TIMID or IMILIC*IIIIII. - The Bss.brosb all'olllTll2 e jebliebet Noy Chartlay morning by • 0001inic1 11111011:10CL; Ode Dollar per 61101161, in admit% • _ feipS..irertisityi in a ll eases sedative in .scrt?tion to the paper. • 8.. Eel AL N OT IC ES Inserted OSIPIS per •Itue fur lirst Insertion. sud rays Farms pothunter asch subsequent tnaertlon.)nal neosonies WOW tot I,lss than fifty cents. V EARL k" it/ E ESIENTS bil Insert- At reasphable rates. l'alutstracarts and gieentOi s it-LNOtAllef, I,tor'sNotlces,s:.llo: BustneuCarilailvellnes. 41v r voar)ilS, additional Uncap each: 3_ c.irly olvertiseni are entitled to gluirterly ch fitig es. Transient advertisements most be pad :Or in adeanes. A: - resolutions of *lllloChititinSt COntlidatddliddant of :tutted or individual interest, and no•lees of riarls or deaths, exesedinglivelineasni Starr. c.l r r cisre per line, lot shaptenetiessof Mar. and de .tbs will be piblisbedwilhonteharge. qc it Et ro wean baying a larger eiretilatlpn than .tiy titer p.iiier in the county, makes It the heel t•tr,rtlsing medium in Northern Pennsylvania. .1 .11 PRINTING-of every kind. in plain and furl colors. done with neatness sad illspateh.) Rs..,ibtils, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets. Billheede„ l itst •ments, kn., of every variety and style. printed at the shortest notice. The RIIPOILTILR °Mee Is welt kupplied mith power presses, i - good assort. meat of new type. and everything In the printing ..lino can be executed In the moot artistic manner an 1 . at the lowest rates. T ERNS INVARIABLY VstMlitss.laTbs. AI ADILL & KINNEY, ATTORICZYS4T-LAW. Office—Rooms formerly occupied by Y. M. O. A. Reding Room. ` I U. J. MADILL. . &MIA 0. D. ICINICILY. :MRS. F. . J PERRICO, TEACRIM'OP PIANO AND ORGAN. Lessons given in Thorough Bass a , .d Harmony, Cultivation of th,. volcCa specialty. Located at 1 4 , liio"ock•s, Pine St. Reference : Itolmes * Passage, Tiwanda, Pa., March 4, 1880. JOHN W. CODDING, ATTORNICIT-LAW, TOWA.*DA. PA, --•- Oli'a over KlrbVi Drug Sore tIOMAS E. MYEA ATTOnNLY-AT•LAw, TO,WANDA, 'race with Patrick and Foyle. 5ep.25,-;9 ttECK At, OVERTOS ATTOIiNEYS-AT t• AW, • • T6WANI ) A. A. Il'A. OVICRTON, RODNFY a. MPRCI7I., ATTORNET AT-LAW, • TOWAN DA, PA., . • Soileltor of Patentg. ra'rticnlar attentip paid to lot.inesa in the Orphans court and to the settle• tsiens of estate& • - ' °Mee in Montanses Mock OVERTON & SANDFRSO. , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . , TOWANDA, PA. 1 P. OVERTON'. 51t. JOON V FIAND . . ERSON W' H. JESSUP, • -7 1 ATTORNEY AND CODNKALLOR-AT-LAWA MONTROSF.. PA._ Jiidge Jessup having resumed the practice of thet Mar :tI Northern Pennsylvania. wlll-att,c,pd to awl, - 4eFcal Itusittess intrusted totals) In IFtradforitOunt7:" Persons. wishing to consult him. can call on H. Streeter, Esq., Towanda, Pa.. when an appointment: can male. ITENRY STREETER, 4.TTORNEY AND 60V!!SELLOII-AT-LAR, TOWANDA, PA. Feb 27, '79 E. L. Hams, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, TOW A\ DA, -PA. F. GOFF, F ATT EY-AT-L yff, WYALUSING, PA Agency for.thc. sale nisi purchase of all 'kinds of Securities and fur salt_ loans en !teal Estate. All Z,itsiness will rec e ive careful and prompt f.Tuue 4. WM. •IL 1110NIPSON; ATTORNEY 11 6 kT LAW, WTALCSING, PA. Will attend to ali 1,U4111135S entrusted to his care In Bradford, Au and Wyoming Counties. °Mee with Elul. Port •r. Cn0v1944. E. BULL, SURVEYOR. ISURVL'IrING AND DRAFTING. Mee .with G. F. Ma.4m, over Patch & Ttacr Bi.till ,treat, Timanda. Pa. 4.15.5 u. G EO. W. KIMBEEtLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tow ANDA, PA Door south of First National August 12. IsSO. F i,SBIIEE & SON, ATTOR !C-SV R-AT-L AR; . TOW 0; PA, PA. \,e. ELSRREE 1 ClefA 'RSON, .ATTORNET-AT - LAW, 'TOWANDA, PA. Diet Airy Brad. Co: y RF. .INSI74ANCE: Having nee..pted the agency of the • •, i. ~Xt'ASFIIRE IN:SISRANCF. COMPANY, ji (Assetts over 513,000.000 00 1• :km pn rated to write twOlele. et current rtes,, M. D. SWARTM,Agen% - iffit . C. with Wm. -. - V inc e nt. TowoieLi.Pa. ` \ f_t_ , llN W. MIX, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND U. S. - COMMISSIONT. TOWANDA. PA. tr .:e—)l on h Side Public Square. Jan. 1,1875, Q‘ NI W. BUCK, i.. 71, • A,TTORKET-AT-LA*, :.81^e—South side. Poplar street, opposite Ward N0v.13, 18:9. ) kVIES I &-CAR-N9CHAN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. • SOlrri SIPE OF WA! D'IIOESE. 23-7 S. • To*ANDA. ANDREW WILT, ATTORNSY-AT-L Alr. • (I,+.u•e—Means Block, Main•at., over .1. L:XCllt s ii store,lrowanda. May be consulted In German. C A prlll2, '76.). A 1 7 .3 . YOUNG , •. . , ATTORNEY -At -I. AW, . . • . • TOWANI)A. l'A. . ilii ,—qe , rond door south of the rind ; Nat'nttal Bank MAW St.. up ntAlfs. WM MAXWrisL, ATTORYSI••ATLA~P. TOW A,N PA, PA. Ce over Dayton's Store. A. U 11, 1876 VI. S. M. WOODPURS, My:o- P iauo au4 tSurtremt. l OITcS at tutrittettce, Ittst, street, East of Math. j l• I "1't3.,, a. Slay 1, 1s7:: ly• . VIT' B. KELLY,Mr.STIsT.—riflee, y • over M. E. iiosenilehrs, Towanda, Pk. r T—th inserted on Gold,_Sllver, itubher. and Ail n.,l:un base. Teeth extracted without I.aln. . Orr. 34-72. . , 117 D . PAY NE, M. D., 4a ritICSIOAN AND 5t71t61:011,, OM,: over Motitanyelo Store., (Mice hours from 10 to 12 A. N,, and from 2 to 4 P. A. • Special attention given to DiSrASES DISE ASES ur and •or THE EYE TILE. EAR G. W. RYAN , COUNTY. SC rEIIIICTLICD% MeA day last Saturday of each mob'. n, over Turner - k Gordon's Drug Store, Tomianda, l'a., Towanda, Jane O. 1878. S. RUSSELL'S • • GENET AL N S R.A NCE AG Elsr,CY VI iOFAIMA. PA. FIBST NATIONAL BANK, TOW AIiDA. PA. C ►PrTAT. PAID IN SURPLUS FUND.. tr qt. ,_ Ftlak. ()lila unusual facilities for the trans action of a general banking business. JO4. POW ELT, President MRS. H. PEET, TEACHER OF PIANi:! MUSIC, • T KRII.S.-41 . 0 per term. •• (itesidenee Third street, Ist ward.) Towanda, Jan. 1Z,`79-Ip. .1' 1 ET YOUR JQ-4.4) -1 ?f-ArrflYa • ?Ph V•1 1 1' f t .iMc „t , _F - _ - TOTICE IN Ii'ARTITION. - ill state of Penusylvasia, County of Bradford as: To harsh Ann Lawrence, Joseph P. Wheatnn, Cirtas 0. Wheaton. Phnily F. Blbley. Charlotte M. ItOgers, Henry W. Wheaton, Melissa Ann M. Bogers—plire take notice: I Whereas.. at en Orphanst„Court. he:d at Towanda In and for said County of Bradford, on the 17th dot of April. A. D. 1880. before the Hon. F. D. Morrow, President. Judge - of said Court, In tt 's matter of _the estate of John Wheaton, deceased, the petition. of Melissa Ann M. Bogert., Wife of James Rogers and daughter of John Wheaton, late of the town - shiwof Warren, In said Count , de ceased. was resented , setting forth that th said John Wheaton died March Yd. 1839. Int tate, seized in Ids demesne as of fee of and in acertain niessuage and tract of land situate In said township of Warren. bounded north by hands of George :rendleion and Benedict Arnold. east, by lands of Benjamin Buffington, and sod:Wand west by lands of Simnel W hettion'; containing about 1013 acren,— and leaving to NUITIVO him a widow, • Sall, Whea ton, and . eight children. -Sarah Ann -Lawrence, Joseph P. Wheaton, Cyrus G. Wheaton. Froderlek• T. Wheaton educe deceased). Emily F. SibleY. Charlotte 111. Rogers, Henry W. Wheaton and Me ibut ItogerB ; that the widow, Sally Whew. tom died March 12th:1860 that the said Fr derirk F. Wh• aton died September 17th. 1853, leaving to survive hinge widow, Sussu - Wheattai (since mar ried . to Major Darling), and one,son, .Seymour Wheaton ; that no guardians wer appointed for any of the minor children of wild John WNeaton. deceased: that under and by vlrt ne of the Intestate laws or this conanntmealth. it belongs to the said Melissa Ann M. It^eers' to have an equal one4lghth part of said real estalt: No partition of said real elate having been' the petitioner Frays the Court- to award an inquest. to make par M O it the. .said-real es ate to and among the aforesaid parties according to their respective rights, and she will' every prey, etc. Whereupon the paid Conri4traut a rule on •the heirs and legal representatives of said decedent to show cause why partition of the 1 above descrited real estate shalt not be tuadef And now to wit., Tolayath. Me, the Court continue this rule nutit - Septeinher Term next. Aid now to wit, fieptember '22d, 1880, rolemade absolute, and the said Court. on doe mot anfreon 4,tletation of the premises, awarded an Inge et to lit-tke 'partition as prayed for: We therefore,eorn• titled you that. liking with yen seven gla•4l' and law( I mei) of your t alltwtek. you go to and upon th_ promises aforesaid, anti there, In the presence of alt pa tits aforesaid by you' to tie warned (if up fi betog earned they will be. present), anti having respect,te the title valuation then-of, and 'upon the Baths and athrtuaflons of the said, szven pad and lawful men. you bake parrltiou to and among the heirs and legal representatives of the Said intestate In such manner awl in such proportions as by the , laws of this Commonwealth Is directed ,If the same ' can be so parted and divided without prejudice to' 'or spoiling the wh.-le; and. if such partition cannot Le n-atie thereof without prejudice to or spoiling • the whole, that. then you C 3.18.1 th said Inquest to loqiiire and 'ascertain whether the sante will etM veniently accommodate more than one of the said heirs and legal representatives of the said intestate without pr Judice to or sphillug the whole;' and if se. how meths ft stilt tt,s aforesaid accommodate.' describing each part ly• metes and hounds, and IT turillitg a just valuation of the same. lint if: the said iliquest by you totie summoned as aforesaid to make the said partition or valuation shall be of opinion that the premises aforesaid, with the ap purtenances, can not 'lie so parted and divided as to accomniodate more than one of the said heirs and legal representativesof the said Intestate, that then pet cause the inquest to value the, whole of the said real eatatte; V. lib he appurtenances. bay in;; resp ct to the true valuation th reed agreeably' to taw; and that the partition or valuation so niaite yon distinctly . and up lily have before our. said Judge at Towanda. at an Orphans' Conrtr hpre to be held on the regular Gay of session's thereof. atter such Inquest shall be made heder your hand and seal.- and: under the hands and seals of those by whosii tsrths or affirmation , you shat) make such • peril! 10n,4 valuatien, and have you then and -there miNg Enorll-75 L. F.LABRZE [feb.llB TO WANDA, PEA A- EMI 66,000 N,,N. BETTS, Cashier Artl 1.187.9 GM _L COODRICH & HITCHCOCK. Publishers. . . . VOLUME XLI. Segal. CV it : Morrow. President Judge or our said Court at Towanda iforesahl. the 7th (lay or Aprll. A.lll. 1850, C. FRISME. Clerk. of Oritha4' Court. in conformity With the above'order, I hereby give notice to the above named heirs and.all fiber persons interested, that an Inquest will be held on the abe.ve estate. on the, premises, on Fit I DAY. the :STD .14y of NOVE.IIII - Eit, A'. 11.'isSO. at 2 o'clOrk, PET VD J. DEAN. Sheriff. TowOntia. ffetober 1.4, 18,40. - • DmiNISTAZATOR'S 'NOTICE. A Letters of admin'stratinn having laepti grant ed to the undersigned. utsin the estate of Chas; B. Nestor. late pi .Irmieltrora township, deceased. notice is heichy given that all venoms in-dewed to the said esiate are min: sled to , make immediate payment, and all pers 1124 having claims against !dud estate must present thr same duly antlienti• cited to the undersign 'd for settlement. AI. YI S' C. 1) I.:X T KR, Administrator.. Tuscarora. Pa.. Oct• . , . „t-i DM I NISTRATOR'S NOTICE, —Letters of administrition having heel, granted to the undersigned, upon the estate of t.. M. Honda. late of Iterptigton, deeea-ed, notice is hereby•given that allrrsons Indebted to Mild e.eate are requested to, ma - e immediate pay no io, itiel all persons hming legal claims against the sane- will- present them sKithout delay In pro fer o der for settlement to - - D. M. ll UN 0F.1.L, Administrator. • Luthers Mills, Oct. 2S, 18.80-wll. . Fl • XECUTOR'S NOTICE.— Let . ..4 tars testamentary having been granted to the undersigned. under .the twit villl and testutniAt of is James'U; 1..dg...y.1ate. of Fray klin , wp.. deceased. alt persons,Milented to the kitale of said decedent , are hereby notified to make immediate payment. and all baton claims against. said estate must pre sent the same duly nuihent eated to the under ,Agned for i.ettlenient. sENIANTIf.k.S. RIDGWAY. Monrottion, Oct-2y, 7ti80.,‘ Executor. • A.S.SIGNEE'S NOTICE'.—In the matter of the as,lgnment of M. F. itatisoin for tho benefit-of lilsi..reditors. In the Cowl of - Compton Picas of Bradford Comity,. No. ;t4, May Perth, 18;7. . , • ' The final account of Li. 11. Vannyke. Asslgnee.in t,e ab../ve ea-e, flloa September ^^ Lissn ; awl said account will be presented to. said ,Court for final cimilt illation and allowance on Thursday, Decem bt-r 9 1850, utiloSs cause , o shown why said account , Imuld not be finally confirmed and allowed by the -Court., GEORG P. W. BL ACKM ti N. :Towanda, Oct. 21, iSsO-w4. rrottuiootary. A PPLIC AT lON IN DIVORCE. Munch. In the Court or Coin: mon l'lras of Itradford county: NO. 5e.9. , !,40„ You are hereby notified that tieorge.syour hushand. haw applied .to the Court of Common rens of Bradford County for a divorce from the Maids of matrinmny. and the mad Court has ap pointed December DiSa, to the Court floosein Towanda, for hearing the said George. in the premises. at which time awl place you tray at. If you think -proper. 4rlw. ' PETER .1. DEAN. Sheriff.. kI).P.I.ICAI'ION IN DIVORCE. —T. Hezeklah (I:amberlaiM 1 the Court of . t mmun Pleas of Brad - turd county. N 0.114. May Term. IMO. You are herelly notified that Estelle your note:has: oppilcd , to the Court or Common r vai bt It rlolford Cou.dy for a divot ce" _ from the 'l,..nds of matrimony, and the aold Court hal.. op- I.uth tett Monday. the fah day of December. it. the Court llottqe, In Tremolo. for hearitrg the said Estelle. In :the premises.. at wide!' time and place you may attend If you thlhg proper. P-ETEIt .1. DE AW..faherlff. AI'PLICATION IN DIVOIt'CE. . —To Alliert - Curkmulall. In the Court of I 'MIIIIIII Pl. at, of Bradford county. No. 9 . 3. He cmber Term, IMO; You are liefeby notilied that Eliza, pnir wife,.' has. applied to the C on of Common Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce fiutli the bonds of matriinony, and he , si(id Court has appointed Monday, Deretutirr Mb; lakg, in the Colic House illk. for hearing the. said •Eliza, in the premises. which nine and place y-uluipy attend if yOll think proper. PETER J. DEAN, She' i rlfr. 1 . pROCLAMATION.- REREAS, lion. PAUL i). Moimow. Preshimit Judge , up t'ie 1311 t .111dIclarilfstrIct, reitisbdieg of the emitity of ilradf4d, has issued his precept bearing da the. lath day of September. Rise. tong , dlrimted. icr leading a court of Oyer and General Delivery. Quarter flesslen of the Peace. Com mon Pleas and '.Orphan's Churl at Towanda. for the enmity of itradfoul, emutnencirg en Sti nday. PECEMBER ent, ISSO, to continue Three weeks... Swift , Is therefoie hereby given to the Coronet's and Justices of the Pease of. the Bounty of itrade tort, that They be tin n and there In their proper persons, at lb o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with record,. Inquisitions Pm' other remembrances to'do those things which to their office anpertaiii to be done: not those %I,° are tiontiff fly rec. giii-. zances or otherwise, to prosecute against the prim). tiors who are or may beeln the Jail of said county, are to be then and there to prosecute against them a , shall be just. dumra are requested to be puts& teal in their attendance. agrei ably to their notice. Dived at Towanda. the 9th day'of November, in the year of our Lord one' thousand eight hundred and, eighty, and of the Independence• of the United States one hundr-d S i p(' fourth. PETER J. DEAN. Sheriff. j.A ITDITOR'S• NOTICE. - .1. P. .litrby to the one of J. A. Record v.. K. C. Mt:l2/6 and Elte•-• Means, Nn. 901, September Term, ICS. In the Court of .Comnp.st Neu of Ittmlford Comity. • • • • . The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute .certain. funds arising from St.erlft's We or the -defendant's real estate . , will attend to the duties of sald appointment at-the brace of DeWitt & Dell. In the horough.otiTowan da' on Fillt)AY. DECEMBER 3D 1880. at 10 o'r . lock, A.. 11.. w hen and where all persons having claims open said fund must present. them or-be torceredebarred from comiluz to tirs.n B,ald fund'. • L. M. 1.11.11. L. Auditor. . Towanda, ?a., Noy. 11, 16S0-w4. • . • itSSIGNEE'S •NOTICE.—Ih the District Court of am 'United States, for tile, Western District of Pennsylvania. ro the matter of James W.Taylor attil Mahlon M.Spalding. bank rupts. In bankruptcy. Westeen Districtof Penn sylvania. . . The creditonswili tale notice 'bat a fourth rn tral moetiog of the creditors of! Mid I ..ankrutds wIU 11 hold at Towanda, on' the 4th day of DE t'EMBER, A. I). 1a.40, at 10 o'clock. A. n..• at Lthe once of It. A. Mei cur. Eq.. oueof the Begistlrs in Bankruptcy In said Dlstrict.loethe purpose. nstmd In tb- Tfth Section of the Bantrupt.Act of March i,67. to wit : a goal distribution of raid bankrnins , ea alt I and at that meeting I shall ap- Vy fora discharge trout all liability u Assignee of satein tale, In accordance with th. Provisions Of iishkrUiet Act,. ' • •;• ypx, movo, frft*lfitiViY7.l-i'll • ' IMO - 1 1 0191SDA, BRADFORD annirTy; PA., THURSDA'r MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1880. • THE LUCKY HORSE. SkioE. MI ISTWAXIS T., FICLDIq ' .4L farmer traveling with his load Wicked op a hone aboe In the road, ind veiled fast to his barn doori-' : ! Inuit Luck might down upon bliniitur, ! Phut blessing known in life Might crown his homestead and his wife. And never any kind of harm °.%. Descend ul on his growlng farm.' ~ But dire 1111fortutie won began . To visit the astounded min. Pis hens declined W lay their eggs; His bacon tumbled from the pigs,: • And rats devOured the f Allen legs; /' Ills c3in, that miier failed before. Mildewed and rotted on the door; Ills grass refused to end In hay . ; His cattle died, or went astray ; In abort, all moved the crooked Way. 'Next Spring a great dropth baked the sod, And roasted every pea In•pod ; . The reans declared they could not grow So binges nature acted so; Redundant Insects reared their brOod - 1 To starve for lackof juicy food t : The staves fiora barrel sides went off As If they had the banning-cough, And noitsit.g of the Isettil kind . TO bold together felt Inclined : In short, It.was no us" to try, While all the land was' ) ln a fry, , • One morn, demoralised with grier* The farmer clamored for relief And prayed right bard to nidersinnd What witchcraft now possessed his land; Why, house and farm in misery grew ' Since he nailed up that..' lucky" shoe. . While thus dismayed o'er matters wrong An old man chanced tO;trudge along. • To whom he told with wormwocd tears, now his atfairi Were in . arrears, And what a despenoi Rate of things A picked-tip horse shoe sometimes brings The stranger asked to see the shoe; The fernier brought It kite slew ; . But when the old man mind his head, lie laughed outright and quickly said. `• Nowonder sales upon yott frown— • You've nailed the horse shoe upside down ; Just burn it round, and soon you'll see • How you and fortune will agree." • • The far Mer turned the ltorselhoe round, . • And showerslyegan to swell tke t grodu'd ;, The Ilunshine laughed among tie grain And heaps on heaps plled'up the wain The loft his hoy could barely Ills cattle did as they were told ;, ills fruit trees nee:dedesrprdy props To hold the gathering apple! ci•'opS: Ills turnip and plata l Astonished ill mon by their yields; Folks never raw pack ears of corn MI In his smiling hills were born ; lilts barn was full of bursting bins— Ills wit ;po'eserited him with twins; It I:t . raelglrbors marveled more and more • To see the Increase its his lore. . - And oow•the merry farmer rings •• There - are two ways of doing things: - And when for good luck you would praYr Nail up your horse shoe the right way.'!' , ' /farper's Nagasinefor December . , , . Perihelion Plague—A Warning Voice Blood and Death Astrological WUnders and. Woes from 11 1 M0 to 1047 .—Startling Sensatiuns,Omy the Seers .of the Stars-1 he Dire Eilects of the Approaching Perlhellaihe Season in Which] to Prepare for the Wrath to Conic. : 111" ROF. C. A: i3RIMMELt. . • , It is pretty well understood that the perihelia of the four great plan nets—Jupiter. Uranus, Neptane and Saturn—will bc•co-incident in 1380. Astrology,f oday is ridiculed \ by many so,called scientists. After 1430 astrology will be taught ..by - mans who reject it now. Bacon. says "the world oppoSes what- it does not un derstand.'7- in the case of astrology this is pre•eniinently so I . have no desire to discuss tlie veritY•or falsity of astrology; I simply state the effects 'which the approaching perihe lia will produce according to nitro logical deduction, -- The effects which this conjunction will produce are trio ! mentong. From IsSO to 1887 will be One universal carnival oldmith. No place on eartli will be , entirely free froth the plague. The Pacific coast will not miner anythini in compari- .- 8011 to any oilier porticn of the globe.. The coincidence of these planets in perihelion will „always produce ,epi; , dethib . and •de tructive diseases. Three of these planet& are and Jupiter, although a tienefie, pro- (fuCes evil . throUgh . association:; or technically, by conjunction . with the others. - Diseases will .appear, the nature of which will iktflie the skill of the most eminent physiciaths. Every drop of wpter in the earth, ou the earth or'above thei earth will be, more or 'less poisonous atmoS4 : : phere, will be foul with _noisome ' odors, ELM), there be few coristi-. 'utions able resist the coming: scourge, _therefore. pOptirt, i , ye that. are constitutionally - weak, sand in emperateond gluttonoua,.frman'S Ja - At home,--the grve. From . the far east the pestilential -storm wilt sweep, and` its last struggle will end in the far: west. In ;742 and 1665 three of the planets,, 64 of which were' imalilies : (Mars and Saturn),. were in peOlielion and Jupiter, though, a benefic, brought - evil through Association. .Now 542 and 665 were the . worst plague eras of which_ the world lia'At ',anir-veeord., From 542 to . 546, it IT been.estima-' ted that from 75,000,000 t 0320,0 .0,- 000 victitus suffered : death by. the plague. (,‘ Gibbon's I History,". vol. chap siv.; also " Cousin's His tory of Rothe," vol. ii, p. 178.),.. , 1n,1730„ Mars and Saturn were in' perihelfon and in the ogri Tirko, - and 52,000 . out o' 74,000 inhabitants died in the-city of Marseilles in lesi than rive reeks. In 554, 10,000 died each day in . anstantinople. Alexandria (Egyp ) lost. in 522, 50,000, and in 532, sO,OOO of her inhabitants by the plague.. But as bad a, were these times, they will only approximate 'the horrors of-seven years which Many •of us are doomed -never to ' witness. All the weak and intem perate are sure to -die. There is not !.. - escape Chin .the inexorable plague fiend. Fortunate indeed are those whose blood is pure and free from any--taint or yveakness. for they alone Wffritifkrive:the wreck of the human family. The intemperaie and weak I will join bands and go down to their graves in 'tens of thousands.' Ancient' races will be blotted out ;frinn the face of the,. earth. Asiat will be rnesrly depopulated, and the islands that border Aiia will suffer fright , fully from the scourge. The. coun tries that join the northeastern por tions of Asia *ill suffer the ravages of the plague. Russia wid -he the first European nation that ' will suffer, ITnlesa cOffePt 4lSTOrtr7tng" l/11- 10:fl9ili tslifil) ilf 4 olo Mk Oft-THr' MB - El Mil AWuIIL. = . . Will be found dei,likluiting.lOgi cities on ,the Atlantic . coast of. Ametica. America . will lose more than 15,000;- 000 Of. .inhabitants - it the , sewers'of her, cities are as imperfe4 in 1881 as they are to-day. The *Wells, 'will' _bring other Inflictions upon the in-: habitants-of, the, earth; over which mankind can exert no . restraining. Clime. • There 'will come storms and tidal . waves that will swamp whole cities; earthquakes that-will swallow mountains_ and ; towns; and tornadoes_ that Will sweep shutidreds of villageafrota , thCface of the earth; mountains will trettible, totter and fall into' sulphurous chasiamn; the 'geography . .of the 'earth will - changed by volcanic action ; moun tains will toss their' rocky heilds .. up thiough the choicest valleys ; volleys will appear where mountains . . stood ; skillful mariners will .be lost in the ocean, lowing% to the extraordinary variations . oil the compass; naviga- , tors will grow pale with alum atthe ' capricious deflexure of the ,needle; volcanoes that . have ben dormant for centuries.- will awaken- to belch forth their . lava with more violence ,than. 'when'•in their "pristine vigor, rainfalls' will 'divulge. valleys, and mountain streains will enlarge their beds. •and beco!me Mighty torrents; fires ,will start spontatiemisly • and devastate whole forests ' ; greattres will' occur in . .mani•cities, : end some will be totally destroyed ; there will be.remarkable displays-Of electricity, .frightfuttri witness; wild-beasts will, leave their natural haunts and crowd .into populous cities, timid and harm less ; suffocating_ fumes' al sulphur will -escape from the earth,, to tee great, dread of many ' • an unpre cedented, number of ships will; be shattered in fragments by running on. are rocks and small islands that are no.t, down on the,: navigator's chart; islands •-will appear andriliaap ..pmr without ally apparent .cause; tha navinatar's, charts will proye moots detriment, instead ofsn aid, l owiva to the-sudden change of ocean' currents, temperatpre s and surround-. ings; the birds of the air, the beasts of the fields,' and even•the fish in the sea will be diseased ; billions of fish will die and be cast upon 'the sea shore, to fester. in the sun and im pregnate• the - atmosphere with their foul emanations. •No fish noi•anhial food'shoeld be eaten- from • 1882 till 1535, for - thej flesh , of nearly all the animal kingi . nt and the finny tribes i 'that inhabit the rivers,'streams, lakes and oceans' 'will be deceased, and therefore those who partake of the flesh shall Poison their , 'blood and he taken away shortly after. f• The :poi. son that enters the system • by eating diseased Meats is just as-deadly as to, be innogulated with the plague. Farmers will be so stricken, with fear that they will cease to till the a 94- gaentlamine will step in; to make human misery more wretel eil; tanatielsOrill spring up in many' places, and blociiishel' will result therefrom ; - noitilerers and robbers will play their hellish Work With' . punit, for 'people will' be absorbed with the trying task of keeping alive; people will be bUried in deep trenches uncotlined ; the judge will be stricken fri.o' the bench,. the pleader at the' bar, an • *the merchant and the custo-. mer will be seizediwith . the fatal ma lady-while trading ; death, will cop 'e Slow and lingering in some ci.ses, but in 'most it will be swift and ter rible. '.ln seaboard towns thousands will be .buried in the hays and bar hors, the laws to the contrary not withstanding. - l• • • in :many countries .vast 'districts will be deserted, and even in. Enrope some portions will appear , se near that condition as' to apiill : the traveler. One 'may walk days over I hundreds of farms without -seeing a liairig On._ all the large tracts of land `that once were so animated with alumni to b, not a vestage will be ' seen. The houses on the, deserted farms *ill show signs of -disarrange ment and negligence that plainly tell: Of the - hurried departure of the owners to the populous Let the trave i er.pnrsue• his way till he' comes , to the small villages,i many.of • which will pot:contain a-single living thing. 'Let Lim look into the houses,• 'let hirnpasslthroug,h . 'the doers that stand ajar and witness the sickening specie* of, 'whole families dead: Let him still wander, it be yet have . couraite ' through the country strict:, en with black death, and in the fields on the bill-side, and•in the dark can. ons of the mountaiins, and he will see every phase of this terrible malady; till the culminating pointof.death is reached—the .' . end of attacked With the incurable disease. ' • The'countrk people will flee'to:the crowded cities for aid, nut uniesS they - are, rich, the physicians will give them little if afili• attention -The poor will die, bsf. _tens of thou,- •salids •withent minfiiterig, band to `Soothe . their ilyipg; agonies • The (lectors 'Will be itiLuniversal deniand and extortionate in - charges for their services Bear in mind, Ito medicine Or (loot& can give yen any more aid than you' can yourself, The disease Cannot be cured, but unless your sys tem is too weak or Impure copious.' draughts of Warm water ant ;R.:vege tarian/diet Will j prevent. the disease peisorling the. blood in - 'the , process of digestion; •Animal. food will poi son those who continue the use of it. fine cotton or sponge dipped into spirits of camphor ; and kept in the nostrils, and frequently changed; will prevent the bleed from poisoning thro'- the, orgAns of respiration. After the „black death' there will be two years •of fire, Which :will- rage with fury in all -.parts of ',the world front 1885 to . 18811. These fires will be' the„means Of annihilating 'every germ of disease.' infact, .every city or ;portion of a - city,: in - :which 'the -plague appears, sheuld•be burned-. to the ground, . -destroy r .the .scourge. . - .ATotSet_biit.firecanido IL - Those w.bik` those_ ter- . Able' yearii) • ,4111 havogreater -'enjoy went tw i rlte lileititeres:26 . fi' t ;ie,.-tarth. - The .earth , :--118.unich is formerly. Alt the • leingdom will be Pro prolonged,-. aVer 40.49Xition. of life is said .to b mitt e :-i3 r M ,l39w: After the year Wi..!t - :ttt tcif!flif t A)? = in I. REGARDLESS OP DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER. The reason of2thie..most remarkable, -Prolongation Of life- is' Owing to the healthy electricitY_ or magnetism that will surroutidthis globe. , troth 188 Q tolBB7. the electricity, of this earth Will be deadly, - owing. to the malific influence .of Saturn and I.Tratinti upon ;par: atinosphere; ..During, the black death the Most: wonderful celestial phenomena/4111_15e seen tor weeks the sun V III appear red as bload, and :terrible convulsions will appear' in that. great body: 'The. sun ~will die.- charge oceans of flaming hydrogen gases that Will - roll in ,tumultuousi• billows from of thousands of miles from . its centre. The melon's action-on the tides will.be spasmodic and irregular.:. Tremendous showers of meteors. will fall to the earth and remain in an inandesCent state for :hours. Dense blaelvclouds will , veil the' su n for days. and the moon will ' not shed as brig ht or as steady-a light as before those- dreadful dayii. "The whole heavens and earth will tremble at the awftil, -continuous reports of, I 'hinder, lasting frequently for bOrs;' 'blinding flashes of lightning will it-' min e the • black - sky ' ; people will *cream 'with .horrbr/ at the fantastic ' "tiliapes the :lightning will assume; thousands. will go_ insane,with fear ofl the celestial phenomena; all, males oregress from the city, - will be stop. pod; *trains will be :stopped On the prairies, in the mountains and val leys,.and their occupants will, die in them of - disease and starvation,; steamships and . sailing craft will ret., l on thooceatis with their dead human l freight,lfrifting where the winds and waves, may drive them. • . • •.- . , Stout mill be i ihe heart that will not desPair in these dreadful times. Fanaticwillarise . and cry out that the han d of Godis against mankind; and religious . frenzy be -.ranipantin all the :arge cities i -so-Called prophets will incite their followers*. to deeds of blood• and tuning. big. they will not hold sway long; insanity froty religious causes .will predprninateln those times; the mortality in the . ' eit:ies where sewerage is . detective will be appaling. i, E-erything that is Ate or . drank should . be 'boiled well before being used ; no cooked-food or water should be partaken of if al ',lowed to be exposed to the - air for even - .a quarter of 'an hour; food ; must : be eaten: as soon after being 1 cooked as possible; every - kind ofl animal food* Should -be eliminated froth the stable ;• even flsh'and gam should - not "be - used; milk, butter, egos. fats oils' (excepting, vegetable oils,) should be prohibited; vegeta ' bles, grains and fruits that are pro duced in each country should be used. The electric condition Of everything on earth will be 'changed, .therefOre the prottnets.ofthe Obit in our immetii - ate Vicinity are the hest' to keep the htiman system in A positive state. When The hunian organism Is iii: a p9sitive condition, :it is practically irn,possible to contract disease:. .All persons in a 'native - state to their surrounding will be' the first to tall victims to the -scourge. The 'flesh eater-and the alcoholic imbibe' will go down' hand in hand- together to the grave, far their blood wili,become impure and inflatned,, and therefore : be in a negative-state and necessarily unable to cambat with disease.. Bear in mind, 'no vitt of the world will be exempt from `the plague. The trigit, homes of the Esquimans will be in vaded by the -demon '.of death, and: desolation will' be apparent there in that.frozen land as. in' the sun scorch ed sands. of Africa.: The Motigolian race will suffer most,, for it is without doubt the most ancient: _. Races are likeempires--they have their rise, decline and - and fall, - China will -be depopulated, ornear ly, so; Lind when the plague breaks out in 1881, in their, country, hordes of Asiatics will crowd their ships and gee: the conetry,:torapreadtfie !Oath = some horror: over every land thew - tarn to. Every island in the - Pacific, will be .swarming With Mongolians, and they. will ,at ,With reach ; Pacilic states, - and then -A theries- must suffer A destruction. of life without a paral-. lel,in her history:. I say that the in litibitantsof the. pleague-stricken dis tricts-will reach there unless more 'vigilance_ is tised; - wish _preventive: measures to keep , them'back. cli am not actuated by any feeling of preju-, dice against..any particular race, but. the voice of the host of tie,:heavena should be harkened unto, and,.'if by_ a mathematical scheme we : , cad -de duct certain facts portentious to the' Caucasian face,lhey should hectiVen and followed., In mortaqty:the '' East India country, will be next .in 'order of magnitude to (Nina, Africa next, Europe next. and America next. The .Atlantic.states will stiffer more. than. the i Pacific ' - South America more that ; North Ameriea, and California will be the last 'and \ least sufferer of this most malignant, plague • eraitho world has ever - . known. The Plague .is :not only what the perilrlid.brings 'us, but it will be aceompanied liY war, discord, civil strife, floodaNinun la- . Lions, and, seven-tenthlif Am' world,; drew h ; and, unless. extraordinary provision iSjitade- t.-} quell great up risings,- anarchy, with all its horrors, will reign from 1880 tal 887. ' lii-1887 the "Star of Bethlehem" will be once more'seen, in I' Cassie- Pia's. Chair," and it •will be accompa nied by a total eclipse of the enn i and moon.. 'This star olily makes its ap pearance. every . 315 years. ' It. will appear iin.illumine the heavens, and,. i ll exceed • i . -brilliancy even Jupiter, when in o pposition to the 8,1111, and therefore, nearer to the .earth and brightest. • The marvellous brilliancy o 1 the .‘,Star of. Bethlehem" in 1887- Will surpass anf of its previous .yi4 ; i: tat:ions. it Will be seen even, at noon= day, shining . with - a quick; flashing light the entire year after Which it 3011 . grailiiallY decrease in briglitnes's .and finally .diaappear, not to return -to• Our liitems till the year22o2, or -316 years from 1887. This starfirst 'attracted he attention of modern as-' ,trlcitionie i n the year 1372. ' It-w as then call a new ' star. It . was "no neW'stat, hcilvswer, for this -- w s the star. that, illumined the -hem . pst at the nativity of Christ. , It:' ha :reap it 'peeved every 315 years i fiin - , and every educated iistrolegetlavertairi tiiti-Wwili oppoftr in. -- -414,Wilani { fhb Kiln!''? Pi tillit etfir( IIPM1114: -.•- • NORM ':;' . ...i--t . ':' 1 ,: . ..., - .:1... , ;,:/.'_ ,5 .4 .. :L.1N•r:: . :!'.....':::::; , .".. ',',',"-• ' -,.4,%. EN ,„. - • 3 ' , . • MEM WM = 1 , flied as' it will lieu a Solar and ltt. Dar etlipses together with the baleful influence that, follows the positions that Mars and Saturn will occupy, will cause a universal war and per. tentons floods and fearful shipwrecks. North America will' be involved in civil strife, and a reign of terror will Prevail in the Atlantic . States, unless a Napcleon arises to quell it. There' will be a war of classes--thetich will array themselves against the poor, aBd vice versa, everywhere. ,'REPUGIATION." Practical Application of-the Southern Fi. nancial Doctrine. Some time agO Nick Woods, the colored man who took the prethium at; n Colored fair for:being the black est man in Arkansjis, borrowedit.lo from a . promirient Little Rock poll. tician. Yesterday Nick eame r to town and was appkoachedl by the gentle man. " Look .here, Nick, I want that $l9; you've had ii long . enbugb." - 44 toss," replied- Nick, " hit " 'peerEi ter.lne dat -F heard yer make a speech t'other day in faber of repugiatin s de State debt.. 'Cording ter de gog-_ afy ver'bil out dat day, I oughtener pay yer de $10." ." There. is no similarity in the two, propositions." "No „what? Similarity, ur-he-he. : Ef - 1 stays rouu' dis man long I'll be IV aAin' ob a school.' 'Cordin' ter . 3er Owti gog,afy .1 ain't gwine ter pay , de debt." , , /: "Look here, man, , you are drOp. ping into an error. lon are not a State. The State of Arkansas can not be sued." •• ' - 4 t Ye's, I'se • a State: Hain% I. 41 un reached man's ,'state ?. Any man wilat'a r twentY-one years ole is a State. CoUrse yer can - . sue me, but yer can't git within!. ; '.1:4 yer in. faber of payin' de State debt? " • because the State never de rived'Much benefit from the money borrowed." , . , •- " Den l'se gayer agin ' : l o nebber gained no' benefit kora de mone3 'what )aorrOred frum yet'. I got drunk ail' goon de rock pile. No, Coking', I cap't pay yer. I'd like mighty well ter do it, but she's agin my princip.uni." . , " If you don't, pay' me, , you black Scroundrel, OF, thrash you right. here:" I. dat wliat yer call Democratic doctrine ? than. not 'ter pay one debt an' rovbale him case he won't pay anndddri ! Dot's a .cuis way ob busine4 'Cordin' to' my notion: No boss, I .iian't pay yer .I'se in fabus ob yer#igiation from' de word wolf, an' weq is de fust Jes giv nigga si chance to be dishones' •kn, he can'in'lghty nigh tote his eend wid de'vriiitel folks. ..D.ishOnest;y wid a nigger metiiis dishonesty., - He ain't -a gwiue ter 4teal a. chicken from one man an' gib hit to ant rider man. He's owine 'ter chickens from-bof de. men. DoeS yer heal; my horn? Does yer turnble CO de situation.? 'Sorry,- boss,. but I'fie . got de heels .on yer. l'se got de advantages, an' l'sogwind war 's!.m like a' par o i socks. .4 re pugiates de debt. (Sod boss." I.—Arkansas Ocv;eite. 014 Bazembee Ma4s'a Reputa 7 tion. -Old .Bazetabee had returned Trona the club the other evening, when, as he -hung up his overcoat on the hall hat-rack and prepare 1 to,go up stairs, he heard such strangelv.;excited voices .1 In - the front parlor that.he paused_ to . . sten. - . . • . , .. . A voice, that, herecognjzed at once . as belonging - t that fastzlookitlg young Snyder he had warned to be careful abOut, said contemptu. . , . I • . • ou4:. , .., . ~ • '"Peace , woman, and wrafy me no . longer by - your . reprdaches•, 1 tell you - the day 'of wedding with Alice Mantressorls fixed, and by heavens nothing shall prevent our unionr . Could these wOrda . be addressed' to his own 'daughter?: ;Yes, it was in'-' deed Maria's sob-choked tones.that replied : •-.., '' • *... . . This, Olen, is the reward for my sacrifice,' . ray . devotion. Ri inert, and forsaken, you taunt; • me with your latest conque4t. *Monster--coward!" • It only . required a second for Ba- Zembee To, rush up , stairs and: get, his shot-inn Out of the elosei f f..' The nest moment he burst into the parlor-with blitzing eyes ; and,. hurling . the black hearted betrayer to the' floor, he plaCed the muzzle of hisbreethdoad , • er at his temple, hissing 1 -.-. " Villian, swear to me that you will make an: honest woman•of . this duped angel or I will strew theflpor with your devilish .brains!"sll9Oray!" shouted . young Snyder,:,_ sitting up and clapping his • bands. i t" Tbatfs way Op. - . Magnif. Sperlendid!" `. "Beautifu4papa. Encore! .!Encore'!. Bravo!" .added 31 .ria, delightedly: I never six anything • better at j Baldsidn's " '.. • .. .1 • . • " . Eh ? - N1 hat' ? 1 I—er-er fmered: the , ivildered.parenN .ing arms. 1 . - -4. We •were so •afraid t would object to .my taking ; the private theatricals: Mit ei neverlistentto it But you ter than any ofl ns--deesn't. by ?" l- _ • -You bet.'" replied - Bobby ? - ' ly, 4 ' 9uess.you must hae. airMteur -Macready once, sir: Then-Mr.l Bazembee couted and • .,. wiped his 'forehead, , and 1 umbl ed seen a good d about_ his havingdial of that sort of I ,liittg, when he was - young, and that Maria must be sure to-take -iii the ma', when her piling freifid .had gone, and . then went upr-to bed and dreamed he Was playing an Out raged 'community_ to' 2rowded. houses .till night . t :' „. ' • , ' . ' . . , ....L„............-.---- , • 1 . : - • - 1 - "Tara is nice time of night": , for You to be - cominin," said a mother to her daughter, who o returned from a .walk at ten o'clock. 1." When I was like :y0n, , P..1 continued' - "my mother iroUld not Mimi me,Ou later than seven o'clock," "Oh,'yort h d a nice sort - of mother," • 'unmoved t a girl.' "I had, you young jade," said, he mother, "a nieet mother than ever - y n had." • - .• , ' . i .-: . ICalgsw hoouteacher.i ii.Whera #clea 1 Our- amts., tor . .'”lnto- the , holiper.,l. li What hu t fpy 2! .'''ll'at-.lss l , , ,uppor,'!'" frt.: !MORRO' !Ft}t. o o O. fifiholl.,ll.._ ", !'• -.- --: IMEI MI A 5 " • 1 tl i~ Mark Twain's Wonderful Watch.. ground at 3t9ti paretp irl you'd act b 4-, ,he Bob- ferven,t; been an 'i~~y ;.'~~~ ~~1 YES OR NO. Do I jove bet? Dimpling reit lips at me potting Dimpling shoulderist nuVionting -11 don't • . = Do I love tor Polsoncil fn ttolse crystal eyes 1 Parity forever lies— Yes, I do 2. Do I totelicri Little wild and Willful fiction, Teasing. torturing contradiction= • No, I don't: ' Ito'l love her? With kind acts and sweet wards, she Aids and comforts liovert, , ,r 3 —r' . Yes, I do! • Dn Hove herr Quick she puts her cutraseon, 'Otabewith laughter, Mogi with scorn— .: No, I don't ! • lid I toviher? No When to my arms she tile., Filling me with glatimMprlee--% • Ah I Yea, Idp ••, My beautiful new watch - had!run eighteen or nineteen months without breaking: any part of its tadehinexy, or stopping. 1 had 'come to.believe it infallible in• its judgments about the, time .of slity, and to .consider its constitution and its. anatomy imper ishable: But at last one night, 1i let itrun down. I grieved about it Ss. -itOt were a recognized. messenger and forerunner of calamity. .11::t"by and by I cheered up, set the watch by - giteos, and ' commanded rily body ings and superstitions to depart. Next • day I stepped into the chief, jeweler's to set it' by the exact time, and the head of the establishment took it out of my band and•proceed- . 1 ed to set it ;for me. Then he said: " She is four minutes 'slow, :and the -regulaormastbe pushed up a little," and so, while I danced around him in anguish; and •beseeching him to let the whole alone, .he calmly -and' Cruelly did the. shameful deed. My watch began to. gain.'• It - gained faster day by day. Within a week it; sickened . to a raging, fever; , and its pulse went up *to . a hundred and fif teen in -the shade.' At the end of two. months it . had left all. the time pieces of the tolls far in the rear, and was a,fraction over thirteen - days ahead of the almanac. "-It Was, way into NO veinber enjoying the snow, while the October leaves were still turning. :It hurried up house rents; bills pay-' able, and such things, in such a ruin ,• ous way that I could not--abide it.. I ! took it to the watchmaker. to be reg ulated. lie asked me if I had ever had it ;repaired. I said no, it had• never - -needed any repairing. Icioked.a : look of vicious happiness and . eagerly ,pried- the. watch 'open, then put la small , dice box into. his eye, and peered into its machinery. He said it wanted .cleaning and oil ing, besides regulating once in a week. After.. being cleaned and oiled, . and . regulated,' my . watch slowed down to that, degree • that it .ticked like a tolling bell. I begot to.be left by _trains, I failed allap-' pointinentS, .1 got to missing niysdin ,,..ner; my watch strung .out three dayatgraee to :our and let me go to, protest; "1 gradually drifted back in to yesterday, .and then llay before, then into last week, and by and by the cOmprehe , 'sion came upon me that all solitary .and alone I *43 lingering alone in the- week before last, and,the world was,, out of sight.. I -seemed to detect iii.inyaelf a sort of sneaking fellow-fteling for the mummy in the museum and a desire to swap news with him. I went to a watchmaker, again. He -took the • watch all to pieces while I waited, and-then said the barrel was"swelled." Ile said he could reduce it'in three .days After this,the'watch averaged Well-but' nothing more. - For half a day it would -go like' the very mis- - Chief, and keep up such a barking and wheezing and snorting, that I could . not heat myself think • for the disturbance ; and as, long as-it held "rout, there was not a watch in' the land that stood any chance against. it, Bin,- the reat.of the day it' would keep on slowing down. and footing along until all the 01°04 it had left,behind cattglit, up again. .S.O, at last ; at the end of twenty-font hoot's, it would trot fin to the judge's stand all right and just On time. It would show a fair and 'square; average, and no man coldd sky it dow. -- rnore or less' of its duty. • But a corieet average is-only a mild virtue in a ,watch, and- I took 'this instrument to another watch-- . Ile said - the ,kingbolt - was 'broken. .I' . said - I was( glad :it was , nothing .more serious. To tell ''the plaintruth, I bad - no idea what the king bolt Was; but I did , not-choose tO appear ignorant to, a stranger. repaired the kingbolt, but that the watch gained in one way it lost in, another.' It would run awhile and atop awhile, and then' run -awhile .. again and so oh,. .usine its own dis cretion-.about the intervals. And every, time it Went \ off kicked like - a: inusket, Vpadded my breast for a few. days, .lint finally took the watch, Le another watchmakel l . He took it all. to pieces, and turned' the ruin overan&over under his glass; then: , said there appeared,to. be something the:matter with the hair triggers HO fixed it, and gave it a fresh start; It :did well now, except that always at ten. minutes to ten' the hands would abut up, together like a• pair of seas-' •sors, and from that .;time forth-they would ;travel together, The oldest ,roan in!l the world could -not make head o 'of the time of day-by such a watch, andlso, - I-went.again to I have the thino . repaired. This per .-1 son said the• main Spring was not L-straight:. - He also _;remarked, that part of:the works needed half-soling. lie 'made these things all right,and then mrtline piece performed yam ' ceptionably.save that now and then, after .working along quietly for nearly eight hours, everything inside' would let go of-a sidden . andbegin to buzz: like a bee, :and the hinds stmightWay begin to spin Iminstao fast that their individuality rWai lOst completely, and they seemed a delicate -spider web over the face of the watch. ,Shti would reel off the next tiwenly-four hours in six or seven minute's and then stop ,With a bang., .went with it hpayler -hetiit'to out TIM rtP 4l . o44 frf I. SOO I', 1 L, , . - 81.00 per Annum In. Advance. he took her to plecTs. Then I pre pared.to cross cluestioti him rigidly, for the think was getting serious. The watch had cost $2OO originally, and I deemed to hive paid ,out two or three thousand for repairs. While I waited and ,looked ou',l . presently recognized in this. watchmaker old acquaintancer-a steamboat 4ugi neer of other days, and not a very good engineer either. He eimmlitied all the parts carefully, just as the other watchmakers bad done and then delivered his verdict with the same confidence of manner - . • He said :... ...1 , ' , • Q, l'She makes too much steam—you . 'want to bang the monkey wrench on the safely valve I". . '. ' .I brained_ him on the Spot , a nd had , - him buried at my own eipense. •, - .j, i My uncle William (now debafied; aq as!) used .to say that a , ,good horse - as,a good'horse until. he ran away once and' . that .:a good • watch was a goodwatch until the repaiiers got a khance.atit. And he Used to wonder *hal became Of-all the Unsuccessful tinkers, and gunsnAtbs ; 'but nobody could ever tell Lim.. • . OW* A Clergyrhan's Experienc e . R; -A country clergymen says in the Ttoy Times: - "There are' a mat Many -Ain w ten; chapters of a clergy paWa life in the country which Would read like romance to the unin• Mated. There are chapters of hard 'facts as well, as happy 'fancies. In my first yearin the ministry,my f sal- :try was just $51;0, with which I, boarded' myself. and team, had the Tung fever, wa.s matried, -, paying the , minister a VIeN-and so My dead- Ifeadisin.began. • , fy first wedding at the pat sonage.was a great' event.l It was on a cold winter day. The extra -fire was,. made- in. the parlor, ;and *hen the couple' arriyed I . fed their horserwip hay and oats, the bride end groom ate heartily •'of 'a good steak dinner.. obtained .a - certifierite s% hick cost fifty Oats, and 1 received one dollar; for the entire entertain ment. There are of course profitable marriage occasions—oases in the scorching sands,. of Ministerial path-. ways.. 1- know, of an ex;prtsicling elder of: the Troy Conference: who vas called on' •to ofliciate at.a coil tem - plated wedding four miles from a Vermont village. - A horse and ; buggy - were sent to take him to the place, . . and on his .arrival he forund that a family ro,n , had caused .an indefinite •poStponement of the wedding. .He vas not even asked in,' but was al lowed to foot it -home: in the 'mud without fee or thanks. ,Funerals in the country 'Call for great grate On the part of the parson: I. have gfated at three,ftmerals,in Otte day in ramilies outside 'of my :own congre fiation withotit thanks or fee. - 'I have even paid livery -.hire, receiving nothing in remuneration; 'to attend *ends; Still I 'am 'called a 'dead- . ifesa; IK • feauie I sometimes ride on railroads•for halt fdre when on -min- - „istorial duties. I \ have"attended two pauper-funerals in'one day, for which. the'town - paid the `overseer for his time, the doctor for :kis visits and . medicine, the gravedigger ,and the undertaker, but I receisW nothing for my services: Then I\have at tended other funerals in - - all kinds of weather. where interested parties. upon my taking leave, .have said: ate you again some. other day: One man who promised to -see tie. some other day, saw me sooner• than . he expected. At a , camp-meeting few months later. he was converted, and when I saw • the tears in: his eyes I mentally prayed, •' Lord, have mercy on that man's soul. When the meeting closed he warmly grasped me with his tight band, and with his left hand handed me a $5 bill; say ing: I feel a though ought to 'pay you for attending my wife's funeral last- June: -. Well, for once, I felt:the Lord had answered my prayer.” - •••• Her. Petty, and What Came of It ' The misforiunes, of a Forest-Hills lady are humoroasly told by the Bos ton Courier. She went to the city 'to do some shopping, and among other things bought a .new hat—a Derby:the first of the kind she had , ever Worn. She stood at the counter with tho hat on, when her sister, who livesin:the City, came ~in, rooked at her very Jird; and. said to a friend, " How much that lady look 3 like - Iny sister !" It required a personal ex planation to convince' her that she was her sister. On, the. train she spied her husband, who was buried in an evening newspaper. .He glanc ed at her and returned to his news. She sat _near him,' and after a while Cha - ley." He looked up-grin ned, looked a little .undecided and - - again returned to his paper. When the train stopped, she, went up behind .him and said, Charley." Balm, the good boy, didn't even look around. Then she touched Lis. arm and said in. despair,".Charley, lon't you know me? What is the, matter?. •At this he sto pped,'gazed at her steadily', and said, " I beg your—What !—Oh, the deucel - .=Come n_ ow,! ''''' .that you; Minnie?. Why, w.hat's come over you?" " I suppose this horrid, horrid hat... I'll take it off' the min ute I get home. - and never wear it again - . • Didn't you really •know me, dear ?" "Of course not ;- I thought it was that girl across-the.street try 7 ng - to scrape a- quaintance with,me." NUMBER 26 SHE vas of those nervous, fidgety sort or women who get up-on a chair to thread .n.needle, and When she swallowed a lively flv• with her raspberries*, the neigbbors thought that the Fourth of July had, ar rived 24 hours too' , , soon. - Freedom, dur ing the primest days of Kosciusko, never shrieked' with greater, velocity than she did Summit:a,. at a Paris restaurant. An old colonel., az work upon a 'Steak and fried potatoes, was annoyed by a cried. greeable odor. "Waiter'!" be . cried. .." - Wliero . does that knell- comp from?" "Monsieur alludes, perhaps, to the ihriinp . o They are, quite fresh. They ; .have just arrived from - Cherbourg. " The deuce they have. They mina on foot then." . - WRVN they can't make an Albany baby quit er)ing in any other way, - they let' him crawl under:, a bed and make him be- Metre they think•thate he is lost and are boicitni forltints DMII9 - keep tptiet fOf tre fkifirj: . • Sir laiac's Reply The president of the eelebrated Lime Min • Club " stated _that he WO in - nx..lipt of. a eommuniestion , from St. Louis asking the 616 how it stood On the Bob Ingersoll ques tion of 04 or. no - God. He would ask Sir Ins m Walpole to .answer it for himself and all his fellow-memb ers. He was willing to , abide by what the good old man plaid, and he bell ved all others would be.; The , ivhite-headed old roan, .: old and Wrinkled, and burdene with the weight of 70 years , rose in his seat, looked about bun and quietly began: "It dar am no God den dor am no fueher. When we close our_ eyewin death de soul dies wid* its an' We molder to dust'de same as,dobrutes. It has bin a long journey for me. In my heart am de graves of wife an' child'en.' My days have been cloudy an' full of woe. My, nights have bin dark an' full of sorrow. have bin' robbed, cheated, abtused;'in' made to feel my wretchedness, but netiber, not eben in my darkest hour., did'. doubt dar was a God, nor did I lose • faith,in Him. Take away gat faith to=night—make me believe dat dar am no Ileaben-r-tell me dat I wonif meet MY, poor ole Chloe. an' -de blessed cbill'ren up dar Imong de angels, an' you would craft me down ati_ break my ole heart. Pat's all I • pear to be libin fur—(o wait de Mas terl - call to close de ledger of life no' go home 1 , I am- 614 an' poor • an' lowly, but heat 'in my breast am a feelin' (Ist - I Wouldn't sell fur all dc gold in de world--d,4t I all "dt argu ments of a million •Ihgersolls, could not change—a feeling dat poor as are, an' lowly as I am, de gravi: wtlC not be de las' of me." . • ' During his remarks the hall was as qUiet as tile' grave. When he had finished it was a full minute before ' any one moved. Then = Brother Gardner softly said: "As says. t'iir Isiite, so say we all." Eveningt at Home. It is' well.. for the women of the houE,Chold to remember that • the ' i.leasant evenings at home nre strong antidotes .to the practice of lOokiri for enjoyment abroad,. and Feeking for pleaiure in by and forbidden' places for relaxation arid recreation will be indulged in somehow .11 moAt men, and happy are they w4o find in he home 'circle the diversion they need. A lively game, an , interestin4 lenok‘ readd gleSud, or in 'musical fatn• ities, a new song to LT practice will Make an evening pass pleasantly. A little forethought during the. day, a little pulling of wires that need not ..appear, will • make .the whole thing appear easy; and differ-..' ent• ways and means may be prepared • for making the hours pass 'Pleasantly._ r.nd in a time to be looked forward to with pleasant anticipations: . . We visited once a large family w.llere•it was the duty of each sister, in turn, to provide the evening's oc.- • enpation and there was a _pleasant rivalry between them as _to whose' evenings 'should be - 'the most enjoy.: 'able. The brothers entered fully in to.the spirit of the simple home en- - lertaiaments, and were asloth to he obliged to - spend .an evening - away;,-- from home as their sisters and pa rents were 'sorry .to have them ah- ; t_tnt.. Every one spohe of this family a- - ; an .uncommonly united - one, for each and every member.shUwed.sueh a strong attachment for the home to thich each 'one contributed so much plea Sure: ' A CERTAIN British Vice, Consul at an Eastern Asian port got- leave of -absence to visit America: On;arri:i ing' at San Francisco w.:03 intro- ' ilneed to some practical jokers, lwho hearing him expre.,s'a desire' to fight Indians and hunt buffaloes, tot& him. that both abounded in the neighbor-. lino& -.An expedition was arranged, 'and cirrus Indians and 'menagerie buffaloes were provided, The Bri ton's valor put all the alleged In dians tollight; and he enjoyed his supposed buffalo hunt hugely. Then • he traveled across the United States • and sailed for England - from Nevi York. When he. stopped iri England • and. told his .marvelcius .story, the only' time . thing in it caused the . - whole ` it to be suspected. One of -• his friends _said to another. "BY dove! l:'never, -heard in all. my life, I.Ou know; such atrocious stories its he has beet; telling us. -IY-hat don think he tried to make u. helieve ? It is all-very fine to have shot 'Jo end of Indians and buffaloes, . Of course, you know. Where there are so many as , there are in San Francisco.. and New Ilimpshire and Niagara_ Falls and all those places. a plucky fellow might do that. . But be actually tried to 'Make . ua - \bello'c the most extraordinary story than have ever :beard about your Country, yon know. He says that be, went - to a place" called Chicago, v•nd he went to draw some money from - a bank and found that they hall - raised'it up and were moving it with all the fellows inside, you know, go ing on - .witfi their 'work 1 I say, just fancy theeheek'of the fello'iv anppos• jug he'coufd make us believe that!" Fun, Fact and Facetize. Co4LE.scrxez—Petroleutm A I.ow story—the baiement. TnE last 'resort—a shoe shop.. DEAD issnes—old newspapers. Wuo bath woe? The teamster Tnv. seamstress forever—let her.rits! .TnECbinese plank—an Let:tang hosint. `THE sun is the oldest settler to tlfe Vest. - • A ont.ti!c: error—resurrecting a dt:11 body. . THE donkey W the bray-vest of the rityve.. I = • ." Qt:Ezu kind of,alath--gettitig immers ed in thought. Wgiest a man dies he adjourns sine die, so to speak.. - Twit man who was stage-struck had tbe driver arrested. • . THE man who offers you counterfeit coppers shows bad cents. Wuzue is the man who is going forty days without, a drink?' ► - THE - man-:who loafs his time- away around a one-hcrrso. grocery, - while his wife takes in washing to- support him, can always tell you just what this country needs to enhance its prospetity. AT dOcial re-union, a few evenings ago, the question was asked, "Of what sort cif fruit does a quarrelsome man and wife, remind- you?" - Thal young lady, who - promptly • answered, "A prickly pair," got the medal. A NEWBrAPILIZ man's , wife, who de, 'serves a purse - equal to her wit, , ,,,says that she is in a quandary whether to ge' rea dy to go away , on aAramtion and stay at home, or not to get ready -and_ ,g 6. She can afford to do one or the other, but not "Asttntito new or freak this 'morn lug?'.' a , t reloOrer asked, Ins railroad , of fice. "Yee , replied the . lone occupant of the Ointment. "What is it?" quer ied the reporter, whipping out his Rote book.• -Said the railroad man, edging to ward the - door : "That paint you :Ire leaning against.'i Buell itm ;bp loads P. ifil l fPire .l ol l . ;9° II I= INN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers