,''.o4 - *0 . .N0,0 Tawas:via, TtninAla?, Leo; 27; 1877. W. A. eiwiliEßMNi Dealer la 'FINE;.JIE,WELRY r I W SILVER, AND -, PLATED WARE TOWANDA, PA. Towanda; Jan. 16, 1877. TOWANDA. POST OFF/ECE. FOR INFORK.iTION or THE I'FB/je. , , • rite rosi °Mee %ill be kept open from 7 o•ekick A: tin P.M. AiopryOrder and lii7lstered Ldi:r depyrtil , nt trill most at o'o . rzock.j'. V. ' ON SUND,PLYS fife Office will be open front 0.30 .to i0.r.0, . , AnnIVALA ANri, pErJurfrri t r.g OF IXAILF2.-7 Malp4 *.i,.artitt.i and .I...wir,t , troin - Towanda rost eitt6e asTglitloWs until furthernotice . LE= From the Nectb., Pa. & R:. . at t 2.39. r. m. Locked mall-from Elmira and eastaud west at 10.20, P. 51. - From the South at 5. r. M. Through mall from Philadelphia. New. York and Eastern States, tx.m. From State Line &S. U., at 9:55, A. m. From Barclay at r m. From Canton at 5 P.. M.. From Troy et 6 F5 M. • ,From Leßayavllle. Rome,'&e., at 12 Mr - • From Shadmoulnat.lo A. Front Mettnopany (Monday, Wedneeday and Fel. daF),lt From New Era (Tuesday,-Thursday and Satar day) at II A. M. ' DEPART. . . - _ 'l. Fa. AIN. Y. B. It., Smith, 1..111 A. NS. . . 1. '''... . Through mall to Philadelphia, Now York ind Eastern Stairs. ri irtluck, v. st... • - -- . ,?..r. North, 4:14 e. ?so - . . .Through to.Chitira and points on N. C 10.ro • S. 4. &S. B. IL; Bernice and intern:Cod lite point; O'slocit. P. as. : Bare ay, 12.30 P. M. • • • • l'antoi., 9A. ai. • troy. I P. M. '• • • , 'shenherittkp, 12 • I.eltuystlllb, 1 r. *Ls" 31choorany (Monday. Wednesday and Friday.) pi 2P. NI. • ..New Era (TuesditY; Thursday and Saturdayl, at • S. W.,,ALvonn..r. REPOTER °Lib:MING LIST FOR 1875 WWhave mado . - - ar:rUngements n:ltlf the publishers •or the ,l'ollowlng perlodicsls, by which we can offer any on‘'• of them In'conneethn With theDr.ronTsn at greatly red.tteed :'rates..i We will send the ID:- poirria: trOm th4siflate till December :Ds% ISIS, . 'with any of the yu.Pers named below, for one year, at the figures Indicated : - ' • REPORTER - A-fill - Weekly Tri , .1 4 2 50 Send-Weekly. 3 00 • Wcnkly Times. t 2 20, Senil-Weekly, 3.25. Weekly F.l;enlng Post, 2 IS. Bernt-Wealy,, • 3 15. ": Anm - leno Agtielturi . st,, 2 10. ' l f:citirtryfientletnalt, ' 3 00, •Runt : New Yorker; 3 10, liarpera Weekly, 4 20, ifazar. 20. Er " NlAgazlne,:.. 4 20, A " Scientific American; 3 25. 4 20. • 4' 20. 3 50, 2 50, 140. Galaxy, • "Scribner. `', St.:N-10101ns, Wi4e Awake, p Bally_ Land, " Little's I.lcing Age, Tliel•iurserY, " Appleton's .14,nnutl, 2 23. 'PoptilarSe n e *0nth1y,4•7.5, ," P,etermis 11:17,.:ztne, '2 7 /0.. $,15. G I.lpirineott's " 31°1111_11,3 . ' LCAL AND •CENERAL. Tire Athens Post Office Ittts Cuntlly been Tel;ioved up town. , • • , 'Fur :=teatlily increasing ciren'ation of the it:ErtiirrEit dtiring the past month , •is gi at . . 1 TIQ: Presbyterian Sunday Se11(161 will , 1 liold.il;eir holiday fest i val on Ntw Year's ir . . , . mum . . , 'till , . oongregation of, .'tirist• Church. exneet to be able to occupy their church the se cond Sunday in January. - '%'' ---=—.—,,IIMP.IP-4---a . dotty BUCK, Lice Ilittlllll'd foul Onur tet4s condUctor_ on the S. L. S S . , pro ' cured several Imjuisome Cluistmas trees for some of his friends. ' BY an oversight we ollo*dthe 'Heron TER and Weekly_ Tiiban - e f0r42.60. The lowest terms at illicit we calfurnisit' the two papeys i 2.50 per- ationtn.. t- i FRANK 1i.1.0114, the obliging and effi cient -expreS4 clerk, bils been quite ill for seine. time fast, but we ate glad to -learn is, improving , and will scion be able to at tend to,bilsinctss,again. usual Ctiristnias'Fstival of Christ Church, Sunday School will be held on I Friday aiternOOn next 7i. .. The 'primary school will assemble in title Lecture Room at 4 , o'clock, r'.tid the Main Selibol at Ed* THE ptibliAliers of Cdtri's - history of the ponintare pushing the work;'7,,vignr ouslyn and expect to have it eatiiiileteci in the spring., ,Hunts; one , of the partners.,l has his. ; beatitiorte,rs at the Ward Honse, and his 'partner?, - • Messrs.T . Eymrrs and-E - ssioN, bare been heref•4: . . • 'severrd :_IVE have -prepared;xyaluablecookbook containing, 1,.000' reciPes, ete:,. and nea t . hontni in etoiti vildeg we present td every - Subseriher thethe . 7 FPOUTER front 'this Ltinie until the.clo'seol'lBll. .The book is not for sale in book iiforo, but would readily bring.7s..cenis,. All subscribers;.. whethet new .os.:Oldi who forward their' sul . scriptions foiene year in advanee will receive a - ceil (kthc .TunnE ,14*urt,,i,' Hon. W. H. .ressre, of nontros'e, 'presided for Judge Monnow Led, week. Although Mr. .TEsstl..has been uf f on the bench but a few montlifc, he has demonstrated his entire fitness rim. • the honoyable and resiionsible - position. The . people. of Susquehanna: County urn not perinit biro to retiie, uittii the peOple of he . Stafn shall call him to, the higher I , ..kition of 4ustice. of the SUpittki,Court. Piir,Li.'s Post G. A. R., of f:ast-Smith held elected the fottowing ilieers for the ent,natig year, on, Satuida _evening tast,: r Cr mnrltuler.-1. O. Strtr. 1".-Flt&NI: WOLCOTT. 1 • • - • . INfohc;-:s.N. - (I. I).—.J. JENNE). Wool). ' Q. W. 3t. 31.00ny.,, • n. (.—H. Llju!„~lt.-=E. t.,11.13111EIRLI!.;. . • Titi: M. E. ChurCh. sociable which will hi• licki this Weduescla evehinz in the ,Ei n s of 'the church iiromiseti to be ;in . efrtertaintrieet of-more than Ordinary in - tcre . st. A choice-programme of nrsie, reeitationmidreading will form an at tac tice feature of the evening's e.p3rcises. A lug ibc of the bestiiiigers of our towii will take part' in it. A cluirminz.story appropriate to the Christmas season will Le read by the pester, Rev. G. C. JOSES. EA:Anybody is cordially invited to, attend. F IN Wisox - -The barn of \VAL M..scuip.. in Wyse; was burned Tburs , (.14s morning last. , Tho' - .fire.!Avas discov ered abfAt 2 O'cloe Ir. .All ::tit l e hay and was destrord toitother • with the e,irpenter tools . •helouging;loMr. - M. and Lis son. Abolift yeat'ago.Mr. Moscnw's - duelling house . was burned and ,now. • Ale : ckt,t ruction of the,remaining buildings on" Lis far with the pioduot or his\ rpees.toil, is a sore afflict:ion. Loos about Insivance, $1,600.. No Plial will be hewed nem this °Mee -next Week. • The next IlErowrna will be 'fated Jimunex lt►. Irr y.n desire' to experience • a- happy Otnionina. do something to make some bee elsethappy. - • PERNONAL.—M.,A. Straw and wife have *one tn,Catrade to spend' the" holidaysidth . theirclatigliter; Mrs. Moirrainsinty. ==•:Misti ErrA, „Moßitow, Mies Lititz Ovkarcnit .)Thsaldier,ADAills s _and MIS EDITII\,B;NIONTON, are , spending their school vacations in thialptice. —E. OrlaillON' NAM); C. -MANvILLE, PRATT, JAJi> w MiC-FAIITANE. BEN HALE, FRED SPALDING, C. PORTER, WILL GRIFFITEN, aral\W. Dr:taw:tot, are home from college, eintwill' spend the holiday vacation With theirlriends. &Mrs. C.. A. z Sirrrit,of Hazieten, is viz- I iting ber sister,,Mrs. F C C. Gong, MixwiLt,tms purchased a how on Third Street, north of Easton - Street, and id comfortably settled thrrein. .- —Surveyor GOODUICII ate hi s‘.Ch ristrn as goose with his family iuthis pla • lONS BLACK, of 4eßaysyille, recei : a tel4rani . on Saturday' morning annodit - ing the dangerous illness of his' ten resi ding near Denver, Colprado. Mr. B. left for the I West the same evening. A two thouiandroile journey at this season of the'year is - art - very pleasant, and is especi ally sad for Mr. ..11t,scw, who has but lit tle expectation _or finding his, son alive. AtnEret Cit:AitnEntax, a prominent law yer •of Scranton, died on• 'Eriday last, after a short atutsevere illness. • kr. Cumtnintats was formerly p resident of Montrose,•.but removed to Scranton. some years - since, and was intimately connected with soup of the most important' move ments that have recently taken place there. He was about sixty years of age; And enjoyed.the respect of a largo andin iluential- circle of acquaintances. : ,Hewini, 'a member of the famous Scranton - School Board np. to a shint time az(); and . his flock° w 4 APalways on the side of retitudo and honest administration. His death Nc S . entirely unexpected._ TuE tIIAt7,EDY OF TILE LAVA BELVS.-- The thrilling events of the MOdoo war, and the massacre of Gen. CA:NE.V and the Peace ComruiSSioners, is still fresh in the minds of the public: Col. •31r..icu.tm, an eye-witness and surgivor Of the heartrend ing OCCII4TenC . O of%that 'terrible day, has been invited to lecture in tliit place,: and has named Saturday evening next as the time The subject of the lecture .will be the " 1 ragedy of the Laia Beds, and th — e. Itelion , oe the Rea Ilan." • Col. 31. will give manYmew ideas , in regArd to poor Lo, is besides a most eloquent and in teresting speaker. The lecture is to be held in the Presl)yterian Church, and. will commence at 75 o'clock. Admission free. Ou S,upday Col. 3IEACIIANI still deliver addremes in two of the largest churches in Elmira c ;:and.on Wednesday evening is to speak at EaSl Smithfield. . Tut,: New "I'rk - and Philadelphia 'Nei' Line—Bound Brook Route—has descry - 4 , cdly becomb a great favorite -- with the travelling p4llc, atyl materiallytsborten ed:the,flistatice between the two cities. Por",,Teed and comfort tins line is not Equalled by any rOad in the country. The run is made in two and .1 quarter hoo t s, in c.ean k and comfortatic cars, overit well ballasted rigid, free from flit'st, and the fuel avoid,. the diAagreeable smoke and stria experienced on other roads. Those .of our people, travelling between the two cities, will do, well to try the Bound Brook route, starting fri . nn North Penn. depot in Philadelphia, and Liberty. Stfect, New Yoi Ell . -....- " HIS;TOIIT OF Ill ' IAD1 0 111:11 COUNTy.—We ' mass, Was sung by. s carelatlly • trained g.,tic;t below a list of sORIe of toe parties I , eheir and was solemnly impressive. • The wh.. have - arranged fur representation in I pastor is a zealous and devoted priest, a tbe fortcbcoming history of - llratifortlCo. . ihocough scholar and a most courteous No better evidence could be given the i and genial gentleman. tic) great *as tie iipularity of thF: work. nor of the inter- I cro 4 d , of` connunicants - that Leonid est th . e . people-takeln it. It is also au ev- i : sc:tree - 1Y get Wailkin heating distance-dur itlettee of the high character and thorough i iti , il l te address of the eloquent priest; The manner inowhieh our county will be rep-; cletdng sentence contaitatd -a beautiful it. seuteti by illustration therein-when this,; siesson of humility : "If Jesus - the Son department ;shall have been completed. i . - o e God , the Lord of heaven and carts,, Lei the good work go on. ° " 11° "is ! °- EO'itsidered a few. swaddling clofils . us fit Heal portion we have frecpently,spoken ` .raiment for Itis• divine. form, and a Bum and eauonly add. Mr. CIitATT , is bringing : I ble mangerAis good enough for the cradle. it rapidlystowards a satisfaaory and sue-- of the infant Messiah, then any - position cessful col pletion :- G. W 4 issl3t traar A x I • ' - w -- - ----- ' 1 in life,: to Which God calls us, no matter OnApt.vit Goitst, J.l•-SSE BROWN, Wm. Sam how lea ly (*abased . iu the -eyes of men, nEit, Esq., Jossmt TUTWNEII, CHAS. CHAF- i i is • garod.enottgliTor Our acceptance.'! . FEE, G. 11. yAN WTs-r, Rev' C. C. C°n t s ' In the evening the pleasant .parlors of M. I3uttock..ludge'p. D. Monnow, rri- 1 the Church of the Mcssiah were -brilliantly WARD• OVEMTON„ Payrmsa:A .11A.:4vs; lighted up.. A thrkty Christmas. tree _.'tai F,1,1.\ A. BARSTOW, Mrs. WM. WAT , • . I 'lauded with uafohiiddeti fruit, fol. 1„ • PI IjOTT ' ll aS ~ .. KiNf'' hreY M. Al !' "ls ' '',— " ' ' : the delectation of the little ones. - A I.lon. 3. G. PATTON, Judge ,L. P. a , „ 8 :Al ''' stunpttious repast, consisting of oysterS, siotto,_l4. M: llEwrrr, L. .51: \ rinwirr, . cakes, sandwiches; mate, t6,4c ,was . Joittc IltunAm; _lilts. 'B. TAYLOR, !. , 111.TON furnished by the ladies .of tlro\ehurch ; Litwis, 3. Il..T.ksa-ton, Jositpu .t, llomtiT, K and apparently enjoyed by children of F a II 7 . HAGERMAN, HOBERT 131.1.1 k, a\('' "E, AIM-!huger, as weliaS those of a lesser growth. AMII 3. P.1.1X.M, ( Rose STEVENS, lays STEVENS, Wm. W. P • •,,,,\ Thus ended_for me a very pleasant and' e cin-Ltstt, P. W . ItY . CIIIIISTMA,S. -C 4 MoiIF.V, P. X., Honivr G ,3. G. WOODRUFF, 1 \ enjoya ole .AiElt \ s 1 5 MEEMAN SWEET, DA-NIEL ciIIOK.,- CUAS, I' M.AItCY, .1 NA !WAN STEVENH, Mrs. •ALsiosT 3 TiaAGEpy.— , 6 n Friday last 'au Officer from N. State' came to To \sranda to look for propeity taken more than year ago. A cooper by the name of JAS. MEAD, who has not lived here long was suspected of the theft. A search warrant was taken out by officer . Ilultss and they together looked over the which is in the First Ward. The N. Y. ()Bier fou4nothing which he could iden. tify. but .officer 131;n found several large boxed of tea in the ivignal packages, and soma other articles of, value which had apparently been recently concealed in the celiiir. Further search reveatelj tho bl•oken - 19ek ia freight earmarked Pa. N. Y. C. S%ling that things bx)keterather crooked" officcr: Brnm. nrlio'is a commissioned railroad police of. that company, arrested ME.9 . for the theft. . I e asked the privilege of c!.anging his lothes, which the officeisg,ranted. They IC: kid the sound ' as of waten.splashing on the 'lloOr and thought lie was •washing, hiniscif. lie . finally called .to his _wife,' and as .idie opened the door she screamed \ and fainted The offi( went into , x\ the room and saw that it his own throat, with razor t literally covered with - blo ti. l ~ While the N. Y. fil4 sear& of a-physician, officer B miss laid lum on the floor anal Stanched, the' blocid 'as hest he could by bidding the'ed„ s of the wound together. Ir,. *as some fo • milintelit fore a Docton Could. be lewd. ' 315, , ,,ir thinkifik bis last Mernents had me, con fessed that t le bad' brokin,into a freight car at AthCni the . ioight befare, s len a boat und . run his spO \ ils down the riv to , Towanda. lie appafently made a de breast of it : said, that no one was blame, bat himself' And that he -hoped God would forgive him for having led a criminal life. , •: . 1)r. JoussON C. 1,1110, 1114, dressecilhe wound. This , (Wedue4y). evening there is a prospect of likues'recovory. Dr. - Jottssiki says that:, officer Buntrts' pregame of , mind in promfaiy dosirieli the wea] and holding it •until help :Ar rived saved him 4om bleeding to deattion . . . .Ctratstwstl 7 'l, -,1,, Te!wont.—The - d a y W h ichhc.seeensto bOrig nearer. and' nearer 'tans, withetteltpatedfig year t '. the rateno. rTnf the: bit - Sited Centirr-thild, ' was Sob seiied With siPpropriatecservices by three out of six. of the Churches in Towanda. It wine to men,tniatt hesMtlfoinnstom toinaknclnistmini !htichiklkn's especial "Thanksgiving day ;nett only for the gifts which dear, _old Sanii. Cisetittaketi lOng journey, from his boMe in the. ley. North, to bestow, but for that most pre. ores boon given us by Gon the Pather,. k more:lthan eighteen centuries ago, the' gift of His 'beloved Sea. -It Is weU 'that the Iftthi.ones ';should ' - remember, 'with gratefedjoy..the day' when the Babe of Bethlehem came as , the messenger of "Peace on earth and good will to met t!" In Christ Church '(Episcopal), religious services, appropriate to the occasion, were Conducted - ;14, the Rector, Rev. .1.:-S. BEERS.: The repairs . and 'improvements being made in' the auditorium, 'are yet, unfinished. • -Therefore . the congregation. occupied' the,,baseinent, - which was taste fully trimmed With evergreens.. _ • ! .The Church of the . Messiah (Universal- , ' ist) was very artistically ornamented' for the_ Christmas anniversary. . The delicate ly tinted wall, in the recess iback OL- the . ulpit, bore 'the seared text in beautifully •shioned letters, "Unto yonis born this da a.Savionr; :who is Cinusithe Lord." The were gracieful festoons and Wreaths of ever reeus, baskets of feathery grasses and bon uets or lovely floivers. .The stained-gla windows shed " a dim, sell ; gious light," ver, an interior, which would be notably lac gin co or, but for their rich and . einiblem kie, blazonry. . .. . ' • The services open with an argau -vol untary which was pin ed by Mfrs, SwanTz. A trio, 4ornposed of Mr. '434IIDNEItt, (bass) Mrs. ST: JOHN, (alto) au' Mrs. Dr. MON TANTE, (sopi-ano) sang While Shep herd's Watched." . Then fol 4 wed a very interesting responiive praise : - 'ee, by • minister and choir. Rev. J. G. of read the invocation, beginning " thou who art our GOD and Father ! thel - Pa, er of .- -"Our Lord JESUS : CtllliiT ! rollaSa .." thine aid while in the nett*, of thy blessed Son, we come to bless his'glorieutiadv.kt." Tbo choir then;sang, ".11hen I view the Virgin Mother !t Responsive reading o scripture by. Minister and congregation was followed by' the choir singing "unto the lillng Eternal be praise,!' , ' ; Mt. PORTER o ff ered a most fervent prayer and the cl oir sang .the antherit : i " And there iv re Shepherds.! The'' scripture lesson as followed by the sing- i lug of the hymn : , . Brightest and' best of the sons of the:morning, 1 Iftorn on our darkness antllend us thine aid; Star-of the Eat4,--the, horizon adorning,— . Guide where the Infant Redeemer is Mid." :The sermon, was founded upon the words: ." For Unto; you is horn this day i , in the city of David a Saviour, who 'is Christ the Lord."—Luke 2 : Xt. , I - am sorry that . there is not space to qtuite the leading thought& of this !. able and eloquent addi'css. -. , -I Mr. I'OUTER made a most ' , forcible ap peal for the poor, hungry, home ess child-.I rep, who knew nothing of Christ as joys I and feasts., At the close the choir sang l au oifertoiy, Canligue de .Noel, and Ch 'st-d nuts antilop), "Praise the Lotil."- .. Ihe music was simply grand ; and 1, for one, devoutly thanked the Giver of all , good for the wonderful gift ;of song thus '. used in his praise-service. . The Church of Sts. -Telef.' and Paul, (Catholie,) though unfinished in the l in- ; ieri-)r, isliie)argest building of .the kind in Towanda. The decorations about the I altar, in autumn' leaves, wax. flowers and I growing plants in potS and baskets showed great . taste and skill. Rev. Father ; li.Ei.f.v, clad in 'the richly embroidered I pritstly roli,?s, officiated itt three masses =I Tint, sisters of Oscaluwa grangeprovi ded a gentiine old fashioned meal on Fri ; day. evening. The bill of fate comprised cold limn, \spare-rib, and chicken, pork and beans, succotash, white and brown bread, pumpkin and mince pie,.dough nuts, tea, etc. 'Tlieioom was lighted with tallow • dips; the Walls decorated with festoons of dried aptle .ani The dishes used, on the occialort were of a patern in fashion alandred years • age - . The ladies who served '_the tables discardedtbeir " pull-back "Mid "trails'.,' I.and donned the tidy, if not soslaborate, and costly, costumes of our grand inethers. The entertainment Was_ a completespc ces.4, and furnished anti, lkcigratifyinge •- .itlenee that the ladies of OscalnWa arc possessed of rare actramplishmenta in the About eighty members of the Order \and their friends, partook . of the repast. • - THE Lin•Tas \ have issued sij neatly en ' gr.(vett invitation' \ fey 'their Eighth Animal i Reception to come Off on the evening of Tuesday, January 1. \Those who enjoy ! such :entertainments need no assurauee that the Liri-Ta'SwilLleae \ nothing nu done to render OCCIBIOn . pleasant : and enjoyable. The Comitttee of4rrange '•ments consists of C.. 8. PORTERS R. A.f Pace n, T. M. WARD, C., P. PATCH, E.".OTT, W.: B. 1 1rNeEiT, and .1. )t. BnAnt , 4i. Floor Committee It. A. NEB., I am, C. L. TitSCY, E. - T. .Nont.t, Cn.t.wErtiAs,'R. IT; PATerf, W. COD. niNti and G. R. Suriwoon, any one of, , • whom willg-i \ ve information in' regard • to ! \the reception: . \ • TUE Bradford County Anti,Secret Er. ciety will lidd'its first Quarterly 314.thic • for the year 1878, is thelresiyan 314th0: I diseChrirch,,at Heriiekville, - commencing on Tuesday, January 8, l'B7B,nt 10 o'cloek a x:, and contining for two \ days, with at moon and evening sessionsiat 1 and 6 i . o''cloel . The Rev. E. W. Wtrzti's,n !of 1 the 31. E.. Church is,expedtid to be with , i us. Weixlt is lialliinvite all who "can\,to inee with and if possible attend at, l each ' 11 ord •of the Executers i Jon. y el „ Com ittea. • - l ess - . Dsvro BEARDSLEY, See. Ilereir Nei Year, everytedy. • 4 , - i .g . . .. _ . ~ DEATOOPAIN OLD GILLIMATE OP. T:i: REPORTOLOPPICE..—EiIIAII RoCitivithL, _ , irhsi - was one of the first nnprentievs% in ~ the Ruatowrita Office, iiiriffici gradtnited• some 117 yealvtio, died.'in Californians% mont,h.) Ole sing ibis (Otis Me. li.' , . ,Was etelltioyed fo a year or two, in Wil ' AM \ - * liantsPOrt: Tr oy about 1846, went to the fiandwish bloats when he corn tile:Med- the puhlicatiPte of an English \ • newspaper.. In eonsequetre of criticising 1 the government offiefirs ho was arrested 1 and pain prison.. Throe gi the inter veution of the 11.. 8. Govenortent he was \ released, and about 1850 settled in Cali.' fornia r where he continued to tvaide until . the time Of his death. Ho was a PCia of the late Deacon Ruutis RocKwELL, \of Troy. 'We find the following biographt cat sketch of the deceased in the Hartford (tt.) Post: • ' '' ' - • ' Elijah Alvord Reckwell. brother of S. N. Rockwell, 80perintenclent of the' In dustriarSchool at Middletown. and of the late Drs. •a. C. ant John E. Rockwell, of Troy, Pa:, died in Sacramento Some time in November last, but the informAion 'of his decease did not reach Middletown un til saturday last. Ile was in the fifty serandyear of his ago. He commenced his life as an apprentice at the printing business in . Towanda., when only four tein years old. At the age of eighteen years, having_finisbed his apprenticeship; he started a weekly paper called the New Star in' Troy, which he , ipmblished six months and then sold it. He then visited nearly every part of the globe, finally stopping at the Sandwich Islands, where he commenced the publication of the Sand wich Island Datil - News.. -This he con ducted for several years with marked sac.: CCM .In .18.i0 be went Sonora, Califor nia, and started the !Sonora, drald, which .g.. 55 ue published successfully or- several years, nutil he went r to rauelseo and' assumed:the 'control o. the Morning Call. His subsequent career, is given below. Ilia ancestors were originally from Stam ford. Conn: ' • ' Eiijalt Alvord Rockwell died last Fri day.i.at.Saeramento. He came to the Pa citic coaitiin l 846.:„." Rock " as ho was fintiliarlyi called by mernbers.of the craft, made his mark in the State as an editor. Under: his editorial Management, -the Morninj -Cali grew from `an insignificant penny paper to a potent power, in the community' of San Francisco; Ind an - in fluential partial 'of the State. Since 1860, when he was called from the. editorial tri pod of that paper to the Legislative Halls' of thaState, Mr. Rockwell had resided at, Sheramputo, being most of the :titnes.,en gaged upon the editorial to off of the Sac ramentos Dee, a paperooted for its excel', lcnt editorial ability. By all . who knew biro Mr.. Rockuell was greatly esteemed: A pungent writer, industrious and honest, be - sPoke always for the good of the" peo. plc.. -tenuous to a fault,lie was unjust to him lf, and did not accumulate riches, though is ever active brain. contributed I largely in\bringing wealth-stud honors to his fellow Men. And now that he has passed away, he poet whispers :.- "Cbta In the clust \ bls heart may Jle, • But that which waktrietil It once Bball never die." \ R . f P ~ ,an.a R ona Democrat. . the this lb, et which wa I \ 7 ._ A IVEATIIEUIIIO HE C of one of our exchang • took. note of one ,of the fair sex who eneo ntered the storm Of Saturday last, full rigL 4,and . with all her sails set. ffe'gives a g hie deserip lion of how she weathered he storm. One we noticed on. our streets spurs the same day. wrestling, With the War,of ele urents mid her own *rigging. The local says : " And the Winds blew upon that woman, and Whirled ,her hat over fence, and tugged enthitsbistically With her overskirts, and when she held the \front down the-back flew , up, and when she held ; the brie;; doWn the front flex up. rum strai g ntyvay.the rioly spirit ltex:3ro*e within her, and she wick ed up agikinst the fence, shut her knees s together 41 the front breath of every thing; poked the - hair away from her eyes and smiled sweetly, while the wind I owled and shrieked' around her': ,and,' moaned and sobbed and darted- bet Ween her ankles ; and found naught that it could-,wigile except he ,loose end of a shoe .stripg. • Noy: - is THERNIME TO SI.711.5(7:111E TO PRANK LESLIE'S STINI4Y , MAGAZINE.--) The January copy, a mo.gt brilliant *di day .2111mber - frs- now ready It contains: some exceedingly pretty illustrations and amounts of "Christmas on the. Alp::.' " Christmas in Norway." "Christmas in Jerusalem." A large number of highly interesting articles, paragraphs, etc.; on welci,Me and timely subjects. • Music, Poetry, Fun, Science, Art and Pietiim, all embraced in"l2B pages. It has in all 100 beautiful • illustrations; including a fine steel• plate engraving of Rev. ,C. F. zhmus, editor of the ibtvzin,l. We do ot know of any • monthly journal, pub lished either on .this-continent or else_ where, better entitled to the large shMe of public favor bestowed on this valuable publication. It is, of decided inter. est to everybody; , old or- young, grave or gay, and iti a marvel of cheapness. Present, your families with a subscription for MS. , The annual subscription price is $3 sigle ,copies, 25 cents pug-paid. Atldres.sl orders to FRANK LE;.4,11537 Pearl Strcet; New York.. . „ ow IS THE TIME TO Sruscnini: TO PHASE LEATE'S• POPITIqi •31ONTO.Y.:— Tug JANE4ItY number, now ready, con tains some exceedingly interesting { mat ter.' It opens with an agreeably surpris ing and well written article on "Pipes, Cardinals and Conclaves" Then we have "Pictures of New Japan," "The adul teration of ' in Common , Use." etc., all•of wl very liberally ilchs tented. -EP A al story, - entitle# "An America,. ;ess," by,the fatru4s ETTA W. PrEncE, commences in :Mis number and „bids faito prove highly merritorions. ,In tidditin s t there are to usual number, Of select Short. Stories, Ilistorical i Varagraphs,NoteakTravelj.w. sides Fun, Science, etc. There are in all 138 Pages and 100; Illustration`s._. Our readers could'not do a better thing the -line. of reading UT - atter-than to subscribe \ to FRAME LEssLin's Popular Jiouthip s tkr the new.year. The annual: subscrip tien,price is $3 ; single copies, cents, postpaid. Address, FRANK LESLIE, 531' Pearl \ Street,. New York. - - As , GEortos: Of _Liberty Cor uers, was driving a pair Of spirited horses Up Main Streetzin Friday last, the team liecime frightenedand ram' When near S. WlLnaruan's, the wagon was upset, and the housei dashed"away up Elizabeth Street. - his wife'and. datigider Wereflirown from the wagei,; the latter, was :quite badly iniercd, one of her/fingers nearly seircred frorrOer hand, besides. being- otheririse -bra . The -other occupants estaped'unharniek, \ • THE date affixeirto l he printed labeyi which the REPORTER IS directed to sub \ scribers; indicates - the - time to. whieli the subscription is paid. .We are now adding every - week many names to our list,, and our subscribers are rei-piested to notice. if thedate is correctly Printed. • If not, *aim 4rive it • inumediato notice'. that the mistake may be ratified. EKE seam from one who was present that the Christmas tree festivals at' the Presbyterian and M. E. Churches in 3ior. roe4in were entirely successful, and sads:. factory : to all concerned: Ibis; GRIFFITIIs, cf the late Rev. THOMAS 'J. -Gain , alio, of Eolith Wales, and, mother of J. J. GRIFFITHS, of this place, died in Philadelphia Orithi, 14th list., in her 72d year. • Da. BoLuxVe Uwe liosx-iithe) re cent death in honored' age of Vale moat 'amiable rmil,umful mmi, call forth from '1'414 ..,o7 ig -_ _ Nee° &onset - WOOD, the = County et \ Bradford,, anl :especially! . Smithfield, eliared latielYj t in the overflowx the our. plu • "; .pulai, ti - of. Halifax,. embracing sae familieit airj BULLOCKS, Att.E,xs, CA- Li FS, HA LE,. 13INE11,' ' NILES, HAVEN, 1 JON Es, - 'FROM As, MINER,: - SCOTT, ra It- WELT:, MART,I N, Fanstswonva, and prof ably others equally honored of ;whom .I am not infermed,-or have forgotten. jack son township, in'Susquehanna County, .was alio Well reinforced by a "Vermont settlement" comprising. such !melee . .as WELLS, TECKERiBAREIS, HALL,TAL:NOR, NYE, CHASE, BRYANT, ' BARRETT, ' and others. Sortie of these names may be . fpr= gotten, tut manof them are well:and tn favorably reem - red . ,. in, the old home 51 r3 by elderly people , male arittfthale, who rejoice.to hear of the prosperity of those who left them for "the lirest." Some of them had anecdotes Of earlier and perhaps happier days. • •• . • • - . I visited Halifax centre, or corners, early in *Tune. As I 'came in from the Worden grave-yard, northerly, over "Jol ty Hill," there were some fine views. Old Mouadonock mianntain, in Now Ilamp.. shire, arose on the east, and on the south west appeared a peak, Which I was assured was Mount Greylock in MasSachusOts',. , which I took to he ono of the Greeu Mountains, which have llaßfax on their eastern slope. On theright, going down into the village is thi r comfortable farm, 410080, 110 W of Despot IN' ILLIA N f s, of Oro tna. et., but which was a long time the • honte of DARIUS BULLOCK, .. senior. _The . big 'kitchen, with its eight or ten • doors was orithronged with his dozen chill drew, - nearly all of whom reached inaturr. .ty, of whom th e oldest was DARIUS BL - 1. LOCK, Jr.,, and.:the yoUngest,. JEssE tr. BULLOCK. DAINUs, - seliier, served ,the. town as clerk for forty years, 4nd was continually in priblio4isineis , - , Which he discharged-with signat;fid€:lity and Sat's; faction. I in the adjacent gmvei T yard that " Hon. DAIIII7B Ber.i.ous., diettOctt. -2:7 4 , 1833,-aged 72 years." Mid his relict, "CLeve. [Pr Farce] Bt7LLocK, died Sept. Sept. 22, 1.853; aged :O. Mother"! thou art gene to fes:." • The name of-Bur,LocK is-as honored .in Halifax as it is in Smithfield. l' watt: ais. \ sured that ynurig Darius never had any "wild oats to sou," and was so much the airier at the outset ?lithe voyage of life. In -uldition to well. unproved school ad vant. ges at home, be studied Latin with theleo , regational pastor, and read merl, icine wit his"father's brother, • in] Bello- 18.41% 3lafer. After "standing the drafts" in 1812,ar'id n h being " hit." he' left •for himself, and son found that home in ; Smithfield, 'where 're so well performed so i many public and so ial duties over sixty yeari.- His sister. M ; S'rErnEX NetKs, wa;.. the only IleLLocKinlet iu Halifax: \ There being no public li 'se in the place, \ I and astorin having come, was kindly 'acto:nmothtled by Mr. and rs. NILE,,. The po4t-office and village sto is kept by himself and son. a As many of your readers will "ev.tr again visit their old Halifax home, will state that the ancient, large emigre:, tional meeting house has be en takes down, and the sou part of the green, or I common,' has beer } sold and closed up." The.eld' brick Academy remains, and is used. The grave yard is so full that it has. been enlarged. The' Baptists took down'4lreir house, north of the village, and . built on the street West of the green. A Methodist is there preachiug new, to a union congregation. At West -Halifax— formerlp,- I believe, *Plemb's corner's" ,is ,-.1. Baptist * Church and buildiug,:where they have service'regularly. The ridirer saliats have occasional preachieg: The Congregationalists have been' so reduced by death and removals as hardly to have a visibility.. Weth Halifax has some man -1 uhretures, and is the larger place. Such are' the cliangeliiring the isixty years mei more—two generations—when the Smithfield and Jackson emigration' from Halifax began, calling thence, (as well as elsewhere) tome most excellent citizens. ' ..A Nl.' . ferty-six . years' labor, THOMAS Woon, the Congregationalist pastor, died in i 42. SAMUEL FlB, Baptist, who was born .‘and ordained in Halifax, after preaching at the centre for nearly hall. a century, became so infirm that he reaign ed„and (his wife being dead) retired to live with a married, daughter in Brattle-' bore. . .• . Theie hills areftivorable to (longivity. The mother of PETER and IsAAc WanEtt (whose maiden name was RACIIAEL HALE) died in 1809, lackilig'only well days of being a century-old, and well to her lait year. Is4A!,''s father-in,law; TrionAs -ADAMS, 'died in 18!i8, aged 994- years, and. his. wife; in 1854, aged 06. SYLVESTER' WnitnEx", 1814, aged . 82-; his relict, lIE, nExAtt, 1827, ged 88: ELISIIA W0111)EN, Sr.,. 1820, ag 18.; his sop, ELISIIA, - Jr:, 1852; aged 7' . SYLVESTER Wono6:, 211, r ; nearly 90. itsA-Wounpr; 1857, aged 92. . These are . specimens, which fell under my. more special attention, and are„not very \ rare, • ' . Tiie,Verinonters boast of having' stout null and fair women.--; The stoutest of the formerwhom r saw was Iticituo.*D WORDEN," ii.lio stretchei up to six fvet sit. Of tile'latter;llropriety forbids any men-- tion, but they ado not licking. - 1.. - I Am sorry to be \ Lbliged - to add that there is neither labopor manure enoughl -in many parts of the S t ate to keep thetlatid4 in good heart. !As a consequence, in many interior districts,-farins - are rather retro grading than -advancing for\agriciiltoml purposes. ;dany,homes of 'other days are. deserted, and • some placett„ here , not a chimney or a corner stone left to tell where families once flourished. Tlicil lages 'and ci ties me 'increasing, bui l t ,not 4 . 1 w: towns, (or, .as we call them, .towp Oipsy . . .In improved cattle, horses add slic)cp, Vermont is noted, and her marble and Aber stones are turned into money to a i -She scuds out a great man, gond education:. s n t is lor.itti lucre: ative population and Canadians, the high - • intelloctually . is not 0. X. W. st.ln( adyai WITH the beginniiigf the year, I. Mc- PnEasmi enters upon thedisehaige.of his dutiei as DistriCt Attorne3L . lf he suc ceeds n discharging the Idu • s• as sags lactorilir as - his: immediate pKedeCessor Joni N. CAI.IFF bas, he will ablindantly :satisfy the people atil - win honor to -Izzumit. , • - Cana? Pinaatnnan t i Co trtinnti WinnaenaT, • , d.TAwis'a into vs V iketjamhN et 4—Verdict for plaii,lifne lit moist* p Benhuititt A li,MOlCeinvalVaißilea.--Ejetitment. Biltininfiati‘ Itilifirick, Parifi , :rocist "P*44l#tut:'l3'W ` Little and D'A Om* taqi, :foi ikatandtutt, Verdict t ft- • r t cansiWrik itAvenimi.\,4* for a new trial.- ' • 7 % , Court appoint; '* l ,ialandiniotian Audi-. for to audit the acCounta,Of this Prather*. tary, Register and Recorder, and ',Am of the. several COurta.. • ire Mani ;Lock mr from pry MOCK VW Gliilettva L N Post, at al.—Coirt I appoint J AadterviVat, Esq; la Auditor to distriblite Nods raised by Slavin% sale lof defendant's real estate. . ~ B W I,ne vs J W Van Dike..-Court appoint,Wrn yoyle„Esq,,an;Auditei ..tp di!kiribute funds raised by .., filierift's' silo .f defendant's real estate. - ' ~ oseph Cooldin's adta'r ys E-Reed My-. er.,--Court appokit .11 0 DeWitt, Esq;- an Auditor ito diStribute funds relied -.by' Slierilriaale of d fendant'a real estate..i CitiieruNatlO Bank Of Towanda-is $J A Caddiniand C Russell.--Court sp it point.Wm Little, Esq, an Auditor to dis tribute funds ra by Sheriir,s sale 'of defendant's meal estate. i - '' ' - James lineal vs E Reed Myer. .4(). sepii•Conklin's adm'r vs same.' --Rule •in' each case to Open judgint and let de: fendtintoseer - --..- , -.1'. 3t . Robert Nailaoresltse vivN 49nittee.-i Role on St!oillittipai'sPonoi!V i onk• `Ltilrelitiliirs Joint Dottiti.- le to strike off satisfactiOn in tbie ease. Abram Cory vs it. B Calkins, et Ad. \ •- Rule absolute. - • - - - Betsey Hill vs 8 R'lllll.--rt direit an alias subpeena to be issued. The following Sheriff Deeds were ack nowledged : lIIIIRIPP DERDS. 3 pieces in Wyilusing twp, containing 810 aerpg, to J W Hcillenbach,; sold ad property of 11,J3 Ingham; con,ideration,_sl2.oso. 71 acres in Rome barn to G C Atwood as. rrpi,prty ot L A and E Ridgway; consid crtrien, $2,090. Lot in Towanda boro to W Id Benjer. tut property of Juba Mclntosh; consideration, : 7 ,1 1.1 00, • I.ooo.acres'io- Monroe twp to D R Btack• man, as property of J S Blackman; consid eration, $7,900. 11,,use and lot in Ulster tap : to The Brad ford Loan and Building Association of Atli ens twp, as property of I W•Smitb; consid- Nuts jn Towanda boro to N N Betts, jr, ait ; ropertyot Hiram Taylor; consideration, $3;650. house and lot in Towanda born' to C G Ray lett, : aa property of Acker Smith; con; idt. rat ion, $260. - , ' 73 pertlms in -Wyalitsing twp to John C Beardsley, as property 61 F D Nichols; irtioti..ssoo - • :ots iti. Wys'ox twp to Wm H Conklin, adto . r, as pmperty of ,E Reed Myer; con; $13:800:, 39 acres in (Windham to D C Dewitt. ns pr.;:etty of )' r + E Carpenter; consideration, $25. Lot k Towanda born to, Olive F Elliott,.. as-property of E N Nlcedunicki. considers:, list:, $205., • . House and lot in Ulster twp ip C E Fer guson. as property of A D HouseeCcousid ersoion, $25...- • 30 acres to Shesbegn - in twp to FlOrece, 114 r, ton, as property of Joseph Post; coin sidr~•ation, $O5. tr•\ acres in Litchfield to N C ,Harris. pro.: - .,erti \ of S . 13 Canner; consideration $252: 74 acre in Albany twp D Ilussh• herer;las property of B Ayers; 'considnra ,iot . $2O. \, •• I . , 11.40,e and - led in Ulster swp.to C.ll''-and T It HolcAuib. - as property- .of J S Smith; cur , deratinn. $2OO. • Uduse and lot in=Wyalusing to J W Hol• 1--10-nek, as property ol Cyrus Avery; cote I :sic!, ration. SI.IOO.- \ . . . • 71•aeres in Wells' twp M Johnson. e'er, as property of JosepliHruy; consider s2o4l \ I'.-ft'si interest in iwo lots n -Towanda burn to J P Kirby and C.S . Rutsl),ll3. prop trty of J A Codding; consideration, $1.4G0. S.inte as above, as propeAy of C'S Bus sell; ,eonslderation, $1.400. • 2 tots ilk Towanda boro to J P Kirby `and E . Fox. adm'r, as property of M C tind A D Mtrcnr; consideration, ;? . •2„.500. 3 • acres in 'Tuscarora tail. to I 0 D lan ney propeit'y of Satnuel,Woodrufr; consid era. nal ' • • 2 lots. in Canton boro to B W Lane. .rol , erty of.. J W Vandyke; considenitioi, „ r•l rods in Wyalusiog twp to CS Lafferty. . pro; rty i of F D Niaols; consideration $50.- 1. use and lot in Burlington - twp to L 11•• Iv an. property of Merry, & I Co.: cop •ideratinh SlOO - acre • in Wystix twp to now E MOr. o E Wed . Myer ; consideration 1 • 1 I :ouce and lain Towanda berough• to Raclin! E Warn •r, property of 'G B Neal; cc n 41efotion $ll .5. , Cemetery lots in Towunda boro - to E \S' Neel, property ofG\ Neal; consideratibt • 1 lIOURe and lotin A bens born to H W propetly•Of C t unsicke?; co r sid in $llO. acres in •Monroellwp to H W PittAk.k pro-I••rty of AarOn Sione , co'ideration $lO5O. Sop and lot twit to W Pat rick, property of I I \V Smith,: consideration I $ll2. • - fenditnt's ihterest in fi houses a d lots in Towanda born to S .E 1 Sackett an • 1, It. Fro it & Edward t Frepcs - , property of • • S . Rti , : h •ell; consideration $105: Same as abotre vs J A Codding ; • consl, • r eration $l2O. - is acres iirShesheliiiin two to ITen6 , and W.atiace Shores, -property of LII Post 5 . 9 acres iri Wysox two.to J W Woodburn prooerty„ of L B Bennett; ccitisideratiinr. 'acres'in ElPrriek twp to Edward Welk pr- 2rty - of II Ingham; • consideration $4./0. 1T "ase and_lot itarilter tarp to. Geo We',; pr, rty of.; 8 Smith ; conosicieration $375. ng,e. and .lot in Towanda 1),mo to - Sand WaThrldge, proper,ty t t D W ,Moody ; con ssol.li . BUSINESS LOCAL. tom' Funs !_ FURS ! FURS ! at J. L. liKsrs. dee2o. A. Good Winter Suit for- Ten Dol 1111'4 at .2os EN ; E4t.ts. Cir-.CAMP. CHAIRS FOR ,CIIRIST-: BAS.—New. lot, new prices, at the - . Bridge Street TdrtiltoreStore: dec2o, . We beat them all on Carving Knives and Forks, • atAptt,r g 'o Crockery store: rfr Holiday Goods to suit altclasses at KUNT'S. • derZ). ar' The finest Silver Pl e ated Knives, Torksand Spoons, In tho markt:l t at 0 £ Ladies, Mises, mid Cl;ildre'n's Furs at reduced prices, at J. L. Emirs.: ' soverTi ted•.Riiives, triple late; tm:y t 4.00 per doz. 3fAnit.t.'s Crockery Store, . • fancrGoods ia_ great. variety, at J. L. L.V.CT*B. . decW.- ;,:;X Don't forget to call at KENT'S be foro buying yoir Fun. dear. 'a" Toni can b l ay a plated CastOr for 99 In Ilercur Slott. IT Depot for Gold; Surer and Steel spectacles at Cualtatlit.tS'a ,\ • 4 Stock of taseinator's and Suit goods at J. L. sitars. . ot;e:o. • -• \ cids ,nd out our Silver-Platedware, • \ Crockery tlrladks SAke - Tratidliamdera and Tits in great 'wiry, sp. L. KENT'S. - - tar You cart alway s * get bottom prices at ei!AwataLts ) 'S V, . - Shawls I Shawls ! Shawls! Just re ctsved at .1r .L KalrEr. • dett). nr. Vie finest assortment f ollampts 'ln town tor to etr. foo to et Stowe. . . ;Cl'TOWtatialwalt flail what fon Jeiasz, saitiweir &la iinnr Plated Ware it • . CluksimuiLl3ol. stock krifest, prices in a. Lowers.' . deal. • Oro celery awl Gloves in great, Tarte tv. i"Ourr!k deem. •or Alt the latest paVicatioih Tory cheap, at Wuncons SuAtirlt. 4 ‘, heinamber always, 'that we will ran you iamis, Crockery' sal Glassware at the icrwest prices,,..Matitit.s Crockery Stare. gs' Corsets ! corsets eorapta ! All klub, and prices ai sirsT:s. decWil . • 'tar •es *ling Chairs, (Itockeis) for cents, at the cent Store. - tar li. A. COWLEA at be Bakery oppo site the 31011IIS a large supply of fresh ly baked Cracken. • dec2o. , tar Iron can :get' skl the lateststyles of Statkurry, vesreheap, at W \ HITODArn k SUAirr's farßoys Large Tool 'et nt A, at 09 Cent Store. tar New firm, new goods a cies at the Zetilge Street Furniture St Or Sleds, all kinds, for 99 cents Cent Store. - ,1 CLIAMUERLIN igen& goods,chea. for cub, than aniother establishment In Northern Pennitylvinia. ' . re-Go to Caisrugatax's and wo hts assortment of American. Gold and Silver watches. A.CUAEUEULIN has just re: tarried frets New York with goods for 'belled'. days.' L. • Everything iii the tine of' station. at Willi Mat , • kg" Bronze Lamps, 'with Crystal Ilium- PAW . only 00c .. Crockery Store. Iw. the uew 511' lartanie = from 90ct;_to *4OO, at MA-. wa.lZ . s.trockery" ore. : . Nov.=.l.w. Vi r .II.ITCOMBX,SZ- SILAUT sell the best. Blank Books nianufaetored In the country. dir New qoods; Holybiy Goods, Toys and Fancy G 0044 next week \MA,Dit.t ! 's Crock ell Store. ~ , • N0r.22.1w.. • Undertaking a spemality at the .Bridge Street Furniture Store. t4r Cheapest. Black Pure bioll parus; Mork rind Colored Cashmeres just POWELL & CO. CW. Just received. Another Larg Stork of tamps:at MADILL'i; Crockery Storti. • .r-8- Calicoest nice style just opened at Scents . .lo Casosof best Calicoes, beautiful sties, G 4 eents, POWELL & CO. . . . Mits. MINGOS has .the - Jest . Skirt Supporter, alvo:tbe Skirt 'Elevator.' • t' Go to CowtEs's Bakery for yoiir Christmas Canilfes. dec2o. "r' Everybody enjoys Co*Ls's Coco si.q candy.. 'Fresh Atippls made everyday. (Mete. rar To FAnAirats NEEDbIe FANNING lllta.s.—Wo have. a large stock of the Fannlag whleh is deetaie4 to b the hest Mil by all, whtell we Wlftsell cheaft. for ea c h. . . . rg- Cologne Sets and'irases, at great !,.F bargains than ever offered before in this. market 3rApiLL's eroekery Store: In making 'your selections for the itr,rus'is„ remember tlu j rlcesor the artlelecfor W. at MAptur.'s CrOCkery Store, range from nue cent.npwr M' rednCtion on rates to all pelnts Al .\ wthwest and Sinitbwest. The cheapest fares eve , : offered. Write or apply to G. It:Sherwood, Towanda, L.V.: it. B. ticket Oaten. nr The Best quality of Family Flour at sty;r: SWC 31It.LS a\Mi4ole.%ale or retail. tsligt-tfJ :"H" L. B. ROD9 . EILi Challenges compe titian forgnailly or goods nod' .I%* prices on . Sash. Boo:s, Blinds and 3loltlini. N, and \ all Lnfiding ma. tavEzdfj. • \ CV' YEAR . 8 PAltlil*. \ —A - . • Is'eu: ear's party will be given at the Bartlett Wy.ipk tog, on the evening of Monday, l ' lvKeentl.ei 'Mat. IST;.lfnslc, STULLN & 311113tiNAL,D • s Lerches LIR. • Doxa friends of Rey\ Itunitt wßtpay him a 'Donation visit at the !M. E. Paraonage Wyahtalug, Ps, on Chrlat- Inas afternoon and evening, Der. 25211: Everybo,ty Ix Invited. By order oisoin. &eta. d .cl2-2.W. •C..-zr Ladies and Gens-.—We have just re, Celfed a line of genuine Jaiianeso goods. boughtdi..... et from the Siiiiierter, and ivould extend a ebr• dial initiation' to yogi- all to co; examine them; MADILL'S Crockery Store. ONLY 30 DAYS.—llaritig cons tled to ronain in Towanda ot,ty an days longer, titis Is it , gi've timely notice to ail is: , r.sehs desiring gimt lee gginf In our line of geodatO come forward ni`•otire C. .S.ConswEa. , 99 Cent Store. \ ilt..( 20 - 6n3T Smith. Claus' has established 'pus headquarters at 211•Alsita,'S Crockery Store rer the cutting ifolidamand any °nein want of beau- UM articles will be helped at least In theirstdec tloas by inoitturover the stoc k . In the assort meat will be found goods fro m Japan, France, Germany and other foreign ... countries, as well as a great homber of samples ocAnterliaaskilland workthan . Mr' 4 -A great pemspaper„in every sense rf he phrase '! la the judgment'' of journalists and ho t peopba upon. the Philadelphia weekly Time ~ Not yet a year old, this weekly paper has 'acidr.veU a success do circulation as well, as it in fluence' Chat Is without a parapet.. It .einbrav,s eight page ' 4r sixty-four columns, pal to overflow tng with repitable matterMeant:et - horn every part of the wide 6kls of- Polkics, Literature, Sclenee and Art. Thee iterlal page abounds In crisp coin' melds ou the nee Of' the day, embodying carefej and firdaPendeut dgnriut fearlessly expressed. The' depirtments reli fug to home and society and . i garden mate it %Tice at every eve fi reside, and off -1 er froin Week to week to Watkins that are Irresist able to the., scissors of an tilion, Fiction; poetry and tales of iraiel:and adiTure y finil a place in every mintier. Bit the great, distinctive featurii of the I'hilailelphia weekly. Tir ' it , It series of chapters WI, the exu- Ot Tilt W.tili.- EMI' one Of thi ota prominent actor -in the Litt the States, and describes ear, r that came within his own pet No newspaper ever bef7e prose of contributors:as appear In .hauotaii them are such meu as lion. A. G. Curtin. Gen. Jos General Jose * ph Meeker. G enerat Ipit .sk,, lion. John W. Eerney, General.G. T. Reauregard, General William 41. Franklin , Hon. 4ohn U. Rea gan, il<lll. 'Simon 'e.iititerttn; Gee, Richard Taylor, 7 General John C. filament, and such women asMrs. Stonewall Jackson, Alta, E. E. Briggs ("Olivia ",) anti Mrs. Jesse Benton Fremont. The_ prospectus of the Weekly Tfiai r has made Its appearance. At ttils season when 'people ire .selecting their news- ' !vipers for the next - Tear, no one should fall, to send Tor and examine7W_ reetiren„ copy of this truly. ' raularkable Conrail. ' ' : . . qUAMBEIILVVB. ~.....___ • • • :.- 'MARRIED. . . T. .. . In WyAos. Dec. 17.;87:,..4 Rev. E. T. Duteln , r, Mr-N. It. 3lcrt ill, of bitchflehl to :Hrs. Jerusha I. r nacre! Itrin.w. Alluf IVratlford Ctitinty, Pa. • . mkt). '• „. i'IF.RCE. —ln. Smithfl¢td,• Do.celrii)er 19, Mrs . waiter Pleree, aged 41 3ears. • / • The Annual Neeting of tlie, Stock 'holders of the Towanda Itridge Co. for the'yeetlou of, a President, Treasurrr nud six Manager*, serve the enitulugß year, will he•hold at the First National Battik; Towsnda, , Pa.. on WedneNinft4n •'d day of lanuary,"..between. the hours of and 3, P. 31.. . • „ ••\ !..f, N. BETTS . ..tn., Dec 4 1 , 1877.' \ - •Trral.urer.• DISPEIIIII I Di'aPl:llt l .lA ! DYSPEPSIA • Dyspepsiaris the most, perplexing of all human ailments. ,ICs symptoms ereahnoet intlnHe In Mali variety, and the forlorn and desponilent victims of the disetie - Often fancy thetnselves the prey, lu term of every known malady. This is due, In part, to the close suppling which exlonx between the stomach and the brain, and In part also the fact that any dliturbance of no digestive function ne cenarily disorders' the liver. the bowellt and, the . 1 /enCan Iffidclo. - and effect., to seine extent, die , quainy orthe Wood: - • . • E;.Zsdate4iffitterTitne of Route sinarionts. treat Bargains, in ,OVER9O4:TS nsurs. I qept.n. Chests, for 99 ,hree Button Kid Gloves in all Oa at Mee. " SPECIAL LOC%L. This Is iota new plepuatalm, tobetMed eta tonne wanting, It bas been -pmsetibed4 litany Teats pinetles of emit:mit with unparatelled interns. •It is not Myst or Intend ed to tollataitho antrum to whirl' the Musa* fam ily is subject. but fl warranted to eine D to its most obstinate form: Kuniteln DIM= of Iron never falls to cure. Symptom' of Dyspep sia ortibto of appetite, wind and rising of 'Ma food; dryness of the month, heartban, distetadon of the stomach and bowels, mmatipatkm, headsebn rasa - neas. sleepiessnelie and low spirits. Trylbe great retnedy and r e eonVlsieed of Its neuritis... Get the genuine. Take on* Kutikersorldeb utonl one dollar, bottles. Depot, =ft North Nin p th , Stre y et, Philadelphia, Pa. It never falls. Yor sae by all Druggists and dealers evelywhere. ' I • and tryfor B. P. Kunkel's Bitter. Wine of Iron and try no other. dlx bottles for flwr dollars, or One dot tar per bottle. • ' ' . , • • WORMS: WORMS/ WOEMEI . • Kunkara Wornl , ruP never falls to de stroy Pin, fleet and Stomach Worms. br;Kunket, the only successful physician who removes Tape Wormlo, two hours salve With head, and no fee.uu 11l removed. Common sense teaches If' ape Wortu be'removed. all other, aortas can hereadlly mrored. Send fur circular to E. F. Kunkel, 259. North Ninth Street, Philadelphti, Pa., or cull to your dimple% fur a bottle of. Kunkel's Worm Syr up, price tr. Althaver falls. : • - E . KUNIC4 . 3 lA - STEAL - . AND E. T. RUN FOS THE HAIR. - The hest and cheapest; Hair braising and Hair Cleaner in the world. They remove dandruff,: al lay irritation, soothe and cool tttoheated scalp, pre vent fthom falling off, mid - promote the: growth In -*STY short time.. They preserve and beautify the flail., and render it soft and glossy. They-Impart a brilliancy and a - silky appearance to braid and wiry flair, and at* hair dressing, they are unrival led eradicate dandruff and prevent baldness. The - sbatnpoo cleans the Hair, .rennyves - grease, scurf.- Itching, eruption. Cores headache 'produced by heat and fatigue. • TEnnkers Shampoo and Enteral tut:tures Hale to a natural and glossy color, tistore, feded, dry,liarsh and wiry hair. Price per bottle t. Ask vonr.denggist for them,- or semi to Proprietor, N0..239, North Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. " • .1= , noMI7. 7; 2 . Markets.: . • . d Lmar29. iIEI TOWANDA MARKETS.... ~NEEPORTE. G DY wrigvrags k LEII , III, Geuertl dealers in Groceries and Produce, Patton's ock, corner Main atulitridge Streets. WEDN 9. - DAY 1 'E:9;IND; DEC. 19, 1977. • • Flour per bbl. sick_ DuckwhCat Flour. 401 Corn deal per 100 Hrs.. • Chop Feed, - Wheat per hush 1 - 25 Gi 1 40 Corn, " • .60 40 . - Rye,"' i` • •7o oats. " .` • 84z 35 • 40 Iltiekwheat, " - 50 \ Cloyer seed, medium„' • - • 7 00. pea vine.. • Timothy, wcstcrri, -181 ' 2,00 Deans, 62 Dm, .. -1 00 @ 1 Pork, mess .... lB 00 bbl 10c lbs llain4 • 9 - 0. 11 12 Butter, tuba.... 18.0' 25 '2O 27 Eggs, treish ' @2o 24 Cheese • '• 11}1 . 18 Gr.en apples, hash • -50 (3. , .7u (4 90 Dried ,• per lb.: - (9) Easpßerrics - ' • 18 20.6 2. : • Blackberries.... ••`-- Peaches ... . -20 (3 26 Potatoes, per hushel:..• 30 -75 .50 - Beeswax.. . -" Chickens. Turkeys's .7 8 ' • C 10. -@ ' 10 CORRECTED UT-DAYTON k BRO. Os• I 06 09 83.: 10. ;20 08 • 40 75 100 . 06 ( - 41 . 07' 11 (4. 35 20 -23 ' rs Al nett, Vents P Drarotiv She< p pelts. rallow.. Wool. . 'ow Advertisement:. LN10.51! FOR NOTH AiNG*: LiENETNE. USEFUL, . • • UNTERESTINU., • 3tICR`OSCOPE • 'Very ralltatite \ tety.very Fauttly—' 4c., a cheap Top. t.! drppped glass, but l i . hree... end Lenses, actlatily . ground, ,te.ith' stand, Dlapheagm\ glass Stage, plates, Pprlug., etc. U-es bath Reflect, ed and Transui Med L re,llt.—`Set siigoed 311croseori, everbefore olfer;Ni Mr 12.50. fl new. ..;neentions, by tflit tt.t,,etatrlng With' machinery, on \a' • ,hundred-fold gielter scale than eve \ r, !retort., atiempted.the cost is so reduced that, by beating part of . expensc. the, imblishei-sof the .Invrienn Agricaltur. fst eau offei•lrtoall Subscribers for I.l'B (ta sucli atone)• for - ONLY 40 GENTS, lough rlOhly. WORTH fatoo. to Every ally, In Its ptncttcal Usfulness, In strustlon and Anyinemenb,4or OLD and 1 - 01rNO.—A.00Nt'of ONE CENT, to yltr address to the Publlsheri Dy f'n.t4tal:enr,losill secures full denerlpt Kin of the Mlcrocope-and its IT WILL PAY. ONE DIME( l',iprice) with YoWr address:, w I ltbrlng a*per limen . Copy oi A hler , jean ii/rieraturiat . (se ciith full descilptia:tof the lillsrescope,andtnarl . a. other valuable reading, worth many -11 Res dime. Send Your address , only, or Dinte•with it ; Oft send (2 for the .4vieriertn .igrieullaraliel, all at 2878. inclutisag the 31.1erostope, s also.-C copies and 2 StierVsropes for .1.9'0 caci:; • three • or et.lat each tfout $1.70 eaCIO: 15 ,tent. extra for each Microaeope WI)! pre-idy Its delivery anywhere in United States or Catiadss. . • Diu.. \EV, ERY . 130,PrE .PAPER. The best:and Cheapest in the World ; .For • City, .ann! ( 7 9:14%6 ; For every Man s, Woman, and Everywhere : • 1 ; A MERMAN AGRICULTURIST; •o-called because started itO years ago as a Eurall I.nynaliwhence Its tiante'l—but:greatly cuiarg-. I in size and scoi , e,; \ without change or name. rail now a large gplemild, DlUstiated Touren', adapted to the\Wants. I•Masirel• arm! T.nntor 'emetic cit.Et:erbiltri/Oer of Ertry PitMity! \ rt rlly. V itlege; and Couuti--fact of PLAIN. . 11:517,U 1„ \INTEIiESTING.; and iIIGITLY ISTRUCTiVE N.FORkIIe7 lON with Departments • int;si Valuabie \to DOusekeepers, to foutb, and i t.•, \. , • Every Volume contains Sin to Cklo Citlglual En- , s , • tinali'eecutedand won prlnted \ oli tip« raper, which are DDEASING and. INSTEVC,t• 1 .s. . • - . • 4)Pecon read qtili Jimraal .!lad air s+troUg. Sints.l/ melt pay Lock sang cuSt. °- .TEltMel. Tor the. Engltshoir ‘ tlerman Edition ; D.Ofict year (sent - s Eaur .copies (tad each). Tat copies, /up° (i4O each). - Extra Tor Mierotcope, as _ . above.—.9dreas Loiers.‘ • • • . . C ORANDE JUDD OIIDANY, TRY IT A YEAR.% • - - 2j5 Broad.ar,_ .I.;Cur York _ THE XAMINER enitbslcLE. rEst.tIII,ISIIED 1N 1S:".?:] A . ; i4i) UT 3t AN Y TIIOII4ANDI3 Tux "310 ST WID . EI4 CIRCULATED 6APTI4T NEWS.'PArkt?: PUIMISI!ED EVEItY TIICUSbAY AT ' 39" P-ARK.RoW;„NEW-YORK, EDWAIW-IIIIIGIIT:& CO., 4 NOW DELIVERED BY BAIL, POSZtOE PRI PAI At , V. 50 Yeat. , • , • 1:1.1.:11 . .S. OF TEN, 'o2'. W ITII A FUEL r7krt:tc, . • . • HE' EXAMINER .ANtreII•II6.NICI.I.:4-15 i f .- tin, Iteiy 3 Family N•iespaper: in making it tho 1.1(11r has the cO•Operalidll or th.s••• best newspaper \ ;.• wrltte or 14s i)..hdehoiulnation, • Infsh!es the ae easlonal •ntributtoas,ln sperbil departmehts, of ,iirlters o 'arknewleolgetl'alillity lii other cow, inunlons.. - • . IT CO PRISES' A CURRENT EVENT EXPOSITOR: • A LIVING PULPIT. ANI) PLATFORM; A 3IN'' , IOV altY - AND RAPT/AT EVENT I:MEL/RD; • SUN'trA Y r,ctIOOL IN:ST'ITUTE A - 11: - DUCATION.A A WOI.:ATE ; A LITERARY. T I,IEOLOGICAL. SCIENTIFIC • AND ART 'REVIEW 'A POPULAR :FAMILY - AItiCELLANY AND • .PUZZLEILS REALM TOE HUSBANDMAN - S HELPER; A STARK ET-REPORTER, Ste. - AU conducted In Au outspoken, settle-awakeawl tN,polar mariner. For snuipto copies anti terms,to eanyttssera ad dress • " P. O.illox 3435, New•Yurk "Cfty. . TIIE REPORTER' OFFICE • - ...- • _. • . _ BEST. JOB PRINTING Of _any . Itotabllshnrent. „ ;ln Northern Penns/mitt lIIIIOLESA LE. RETAIL. fl . 50 @ 5 5) 00 Z Z 5 1 Zi =I "Does tko Leta. ~ lAL LIST -FOR JANUARY TEAR; We I - POST WbUC. Elias Ilutustete? el Cornelius Utinsicker /dee • Thistde Winner tea W Hinny. debt d'lt Camille, Cordell* X Ke11ey....., op peal Wto )lay vs L T Rape. ...... t ............ Deepen R 8 Hakes JO" SCII*011: ....... .. . ... . .. eject Virg Nat, Donk OSA Messes Jo* IFeyete.. - . debt chart. W Clapp vs Jahn D Kepley assuurpt S Wildston. *Mines vs Willi Itodises.appeo 4pnathan Hunt vs Frederick Lowman. .. .. eject 414: Pierces use vs &dein Blakeslee, etal....issue mils, &Weft!) vs 'ernes Kelley • 'eject Justus B Raynor,* W J. Faller debt Deo U Walks vs Pa &1C& R It Co_ eject Austin tiltehelPs use vs le C Rockwell ' appeal L cKean Wm 8i1e5..„.. elect 4 0 Frosty* (.4 A Bunts ' appeal DC 'lemur viletin Reason% • - lase i cob Mann vei Horton oPPial Iler H Avery vs Hiram Horton sppe: I retries Sullivan ve Daolel Driscoll teepee Nor N Whitney.,.* Ernest Whitney, et Is smetteei o,tDeltb 'AL:en WelL ,asampolt Count Jane Hewitt vs Samuel Kellum eject Adella C I.eonsrd. era! vs Rod'k W S Pierce vs Jose Schoonover - set td • • ALCOiID WILVX. " • Geo W. kith vs Victor E Monet - aianitipt Samuel Walbridge vs.W W Decker covenant Win Northrop vs Win (ME' appeal Washington Miller va John U Schrader appeal .., Alba Bottenth Ti N X Reynolds „appeal li C Eisbree is Charles Elsbree app George Nicholls va Maw Decker, et al appeal .1 V Lewis's use vs J V Benjamin Issue Wm A Nixon vs L G Vanhorn trcapass Bridget-Connolly ws Wm It Stems eject V Nut Bank Athens vs EllzsbethWelles, etal.debt Jeremiah' Both vs -Prank oddard ..assumpt 'Levi S4nriird J C Pelierws cipesl Eilenbeth hall vs Richard Kennedy • appeal Jackeon Leiria vs 0 E Pickett lapb McNeal, vs P Correll . II 31iiier' Rlake-Wales appeal Edward Overton vs Vol Smith's' ox'r set fa EOwird Overton vs Val Smith's es'r • eel Ye. • - W p4p*Oli Benjamin Northrop— .ejeeinient C Chilton tar:Waltman Peal Susan canner, et al vs W Doane • - AP eject Janet Gill va Levi Wells 4 —debt S Pluwider Peterllerdie appeal • .4 Dubois vs peter Herdic appeal iribisenis lit Week IleturnableXondayiJan.l4,l7- .. tut 66 • • ,BENJ. 31. rzpr Prot. Towanda, Pa., Dec. IT, , A . . A SSI.GNEE'g ALE.--By virtue',_•of the a issued out of Crt' of Coins tucin.Plivaa of Bradford County. the ou under:ooNi; 'Assignee of the Towanda Eureka Mower Company, of Towanda; Pa,. will 'expose to public sale ou the premise*, on THURSDAY. 'DECEMBER 27th,. X 47, at 2 o'Clock.k. s - the frolowing.real estate. situate In Towanda Borough, Bradford - Co.. Pa.: Beginning on Malimit at the Southeast corner of three-story brick machine shop .btilldingf thence ' westerly along the line of land now or lately owned by J. F, Means to Second-at; • thente. north along line of Second-it lie feet, utoreor lest, 'to land of John Braiind;thence easterly ,Sdmig'land' of said Bmond sad others till It interdects thedine of land conveyed to grantors by ifernYEssenialne; thence northerly MI feet and 10.Incbest thence easterly airing the Center of au alley Oa feet wide,) 77 fret -to vve?t line of Mairetitt thence,' southerly 145 feetto the Place of beginning. ALSO—One other lot, situate in said. bortingr s and bounded 'as followsAvli: Beginning - at the - northeast comet of land_ orthe Towanda Eureka Mower CoMpany;onMain at; thence westerly along . the center of an alley py', - feet to-lot belonging to Win. 0. Deradresktrititice sOmtheHra, iturg-the tine of said Remotest lot to the north line of „landi , of tie Towanf Eureka Mower Conspany: thence'' '. carkteriyal • said line 26 feet more or less to .a - •comer; the ca northerly along tine of land of the Tow illida Eureka Mower Company to the to of— beginning: -- • The aforesaid litta having thereon a three-story 'brick machine shop, with brick, atone and wood. , tdditions, and a two-story frame toilldlox used as a shop—with machinery and fixtures. therein, and other outbuildings, known as the manufactory of the Towanda Eureka Mower Company.. TFR3IS -OF SALF..--fl.ooo itt be raid on the • property being struck down, and balance on censitr. mat ion. -E. T. FOX; , Assignee. I will also sell at the same thineand place a quan 31eirIng _Machines, extra parts of machines. Lumber: Machinery. Tools, Patterns. Pateuta, Of nee Furnittiie, aid other property—lnelndlog all the personal assets of what everAlnd of the Towan da Eureka Mower Company. TERMS CIF SALE.—Cash. E. 7.70 X. PecS,77.3w. . • Assignee. - . -- (.1111 5 11AN'S COURTO SALE. - NJ' ilv yirtue of an order issued out of the Or phan's Court of Bradford Counts-. Pennsylvanla. the undersigned. Executors of the last will and testament or Curtis Tyrrell, late of t; , iitettivinshlp. it' said county. of Bradfortl, deeeL,,e d; will extstet• e to public sale, upon the premises. on PILIDAY.I J.LN VARY ISth, 1817, 3t 2 o'clock, P. x., all of that' errtailA lot of land - Otuate In the township of rikl., mot State of Pennstvanla, and bounded and des-' erfheil a s follows to It • . (in the north hy taints of the estate of Jesse Han cock : cast by the County Ilse t . south by lands of Caroline Watermao. and West by the Fowler Hill r• 'ad oqu l'atletl4 containing thirty.five acres of land be tne same More less, with the appurtenances. TERIIS OF SALE,—, ^ vh/0 to.be paid on the daY of sale ;stab° on the Anal confirmation of the sale. and the balance in one year after Anal ctinermation., .. Y. Y. TYIIItEt-t.; - , L. M. TYRUELL; 1 . _ . Execntors,:lte.,,of Curtis Tyrrell.; Dec. 27. .. DROCLAMSTION: WHEREAS, lion. MCI, D. Monnow, President Judge of. , ;be Vith .Inclielal District, consisting of the countY of.firailford. and Hon. C. S. Itosert.L. Assoclaps Judge in and fursaid county of Bradford, hare (s -stied their precept , bearing. date the 21st day of' Dec.. 151 - 7, lo me directed. for holding . a Court of Oyer and Terminer: General Jail Delivery.. Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and °roll:lnt...Conk', at Towanda, for the county of , lermirofd. commencing on Monday, .Feb, 4th ISM, t4‘ ~n tinue• three Weeks. - Noticit Is therefore hereby given totheCoronera and .Justicesot,the Peace of the County of Brad. font, that they be then- and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock In the fotenoon of said day, with records. Inquisitions and other re:wen:lira:ices to do those,,things which to their ottlee appertains to be done: and teose who are bound by recogni. zaares or otherwise, to prosecute against the prls. oner:!.weo are or may be In the Jail of said county, are tObe-thtin and there to prosecute against them aS shall be Just. Jurors are requested to be, pane. :nal imlbeir attendance agreeable to their notice. Dated at Towanda,the 21st dayo'Decemter, in the 'y•r , ar of our Lord, one thousand ; eight hundred and seventy-seven, and of the Independence of the United States, theione hundred and first. A., J. LAYTON, Aheriff, TIMOR'S NOTICE.—In the _ matter Or the estate of Emily Jenkins, late 'Leßaysvllle Bar°, deif'd. The undershined. an Auditor appointed by the orphan's Court of Bradford County, to distribute tunes in the_ hands of the Adminisfrator,arralng froin, the sale or said estate, will attend the duties or his appointfnent at the office. cif G. W. Brink, 'Esq... In Lettaysville,onSTEDAY,WlTAlty 12. 1878, at 10 o'clock. a. in„ at which time and place all persons having elatths on said, funds, ate v.:gaited to present thein or be forever debarred from coming in oti Said4und. TERLEY WRECK. . ' • Auditor. Dee. 12. '77-4w XTOTICE.In the matter of the - I ./n - solveney -- of A. P. l'eterten. In the Court. of Common he Pleas of .Bradford County, No r• • . On e 3d-of December,- 1817, the said Peterson filed his petition - in • said Court, together with a strcnietit of all his his Indebtedness eluding the names-of all ht* creditors, .and the all his losses, .whereupon the Court (the said Menlrson having given bond as required by - law.) fixed on . 3IONDAY, Ito Ith day of FEB- Itt:A tor the heating. AM:creditors are hetet. by lin:Hied of the hearing, the time and place of the :•amo, where tifl - ean attend It they choose. . 4AVEBTON& dfEXCC t, Attorneys. Dee.l2-3w VOTlCE'Notice-is heieby ghen that application wilt he made to.the ficriera-, of.thiu Counnonw•ealth for a charter of incyrpo• ration for •YThe Sheshegnite and Ulster Ferry Cow. ply,••• cairporation to be organir,ed fur •the par po.e of niaintainhr, a• ferry between the lowasidpa. of Ulster and.Shesheqnlo, in the :County of Brad• fbrd, on or before .fanuare in. 1878. (Signed) . • ,11ENT.1..F. lirATKINS t i • W ynER. 2 BIRDSEY WATICINS, A. D. ALINES'. P4t. I\ISTRATRLX - NOTICE:. [lee Is hereby given tharalhpersons tn•. ., the estate of Orlando J. Park., late of tap, must inakelonnedlate pay. all persona having claims against salt! es-' nesent them quly :tuthenttented for set - M. DF.I.r. ' A dmlnlqtrat ri . ,—Notice is —Notice is' tetchy Oren that persons In. d..pred to the rata of 1. It Sliermandate of Litch iteitt nip, deed, rata make immediate payment, and alt-per ons having claims against said estate must presentthem Adlr authenticated for settlement, \ F.. 11... t t . 1.1 ERNI AN. nort, , ,s4w. • - ••• • -Admintstrattr. , ' E.., XECUTOWSNaTICE.—Notice , . is hereby glyen that all persona Indebted to toe estate,oth. hellion - Payne, late of Pike tap., de. ceased; are requested to make Immediate payment, and all persons Muting claims - against said estate, must present them duly , authenticated for settle.. went.. '. \ WM. M. PAYINT - E. . . LORIN DA. P.:1175T, • ,Executors, drs^ ` o-6w,• . Ea 1 - U TOR 'S tiO TI C E.—Notice 4 4ls hereby even that all itersons Indebted to the estate or Ira / Beeman. late of Plke tett), de• ceased. are requested to mateimmedlate payment; and all persons having claims aga,last said, estate most present them duty, airthOntlealed tor settle talent. P. 'WOODRUFF. ". - •E. L.. CARICI NGTON. Executors.: der'26.4% , . ~, XEC UTOR'S NOTICE.--'Ncitioe • ... . • • s_j Is Isere4 given that all' peeseni‘s Indebted to the rl.tate et James A. titles, late etNyaluolng. do re:l , Ni. mien make Immediate paynrrht. and all pet. sNI 4 having Claltna against said estateltunst present thou duly authenticated for set , lement. '•••- , • LEWIS BILES, - Executors. - ufn=-8h • DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE: fr—Notiee hi beret's" given that all 4r....rsons in. debted to theestate of Philip Willlamt. fate of Pik* t p. el.eeased: are :fe.plested . to make. immedlito payment. and alt Persons having claims ags Instaalg.. e:date mast Present theta duly autqerotit;atelt` fcl settlement. , 'll. HOWELL. nevia•Ow. L jiff: ANNUAL MEETING of the Stoebhohlerrol the Flret,National Bank. 'of Towanda. Pa..for the election OP Dimmer. o Pt be held et the °Mee of the Bank. on Toe y. Jauua: between the hours of I and 3. P. 11. - • N. N.'DETTti,..tst C. ashier. 4. 1-379: XTOT.ICE.,-Notice Ig hereby. given lA. Uu thD undefalood will apply to the !NOS Legialature for the p saaje of an Act anbregating , the County of grailark to the rights , of IT Whin Buoyah,: . agninat the estate of G. V. Nilsson. find '14114 w a certain Jholgo.ent In ,the Coon of Cblirt• hum Pleas of Bradford (74?1101.y. No. 80; May Term . 1874. against. --;• n0v".1:,77-tw, --AITANTED.-1,000 TONS PRIME - T v . TIIOTHY HAY. ' - • ' _ . 1 1 '0r price, &e.. imtt en or address G. S. ACKL1111: uttuoialo des.orin Salad laity Nut Straw. Spring I.IW;Pa. , `.apt aS,l7llmr. . . • 1117141eAN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers