ptatagit itaatttl. WIDNNODAY MORNING, MB 10. trauma amity Ticket. Ihr.Pree&lMS Mips .111.• Dierks Coed. MOM lIMEPTON. 3. JOHN P. GLAD!. ci. ALVILID BLACK. tn. DAM D. ILMIDOD. R. AY. H. DINNUITOD. V. VIDA .i. nutaix. Ihr OW qf Otira. WK. A. EDIDDIt. /tor Goy Snows: DAVID AIM, IL lYr WI. IT ,• El.& resegier. - - QlO2Ol wismlrow. - ___, JO) H. Miskir 4 A. Nir. JO V., DIAATO. - . • mp Ihnigloll Deeeerated. ..W clergymen become the deliberate shoesi of wrong and oppression, they become of all men the mast despicable and . pethl spa the most Wicked. This truth has bus verified in s veil remarkable manner reign , 'in thinublication of "an Address _ ' te ` " . , • throughout the World," in op . - • ~ to the Presidents Proclamation of . ' .... pation. It was published in the , .. . Presbyteri an, of Richmond, of April rad, .. • .pying nearly six columns. It bests - signatures of ninety-six ministers etvrious demominathme, including Meth , edible, Baptists, Episcopalians, Presbyteri al* Ix:theme, German Reformed, &o. The purpose of their appearing thus before the Christian world is to testify of those things "which seem. to be neither under stood nor appreciated by our enemies, nor . yet clearly appreelated by Christians of ' other nitions." The first paints of Abair testimony are that "the Union cannot be restored," and that "the Confederate Government is• a Axed feet." But the main point, and to Which the others were simply introductory, Is the third one, which Is thus givin in the words of the address: . am. recent Proclamation of the Fred . dent of the United States, seeking the emancipation of the Ill&Tall of that South, * in; our judvaent, 1 suitable occasion for edema protest an the part of the people of `God Waggle:4A the 'world." They, of (worse, charge the President with is itesuiing to produce • general slave insurrection, and they clearly indicate the means by which this insurrection is to be * ,inippreised, namely, "the slaughter of tens of thousands of poor, deluded insurrection . Ws," and they do not shrink from con eluding this part of the report with the un mistakable intimation of a wholesale man • "Hake it ileolutely necessary for the path) safety that the slaves be slaughtered, and he who should write the history of that avant would record the dukes' chapter of ; human woo yet written." With these men there appears to be altereathe for the poor thous ands et whom, doubt/ses, they, with their own bands, had disposed the memorials of the dying love of Sim who cams to make his people free—bat slavery br death, bonds or butchery. The: idea that they can be wadi free, that they are entitled te freedom, and that they would accept it with pat!- ende and use it peseefilly, never seems to lave entered their minds. They talk of Whose" being "slaughtered;" but why . slaughter them? Does it not look like a di predetermisation on its part of the slaveholders, that unless they can bind **negro down to slivery, they will sleigh ter him? that he shall either Uvi as s • or not live at 6111 Bevan they should so -quissorin the necessity of the slave be eoudag a free:jai, and apes to employ him as free laborer, as has been done prittl intensively in Lottisima and else whim would it then' be necessary to • "alaugittel" him? Many themogis of slams hare been so *es by the war sad the proclamation, and Many thousands hare been armed as eel diem; but Thera are the acts of outrage, .•irsidas, Ticino and image Tswana) so ;settildently predicted - by the adeneocisci" of the &nth, now is arms, and their ignite copula= of the North? Not a tgis ease has oecogred: They work, and sad serve, and fight, and sing and pay, cad utmem de lard;" and in all Ihingi asylum earned slitter claim to the semi at Christians thssi the clerical samadvels who talk about slaughtering In all ' tits Christlin Claret, outside of the solagiblidimida rated by Um DAVIN, this *dime - will `aieclte no other feeling thaa that of Within( &mitigate; partaking a_Uttle 'ot the elegant' of horror. The Wag enhibits Um atrocity of what Wesley . Wad Ike sum of all villainies" in a strew light sad in Masker colors than ever before. flo long as Slavery WM de ' Wed by liodeatt, loud.sialten; profene - sad bobiteffimtt *tows, who did not pre. Whir to fear God or madman, there ' wso sins digne of consistency in the mat semmd to bra moordanee with thi , Maws of Way; but, when • band at min ' claim to. be the anpasaidem of that *dem Being before witom ell -MAW isadittemand diabolism mai* Ind who am as bit brethren the lowliest of our ass, step into the foul arms, it le simply lattmately, (says the New York 2W4 Isms,) the opinion of SuroPe concerning alarm is a axed, unalterable fut. And we shall sun bear that If anythlug wee ' , airmails, fa imiletthesympstides of 6U dulls Aati.Elliermy am in the noun of oar Sammy it la the threat of the Southern elerglosa• that an attempt of the nevem to - obtain their freedom would 'be foUowed by a uslinetter . of tens of theuumis" of them. The man who hued this abomina ble elateasswlll yet leant that they made lbs strongest appeal to Swope is behalf of oasis whisk has yet been issued -free tila seuatry. • Nook Department 01 reintsylrazia. • J. 1r albino= dispsia says: - Joint Coved* and T.S. Moorhead had an isterview with theßearetary - of War on ilatindayeis zetard tweaking a sew *inset, In eider to,salthill reansybrasla so protest herself bins Ishii raids or the Isoursiess of Their ba, ls sold, iron al l l.,oaeodod to, and the steoest way orders will be ens at moo. The beedgiuters of this new department trffi Awls wed= part of Fesssylrasia. - oar vat mods of troops to be raised be whew.; Wean" along the border, hot wept"' uses sash as ars ;stlltisto go whiserer mead whoa du- Sir ehTerAute Say other PAM.. • ; :•:;11.Musigs fails iimpsb: "Misitfrao: "di* noir 10 troll"! lot tie ..-,tl4.owojariottlndaev•aau!t! , :i MSZIE ~.—• - ,_ ~--,,,,,:- , . - r V.4.4;l''n ti-I''34-.1'.::".-•' - ---,` 3 ---•' ,-.•';'' 4.2-•-•.„,,,,,...r;i,,,,,A,,,,,,,,,gtit.:10.,-, ~........vt.ft6::..k,, ....„.„„,,..._,...._ ....:.,,,..,a,:f-,4--,..,,,,---.• ..„.x441. i.:::s----4---'44,.....--,,,, , ...._,---- ~ ., --,-,,,,-„ ,,, , , , F,,,,Q4,,,,,,,5,...,0 *. : -4-.. ... ~.„4_,--.,„. _ ~..,,,--s- „ ... ~., , 7 - . :., , ,, ,t- , ,..;„--' k- -ef; +, - 1-, ,,17*4-4,vr'-, A . -, - - -z `. . AO ; . *:4.4. ' l,- .) , - 4 0! - 1, - 1. ” F bike ,--_,,,- 1.---T , •.- 1,,',v `''•: - ..' , .. n.. - ., , e, .--.."...,:w0',....•;&;',.4. , ..e.,1- 0 1-;z1k2,417.• - ~..,.. , ---.••-,-,1.1%,,T-TC4P1.- ;67,13.'i1f;'7:-.•••••..,74.:-'' , 0; , . = ,. 1 Mt..-t ''' r ' • ',. ' .' '' ..' - ..-,--• 1--.--7-7-,-.-7..crc:::'%;--'.:-',2:i'•:'-•;.Aficg:?•4;ii..`".l•DlAK,,FV,-•"4,;5...1.•..."40:.-1E , 1 , --- ' „....r....:,,,:a,..,.,- ,-,,,;„4:,-L.:5:,44._.:V,41-y•51i.,,,„`..,44•4;./rk.:;.5.4". ' - . .1 , • , :"..1..... , w. , :,‘,.`7"4 , ;:' , fil .."..$,.., "41,,,,..YN ' ' .L.4..1.,..,..,1,•4,-\:.,,,5i:*%-,A.'.'41Y,-'l'‘-',' , - 0-3 4 1.-g 4- - , - ` 1 ' • Tax oa Manufacturers' Profits. In the Gazrrrs of yesterday morning we published the proceedings of the Conven- don of Manufacturer, which assembled at Chicago last 'week, for the purpose of in ducing Congress to take off the 'tax on the profit, of manufacturers, on the ground that it is anima, the manufacturers themselves having been already taxed: We withhold, for the present, any expression of our own views on this important subjeot, and sub mit, on the.other side, the following which is certainly expressive of a toned patriotism, and seems to be - good logic: Drmorr, Julie lit, 1863. T. W. Berke & Co.—Granasers Year circhlsr of Kay 28, calling upon the manufectmen of the United nista to meet in Convention at Ulikago, on the 4th instant; with the view of arresting the applkation of tba income tax on the net pronto of mumfacturiers, L received me manufactarlog interests of ibis -country axe et vita impatience to its prosperity, Minos every Act of ()engrosser of the people, Mums upon their itsterests, should be the melt of awful [Coodierstio.. • •• cis mennfecturice, and as patriotic men, we should guard, u for as posilble, against oppressive taxation. and while we protect onr own's:Aerate in thie regard, I hold thatwe protect the interested the nation. . Let acme whether we age oppressed by the sits complained - et . For more than forty 3 sue the manufectuters of the United States have urged upon Connie the import ance to our interests of timing • protective tariff, ao es togivil American manufacturers the Mont= market for their products. Gangetic hall named much an set, and we are now enjoying the beeflts of Reopen.- , lion. Inlay opinion, double the t.x of which you I complain, weld belles burdensome to oar interests thane° repeal of even ones-hel Ito-protection we now enjoy. Every manufacturer whet has sufficient capacity Mendota his busiume, adds the specinc end &Mier= tax to the pore of his commodity; beam this to is paid entirevy by the commies'. The income tax only •i pike to the het profits after deducting all charges incident to the businees, end all other taxes the manufacturer pays. if he bon no locome,,he pays no tax- If less then ten thousand dollars, three pee cent • 11 over ton thousand dollars, !t eepee. cent i tem regitiring the mostprosperous end fortunate to contribute to the needs al tae govern ment under which we live, in proportion to Clete prosperity or good fortune. le net this mode of meemment eminently Jest, pa triotic end minims/alike ? I think it le, and as a manufacturer and tax-payer, 1 arllerilling to centime to pay my income tax on the net profits Of ray busi ness, just ea long as Congress will give us felt pros ec ilon against the cheap Muer of Europe, and the Gov ernment needs the money for its support. If we pep our sham of the penile burdens cheerfully, and we hereafter nod our interests not sufficiently protected, we can apply tel Ooogreoe with good conseiencee for an increase of protection, and they will no doubt grant it But it we mete ungenerous Mimes upon their acts—lf we show them we are not Jmt towards the government, wee meet not expect liberal leglels tion seem them in the tutus. The fact that • vary large proportion of the In comes Item inanufsomring will he derived from Pennsylvania, New York and New England, and but • small proportion from the lierthweet, appears to me to be a potent segment against the agitation of this subject by the Western manufacturers. Uwe have a Gongrees edam accidental legislation to you cell this law,) is all based upon** mood prin ciples of statesmanship as the act under comluers. lion. 1 think we Unjust reason to be proud of them, Iliad should repose greet conAdence in their intelli gence and patriotism. If, es yen state, the 800. 1. N. Arnold believes the law in quettion tote a mis. I take, I can only say I think be bee not enemlned the subject in all its beeringi, . It M supereueue to say to you that oar country is In deep trouble ; it need. all the support we can pen I 2114 give it—aer, proets end fortunes, and if need be, our lives. If it only cells upon us to old by • moder ate contribution of our net incomes for the Frame *Jan of its greet and haparetive work of sumedebsg Its credit and its existence, I think we should yield to its demands not grudgingly, but cheerfully, promptly, end with a hens ty geed will. Manwecturers are mealy doing well, they Ismail the work they ran do, end if they do not get remuner ative prices it Is their own fault. , . I hope you will not acmes me of eppoefagthe in terests of manufacturers—far from it, No man in the country is more anxious to see them !Inseam and proper then myself, and I believe the course I pro pees will, In the end, be admitted by you to be the surest mad to the higheet end mom profitable devel opment or the manufacturing intense of this coon. ry. ffitlierneg, ea 1 do, that the pru , isms Is injudicious, and would, if succeetful is its ors jects, be eighty detrimental, to the interests of the country, and in the end injurious to the interests of manufacturers themselves, I must reepectfolly de cline your kind Inv itatim to attend the Convection. Sespectltily, E. B. Waite. Thy Rebel Dbpatcb•Bearer. The story-of Gasman S. Dot:mass, son of J. G. Douala:is, of Mason county, AL, who came into our lines on Thursday morning last, bearing a message from Gen. Pr ts.& rox to Gen. JOHNISTO; stJookeon, as given by the correspondent of the Chicago Tri bune, writing from "the rear of Vicksburg, May 81," is full of romance. Young Douokass left home seven yearango ;,went to Texas ; enlisted in the United States' service, u "Ranger ;" Was in the genies at the break ing ont of the rebellion; eabsequently be and his eamridee were peptured while try ing to make their way to the United States. The regulars vex paroled and seat home; but the rangers, being suppoeed to be Tex ans, were cdfered the alternative of joining the rebel earths or—ha Bing. After twen ty-four hours' reflection, he and one tom Bred and fifty others joined a weir, relit meat. After various fortunes, he was sent to Vicksburg in September, 1/362, and has since than been engaged in the scouting 'service. We now give the remainder of the narrative in full: With his `command he went to Grenada, where he joined Van Dorn in his celebrated. raid upon Holly Springe, participating in the fight at Davis' Mills, and afterwards at Middleburg, where he was seriously wound ed. After his return to Grenada, General Pemberton needed the services of a confi dential scout and dispateds-bearerand Doug huts was seleeded. He cads to Vicksburg in FOrtinry, and has remained there ever since. Gen. Pemberton was phut up in Vicks burg and desired to communicate with Gen. Johnston. He looked around for a confi dential agent, and could find none whose fidelity was lees likely to be called into ques tion than young Douglass'. Douglass was willing, and the precious document was committed to his hands. Thil was last Wednesday night,. Dressed in the garb of • citizen, he left Vicksburg at nightfall, and reached the rebel pickets at 9 P. M. Here he remained till daylight, when he was passed out the lines and sent on his perilous mission. Douglass had long en tertained the hope that he might one day free blioself from the rebel service, and join hie friends in Illinois. Here was his golden opportunity, and he did not hesitate eo embrace it. With grist caution, so as to ,deceive his comrades within the fort, he plunged into • dense thicket and sought a deep mine; and whet: well out of range of the rebel *kits, he called to our skit mashers and gave himself up •=prisoner. . CoL ---, of the 8d lowa infantry, turned him over to Aut. laumanrwho, after a lit tle questioning, handed, ides over to Gem. Grant, and to him he revealed his mission, and gave the redoing dispatch. The sub stance of the letter was: An urgent do mead for help. Humber of reinforcements required, 80,000 --advising retreat if he could not bring that number upon Grant!s rear within ten days—fiumber of troops in Vicksburg; 18,000—an hand, thirty days' rations for the garrison, one meal a day— ammunition scarce, particularly gun caps. Bougie's mu further instructed to ascer tain the enact number of Jotiston's army, and report as speedily as possible. -He desired to return home, and Grant sent him up the river on the steamer Sul tana. He says there are'lB,ooo fighting men in Vicksburg, ociontandedby Generals Pemberton,. Stevenson, Reynolds, Bowen, Vornsy,Morris, Leo and H. -L. Smith. Pemberton is chief in command, and ex ceedingly unpopular.: It is surmised that he thinks of surrender.: 'Referring to this, Bowen said .in his (Douglas's') hearing, Mast if Pemberton made the 'first MOTO mut towards' giving up the city, he would Lang him; se high as - ,llanuin." The 'evi dent pulley of Pemberton will be, when he is satisfied, that all hopes of succor, from IJohnson are gone; bruk out through OW lines on the let; and. endeavor to cut his way through , to Big Black. : The damage to :Vicksburg occasioned by r the Are of our guns -end'mortars is im =sass. Bs estimates that at least owetth' of the oily is destroy'ed.' llp to Wednesday at twelve dedoels the nmees - of 109 women and children Wee , - reported ; 14, .the Provost Mandell SillS4 who wo vTiLnuansil• bg W, t Airo*Winilatin t parts city. Among Wadi laid to have been the wife of Pemberton himself. The depot and courthouse are but slightly injured, the jell is nearly destroy ed. The largest megazine,bentainingthree-, quarters of the shot and attain Vicksburg,: is iblown up; horses, Gild. - and mules are killed and a large number of houses are burned. On the day of the assault,, 2,000 were killed and wounded, including eighteen Colonels' and Lieutenant Colonels. The day *after, (Saturday,) Col. T. N. Wall, Cot. Lee Col. Begley, Major Cameron, Adjutant Wil liams, Adjutant Parker, Capt. Hoge and Cspt. Stalit—allofficers of the Texas Legion —were seated abetting pleasantly in the shade st the angle of the fort opposite Lo gan's heavy battery, when a shell from it exploded in their midst and killed them all. Wall and Willis were literally blown in fragments. There. are seven forts [roil - the railroad to Warrenton, of which Douglass coidd re member the names of but three; Fore Pem berton, mounting 9 guns; Fort McCullough, d guns; and Fort Pulaski, 4 guns. Fort Besureard is on the right (our right) of the railroad, and @outline but a single gun not disabled. The cannonade of the 28d disabled 18 guns, and killed and wounded many rebel soldiers. / On the 22d inst., eight Georgia and Ten nessee reghnents refused to fight, and fell back when ordered into the rifle pits. Louisiana, Texas and Missouri soldiers are considered reliable. IN speaking of the proposed nomination of Mr. Ono. W. CAOB, of this city, by the Democratic politicians of Western Penn sylvania, as their candidate for Governor before the State Convention, which meets in Harrisburg, on the 17th inst., the Cin cinnati Commercial remarks, that Mr. Oise, is "supposed to be an available man, as he . is not publicly known to have any opinion since the war commenced, and is as non committal as a clam." If Gen. CAse's well-known caution is prettily enough hit off in the foregoing, as we think it is, what shall we say of the rashness of the Commer cial in what it adds: "It is but reasonable to suppose, however, that he is not in sym pathy and fellowship with the Saone and Huang wing of the party—which is new distinctively appearing as the uncondi tional peaoe element of the one-and-insep arable party I" ANOTHER COTTON LOAN.—It lo stated that Confederate agents in Paris had pro posed a scheme of a second cotton loan for the Confederates, to the extent of fife Mil lions of pounds sterling, but the Messrs. Rothschild refused to negotiate it'—ires dorsal Into Wilmer. .r its' AD IMEINLTISAINIUMS. WANTILD.—Boazd in the neighbor had tetwixt lawrancevil•incd Sturpgarg Bdlp • gentleman and his 4sughter.lo • pirate Eam 17. Liberal tin= given. "'eV emees A claws BOX 931, P. 0., Pittsburgh. WC4II --- A Li.Ml*lEl%r Ger I Itiltilirthectf: .101. YOB 5&1.. plsestot'y alteration the Moond bank, nem aof Oommon, haring re Wont of 00 het by SOU deep; lam end 00171100410i1l d**lll:4 bores, in modern style, a wide baiLlargs ,parorreceptlon Loom, library, chambers, bath l oo m. Cram Teem, kitchen, good cellar, coal rani!. wally. MID mum on third doer, two foreman wash room am ble mantles pr Azturia. !mit and shatitmer, flowen and shrubbery. Mick stable and cer• doge hour, ell In complete order. Prim low and teems omy. Apply to OM 8. cent BdI<IIS I 8038. al Market et. A GOOD CHANCE 808 A• BUTCH JCLInabIe county }minty for tale. seta. stud at the heed of Little dew Mitt Ann Ilellroad. It. It in the mldtt of a flotaithingnovulation. There .re two lots, with two goad houses and thoenuiter .bop, and everything carcineary -for curling an the butchering baetuete. It will be laid on wiry terma enquire on the premises. Jtlttilar A DMINISTBATOWS propary of tL I.ta Grp Bum vitt be eat at ha ha. reslden , e.on Mama .11.7. la the qty of Plttabottl. otl IbIIIIIIIDA.T, July 16. 1801. at lu o'clock a. at.: Bottagedd Baran:ark Bela and Balding, Altellea tasnali, Bar Ilztasta, Bag atelle Tette, Baikal Clock, Pa :tares, Lc. Tetau: cash. B 7 ordar of j-10:attl 11110110 , BUBO. Admbdatrator. 0 al" WHIM IngsPILUE APAINGS Thal yea karma watering place will be Serilugly vested oh the Wm Of J Orib. • The Opriup, thin 'ear, will be ostler 'the lamed. ats soperutwoa of the PrOplitalt. who will to es. Meted by Sierra. JOSEPH A. SWATHES sad 0.0. SLITOSEIs. It le the intes`los to woks the bean. in all n.' epags, equal to the twit vette In wham to ths our• try, iota to provide strowelly for the oembtt sad stxoeutoilatbm of the igutata. for terms or other information W Wiese aLtION. Jr. • elklut Loeb Ginter P. 0., ToUtwere Co.:0 • NA EDIUAL.—Da. Elea, late burgeon MU. La tioi Army,t:l csa be consulted delta,. at Ida *Me, 190.99 remel STIitSIM near Weed, tram o'dc.clt la tie manta{ till 9 at EV* encept *bra stoat on proemial:lel builaseu tetleati visited Is clty or awe— Special ettentkok to autism Illdulfexiaes of U 99, l' Wooten nod Kitrea P. O. axe, B es OX Ittebaxigh, Pa. • 'Ms Is to calif, that I land beta married man tar thtrogn )onto, durlog orbich elms wit bent no children, and in Lae thai mans malls awn cornottit g nz. KIbO oho plosontod no with a Any boolthy can. Con H. KIDD. L I • -—A full supp of different qutlitlet end sty:tr, well awe and at lower Woo non owe be Earl In Cm city NI - 6... t Mt Clattt Warateases, 20 end OIL s rest. - J. • titAPIt3r3ItENT OtigAN A. MATH, of the dttleteat widths. lit 'l6' end fa 81 Chdr stmt. J. it It. P. 111111,18 6UGAUL-25 Made. prime N. U. begin 26 do do P. B 25 do Oats ! • la stole Rai ix gala by RIAD I 11127ZGAII. job) SO Liberty atno -- - - 6 Y kW P.-st) Ole. extra Haney kyr,* 40 do assartad brawls ,do; In stab and for aabk by •h MW)111ITZIAI, jelo US Liberty stmt. barrels 14.7 pi 1010 MIII in One and t , ak i b, JetO D SITLGAUL '249 LI rty a 01.Ab5123.-200 bbls. prime N. V. .LIUL kto!sysea In Oars and•tot tW try • . 1410 HIM° t kILIZGAII, Libortp it. u IWO me. —2OO dozen Dorn groeine • LA gams and !Ansa by aliD A lIINTZGAB. 2411.1,11mity at: CALICOS • Elso lot of mcinc AND DABS O•LIOOY,, Jam reativid, mill b sold WylTJjasshCo DEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE r i tir ilote th• estate of Dr. Yawing, deuenal,,altnated at !Hawaii's Boa. Tung. comity. Pa. Iwo trust --gam of lIS and onotber of 115 atm. Theta • boo =ening swain= the Ile act. trio& Med ell beta dlioyetred wltbba a sons at It, 'literals ant be sold at Ttrrel, lamb's MAO, on DAT. 3nae SUN 1863 rue farther twormation apply to • P. J. lIMTVEI; Atidaur'i, , •.. . • _ • 82 WAlT•D'•trook, w." T. riaows-PROPICHTT 7011, 13411#L.... IL/ Tbre. tots, 20 bYIIS rtit Ma. fronting OD Al— lmon, Amiss. Am. Timm on, 96 bi 60 IA Ranting on Naiona stmosts Nona wad:4/ 14 0 4 Di. Theis Into ano v 4 7 delta* 1 , 164 ID Co. or the bent kostlonv of the cttl, and wUnts.l2o hod of tbs Ascot taw Pennsipc /Wino on Nithnit (Boisloy's Lone). Uf will 08UtM *NA itn Into to ona purchnanyaylow: SIMS to . . • °AIMS," • ja.nn No. 40 ObloOrtnt,-.11.91/0807. ia • Arroamar-Aitzaw - um somoted to Zahn% Lev Bulterg, - 93.Dilitotro; poOtllltiOtt otritt x~ll:l*wd~wim'c mo RAILROLIVOMITRatOTORIEL__ Gatedproposiiii - "firli.tipsived Webs Audi geserVaNte :Ilattreed Ibis at - tbeteattlee pa Pike grate. I. tbi.(Nty at '; tate I *We& p. esTEINISDLI, JIM 10 11.11; ler the tandoationeed lissom al deatioa. Non 4,7 mad Al Otto& road, et* %beat Querelle btlenatb. , X!. at =dim' No 43 begins At 111011111 01 downark butane Creek, tau War above tbanteeett . twinkles al the road at 011111001111, — ' These beettooalnelads the ,beafted wok betweat - Ettrenntag ana •Nalsoabs. and see+ well aorta Ike Abeam of esprlatuad ocatraotets. • , • t for the work to be ell& le FIDP.-ia The i rid be seepesie didedilkad roils' sad; prepked tor eibtbOkla •tk• lee at Vl""totgi bat: about! any adze* mob* fibs wort prinked to test thee: ileft ded. - oblebi ea abe• lakneteam beeaddff IdedebidLibedi lb Oda bid . Asiefeckes7 miedieri_ousWeeeddebtlAhlldaddr,l .Xdsteeertpiesdp, Ake A 4 4 . 1 111 ., • III: MICA' CIARD WirliKlNlßLlOaltir near &WNW' ralleation. Mr. A. It. Hotessiontes lathe macaw tf his • iwit hat.. sod, is a Let at pala• Weed lar.Nalanday'sChassid., mammy to noway the idea that hie if Whine obtained ova madam at tho Ista Worlds lair in le odors. when m butb and fact . Mt us awdoi assessaarded Mr Holm at. pears by the efticial retort ol the Commietatten and that not far the tett Machin, but ear the bat oal. Medea. 1 here ma old suing Matt •ddl ° '" ed to certain pesetas. thank& - eau good memories, and never wee the tratholika miens more •bikh 4ll nitrated than Lathe atm of Mr. Homo in a lot• tar host his, published In the Chassid. of May the 10th, the kamium pimp occurs: wI waist the Wintry !Mr, 18611, and hi ant the awards madet. Oulu Ithehlixs. IMI tearing Ma. thine (the „Rove) mow But on' the UM: end MO awarded Ifine , Pruden Gold Medals ear being the bat for all porpoise= athitthion. no otter bar far espimieramteg. beedie four honorable mantians. wasaLslt wasps tame armed. with • Gold iledol lbw tbeir °Wader Hoak Machings. - B. HOWL' . Hare it will ha two that Mr. Howe Mat* boelloo . 17 that M mu prweettehm Me awards wore is - dr, that lila Meldne ob . atadkylet pad medals lay, being. the bed 4il owe sod Sour lier impala sawing, Ibabbilis g to ha published statettiento, Moe weld maids awarded it stemmas , by the C•••• Menem On May the 78th a adrertheinent lmpets• tithed in 'the Disystah, in which the following yea wite from a letter hem Mr. lows WM given: lisettatMeaddne (the Howe) eame went in the UM. and was awards& nv • Premium Oold II oda% One as the heat for ail -perposeron azbiblUen i the other four for new for easclatese of vorit." Hare Mr. N. chime basn medals thread of aim, and the ruder Will observe be mats that they were gold medal, • foot of which he ought to have been "I. 10 Wiest artawity. How contrasts Matt. satiate stave quoted, •U of liffinvia Over Mr ' 4barlre samcianS with the auction of his eppartal, anth the fallowing entreats from hie litter In rater._ il•? 'a Chnoioh , atirsami to his agent hate: a in imply It posy Meatry as to the *garde of Modals for mann gathtote at the Intarnathmal &stabile. of All tra-lans, at Leant Was 1 4" to ata.• the following froth: 'de Gold Medea wore Wendel to any one for any. thing exhibited. lakniclas of Ord anent wee awarded .ta Bronze Medal, teamed Pal 2 s lIHDLL. .10 the ROWS Maodl9Eli,a Pang Mira L • u awarded, for •Coilmtios of, &rem Macaws, sad modumetif amser.h... In the whiwted oldtt RepoeLrt, the etude limitless's of thisfrartios' are •Illas peramaiM presort at tbo Sibibitka, but did net Mitre until after the muds wets made and the Aspen piloted. The HOPI had In of Orient theta and Wyk* of *whin en ithibition.'" Can anything le more homillatlag than the otter tilirowiti of With manilested to am of, ether or .ty of thew LWeri He Suit states that he was primal I when the awards erne nude, and that hi. Mackin. got An IMMO, India in his lad comonadostion be Walla that he was Rai 'MIMS after the awards I were ramishand the upart printed,- end •that so geld wick* whatever were awatded him. Then math. in etuded .11a Machine sauteing Sr. gold medals far Whig the bew far all purpose on exhibition; he now dam to have modem% but a Milk braise mad, sad that not tot beteg the hest for al papa" dm; bed for As but eaUsselos But why &Uwe the salsa f aiths' 7 '. it la antrogh that we lave down hem Mr. Howes own letters that his statements are latterly lannil ble. and, to, andenthe further to•Impooe the Misdated of Ida awarttema would is Wanly a east. of I thee. 0 1 Mil invort of the Oentormosere—to be um aa our oillae—jtady waroadOtialhha en snit material point, and thou that with the mention of tbso oto imam savist tsfartod to abeeiblds 13 Mobbl• drew a potathaa whatever at the exhibition. We now dismiss the sablect, merely stidinglhat, the WHEELER & •WELSON MACHINE,. Which Obtaftwi a Pries Medal, on tta ' athrits, at the World's lair, ma be had, ea mud, at the Mike of vrit. 8171131/11. Ok CO., wisraiiii AGENT& enemas—lio. 27 nnti •• • • Ctsanuss—PULla OPT - BUILDING Lortsrusa—No.:l, lIALOBIO TICEIPLIL 'We direct ettenike to the cord of Noua ham. nor t 00., spit, fir the Wheeler t 'inborn roving glooltine, whieh sttil be found to ourisiserttatig eel cane. We have mud its report of the Commission. ers of this Wald'. &dr, mibured to by Wars. sum. nor at Co., and may any that tt folly hems out their metoinsola ' , —Prostyirriss gorser, /fag SO. enotbor comma to loMto odrartiat mint from Xessotenmser t Oe., .agerkm. in this city forth* Whinges I Wilma Swish Mentos, correor. lug enartomousststementwhichhasholach adated through the papa.. to the abet that thellotte 5 . 11. tag IsseStne w arrardal jbe told medal. et tb. World's fair. Withrut offering. it. protost, .0 110 X II to ttil Welts et MOM( of the machtnes In coatroom?, we nay state that maim MIMI the M etal mart of Om Cospiabilessro of illy Wald. lilt and in MU tame& it listatidly tie Coansiodozars theasthat, that but or, mad ins gum :tu any ez hltdtor t end farther, that all mu* walk by the lodation pnOlistad in the report.",—Crintd Probe , feria, Mop IL. • jetlidairT . . Ati LY MK st.ouis,«o. pip ...1-41. .11rmrir 150. a TO Us: lam ILO Liao • .01. 12a }Tarlac acoesed the *gess tor the ente of the esurba OLI7, Wood Dear it. Loofa. Is. etaattestloa Wes and SW Yeardeolerren to the - Sitelids.Liksa atom to sported bi= A. &Rem of ftrts. sad J. Cl. Saab. etht phll4 whisk tociebor with the tit at stoat sport. 'So Dy vaanftaroar la '. ad it. Lads. dotinataat. tots the and sod stable Clay oar loamy *SSW ore Iga or AM Olin& Pare wade 'Cos le *as stood te the Alms foresee hos OM, to 9 swath& t the Asalpdt Is at - the Cis al token tram. Us ad" slthost say washing ae preps ettes *MU est. t- It perever peat adhadesook sad Sla w % terlols, shirt tir• Ng AMR by ;the admit Otis shalitate of slow proplitios of dullest sibonte . _ run to 1111 ordinics, the . shove Clay, to be it. loxes or delisted lima ALEX. GORDON, • Ma. in-nogisp &TIUT. aslawmi l i era nnt a. i nr ia mma ragds T IN - ametazz A sal portlailir limitamat_ to Star s oneedi "g m " 2 7. 1 210 On Boat alriag ttt d "l=cal. Timm Ibo of larearat la Urt Swat INK enatas is& sientaaz a ar 0017 1 "I" II". tlstzti6m u 1 b tr:o b t I • are burl as; sesupottaucta win bo wni Iliattgaindes.•vbsce tha 'a d rich ,. rich ,. riplst bough ~t_r _ thaw ."" virr ar " th•n O ilmitthal - awl Prim* 011113, 1/111.6.011/11Klati, X •TOIIIIIDONS t 111.101, 131110 N '1.42T/RWB. HADMlLlrlathit aa tbe 041 7 !"!!.. vu, "" lezo ' ns al' innaur . s; • th. iho good hirorible totelh he oak 1.1 erra) ono osmium sat TOArinlailA th• Whit nodal tatoi. Otaitozahhod ostrain z iatuotod to. 'Urfa:ton of ihrt oat lhary goods, 16 Maths Loa% Donut of swat, =yea. . ' Nair Tom M t ° l 4111 AN WKIC ''TOBA(idb: at4oiouensa l *,B BB los WOOD mil" f does ,fra litcoCoutet, Az. OW Orelland fist), eattbistiannt cur ankurue sw 51E44 not the boas Ohs tt • mgt. se &111:11 iliWil •WON. 121."...1110 erisalgesi soir viggitsd out *on ow vim 0. ?I*. a 1 1 . Min 7 166166010.1406601ths notailtlistoo 6l o 6 K l _ 111/1131111 7 at tied 016.116111 1 g Ihiqwww Mai *MA bitpuduiwillbrat trilarlr" lb* 46060/001 6voll ..asasswAitowddlis at 10•61101110111artboiwas1W; n a yowls Ism UnrOsigovittek., • Auras-- • • -- crwbt. liarirposititir ak..."4.11611.116g. - A" . • tiMIIINIKU)..19L011.:It 111-15 4 411 1 , •• ootttitlbg 106 start wttlits ers tallwrof th• dlr. UMW 341410 , 14 Altstboon ,th• Psllibwili b. Ur with 0.16011616 with oFin , loot Welt. Tbb PT o iwitt Mislionditta; latittrt sf , 40.-10trwutbitsoltrwiwr ftdan l K Imoll. QBaby ND. It - I rem* tam gb.chmoubir noote=l 6 11°84 ip uFtu ar. v ir tash llA ss ir b and r : b tfar tll, i xt7 i S si GNlOßlP aill4 :7i l " ol : P.9l a a pci a bi•i g nirissatitssibmisq In ut: • • • ,Quoupi, •• • .. • ; shwa at Cosolbloe: " ousts FulsvataG 0w . 1.3 gabsta Ilterla dollar!' foot imam pewits mane lidiabtopit to LLOK WM w I b) vailiat tribe-book f'Sb 4l o ,4l ca ire zqvir,th iFinalon I lb. rsilited, obi, gill Um" la Inpod order tbeeisi It of idmirk# Ara/ ti_rsaly kichrels =Mut. Ihrlesoolpoikrr. ;Pa toi, shim Imortlstdr. ♦ plot of tb• preportrissr be Arai As k !unmet la iid. bnialota obtatudi, tb.:4o u •=441 .4 • .IrOS l 4O Oll , • tt~td' 111 Toarth DAM Corsa. Chto aid Patell 111110011, azci, is xszi r. :t P4USTE ar t rl..../ 4 1 .4,4 1t 6454P-PA l= ', 12=filla WWl** MEM Ng LAM, ibulli‘Olor sUrilfailifitlm4itatila*UnbbtrThapsi fis pipaadivirohl tria . J. SR. PIELLLUIL QTEAMBOATB AND itiCElMEaff -7011. BALL ban thiunbiltutibb Orthw. ll _ Depot of kountille; gy.. Mae 28d, Unfl. band Proposal. will bo rontrediat this oboe an. *0 12 In on 13th JONI, WA for the porehre of tit-woks of the steamers WAIT CRANE sad TWO, Including ell tonAbery end appartthatubt, of whatever klae,as his boats by. Tbswe boats ware Paned y the rebels about Jabal. 1581, end are reported now es lying In the Onsobniand ricer, so TR ag W, at heed of iti I birle s pth E heals, rlOt band book up the dun V sten Mtiothko, at 4 bet stage b water. 11411.1. MANZ, et Ibtfejtows lAndlog, (Van loses Dandlegj rigiblued boob 18 moths shore o art grille, at 4 fret step ass be bitted at for Ps ... 'ZI Mary _Crane was a star+ boat, and befit at Dadbon. , 1882. of 3646 tor; has high. WWI 20 bet 1=6016 bother deist. ter cylindrical hob. obstreoted of kb: , bon. with 144 :Dna Ma th dwell ebb of lath iron tblithaini; ose eabtrealve wi th 4 square area: on , =MI pip. of 11M, babes dlunsteri an than pipe of 4 both dlemeteri two bklopossesse segues, .ith eZbdets 1034 bob Messier sub. end 11)4 Int stroke - two lorsing pomp of 11 lack Ome end 10 loch Abbe, ebb. worked by doctor ofit D g Omutaob. and one aura guest one Ilre. gamier 8 lash Wok% eta 6 bob dame= The -rno was- a stab ithell Wet. and bull at Lotdr4le, My 18511. of 140 ton% has two hlgb • pier bogus 20 bet long and 118 la th es diameter. of Moil fobs. ocastrustekot 15.18 inch tics . with 11 tub return doss In. bob. of 13.48 hick bon thickness Has end natty bib with 1144100 squab inch one.. One supply pips of bah dune. ter. Ons stem pipe ors mak eibeeter. Two blab• pressure anginas, with cylinders 12 teoliAllsonfori each. and bar het stroke.- Two.brang pe3628 of 3 bob *ono and-U lash strokikeeck worked DI Or engine.. Hz gtegnoooks end OD& water grog* this fireibrabg pomp co 8 11th stroke, and 6 faith 41111114 u of plume. • Duties pcopp&g will sake separate elan fir the two beam Bidders will plisse glee tug name red , Poet bete aidnie. Vbff terponalbillty of bidden taut be certUled to by the Clerk of the nes. net. _Monty Goat, or by ebb cur of the thuutubfatant Delielturst. Itibs—Can, in 11. 8. Treasury Dotes. All bids to be addressed to - Mgt. W.. 1111111618. . huslatant Quartermister. 11. 8. A.. ebdtlelo • . Leviable. Sy. DHOTOGR,APH ALBUMS. JL PROTOGILLPH. ALBUMS. PHOTOGIUMI LIMNS PIVYPOWILTH Amnia. 11107013114 H ALBUMS PROTOGIZIL?H AT,HtItMe ITOMIT P. HUNT• Slesonte Sian, MIS Street, er nioltred,inotttor lorp' lot of ilwoo sorb raotcaskn;..Assume. PROTOCOLAPII ALBUILL. PHOZOGRAPII ALBUM. PHIMIOGRAPIt ALBUIU. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM& Which fig charms mai alopnas aniznaind. Mir A tarp stook al 010111111 DII QIBI2UY • Ray'. cm pHOTOGRAPHIcI ALBUMS. PHOTOOILLIPHIO ALBUM& THOTO4Iik!HIO LLBIJM. PHOTOCIZIPHIO AMBOY& PROTOGIAPHIO ALBUMS. Larson, best mad tittagatt talartiltat is the thy, at PITTOCK?S, Opposite the Post Mice ammo! aim JOHN W. Prrioolos. Book, Stellar/my sod He Depot, oppeette the Tcat ~~ A /1O TO HBAII4IARTIOW, Magi X TU grasn. 33ootir. Shoes and Gaiters: "Jee . r REORPi9ID AT 17=M51 LADDIS' awitoociii eitarrnis, so. Do. zip au x= soon. °RV...-. U. Do. OM. EIII3IIID 11111111311. ads LSI. maws CAW' HAVIIOIIIIII, *alp.-- IA OGILDILIWA GOAT BOOT% BOW AID TOUTWII BALIKOZALB; Num AnD caudiamni °imams Omni' an BALMORAL& Abu sod 1111011/111 bomb Way. OS Mostot stmt. OARPETI3 AND OIL CLOTHS. : stoiwitst Mittel by Me1'44141.111D, OOLLIIII a - CO. It sip is /Ina mu% Botwom DISP llosouti nal the Prae Ornia. WO illiTilitt,.niurnod , kern tba Miat.lll , WO pankased 'be a/JEI, irttita,ths lad •w dq4.• vss7 tarp stock, dot A. IZ, p 331 T , . - AT 011311 Attar 11101143:11D . 141 ws-igtoriallbr fir:als . , anima pp. ocO,WWWWWII BCD 311141.. PURSWRINS '• • r~aarod/e,rs Itoo M l* comaJl "1"1" mu"' *to zsilarisont Bice% =magas. a awl Igo ladets 9 o4 lol or MAW, tifl6Vpiels;Oat• - •• Ties !ollbtoot 0411 * km. • % j •' • 7 Str:lttflitioll relit pertkalsdy , a 4 *a at liaticim of iImIMISD AZ" 1311RIX SC? 1144 .1 4 ;611664 17141 M "ANIMA Slip ot dabs. " NEW 044746E1C5. _ -, t merudis Ca 61 # Di Pu 0,60, Na ll 4 " f" - ' ' iii.34ibitimi' siirsitlPA', kaistalpivsMl - ~ . . • ..,--_- , teece.,lbrjot..,.wo4aSatN., , Oil Cloiii i t* - Kit, ands; Floor - ' ' - iiiii: lin i;rs! : il d e n t 44 - I. ***- - ;"'-' ~.,- - - - 4 .4::t... :-.7:•-iiLMOLVOlawall vv.'. • n ..&-; '14611 4 44 Aell.... gir air 7lT l M I A biol egil 411*. A. 11111LLIV Okal. SZOB4 MIR 040 NA Jew sumo. - AT MUMS, 59 MARILET STREET, tl .iaza.azacmLasa,awszaticAnmiM hci volid aad maddieltabla It sad nadsnald. 'my. primal iguanatileil r tbs knrest ptioslar irkkli it an b bought dosubies. Oar stook It the bused ma Wit In' sihntild sa sow sad met assinate, booed atm go - ima &growl= in prim. sad Moss IS io pu;ir p.R Imo lAr those of tluve dni ibun. TIN 04.514 44 1111:1211141 YINEWS. Sky Sidi Wag waits to coda par ysxd al the old Ora . Li tairrit OA of MAWS Alai BOW sadgouuLuPlNQ QOODB,QQL 17111111111 r. LAP, HOOP aims awl l VILTB, dl at new sad ,grestly Muni rims. Abet* hiP 5a179 1 .1 a POOLIT BOOM. WALLED). to. 98 DELIMIT emu. PTTáLILI, A. • i,td* i rll JUST OPENI/D. JEST OPENED. DRUB GOODL JEST OPENED. TITE OASES SEW PZINTS, rot ottani, besatUal dIL4 et UM. Just orimino. N.B.—One pride Only. Lads Mara. OS own.. I. M IOII O&M, 164011 CAM LLCM GAMIC LAUB . clam LAS CATIMIL L• 111 QOM' LAO O I °Ann. D 8391 GOODS. DUN GOODS. DBMS GOODS. D 1 GOODS. DRIBS GOODIL DUNG GOODS DZIDS GO DUN 'GOOD OD S. IV DUGS GOODS. DUBS GOODS. °ALI, LT A. BAUM WOMB. LAVIIIL LAMM LLWII 4 . TA TAMIL LAMM LAMM LLWIL LAWHIL 1113= SACIQWES HOSIIRT. HO/INIT. HOSINN.Y. 06 I LT. HO 6I AMT. 0 BIM. 11.051.11 T H 011162. H 08111!. 1•6 111 NULL NEW GOODBI ENXO3I AT J. M. Burchfield's DOMILII visas 'mammals. l taw lbalreblag Mb. mans Ibr NM worth W. MUER 111112A91.10r 10 mats war* 64. • tATILIaII, 1012 coati worn' M. ' Ta " *sr 25 cleats worth warn mufti& wag. nersio ORSANDUI LAW 111; Sias. ihsm..a Whits Oboe NAIIIIIS; LAMA 11'00i awns; BLIKEIC MANTA; LACS JILIZILLA* LaoksaLwLr„ SILL 01Z0ULAILI; W ce goods just Folonsi! tor NOW or a, BATON'S TRIMMING STORE vetl *dm solos of RIBBONS, it* sow= sax Ain) Dun uncsums. GRENADIER mu; :Amu MIX GLOM; arras LACE NMI; nopuntisiND . ARA ellistAmbibis (oafs ear lbw. our IMOLIIIIILI AND ItATM 111711311 applied a& lowaPrim'. anon. agamait a co, (41111T8 KNA LIN= 131111rnk , _ • ros HA= cavuoryi. IMMO AZOClalill , amerusizircuiro 10172111". IMI , U= IO .MMR 'raut aim saimarwi!trink 4134 i 4 31/11 !.1951*14 as OiTTOi A30AUCIUM1 0111111 ; was. AID MUM= - amiss innunsitio:aew, • . .I°l,l. • ' irayDEMlt laThi Te fi Iw" dDYirL TY, OOTINTEIT KEN & co., Aka; 17 aim ,wir*taik 41K•siui‘i :awiAixatuirm - im=%7!'l3!. . .. - : -- ,staxiviraintears amok --: ~ ; TM low pagio ear indik i z lina rigiolookiss maw iii w AIDDLIOIII.OII. toff INpli l l l o , , Z.16 12 11^. , A:-. , "` pipliaangillagainrak. ' ---; '' : 4 , ( 9, 1 sk 01: 1 0.0**" 1 ' :-- US). tll SalNl:e ia*Pla aware tar itastrWirn iW14114 .ter.: . , twos allsdatilisur Patalatif i .„, -: ' , „. . -.T.-4 4 1 „• , , 4.w.k-z,..,A Wiwi a l ow , jLLtf U /UAW sitnlti! Mob Bastawiss Lass Callan - sitoi Embrolderlis. l-- Mims, Bun Umbrellas, WILL RN !OVID ♦T JOSEPH HORNE & CO" TT is 79 !MUM BTRIlif. 3•4 D=Zit3 UUXKIDTIK 17 . 11 "r fflMia. Gri44/IiIIII2MMIY."% law nun nuns AID REM innr Ida AID lALZ ' WIW PAIIMICOUTAxi„IIII3I NUM - sonraTmlitimaA4,sa. , . To which To faille atiNisiikal, paha. • lILLORIIIII &1131611DS• Ts imams 'Muni% ~twos twarth sad Ow Mama& • RABGAna3 DBY ENXIal k " ai , . . . LAII,-.1%,1101'4-00.16 U 0 111111 M MM. . _ pa *XX WOW Übe aw Salii I tldal _ , alaaa aid Indiaia IDNIC ups *goad Ma; Mad" ad llama W: laleadr= Mar 111111vnp i e M illi gdd sad ami (Nod lig Sores li onass -ftliall adoPip mow -late:MINNIZ Lisi mi r=teddsli! li" 11 11 s= "611"11 is. _ T o OPIIIA, GOTS& pHITI X 10 01.0 Not TS aratapte pdrost BLOW ie. Ts sow sas w: as. SNARLS.' /ELM A SWIM IRMA 111111111 i. maw. OULWL/11. lIIILIFLIL swam& 1- ,t.~sn,~ UrnM/ i4l/11E314 VW urwassis Duns. —*'aeri GINGRAXI: GINGHAM/. GINGHAM& QUMRAN& GINGHAM& IeGINGEAKIL GIGHAM& I GNGHAM!. NGHAM& GINGHAM& Pas at Assartalista 4.6 Ca sato ta Private Itra. ft tat OM Doti Mob, latalts,,oo arts; Masai Ala antis Ottani llama. II oats; 111 .Gollary.ll ants. • or Shia amanita, of .theran Um, lawrias iimapillsOLAiiillApple is /111)1/1latodoritiWolinatca.1 : - . .121/11 Madman . WM la aanasiar. . Alaska and Faces • PEG wrinocavr--rens Km =F nn 121PLEr. MEM lir. ISM= STE= - To findealldik "ZilanlY Tinuiteiteic. !AIM •' s* 41111:11. ' UM, ~"~'...' j "" r " t ~ l ANEBI,OAN 01,0tres ORECILiS JUIEBrAI s ,!; ' • - I ZEV = 0 1 4C- IN. • _ • - • - iikig :Pia-. ' iih~ -i judiTi ns Ihusdit ad, , ~ ..,,, ' 18U, Ink =.-.1 liailiti lUllg" .' iisolui . . samrsairsoura 41_, • Oa NA in MlllllClat o rmio n 'A mat diresupit - cif. wartipseuta - •- ' “;', Li oft , , v b lll i tiymi ' ' AtekiAll _The taw iisirmibiti .sti cs 1113=011111111IIIAAr211,4tabellit—Dess it TX O a k s: 1111 D A n Ta thin will be two pea muds& Dsrevissit 11 ea* rub& i r sina . ll :o ooo4 " Iwo. ; 1, a ses. sulPV vats. .Gtudity . NAN* at; figrtility; =Woe Ust peftesieri iiiitarther baliciastioa pidatfak. r ridr 3.t . nad end Propositia,llß improidadit; - . . .‘ , IrOOIMICIL IMINKOF 41A , 30.1 T =Miffing, MEET AND HARUAID, pi g r ai d, • Moak U34-1' rz ZAN TX -8 rAgArif t • MINVIONI ISAIN 110011141111*-- *mos _ w• me ellMidlisisttbe peSsitotaliaiii4'l White, °hooked Ind low ad a • 19..Pr."!ediftra 4=%la,iirlwnocut a 00. .gyau ft -ji mms - bitimph, ValUan• In ' annannt alnat ; _ Mt. vs* '—'----- li trftlegil lia •ent aliPil ibinsay - magi / ms erlialib lalesemanitklidtallog ....... d mi 1• "" b 11 0. . ° ,1 6 1 1 ,Pilir: • ,i mxi iisallibilkihe .. . , ~c,.., ..,- - ear, ~ m SSAIIIKINEII trgltet iii - 4 .7=1 frem lflo -ra rilli uMburbiesi tt Ukti a6 aad j* iiisiaL lii"ni stmela. •4Th!li ' ;lM,,, i l ros WSW 1:11101nandra ,-rhsw- TOW. - 0 4., - -2 4 ma 0 6 lowa OW rAti4Vl Iteelipmagiraiketanishati a 0 1 .4 1 4 1 • 1 1 ,1!! .. 117 --- -' , - it Bonet se I --towers; Mislay. and -. -;~ IZIMIMIAt i tAL nal aim.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers