0. ... . .41, ••?.• • .•!•• 4;4, !Y• ". BEM EIII .•3 ' . • 1 ;4: ' ;!: 4; .. • MEM h.:, ;I , • •,%. ,,, •))4ou ••••• PC; •'.'" EIBEEM • 4 :: I.:vc '.• . , ~-:4.: .' ;;;.•••4:-,. r . ~,,„ '''!•..,44...-4, :.-".•• J • :',.-t4;41 , .;1i11•14,4i1: , X: , , %! ..;°---*;!!: ::t..,;5:4!.1.31 -;:%,!:•t::: ;s:''''': ...••••,-4,'!• ..'.i.::-: .'.-•:".':',!;.-:!-4,::.::V7.. '. :ii-. ':' -;:.;:. -...).::•:',; ;•:.;.,0.4!4. :,,..f.,, ~..- 4 :•:.‘,.;+•.:•...,,`4.;*•.; -' ,:,.--S'114!:;';.:':;":!1!:ii. :1;• -P I';':4,',--Nl'.l". ..1,..eC:!•;•• • • :, : i . . • ••;'..-- -01 '.l - :•,:1..,',",.;,:1it:;t6.•,::•;k:''!!. ,;.:Yei .f...-,::1440,•-•4:....::1•:- •,, ‘.•••',:*,:tr: • e.:.'-` :: -'-• -',:7-;.:,''.' ,;-'' "-i':'.!-•,.-.:-• :-;.',•.,,,. ,''' - • ...,I„'''''.,,.., :-,,,!,,ri: .. ...;. •;9_ ",:- 's. '•...•'1.•-!. 0 ..,.;•-;., ~ -.• .. ;, .-31.•,' • :,.,.. i ,—, ~ . A!' 0, fy. .~•.. •\! gittob/usli ssazetht. "DrizipAY MOWING, JIINB 10 4ITY . , APR:4IIM - • 417074 L PAITB OP THE tarn Osiszvations for tho tits "moo by &i t - Munr o Optkdak No. Lt • vent ", ;, . . rir aux. II Mail. 4. X...........«... . 91 ' 62 ,__,,,,. . . . 16............... 100 78 . , • r.:.... ' . ~..: 3111 *Leter...: "...... r . 72 : . . , . •••••••••....:...... 29 11.10. Pittsburgh Sanitary Committee. ; TheTittsbargk Sanitary Committee, No. 59 ,A met, acktuswiedge the following do natiztasusche dfor the wiskendbig Kay 30th: . • . Sal sty of Earlansbure-8 Pis Sralarli" o- Shirti, -Di eldorberriis, 2 papers • • • apple., ! Sudety. of Minerninsand Ca iro Arenuar.B2 pain, woolen sookr,ll Dart " droners, 07 mull* olden, 26 flannel shirts, 15 droning gowns,- 29 linen towels, 37 pre Wp pea, *baulks rep, 1 out yarn. • Soldiers' Aid Society of Witt Newton, Els. • - IL 8. MarklofBee7.-.1 calico comfort, 1 calloo Mflannel l i leatluz , s r,pillow, 1 email pillow, 10 grey pairs. lanai drawers, E red • mead- skirts, I 2 canton flannel drawers, • 3 pain saki, 1 carpet shoes, 6 towel., 8 .__-_laws ,15 lb. corn staiob, 5 lbs Irish mai 2 bottles extract strawberry, 6 torts 'herein; (seeded), 6 quarts elunriss, - 12 quarts, biadrberries, 2 lbs dried apples, 2 qts arid ecru. . Joseph T:Peir, Esq., New Brighton -1 bbl petite% 3 Inas fruit, a large quantity books. ' • .-. *Mien" Aid 'Society of Clarion-3 flannel Mato, 1 bap dried' appliks, 1 saok blaokber. rise, 1 ask dried eludes, 1 sulk dried elder berries_ , 4 pairs valet ash, 2 towels; 2 old lallatiliele„ 1 box *Mon, 2 shirts, 1 bundle .=4 1 1. 1 1 49 . paper dried whor paper sago, 8 pairs pillow casis, l 4 ` 1 'pair linen - pantaloons, 1 fine shirt, 8 pairs s, 10 limns handkeroldids, 30 Joan • ~ .,Imalkssellblk 2 old hindbroldefs, 1 paper dkera papa and' hlefs. nun, 2 - towels, -1. sktrt, 1 " dlan‘2lka • : Aid. Moiety of Eutbrook-24 prs • -'• Nets; Ii Abu, 4 pear drawers, 2 mall teary 9 toady, 40' handkerchiefs, 1 flannel iddrt, 1 woolen bed somfort, 14 rolls band . „ ages, large quantity linen and maths, 1 can _.earraatism. Mrs. Wm. Ilidan-1 jar prersrved peaches, Jose spiced poacher, 1 jar spiced chartist, 4 bottise raspberry virago:, rbottle strawberry 7Meeepal Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Sooloty-6, 919 3 906 . air& of Tallaarey-7 rani applu s t bottles isoneredials, 1 peck dried ap 7 , . _ Oa, 1 'Ala Maar. potatoes. • Nr.l. B. Maker; ponds prunes, 1 bottle bisrsidsomy braady. • ' - lot of magazines. Aid Sashay of Welt Greenville, ' l --" ,- 189611. E. Jaiddiu, Secretary-1 an fruit, 1 ilelmaitt and cotton, I roll of lumdker f:- - 12,peakebbni, bottle pepper slue, 2 an* 1 roll sunlin,A books, 4 handker ---k 414111 . 1,-book,l Fob oaks, 3i bushel potatoes • h 1) Pounds dried apples, 18 . Mrs. Brewei—i6 cans frui t sad Mks 8. A. Chalfant-2 bottles vinegar, 1 bottichharklmea oonlil9, 1 Crock butter, 34 bigaird dried apples. - , - Dizassat...suade and returned, 18 flannel "Bits, 19 yel/1 anion Ansel drawers. Thomas Bakewell, Esq.-1 - box books. 'Mrs. Sarah 8. llioora-8 - olion cans tom ' toss 18 betties tomato catsup. • Mrs. B. iffiller,-jr. 7 24 ruses of jelly, 1 A 7riand-17ompty bottles. 801diers'Ald Sodets of 0u11inti110...43 cot. toe Wets, 20 pairs cotton - drawen, 8 pairs 4 pates woolen sooks,-4 pillow, 13 iressisi9 sliaga, 10 towels, Et liondkar `- 2 sheets 1 wrapper. 2 vats, quantity Eat - and rags, 2 Testaments, ua matter a quantity of writing paper awl avelopse, 2 aka soap, 1 an grapes, 1 N. asosisee Said paella. dried plums. Allaghenj Leafier Aid Sudery-6 mai of fruit,sad:vege{fbw, 18 bottled Inn grape jaiso, lam& of butter, 4 panda of soap, 2 : 1 ' - 'l 4 P* B ruble Sack dried, apples. 10 shirts, paekapi meth - -1601,3 same - jars pommy; 4 dressing guru, 10 OW .7 yetis 'damns, 2 pain sulks, 2 - --righeimaiges„ 1 package of reuil package rallink4sastax; 8r0...1 smpa bangs. - A • r .14, 1 44 71 1 , , :jIIII4IIIC • 611111116 2., painsaki, 4 dreeziog - gowns, a i l um% oklmiyalin,,ni 4 , ..//fiatialk2l,ll9l6.o:ll" • ` .4 110 57 01161- - 74J 4 / 1 1 4A4whisky, .. Cl dole 614 141 . w:4a motto (" gat ozz sia.Y"ndid-B°./d!u.l6") , 4 . . , rtoi i iLv .,-. 22: , , ,._, , , 1.1400146.,..._ -**1- --44g4g.42:, aii,„ 6 „B sov aritui. 4 5 . ' '`.:. .•- A...m00d aUths IWO) 'OZ4. lB k 1t 04 114 11 4 1 1., At s iimglig peitlesalrii old mug . ,ad are 4lBllOsman , 4.l7ll7 aalfaria lMmt"P f Vulea vory.aisak an - A14 .1;7 22 a1 " want 4 , itplf ..... , , i ;f , •: ,,, ens , 0„"1.1A 4 , , 114 wisek. • ,t? " : i-a;t; ..--,2 n.b...... .• .-- • ' 1 of ..brow " ilojy liip "lib *Vold multi' a — iiiiiiiii, : A re , 4441014 0i101ty' 1 1 = 11 ad 21 Ckarab-1 cam ' l4lii"lami.kl ' . 1 oat rasp- Gabkas 1111111101 Sui 3 a5i151,3112"431 tali, istata4l!,4as , a bulbar .., L _ ,____ 'isar 88881100 0 11 a/ a thmskill';,=4:37,..iB 411 .....w1 g 0491414. L.8112/11pseaagea tawola, ..-- gigggggggia,4 paagagui. Mod pairobo!, 4_r pm *leg Igo*, rpagarrl443B,2?!Fg,.lll2Pi poigAbookr gripe 1•14 * 00 ,,W4f ca 's"P ri - igi,illiarrigh:lipatiloe olselcoorruhyar sag ggagges all 4341041.:;, - '''' ' '' ii c t iat gaudy Aid goalow of.: th e X i s ~ 'Cliatmselsadronairs, ila . l m _ mar Co. •!1 , .adame.4ll3,.., a fiedr ty of-r1740,:ts maple ' ; ' ',: re"ault, s ` 9 " . " l.' i l ifaTigj burros; 3 Wats . t.: ala ga mmi .- - g ggagto *armed poraaalr S t".l tbm 4iiii, .---- ww---,T• •I ^ iiteatirrilt:lol9ll ' r'---' • 1119 1 9926 e rgild99ifpfilakr ' ' Platialltiga llirponi aria SWElSoMPontlas., -.=;#4111--- 83t rind. gz s lit sugars 2074 gaioilauranto, tes, 7., _ . nit, i poi =atunnariall beat, 7., P. sa. ' 9 ands c ,2 g COI- 7 2111, .Po t • , -1 both& Ur, 1 Wok, 1 package !Plait, g a rapok l ..,:i. - -413,:vi1a - Mod corn, 21 to . w a or al Las a ato t rz es t '', 4111113, e l liza bs i a ceo rPU4w , ,17 robramol soldiers' " : 3 - Oar 14 - 0 13. Adacrostoo; 33 dosaa m i---1, -^- . - a giiaterl fn .., buggoiabo,lo2 Pow; _I . I V ral w admig 10614 M, ..• eat. .41a.1141001 6-411,dlimu "-.5 buns of ' . ''' -.61' 14a611**W;Iforcer Aid , _ mo. 12 bars Era% 10 cans . / _4ar . 1 IV; J 1 0 2 4 84 34 4111"44- airalirn 4440,.,3t - plait' tag, b p. 4.... .•_ ,i,,............,1 41 a 1.10 06 Jr 0.11110,0101 IT' , . Irs. , . .• - - •• ' . e ; - - ' o ur potuty orlsrow lhillmidellivisr_rausid'ommasail:"Stamantli,Llll64l::::. 714,4%"ktillillabrictoidiffengrollizi 'aluiesus t, ; I' imggsm "l6ll"3"u ggaiggeas,........ , ; ' lbs pond , u s itelod Antd ap; =rik /014'11188/61100;:agazdo=r, rtar ti ad e l_ 37 424.1 P ssr4- 1 " '' • '141111114 ' akitalds,26 91i9i9411 paha frawasi 2 gain s2 sum . 3 gifts pillow afar, 32' tortat ts , „A.A.._ yaw oaakai 3S rolls" of -14ar 5_ . ± .. .!4..,r ',...sl4,aargaallitgat .14'adag114. -341165'',311 i,rmg. 3%i' Wass lido„ , . 7 peals iplltoirs, /8 , 1 i r i a?liak ti 4 4 , 1a 4 bags pun 'iaga to :4 s kin kai eri cuo ' l9 '041:4414, gapai,', 21 egaigaial;,l bag 1.1 g bag poach ling drielapplasi /3 UV " ibbirlatal", a b_aga abaniaa,l bag OW :;I- ltausll% ip'Sikt ViirOltldfi 1 is . .t.at 0m p0pp0 5 19144 0 1,1)...E. 1 / 10 ' 04100_ ,titz , of ,iaLma=atimuotOaaorairar .. E-14410110111 ' 4 Vgiodoty of West blorataa—i . 3 - 1, .,' g a t, r , 42- Haim' far' armsful '"' l. . "I baa4agss, 4 .magi ' mama ,___„- kn . - glint, 4 impious, 9 49190610 1.....-- 41144 blaakboniagr• 11 gle V ial * - ''' aggj..7 can's Mao 80111 , 1 r ialo g o ti Of Gilt P t . , .._ '"...."'-- 0 Tait! of • 14 , 111 4rday, 21? :ASPeir4 4 - ItMenl_____,.; ailli: s ris, -4 1 *olio . loil draw. " - I :b :!~'i""9^~t,3r'-~+:.~~5.: ~4.~ti?t3 _ ~.:.. ~-..+.-~a..a x-.u;;~`~tti ~:.~sr i ~r.s'~~ %d.. ~~t-, ` 4 l-;'*" .. . Soldiers' Aid Border, ef West Greenville— If pounds dried apples, 5 pseuds dried bar ds!, 47 aases, 4 B tans of 411141 comfort, 2 magnes,l3l bushels of tatoss. Boldiars' Belief Circle , Hamp ton and Plae Townships—el comforts, pairs soaks, 8 feather pads, paln drawers, old lion, 2 largo oneapple butteril small can apple butter, 1 stone - Jar apple batter, 2 stoat jogs rhubarb, 134 bushel dried apples, I peek of peaches, I nation of berries. Mrs. E. Wilton, Besot/a-5 betties old blackberry wine. Alleighany Liaise Aid SeeLsty-1 dos. fans, 1 dozen lemons, 4 pain slippers, 11 shirts, I quito net, pair drawers bo , 1 oks pairand soaks, 8 ant fruit, mos musl linen, 21 em papers, old s - fruit, I brothel dried frail in and uit— peaches, apples and pears -8 shirts, 8 pads, I pease' of reading matter, 2 bottles of wino. Mr, John shay-2 ooate,2 pairs pantaloons, 1 vest, 2 hats. t- Prom a Priend-4 bottles, I jar tomatoes, 3 jam pane*, 4 I Jar raspberries. . T Central Boaster Xtlacatlon. Board of Edimation mst on Tneeday muting, Jane 143. Present, Messrs. Brush, Dgnoan,H►sfron, Lowe, Mariann, lifoltulity, Sergeant, Ra wly, and Easley, President. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The moithlyreports of the Principals of the High and Colored Schools were read and filed. The Secretary's monthly report, showing the following enumerated attendance,- was read and filed, 'ls t Grammar latenuadlato Primary 1)44e2. - Dclet. Dap% 2 otaL First Ward-- 72 78 218 383 Secund Ward._. 52 78 1191 313 Third Fourth Ward— Ci Ward-- 88 0 118 356 581 66 07 inl2 FM Ward..--129 120 1 - 4 1 355 MS BUM Ward--- 91 197 1 440 7 8 4 7 7 fleveath Ward— 4o 44 1 • 257 347 Eighth Ward.— 93 149 " 320 . HI liintteWard--. 54 128 11 317 497 TotaL—...--..689 r — 973 ' 2888 4130 A communication from the Philonsetheslan Literary Society, soliciting the privilege of oconpying the Colored Pablla School room on Monday eventnp, was mad and referred to the Committee on Colored Sebools. Warrants were authoriser in payment of the following bills, via: dlez,.Tindle, kind ling wood for high school, $5,003 niolllllll Cook, making fence sad repairs at Colored School, $21.50. - On motion the "loud proceeded to the OW tijOn of Collectors for the ensuing year, which, resulted asfollows: lit,Ward, Alien Ocirdoll; 33 Ward, Minas Tindle; 3d Ward, John Kel ly; 4th Ward, A. P. Thompson; sth Ward, Joa,ph Irwin; Bth Ward, Joseph A.-Butler; 7th Ward, James Trimble; Bth Ward, David Hutchison; 9th Ward, George Keyser. . Marshall from the Committee on Text Hoek; and Grads reported In favor of adopt ing the text books now ia =Win the Ward Schools, with the iv:option of Willazd's .17ni ted States History, substituting in Owe of it Goodrich's 'Pictorial History of the United States. On motion, the report of the ConnaMoe war adopted. On motion of Mr. Brzah, a mouton of the oily schools woe ordered from the 26th of June until the 31st of August. On motto% adjourned. Legal Intelligence. Reported kw the Fitnearge, Mel. June 9th,1283.1 Mary O'Hara va. Hugh . Iltobaidsozoot abetment fora place of land in 4oblnion tp. On trial. .-- . The following 01101 i(11 With* reach for Wednesday, Jane 10th_ _ • • en. .T. O.' Year ea. Jacob uooaaniough. 69. Banball & Bro. la. tb•Astirctrth 00 Company. 67. Jacob Loanaback and wife as. Wesley Band 70; J9septi P. liatila n. tha Allegheny Lnaranoo Company. Harker . 72. Hanry,Williama on. M. .B. White and Elijah 74 The Pittsburgh k Stsubanelt6 Banned Com pany, for ma of the Pittsburgh Trust Chatesny, etWro• IffeegT• 74. Same plaintiffs 11. IlLsabeth G Y . raff, eircutrix, 75. Bri Maul Morph n. Wm. Ward. 77. Wain, and n. Thomas W diL 7s. R. P. Clorda, T!. Llibtosp .t. Piper. 75. John Clark n. W. W:.Wallsos. 80 . Dodos k CO; TS. Waisletasaa a .indiirion. Si. B. Stoby vs. Wm. littaa. 111. .t Pao& n.Thavlkiorra, contractor, and Azuhlnr doott, arnar... 93. - Bann plaintiffs... sun delladants. MITZI usigon—.l64l2ll STOWS AND 111.411111. Bunn Mclntyre was found guilty of keep ing a bawdy house, on Pun street, near the Pearl tavern. and sentenced to pay a fbas of $lO, costs of manila, and undergo an fut. palsonmant of 90 days in the county Jail. " • 00111. vs. 7111:1101/ 0 WOW et at for riot.. The defendant took a number of men, ear7 l oll alms, to thi property of Mr. Madill, os Mad. awe alley, between Penn street - end Du quesne way, and there tare down - the *aft- Mei fem.. Melte' priperty extends some fest over the Um which would make the side, of the alley parallel throughout its length. It is contended by the defense that the prose cutor was infringing on the right of the public to the alley as a common thorougkfese. , Laid is.:inuioe. JJI the case of Elehmorts k Bleakley n. Kotler, Malin Jr. Clo., decided on the sth last, we are Informed that the foots In the case were,:nut Yr. &lunette agreed, non after th e targath was man, to throw up the contract because so small as amount as fany bands of oil mild not be bonded, end mina quontly Muni to allow -the defendants to even pay - the government tax and metre the drawback, notwithstanding the oil was bought 'for expert, This would hen beet shown had the laws of Innybranis permitted the hems sail testimony to-han been delivied, tech an would . lune be :allowed 'in te courts of Ohio and other Stant. • Maw= vo an Reaturr.—The friends of Colonel Robert Audition wIU be glad to learn' that the temporary ' dlloulty whloh separated him from Ma regiment has bum re• moved, and that he wUI MGM, command of the pliant 9th Reserves 'during the present Eicitemeat at drogis Creek. Llama emu limed', Jane 8,18f3. —Editers - Gasstre's Qa Brea:day , evening, the 6th but., &boat eight „,o'olooki ■ squad 'of about tinratpdvs - of thirty. men, beloagLog to the "true pentectraoy," or In other words, "Pesos DamottratlV mad. a, raid upon the postofilee, saderrorlag to tem. an entrance for no other_purpOle th in't6 do slams to the 411=1111, Of :the piasuable Postmaster, forbrer, Milano:lntl: shun, fa answer to.** ques- tions impionded by tki Asssmor,"the morel and ape of iomeofthals °Hamel .and.besanss they could notrommuamato war purpose, but were foiled even in their athit to bream Its door by misting 'Menu and bTlokbaleewinst it, they gave vent to the sontsats of tmw foul hearts by the uttarsaoa of oaths.and kowls that would hams disgrsood,a patdrof Ulf ohr- And now a word „for, the. fair, or the "peace" pmseat. hire heard of the double-dUtilled hoothili of "ladies" of "Dixie" to tlui pin*tnebno of.this Republic, but never hare - I Wm pomaded to pollee* that the "aniillo greattiould hare fallen so loci, math died eventfal eranins, when they iron outstripped the "lords of creation" in their bitter denim:Wins of , the "Abolition - RIG" Bleththks Cross theok Rlll get itself a `mat name. ' Aulgasele sale tof yataable Beal Any of ear readers wishing to Inwestlhelr • money in witaabio nil ereato,would do well to attend the ,1.1412110 n Gala , which will take' R. 400. ado effealleidsf) 01023/Dgi lb• 10th ben, at 10 o'clock, at tke Coen Boon. There will then be - oared for sale' the undliidod one . South hillaisVot if valuable tract of coal lead, oontalnitig about two hundred and tan sores, wmattleittly ,eltuatad- on. the Moankinthda Also,: a be intlfalii located idea of ground, containing. about two sins, in Monist front the city one And . s half ~intles, and situated the Use of the Plltaburgitand MlpsrsrWe 4imiger The ears. OS sold road pan the plies" awry hour of each - ao; Mom 4: - )7...4ntil 4:14 Op ;the Once area oottnio boon of Aro Noma, heti Nash house, good - stab* sad alan house, and • well of neverfalling,Tgood water; also, Poach, plum, chewy, apple , sprloot an hD* gbosebeny and - currant barbell, eto.,eta; Mel wbleh beat Indent the lean variation: , There it , no place in the 'gulags more Dwarf llotaW,iW no n e guseptible of finer bapronmeat pond Mk 'think that *le artaklni to Imps anus lltile M i a t a l eaS 144" sang lo promote the later. =ln wad may, eau not (*better 'allot 'what*, intd do all he mint:Mil can Weems lt. FROM WASHINGTON. Moll Dlopotobto to the Ilttslomzb Glosettt. Wasatrarer, Juno T, 1888 CLOY MN 0111130 KEN NATION A letter has been received at tholndlan Bureau from John Bose, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, In which he states that at a council of the Chi! obiNatioa,oonnnd at Raw Skin Prairie In *shrew last, hills were passed abrogating "the treaty" with the "Confederate States" and calling a convention of the people to approve the act. A &legs- UOll consisting of John Boss, Prisolpal Chief, Lint. Col. Lewis Downing, Capt. Janis Me- Daniel and Bev. Isaac Jones, was appointed to represent the Ration at Washington. All aliens of the Nation disloyal to the Germ meat of the United States were deposed, and an sot passed for the ibolltion of slavery fa the "Cherokee Nation." Mr. Ross urges la hie letter the aeseasity and propriety of establishing a Military Post within the Cherokee oountry and oecapy v ! i z i tt , with a sufficient force to enable , the Indians to repossess themselves of the Terri tory and to assbt the federal foam la repel ling any !arnica of the einnay. ROW WILY SWUM OUPTIIVID • "181011111 A aharaoteristb emainualtsition has also been received from William Bowlap, Jr., "King of the Seminoles, and Captain of Co. 2', Ist Ind., H. G." Billy dolt,. the Gov ernment to "send power quick, and Glean out the moult who;are holding the country." He wants "white soldiers" mat thentia form suf ficient to enable tke loyal Indians• to rally, when ha thinks they can hold the Indian country against the Memy. Billy tells how he Optima a Bashwiteeker out in Arkansas, in this way 3 "I will say what happoned to m• out In Arkansas. I was sent to Rhea's Mill from our camp at Beaton rill., And I 0/12¢. Cl• a 1001111 k, I found oat he was a Bushwhaoter, and I mods up my mind not to kill ltim,4 Ha wore both on boreal and I rode up to him, thinking to bike hba prisoner, and as we 'alma up I took hold of him and he of me „ and and being oa hens l could not truly as 411 as if co, the ground, aid so we both fell from our kerns, and in the fall my pistol fell from my hand, and at this the man broke lobse from me and got my pistol before I could, end started and ran, and my horse was standing out a little ways and he Jumped on him • mad run away will him. Of course he could bon killed me, but he jest run away with spy horse and took all I had—two revolvers lad saddle, bridle end hone. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTIONS. Tnoros Penni, Plant ad Ornonsantol Slate Roofer, and dater in Punalnes and Ver mont slate of ths hest quints at low rata. omen at Ales Laughlin% mar the Water Works, Pittabergh,Ps. splkent Giroux AID Barn% Bayne liAmirmo, for family and manufacturing wpm, are the but in use. A. P. estarerr, Genova! Agent, So. 18 Mgr street. Now Maria. o 1 Ehnnua Citorarko.r..ot ten we are asked, wham can we buy" a wit and comfortable smut. snit, made to ordir, thus haring the sham of eolostlag our elm goods To all thus baubles we on =swot, go to Maus. W. 8. Mass A Co., ems/ Of Federal street and Diamond SLUM MAO** ny, and _you will bo united amardlag to pour tote. , They lumping remind thMr sumer goods, and for 'legume of styles they annoy be surpassed, and for lima they are share* ursine, as their work Ii alkdone woks their own sisperrision. Ohre tin a Wit and Yea cannot, fall to b. satisked.-, Arcurioa, liarcaeon Foramens I—The Stuatlon of eor country's bum defeadus oeutty reunited frost the tett of we!, tad of the public in morel, is opla direetsci to the very 'aware 'had haudsothe aesorbseat of the West dyke!, : of , Pinch, Bulb& sad Ameba's' plasm gecko, for pouts, onto me vests, /Ably received by Mews. John Water k Co., Merehout No., 120 Federal. street, Allegheny. A teetotal teleeditai -of gentbutteet fornithltat vole will Oleo slums be loud tat the aholves of the estoblkiumehl e together with a lot of ready-made eletbing, got up in the beat manner. Jun 1111M11731 non Tiro Ifswo.—Bantnel Graham,' )(mahout Tailor, would reepeetfelko Worst his Moab and ths publie In gamma that he has jut retuned from the Past with his as* stook of Spiag sod - Baialuis Goode, conalating of 0/1 e ta latest atglee et Gelb, amdamies sad meting& Geatismentbadrlng a nosh to select from that cannot be minas. ed 14 any ethos in the GIN and Omsk pr. manta made in the moat faakidamble maser, would do well to do him a sail bofer• thasia=kers. Gitozaz, Nerakeat Taller, NO. it Market ittost, oils door from Third. Two Monroe 110.—Ilisa Haim Robin. son, of Loadonderl7, Vt. nadir date of As-. gust 21,1860, write:, " I have made as ax parimant with . Mrs. 8.. A. dalea's WorWs Hair .Hoetores and Zglibahennont. I Imito need thane two moithe. I . now laVe a saw growth of hair easing oat, sad my pay hair I extinct. Bold ."by &welt. orarywhem. Dow, 108 Greenwich at., Now Mt. sow - Ammon eintrANY expiKt to retain their hitaith unitepilred dor. lag the oastralire, rout see to It thenueliee, do not tnet to the Army SOMMII saPPIt yourselves erith HOLD:mars Pi./4.8 sal OINTMENT. , Every ENNA seldier's bap. look contains them. Only 25 ovate per box .or pot. , 211. Norton To Paorawrir HOLDalk Agars ens AS.I. Oman InTizarnn,-.Per malts Or la. teretions to stores or dwellings, new Tooth of taything else in the Carpenter line, will at enthbert's ani.prenter Shop, Virgin sa gs above timithilell streets. All orders prompuy attended to. * t Omnuma sad OLUZASIII Qama will b isksa 'at ths Onmdtme ones, Ao. 406 Marty Mena, day er night. An orders-left at the above plum will be promptly attended Se. Ali mai unit be raid a r. 4 'reneo4 Oa • Cal at No. lib, Wood street, fat elegant sad cheap Carpets, Jut received on eona lg meat dim the fall in pries In the Nut. .A law lot will be sold at great bargains at re. tall, for oath. . " Do, Euro, late Burgeon to theArlai,ttesta ell Daisies at Mr ellea, 98 lottek Its whoa, be eau be coasollol dellytais Ba. s. to tp.; ;a., =opt - whoa absent on proteadosal-Mid, -Lama',limarandCloa, poss and - -Balmoral GalOon Marow:Bsoto 4 - 811pporo, ko., at Magmata Salt Amain Maroc . . luaus', lame' ' - Childrome Heap Skirts, AU alses, 'Won imid prim; st Meal: land Shoe Auction Holm, 115 PM stmt. Gaits! Lastlfig sad Woad Cat • Bailors, Balmoral" sad Boots st MoOloUsafs Aisotkot • , Dentist, 2411 P4itni I. intatisets 'et Ida teratesalia. • DIED I iTIIII/11550N—On fissds, months; pm ttb,; Mrs. 7.11N11 82114550011, hid 75 punt : 1 Tlurfassnl wW tskipMostrom,tlm,,sublemos et hums, ad Haim stsost;lsmashootor, an Lam* , tislirmossodmil4 eaktolk; . : WAtZle&zletisis' init of say; of tam, 1114511 , W. 41•141191 1 .. Gips. 0, Audi mos -Cialsll7,, ; • 1 (11111delphli pews *AM *my.] BsoWs-kriView' ath mount.. wings PrAoater, OD de Ak3IIIII4pC 411DOPpiTIN,1110.1 5 ;am and 11 months: • Issmol getpliko laidime• of k 0 imigar iksi); ?Mill (ffilief, :44) Arllllll=4.ll* HVIIS—Ox fratafdA Aid Abe *V "kali Ohio, sai`of Nana Bib!, lig th 84 1. 1 " 2 00 11 "14 4013 / 1 /0 01 144 P 410., STILL A OHAI If E t 4. , t • r- Anjou* , anifii of ota"re PIKE FBMICIII SILT4IQ . I:47IIIOR HOOTS.* -- wroin and of apair, , ~ • JAII3I BOSS'/, -, rr9o . zwurs! resaig!..; ~. 4 ••. :•. •. .y 7~IM~ 1 I\~ - • • , THE LATEST NEWS BY TZLIOSAPIL FROM WASHINCTON OUR srsau DISPATCHES Straka Marta to no Plttobagik Gusty WAsatiaroz, JIM 9, 1863 'ZVI PROM TUN ItOPAHAIROCE The following Is thi sews from the front up to tide afternoon : A moms oappmeat took pkwa Ude lam ing between oar cavalry and that of the rebels van On. Stuart. The locality f• which It occortsd wan Bermlea Ford ea the 'Rapp ksaaook, Br* miles lawn kappgallock Illa tion, lad about lb nib :Oilman blow the Salphyr Oprlaga. Stout has ban EMiatag a lugs body of robel oanlry mond Culpepper Court Rouse of lam, evidently for a raid North and Rut. thaws! Hooker has, \of eourse, kept ha on him. This engagement R the result. Mu th made an obstinate fight to Ibis the river, in which purpose he was aot only foiled but oee eroopi drove him front the ' south bank which Soy now hold. The aupgersent is still evidently progressiiii, no oar forte Si - mod is now on the soutk'idde of the ribs. No farther details of the bites had ruched bare up to dub p. m, but ore are wadeable'- ', simag enough tiers to drive Stuart out of Calmer bless the ItapPidam Oars have already-been sent up from Nettle Ran to Rap palabook Mellon to bring our wounded to the mar. I'll SITITATZOI., The Espabiisse of tide snug has the fol lowing editorial : "Generale Grant and Banks an both on the nun side of the Ifiseissippi, and are progressing in thereduotion of Vins borg and Port }Judson. Bath are able to take care of the snowy. General Hooker's' any is wide awake, watching and frustrating Lee's operations. The. Union cavalry Sr. giving the rebels mush tronbi' ; and essomi Lie bas fond out within slew days past' that k. on neither advance or Mirei n tit !skiing. Our pints advises demons ilds fret nry sathdhstozily." =3=3 Lots Biehnond papers lid% gold at $6.00 modem-614 of Cloanderste met boring 83 of gold. Tide prindwo. Obey W , Is not owing to the deprooladoil4 dub mobil, but r the nanny of gold. , sossinus' ozain. Sountean thouand Unaided goblin' atlas are now on Its fa tl4llSoond Andher's Übe. 'The Boren Is boiled spar in Its Work. Many oblate reach is far biak as Ut MONA; and Bioll's raispabras. These flu chow that the battle of Shiloh and Ansi of the Pealunda wale the moat dlsestrosut of the war. -FATAL DIAGAILIII 11111FPLOKING Tweedsoldlon 'were ;,Iralliel sad iftees wended by lb. explsd# to-4y ot sirthera isessalse of Port ;Lies, seer ilex. .adds.. Ike MP Wesel belonged S .the Ugh bleserodniselts slid 2d Ifewlfork: The explodes sae semood by s math freliehe pipe of s Clerstale`eeseged Ix Atlas ands: The " 0 0 1 "Ci 1 4 igfaili No damage use dew to the issa or gas eardeips. ISM rateoxxxs. Throe Intadted Betook prisoner', from tho Old Capitol prioon, Ware at to-day to City relit for o:zokaado. sawn ware' es; tabbed. • ,ALIMUJI ST neseasse. • TiMiandition sad position of ear army is the rear,sl Vlokeberg b mitt good. sad ties. Oast Matfiaitlit Of. eleiees. I sew saw reek toe of defames is sm in frost or eel.. ellatis.E. um". At row pisaa oar paratieh see withbrAfty yards of th samara troika. :tat{ SKIMS sly be tow down 41204 nadir tha gems of that Isiah!. If , astasli le made with iss:theetiasd they cermet hap taking the oil. The . Slew caarsithare orlialse Osmond is their Moths, SIITOSIL, oast toys he ma whip eel ralefOreeMests that they as Min top. samosas oessisor. • The attention el banks is; dant to notion 19, at the &WORM olivine ad, requiring :all those, not organised ander it to oaks an in inal.r4ort thi Cloiptrolise the tiorres-' y, on July fret, tinder the iinalty of two per 'Ositt..en the eepliel• • cart= as 'Lamm. mini. Admiral Parter.A•orta to lb* Nary Di- - piiimilat ***Aare nii• sers sad root stakk i 'sitlibil sta week!' yist, by tk• I.st soda nisi Vislr4-'• . • ' . , vita Tazoo sultana'. Thera Is soloed ma to soaituttleato, u. opt tits Man of a woad inuolittou up the 4000'ther. , Thay porfooily stito• tanfatf hating dolt/IPM alptit ,lfsuopoito suittotio *soot of oottoa aal other teas; , abb. , 11 0 . .. I Phir, 4l ' l " l . P# 11 , 14 “ sod Of - - • • • - VICI*II7Ia. Our toot! botolrVgaliars Aed Title Ojai with pirrillai yesterday it denim*, aid ourlOoitayr . , 10 # 1 V0 I nokollurd ma delay • grm deal of geod : We lute Med format !tabor it beet;cattle aid doie • grist abairns« Our Pidiste rani !Pd l rnia fight aid it. 1101 4 &dad the , t • AAAA ether, laieJliet ecoc , ip treetTailui sad ropoositi bkto 'Won &sevens bare. Tiku &Only heisted Pert-Eidson aid 50,!..k0 to wads ot Saes They however, -streigly for Tied ii , }d•ptyr Judd oat a. Lout deurel et Demers* 'Nitta reppriCtke wipe ibaidaii. nese Is allege tieresisist opt Sad ' . !lo4o*ertlpi 411•0 cot A Beard is to-etrowee it Thtlii4elpub eq k the SU tel the eilielastles at ampler of ay. oi twit. sad iIF IB for John Bees Lad as tatenteir with'the Fria' Mai to'do , Y• no up 151 104 the pit politica of the Okuotees, sad seared keg' e y'u s i : MOO . ' • thwille•oo. UW dw for !mug be rad; Winona tbs . maim sanki will be. "- •• siadyte ftegilltftwo ors sow lank tfu •Tfrl34lfors-`IW-'! :mimosa ao: iistikoar .inks asuom wog fat at. e 1 sum Ankiej4idmou s year. Inasi • A magi of boast b foss ofirdid to. jid *Ms aili*A447l,q, for eepoarla !italfll o l l ,bkili#7 ,4 ad 4101 1 4/ 4 bre 011111111 res away; st AidisialAr*Tti eordog tae I 4 E. 3 s! &lasi bus ins hnot to the blosi!doomo i ; ankil*lolll4 " Mite Late Rat h . • NreTdali .npazailtbe'lat, Ives 004 11001"1137 aid* lift eaa• tislis by the same teffit ,titivomuices set* ,alkirettroleds‘ *ALP - itai;aeatilim"ll 0f,6,411/Er dammed' Weft* mani, • •-•` thik,up_Bto ram pu li d wlit.lizpi=.lmaisrt ki,!.11111111"r bidatifintaP , 4 ihve Mee weltbenieft. The teas at Wefts . .. humus eamosat of mumsl oss 4a . e $4 bietar: sapentloa at" ea. FROM RERTUCKY Bisdsi Dbpetob is to Pittslstrib aunts BOX 11111; Ky., June 9,1865 There IN no nem of interest to-day. The forces at Monticello are repotted to have joined:the rebels, who are rumored to be !mooring at Barktrille. Neither rumor is confirmed. • Oiibert's announcement to Oen. Graoey that all the Union families driven out of Dixie would be furnished with homes at the expense of sympathisers in Kentucky, has allotted from that chivalrous gentleman a reply too rude, and insolent, and stuarrilions for pull cation. Dodos Hen, of the Pint East Tenses see, mamas the duties of Mediae! Director of this Division to-day. An szoolleat ap pointment. Sem! of our boys are playing sharp with flherwood's rebel, over the river. Captains Green and Carter detected errata by inset ins emit among them. Lately our cavalry are kept busy scouting and reoonnoltering. • A neonnoissanoe, consisting of detachments of the 7th Ohio_ and 2d Ohio, in command of Oat. Keats, crossed the river yesterday oven ing, at Waterboro. He was Joined this morn lag by Liout. Col. Adams, of the Ist Ken tudy,-with a detachment of the 24 Tennessee and 4th Ohio, at Mill Springs. Skirmishing with the enemy eommonoed at eight o'clock tills morning, and continued for eight miles. The robots could not stand. OW 110711 balllT ed_splatadidly. Lieut. Law's howitzer bat tery did fine work. The - Lisutenant had a horse shot under hire. It is Jmpossible to ar rive at the rebel loss. Two dead and ten wounded wen left on the geld. Others were carried off. . Among their wounded was Lieut. Henley, of the 18th battalion, Confederate oavahy. We lost noes killed, and but three wounded —of the 2d Ohio, T. G. Hartmen and H. P. Sobench, of Co. K. - We eapttired twenty philters, one hundred stand of arms, and one hundred and twenty rounds of howitzer ammunition. The rebels had three rifled and three howit set geese. Our adranoo.ll four natio math of Montt Cholera' Outer lent over roinforooments determined to elan out the whole rebel con corn than. Pspam's oonunand engaged consists of Mattison 's and Good's cavalry and Bask at's ratfiioj.. If. th are eanontrating at Hall's to male a stall oar boys may mooed in ge4ing fight ••t of them yet. S. S. Front Waiv tie Yazoo Nine Reim gton..Operations on JEUreo•Destruclion of atininen. Woasnratos, oolvoilltoto o une 9.—No news has been offensive operations by the • • Culpepper region. arrived here this morning. reparations to assume the South . fftlantiet Squadron, onChariorton: slay satin be sobs! swab, la Athol's!' Poo Lo tooting. cooolosiA of • ands wrat • . ' atom hu sent to the Navy • • rt,'r &Med' ..fifisafseippi Viekebtirt, June let,".in• tier the retain of the expo t. Qom. Walker, trp-the Ye • • on of the lama and navy • the mom ofileer up again, to capture the tranaposta. ort mere mentioned as lamed, the Acadia and Magenta • Eat Admiral Department-- a • Squadron, near welsh ke &yet lidos wader Lie so% and the des yud, ',divan& with Instanatio • ladles& II his Haddam the e the rehab bwin • - --• i sue_ two of the hest transnorts. My object t vas to breakup their transportation on. the Tazoo,undwith sem:option of a tow steam ers beyond Bert Podhprton, the rebels can teas/port no gby water en -that river. Bbtamere to' t amount -of P 700,000 were destroyed by the its eipedition—;nine in all. -The Star of th West nal bmn sunk. com pletely blocks the" Yellabuiha river, and the gunboat J oy SA found sunk agar Liver pool landing. The following is Lieut. ` Command er Walk- Ws snort : ' . . _ - 11. IL Stemma flume Di Kean, 'I . Month of Yule River, June 1,1868. j Sea : I have the honor to report that I left this place on the morning of the Stith of May, with the De Kalb, Forest Rom, Linden, Sig nal and Petrel,, as . - I' POW up tint 'Ye:no *speedily as pos sible, for the purpose of dittroyinig the ene my!' transports owthat river, - with the Hor net ROSID, Linden and Petrel, 14 within about lb miles of Port Pemberton where' feud the steamers John Wahh, B. 0. Shaekland, Golds* Age and Scotland sunk on skim, pout plettly blocking it ten. • • . - , I remained at .this point during the - night, tad next morning at daylight was- ?attacked by a force - of the'enemy, but after a 'sharp fro of a few minnter Div beat a hasty retreat. Our only lost war' two men Wounded. Returning down the Yazoo I burned a large saw mill, twenty-Ara miles abort, Yazoo City. At Yazoo City I loaded and brought away a large quantity of bar, round sad flat iron from the navy yard. At Indian Shoal I sent Vol. oaten Lieutenant Brown, of lb. forest Bose, with boatethrough to Rolling Pork. Ile found i quantity of tors belonging to the rebels, which' hi burned. At the month of Bayou"Quirre,thearing of steamers, , ;I: sent Lieut. Brown with the bozU of the Beirut Rosa and Linden'up 'flit them, sounding ten mills.," He buried the:Dew Drop and Emma Bell. The Linden Wail the Argo in asznal I bsymi,. about ' • seyenty-miles .up the Bun lower. • I alto found the Cotten Plant sunk In Lake Siorge,nith nothing Out et the water but the Ups of her intoke'taniti..,At Gabel' Landing,' on 'Did 8 ewer , I found and brought aw a_y a mate whlieWas lost on the Deer Creek , Rxpeditlo ~ I have as. prisoner" two engineers , end :. t in the minim of the rebels, and wend d uteri and refugees. Eiiigned,l -• . mu G..Welizz, Lieutenant mmindinn, U. S. N. To Acting Rear A D; D. Porta, Cosi suadlag Mississippi birasdron. ' A/21TO _ of lite Africa. . lraturAx, 'Jana 9.—The steamship Africa law Arrived, with Liverpool dates to the 50th ult. • - The steamers Oily of Washington, Austre.., Lain l 'Sad Te u to nla hire arrived out. The pirate Alabama has eaptered the ships Dorms, Priam, Taloa Jack,- Bkylark,' sad, Nye. The latter was a whaler. Tb. Downs,' and llaioa ;Jack irate belted to. ems: York from Shaaghee, arid the 13/01ark was from Hostel, bound to Saa Diplomatic relstlons botween Great Britain and Brasil barobein broken oIL- Kr. Reihnok gar*. sotto in • Pietism cot that Ragland would open Resettationi with other' powers for the recognition of the Oonfedenitec ' Lord Montagne will more an A pnbllo meethsg was to be held In Liver. pool on the id; to pip I Whitt° Lo the memory of Stonewall Jackson. The Liverpnl Pod sue promlasenete the following, on the arrival ot the Autzsil a Vicksburg has Mon. The hilmissipol li open from its month to its source. "The Pod; oral cause hat niuniphed. There can now b• no doubt of the toot that Goma Gr hungant hal seised the Bey of ow that is up-in the fortress at Viek P sbnig. - Now is the time, tot mediMlim. „Instead of indulging. in the: Use of sympathy, et in thinlopth of thatinning, - everylio4 who violin. well : to'. Bailin& and thirwoild large, slosh& promptly unite Ls an appeal to Lord Palmer.; stoat piqamtlag him not.to Jose nosentant proposing taw not Onions to the Bouthi let amiiiitable to the North.; This news hay.; ag only arrived whoa viewers gohigto,proit we have eilly tine to expiost.the hopoindi raja that at lost Tin are en the eve peace boomsthe Itosik yid liontliM, , CloaninierisLworpoot, Mry i9.—Cotton .; ,tho antler the week have been WOO bank and to;thiy, 6 # ooo halos. Quotations Mowed itnacistidt;ikiyilit,tith44.l.4* Provisions Sat. , • • ' • • • haraknii may go.':.-Coosols 1 133•1406 C ' . . Upton Legline,AlL - Paii -TuirToa, N. J.. Jan* 9.--AL goaarsr:repro s•statlea from dm ;itattosat Ulan Loom,' o f NSW Aligq: in` ul Jtj tot mellow' fo r Us so of oonsalualea and a mm o a. Dolga* oda Ito lomat hos evorz makir• • A..44tiia - 21 , 1*.clyVa k e i , W C z. .\TtUf MESE Prom Ifickebmg—,Famine _Amp the Enemy --Char Forces is thieOst of Spirits,. etc. /- Nitviroan, JUDO 9.—The Trams has let t , ters from its consepondents with Goa. Grant's army, tip to the 30th nit. , whiob itata Olt the siege of Vloksburi was progressing ad mirably. Famine was beginning to tell on the foe, and Moir .capture or eurnader was certain, arid that steadily. Oar forced are in line spirits, and the - siege gnus were within pistol shot of 4he enemy's works. • All apprehensions of an attack ' upon our rear by General Johnston aro groundless. We hold all lho pines to Vicksburg, and have completely blockaded them against any pos sible advance. • From Mexico Bar MUNINISOD JO. 9.—The steamship Coastinitials luta iirrivadfrons Pantos, bring ing, via :Ampule°, Puebla dates to the 19th, and news from the City ol Muloo to theism day. , . On the 15th and 16th of May the Breath ware repubuidiefore Fortress Oarmen, bat the garrison and inhabitants of Puebla were in ducted to a state of starration, and their am munition entirely gone, before -they would consent to surrender. - ' Gin. Ortega , was greatly. disappointed be cause Gen. Oomonfort had not enameled - in cutting his wa through with 'upraise. On the 17th, Gem. Bony sent a flag of truce to Gen. Ortega, offering to allow the Meehan *Mous and soldiers to much out of the town; the officers with keit side arms, eta, provid ing they ironid - give their paro le' ot to fight against the French again. This offer was re-' fused by Gen. Ortega.,ln the meanwhile be spiked his cannon, burnt; his gun-carriages, destroyed the arms of his infantry; and then surrendered as prisoners of war. Gen. Rebuts and his aide, as troll as th% ordnanee 'offioers, preferring death to - being taken prisoners, committed suicide by shoot ins themeelvee dead. The advance of the Frensh army is at Oho ids, six miles beyond'Pueble, on the way to the capital. The Mexicana are much embittered against the French. AU thelfrenolunen in the city of Maxim) have been ordered to leave within eight dayi. The Mexicans are determined to defend the approaches to the Capital to- the last, and drive the. invaders of their country back. Great enthusiasm prevails among them to en gage In the coming struggle, notwithstanding the disaster which befell the heroic Itallrlren of Puebla. ?a* In San Frenetic* the binges of the Mexi cans residing there are draped in mourning, while tlui Preach reildeats have their tri colors eirecywhere flying., The foreign news L from Mexiain sources. From Itosecran'n Army.. M 1711.11101133080. 1:411111., Juno 9.—C01. Law. cance,William Orton, formerly Lewrenee Wil liams of the 2d 11. B. cavalry, and at one time on Blatt's staff and late Brases Chief ArtiMery, and Lieut. Dunlap of the rebel army, wore arrested and hung ss spies List night at Franklin under the following circum stances They mane their _appearance at Franklin la:, Federal uniforms, horse. and! equiciminds of Colonel and. fdsjor, and pre-' seating themselves u inspeetors.of, the U. B. army, having orders from Assistant Adjutant General Townsend and countersignedby Gen. Bosearamt to•inspeot the fortifications of thicl department. Col.. Watkins grew simpletons of them and coMmunicated his doubts to OoL Baird, who telegraphed to Gen. Rouorans.if any Inch persons held positions in the army. Gen. Roseanne replied in the negative. ' On finding themsalvec detected, the rebels confessed that the doeuttants were of a tree amiable nature; and contraband information wee en them. Gen. Roseanne ordered. a court-martial, and this Morning they were hung. Baird telegraphs that they were spies of no ordinary character. They confessed that' their fate was jest, and died like brave sol diers. _ Orton was s cousin of Gen. Robert Los and woo 11 brother °Millis's'', Into on McOloilan's sta. A lady from Shelbyville arrived here to laj: She says that a report of the surrender of Vicksburg and a gerriron of 12,000 men Ras prevalent in the rebel 0111124. A later arrival confirms this-rumor-the person stating that the rebel papers bad pub itched the particalars of the capitulation.- From tile Department ot:/iissOnri . ST. LOOlB, Jute 5.--Thelndien Territory', Beata of Kansas south of the 38th parallel, the western tier of enrollee of Missouri south of the same parallel, and the:weeters tier of counties of Athens% will constitute' the db.: triet of the Frontier, under command or:MaJ. Gen. Blunt, headqunten at Port Spotter to the field; .The Maui of Minus, actir,of lha . 38th parallel and the two western tier derma.. ties of Missouri; north of:Vito acme and south of the Ilissoriri river, will contd. tete District of the Border under conunandof Brig. Gen. Ewing, Sr., hindquesters. iciness. Brig. Gen. Brown will, roller , Blill , ( 4 C. Loan in command of the Central District' of Missouri. 'Lt at. Col. J. - 0: BrosilliOadi of-t . lio Third Cavalry, Mislead Beat . alipointod Proooat - Marshal Goiters"' of.thi-Dlotrioe of the Dopoatinirst of Mhaoarl. . B command of 4 . MAJ. (11X: . 1301tOMIS4 Fire in New•Yorki.l.oie of - .Lifer Naw.Yoan; Jane 9.—A tenement brume an garter street was burned last night and per erel lives ware lost. from a went of ; sieved* means to escape. Ailes.Murphyind a child; of four yaw, Mrs. Gray, a ,widow, and a young woman named ' Mail lifoGasters were Inf-' boatel. BlTlUMperumeaseaped by Jumping from the Windows. among them were Farm". rat iteating,ageetifty years, sad Mrs. Ellin McDonnell. A man named John Smith was' severely burned whlletry to.eseape.- ; Fire in Cliainiati.— Cuionnuat, June 9.--Ntnetensauintlicinsdi; mostly frames, on E t rontitroot smsr Shia Wire destroyed by are tbis evenini, andALty-foni Lamaism . rendered. boneless. • Lou sl6,oooi' Samuel lifsideriat - Reeding,'Pa.,' a eildier In the 50th Pa, reg4zaut, use fond tottrderid . falter meet this maritsg.. The stardust le' Sale of Elva- Twannies: : , PHILADELPHIA, .1nne . 9.:44 oral loan spat, report the sake! a1,050,700Are-terintles at rt,U mittens agencies in the; hmsl States. The subscriptions •;from- the, West, and also from Virginia , Missouri and, Bentnok7, irs 'pirticrilerty 'patifying, as , showing en inmensing conddemaja the aoi 'eminent. - ' iCOßrelon.. . . _ Nrw Yogi, Jane collision took place -tble morning between the ferryboat :Minna. lola and the sloop Ellie; 'The 'foam ; was badly demigod, and Llent.l3 westerner, of Um' 114 New, York Tolman* who wies a. puie,n ww, was sationsly Wend: *t. i Bellamy Banked,' Gantt Pours,' Loas laLsan, Jima 9 , - 6 Tbi Raceme - rellasty of Heys Biol. at this plat* was together with its isoatsatiel,9lo "kwrils a eossoys4 by fin tlikatoplae. Thi lois amowitid to: $10,Re0,;.,_ vr: , 3. • 'Markets by Telegraph. . - . •• Slaw' Yoir,LJazie Gittoii dricif I4oo DaleasoZd At 56%.570, - lrloar declined 5 to .104.10,000: Dbl. gold; Ohio as Igs .8581215 - aad boughs= at SOS Li 'Wheat dadload Ig 44,000 bash sold ; Chicago Opdat at 51 17451 a, Id ilwankso Cab at 11127811_40 and rod 4461 lo• corn . otesdif 55.900 - bash gold at MX 1 7 6 4 2 1 1; 6 74 tl t re tt i fgr " 11 d 0 41 3aataohtdt ' du 5.450: Baps flan at 10N,2424. Katmai: arm, Mew Tetroleam,..rdec; sellagd -4434 Btocb lower ' . Gold 4TH. hi= Jana 9.—Clotton staid ; maks 160.balas at 65567. :non &ilk and . Sc; calgg '5,000" Dbl. at 115.5' 75 "hi Mali.' SOW 45 for Ohio, and. Id. MN .30•61.41d1. satpriptanam. lailly-111 raw tit burin:- Clorartsgsadadhithergaa. daxicTi sai.s.ooobabat74s7satorOlaid,dldnag ••fa Nw Poykadalliat 11111400U:1Afkit.011111,414 SPAN& farL relzas. - .1.1nd dull rid . . 1$04104: WWW 31 , eau at 451 , 455‘;,1g0dipal ofltligar, at d 3l,Wheatilligiligbudgiiiganiss.s7Thash. Mocks ' sad loweer.•.ltioWatigoklulAildd idS3i I read& aodatlataadramed4o. rmnai - Jiiie ns' . use iery r ol - lad 'vim drtoopiniti tdds. At, is Ine6 for szipullbsCibillerWWWltectlrs faailir tie done N3k . . - xfn Wised Smear _dad Widling it,V-55 , indiddga - dd ;VOW GIL Maga tgagagiKS . Obira'% a. lbrasrd slowly tar lelat4ggaginkli , pad' 1 yortato *Ws 4uSk indrlaboolneVisidowlis sidetwedil 15,. — 11 *4 144 14.400:1A 1 0 14 1 4,4 4 1 .= usimanun4anis...-Itiore daltsad 'dyed swipe laggandik, the Xebec vadat agsecarag;: and Acing tagagls.,ta 11550 from the edgy dogliri. Wheat dec enotgedA to for Is,‘ 44.14,etaid dull. , tea rod Oas an d tat d ieS Roddbm egiagplagdgeepeorladas-.416, dalL Groor. onetuakipsd. Gold &alma to HO sad Bilges to 180. Farobiage 04114 3fillaidlusr arzeit.,ffic.xwn'lmi• pric—A vomit, cop t of AN IRRI A - I.llDlo6A:t . lf Olairact - to'gropeo. raw bk wino Pulexagrir t id-tii;stlitlat ilbetiong, ot tontimr - BOW Baoscaux. rascatza issrAdirwar the yfrotod porta, sad gin 'lmola Io - shun rad ? , / a 5111031011:12" - „ASTMILd, sad 4'4E84 thejars tossigoHlaL Tbs good stko. • retelling frOin the was of thS Moils% aid their as • twitted ass;lis Sailed tbia' I to bi bOaittairiated.' Be Ulf to gaud aphid Inwildiss battstbow. Obtain aoly th• pawitilkswa4 - Nadia' ameba, whion Dave papal guts, alltsoy by ri test of assay years. Piddle Speakers and taws shotdd two Os Trtrlies. Ngltsq.Omao sad &idiom who orw•tat tbs sad- U. sapossd • toy sadden champs, 'shank' bars tum. Soldosabsos, at Mama psi box. atill and Lake linenor LTEING woam, r#2 1 14*,a.. - PARK, I§PCIIIIDI-& Var , .frit-=‘; n'ofiratliitt/34031M1' "ID BOLT cOPPRD; MBlls9rd..OPVl4,4OrroMti, sum ants. }MMUS, anima aoLDKI'; agaloaportnisaddistiontiairmagom pLATTI, BIMET THOR, was, Clamstaidlk On hinds Tummy arragunia Amr, TOM& ' 1 • Wozzumai, No. 140 111 “11D111#¢0 Anr!a, • - mart *dal galas oil aviar p:ala . 41.1.. d las • •: • • niritsidawba larTo ZOITOUJI 13u/rarer& of Both 8/42LIEL—A monad .gantimetav hoiataf Ma re stored to baaltk Lllll tow * di" inle*Autergoing an the Ina maths and trnotaloiitondirti modes of trootanate Without , wool% mliddklas"tri 7 Ids in n duty to connatdotto to e ldo asuited`taitt4):restoro. the aunt on'Oraz, ;Won, oath. receipt of an ad. ittn.nt en*opo; he Wilt god itroopi !Dopy at tho pmellt*aand.' Dijon to Dr. JOHD DAG. . NALL, MS Mina 4064 Ilrooklyi. OrJOHN- COCIULUVIdt , ' /MO., NshAufeetazen of IRON NAllaNif; miit 4 vAtizers AND 'VAULT DOOR% WDSDOW aItIITTZBB, IVINDOW WANDS, Act.JDA. gl:Decoridttrost rad 86 Third 'treat, behieen:Woild 868 Him band 6i6:184.611' 6/4 Pii6tmul. 1 6607 anajgaisi, *dig&k 6Dpgrpcm66, AiniadAr Ati66Bkis paid to insoloilag G„rgve Lo , Jobblag dans sit sliest - Rho ilarpETEO*Oirrat*OXlCS. &VD. , Works st .abizisb - FgStllo9ll, flarinnL . . 041ni and trardionin; NA: 13 NAHNIT writirr. iltinbargb. MsnuinnotentorlLLTlMlNATlNG and 4.1711111. %MING CIAABON MA and 1116=0141.,4 Ho. l azinAtza cgLi Wirr.l4l4-Dan•axPi°- Ihi Una. otalyd Int. C. U. IrreaSola aoraLus.--........-..wu.son Was.= AWROBINEION,z MINIS & MIL - mem, Zaalraaam Ala MAainains, WAaknariaa WOLKI. PNtobonit.Poon'a., •,. • 0m0N16411.36Awm Elluorr. • cz,,. MaaULCI , b4.4 O fSVIAX_. / 6 / 0 .440 "D 11.1. • S.I.OHLKERIt; ,' M _UMMA tiAI4,BOAD W=4.811421 '2°4CLI2O',/211 IKON WOGS JOBBING AP,a*P. 044 110 01 ° 9 ° ' 4 ' .4 ilarrittibTaigh Steel Works., Woociougo . 4 - lONFoSt''Bein 'Bl MAnotoctoro7 of OMIT 1317F1414ab0, EIPIIOO PLOW kitio.k..t.'l3Tickyirptiti . i,APßS4ol3 AND AXLES, ° a * 611*16.41:1114*004PitObutgk. J. 16 LIM! OrtoollMile KERR! "' assuLtais kelitrriOrtimill, • WILYZI; AND !Bow P,I4T/1118. 2 fan° 6o 44rerß : eA.I I DLZIZY.ANDMAILBLI4II.II .11 41D.W11111, No. 7 13x. 'mita =la% ' , • , Dl7lllllOllllll WAY; -1~ the satt6:4' . N1T880729/4 pA MCBMCE.' IMUMBI . . FIRE-PROOF - SALAMAPIIII74FE, , DANt TADDT♦zaosi TAIILT:DooweI AND , STEXL-LIZIED,BDSG4I4DPDO, Or urn DaIgtI7ACTIMIBB: Ifos. 121 Land Ul Mvi sired, ktoposo ocfl end firlakitsidelnmO.:4reriViide' ieirBANK LOOYS t JSET... H0.L113/8 BOMB, Dealers SOR:EIGN AND 'DONENTIO BILL OT Ex mum', -ONETITIOSTES'OT,NETOSITtAANK NOTES AND' SPXOp9;No: StOrssiet st*SiTitte.• eirodyations • made i ell ille"pilitektl cities thbosiebiot the Tittitatateiv , - ~"- 4822 'AWL P,IXAB,JEL42Aper itaruy A or p i umititpadeiturs*B4:lo/C41 . 1.111T. CAPS LEMIEIVAItI),_ ALTAN*RS;Or PAPIX; treat Rasa woodetaistso no sksipludia4oo.4 1114abania.EL, ttT-OASH.OB MUD!. TOR 'PAW .IIW2II7xII7I-"- R.:V041410,,,,F0r-- wb_riga eitifociinaking:Oisvow .64 * wad" deitif is OrlatBA, PRIN, 'and Piodude iiiiierasy. No. 95 Woadatreet Pi t t ibmAß4 P - -;;L:t nal WANTED - DIMILDIATELY t ood . ftmu t Catritaaktloyagpai Oat , atitatraa, falbti Whit wag" Da than; and w drattatt stataPatan will , ba abeaka•C kr ill *WWI workman watt lamas thr walk la.cOlapatted. Apply tatawdlataly: at ttar Gaitbaat. Yisit; atffl a kt- LatasON,MaltillPlllll & tat thrnabati • Ithuoterallit Raba - w . . 101Drlifir$1) '=•By si ray witii.Asitiveaa - Tv . siterafosiiil s to sAhebler in At old VW a PEWJanus PIIFIL9 TqaIFORINZ ke ON vas vieNchrours.- , , --- . k• , -0 xium—lhat • dollar • Ismotw.:i 1 , 1t.,, , ,, E A44row, , , , , , • , ~.- i , Alas. Diarifelt alkly , ,'P. O usa 416,AN•chest igq, VLABORilara ,- WANTBDOXPqdrai J-4 Wan's% th• Una of thir lienrCluitVand Baer.; Xidis, Wruckfm cant/ P• 1 1 • 14 Vs7o l 1 . 1 1 41, 41154 11 Watill siLM , lloawkahlt, sumga, ,WAITNEDI-460 A MOVIE I—N t i r ef *an 'Attikti m sea pones =Vases todel to gem SINIUAt i FesiatiMrießWAVlSlrlyand thilleeti -attest testrosofklaliCestriotrs'attialii. n eaktius smalffott, Address, k stylUses.„,,llHAW,* OLEMLMMOIIIaMeIIa • ittITHLL-4715 A xonvEr Ng-11mm to itvlztoAaatit fairelgyoximatrit ITS vielab, roolfttp,P4/ Tiff cAmtlar. asydn x Ar. L 64., WA NT SIN"' 4 a etenChigIiVAISITINC/ 1114ozyn. cflavalips_sitroL) Beitilt• 04, ' us 111001 D *TRIM. tat " iIieT,WreriANISIVINXi;i t Z. 1": - crit'lLt-Ttrit • "d tiiiiiiitcei'MaiWiextxtattsit4 Daßirani2lo2lll4:47 koticlit4ll •w••sollit Mr Iwo Tit *glow , Ur 110,4 M. . 114 it? - 11210i4tia:tpipoifty 151 , tbe : of ir .ttfeb — ontb..l belsot been. emptotntot Igoeeat ter the Aswan . An a rant ailalsaA 0:194.1NT ". 4 1.11T1.00A11e91 PIH. Thy are moonondol by Os In the city. .wage rldel e .a Ouzo, Szeintre As Co.cwant , tln - ciae crt nioosnaszk cc; . tocoL.„ .. ctryiltyyg9o l .„l . ) link ?trona p - t ' .r. - ailiteehari: • ft's.lit?l'7?. EYIP" AND '1gi0#4.143,914,pi1'1l tottil i st a ttlen , to Ma traeleneat,ot 4411100110 'tug ib.- its mid itmciipat. .$_41411 CATARACT. agOINVIrTais, Awrirr. w.L. alma ARTIAPICIAIVIITRai AAA hat: 111114111110011 T atai_ittilittft mumiuse. 'Rau* drown the a/44w baaima tOLleotosse. - • . oar °See. wimp. 'uGLa OtritiaHAMEki, - 1 - •;;;T - ttst. 160. ; 0000l0ts; tillebelykLail'A.:l"tpoimiehrie,4l 1 ' 1 14 1 # 1 ;i 4 4041 , 451111b1.11hbaldtb1 ' . e -1111L 1 11111114) , ::-.•:; "4:%:";g 4 1 . 10 d.tt- 7Z . Z,.. , ? tat bbki,:bini rsignitidat , 4' eg*.lll -0 st.l.• - 0411141'M !AT* 604011 1, •• • ira.-,12 poiwitiolstalpitt r- V • - ~ ,, c 4 1,F,r,:0f • nutik,syzelisyAsaki *lon lad *ire/NJ:lr P a -,lsaiLwousuremo. '144 A • 1,41 3+7 .• • ...PAKA I4-I' Sillag_ # 464 1. ft:A-KW 1 93, L I...4l64britstedt.F-c 1 ' lira rikb gassy It. 001•Wia. grrnOWIrTTI I g >:~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers