II padforl Xtcpetiter, C'IIAY.•II. ALLE., LOCAL ILOITOI4 Towanda, Pa.,' Thm'Tday, May 29, 1679. • W. A. OIIAMBERLIN I • Dexter tp PINE tTEIVE•LRY, c • t, VATCEES, SILVER:& PLATED WARE, TOWANDA. PA. Towanda, Jan. 18, 1877. LOCAL AND GENERAL. 4m, blossoming plants seem conscious ofiDecoiatioti Day .• . 1 1Tu: piilpit of the Presbyterian Church at TPoy is without pastor. - Am Christ Church, the second Sunday serlice will,. commence at , 6 r. M. during June, July and August. ALL of the bpsiness,places of this bor .ough will be dosed dosing the afteinom and eti•ening . of Friday—Decoration Day. WE AKE indebted to Hon. EDWIN G. IiALIIERT for A , copy of the Legislative Mannal of thelNcc York General Assent . lily for 1879. - . . S.Lx candidates ffir Sheriff of Tiara County haie alread) announced them_ selves through the papers. And there are more to follow. NAIND Fire Company prewnted C. S. FITCII, OUT po i pulaf confectioner, on Thurs day evening last, with a very beautiful bit , ver water pitcher.. Tun EuroPean nouse of C. H. SEELEY, undergoing repairs and You proveMents being added. You ean get_ . a ;4Y...A "real there just the same. I) ashore Rivicic says that the post at that Place.averages abent $l,OOO pci trick in sale. 3 of Goerurneet four per cent, refunding certificates of t 1.410 each. MU; PATRICK BURKE, an old and wen linoisit citizen-of Troy, died on Thursday znott4ng last, Ile had suffered a long 1:1110 frum a cancerous difficult} of the iu- URN On - ncupf the MeSsialt TAYLOII, Pastor. 'At 10:30. i. M..—"The...Sin of Anxiety." At 7-:30 "Qualification for Beal:cu." '.AII ‘deenn.. ISEMI .. . . • A ::I) ri l d runging race is to tali() place I r . : NVCCII ( . 11: L itLE:i N. iIIiItILIAN, CHAS. si i'l 11, and ,Tons PIIEL'AN'„.. at Rutty Park, ~ : ii l't iday afternoon next, at 6:45 for a of ;12 Am. boys who live in this vicinity above ght years of age, and who arc the sons• soldierf;, are rximested to come to the r0.0n. , . of Watkins lost, on Friday next, ;.!1 u'elock Noricr.. —The la - tri;s who are interested • pi the. memorial services on Frie ';:lieas. - .• meet at I.lm Grand Jury Room on Thurs,lay, at 1 o'clock, r. at., to' arrange 'evl•rgz.e.4.-n-:. for Decoration. • peciple of the borough are request • l- to contribute ilowersifer Decoration and send them to tbe Grand Jury 9 o'clock oit:• Fk•iday; morning. )iy older of committ;.e. is a fair prospect for the estab ! aan. ut of a I/xigc of the Knights of 11,a , )i. in Onshore, at no distant .d 4. Our n• it, those who bccotha - members `• v.lll n.verregret so doing L ol %LIN . , :tile jeweller, has just iu his store: the handsomest llegit i..:,,r ever seen iu tbiti. vicinity, and the vapenhive. It was built in New eNpressly • for INIr. CILII3I,pERLIN, .::.;) about FI:1:1) WHITE, of Swab Towanda, a phut ou Coutluetor IJARIt!S' train oil 2', Barclay road, had the fine finger and hand badly smashed emipling.ears at Waverly on Fri day rendering amputation of the !!ninib pccessary. thiideenth annual meeting Of the :-,tafloy.School Institute of the Chetnung I3altist Aysociation, tiill be held h the First Baptist Church, Elmira, N. V., Thursday and Friday, June :ith 61.11. CnAnt.Es ltno.kus, of Ohio, has engaged as Conduc6w. . lebration of Decoration Day can out every patri.)tie man and xi is this vicinity. We sincerely a that to-morrow (Friday), will' be 1 111 ;7S a general holiday, and that the ,ervietis will besot a nature woe.. the deeds of tlLtinen they commemo . • turn FELLows:—All members of the Talcpcndoit Order of Odd Fellows, who may le in Towamia on Decoration Day (May %(th), me ea: nestly requested to meet Stith the members of Bradford Lodge iu Ohl Fellows Hall,. at 1:17i, 3'. 31., for Ihe purpose or tit k ing part in the services of Decoration Day. I=2=l Tv., morc granite mono :11 ,us just rveeire , l by . A. W. AYnEti. !le. trade in granite k. truly encouraging,. With. thk shipment lie has iecelved this 'tire gian'ite monuments. He .livers his g9ods in any part of the cowl :, andssos them up perfect or no sale.— r. bain of At.m:Ur MEAD, at Che t,l,::;_(, was t-ct on fire by an incendiary d( treyeil, together with its contents, A•:i Tee:•day morning of last week. Mr. dwellin,.l:(sase was saved only by btienuous'effints on the part of nei!ghbors, he Lein:; aiisent from home at t time of the tirep.Q . le loss is quite h(avy,.and no insthrance. t TEE Bernice Coal Cempany are lower the level of•a tunnel in order to drain 11, mine without the assistance of punps. day last week Mr. WoonwAun, the superintendent, put in - rit. blast 16 fct: in length and loosened rock? estimat d :; tons. The work wilt soon be hcd arid will make a . vast savin 'in expenses of tho mines.—Dtigbore THE American Bible Smiety has clang ( d its plans of distribution of Billies' apd '1 estaments. They will now be sold to the tirade at such a low figFe that they %N ill be within the yeach;Of all, A neat v. , 11 - -bound copy of the Bible. foi 25 cents, and an equally well-bound copy of the New Testament fur live cents. This is as as any 'person can desire. 1; ItALL V. GRADED match name of base ball was pi,,y e q between the above clubs: which : , ?:,:led in a victory for the College:Baie Club. The faewing is the-score by am : t 3150 7 8 0 Sehrol r ...3 0 0 . 2 00 1 0-7 .0 5 3 5 5 0 3-2.1 Utlii‘iru—THEOLK,ltt; P.0.3.080W, - Lurr week seems tohavo been setipart by a number of young men of this plaeo for a general drunk, and they succeeded in carrying out their. intention very. closely, having been orkz. a "jamboree" during the entire:creek. • Their canduct and appearance were stronger pleas for temperance than could be!made by the most eloquent advocate of abstinence. YElor jenny times it becomes our un pleasantriot to give accounts of transac tions that we would rather not speak of. Been person who is guilty of unbecoming conduct should bavo regard for his friends' feelings before ho loth his nature rod.".. 1. and ,not afterwards. It is too opo foi concealment- after u deed is committed. The, person whose name gets into? the public prints to MS shame bai only himself to blame for it. . A YoUxor GRAND ARMY.-A'llOW..r . tun Will be introduced in the Decoration, Day programme this year. The eons of the soldiets and Sailors have organized a • cornpany„and will appear in the proces sion with ; theveterans....This new feature is quite itripeatant, as it answers the ques tion often asked in past years, of who will keep up the .ceremony',of decorating sol:x diems' graves - after the' Grand Ana t. will , have gone into camp on the other side of tinie.llinglitykton: Republican. llsafina's Magazine for June, which is at hand, begins the 59th volume, and the 30th year of that sterling periodical. It . has just donned Ivnew dress, and now ap pears in larger type and. a wider page. This is the third change that the publish ers in the typo from which the Magazin - 0 is priuted-L-each being anAm firovetnent on thelasi. It is Ono of the handsomest periodicals to he ;found anywhere, and the Juno nutuber abbunds in special attractions. . . THE NFDLT STATE PAUL TO BTAIELD AT Pnn..tia.rnts.—The State Agricultural Society has decided to hold the next State Fair at Philadeli)hia, commencing Sep tember Stb, nnel , coutinuing mutil'Septem ber 20th. .The premiums will be more than quadrupled as .compared those of loaner years,' aggregating between $15,000 and t,?,20,000. The fair will be held, on the ground - where the Centennial buildings Were, and the use of the7fierma mut exhibition building has beetel tender ed and accepted by the Society. BAPTIST ASSOthATION, 1870. The 24 ieg,ular Baptist Churches , in Bradford Comity belong to fire Associations, three of which this year hold their annual meet ings iii BiadcordiCoUnty. Bradford As sociation meets in Leßoy; .ItinO Britlyeiciiter AssociatiOn meets at 'N'arren . , Center Septeinber 17th. CheuittnyTirer Association meets at 3outl: CreA, Sep tember 1-7tic r And Wii;?ii2ing ,Ass6efatiptt meets -just : over the line, at Laceywille, the Ist 44 of October. These meetings usually :Cdufinue two days,- and . :we iven to all. eintnty papers please copy. • I . LOONING 131'.1- Merchants geperally srical; favorably pf the present aspect' Of bilsiness hijour borough. They have had plenty to,clo of late, and anticipate a con_ tinuance of the quite. lively trade. Thij; is cheering news indeed, and it is to '1 c hoped that tlMre may be no failing off. The stiles scent to be well filled:with ens- . torucrs ? at r illpouts of the day and even ing, and :the aggregate of purchases must be large. There can be. no more gratify ing fact to - note than this, .tliat business his revived and is now : upon a' solid and substantial basis Tlikr fishing !i's already very popular, and the streams where the speckled beau ties "Host do congregate " are visited by cpowds of sportsmen. - Already big fish stories are heard in the land. A ,party from this place, compo3cd of -GHLtitLGY DIMOCR,JOIINSON WELLS, Mr. MCINTYRE, of thefirib of Multsivots: & 1tu5 , 11:14., ASA Dot tl LASS and WALTER NonTunta were out in the wilds of Sulli.ran county last, week after the speckled beauties, and suc ceeded in captbriog enotigh to bring down the scales at 49 pounds. ettNitt.iv Drat- OCR is credited with taking one that measured 13j inches-in length and weighs ing 17 ounces. POWELL lk; Co., are again receiving new goods, and as a matter ,of course, kave taken advantage of the markets to buy tte new stock. They have Summer Dress S:irks, in various styles, and all whirs, that they are retailing at- 50 cents per yard, which have heretofore sold at . 75 cents. A large and Complete , stock of Worsted Dress Goods at 16 cents per yard, recently selling at 25 cents. Also Cotton and Worsted Goods in vaii= ous styles and colors, at 121 cents. Their stock of Plain and Lace Buntings, Her nani Cloths, Grmatdines,?lourning Dress Fabrics, Oigandies, Lawns,, etc., is ex tremely full az4complete, and at prices lower than ever. Call in and look over the." big stock," even though you should not desire to i.urebase. Our word for it, you will not. repot the visit. TEACMEIV' EXAMINATICT.—As several teachers were sick at the time of the ex amination May 3d, and as endorsing and private examinations are not granted, an other public examination seems necessary and will. be held in the Graded School fluilding, ToWanda, Saturday, June 17th, commencing promptly at tl o'clock A. M. Teachers holding half-year certificates wanted last fall, or professional certifi cates which expire 'the ;first Monday in June, 1579, and others not I:obling legal certificares, will pleas.; attend and Present a requestllfor examination. signed by the members of the School Board wishing to employ them. G. W. RYAN, County Superintendent. . I,ONIEHOW OTIIER.— • Lite has rt. burden (or every tomes shoulder,. buma :hay weave from trunble and care ; .316 h It in }oath and twIII come when we're cider Mal IR us as close as the garments we wear. Sorrow comes into our lives uninvited. liol.hing oar hearts of the treasures of song; Lovers gAnircoid and friendshipsare.slighted Yet somehow or other we wurrkniong. Every day toil Is an every day-btetishig, 'Though poTert)':: . cottag,e and erns; n - o may share: Weak Is the back on which hardens are 'pressing, Mit stout Isno heart 'that Is Strengthrnefl by payr Somehow ofothei tha pathway grows brighter, Just wln-n we mourn there were none to be ! friend; :Hope In the heart makes the burden. seem tighter, Arai somehow or other we get to the ehq. 31n. E. ORVIS, - of the firm of 'Lito.N . tcz °twig, of Elmira, came near being en tombed alive in a well 55" feet deep on the preMises of J. P. KUM; in Wysox, on Thursday morning last. He had been down in the well fur the purposeof clean ing out the quicksand and stone, prepara tory to putting in a puMp for which . ho and his partner ale agents, and came up to procure toca better adapted to" the work, and was just on the point of de scending into the well when the yWhole lower 'art of iteavcd in, filling it up for a distance of ul.ont feet. Had the caving in taken place lice minutes sooner or later than it did, Mr. i h t i ve undoubtedly. 14:en Ittnied alive if• not Tailed instauti, Jame,. MATlThriongt one of the oldest merchants of Itonesdale, Wayne county, and in influential member of the Presby terian Church, is missing. Up to last 'neck ho was esteemed one Of the - most substantird lionesdale. On the strength of this reputatioi ho borrowed, from time toile*, sums of from .40 to $4;000; and many who have lent him mon, ey have no security. A SPECIAL dispatch to tho Elmira Ad rerliser, says that on Monday afternoon; JosuvA, son of Akontor 13qtrnms, of Sul. Evan, Tioga County, P 1., aged ii years, Was shot and killod by a son of dAttrattA Yonk, aged lithe years. The boys were playing in a barn, ,and young Tonic took up an old gun standing- in a corner and pointed it at the Silt:rinks boy, who was on the mow, saying, "I will shoot you." The.other replied, "Fire awav,'s when the gun went off, and young' Selornks fell shot thrOugh the temple, and died in about two hours. ' • A. L. Mvxns, agent for the Marble and Factory of A. W. AYItEk N. Y., is now in this county taking orders and setting up some very tine monuments of Quineey and English granite; also several of the bean,tifal•Columbian Mar ble, the-finest in the United States. Ho has *work now to set at Selo, ;Wellsville,. Andover, Alfred Centre,. Almond, Burns, Arkport and othei places. Mr. AvnEs is the largest marble and-granite dealer on the: line of tlak.Eria Railway. . He also keeps a large stock of Marble and -Slate Mantels, ,and all of Coal Grates. All goods sold as cheapis the cheapest, ,, — Wellsrille I,?cpdrte,r.. .; • ' • • Tut funeral of the late 'Captain J. B. IlrafrErof Athens, to4Place in that vil lage— on . Weenesday last,, and . speaking of . which, khe Gazette says - : The lal•ge concourse of people in attend ance utOn the funeral exercises, clearly in dicate& that in his departure - the connnu-* pity felt they had lost-a worthy and use ful citizen. Tile Cervices were held in the Episcopal Church, Rev. Mr. Rosenumller officiating, the members of the Masonio Order,,how-. ever, baring the care of burial, and at the :grave asseming entire .10 rge. The Masons, Odd Fellows, G . . A. R's, and Good : TeMplars; Were present as or ganization- si making an imposing appear :Mee, which, with the citizens generally and mourning friends, made up in num bers one of the largest funei al processions that ever followed the : remains of one of our number to his last resting p ahe.. ' ITEMS from the Leßaysville ildvertiier of the 23d : lion. ASS NtetuiLi made la fying - trip to his family on Saturday lasi . , • i.kuti retwincil to Harrisburg on 13IondaY, ...LiticE INcti-LtSS...*.—Mr. ;%.131 1 E WIlf.A ori, a' well to do farmer in South War en, his 1.'2 ewes, from which ho - has 27 z.tinbs ,this spring. Three ewes having riplets, and the , other nine two Lambs ach. This is a remarkable circumstance, Ind, We . doubt if the like can be found in )urirbroacl America.... Six persons were received in the Congregational Ohureji last Sabbath—ftiur 'by letter, and two Oil profession. of faith:...Six persons also of= fered themselVcs to the 31. E. Church for Incinberhip last Sabbath—two by letter, and fout; on their experience....Joinc II; LionT, - Of South 11111, had a calf boydon the 6th Of APl'', of Durharil blot], and weighedlo6 'pounds;-at _two weeks old it weighed 120 mounds ; at four weeks;,ll3 ; six. weeks, 18-1. : This seems like al" fish story," but nevertheless we only Jvouch for it as the sto:ry.of a "fatted calf." Tut:lva* ng match at - 3lercur -commencing . at 4 o'clock - r. v., of Friday last, to continue 30 hours, between3lAs- Ttusos, of Elmira, and STOLL, of hhis place, was of but very little interet, as a contest between 'the two men after the first few !loam, it being a foregon4 con elusion that 31s - s•rmisom would wk, and six hours after the start. We deem it entirely unnecessary to give a 4eng,thy descript!ion of the walk. STOI.L was taken to his home at 4:30 P. sr., of Saturday, af ter having made 59, miles and 11 lapS, and was brought back at 8:35 4 when he went on the track and walked , 2B laps, and then retired for good, having covered 601iiiles and 9 laps. 31AsTEnsoN continued t4i walk leisurely around the track until - 9:30, when he also retired, havingEtmvelled 75 miles. The attendance both evening's was goat! large, and we understand the re ceipt: at the door amounted to s . 9mbthing 'near A three mile running race betmeen MORAN, MASTERSON's trainer, and CITARLEB N. IlEtoLEmm, , of this place, took place at 7:50 on Saturday of, ening, and, was won by Brint.f.tmain; in 21 minutes; Mon.AN being one lap, or 176 feet behind at the finish: Much interest was manifested in this race, and IlEinfa:- MAN was loudly applauded at the finish. And non'; in common this.communi ty at large, We say, in regard to walking contests, give us a rest. . PEBSONLL. —Dr. D. D. &mu, dentibt, late of place, lias'opened an office in Tunkban: noek. • - HELEN Snocx, of B, 31 Kean Connty, s l,s visiting rul.itives in tins place. —Mrs. WAKEMAN and Mrs. Mtt.it.t.if• or Connecticut, are visiting at the Eplico pal Parsonage. —Mrs; M. B. TILESTON, of ,New and Mrs. J. B.:BAB - NEs, of California., are visiting Mis.llenentl acid Mrs. 317GitaNaitaN have gone if spend the summer at Lakeview, near 01;icago, the home of the Evangel istf Major Wurrri,E. —The Elmira Adr4rtiser, of a recent date, says Lon. Gliotibm E. PlerroN, of Towanda, was registered at the Rathbun house, on that day. Now, 'wi,o is the Ika..GEouGE E. PArroN, of Towanda; • any: way? Sur can JA:lll'.,; fl Tys Kiwi, U.S.N., was brought', from Washingl.4.-n to Ins borne in this Village, -ton Thursday last. lust many friends will be pained •to 'learn that be stillepinains in a precarious con (Mica,. with bid slight hopeS of his ulti mate recovery.—Owyo GALUSUA A. Gnow was on Monday evening initiated a member . of Corinthian Chasseur Conimandevy, No. .53, 4iiights Templar, Philarlaphia. This Commandery is the ,only mounted one in thiC State, and will attend the • Grand Cominandery at Allentown this week nearly 100 strong... - -Mrs. 4. 31. CpIPBELL, whose pleas ant letteri to the Artrertior from the Elmira Water Cure, a year since; wilt - be, remembe:eil by its niany _rcaders, and who is now a resident of Towanda,. goes to Washington, D. C., this week, in com pany with 311. and Mrs. AT*, of Sheshequin.—Ellizilw Adreitiaer; —Afrrfruit lIaJ D, Es 4., law partner of COL 0.. F. MASON, has gond to Athens to reside, pad has opened a law office there. Dutingdiiii residence in Towanda he has wen hosts of friends who will regret to have him leave -us.. Mr. Than is a care ful, painstaking lawyer;: and well merits the confidence of the peopleamong whom Le has decided to' cast ins lot. We wish: him the success he justly merits. Itaprir. Tumfas, of Stevensville, started for California emyriday last, visit her sister, Mrs. 15,4). whQ lens t 4-. cently returned from Japp ass minions to Califonll* They`anticipate return lug to their hime Stevensvilkt in about one year. Air. Alum is now in Calibre nia, but will resume his tunuillabors hi Japan Coen. - " —The Troy porrespondent of the Elmi 7 ra Adve;liser; under dateteflifityl3d, sate Rev. Manuel Quail is lit town, visiting friends. He was one of the founders of Presbyterianism in Northern Pentisylva. luta, bud has been a - Prominent actor in ,the 'struggles of that Chiuth for a fbot hold jn Bradford Coun4. Although he has reached three store and ten, his years sit lightly on him, and his mental vigor is unimpaired. • 'The Green's Landing correspondence of the'dthens dautte.of last week, has the. following personal items Wo now. tilm4ion the return of Mr. DI. S. WARNED. from ii visit to his friends in Texas. Ho spent thO winter theie and retpmed a few weeks Stuco. Miss I3ELLA SEARS, a grand daughter, came with him and will spend the sufiquer LtakWATsixs, teaelMr of music in the Institute at To wanda; spent the weekly vacationitt home cntcitaining friends.... Miss MAY HUFF has returned from' a two ,years' stay "at school in Mansfield. —TmrsTon-Ttlacaulir,—The miptials of MajOr TiLnsTox and Miss RUA/1. TEIMUNE, were solemnized in this city last evening by 'Rey, Dr. PA.RKE, the ceremony taking place at their residence . on Dickinson street, . Dwight Plapi Among the relatives present were ,the mother of the groom„Mis. Trt.r.swer, Lis sister from San Francisco, his brother Pram New York, and the brother of the bride, Mr. C. F: - TERILUNE, also of New . York. The presents wero.elegant. The newly married couple, • who enter at once upon housekeeping, start upon the Lip— piest auspices, and the congratulations of a largo circle of friends.—pinghangon 1? . publiean.' " —lion. REUBEN WILDER, of Troy, cel ebrated his 94th birthday yesterday.. A large gathering, composed of children and . grandchildren, met at his reliance, and with many tokens ofrelllinbrance showed their respect Mid affection for their father and grandfather. JUdge ,Wit.nun identified with the early history of Northern Pennsylvania.. For many'years ho was the. .only'•man lh the wilder ness of that day - who could render aid to the. needy pioneer,' and assistance to the suffering was always promptly ren dered by him, in the majority of . cases, before. it was.. solicited.. Many, of our prominent and; 'Wealthy citizens of to-day owe their present prosperity and ,wealth to his advice,and help.—Elmira Advertis er, May 23d., i —We clip the following persobals from Canton correspondence of the Elmira Gazette of Saturday 'last Mrs...Fitxtik:; - 31Avo andlier faiiiiiy started onThiarsdayl afteraomiJor • Eur Ope. They eipect tt return some time in July. In the inean : 4 time; Mr. F. 11. Com...ET and PETER WES''' . will have charge of "Crockett Lodge:l Mr. 3IATo tells us du, the laSt has been one of his, most successful`seasons. II opens in Liverpool about-the first of Jun with his• Davy Croekett...!.FAlisv D4_l4. F;NPORT will be here in about two weeks; She. is now playing at the California The atre. San Francisco'....Mr. TIIOIIO3 T.Acit,..with hi's family, from Ohio, are vis itingwith his brother-in-lawi E.II. Timm- As....WILLIANt M. Scrfe, - representing the Provident, Life and Trust, Company, of Philadelphia is stopping with Mrs. W. ii.: AN and Mrs. F. A. Owrzi have returned fromi=their wedding trip looking as wellas ever; and. will go to housekeeping on Center street. MEMORIAL SERVICES AT TOWAIDA, MAT 33, 187 A WASH POST. Nn. 68. G. A. IL, Towanda, May 26, 1.879. In pursuance of General Orders from National and Departnient Headquarters, Memorial Services will be observed May :P, 187 n, and the following order of march and ceremonies will be observed : The Posts, Military Company, Piro De partine,nt, Societies, etc., will meet at the Court llouse Park at 2 o'clock P.M.• The co:nein will be formed a 5 follows, and move promptly at 2:15 P.M.: 1. Liberty Corners Cornet Band. 2. Burgess. and Tnivu Council, and members of the Piess. 3. Chief Engineer of the Piro Depart ment and Fire Police. 4. Franklin, No. 1 5. Naiad, No. 2. 6. Lin-ta, No. 3. 7. Mantua, No. 4. 8. Knights of Honor, No. 57. 0. Bradford LOge, No. 167, 1.0.0. F., and Dimmpment.. 10. Ilerrieltville.Cornet Band. 11. Company K. I;2th Regiment, Na tional Guard of Pennsylvania.. 1;2. Boys with Fl-tgs. 13. Orator and Clergy. 14. Honorably Dienbarged Soldiers. 15. Watkins Post, No. 68, G. A. IL 16. Citizens. On the head of the column arriving at the Cemetery the column will halt, ,and tbo :ear of the column pass to the front. At•the Cemetery a square will be torn - - ed andthe following ceremonies observed : 1. Music by the Herrickville Band. 2. Address by the Post Commander, • 3. 113 inn by Male Quartette. . 4. Prayer by the Post Chaplain. 5. Dirge by the Liberty Corner's Band. 6. Decoration Ceremonies. 7. Hymn :—.;" 0 Strew These Graves with Flowers." Strewing Flowers on Soldiers' Graves by the Comrades of the Post, during width time them will be appropriate nin 7 sic by the Liberty Corner's and Herrick yille Bands. IL Address by Rev. William Taylor. 14. Singing by the Quartette. 11. Prayer and Benediction. • ' The column will re-form and inaNli back to the Court House Soar° and be dismissed. The following . Assistants have 'vett ap pointed : W. 11. Carnochan, J. N. Cahn; i. Andiew Wilt, George-V. Myer, J..M. l'iatt. By order of `- C: E. Ammus, Commaudei. COUNOLL PROCEEDIHO3• At an adjourned meeting of the Conn eil.l held 'Saturday evening, March 24, 1879,..the following members were pres ent : Chief Burgess Dodge in: the Chair, and COuncilmen, Alger, Holcomb, Reeler, Montanye and Stevens. Councilman Holcomb moved that the reading of the 'minuets of the last- two meetings be dispensed with, and that they stand approved 'as published by the Secre tary. Adopted. .. . Mr. 'Holcomb said that as 'one of the members of the Couneil-was sick and un able-to be. present, and several others ab sent, he would Move that the question of 'lighting the streets with gas be postponed to the neat regular monthly meeting. Acioptcd. Rev. Father Kelley addressed the Coun cil in opposition-to the opening of the al •lcy northwest of the Ward property as pe titioned for by Mr. Wilt and others. On motion the matter was referred to the Street Committee, with instructions to consult with the Borough Attorney, as-to the title of the Borough to. the land pro posed to' . be•used for an, alley, and report to the next meeting. On complaint of H. W. Nobles, the Street Committee was authorized to remove-the dirt which has caved from un der the sidewalk on Second street, on to his premises. . . . . The eonniiittees appointed to prepare au ordinance regulating hacks and ex :pressmen, and an ordinance openiti7, or wideniu„, ,, Fourth street, were not 'ready 'to tilled,- and further time granted. On unction of Councilman Alger, the Street Committi;e were -authorized . to re pair the damage to the . culvert near the foot of Elizabeth street, between - 0e rail road and the river, and to put 'dawn a crossing on the west .side of William striNt Locust avenue,. also 4 cross ink on State street, near the ached haute. _ The communication from Mrs. E. 11. Mason in relation to the embattle' n of.pro. 'party adjoining her dwelling was referred to the Sanitary Comtitittoe, with instzne:' time tti roper at the nest Meeting. On cotapbant itt.ule, it was ordered that notice be Eerved on J. G. Patton,rMrs. Al len taut Mrs. John Culprit), to pet down new sidewalks in front of their _property on Wester' street, and to M. C. Merourin front of his property; n Main street. The invitation to the Council' Cis take part in the inemoriallervices on the all instant, was.accepted. Adjourned: JOSE2 4 II Kr:warren; Secretdry. 00IIRT PROCIERDINGB: - r WEDNEBDAT MILT 21. t - Sarah Jordan's use, vs. , 01Ivo' Elliott— Issue. The jury being unable to agree, were discharged. • I, , Bovine Blackman vs. D. R.,llhiclrman..:- Felgraid Tune. DeWltt , a - Halt and' N. ' C. Elsbree Eiq , for plaintiff, D'A Over ton, R. A.ldercur,.W. H. Carnochan and B. M. Pecki Bags.; for defendant, Ver dict for the ,defendant as to $418.63, and for the plaintiff as,to the residue. • Annie Sly vs. W. IL Sly, Sarah La porte vs. S.'3!. Laporte, Fannie S. Sutton vs. A. B. Sutton. Divorce granted in each case. J. A.Jtecord's et al use'vs.. S. C. Means Rule made absolute. Jeremiah Blackman vs. 0..5. Black maiy—ltule on. Elbanan Smith , to pay money. s s In re the ansigtiment T. Dai ly and wife for the benefit of their credi-^ tore. :Application of Assignee foil& dis charge and re-conveyance to, the:assignors. Court direct publication to be made. S. Owen vs. S. A. Randall et al—Audi tor's report confirmed finally. - In re the assignment of the Tovhinda Eureka Mower Company for the benefit of creditors—Auditor's report confirmed finally as to costs of audit and distribution 'Of real estate fund. Oeorgc Nichols -vs. L. B. Russell—W. J. Yogi*, Esq., appointed. Auditor to distribute fund raised by Blienft'S sale of dcf,,ndant's real estate. - Samuel Spencer vs. C. Roseetans R. A. Meteor, Esq., appointed ,Auditor to distribute fund raised by . Sheriff's sale of defendant's real estate. • In re the assignment of F. A. Cash for the benefit of creditors; iu re, etc., G. P. Cash, eta; in re,.ete.,-C: D. Cash, etc.— L: Elabree, Esq., appointed Auditor in each - case to distribute funds in the hands of Assignee. The following Sheriff's deeds were ac knowledged To Angle for 44 acres of land in Wyalusing township, sold May 9th as the property of James IL McAllister; $445. To W. J. Davies and Henry R. Davies for 150 acres and 141 perches of land in Wyalusing township, sold May' oth as the property of James Fee ; $1,980. To N. N. Botts, Cashier First National Bank, for defendant's interest in 400 ages of land in Overton township, sold May 9th as the property-of C. D. Cash, G. P Cash and F. A. Cash ; $9. To Robert Mason for G 3 acres df land in Lc.Roy township, sold May Otli as the, property of Harvey Holcomb ; To E. W. Cobb for two lots of , land in Pike township, sold May 9th as the prop erty of P. S., Cobb; $7OO. • To Burke, Thomas Co. for house and lot iu Canton borough, sold May 9th as the property of L. D. Granteer and Anna - granteer •' $250. To S. B. Aspinwall for 185 acres of laud iq Springfield township, BUM- May 9th as' the property of C. S. Grace; $1,1125. vro L. L. Very for 43 acres of Pike township, sold May 9th as the 4iiop epy of Miner Brister ; $l5: ' ze ; For fine fast class Hair Goods, Jaya Canvass, Gold 'and sirver tinted Card Board, and Chlldren's Sallor-liati, Fall on Mrs. M. A. Fletcher, No. 4, Bridge Street. bleaching and • seyiltig over a specialty : 'TO M. lit. 31ackinson for house and lot . in Towanda borough, sold May 6tlyas the PrPperty of S. G. Titus ; $25.. ,To P. S. Squires fur 12 acres of land in ,Standiug Stone township, sold May 9th as the property of J. N. Coo ; $l5. • To E. T..Yoz, Administrator of L. L. Moody, and 11. B. Morgan, Administrator of W. 11. Morgan, of ' the firm of Moody 4.c:' Morgan, for 1 lot iu Towanda borough, sold May 9th as the property of A. S. Me; Donald ; $5O. To E. T. Pox, Administrator of 'L. L. Moody, and 11. B. Morgan, Adndniatrator of W. H. Morgan, of the firm of MOOdy Morgan; for 1 lot in Wysox township, sold May 9th as the property of A. P. LaPlant; 425. To Frank C. Bunnell and Janus Bun nell for .2 pieces of land in Tuscarora township;suld May 9.th as the property Of Jacob Rought-: To A. C. Cook for 1 lot in Piko town ship, sold May 9th .as the property of Johuathan N. Dimond ; $1,266. To Emeliue M. Huston for 1 Jot in To wanda borough , sold May 9th as the prOp city of C. F. ; $8.50. - To John G. Spalding for 76 acres and 83 perches of land in Wilmor, township, sold miy. 9th as the property of James M. • Gamble et al ; $375. To E. S. Horton, Administrator of R, K. Stevens, for 1 lot, with barn, hons, and a few fruit trees thereon, in Canton borough. sold - May 9th as the property of Calvin l)odgc ; 4109. - To Ross, Keen, Geatley & Co. for house and lot in Towanda borough, sold May 9th as the property of John. Fitzgerald ; $lO. To Sarah F. Elmer for 1 acre of land in Athens township; sold May . 9th as: the property of Minir St John ; $730. ; - 'To George Stevens and M. J. Long fur 1 lot with a two-story, framed house, and 1 lot With part of a framed barn,;sold May 9th as the property of C. F. Nichols; 005. -To Batt Golden for house and lot Athens. township, sold May 9th as the property of .Jereiniah Sullivan and Janus Lambert ; $6O. • '; To J. E. Bullock's .Executor for 36 acres of I Ind in Cantu township, sold May oth as •the property of N. W. Mc- Clelland ; $4OO. Neighboring Counties. TIOGA COUNTY. Wellsboro Agitator, May 20th Contracts have been made for blinding fifteen new houses at Antrim.... The members,of the Odd FelhAvs' Lodge at Keeneyville have recently refitted- and re furnished their lodge room in a tasty man ner.... The residence of Mr. William Aylesworth, of Blossburg,Twas burned up a few nights ag0.... A ionise belonging to Rev. H. Lambkin, and occupied by the family of Mr. Charles Lambkin, situated near Mansfield, was destroyed by fire - hit Tuesday.- The flames caught from the chimney. The building was insured, and. considerable of the furniture was saved. ....Last Tuesday forenoon an -accident occurred on the premises of Mr. Isaac Wheeler, in Charleston township, about four miles from this village, resulting iu _the sudden death of Mr. Wheeler's son, Otis, a young man of 19 years. Young Wheeler and a friend were engaged in hauling out manure, and were loading the wagon, when the team was frightened by a Hying hen and started to run. Otis sprang for the reins, but secured only one of them, and as he held to that the horses turned short, one-wheel of the loaded wa ge!' hit the young man, knocked him down-and rolled over his chest, killing -him - instantly. The deceased was a prom ising young man, and was held in high esteem by all who knew him.- ills death is a severe aiHietion to his family, and ex cited a deep feeling of regret iu the neigh borhood. • WYOMING COUNTY. From the Tuukhanneek Democrat, May :Ist. Thomas lioadley and Miles Harding left this place for Leadville, the Eldorado of Colorado, on Sunday night last.... Mr. Scott Royer, an employe on the L. V. R._ It., had the thumb on his right hand bad ly smashed -while coupling car, at this places short time - since.... A largo num ber of railroad sills have accumulated der: lug the winter and spring along, the sid-' ing of the Montrose and L. V. It. IL, to be used in completing the second track of the Lehigh Valley road itt. this place...: 3lra. John Iluff died.at the residence of her nephew, 3lr. Edward Prevost, at Rus sell Hill, on Friday. the 16th instant,' aged o:3;years. .-3lrs. Huff was born in the city of Paris, France, in the year 1787, and emigrated to this:country -with her parents in 1702.. They settled. in Bradford County, where they lived for upwards of 60 years. Since the' death of her husband, in 1561, Mrs. Huff has be'en residing with her-nephew in Washington _township. She belonged to a long lived family, some of her brothers and sisters attaining to an age equal to that of her own. Li" LINEN SUITS aril SUMMER 4s-AcquEs at LsTRW.C . S.. • Vir Summer Silkq Crtmadincs,- Black and colore4 Buntings at EVANS & 1111161 PIMTHIVt • • • • . -"I Don'? - Warr- iniaT Sruna"."—ls what a lady abates said to bei buslband when be brought home some medicine to emits her of Ma-beaded.. and neuralgia which bad made bar miserable for four teen years. At the first attack thereafter it wet adMinhrtered Whet with such goal results, that she. calitiaued to use ft until cured, and made Aso enthusiastic in its praise, that she' liduced twenty-tWo of the best-Wallies in her circle to adopt it as their regular , fainarinedicine. That "stuff" batop Bitters. susmies. LOCAL• lar Novelties in tiOSlEltir, atiOtkii% nUACELIeTS, NZOULACES, PANS and PAS,. AWL:4,Im, MST/4205. • Er. Ifid dloi'es, Lace Mitts and Lace Top Mores, •la good assortmOots at EVANS It lIILDNETWS6 Virlarge assitirtlll64 a Dint Cages Just recelved at the oe Cent Store; 40c and up ward& • - • • Dr When going to the ront-Oillee step Into hicCABVIS, three (loon north and exiimine his groceries. ALL NEW AND FRESIL 2w far Carpets, Oil Clothes and Millings at "way Down pikes , ' at EVAN ilk 'AXIL. , DRETWEI. t Full sots Croquot only 99 centiat ho in Cent Store. U. t Evtins & flildreth .Lave all qualities and slaes of Sun Umbrellas.' which every Lady should see before Fri:Chasing elsewhere. • t LARGEST VARIETY pf FIRE and tA9IIIO2IAIq,E MILLINEEt GOODS at SVGILN'S. . ' Vii' Ladies, Genti and Children's sum mer underwear, len; and short sleeved at EVANO of 111ILDRETWS. , rir.T.imEs McCABE, located Vireo doors north of the Post-Oftles, Is payldg CASII fort CHOICE butter. 2w Var John Maddock Sons' celebrated cable-shape semi-porcelain Crockery at the ae Cent Store; also a full assortment of Crockery and Glassware at the lowest prices. tr. Or Table . Damasks, , Rapkins, Day/ Iles Towels, crashes, &c., &c., very cheap sq. EVANi & 11ILDRETIVS.A TOke your choice Butter to 'JAMES ItcCABE, Ihreo doors north of the Post-Office, as he is paying tho lIIGIIEST CASII PRICE for a floe article, Cl' The Largest, Best. and Cheapest line of Biles for Ladles', 311sSos. and Chlldrens. wear Is found at Conszn's new store, corner Matti and Plnc-sts., • Tracy h Nobles Block, sprvis I= VrPlain . and FaCep cloth and cassi meres In Salt Patter:li or by the yard, It'e;iy cheap at Evans.3l Set it. Uo havci an VtiIiFAC*IRY town where yo u can buy the 1 • M" .. excellehl at COWI beat fres, ,ABE k,eops a good stock or TIIF BEST FLOUR BBOVGIIT TO MARKET. Call at hls S:ture in Mercer Block, gale street. ' 2w "a."' The Bridge Stieet , t;r9tture Store now occupies two stores Wilk a iime:atock of Spring Goods. -With low prices, geed gocids and a largej stock toselect from, we feel sure we can snit -you. Mto Miss N. Farnham's a few doors north of post offer; for new Spring and Sum• finer Mts. -' VW" COusEn has th - e - ' , ,best wearing' Shoes for .119; Boys and Youth - S7,:wc-ar erer offered In Towanda, and at prices within th 3 ieach of all. nr, French Organdies, Argerican Lass oes, .Tacknnets,, Petralls and Gingham% In new choice styles, at EVANS olk. lIILDRETH'N. t Don't fail to-see the DISPLAY of FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS at .52E1114'54 only for three day, more. Dr. Black Silks, and •Casbtneres in fall assortment. and at lower prices than ever at EVA II I LDIIETIITS. Vir Miss. N. Farnham has a fine seleet cQ of New Millinery Goods In great variety. which cannot but meet the wants of all. Call at her Store a few doors north of the Post office and examine styles and prices. rir For tickets 'to all points West, ;:iorth and S,outhwest, at the lowest possible rates, call orator address, If. E. BABCOCK, Agent, at Upper Depot, Towandh, 17te C"" L. 13. RODGERS challenger compe-. rtitiou for quality of roods and low prices on Sash, Doors, Blinds and 31.0blins, and at building ma., icrial. • • (aug3-tf) i Evans & Hlldreth offer more than Twenty tastes of Corsets. TOWANDA, May 14, 1879. M r. C. U. POitpm, Druggist, Ward llouse.—llenr Sir—Several weeks since I receivedla sample bettle of Ely's Cream Ilaisain for Catarrh;.—am pleased to testify to its curative properties. Fiw several years 1 have been troubled with this disease—have tried many remedles without much relief.. Ely's Creain Ital4up has proved Itself to be the article desired, having wonderful results in my.case. I am now more free from Catarrh than I have beemfor years. I believe this remedy to be the only sure cure for Catarrh. Respcct fully Tours, Mr Evans tk-Hildreth are selling all klnyi ls of Cul' TON GOODS, at, the LOWEST FIG OWES prevailing before the advance. 'lar I lALL'S VESETADLE RENZWER is a scientific combination of some of the most powerful restorative agents in the vegeta ble kingdom. It restores gray hair to its original color. It makes the scalp white and clean. ,It cures dandruff and humors, and falling-out of the hair. I t furnishes the nutritive principle by which the hats Is ten - wished and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, anti is unsurpassed as a halr-dre l sing. It is the most economical prepara tion over offered to the public, as its effects remain a long time, making only au occasional application necessary. It is recommended and nsed by emin ent medical. men, and officially endorsed by the State Assayer of Mas.swehusett. The popularity of Italics Ilairltenewer has increased with thu s test of many years, both in this country and In foreign lands, and It is now known and used in all the eiviiitett countries' of the world. Fan SALE 11Y ALL, DWALEUS. tar Evans & .Hildreth offer the celebrated Jamestown ALPACAS and SERGES, fet reArteed prier* - C' Having gathered a Largo Stock of ICE. we are prepared•to furnish it at rates to suit the thnes,and can recommend Has being perfectly pure in every respect. • READ TESTIMONIALS. TowANDA, Pa, May 12. 18; 1. Mr.. E. B. Mulct-431r: 1 have examined the specimen of Ica left with me a few days ago, and find that' it compares favorably with water taken from the river above the old Canal Basin.,and even with water commonly used for drinking purposes. A. high power orthe micrescope failed to show any infusmia, or anything that could be considered in jurious, even alter standing 2 or 3 days. • Respectfully, A. woomllows, al. D. • OFFICE ot" J. W. LYMAN. M. D., Tow.ANDA; May la, 15179. • Haling carefully examined a specimen or Ire left at my (Ore. by . . E. B. Pierce. I find It as pure and free frEus foreign matter as I think Ice can be frozen in auy country. • J. W. LYWAN, M. D. TOWANT:I. May t 3, I have examined the Ice left by Mr. Pierce, care fully, and find D in every way purel.and free from organic matter. i.l. K. LADD, M. D. I. WILL NOT BE lINDERSOLO! in... Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. 3-15. • . • E. B. PIERCE. .DIED. you n StieshNuin, May :.St h, Mary wife of Isaac L. Young; aged 4) years G mouths ,and 5 days. . aivitit If years ti.. deceaSed has I,en an acttre, earnest member of the M. E t Church In Ghent. The close of tier life was peaceful ; ovine_ lug perfect trust In her Saviour. She leaves a hus band and three children with a circle of frlendif to mourn her 4 departure. . TUE CENTRAL IWTEI., • 111. ST IK It, L'A. The unitersigne.l lurfua taken possession At the above hotel s respectfully solicits the patron, pgo of his uld (time+ sid Um pnbliec eneraliy; - outs-tr. K. abutifintesto. IN RE THE ASSIGNMENT OF :William T. Daily and Sarah P. Daily, his wife, tar the benefit of creditors. In the Court of Common. Pleas of Bradford County, No. tr, Sep tember Term, 1677. • . _ . • Motto Is hereby given. that application was made to said Col= on--the 24th day of Nay, A. D. lee. by Irvine Burgess, surviving Assignee of said Willis.* T. Daft y and Sarah P. licit , :, hi s wife, to .re-convey the said estate to the said assignors, and also that he, the said Dann! Burgess, be discharged as Assignee of said estate.. The said Court ordered and directed that wince be given of the same by ipublicatioh In the fla DTunD ittrOirras and glartharn. Titer thud - te, for the space of fotir weeig. that said application - will be heard on MONDAY, JULY 7th, strts, at 9 Welock, r. Y. Z. B. PARSONS, Solicitor. Troy, Nay in, 1679-wt. BANKRUPTCY.—In the Dis- Court of the United !Bates, for the - Western District of Petinsyltanlii. • Harrison T. Jane, dt Towanda, it Batik rapt under the Act of Congress of Matti/ 2d, 107, bavialt ap plied for a Discharge from all hie debts, and other claims provable under said Act, By Order at tho Court, Notice is hereby given to all Creditors *be have proved their debta, and other persons interest- ed, to appear on the 21th day of JUNE, 1879, at 20 o'clock, a. X., before IL Mercur, • Esq" Itegister In Bankruptcy, at his office. in Towanda, Pennsylvania, to show . cause if any th ey have, why a Discharge should Rot lid granted to veld Bank rupt., S. C. MCCANDLESS', - Towanda, May 20th, 11170.-2 w ' Clerk. RPTIASIS'CQIIRT SALE.-By V virtue of an order Issued out of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, January 7,1870, and cot:- tinned May otb, 1870, the undersigned, an Admin iStrator of the estate of George T. Cole, late of Towanda Borough, deceased, will sell at public sale, on the premises, on FRIDAY, JUNE 27th; at o'clock, V M., the followlog i property, according to the amen ded boundary as follows, to wit: • Town lot and house, situate in Towanda Borough; on Second street In said Borough, being 30 front and runntag West to an alley, bound td ou the south by Stoneman, on the welt by a IM of said 0. It. Montanyei (now McGraw), east by Second street, on the west by said alley; being the same recorded In Deed Book No, 116, l'age 163. TERMS OF sAI.E.--1 , 213 on the property being struck down, and the balance otteounrmation. •• • E. L. HILLIS; Adniinietrator. Towanda, May 20th, 1870-td. . THE BUCI(EYt Still maintains its place at the head of all mowing machines. For, durability, ease of manage ment, and perfection of work, it is unequaled. - Other machines are good just in, proportion to their imitation of the Buckeye. Manufactured• by Slifer, Walls Shriner Manufacturing Company., Liwisburgh, Pa.' • FOR SALE BY E. R., 3IYER 8. SON, • - Myersburg, Bradford; Co., Pa. Myersburg, May 29th; 1879,-Bw. ASSIGNEE'S,. SALE.—In Bank ruptcy. - By'vlrtue of 'an - order Issued out of the District Court of the United States. for the Western District of Pennsylvania, the undersigned will sell at public sale, divested of all liens, all the REM. ESTATE OF JOIIN J. GRAFFf Tll, Bank. rapt...situate In the counties of Bradford, Sullivan and Monroe, at the door, of the COurt House, In TOW A N D A, Bradford County, Pa. on TUESDAY,' JUNE 24.1879., at . 1 o'clock P. M, consisting of the following -described lots, pieces or tracts of land, to wit: ss No. 1--One lot situate In'dfie township of Terry; Bradford County, •bounded follows:to wit : Oa the north by lands of J. J. Oriflith, nn the_ east by lands of 'Lewis Platt, on the south by lands of Henry Smith and on the west by lands formerly of C. L. Ward. deceased; gontalning fifty acres of land more or - less; about five acres Improved. N0....2—L0t situate In the township of Terry, Bradfcird County; bounded as follows, to wit: On. the Mirth by lauds of Wooster. east by landsof 'C. F. 'Welles, estate, south by lands or Jacob Straf;• for and Leeks, 4`nit on the west by lands of C. F. IleyfEs. estate;. containing' eighty acres of laud tnorror less. 7. • No. 3-4 Lot 45x18ffeet, situate in the township of Towanda4trad ford County. hfruntled as follows, to wit.: On the north. by lands of Mrs. Joel Rice, east by Railrmid street, south by lands of :3lrs Foley and on fhbwest by lauds 'of Peter Brewer, with oneJrame house thereon; .• EOM - No. 4-4..td 15'150 feet. situa:te in the•townslilp of - Towanda, Bradford County, bOuntled as f , dlows...tO wit : On the north by Jame,4llowinan, edate, on - the east by lands of Mrs. Dur;nz, ou ithe son' h by lands of George. Ennis' and on the V . ;est, by Main street. - No. s—Lot situate in Middle Smithfield town ship, Monroe County, bounded as follows, to wit ileginuing at a stone at the•corner - of John Cham ber,' land, north 70° west 166 -perches to corner of , • land granted by James Iticknian and wife to Robert Hughes; thence along file same south 25° west 160 perches to a stone: thence south 75° east -- ICG perches; thence north by land of Jelin Chambers 20c`cast 150 , perches to the place of beginalug; cunt-at:llns WO acres more or less. No. 6—Lot situate-in Chem , township, Sullivan Cohnty. bounded. as follow', to w t t : On the south by Berwiek turnpike, on the; west t)y a tract of land in the name of John Shoemaker, on tile north by laud of Francis Graff and on the 'east by the same land off which-this is a part; containing 25 acres more or less. • .. No. 7—Ltit situate in FOrks towpship. Sullivan County, bounded as followi, to wit ! Beginning at the north side of . the public road at the corner be tween the land of I same feier anti Ezra Ittnebold ; tlo - nce by land of Edward prank forth:10? east 101," perches to a post; thence,' by land of 'sale !Meier north 50° west 12 perches to a. rock ; thence south :is° hest 16 perches toi the public road; thence along said road south 13° east 14 2-5 perches to. the plate of beginning ; coutalthug 1 acre and 70 perches more or less. TElt.liti OF BALE.—One fourth of. purchase money nt time'of 'sale: one fourth on confirmation of sale by Court, and the balance in•ti months from saki continua:Mu: the deferred payments tO be toured Ly judgment Irmd. JOHN W. COOT/LNG, • • assignee In Bankruptcy. Towanda, Pa.; May 1579. ASSI SEES SALE.-In Bank-. ruptey. By virtue or an ordeVissued ['tut of the District Court of the toiled States,, ferJhe Western Dlstiict of Pennsylvania, the undersigned will sell at public sale; divested of 411 liens all the REAL ESTATE of ORRIS D.' BARTLETT, Bankrupt. at the door of the Court House.. in TI) WANDA., Bradford • County, 'Pa , on TUES DAY, JUNE 10. 187:, at I o'clock, P. S., consist ing of the following described lots, plecesor tracts of land to wit: No. I—One lot about 45x130'feet, situated on tlia southwest cortierof Fourth and Elizabeth streets. 2—.f.ot about 50x140 feet. situated East side of Third street;• with trained dwelling house there on. • . . . No. 3—Lot east stile of Third street, being about 235 feet In front, vn feet in rear ant 154 feet deep. No. 4—Lot about 50x.140 tee, west side of Third street; south of property of W. K. Hill. Nos. a. 6. 7 and a—Four lots each 60x150 feet south of lot No. 1, and west side of Vitra street. No. 8—.1.0t about .12x1 t 7 feet, south of lot No. 8, and west side of Third street. Nos.lo, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16—Lota south or the homestead property, and west side of Fourth street, each abOut 501140 Yeet, including a 10 toot alley In rear. No. 17—Lot south of No. 18, about 2 feet in front. 100 feet in rear, aad 140 feet deep, including 10 foot alley. No. IS—Lot, triangular shaped, In rear of lot's above described, about 43714 feet at base and 125 feet perpendicular, the thfid aide Measuring 459 feet. Nq.l9—Lot east shle or Charles street, about 100x136 feet. L:l3. COBURN No. 20--One lot, commencing at a point 25 feet easterly from an iron pin In the center of Bridge street, thence easterly along the tine Of • J.. Means' land. 645 feet to a corner of an unopened street; thence northerly along said street 502 feet, to southeast corner of lot now owned by • Acker Smith; thence easterly along line of said lot, 135 feet to a corner; thence northerly 146 feet to the north West corner of Albert Smith's lot; thence westerly about 20 feet to the southeast corner of Samuel Itoyle's lot; thence westerly 210 feet to the east:line of Bridge street; thence southerly along said line 715 feet to place of beginning.. • Nos. 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 2a—Eight lots, situated south of the proposed (txtensieti of .Elisa beth street and east of au unopened strtmt. about 340 feet south .of- Bridge street.• each lot being 50x1 6_S feet, Including a 15 foot Wiry to the rear. No. - 29 -Lot 'situated on sonthwest corner o Charles street and the proposed'extension of Env' Witt street, 681165 feet, including said 15 foot alley in rear. No. ao—Sitnate south of lots 21-29,- above de scribed, commencing on line of J. F. Means' nod oft south east corner of unopened street, befog 690 feet from the east line !of Bridge 'stteet: thence northerly 292 feet to the south line of. the alley In tear of lots 21-29: thence easterly along line of said alley, 4,ss feet to a corner west side of _Charles .street; thence southerly along the line of the ex. tenant of Charles street, 292 feet to the lino of J. F. Means land; thence westerly along said Means' line, 46.9 feet to the place of beginning. 31—One lot, commencing at southwest cor ner Jones lot: thence easterly along line of said lot about .150 feet to a cornerjon line of J. F. Means' land; thence southerly along said line 476 feet to a corner of J. F. Means' land; thence west erly along line of said Meini' . land, about 150 feet tit the east line of the proposed extension of Char les street; thence westerly 420 feet to the place, of beginning, said tot being Interiected In the north ern part by the proposed extension of 'Elizabeth street and by the proposed continuation - err-a 16 font alley running to Bridge street, 'and in the south east. corner, by the proposed -extension of/Fifth street. No. 32—Lot actuated south side of. Bridge street, about 4SxI3S, Wing next west or the .• ;dofflt'' lot. No. 23—Lot situated south side of Bridge, street, about ba1139, between lots owned by Daniel Saver. cool and S. F: Itoyle, with a partly ifinished framed dwelling thereon.. - • Lots - Nos. 31,35, 34, 37, 313 and 3Sitnat NI on (he north side of the proposed exOnsion of Elizabeth street, and between the Nosier and George Decker lots. each 442 133 feet, being the same lots numbered 27, 23, 29, 30,31 and 32 on Win. IL ]!organ's map of Tow4nda Borough. So bnlidlngs. • Lot No. 40—....ituated Sub the east side of. Fourth street, being irregn;arly shaped, about 1e34 teet In front, 91 feet in rear and about 140 feet - deep. No building% . Lot No. 4l—SititMed north of No 40, east side of Fourth street, „sexl4o feet, with', framed dwell leg house thereon. • - • . • . Lot No. 40:=The '• tiomestead"• property of 0/ 1). Bartlett belng =6 feet front on Fourth street', and from its south east corner. RIO feet In westerly course to the corner of .1. F. Means' land; thence Ina northwest driection'26B feet to a corneeof J. F. Means' land; thence easterly 4183 i feet toyourth. street, with framed dwelling house, barn/and out buildings thereon. . /No. 44—A1l of said bankrupts Intert of, lit and to the undllided one half or a kit or lece of land situated west side of - Main : street/ between the lands of Will:am Dlttrich and John Heinle*, being 0 feet front on 3fain street auil / 70 feet deep to au alley.lu the rear, with a three s try brick budding,. and a portion-of a frame -but ding thereon, the third story Of said brick building being owned by the limoite Hall Associln of Towanda. TERMS OF SALE-10 r cent. of the purchase price In cash, on the property being struck down -7.0 per cent. on - the coldirmation of the sale-00 per cent. In 4 months (rot:dilate of sale, and the balance fn one Year Iron 110.0 of vale, with Interest, at percent. per :thumb irons date of tale with up proyetf teettrit7/ J AMES 11. CsIDDING, , . . • A PAi Krieg , in Bankruptcy. - A limp of the aboio described real estate, is 'open for Inureetiteli M the office et the Assignee. - - - 319 SPECIAL . . BARGAINS I POWELL. & ..o.' OFFER THIS MEEK A LINE OF 1. • SUMMER - pRESS. --SIL,K.i. At 50 cents per yard, worth 75. cents. WORSTED-i.DRp$ GOODS, • At .16 cents per yard; worth 25 cents. COTTON & WORSTED DRESS GOODS, IN: VARIOUS AND, COLORS, At One . Shilling per yard, worth rwentyrCents. Two Cases fancy Dress Coed's, At Six and one-fourth cents per yard, worth One Shilling. Also, a large assortment 4u a great variety cif styles and ,ra,a4es, of Plain and Lace P• l untings, Hernani Cloths, - Grenadines, Mourning Dress Falirjes, Organdies, Lawns, &e„ •AT EQUALLY LOW PRiC : ES. J • Towanda; Pa, 31ay 2Gth, 1819 MoINTTRE BROTHERS, . _ . il • • i. il, .. . . , iqiitecessors to Mclntyre &..ltetsselt, Deal6..s in, . . . Y' , - . • . : HARDWARE STOFES AND TINWAIIE, Main Street, lAyoccffatteono. FIRE . ASSOCIATION, Of Philddelphia. 1 / • - - ORGANIZED SEPTEMBER 1, 1817 • - 5500,000.00 CAPITAL, ASSETS nearly - 114,000.000.00 This Asstwiailois- cuotulues to insure tans and' Damago by rim, llulbllngi, Ileuaebultc-rur, ulture, and Merebandlsq generally. ' , WM. S. VINCENT, Agent. sato Inievt.:4owonda. Pa. vowitt.s.: go. Ma In various styles and all °colors, ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF ' • • ALSO A LARGE LOT OF ALSO, JUST RECEIVED, -Sarbwarc, 4inware, &c. TOWANDA, PA. ELY'S CREAM BALM HAY FEVER IS RELIEVED BY ITS USE Itai'atl.tse, Effielual Simple Remedy. .Application Easy and Agreeable The effect is truly magleal,,givlng Instant relief and as a curative Is without an equal. ' It is a local remedy substituting the disagreeable use of liquids and stuffs that only excite anti give temporary relict. . CREAM 13ALM.hIcuLeg ocrltrat.,,.°` don. Sores in the nasal passages artk healed to &- INN , days. lleadiche, the effect of Catarrh, is (IDA• sipated in an almost magical manner, . . _ . . ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR CIRCULAR. Price 50c. - ELT BROTHERS, Owego, N. T; • For sale •by CLAIM rt. PcptvEtt, Ward House, Druggist. 4 !.. Interesting Item. Messrs..l. J. Ix LOES fr.CO., Binghamton, hi ..Y-;:. Gentlemen.-4 found so much relief from using the sample butt) of Ely's Cream Balsam, for email'''. that I pure ,aced three bottles- of large size, which has almost cured mo. I had suffered with catarrh- - for tett years: at times the pain would be so bad -that I is as obliged to stay in the house and send for a doctor. • l' had entirely lost all sense of smell. The Cream Balm has worked S - eniracte for me. I shall persevere in Its hie, for I am convinced 'twill effect a cure. . • • C. 8. liAt.r.ys, Blugli.imton, N. YI - - -,.ADMINISTRATORS'_.NOTICE —Notteeis hereby given that 4jl periZius In flicked to the cstatee( Amariab Illakestey, late nt the.townshipotflurtington; deeemetl, are requested to make immediate payment, and all person, tiaving etal.M4 against salal estate nnut vre!.eut Item duly authenticated tor'set tlentent. ~a II ELS I ICED PRICE LIST FROM • nary Ist, ISI9 0 - DS ARE MIN iIILY 11AVE nr.tx ENTY YEARS I ,hildren 88.00 a Fine 10100 People 8:00 Ex.Finel6.oo farluore durablo for ELMIRA, N. Y. 'Mscet raucous, CATARRH is.cuittb BY 4. W. Nlt'llol.B,4l.dintnlat.rator, 13nr.11ugtop, Aptll 2f, P. 19. 1111 •
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