1 trzws ?sox az NATIONS. • coal mines produce 250,000,000 tons annually - . - , .'inE report of the death-pf Durnof, the aeronaut, proves untrue. . .. .. kmv YORK has ,4118 rotten _telegraph 1- poles and 1,659 rotten trees. Tnosr.' who drink blood say it tastes like cream with a tart taste. Tuv. New York State fair will be held near Albany, September 11 to 15. 1 "ty.r: 100 ,PANVIC I FE SCOUTS will help to prose cute the war against Sitting Bull. ONLY 50,000 baskets of peaches reached Philadelphia on Thursday from Delaware. Tits; - pedestal of a - statute to Daniel Webster has been deeted in Central Park. New York. grand grade of the Knights of Pythias tool: place in Philadelphia on the 22(1 inst. tituEE thotir,and Conneticut,troopS will mi into camp at Philadelphia on the Ist of September. . O'LEARY has the prospect of havingto talk a week: to prove that he walked lioneStly fora, week. A sit.v rat coin famine is again predicted, the l , sub-treasurieS being drained as fast .as they receive it. • THE New 'York Jefferson Market bell weighs 111,500 • pounds, and it--is the 'heaviest tire-bell in that city. tut.: Fourth of July was celebrated in Japan by a steamboat explosion, with the losi of twenty lives. - A • cosnui"TOß has been found who says thd registering turnstile on his street car "saijes him a great deal of trouble. • Iluxurtttus of British literary folks are. it is stated, coming to view the instructive wonders •of our Centennial, during the nuinth of September. . - Berks county agricultural society hai - e resolved to prohibit all forms of gam-bliiw; or games of chance on the -fair grOnds. • . I'oIEST fires are raging near Fairlieid and•Tuaeo, in 'New, Brunswick. About 21)00 acres bare been burned over near FOrtield.l • A telerrram from Genera) Terry's camp amiounees the Completion of the prepara; tioilsfor the march up the Rosebud, in search of the Indians.. 4NHTHE.n large hotel is to be erected at SaMtoga for the entertainment of _guests of moderate means. THE latest dying machine is to depend for buoyancy on an extended, thin aerial surface. and fur motive pOwer upon steam, Let Ily. A KW.. f..LeNortnattiliton county prison er, is to he defended on the ground of in . chnitv. - His trial ;is now progressing at • . 'Eatr4Jll. 1 THE 1F,04/ fears a future impostor of thei Arthur Orton sort wiThrise to person atel Charlie Boss,. from the publicty with which the ease is treated. ' SEVEN thousand more kegs of lager leer ere solil in Brooklyn during the motith of July than during the correspond last year. t THE delegation of. French marksmen sel4cted by the government to visit the Centennial exhibition embarked for Puila delithia, Sattirda,y. . I;tt.uctr bas been invited to address a Soldiers ' Reunion, in person , or:by letter, stati,ngwhat Ad from lsUl to P....4.;5 to v.fin the Union cause. • '. SPECIE ;.liiptnents to Europe on Satur, day', from New York. ,were $:227,000 1 off' which €:100, t, was Spanish doubloons in transit. and the remainder mixed. i 1111 E "Political ciorres'pondenee," at Vienna. says •Muklitar Pacha has been coniptll,ed 'to place his troops on half rations, and has slight hopes ,Of tiovEnNou l'oun.E has offered a 1-eward of titino and the Board of Freeholders of Atlantic county $3OO for the apprehension of the murders of George ('hislett. ,NNtort the Contributors to the fund for' the reception of, the Earl of Dutferin at Victoria, British . " Columbi a - - were a large number of Chinese - miners and laborers. r THE convention of the Ancient Jewish Order of Kesher, Shel Barg'ee, held in New Yolk, adjourned after a four day's session. to Meet at Syracuse eighteen months hence. On. josErit - DILLARD, of Crawford county Georgia, has a pecan tree which yields hiin nine bushels of nuts every year. thuds readyi sale for them at $1; per. S:stAt.t, rob is so prevalent in San Fran cis;, that tiee police have been ordered io tirrest all persons in front of whose pre i mises filth or fplibish,lis been allowed to a l iteumidate. t ' .11 - m; t: Et,w 1.1.1. has recently deided, in a stilt arising in Columbia county, that rei.:drs to school buildings already erected cannot be-paid for out of taspecial tax for building purposes. • To show how real estate has depreciated I * in value in _ ew York city it is only neces sary)to mention that property valued at s'2llcl.ooo three years ago sold for $50,000 cash, the other day. PlirsiciaNs pronounce Gen. L. E 0 's mind as'.nsßl a condition as ever it was, and! he will so4ni be removed to his home. Ile n ili not ti2sittne his " Ilumpty Dumpty' .profession for a year least. S(uTlNci - Bun, is :said to direct the filoN'ements of his men from the rear, by •tbr.wing the reileetiim tira large looking .g'hisis over their heads co any point on whiCh he wishes them to charge. The trustees of Cornell University have agrtied to advance. 41111 U to the boat club in the form of a teiiiporary hian, atxl the bill for the boat used at Saratoga has been paid by a liberaj undergraduate. Tit New YorklTiii/acht, in an article en the general reduction of wageS in that city; states that any builder can employ as many tirt.t-class carpenters as be wants at :1:5 . 1te week,_and tind:thenigrateful fur the Chance. ut.E othp . r mills are idle part of the time from the - lack of orders, the " Dan ville. Iron 'Works" ~are so busy that they have sub-let threcAundred tons of .5111 b railti to the:Co-opei.ative Iron Works. TEIF, American ba t rtfue " Ellen Dyer," Captain Clapp. which left New York July 1, arrived at Fredrichaven, Aug has been totally destroyed by tire - 16 Aahuns Bay. The crew were saved. • A iwsr.vrcu fi' - orn.Paris says ,the Turk ish is of the opinion that his government will not accept. meditation in. .regard to 311intengro. c . Ile thinks Prince Milan willT be 'dethroned, but Servia will Lot be divided. lb:mew:Lt. wha,forge'd his fath ers name,. in Philade)phia in July last, to a check for $3:2,1 II :( tq cover losses in Stock trittisactitins, and-afterward tied toPana da, hits. been arrested at Erie and taken baCk to Philadelphia for trial :1".% HT •if the kneel of the British frig ate' Hussar, stink at Hell (late during the ItevOlutionary War, has !wen . raised,; but littW of her' iron is to be found, and, as yet, itoile of the gold which the divers are in tinest A i - aiii•i'ntirioN has been fen Med in the District of Columbia to be known as the " NVOinan's National University, tevafford Avouren a 'thorough knowledge of sience, divinitv medicine and law, both- in the theory and iii practice." illl.i.Elt, alias WoOdrntr, the defaulting secretary , of the contract and finance com pany ,of the (:entral Pacific railroad, Saturday, was acquitted at S4ii Francisco, by ;the jury. The company had recovered most of his stealings before he was ar rested; , - TuE Miners' Trust Company's Bank, whicili recently suspepded at Potts Ville, Lopes to soon resume business. It is thoie;ht there 'will be no trouble about re opeping the doors, though of course large checks on funds previously deposited can ru tbe honored at once. , A FIZENCII physician says that one-, • half of the so , called drowned persons are buried alive, and that they might be re suscitated by proper treatment after being several hours under Water. His suggest ion is the injection of• aleholie stimulants, whipping ehergetically, and a hot iron in bad cases. TIMIIMAS - STEWA - 11T, a resident of Lan catstcrietnployed. as 4 brakesman on the Pennsylvania tailroad: was instantly kill ed in the yards at . West Philadelphia, Thursday night, .while shifting cars. An inquest was held—verdict, accidental deh[h. Ile was thirty-eight years of age, and leaves a wife and four children. THE Huntingdon New says there is a man liting down in tlig neighborhood - who;is the father of twenty-three children. The Canibr4 Herald sees Huntingdon and goeS two better. It says: Cambria can beat that.l Mr. Edward Davis, resid ',;g- in Jackson township, is the Whet of - - _ ME ES ffludfora Itgorta EDITORS& E. O. GOODRICH. l'awiutda, Pa, Thursday, August 24,1676 NATION 41, BEFIII3LIOAN TICKET FOR PRESIDENT, 11U THERFORD B. HAYES, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, WILLIAM . A. WHEELER, REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICIZtET CoL. EDWARD DVERTO J N, OF TOWANDA. (Subject to decision of Conference.) FOR STATE SENATOR, WILLIAM T.. DAVIES, OF TOWANDA. (Subject to decision ot Conference.) FOR REPRESENTATIVES, IRON. E. REED MYER, or iwYsox ; CAPT. JAMES FOSTER, FOR JURY, COMMISSIONER, THONAS A. LEE, OF HERRICK-. We will send. the CAMPAIGN RE PORTER from the Ist of September Ito 31st of December, for TWENTY- The Republican Convention which assembled in this.place on Tuesday last, was a remarkably quiet and peaceful political assemblage. ( Them was but little. strife over the nornina tionstwo of them,' Senator and Congress,were made by acclamatiOn. We shall give a more. extended ac count of the ConVention, together with a notice of the ticket, next week. May well feel proud of the very hearty and unanimous, endorsement received on Tuesday last. Two years ago he contested the nomination with Maj. LAPORTE, and after a siiiir ited contest came out" second best. lle cheerfully acquiesced in the de cision of the party, and yieldtsl hearty support to the ticket. Ilis nomination this year was .ceonled so unanimously, that it is a precusor of "acquiesence by the Conference. We have neither time: nor space this . Week to refer to his brilliant record as a soldier during the late war, his great ability and success as a lawyer, his' eloquence as a public speaker, and above all his unflinching hpneSty and. fidelity, all combining to fit him for the duties or a RepresentatiVe. We submit hi-p name to, the Confer- . • once proudly, and with the confidence that his fitness fk,r the position *ill be acknowledged by 'the Conferees'. 11'nominated, we pledge the county for a 'Majority which has not been reached for : many years. Was nominated by acclamation by the Convention on Tuesday for State Senator. The action was alike corn- , plimentary to Mr.. P. and 'the other, zentleman who aspired to the Posi ti6n. Like our ,candidate for COn iress, Mr. D. early enlisted in the . army. Since the war he has devoted himself to business, and is, perhaps, More widely known than any other . crentlenian in the county. The Latin-. iMity with which he was nominated is the highest encomium we could pronounce in his favor. On Saturttay. Sept. 2, the Republi cans, of Litchfield will raise a pole, and hold a ratification meeting at the Centre. Col. OVERTON; llon. E. Rti:n MYER, and Gen. MADILL will speak on the occasion. The Republicans of Athens are Making i_tensive preparations fora grand time rim Saturday afternoon next, *hen ; the campaign will be opened there. ion. .GEO. :AA. DON and CO!. OVEILTON ,have botltproin iSed: to be present and addie'ss the people. The announcement' of two siich - able and eloquent speakers will draw a large crowd. • The Republicans of Wyalusiiig have purchased a beautiful flag fur the use of their Club. On Saturday next they will raise 4 pole and throW the stars-and stripes to the breeze. They expect a big time. .llon. W. PALMER, of \Vilkes-Barle. a gen tleman who renaered - the cause of Republicanism great service ,in this county last fall, has consented to present and address the people. Gen. 31.truLt will speak 'on" the occasion. Turn but and hear them. 1 BEINTLTCREEK. Hon. G. L. SMITH, of Elmira, and W. T. DAviEs i of this place, will ad dress the Republicans of Ridgbury at Bently Creek, on Satuirdayafte'r noon next. HAYES and WHiELER pole will be raised at the same_ tine. The reputation of the speakers, us well as the tlreat importance Of the pending i!anipaign, should call - 'the . people of the !vice it - out r.n *l4. ' on the occasion. The ht aililicans of Ridgbury are alive and willli.„jve a good account of themselves in Ist's\ .-! vember. • SPEAKER SEER died at Roekbridge Alum Springs, Va., last Saturday evening. He was born near ~Ti thli littatei fit 185174' ENE s. w. sir.vosn. OF 01110. OF NEW YORK FOR CONGRESS, OF NORTH TOWANDA ; JOHN F. GILLETT, OF SOUTH CREEK. CAMPAIGN REPORTER THE CONVENTION. COL. OVERTON IME / W. T. DAMES LITCIIFIELD ATII ENS. IVTALirMING. - 4 ';',` ti, BAIIIXONY. The canary. will be gratified to obiirve that the legislative blanch of the government - is' in harmony with the Administration on one sub ject, a least. Just ;before the ad journment of Congress, Mr. Loan, Democrat from New York, nffered a resolution calling for free, ,untrain eled eleetiOns, and now. the Presi dent and Secretary CaminoN have taken practical steps to carry the reso lution into effect by, the proinulga tion of the following prdei : WAR DICEMRTRENT, Wasnlfit - rroN, Aug. 15, 1576. To Gen. W. T. Sherman, commanding U. S. Stti :-The House of Representatives on' the 14th rust., passed the following preamble and resolution, viz Whereas, ThO right ,of suffrage pre scribed by the constitution of the several Mates is subjeato the Fifteenth Amend ment of the Constitution , _ of the United States, which is as follows Article 100; Section I.—The right of citizens of the, United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the' United Stat's or by any State, on account of race. color or previous condition of servitude. Section 2.—Congress shall have power is, enforce this article by appropriate leg islation. And whereas The right of kuffrage so prescribed and regulated should be faith folly maintained . and . observed by the United States and the several States and citizens thereof ; and whereas, it is assert ed that the exercise of the right of suf frage is •in 'some of the States, notwith standing the efforts of all good citizens to the contrary, resisted and controlled by fraud, intimidation and violence, so that in such cases the object of the amendment is defeated ; and whereas, all citizens, without distinction of race, class or color, are entitled to the protection conferriA by such article therefore, be it Regoired, By the House of Represents, tines, that all attempts 1:1Y: force, fraud,* terror, intimidation or otherwise, to pre vent the exercise of the right of suffrage in any State should meet with certain,' condign and- effectual punishment, and that in any case which has heietof9re, occurred, or that may hereafter occur, in which violence or murder has been or shall be committed by one race or class upon the other, prompt prosecuticin and'' nnish ment of the criminal or criritinalOn any court having jurisdiction, is imperatively demanded whether the crime be one pun ishable by fine, or imprisonment,; or one demanding the perialtY.of death. The President directs that in acciiiilance with thb spirit of the above, you ,are to hold all the available force undcfr your command- not' now engaged in subduing the savages of the _ western frontier, in readiness to be used upon the call or requsition of the proper legal authorities, for protecting all citizenswithout distinct ion of race, color or political opinion, in the exercise of the right to vote as guar anteed by the fifteenth amendment, and to, assist in the enforcement of - certain, condign and effectual pakishment;" upon all persons who shall "attempt by force, fraud, terror.: intimidation or otherwise, to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage," as provided by the laws of the United States ; and to have such force so distributed and stationed as te be able to render prompt assistance in the enforce ment of the law. Such additional orders as : may be nec essary to !carry out the purpose of these instructions *ill be given to you from time to time, after consultation of the law officers of the' `government." CAMERON. This prompt acquiesence on the part of the President and Secretary of War in the seeming desire of, the Democrats for a fair election, angers . "well for a .peaceful and hat monious campaign. It is all that Republicans. have ever demanded, and no* that the opposition have conceded this point, ,as they have almost every other. doctrine of the Republican party, We look hopefully for the dawn of political millennium. A s WE predicted, Wyoming county almost unanimously presented Hon. F. C. : BUNNELL as a ,candidate for Congress in this distriot, and the Rein/Mica,/ gives him this send-off: " For the ,third time Hon. F. C. Bunnelll is' 'unanimously presented by the people of this county as their candidate for Congress. The.;nnani mity with which he has been Chosen, proving the esteem in which he is held throu g hout the county, is the highest endorsement that can be giv en him. Mr. Bunnell is a thorough; practical and honest business mani and a man of sound judgment and intelligent opinigns. Being himself a working man, lie is in deep sympa thy with the toiling millions, and has always been identified with the labor in7 interests. He is generous and public-spirited, and- has done much for the interests of his town and county. Mr. Bunnell has represented this district in Congress for short term • with credit to his constituents. He was always found voting with the right, and although the 'time was too short to allow him to make any very brilliant. record, lie performed his duties to the satisfaction of the district, and his constithents`in this county desire to be reprei3ented by him for another term. His popularity in the county is shown by the fact that he carried it by over 400 major ity, at. a time when it was considered 300 Pernocratic. If nominatad by the district now he would carry it by a still larger majority." Tire Witty to put it before the peo ple is, accisrding, to the Washington Bektblicad, as follows: Let the .peo plc ' remember that the average ex penses of BucuANAN's administration were eighty-one millions per annum, or $2.61 per capita of our population in I , 4;o—thirty-one million persons-- and that the expenses of General GRANT's administration in 1875, after deducting those entailed by the Dem ocractic reVbellion, ,Were only eighty six millions, being only $2.05 per capita of our population of forty,two millions. This is real retrenchment and reform, GEN. BANKS, Of Massachusetts, announces without reservation that he is for H.kyEs and WIIEELEIt. He tells a reporter of the Boston herald that he determined months ago that he could not act with. the Democrats. lle thinks the . South is realty the controlling element in the Democratic party, and if. TILDEN.ShonId be elect ed he would surely be controlled by that section. As for going back to Congress, the General says he is not very anxious; Ilis salary does' not support him, and living in Washing ton has many. .discomfOrts. ' IT was not TILDEN and his Canal Commission that stopped stealing on. the canals. It was the adoption of ti• mendmets to the Constitution, which N had nothing to do with, that shut down _ 4to on the canal thieves.. TILDEN has nost sue ceseul 111 04iaing . .populan • fri4fkilietezML : . . MMAXi Secretary of War [M.ili~~l+M'~►:~ 10 (Ikl The Republican nOmfaating eon vendon of Bradford comfy met pur suant to call at the Court House, on Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 22, and was called to order at 1 o'clock. On motion, JAB. H. CODDINO wir elected Chairman,- still W. H. Donoz and A. C. SMITH Secretaries. On motion, the Se l cretaries were directed to call over the list of town ships and boroughs, when the folloW ing delegates presented their crean tials and took their seats: AN—Geo. Webb,: J.. 5, Reynolds. 'Whiny—A. English, R..s. Sabin. Armenia—Norman Smith, 11. Biddle: At/Juni—B. Laporte, F.I. Diion. Athtn, Ttep-11. V. Weller, G.D.Miller , Athens Boro . -•••A. 11. Spalding, J. B. Reeve. Barclay—Gen. Emery, JOhn Wheatley. Burlington Trop—Henry- Weed, Seth Gustin. Burlington' , Poro—W. 'H. D. Green, Isaac Soper, Burlington West Calvin Rockwell, Leßoy Stanton. Canton Tup--llenry Matson, J. H. Ayres. Cant9n Biiro—Theo. Pierce, j.S.Griffin, ran nlbiet—Daniel Bradfoid, Alvah Cor nell. Ifeanklin—Joseph Spalding, Wm. floc k well. I Grantak—S. j. Saxon,John May. Iferrick—James liurst T. A. Lee. Le-Boy—S. B. MOrse, C. T, Morse. Litchfield—ll. S. Munn, C. 11. Merrill - Leßarrille—Asa Nichols, S. H. Davis Monroe Boro—Dr.'o IL Rockwell, II C. Tracy. Monroe Twp—E. C. Kellogg, A. E. Benjainin. Orwell—Sabin Allen, Thomas Smithi ()rectal—Daniel Heai-erly, Manning Matthews. Pike—Edw. Skeele, Chas. Reynolds. Itielybury—Griswold Owen, A. Burn ham. 17,ime TILT—L. D. Prince; T. V. Barnes Rome Roro—lsaac J. Adams,,lienry IT Towner. F . , Smithfield—Goo, T;Beaclt, B. Havens. Springfield—WT. Tracy, A. W. Bailey South Creek—ji. F. Chase. • inia—Leßoy Seouten, T.ll. Arnoo Sheshequin—F. S. Ayres, M. Merrill, jr Standing Stone—Wm; Stevens, Geo Sage. Terry—Jonathan Terry, John Laym4n Towanda Tap—Geo. Fox, E. W. 1141 e. 'Towanda Boro—lst. Ward—lra hum phrey, E. L. llillis. Ward.—W. 11. Carnochan, - J. Coddina. ,Ward=B 31. Peck. - IV. IL Dtxiffe. Totevula Nortit.W. IL Smith, Ezra Rutty. Troy Toro—A. S. Newman, L.A.Say*s Troy Twp—Ezia Lon Mia, Win. Snits. •Ta varora—John'Clapper,J. Coburn. : Ulster—Ward Eastabrook, Jas. Intrren—J. D. Kinney, C. F. BowCn. Windham—Geo. Wheaton, Elmer Neal irya/using—J. H. Howard, Dr. V.ilo met. e • IT:y.tor—.T. B. Hind's, Wm. Wells—Jas. R. Bmsted, Wm. 'Johnion Wilmot—Thos. Quick, Calvin Stowell CONOILESS. .0n motion , Col. E.•OVERTON was 'nominated fOr Congress. In rising to second the nomination of Col. OVERTON, Capt.Cit . asocuAN made a neat and eloquent address, alluding to the Colonel's brilliant record as a soldier and his ',entire fitness for the position.. Col. OVERTON was nomi nated without a dissenting voice, ev ery delegate voting for him. . , • • Qn motion of Mr. CARNOCIIAN the l'ol!twing was adopted unanirnonsy : Wumo• - :As, •The Congressional Confer enCe of tlii. District, which met at Tunic bannock Sept. :10th, A: D. 1873, fixed l'o wanda, Bradford county, the place for the • meeting of the next CongressiOnal Conference ; therefore, Resolved, (The other. counties of the, District concurring') that the Congres- . .! sional Conferees of this District meet at Towanda for, the nomination . of a Con gressional candidate on Thursday, Sept. 7th, 1876, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Conferees of the several countieS. On motions . the following named gentlemen were appointed Conferees to meet the Conferees from the other counties of the:District for the pur pose of selecting a candidate 'for Congress : N. N. BETTS; .Jr., N. C. ELSBREE, SMITH, NELSON GIL BERT, and Jhns 11. GRANT, With power to substitute. STATE SENATOR Mr. Timms nominated W. T. f?A -v;F.;I, ESq., for State Senator. There being no other nominations, Mr. I).A. NIES was nominated by acclamatiML On motion, S. W.; ALVORD, , GF.O. LANDON; MORRIS SHEPARD, VALENTINE SAXTEN, and W. T. HOR TON were appointed Conferees Ito meet with the ConfereesT from Wyo ming county for the purpose of noin inating a candidate for SenatOr. Tuesday, Aug. 29th, was designated as the day for the meeting. REPRESENTATIVES Moved and Seconded that the con tention proceed to the 'nomination of Eastern candidate for Represen tative. The names of Hon. E. IL: MYER ? 0. W. STEVENs, NATFL6 Youso, and W. BAtutowcurF were presented. The first ballot resulted as follows: 31p-r `te%••lJ You n a. MEM lion. E. R. MvEn having .received a majority of the votes, was; on Mo tion, declared the unanimous nominee. .1 CENTIcR'CANDIPATE For the center candidate lion. 0 W. KINNEY, lion. C. Fi) NicnoLS, DANVERsE BOURNE, J. B M. and .JAS. FOSTER were named.' The ballotting resulted follows: ri 12,T. TIII4D . 1:4 24 13 13 17 14 31 15 Nichol.. Ilion. /1 Burn« FoURTII. 711'T11• RISTI 21 . ' . Id 14 13 . 1:t . Ir, 1,5 NicbolA Hinman..:.,„ hintwy Foster SE% EV'qt. tI , IIITII NINTII . 2:4 '..:1 :11! 35 45 .511 12 withr,wn. , withdrawn. 1' . F.etrt . Kinn 1. WESTERN CANDIDATE For the western candidate, Joni , / 11.. CALKINS, Of Columbia; L. D. TAYLOR,. of 'C; rata- i I le. and Jon s GILI.ETT, of Sonth Creek, were named. Mr. GILLETT was nominated on the third ballot. 0,51% I , Ef oN John H. Caking L D. Taylor Jain F..Gillett • Si 41 53 an motion, Mr. GILLETT was de clarede the unanimous nominee of the convention The following resolution was of and Adopted 'Unanimously: WHEREAS, Since thi3 close of tho war, the fees of the Sheriff, Prothonotary, Register, Recorder, and 'Clerks of the Or phans' Court, have bee.n raised from time to time, until they have become oppres ail's, elsPedaY AP O 3 the dtttgr f 1 . 1 .Y1; - i filtit .- 001";811111461, :i ll 4 - itani* - -...„ 4 - 1. ~ •, , -.- • , •,-,-;:,, i,:! , -1,---.:_ : - .: 4,, , - • • ben he footnoted to. Oki their best elreies to Omura the passage otik . law iedacinngg the fees of these offleei to the ataudard existing before the wit, . For Jury Commissidner„ FRANK AMMERMAN, of Ulster,' . ALVan COB NEja., of Columbia, and P. A. LEE, of - Herrick, were named. The ballot resulted as follows: , ; T. A. Lei........ ........... ...... —.57 Frank Ammer man.... Alvah ...... . .... —2O Whereupon Mr. LE was, of motion, declared the unanimeng nominee of the convention. On motion, the folloWing delegates were'appointed a COmMittee on Res olutions: W. II? LIAINOCIRAN, ASA NICHOLS, Maj. E. IV.I S. NEW lAN, Dr. V. liemirs. After .con sultation, the lommittee reported the following: Resolved, That we cord i ally enthirse the work of the Cincinnati conventioh, both as to the declaratidn of principles sot forth in-the platform of the Republican party adopted by it, and as to; the candidates then placed in nomination.. In Gineral Ruthford B. Hayes, fort President, and lion. William-A. Wheeler, for Vice-Pres ident, we recognize standard bearers worthy to lead the Repit'Acam, party in this Centennial year of thellteptiblic.! Resolved, That the Ilepablican party in in Penns'ylvania has deniOnstrated its fit ness to control the affairs of a free ,peo pie. Its fostering carol of the soldiers' orphans, of the • Statiq its "continued en .'couragement and protection of the public school system; its steady policy of reduc ing the debt bequeathed! to us by Demo cratic rulers; its repeal Of the direct tax upon real estate, and the diameter of the imen'whom it has phicdd in high official positions are a guaranty_ that under its control the rights and interests of all citi zens will be safe. . A'soireff, That as representatives of the Republican party in Bradford county, we claim as a result of its management ; effi ciency; economy and. hbiiesty in public af fairs.. Daring the twenty years of its power, the public ollieeti have been ind fermilv tilled with men < - Ifl, r integrity capacity.. We answer the allegations of mismanagement falsely made by ourlp6- litical enemies, with :an appeal to the official records of the county-, which prove that annual taxes for 'ordinary expenses, have not exceeded three and one-half mills on the dollar of the assessed values . tion, and that a tax 'of live and one-thir 'teenth mills on the dollar, annually, has paid all expenses, including $ . 25,000 for bounties to soldiers and fur the support 41 ; - their faniiles, $44,Q1k1 - paid for State 'taxes ' and ttBl,ooo paid ifor a jail, a fire proof office, and other' public buildings. We challenge comparisina with any county of Pennsylvania under llemocratic Con trol The chair announced that the County Standing COmmittec would consist of one member from each. election district, and requested the delegates present tO, name suitable persons fur the positions. The fol lowing names were reported by the delegates from the Several llt. -J S “riAn Albany-Iv. TA - n•. ArnteniA-C N .mouth. i 11n“..-51 1. 5119 . 11.Ard. AAylnin-Itenj Ke:nek. Vinren.. A Mors Twp-J I. KlAlree.Spilkheld-r3l " T S I:rrek-P J Dean. rim bur-W J HMIs -T Art.l,l. Harlin:non T.. p-A Lane.F Ayer. - " llonk-W A Lane. s KingAlry. '" NVest-J Il McKean. Terry-N T C411t0,1-1.11 ITop-}; W N 14 W4rd—Clll'.mi, g e. KeyeA. Fratikli3—J E Sotiding. ":± " —Clam I.Traey. .r ) 1 , ,r. ' North—}; Merrick—Wm A : , “itlires Tr ;4 itor.•—:ll ISeet.e. Leßoy Tsrp—Tll. , ,) 3lant.y. 311timi. To4otno,t— 31 S 1. 11..i} .1 GtHlanpi. Uleiter—Jan Mather. le• Pe,—J BM Iltritonn.Wirree—Wru " To - 1, 7 -D 11 D e. ,m —Jaw+ MJ. lurr«,n. Oro ('tumpiita Jr. Wolo•im.!—I. nverlen—lPonl Wv40c—.1.1111i,05. Pike—C W ‘Vell+—Wi•mer J tray W On motion, convention adjourned. J.... 11. Commit:, I'resident. AV. IT. Dopor '0 ' 1 - Secretaries. A. C. SMITH, ) :j DEmocu.vric dons.— Now that the House has completed its labOtts, it is in order to look oVer the record. 2 I kow they haVe econi i unized is known, but how they designed to rifle the Treasury, is not sO well known.. Scarce a Southern Member tame to Washington but brought his little bill. Some of them *ere introdaced early in the session,' but the howl, they raised so frightened the NOrtlh ern Democracy thatsjit was cleemell the wisest policy; to keep tim rest' back until the conditions were l more I favorable. Some of these bills have been referred to. There is not one but proposes to take $50,000,000 from the Treasury. put perhaps the boldest and the bahtest job is that known as the bill to kovil for the, refunding of the ccOon tax. The refund:asked for is the tax collected on cotton in the GuinStatcs in 1865, 1866, and 1867, and tlt amount asked for is $118,000,610. This was brought up, but laid' aside for the present, at the request of Northern men, who were confident it would not, get through the Senate.. Whelk the Administration is Democratic though it will come pp again, as will every one else of the 4.olossal jobs that have been referred to this ses 7 sion. .Mr. EENDRICKS, during the. late unpleasantness, was d,tlecided •enemy of the Union. lie eVen went so far its to bee r ine a "Knight of the Gold en Circle.' Now hisdrecord is corn ing home to him, anit soldiers and .v. • their frields are pre , aring to vote unanimously againstdtheil miserable 1. • spies, traitors, and eolVaiils who re fused to lift a handtforithe Union when itwas imperiled! BM ?] Mr. l'ArrEnsoN ' ofSoulli Carolina, said in the Senate, laSt wed: that if S. J. TILDES should (;to to Hamburg • to-morrow, M. C. BUT LER' would he chairman of the comMittee to receive him. TILDEN would lie pleased with the distinction, for he has such . a hi g h opinion of BUTLER that he.did -c, not allude in his thter to that gentleman and his Ptlrformances in the mogtldistant MOST people forget! that TILDEN was a member' of th'e Democratic National Covention iii 1868 and fa vored repudiation. Onr people are notorious7or short memories. It is absurd to suppose.that4nriEN would maintain the financial: • honor of the country. Ile would be lioiigh in the hands of repudiators fin i d inflationiats. 4 Tlllat. drawn "REFORM is necessary." an employe of the lltiuk, discharged to avoid anunpleasanynvektigation; has been - secretly kept on the pay roll,-while publicly 6.nuottuced that be was no longer an employee That is the differ= bet Ween ,back. dow *item MEI e44 , 1; ,, •'=w JURY COM.MISSIONFR. ` ~Ct' "t'r~~'. a~ .. Dassavaa - At a Meeting' in Montrose last week, Hon.! G. A. Gnow administered the following ` caustic but deserved rebuke t4i) the editor ,of the Montrose Deinocrat, who . had wilfully slandered Mr. G. by articles in the Dentocr#, - Fait; play in politica, as well as business, pays hest in the long run : . Ile was followed by 'Mr; Grow, who delivered a 'most eloqiientepeech in which he reviewed the *forma of the two great. parties, and exhibit ed with most telling effect the vari ous shams embodied in the diicument put forth by the Democrata at St. Louis.. During his remarks' he iin proved the opportunity,O allude to certain misrepresentations made by the Montrose,Dendicrat in relatio4 to his alleged eonneetien with the Tekasi Pacific Railroad. 'lie prOtounced the allegations false,in everypartieu lar, 4nd said he,had 'Upon the editor of the paper" and explicitly told him that. he bad not mid never had any interest hr-or connection with the road ifi question. sotwith.: standing his plain statement.'of facts, the editor of the Democrat had not only refused to make any„ retraction but; had reiterated the falsehood in another form, by saying in his paper of the 9th jest , referring id me, If he expects to have his TexaK interest subsidized at.the polls in NOyember.' The editor 'might have been mistaken when he made the original statement, remarked the speaker, but he certain. ly was not when he committed the second offense, and he continued, ' the man, as editor, or in any !tither ca pacity, who deliberately and lies for supposed politiCal adVailtagea, is entitled to the same consideration and respect among honorable men as the man who deliberately flea for any other purpose.' At the close of Mr. Brow's speech, Mr. Hawley was per mitted to take the floor fort a reply', and was treated with. the igreatest courtesy in the matter, lid wishe4 that copies of the articles alluded to by Mr. G., might be read to the nieet ing, and thought that a different con struction would be put uponi theih to' that given by Mr. Grow„ . .l.,Mr:; said that when an 'editor Imade a statement, calculated to give him trouble to correct it, he 4enerally took• his own way to make the cor rection, and that was all that he had done this evening. If he. Turd the copies of the Democrat centaining, the offensive statements he- ; would most certainly' read them." f- PRESIDENTIAL C ; ANDIDATE:•_TILDEN and his followers 'are howlihg about the extravagance of Itepuhlican ad ministrations, and the heavy scale of taxation ,that *has been purgiled. BU CHANAN'S average annual 'exi:enses were (go - id) $81,000,000, anal the IVashington Chronicie oyes us GRANT'S, last year, as folloWs: orapr,, P11K . 11,4, iu i , 71 %, ere.... —.1;427 . 1,000,900 Itit.•re,t up n u .ei,tt- Ie war 'leld .103,fton,a4a Sinking (and 25.0611.01i0 - .. 35.00ky0) Internal revenue expedses... 7.000mg0 Reined of war tau, I..Noo,fejo War damage!' paid • 4,(A0,i,d0 Priathig Extra k hire atayap Patine railroad Interest 4,4,(1.0‘ . .;() ' Balance lu curroucy Iteductql to MEE Population in 1860, -31;000,000; expenses per capita, $2'.61 tinder CHANAN. Population in 1875, 42,- 000,000 expenses per capita under GaAsr,s2.os. It will be keen that Mr. TlLhEx's reproaches all come home to him and his party. The war made 'by him and his Partisans has caused this great outlay! and this alleged extravagance. When these and other. -new sources of;: expense are deducted, it is- patentijliat the Republicat party has adininistered the Government at fifty-sixcents per ,capita less in 1875 than ii I yCIIANAN did in 1860. Intelligent, :rdecting voters will not fail to see where their duty is in tke light of thetorbcroing c , - facts. WE have an excellent representa tive ticket., .Itepublicans alt over the state will be gratified to learn that E. IL ..llvEa is to be i4eturmed to the House. Ile enjoys ;an env 4- 4i • hie reputation as an able and honest legislator: His colleagues, i l iMr. LErr, and Capt. FOSTER will ably as gist him in maintaining ourgood rep utation at the capitol. • • ”REFonm is necessary." !Fitzhugh, the "biaer, fellow: than ol( . I Grant," was discharged as doorkeePer of the rebel House because he was . incom petent and unlit, for which action the some House 'voted, to pay hiM his salary to the end' of .tliej session. Alas.for the 'Worth! AN Ent TO ss6o,ooo,ooo.—Miss Melissa Elder was a poor clerk in a hotel dining-room in Atchison, Kansas, and here is the-acconnt from a journal of that city of heriwonder ful luck: A short time agoi Melissa Elder fell h s eii to £ll2,ooo.oooister ling, amoultaining to about $560,- 000,000. It seems that her great oTeat-crrandfathe'r, on her Inother's side, Who was a Roman Semitor, had all his property Which eonSisted of a vast amount of real estate: in and around ,the City of Rome, confiscated to the Roman Empire on 'account of his _being concerned with 'Marc Antony in the terrible assault on the body, of Caesar.. Caesar's Wife was also accused ati' , : the same tine, but Mare' Antony, afterwards Said she was ;above suspicion, and nothing was done- in: the matter. the prOperty of ' Melissa's great-great :-grandfather, however, was confiscated upon the testimony of a detective. The detective afterward was taken with frenzied remorse, •and Ivroce full confession 4 moved to PomPeii, and was living in that ill-fated town *lien the sudden catastrophe which befell it cut him down in the prime of life. During the recent discover ies,among the runs of Pompeii this confession was discovered, and Miss Elder's great 7 greart-grandlather was fully vindicated. A ChicagOlawyer, whb was travelling through I!•.nrope, -heard of the circumitance, '441 by aid ofdetectiVes, found in *Arson of Melissa Elder the only snrviving heir of her :lamented great-great .rranilfather. The lawyer his taken the proSecution of the ease on-a con tingent fee, and Melissa leayss for Rome to take possession ofthut town. Of cOurse, we tender our congratula tions ; $560,000,000 does not grow on bushes. r► - ~ -- - f 1 , , r. Senatorial :conferenle will , ;leek in thia place ea, ism= nu olnt comiztibMetra , - - THE BRADIXHID COMITY LICENSE VOTE. 1817. • ' 1873. fi nonoa it 'MP& ,--- 1 :--.. --. .---7."---;,,' For. ,Ag'st. . For. Apti. Albany. 9a - 'l4 14 63 113 A nnenta ...... .... 19 7 15 1: v.) Asylum 1W111not) . 49 ' 90 83 Ss Athens he 41 80 Eta :pm Athens twp ...—.. 110 80 177 188 ilurllngton.... .... 102 9l 89 ; 213 Canton 109 89 04 gat 6olumida & Syha•a 119 88 141 11-17 Barclay , 161 . 76 I)nrell A Terry.... t 62 24 L 62 , 75 Franklin '47 13- ; 38 67 ii rani/ 11. .... 71 42 1 67 '162 Herrick 57 34 I '2B • 17.5 Iteltny.... Lltchlield Stour,* (boru&twp) 115 tlt =I Overion...J Met & Leltayarillo 79 94 • 25 ,40 llidglittry 104 41 134 )I8 !tome (boro & twp) '97 94 at Ai suatheeid,.... ..... 193 108 114 : 236 Springfield .172 57 es 2..0 Shesitegnin........ 135 75 41 . 12{6 South ('reek . 34 25 72 47 Springli & Tuea'ra 21 39 '4 114 Standing Slone 70 35 , ' 36 lii To'Wanda 9' &.N T. 94 101 53 12 . 6 Towanda born 85 99 . 280 318 i 95 27 71 140 Tr±y. 18,r0..... .... 43 '29 , 98 fi9 trintrr 53 75 ; 98 110 Warren 76 70 3 14 ' 114 Windham ...... 5B 12 't i 5 qf; Weer 85 Al j 139 , Wyhluslng 91 CS • 79 '2lB 78' 73 79 • ,917 Majorit leg `About- twenty-six years between tlfe first and the second vote, and' a gain of three thousand against any license !: this without a temperance party simply - by argument and persuasion, whitilt WI-ought radical change in pultlic optif ion, slow but sure in the way in such rif forms. Letthe same influences be diffusnil over the State, and then Local-Option cat lte re-enacted and sustained. Read tto figures and take courage. In Maine, Prohibition has succeedei 1;:,y gaining, the support of men of both pat r ties—pleading: for it as, a moral reform, and educating the public mind to! stop drinking. It ne'vTr had a temperanot arty but one year; that affected nothing, and the Icadeis wisely vanished / . ,We would not advise temperance in 4 as such to endorse either of the great p* ties unless under very peCuliar stances. The Good Templars of Jndiiu endorsed the Republican state Tickgt, the Democrats- having on theirs a notorio4 drunkaid (Refpit) for Chief' JittStiet:*; That is-an exceptional ease. The hettir way is fe.a. temperance men in both piffle]; to work for temperance men as candidaffiii in their respective counties, and nOt art arouse the opposition of any party- or par ties.", By that T . peans, in Maine and elsk where, temperance has advanced. In tice parties, by getting up 'temperance (so. called) candidates, in opposition to the wishes of the men of temperance, nitenV 7 perat.ce has gained. • AN OLD TEETOTALLER. Enrron REPonTEn : As we are now irk all intents - it State, I beg to present' to your numerous readers a few itenls;frorli the central Centennial State. The lair rommit continues its welcomed Week 4 visit, and is read not only by y9nr correslt pondent and many other residents fbrmeff ly of good old Bradford, but much: reli4 ed by many who have never Lech cast Of the Mississippi river. Your next will probably find us clad in the habiliment:' of State. The result of the election held on the first inst. was more than fwelvk thousand for, somewhat surprising ltti a dent friends, although an instrument al; most faultless, c trrying-some very whop some provisions not fimnikin produetimns of a` like character even in the Atlantiy States—one requiring the legislature t,O submit the matter of universabsoverei , (ri; • ty to a vote, another to modify or abolish the jury system. and still another autho* izing the - legislature to regulate or :Omit' ish the sale and manufacture of ardent spirits. As our State is naturally divided into ;Our distinct and well-defined intmi cats or industries, it was found some might be left without adequate provision, but we havmample reason to believe this not to be the case, as the various inte.vestil seemed to acquiesce, there being no 015' ganized (yposition. There are of eoursii some features we wish were different, but we are well pleased in the main. The ar;.4 I =gement of the Judiciary is not to our liking, but is very good. We have been having very fine weather. Baius have not been as frequent as would suit us, but have the means always at hand to siipplY . our crops with water, whether rains (I(4', : scend or not. Cnq,s, never promised het 14:9., and should nothing prevent Mils wilt be abundant, which will cause thehiminciat ! condition to improve with us sooner th:Oil East, because it will retain, milliOns dollars which would otherwise be golf East fur the articles we will produce ati! home. Two years in succession the grass; ' hopper has caused' sad havoc aiming one)! agricultural products, and early in the 9.; season they promised an entire.: failure 4 lint all sufferers seemed to combine in 4.!;1 war of extermination by means of coo[ tar, coal hil, &c., and about the 21st oti May an unprecedented Mill storm ,eannill on, NN bid) with the other means eausedl the varinhits to cease. troubling sharp political contest is looked fOr fall; both partiestclaim the State. bid th(iii Republicans have the advantage if the)Th remain united. Good men will be Place(Bl on both tickets. l ,; Our election laws :troll pcihaps superior to any in the United-; States—closes all drinking place's and .hibits all the various modes of persuasioffi ,except argument. Our election days uni: der the laws now in force are more likel Sundays ill New England than the boi4l tennis and exciting (lays formerly knowffil to us anti too many of the Eastern l.:q.ateS.ll at present. Our State continues the him for all 'classes (d* invalids, and ii.stli-;3j matics are immediately iwnefitted. a's weffl, as consumptives Who visit us in season but I feel it a duty to warn those where_ have allowed the disease to advance he yond the point to remain at home, as this"d climate will but shorten the lives of sly:ll2'i'; • Truly ythirs, linsEnvv:m. ==l • 12,004i.000 66,000.1100 Adjournment of Congress—The Folitical FarCe End-;1 ect — Democracy and Pseudo Reform. \V AS/WM:7os,lg% tc , Is7th Our legislative„solons who have gathered at the capitol, with the detctini-!. nation not to agree upoitanything.have„f at last, succumbed to the extreme which, in this latitude, has so' lodg.inul;• steadily prevaiNd. t►u Fraturdaylat,„the , so-called dead-lock which. existed between, the two Minns, was broken, and on Tues-,:_ sented to an adjournment which !look place yesterday. At 7.;lI) r. M., the sharp rap of the Speaker's gavel announced the l'arce closcd; and, consequently the clOw us. . . . columbines, punclaincllos, and harlequins, sheatlit d their clicesti% knives, put away their masks, laid aide their striped: • breeches and retired, The lbst act of the 4 I„,T, It rit:',..iii,',',lll political farce, which, Nom day to day,; 5tz.r.i.,,81 1 has been enacted in the House of liepre- 4 . Prordkely 111 , k , Clit all VCS, was pronouncvd OVer. . . i c! „ t r,?.., 0 0, gi While the wit and humor of 'its clowns - 4 :.,,t iainahie 11L12,' have .been amusing,. and the mock .f.. A "r e AT i ll lteroicli indulged in by the heavy titanic- t'v,in I.i. round ll tens not without interest, yet, as the:cur- i taw() v A 1.1,...% I:I tain rugged d o wn npm its last scenes, th_ere4. I t il l 'i l l'h t f ; I i s t t e o ti ' ;l l. o 1 feeling was, with the public, manifestly a * E 1 f,,t4 . ,,, a4 of grateful relief. During the past es. 4. are I kisc rted 1 MOH, the House (4f ltepresentatiies, um k i . W orkf•rs, Ara Democratic rule; has indeed been but a rAIENI play house, when: the- assembled charac ters T , have done nothing . hut act a part be-1 ,• fore the conntry, hoping? individually and,: r' r. Fan instrtic collectively, to gain - a reputation as stars . 1 ? The' liou;:e.h,i in tic great political arena. From the f .le - parilacats il beginning to the close of the session, the 'i t , l 'fi,e '""""!'• dramotis personae having eharl 47 of the t Ne one 15.05 boards, have presented a spectacle, in: m?rtd began:), which, with all of its scenic effect's andl i g.:',.'gt l aN i."„ r 4'ng sensationtd acting, there has been nothing ; Eiery - Faraoh but a constant manifestation of _self_ag.... t t b li u ?e, h l. r ) . ?e r r il l i - at i; : ; 1, 11 grandizemcnt and narrow-minded selfish- :, Hess, coupled with an effort to blast thetittrrAiNr reputation of prominent Republican old-. eials, and to convict the! Adininistrrtion of great abuses of - public trusts. In the, pursuit of- political capita, it is needless to; herei"P'm "q 411-14 tee repeat that the legislative ihterests of the; • - f country have been wholly disregarded and: abandoned. : - secret inquisitions, tymnicalST unjust a were those of She caily they strenuously sought to accomplish in • • the Balls of Congress what they so sig..: AOENTS CA nally failed to do on the fields of rebel lion. On the slightest pretext, no inatter-:=.! Sold by ribscri , '' • - how unfounded, investigation ti,!ter inves-1..:-I P - R ! titration was ordered; the sacred rightsi 5 ,,,i„ ow or American citizenship *acre ignored ;I::.! PAID, croN it and with demoniac spirit, the priv4te , as: 1111" Fer .. 'well as public . ch. . cter of every pitomt-; arez . ..1 . , _ . ...._ neat officer of the, dmixdatrationaasailedli - , J '"f• -1 ! ..3.11. 6*. 40kamOtoi ' spcipo tfrauthic :vigil : - 1.. eipitil• i DI NEVA ~...y.. _. _ .~..__. _~`~ Ge t 61 19 56 ( 116 GI 75 • ' 37 - - 2001. 2777 siii3 201 27;7 LETTER FROM COLORADO DEN vim, Col.. July . 29, 1.47 f E:=l OUR WASHINGTON LETTER Ti cloudii of efilis, and reeking Iviikthe malaria of efanatiern, became krinwn a 8 the slaugh miens of reputation*; while, with mall and hatred, as -develish 10 in the days ofl the rebellion, the dead-11mi of Personal chnricter was as distinctly drawn as was thedead-lino for itho starving Ptis oners'of Andersonville.r Sunk in•the Pool of paktisanl hate and confederate revenge, every,: sort of;itheme and strategy wasrre sorted to that wou,lif, in any way, - aid them:in thineNwor4fdefamation. Under the badgering ofilkircommittee.stestieno ny was molded and shatied as they wished it, and witnesses imprisoned who would not answerlto please them when the truth lay 14 quite another direction. ; r But failing to make the political capital they so coufidently expected, and finding that with all their efforts at detraction the public faith in the honesty and; integrity of the Republican party remained un shaken, that part of the- prograirime was reluetantlyiabandoned, and the ever pop ular cry of Reform introduced'.: In .ac cordance ntith this new arrangement, the halls' of ' the House during thdpast few weeks halo echoed with their : deciama time.; and blatherskite speeches about the extravagan l ce and prodigality of the Ad . 58 210 . . ~ ministration. 1 The whole country has been =4,4 to resound with their month ings ' and proclamations about econotny and reform. Resolutions full of sonnd and fury have been passed, and carefully: 'worded platforms— have been adopted: The ;knife and pistol, for the time being, have been[ carefully' concealed, While in their newole of reformers-they are ask ing the loyal clement of the eountry to 'place-again in their keeping the . Govern- Meld, which, • through five long years' of "bloody contest, they _trampled- and spat upini, and Iwhich they hate to-day as bit tern as atlany time durinr , theirebelliOn. — Tenwar , . yeqs have elapsedsinee' the closed, . and yet idle same bitterness! , of .:, feeling; e* sts. - In proof of this, to Say nothing Of he frequent murders and.arro eities, wi) need of refer to the prcsinit conditi o n f the Send,. ,But'a little while ago,. at )Eit aula, Ala., the stars and stripes ware torn down, and, after being.torn into shreds wen scattered through the streets of the to tn, much to the enjoyment; of theinhabi ants. Shortly. after :this !Ride pleaiNantry the stars antbstripes,Were Om down at Bowling : Green,. Mo., and an old rebel flag; withl the names of Tilden and Ilendrickskimblazoncd on its ample folds, was: unfurVfd front its place, and this), it is reliorted, amidst the most , ..vociferens i t cheering ff.,m the confederate. nniltittlide whiO.had assembled on the occasion. ! A rew thiys Igo, St New-OrleanS, the Oa tion7s flag lwas torn into shreds by a mOb, atuFstill later,' we have intelligence that, at tynchlpirg:Va., the flag was pulled down and itrad ed.in the dust. 1- r: • . • Vet,, in the face of all these manifesta tio4 u disloyalty, we are being'daily 'rte freshed I.& 'the Democratic press, with the iisiomiry picture of the "good time" that will lie sure to follow if We country elects a Democrat to the Presidency, and 4y/it:lied Deniocratic statesmen take the planes of I•Republican representatives :at the capital. We think we see them e ex confederates :Lad salary-grabh rs, grand. statesmeni quarrelling over the spoils, acting thelpart of demagogues4nouthMg abobt economy, and at the same tine grabbing 'for more, pay. If the grand t igyi-e : ,,,,4 s which' has just lek..the C7api . tol.Xia.ffk, accepted as a sairqcle of what would follow in-the event ofa Democratic success, shat a precious set ot• reformers we would (have, to be sure ! ' :''. What an untold amount of cheek the Detnocrady must possess when 'they stand up , : and say to the loyal pe4le of the Notth: Thu did not conquer our rebellion aslicapl,, as you.onght ; the expenses' of the2gover iment must be reduced. In the disguise ( f political economists, they are parinli. g • themselves before! fi!e, public, and are I 'lilting at the workidiops which the!Y hav closed all over thn country, c / calling it retreqcnment. But they are careful t , conceal the fact that the past session Mts. been .the most expensive one• ever heldlsince the formation of the gev-- ernment. i Nor is this'all. They are care -ful,i to • kep the fact welt, in the baek gro'und 'that during- the session claims aminnitini r t- to no less than two billions eight hunth•ed Millions have been present ed for tho'nages claimed to have been sits tained,dithig their rebellion.' (jive over the. reins of government and full control 'to the Deinocracy, and a depleted treas urv;:lif not a bankrupt nation, .1-))11(1 very so,;ii tell fo)w quickly the stolenliveries of Refermi i ind Retrenchment :had been t h thwn aside. . 31, I : . 'ew Actertisements'. ,•' . . .... • ~ _ I s IL A 5147.6 IN , 1' lIENCII " AND vj. 1 /11. k \l'lNti.—.Nll.l.l-:..1. 1.1:1,WIN %sill begin i t.,.;),.,.,,,,,,, a th e ti ended ',dn.} and at. the -.11-itile. ! ; haidia Coin...late Ina ital. on August 21, 1,70.-0 w I. ; .; r .. - . 1 1-.';' I.: it :ill' S VILLE A U.A DENIN".--- I _i j FA 1,11 'FF.l:3l„uill begin onliAjtlNl/...i'11. 1 .t l't,i. '291214 and t ontilme for lANCiVi. V2C'...1.,.. Till ; 'I'D l'N—Lat guage, and Higher 1:14:11 , 1i, ',Mil); Conknion Eugtish liratic6es. A. - ;.00 to !i,:tio. 1 , A31'. W. it Ut.' lc, Teacher. , _ ; ; .I..cßay,vi le, Pa.,'Aug. 10 '7C;:a. , I P; i - i• ' ' I II: It L .LN G T 0 N TROI"I'ING ) ti.‘ 1:1 t . !. ' 1 •I his l'artd I, now open to the politic, the trick living itnedlitril of a mile and in got il condi! 1, , ,,n. .til those liitiving hors.:. ill practice and' Wishing', to , pra;itice• thiln, and the rest or Illalliill6l gi:llt.l - 311S. areltivited o attend the first regula p t eering 'pH l' iiday. the kilt day of Septendwr, 1?;70, at 10 o'clock A. 4.. at which lute the rave out COlilltlellre all,t i/.., 6)11(11:deli ill tilt` .afternoon or we Nat'l(' ChiV. i With a goo; .day 3;A11 good track, line i•port ntay Le antfilpateil.l ; s • . . ,Nit entrap}} mon..y Win he required and no pry ' Illiliill l% iil l,l.' . :iven at 'tlik meeting, I,tit IN free tor 1 all and fair ito all yho believe that:falr play 614. jeNll.l. . . . I . . l'lliltln.lllllE. ', . , , Clas. 1,-2.5.) llorses.. • I . '.1 4 . Larneil name* h. g., Sitting Bull. • .:4:M. lit •Ivntan h'lc no.; Jennte. , • . . . Clas4 ~,:., V. C. Sin name b. in., Betsy Jane. :`4II. Itaxlier t, in., I.,adyiof the Lake. • 1 Clas. 3.-- , Stakon Bace.l - Al. Baxter name., b. s., Col. Morgan. • 10. Hoctlwell hr. s., Hamiltonian.. .)Varreit :Asc' br. .V.ltrown Dick.' . .. ('la, .t.e,,lt. gar,' ~ • - ,;.W. 1). firtility , e WI: nt., Nance. • 7 I. . tat. l'lntlp.l7l; at., Itlati: Witch:: p.c. Lane It. in., Stay Then . . i . IV. It. It Green. g.‘g.. Factory Boy. W. 11. D.-GREEN F, See'y AUgust iu its76.[aug?.l. . i't,/..0_ xto„I . iu wlytt 1,71,1 . you r , , , OrtAiv ad, A LL 1 , 1011. TWO DOLL R 5.... : • T H Y: • 1 :,- USI 4 e FU L COM. I'ANION i AND ~ _ •. ~. A 11. T I FICEIL'S ASSISTANT ' . , Cant3llAS fulltuillomtplete ll{a ritctious in the arts 1 , owl wienros_of Ttll.,i,GliAl . lll,Nil-I:iiiiilliii. , or saani. . ' .• tali Pk-K . Ei. i• 1i 4 i—ily 1.4 - . 11 tl.tillilt• and I.lnglt• otitry. HAii:litoNV—,',... rklating to , a/v•e.t.innFdr. exhi.o -; t tig and. explaining The rynbtructi.4l I f ail the to toripal rtoods, ' 1111'4101:i:it I..‘s .—p:., log. saorrd nit&do fr,,,,, ,14. tirl , . col:OM:10h.. Pfrforineeto . iiidy four part, 11;dooking llt ; two. I' I: N Eli. TLANo-FultTE—Reeti Organ, Mel.IFl I an and ltieraphito. with Nogg. stions for I 'a ; tlefrctlng'mdo disdt , o ; oring,,po trots. NI) TINT) 1 . 2.: 1 . 14"r1 ico.:•;,. arelll9.l ,lf I . ( i 4 tug t hoot. I Low El: , %ND Flit IT. I.L'AF rliF.,ii -11,.n ow) art . wade and fireivrved, lortro.o. Introl,onatod and most useftil ti,hod forillre prier.. . 16 INCIII:S ANI) ciiNt.,tf;s:s 'No rAliF.:‘, l lllTTii(d, Is lialiasialliqy 'l.iill.liti 111 ft hack and stilt , and is 'one,•of [lab work-, osor produced, ,• , . 1 1 ant of it . ..end Infortnatioo for ivirolts. 31E4. 11A I . :JCS, ..tr.. - i' i 1;11 tilt,e page+. It r6titalob nearly. 1 "1:E I:El'll'ES AND FORNIU IL AI, y trailo, profession and necupatiou . . IZEIESIME Al:TIVICI-11. 1..“1 111 useful Tables sr Re.aly nockoneri, for the u.e 31aelikaatN, 3fet4l • TS, AND HOW TO BTAIN THEM:.' loos In regard to them are given. 61 and cunnat±, nip° the )IKtitc ll aye leeelved, great attent!ou, worth many times the price of tile that Was biren putdishril "Alice the ias contained as large en hmeennt of atiou aid itotruetton .of practical everybody. ir,. every Merit:tide, every Appretk intly. should have a ccipy... M nth of contained iu this Work ins been LI) AT A LARGE OUTLAY, th atreat deal of difficulty. ' ABLE TR A D ‘S - .EI: iuldbduol are !low printed for the 2. and many of them su 111 lie mind of great service. Tills IS TIIE EIIIM ME S fI T SELLING BOOK I= BOUBLF'. TBEllt 511)NEY BY SELLING IT. ' ' /thifllffily. Special terryery Will be given t,Q9geittv, •r! . - ICE : 1 32.00. ONLY'. ES WILL II 2..F.NT fly NAIL, P9ST .CELPT rntew. i culare and I cunthleutlal.alrcular aa• • FT, STAt.E. i'I:II3LiBUPIG CU., 71* Brolut)nw, Writ , • .0152104 I DirIOCLAMATION,--,'WIiEIIZAH, 1.- Elton. tAllf. IL Ifottkiow, President; Judge of the ...Pith judicial Mete et. consisting of the county-of Ilradfoisl, and lions. A. I). frank s/Mt; and ff. S. Rita/MEd:. Associate Judges 1i and for said county of Bradford, have 'Lined their precept bearing date the' Ist day of August, 1187.1. mete direcited, for . holding a Court of iOyer and Ternainer, Others' Jail Delivery, Quartet Sesslona *C OM Peace, Common Pleas and orphans' Court,' at Towanda, for the County of Bradford, on Mon. day, September 4th'. 18741. to continue twolweeks, Notice is Fherotore hereby given to thelCoroners and Justices of the Peace: of the County of Brad; ford,!that they. be then and there in their proper ' person. at, 10 o'clock in• the forenoon of Isaid day, with records, inquisitlonstand other remembrances to do those things which !to their (Ace appertains to be !done; 'and those who are bmind by recogni sauces or otherwise, to prosecute against the priso ners Who are or may Is, 'Jr. the jail of said county, or who shall Is, bound to 'appear at the said Court, are to be then and there tp prosecute ahalnat them as shall Ise just. Jurors are requestrd to be puncq teal in'thelr attendance agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda; the let darof Atiguit,. In the year of trur Lord, one ;thousand 'eight hundred .and seventy-sir. and of I the Independeneedof the United States, the:one hundredth: ; - . 1 . . —4 A.. 1. VA YTON. Shed R_ t ,- ~. 1- '. I,EG4STER'S NOTICE.-- NOtiCe _LC. Is Iferieby given Olaf there has been flied In the office of Register of Wills! In and for the court., ty of, Bradford. arcounte of Othillnistraillin upon the followirig estates. vizi' L" . I l ,Eitial seeteint of Wrn If 31forgan. guardian of CitaajT Fos. minor heir of illiani C'Fox.itlec'd. Partial arlet of Min4rra NilikinaMi. adrninistra trir 4it IV Wilkinson, late of Sheldieftsdri, decd. Firml ace t of Jesse II rioril:' 1 guard lan Of Thou It Dalm, min d - child of David pains.!deet . . Final ac e it'of Jetty: Brown. , gilardian 0 fti It 1 W P4110,11)111 w ettild of David I)2lns-dee', . ' Final ace l t of Jes,e Brown. guardian of Helen .1 paimt, minor child of David Dains,'dee'd. Final :welt of .11.41 , ,, IttillcTl. rtuardiari orAtinle 3f DalnS, minor child of parldpalnsiee'll. Filial aeelt of E .1 Godard:.'erecutor of the last will and testament of ilattllliton, late of West Rif rlingto Aee'llt, , F i- i Firjal ac c t of Win MeMorran , guardian of Wal. tee Stuclai, a minor wild Of ;Mule' sitMlair, late' of Ulste r. dee'd. - •I - , Fl i p{ a r elt. of (leo W Weoh, adta'r of daes Mc- Lane; lab:rof_ Wells, deed. Final accit - of t W It Walker. guirdianl of Clar -e ore, t ',sal e i,y, Minor child Of it II Coonchy. late of Athens twll / de , '-'d. Firial ace .1 of Louisa 31 frost ley. ex,ento x of the last ty Ill' testament of John i';rostley:slee'd. Partial ac :lot N • Itttts, .r, ofCr: of NI N Belts, sr. late of TI/W11,11 , 13. lIIWV. " I FIIIhI aret of Mlehael lifoarey and Jim Jtirtning ham, 'ex - rs qf the toit'e of' 11141 )tenet "fi•N silty, deed:. Final fice't. of Warren, Ayer. whirr of Levi P 'Allirtl, hate of Albany. ilee'tl. i '.. , i Float;fret of .1 - 1) 3loritany+. gliardi?n of -Bran da Pitherson. since intermarried wills JOhn Lamp foam! . 1 ; i F Ina! accft. or 31 rs 1f a Met itA PII 111 I Ip.„ iadin't rl x 4f7tqlp a Phillips, late Of She.lesjuln, 111. 4 ..11.. r r iuitlace* of Loyal F Rin.sell, zeltit - 41 Alas II Clile„ late of Rome, itee'd„ i i ; i ' Fltio.l arcl. of Irani 3lnnelufster. adfierr of J Al: Morphy, late of Orwell, Itei'ill 1 , Flour :Vett ,or Nym s .Jenne. nquer •ii , ,,»ricrite, Lfle ill the estate of If obbili Mauley,tate of Canton . twp, der - d: , ..-, , l I FIII:11 Orel of C L Sepilrt”.. and r 1i IrcOdriilT, adni'r of S M Fairchild; 'ate of Herrick. deed. Final acci. of I' E Woodruff and !IFS flukchln.ot.,, atiners of David Ifittchim•mi. late of I,.ike; deed. 1 Arse the tnitiralseniotif. ot propertp set Off by ex., rentors and :oletinktrators t \, , widows and children of lure (6114W:tug decedent , , z. 1 i 1 Estate of.l . .evi Math:tit. 1 ••• X)itylit Palmer, , - i Phil:toiler P. AVaketi'Ad,' 1 .. usury 1.. I liiilw. I, I ' •I, 3IIIIIIIet French, 1 . Lemuel L. Mood 1, , ' .. 'f'yreou..y. Kelley, 1 •• IlarrPmff Pothl, I • - And the .snit'- will beiireittiteil to the Orphan. f %1011, of lf,rol ford i ' , flinty TlTlrsday Septa 7th. '7,.; at 2 O'cloek,lp in for Illllfir fiat 100 and a:thavkatice 1 C.! E. A..NAltlfS, Itt . :glster. Regis te ri*,... , (111ce„ Aug. io, lc, ! . • : - I ' 1 ' i•.- - -- rriII.USTIE'S SALE.--I—Trustee's' .1 - • i AL :late of 'coal lands 110 , 1%/111king property and ad purteletneest in Mc. county , 1 liradford,ltirate of l'enuliylvanla. 1 )ty virtue of a certain mortgage or, tlr.ed of trnat execirteil null delivered hy the Fall Creek; Ititami-', noes Coal l',_'Onpariy, of !he t•tlate of 'Perirtsylvhisia, to the' under, , ignell as Tirii , tnir, dated ;he; first day of may, 1 s•ist n! recorded in the °then fqr record-, lug dip.il. , . Site.. in- and fair ili• taiunt• of Bradford, In ..,id state,. on 1 n•ed liiyik INo„ ,s 5, paged.... iagell.tlLAr., on did •14-th 1 day of May. A.l ii.. I. 41.1; and al-n in Mortgage itigii. No, 14,1pago lint, Ste., on. the lath day of Novejtitv..r, A, 11,.1+7.5 , ' .‘ I, the tintli.r..l , Tuil, a+ 'fruatee as aforesaid. here by Priv , not bl'e that I will. oal TI: 1.:51)A.Y., , , Ahe 211i1 day of A I'BI 1... 157.1. al - IIIolictock.! ;Mott. of that' day. at the gxehavgo Sale, lkoins, STo.-111. Broad way. in thi• alty, county arid state of Ni.w York,' :Ali at auctiln to littlest the lilest! bidder.] the iroperty rightit. priv leg., and 'fraillii4es ciinve:4,al or in tended to nil conveyed fp iiis by said intot loge or deed of trii,t; defailit 101, ing liven ntillet.liy said l'ompany halt the teriiis - aml cidiiiitioni; of s 4 d mort gage, and such default having continued foridio space of -Ivry days, and I being' ritinlreill 111 writ ing to make; .11,-11 Baled by the ' t ont, ~ 0f 0 0 ,-tajo of the said leen', seenred 112. t .aid mortgage 4 ihttr•ti of trii,tYwltich , were at the, tinie of making; such re quest due at ti o ut - tand)fig• ' I : • Ti. prop rty afi•restilil iliclutleHS4,ll)(i . sixteen ' hundred :0.p., of land, titkate in 'Fratticliti - and ()ve rti'l' r'".1.11`1111.'.. In '.lirtidforil contity„-tState of Ptinn‘iylvanra , being eottipo. , ied .1 thi• tvinile of tho, tra,t I; , t land .urveytal lit theitiame of Ginajge Edge!, and the ~,tvorat part.tif tract , i, , tirveyed in the Haines of Iteorge Temple, z.tatipiel k:ilge, Pant If anti Andrew Hardy. all of Its hill] is mare ai tanately ' bounded and ilcscilli•il 1n said mortgage: eogetlit.r with all and singular the i'tiiiriiails, itittres ores, mineral., wctiala. load , . Lin t•, nays, , water-. natyr cotirses,ea•enients, rig4is, I berth,. livrialitamentx and appurtenanci:p, mitp Ph: ' ; said premi.e; litdong- , lug and tipertaitiliir„. and The revention: and re-: inatioleri, riiiit,.'is,nes iind profit, tleirt.of.l Fnra 610/$ full anti jomplete descripthin of tho ' property to I,w loitl, is i I ti. i! 4 itoionlarie. :poi litea. tioto , .veferefice may 1.4 ha. 1 to the,,ant ino:sg,i ze , of r: cord as s afore,aid,or , i the originahtlierrof, In the pii.ilsion of 31.:;.r...11.; ray & Pavetipirt. at-' .t. .. ..,.. torn. , 6-. at N. Ei:11 , .0' 'A LE:- 4 E:- ''l'r char, is I, he paid C 'Js of sat... and at the. N:t..ant .tre•t•r. In tI of \.•ts York, ai..f npe said kilaso•el in full tin- jn t pr , p-rty, f. V,•ii,ed 111 Trii•lvi: I -- . F. - 1. I'll AIII.IIf , I , ...iiiwri: :, . Trn-lee for Ole I:evdh,,ld e rl, 111 tlio 1; 1 • 3 11r. T e i 1;1, ininlce , n, il'. , ;L: c,.; ;;I . v :e . I 7 1 I • tirltAl . S: f , %YEN Ih lIIT,I Attorarys for Trn.,:tei.. 11, Nass.'lll Sr., N. Y. City. I 1 The'al.,ve :I , lverti.....nl.•nt iain,ear: In life fn!lne.4 in„fr netv.i.:ll4r , .. rn.e.ll: • Tin, Er, 0 hoLf/ P. d. lo li,le .101: thelvi;y 4 , f Noir 1 - 4 1 111;; tin, l'hibl 1,1 1 ,1, in, . wirr, ;r , r. Irnl , p , he.l ;Tr thl .tiry of j•IIII:11.1phin; pii,l :h7. 8....,,, , ,,..:i, I,:r.pq L-.... 1 .„14.1. 1 1. ,ii, .f,- •‘,.,,:t. I:radi"ni c..„:,y.- I.: i Th., ..3:e I.ri the ah , 'rejtle...etile.,l pn:pertyrf:ln•re -1..r ailJhurhe.l t , •Tr F''.l).lN the :::;•I. 'lnv tor tay 1,7,1, at ;he ..;:iie h , nra.'n'l rilee. ' .. Datrgl.t,prll '25. ts7n. : ; •; , cIIAIII - Trin.tee f.w tile hoinlln:l•ler,' tinnintm, r 4231 Company The 'f.:i4e 4,f IT lie altovt•';2.•.i. np wijourne , ll to 'I I I I: laSr.:u the 'lune time Alffil Ilateo 313y1'2:.1, 1•71.1:Itt I Tru , ter tw, the Itontihr,j,ler. turnipott. The sate "fithr ! , y mtpju ncdF.. ttt t u• Ittnir ttittl 11.1t . t.11 Jim CICA.III, Tru.tee for Ilia botplholfkr, t tuitilhoui I. :11 I 'oluip3r. The. s:lk , or l the above,rror,2 1 ed I. Th..r.:l-iv. th.• 17,* ,I.v. • the %.titte tint :1.11.1 10:1(.1..1 Da, I'ILUZI.FI . , . Trn,tee for II e I,ondhol,t,r, 0 utiliioJll,Citi I onThaNs. Th:.! VI ihr, ;tll4)re tiesett Dc aolyins , i ' it4lThitr.,fly the bc'r, 1 , 7 d, ar.t .1.• haltlC 11011 T 311 4 1 , 1.41..41 A ugit , t 17th, 1. , 71;.:1t, CIIAI:I, • Trust,,t onilltoJ4t.rs MEI rill 1( ji . Fo ' I' SP II( YEAR END RECt.:II."I State ar 11;11,1r.1: Fr.ta 4 . 1:!1•1,•,•t!r, Othrr. ur:es; ' t:x PEN Itin Purchasing grounds, Building :ifili Lirift•lllog.liu, lk , pairing. -1 i w Tear hcr." ao•es, Fuel :tin] eonqugencies, reei. of 'Col: 51 ii -100. Trea..-. P.: SAlary ult . Sec , . . . - littere'i ictill,l Othcr eXpei•e;r, i , - Total Epl.n.liture , , 1.131,411 lie:: in ilesNs of retoure4 Ali; i:. P. N ENV I; t:P. Y. rze , " •All . 1 NT orr 1 C F.—,:111 per 1. _,...1 to Ito , 1: 1,• licit; of Prtilti are topie.teit 'icrc 11 ll .11.4 :.ride uF..lep.i melt exleml flisi lie r o r - 14, gtoolotts to;ppo r , 1,.., .4 he e , t:thliNhilit-id MO rt -1, •ct .thruanee of thi.t 41:te. ~ Auguit 22, ir3. Nlarket haqine !flame uell„„iiid, ion by ,mte.eut. Ti • lato firm wits tw settled I.27'Brat emititiue • .101I\ NV. K. T9W1111113, _Vag. I I XECITT()It's A is given that all 1 , 1 Uir estlite of *try Vi'llt.:lttm !at must make immediate payment I all per,mi, Again.l presoot I lallg'24wti '•-• - - i is hereby gli,•en debted ;to UM e,..tate 01 of ,Itratl ford f.lotmt.' mak.. 'aimed late payment, to !111 al! per:•*ms Mo l ting claims itgaill pre , etit•them,lduly alitheatlrat Aug. 16. • ! , .1431 E. I).ix • wooL„cA it 1T THE WOOLEN M ILLS, PEN: A Im) in:nutnet tiring and clot to on short niftier. We art a from the new clip, and are pre fast as o ff ere d . ,l I . , -- '', - Cantptownstel. , :tn . • 'MR.; . i —,)___'___ 1 - 41 op SALL'.—A. fartla of 100 acres, 11_ So improved, sou th-lteat • Ipart lof Smithfield townslit __Nd.so e too., Co., ro. TO ombards,, mostly i gr sric, , bout 11 ',monis, arranged for ono ' -. I or two falatilogi two barns. • Wpr parocub t r4 en- . ! quire ortsil4cl ip . , . .atig4 • .. • - : • •.. - ruricrilsazzccx, natal + , ::1-_ - ., , ,....',- z-- !,,_:-....--.. -.• t.,._ . 1 i.:: ~,, ~ .i.L--,, . -.-. i II , •c• • t Ncw ; York:tt • cent piir. s‘ll in Lan4 Orl! MI. day 11, paid thiriy 1;..( Gray • city or york. of thu lii 11 I 1 • ; EA F. 111. - NTI::1:. :of tie FAN Crfeek it 1:‘,1 property is lien!- . the 4 , 1',1ay it.Jntte, F.111:NTO: 12== 1,,41 pro6.rty }wry. :ht. 70th 4 , 13 y of . lU 1. Y N= ISZEITIMME • • ty Is heirt.y ailjourn vf .1%76. at e•ti F. 111,'N'TC1:.. [la? all Cre l / 2 A Bit- ,ed tlsy of ItepllNA , place. ig NV 4 I : S F. 1111:',;TE.R. the Fall Cti.ek OL REPQRT Ujk: E,11576. I C;s • 51 70 - - .7i,539 • rat.:ll6 ME tchoo6o 1 ,:;5C99 •,3 , 03 (2 . 14 174(3) 102 - 3.1; • 00 27 00 19 70 *114419 Ii; :t's CASE. Fres. - oris indcibted 1111 I& midlock, kletay.; • thatilot to the pie,- qt , fore eclrtideJ to ,ully invite p con- N At lIILL - i iie edi,paritner betwev4 411 u Ititler- tittl4r 111 ni k, this ,I:ty e arrnlmts-o(•tlu ul Si: Hill, wlto lslll JILL. . • tice r,ons, indebi,u to • of Warrt•ii.Ace'd, to the Itteler4 . lguell. t said must (1, for : , : t•t tlo:l..ut. A I.EI:,AIIE:L, 'S ' NOTJCE. hat all pvrsits In •olltils, deed, late Fritts.,' must, , utiderslgtiti , tl, and t said ,•statt? must I al. for !settlient. • 3 W 1 101), Adlii'r. 1 9 1 , , AM I"POWN, dressing at 4 eni t 11 vady oaaklOg rolis .gyred to do lurk I. B. AM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers