI waned Wilkie ten dims from the date of notice from the bureau bf thi &cattlemen of their bid, a contract will be made with some other patron or panes, and the guarantors of such defsedtleg uac bidders will be held responsible for all dellsqim. All often not insd• In drid coreforwity with ads 'sdartisenant will, at lb* option of tbe Doreen. be related. 'Mee only whose off re nay be wanted will be nottlia, and contacts will be may for execution al soon thereafter as may be practicable. . POIIIB2IOIITO, N. If. Glom ll*. 1, Brick.; close No. 2, Blot.; claw No. 5 , Yellow pine lumber; dames. 5, 'eked bard wood; class No. e, White pins,. ce, Juniper and Masai elms No. 7, Lime, hair and plaster; class No. 8, Ga mma; clam No. 9, Oriel and .and ; elms No. 11, - Iran; I ro n nails end spikes; car No. I. Steel; ol i ve Peals, Plu ; due So. 11, S h iplam N 0.15, oils andeats; clam No. 16, chandlery clue No. 17,- Hardware' oleos No. ii, Maloney ; class No: IP, Pinewood; 25.85 y sod Straw. elms No. 81, Proven & ,r• clams No. illiatotell then No. 63, Deltas, pecking and hoes dms No. 114, 'Mina end Inbation cils,• chew No. 23, Iron cat ions; ciao No. lte, Aetna clam No., ST, Anthracite . coal ; elms No. XI. Ditunainossthunberlsad; .elms A, Peat NM; class B, Mum 'baler; clue 0, Blehop's darriok I plats D, Beat Walden' and ciar.. =5. shop; k, rain , shop; GAO 1. Porta", FOB ORDNANON TIIIBII/1 8111120. Ufa 0, Brake ; class H. Stone; clam Whit. pine and spruce timber and lumber;4lsoil J, Lime and 'sent; dies 11, Sand clam L, Slate; clam My iron nails end badinage ; 011111111 N, Paints, oils mid glue; obis 0, Iraa cen i ga s. Oise No. 1, Bricks; oleo N 0.2, Eitoue; class Ne. i 8, Tallow pine timber; dui so. Cry oak end herd wood: elms Ito. 6,5/ hits pine, spruce. /Rana lad clam: clam No. 7, Ihne, hair sod plaster No.. (10. meet; alai No 9, Gravel end No alms 240. It, Iroa. Boa aelle sad Mama ciao No. 19,-Bteel; elm No. 13, Pig lan; edam no. 14, Pike; clam ho. 16. Paints, oils and Liss; clam 110.16, 15bineheadlory; c h. No. 17, • Hardware; clam No. 18, litationery; due No. 19, lirewood; Owe No. SO, flay andfltran elms No Si, Provender; clam No. 211. Charms]; din No. 13, Deltimr, packlan sad hose; ohm No. 24. Imam and lubricates ells; alma No. 20, Aniscs4 clam No. iff, amends. mel; clam No. 29, /Maul; Imo Ocattlelandeoaliaipialio.liktinai-ottalataoaa iroaiTop Tlnhing W 4; Ilia Les; elate 'lf Clootoalgattoti,foosi ar ehrep 'Net ..4.1,4, Oleo 1, Woks; 0h.% Nona; dew Oak lid kora woodistatior oa4 loabwl dm I, ligation 4L.4116#112117 OISP ~~~„ bard non lekthiptaa Ea asdnontstbscrandkumber; due a, use a d; pinto; clan 11.. Cement; clan la, . Grant and end; clan If, Inm-tron spikes end nab; elan N, Slating and - thuting; clan 0, . s . ; dna P. Paints and alb ; din Q. Pig Ira= m.. • &ohm. NEW: TOOK. .- • Olen Ne. 1, trick...chit No. 2, _Stone; die No. O Eton; clan No. 6,Cakikal bard. won; Can No. 6. White pin, Ipso., cypreea and lunicer. dam NO.. L 7, Lime, hair and plasters clan No. fr; Clement; char - . ho. 9 Granl and .and. chasNo-i • lam, teen oath. en 1 ePtkees clam N 0.12 neck chin N 0.13, PI r Iron:" ens o. 'l6, 1111 n; ChM No. 15. Pai nts, tile and , sl sce; Ins 'llO. Itli idalp Chased; clan . No. lio Herd are, aILS It N.s. 18, Statham - clan No. 10.11 AS and a ta w: ' den No. 21. Prena . Has Nff. EA Cbarc sl; den No: 23. Bellinnlmchlag and heal; ohm o 26, Sperm and labrlcatlas cl.hr, clan No. TB, inn, k,'Oping, to.; clan NO 26,-Aasens• clan Nos/2 7 . afahnsits coal; clan No. PO, Sendaltazah. nova ;hold Top coal; clan No. Si. Copper and can. pceldea nail; dew A, Hale canine; Claw B, 011 l• me hewn; du a o,loundry. 1011 ORDNANCE. ' •s .. Chas D. White ;toe, Ac.; elan 11, Llnum9l9o; ease V, rig Iron. clan 0, Sand for castleg shah; clue U. Svelter; data I, Max, 011171111 and twine; dan J, Copper On S. Laketon 'dale -L. Wrought Iron Unfits; al ' an K. Ilkl clan N, Bross and iron scren; clan 0, Iron—nand, flit and asnare; clan. P. Paten, OM. An • dna Q; Drumz; clue - % Hard. ware; chat A, 210; ' 0ilill T. eh* Ohandltv7; clan iiu. atationm. PHILADICLPEIL. Class No. I, Mots; chit No 9. - Bisine; cla No. 6, Oak and bard • ood; elm No 6. White pine, sprei:n, Jadper and cypress ; dos No: T. .I.lnse, -hair mad Plader; Wen No. 9, Oratel , mad send; claseldo. 11. Izon, iron nags end sptkas; also. 80.. a, Itsal; claw No 14, Tiles; class No. 16. Paints, Ws end glass; class So. 16, Ship Obindlery Fels's; No. Ili kisrd. ware; damn No. 18, Statkraory; - cam Net 10; woad; clams No. V), Bay and Straw; class - So. Y.l, Provender; class No. VI, Obsrooll; class No. E 7, Wt. lug. packing and hoes; o eta No. TS. Spann sad Wail casing oils; class No. 26, ngers; class No. VT. An thrselto coal; class No. 20, ceent.tltuminous Bra n Top c:a% 'awn No. 81, Ooppas end composition nails; • claw A, nxtension of pinata shop; class B. Nston slon,of Moro basso NAVAL ABYLLIN. Class No. 1, Olstblnr, dam No. 9, Hata bsobs and shoos, ,te r ; ilia No. 8, Pro•lalonsr class No 4. Oro. miss; class 3504 6. Dry Goods; elan - No:-6; Breed, Sc.; alma No. 7, Tobacon clams No. 11.1.'oels dos No. 9, Paiata, oils end glass; clan No. 10, Bricks, 'mill end Use; cla. 11, Lumber; class No. 19, Sire. wood; clan N ao. 13, Pronndsr; cliseNes. 141114 1 4 1. lazwass; .olaas No. 15. Plarlware; elan No. 16. Sta tionery. WASHINGTON. Olme N> 1, Prick.; clam No. 3, Tallow pros bar; clam No. 4, Tallow pine lumber; rims No. 6, . Cot and hard wood;; elm No. 6, Midis pins. 'prima. Juniper and annum; alms No. 7, ILO, hair and plaster; clam No. 3, Cement; door N 0.9, Grand and Saud; dam No. 11, Iron, Iron nails and .apiksr, class No. 12, Steal; clam No. 19, Pig iron ; ciam No., 14, Tiles; clans No. 15, Mitts, oils and ■ shoji clam No. 16, Sh p C claws No. lf, Hardwrze; dhow No. 11, Stationery; alma No. 19, Pirewood; ala i No. 21), Hay and Straw • chin No. 21, Psovandar; dew No. Sri, °barma n , clime No. 23, Ileribig, packing and hose; class No. M. Spann and lubricating oar; rims No. 27, Anthracite molt class No. 29; kilteminola Cumberlsnd cosi:clam Machinery and Goole; clan A, Bishop's boom derrick. 2106.170L1L Class No. 0, White pine, sorties, Juniper and ci rrus* dm No. 11, Iron, Iron and WO; class No. 1 . 2, 2001; dim N 0.16, Tilts claws 50.13, Mang ells and gleam dies No. ie. Ship Ohaaaltrif clam N 0.17, Hardware . claws No. 18,Stailoriary; class No. 1, Firewood; c o. Bel ting. nde; clam No. HA Charcoal; dm 110. 1 3, soaking and hots; clue li.. 24,13pann and lubricating ails; class No. Broadthracite coal; class No. 36, and Top waiting, No. 31,0oppar and onsproltion Postage moot bo prepaid on allots forvrordsd. bY mail alter the lot of Jai,. Jelitlaw4w Dirt= QUA/111 1 / 1 1A11 2 { G 1211111.1:. Ornas, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 29, NW. 1 00 TONS HAY. . e of ld Proposals will be received et this office uutll 12 m', the 507 a DAT OF JOELrgh, 1513, for furnish. lug sad delivery at Pittsbu, Pa., ORM Mill. OUZO TONI 0/GOOOD MICRO lialiTABLll SAY { In Woe welt bonnet, weighing about two hundred end . Ally .potinds each, us follows: 75:torks on or Wore the 7th day of July, UM. 15 tom on or before the 15th day of July, 1165. 25 tons on or Won the sma day of July, 1565 ad tone on or baton t h e 30th day of iuly, lB6l. Prop:ash must be ma:ked."Proposele kw 100 tons of Baled liay," and addressed to 14 Oal. 0.rJR056, Depity Quartermaster General, O. 8. /tiny, Pitts. burgh, Pa. Goarestes. The abillty of the bidder to ell the oontract,should it be awarded to Ides. meat bo persateed by two teepontible venom. whose tignatares meat be sp. - graded to the animates. The responsibility ot the gusrastors meat to shown by the *Mast artlecate of the Okra of the menet District Oonrt or of the United Rates District At.. tames, Bidders mast be present in pence when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not to ore stared.. Bends equal in amount to half the sea to be se. . mired on the contract. shined bs , the creamier sad both of Ms guarantors, will be reanired el the suo. cereftd bidder upon Marking the contract. As the bond most letoMeane the contract, it will be mow eery for the bidders to him their !madmen with them, or to hare bends 'Mood In saticipsilm and ready to be produced when the contract Is leaned. lore of Gsarrodos. Re,— of the comity of—and State of- - , and of the meaty of and State of do homily guarantee, that In able to fulfill a an. tract,ln aceordance with the tams of hie proposition, and that, should hie proposition be accepted, he will at onto ardor Into a contract In accordance there with. Should the contract be awarded him no are prepared to broom socaritios. 10 this itumentee moot be *made& the aloha oirtilicate above samotkmad. Tropossisfrom disloyal parties will not be colts* Mod, and an oath of &Wilma will be roguing of onccesobil bidders before Opting contract.. Too ntelemfgood reserves to billatat the Higy to rejerA any or ad bids that be may deem too Idg Payment to be made upon the oompletion the content; or Ito aeon thereabor as the undoralgsed shall be in fends. 0. ODOM joittd fdwt. 001. and D. Q. ri. Genual. -11CIROPOSALS FOR RAY, STRAW 1 AND GROW. AND WIT Zones Dirairsuorr, Oornar W G a sius and Torenty•secoad s urroi, WRITTIIII 'PROFORMA an Invited for fart( • log HAT, BTRAW, OATS and CORN, kw the rise el WI Depot, to bo de livered at the Railroad Depot, or it any of the Gicrearanseat Wharves in this Pity, The proposals to be addrusod to the undersirned, and they shank% state the quantity of each article offered, also the prke and the date of a•Uv•ri. ?topcoats will be teadvad Par fire thousand (5,000) hasher* of Corn or Oats, hncl furl mice, of tit:ow, and upwards. calm cula be for the r la• 'tend of the Government to contract for • lea mount. All grain to to put to good tacks. of about two (10 bushels each. which are to be furnished at the oast of the contractor. The Ray and Straw to be securely holed. MI Grain and Ray °frond to b be subject to a rigid Inspootkor by he Gorsrulneut unitracte will he awarded from=tine to the lowest isupoludble bidders. ea the bilantate of Dre ler. vice may mutts. Good seowitr win be Mobil br the bittMul folillment of any contract made &Or this advertiseaunit. • Payment tope made et tits =Wolf& of the con. trent. D. BROWN, . ap2l:2la Captain and A. Q. 11., 11. B. A. cluoirslOLtersu Gi talt.M ernes, WASIII7OI.OI err!, larch ID, Sits.. f fIWNERS OR STEAM VESBAB are umthe to send to the Quarterrasefor Ilenend'e olio. tenders for their chute? or Isla. Tenders elicald oontali doicrlptiosse of the meals, their disoradons, enrolled or regietered, toonalle, actual carrying capacity, material, whether mewed, whether side-wheel or propellor", whether oo or Iron fastened, else empower of euglois esul and should Mese the price at which thy era • ibr long or short charter, with the orthaattel vela* the renal la tase of lam or In nee the IloTerllMell multi prefer to purchase , instead of charter's& Ihniere of 'steam reads already ht the. metre of the rbarterroasteee DiplittMODS, ere '1•011141114 to maps known to the Depattaefat Ikay' redaction to their present rated which theymay be nailing to ' grant, and also the price at which they, will be ea. Ing to sell than, . • . -• 'Wok ladies should be adoneems to the qua , teroisster Geherld of the Maid Mat* t Wellads& ton, audebould sedoteed “Propoeshe thichortl When recehod they erAr to rad ial- cdte te t h e- d ed, and lir letestuout grill andossoaz . perm etutadlog army Usher. realm' open the swami and tidomatess br substituting, when!~ It asa so. *Seger steeds of equal capacity Ihr those Dow • oktrlesSat FUJIN/TUBA • ULLLIIG 0111 witoLseaLi on JAS. W; WOODWZLI., .na n slant arem, modt,sio. ilhaaaltai 004_ and 111 roarllt Stmt. +-1-101110 TN T or r Attar COURT ' U • ALVEGUSNY .00111:111. - In themitt. ter of theeetite ef Gabriel aunt, dearated.- June Term And new: Jane MB, MO, on motion ot litulth, the Quit appoint J. hatharlead4 , Auditor. te disuitnite the Nude la the Umtata the Adolluistrstor. TEM 001:111T.. Wx. A. Blum auk. PortlooLlDlMAtitt ltoreby zottsod out ,ttki Auditor &bolo nailed yin &Wind to the Wks st his Dam. Ito. AO Grant Atroot.PlttaboulyaoLlADAT, losl4sy of inly, 31.11163 i at II attack Nu,: at wAtolt tAmoszA paw, goy rogitostod to Weal.' JAL L BUTEIVALANP. ktoiltor:- FAUX...YAW - sot. egatatniagio6:sammtattv, Iva mama the city, war XatadoW. *Atm on the Pitgbwiti swiatenstitaaaikaaa— Coolies lb, caw: try Wats. twiirliGY with .wwl iv „toot OW Tkhryaepesty Y Ognid at a pia bora • e xTharriblalsat i , aim 11111110111 t rillt . ; , . TULOW - 1 1 1101T.-300 bushel' .1./4,o*.drialAppiikAor-0010 -low to dolo oat kit, QM um, stir/1.603y Wolk: , k•vi Agialtioivtiminiow:- ' -Ark'LEL 4 .-441 bust Vero X! is for MO ri J. H. CIANYIILD. VOR SALBT—Vabry deniable :IRON JVbbrbar PllllPBRlX,iitualtd st , BIOYay• to an. Ma= asaurty,-Pa. trtilderaithurt distance cat tba Peausdraaaitalirtudestililsard:.: lumbald property co Iplisaa Turmas. with wsublow7 of amp • rower us bur, It. nem iltbandstraslor an thrash. coal ; about 1300 semi tinitaL 7 Volarent Maraud Irriebutiod pips itiallUribait. • about .111arni: -wrinli produces ter: abartlis saai.ao e_ frau -.WA:a-Maw Ili wakbti onr. iambs , lila r.nagrard is and Oar Axles. This is the osir . akesilublig prouty I tu'tlltetateirlikliprallooi the aro mulct D sa. stousiaaratataillUtrualire - Introluise.alearia4Ulsararotlcetblu of.tlis.lanaciOuldatuderz maw laararkersia ',lda abundance of e..lismaitas ammo .to =ken, at a coot id air on W arns=istp td! Ssilfated was lama balc -IWI 11111.61 iseanUy ban nakomed vkledriint produce ` iceletait •ra to apply the foam Soft IWO ora aleo ab.undant.ln, neldidxdbood. • Chittookl, In any quantities, an a Lace daltrami sago tames at • to s% ants par basket Ws Turas' weU situatod far iba taaktiAlz: lagwatar and nil. amaisofeastanrinth .phis, Yltiatattata, Benham sattlibutlV 9 11 " 7 impatat usinutadneing Winn. - - Yor Oa, team and =Ulm partials= „ Z.71;,111111400 stabaslifai • Foit - 8i1i130 1 . 1 -.FOUNDRIC /AM111192.-1:110 WY* WO! lokkot; Tri Iladlsonjodloos, vontsl_ll ll4 .l oil. noted tw bantam. — lt coOktoo WP oroookt of sasoklustif sad Wolkoff? 'Uric wort= of iho Wilt =Wpm potter= low4ig‘glitiilsollt !inroad work. byo • mg drial Pima rddoseam. sad powwow merlin odrantagoo Ike —boring good twatios tor. to party of Moamar": : Itwato'wro - lowiflttog , sod Os lootiltk- woad JO 40hthee "ft tboil own for nn:inoln.,llnnopriotornill. all_ cototdituaat4 If oppUot foroOdidit PIO or orkokudt of tt mar to tong ocoppokinkgoitpk, =torsion& will the ISZID*I.O44 ot each oasitatdistuttonlv -Orb. sot. be would sons rooprOado , fittlailiig . t l l 3o years, Magas BIC Wasigkileta el Mg/ 6 4 Forties wishing tO 11111W:Sbeso KS IWO ADP. OW yards to slur pliel,:witik` non .work onnni tfOut they aia do, mid asok,y Tartlet dottrint ionnind for nonnono. nitro sea nadnuo, nmPoll , od to Via nun dalso,Pltbmwaal oi porno bon remt'u%ll-.4 44"..10 1 . i ii VOL flifidliff4: A O'UOUItI - AND LOT•ON 12 - 27/11 Ilyikidaof air ardor or tkali#l/laale Coaltaf al2w stray (I= i baravrllk be mood to 211213 *a tbo as Wayne the - au •. 111 10.. an usszaz„ tb/kMtb day of Jana* 1221. fo ea la.. aa Ike imam of John Com dammed, alr that =Wit an ad goand aka. Moon tba award Wayne , nod ant :asks= aka. LI the Gaybaatada 'treat 2120 11 hobo on Ofasaa sta t e. hsad szleadlag 'tack silag J"ma-salat fook hand ]lad la a: phi a bdcous bY N.Y. iamb Mac, nomad In Dead Book tad. da. 219. - aud tbo liana width mama! d e ad orr.is SIMI to add Jobn Canna died. by &tad Jimmy 17. 1387, tacordsal ta Dad Book vol. 67. 1011 88. ea Ind& Is snmAlla tomato!,hoom o v i nit Tamp castu -- ..10101' isfiegaar,- Iror awful:o2 720/019 1113 ; 2.1* - Attotroy tot, patllladar. 1fo;168 legkta VA/till-MR "41A1-4Eitasteri'll TV/1 - IXISZWibmt tVro oontobabig tvr4 I . v*Osi aid aixti•Was ,soni b land b. of ivo ,a C i ty aboorgatiLiors~ tiw bov ottoraL- -art tbatetone Dwelling .8E" arkrOreluird: -OrwrioXlO ad woll•tlaitorod; Witt be 001tr111i,:,,..i4b0r Ist 000, MN. or Wooing& • - ''' • - /or !tribe, partlooloty spotv to ' • . • ' t- SioilirlOra * PAUM,. or, 11:TATILIOL ' lOttnittoo4.4lbWgi Or, J. 11. DION. itltroootam, . IiARM , FOR , BSI. — LOG Ainilo 7 • -sem well teapyored, with LOG 'Dift lion= - *noted; la KIMIn - trininlN - A 13 . 0 % .17 county. nor elar our Poor ' by James %%Maar, daamen6. Wai by uo obey Ss orb. , Algio4 - 1s 7101JEING KEW' known Ntb • “Haedli DM" vtib was saw 0004 INFO% Mrs sad Abet fibyromionts. - loydritlr: - WIL - 18d6.0 itlbLitatraddookhrthileas. it • • or THOS. O. IaMLILE,sor. Nyart4l*ltisit sty _111•11111+-4n1a_swponair 140ond• .i . lmad MANDE' soLLY.II, 114 k, 1 1 10 oas anparlormswffi lays thrmtar, 1 TwoUYDIIAULIIi• PllllllB/ M, iMmeed, With mammal' annidda Email asw andatnd•hand.M 4 M ' at foetal& lank Mamas . dowatodinalkialt.be anla FINE . 51iXat FARM - VW: mar UnD gam. lina, gar gala Iron oo Morena, Pas and dm an« Ikon Dew Combat's,. L. Thrlapami. occur.[.. ere • Muse adage bialr barn and occur& TIM lana le well adonlmed Map ade• lng, and can be bought low aid enemy lame. allS B. la • I IN 'A CO., /0111hur . th it. VOll SALE-- I e MAIMIONSOUSE ee.nd ABOUT 0 IL ACME OE GROBEA beo. Wps le the armee • the lids O Bat*, boar Maly b a tedln the bump et /B X 11640014 011 the carnetof Lome sad tbe leek °Ube Ohio dyer; heft part e Bredt the well.ketnte Oteenveod prep. eery. Tee twmktagetne et A. D. lINITH.IIo. Water meet, , intake • -rOlt BENT-=A new and. gauntly Waited hick Ittrathag Hoe" on Booth Me nue, Whitlow Otty,• sea square wart of tho Mrat Ward Moot nonwhartag *oar room, =ohm and. cedar. water, =dips ta sit: the nasal; lame Ord; traakho. To •weed tanankreat lent be moderate. Apply to Ilya IL H. BLDDLII, on the or to a. SUDDLII, at the AlloOkesT ;tat OW "' JeThtt ' • . _ MM US 110 _MORN .11NANAJIIINT. AND MIMI ILICCENor opsslodosat Id dsammous dsossos. Dl • mos -111111:8011111,i112.• T&&OT /TIM. hsvrwsi"a the "Ika" moat of the mad promissat oilaskesas fa tboilidtod add. Is saw odds* to soCsdllstod losmosollY so s owtsla cars for dos MdoodaddlPMNlS sad imitipihe hour dawn and slams of rata &bozo Orpas Chotorsa Wed . 13tbellty.:larisraoa :M. Blood fo dm Road. Osatosod Noma HlsSordidsadsr Initsbalty,llesad ilmmissdosaadapOlo Atoms 0. lionmsolse Bakdsoidel at AllTyuuko D7g9omMs lbssthaUmt plidrigkts!' don or Of dos arpmco Ilmtondlooka bottom *Mu sad baled ad 'dos mamoomdsood of s warm sad Wood Nadal Os apiotolW • .. •To Wore Oho paglas., mot: : auk Ask Coo Hdaddirs• . Da 414 MC, ' . daralmad• . 10* U • Taimiza, Piumbigulm AM Sauna In unium,Cloanzophibrilmoistoorase_WAKl sao Third streets. VCCP. JONNS, AGM aux = =I F r Vg, 7 Fla MAW la. Q.AM - • eIICOMAKe IF‘ 10 II mo= Oograarr. wan Maas saA,Wstre amts. _ re -13scimular VISII-Of • ' big, fa bbla. i Miami . baba Whits PM asal6lo4. fa bbla. kb% aD = • re Tor ads NAM) 1131Aiiiirra.eit:- 111 . 09 1 . - TYrniCallliii - :wit admiosiiiebss% ..2.,, , , : • 7 , skil CMOs Warn IWO, .16 deakmaAlp._ . -:,, - . :1 - . - , . Onus 'ad Piimiltiie,l ClsitAi : iitil l Aiiii .T 11141111., /pnay. Tubes aita inia Lfria• 17*, Oords. Okdiarlare. Bask Ores liVi`ae.' - •. Oordsrmadnits• Werobso*. _ - :Ls .1 , -.- - _.— • pa mussailase New Tort:: STOBB AND POE tililJll- - -; up saS - • - Übaldo MloodAisCse; - ' Er do • cdodOloolodk - ;, 1113 •• •• •u•• .7 s.vinar a 00. OL/MI LED WOOD WILIBD It 1110011) Mint% Oki KNOW 20 Irani Ohm), 'Aston ;• rYir s ' ais esontd i°° • VIA= TAN auzums, - • • • M. I'AMA Ltof twits Mai Tat) sad q . • ma) anadiaile, attiod liar* Male a. ow saw- • , ; r -4,-.4ll,numarg, cyroilALG • - Yee' Chao sad ej on, MI Bareth4aull vase Wirobigmbige. DAIIMAVOION• - sand/ 1111 selTolllmii stmt. -A1a.016-60 b 0 .1 ; - Oa band ind;lo [ wl►p~- " 111 - op isd TO WOW ibis& T - ÜBALUATIZEGOLL.-. nobble: pori,vxdr.verki_ s Ws:wield ttai frost getk sailirsals _ - kb. D.U.• &SOL . , Wind TO-Ifallat sem& ~ , A -—2 O bblialoirlbau ._ _el ,106, . ,., r .. : io talk taratmgmeilMis 011; lo Wig lii` fFlEcilyir nOlElin,_, a. , •- ! 4 ;. -. . -' ft adlattnert, nem VA'll Ull.-1U D - a .1 u an VAIAIt Dlounr W. LT:.77 , ••••• ' ' ' 2 1 VIIMEE - : - -:.1.:.:i • -- , ' " • • . . . , , . _,__, , 11,o_ g tOthnII TI. it 400 a. Orwiloadara Um* sat : • b•twoot Pato tan &rim Tat • :lima oosalaa - "fso. 58501,611- KM r -.•,• Oa Ito. • la. Btalloa net analaig•oaa• Saaag a WO a. 9•••.5•55501d alas at oitadp,. an d OWN el _ _ _cralaslamoo et Ihen.amat tw aim' aeon aad Walead. and fro Yka..-'245 Vs 11.11•• :61 4 16 1152715115 H-13180114111 1318011411I _____ _____7lMintionno de at %lr.ocoo=stettlat=" Ibr Seillme W -sod Ibr Ilarlorityta allararra mate ats, •Wabli alb kai. • ith % at " .- -2991tailariakkoulikaaaitaa•Iiith traWHalaNajb_ sso l.• %Plantes WO Watamis sad ratft• ca malf4ooaanalla )4519510aaasualitestabalidrallbatialorne istrat ' Temlaita:WariWallita barardony ftalo la WAD a. 1a.., • .: ~ • start amotioxhilka.mai an War!. ; ..*5ll bimrtany o" i i m o s dra NW: 9oc Wahl Mtn - 1 - 1 71: 1 010=trira 4 1 7= 1,6 eta. Idatt *VW e• la„ pUlatoir twat fltidarila as ralttott imi li 4 air& iii Plift it t o lall a 5,009013 6 VaMat.t go ii. liz. , • 14.04 ) 105•11.1_ 4ao/%1W90 , 105. g MIXI eutr _ - a• _la i „. :s4llroL rt* YAM Inidik_ll./ 10120 .1__ Wairlk Wjelll-I.Ml*l4irinl.o4r' usadlninall"lenrihilkinl9l2: eille_._...hattneelt'vitk : Tbnli ramf,dwd ~.g ok ib ' a nti Iolaaollata411a!"44 _ . totdmitillielliotore Norm 7 Atom " irridia kr "Miira oarioct at OnWoaralk ia• .• - ad ft.W lakata Taal* rine - 14 12 . ". tn. la fai:2l, onismitilinti :easoiet I V othilotaidoe In tolhoted id endellballacalalaa We as rod* latatopesd mg entonts tot& vb. *grim:Obis Bowl ttiktbdir , - Trisirir inffs'..`.•••-•Pt _ liitirrorf, 7 . c 4; iot a .. :mom .. • . ,Il_ ta ~ _ ...Ik. 'a. - .',:::, , gn i ebee&ed to GU on- do ?amayrital• n . 140/aarl• tad a 501! i 1,, .ka1&!". Aflame rililloBlllke findiiltiCrilllolW iikillei=tra data ausit.aaamdat todatotaa la _9O i1k04.01140* Met t rWalolllloo w NOMII04:10 . Ciiti IMIN 4}/0/001000 "nth iled tikaol,lloollii a* I.L. 7.• Itliaklinatiti4ool.loolo2lllolBllool t• spa 3 opoiago Atm? sochowth...,„ b.. pa , • asfor 10. Miter ‘ll#loBollll,lni m a lif -.2 __ _ At ego .aco= ..oannt , ..3 l dlttpoi! gtotten. en sod Cunt stre4o. " 'kJ IVISIDIMak Wt. 111 leMnie II il MI MAE ARILAIWAMAtte-Inkizand , MIXIDAT, MO sooles,skokr frw. bow dr 11•4 4 of _the Plataltaal?, 901190 1 41. -ta Flaw _:' • ' Ilidanil soli Wiraor Lao. - Lwow MO% ma. 1010.111.105.11. do W &10-" . 1015 a.; An do .11totanneo 1010 " tegf " SA .. . .do Wandtog. 5:10 -e• 4 Ma a 40 " Anteot Bolledr—. 6:nd - IMO " &IS " • Oonst~4. sad 9•llalryla Won._ loavala sod ismoualtdlroodand &emu Obio Beg. K ato)/ iononlltteEarukt CA = 4 I Vro, IN E too. Indliolonolit, Obt etinotte tends, N. icorph. tad t=wert sad souttnnot, end IA inte=r, on&Obio Iledkood, end Oteregood LOA . : Tomo ...,,.. .1100 n, no. p. ve. doW ................ WA " . MO " • 'WO " 4:01 " do . -do -11howlaa...**•••-• 02t a an .. liratiaa.,.... 1155. a kW a Was A 01•905107.•••••••••• 1110 14. MO a it Bawd with Talcarawas broad: lot a: bog tgooi Dote& it Mama with AttentiP. -Wayne ond MAP ' alkoodi en linvonnownls Atlanta old. chest weatinteldkosd oft lgtateeto, iltomeille, igoo&W, Pnkait . 00,17 . 4aapodolll awl Boloaaaat it llpom vita C 1,,.. 'lsalf, Mara sad Otaitaaats Railxool9:taltaa. MY sad Marsooll, oad_ at mio Wel NAL 11, far IffkiThrrakfrig *Ds 'sumo nub - 43. A T.F. 1/.. for databakr, 111aodo• sad also Va. allallall WaThitnit• .-, _ , . , Ar•USldal 1111111111 it ILO p• au ' - Mott7alsl tad= firths at 9ao a. ••••=- tra4:aa and • =tTkkat• to all prooilaiat 'l x b• i t Oa lAbattranot Dept, G 5019711 Yosaw, Illotat Apia. "11 . 4 A1bir7=1.749311419:115t Agent. No farther or • _ . . =WASS', Agent, At tag Oonpare• Odin la ladert swim, Yeas A. WU swrirA. 1110ialLik. taitildia. items, No. 65 • I * -I. "* Til atZEtituriiis 3865. .ria.dgrom ° to st=uritowl=bl .14. toss 'i osp •r _ sad tras.Nosrab ditto KO Le aoli 8 fa i e" , Dec sial isadvid .4* atrial apt Dow Ors Dollar, sad a diddled it Ow walls daskad twice a leer. Is Jabs sad Disrobes. Istrtisalribiss do. resei, orabiagerly fa Jaw . err Doislo stir Or Desk vss a& tat nee of dope rat. .. - U ad drum ad. is Orr is Ur met a =ott, • alibi Oredtor as stlaord. sod been its mai r imiest km Os &rasps( JOS Ina libuoilitre. tor. aserareglhoies I, paz arbor, trablOss tbi ars& for to vrioteroa to pima irs pro bar. , al Or astraasari :vlll isaW la-1w Una Drills ram r . Darr aristatstitas .obertore :ROAM Dots rid Dessletros. flualobs oar* as seop.stbos st " C411*1.411160. MUM Amu: , :i. " L •-•— - Won illainalrili 2 - •, • . -j••• &Wars. . . trio ilb Dosesok. Aissoades ~lslamSpew. . , : Jolla ' ...Jams J i l li Veter o a , • s ad .-A . [ - A.L JIG D., "bar Maslen . : • " , 1111113sorra.aWttna . Diamilbrolott - ,:. MMus J'.' . ,blitrAL. lbstsba, Wrist P. /1111. lobareer,• - Batt arr. . '. J• 44 Zama L. zspiiiiiit, ilideh, . Ma YL Shic=. woos a Akssaralllatle, =VW.Iros: try sr Mbar' :AHAB. A. C J ... WO" &ha GlWoraul. • 'Jolt Waal'', GrorgOnask. Off: , : William Deill4l . Mix Ihradri ang ; =ll.'llateksr,! , WiWarlk Lareli - irimdaw " COSCleil - '' 11, 1, .... ' .- EXTEllittitiA & . • : ,- Kt 1 I ' Ethilana i el% '1"q : C; 3 . 1- '4 Dragoste rd wrimar: DPP* ibilAO 4 •''' 4 WS 600. IL IL OIL. um a i m. , . Aga% Initabuotra. allullaigol ..117.111agestydr.of 4beime,lo=l otiola tooboad ems. via anay paid. bistwitaboiltoliat* natty Milo maw a Of Apyk bket vs bars or tbka as Woo yew olds, 10,000 tour yin Par, loe GOD two lir throe nick Plum, so., o Is. itilysisi. Call mai -1170 1 01Witya, 1 tot imi, by tbs. indred, . L .iillejr..:l,l.llpWli Than AID IBIU =t7, =ilirPirnijnaKAZD:94l44lll). 11111. niIAVP-71'11MSr!iicoitill Or l ai ri!"groP °SO!! 4 .° 1 , 64 cow sII ices imingalinitious ot. ' y am = r IMl=l l an slid •B e i — l — n d =lam "'wale 1s • • • 3. man. l'aottai tptiduk . Mt strut. ilvwf‘so a .llhiMm /WALLA IMMEAllirh 3 24 r a t u fte s ia s triaineisiitiUsidieli43lllAlllo WISS4IOIIIIIIIMpa lokiwz47 OS .Ik. brAll of Wll/3 be Wood 7b. 11110101.1311,1111111.. MI MI . ' 131 - • that - - " likki; tiEbbkiMAlsi, k kW; 11130ffi 1114. Or, ,P6lOll, '46 . • tr; : 4 wit* • "moot. M....2%lringe Galena ab nale:11 PIPT 040.1aXis
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers