N GOOD NIGHT. How lightly said, how earekess spoken, When friends depart TrAth jay unbroken. And hand meets hand with this last token= Good night! ioc4 night! )Iciw slowly said, with sweet delaying. - When love for set mare love Is praying. ♦nd heart meets heart, while lips sre saying— Goodthglat rood night But tenderly, vitt , what new sneaalzg. Troia agony and iagnisti gigolos. We o'er i< stet-bed leaning - Good !ilea! good night And to the sreatT spirit winging Its Eight beyond all earthly clinging, In death, perchance. an angel bringing Good night good night To al F.X.CoSSEILIPSTOILT. Editor 'f the Brooklyn Eagle - • litteTnited States Consul at one ,of the English inland ports, who is no* a private resident of . .Cew York, relates-the foll , wing interesting story. He objects, - tor private reasons, to having his name published, but au th9rizes the writer to sub sfawiate his statement, and, if necessary, to r, fer to him, in his . private capacity, any person seeking such reference. be. ferring to his wishes, I hereby present his statement in almost the exact language in which be gave it to me, C. M. FARMER,' 1690 Third Avenue, New York. "On my last voyage home from -Eng land,-some three years ago, in one of the Cunard steamers, I. noticed one morning, af;er a few days out of port, a young man' h.,: ..ling about on the upper deck, sup ortcd by crutches not seeming to move with extreme difficulty and no little pain. lle was well dressed - and of exceedingly handsome -r_,ountenance, but- his limbs . w ere somewhat emaciated and his face very sallow and bore the traces of long soffering: As he seemed to hive nn at ' t ,n_dant or companion, be at one,• attracted my sympathies. nnd I went up to him: as he d against he taffrail looking out on the fii/ming tiaek which the steamer vas making. •• • Excuse me, me young friend,' I touching him gently on the shoul (Ler, you apptar to be an invalid and baldly able or- i•tiong enoUgh to trust yourstlf unattemicd on an ocean voyage ; _but if you require any as:,i3tance Lam a robust and healthy man and shall be glad to help you.' ' You are very k:nd,' he replied, in a weak voice, ' but I ruquiTe no present aid , beyond toy enriches,. whiCh enable me to pass from m}` stateroomop here to get I.IA , benefit of the sunshine aid the sea bieeze.' " • You Ira. e been a great sufferer, no doubt,' I said, 'and I judge that you have been allheted with:that most troublesome zisease—rheuma'il.m, whose prevalence . and intensity seem to be on an alarming increase both in England and America.' " 'You are tight,' he answered ; 'I have been its victim for more than a year, and after failing to find . .eIZ4 from medi. -'cal skill have haply tried` the Springs of Carlsbad and Vichy. But they have done me no good, and I ant nuty ()21 my retain :home at MissOmi to die, - 171 suppose. I shall he content if life is spited to me to reach my mother's presence. She is a widow s :mid I am her only child.' "There was a pathos in. this ,speech ithich'affeeted me proroundly, and awak eced in me a deePer sympathy than I had felt before. I had no Words to answer him, and Stood silently beside him watch ing the snowy wake of the ship. While thus standing my thoughts reverted to a . Child—a ten year old lasy—of c a neighbor :of mine residing near my consulate resi __deuce, whohad been. cured of a.stubborn case of iheumatisin by the us's of St. Ja cobs Oil, and I remembered that the ste a-- , ard of the ship had told MC the day before that he had mired himself of a very se: vere attack of the gout in New York just before his last voyage by the use of the same remedy. lat once left my young friend and went below to find the stew:. • ard. I not .found him off duty,' but discovered that he had a bottle of the Oil in his locker, which he had carriad across, the ocean in dage of another attack. He readily parted with it on my representa tion, and hurrying up again, I soon per: spaded the young ,man to -allow me to _take !ono() his berth and apply the reme dy. After doing so -I coven-d him up snugly in bed and requested him not to getup Until I should see him again. That evening I returned to his stateroom and found him sleeping peacefully and breath ing gently. I, roused him and inquired how he felt. 'Like a new man,' he an . swered w Plea grateful smile. !I feel no pain and able to stretch my limbs without difficulty. I think I'il get up.' don't get up to-niJ.rt,* I said, 'hut let me rub you again with the Oil, and 'in the morning you will be aule to go above.' `All light,' he said, 'laughing. 'I then - applied the Oil again, rubbing his knees. and aims thoroughly, until he said . lie felt as if lie had a nmstarci poultice all 'over his body. I then left hint. The next morning when I we:it upon deek fora bree zy prttnenade, seem ding to my custom, found 'my patient waiting for me with a smiling face, diol witloitzt his crutches, al thougn he limped . in his movements, but without pain.- I don't think I t ver felt s o happy in my life.. To make a long story short, I attended him_ Closely during the rest of the voyage—soMe four dat,s— applying-the Oil-every night, and guard ilia him against too much exposure to the fresh and damp breezes, and on landitic at New Yolk, he was able, .without assist mice, to tumult the hotel omnibus, and go ti the Astor house. I called on hint too daystater. ard found him actually engag ed in. packing his trunk, preparatory - starting West for his home, that evening With a blight and graceful smile be wel come me, and -pointing to a little box carefully done ' thick brown, paper, which . stood upon' the- -- table, be said : 'My good friend, can you guess what that is?' 'A present for yon: sweet heart,' I answered. 'so,' lie laughed - ' that is aslozen bottles of St. Ja oba Oil, which I have just purchased from Thud nut, the druggist, across the way, and I am taking them home to show my gond mother what has saved her sou's lire and restored l.im to - her in.headh. And will) it I would like to carry you along also, to show her the face of him, Without-whom, I should probably never have tried it.' If - you-should ever vi , it the little village of Sedalia, Missouri, Charlie-Townsend and , his mother will welcome you to their lit, tle home, with hearts full of gratitude. -- and -they will show you a bottle of St.-Ja; cobs Oil enshrined with a silver and gold casket, which we shall keep as a patio ornament as well memento of our meet - ing on the Cunard steamer: "We parted, after an hour's pleasant chat-with mutual good-will and esteem; an d •-• ti-w weeks afterward I rmived letter win him telling me he was -in per- Teitt health and containing many gracefe - expressionsra Ilia affectionate regards." —Brooklyn _ GENTLEMEN :—Your Hop Bitters have been of great value to rne. I tau laid up with typhoid fever !or over two months and could get no relief until I. tried your flop Bitters. to those suffering from de bility or any one in feeblOiealtb, I cordi ealy recommend them. J. C. ISTOP.T- • WI Fulton St..i Ci*etto , - - • c f tsar. • PROCLAMATION.- WHEREAS,. Pact. D. Mokitoer, President Judge of toe lath Judicial D IEO,I. consistieg of the county of Bradford, bark issued bite precept bearing da e the !eat day of December 11541. to me dirs,cted. for holding-a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail Uelivery. Quarter Seemon of the Peace. Com mon Pleat and "rphane Court at Toartiods. for the connfy at Bradford, commeocing. b Mondiy FEBRUARY ath, IM2. to continue three weeks. Noll , * 1a tbererme hereby given to the Coroners end Justices of the Peace of the county of Brad foid. that they be then and there In their proper permits. at 10 o'clock in the for:malt of said day. tat kb records. InquitiriOns and other temcmtmances to do those things which to their office appertains to be done: and those who are bound brrecogni mocet or otherwise. to prosecute against the prim": nets who are or may be in the jail of said :county. are'to be then and there to prosecute against them as shalt hp Jost. Jurors are requested to be punc tual in their attendance. agre ably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 01 day of Jananry. In the year of out Lord one thousand bight hundred and eighty-two. and of the Independence of the United :ate* one hundo d and si iv h. - WI LLIA3I T. HORTON, Sheriff. REGTSTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice , is hereby given, that there has been fl.ed I❑ Mr 4,Mee of the Register for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in •nd Lir the County or Bradford. State of Pennsylvania. accounts of _administration upon the following estates. viz: 'The first and final account of Williantil. Davis. eterutor of the last will and te , tano tit of John Davis. late of the towni.tilp of Pike, deer-a%ll. Final account of Anton ttras.ed. eaertoorpf the last will aatl testament of James R. limited, late 07 The towto.b:p.f Weill, fi ccasrd. Th. 117,1! and boat ;tr., r•nrr of M. W. Angle, ad tntnl•ttat. r 'CUM legalize:do anneso of - Cynthia dolin , rin. late of the township or Standing Stone, deceased. _ The firs , and final acenunt of Stephen G.Chaffee„ r of the and t.44.auteht • f Chaffe e. late of the fowl ship of WArren. deeea..ed. The fln.t am! final ere‘iiint . rh..rseA V. Laueas. ter, ad tnlnls , ra or cum f , ,tfo , ntezifo annexe of -be estate (t.elog with u the Coln tuouweatt la of Penn sylraoho of 'Angelo M. rare.re, tate of 1..y01a College. in the County of BaltlMor and ELAte of Berea-ed. The firs' atel final account of James W. Nichols, admlniqtroor of the e of' ..harlotte Noyes. of the towo.hit. of Burl' figton. decease 1 tons :,cr.mtlt or it M. Knapp. guardian or Sam uel ('. Wilcox. tniwir child fume age)ot W% nom Wilcoklate of he town,hip'of Burlington de ; 'd. • Einal arronnt of 'John A Keen. r:secntor of the last will at dle•dainent of Miir. 1 4 . Emery, late of tt.e township of Stand Ime Stolle, dec-a-ed 0,....0nt of C. G. Gildley, nardlan of rhadia Anna Wien (now Pldrua Alma Slll9. I' foal account of )1.11,4er Catlin, administrator of the emate William IL Locke. late of the Bor ough of Cant•iti. deceased'. i tee second and final aceonnt of ffollster Catlin. our of the execifh.r • of the last will and testamen. cif 4 , Nelson It tytiold:,, late of the town6bip of Con ton. Hon' accnrnt of C. G. OrIdl•-y. sulitilid.rrator o,fazo of Jacob'Oyer. late of Owti , Thip t,f pru ell , def-onseil. Final aresena or shrhr•l Itowman. administrator tf thr estate of 'Ai. nzo I). Proof, tate of tile town• thin of 'terry, dereasrd. sr. teal and partial areount Of Ed.ard •• olo•entors 4.f the Iw•.t will and testament of E1h•o J. We ;ate of the township of Wyxlu• slog. dec.•a•4.d. Final arr•ount of tydla M. Berritt, guardian of Lewd• Fitch. tutu •r 4.1.1141 of Lewis U. Fitch, LOP of tie, 1.." tiship of Canton deceased. ' Final meotint of Semsutha S. Rtigway. eze.•u trlt of the ixa will and testament 'of Jane,. C. tri•lgway. late ••f ties t..witship of Franklin. a '- Final arc-Zona of N. S. if..slt•y guardian 441 /1.-lets Fra ey, i;eorge tira:ey ai”l kit;.rew 001 dr. n and heir, of Andrew Frlstey, late of the I.A - u- Mrl..,f = it'll Lan 1. , 111 and Eli1:111 Landon, ext - cutors or cr,31!.., W. 1,4.,,t0n. hite . or th, ',Oneat li ba pre,eoted 1.. the .c. , zroo-to‘' loam of Il a r..r4 Conoty. :AT an Orphatin' t •ort• t,. Lr. 6.4 a at'l'oa.O: , la for •aol Cotylity, on (lay. fo• 2tp hy of Fel.rttary. A. 1).• •/,‘2: at 2 at., for con fir 111101.411 and - JA 31 F.S %% Eft it. lt , g , stt r. It,gistet's )th , e, Towanda. Jan. 7, lE4_ - lIIITIANS' CoIIIIT :NOTICE. —Nn:lee I.: ner,by g yen. that there has tieeti 0 . flied In the ni'ilto or the Clerk of :he Orphans' 4' ,, trt In ..I 1.4., th,.•('‘,lihry of Kradford,,.liiau• of 1.,,,,...irn0 ill :11.1.1 - 3 , SPllletitS o , froperty set off .by ex, rh , ,,rs and stlialnlstr 0 r 3 10 the whibw-3 and ehll , lren , it Ine fon.. InE 41-cede - Ms. rlz : .- b:-'alr ~f B. ()wen, htt.lf of the Immshlp F:-.ale of I ril Wannr.s.t. late of the township of ' F:,!:tio of .7fthn Nit:1)on:0d. lair of the township of Sur h Tow:, o lla..d.reat.-(1: I:‘tate of Jante, Laxicti. late : of the township u Pratikiln, derra.t•d Eeate or :lohn Ir.ine, late of the township o kn, eased Estate 401.1, Anderson, sr., late of the town ship of 19 . %I. Brigham, late of the town pifi of ltoltilY: 4fece:i•ed. • E.mtvtiof,. - :tohn Mt.'s late of the township o itAnit 'MIS:tom% • Entale of Aaron Vatolyke, late of thetowtisbli f. Irwrh. derera.rd 11.ntilel D. Irtl, late of the Borough Troy. (lOC F.,tale of Horace rimvold, late of the township f Wens. deceased. Esta.e of John . Hayes, late of the township o tome, deeeaf...d. I:siate tit William 3Taitliew!., late of the .town hip of (11rw• 11. derc.,,ed. I.,..iate of Peter McCracken, late or the township d.•rea-.d. Anil the hAnie uIII pmseraed - to the Orphans' :nun of Bradford loutily. at an Orphans' C art to e held at 'V0W:31143: for said Cantif,,. ,) • he Atli day of 1. - elan-4y, A. D. 11552, at 2 0 . 0..0. s. at., for final coofirrna.ion. .1 A SI ES 11: WEB 11, Clerk. OS. LYDIA L PINKHAM, OF LYNN, L.J."03.,1 ".. CO C a 0 C y 0 . es 'LYDIA E. PP/SHAMS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. In n Ivo rnrn futon anae Palntl.! (Snooplnlnt • and IVeuirneaaps •avonsutua wear best fi mule population. It vtia care elt t fly the Ivor - et form of Female Cern. all ovarian trotiltlev,lnratentatin and livers Eon, Failing mad Dityhmentents, eml the consequent eitliml I:vattmess, iiderted to the (Lange Of lite. It will clisiolve and erterl tam-ire tram the utemeln en early stage. of Y., itvoicticy cent cvrotmlitunerstitereleehtclitttl tret f tiLly I.y lt,ltt..e. It removes rairitnetts, flatnlenay, t, - troynall craving for stimulant/1, mid relieves acct,, ,S'of the rtomech. It Cures Mooting, thniaches, nortt4l,l Proetratlon, Ueneral Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and /tali:- get tlon. That feeling of h.•aring down, eamlng palnowelght and backachr, Is alwayil.ermanonCy cured I y Its new. Rill at all tones and under oil r irrnywtancts act In Larruony vita the lane Lim t r 0 ,41 .n fen ale aystrm„ rue the culls of I: it: nev.Cutupliiiutii of eltLer sex tlds Conanonnd ntrirpn..s..A. LYDIA. E. 1'1NK11.1711% N'EfIETABLE COM POEND le prepared at . . - 23 and z.y. tv,L, : n Arm,. Lynn. Haas. Price 31. Elz Imdt les f V,. Sent ty ma:l is the form of pills, also In the f,rm of lorcnr7es, on receipt of prire, 31 per boa: for either. rinkhara freely answers all l t tens of Inquiry.' Send for paruAl let. Address 11.3 *bore. yrnl n this• Paper... family pluzpld beyrithout , 7,l7)lA FINKIIAIT'S ilynn rms. 7bry mire cM,tatiT , ellon, Idiom:masa, awl torpidity' or the liver.rents I tlnr: E e ' S o ld iby nil 1)r. ti r,',llst "411 • 4 1 LI PET! M gSURPASSES"OTHERS oillisagfark&GO. 30 UNION St:VIEW YORK G . HICAG 0 ILL. -e------- ! ORANGE MASS. pliscdfaamo. ttaming ISOO rennin of rrge...sialr Iflorrsr Sorb, Pisact, fast Trent rte. taralestle 41 all. Srr.d for It. Addreit, . R. X. FERRY & CO., Detroit, THE HOLIDAYS AR✓ OVER! But we niber io the New Ye:it - with Joy and pride. And in order to mike etrery one • feel •bappy—at least for the present—\L L. • SCNIKEBURG. Proprietor of the Great Host. n Clothing House. Just 'opened in Means's Block, Main street, Towanda, Pa., has decided to oM.r the entire stock of CL 'lours AND SHOES, HATS AND BAPS. and G:nts' Furnish ing Goods's; slaughterlug pi ices, to clear out the store and to make room for their heavy s , oProt Spring anti Sommer G•aals, whirl la :Oreatly bring manufactured for the Tosattd. Dr-inch. We also wish to cs I sour kind a*trutlon, 11101 we ate got g to change goartent on the first of April. lila:, to N 0.2 Pattott'a Hock, Maims,— second door nor b , t f Bridge st ; and °Whig to this remota! we want to close out unr Whirr kock to urde. to go into our new !oration with New Gods. New !sty es.• and New Pattern also will not tr-Au now shalt ore-r hive 1.04•111er Arch an opportnoVy. HESI Etttiff.tt—The G. od. mu-t ann fie closed . nut at atty v. lee without delay. at the Boa. ton Clot Mug II Use; lust tli.ened 10 31t0113`ei Hain street, row - ands, Pi. • . M. L. SCHNEEBURGI Tormaid a. s.ranbl-wa. • • I:4EIqTISTIVT • Drs. Angle & • • ICicer Dr. rtart's oftice,) • . TOWANDA,I..A.. DrAngie having returned trotn the West. has termed a lett ilmr hip with Dr. liollist-r ilkorfier to meet the my strentetus of their growing practise.' • Sptelal attlenslon gsys•ta to the Preservation and Treatment of the Teeth. Filling, Extracting, and the Oorrec-' • tion of Irregularities t. Exe,dted•ln a careful an gentle manner. Cats. Etheri - or Chloroform Admin istered. ARTIFICIAL T EETH- Inserted on (t.slsl,. 9 leer, Aluminum, litutsber, as.d Csestshu•sas Guns; nud'gurante;gl. All the laletst Escetric and ••tt.er improve - .) in struments.. which 111 hit sae operations and revel. r. then. less tedi , su• to the palictsts are senspbsyea. Especiel pale. I, taken wish ro•rvouo. amt. is ileate patients. , ALL. 1 - 11.1CLS • E. H. ANGLE, I). I). S., • • F L.:HOLLISTER, I). D. S. • Towanda, Pa., her. 22. teal. - J. - OTTARSON 5 , Manufacturer of alllkinris or Upholstered • Work, wholOsale and ittail„; sornr SIDE unIDGE S.TREET, TOWANDA 0, et' 3tyers Meat 31arket.-5-lan.B2'. JAMES McCABE Has removed to CORNER MAIN & BRIDGSTS. making It his Ileadquezters FOR CHOICE GROCERIES CASH PAID F-Ott • BUTTER, - EGGS, &c. GOODS SOLD AT THE LOWEST LIVING RATES JAMES McCABE. Towanda, April 2q, 180.-y1 STEVENS & LONG General Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISiqss, And COUNTRY PRODUCE,- HAVE. RENIOiTED TO THEIR NEW STORE, CORNER OF MAIN ArPINE-Sts (The old stand of Fox, Stevens a M mar.) They tnitte attention to their complete assortment and very large stock of Choice New Goods r which they,kave always on baud. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE PRODUCE TRADE, And Cub paid for desirable kinds M. d. LONG Ttooranda. Apri 2 let'. glarDte barbs. THE OLD MARBLE LARD STILL •IN OPERATION. The undersigned having purchased-the MAR BLE YARD ,d the late McCATI E, de sires to Inform the public that ..a.v..lg etuvloyed Axperienced men be Is t,rq.ared -tc all kinds of work In the .• • MONUMENTS; , • HEAD STONES, . • 3IANTLES and . - • • • • SHELVES _ tn the very best manner and At lowest rates. Persons desiring anything in the Marble I.ne are Invited to call and examine work, and sav« agents' commission. . . • JAMES MCCABE. Toweeds..Pe., Vow 18 . 1878 . 2411 CUTTER SLEIGBSI , FINE SWELLED BODY CUT rEits, nt bext makra to nirrket. fora de s• rely low prirra. , attera ruptel...l trimmed and tut - W*llrd to order. leduermrDia to all buying or givirg - 0.113 •.rders. r•urtera irunitatred lib .41h0r !wavy air*, or emit apnea, Will driller Canes,. crated at ar•y railroad alai lon at aatur. . prices as rudd at my Wire . home. Bend fqr drscrtpuurs atid pikes. It. M. WELIAES, Twanda. LEHIGH VALLEY PANNI NNW YORE-1141LA0ID8. ALmi,Npliztexitot Pasi!auser Trainstotakeeffict ZAISTWAStD 15i91713 PAL A .111,A.11.,P.1i • 2 1/517 20: 1 2 504 2 92 ,Si 0t.5 ....I 6 3w,1115; 6 42:1 OW ; .... ssot,i 9 1011 41,! 9 00 1 , 3 45 9 95'2 10i 9 40. 4 15 0•10 , 30 . 1 t, OW 4 tO' • 15 7. 34 It 05' 4 341 , 15 . 46 001 0 43 5 4,5 ..it 03 . 336113.) 5 3 57 3 ,-i 50 0i ...1....;11 43 6UV ~.1 4 ,L!1210 44 23 16 62w' 1223'435; 14.14, 1 107 2 0 ; 1 24 731 1'05:5 10 1 45' 8 05' 1 35,5 30 220. 3:11 d+s 7 3* , -011tm 4 40 29, 5 53 1280; 5 00;8 is: 6 03 1215; 53419 6 40; V: 31 6 51p40. 8 40; 220 6 041; • i 915` 335 8.51. 1 r.1itr 31 P. 31. No. 32 leavei, Wya , nBl , g at 6:00 A. M.. French town g: ;4. Ruininet field 5:23. ..lchnding Stone 8:31 Wp.auk Inc 6:40. Towanda 6:53. Ulster 2:08. 7:16. Athens 7:15. nacre 7:40, Wavcrly7:ss,arrtvlug iW Flnttra at 8:50 A. M. No. 3t, leaves Elmira at 5:15 P.M.. Waverly 6:(0. Sayer 8:15. Athrtir 8:20. Slilab 6:30 ; Ukter 6:40; Tonaud4 6:55. Wyeattklng 7:05. .el'aadlng Stour 7:14 Itnetmetfl-id 7:22. Frenchtown 7:32, arriving at Wyal u sing 7:45 P. M. Tral us 8 and 15 run daily: Sleeping ears on train!. 8 and 18 betw een . Niaiara Palls a.. 4 Philad:lpbta and between Lynne and New TOI k without ehlsng Parlor ear, en TrAins 2 and 9 between Niagara Palls a' d Philadelphia without change, and through cm, h to and from Rwhe.t.r via Lyons. W't. STEVENSON. :sent. -Sayre. Pa.. ]an.^','ls P.* N.Y. R. A. Is the OLDEST BEST CONSTRUCTED: BEST EQRIPP ED sin! hence the LEAD um a . WEST AND NONTHWEST! it Is the ; short awl hest route hetweeu Men • nrotall [wild! , In Northern !Moot., lows. Dakota. Wyoming, Nehr4,ka. California, Ur. krott, Arizona; ,t tan. rolt;rpflo. Idaho, klonian N vada, and for COUNCIL .BLUFFS. OMAHA SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY . Cedar It gilds. Des Mollies. Colomtnis. and all Ititt, lu t .e Territories. and the West.. A Iso. fnt liwatikee.„Green B .y, Gthaiish. Sheboygan. Mar. quell,. Fun i dui Lac. • Watertown, II ought on. Neenah. Menasha. a.. PanlTllnueapols. Huron., Volga, Fargo. litismcrek. Winona. Lat :row ; Owatonna. abd all ta•lnts In. Minnesota, Dakota: it 1-cousin and the- Northwest. At Comic.' the Trains of the Chicago & North-Western and the IT.' P. ICys depart (ruin. arrive at and use the same jot ht Union Derat. At Chicago. close connee:ions ire made with the Lake Ethnic.. Michigan Central. Baltimore & Ohl o. Ft. Warne and Pennsylvania, and eldrago & Grand Trunk Wye. and the Kankakee and Pah dandle Itnittr!.. Chide c.ineetiong malt at Jxnettr.n Patatil. It Is the ON s Ir LINE ennuis* Pullman Hotel Dining ti ars BLTW LEM Chicago & t Council Blu Pullman Sleepers on all Night Insist upon Ticket Agents von via this row!: N rantine your Ti Lets, ant to buy if they do not re.d over the _Ch •sortb-Westertt Rat Iway. • wt-11 the ll,so'tavellng Accommt pm will but yinir Ti -kris by this route, Si WILL, rAKE Nriti tOTIIN.R. All Tlcket Agents sel Tickets to this Li MAR VIN--11.1G111 • 2d V. P. a Gen , l Slang r, Ch 20. YEARS 1, OLD STANr Are MAT better prepaied than c supply the public with tirst.ela FURNITUR We manufacture our own goo warrant them to be as represented; • PARLOR SUITS In all the leading styles. BEDROOM SUITS In Walnut. Ash, C GEO.STEVENS. DINING-ROOM. KITCHEN *OFFICE FURNITURE I UNDERTAKING-` • While we furnish the finest - HENESE anti Fgotpments • ' urger and falter tiritek nt •• ASA ETs and Tit MIL :VGA. with a larg expetl - In nor business. ad guarantee, as lo • it Tod timer. prices than those who have noi good rorifltles set ourselves. We fitinisn Chairs, Pall and 6or se Pre servers, tree 'Fr enarge. CALL 1.. - EXAMINE ! CO-NIP 4 E And then purchase wherer: you ran do tl7e beat J. 0. FROST'S SOS . Towanda, Sept. 22, 1.81. FREE TO EVERYBO A BEAL'TIFFL BOOK Fe TilE-AM2 Tly arlying personally at the nearest THE INGr.tt 111 SNIIFACTIJRI[ O, 6 C p...sta, card :t at a 4lstatirel any tutu/Cue tw - pr .led with a beautifully Illustrate. a ?ice Souk eutltied Story of the Sewing Ma containing* handsome and coldly steel e 2i thinly enurasid lac and i.,tiud In au eiat.nrate Mur and gold Iht rd covrr. 4.. chary wits cv , r Is made bnok. labich can In e obtained on p leatltin at the . branch end subordinate The Singer Manufactusing Co. • THE 812f0E8 itANUEACTTIBITG 00 GET YOUR !toss st tb. SEPORTICIt MICE* orPOslts *Owl R..4lll l ..Tainonola. 010. mid Wad riIiPPASIKY VaUfioah. ...ASV... JelitratiT 1. WIMIWARD xl3Ol 2112 .4 TA.TIO N a. ..' - 1r.11.10-91 /1..361.36 Starr*lralla 103!9 2i 1 05940 ..bsidalo.... 114018 10,12056 Co ttocbester. 9 506•10 9 WA... . Lyons...l i '4491 ... 8 50,4,.. ~GrUe'ra ..' 741 f.... b 141.'.... ..Ithaes...l 011 1 -.. 6 40;.. .. Aul.uni .. $3O ~..19 35',...:. ..Owego... 1630 . ~ 2V,.... 10001ra .. 5 15.124 ,6 15:2.15 . Waverly ~4 151115 12 3 j 1 30, ....Sow-- 4 4 1114115 2011 24 —.Athens.— 119;1134 , 5 /101 35 ...311tan—--It-AL.:li 08 ....1.7161vr.. .. - .. 1117i4 5r9157. ..TOWA.VDA: . 3 lib 1.0. 1 4 43.248 - Wytatukingl .... 1054i....t1237 Sit*m Sut.. —.104.-02 0 liwn'erfl.-101 ... /Mi... 11224 rnmehtowl,/ ... 0ri..,, 11217 .WY l5lO5lll g ... •.. I tC4031207 Lar9p - 111r.1 302 0 Su 3 4(3,115.• 4k111',..- Eddy! .... 0 43 —.11145 - 140shopp , ii 1 ..... 9 27 3 2.11126 Mehm , pany.; .... 9 2.1".. - . 1 1 2 Tut han , ..111 2 IC b . IS 3.1.1 1 1052 .La Grange. ...8 . 45....!1048 ....F.1)5.... ... 527 .... 1 0x2 1.&11 Juncl 1 35. 01 2 25;100 Wilk Barr*. 103 7 30 2 03 9 45 Web Chunk l il 85 .... 1155 7 25 .. 1 111ent0s - ti .1.1 05......,1064 8 24 '.llerblehent.l 9 50..... 1045 6 15 1...Endari...1 820 —. 1 10.5 5 5 0 '1'11114(1•1p111a. 800....9004-I5 New York .11- 30 —7' 40 3 40 - P. 51. $.16 *APP.* 1110 5 2 BEI RA InwAY. RAIICNVAY I=I7EIIECI DENVER. LEADVII.LE, AT THE J. 0. Frost's Son Of every description. c. , TTA4;E SUITS In all denlrable CENIUS REWARDE FOR TUE- Trinell al Mee, 84 tralotp,Sq!are, JOB PRINTING NOWITIS'I - THE:-:=E TO BUY gimp OF THE ; BEST AND MOST, RELIABLE CLOTHING STORE- IN THE COUNTY OF BRADFORD. J. K. BUSH, BRIDGE STREET, TOWANDA, flu received the LARGEST AND BEST selected stock of CLOTHING! , - Hats. and Caps, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS GLOVES, MITTENS, &C. Ever brourght to Towanda or 'Bradford county, and is now offering the best - made and finest suits at LOWER PRICES ! Than You will have to pay for poor made Olotiting at other places. All his Clothing. is manufactured expressly for HOME rR t DE: and WARRANTED TO - GINE SATISFACTION. ~. . • CALL & EXAMINE BUSU, BRIDGE-ST., TOWANDA TOleand Sept. :11, 141. WINTER it SPRING 1882 --1882 At the CLOTHING HOUSE of NI: E. Rosenfield Vain-st.', Towanda, you will ilrd The Best Goods The Latest Styles Thy Lowest Prices His IMMENSE gTOCK embraces -all the latest styles, in great variety, of READY-MADE CLOTHING For Men'a„Youth'a and Boy's wear, from the finest 411t1 braclebt cloths to the eheipeat and lightest .Irodes for the trade. GENTS o FURNISHING GOODS This departmenVisnmpleto, having a noli line of Hosiery. Coil.rs and ruffs, Nrckarar. Handkerchiefs, lteadyn+ade Starts, Winter Un derwear, 41gc. , • I rains u•k'et cago & A..very large stock of the newest styles in -,‘,.ry quality. -Also. UMBRELLAS, TRAVEL ING BAGS, 'dation'. AN 1, REMEMBER—That youican save money by put els;ueng at the eld-established Cloth ; ng House of M. E. ROSENFIELD. • 20 117 b G. H. WOOD & CO., et to PIIO7OGRAPIIERS; El %re nOw WELL ESTABLISHED In their NEW G A LLEItY, and are ma. Mg an kinds of PHOTO t4H and TI %Tl' PF.S. Tr -y are introducing 4 now Style of - Phongiapha. cahed A 1 !NETTS. which they make my. ft 01 PER . They make 4 TINTYPES, Caid Siz-, for Su cents-4 at me sitting. Thcy:also make s specially In copying, having a number of agents raoostodtig fur them. ...lye us a call, and see work and prices, at ... rum tATTON'S 131.0 CE., COR. MA'N AND BRIDGESTREETS.' 11312 Towanda. Pa., Dec. 8, 1881 ave.. AND JOHNSON MAN U FACTUR COMPANY. - MA.NUFACTURERS OF STEAM, ENGINES, Portable & Stationary Circular Mills, [SHINGLE MACHINES, CORN SHELLERS HI Field Rollers" and Plow Points, GRIST it SAW 3IILL MACHINERY Or all lauds, or repalreflor the same. BOILER MAKING Qr repairing ,or old Boilers, ptittingj, in new Beads or Flues, a specialty..: lolike o ). (or .b .11 wtl , copy o t We have facilities for turning out FIRST-CLASS BOILERS on short no nce,- Portable—and Stationary Engines Or any size .wade to order. - AtFo, Braga and In* c - astints. - We use the hest Iron a. d our work is dope by sicilhd mechanics. We guaran tee all our work. Quotations gaveh on • Dlastou or hichkrits. u Saws, nab.. • , bee or Leather Benin. ' 1 • line, Foundry and Shops on Pine•st., back Linno'fiew itirVflag Al YOR. "graph. for th.m m• h. ap 'M cell of • QUSQUEHANNA _OILEGIATE bj,TITIJTIt.—sECnNI) WINTER TER* will begin 11...Nit...Y. J N. 23. 184. Expenses for ns.srd;- tuition and furnished cumin. -from. $l7! to WO per veer. For catalogne or turther.partica lan address the Ptinelpni. . , - ERWIN E. QIYINT.AIif. A. II 1/....r.A• 3.0 v 5, 'Mu GET T OUR Now York KREPORTRRI► OFFIC =.l HATS AND CAPS JO.B PRINTING ....DONZ AT 111.10 == A. DAYE FaII ti Winter, 1881. ATTENTIOL IS INVITED to 4710 first.olaso . I ~oeoing'vtove. s They are too well known to require any commendation— New 'feela, Westminster, Crown Jewell. We also have a line of CIiEAP BASE BURNERS, the best of their.elass in tbe, market, and well adapted for aupplyiag a demand for an efficient but ineapenaive heating stove. WOOD IIEATING.BTOVESTia great variety lEMEEMiI P•MAID Happy Thought Ranges Sold in Towanda and vicinity by A. D. DYE & 4-' El L:MGE STOCK. OF Wood Cook Sto ves, CARRIAGEMAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES; Acrd a geOeral stbek of ECA R WARE. . MAIN STREET, TOWANDA.. Towanda, October it 11.81: 'C. S. RUSSELL Agent, . TOWANDA, PA. , . _ . FIRE, LIFE, - AND ACCIDENT POLICIES • Issued on the most reasonable termi. None but retiable companies represented. Losses adjusted and paid here. , - Towanda. N.,. 15. 1579. QUAKER CITY SAFETY OIL! C I n 9 C 9 ro l c n k i . rTy vv Store.N Offers the Quaker City or Improved Headliiht Oil! By the Quart, Gallon or Pound, • "At the Lowest Mirket Prices. . . This ()IL N 0 a— -Explosiveßarna a P is aisoutely ,leso with a clew ' light • doeS ma sleet!. Crust wicks or ' sinotte, an d 13 guaranteed to,be much hot ter than any other Heatillght Oil . sold In this niarkk. . . The numerous accidents resulting from the use of contmon-kurosene should w .rn all to • use only safe out.. part lettlarky as ._ the coat Is but a trifle inore. • . . . i I T :I • . , . . .fob lot of Decorated Porcelain Vitt riT- .:Dtsilks At 35 cent* each—worth 75c.. LAMP -GOODS! Burners, Chimneys. Wicks by piece or yard. New styles 'of Ham big and . Student Lamps at very low prima.. Tnints4s, Jae ta. ItA2 Aipeats wanted Air the lab awl Week .f [o7Aol4l l >lAq The ouly complete atory of hie noble life and tingle death. Freed, brilliant, reliable. Elegantly printed Caen& and Germans beautifully illustrated; banosumely, bound kameet selling book ever pub. hese& Bs Sollsii C. 11118dpatis..le.D. CLIP/ 1 10N slTriTpe"d"llt.cam p a ign "lc catchpenny, re. which the country is coated. Tuley are utterly worthless; an outrage upon thin memory of the great dead, and - a base fraud on this .public. This book is sew. The only work worthy th•thems. Send we. In Stempel Ibr Agessinsoutilt. JONES BUOTHERS CO., Publishers, Philadelphia. WANTED! Hay, Straw and Grain For which we will pay the TIICIFIEST MARKET PRICE, delivered here or at points on L. V. R. IL Hating four of Dedriekis Perpetual Prams, with &capacity fur hall, g 10 tone pPr day. to are enabled to.rear fire. larg• quail' it lyalif hay and •traw 'at many of the principal shipping points of this and adpiining r00m... W e are also sp a r s J et the, Improved Bale Ties. ACKLEY & -DEAN, MAIN STREET, TOWANDA. PA. OfDoe ewer Psmb A Trio" ltaa.. nerle,M. E=3 toM__O s,s 0?4, ITCHNC PILES Symptoms are moisture, stinging, Itching, wen se at right; seems ea if piu.wogre were crawling about the rectum; the private path are often affected. Asa pleasant, economical and positive Cure. Swersea otxrsteXT Is enperior to any article in the market. gold by druggist*, or tendril/ ctgAn 3.ct. stamps. .3 8a1ee,31.25. Address, Da. Swevxa k Sox. Phila..s* ttteuzdisia -Neuralgia. Spra ins. Pain in the Back and ide. Thne Is nothing more . painful Um I thege dt•ga: ,- .:.'s; but the, pain can. be remo d and the disease cured by iise of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. , ' - . • Thl4 reniedy Is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum-product that must '..e kept away - from fire or heat to avoid danger of (.7:plosion, nor Is it an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer, ha; been In constant' use forty years, and the urivcrsal, testimony frnin alt parts of tho world isi It never fai 43. It not only effects a permanent cure, but it relieves pain almost instantaneouely. Balt; a purely vegetable reuady, It is sae In the hands of the meat inexperienced. t, The n:eord of cures by the use of PAIN Munn. would Su volumes. The following _ e::tracts from letters received bhow what those who have tried it think: ' Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn.. lays : About a year since my wife became subject to emere sugaring from rheumatism.. Our resort was to the PAIN }Mass, which speedily relieved her. - Charles Powell writes from the Sailors' Home, London: I had been afflicted three years with nenraista and v (+lent epasmsof the stomach: - The &dors • ' at II estminstrr Hospital gave up my care in • des; air. I tried your PAIN KILLEII, and it gave me Immediate rata. I have regained my strength. and am now able to follow my tuna - occupation. 0.11. Walworth, Saco, Me., writes ern< rienced immeditte Tel ef frcm pain in the Ode by the mu tf your Pam EILL.F.U. • E. York. says - I have used your P.oißn.t.rn for rheumattem. Bartonand have received great benent. a Seaman says: - Have used . ON Amiss. for thirty years. a-d have found- it - a ser,riutting rerucdr for rheumatism and laments. . Mr. Ilurdttt writes It Nererja U . to give iN lief In rowel rhenmatiem. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes• Fr"m Paula to:e. I know your PAIN KILLER fn the best medicine I can get. All druggists keep_ PAIN KILLtI. 1t price Is so low that It, is within the reach of all, and it will save many times its cost is doctors' 6111 s. 28e., 50c. and $l.OO a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON,froprietors, Providence, R. I. THE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER COMPLAINT are oneasineßs and pain In the aide, sometimes pain in the shun der, and Is mistaken for thrums tism the Stomach Its affected with 101, of appetite and at ktie-s; , bowets, In general. c !dive_ some times alternating with lax : the bead Is troubled With pain. mid dull, heavy sensatlan : considerable Inca of - memory tri.ti painful vet.- ha• log left undone something which ought to. have, been done: often compltining of %cat:bras. debility and low spirits. Sometimes inanymf the above spilt.: tetra anew' the disease.'and at other limes very' few of thorn bin the I.lre s r is generally the organ most f ..vo.ved.- EEGULATE THE tiVER.; - AND- PREVENT. DveOpiala, Constipation, Jaundice, Unions Attacks, i . 6111s and never,. . Headache, Colic, Depression of Spirits, Sour obi nmaeh, Heart- • . bum-Piles, • "etc. Tonic.•Aiteratize and .ththartie: . • Simmons pver Regulator. purely vegetable, Is the medicine geaeratty used to the Souitilo arouse the torpid Liver to healthy action. • It wets with extraordinary ,power and -efficacy on the Liver and Kidneys! • - The action of th - e R• gulator is free from nausea or griping. It. Is most effective in starting the secretions of the Liver. Cabisinlz •the bile to act as a cathartic. •Wtien there is on exerss of bile In the Stomach. tit- Regulator Is an active purge t. after the removal of Dr, bile It wit! r gitlate t e bowels and impart vigor apt heath Mille whole system. See that sou get it eGenttin • In White R rapper, with red Z. prepar•ti only: by J. 11. Zell° & Co. Sold by all Druggists. ___ 111 E 'CHILDREN) MAGAZINE of AMERICA:, ST. NICHOLAS. Thls Illustrated magazlne for' young folks has now attained a elrennttlon larger,' probably. than that of any he' monthly magazine of Ito class. It his twen called •• a marvel of prrfeetlon. both as reidtrds Its Iltertrryeveellenee and ;Ls artistl t It." It was the flrst to give-to boys and girls the very best Must atlons tthrt could be had, and has earned the name of, • " Art !fig,usine." The greatest living writers ociE'arope and Amer Ica are among Its Distinguished Contributors : Charles Dudley. Warner, .Henry .W. L morel ow, John 0. Whirs itT, H.l H. Boy earn], - ri.tate Holm Bret Harte, oad Ham ilton, Thomas ilu,tes, Louisa Al. Alcor; Donald ,G. - Mitchell, Harriet, Pre . ticott- Spi.fl'ord. EltiabethStuatt Phelps, George MacDonald, waslonorton Gladden, The Goodal., SitUers ' Alfred - Tennys..n, Joh Hay, Clarence Cook, Rossiter Johnson, Susan Coolidge, Diiward'Egelestitn, Prof. R. A. Proctor, Christina 0. Rossetti, /tbs. A. D. T. Whitney,Triances Hodesou Burnett. Celia Thaxter, Marion Harland, T. HigOnson, Lucy Latcom, Noah Brooks, 'Author :of " Alice .in Wonder land." Mrs. Oliphant, T. B. Aldrich, and hundreds of others. ' What England Sziya of It. London" Daily News : " We wish we could. rite: sI llllla 'ninn'oWnpertodlh al literature." Inc Spectator: .1i Is the best of all chi.dren't tuagszusts.". Literary World : "There Is no magazine for the young that eau be said to equal iti" etc; etc, Brilliant Features -of The Coming Year Thieninth volume, which btqflne with the No• vetnber, /MN number, will contain a new I Serial• Story, . By . iMrs. Mary Mapes Dodge, :edltOr of ST. 51C1101.0% author of •• Han. Brinker. or. the Sliver .ssat.... '• etc. etc. A second serial story, fall or lively incident, . "'lll6 HooEier School Bov," By Edward Eggleston, author of ' , The 'Hoosier School•master," etc. A single article 6f universal Interest: "How Children Should Leirn By Richard Wagner. - • • tde eminent composer.. Two oilier .sertals, one dealing with campaign lire 1.. the tare war, and the other with Girt and 8.. y Life In the;i3.h centmy. Plays for Home mid &mem Embroidery for olrOt, Amateur Newspapers, Illustrated' rrscticat and Deecilptive l'ap , rs, A THCI , s on eporm, and The TreasureMoa of Literature will be among the fes tive' of this great v. lume. An Immense e.ittlun will be prtnte4 of the Christmas 'Number,. Which will he resAy st out DPeemlwr tat; Price 11.00 a yea 25 cents a number: Sobvilp tiourtak, n Cu! ina&zlnes emu I.y buok-seil len Ya mwardeM3 . r, 7erywhrne, or the publishers. Tux CEINTErity eO. Ilitios SWAMI, Nievr-lronic "farm and Saar, hold. There is no class - of . psople doing .1 as little for themselves in the way of social and 'business : diseussions: as. the farmers They isolate tbemsel yes too much. All know that a farm er after a hard . day's labor' in.. the field or barnis little incliried to en gage in _social or basiness. discuss lona, and the same inclination that world hinder' the meeting together or eanners in the busy Beason, is car ried into the more leisure season of the winter. It is true - the farmers work is never done. hut-for:the next Tew months the work will be of, a different character from that. of the summer season, and there .is leisure during the long evenings oi.the'win ter. This leisure should he 'employ= ed in reading 'and thinking out. the next years carnpaign. To this end the farmers of a neighborhood niay form a Club, and meet - once a week or once a fortnight to compare op. iniona, and to develop the 'best thought of the neighborhood on the , various topics that . present them:, 1-selies. Such meeting may be of an informal character, or there may he a regular organization, with a Presi dent and Secretary ; in any case they will be advantageous--to' those taking part in .them ; and. in order that. what is accomplished' may be presented to a large . i.trlience, the Secretary should tor Ward a sketch of the proceedings' for publication • in the newspapers. How to Properly Care for Horses. Thousands of people are entrusted ;with livery and•private horses every year who know as little about their dare as the man in the moon. it . a hbstler at a country inn stn.T. , !ests that they need eight or ten quarts of oats each; they will ray - 6 •Ycs,.aiye them all they want.": The hotoPr feeds four quarts or less,•and credit s.hon self wi Ii the remainder. At a re• rent ineetirvi of Partners= an expert. gptve them the followino• information that will be found valuable by all who own or driVe their own horses.: "The horse has the smallest stom ach in propoitiou to its size. of any animal. Fifteen: or sixteen quarts . is its utmost capacity. This space is completely;fiileil byi four quarts of oats and the saliva that goes into t h. stomach :with them. Horses are gen erally ore, fed and not: fed often un ough. For a horse with moderate work six or eight quarts of bruised oats and ten pounds of hay a day is suflicietv. This shout , ' be feti in at least three - weals and is l,ettter it fed in four. A horse's digestion .is very ,rapid, and therefore he - geta hungry sooner than a man: When he is inlitower he. is effective and wea - ts out rapidly. Water fills the stomach, lowers the! temperature and dilutes the gasti lc juice, - therefOre a horse should. nut drink immediately before eating .! Neitlier shoUld he be••.watered ina-` ; mediately after eating, because he ;; will drink top much and . force some of the contentsof the stoinach into the larger intestines, which- cause scouring - Scouring is also caused Iry too rapid eating. which Fan be prevent-- ed by putting half deiieu pebbles half ; the size of the first into the man ,, er) with tlis oats. Give only ,moder-; ate drink to a hor-e.- A lar ! .e drink d' cold water before • being . driven will' have - a very quieting effect on a nervous horse. -- A race horse always runs on an empty stomach.'.: Digest- ion progress moderately daritig ercise, if the were se is not lent as to exhaust: - the powers-of, the horse." THE GREAT Unfailing Spa:lE: FOR LIVER COMPLAINT. Notes on ihc.,.ard and Gatden Work. Weather pierlictions - as a general thing. have little v: lue, brit we fed quite safe; in predicting that how•- ever severq the winter may . he ; . trees, shrub's, woody vines not cutter to 'any ~great extent most , - (lisastrtitis a inter in- all our experience was that` of 1t3.3- -- . 4, when-,- , not only - oxoticQ, heretofOre regarded as perfectly ' hardy, were -kilied outright, but the common red cedar,' standing Where it had grown 0.-vr,' I'AI;.E.-, • One cup soot milk, for a century, was converted' into fuel. The wit ter - wak not one of Uri••i One clip ci s- hi wtti-(., we cop "olltlehl• a tabliiripi ii in tul : ini iiiizise. : i, a "small usual severetv, and. in lookinv for teaspoonful s?liii - : ; use tin 64rin.- 11 1:' a cause fur. this 'wide - spread destrue- . 2. Mix 1 . 111:VW:UM W:lt. vr :ihti o . o.lfleal tion.. itiwas fou - nd that there • hail proy iieitr ; I , ;r1 out. :1111..1.1L one.-iiiiar 7 . been no fall rain's •in _the Previon4 tvie4f an i n thick ; lia ke line sale autumn. The ground was:. so dry iin a - 'griilille, the 0! tier befiii e the that it could not supply -the demand of the trees for moisture, and these fire ; silt t;-taste. . .I f the reeii! is I,tt ' dried rather thrriq froze, to death. to " i'mg mix' d l'etnte baking it will irecoine §hOry.:or brittle. 3. . Sled: a Probably the Heil has not been, Willi - in the memory oLany now living, so 1 te""PflIol . nse:ii over 'night. that; it rniy swell, salt to t:is'e, brat don't thoroughly -deprived of moisture, as put,m4rowater than -the nrent will it was b . l the • &mall last 'summer. absorh, stir pith, a spo.in. IMO! You W hen the rains came, they only wet can mould withthe hands, iii-111 just th% Surface, but dog n below there was an om i nous .4 1 1 . 3 n i. ss ': w f ien _ enough I 'h at Ihiur to nilake the , meal rell,re to:iether, roll): with • a autumn set in, the usual autumn raina did not come, - and those who 'i' cling pin till the (1001-_ , li is a cpuirter .if i an. inch thick ;_ Cut, in forms anti had choice collection of trees were justly appreheLsive of a winter as. 2 - M " :e to ai l -even-mit ' ii > i ` tit- i ' \" a destructive as the one referred. tO. might say only 411- ivi' iheM tOt -i ' h ( "v do not need much biildrig; as the But early winter set all `right ; the int-al :lurslreva -already it iV-troolteil in cold held' oft but the rains came,- anti' copiotc-ily, and , Whatever el-e i a '- iiii; , may hi.ppin the 'trees. will not die .i:111 atteei , n i . derat iou. "('air_ v- Fi-gi .• from the Winterdroutli. Tliesi , min- I ","'P h . J ' a ' ' ' -01- ' -‘i " ' 4 ' e (*l i" - 1... 31 4" - sual season- have their-- compensa- 7' .i i .-7. 1 , q:" ." .,. t. t '''` rtilm : l " llli "!' " r ' l ' '' ' 1 . 1, till;;; eIIIIu Is wl:at int eyes h mi. !T.-• tions, and there has hardly been . J. 1 FN,R .'-' ' . I year within our recollection in which '--?, , , , so much spring work could" be anti- (44:ply T, p''.. i n,-. -17: t. cipated by doing it in : autumn vi • ''''', 5 - 1,.„r k.,.i Vt - . '-' „ t,..' ' ,'" early winter. As we write a', the , . 1,,..A-.'-'6 160 i , , : 1 beginning of the year, the land 5 in : 1 , 4 .4 l 'ialit i 6l better condition to-plow or' spad t -, _ . T "AIn:. 1- : 4 :U4Z. - .iiik i _ , . • ~:,' '„R. , than it is likely:to be in early sptina . -, . -- , 1 , -, ... i t ,and he is wisTe -who makes use Of _ .i every favorable day. • - ...* ,-, t, tii. • .p.... _ 1 „.;','....1,, ,-.i. z , s- `S t'” ---T-f<- - -Nt';:-'-X. 1 --,-----•—......e.....—.. " Greenhouse and Window Plants. E r-, -r- - - - - - ,,, - ,... , --f---NA ,f •- , --: •: - ''..4, - ,,,,=;„--„ii - If ..„1-7,--:--y -s;• - 1 '- .-'• i . :....' _ ----3 " - ..,.1p: :r . .1 , 1. - _,.•, ......' • . : . ,-_ ,--__-_,;•.. ~.., 4, .,.....,., i • A, s 4 : .....; 7 ~.. . 1 *., .....---`•-•:- .:0 . 7.:, : . ;N., f k :...... ' 4,.. : *Zi: -.- , ..e- . P : - 4 6" Z r• :). r .. -.l' 4"t'':.‘: 4 .7 . , ,,...,..... 4, ._. • .....,,....,,,, a . ~........4_, :, • -_. ..c, :c.. .• ...7 p,„,„% i i- d r i ....y. -1..- .EL I THEC R I LAT I - E 1 1,V •. IRd - r Lit Pig' ' The plants in-door 'should be - 'at their hest dorin'° this month. The. hulhs of the Narcissus. Ilyncinth, etc. may be brought from the cellar and forced into bloom A succession of flowers may he had -by sowing seeds of Mh.nonette, Catnip etc, The sand and boxes- for the propa gation- of the Verbenas, Ge ran n etc., will need .to 'be ;provided now. ' . Theiroportance of securing thorough ventila'ion for plants during cold weather should not be overlooks 1, and yet all undue exposure must be avoided. The leaving - ofWe - sasheS_ or window open for a half hour wh-li the temperature is too low will chill and injure the tender plants. There will very likely he trouble_ with-: the insects Toltaileo water sprinkied on kills the green fly,',washing with water drives away the red spider, the mealy bug must ,he picked off with a stick or the Lingers. Worms in the pdts are ritmoved- by turning out the bnll'of earth, when they may be easily seen. - Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Backache, Soreness of the Ches.:. Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and - Sealds,. General Bodily . - Pains, Tooth, Ear and :Headache, Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Prepaytton on earth equate FT. 34: n. .t , I a 3 a .r.r/.. ch,"_p . dy 1 eciil entails -lout coral , "..' POVERTY CAKE.—OOP ..int Of Milk i tiai) outlay •fJO fritt.i. 't even ' naincen Lau clitav and p,sit:ru ;z1 one teil , oonful of salerntuq, twit eggs. SIA , them just skiff enoottil L in Flece.n langnag , s., with Inditin meal to work 'I) o I it ). tOLD LY ALL DE.UCICISTz3 ArD and bo I the u ink hot fat: To split , . mrincirr. 170a",..1.1% . .13. CC., open sod eaLtn With litter. _visiti.moropard..-v• , Farmers' Clubs. Manure 'Under CloVer. :Professor • adagio 11 'says, in the Antericcin Agriculturist : '• Of course all the advantage of making mantrr;e in covered yards may be 'secured by box feeding,- with less outlay for roofing, -since' more spice: must Ibe allowed - fora given 'nurpher. of mals. turned . loose together - thaw when confined in:stall4; it is the.pro teetion.from rain ant sun, the abun (hint use orlltter ,and its thorough incerporation with the ex, rements; and the exclOsion of air by. eOrupact treading which go to Make the .upe. nor manure; all these features of the' `Method work. against the, JD'•fi .of Want' food. Nor tb , ei bok feeding and'eonstant.riccumulatioo under the f-et of the animals necessarily imply . offensive stalls. Mr. Lawrence. above quoted, _said that - everybody , miticeil thegeneral -sweetnes - 4 of his stalls; it i s only e s sential- that. enough litter he • used to absorb all liinit7s, ar,rl . tois• absorptio . n — lS more 'effeete j 1 if the straw is eut.ni). ttne me:lu 4 ,l or _. anothO'l 'b ox feeding or sou re,l yards, 'should by every_ firnier4wHie lives Where manure I-, .srf,tll l sa'ring,.; and who finds hi nisei f corn pelt( ti supplement his -s , able m thure with commercial fertiliz-r4. Stable- ma nure mtiat not be lost sight of, • in • this inereasing interest in the-e con- Centrated fe'rtilize's. for we produce our crop-, and have e ti c itu t i for ourselv_esiind other;; withf , ut, it s aid ;* and there is . nothing. in list of corernereial mixtures gives so good an average reti - fflf fw. the money invested in it ; as stal.! manure." : • • House Plants fir Winter The, fon , rwirr in, re;z i ard to earinLr for house ;Plants in .. % i ilt!.r, Will Ootilit-_ . less inte'rest. those or our Indy ', ad. ers who •:tre fond of indoor tliruhl,t,_ -ry i Th6le are two witlr t s- kveping thign, espt eially ir:ze' Fi Pl . it., (inc , id to take thenfitt i -ra the t i i . arti, i•ate-.. full}-'wt as riot to: bre'.d:- tin. , 0.,,,t,. ; Shake 41tr 'the 10-se eallir, i l and ha n'r - them in a eellat. where - they: wid 1,._ wartn and (Iry unlit the 4r.n:r..wlitil they can he piani.. ti' -- out. I Till! C.)tllti . •is to bury the roots in thkn earth. set . their) where fitev ir,ill I“.. ; -, salt! tent frosts, and wNter: tlivri?eritsionally. Ilan - win! baskets; are ,vt.r , : niee,• tv: they eau he stili , .nfit-ti frritri 1..1 , e tup.4 of rOritioAs and ! are enit:di ly ou7, of • the way. -4Vire - brat:k.titl and windo - w . &Ivlves tire vt.:l)*. ronvtnient- in the -winter liir plants that re quire the sunshine.. Ivies or all himts -need - warmth, and xv:ill DOt . ll-ve in the eel la-r, so they need clktin_ bark when _brought, int . () the house. “reat pains sliOnl 7 l-, be taki-ti ho lit/et) ail inseiA , .3 off the plants. asjt.ibr , y . wilt never th.riYe if inft:sts-d ;.with .them. Fre quent wieshii4 is 1(w/surest preven t:l:vet a .pinch- (ft itiphur buried in , each erOek %),- ill fhe 1p to eater- ; minute insects and- loil any worms ; that' inay,_.l.e in Alie le at tin. ‘ A little i smiphur burnt d in the r ; .tting-ritorn is i bent licial ti; plant, health ,•,:s it is .tr.,( '., animal heldth, andlo l ,-ti;t, to h e :it- 1 tende,l to oecasnin7iii,a.-, ii destro% s l i all futygi , , ~trowtlivion walls or plant: ~, ', roOts.' anti render . the atinospinei-4 pure. Care twist/ he taka ii, not 10 wet the plants • j o,t titint:n. Iltli4- j tropes, lilie.s awl ivies require n,onfe.. think than ativ 0001- ton-e1,111t, 7? ih yezto l t.. 7•1•2 I.) • V.) , 1% I'l:. I la . : ; 1) , .1.)47 v... , kill•Z itri - '1: I.i. - 1 - Zi 1).44.); & t - ;,.. 1 1-0 Bawl ,%. St r,er ,c's:ew. . yuCk. ).4.11•I rr i 1 1 . . . i -I/ 7 ,_their Ca1)1.. , W)). %II:. i ii.. po I neliiill, 1 •-) is: I';• 1 1 . - • - ' -• .....111,...- •••• - I ' I -• Hints for 'HousekeePers.- I . 1 . - ~BEiiii,niNii l i icrultE Fr.:t)ir_sj-- Get":l h 0,31- oil 1 D.1.! , pain - r . takp a satire ilk!' and . inix up a little ;ft a _ time, for it i- iii two bottles. and . ap -1 ply \t'ith,a small paint, brush. .Itjw ill cost 65 cents - aini will rvi , ild' a - jinn:. ber. • • ' . . I'upDING.-1310q.;r a niould tbickly 'and fill it three p•irq.:' full with suu,ll sponlse so:II:v(111bl°' With %tine ; Lill up rhe mOuld wilt!: a rich cold cu , tatrl. Ellitter; . 10:10, and put on the mould : then it - re troured cloth lover IL quitE. boil iy au b(,rtt. 'furl! out 1114.1 :purl t'arefolly, and potli custard ovelj,• it lir, bake it,' to,ii servt sine - sauce ilb,ttad Uf ens' aril. IMI LIME RIiEUMATISE .1.'40.11.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers