II jgriatlincautrtpartntent ===il OATS roil HAL—The New Eno; land Farmer thus nraises.oats as a „substitute for hay : "FOr the . ixist. two years we have made specidl of forts towards raising upon the farm all the fodder to be used by thci3t4k; nnd • in order to :do this. - wc,Olaye . experitante'd in 'various Among other experiments we have tried growing pats for fodder upon 61d - -mowing fields,, whiCh were ,pro, ducing too I i ttleliak for profit. The land haS been plowed iß s the autumn after the hay crop was secured. Then it is harrowed fine during the leisure .days between harvesting and other work...' Before winter . .the soil may be "made to ; look almost like .- an old proided the plowing and-har pining is thorOughly done. Manure 0f....50me kind - is nppliedi before the gfound - freeies, and if convenient is cliltiVated - lightly into the soil.. iii_ spring, as soon as the soil is dry mid . Ugh to work well; it.is culti vatett.-Well and sowed to oats, :it the 'rate of from four to five bushels perdcre. If the grain is small ,four ,l.b . 44hebt may be enough ; but °thef t, NV itit:; .liveivottld be better. This will gikeist7aw nearly a s s.'.fine is ordinary . stdt i lf timothy: -It is easily cured awl. when cut early and well cured ; makes hay that is'better., than timo thy and red tops that is left l ing until dead ripe." ' That such hay isiil Le. greedily eaten' by almostLall. kind of stock we know frOm ex perience, but it is not so cheap after all. as some suppose. By the ,above plan the Pennsylvania farmer would lose the use of hisfield - for, say one year; the interest upon thii. would !amount to say eight pTer f aere; ;blowing and harrowing to four dol lars, 'seed .three dollah, and . harvest,. in..: about three dofjqrs; thus the c‘.o. per acre is not-tess thalreeen liars, without: any. allOwanc'e - • for nia - dure. If no manure is used it is safe to assume / that" the &op will cOst about 'fifteen dollars per ton. • - 1 7 (1 - t: ItY altA V Y —Poultry Eihottld te.pieked and.drivwn as soon ds-poi sible,; never allow it to remain oVer nig.liClundrawn:for the flavor of_the 'craw and intestines • will penetrate the whole fowl.; never cook it in less than eight -Wins after it is killed ; after drawing altirkeyjinse out with vend Naters;and at the last mist_ in a teaspciOnful of pulveriied borax': the inside of tile. turkey =is . sometimes • a little . , Soar, and :will Ilivor the dressing ; I the - borax .act, as a corrective; fill the.tnr licy with this water and let it remain vhile you prepare , your dtessiog ; when the dressing is ready pour. out the.horax water, .and if 'yon wish rinse' the turkey out With . clean water,; in roasting, if: your fire is , rood and turkey youn,4 and tender; alliizc ten ~or twelve'. Minutes, to a poimd ; baste often,.first with melted lutoi.q - and hot water, afterward with tlu graVy in the pan ' wash the well and ,_- cltop them up fine - ;hull fit Just water enough to . -Cover, and when the tur key •is - done liblee: it on a heated _ dish ; add the - ehopyea .giblets\ with the water' in which 'they were boiled to the.drippings in the pin ; thicken with a spoonfill bf flour,wet,to pre vent lutripsz ; boil up one - 41)01m into a gravy-loan; serve the turkey with •• cranberry sauce. In Making graf‘-y• • of any kind, if thd , imeat Or poultry • - is very fat it . must be skimmed off before :adding the flour. A. (loon PLAIN lie Cao sT.—Sift one quart of flour . into a bowl; chop into the Hour (using a chopping-knife) a:pouial oflxood firinlard •, chop until very fine.; poiir in enough ice•water to tirake a Stiff dough. and woft it with your hands.; flour your hands; work yotir - dough into shape; handle it quickly and as little 'as posSible:; flour . yonr pastry-board, - and roll out your dough.vc,ry thin ;', always roll from you; have ready One-half pßuud of goodl)ntler that has-been IyaAlie d in two or three cold .waters tolid it ofLalt; spread the dough wits bu'tter; fold 'it up, 'then roll it out thin again.; spread again with butter;. f o ld again, and repeat the:operation netil the .-butter all used. Up- EIM! To It IA (Err you!, desire *extra fine' flavored Cuffee— N.pick it over; 'ash it well, drain it awl, spread it on pie trans; roast it, in a Imo:aerate ovenioron top. of the rime; stir it often' to keep it from b4ning, awl roast it until it is good .and brown _ then drop a Small -piece of- butter iit each-pan and 'mix it up* just enough to make the coffee shinC;, grind it: fre,h every morning. _The flavor will - then 'equal, if not excel the " Vienna " coffee. - CfmcKEss..—ln frying' chickens ice try to have the lar.l very hot, sprinkle. the pieces Well with flour, put thew in and cowl. tightly. for awhilc;, cook. 1 as fast as.possible.4vithszit burning. After a little' while`take off the la . season with .and pepper, .and if brown turn the - Pieces. and brown, again as fast aslxisSible.: •We think . the meat is more .tentler • and' much more juicy than *hen , allowed a long tinie over -a slow .. L is very.. cheap, good farm hand can be procuredot the present time for, lower wages . then we can remember. This is a favorable' time for ;flaking' all such perm - inept iin pro-iements as draining, fencing, bui i i l ing, getting out posts and"rails, Ilea , ig' land, removing stones or stria s, and the like. j i i t , ' - , -. . 1 J:4u:—While the pot of water is la liiii,T, stir In the sifted mearslowly, 1 ating . hard, when thick enough.; until the whole mass is smooth and' then we pour it outintaa crock, and set in a cool place. We generally put the salt in the water. We have not yet noticed an • raw taste about it, .. - Ark': Ems.—Pure 'and' core `a runveuicntnumberof apples, leaving -Win whole ;2fill with sugar and pour over water; then place in oven ; when nicely-baked take eggs Prepared as for -omelette, pour . in and Over .the apples andreturn to- the oven- for about. ten minutes ; grate over them nutmeg and serve hot. - APO WAsu NAVY', BLUE WiiLLEN STocK I so.—Set the color before wear ini4, by soaking them ten minutes in u pail of cold water containing one .teaspoonful of sugar of lead • then wash in water Made soft by lx:rax— Ilse no soap for the first washing, ana. very little •at any time; it har dens thc.wool. , • FRIED OAIELET.--Three — Cggly two gills milk, two taMespoonfols flour a little salt and pepper. - Frlion a bet griddle. • • - t~uc`nl ep~rhntt , • . , E. E. , . J. A.- w_ q UN, Comraittal J. T.Okice-oLLow, • of G. :W. .WAN, • iLsfociateNditirr . s. A. A. KFaxsar, I , :- . c'elarrinalcatlatift may be -sent te;elthar of the above editors. as may be preferred. and will appear in the Issue of which he has'eharie. J. WILT, Plltor Present 'Week • HOW TO GRADE THE DISTRICT SCHOOLSI - HOW, AND WHAT SHOULD BE STUDIED• A committee of five wail -am lilted by_ the Teachers' Association.held at \ o7rell; an September, for the-purpose of yecotn rpending a course of study, and gradationfor t h e district schixds of our county: J `. The committee was compose 4 of the following ANDREW Wit; J. T. Mc- Cottmu, A. A. KEEMY, A. 71'. I t iLLEY, G. W. RYAN. • The committee-has endeavored to per form the duty, and give the following as their report to be presen%d at- the !text meeting, of,the Ar sociation. According to a resolution of the Asso ciation adopted at Troy the 'report of said committee was to be Published, in order that. the Directors and Teachers might profit by its suggestions, during the _pres ent winter term of-school. We hope - the teachers throughout the rriral districts will test the suggestions and recommendations of the committee, and let, us bear frOm them, as to the :success. or failure of the plan.' "" We think the School Directors should rftd the report eareftlly, and adopt it r r soinetbiug-similar, for the bepetit of the scholaTs in their district We. anticipate good results from the course suggested by the Teachers Associ- • attun The - cbmtrikee appointed to suggest a c.ourse of sturik and requisite gradation for the ungraded scbotils or Bradford Count}, submit the Toll Owing preparato ry to a formal report, for the consitilera- . tion of educators, and - earnestly hope that when presented at the Smithfield Associ ation, it may be thoroughly discussed, modified if necessary, and adopted land,. that if it meet the aPproval of the-Diree tors of the county, it may be atithorata; tively adopted by them at their next Itneet nig, and placed at' once in operatlon. .A. similar course is in operation in sever' I 40e:counties of the State with excellent results., - It will be noticed that object les , . SOll.l and drawing lessons are suggested in addition to what is ordinarily taught; as, other - counties claim to teach just as much of the usual branches with' such; lektions, why * may not the teachers of Bradford? I I'ILIMABYtiIt D_GRADE. .• • Pupils reading words which are Patti!. - iar by - tin from cards, board, , pilinei; should be taught : 1 - ; To pronountA..tthe word readily at sight. .2., The°.*Titnils, letters and spelling with and with*, the ' Those in the first readee'shoUldbe talfght :* -1; The meaning of words ; 2. The sounds of the letters ; '3. To print the 14sscrisbn thie,slate in sOript and.; Ro man letters , ; - .4. To spell all new words in the lesson, and other familiar Words M . words in common use ; 5. To read from a book as though talking; noticing pausea and intlexicins; A rithmeta.—Pupils in this graile,tdibuld be - taught c T. To read and write. figures tq 9h9 ; 'Counting atrd adding Ajects , to Ino 3's, 4's, s's ; 3. Addition and subtraction tables to 9's ; r i. Adding 'columns, acid wiitten subtraction, bitt.not to involve carrying. 'Object Lessons.—All )n this grade should be taught : 1. The form of confined ob. jeers, the ball; the square and he circle; 2. Connnon colors and the names of ob jects. :Board and Slate, Exere‘ntet. — . Pups saould be taught : 1. To Make straight tines, perpendicular, horizontal and ob lique ;. 2. Plain figures, as the square, the parallelogram and the triangle. 11 - rain;q.--yeach : 1. Printing ou.slatcs and board ;2. • Writing small letters ; , • Writing simple words. "Train children AT the regular meeting of the School to see, to do, and to tell." Board of Towanda, held December. 3d, • GRAM, upon motion the yiesident appointed the • • LtiligUtlye.—Pupils in the , Second Ikad- following:members, te.sjidt the Boriugh Schools for the following months: er should be taught : I.„i‘leauing and for garclr and ; 11C.writ words ; - 2. ° To mini naturally ;13.,T0 r4e what they read; 4. •Spellinglx)thera6iiids /LEY 'and LONG for January, and April; written . ;5. To analyze simple -words by \SCOTT and , mtnittees to visit the ALVORD se 101* rehruary and sound ;0: To select name words, action 31 Y. Sad \ co words; and quality words, at lest once month and make a written arithmetic.—Teach : Addition and report at the !rt. regular meeting. • . ,subtraction with practical' examples; 2. how many Boards of School Directors The•Milltildication table to 9x9 ; 3: Long _make regular visiLtions of the schools of th iplication, and short division, not to their district? involve carryiug ; 4. The. halo before the why with beginners. Text Book. Robin inson's ROdiments: • „ Object Lessons.—Teach the form of the. cylinder, the curve, the pyramid, *etc. Bskard . and Slate Exereisec—Teach the pupils to make representations of com mon objects formed by straight lines. 11 i.iti~g.—Pnpiis should be taught to 'use [Am and ink and make capital letters:- Geogrdidill.-1. Give-ideas of place and direction and distance; 2. Give oral les • 1 . • ; ips ye n id, ar yTeach the geography of the county,. and principal .features of State, =I Read ing.--All pupils in Third Reader should be taught : I : Subject matter of ,the lesson ; 2. The pauses and. uses of ? anti the ! ; 3. Artie lation and spelling,by sound and letter; . Definitions with "ability to use tlitiwo sin sentences form ed by the pupils ;5. Prompt pronnucia t.ion of all words at Sight. • Spelling.—Ural acid written -with spe lpial attention , to accent and pronuncia tion. , Form sentences from the misspell-. ed words. i GranTar:—Teach pupils by oral les sons to correct eninmou errors in speech; 2; Analysis, parsing, and construction of .simple sentences with such tlelluitionts as "Are necessary. ..41 : ii.lertictic:-1. , Division completed ; 2. T,ablcS of Weights and. ineitsures - complet,- ed ; Thorough . review of fundamental principles; 4. Tractionommiti and Decimaj; i. Simplest operations in com pound numbers. Text lloolciuditnefits. Geography and Ilistory.-Ipils with book should be taught : 1. Simple out.: ln lines of ,the world with defi Wong ; 2. Outlines of North America, ;nd United State iu detail. • - --,;. Board and Slate Hiereißein . -1. Review of preceding grade ; teach how to form circles, curves, chips, etc: • Wri(ing.-1. On slates continued; 2. On paper as RI preceding grade with practice for accuracy expertness and neat ness. A Olt ,11/E Iry the. Fourth • and Fifth Reader should have special vocal and elocutionary exercises to teach es preskion. In this grade teach pupils to distinguish and understand the different liiicds of composition and to m*alco applies . Lion of the' principles of reading. • Spelling.—As in the preceding grade pupils should use the written method Form sentences from the worilsispelled. . (Irattanater.-1. Analysis, parsing , construction• continued ; Exercises in false syntax _ ; I. Composition . on simple subjects; teach the use of a good language by frequent written reviews upon t h e branches pursued. 'A. isowledge alt the Mother Tongue" i 4 >il important. Arithmetic. =l. Raki, reelding gradi ;2. &kinsmen Bractind Mitlona .tin or its equivalent. - - - fleography• and Hiscory...4 k!egrapby completed,. History of the United "Statek from 1403 to tbe present UM, dwelling upon thp principal events Board and !Mao Exereities.ontinueit Wril(ng.C 7 -Contintied . and mitered. . The Committee would advise that the "rudiments" as a telt book beteg aside at the end of the B Grade, and the pm.. ticai or equivalent of ;the higher' be need during the,A,GAcle. They also urge that the teacher at theidese of aterm plebe in 'the State Report Book opposite the name of each pupil the letter, (A, B, C. or DO. indicating the &ado to Which the . pupil lcmgs, and on satire page \ the . page of the text book to •which each \ grade has adv . .eed in the different studies, so that the tea her succeeding may know just what has heeri done, and at oncerve advance kwon instead of lurning4nek, reviewing mare or less, daily if =email, according to the, predecessor's work. 134DXTION. D Grade.—Tho4 _whki will probably re quire more than six years to•coMplete the grades, or uhder eight years of age. • C Grade.—Those who probably re gitire from four to six yearsor from eight to ten yeah; of age. B Grade:-7608e who will probably re quire from four to two years, or l'rout ten' to twelve yeitrs of age. •' "A Grade.—Those who will probably complete the entire course in two years`O lesripr over 12 years of age. flu above is a general index. The rer.l gAde must beileterinined by examination and not by age. Popums.—The following to be tiolvel try Aritlimetie : •\ A man after.plowing filtYlour times around a Ch ‘ enlar . field, each furrOw being eleven inches \ wyle, finds he bas'the field one-third- plowid. How many iereti in the field? \ - 2nd. If I can buy six dozen of eggs for the lade number of Cents that I can , buy eggs for eight cents. What is the „ price per dozen? 3rd. I have a tin pail rsione open diani ctei is ten inches and whose eter is six inches, its perpendiettlar hei lh being eight aches. . . Supposing \ thili 4illed with water. HOw mach water Will thcre be loft in the. pall when I hive hi.. elated it so as to bring the .lower side \of open) d, iatneter and the upper side of bOt 7 tom di Pieter in the gime boOzontallble .akaeter u, raw -- :SPELLLV - Aolatt.—The following hrt ()? words welt used for he examinatioa ~. 9f-a.ppliaants, or admission to the junior cliiss °tone oft e St Louis high schools: There were 449 a Manta.- The figures indicate the num that missed eaea Word. Let the reade spell the following words, - and then' cone alt the dictionary and detMtnine, how manY \ you have min.-• spelled: 4ndellible, 184'; latiO, 38 ; mill', nary, 151 ; elligible, 171 ; sybilline. •415 ; oacxgen, .37 ; adjacent, 51; bus ess, 50 ; heina, 139 ; weasle, 104; massy r.' 86 ; bulpher, 83 ; sylable, 17 ; vermilion, 382 ;• fammiliar, 96 .. ; chimny, 13 ; „nags . or, 215 ; rliinocerous, 121-; valueing, 24 ; guarantee, 125.. • i : LIST OF. TOPICS you A RECITATION IN READINO.---Tipfore reading a passage, pu pils 'Should_ be-able • 1. 7 . 1) pronounce words. • defino words. . 3. To understand the subject—matter. 4.• To explain the language. - 5. To account for the marks of punctu . at ton. . 6. Tot.l)oint out what is true; beautiful, and good in the sentiment. • To show the manner of delivery, aM give reasons for IL , The above outline wo hope may assist many of thti young _teachers in the count in:drilling their Classes in reading. E. A. STIIONO, County Suterintendent• of Sullivan, Spent a few days in tOwn last, week. We are glad to know \ that the ed ucational interests of the county arirpros pering under his supervision. have known Mr. STRONG since - school-boy days, and hope the directors will appreciate, experience, excellence, and enfirgyand entrust the schools to his care for three \ years longer. Tint following sentence was dictated bithe late Lord PALMEMON to eleven of the .liritish Ministty, and not one of whom, it is' said spelled all the words cor rectly : " It is disagreeable to witness the em barrassment of a harrassed pedlar gang ing the symmetry of a Peeled potato." t TFHE.COOntySuperintendentof Sullivan 'County is making an effort to organize an Educational Association, similar to the Bradford County Teachers? Association. We hope he will succeed. The teachers of that county can profit much by , an as coiation of this kind. Surr..A. A. KEENEY'S health is so poor that ho is unable to make the school visi lotions during the winter, that ha has been in the habit of making. PUPILS should be taught the geography of thgir uwa township .and county before they are permitted t.) Study • geography from the book. • THE school at Leßaysville is in Since/us. ful operation under the charge of Mr. Fanao, of Susquelilitina.County, assisted by Lamle Btu. • Tr...taigas should know that their pn• pits are able to proporinee all' the words in the lesson before they 'permit them to read. • I. R,.-.FLEsitso, an eicellent and ins; emusfullaacher from Sullivan County, is teaching in the independent district of Overton. REV. 11. AUMBTRONG began tits 'winter tern' of select school in Wysox, December lOth. Ir is .he 'day of the tcactusr, to' teach his niipila how to think, and:not to do the thinking for them "Sniotso" has its plies, hi the pro gramme °tall / the different grades in the Towauda Graded School. Tor. first Rigel originated with . Din phantus, in eitheir tho fOurth or %Wham- tits timt'air pimp mil, mods in 11380. HZ* SW) poiMi mtit ill Mk zallestbsa EDIICATIOL t.Ylii strsuntmt c0r.4011. , llereell lie evr e leftle for atam lle "larstja=re. - WASNIX, Walla; x..• _Ose4.2lle- " VNGLISH AND 'FRENCH LEK 110118 will tie end /Wring ail Talland rite ter isr,tlbose itlerlroxisef stotyhig , .431t3KAN OR IPRZNCIi A.111K11:1AGIG, • 'Ay WS. c. - Ittscus. bet ftilitace on en -ist Buret. . ' . TERMS...Ia for a twirler nle Zio Lesson with sk . sysluetlerk Io rice to Moss In clams of •net less than slx.: Mrs. MMIRCUR w W Mai resume het Climate Meg: fish Literature after the irtth to lessens la ikeeties U the Mae of the dims will juselty it. la this rase. the lumber suit be made up by Deeemeteelst. 71010 therefore Who wish he anew, will please said hi their names thetas* that nom the Class will INN toles i we.lC - • EiGiMaaME3 11 HE ,13114TER8 OF MERCY beg lave to lotto's% tbstr Mazda ta Townagir an netghbothood. that they will open their Acad. • eP7 on• MONDAY, THWIMI INSTANT. Their system, dards every 4dvantaip ter the acquirement of a mild and retteed edmitlea. The headow4e year Is divided tato Mr oesoleas of Ire loostla rk. ee For 111110 e. firm/Lag Is Wadi sadPastril, Falai `lnc In 011. Languages. and Taney Work. ebargrs are extra. I:SQUEIIANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. TIM Winter Tar coussists.tos MONDAY. NO VENOMS, la. Facestalarie..or other particulars address the Plinetpal. Lone .• \ Z. qtrINLAN. M 11 7nisfrzr ii 8 . BITAIITASIRATIIIIN • 1181111MtiOILLECE Awl brlleace. • It inc AtTaads - Pa. • aclities. In chino 'of thallesorr _ Hem of the . \ Attaidietind . Assicifie b 111 illi=le r te :11 . i for Cli ids • - • . 1 \ • AghliteiN CYCLOP.tigA .\ , Aresentie is panorarnie vieseiV aft human h\7 , 5:1- 1 ids% as It ezlits kt the present Moment. It ni • taintl art faszbausffbie ,fond of or:emote and prae. Mat Information un refry auhjeet, embracing Art, and Science In all tbeir branches, includitor \ lideeiittig•• igetheilcs, Astrimoniv. PreffeleVAT.• Mishistry , Phyitology, . Geology. Botany, --, \ . Zooloff, Light,* I x . , \ . Electricity. Biography, - 11 tory, - N .. •" .- Geograray. \ AlFloulture., ofneiiihic \ : Commerce, 1.5 w, . MeellOnic' Theology. Painting, ? Mudd,: . ' , s - Sculpture, Drawing, -( Engtifilite \-' Aside, ' Education, • I.anguagn,.. \brerliturer.. EagliMering.liining, . tarinerrn. Mende, \ Inventions, loOtitita; 1 Products, Political Ecottnifg- GOveramentn, : Finance, \ Export; . 'amitsis. _The' Arinlei,sand Military tighils,:Of all ages, i All the Industr ial Arts and the Tiltliga or n Lite, \ , . Practical Selene*. and General Llterafillt.-• • In this/rem work. which, for purpostif ref r- I , "enee, fit more minable than a fh - oteianOcelhemer`ki alitausiobtain the means of Informing tbormelves ' on every subject In which they may be Intosorred. thus gaining knowledgeand ideas that will•diirect ly contribute to their business or professional rue.- cess. : i - • ;- \ ~ - ' A saving o f tea craft per , day from Inzurim mr frivolities would tiny a empiric set of the Cyri , e. mdia by a bimonthly order, thereby securing '• a library of .univonal Inform ation •• with but little effort or ener(ftee. • \ The publishers would iltspestqdly,lefor the pt 'hat , - " - He ths€ this Work is sold lady by Themand 1(13- , r agents. anti la no earint less than the prices prlat-. ed on this card. The coat of this work to the publish/y4 /zeta /two/ paper,prlntini6bfading, exceed* air . coat to purOossers to less than ono cent PcrPage., CLotri . ...per v01.,..3.1101 11.11IATUZa..per vol., Kee IiALIPTURILXI." 7Oe I list.ritys'ets, IC FULTIIRICZY," to.po I FCLL Tummy; " Ib.O D. ADDCrroN . Publishers. - New York. mid SIM Chestnut. Street, Philo _ 31%ideal Instruints. i IWANDA MUSIC EMPORIUM! \cor. Main and Pinista. , _ ...-, • - , .: • - '; : • . • n I.IWES I l'AfitiAdlt, ' . : \ *hateable and Retail dealers Ira all klub el . MUSICAL INS • UME NTS . .11, 1 - . , AND ;:SHEET' MUSI:C, , . - Invite the public .01. n examination of their . a lialment. . • The celebtsted MATHIISHEK PIANO • • Confining to be The twrorttewtth Musicians, and well sustains the high reputation earned.' It ii.not necessary 'to fe Into any extended description nt the Instrument, as Its merits wlll be appareid t to all on examtnatlim. We - also - have the agency for GEORGE W011)15 & CO.'S PARLOR & VESTRY ORe ANki. These Instruments are eilebrated`the world over .tor their remarkably pure and brtlllairt. • • • QUALITY Ole TONE! \- Which s owing to their famousUomoloationSolo Stops : Aeoline, Vox Humana, Piano, all of obta in-a separate and additional, sets of Recife and Rare, as arranged 'llls to &Manor an almost endless variety \ of orchestral effects and beautiful combinations; Ulan E.III.II.OIi.DINARY. PO R, • ELEGANCE OP STYLE, ; AND THOR° , CONSTRUCIiON \ I Amour the many Patents owned and wed by the above Arm, axe • • • SEPARATE SOLO SETS, WOODS , OCTAVE COUPLER, • IMPROVED VALVES • • PATENT CASES, • PIANO ATTACHMENT; \ • • - . AND RELLOWL\ _ - eller allow instruments at the lowest figures, end guarantee thew Net se represented. Don's be i deceived by Leavens" agents, but coats dheetly headxuarters, where you are stirs of genius just' what yea bargain foe. . TIOLMILS 84P119SAGI. Torsads,Kareb S 1377. THE REPORTER OFFICE Doektbe BEST JOB. PRINTING Ot.sfy istsblidwat NottheasTeasspaiii -Nov itrirettsaista. READ THE FOLLCIW4I4I . SPENDID' OFFER, ow send= gen eildren. ups nesdpoftrldelSWll • will tareard your ..nsiintgOvedrealars, . SI 0 N Si .41 01. r. RYt \ nblished Monthly Cornish:log de iiptlve Illustrated ankle.= well known localltles nenthswed Melee bl the fontanst Vorelipt and • - Authors; abort sketches of tunel bbeor.. , • **ad rennin; werlews of Wean works ; b Igkt _The bestind cheapest znaganoe pub TIIE PULAR ' • SCIE•No \ E ONTILLY Conducted - by.E.IL. and Yo Ws, - Containing thebest thought' s of , most advanced minds In this and other tries j Wes• tented whenn 111 • . r • Swaney then • PXI . - THE POTHLA3t. SCIENCE MIYI4TRIX PLEMENV, Cenducted by K. L. aster. J. Yut stnes. emitting th e very best mild . es published In II mice scientific punish s end reviews. • BPECIAL • CLIV.I, RATES, • App Jowled per atintun, fa 00 Appletons' Journal. with pt ate bt "Dieltees in ttlaStady",.. Popular Science Notably.. Popular Science Ilonthly. Supple. went • " 3 00 We win send the above =turd ruagashses to 066 address /or cure year, for $9.50; with the plate of " Dickens in his Stual,"11 0 .00 • • Popular Science lhouthly and . platens' Journal, • one year. V' Popular - Science Nentitly and Ap &done' Jountl. wtth •• Inchon* in his Study ".. • popular. science knottily and Popo. tar Science Monthly Suppletrieut„ -". 700 APpletona' Jourpar and Popular science Monthly butsolernent -Appletons. Journal :and Popular _ *deuce Notably Suppletuent„ With "Dickens in hit study ".... " 6 (0 . Any poison sendln gar four subscriptions to tattier n.agwite,; with animism for the same, will be en• tltiod4cits copy gratis:, that. Is, five copies of Ap p atois' Journal will be sent as , you may direct upon receipt ut *4_oo ;Alva copies of The Popular .bcienee Monthly, for *2 0.00 • Address;all cutumutrications to • . D. APPLE•eOb; & CO., Publishers, Itt to is .55l.11roadiley, N. Y. City. • Subscriptions to the above named gazines received, at this Office. amain ad ?Mild= G ROG,. RIES Sr, PROVISIONS \_.... \ McClAllt £ EDIAIORDS, - ■ Clish dealers Ina •kinds of - . • GROCERIES \ - PROVISIONS. • ■ ...., \ 21...: . \ ~ • \I. - • • • a;.- -,.• ` 7 , . • • 4iILTII OF COODINO a EUSB lit. -F 1 \ . • .- • , \ . 1131 1333 Tawabda,July 22.1 Bis \ . . - CONVEIENT \ NEW, ARRANGEMENT. UROCIILY ESTOltls In s couvetilentlocaUon has Induced us to enlarge our gore and supply' ourselves with. a full Lao of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES I. iii it, C:11 A B k., IliN" ' It C A3lf , ,nd which will be hold as low \same quality x: be purchased anywhere. •, • ire keep on Land.the CHOICES BRANDS: MI goods delivered free et \ • • INWII also continue th BAKING BURNES\ - And our customers can procure i FRESH BREAD, FRESH BISCUIT, Every day, as usual. • \ l7l, Li "di ORDERS FOR PIC-NICS AND `,, - PARTIES A- SPECIALTY. One - Door North of Ward Mouse.. ND. W. SCO'rr & CO. Towanas; Marc], U. 147. • STEVENS & LONG, WIIOI,itSA,LE & ~RETAIL Dealers In I \ CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, COI:4TRY PRODUCE,.. '. GRAIL., C. • Having slugs sad ecamodiceuldore mom prepared at all times to'null a large Meek. FM CASH PAID FOR BITTItR,4 GRAIN ANGPRODGer. r Or taken in exelisinre for geods, Y towint =A pri ces. oor leen experience in the Grocery Trade gives its~ar advantages In puelmeting, sad is we ate not eanbitleni to nuke large peolq ► we LW ter eunelres that we inut offer GREATER INDUCEMENTS TO BUMS than afq 00 0 istablishaing la Nortben Penagrlvarda. . I ' STEVENS k LONG. warn it*nr * names sr.. ilox " 4 00 S 00 SS 800 • 4 5 '5 The demand fur a FAMILY FLOUR. chMl!) In the ROLLS, CAXES, AND PIES, T'4WAIDAFL EMITZ2I:II WATOifil - M. .11E3TD.LFAtAN, Dealer la> FIDE .AMERICAN AND SWISO. GOLD AND SILVER, WATCHES} FINE JEWELRY ST I ERLING SIISVER • BIL ' ER•P \ LATED 'WARE, • CLO,O \ KS, PROM Tali A LD aPECTACL: One door north TO EMI! JEIVPLRY STORE. . . • • N. W. A. ROCKWE LL,, , In nee', lug a noir supply to his hugiiitock of gongs, suca ♦e AHLVER PLATED WARE, GOLD AND PLATED SETS WM CLACKS, And every - Mit In thejlne, which will b.; sold at LOWEST POSSIBLE -PRICES. Please give ns a call and eicaudrie our goods plepaltluaollano at theshortiat notice. • 1 W. A. NocinyELL. \ • • • Dec. 12.1117 i F IRBT TIONAL BANK - OF WANDA. t • CAPITAL • $125,000. SIMPLiIB FUND. .... 80,000 • Thilfliink. otters UNUSUAL-TA 'II.ITIEB for the transaction Of a GENERAL NKING BITS7CESS \_ • INTERITIT RAID ON DEPOSITS ACCORDING - • . • TO AGREEMENT. • \ Onscrat CASE GIVEN TO TLIZ _COLLECTION Or Sofas It.NTICZINCItk. Parties wishing to FIEND MONEY to any Part of the United Staten, England, Ireland, Scotland.. or the principal cities and towns of Europe, can hire procure drafts for that purpose_ - • • PASSAGE TICKETS To or from the Old Country, by the beat steam or sailing line, always on tend. \ . MS FAMILIZA 11BOUGHT CIVICS AT,III \ DCZD nATEB; 'highest: - Tice paid' for U. tonde, Gold and Silver. N. N. BETTSJi. eashbar. II JOB: PO WELL, Pevnthlsitall. A p t ir H. DODGE v v -• e • • /MST NATIONAL I3AA, TOWANDA;PA. .•0 aPPIVERENTS GIRANO FIRE IIiSIIRANCk. CO, of PbOrta., AND PIORNIN AIUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO ni Hartford. Overll3o.ooo humane° on Mos In Bradford Co; Towanda, Pa., Feb. i. 3877. • p r o GREAT \ \WEDDING CARD DEPOT The at styles In WEDDING . I s ITAIIIONS; Price., lower than any Houle In the Country ORDERS BY NAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED - O. WM. H. HOSKINS, ISTAT4MEIr AND ENORAVOI, < Oil Aich Street, rtikladelptila. Ipril 12,1177. irnlE • SUBSCRIBER TAKES Manure In esiihmtheattentßin of htsl2lllll4ll. out. patrons and ,the public generayy, to the fact that tut-still continues a GENERAL MARKET BUSINESS • At the OLD BTAMIR of MYER ik RIINDELL. In Carroll% Block, pearl opposite the Moans Howe, and chat he b to ftrnish SALT AND FRESH MEATS,•- , FRESH POULTRY, VEGETABLES AND BERRIES 0rth 4127 best quality'. at as low ritual; any other esta ent. - _ • C. M. MIER. June I. leTe-tt • \ • H.4.IGA* BROADLEY, \ 3fannfectoecos of Woolen Goods, Yarns,ke CITNG & DREBSING, • thme to order. - . - • • Cash paid forwoot, alsocioths exchanged for Wool junlidin • - et • CARDING.—The sub. , ecriber`will cardtulls the present season at old establishmentec.ptolin. Pa. • Teem his bft experience the 11c inay be sure ot bar. lag work dome in ' 'beet pusdbie manner; an 4 with dlepatch. be will she his personal and - Close ataration to th e budding, Price II iik per pound. Wool takes id psynist er , &gm._ caispapurn, ism ii, Ism * IL- 1.110uh.N., MN HENRY MEW VR,, SILVER WARE, &O. NEI . . Coining Pik( mirailtinue STaszTs. TowANDA; Coal screesad, sod delivered to say part of • ro' s adding eartstge to the idotve pares. ALL oa gas user sr ACCOMPA7fIIIp.'irr Till CASIL. , •,. • ligllCUtt... * • - ' / • - Towanda, in EN IE4. • COAL, v' We tarpon band at out S„ sod Wilkes Barre cold, anti\ the Sullivan poilaty aad Smith. , We keep the best quality of LL toeoLlirtelt and raster, all of at bottom prlces. CHEAP OtIAL'AND.LIME. .• . - .. . . .. 1 . . Pica sad anti? July L I will jell Coal, lime, kc., for cash only, and the pricp list will' be corrected monthly. ..' - • Tit2Cll OT COAT. TOE TIMT, Pre TO/COI 2,0 0 0 TA .• - • AT 121,T;TARD45 . . . Pittston Store, Chestnin Mut Pomace. 15 00 . ..- Pes i . . 3 40 Carbon stun Muni, • ... . , 4no 1 3 OW litrelaY Mountain Lump - • 3 50 . • ll .. Smith • 275 AllentOwn Lime 14 bushel,._ Lath k3l - - .. -225 Mark bushel • - ' '4O Brick VS • , ....: le IV, -1 am always prepared td deliver purchases on -- . short notice at the usual 'price of ,dellvery. • I also tender .my thanks:to my, Many friends and customers for. their very liberal. patronage in the !mal anal hope nada* the 1.4 M 'departure to Make tt to • their Interest to continue to buy where 'they ran .:t the beat goadi for the least money. ,_ Tllolse wbo are Indebted 'to rue will take "notice t . "..,I must bare motley or I can't buy for easlt and pay reights. They must °settle by the first of .Au. • gust .. eel: . - Very 11,espectInlly Yours. J. IL PiIINNY. .". Towan ... July'l. 1975. , . t i . ' . • ' . - scar. ID 11l .RINGS, E (ON'THE NtIIOPISAN PLAN,) C6IINER MAIN di. IV A SHIN GT 0 .N* STILEETS . \ ' c . \ . TOWANDA, PA; • . N — \O itta large, intuodlous and elegantly-furnlshed house has just been opened to the traveling public. The proprietor has spared neither pains nor expenito In making his hotel ilrsttelass In all Its appoint tnents, and res cattily solicits a share of nubile patronage. II A 8 \AT ALL HOURS— Terms, to suit the ttxue, Large stable attached,,. 1 WIC lIENItY, Puoretr.tint. • Towanda, Jane 7 1 '77-tf:\s ' .' • • MEANS ','1101:18E\ TOWANDA . P a., ,c \ CORIUM NAIN4ND BEIDOZ, BTITXTB. .... The Horses, fliutows,, ise.„ ' of. all \ ipiests of this hoer*, insured against loss by Yire, \ without any exits charge. • '.. - A-aaperior quality of Old` English Pawl Ale, Just received. vr. R. JOIMAN, Towanda, Jan. 24 ,74- ~,, - Propr-fetor. . --. THE CENTRAL noTpL i '\\ I:YLSTETV, PA. • The undersigned having taken ponessie of the at hotel, respectfully solicite the patroe•\ age of his old,frtends and the public generally. angla.tf. - - . N. A. FORREST.] ILWELL HOUSE , TOMANDA, . PA., ' I ,-- JOHN SULLIVAN. ''i , Hada! haled this house. 'ls nose ready to seem* =date the towelling public. No paths nor ozpenze bo spared to eve satisfaction to those who may • give him a all. • ' • . . `ll6P.North side of Public Sqi an; easi of lemurs w bloat. 1& 1 2 f t il.L , E HOTEL - , . .. , TOWIIOIDA, PA. . At the er of Conn and Itiveriets., directly in the vicihlty and south of the Court House. -, .- JOHN NOMA. Pitorkizioil. • 'il - , \• • --.,.. - . .'. The' ahre had been it.furntshed and re fitted. and is now nto the traveling public. The Bar will at all Miles bosupplied with the best of ' liquors. Geed stabling "tacked to the premises. Boarders by the day or week accommodated. Hay vi, me.) \ . JOHN nurgr. ' ►• QEELEY"S . OYSTE,II. BAY AND IILIIII-OPEA'N HOUSE.—A \few doors 1011 that. the Memartiouse. . Baud by tbe Ass ou reek on nameable terms. Waravmesbi served at ali hours Oysters st irbolessle and retail. \ J . R. CAREY, ' Gent's clothes cut and made to order In theses, est taahlont. editing and repairing &me on short mare, at reasonable ratea, ar d satisfaction guaran teed. Please gho us a call.„ Towanda, Oct. 4, 17. JAM Eli H. CASEY. • v 9 , 9.. O ve A ry N a CAN'T BE. MADE BY month i i ikt c h a e n br• It awe furnish, but cat e w i rl i irtigto :117 earn a dozen dollars-a day right in their own localities. Have no- more MOM to explain . here. BusinessPleamint and hohorable. Women, boys, and gtris do as well as men. We will furnish you a completiputet free, The -business pays bettor thaw anything. else. . We' will bear expense of starting you:, \ Particulars free. Write and see. - Partners and mechudes, their sons and daughter,. and all elegies Ist need of paying work,at home. should write to neatiti learn all about th • work at once.: Now - is ati time, Ulan deb/. Address lima t Co., Lupus, Maths. . Ja024,17. • ==l Dada Is Aurresuorri AND - suLtavAlsr ANTaluicii?l COAL, . . / 1 AL • poAL, - • . . . all ilzes of Plttattin tyal Sock .coal t. frosn Barclay'Lump Moir sn4 c.ti F 0 will T. . PTERPE.A. SCI Towanda ist, ISM IR= J'A C .;. • Is now re wing Lis „ \ FAT.;I 4 AND , - MINT ' • • •• T I• X (44 • •. . Whieti • has never Nell EQUALLED ba fore iti\this market, either for • QtALIT • • -\\ \ OR LOW PRIo..S.‘:\ • I you-do bt, call and examine, . . ratton!s'Block M'ain Street. Towanda, kiept\t. THE FARMERS' \:\ . MUTUAL. lI , ISHRANcE CO„ OF TESPAROr..A., Is nor issuing porPetual poilCie on • FARM PROPERTY - 0141Y. . . Each member - pays a fee,.,'st the time of InE4ring; to cover charter and itzlilentalexpenses of the Co., After which no frfiler payment is required, except 'to meet 'Kiwi floss by lire among the membetsLio... iThis plr insuratiee for FARM PROPERTY, s comb‘crapittly into favor. , ?lace of - Business, SPRING 111 LE, P. The Agent will canvass the Townships of TUPCI - Pike. Herrick, Wyalusing.• Asylum, Terry and Stiliding Stone.tuut farmers in' those Tow ships tus'urance or information, tgay ress; A, B. S.EHNER. Sec. and Act— , Spring 11111.4;Bradford NV. M. SIMMWAV, Pres. (C.i.,./74trA .. • - 00FiNG PAINT.-211e Becky 'Mountain 17eirn111Ion Paint (inlxed ready P , r Übe) Is the best in the world for „Tin. Iron. pelt, Shingles, or anything exposed .o the weather. Price-1 gallon and can, V; 2 gallons in ran...s 1..50 Three 2-gallon ram in one cane 4.00 1 barrel, :4 gallons Er.uo I barrel. 44 galloon 2 , co AMERICAN VERMILtON WORKS. 0ct25.3m. • 49 South Front St., Philo Betels. - FE ENRY ROUSE, SHOP OVLB SITATEITS t LONIVS • . TAILOR. F Dit / ./11. C. PORTER'S • -OLD-CAM DRUG / • Cotner Hain and Pine Ste., Ittiounti,ra. Cltdablishild ow Quarter qf a Century,3 Whadesale and Retail Des;litf, ' • DRUOS, MEDICINEt3, CIJE.MIC Ala; .•-ACIDS. ifYIWEITUTIIB;4I.tg.trz.- ezitrumigat, TOIS,LT A—VD FANCY GINDIN; SpONGES, BRUIIIIM BRACES a ?BUSSES, lictAra. POMADies: Hain Hyatt. TOTH, SKIN, and HAIR PREpARATIONS.• lICZORS, POCIVET4O.4yIis ' • POCHET4IOOES AND PORTDIONNATES. MACABOY and SCOTCH SNUFF. • - I , FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS. ?two Wines titd Lignors, for Medicinal Purposes' Botaisic,Eci. .tc iItOO34OOTATIIIeOZDOCDI9.9, And all genuine popular Patent Medicines. Sirroutans,. Straras souls's, • finissi puns's. Ntrean 80434 it SHIELDS. ' Ntrnatiel OOTILLS, Tatinists RINGS, isTalnlits, Thin PANS. Ustisamt, Tastnitbms. Tana. ELASTIC Sioutimas, ' KEROSENEOR COAL OIL, - WICKS, CHIMNEYS. BATH REICH, SPERM, LARD. WHALE. HEATS-FOOT, TANNER'S, AND MACHINE 01L5,., .1119 D SrifuTtiTunpaliztsar . - • Sash,Paiii4Varnish,WhiteWash,, CO - Unto: . Hone, Mane,. Shoe, &rubbing, , • And ail kind* of brushes. WINDOW AND PICTURE CLASS. or ail Met. s PURE LINSEED OIL, PAINTS, PUTTY, AND • VARNISH. READY MIXED PAINTS - OF ANYDESIBED COLOR ' • • BY THE POUND, PI NT OR GALLON, - 7 GROUND IN OIL OR VARNISH. ' . AND DRY COLORS OF ALL HUES. A • articles warranted as represented. PrescriptioMioarefully compounded at all.bodrs of day and night. Oren Sninlaya for Vreset•tpoons from 9 to 10, A .11..12,t0 1 and 5 to 6, r.m.-Quayt37s. ■ Tap= Atli Carriages. OLD EBTA ELTSTIMENT STILL TAt;.ES .I I . III , : LEADI Cirringoq; itic AP L Ttr AN EVER, and , l' lat form Wagons M a GREAT ItEITUCTION. JAMES DIY T, , • • Proprietor - orthst Old . Carclage Manufactory, cot. Main and Elizabeth streets: svotdd call ;he erzliii attention of FARMERS . and others'. to his large and complete ussortrn nt of • , , e . . . • OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES ANA PLATFORM WAGONS, All 'of his - own manufacture, and warranted in every particular to be tglial to the most expensive* city work. MII XOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY 1:1 'I 'S tr below the crest fit matintaelttre Itaine4 after tht• trr•set.t o uttit make seieetions NOW t , "e 9 at the figures i and remember that ever) ,ts warranted vehicli. j • PLATFdI BUG T0P,1117G(4. The prices am and , will not t,• ma ta disposed of. su yol $I WAGONS \GIES 11 Don't be-imposed tr, poormateriabi, 'but pure! \ widen Sass peen in uperatiub \ tort' and Is permanently. Rica et.. - \•. .: RErAIRINt. PROMPTLY A. TENDED 'TO. . : \ . - Ottiniataetory cur. Math and Ellz ic.th strerbi. \ . \ , • .• \ ' .. , ' - JAMES BUY. NT. , \ . Towit4a, June N EW: \ A"._ Eat ,af the Repoitcr Office. . • . ' . . \ \ Mclnt,yre \ 7oenc er‘ r • , • , . . . .. - .; • .• • ; \.. : Respectfully al:mooned to the public- that the are prepared to build all Muds of \ \ ' \ ' N . - . FAMILY cAnnlAuEs; \ 'VD AND OPEN 13111111 ,5 q " PIIAF:T4N•A PLATFDR3I 1V)1.407.T5, TD.4IIfING:stILIZtrz, SKET t F.TONS\ .\\ : • • • • \\l 3fade of the best mnterint :mil in the le , st 'style :All work 14 give in•rfeet sltisfnetion. PAINTING A SPECIALTY. We has% one of the , best Carriage Painters in the, country, .atiO do all work in this line at the lowest rates; • ' AU kinds of REP AI R1.X451 neatly and promptly done at niduced-prlens ilakingl. new springs and ,repairing old ,011eS a specialty. - All work guaranteed. 'Please' give us a ealL WINTYRE &PFf..NCER Touinds, April 26, 1877 Crodery Ware. Ew . FIRM AND NEW COOPS • 1 ' , H. ~nnadii, : ItDa filled up the otd ate 'of Ci-.. , ,A. lack with a l'ulfitue of a -1 ' '\.-- . •NI - , ' C OCIC.RY,- 1 •1 . IRINA, CA NA,: '-' 1 Gt . ASSW . )s . . • N . C UT LERY, SILVER:PLED •GOODS, \ STONE*ARE! BABY. WAGONS, : FANCY. Go2qps, TOYS =I HOUSE' FURNISHING GOODS • ' s A pest Tartetiof ••:, - • • .LAD.IPS; LANTERNS; \CJIIMNEys -\\'‘ • A NEW \ DXrditTiTIIE E • • Beiring Madders of 'the leading makes sold for Cash at is store, at muterropy r jow . vrtieg. \ MACH,LNE a on. • ; \.• LADIES, QE TS•A\D Ain invited to look,oie{our anmettnent.. its lie ere 'determined to dealt in or power to plesie., Member the place. . , • . • uOLD C.llO SEIM STOAILIC."\ • \ / • , 1 1 / 4 nrandsh. aay 10,1877. •tc to ; , 1 to EMIE ri by Interior, work aLtl NAr.. at the entahltshtn.llt for nearly bait a cen• ,4! .E FACTORY CIES ISM ';', - Ilkdlroidii;';:- T Ellitin - VALtLY, AND PA. A : jug N. Y t . 11.111..) , ROADS.—Atrangatiam Pai manger Trish a l / 2 to tale effect Ito 14, 1877, EA W . STATIONS. • , • Moira Valle • Buldalo • , • , • Atia a vi ••••• • • Gen d.or *ob., Ith Owed Elm •••• Waverly \ &Om Athens bttlan flirter .Towanda. ••\ wycauldng. hterullogStone.....: Rummerilettl Vrenchtowit....„.. Wyaluslng . Skinner* eddy.. , .. hicaboypen - Mehoopany Tunkbannock— Laantnge Fallow • • B Junction Wllkes•Barte— lilanch Chunk.. Allentown ' 'Bethlehem-- Eapton - rhilarielphin, • New York, , 'lO 10 5 5, 1.07, 2 r,r, • 4.1 • , 4 2 :1 .... ; 44 .. '2t; moo. 7 3 8. 4 47.\. ' • 7 ' I A' 8 , 31. 1'.31. ME INIE Ma3MMN STATIONS. I :, 911' 9 • (iv !. "" "J '. " ..." . : P•3 1 •':.1.31.:A„31. A.,14‘ . . Now -York.' • •......',....11 A . 4 0 ; G 30,.... 11d - lidelphh ' ' •. 03 0111— :. ,s 10 ....• , • ElsaVon 3 9 28".......: 9 3,) . - . etblehem • -- Allentown '' •••.. 10 !2' - 10 122 . 1 .. .. .Mane!' C1u10k.:....-.:...•...... 11 05 ...-,;311 11 ' Wllkes-lrarre - ' I 1. 7_20 I ss , ...... L. &B. Junt7l9o - - .........: 135 7Si 2 1.4' .: . Falls LiGrange,. • • :,..'' 3 8 35' 2to --1 Tuakbannock • ' •:. 2 15 , 8 48 3 14.....,. 1 ..• 31r3h0pany - • , •9 12 3.x3 ' 11e3 , 110prwn i - 3 9 19'3 40 . ..... Skinner's Eddy • 9 35 3 or .„.,. .L2(11131110 . ..'...i• a'ol3 9.'09 3 0.5" ' - .. . . 2 Wyaluslng 10 00 4-t5 ... ... . i Frenchteere — •. 16 15 4 :S s .• 11nmmer11014...... "_ • - -10.23 4 2i; ....... • Sia , lcling 8.101.00 . '..... 10'32 4 42 . IV: Fat):. ills; ' ' 'lO 41 '4 tt, .. :Towanda. • ,i.: AOO 1055 5D4 i 5 .4.. vp...er .....1 -II 99 512 7_17 . • 31:1;,0 • ' 11119 AtbriF.; - .. - ~ :43211 20 7.. rp. *. i 5 Soyre:...-- 2 4 3911 38 r. ~ ,1 19' Ws.: t.ly • , 4 45 11 40 o'4 , t :1). Ettelra ' - ' 1 •,.... 5 25:12:49 0 153 10 "Owego :- :' ,11 24.: .... G. 3.5 ••rlitea' . - 1 G 08; ... .... 7lb • Geneva-- .- Aul.urv, 0-1 5 '4'4o - ,1 50 12 20, c 1.5 Rochester ,1109'31e 1121 25 - • 12 C.1'.6 15- '2 , 4 lagara Fpn5...... ........ ..i 1 05 - ..:.. ' l-r:: 0 19 !I' 11. 1%111. A'.3l. P. 32. Trairot Wand In ern through daily to Fiiihd,,t. Oda and Iti,u• York without change, With l•kili?e,n siee.p.iiig care att.-a Wed, • • • . H. , A. PACKER, Superinteeti:int. Sa . yre, Pa., May 14. ismyr. ]prEILADELPIRA. & .READE 9 AFIRStiGESTENT OF PAES:ENGER TEAM,. DEC EMBER I B'l'll, 1376 . . ~Trains lo,ane,Ailentoten as faIOWS: - ' - (rid Perki6men Brand. ) . _ . F6r iniiladotphis at 6.r.0, 11.10 a.b., ,. 3.15 and 5.53 .li, in, • - .. ' . , . • MEUSE Fur Phlladc•lphta._at 3.10.. p. (via ,EFurt Pe'rsaa. Branch.) For 11«adfs , g, 41 , 30..5.50, 4.9:5 a. tn., 32.1.5, 2.10, 4.30 nr.d m. For liarrizlmr,3. S.SP, 0.43 rt. In., 32,15, - 4.30 and 9.c0 m. Por , r• r and Columbia, Slp. pis: a. iv and 4.3.0 p. m. ti) , ..4:9u0t rtu On Monday , . • • • • ava•DiTs. , • , • • For Re.adinr. 2.30 .3. m.. and 9.00 p. rt. Fnr llarrlNt.urg. 2.30 and 9:00 p. In. ;Train.7l,r, .4 ilintawn itere as _rot/owl: t . (rig Perlriomrn Fronrh.) trave L.C.0.1.20; p.ln. , I.esie Philadelphia. SI.Li a. in •- "' • • (nin-En,,t. Braneh.) = Lesve'lleatiing 7.4 n, 7'.45,1C.35 a. tn. - , 4.0, e:74). - 19.30 p. - RAO I. in., .2.to t %.7: 343 55 p. nt.; Lam asitr.l4.ll.la. In., 12.55. at il 3:45 p.t. • .I,tave Culuthlaa i 6.05 a. kW.. 1,00 .and 3.35 p. ' SUNDAY:, r..^ . .fi! Reading, 7.:0. m. m. e Ilarrtsin:rg. i . . 0 a. In. Tra warlze , l thus f . } rein. to and trot!: .!,.,r.ft sth awl •streets, other Maths. to .21.0. trim BrOad_lttllVP'. depot. The G.,:gt a. ni".'anri p. in. trains frnnt and-the T. a. In. and 3.1.1 p. sa. tra:t.. Iv la Philaderplita, have tilNugii cars to and Iron. adeljdtla.' • • J. F • WOOTTEN. Griieral 3lana4cr. C. G General Ticket Agent. 1 ,- ;,t4-75. VoßTritnN. CENTRAL -11,41 L - - • - WAY TIME TABLE. Throng)) a^ui e..lrect matt. Elmira, Erie, Butrati.,.l:ochei.tyr and r.ii3;;a ra • . . On and after SIUND AY. Ni.renthcr train , th. Nertborii l'entral Itallway f(alovis . l , • • . . - 3:0.71,T1MAL n... ' Niagara 1 - *•:;+ress . —Leave•: Harrisburg flatly el:. - ..` • rept .Surola , :It 11?.;5.) a. m., Willlanislimt -at 2:20 p. ' ?, ni.. leaves Ludiaat 5:25 p. tn.:leaves Canami:.ll; , .a . -. at' f.`.5 p ni . arr.res at Br lialri at 12:15 a.tu....rrive • % 1 1 - - N tagara F.,“1 at. 1 . :15 ai . m. • • - ' . 5,".!...1.,' , ay....,ital'imf , re . tb:lly exee`pt -Sunday at . i:flNlft... arr:vt 7 s atHarrisbnrg gaily ...leer. tint:,- ' day t 1'1:45 p. m..• _ Fast Pao—Leares Baltimore d:illy at 11:3s - a. 1n... arrlvi4at'll;:rriAmig dales rat attO p. ru.. 1eav, , ..,. Barri:dun p: daiir 1.x.c.-};t 'zit 'Any at 1:20 P.m_ leave:. • Willian,rpt.r. a: 7:3!) e. in.. leaves Elmira at letsn • p. nt::arrlvse v i at Watkins Glen at t 1:50 p. in. . . Pittshurg Kx tire,,—Leare's Via:llia:me d::Ily er- `r,ept.Snn day :0.:..: p. "m.- Arrives at Barn burg , - if , o:y ex ;...-pt Q;;;;dar at it - `:2a P. in. tn, nein nal i E.I :r..5' , .-1..,2:13. Qs Italttunn'e daily at • . . tl:lt. , 't. in.. arriv , -.1 narris.burg at 12:15 a. m. V: r f iN, M nII—LP:sVANt Hat rl s'!.urg dilly exe,pl . Sun:. ' day at 4;::: a. itt..ll,i'N',.;s Wiriantsport at N:Vi r . P." 1 .11... ICM,S E:1;1111.e.: 11..:1:iP, m.. arrives at'Canitatial- . • dca.at 31:;Osp. ut. - . .. " 0 \ . \ .. SOurtiW.krtri. . SA:l.llerir Ezcprese.J.Pawa Canattlaigna daily exeept Sunday at t'.t'.:s;, p. in.; leaves . Elmira at. !.,;::n . • p. 111.. leaves Wilßninsport at 12:35 a. tit.. arrive. at • Harrisburg daily t4ee . pt - INlondr.:}\ at 4:co a. In.. .ar- • • . '.rives at Bailin:ere at .:4:e a.-m.\ , - Fast Linn—Leavtlx . CinarnialguA.- , daily except . :41n laY-n.t 5; 7, 5 p. m . leaves Elmira .at 9;iIU it.- tn.. teaves rilliahisporr daily except Mimday. at pziar, p. In.; leaves Ilarrisbureilat;y at 4:20 a:\ ut.„ arrives • at Baltimoro daily at 7;45 a. in: \ .Washingttat Expreas.l.e'ayea Hairlstturg daily eNc..pt Sunday at 7:31, a. in., .!trive3 at.Balt :Mao at 11:25 a.flti. \ \ ',.. 31a11 - Leaves Harrisburg daily \ except Sandi's' at 2a.C. p. 1n.. , arrive,. at Baltimore at \6:I0 4:10 V. in: \• Hay Expr.f.s.-.4...-aves Watkins thou daily except Sunday at 8:00 ai in, leaves F.lniiri\datly except\ i .Sunday at Pala. in.. laves Williamsport daily ex- . cep' Sunday at 12:40 p. m., leaves Harrrbiug daily at 4:25 p. -in:, arrives at Baltimore daily at7:3sp.M. .• All train:l.lll4lm; connection at Bairiumre tor. , • Waetilngtomand the Smut); .For further:it/focal:I:ion, applyitt the Tleict Of- -.. flee in the Pennsylvania Itrallnoad depot.. \' 1• • ' FRANK THOMPSON: .'. • General lianiver. fIRE:ATOETRAL ROUTE TO TUE 'WE'4IIIVIA:NIAG.iILA GREAT WESTERN AND MICHIGAN CENTRAI,7 , . • . • RAILWAYS. .. . • THE I'Ort,L'ARROCTiE to paints In CANA DA. 1.0 ,DETROST. 'HAY- MIN.' SAW.' 'kW , GRAND R.APHIS. KALAMAZOO, CHIC - AGo. AHLW At KEE.. ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS. OMA HA. SAN rRANCISCO. GALVESTON. DAIr .LAS. DENISON,AtaI all halals West. - • - TUE WAGNER DRAWING:IIOO3i 1.V1? SLEEPING.CARS. ,,, Run on all Elress tains from itoct.ester Chica= go anti• I pointS west without thailge. . • .-.. • ss . N EW' Alt FT EU , VNT• DI NlNti CARS'. \ . Haver-recently ti'en placed 'On'this , line, affot di t.g\, every traveler on the ttirinikh trains an opportunity ~-.` to enjoy Itts\aittast, Dinner and Supper at lel,ure: at the popular price -15 cents per meal. • , 3s'' This Is tho only llnCio the West via NI At; Alt A F A M.S. affording. an tinportuil fly. of sire, leg the )‘ids and eteenery of Niagara while erm.s leg oYer Bridge: 4.1 - • Tlekets can be had at the depots nt all nectleg aud • from all Ageels represetilleg this llno. EDGAR, - 'M. 1.1: LESLiE, . Gen.! Pal'''. Art, Gen't Tir_to Art. Rom: 5. LEWIS. G EO.IC. $11E1CW001). Trave . ling Art, AORNT.ds • CHEAP PARE BETWEEN • • TOWANDA. AND TROY \ The undersigned having taken 'the carrying the IL-8. Malls between Troy. has provided himself with a ' tortahie stage anti good teams. and 1,1 carry passengers and freight at redo • 1:10 . 1.741t Tirar TICKETS. km. To, acemnumslate persons 'having transact, I hare concluded to sell ro ets for 'leo. Tickets ter fare trout Towanda and Try at same ratio. and substantial: so I can cart, all w to, ride. TICKETS ter sale at -Elw winda, aud Adants House; Troy.. . - 8. - 17 . Towanda, Augut:i 2, . - •AL TENT /PN , It Tott wish to se - 1159d .HAT, (.411ALN &PRODUCE genCrally for REA • rices call at 831ITH I PA where you will . al& goOttt; Wiling St bat Wynnlda& Sept 3 -599 7 ..-- 9 - 1 - 14 1 ' .!., - 1 Pm.t.m.:p....51.4.m. , , 2 W.; ...:. 4 r ~ t „, i '-401 • . ... i 313 1.1.•••1 •-• •: 1 . : ... 1 6 09 1 I .**e • 6 . 35 : i N 09 , 1 2 5:.,:-... 9 42 , ; ;, 4 Vil 66 ' 2 v, it, 4. 4 , 6 03 1 ft 331 3 2 0 fl 20. 1334 i 9 411 3 :10 ti :tr) 4 V4"9 150! i 3911 '..9• 3 - 30 ', - '. 3 - 46 11 0, 4 40; ..... 1- a IA i 2 3 ,„ ‘ 6 55i1025 415 122 n i.••••••: T..... 4 ,12 t , i ... • • •••• , CIV. ii :;,;• : , ; , ....•• 1 1; ..... : 3 60 12 , 12 : ... 6 15 1 •, 7 •-••; ..... -.. 5 3" ' 1 . 31 - • - • ntract for lo e it i lt zda and rom p laled to NI talcs. $ ' 2 4 :00: lu.lnefs to nit trip tick ints between tage Is mony co may desire 11 House, MEM SI at the lithg Est rnirk,et, JAUKOZO, PA.. well- selot tad sto_k of
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