educational pepariment ASSOCIATE ZIMTOIIB E. E. QTTINI.:CIi, J. A. T. I.ILLEY, •, • Coranumkatlons may t , c cent to eltlatir the alx , re editors, ns may hr pm,ferrei, and r. 1.11 appear Su the Issue .f AcI•lel, he bas charge. G. W. Ita'aN, Editor. EXATAINATIONS. Over twenty examinations of tenclicri, have been heti this spring in the different tot:m - 114:s. Four hundred and four teach ers were examined, of whom 'll were malts and 049 fotnides. Of those exam ined, nine Mah; were reje:ted and 02 fe males—about 25 per cent. Thirty-seVen per cent. of_ those e'xamli:ed hal never taught. Three bundled and fifty certificates were granted. Nearly 1:0 of the teachers examinid last fall, and who received cer tificates for one year wilt teach this sum mer. few teachers lidld permanent tiilcates. Prolisfienal ecrtititites .expire on tivitirst ; of June next. V • About 15 temilicrs it re thus provided for the haring. unemployed or teaching tlseiyhe're, CO to 70. Quite a' lunglist of panics; of the latter May bu sii,2ll at the Sareriniend , ..n's ofilee, should any desire a teache'r. -Ninety-two appli cants werei under l' years of ago. Teach ers arc examined and graded on nine branches. - . When - the sum of thCsa has not exceVed 20-a i 'eertiieate has been granted fu?• one year, unless a failure in !Intl imp4rt:int branch or inexperitne,d. Sixty-tbrie received et:ititleates this spring fu4 ;one year. • IVlu , n f t lut stun of nine bianetcs bas been yver4;), :Ind not, divvy a eerliti. cate Las bcen grtnte), for six moatlis, un less extrenltly 1,!. - e in some important branch. Next: fall 1:-3 will be tl:e stanfl- artl certificates, and 27 fbr six months. In :11.4A of" he inii - ort:.nt branch t•-; the cx.,nninaticn . vas Crab oi•al and lvtitten, :•0 111.11 an utiqvd.llled person had little chance for o-asF.in7. The' print:O, in thvsi• br:mcbc:; vicre tflill.ront (I;l, , rer.t, teact.er4 tact Qopying preAk.nted: Stil gteathr - pl:,:c.iutiwas. will b...! ncxt :all to 'pre \ cat the passilv^: ;tud to have certi:;cra,s rlio.c tLc ti,l:Wticatiun, uf tiv. , apl:lic....i.t. We that Alireetois Lust ~i.,t, 2 1. v.-11l pay tt.aehers :la: ,relieu: ,g'U, t ..-t. ." ~.,.! ; •,•..••:, EL4,...1.1 1 'e ‘ c;:7.. , t!c; :111(11, , ,,,* ',..!(*C1•1 , , I,llwlld have the tWO 1:1,t': take. r 4) Mfire inoney fi oin ()f great t.)11 - 0 , t.,11 LI!OILUr MEM :e paid :Iceurd:ll4- it, at)./.t}• :11 , d success 'the themsclVe• as dc , ,ivowt ~f ha\ iri:; c.llr Coo 1.4.,,1 c in :1.10:1 aSSUrtif N . : - Ity rani:illy at it:.-t, eirort, iif ti.e faithful Itzuthurs tinil the l3uperiu : / t sat cpjLo 14:1S ":t.t4.: to t - 1 -. 4.11 , ),' ::)1d v:119 want;; to l.rc vi4..ittil4 1 ihors of oth• eis.r 1'44 I 4•44 . , Ilttt :-'4.:•141 - rit of 441' utter; c- which.the 41r(441e4 , 4, the uthri } : 11.1i4. , c1 ::1141 and c1:e441tr.1:44 , 41, the nest (caviler ., St i:1 , ,- 4 51 ' t'4lli:e alytnci44l4 pr0q..5:4i44,3 q..s:4i44 , 3 :14.141 ilre t . tri and the peo- : mi.ncy DI"'? alCl' TIIACHMIS' 1 . h:rill:: the I.:tit bter tptes hav,! ;it Ilell is I'i.l...!lrar) Tn.y, TONY:Ind:3; Y5 . ..?: 11?' ('reel:, p0... , i1_1 1 .y r have d,in this w 4.11: :11 , :• entitled to 1.0 the. thanks of the le- is t ctivrc, , intpunltics : for 'Chu have thus r:qaturk:lly Itt•th utAtli the withyut I,q. time or ,x1,,,1v.ze The direet4 ,. ..s of Terry rce:mt ty f;!prltt-1 :L:• Im Mttma- insiitnt-s in that dis- Irk!. s, far as known this is the only tow 11 a prt that thus eueourages to - 1. , t, It the sclip;,l, tLac•ltcrs prt:i the dirt eturs v.iln and this, we trust - will have tiv , ,tipport of the I.eople. 11ev. David Craft showycl z: al, i!,tcre,t aral 11 . : , •iency and rt.gularly 'attending a in , t:tutu the winter, wlnle 1,:i1JIJ:1 of .1i :-ticeessful .t.t1,0 , 1 at 1`,.:L111:-.itig. but - inn,:e in att“clin;.4 and aiding to or- Tcrry lusl.itute May 17th, not yi'L it engagt.d itt ti 1 Teiry, u L . ; u y, at tendoti Inntitute at Terrytown, and g'avil , lintieht .rtnd a;:- . :. 1:11:ct. to the ‘Ve ik.r this or the h o.pis of the a; i; ; ;• , t f:iithfut teachers net dirct tots,- N. (`-:: litleCeSS, and 1 , ‘ , 1 e 1 , 1 ~ c o vp_ , * is every di,:21:.1 or illy contf.).-. tc› TA:yto v , n t•): 1 . 0 PI inc.,tan,",..;t:/(1 .S110;2141 t. , S.ttiu.tfay. hs :Is p1 , !..11.0.0, to h,g pna himilar g, ua_liei- of every lowa- -y and al.:l;ty enough to . \Vent district gill t h ilte next ? I= IL .Jm.r.-It is sttrlni-ile.: 11:..t :;t) fee: take 11.7.:1t- dire:fur lv.e ri.' 7 ,! to for the .i .. ar,:‘/7 at the MEE 'et, :11.'1 it n:1:101114- , c:Py to (b, !o, thus, by care tltt,, , ns. th eisinns, vutl, qvujlitietl to proNTly atin!iiliNter mticirs. ' Notice Las been repeatedly given there that appropriktiolis are paid hi the order thy molts are rceeivi.d. ITLis jounr/I wonl:1 benefit not only beads of famil'es-t but the. .vonngim mem als,), especially to \There leading matte: is as scarce ms in some households. Let ns hope that all our directors May, i\len the mw boards organize in June tal%t, commence- taking this paper. We reiTntly read a large' quantity of bark minibLqs, and I'C'CLIVLd much pleasure and r ;6117. • " . .N.7 , tuAt. tirno,u. htni - ot:Ts.—Offcers of - Eehool llomds should make every effort, and forw,trd the Atintial Ileikirt to the Counly Sara intQatkat at the earliest P' ibie date in June next ; for the appro priatillns are . paid in the order the reports are ~ f EfLeri, rg. • The d!.l.ty in vocei; lug appropriations this year will cause a general rush from all counties to loin and a little de lay in ~,,ending reports may place such near the tad t , f the list - of pa.) maats. The pepartiret.t roini ? es the Connty Superir tendent to return to the Sancta ' s any rt. p In tet- rt. and have it. correct be e forwarding to Hari ishurg, hence, to avoid the liehtc . of returning, Directors, td.rould he "evecially careful to have the report oorrect —the receipts correctly add ed, also the exi endituiczi and the subtrac tion carefully made and eempared .ash on hand, etc. ---- - 4 .---- P.:l . of SACK' r I3oards shouhl serutit]ize the ayerag G and ixn ita:..;e' of attend:face as well las the re ort Lq , iier,.:U,y of (me!) te:pbor,-nrid reftnic • . . to giro an order until the report is correct as t h e Secretary must use obio' items in estimating for Annual Report,- and must - make oath to accuracy.- .Thol Superin tendent has-found arnaMber .of-reportstof teachers which were grossly, inaccurate, and probably approved by officers wit oat carefuliaamitAtiou on -the Supposi thin that a fteacher knew cnough•to Take out a correct report. The instruction on the cover of the bookili..p!ain - and -easy enough, and yet a Secretary recently 7e fused to give aaorder because of incorrect report—the percentage'of attendance be;. lug some% here between 100 -and 200 pzr curt. mccoi.ton, B. W.ItYAN. TILE sessions of the County Asiociatioti are not always held: where the teachers and\ieonle may desire, because co invita_ tion is received from the desirable pla!Ces. We suggest th 4 some person,. 'knowing the wishes of the people in any lees*, to have the September association held there; to scud an invitation to the Presi dent of the Association, Professor E. E. Quinlam Towanda, and he will extend it to the Association at its session at Colum bia L Ituadr, Juno lath and 14th. AT the Teachers' Institute last August the teachers. very unanimously voted to hold ,the next session kr the same length of time, and at the Eamo time and place. About 300 teachers were preaeat—tke largest number ever assembled in the aounty—and from all we hearth', attend auce will"be much greater at the next ses sion, August 11th to l2'2d. Let all teach ers make arrangements to he present ; fur thil session will be as practiCal and effi cient as the het one, and more systonatie and thorough. The same subjects will be carefully ptesented at the Institute that the Suparintendeut will thoroughly examine on at the examinations. TIIF. winter scbools‘of Ida Reynolds, Ada Chamberlain, Kate Coney, Miss Der- Wet` Seeley, not reported whtli visited, were en.cellent. • Good teaching by -P. Brennan, and by Eliza Depew, was also noticed. Quite a' number of manner schools have been visited, but cannoe be . mentioned without omitting important educational items. QUEST tOtCS LY CORRESPONDENTB.---1. Is ituOrreet to parse Geargo as au adjee tire qualifyiug Washingtoy, iu the name of George Washiugtou? Solution of example \o. 95, rage :311, Pim:ilea' Arithmetic is waisted. (A similar example has been - frequently soh.- ' in etluatimuitl -columns). parse prdsuient in the f . allowing Een tenees : . " Tliey elvete(liiitn president." • " fie was electel president."- . .14 I : (oIXTIoN ' 6E , .P .. .1.1.::4. IN REI`OItTEIT. MV 15T11.—If A can\ cut * a cord of wool in 4 3 of a day, in 5-5, or one day, or one' day, he can cut as. many curds as 4-5 *is c mtained times in 5.5, or 5-4 cords. By similar reat.onini-,, 1.1 can t!tit, - 4-3 cords in one day ; both then will 1 - ut 5-4:+4-3 or 'Bl-12 colds in one day. .., 11" they cut 31-12 cords in one tday, to cut 1:2-12 or one cord; it will take as many days as :11-22 is *contained tines in 12-12 or 12 i 1 days. - . MEMEEIN 1 ' IJ. S. BoviNcfnoN Towanda, May 11, 1t4",'9, ANswEit.4: AND qt - E , inoNs.-1; A s..en tcuce contains the i iuc parts of speech, and Only nine words. '. 'But alas' he suoll fell before the ma lign:in. tempter." 2." A language having less letters •than articulate sounds, coota:ins a deficient al phabet ; inconsistent, inconvenient, un teady l in use. Have not resided in Bradford' County long enough to be able to answer the oth er two. Phan,e insert the following 50e : 1. How many copula verbs are there in the English hinguage? Who will :cake a list of,theni? . 2. llosv many kinds of language are there:' 3. I low many thc, : pries concerning spok en languago ? Very resi.eetfully, Overton, May„ 'JENNIE BAYNE. J. T. McCom.o.n— Dear Sir : The fol lowing-a; my solution of lie problem !pub lishiAl in the Educational column of the 1 1 2:Aiwono FU'Di TMt of May 15, 1.5,.79 : If A eau cut a cord of weoil in four fifths of a day, and 13 can cut a cord . of wood in three-fourths of a day, how 1014 will it take them Will to cut a cord work ing tntgklicr? Solution—A cuts a cord infour-fifths of a day, he will cut in one day five-fourths of a cord, and since Il cuts a cord in three fourths of a day, he will cut four-thirds of a curd io one day. Both working to gt•ther will cut in one day five-fourths plus fourithirds of a cords equals 7 114:20 And to cut one cord will require 12-31 of a•day Yours truly, FROST'S SONS' FUIZNITURE We ar' reel: prepared for TRAL)I". n - itn a inn tine of . . NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS (11 , THE LA TEST STYLES AND LOWEST - PRICES, Which WO Imite tho ptiblic, to call and examine", PAIILOR SUITS IN lIAW SILK, TERRIS, PLUSH AND HAIRCLOTII, rety.tarv, and our prices as low as the lowest. CHAMBER SUITS f'IN ASH, W AI.,N UT AND SOFJI' WOOD,* lie are selling at:a chlch Ter l eow price. A. full Hue of SPRING DEDS: MATTRASSES .41) PILLOWS. - UNDERTAKING. • Ta this department we always hare the best goods In the caarket, and are . ,contieually adding EW STYLES with all the LATEST INfPROVEMENTS, white our prices arc the lowest. . J. 0. FROST'S SONS'. TolvznOa, A jr;l VIS XIIMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice Is hereby given ttnit ail T. , r.oris In dented to the 03:Me ~1 Deltnon Itessinc, late of the toss 71,11111 of stnitilfiCal f decea...ed are rug:les:y(l Vo mate immediate payment, awl all, perionas laming claims 4:gains: Slid ..tate 4nusl prektd them duly authentlealeal for settlement. • - ANDREW :MESSING, Add:ills:rater. .• En 5t Stall:MA.l, Pa. , Stay J!, fol-B6* DAIINISTRA.TOR'S NOTICE. Coth•e f, hereby - given that an pers9us tir;q4.4 t 9 estate' o' Lulea Dolan, late of the Irmushlp • Derrlett, dereaged, are requested to znalte' lu,tOedlate payinc at. and all persons having r/allas aftaltt.9l4ahl-estale utast present thew duly .autheattOted for oettlemeht. A. - W1'.1 . 110/14:. iidmhalstra" or it Criktillle, Pa., nay EAST SMITUITETD, Map 16, '1879 E.G. WOOD ern Ithvertioeutents. NVISOLESALE*ASD RETAIL Out assoitmert of We have a fail line of §tattiOtbilatbemads. CALL , 44.1;D SEE 1:113 as TUS , . . Di'LE' VAS 110VBE, iffE.IMI4I,..r. 'Y. Opposlte me Depot.. " . T. S3tlTu, - Pilo s perszrOth • , Formerly 61 the Ward Home, Tcrivand.t.Po, GERITY • Estabitelted 1547J1 WHOLESALE DILUGGISTS„, DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, PNI =I" MEDICINES S:C. ' 7". G, LAVA STUMM. Feb. !.`43, 78. ELMIF..A. ,Yr, Y. A.S. R 11. WALKE.R, . . • 330 East Water Street, ELMIRA, 11. YM PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, STEAM & GHAS FITTERS .itealdences and PnbllcMnildings fitted . with Met hud Cold Water.. Stearn lipatlug iflruct ur indi rect Itadlatlon, .. - A full supply of Gas Flitures. Opal (Bohm tre. Patent Burners; 0 lithe, Angle and Check Valves Water and Steam flanges, iron . and Lead ripe, and a full supply of SttUllll Fittings. Estimates Promptly thesis. : lmira,l.V. Y., May IL 187 a. .. LADIES AND GENTS, Send your FADED DEESSES,COATS, OD ANY ARTICLE THAT•ti EEDS CLEAN INC Olt DVAING, • To tie. We will GIVE SATtSPACTIONOIt PAY FON. VIE GAII?IENTS. W.M. ROBERTS' CELEBRATED DYE 1- CLEANSING 'WORKS, 434, 436 at 125 WATER—ST., ELMIRA, N. Y. Established 13.35 Wore returned C. 0. D. by express It de sired. may3o. WOODEN WATEIt PIPE .'• AND CHAIN. ,PUMPNq. Tim Mulersigned hiving remained business at his old place, Is now ready to slimly Farmers, Tamer';, and all others In need of Film, with a SpPERIOR ARTICLE, AT PRICES TO SUIT - TIIE TIMES. A. WYCKOFFT, (Successor to I. S. Holism, Elmtl6.) 122 R. R. Ave., Elmira, N. Y. Eintl6; June 10,1078 1 1 SPRING OF 1879. T ROSENBAUM k SONS, 201 EAST WATER-ST:, ltatlabun House Block ELMIRA, N. Y Destro to Inform thelr.nriny patrons and Mends In Bradford and sum - miting counties that they 'will have open by A I'ittL Ist for Inspection, the largest, finest and most varied assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, Ever (pond in this city, to which w•e Invite atten tion. • lur past record . for fair, dealing must speak for us this v,Nist,n. • A call solicitc.l, and batisfaction guarantAleil lu every ease. I- REMEMBER VIE rr: ACE, 201 EAST WATER STREET, EL.MIR.C, NEW YORK Mara' 19, 1579 RANT A:: DE WATERS, WHOLESALE AND . RETAIL DEALERS In all kinds of Agricultural Implements, FIRST-CLASS WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, FARM & PLATFORM WAGONS, PHAETONS, ac, MOWERS AND REAPERS, SULKY HAY RAKE, &c. MOWING MACHINE SECTIONS • AND KNIVES TO FIT ALL MACHINES. . • 160 LAKE:STREET, ELMIRA, N. Y. May 23, 1878. - A M. KENT •• Wholesale and Retail .OEALEI: IN CZOTiIING ax:E! Gents' Furnishing Gooch, 133 EAST WATER STREET, LORING BLOCK, ELMIRA. Vaal's., N. Y.,Junen. 1878 CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADEMARK. The Great TRADE 118 _RK. ENG LINII Remedy„ , Will prumptiy - A . radically c n a t! - • any 3; every e - of NervonsDebli -V. 4 UT & Weakness, ; , result of Ina,- cretion.excessor "'•:••• Waklng overwork of the brain dr. nervousMAW lai* system ; Is perfectly banniess , acts like magic.nnd has been extensively med for over thirty years .with great success,,- ARt - full particulars In our pamphlet, which we deal's -to send tree by matt to every one. A 3 The Specific 31edielue Is sold by all druggists at 41 I per package. or six packages for t, or will be sent free by mall on receipt of the money by addressing - TILE GRAY - MEDICINE No. 3 Mechanics' Mock, DETROIT. Sold InTewaudaby C. T. lit SHY. and by druggists everywhetn. Johnston. Holloway Co.. wholcsalo agents, PAM. (April 10, 1872-yl. (trotting. r - .iyi E. '.Roseiifield' CLOTHINC'HALL. 7IVENTIUTFtiI OItAND ANNU AL OPENING EXHIBITION, it." E. ROSEN.FIELP'S./ SPRING OF '1879. Nonlttea DIEM'S,. BOYS' AND C LI& WEAR: Consisting of an entire new line of SPIUNG AND SUMMER CLOTETING, GENTS FURNISHING GOQDS, Hats, Caps, ita. dtc. I Of the Neatest and Best Stylea, ind at the lowest POPULAR PRICES. I beg to call the attention of oar mlthers If they want a bobby Cult for their little boys, In Kilt and • an otheratyles, please call on me. 15 PER CENT. LESS ` Than any other house In the county. CALL AND EXAMINE EEFOUE PUItCHAS ING ELSEWHERE. . 3f. E. ROSENFIELD. i'owanda, March 115; GREAT. BARGAINS! J. •DOUTRICII, MERCHANT TAYLOR, Opposite Park, TOWANDA,TA. FANCY SIIITDICS PANTALOONS. GOODS JUST ARRIVED. Fine Cheviots, TVonteclB, Wool Diagonals, OVERCOATINGS, IA great varlety,:made to order, at the. VERY LOWEST PRICE. LACIEL MATALASSE CLOAIIINGS. GENTS FURNISHING 'GOODS, at reduced price& If'in/or Scarfs, } Hap4erchiefs, Colored Hose, Suspenders, From 35 M 5: In size ri-An lory.ictiou of curstockwill couvluee the most fasthlieu% noutitictr, Matti Sireet, Towanda, Pa. - 20tf Dated 0ct.19, 1579 JACOBS Is now receiving Ms SPRING & SUMMER STOCK OF CLOTHING! WHICH lIAS . NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BEFORE!N MARKET, Either for Quality or Low Prices Every Article FOst•Class. PLEASE .CALL &' EXAMINE BEFORE PIIRCIIASING. lIE SELLS FOR CASH AND WILL NOT II 'UNDERSOLD. Patton's Block, Main-St. Towanda, Pa., 4 1 : 11- t , :79 ( MEDICAL ELECTRICITY I ' MRS. W 'l f li. COVERDLAE, IN ll= IMACTICi IN Tills 130/101.11:111 DURING VII PAST T PAZ', ILLS EFFECTED MANY WONDERFUL CURES Her increased knowledge snakes her' FULLY COMPETENT to treat nearly all diseases incldent to our race SPECIAL ATTENTION IS 'GIVEN TO PURE- LT FEMALE COMPLAINTS. =3 Fevers, ' • ' APoPlerY. • . • Inflammation of the Eyes, , " .., • Quinsy, ` ; Croup, ' Pneumonia, 1 ..." , . • Ineurisy, . - • - Inflammation of the Liver, - - Inflammatory Ithetunatism, - Amitosis. • . • -, Deafness, Apbonla, • ,Dvspepsta„ . _ , Diabetes, _ Dropsy. ... , . Chrootelthertmstism, fit. Vitus Dance, . . • Epilepsy . . . . Gaiter. . Neuralgia,e • . , Fever Sore, , . Cancer, . . • ' Catarrh, Curvature of the a Splue, Asthma,• Bright's Disease of the Kidneys,- - , • and other alto:men too numerous to mention. CHARGES MODERATE TERMS CASH. ReaWeft° on * roplar4t., west of Western Avenue, whelp po may bo build at all hours. mats LE mqI::,;yALLEy. TENN.,* NE IV YORE RAIL ROAD& : 417itigeniont nt rasseuirpr Trains to take effect . .NOVEMBER 10, UM ' ItarrWAUD. • 1 • WaSTWAItD. • 31- 15 9 7 4 1 . TA1407t0. 8130 2)32 • A.....,... a 34 4.3 - P.M. P.ll. a. 111 P 32 • .... 205 720 .... Startaralls 1,03 .. • • t 08'.... .... 250 800 „,„.: ..11617916... 1150 820 12 3 51..,,. • .. , 5 15 7 30 ..-.. .ILOchester. 1000 6 10 1005,..„ . _ 6309 00 -..., ... Lyons:- 917 625 8 50i.... 10M 6 519 25 .......Genova .. 7 41 515 414.... 155 335 11461 -- - .11.830-6... 605 1 340 6 40. . 11 30 525 9 001 .... .. Auburs - 1000 ..:. 19 251 7 49 445 900 10501 . .• • • . 0 1/020... 625 - - l c ao 933 8 2 908 1 171 iv, ...1111u1714 - 525 1114016 15 950 610 945 1 45,T 900 .. - Womeriy . 4 45 1 ,72 5018 4 0,7 65 ! 8 21• 1910 1 55; 916 ....Sayre.... 4 33,11 33'15 1017 42 8"25 IQIS 2 00' to 20 ...Athol's... 4 31:11 33,5 0417 35 635 .... ....1 930 ...MUDD,. . 111 7414 5617 25 645 . ~ . .1140 . -Ulster.- . • .....11 14'.4 4717 15 700 0010 !x2'3o'lo CO .:1177A1ITDA. i MII 003 3:17 cc R; W. ....:. ....Ito 10 Wysauktng —.llO 454 24; 3. 34 ~.., - .',. ....10 . 20 .Bta'g Stone. -1.110 38;4 IC.- 1 1 -•• .. ... • ... 10-30 Hum 'erfiedd • -.110 30:4 10.... ..„, , __ „ _ :0 29 Frenchtown ....110 2t.14 02..., - ... 11 28,3 OD 10 574.Wyals.stng ~.11005,'4 82.... 9 11 43;3. 27 11 151. I.3cerrllle. 3 021 9 411 34 0 le9 ....1.... It --.o;Skln's Eddy _,, 94213 3 0 1 u .-- 12 13 4-41 i .371 5104 0 0 PP011 ...••1 0 2613 151-- i •„00. .... .... 11 4411 1 10tusnosny. 1 9 10,3 09 o 7.1 • 7 10,-12 22 / 1 12 12 20 , Tuuthan'ek 2 18; 8 531 3 4719 30 7 ZS/1 .. .... 12 401. La (1730 110. • 5...1 8 44i2 8 7 9 20. 7 343* -. .... .... 12 99 L . : • rails.... ...1 g 28: 2 3 3 1 , 9 0 3 8 001 1 05'4 50 a solhocri &Well I 351 855 4 05,8 01 835 135 5 13 2to WHic-Barn 1 ot.: 730 1 408 40 1100/ 3457 30 4 35, 11. ch E Oll ll3lll 05: .....'. 1110;550 1203 440 474 5 501. 5 . 11 e010w11 ..10 02: .... 1007434 121515 10 335 605 .1191-bleheno.l 0501 ....18 55'4 24 3250 6 019 II) 6 so;,..raqtan.,'.. 0 20: ... 1 9 25:3 so 2 05 6 40 1000 s 15;PhIlad'Iphla , 6001 • ••••19 15 230 3.30 9WI ... 9231. New rtork•l 6301'....16 301 00 P. 05.,A.5t.1 . r. 31 r.m. - 0.3t.5.91.18. 14To 11 10 14 rut teetiNll - .Ate ai Trains 8 ant 8 slid IS betwe and between 7. Parlor care ton Balls awl Plait =ME BRIDGE STREET FURNITURE STORE. loubled our raCilitles tide year by , (*en ming two . totes , lye artt prepared to offer you a larger otueli than ever before, and at reduced prices. • FURNITURE CHEAP and Plaids, OVERCOATINGS, CIIHAPEST.• At the saris thuo we keep up the standard of our goods. ' UNDER TAKING, We guarantee sattataeth H. We are prepared todo anything In that line en abort hotlee, and are de termined to please. Underclothing, Towatiaa. May Ist, 1b79 tiroceries nub Wrovisions. STEVENS & LONG GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, RAVE REMOVED CORNER OF MAIN & PINE-Sts • (The old stand of Fur, Stcvons Q .31'excur.). They Invito attention to their Cinnylele aseiorttnen .hand very large stork of Choice New Goods, Which thug have always on hand., ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TIIE I'ItODUCE TRADE, - . Tuwanda, Avrll 1, th 79 .EF.DITTIICH A; CO., GROCERIES if PROVISIONS. C,If9ICE GROCERIES, - Which we Mier to the public at the VERY LOWEST MARKET As a specialty we otter an extra grade of WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, At s price not to be found elsoutere subject to be returned If not satisfactory. A fresh supply of -Dried Fruits just recetredi.„ anions which can be found German Prunes of o own importation. - , UNDERSOLD! E. F. DiTTEICLI it CO Tinrands, Jan. 3O 1b79. Itsjinabs. in daily. Sleeping GM on trains lagara Palls aad Philadelphia and New 'York without changes isia 2 and 0 between Niagara hi:awl:ham change. • U. A. PACKER, supt, to. Hos., P. $ N, Y. IL It. an' IN lone , i Trai adelpl MEI ,tirniture, TWO STOREVN ONE! We are settle: Of all Urals as Elrati CHEAPER Tliln Ulu torn EPECIA 1.71"), Call and see for yourself N. r. nicks General Dealers in ME COUNTRY PRODUCE, TO THEIR NEW STORE, Ana Cash paid for desirable kinds CEO. STEVEN'S. DEALEItS Ilc ' TOWANDA, PA. (OM Stand of C. D. Patch.) Wo have on hand a large stock cf RATES WE WILL NOT BE litionftasteou,s, WIL:BUIVS .: DIR . E9T, , DRAFT EUREKA. MOWER. THE DEST HOWER IN THE WOULD. LIGHTEST DRAFT. GREAT CAPACITY FOR vino WOUIC. A SIX FEET SWATH cut with less Draft than'tlic average side • cut mower uses in . cutting four feet. • . Grass cut by the Eureka cures one third -quicker anti more evenly than after any other Mower.. . . Farmers cordially invited to - rall at the Factory and examine tho Eureka, ark b make their owu • bargains. . . I'RICES REDUCED. CASHAMeariZtpjrn:llttart7oAGENTs skain IVOR Clitellr,An.s. • „EUII.EKA. MOWER CO., - Towanda, • . L. R. BEAR DSLEE, Agerit, Warrenham, Pa. towanda. re , bniary 13. 4m IRFARDWARE AT GREATLY • IZEDUCED . PRICES! 11.. T. JUNE, AGENT, Tarn opening a largo and general assortment o flardirare; Cutlery, Stoves, Nails, Iron. Gloss Paints, 011 s. Vandslies, Tinware, House Furnish ing Good's, Etc., purchased fur cull and offered for sale at Ha:gains to tht se who pay cash for goods. s ) ANGES anti Cooking. Stoves, for I Coal and Wood, at low prices, at JUNF,'S. THE Gossip, the best 'OW-priced, stove fur oMees" and chambers ever Made. at Fait Horse-Shoes and Horse-Shoe Nails, go to • JUNE'S. A LAME stock of 'Bar, Square, Hal &Round, Oval,•llalfdival. Muni, and Hoop Iron, at JUNE'S. VOR faints, Oils, and Varnishes, 1., go to - JUNE' S. .VNTERNS—a, .grea,t, variety at low prices, at' "'JUNE'S. L ----- OCKS, Latches, and Bolts, every variety arid 1: Ind, at JUNE'S. C XST and Toe Corks (Steel), at JUNE'S. IAISSTON'S Celebrated Saws, at __ 4U:s;E'S. - I f pABLE and Pocket Cutlery, at JUNE'S.) ..,... - I TO:USE Furnishing Goods, :►t .JUN NAILS and Spikes, all sizes, at it s E'S. -I . L\TO R WAY and Sweed's Iron at M ECHANICS find a good as E.rouent °v.'s at JUNES. A - LARGE stock or Philadelphia Can tage 'Pm! ' UNE'6, WIRE Cloth, at 1)_ OWDEIt,..Shot and Caps, for sale at JUNE'S. i I LASTING Powder, :at • JUNE'S. 174 1 ILES and Rasps,- a lila assort- A_ meat, at JUNE'S. I-:%131' B. V 'Cloth and Paper, and ,j Sand nt JUNE'S. - - NDOW GLASS, from 7x9 to y 24 x:311. at .11 5 !.:17':•;. Q. CREWS and Tacks, direct from tho ruanufaeturenz, for sal() at.lvliolosale and retail; at reduced prices, at I JUICE'S. T k Shades, anti Wicks of every variety. at JUNE'S. P OVE, Sa-h, Cord, Twine am ja, Wick', all blzes, a JUNE'S. ----- TIN WA R large and genera - assortinent at low prices, at JUNE'S. gaagons anb E'arrianca. NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY East of the liefroFter 0111 co. M'clniyro & Spencer i t Respectfully announce to Mu public that they 3113 prepared to build all kinds of FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PHAETON & ri-yrnyint SPRING WAGONS TROTTING- SULKIES SKELETONS, 3t ado of the hest inaterlZO and In the best style All work warranted to give perfect §atlsfactlon. PAINTES - 6 A SPECIALTY We have one of the heNt (•arrtage Patnti•ry In the country, awl di. bII work in thi3 Hoe at the lowest. rates. All kthds of REFAIRINO Neatly and proinptli (loud at reduced prices Making new springs and repairing old ones n Bin...laity. All Work guaaauteed. picric give 1.13 a call. IicINTYRE & SPENCER Towanda, April l'd, 1577 grocitera pare. N EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! H. J. Madill Has lilted up the old store of 0. A. Black with a full Hoc of • CROCKERY, CHINA, CHINA, GLASSWARE f/' CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED OOODS, • STONEWARE! BABY .WAGONS, FANCY GOODS, TOYS,TOYS c' a ROUSE FI7RNISHING GOODS 1 A, great viirlityof • - LAMPS, LANTERNS, CHIMNEYS ! A NEW DEt'AIZTITEE Balking Machines of the leadit.g makes sold for Cash at atom, at wiguierfully low prices. MACHINE NEEDLES & OIL LADIES, CENTS AND CHILDREN Are Invited to look over our Assortment, as we are determluell, to do an to our power to 'lease. Ite meruberthe-pace, CEOCKEILY-STOV.E." Tiiwatitla. say 10,1677, gunletters Pir.afinV! (The following tables of time- ere carefully tete , pared and will be prommireoneeted, and, May Os rolled on as arAlsrate.] 1101TrilklIS CENTRAL fIkU.ROAD. ' LZtVZ owsoo. ammo towrit. cnucrsoinit. rhos F:xprrrs . 6.a0 Expres.4lo.6o A AI rhil3. Xt. Er•, 6 .24 A sr. Phila. st. Ex.. 640 P X Freight & aer.lo.s4eA . X -Freight arAce. 4.65 P L'itAVIL SAlr it r.. dlntt vixe 15A.1 - 11Z. Way lot. @ Ace. 8.15 A.O Mina. A 1: Phila. Y.ipre5...5.403• u Way Vt. lc Ace 6.2 i P Phil?. NG w )1 St.. .9 /1 P m A ItItIVR AT Auttnnia.,Phlia. Eapreaa, 8.20 1• sI; Phi la. Night 'Zama& 9.30 M; V. Freight and Accommodation, 4 40 r . • • I.mM:A Exprps, 7.53 A; NtgAt &ores'', 5.25 - r n; Way freight and Accommodation, 1 1 SO A it. sirgactrsz; niminAwrom & ..11Zir YORK RAILROAD. LEAVE DINCIEAUTON. AERV,ApI4I:4OIn4TOE. N.Y. & Ph'a EX.3.00 E4l Blnrinton Ex. 8.43 P Spactrao Et.... 7.55 All N. 1.4 th - a:Ex.42.445 rat N.Y. a mos E 11.4k.ik 44 Aeonatundat'n. 6.12 rat Local yrolglat..7.oo aat Local Freight., li.azi eat CORNING, COIVANESQUE & ARTIUM RAIL ROAD. . :.• , • ' 1)01:40 SOLITE. - Corti ....Leave 10.20 A 11, 6.40 0.35 A st Lawrenceville. . 1 11.15 AN, 6.50 PM . 7.68 A X Wellsboru....Arrlve 12.30 r 5.25 r It, 10.15 16 . ' • • am 841 . :totem'. Corning, Arrive 6.45 r ft, 10.53 A ft,' 3.05 r Lawroueevlllo. • 5.22 r 11, 9.33 Ax , 1.46 rft WellB4uro:. .fleriart 4.20 r at, 8.13 r sa t 11.30 r UTICA, ITHACA & ELMIRA RAILROAD. NO. I at e.IDA It, with through mall nod Express, making principal go" and arrive at Ithaca at 8.08, Fret:villa 8.30, (tort land 4.55. Syracuse 11.00. Train No. 8 leaves at 3.10 I' it, Van Etten 4.18, ltbaca. 5.30, Provenle 5.62, Corttang 6,02 0 1 0 ,1tui Syra cuse 7.50 r MIMI'S. llt tt.—tront the above.points at 12.05 and 0.10 11. • ELMIRA, ITHACA llt GENEVA, via Genera, Ithaca 4 Sayre Railroad. . . . _, - Trains leave Sayre going 'truth at 4.55 A at, and 5.40 r NI. arriving in Ulises at 0.34 A 3S and 7 n r 31, and 144 Geneva at 8.40 A . 31 and 0.26 P 31. • . . A train leaves Ithaca at GM A 31, /Mill ug In GI:- neva at 7.40 AM. -- Trains leave Genera going soutlt at 8.00, 2.40 r 3t and 5.35 r 14' arrivlog at Sayre at 11.20 A awl 9.30 r . TIOGA ICAILItO&D LEAVE. ELMItt .. AttnivE AT EIZIIizA. Illoasburg Mall 9.25 aat Elmira Ex 11.?.0 A3l Blessburg Ei... 3.20 i• 51 Ellatra 31a11 .1. 7.30 . 1. m Way Frelght.../2.25 rxi Way Freight..lo.s3 A m AU Expn•ts trains connect with C. C. and-A. Weilslieri, trains, and also with Elicland trains at Lawrenceville. SENECA LAKE STEAM NAVIGATION. COM, ' GOING SOUTH—Leave Geneva 7.2 arrivit.g at Watkins at 11.0 t St. . . (PANG NOtiTll—LeaVe Watkins Lao 014 riving at Geneva at 5.00 0 m. BARCLAY RAILROAD ORTIZ. 10 4 —,— ,—• r a 1; A 3l 1 . lAm'r NI - 64,0't n. 15. Ar rl v 0.... TOlitall da.. ~ . Ile par C 17.30 3.00 0.93 - In,no` l •• ..... 3( ill re 0...... " ' - :17.49 3.19 5.5.6! 9.54: " .....If avnito 4% ii ... " 5.53: 0.3 :. 1 " ~ .li wenwood.... " 3,-25 5.40! 9.41 1 " W-4...4-..41 8.05,3.3-2 5.39. 9,33 - " Suranilt . " 118,19.3,39 6. 5,35 9 ' 99': . • I alnoka , " 13,23 , 4„ 43 5.10 9.101 " ...F.tot of Name... ",. ci 45'4,90 1. sty A 34 : I. 31 1, 31 . STATE I.I_N & SULLIVAN RAIL•iiOA b. -4 ICOUTII. !- • 14 Ei ':cart M Arrlve.,Tnwrowl3 Aft.pirtt 0 ; 3.00 1, Hero. s.. 66 . II j 4.10 Nrw .1.11,1thy13 4.35 ". 15', 1.45 ". 20 5.15 ..114:11,1ce .. 51.6')51. - 9.y1 2M ..:.(1 1. 10 lo 7.39 13 (1.44 0 A 31. • . ERIE RAILWAY . wnsrwattn—LEAVE. WAVERLY No. 5, Sr. Louis Eipress • No. a, Pacific F.r.preqs No. t. Ae , Lou and IVay train.. Nn. llntralu Expra” No. 15. Monitor Nu. I, Day Exprr,, Ml=l No. 4, Night Ezpr., No. 10,*.31ouitor No. n 2, Acconinvitiatko. No. 8, N. V. P.xpre:..s:... No. it, Way Mail No. 1:, Atlantic I,,xto•ss L N E'S Man MME=OI 5.25 0. r.. 1 1.17 1.1.v20'...1:1thira,.. 52 :.; G. 15 ;1.5 G .10, 0.4 i 1.41 0.1,0 „AV awe rly ; 1 .5' 5.40'7.5 0 :_..• 1 10,1 0 1.55 Sayre ...:1.3511.a45.10.7.4 9..20:. - ...‘the1i•..1:4,31.11.337,.N 7;1 1 ' 7A ce;lo.4s 2.3010:0a...Tmva,;.1a.. , 4.01.',11.0 , 1.11,i 7;1 ....110:::i13.(9 10.55 .11:ya1na1ng.'....;10.C153.2;... ...onquErn- EL.3IIE ARM VI: 1 . 111/31 3:611111. Day Hiprers .. 9.00 A st Wittiamspt Ac. 12.25 .Ctinfra ..... _7.40 P Southern Er... 9.30 1. 01 .Alit22l - 1 , : t•LCOSI SifUTit. LFIAVE SOUTUWARD, Vast Line 10.55 t• Da:: 1•41m . t:9. —9.05 A9l Northern Ex —12.20 P K'f! l laie , o-pt - .1c .. a . 301• sr Niagara Ex . . 5.15 P9f tioutherti.Ex 930 M. 7 .J L r cklTancou. QUSQUEIIANNA COLLEGIATE LI LY Spring Term trot tielti MONDAY. APl:ll.7th. ExperiSe3 for tuition and furn6ticil mint friith ,}tiyi to tilIS per year. Fin' rataloguu l or further particulars aililicfiS thePrlu elpal, EDWIN I:. qUINLA.N. A. M. Totracaa, Ifarch 13 , 1379. 7y I NEII 7 ARRII.NG.EMET COAL .131.T.siN'Ess Tho , uudersigned tuatilug - purelased from fir McKean the COAL-YA1:1) .A.T THE FOOT OFPINE sTREET,WEAN THE COURT HOUSE, Incites the patrouage of Ws nld 'friends and the public gent:fully. I ahall keep a full ab.sottusent. - of all sizes, PITTSTOisr, WI I. ES 11Sitlt E AXI) LOYAL COAL; AND SHALL f,E1.1.. AT 'LOWEST :PRICES 'FOR CA NATMAN TIDIL Towanda, P,.; A up,. 21. 1878. ' 1231 TUE OLD MARI3LE YARD STILL IN OPERATION. The unde.rslgned having rnrelia,ed th,,m.AR lII.E YARD of the lat.p GEnittir. mi!emiE, de sires to Inform the penile that having .. , wiployed expertenred milk he Is prepared to do all klials of work In the line of AI.ON LTAIENTS, HEAD. STONES, • MANTLES and / SIZE 'ES, In the:very best manner and at lo • •st rates. Persons de-Irlng anything In the / Marble Itue are Invited to call and examine vork i and sari agents' commission. .1 FS Tirrrando, Pa.,, Nov. 19. 19:3 24tt • 1113 . .N.RY arty * II, , • ANTHRACi SIAIVAN ANTHRACITE / COAL OUNDIt PARIi AND R14E14 STNEETS, TOWANDA, Coal screened, and deltvered to any part of the Bow', taling cartago to the above prices. ALL 011DZILS "MST ACCbIIP/LNIED ISY TUR (48114 • Towanda, Jan 5,1877 A NEW LIVERY BOARDING AID EXCHAXGE STABLES. The undersigned having rented the uld Means louso Dam, and provided hltuself with NEW BUGGIES AND . WAGONS, , AND GOOD HORSES, Is now prepared to accommodate the public at . REASONAISLE PRICE'S. 4New Buggies for'salo cheap - B. W. LANE. Towanda, Pa.: July LI, 1878. 7yl TIRE Graphic anti New Jewel, th most perfect and ornamental heating stores .$ 00 World, at J GEM MIDI STATIONS 3 9 t souriz N tME.s -f)F • is STAT I ONS„ 2.-11 A M 0.1. •• b. 22 '• 1.11 t• 31 9n_ .• 6.05 b• 1.13 1/. •• 13.151• 1.:19 `• 5.:1S •• 9.23 ]CAILL•OAI) ,STIITIONS.I NOltill A. 31, P P .51:5 .31 LE.IYE NORTIIIVAUD. Fait Lint!...,:.10.55 A 31 t • anada'.gna Ar 5: 0 M No 111orli m Niagara Ex... 5.15 1• 1711 ler In t garnt and gamccluild. What I Knirw about Prepaping Fish for the Table. - For the ltzt4tfitTEtt. . - .ln . the first place sonic. fish are bet ter fried' than , they are boiled, and some are :better boiled than they are fried, and , those that - are good for frying _are some -Of _thenr good . also for baking. I will mention some of them that I prefer foe frying; the trout, the white chub, the pike, the shad, white - fish, the mackerel, the herring and many others of the soft er kind. - Those for boiling' are of a harder texture, such as the Susquehanna or wall-eyed. liass, the perch, the sunfish; the eel, the codfish, the haddock, the catfish .aud Others of like texture. .Now for, the manner of preparing them : after they have been well' scale ed or skinned, as the case may require; they should '• be wiped clean and . not spoiled by Soaking too.much in Water - - afte r. cleaning them. - .There is nothing . better for frying fish in thaii 'the drippings of. hiun or flitch. • . • The process of boiling is more in: trieate ; .bass, if large, should be cut crosswise in, pieces -suitable .to serve on the plate,. and, "All the -seasoning' should be put in at the time-they are put over the..,fire - to boil, with only water enough to make a sufficient quantity of gravy for the dressing after the, fish is boiled. It had better, be a little scant than to be too co pious, for then it can be easily,reme, died by the addition of a little water from the tea-kettle: Be careful in Salting, for most fish 'need a large quantity Of butter which is an addi tion to the salting. , The otherseason, ilia should' berpper, a sraall, bit of onion ehoppetfine with celery and parsley if. at hand s if not, it will be good if . Only - seasbned with 'pepper and salt and 'plenty .of butter. The boiling tshotild be watched- so as to boil done and . not boil to pieces,- and when done should be carefully taken out of the kettle . or whatever boiled in, With a skimmer, and put in a tnr reel' or det:p dish, then a little - flour stirred in. water should be .added to the gravy until it becomes of a nice, creamy -consistency,- not too .thick, nor to thin, this poured over the fish makes it ready for the table. And it may, in the old ,homely phrase, be lit - . to bAore a king. I bare oftimes in the lifetime, of my departed . Wife; had the pleasure of sadly* such a dish before visitingfriends, friend's, and never heard One Jiihl fault.witii,the: fare, but have often heard them say your fish was so good that I haveeaten too much for . my comfort. JAMES ELLIOTT, (in the 91st year of his age.) Sub Eoiling and Deep Ploughing Discussions are going on continual ly as to the merits and 'detnerits of deepplou!rhing. The tbflowing from The World is One•of the bestlexposi lions we have seen : The depth of soil can alinte .determine the depth or ploughing. - When the soil is shallow, -the gradual deepening. of it should be sought by the use of appropriate.' materlifls for improvement - until the object, is.fully At:tined. The sub-soil ought nut, as a-rule, to be brought' out of its bed except in small quanti ties to be exposed to the atmosphere during the fallovinter and spring,, or in summer -fallow; nor .eveti then -e-x -1 cept when such fertilizers are_applied as are necessary to put it at once in to a producting condition. Two in -1 different soils of opposite character, as a still clay and sliding sand, some times occupy the rcsla.tion Of surface an i sub soil-to each other, and -when thoroUghly mixed and subjected to cultivation they will produce a• soil of greatly increased value. i;oils appropriated to gardens - and horti - - cultural proposes are often dee; ened to fifteen and-even. eialiteen inches with benefit, and .those:.for general tillatze crop to, about - twelve inches with decided- advantage. - - But what ever is the depth_ of the soil the t plow ought to turn, up .the entire mass if within its reach, and what is be) cold i 4 '..S.hould lie thoroughly brok en up by the Sfib-soil plow. - When all circumstances- are favorable ty the use of the sub-soil plow An in crease in the crop follows, is /he hard earth beloW the reach of -the •ordinarY plow haS been lodsened. This permits the escape of Jtie water which falls on the surface(the circu lation of. air and a mode extended range -for the roots of Ate 'plants bv / 1 .. whieb_they procure additiOnal"nour ishnient and secu •s ( a crop against drought.. The h •nefits of sub-soil ?s -plowing are mot apparent in an ith perVious-clay •ub soil and. - least evi dent in loos and leachy soils. Alost :Of the :ol)joetions to deep plowing 34. were fro / In those who bring the pour sub-soji . to -the surfitee.• ' J LATE a pound if white sugar put a quarter or a tea /cupfid Of. cold water and heat grad 'nay mail melted; add a teaspoonful of vanilla. and'-half as much acetic acid, and boil all together until the water is evaporated and the mixture be - comes. sugary ; then take it froth: the lire,and stir until cold enough to handle t When it must be rolled into sniali-balls and put on .buttered plater to harden. Put half a • pound of r, oTuted chocolate into a dOuble sauce pan over boiling' water Mid stir it until welted. :Season to taste with vanilla; thicken," with -White sugar, and leave the saucepan to keep warm. When the white. balls are cold", roll each one separately 'in the melted chocolate, using a fork for the purpose, then place them , -again on . buttered plates 'to col. SCALnorEn Mi;rrox,eut • cold boiled or roast mutton into bits, re moving- all skin and gristle. If you haVe no. gravy, make it. by stewing the scraps and bones Ina little water, then season - with pepper ? salt and tents:to catsup, and strain it'overthe meat. Boil some potatoes, and mash them While hot until they are free from lumps, then beat with *a fork until white and light;. add allitmp of butter, some milk, and lastly "abeat en egg. Mix well, then :place' the meat and - gravy' in a pudding dish; spread the .mashed potato—which should be quite !soft—smoothly on top; brush it evenly with a beatemi egg.amlbake it in nquick oven mitt' it is a. beaiitiful gOlden brown:. This makes au , excellent breakfast dish anti can •be Prepared—ready for baking—the night before. 'Especial care should be. taken to have plenty of gravy, as it is absorbed iii cooking, and the dish will not be-so palatable if too dry.' BEEP Pawns...4)ll6p fine rare roast.beac; season with pepper, salt and a little onions; make a plain paste, cut into shape like: an apple puff, till with mince, and bake quick ly, Household Knowledge. . APPr.rf'uninNo . —One cup of milk, , ne egg, one teaspoon cream tartar, # ne-half teaspoon soda, flour to Make a hatter . Pont. this over. quartered apples.and Steai:f two hours. Sweet sauce. - .• - -- APPLE SNow.--dlut twelve" very tart apples in cold water over a slow lite; AViltil soft remo\ 'tin and core; and mix in a pin? sugar; beat the whites of tv ts to a stiff froth and add to es and sugar; cool in glass t. piece of red currant jelly to ornament thu top of each. , - • - \ 'COCOA SILELLS.-PIA two table spoonfuls cocoa shells into a little cold :water, add to them pint or \ boiling water and biAl for an hour; strain and add a- pint of rich milk; let it-come to a bbil and serve. This - makes a„delitioes dtink r and very ac ceptable When coffee and tea arefe,uut to be injerious. • - Briow:si BETTY. 4 —SCaId to cupsful of -bread crux - ribs in a cupful of - fie* milk; mix with them two cupsful $f -chopped apples, two-thirds of a cun ful of -sugar, a teaspoonful of :melted butter, a teaspoonful of ground cit. tiarrion and a little salt. Bake in a quick .oven, and serve with cream and sugar,. - • - F SALT ISti.—Sttit lisp slioubi put in a deep plate, with just,enough water to cover it, the night heroic: yon intend to cook iti; it should not b.! boiled : one instant, for. holing. renders it hard ; it should lie in scald ing hot water for two or three hours:" the less water that is used', and tho more fish is cooked at - once, the bet. ter; Water thickeried ,with flour aLI water while boilinz, with swect but ter put - in to melt, is the common sauce. . 'PArlocA .TELLY.—Soak a cup• or tapiQea over night-in a pint of wate In the morning set it -on the bac part of .the stove and a.11(1_: a etipfr of raym water; let it simmerslowl' stirring it often. to prevent burnin Cook until it looks clear, and if v thiek add -a tittle boiling. watt Flavor with sugar and -lemon juic and turn into wet "molds to cot :.;_erNtp with sweet cream flavored wit.. vanilla and sugai• to taste and :LBW,: grated nutmeg. Rice BLANC .I.IANuE.-; , -Ali.N; dour tablespoonfuls of rice flour in a little cold Milk, add.a prneh 'or salt. Stir this into a quart ot'. boiling. milk and boil and stir for ten minutes. When add the whited of two or three eggs beaten to alrOth and cook again until almost - boiling, then it:. lute a .wet mold. Serve,w,ith cream sweetened and flavor i ed. arina,-Or arrowroot; may be cooked in the Same manner, ofneitting the eggs and the second boiling. - FEATnEas should be very Hmrough ly dried before using them: 41featil er-betl'fAnell or. become heavy from Want of proper renotati the featlieror from old a!r. ' e.,:enipty them, and wash the Latbef;sthorough ly in a tub of suds, spread them in the garret to dry, and they %%sill be as light and good as new.. sever lay the pillows or feather ticks to air in the sun ; lar them in a shady place, where the wind can Purify thew. Heat makes feathei*rancid. . ... THE Kirefirs.-,-Kyou iiird in nce eisary to have the the 1 1 .0 - or bare, ‘;:l it well with linseed oil, and- you will . save many a wea-ry hbur. One thing always spoils the looks of a kitchen; and that is the old clothes Han - gin:4- in it. Make - a cupboard. . Curtain, it, t driving nails inside 'bran clothir e ,- Which has to be kept in the,kitelt9. I'aint all thil. woodwork in the kiXele en, if -possible. Lead colpr - wonl.l 1),It handsome. Do not forget that: ea.- taihs arc nice for the kit - ehey as well as parlor. BAKED li - Am.—Make - , 'thick paste of flour .andwate:. cifyt in)iled).-and corer the entire ham with it, bone y( ), and 01; put Lin a IA or'it spider, or two Mutlin rings et. .anything that Ivi.ll keep ' eh from the bottom, and,in,an hot oven ; if a *mai! hard, fitteenininutes for each pound , if- large, t - ent.y minutes; the rivot should- be hot when'. put in. The. paste fyirms a hard erui,t-round the Itatnond the . skin with it. Tryititis, and you will neser - c-..,0k a Thum in any .other war. ' To MAKE TEA :4 C.l LE.—Tft_ke tn..) 1 or three handfuls- of lope. put 1.1::1 :into a small b a ,r,--b o il a i1,wm,,,,,, ~ 1 in about three pints of water; = - the water is pour it I, much flouras 'will make a sti!' • ter; when it is sufficiently cool, r do :•,cald. mix in two or three ye:, I, cakes wilich.have been well disso*m. in wafni- water, set in a Warm plat:, . and when vc ry light, knead much Indian Anent ybu can, an , i cut . in sihall cake and. spread (,:o _beards to dry ; ti iva . partly dry crumple them up, as they dry qUicli er. EXTRA GOOD" C cup : of butter,- one clipof-white suoar, one-half cop Of sour milk, one eg ,, , one-half teaspoonful :of saleratus;: - melt the butter, mix all soft_to;rether with a spoon, and set- away ror ore half boor in the winter and one whole hour in summer- where is cold ; then the dough- can - be:easily rolle , i without adding very Much flUor.(tim. less the "letter).; sprifikle:tlie cloiol after, rolling with sugar, cut and bake inn quick oveli, Ivatehinig ear6fullv. The ingredients mentioned in: thii recipe make MO dozen cookies; aid d earraway seed if liked. HOW TO 'COOK P.1541.FM,311 AOlll.l not-be put into fry until the fnt is boiling hot. be.dipped in Indian meal before it is put in, the skinny side uppermost when first put in to prevent its breaking. It relishe, better to be fried allcr.salt pork than: in lard alone. Never put fresh tislatZ soak-in Water. If you want to keep it sweet, - clean rind "wash it; wipe di:Y . with a towel, sprinkle salt inside an out,- put in a covered dish and keg' on the cellar bottom until you want to cook it. It - you live remote from -the seaport; and cannot get dish hard and fresh, wait with an egg (Lea ten ) before you meal it, _to prevent itS breaking. - 31ACAROXI WITH- TOMATO SAUCE.:--- P.iepare the sauce _first and keep it warm until-the macaroni :is - done. Put a chopped onion, two sprigs of parSley and .a . small piece of celery . Into a tablespoonful of butter to cook. When the onion _browns. a little add a pint of canned, tomatoes or a quart of fresh ones; boil for an hour, then strain throu!dt a sieve into a. clean saucepan and room to the lire to took until as thick aseatsup.Sea,:on to taste with salt and pepper and : little _butter, rut.' halt', a pound of macaroni into boiling salt •wat:er,. cook fifteen Or twenty minutes, awn drain it in Ili: collander. ,Nee thO timearoni_in a hot dish with some of the sauce between each layer and cover the top with - sauce., Set in the oven for five minutes, then serve immediately.. - t , \ ,.. ' l'ittm: goeth bofor ii, fall. brit a - t d: al of bad langoago °Teeth after it.— I - San' liratickev Mop. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers