exit g,tp3tta CitAS. N. ALpsx, CDITOR Tosvanda, Pa., Feb. 2, 1882 NNTEREDIN TIIII: PoSTOFfICE AT TOWANDA AS MAIL MAT•TRR IMCOND CLASS. LOCAL . AND GENERAL. NOT as cold as it was last-week. Tun small-pox scare has entirely sub sided. , THE Troy Register is soon to be en larg. d. DID you securo your ice before the break-up? POMONA Grange meets in this place to-day, Thursday. • • THE total indebtedness :of the County is less than $4.5,000. DEALERS are receiving their ; stock o garden seeds already. CTIATLLEB A, Sayles has been re-appoint. ed Post-31astr at. Troy. ME revival tneetinks at the Ilaptis Church are still continued. TYPHOID fever prevails to a considera ble degree in *illimnsport. Tut: weather was , varied ettougu last sietk t • suit almost, ally' oue. AN effort is being put forth to organizt a Temperance So \ ciety at'Leona. IN a few wt:eks the Canton Sentine trill Itidulge itself in a new press. TILE siring elobtion draws nick. Who is going to fix up the borough ticket° .Tons H. GRANT, is making some quite .e.:itenhive repairs to his residence in Tiny. ilLnna CnowL, of Alba, ioq, a fine borso with pink-eye last week, valued at ,j2no. DIPHTHERIA is quite prevalent =dna the children in the neighborhood of Fas- QM =I No new cases of'small-pox in this place, and those who have the disease couva- !scing B. F. SHATTUCK, ot.East Trny, has sold his . stdre to Joseph v• A. Ball .and -Robert • . Saddler. • AN entertainment for the benefit of the Ladies Aid Society of this place is talked of. - GRIFFIN << GREF.N, Of Green's - Lan.ding. are get Ting: in a large stock of logiat • their mill. lanN. M ontt will bnild a neat and • , convenient resiileuce at Green's Landing next spring IT costs hut abut 22 cents per ilay to maintain each one of the inmates at the County House. CtIMMERCI4I, Mnsici!‘n the new name fin-a ilyntnm..i: They have so - Much chin- TD;v:ic- you knowi IT is not an oriainaf v'einark, hut. it is nevertheless a true .tie, that this is.a, re markatAe , == Brothers Tracy now oc cum- the Kellum mock as a Boot and Sfioe Manufactory SotfTn Creek has '.Qt. the mumps, or rather a tzoM many penple over there are troubled in that way. A GANG of railroad men are tearing away the abutments of the old dam in the Chemung river, at Atbens. T. W. IRVINE, of Liberty Corners, has just received another invoice of Oue Hun= Bred Syracuse Chilled. Plows. THE donation held at the Presbyferian Parst.na ,, e, valusing, Thu rsday evening, b..on ,, ht.dowitde CrAft $1•20. I )11 , s JE;k:NIF: DENVETI will entertain the 31n , ical SOciety thbi (Thursday) 'morning at 11 o'clock. Scale D minor. - reaular semi-aanntal examination of tl e several departmen , saif the Graded S . Aool is being had this weer. SyvEltAT: - additional moulders have re cently been added working force of the Eureka Mower Works. I= IT is rumored that S. M. BrOWI) is to atriin become " Mite host" of the Inter national Hotel, on or about April Ist. GEOTIGE W. Ross, of Wetnna, cut his foot very hadly tone'day last wtek, while encae.ed in chopping in the woods near that place. A SCAMP selling a patent wagim tongue, and liking a glib tongue to do.it. is swin dling farmers in neighboring counties. Look out for him. THE. river has.beili quite high for a few da)s past, and the ice that John Adams expoctM to store to his enlarged ice house has voile oceanward I'EopLE who to toi evival, services for the purpose of the actions of Wllers would do much more good to them : Ivcs the church ; by slaying away; REV. C. H. Wright will lecture at ( . ;i-an:ze Hall, in :North Towanda, this Wednesday even;n , , for the bens fit. of thi. North Tots anda Sunday School li-, brary. .741,s Lydia 0. Matney, organist of the Pieshytel:'ian chtitAt at East Canton, 'vas ese fired with a handsome stun of money by the congtegatton ()Ulm chorea re cian ly. I'. IT. IT. IlorrstAN, Esq . , of Troy. has Fttlt in hi* resignation. ThiS will nrmke it necessary to elect a new Justice of • the Peace for that Borough, at the. election this month. • AT )Icln . tyrb, - onedaylast week, a child limed Good, aged between two and thre. Yvars, fell into bucket of hot Rater and Ns - 2 , so severely sealdcd that it died Mon- day moining Misoit IiF.GnoFO, Athnns, hiul a foot badly injured, on Wednesday of last week, by a heavy chunk 01- ice falling lip in it, which be wasasisting-in loading on to a wagon Tr:, Enteriirise NI an u fact u dna' Com pa shops at Troy have resumed opera tions. after a brief stoPpage to repair the: engine that furnishes the motive power for the WorkK ' fur. ITboill ;11 Merrur Block formerly ( :e , upier: by tile- Posi Offiee, an 1 fill ' erl uo prepmoray to its oc clipaney by Major e. P. Crusts as a Bunk and Stationery Store. Tim man who dos the Local on the Moht rose I:ern rd swine a pointed and Irorletkr Faber We do not know him but. we venture the prediction that tLern is y tattir9 ham bier. - • Jour Musts has doubled the capacity I A DlSTlROtttliaari, physician advoc.afes of his i ce house in North Tea itudA, by the eunst.ruett.►n of dwellings without cel. building an addition to it Ha eX a *Ota Tars; conteuditie that , they permeate the to store twice the amount, of ice this sea. atmosphere aboie with noxious' smells Os n than iu ny previous season. that make 'the sySteni open to every tytie of disease; especially _ those of a contagi ous nature. -.lf there are cellars, ample, ventilation will remedy • the evil effects, provided no refuse matter- is suffered to remain. THE minstrel entertainment at Merenr Hall, Friday evening, for the benefit of Mantua Hook and Ladder Company, drew a large house, and added quite a snug sum to the Company's treasury. WE are in receipt of a book entitled : "Every one his own Piauo Tuner." Now if some ode will be kind enough .to send us a Piano,. we will give the Directions in the E,.iok a thorough and exhaustive trial. W. H. SNEDt KEII, wbose steam saw mill at Seedeker's station was biiineti some months ago, has it rebuilt and•busl ly running. The new building is- larger in appearance and more - substantial than be old one. THE printers employed on the Elmira Gazette and Free Press,• struck for an ad vance in wages last week. The proprie tors refused to concede the advance de manded, and: the printers are indulging in a holiday. WE expect to lay the Auditors' Report of the county ftuauces before our readers in oar issue of next week. The state ment will be considerably longer- and much more conapiehensive than those pub.ished in previous years. THE Eoiscop.tl Mi e Society wadheld at . the _residence Of J. A. Means, Poplar stre e t, M,!tiday evening.. The "mites" aggregated $11.22. The next "Mite" will be held at the residence of. C. 1 1 3. Welles, Monday' evening next. Alit. P. TUBACH, of Dushore,. has . prr chased tlr•water power and privileges Of the'old mid site near P. - Wentzell's, in Cherry township, a few miles fr..m Du shore, a. d will ereet-a furniture mainufae tory at that place next spring.- TnE annual meeting of the Bradford county SoMety for the elect km of officers, will be held in . Towanda, in Mermr Mall, on Monday, Feb. oth 1882, - -at one o'clock F. M., • _ J. AI.:DREW WILT, Secy . . - DONATION.—There will donition for the Rev. H. J. Millard at Warren renter, in thr . , rooms of Yatlian Pitcher's Nhop pu the afternoon and ; evening of Feb. Blh, 18.!3:?.. All are-cordially invited. By older of Co.t.airrEE. THE next session .if the Northern Dis trict Convention of Good. Tenvida.rs- wil! he held at North .Orwell, Tuesday anti Wednesday, Feint:try 28th and ;March Ist. ; P. McNptNFY,. •• Ulster, January 30,.1M82: ' D. S. Ttte following:nq ice has recently beci. . ssued referener to visiting the County Jail ; Visitors admitted to the Jail rue:- lays. TLursdays and Saturdays. frotu 2 33% tit. All articles and packaces lonians to be deposited with the tu Like). AN attempt wat. made to burglarize thi residence, of Mrs. VANSITKLE, Cent,. street, Canton, one night las. week. their efforts to pry . .,pen the shuttersiand dour the family aaakened anti. the settml tirela imtk . Iright.and madeltheir.eseape Tins is the . c.ason of the Year when the hand of Plenty sealers the . 114wers Charity along th'e path of A'ant.-13nAn FORD Rt.:rot:TEß. - Spell it l'"Flour!' we are with you.— 11 - arerly Adyncale. All right, Kinney, we aceeP. your: amend ment. • IF.we baye said anytlOng in our recem controversy with the Messrs. Van Gelder, of the Leßaysville Advertiser, that has not pleased them, we. cheerfully forgiv. them. We have no wish for them sav that they may be prosperous, vietuom arid happy.- SAy'§ the Troy Ga,e.t" te : "Two men. tdwail liangely and his father and then families. lately c l pnie from England, hay. bointlit the. Troy Woolen Paetory from J W. Stitt. for $8 000, payinit $3.500 dovi n. they will probably improve the propert' sinewbat." ON the• recommend:glop .of Collectm Chas?, Deputy ('(,►iretor Districl has bt;en divided, Suu-iplehanna Wyoming County?: hare. 644) . 4n :tile into t. District, and C.. Kentner of Me. hoopany, has• been commissioned as Deputy therefor. . .04c.tit Wilde defines astheticistn as. "the scit-nce of the beautiful ;'.! in othel words, the art of detecting beauty whet( there is naught but ale.oluto lack of it Oscar, you just wait • until you have au opportunity to behold a - ,Way . erly and then see what becorneVifyour science. THE frie•tds "f Rev. D. Cook,will make him a donation viiit at the Parsonage, it Mertyall, on . Tuesday, February 7th. There will be an cute' taintneut given it. tilt. Church in connection with :the -Dmea don, a special feature of which will h. readings and.recitations by F. Hillis . The entertainment will begin at 7:30 P. itt., sharp; . , THE ..4dri7rtiser's Troy correspondent "writes that. paper• - aye todoers : "The f,,r the defendants in the Mann l ease F. F. Drake, and assistant, A. Moigan. are making ail the necessary preparations for the. coming trial next yoonth, and in all tirobabilities, some surprising, fac' disclosed that ttiill cause unusual excitement."• WILLIAM SKIN:VP:IL a yOnne - n - Pan. fron Waverly. 4n the employ of 41 1 6 N. Y.. 4 & W. Railroad at Wr ThmsdaY . feli from the bridge at that point to the ie. below, a distance of eighteen feet, euttin.. and bruising his head badly and'sprainini : his ankle. The only wonder is thatJu eas not killed. He was taken to his home in Waverly. SAYS the Leßacsville Adrertiser of las• week : On Thursday . afternoon -last Henry Fold was ellopping - swood. in the, woods on , SOuth Creek, a Unit) fell from a tree, striking him on the head, knockinvi him to di.. ground senseless and fraciur.. ea his skull. Dr. Chaffee was called ano dressed the wound, and it is said the patient•is in a fair Way to recover. SATs the. Troy Ref/biter of last week : Quyi S. Ballard and• A. ; G. BaSter. of the Pisgah Praying Band; who have been at Mecklenburg,. N. Y.,- have re turned to Binghamton, N Y., and art conduel lug revivai'meetings Forty eon. .versions was the result of the work a' )leekleaburg,.and s ono hundred were veiled on then first visit to Binghamton." CITAHLES WEsienriox, of ftidgbuty, met. with i4etimis accident 04 day ie. cently while skidding logs on , a sid e bill, lie was mote lower side of the log, *len suddenly the chain became detached iand the log rolled upon him, breaking hia'leg above_ the ankle: Dr. Ke3es,of Orcittt reek, set the broken limb, and ,the pa. tient. is as 6rnfortable as could be expect ed.. Mr. Westbrook Is-upwards of 4107 yam of mylio, • • ', AT the attniml nicking of the Ladits' Benevolent Smiety, held .on 'Wednesday atternoon of last seek, the fullowim. °Milers we. a elected for the current year : President—Mrs. 0 A. Baldwin. 'rota • Presidepts—Mrs. J. F. Corset, Mrs. W. B. Donge, Mrs. S. P. Whitcomb, Mrs. C. T. Haihwell. - - • Seeretary—Mrs. 0. D. Kinney. Treasurer—Mrs. d. Woodford. MRS. GEORGE FRAUcK, who has * for _many long years collected ,the oils at the SinVehanna bridge and had general cliar h of the property belonging to the company, has giVen up ber position, and George Parsons bait .been appointed in her place. No . cotiv;anY, has ever isissess ed a more upright, f , ithful agent than Mrs. Hulick has been, and but for her present feeble condition she would still . hold the position, as the stockholders, Without an exception, speak.in the. high est terms of he,.-4thens Gazette. JoaNPETEttsoii;roprietor of the Cen tral Meat Market, net :with a Painful aecident on` Tburstiar afternoon. He was assisting in:drawing, in ice, and while going tcitlio river to load up, by way of the old academy green; the sled tilted to one side while going doknilie.river bank, and in order to keep fr. , m S i liding off the seat lie put out his right hand against the batik, which-ho repeated 'several times,' nut the strain finally hecrine too ;heavy and his anti . gave way just 'above the wrist. It is quite a misfortune to; John'. GazettP. W. A. Wt.xin, of East Smithfield; has returned fri'an Canada=-with three South down yearling ewes, which were brOught front England last August into Canada, where they have been quite sueeessful iii the show ring, taking the second prize et the Toroiito Industrial Exhibition, showing against seventeen pens in their distinctive class. They were . shown live times•taking one 11rst and foitr second prizes, showing, againgt, eight Of the best. breeding and imporrers in the Do. ••• So it is Opposed there is.but on e pen left in Canhda their superior of he same age, 'and they were • imported at the same time araLowned by the same man. TUE Athens G‘hilte's Sayre correspond. unite- date'of the 25111 ult.; watch t.!at paper as to 4 .ws: "Saturda‘4 morn- ing la4t two well dressed dead beats fro m Dopot —William ShiOds and Colin Quinn—called at 'Butler's restau ant and ordered breakfast. After eating, !-Iley succeeded in stealing a quantity of _Art: and tobacco, anti then left. lint- r missed his_ goods; found. they Here "vitig away cigars Very freei% ; had them wrested, and tried heroic Esquire Ed minster,- ot South Waverly ; found guilty, :1141 iu the.starn of fifty. dollars 4 ach, def,tuit of which thd'y IVere sent to To wanda jail." ' . At.Tnounn Athens is situated' Get ween ;an rivets naret ng the village, a water company has been ( formed to fur; 'fish her citizens with water through reg- olar ci!). appliances.- The improvements in that section of Brarfford County are of permanent nature, wh ch is building up thriving town, that •p °rinses: tai be an important railroad centre, with Sayro as he chief toWn. A son of the late' Asa. Packei:lias built a -palatial home there, milifavors it as an industrial station of he Lehigh ltiilroad. There area lionber of shops alrtiatly in operation and •o hers bo eroeted in the mar future. I'ne last census inaile the increase in Ath. us town-hip more than triple within ten •ears.— insip.rt TIIE . foMw ing members of Keystone No. 754; P. of 11., were. installed o- 1882: • .3faster—E. C. KETCTIAM. Ore , Reei—A. Steward—Y. El DARROW. :Issixtant Stemard—L I). Cor.r.. P: 11. DARROW., Treasu.er--.1. 11. A VERA. Lecturer- 7 -G. 11. REY.Nol.ros._ • Sec. etary--W . %V. COLE. /hate-Keeperf—W If 1.1.1 AM BATES..„„ Ce , ys—Mrs. C. B. Al' Lan: P. ; lo , ll—Mrs. G. R LYN OLDS.' POMO rs. S. A. A 11:11S. • . Assistant strward—Mrs.. T. H. AYL4)H.. Purchasing Agent—C. B. TAYLOR. Tilts year the February elections: will .ave the double interest. o affording boteitgli and townships the oppor unity to Once good men (Republicans, if course, in •the inrge rw•joiity those ztv.es) in charge of their local affairs, and tf enat lin t , the party to begin' its prim try movements to secure that, complete .rganizatiun necessary for the great strng- le that is to' come off - in November of 882,. Tuesday . of February, which will . OM the 21st or the month. Thia shoal. ~“,v near the time is, and how sharp the •outeA will be in every part of the. State, ill of which will be for the good of the tepublicia party, as it thrives always iletter in a spirited and thoroughly con: listed eleminif than it does in one that. is ime and aindess. .SAYS the Tonktiannock Ropubl Ica n ! .,t. week : "On Wedne,day a 'package %16:4 received at the Repubfiranoffice fioM dr. Benjamin Vanehn, marked "211 Oil .nil, from 1,1 ell `O. 1 at. Noitti Branch,": it Was taken from a .depth of, probably 1.300 feet, and gives strong indications ha - oil will be found. It is 014110,1 a that , i 1 I be found in. he 3d-.sand, which is '17.11 all y found about 300 feet below the 2d -and; though it may be necessary to go k,omewhat deeper. The stockholders of the oil Company feel bonlident, and will jve y the matter a goof' test - , and from the present outlook we shall not he surpriked to see Wyoming Colinty - become an ex ,ensive-oilcountry, with more wells than !• Well No. 1, at North Branch." Tun Loan Exhibitiongat tl-e‘ M. E; Church, at Tunklialineck, that :ciininn n -es on Wednesday of this week, to con. inue eight days, promises to he a great -access. The ladies have s'parett no pains in decoratitig,.and the room appears like a fairy scene, with its fountain, singing birds a great variety of novel, antique, beantitul and costly exhibits - The won. 4rful chic: made by Mr. McGlynn,•a mi r, with • its ples9tuation of fifty-three moving figures; representing apostles. Continental soldiers, Preside is of the United States, Peter, Satan, and tue Sa vior, and Molly Pitcher with her c innon, occupies a prominent position ; but the -greatest curiosity is a stuffed- calf - with two prefect ,heads. A New Fah.tlanil 801 , per Willi)e wren on- the first two oven taw Tan divining bowie of_Jaeob Patterson NertnTosvantia, together with all the cantatas, was destroyed by -llre on• t3atur-: diy evenrng. The family 'were absent at the time The.fire supposed to have s originated froth a smoke house, in which'. a number of hams were being smoked. Tun hotel in Rome borough,- owitul awl occupied by 11. C. Smith, was de: troy ed by : fire Monday morning last . . Mr. and Mrs. Smith were absent a. the time, the house being in cheroot the servants. A portion of the contents were saved. -We understand there is a small insurance on the burned building and contents. THE following letter will explain itself : LANCASTER Pa., Jan, 27th, 1882 To TIM Enrron. Dear Sir : Theidisi astrous fire of last' bight has destroyed everything in the . large office 'at -which Tho Penny/1044i &Anal Journa t is print:. ed. The loss in plates, paper, oto., to. the J ?mita is also heavy for such a pub lication. • :The - IFebruary number :Was nearly ready for! mailing. .3got a line of type is leftcand everything must be rese', - made up-and reprinted,. which willcause delay of some weeks, ! Will you please" explain to your readers. in a brief pm .graph the cause of this delay, and. ask their-indulgence for a time; until wo are' fitirly "out of the fire" and again on oni feet. Yours truly, PEOPLE who live propeilytake rea sonable care of themselves ns to expogur, clothing . and dik, and keep their sur roundings cleauHsvill find aboist'as much cause for alarm in the - presence of many the ,liseases as they need -to have in that of Small-pox. Tr, is - not in anyway sensible to depreciate the cuntagit , us char- . acter. of small-pox. It is a scourge befot'e which- all communities stand appalled, but the - re am many other disease to which fl.-sh is h . eir equally as destruc,ive though not as loathsome: The man fa woman who takes care of his or nor healti, always has ast eki on, always is prepared to nicet any disease, while _the people who live in squalor and persist in i ractices of dissipation and debauchery are- liable to all a tits of death-dealing diseases, which are_devouring t , :eirvii:iims annual ly. The great east ntial • protection cleatiliness and temperance. " The man and roman who lives within theie pre cincts is always quarantined against all diseases. THE North 'rowan la correspondent of the Sunday Tidings futnislted that impel wit.h;the following for its issue of Sun & strange case of kidnapping SIM took place in our quiet villaie • on Satinr day evening .Au adopted sou ni John Alloway was enticed by his play mate, Bert . Rockwell, who was bribe,' by two women to get the boy into' a cut ter to . -go and take a sleigh ride with them. After the 130;1 , 1 was taken int. the cutter one of the women asked him a he did not want to drive, to which h. said he. would. While he was driven: one of tinnwornen took a veil and stuff,al it into his Mouth to stop hi scremning, while the other tied him to' the bottom f the sleigh The boy. not - .retuiliin • lame as usual canal d an iety on the par: :f the nio , lie4,• wile went out to . see wha• had become ; of her boy.- Meeting th. Hock Well boy he told her the above story. '• They at oficT;started in- pursuit of th. .boy, and at the present; writing no cite 0: been got of the boy with the excep Lion that they think lie is secreted near WaVerly. Sn-rcion points .to a wo man who deserted him while a babe, she being of a doubtful character and lives near the above place. 7 PERSONAL —Mrs. .Tatnes . Shaut is visiting friends at t'anisteo, N. Y. —Mrs. Judson Holcomb" is visiting in Vi.shingtoe, D. C. 'L-51r..aud Mes.. Olio Frisbie are reeeiv, ing congratnlationc. Boy. —Mis. !)odor Taylor has been quite . serionsly ill. for sev'eraialays. past. , e Morrow and Hon. W. - T., Da vies, visited Washington lak; week. • —Fay H. Pierce; of Leßaysville, is visiting friends =in Baltimore, Md., —Mr. John E. Da3iton and wife, of Williamsport, are visiting faimuls in this place. - • —Sheriff Horton has sal far recovered 'from his recent illness; as to. be able to • ride out. —Mr. C. L. - Scott, of this' plaCe, bas taken a posit on in the Larrance shops at Elmira. . „ —Mrs. M. C. Morcur hag- returned home from a pleasant visit to friends 'in New York. . • —Mr. J. F. Moran, of South Creek. will soon remove 'from that !town to Springfield. • —Mrs. Jane M. Warner, of . Leßays7ille, Pa:, is spending the Winter in tosvn. Owe - go Timex. • 11. Morris„ of Leßaysville, Who "went-west" last spring, - returned to Le • • ; Haysville last week: C. Men ur, who has been confined lo,his residence for the-pi has Iwo weeks by i is convalescent. —fl. M.. Ferguson, Ste'ward at the Poor !louse. died on Tuesday night of last week, of typhoid fever. —Mrs. J. Fl., Burr, or West 'Warren. who has been seriously-. ill for several weeks past, is now convalescent: A:.Lii.Ment, of East Troy, is recovering slowly from the effectS of the stroke of paralysis' received some time —Theo. Smith, foreman of the Repub liian °front, _Montrose, ;was among• th agreeable callers:" at our sanctum, on d:iy last. T Strait, who reinoved from Can ton t.o• Burlingame, Kansas, about a year ago, died at that place on tho• 17th ul'., .a.g..41 G$ yaars. , • 1•, —lt is said that Sainuel . Wheeler, of South Creek, who for thri rat seven or eight years has been blind, is gradually recovering his sight. —Oscar,Murphy, a prominent citizen and extensi cfarmer of . owatontia, nogola, madle;ashort visit to friends in nne a short time 'ago. t ' --John IC Lewis, of Leßaysville, who is been prostrated, for several weeks past by an attack of typhoid fever, is slowly recliinitur his health, _ V. E. PioPet, Or Wysix, has been appointed by Cloy. Hayti, a deleLtate to the National Airricultural Society which meets in New York this week. L. • Wa.liniztlin correspondent to the Philadelphia Times mentions Hon. Joseph Powell. or this county. in con nection with the Democratic nomination for Governor. , —Mrs. Sarah Gleason died at the resi deuce of her : son, Leßoy Gleasion„ on; Thursday morning last. She was :6 ye:ira of aze and suff4ed no illness whatever ; the lump of liteltad siniply burned 'out.— Canton f i Onfinet. 2.71 h. . IT. Buck, accompanied by_ Mrs. Thos. Stone, started on• Monday last for Illinois, expecting to be absent about 7mekuit .1187 will take . a number of plaoeo the west WON, re; Advertiser. • F4016i IKu i ley , .of this plane; will lecinre at. Bt. MaWe Church, Wilkes,: bane, on Bundity. evening , next, under I the . ausPies.of rather .Mithewslooleties of Bt.Mari'al'ariat. He ; will , alai) - lecture 011MandaY evening at -Plymouth, and Ttiesday.ittenhig 'at •- Sugar- . Notch. . • tau Monday. evening, the. 30th inst., 'Charles Felton celebrated the anniversary of his 20ili birthday, by giving a: very pleasant party to a few of bia.frienda at the residence of his mother, on - State . street. All unite in saying that they had . one of the best times of the season, 'and : in giving Charley their best wishes: .—Myron Frishie. of Asylum, has been appointed night policeof this .boiciuuti,• and becomes waning us recommended by such men as Rev. David Craft, of Wyalu 7 sing, Merriam Brothers, of Waverly, and many prominent men of Towanda. His personal appearance indicates:that he will not be *aid to do his duty.- , ;-Athens • -b-Says the n ellsborocortyspondent of the Elmira- AdnerliAer : "Mr. H. F. MaiSh, One,,of our popular yoptig• attor neys; has tiotglit an interest ie .theHitith iFoati:Beroterstn, of Towanda, Pa., -anti will Make the profession . Of - journalism his, and T4wanda his home. Success to him. • Btadfold County gains as pod II citizen as w., could send her." —Howard F. Marsh, EA , last week much:used a half : inter . est in the .Towandt, RkronTEn. We are sorry to lose M. Marsh from this botough; but we att. •2lad.to knowohat he Mounts the editorial • ripod 'of So substantial af journal as the REPORTER. his friends will wish hint abu.-dantsUccess in his thosten fleld.of la hot. He - Will deserve Wellstioro. tater. J. P. MeeAsKEY. --Judson Holcomb; Eetj. , .Chairman o! tlrelateßepublicait County- Convent' .. .as appointed our townp.mati, Vir; J. Young. Esq:', Chairman •of the Republh, can County. Committee for-the current year. The appointment is an excellent one, and will he received withsatiWactien throughout the county. "Mr. Young is-au active, earnest worker, an excellent• or ganizer, and a thoroughbred Republican. .[f our - Democratic fri4nds anticipate any tioys play in the conduct of the Repuhli can campaign in this county during Ate . °militia canvass, they are certain to be , •onie heirs Co a large Aniounti of di4- point ment.. • . —Harbrit; Hine, who bad been nick for 4 little. over • a week, died on 'riest* afternoon of peneumtmia, aged abet] , hirty.nine years. He WAR -buried of I ..Vednesdity afro' noon with Masonic hon• he having been an honored • membe, Rural amity Lodge, No. 70, of this . Mr. Hine has been- engaged he sewing machine business for a num ber of yearn pant, and was sellim naellines throughout this section, ant About nine days before he died bo : Wen .nn. in the country-to attend to some nutt tern conem ning. his business and took .; .eere cold, having been up to this time excelient health.' The attack was -severe that he'.criuhl no longer be up ; loctor was at once e.dled, -and he sow • tr,.t , an 10 mend, And was considered on if dangpr ; but on Friday he rapidle zrew wori4e i and, ' although he had tbi hest of care and medical attention, In was beyond recovery. Harlow diner ..vas an honest; uptight man, respeett.ti by all-who knew hint. He was a faitfi rid member of the M. E. Church and an •!.arnest. Christian: His i<3B will be deep tylelt iu 'this commuuity.—Athens Ga. . • —Mrs. Eliza Russell, a notice of wilt* llness appeared in the I?eriem, .Saturda luirniteg, peacefuly passed away Sunda: eviLi , nin about seven o' lock. The f eclsed Was born in . Hartford, Connect'. Cut, where she resided:until her inarriagi with Julius' Russell, in 1833,' , when th, young married couple took up theiabode in Windham, this county, where the:. -ontinued to reside until the death of Mi. Russell iii 1 . 808, since, which time Russell has lived with her chlidien:\ Si was a lady of remarkable vigor and act iv.. ity, and unusualty bright intellect. Slo, ietained her faculties up to the time et her death, the immediate cause of was paralysis. She leaves'twosn--s, 1.4 n is Ruissell,. of Windham, who occupies the old homestead, and Hon. C. S. Russell,. with- whom she was living -at the time ot her demise. Wiien the s.:mmons cans to her she was engiiged in a labor of love for one of her nephews, as' she never pei witted herseirto be idle. Mrs. Russell was in her 85th ye:W.—lien/etc. • There will be an Oyster ,Supper at th• Kellogg Hotel; in New Albany, -on Wed nesday evening, February Btt, for benefit of Swart Post, No. 72, G. A.. R. BTU si.oo .per couple. ExtenSive prepa rations are beim:, made, and -a good timi anticipated. The invitation" is extemle• to all. Do not fail to come and rest:::as mired that you wail not ievetyour tiro. or money. - By order or Committee./: C. L. S: C. Tne next meeting of 5..0 will be IA1(1 at the residence •A. Fehrtuny 3d; at 7 o'cllf: M. The week of the eveninit will be view of " Qiiacketihos''Aticiopt Litern turn" from i•a , .te 221 to 262 . ; also, th. qMistions amt answMs..on ancient tare, from No. 110 25, inclusive, as con tained in Feln.o try ? number of fr/oruiitu giton, page 296. Essays will be read of subjetts connected with the lesson. Th. Inuetin.s of the.eirele have been i , o inter tj,kt i that members need 'nit tit : gine; to b. present. Ally who may wish to leat. lioniething more of •the aims and object• o r the C. L. S.•C:, are cortii-lly invited t(. . . attend. One . of the ,most pleas:tut:gatherings 0. Vitt season was convened at the , residenet IltMjamin Inman, on Laurel 11111. South `Creek, Monday, January l3d; the occa sion Icing thpliftietb anniversary cf wedding day' • A large number .of r01a.% tlVen and friends were ipresent.. Of tin family of six children, all •were present hilt one-.-,two of whom came teem low:. to attend. After so many yew:l; of wed. tied life; wetittd. Mr: rind Mrs. Inman hale and hearty--4ho two who officiated as bridesmaid and groornsMan at,- the wer , - ding years ago were present. The bride and groom wore' the recipien.s of many handsome presents, among which were a handsome ring' and chain .fron• their son, Arthur Inman, of lowa.. Qu'te_ an amount of silver-ware was' noticeable.. such as castor, -butter-dish, spoons, etc., besides table linen - and many more, *lick were by far too nunieroni' ttirtnent ion. Therewere seventy:live gut sts .pros, nt. A sumer anus tepast was furnished, which did honor to the occasion, alter which came, the separation. Af er congratulat ing the bride and groom, and wishing them-much-ease and comfort as they pour bairn in•hand through the' remainder of life's journey the gargte took their depar ture for their various homes, each failing It a (lay to be romembe. ed. ' L. • 4idlOgift Ji ii ari.9B l le82! OYSTER SUPPER. GOLDEN WEDDING BRADFORD COUNTY - TEACHERS' AssoctwiloN. The next session or ihe Brad.ord Conn ty Teachers' Association will corneae° at R Mme, Ftiday, February 10, : 1882. The appointments for the meeting are as fol. : lows : • ' jecturer.-41oe. lir. Coition. ,Essayiirt• —ProfessoiriW. H: Benedict, E. E. Quifilan and John B..Brlvingdon. Practical. Work—llcading—Claiton Os born. Orthography -8. M. Huston. - History-41.P. Heaverly. Pentnankhip—E. T. Burgan. - • Least Common Multiple and Greatest rommon Divisor c t fractions--Mr. Shel don.: Mood—E. B. McKee. Political Geography--George 3f. Mar shall. - • Class Drill. in Langnage—Lillie A. Brink. Declamations and Recitations—M.. L. Dural. dunce Carey, Nellie Rice, Nita Keeney. C. X. Hutchinson, H. Putnam, Mias Delia Atwood. Committee on Arraugements,-C. F. Heverly, A. P. Young, Mrs. Julia Spal ding, Miss Lottie Committee on Music—M. P. Dunn, A. P. Yonne'. Mibs Lillie A. Brink, Miss Flo .ra Arnold. Commit; ice on Resolutions—Professor McCollum, Profesnair D.• Albert and Sriperintendent Ryan. • Direct Ams and all others interested in Educational meetings are- cordially inrit od to attend. EUGP.NE A. ThomPluxsr, President. ° AIiZIA M. PETRIE,- Seretaix. RESOLUTIONS OF CUNDOLENCE. :At e. regular meeting ofdlklley Lodge, .No. 446 I. 0. of 0. F., the following res .intiOns were adOpted : WHEREAS, God in Hia wisdom soil -it:dement, has taken by death our belov ed Brother, Stephen . Vosburg. to, *meet with Film in that Lodge not made With . !lands eternal in the heavens, WHEREAS, Brother Vosbure has beet , a faithful Member,. -and a loving husbanti and father. i baited hopes of life ° beyond this vale of tears ; he. is at rest pain . that river where no sorrow nor pain eve, teturn, and where we trust he is at rest, tt the right:ha - fl of Gott; therefore, be it_ Resolved, That this Lodge do extend the bereaved rtmily their ost tender . .vmpatliies, and that our-charter be drop .1-1 in mourn ug for the space of s.xt° days, and that a copy hereof be presented , n the family of the k deceased. _ Reltelv.d.,* That these resolutions h. atibli‘lied in one or more of the count; apet,. anti placed upon -the minutes o the Lodge. ' . I 0. F. Gout; _ W. S. EISIIRFE: • 0 0M. LELAND GRIFFIN, ' IMONROETON Rev. M. S. Hard, •of Elmira, N. Y.: ave us a delightful tr. at itr.lis-" Trip t. .'alifornia," Wednesday evening, we first started with .him • re had a sense.of curiosity about." whet.- ip Would lead us?" What Would -be th.. Atecial objee,' ti of his observation? Arjf :lOW he would entertain us? But, w. -,sat exchanged this feeling for Wondel. ot,ir, joy, - and admiration. -Out of the housand things seen, the speaker mail. AN:II.-nr. selections. Al! were in ecstac we; 16 ride with Bismarck. Mr. Hard' elocution is fine and expressive. • ' Dr. McCarty. of Eltnimi N. Y., will ..v.ture on 'Wvdtieitday eyening, the Bth natant, on "Homes." Let all avail them -elves of this rare opp:ntudity. ELW Y. IN, MEMORIAM. Res 4ntions adopted - by (ho Milan Bab oath Reba:4, * on the death of Mrs. A' Tatkins : WHEREAS, It has pleased Almiglifts Ind in his" wisdom to suddenly remove loath our esteemed si ter and co 7 worke• n his vineyard ; therefore, be it liesared, That ' . we as a schotil 'fully' re. hat?, that in her we have lost an energet e, useful imember and kind friend: 1?"Aolred. That we i,s her . class deem i mpo.sihle7to find another to fill her place. : a t will, because . we.must, abide the in • v t able. Rein! red, That.. we at teachers fee I..eily the -chastA n ng blqw, hat " Thy ill not ours, oh God, be done." • llefinly , d, That we sympathiie.with the n,band and children in thiK.sad bereave and extent to them...6nr -beanie' Res°lced, That a cnpy of these reqolu im,s be sent to the fAmily of • the di , . eased. I, FAMILY GATHERING.. Yu: EtnTon :—One of our most respect. ! A ("Miens, Mr. Oliver. D. Chamberlain; was very much' surprised on Saturday lanuary 28, 1882. • Pursuing the evei. .•nor of his way and "working at hi,. rade," as his custom is. Some one said. Uncle Oliver, there teas a team drove u) 0 your house ;, I guess you must hay. mnpany," and - sure enough it was atom tally of'about twenty-five or thirty 'rein ives of his come " pat " upon him, an. 'bout dinner time too. But they brought me 'of - the most 'bountiful dinners t• which the writer ever sat down. Unel Oliver and -his whole family- were a gooa teal "exercised," and did not know wha' ,t.° say—such things puts one about so fire whole company , was in the - Jest ;Brits, and spent the aftern oo n i n K a pp, • o,onversation, and in re cal,ng family in wrests of the past which touch the tende. chords of human sympathy. The .pre,- : ems were in some degree a slighttestimo nial of the .avor_ and 'brotherly' love it. which Uncle Oliver and his family att• held. - The . ) , were worthy of these vet:, cave and of those who received. Berm.. - •ur departure for home the compan were quiet, and the PaNh.,Ar made some marks and offried prayer to the 'God families, the company sang the "Sweet Rye and Bye," and "Shall We Garner at. the River." Brother William Chamber. I'l • lain made a very appropriate and affect ing 814c11. . It will be long remembered ...hkett .then spoke . some words' le i'tiaukfulness to God and the friends, which•werci from the' depths of a heart inoved with love. The writer. thought r , flow dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood" When in Conversation with Brother Daniel Jagger, one of•the. family loeserit, whit used to "do stuns" in Da boli's 'Arithmetic forme in the el': school * melee on Cornell Hill thirty-five yew:. go. I believe these family gathering; are productive of good in more ways than -tine.. Let them big continutd. . • .14. 11. WESTON. Wyalusing, January 31, 1882. Local Correspondence. OVERTON. This is the kind of weather many would like to have hod a mouth ago. There' it. pretty OM_ sleigbing, and the bark-haul. Os went to appreciate it too by the wad Ito bark is takt n in. Flom twelve 1. _twenty teams With bark go. through place neatly every thy. And it maker good times for the Itheki.mitlis. Mrs. Isaac Riefler was buried a Esireil• ago last Satiirday. She died from a strok• of paritlysis. Nancy Conklin is laid up with an . attack cif inflanituatory rheuniatism.:. 11 saurbcsir waste to itsyy at IvesSei this told weather, just get inflammatory rheum tism—snd you will be glad to stay. Mi. J., it seems to me that if the mail man arrived an hone later every morning, it would soon be !t ight before he put in as appearance. Who is "Ct. B. H.," anyhow? 'I thought his initial* were "J. P. C." What makes Lloyd Streevy look so happy nowadays. &cause his wife pre sented him with .a little girl one day lin week. • • Protracted meetings have been held at the M. E. Church fora while b.tck - , with a good attendance. _ • Mr. Eugene McCann is visiting his friends here. He is always welcome. "J.," who is friend " Dicky?" and where was your nose and eyes on New Year's Day? Perhaps you had a roast and wasn't mentioned. The talk in Overton now is small-pox and Guiteau. James' McCann, you must have went into the glycerine business on the sly. "j.," you say some need lifting; didn't you forget to say nitro-glycerine? January 23, 1882. VEnsox., • I LITCHFIELD. Samuel P. Wolcott, one of our - oldest citizens, (feed at his residence on the) ev ening of Monday, the 23(1 instant, sud-. deftly of heart disease. He was a little past seventy years of ago. His wife died about six Mouths ago. Mr. Henry Hayes and Mrs. George Mc :Wee are each very sick with pneumonia. Mrti. Lovina Campbell, a widow wo man, 7att(.ered Off dnring.the ex treme cold, Weather oft a few weeks ago d was found on the.hills north of Bar ton, N. Y.. with both feet so badly froz n that'ail.the toes will probably have to tie amputated. John P. Struble's p;tingest ehil f. about Live or six months old, died lectioly:. Manley Wescott met. with accident while passing some load- of is in, the narrows this side of Nichols, in which ho badly hurt his knee.` A boy aged about 11 or 12 years, of Al -4.13 Cooper's, was kicked in the chest b% horse In gitturday afternoo4. • last, but "firtutiately no rib's were broken, and h,• `s reported as doing Well. • - :Miss Stella Cooper, who has been dan :erously ill of peritonitis, is now conyri . . loseent. A stock 'company irirganiged ,under the I.uspices ori Influence. of the Highland :;range, is atiout opening a store: of gen- Iral merchandise at the Centre. : Mr. William Bostwick, for many yearS resi.;ent pr i thas township, has exchange. •d uis farni with his brother Stephen; 'of Vindhiim. So While we 'regret the loss is a citizen of William, we arc glad ti! 4lcome as 11 citizen Stephen., who,PaS livt4l in this town. Williani . o s on his old ancestral home. we'undets , - !and. His former farm here, tlie . one on which his brother is coining is a fine farm • • every way. Cold, Colder, coldest. There's grammar .'r you. ' - .1. E. P. January,3o, 1882. BUSINESS LOCAL. LOST !-0 , 1 or about the lith of January, one - spotted Fox Hound, with tan obeeti head and ears,• one - black spot on one side nid back anditan spots on the other, and a black . •pot on his rump. Anyone knowing of his wh;'re• tbouts will be liberaity;res4rded by informing the anilerstgued •at North Rome; Bradford Comoy. ra: 25Jauwi•. OLIN McCABE„ rir L. B. RODGERS chalk:4;es canape- Ilion for quality of, goods and low nriceaon Saab, 'loofa, Blinds and Molding a, and a 1 building ma. Caug3-tf) • J' GEO. L. Ross sells Groceries awful 'IIEAP because his expenses are very light, and ie Is bound Ns customer; shalt have 'he hencllt.. tV'The.Davis Sewing' Machine with Vertical Feed does a large . range of practical work...-iiot possible on Utiy under feed machine. tt .ar REMOVAL.—J. S. Al.prisT has re 'loved his Undertaking ' Establishment from tridgt, Street to rooms on Maln•street, over TUR ttlt & GORDON'S DrurSttire. and WOODFORD & GORN'S Hoot & Shoe Store. A full line of 'n.lertaker's Goods from the<theapest to the best. - .1. S. ALLTN. Agent. `r' Write to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham. :33 Western avenue, Lynn, Mass. tot hanies of alles that have Inca restored to perfect hr.tlth by use of her Vegetable minimum!, It Is ra Mil ' t he cure for the most st ub Awn cases of female ealtness. • . VW" Thi iit tin aix)l4l2y I,r• whisky Irlnking; It Is a medicine that cannot he used to ntoxiesce ; It produces a tonic effect, av well as mts as a cathartic. 1.. tart sluttnons' t.ieer itegu ,tior Is pronounced an unexr, ptlonslde medicine. r.VrGurn' Boots for Men .Inly #3.00 at :It GREAT BMTON CLOTHING HOESE Just opened-In Means• Bock, Towanda, Pa. SO - Remember that theLugo; tock of den's and Bo Boots, Ladles' and 'Children's shoeS, sold so cheap at the BOSTON CLOTHING If USE, are allliand made and every pair war. anted. decls. JOINED 4N JANUARY LEWIS—MOODY.—On the evening of he 25th nit., by Rev. Dr. Wm. Taylor. .K the Church of the Messiah (Universi!- 4), assisted by the Rev. Edgar•Al Enos, 1. A.,. rector of Christ ChUrch (Episco -11), Mr. Frank L. Lewis, of -Topek4. K:M., to Miss Sarah L. Moody, of lowan •la, Pa. HUBBARD BROOKS. DEAN VCKLEV.—At the residence of Beniunin Ickley. Wyalusitiv. 25th ult., by Bev. G .I..thiarnberiam. Mr. Finley N. Hubbard, Weromi. and Miss Susie M. Hruoks, of Vvainsing. Also, Mr., William B. Dein, --f Swirl' Creek. and Miss Rachel C. Ack «y, of Wyab , simr. Both brides nieces of he officiating elergymai. , - K ATS—HUFF.—At the, 'Baptist Psi-- ion:tee, Miellsburir, January 11rii, 1.182, P. E. Everett, Mr. John U. Kays or v , ew Jersey, anti Miss Martha HufT.; or irailford co., Pa. WORDEN—OREEN.—At, the Baptist . 'arstitiage t Weilsburg,Jailuary 15th.1882. by P. S., Everett, Mr. Willis W - inlet] and 11iNa Itstelhi Cireen all or Ridgbary, Pa. GEAR'—SNELL.—At the residence ni the brides parents, Cliemting, Januar,. tB, 1882, by P. S. Ever tt, Dr. C. 8. Gear, tnd Miss Nora' Snell, all of.Chemunc. WEED—CA MP MIA, -At Burlington faunal y 25th, 1882, hy Rev. B. Garrison, Mr. George Weed to Misa Jessie Camp bell, both of Smithfield. DIED. HOLLAND.—In Sheatiequin, 234 ult., Mrs. Florence Holland. 11 icing been JAlled upon to attend the funeral of the ieceased, permit me tilt oUgh your paper o say a few words relative thereto. Mrs. Holland's sickness was scarcely of two 'week's duration—pronoanco. I under. - 4tand, by the attending, phygicians to have steep typhoid fever.. During my stay of a ew hi , ms at the house, I learned that the teceased. was held in- high este . .m by ,natty. The large attendance at the fu: floral, the general and deep sorrow Of rel atives and friends, together with the many kind words about_ her, all indicated that she was a woman possessing many amiable and sterling. qualities. Her huts hand, Mr. Daniel H. Holland, of Sugar Hill, has just finished 'a beautiful (inse on his farm, in which, ere this, Mei .vouhl have been happily settled as their titata but for the (heath I record. This -witness and death, however, is but an ' .aster instance of d sak.ointed earthlp 4;pea. Mis. Holland was 26 years of age he 22d of last October ; was married t., Daniel H. Hoiland on the 18th day of U. • taint:ler. 18;7, and was buried in Horn (kook cemetery January 23d, 1882. It. HOLLON . ,...—On January 21, 1882. at the residence of her gratulnio.ber; Mrs. , Caroline Patterson, in Sheshequin, .of typhoid fever, Mrs, Florence. Hollotr„ • wife of Dania; Hollon, of Wilmot; a , p 20.atra, , • - • VINCENT.—In Towanda, lilth ult., of typhoid fever, Mr& Aibro Yomeot, aged . Bl years nod 4 months. Dearest mother, thou bast teft us, And we miss thee from our beni; ' Mtge the smiling, happy mother, Mlas the sweet volts It; our song. Thou no more will Join ouinumber In the home thou loved so well,. For the Savior whispered tope', . `'• Come with me In Heaven to dweil." Sad and tearf9l was the partitti As we laid thee dhwn'to'rest, With the emblems of our friendship, With the wreath upon thy breast. Fare time well, dear elk. and mother, Tiou haat reached thergolden ehore Free from e.n and death forever, And where pairtlnge are no more. TOWANDA - MARKETS. REPORTED RY STEVENS t LONG, Geaeraidealers In Groceries atm Vroduce, comae • Main and Pine Streeiii.. WEDNESDAY EVENIXO, 'PELL 1, 1682. Flour per bld PATINE!. aiLLING .. ' .. 87 40 0 8 7 Flour per sack . $1 80 la 220 Corn Meal per 100... - 164 0 17b Chop Feed- , 0 1 75 Wheat. per hush..... .1 80 40 0 Cora 7-,.(41 0 Rye 75 0. 78 0 Oats ' . 45 .4. 15 • . Ruckwheat * 75.0 .- 0 Rack heat F10ur.... 1112 00 0 0 . Clovo.r 'wed 6 00 0 Pea Vine clover 0 6 50 Tlinotuy. w estern, .. . VI 23 t °cans. 62 lbs, •2 50 0 300 14 Pork. meting - . 0 bhl. 820 60 0 11.1.3 0( Gard • 0 12 l5 0 Rutter. tubs 25 0 31 Rolls 27 01 30 Ide -- Eggs. freTh' . 0 = Cheese sio Ps Potatoes. per bush.. a too 0 : K.lswial - • 2O 0, 22 - 0 7 , CORRECTED 11Y - 11. DAVIDOW 14 BRO. . , I iliett - . OE (41 -07 h • . - Weal Hklna 75061 25 Deacon Sl4lna4o 0 60 . . •tlieep Pelts • ' • . i 7,3 66 1 ISO 'Mem ittniertisentents. MARYLAND FARM - S.-4 16 0k aml mai free. By C. E. Sil AN BAN, Aft", Evit.n.. .IVOTlCE.—Whereas, my wife So 11 phis C has left roy had and board althou Nit eau.e or ne , onieatlon. I hereby forbid anT on : nathernig or trusting her on my ace nut; as I wl pay no delitA in her conttaetlitg. ' sy. W. ALLIS South 25.fang....wa. ANNUAL MEETING.—The To wanda Gas Company's Animal Meeting 0 Stockholders, for the election of a Blurt] of Mai, nets for the en tang year and the transaction 0 general , buNiness. will he held at the °Mee of th . !ompanc. lu Towanda Borilugh:.on 310NDA3 MARCH 6. A. IL 1832, between the hours of 2 an 4 0 . 4:10ek. P. at. - :4;.. . B ETTS, Secretary Towanda, Pb.e 2, Isn-ws. WE WANT TO SELLOUT • .OUR BUSINESS IN STEVENSVILLE, PENNA., AND RENT OUR STORE. A. Good Trade: 'A Bare Opportunity Who wants to Incest? Posioxslon tot of A prl. Md. Itcamm for r4 , lllng:. 'Going to Colorado. iluotle at recall cheap up.to thikt time. W. C: & A. B.: BURROWS. St.-renvl/le, Pa.. Jan. 19, 18/32.. THE LATEST BULLETIN Who. seeks. rrn , 4" will not take whou once 'ti •drered: shall not find it In ore t "—S bakeveare. • In no department of traflie. In this practical WI thin of the great smg I-h iragkilan. is more (Mel my exemplified than. that over a bleb a gennin "artifice of Clothing. tHoots anti Shoes. M. , gehneeloirg. pn.prietor ~ f the great tio , ton Cho Mg House. Juk OtietirA In Mt ans'filock, .datn.si Towanda. Pa.. calls your kind attention to the fat that on the first of April..ts,4, we wilt rent •Ve quarter's to N 0.2 Patton's Block second tMor frtg he corner of Itridge and M.timsts., or one do :mull of Sviarts S Gordon. which will he filled art the largest and test stock of• Apr ng and SIIIIIII. Clothing parr:lily !nano fartureit. for the .Toward branch :it oor wholco , ,aie quarte s in and at prices whlch.lifill pay you to go fifty miles widowing to this removal, we4.ffer the rut Ire si of CLOTHING. HOOTS AND SHOES at slang. lered prices,, and . he who wlu no trade now sha nei•er have a , other like opportunity. Heinemb the goods will be closed out at. any prlee %knot, detay. Wonder to go In our new lot ation aft!. NEW tiOOIPI. and. NEW STYLES, . Hear In mind, th is a solid fact. We mean business. Olt LOOK ROR THE rIO:iN OF THE 110;TO! , .. - .(I,OTHING HOUSE; TOW,ANDA.3feb. SIT EDISII BIT 7 ERAS IRE GREAT Sweesh Dyspepsia Remedy' • The chief ingredient and' life-givin. element of this great remedy is an herb common , known as Bittertneut; although but rarely fon., in !hist...mitt-J. excepting Itt lite ex It eine No tl west.- ft g st.hered iu profuse antindance by tin Lap ande.s, in the bleak and sn o w-Nall mou T. tat 1, of Norway and !Sweden. and has. in connecti with-other ingredie ts. been , used among then.. seivea exclnstvely for years as one of the, great , - remedies for Dyspepsia,, Kidney and Liver Coo - plaint ever known. In pLaci. g this preparation bet re the America . -Pubilc, we candidly belley- that we have fined long-felt want, by givi g a medicine that will to. only temporarily relieve but wit pospivoy ens (tyspepsia, )(line and Liver Complaint. and a their vatious - efiects. such as sour stomach, sic• headache. pans in the back, palpttatl ti of If • hear costiveness, Indigestion, yellow sklai, swim ming of the heail,- fultness at pit of stomach. I u e . Threq. dOSr3 111 relirve the worst cast Ask y..ur druggist fora Nettle and be convincer. Price, 75 cents. . 26.1a118211. GREAT. MU DESTROYER DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID I . Pitting of SMALL SMALL PDX PDX Prevented ERADICATED : 'G eer . purified am , Gangrene prevented .11.1 cured. Inysentery cured. Conlinalon destroyed. Melt Rooms p m th ed iVlOurideliealed rapid. an - t made lira a h tlY• Fevered and sick Se rvey cured In Persons reliesrdc'h"" ume• and rel , enlied by bath-f "ter tin" op. the with p r ., 01)1 , th , , 1t Imperfectly harm. Fluid a44eil to tto.l e "' water. F or Sore Throat Soft White Com. Is a "" ptealou• by U. in bathing Impure Air Lei pate ' .grin • ii. g parity,: Fluid aht.nt., To Purify the . Breath ' Clestime the teeth, it !:41...tirpas egl Cala rh reiteretl - ni,d;fholera lkslpated. ca ••.I - Ship Fewer preyrnt Erysipelas eared. i ed by Its ti,r, - Burns realered 111-An eases of ileitis In - the h0u..5...1t should algta. . . Sears prevented. I- be te.ed a coat 110 Ibrllic.Veti all unpleasant• corpset—lt will prev.•tr .odors. ' ' I. any otnooa. , ,,nt stneb. •An %WI ote for Alt. - Inrti .:r V.•g •table Poi sow.. stung•. &e. .ldangerour. tidavlas o• I -lek r. em. ail h,spi• •'. , ornov-d bv Its us. Yellow Fevei : Eradleattid. • • SCARLET FEVER CURED. In fact It 1346.3 great Disinfectant and Purifier PBEPA R&D BT J. H. ZEILIN' & 'CO., Manufacturing, ebemlata, SOLE PftOPftIETORS February 20, 1811.1. Sheri:ll"s Sales. . - - • . •• fly virtue of sundry writs issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Count s and to me directed, t will elle - we s t° public sale, a the Court nous° lu Towanda Borough, ou - . Friday. February 10, 1082, at I o'clock, P. 31., the following described proper y, to wit 'No. I. Ono tot, piece or parcel of land, situate to Wysox township (lota Nos. b and 8 o Block No. s of Meteor, M -rgan 8 Moody a sulosilvision of Kasi T0wa,.(14), bounded north by lots Nos. 1 and 9 It ock No. s, east by Pet usylvaulaa.enue. south by lots NOll. 6 and 7 of Block 8, and west by Brad ford 'street ; Ail improved, no buildings. Selz-ii and taken ifro execution at the suit of Morga•, a Moodre administrators vs. Jno B. Kenimuy and Margaret No nedy.. , - No. 2...8.1..50—0ne other lot of land, sltnate Leßoy township, boonded north by Make., Rubor, Nlason. east, by lands of Mary Kellogg, soma - . b Towanda creek, and west by lands of ela.enci 51 I "aro ; coot •Ins 73 acres. More or. less, 63 uv .d. with 1 framed barn and 1 orchard of fruit ire. . thereon. S lz il•rind taken Imo eireution sr tti r sill , of Job. Wheat ry vs. Th : •s. A. Mcil upy. . No. 3. .1. l'.so—One other lot of land. situats Pike and iler, irk townships. bourd•d norih lands of Joseph Le , II iracs Porter mid A• eldbabi (Fenian; east by land of said Archfb.ld Cot•mau, !Toilet t Tani; and on ers;'south by la , da of Bonet Titus. Guidon ?Stanton and Thomas Peet; west by laud s or said Thomas Peet, 'Elias Thomson, Aline' Bolles and Joseph Lee ; contains 55.aeres, more or lesi, about 25 improved, with a framed housi., framed barb, a saw mlll with machliiet) and fix-urea, water prtmlego and right oh way theret o belonging to ti e tame. beizeu and taken into eXecution at the suit of Zophar Platt vs. Jason Passett. So. 4. ALSO—Ono other lot of Lend. situate In MOM! Uninattfpf buu'udal wrth t•y tit liar. No. 1.6. -A Lshi—De fendant's interest In one other ot. of • hind situate In Albert. Borough, b.-likh L e 11 - •.11vIde. , .4 part of that certain lot bounded alb y lai.d. of. Anna V earn. east by lands of C. ap., shunt sty lands of .John M. Irlke, and wegt - Main stieet:-no improvements. No. 17. ALSO—AII of d4rtidant's Interest In th.t its numbered 94. i 22, 252, .62..182, =262. 233; 0, 299. 301, 311. 32h, 331. 361: 371, 381, 391, 401 and -4 in the plot of lands_sitoate In the bonbon' part - ',theirs Borougb made for the lite Judge It'd . and Herrick by !Mum Rickey; no Improvements. -ized and taken Into execution at the suit of Ed .rd P. Herriek, trustee, vs. Edward Herrick. NO. 18. A Lwf)--One other lot of I •nd. situate in tatoilog Stone townsh.p, bounded - north by lands Luk• Dolan. vast by the public highway, south y lands of Blettard Jenhiugs an.l West oy lands • ts• Imam Grace • conta , us ahoot. 60 acr.s, about , improved, - with . a framed house, a framed b.rn, al an orchArti of fruit trees thereon. -Se „xed and .ken Into execution at the stilt of, C Elsbree .11 E. T F..x. admitils rators of L. 1.. Moody. '-ceased, vs. S. T. Bishop ai,isLSarall E. Bishop. No. Is. ALS' /—Osie.other tut of rand, situate in ..rill Towanda .ownship, bounded and der.cribed ••• holows: Beginning at the - nOrtheast corner or a now Sr lately In poss•-ssiou of i f feilffelf Leaven ortti: then e along line of, same southeasterly 21 - to p-r. hes to a corner on line ,f to ds now or ie of J. F. Means; thence along line of same a ortheasteriy direction 3 7.40 perches to a corner .ienee a nontivreste,ly direction 21 6.10 perches . a corner; thence south 61 0 west 3 7-10 perches to le Ware of beg titling; reaervirig to a former own rls test in width from the north end of said lot • •i• public ei,,e as a street; contaP.s-S - an acre, more less, all inipr.ored, with I „framed house, out n11,1101;8, and a few fruit trees thereon.' Seized std. taken into execution at the suit of. John J. Veht, vs Michael liernosly. 5„; 20-'..ALsts.—One other lot of lind, ettnatill In eltoy township, bounded and des :rlbed as follows : tegintrii.g at a•post the southwest cornerof lot No, 1. formerly owned by Parr!ct Otwen . • running netree east ahong , south line of said No. 11 i 2,0 ot.lo ds to a post the.n•mthwrst corner ot, lot No. 9, owned by Adam lust's: thence south along ue west line of lot No. 9 and lot No. 4 134 9.10 rods a post: thence west 129 s•du Nitwit) a 1,0.4 on Cast :e .:f lot 0 i th , nee north along east - line of .t No's. 6 and .:i• 3..!C rods to place of beginning; oot Ins It'S are. s and 69 perches, more ur le s. • i7ed.',and taken into est, (Pion at the suit Of Isaac • . Mltisliiger vs. Edward F. ik - . • - No. '2l ALSO—One nthPr Int of land. Fltaate tn I I.azo; ft..roogh. nontoled and del-iribed as follows: t , glnittog at the nor heat eorner of !fain and lam s:tree is :• then,o north. 4° 30' eW .30 fee, to other - thence son h Bt, o 30° east at put 163 feet to syrtr..h et: State Line Railroad : atonvatd taliroad switch 30 feet toscorner )lap *trret't licence an , nx sa trAlahs street west .out. ITO feet to the p!a eof I...ginning; being Tot o; 81,,ek No. 7 on E. Overton, Jr., map of the : of- e Albany: s-lzed and taken into • ern l• n at the nt F.. Overtop, Jr., vs. P. W , . %lc Donee)]. 23.: A I.‘r)—titie other lot of lank situate In nor tin Ts - M:l4d Inc ustilp; • mantled and ties ribed , fol owns: lieglntii.ng at the northwest corner of Lorain Latuvrd s i t ; thence alo g tine of-samo. oath 24 li o 'ea-t 10 perches to the north line of s lot lately. owned by '.Vrn. 11.1torgan ; thence oong Hoe et same smut' 6t° west 6 1.10 perches; hence northw,stt fly 10 perches to a corner : hence north sit° ca-t 6 5.10 pm, hes to the place of —ginning; csitsbsins 135 perches. more or less; 15 -et along frs nt of saint lot reserred for a pubic oast by a former owner, as now open upon the •routels; all. hoprovi (1, .with a few fruit .treetr hereon. Seize , ' and taken into executioncit the --nit of lobo J. Webb vs. Patrick Ryan No. V. A LSO—The defendant'. interest 1n a lot ,f land situate to-Wilmot township: bounded and lescribed is folloWs : Beginning at a small's/bite irk of Mrs. F nett J. Welles (Terry lot); thence .onth Al tic' east 95 1-10 -perches to a stake and ones of lot NO. 11 ; thence south 754° west 301 serchres to a stake and stones; thence north - 6-5° .s.st 10 perches to a stone c •rtter; thence north SO Neg AI perches-to an Ironwood corner; thence nrth 75•5 east 14r perches to the place of begin- Ong : contains 57 acres, snore or less; about 35 lin -roved. with 1 trameil house. 1 old house, 1 framed ssrn, and a few fruit trees thereon Seized and sken Into'executlon at the suit of Edward-Provos: s. Si. I'. Frsrtcher. • • DIPHTHERIA PREVENTED. No. 20 ALSIP— , me other lot of land, , Ituate lu ysna nownAlii..bouried In rib by WA nr litrykundlli, east by the public blghwayleaolag Tom .I. R. Plotters' to Pond 11111 south by land of ritsre...l. R. Martin. and west by laud of Charles ,Vurtenthurg and EG. Owen; tont:ibis 'aeres, ooretor J's es, abs•ut 20 Improved, with I large' f ram house. I framed barn with 3 franied .beds at .ehed,, I frame', cider mill (miming with the fix ture., I framed grabary building, other outbethi og% and wm rtial of fruit trers thereon. 023. A I.AA—Olie other lot of land. altuate Ia Wysoa township. bisindi-d north and •wid by l•nd ...w or late of V. E. k vouch Isy land nw or late of Frauds J. Alien and V..Y. & E. mid west by land of Francis J. Allen and he public hlghway - leadlecfrom J. F. Milers to Pond cootalns 30 acres. more or less, all-am proved. with. I framed: barn. 1 pear orehartX 1 .zr;tpo orchard, 1 apple orchard. 1 peach orchard, and other fruit trees thereon. deivd -and taken et., , execution at the Mill of A. K. Lent vs. .1,:.7. Webb, asimlnborator of M. B. Qwen {deceased/ 'nil F. H. Owen. No. :a ALSO—One other lot of land. situate 1n Towanda liorough„ bounded and de.ctlhed sw f01,0w..: , ow..: Replotting at a post corner of Cant» striae; awl Pswiror-aironles t tllwnre hr Contra shoat nmrth .0 0 west 151$ feento a stake • , thence by lot deeded to Mti. M. Moody north 7C° east 50 feet to a stake ; thence by lot rotitia , tl..ll to Patrick Costello south 2 "-east 150 feet to a stake on racket avenue; tlier , ee by Packet avenu.. , south 70 0 west 50 feet to rh@ place of bet:Lt.:l4W: contains 7,506 square fest.. Intl being lot No. I of I:lock Nu. lot Sayre k C01:0• it.sny's addition. to Touatola, with I trained house, ..ti,er outbuiltllugs, and a kW fruit trees thereon. belted .and ;..ken it.to execution .at the suit of overton & Elsbree s.. C- C. Wood. -- - Ulll4 ktl T 110JITON. Sheriff. ,Sberlirs Omer, Towanda, Jan. Is, Lis:. IARPHANS I cou La SA I,E. Bi virtue of an order I.sued out of the Orphans' Court or Br .dfoid County. Pennsylvania, the up. lcTsigned, administrator of the estate of AA, ibean, late of Ho tick township. deceased, ' sill eapekse to puolle sale on the premises, on VSi AY, .1 A NUARY 27t1.,,185.), at 2.o'clock r. tL fol. loss lx g described real estate of said &Cedric.. to wit : All that certain lot, piece orparcel of land situate in Standing Stone township, said conety. (known as the 011erratt lot), bounded north by land* of P.atrick Lynch and Philip Grace. emit by -awls of George Jennings sod Luke Dolan , S S ni b by lands of Stephen Bishop and west by lands of Widow Hurl. y and James O'Herron ; contains 50 acre* more or less, with the appurtenanees. TERMS OF SALE.—One-third th, purchase inon.y to be paid the property Is situ k down, cite-third on,c nfirmstion of sale anti bal. mice In ulna mouths ft - ore confirms ton with Inter. est. ['sestet A JD Mi 1,"; f ST It A T ItIX'S. NOTICE ;11 Letter+ of adnsinistnitton having been grant ed-to .he undersigned, upon the estato of 1111 ou L. noymour.isie of npriugliefd twp„deceased,notlee to hereby given that all persons Indelded to the said estate are requested to Wake Immedtate t Aymara., and all perscus having claims against said estate must present the same duly authenticated to the undersigned for settlement. ate Webster, east by land of S. IL Lindley south by Tow nda meek, and west by lauds of the estate 01 Boswell Begets, deceased, and Warren rook ; contains too acres, more or he., an Improved, with 1 framed house. 2 framed barns,,l tobacco house and orchard of fruit _trees thereat. Seised and taken Into executlos at the snit of Pomeroy Bros. vs. David Lindtey and Solomon Llndlsv, -- No.. b. A LSO—Cue other lot of land, situate In Towanda nom:4N bounded north by lands of W. Coopers estate, -east by William street, South by -lands or James /dealt/44 - .od weal by Plain Street, with 1 framed it u-e and other outbuildings there on. seised and taken Into eseetalob at the suit of L. L. Mutsly tistntialstrator and Wm. n.mcrtgan • admiuistrator vs. J. M. Mitchell. No. 6. 4LsO--une other ot of land, situate to South Waverly Borough_ bounded as foikress Be. lug lot No. 112 'Chording to plot and array made for D. L. P. Snyder by Huston Smith ; Contains 43 4-10 perches, and being - a fat on alums on the 11..rt0 side, 179 fee , on the west side. 176 7.10 feet on the ea-t side. and SS feet on the south side ; all Improved. Be zed and ultra Intommeution at the suit of The Brwitord ILoqs and Building Associa tion of Athens Townstip,vs. C. W. r& ley. No. 7. ALtlis--One other lot of land, situatirin• Wysos township. being lots Nos. 4 and sof Block No. 14 of- Nercnr , Morgan B Moody's suteditrisloo of East Towanda, bormde • north by Colem.n's Block and lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of Block N 0.14, emit by 11 re/ ford street. south by Lemuel street, and west by Towanda avenue and lots Noe. 1, 2 and 3 of 111001 No. 14 ; .all Improved, no buildings. 'Seized_ and taken Into execution at the .oft of organ B Moody's administrator vs. 3. P. Cummlskey. No. S. ALsO—One other lot of land, situate la We I township. Wangled north by lands of D. well, east by lands of Ilarriet Spenser, south and west by lands of Ilurbert John-est ; contains 'tete. all improved, with all orchard of fruit trees thereon. Nu. U. ALSO—One other 10t of land. situate in Wells township. bounded north by land ' s of Wax faufleld; Wade Beardslee, J. Vpdyke sod H. Jelli son • east by lands of H. John-on ; south by hinds of Itockitteil.ll. Jobason. Michael Bentiett and the politic higuwey. mid west by lands of U. A. itiod ; cmmit., 112 acres, &or.. or less, stoma 123 improved. with I framed /mow 1 framed torso tarn and an orchaid of fruit tree:thereon. Seized Ind taken into executionet the suit of Delos Ruck- Weil, guardian:tic., vs, Michael ssol.n,, . No. 10. ALS. other. lot of laud, situate in Towanda Borough, hounded as follows • Beginning a the east side of Main street at it coiner 23 feet -mob of th- steam planing mill lot; thence south. -fly along .Hale street 130 feet: thence south 81* .3' east motet 131 fret to Barclay - Coal Company** oaf; thence non 2° 35' east Itie feet to the south ast corner or G. r Mason's lot; thence along omit lire Mahon lot about 122 feet to the Mace of s-ginning. - with I double flamed house. 1 framed tan. I coal (Mee atm coal sheds, tresael;ng and aitroad track thereon. No. 11. A LSO—Our other lot of land, situate In 't,seatolts Borougo. bounded north by lands of 0. O. Bartlett, east by Charles street, _south by an ,ticy, and emit ray theMenry Weston lot; being 12 ,et, (tont on Charles street and 94 feet deep, with framed house anctother outbuildings thereon. No. 12. ALSO—one other lot of land, s testa In rostatida Borough, bounded north by BridgolltrtMPt, sat by I bird street. south by lauds of Perrin Pen • packer and Orrin Wlcsham, and west by Chas. c..tt; about 69 feet front on Third street and about ,0 feet deep, with 1 framed house sod tithes out-. miolings thereon Spited and taken into execution t tile suit of The 9.lllzens,Natlimal Bank of To ands vs. James lit Phlnney. No. 13. A LSO--i tee other tat of land, situate In ildgitury township. -, bounded north: and west by otos of D. 11. Burnham, east by the public high and south by lands of Theme Buck; contains an acre, more tireless, all improved, with I from: , ti house, I framed shop. and I framed shingle mill hereon. Selz.l and taken into execution at the, ,It of Sylvania Vanbuskirk's administrators vs. = %IMOD E. Cooper.. , No. 11. ALSO—One ether lot of land- situate: lon 'Jew" Albany Borough, bounded north by lands as the Mary st cAlister lot, east by Sullivan t state Line Itailmad,.south by lot this day (April t. 1677) conveyed by E. Overton. jr., to James .04.1 es and west by a 16-feet alley; being lot No. 8 or. }luck No. 7 011 E. Overton, Jr., plot of the village a New A litata, with a party finished framed !welling house thereon. Seized and taken into recut ion at the suit of E. Overton, jr.,-vs. S. W. !hapman. . No. IS. ALSO—Defendant's Interest In a lot of lid situate In Athens Borough, bounded north by olds of D. A.Smith and Thomas Grantham, east: ..y Mao, street. south by lands of W. G. Stephens, rut west by the Susquebanna river, with a two any framed dwelling house, outhouses, and a - few _cult tre-e t ereon. ALSO—One other lot of land. situate In n(a.. „ l?__librough. boutbol. Korth by Poplar ree.t.; • ast by lot 1,1 Mr,. Mary E. Stodge, south :ands of .t. F. Mean., and , .ent by lands of Ja..t. rlswold, with I tw. -story framed dwelling bowie, oboif-e. at.d fruit trees therein Seized and Into execution at the Hilt of E. W. Mile va. . V. I:todg... No. AJ.SO—One other lot of - land, situate in sthens township: bounded north by lands of Row• osn and *plan. east by lands of 11. Williston's and Abram Iluusle.et. south by lands of .;toltli arid Griffith an the p.rty of the flr.t part, nd Igr,r . by lam!" Jamet 31e A rdle COlttiiiill• 250 ,o nv , re ur le.s, about '40.) Imp ov..d. with I hom , e. 2 barns and sheds act..ched, I hog told. Mto., sod a few fruit trees tbereou. —lied and tsheri into execution at the suit of WM. lariork as. U. II onsleicer. W. • WE rst. qtr.. Dee. 0. 1351. Adtnlnlstritor ANN szymoug. A .tmugstratirls. with Ctas will saufted Fah. lin.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers