*- .-7.-],..,7,:'7:•':'-,17` liEl MI ( trtaforti =at , Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Allan 24, 1876. LOCAL AND CENERAL: Tin: Presbyterian S. S. beld a pjenic yesterday. • „,••• • 4 • 31,es. -G USW s priv4o school will mien Monday, Sept- 4, 181:00- THE primary department of the Epis copal S.'S., enjoyed a picnic last week. • IToN. B. S. DAn - rr, of Cailton, attended the .Clia - itaucita Lake S. S. Convention. llon..JosElm _PowELI. has our thanks for valuable public documents. AN Episcopal, Church just erected in Gambier, Minn.; has a memorial window for the late Rev. CHARLES E. 3Ic•ILsAINE. Rm . . G. F.. PORTER, Uni'versalist, will preach in the Court House this place, on Weilnesday evening, 30th inst., at half past seven. ;, ship was sent up froin - .litinnequa last week. The :ereal vessel lauded in Willialnsport, about, 'two and a quarter 'hours after leaving Minnequa. Dit. WILLARD PRATT andjamily, of Prattville, Cal.,are visiting friends - in Canton.. Dr. P. formerly resided in Can ton, but removed from the county some thirty-five yCars since. Tii Plicenix Life Insurance Company, through their agent in' this place, W. IL DonGE, last week paid a five' thousand dollar policy on the life of the late Geo. D..IIIo`NTAN YE. THREE proMinent'eolleges are repre sented in one family! in Athens at the present time: C. S. Mat - un - E, graduate of Williams' College, a brother of Mr. M.'s of Yale. and Prof. HoLunooK, a brother of Mrs. M., of Trinity. POLE itAISING IN Lti . ettFtr.t.D.—The Republicans of Litchfield will raise a pole at the tenter, on Saturday. September 2, at 1 o'cloeV. lion. E. H. oyr:um's and Gen. MADILL will be pres ent and' address the people on the occa sion. . GriovE MEETING.—The Evangelidal Association will hold a Grove Meeting in ciuyer's Grove, near McOonti's, Burling, ton township; on Saturday and' Sunday, Sept. 2 and 'Mein will he three ser mons each day, commencing at 105- o'clock. a. A general invitation is extended to. all to unite in the service. - IT Is decidedly complimentary to Mr, Bot•LToX that the Ltn-ta Hose Co. have. selected the Washington House. Philadel phia. as their headquarters' during their stay in the city next week. As the con ductor of several. first, clas Hotels, Mr. Tiot - t,rox is becoming extensively known throughout the country, and is deservedly popular with all his guests:' - . A NO,TIIER Bradford ("minty man has 'been -honored by a western constituency. Tiros. EVAN. a native of' this county, who read law and was admitted to the bar here some fifteen years since, has ,just been nominated for congreSs by the Rh publimns of :the 4th District of Kansa's. The friends of Mr. It. in this place appre ciate the compliment and eN:tet d their clmgra tulatitins. Mils. R. W. EDDY died in Bath on Tues day evening . last. Mrs. E. had been a 'great sufferer from rhemnatisin for many years. Some live or six years since stir , removed with her husband ft-4 . .1n this place to Bath, N. _l;.. that she might be near her father's family. The deceased-.was most ; :estitnable and lovOy%christian lady, and endeared herself" to many during her residence iti this place. TitE congregation of Christ church will regret to learn 14 the severe atlliotion just sustained by their Rector e l ec t, i n th e death of one of his children. which oc curred on Tuesday morning last. While the'sail event will mar the Pleasure All have anticipated on the arrival of Mr. Br.mis and his family in our midst, they will tind many sympathetic hearts here. to sympathize with them in their great sot:- row. A. T. DmAnn4, who has sup plied the pulpit Of the Baptist church in this Place fur the past several months, has ner,pteil a . ; call to the pastorate 0 0,h e church. no is now. en . joyite4 a-yacation, antl will enter upon. his duties as pastor nn the first; ~1 SVrtenlber. Mr . ,' E. is a young man 0 - excellent ability, unusual oratmiCal powers, urbane manners, and above :ill fervent pirty. t'wler his teach im; the cotrgtegation must becunie flour ishing. THE gh - nliivr of Main St. between State and Chestnut Sts., is nearly com pleted". While .Iteeliaiering of grade has been attended with no little ineinivenienee (0 sonic of the residents, we believe all will unite in prononneing the work dime vxeellent t and when ,zne sidewalks afe put down, pedestrians Fill appeeciatelhe improvement. Mrs: Bali.•ri,w has already :bid a splendid pine plank walk in frOnt ber.property. AI•N DuNs. a count Iri=glituan of this idace,, was suffocated in a well at LI mER's lirew'er:.,. on . Tuesday last. DyNN hail been employed to clean the well, and as lie was being raised to the ground, fell from the basket, and. before he could be rescued died. It is supposed lie was par tially unconcious at - the time of falling. ('Droner \VA I,K ER held au inquest, and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts, DisilticY DEPT - Tv WARNER installed the foll Owing officers over Jinral Lixbre, No. 112 S. L U. G. T., of Lellaysville, on Monday evening August W. C. T.--NV Sigst.m. T,—Lydia Hollbrook. W. S.—S. M. Bailey. - . I S.—C. W. Stevenson: 11": Codding., c,--fl e v: . • itensley. I. ().—Y. 31. ti:z,e. ~..:;2_lolin Bovingdoon. 11". /). .1/.—Mary Prhtt. 1. I!. S. : : : -arrie, Buck. L. 11. S.— . Mrs. N. Warner. Smoot. WIN be an excursion for the S. S. of, 1t0n4 . , Poini llilland MeyerAitirg and- all others who des-re to unite with them: to Eldridg e Park. Elmira. Thursday, Aug. 31, to start. front W.ystikiniz depot at- 10.41 N 1.. .; and. return t 7 y. ar. It is desirable that - t'l who intend to g - 1) WI Will be at the de pot ht' ten o'clock. Tickets for adult's one dollar, - for those, frion ten to fifteen years of age, i tifty cents,,:ind under ten, free. The S.' S's of- Ori4ll, N. Moine s S. Litchfield and AVysox and 'all others are condially invited to'hnilci — xvith us in this inexpensive excursion. Tickets can be provired at K . ILM ER & Miiona''s store and T.tvi.on's hotel, in Home. -.1" HoMF, Aug. f.);.', i';t; 1 3 F.nsoNAL:—Our s.anctura was honored on Fridaylast by a visit from Prof. Ho}, itt:oou. of Trinity College, accompanied by hi: sister, Mrs. `M wiiicE, of Athens, and Mts. Thitt.ii:E. of Washington] , I). C. The party spent the afternoon in locking over our lively town. —.l.tm Es W. SPF.-era, a fOrmer resi dent of, this euunty and,now a real estate agent :It Caro, Mich., iS visiting friends in Burlington. —C. E. Gt.AntuNii, State Purchasing Agent of the Grange. was in town on Tuesday. Mr. G. possesses the happy fac ulty of adapting himself readily to any position. and proves as successful as a close and economical buyer of merchan dise, as hei 'did on the farm, as an inven tor, and. as an obliging, competent and popular public officer. It was a fortunate day for the Patrons when they secured his services. —Miss L.nt• At.,,ti.it is spending a short .:cation «ith her parents in this place. pall-bearers. which was a new and inter readibg an essay in a July issue csting feature,of the occasion, and I pie, of the I tEPORT Eli- on Fidelity, I ,was led! snipe it isa case without precedent, where to think i4lllle on the same subject. As the; remains of a person have been taken" the sister is speaking of it, I should like, to`the grave by his grandsons in their in the tirst place, to ask if we have fideli-1 , manhood. Ills body was taken to ty to God, as without it we can neverh the Franklindale cemetery, and intered prosper in any uuderta..ing; and in the]; beside his wife. The :closing obsequies next plaeo-. to our , familits are we died wore conducted at thegrave by Mr. Its.. charging our duties as christian mothersti Coiourso, Master of the Towauda Mason in letting good simples of pietys- or is io'itedge, and at the !don each 'of the ~~`> <= 4~ ~'i ~'i< <', r~~~n -=~~r=. • our nand " sip taken, up the Grano that we have excluded all icligiode sub. ,jests? =I don't know how. It is where the sister lives t .but I. do know:how it has been hire. When the Grange first start ed in this place two years ago last March, twe had preaching every Sunday, morning and evening, a-good Sabbath school, and prayer meeting on Wednesday evening; wehaVesreaChing once in two weeks, tichopl,'no prayer meeting. Where is our Fidelity ? There is none .tertainly for the ordinanCes of religion; and we can never. pull • down ..religion to build Granges or, anything of. a worldly nature;:: for God requires the whole heart. IS our. fidelity to the church as it should be? Ale we striving, as christians, to do what we can, or are we using 'our influ ence for the Grange ? If we are, I am ,afraid we will never prosper: The sister spoke of the endearing names by which they were called. Are we not all broth ers atilt sisters? We certainly are if we lielong'to the family of Christ, and if we do not;:isn't it our duty to love one anoth er? That is the new do that Christ gave us. I do not mean to say that Grangers have no religion, but it is Very hard work to make I the two gm to gether_: especially in this place. But I am digressing from the subjdct. Fidelity is a grand thing, if it is the right kind, but dont let us work so much for anything that it, 'excludes our higher duties that we ow'e tO 'God, as lie Onglit-to have the first place in our hearts. UNKNOWN. Lts-t' a BAND serenaded Col. Ormwros and W. ,DAVIES, Ethi., on Tuesday evening. A large puinher of our citizens i thou t, dist inction of party, joined the p ro eession:a..s it followed the band and united •n extending congratulations to Col. L . NEWTON . and Mr. DAMES. on the honor conferred upon them by ' the Republican Convention. Arriiing at Col. OvErios's residence, the band played an appropriate tune, when the Colonel was loudly called „for, in re sponse to which he made his appearance, and addressed his fellow citizens in an el ciluent, impressive manner. His remarks were frequently and euthusiasticly ap plauded. At the conclusion of the speech the procession proceeded to the residence Of Mr : , DAN - ms, where ;the band again discoursed 'most eloquent! music. Mr. D. then. in response to a dell from the as . - Semblell croWd, made a very 'pleasant and appropriate speech. 11&was followed by Capt. CAuNornAN, N. C: ELSBREE, and IL .StitEETER. A connEsToNDF:cr of the Elmira Ad rerli.•er makes. the folloWing mention of the Republican meeting held in Rome last week: `• "Thyrsday 'evening of last week there was a very large and enthusiastic Republican meeting at :Rome, Bradford county, so large, indeed, that the !Call where it was called proved to be so small that it : Would not accommodate the crowd, and an!adjournment was had to the Acad emy. D:in.:, Esq., acted as President Of thelneetimr. and A. C: Founts as Sec retary,', lion: REED 3h - Fat and Col. En- ON - EaviN, of Towanda, made strpng and stirring- speeches, exciting the best oflfeeling and' the utmost enthusi asni. , A haws and Wur.Ei.r.n Clut was formed: and the RulCs and Regulations adopted such as recently appeared in the .Tow,anda REPOnTER.. Such , . gatherings surely indi^,ate the drift of public sentiment. and it is quite safe to . set down Bradford county as good for a' large majority for IlavEs and WitEi4,En." Thrriugh an oversight, the-writer of the Opove 'Omitted to noticeibe witty sPeCch of N. Entsnw, of Elmira; who addressed the meeting in a Most ehvipient manner. En.I{EPORTER:—A. venerable. venera ted', eNemplary, and early pioneer A' our County has gone to that "bourne from Which no traveller returns.". Bran RIDGE w AV, I:Sq., departed.tbislireon Saturday last; (10th) at the residence of his son-in lay (T. T. S3IrLEY), in Fratillin township, in the p7th year of his a , re. A knowl edge ofdiis eventful life will be interest ing to '.the public and especially to the early ipionvers ! of the et-utty ; Mr. Ilffit:F.WAv was borntfi:Burlington C4mnty, April 17, 17' 4 0. .When he was only eleven years old, his fathei-'''s mily:.ing wed to IThiladelphia, where . soo - ri terwards his father was accidentally killed, leaving• him at that tender age, without a father's care, to shape his fu ture destiny in life'sluntrodden path. In 1! -, 01. when '23 years of age, he came from Philadelphia to Wysox. to take charge of a store- for Jolts I nAcii. In the folbvwing year (1SO4). he was appointed Postmaster for Wysox,videlt was then the mily post ''thee between Wyalusing and Sliesheipi:a. In the same year lie I Married A LIM: COoLitm•Gil, dal;glityL: of I m05!:5,.c001.p.,1-611, Es q ., wbo was the • first MAR( it of the county. Ile after- I Ward ;,•purehased what is now known as the l'fin,t,hT farm. and sold IF-•os' and purchased atioth • &`r farm on Wysox creek. where he; in connection with one of his ! brothers, built a grist and saw mill. When he county was organized in I'l'2, lie iin)ved tit the county. seat, then 'called now Towanda, and the. same ! • year het was deputy postmaster under NV At. Esp. At that time there Was only a weekly mail from Wysox to the county Feat, which was earried.by a POSt , boy in a basket. In 1 stl Fife was an pointed a Jugtieg or the Peace. and the Sarrletfe:re he onninenced the publication of the gr0Wf.,,,, 7 1 - ;,(zette, whieyie edited when he sold it tit LEmum, • I all( Eli\Vl I,I..NJAMIN. Ile • Was elected one of the first commissioners f the'coptity,land was elerk for the tiro prothonotary, and afterwards held that office himself. Thus, when in active life, was his capacity and integrity apprecia ted hy. his fellow citizens- baring the past forty years he resided in Monroe and Franklin townships. After the death of his amiable Wife, - stone; 17 years ag), he enj.rved a pleasant and quiet home in the 'family of his esteemed -son. JAMES C. It.inat.7„w:ky; but three years ago, while at the-residence of his!very worthy son in-law, I'. T. SMILET,'he was suddenly taken ill, and during and after his-illness. lie refrained in Mr. SNiti.Ev!s family until his The kind attentions he ipeeived from the families of his son and son-in-law„were fully appreciated by lain. lie Anu s- 6 said to the -Rev, Mr. CRANmEtt, " I :on kindly carted: for: the Apostleispoke of the '}'bled Ileaven, my himie, with my children is First Heaven. - Ile Was of Quaker leseent and adhered to the Quaker theo ries until in 1' 4 3-. when lie' United with the Methodist church, and during the in ' tenening :N years he ardently espon.4d and enjoyed the comforting. influences and. blessin. , s of his new religious faith. Fotr sontc , 'time past he had been partially de. 7 I.riveti if his sight and hearing, and 'en - (lured much physical suffering: but his faitli.in a future state of immortality and nevet"unding bliss, buOyed him up so its [ to enable him. through Ins spiritual vis ion to -read his title clear to a mansion in the skie • and, hence, in view of a happy futurity. he has borne .his priya tions'and afflictions with clfristian forth tude Mukutieomplaining patience. • Asyvidenee of the high este. , ein in which l'on“KwAr was held by his acipiaill tanees, not' only his imniediate neighbors, Lint nunicrons friends from various 'tarts of the county attended his funeral, al : thmigh his death was nut generally known and together with the masonic fraternity, I wined a funeral cortege -.a mile long. Haring been a member of the masonic order, as soon as his death - Vas known, the:Masimie Lodge of Towanda was con ! veiled to l resoled to attend .chis ft:nun' in a issly. ‘vhieli was at the house where,, lie died.. The religious:services were con ducted by the Rev. Mr.! CnANmEth pastor of the NI. E. chinch at Monroetom writ) read a biographical sketch 4 Mr. lt.; with interesting comMents upon his christian lifer and at his recilleSt, Mr. JANIES ELLI OTT; of TIM - and:LI:OW in leis 55th year, made sonic remarks. Mr E. said he - had known. Mr. Ros;Ewav for 70 years, and want - the first man employed by :him to do 1 his yarPenter work. As Mr. CitasmEn had spoken of Mr. 11.'s belief in the inn mortality of the soul. Mr. ELLIOTT forei blyleinonstrated the truth of it by argu menis based upon biblical authority. The divine benediction was then invoked by CRANNIEIt. • ply arrangement of the relatives of Mr. of his grandsons were selected as WM; K EAT LEY _ „ , . . '4; .-,.:1.`„'14.-'ll,!..,ras,t;lgrett.:4-:• MfMtS breams Weir' into the gave a sprig of everirt in ga an emblem of perpe re them: of their deceased bro th er, ac companied by words of fraternal regret at parting, but with cherished hopes of meeting him again in the hallowed tem- , ple.of the Worshipful Grand Master : of the' universe. i BUSINESS LOCAL. itar New Prints at KENT &BLISS.' rir'New Dress Goods at KENT fit BLISS' rir New lot of Shawls at KENT a; BLISS% air Nesr goods received - flatly at FiZNOLIMAN*B Engraytng thine St HENDILLWAN'S Je welZl Store. Vir A new stock of Corsets at KENT a; NLito-0. Buttrick's Patterns , at KENT mass., rs-Ladies' Linen Suits at K}:x•r rgr Call at KENT & BLISS' and see their new goods. • rfr New Cloths and Cassimeres at KENT & BLISS'. MM' A large assortment of spring and Isnnimer - hats, Just received, at 31. E. ItOSE.N. Ei11332 tg" . Dolhir-an4-a-futlf books for 99 cts. i Meregr Muck fOr A full lino of Parasols and Fans at KENT k Br...tss;l; lIKNDLEm AN offers a great reduction In S❑ ♦er-L'latel Vare. • 1. - Z" A full line of I losiery and Gliives at 4 'KENT Bons'. rjrA full line of Summer Skirtn at KENT 4.4 CB - White godtiet in great variety at KENT Sr. BLISR'. rjr Go to KENT & 13LISS' 1 . 017011 r No tions and Fancy Goods. . CW - 7 Son can bay a plated Castor for 99 cents, In Itlercur /pock. rr Call at KENT 4; BLISS and look at their Mack Grenadines. tgr A largo stock, of games and toys, at cost, at WHITCOMIS k Sli ACT'S. ta7" . All the latest inthlieatioits, very cheap, at, Wit ITCOM 11 & . Of - Everything in the lino of station ery at & SIIAUT*S. c 3 - WHITCOMB & SHAUT sell the best Blank Books ninnutactured In the country. ta" - You can get all the latest styles of Stationery, very cheap, at Wlturcomu & SIIAUT'S M" The largest and best assortment of spring ilothing In town, at M. E. i!..11)i , EN Fl Cart old, Silver,: and Steel Spectacles, and... Eye Glas,es, In great variety, at II M.:DELMAN S Jeire ry Store. The largest and best assortment' f Brackets ever brought to this place, can now :tae seen at F ItOSti & toct. 20—tt:d IlEitxsitinE ws.—pne pair fine mmithq old, and three pairs one month old, for Kale by G. 11. WELLEs, WyaluAng, Bradford VO.-414. RUITISER PAINT, price reduced to iwr•gallon. lit 5 gallon palls H. M. WELLES & SON. M - You will be surprised to learn how mprLyon ran lity for 99 'cents In Mereur Block. nir Great reduction in American Watches at ely. N'S.;.llthe 5. ?I'.I.NIAN has 'the finest stock welry and Silverware, ever brought Call awl eee It. or Wate .14:1 Into this town, 'tigers, to the West will find it lige to purchase tickets at the Ta- Rates reduced $1.50 front Sept. ht. • M" - Passe to their advaut wanda Depot. stock of Trunks and Tray recc Ive.l at ConsEtt'., and at 1,4- A ne ruing Rag, jn et pril en t ( 7 011 S. FN,d. and low Ht.:6 .1t 'Wats them all in,,:r.,00(1 clees this fall, ippite%lte the. l'ohrt..- Shoddy I about played out. When ,want a g,..41 111. a rn.She!,• go 1.. coin-I.:it's, ulw Cwirt llow44..—Ang"). 111-Don't fall to ca!l at ItitsncEmAN's, If you wish to buy anything in the line of Jewelry, Silver an/I Silver-rlatO.lWare. -•••-• Pull, brothers, Dull with care, your winter-w.rn and clunbmas alstair:, and envelope y.,lir.elf Ina thin dustatre,and prepaer'to enjoy the summer zephttlre. You Can Stipplyt yolir+ClYeS at rim.t,',..—Jurie 14. I= !Z. - 4 Ct..% wsoN ir EXT.—An apprm•cd white 'Wheat. elowooll ready for scoring. in*tlers filed ~i 1 and after Sept. I, at one d”l!ar andscvrnt} - fix,• rent: per 1;11-awl. G. 11. Wr.t.i.xs, l'atmag24w3 'reliable' man in ev ery fown-hip In thin and n IJolnlnF conotleA, to act a....gent for the New Illstory of l'enl:ylvanla. tioo , l .alarles will be paid to efficient Dien. ,Cull on .q• address It. C. Goottttitti Si Cu.; . Towanda, . • .1-T — FOR RENT.—A large, new, double t v .as.. nu Ralirtt St.. sultatq for either one or 'two fatnlllrs. Rent very ebeap until Arlin next. Also a butt of itodiins " J:lock," on Bridge St.l Rent low until April next. Enquire of E. W. II 41.1: tani: 24 :::Tri" A Vusical Institt4will be held at P.:1...n - 111e, 1'3., cointnettetng on'Monday evening, Sept. 4, continuing ten days, with - three session, thlt , y: 1.2 e to 3.(0 for the ebil.lreni 3.30 to 5.00. he ginner-; 7in 9 nth:meet'. The institute will close_ Ulth renrert• on Tl.nr,4lny and Friday evetringm, S.T. 14 and 15, under direetiod of Mr. JAMES Mc- ~-+~ "" romoN CotA sof: 3IEETis(;.• —The p•gular ntot.tlng ut Bradronl liktrict 151,,1,3 t;t:ing No. :::t. will 1,, Told at Canton oil Thiar.lay. Aug. 31, at 9 o'vlo , k a. m. acs. 1.1911: , Will 1.4! 01..11 to all Fourth Ilevve members. A full attendance of officers. lnentberF: and dele gates Is de.irat.le, as questions of vital importance will be illsrosed of. The Pomona degree will be duly conferred in the Virt:llifig on all hatiqg certi fied credential.. E. wF.N, Secretary Itrooks,. Sept. 7. 1570 !mar Sir—l:non early youth I wam lu feeble health. tronblrl with humor lu my hi 0,41, woatt ms4 and &laity of the system gene'ralli; was un able to tailor much. and only at s.ome light buAl ";m•.>., and then only with peat caution. Seven years t ags, the. pavt I , prlng, I had a se vere attack of diptherb. which left my limbs'paralyzed and useless, so I was unable td walk or even sit up. Noticing the advertisement of Peruvian Syrup, I coneho i led to give it a trial, and to my great Joy soon Toned my health Improvpig. I continued the ule of the syrup until three bottles bad been used, and nas restored to completAhealth, and have re main, d so to this day. I attribute my present health entlnly to the use of Peruvian Syrup, and hobl It In high estimation. I cannot speak too highly in Its praise. I have In several cases recommended It In eases very similar to nl% onti the' same goof results. - _ Yours truly, CIE ARLES E. PEARtV Chi Gen. KIT.PATRICK, a late resident of INtlliamsport, I'a., who died very suddenly on the 11th Inst., whilst on the cars, enroute for Phil adelphia, had but a few months prevtous seruied 1112..400 insurance on his life. Thus, by a little forethought 'and trifling cost, this gentleman, whilst in the vigor of life,' made ample provision for a fatuity dependant upon him for support. i Frlernl, are you Insured? If not o-rcurc a I, Ife Polley An a ftrst class Coutpany at once. Tomorrow may be. too lute. The Charter Oak I.lfe Insurance Company, oe, Ii act Ned, connecticut, Issues polleles on all the popular plans, at low rates. Es:alollshed In ISIiN has distributed over r 21,000,000 a inemg her pulley holders and their widows and . orphans, bringing Innumerable blussings to thousands of bereaved househ,dits. Asserts, 114,500,00. Surplus, 000. The "Deposit Plan" offers extraordinary ad vantages to Policy-holders. Circtilars expialaing diff anent pLaus of insur ance furnished on application .to E. Ottoteral Agent,' -; J 7 9 SITILtEOI, gMHA'N • if" 'CoilsouTl-pren- Ttres.—'the fall imeaake einameitcesi 310#111Air 21st. Bee Use adyertlsemeat la aziather eolumn.marw4l; . • rtko Notice, there is a &Tat re ductloa in Waltham and Elgin Watehm Call at ittittraill.A Wit end you will be sure to bni one a the prieen he b offering. N.l 'Arrox. re l '' OUR WESTERN BORDER---Iy life, Scene., ind Iliffory.—No portion of Athenian i llLstory sso replete with thrilling Incident and In terest as that known as the Heroic Epoch of Amerl elin Bo rder Lite. . . . . There 1 is a charm and freshness atom( the stir ring deeils and exciting adyentures at the dread naught old' borderers—sneh dauntless worthies as Boone, Benton; Brody, Logan, Ilatrod; ,McCul lough,lhe Toes, Zanes and Wetzel'', ths attract alike old atid young, and when read In the light of recent eVents transpiring in the Indlan:Comitry, show melestvldly the tryttig scenes through which the pioneer men and women of our comikrylhave passed. ,IThts history Is Billy given In pie timely volume I..oi:it •WISTEUN DORMER too iYEARI4 by Charles McKnight, Esq., nuthet of "01d Fort Duktnerine." and pubisited by J. C.*CUB BY a cp., Fhiladelphta, Cincinnati, Chlilgo, and St. Lotstic. Agents are wanted everywkCie. Ad d ress the Pnbilshe rs fai terms and Illust.ratett Clr• cular.Eale.r. VT Wyoming Seminary and Cr!oaniter .., vial College. Kingston, I.nzerue Co.. Pa. Rev. D COPEIAIND, IL, Principal. Thu Vryo c iutng SemlnFy offers to students the following ! , conises of study; I. Common English: 11. Counl In Lit eratureand Science; lii. Plassicateottri.e; IV. College 'reparatory course: V. Scientlict Prepar atory Ctiurse; VI. Course In Music; VlLlCourv, In Art; VIII. Course fur Teachers. j(r reach, German and Painting taught by compete 4 teach= ers; Mn Ic by a German Professor. The 'Outliner cial College gives instruction In Retail anifitt hole sale Business, Forwarding and Comnilsl,hm Busi ness, Banking, Penmanship, Telegraphy;kftnmer vial Latch etc. The Wpiining Scininary,ts one of the largr;st and i,est sustained schooli or; the kind in the errantry. Aclmilinislations for 174 : hoarders and '2OO Iday scholais. Instruction thoribigh and prices re:mottable.. Fall ' Term t 4 ens Auk': 30, 1575. For Catalegiito.,,contalning full Infurtnathei, ad dress the Principal. It. NELSON, Pris't Holm, of Trustees If. Wit ste:LEat, Secretary.fpy2om 6. I • :DIES AUWN! PET Bit nrar Mr. Id IV) al a Co.. I riliiti I aged •• arr, tOll A Itaant Lizzie • from the w•caktie. send 3 A Itlf a Illeed l / 1 ell ell%t D. Bed QM: R FrS SALES.—By i•irtue of sundry writs Issued (rut of the 'fourt of Conittioh will lie extoi , ed to putiller!tule at the Ciiii*t House.. En' the borough of T . ow`Anila. on Tli tilto/11% the alst day of AugusLl7a, at ono tiolooli.t P. M., the following deseribect peoporty : One 1,, tort t*l ning al .otit h 4 Eby ay es hence 4 0 vaq a eor El= L A ng9.. WI I CO I! In uu• I p . twill fl 11 g", and r.•, . hying. MEE It' of Geo .% boltli Tram 1 1% il 11 1 .1 11* hi , , . . 2 'do iiii (rattled dwelling houses, I framed liar!' and Olt Moll of fruit. trecri..,thereim. Selr. , ll and taken ri..., exl•crolon at the Fait of E W lialeiuse vs I . .)• 1) . .M.,y; , iar.1. ' , • 1 A I.SII-4 Pile ether hit, slthato In Sheshe nits twp,- !monde.: on the west by lands 111W4:.111.11ai•k, north by Malls of .la t o r ita,seil, cowl by hook of Debby. Vaidnilek, soritirdir lands of sll:l‘.layne,:'(*ornellus Vaiiel4e arid .las . Srulth; cMitaltis 67 at , res strler . measurei— , xcl.tmg therefrom -19 ticre4 rollyeYerl by .1 91 :•szt I th, sheriff or Bradford Co;, to Will .1 Itelprieeli•by deed acknowledged In 11,01:1.011r1 MI the 1001 day of Sept, Ir• . 73,„atirl recoriledr. lin Brad r.rd 4 , ..5., 1) It No 1'23. page ar.. Selee,• - ritol - taken into e ecullon at ;tilt of Win .I % lMtpitet•lN use vs tie., kl Sibl e y and eordelia Sibley, lils•Wi f e,, and .las Iteisse.ll. .Te rm. T.-nrstat". ' ',.. '' S', A Lsi I—Our other lot, situate In Towanda Niro', hominid,' and . described as follows: ktegilinlng On the north side of l'lnc-st at the solltil .1)1' riddle School , lot, thence northerly along said 101,9 S 9-12 ft to a coh of W.% Chamberlin: thence easterly along sill e minberlin land :it ft to a (merit a lot; formerly liclonglng to 11 L Semi, now to Mrs Keene: thence 1 southerly along line of KUMe and parole] with first described fet 9-12 ft to I.lne-s:: thence Along the north tine of l'lne-st 91 ft.to the place of In:Tinning, wills a framed dwelling house and a 9-story brick and fr'' L tiled wagon and blacksmith shop: thereon. / s e iz e d and taken into execUtlen at the sit!l all II .. 31;:ce'. use vs Henry Stulen and 11 S Clark. ALSO—One Other lot,i is Wells and Columbia tolls, boundirl On the north by lands of David Cory, l'n•tl liy,terl: n Church tot, land of Anus Bowman, and ri,:itl'ilutnlng from South Creek to the IN Edsalt Farm: east lov^ land of tiobram Mos,ter.,:south by lands of T 11ust in, Owen Wright and FAN% In IV riglit, and Wrest by land of 1) It Frlecet,'_ contains 290 ac rs, more or tess,f ahmat 166 linpr.rend, will. 1 fraineit house, 1 tenement honse, I framed hog house, 'S framed barti. I blacksmith ;•114,141 t. range .store. I thld Fellows 11311, and orchard of fruit trees t wren... Seized and lANu into eqentlen at the mi I of CVO It Cory to use of Da%lill,!_ory 1:s J S • Sweet; • AL: 4 IO-01re other lot. hltti a t tb In Athens bom', botailili•4l on the north by land.,— fetter 110 feet, ,•,11 1 .4 lo • :11aln-,,t 21 ft, south by lauds of tilA ItrI•oloo1 aLoottt 104 ft, ainJ west 1,2, - Elntica-st 21 lit! rontaitts :thou! -20 of ati acre. more or less, all Arnprovootl, with hfratnett 4)111111111g u..e0l Aer. . a stores thereon. Seized! and. taken. Into exceutleta at stilt of John Coven ', Sr; vs.'.lohn Covetly, Jr. Also it : suit of John Coven 'oveny trek John Coveity, Jr. :1 AL It—tine either lot, situate in Burlington bon,. boundril Ott tluftborth by lands Of John.littlites, east by lands of Sfio man Hill, south by lan44 of N W Lane, 111 K Hill and the cemetery lot. aiirl west by the glutei( Turnpike and a paralei semi leading to .1 Haines: contains ;0 :117,, tutor 'dr less, about 4 0 initiroved; no buildings. - ;.; . ,11.1 q gene other lot. situate In bur 1 irik ton boro, I, unothrl on thr• north by lands of N W 'bane, east by Bid M E Church lot, south by pubtlr highway, and w •st by Tom Jatics' creek; contains about 5 4 01 an acre. loom or less, all tillitroviil, nMI I I raw 1 house then-rm. Seized and taken into exit. , otion at snit of E S Bailey vs .1 11 Simpkins. P A1,t.11-:-.llne' other lot, situate In l'ow;Uttla bom', bound .rI on the north by *late-at, east .14 'lands of Beitia itin KUYkrendall, south by Poplar-At, and west I,y f i sts of t o o fi W.KNI, Iteing altoot.oo ft front an d a l... i t iso ft deep. all improved; tot bultilltror. A I.sl t---Tloi ,i ntendant, Geo 1. c a...les , Mullv bred one-lifth Interest In one Wiwi - lot of land in Barclay twp, 6nd:titling 113 acres, more of II,,; In the War ratiter mime of if II Cunningham. wittpa snit' mill. two mll !Muses and a stable thereon. % 1 A 1.4 i I—The, cleft's undivided one-11 flit interest In sue other 10l of land in Barclay twp, containing 400 acres.lmore on less, in the warrantee name of Pe ter Ladley. : B. LAI'ORTE. MasUr liaa t m OWEA [ ..... MARRIED. . • , 111.1vErkr.—At the residence , 4.1 C. 11. dial Sheshequin, Aug. In, by C. ll_ Ames L. Mercer Heger... of Litchfield.' I'a., and Mtina lIIITem of >nichelville, N. Y. fiENS—NUIRSE.-At the bride:i; borne 'amptown. Aug. 10, by Ilev.G. L. Williams. !ms Petereams aneMrs. Mary Nurne, all of sing. . . , I • • DIED. ... . , • NO.-At tip Rectory In Athens.ll4 dford a.. August R. Alive Amanda, .;youngest 1 f Itev..l. Me A Moe and Alice T..Marding, , . I years and 9 months. 0 ark ls - the kingdom of heaven." .. L . I''.--1; ale plate, Angmt 20, of Cholera , 0111 . H w y I tract . . only child of ' r lidm and M. itotrAy, aged 9 months and 23 days. 'he sou!, tot, soft its Ills to hear, , ! las le:t_onr mortal hemisphere, ud sought, In better world, the meed . 0 idamiless life by heaven deermid." saiOtAL NOTICES. 4. CAIIIt—To all who are suffering e errors Aft inillseretions of youth, 'nervous •f.s, early &vas, loss of manhood, 4,j.. Lyn! rect.,' that will cure yon. FREE OF E. This great remedy was diseniet.-d by mary In Soot h America. Send a self•address ow to the I{ isr.Pit T. 1 N 3,:,Strt.t ion ihowtr, New Fork eify .1 May t Elnin ' I•ezal. t •t, piece or pareellor land situate In Tusea• Wounded and deseribed ns followi4 Begin he most northerly ,orti,r of said lOt.,thenee (P_° east 127 p.: to t rortier theac'e solttli 11 p to a cor: thence YlnYtli 66 0 vie;it 51 ps; "tali foto west an to a ror: thelive math ps to a cor; thence south hri ° Wett:4l ps to hence north 1.1., 0 east 115 ps I , i a cor : ast_l3 ps tokeor; thenev north 42?; vast to h, of beginniirg: c..ntainlng 1:: aerVi::,at:tl ll't e or Jesse ationt :i0 acres Improved:: with I :tome. II framed barn. other outivilldiugs fruit tries thereon. - .1. me other lot, situate In Tuscartiwa twp, 1 and described as follows: Itegititting at a Imp nit the west side of public rotitl a few 1 rth of il Tiling house. formerly ocetipled by tight; th nen., south 61 , , 0 west 'llll ps to a r a corn , r: ? fhence north 97 s 0 c . ;e4 40 ps to ': then 0 north 5 V cast ma ps tii'a staket north 0 east 40 ps to a tusk oak: thence . 0 west 4o ps,to the main roads theurce along Id S 3 ps to the place of :beginning: ieontain ere.. more .ii - less. Sel`zett and taken Into 1111 at the salt of Its Coleman's use vs John ~ Martin Me.%llister, (leo. Ilought,-; Also at liieo At %Tod vs same. ; , I—One other lot, situate In Tusearora twp, •il on the tomtit by lands of S It I:eeney, twit lof S Ii leettoy and land contraCted to It F ,4'1'1114'11mo! of S It Kerney, and lWest by Ttraeted ;to Aaron and P:OllliiSS Illinipand A lt•T; 4 . 0111;i1o• '2ll 3ere..., more or Ie“. 15 It- WWI r,l'frano ., l Inni.e,, I framed barn. I up,. I .ley ,11.. p. and I planing n111141%101 all Jules and maeliln,ry In 111111;1w! w'.iler priv - -and few frith tree, llwrenn;--quepllng. serviug therefrom 10 ro.l.s,•miaro; "Claud ltugg by '.le(sl dated liartiv 16. 1064. XI the svest stole of highway Ira.tlti from Eddy. :Seized and lakon tot° ex ' at the skill of Geo (• Alvviss( nogg, gv, moll) II Hogg & Son, Alms ; the mitt At Wo+i Vs D-11 Ittigg and It r 10U.% folliiT lot, t•lt nate' ht Towitinlat twp, A on the north by pnblif hlghwa!2i, leading Wanda Creek to its . yhith, t,int loilmitis of ?i south by lilnds of lieu P : 01,11 and rhy. :111.1 west b) lands of &F Ibmjilan: con e? neres, more or about 50 improjeti, with V. et-The Jerc'snudl~ide Pone-firth interrst In one other lot OT land In Barclay !up. colitalnihg 330 acre: 4 ,lloore t.e,,luss, In the n arras tee nami urde,e•ph Ladlei-. . ... . . - AlLio—The de fCs undivided OTIC•t1 fill interest IM ' one other* of land In Barclay MT. cold:tilting 3351, aeres,jmore : or less, In the warrantee name or wal-i -ter Sltwart. ' ~.. 'r. IF .s 1,-'l—The, Ile ft 'a undivided one-fifth 'interest liti one ot i her lot of land lo Barclay and Oyrrton taps.! containing 400 acres, Morn or less, in theiwarranteel il:1111C kg Andrew Ladley. Seized and taken iitt, execution at the suit of E W Bale vi tico 1' Cant'! and W Itrainhall. ~ : , .., Al't'—'.hue other lot, situate-.in )rysox twp); hounded and deseziled as follows:' Santo heing I.ott NO,l mid 2of Bloc N o 12, cor l'enasylvailla'-ave and' henitiel-st, sr ft front each on Vetritsylvattla• are and ISO ft deett.fas will more fully appear lit Wren'', Morgan and Moody's map of "East Towani Ila Stli division: all Imp'r'oved: no finlidlngs. Seized and L ken Into execution at suit of Win II Morgan; - nho s mires 1. 1. 31.5.1 y, vs I- N McCOrhalck. ~- A I..Stt---prie other lot, situate in ••Ulster twp, bounded on, the north by lam] of Nor Man Shaw. Chas tfolcontb, Henry Thomas and Edward Walki eret el,east by Su.queltanna river, south by lands bei longing to the estate of Chauncey ItOckivtil. rice'd and west by 1:111tIN of .las ! A t-triter, Tit.. Odo • Itog , rs,! r Adelhert Shaw. and ti,' Tewell lot); '-coil i aims trAi acres 4 more or let,. about 120 liiiptimid; wlth :i frame ti dwelling house, 2 framed barns with :doubt attached, other outbullcilugs and orchard of fruit. th trees t•reon. • 1 i - i A 1..t1i1-43ne . other lot, situate In l'lSter, township; bounded on the north by public highway leading from Ulster to Smithfield, rant by other lands of Jas McCarty (befog the above described lull mud Chas Molcomb, south by landot Edward t.ocEwoodi and *est by laud of John VOW*: contains:smi Wore or less , with about :0 Improved:. utitothil .11tolsed sod taton Into execution It tin ;anti of W W Ink Tv ._ alum - It- a ' , I - - • • „ ttNMI DNS JILBO-4:ble other lot, situate in Leßoy townstdp, bounded and described as follows' Beginning at a stone car In the center of the road leading from Canton to Towanda, being the northwest nor of .1 L Bailey's lot; thence* southerly course 111 ft to a post in thellOUthllfest ear of said Bailers tot; thence an easterly amuse 94% ft 63 a post. beingthe south east cor.ot said Bailey's tot In the line of lands owned by S B Morse ; thence south along mid ilea 167 f 1 to a stake and stonetthenee a westerly course along lands of A L Mon* 807 ft to a stake ro ll stone; thence a northerly course along lands of 0 . Morse 264 ft to the center of the aforesaid ; thence an easterly course along said road =3 ft to the place of beginnip contains about 24 acres , . morn or less, all Impror , ith 1 lonise, 1 ham and fruit trees thereon. Seized kenlnto exe cution at suit of Mary Knapp, sure v • . arms Knapp. vs E A Knapp. ALSO—One other lot, situate In Springfleld twp, bounded on the north by lands of Elisha Landdh, east by the public highway leading from Spring field Centre to Troy, south by Land of I N,Fan ning. and wet by lands of Elisha Landon and I N Fanning; contains 1 acre, more or less, all Improv ed, with 1 framed steam saw-tuill and grist mill, mill sheds and all' mill fixtures and appurtenances belonging thereto. ALSO—One other lot, situate In Springfield twr, hounded on tho north by lends of Elisha Landon, east by land of Elisha Landon, south by public 1 , highway leadln from Leona to East Trey, and west by public h ghUisY leading from Springfield to Troy; contains , of an acre, more or less, all In,- proved, with 1 framed house and few fruit trees thereon. , . ALSO—One other lot, situate In Springfield DV, pounded on the north by land of Wtn T that east by land of I N Fanning. south by land of 1 N Fan: ning, Uyron Guthrie and Hosea eannetly, and west by highway leading from Spit InKflelildo Troy via Leona; contalirs it% acres, more or less, all im proved; no buildings. i ALSO—AII the rigid, title and privileges which the said 31 31 Luther has to a certain water privb lege. the same •as conveyed by deed from Enos , Hubbard and wife to SAM Win 'r Said water privilege belonging to said mill property mentioned in lot No 1, hereto described. Seized. and taken Into execution at stilt 'of W T Daly's use vs M -31 Luther. Also at suit of same vs same. Also at stilt of saute vs same. A I.Stl—One other lot, situate int Athen4 boro', bounded on the north by W 'emit by lOt of Ida Evans, south by lots of Patrick Nicholson and Eller Wolcott, and west by lot of b E WaStantrii; Is 180 fk front on William-at, and 140 ft deeP;con tains Yi of an acre, more or less. Seized atadVakeit into execution at suit of If itch.k Kinney vs Simon Gibbs. reputed owner and contractor. ALSO—One other lot, situate in AtheMs twp, bounded on the north and east by lands of. D I. F . Clarke, south bytltroaibive, and West by Fulton st; same- being lot No 74 In block No 8 of D L F Clarke'sestenslonof South Waverty, with I framed dwelling house and few fruit trees thereon.. Seized and taken Into ex - tient ion at stilt of ...The Bradford Loan alp! Building Asviciatlon of Athens twp v ••• vs 'Theodolite Williams. Also at stilt of sanievx 141111 e. Al.Sti—One other lot, altuate In Albany twp, bounded on the north, east, south and west by lands of K tiverton, Jr: contains acres, more or les,, all Improved, with framed house, ward stable,trist mill and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at suit of C IV Eves & Co vs A B II abler. ALSO—One other lot, situate hi Athens twp, 'bounded on the . north by Pitney 81, east by lands of Judge Yates, - south by lands of Witi Mathewson, and west by lands of Mrs Ci I..efler; contain, i t of an a c r e , an, Improved, with.l flawed hnuses , outbuildings, and fruit trees thereon. Selzt 7 sl and taken Into execution at stilt of A 11 Itayner'S use vs Mary Webb.' . A I.S.o—. 4 bie other lot, idtuate;in Towanda:Niro', bounded and described as fellows: Beginning at a. cur ton the east side of Mahost) of a . lot contracted to S N Aspinwall by J F Means,: thence easterly along said Aspinwall's north linen° ft to an alley (said alley to is 10 ft wide); thence northerly along . the west stile of said alley 2.1.11 t thence westerly on a paralel line with said Aspinwalnenorth line to Matte•st t thence southerly along the. east line of said Main-st 21 ft to said eor, the place of beginning; with one 3-story brick building used for a store thereon. Seized and taken 11:ito execu tion at stilt of Win Morgan to use of Alvan Wick ham vs A Wickham and 11 A:Black. I ALSO—One other lot. situate in silieshequin bounded on the north by lands"( Davis & Pugh. Cast by lands of David Ileavner, south. by lands deeded to Samuel Havner by Chas. A., Hastier, by deed dated Aug-4, 1556, andlon the west by 4 latills of 'Charles 11 41cavner and Aaron :heeler; eon talus aen,,, - ruore or less; T abour .16 Improved, with I framed 'house, I trained barn, framed granary and orchard of fruit .ti;:ees thereon. ALSitt—one other lor:'situat . it Sn,shequin twp, bounded on the north by landsi of Ainaslah Sheeler and the alswe described lot, oast by lands of David Ileavner, south by lands of J J Freud], and west by a lot of land known tts the Toyer Ind, now owned by the li.lnneys; contains 07,aeres noire or less,aboat 20 linprovedt tun buildings. Seized and taken bite 'execution at stilt of I. Elstitee's use' vs Jeremiah .French and Borleska Heartier, Adttt'rs of Samuel Ileavner, deed. = hounded On the north aliii tetvt bsi larch of .1 . II Conklin, south by landsof E& J E l'lollett, and west by lands of .1 H Conklln: lcontalna el :terry, more or IrYs. ahtmt 40 improved with 1 log 111311 Se. I framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. Seized = sen vs 1: N 31cCormtek_ t,l,;41)—(111,6 other lot situate In twp.' bounde,l on the north by lands of Sololl Fall. east by, lands of estate Of llorace liinney,"moith by lands Or L Klmv.bury, and west by land; or s.•lina horn: contains 6 , 1 acres, more or less, about 20 MI.! rrov,i: 110 LW I—/lie other lot, sltimte In Shshrgidatwp.,! bounded on I tie uorl h by lands of south by lands (d Marshall Segar, east by lauds of mid lleidleman, and west. by poblle Lighway; run-1 tains about tiro acres, 1111;re with I iratawdi hou,e„ I framed barn, and few (mit trees thereon.; Seized and taken Into execution at suit of The I Athens Building and L , 4111 Association of Athelti. Penn'a," rs tie(' M A ILSI other tot. situate In North Towanda. trap, described as follow,: Beginning af-the south.: west corner of lot No 19 In the Placer eh ruirvey,! Menet! north 31 0 west along the westerly Ilue Ut; said lot Ito rods to the northwest owner thereof;' thence south 59° west on the IMP between lots No.„ Ii and 14 of said survey 0f) rods or thereabouts to, the solthwest cor of loi thowe 10° east inn rods or More About, to the corour of lot Nu. Cuj thence north So" 6ast, SO rods or thereabouts to theldare of beginning; contain.; 155 acres. more or less, about 7.1 improved, with 4,lank house. framed barn, frami 7 il stable, and orchard of frult. trees thereon. A CSI I-1 the other lot, situate In said twp, ed and lUeserlitell followq; 'Beginning at a pest; et.r. thence by hinds of I' 51 Manvilfir north ni° east 77 ..10 ps to the public road: - thence along PM Saniti south 10 0 west as 5-lo to to a staktl; thence by the same south la? east 7 040 ps to a pest; Menet" south '4.: ° west, along land , or Iv A Slayter 51 11-10 r, tit a 11.i!a,, north 2s o west along' line of ha first deserltred a 5 •41to Its to place of beginning; emb ; tains acres 311.1 113 pm: about 14 improved. Abut the right t7f way, atrout In ft wide, over lands of M' A Sloyter front the southwest cur of the last dr, scribed lot to the nearest point to public highway;' said strip toile adjoining and upon the line of said lot.' Seized and taken Into execution at suit or Charle+ Hayes vs Daniel Hayes anti John liayes. .• • Alit *Mier lot, situate to Athens twp, des, eri bed as follows: Beginning in centre of Chentung Mad and running vt esterty along the • south line or lands owned by Gottlieb liens In to lands be longing to I) I. F Snyder & ratitert thence South; uric along said lands of DI. Snyder 6 rods para, let nit!. oho centre of said Chentting road thence easterly t rods in a line paralel with the north line; to the-centre of said ritentung roallz. thence north— erly• 6 riots along Nail!. Chetnung road, to the place of beginit• lig, containing WI Hoare Psis. inure or - less, ad improved, with a,••two story !ranted dwell ing house thereon, Seized taken In execution at' the stilt of Sarah 1 , Elmer vs MinerSt..loltn. Al.stt--The following deSeriheti lot, piece or parcel of land gittaate In Athens borough, Bradford county. State or Pennsylvania, isannied na follows: int the north by Chestnut strect„on the east by, lands of N Ilarrts,on the south itylawls of dunces. 11 Wilsoltatid It F Park. atatl/11 the wegf by lands" of A rtemins Welter, being about 40 feet front and- Ile feet deep, with one franuld louse and . terr fruit' trees 'thereon. Seized an 4 taken In execution aG the:Nutt of Athens Building and Loan Association of Athens, a., vs II U A I.SII—The following tot piece b r parcel or hoer situate in Towanda borough, Brad. , lord counts'. State or Pennsylvania., bounded as rot! lows: on the north by poplar streets east.by land of I) V Sledge, south by land of John F.Means, west, by land of the county of Brodford, and' about 50 ft front on !isld street by-140 ft deep, !wing lot No. r. of the Cash estate, with a two story framed dwell.: !neon'se and framed barn, partly finished, there, MI and in possession of C A GrISWIed• Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Mrs. 11 A. Scott tis W Bramball and Geo I' Cash, security. A I.Stl-lilio following described Jot, ' piece or parcel Of hind, situate ill South Creek township; Bradford county. State of Pennsylvania, l'Onnded hohtes, hewil: on,h. north by the public high way, eaq by lands or Win Balmer and Charles usl trander,south by ; lands et Allen S Parsons and Willi Itelyeamid on the west by lands of Lyman It rough ton, containing 71; acres of land, more or lessotlemi 40 acres improved, with I log !muse, i board barn; and few fruit trees thereon. AI tt=t the other lot, piece or parcel of laical .414 nate in South Crtek TwiN county and state afore; saill. , houtided as follows, to-Wit: on the north lac 'land, of .1 F Gillett and Mri Mary doyley, east by lavitl of .1 1.111. e Vitt. south by Timid , of Beni WID min, awl on the west try hunk or the N It II f•o; containitig 40 acres of land niore or ithont 49 aen•s inilitmed. with I board house, I framed tiarni and few fruit trees thereon. I • " ALSO—one other lot. olive or.parcel of land sit 7 nate In South Creek twp,rcounty and stale 31.'0 , said. bounded ;5.- dollows, to-wit: on the north by land, of John F Gillett, cast by the public highway leading from Elmira to Troy, south by the public highway, and on-the west,: by land, of Peller Wor; demlyke, containing 'u aere of land. MOre or sell impnived. with I framed house, I shop, and few that trees thereon. Seized and taken hi exeention :it the stilt of A Pars Ons vs E r Parsons and A S Parsons. Also at suit of same vs same., Also at ciM snit ofiN Vannusk irk vs valor. • ALSO—One other lot, piece ur parc4of land skt nate In Monroe and Overton twps, and I/0111111rd an tlol south by lands of John Mane and David rash estate, on the • west ity land in Stephen Cox, Dorcas E Abbot and Mathew Nor throp, Jr, on the north by lands id Mrs Weston, Dorcas F. Abbot and lien) North op. and on the east by Lands In the ,watratitee names of Ephraim McAdams, Jacob 1114nnor and James Worth, Con taining Maud Doe acres noire or less, being known' as MO Mill Stone Mill !amt.. and composed of the following warrants,. anirparts Of warrants, via: James I.mlley and Win qray. and parts of Isaae Mttlt r, James Sinitmusand Samuel Selz.- rd aftd taken In exdrutinn at the suit of James D Hawes VS Nallll.llC Metchr. ALSO—the following described lot, pleCe parcel of land. situate In Or*ell lownship. Itrail ford county. State of Pennsylvania. bounikil as fol low.. vie: beginning at a post the south west ilf said lot and the north West corner of C Fristiie , s bd (now sold to S II %Vinson). thence east Imps JO a post, being the north east cor of said Willsolrs lob thence north. by lands of L. F rlsble and,ll Camp 77 2-to ps to a post. thence east by land of :A Camp 25 ps to a state and stones. thence north.:l7 ps to a stake and stones M Frisble's south line, thence west by said tine 135ps to a stake and stonos. thence south by land of .1 Cleve lowl 111 2.40 ps te L a roost the place of beginning. containing 79 acresail s-10 ps of land, more or less, with I (ranted !tonsil, framed barn, other outlitillilingi and (della, 41 frult,trees thereon. Seized'and taken In execution at the snit of N C Ektiree is C II Upson admrkit Henry Upson. • ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land , lying and being ht the borough of Towanda, county of nrail ford, ra., ,bounded as follows, viz: beginning south cast rot' of lot of A F Cowles 'on south side of IlotOon siteef, thence eastwardly along the meal' stire of lloiston street 75 ft to the centre of lot No 7. thenett tumthwardly along the centre of lot No 7 ataint47.2.s feet to tins of Nctrl . Merritt'. thence westwatdly along said Mercurs line abobt 70 feet to a cornier of said A F Cowle's bit, thence northwordly along the line of sal , Cowles about =.5 felt to the place of beginning. Seized and taken in execution at the stilt of Jidin II Chapel use,, vs I' W Cowell and W ailnir of the est of Ellen K deceas,,l. .Al.so—The following descrlk d lot, piece or 14r cel of land situate In Towanda borough. Itradfytd °may, Pa, hounded as follows, beginning on the west stile of • Main street at the south west cur of a lot heretofore contracted by .1 M Ward and E ()Venom Jr. to Jatues Cu.nmisky, and twin e.. 25 ft south of the south west cor of but conveyedihy the said Ward and Overton to 0 II r DlsbroW. thence southerly along tho west side of Alatu St.; p ft, thence along other land of the Bald parties bf the first inkt south St° CV seat about ft to lleg of land o Barclay Coal Co sepposed to ho an anon thence along sald Companraland or alley north !:a SS' east ft to the south exit cotter of lot cosh** _tip4 Ostai Cumunlar t tams WON std Gallo UNA , • - halsky south; line 24 0 , st about 111H11 ft tothe place of_ beginning, all Ito '• • ed, no buildings. • ALSO—One Mime lot situate In Towanda bozo, bounded as:follows, on the north by Elizabeth st., int - the east by Main St, on the south by lands of Samuel Walbridge, and on the west by lands of A Loder, Whig 44 ft frollt on said Maln street and ,Jr,2 feet deep, pll improved, no buildings. Seized and taken In exeentlon and,,to be Fold at the suit of Overton & Elsbree vs Lanl2l,l3tillivan. ALSO--One other lot of land situate In Attylani twp, bounded as follows: beginning at a button :wood near Duren creek, thence along Russell 3111- ler's land north 32is 0 west 110 p to a corner,thence .along Andrew Ellenberger's land south 144 0 west., 104 p to Towanda and SrenchtrArn oroad,„thenco 'down same south 54,4 0 east Si 5-1011 to a corner. -thence north 80° cast 14 p ton stone corner, thenivb orth 54° east 27 5.10 p to the place of beginning, "con n 29 acres of. land, more or less, all ita." proved, no Inge. ALSO—One other- Of !arid situate in ,AsyluM .twp, bounded as follows: a north by lands of Wm ft Storrs, on the east by othe - riatuls of M Ell : entairger (the above described lot}, and lands of Russell Stiller, on the south by lands of Wilson :Frutchy and lands formerly owned by Jacob Eme- Ty, and on the west by landsof Edw'd Hecker, con ..taltring 140 acn' of land, more or lets, about 120 Tacrrs Improved. with 2 (rained houses. 2 framed barns with sheds attache, granary, wagon oiled, :and other outbuildings, and 2 orchls of fruit :trees thereon . Seized and taken in o' ecution at 'the',lMit of Jonathan Ho rn et vg 51 F.llentasker. ALSO—One other lot of land situate In Rome tp, bounded as follows: beginning at a south west cot. of Mason Wattles. late Wm A Wattles, thence north 1° east 1411 pto a post, thence north 50 0 West 20 p to a beech sapling, thence north 1° east 20 p to a post on the warrant line, thence north flu° west 70 1 540 p to 4 post, thence south I°'west 159 0-10 p io t a corner itithe mill pond, thence smith 89° east 14 perches 10 a post. thence smith 1° west 4 2-10 p to a trust, thence south 92 0 east IF. S-10 p to 1) Itlitg, way's cur. In the creek, thence south 89° east 50 4-, ' 10 p to the place of beginning, containing 97 acres and 75 p strict measure, be the same, more or less. al acres belitgepart of.a larger tract of land known as ; parcel Nt..SL' and of th e warrant No 104, about 90 acres Impkoviel, with 3 framed houses. 2 framed . barns, 1 sawimill and mill fixtures,,water prlvilego Ac, and orchard of fruit trees thereon. T.SO—One other lot of land In Rome twp, boun ded sai follows, beginning at a hemlock north cast corner of let No 20 as surveyed by Zephon Flower, thence west 115 5-10 p to a post south east rot, of lot No 50. thence north 131 4-10 pto a beech for a cor ner, thence east 119 5.10 pto a beech for a corner. thence south 181 3-10 p to the beglnning,contalning 112 aenetS3l. of laud, about 80 acres improved, and a few fruit trees th.;roon. ALSO—One other lot of land In.Sheshequin twit, bounded as MOWS: beginning at the hemlock south east cor, of a Int No 24, thence west 106 6-.10 p to a pojt a cor, of a lot run out for Cyrus Wheelet thence north 78 4-10 p to a corner of a lot deeded to Philo Baxter, thence east 106 C-10 p to the smith east cor, of said Iltixters lot, toence south 78 4.10 p to the iwginning, containing 52 acres 47 p, lie the same more or less. no improvements. ALSO-01w other lot of land situate In Home tp. boundyd as follows: beginning at a stake the south west cor. of Mrs I. I) Turrell's lot. thence along the south line of the same south 88 , t 0 east I+s p to a i t stake. aryl stone on the line of C Vaunter; the lee south 1%... 0 West to a stake and stone cot. of f: W Wertenletrgh.t hence by the line of the same or rah $S L z o 'Artst PS p ton corner on the line of S Bed hope; ihence by the line of the same north I.to east r. 3 3-1 n p to a corner In line of Wm Balls lot, thence by the line Of the same south Os z., 0 east 43 p to a pio.q. I Morel south I. z o west 25 1-10 pto the bagin- Mimi containing 50 'acres and 314 p of land, more or les, about , 35 acres Improved, with one (tamed house, 1 board house, 1 framed, barn and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken.* execu tion at the suit of Charles It S.ickett and I Overtmt & Elsliree is Lewis Goff. Also at suit of Mrs Nel lie I' Hates rs Lewis Goff and Moron Osborn. ALSO-4 tun other lot of land In Leßoy twp,boun• del as foltitws: beginning at a post and stones, ettr. of the -John Ilarron..lr. warrant.thettre by the warrant holindaries around the four sides of the tract to the, place of beglnningxontaining 200 acres of land, mom or less; It being all defendant's until, rided interest in tht:tiettry Beek warrant., ALSO—One other lot of land in Leßoy twp,boun dell as follOws: beginning at it print and ntOnes on tit' line of the. Honry Beck wariant, thence br the several angles and distances of the fractional war rant lines td the place tele-ginning. containing 2er acres, roorei,r less. It !wing alt the defendant's undivided interest,ln the Frylerick Ratestriant: said Interest Wing all the right. title;"cla in and demand whatsoeverof the defendant hi Ibe afore said tracts vested in him as heir of the late C I. Ward, Jointly with Ellen Ward Miller. winch In terest commises the ' t of the Henry Berk and Frederick Re ates warrant:. I ALS. t—One other lot of land situate In Albany pj,,l Mt on r 00: t% p5 6 , 11011T1111 . 11 as (Idiom , : beginning at a corner Of the warrant line of warrant lot No 20. thence. nortb p, thence east 327 p, thence smith) p, throve It est. oiS p, throve south nH p, thence west 12:1p, thence north -15° TV west 221 3.40 p to the place of lieginnlng, contain In 120 acres of land !bore or less, • . 3A 4.St 4—A IM bounded as follows: beginning at a poseon warrant lot No 11 , theneernorth II p.thence east 100 p, thence Melillo:34i p, thol i nre. writ Ind p to• the beginning.. enntainldf olorteres of land more or less;. lying 509 acres of land more Aw less In the whole ract,, the defendant's Intootest pnly to be sold. • ALSO—it,. other led of lanol, t rtinate In Towanda Mt°, brooded asfolliows: hod:lnning 'at a pooln. in the northilne Of State streeband west line of north F. ninth St reel, thence along the north line of State street feet to the proposed corner of State and Fourth streets, thence along the north lITIP of State street as aforesaid SO feet to a vorner• thence nor therly at right antr,lo s to the afonosaid line of •s•ste SI reef ISO feet to the south line of a IS foot ,oloy. them, al o ng the south line of said alley parallel with the line of State street aforesaid to a point In a parolel upe of North Fourth thence by the same course 18 feet to the west lltie nr No Fourth Street, thence along the west line of.salot N.Fourth St reef to the place of beginning. except bug and re serving therefrom the privilege of using a strip of laid Is feet In width measured on State Street (room the point of intersection of the north lioe of sail street with the west 1111 P of North Fourth Street ex fowling northertti to the :o'4'es:ll.lls toot' allev In the rear 4 .ahl lot for the purpose of whi-nlog the aforesaid North Fohrth Street when the sane. shall he °felled to the width Of 50 feet through to Ward Avenne and restricting thy: right of building on said strip of land or otherwise obstructing the use of said-strip oil land for the purpose aforesaid. with 1 framed honSe and a few fruit trees theretio. 11. St 1-41 M. why): lot of land situate in Athens •iwP• launtied as follOws: begird/lug at a point In the attic lint' of inllll. , of 11 , 11114ek.”C & raMpbe`ii. thence iion!gr SUM line.soWth st , as' east 167 -1-TO p to a corner: therms southerly 76 2-10 p twa corner. thence north 72 0 west 17a p to a corner on line of tha:Mot t, thence northerly Is p to the pyre of ginning, cot:Mining 50 acre,tif laull, mom or lei A I.SO-41ne other lot of land situate in Albany top, bounded as follows: un the north he lands 01 Ellen. Ward Miller, on the east be taunts of E 11 liarris, on the south lee lands of donas Miller and Eri I.re. and on the west by lands of 1/ It Black man and l'4ctie. e•intalnlng 145 acres of hind.. more or less, about go acres improveil.with I hoard house board stied and few fruit trees there.", A LSI 11-. 1 my other lot or 'mot nil mite to Towanda bon s Iwn,udrd p_v r4,114 , w, I , gitinlva at a post cor ner Poplar and 5.,00110 streets. thence by Poplar St south ato east 45 feet to an a foot alley. thence by stme north east 77 teet ton twist on the line of a lot belonging to Henry Ward. knoWn as the cistern lot. Incnee by the ..110.s north al° west Is ft to the least. Ilse or Second street. thettre by Secs ion St rret south 0° ivest•77 foot to the place of Iwginning. be ing nuts nos 0, 7 and 8 of a 5111.111V61011 of a, piece of land deeded by Ifenry Ward and wife toil! w Pat rick by deed ,dated :lan. It, 1574,u all Improved, no buildings. • .sl.So.—thie`,,u(her lot of land situate In Athens top. bounded as follows: begitoilng at a pied On the line of the :public road, theinal north - 1220 39' 'east • 174 p to a cOrner, thence north :10' west as 9-10 perches to,a post, thence south Ito 91' %vest 09 1-10 pto aposrror. of C lionsecker's let, "hence south 87. - 22. , east :25 2-to pto a corner, thence south 2°sl' west 102 1i to a post on sand road, !hew, south as° ll' east 5 5 10 p to th.. place of beginning. tauntaloing .13 acres and 27 perch., of land.miore or less, - no Improvements, being . -part of warrant Ni 1512 on the utrwts known as thi• Carrot I lands In Bradford county; Pa: S.dzed and taken in exern tlout at the suit of Thomas Mathews vs Henry Ward. A other lot of land situate lri Rome tp. bounded as follows: on the north by lands of Ben der Thompson. east by lands of Leroy Marshall. south I,v lands of MT W Miller, and on the west by bunts of Mrs .1 it Vanelse, containing 29 acres of !awl more or less. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of S M Layton vs .1 C. • ALSO—tine one other lot of land situate In Trov bor., to as follow,: on the north by other lands of It I. Nichols, on the east by King street. on the smith by lands of W King. and ttn the west, by lands (rt.—, Hoyt, being alamt Ittl feet front on King street, And 12 nods titsyr, containing 1 ,, att au're of land, Mire Or all improved, I framed Inane antll latanlphanty thereon. .I.l4D—Quit' other la 4 44 land situate In Troy born, bounded as follows: on the north by lands of G Sadler. east by King street, on the south by lands of it 1. Nichols (the above described lot L and tumthe west by "ands of iloyt, being 70 ft front nu Kings street. and abOut . 9 rods deep. containing 01 an acre of land more or less, all Improved, no binblings. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A J NObie vs B Nichols and Ii I. Nichols. , Al,t4tl-4The other lot Of land situate In Canton born, latitude , ' as follows: begioning at ihe Inter s,..tlitit of 'Towanda win h Centre sinud, running thence north allot Centre street 230 feet i 0 Crook- A Alley, theme easterly along said alley Iso feet to te 110:111WeSt corner of Abner Doty's !molten.... south along said Doty' swest Ilse 179 feel to Tiosan tia street, thence along said street 220 feet to the , place-of beginning, containing 35730 square feet of land.'ivith I framed dwelling house. I framed barn 1 lace building. and few fruit and milaniental trues theiron. Seized and taken Into - zee:llion at t h e salt of The 'Mutual Building and Ssving Fluid . 1 A-ssociation of the bor., or Towanda vs C . I SO•ekwell. .%lso at the salt of E Pomeroy use cs C Stockwell. .kiwi at the stilt of A D Spalding use vs C Stock well. ALSO—Lot No '2 situate in Canton bona, bound ed as folloivs: beglimlng at tile, northwest cOrner of Wllbants Blacks, lot in center Of Division street romping thence north alimg Division street CO feet to the corner of Mrs Beeman's hut, t hence east along Tlrs Beematf i s smith line 144 feet tq the err, of Mrs Beeman's rot, thence north Sit tel Oct l b,. line of NI. P. Lewis lot,theiwe east along Ti I' Lew is' line 91 feet to the west line of C E Andrus hot thence w t O4 along the southlh,rut saul mot Ti! BlanehanCs but 12. s feet to the north line of ItOwnian'S lot, thence .west along said Bowman's line 40 feet to the east line of W Black's lot.thence north along said Black's east line 10 feet to Black'; north east corner. thence west-along-Black's north line 150 feet to the place of Itegintittig. conttfining 1500 square feet of latitt. Inure or less, all improved. no buildings - . AI,S4)—NO„ 3. The defendant's half Interest 111 t lie fulled hug lot of land situate In Canton twit, !atomic.' as follows: on the north by lands of Elias Rockwell's est., east by lands of Alfred Mills....Mth by, the public,road leading from Canton t o u n i on . mid on the, West b lands"( Patrick Fitzpatrick, containing 20 acres more Or less. all imprtned, no buildings. Excepting and reserving therefrom 3-9 of an acre heretofore sold by Stockwell and Manly to Susan Armstrong. AISO reserving to Irvine and Gleason the privilege of entering upon the said premises awl taking and bringing from a certain spring thereon water in a rope. ALSOt.-No. 4, The defendant's half Interest In the following lot of land situate in Canton borough bounded as follows: on tiltsiitorth by lands of the N Clt II Co, east by lands of John ilopet. south by I.ycomlog street. and on the west by lands of J a mes Clark, contaliilng 10 arresof land. more or less, all Improved. no buildings. Except,lpo .and reserving from the saute the right of Frederick filack•to enter upon and take gravel from olf the said lot Ott Lycoming street fur his blocks use arid for the Use of those.to whom he may !It'll gravel for the purpose of leveling awl' filling tip logs That tie Black may-sell elf Ilk ion{ oppOSlte :abovo mentioned, and also resert hug a small lot of about 'a au ar p e of land of the South west corner inelud log a private road for the use of James Cranes, A I.Stl—N O. 5. The defendant's •half interest In the-fallowing lot of land In Canton township,bound cd as follows: beglnithig in the center 4;r the moon tall, rind leading from Canton steam mills to Wan' township in the line of lands moneyed tit Wm For eshow, Menet. north 31 0 we s t 79 p to a lock, thence south a 7 1..,. oast 95. p to it stake mid stone., them, south 97 west 95 p to said rind, thence north 45° west 5 , 4 pto the Vat - e of beginning, root:titling 10 acres of land MI ure. or Irss. nu Ituprovilments. ALSO—Lot No : 6; Situated in Canton borough, bounded as follows: north by lands of lies T Bene dict, east by the cemetery gru ttttt Is; I‘Onill by landil Gleason, west by lanai. of Win Merrick. eon taining 20 square rods, more or less, all Improved, no banding's. 1k -taut and taken In execution at the; snit of E Pomeroy usk vs C Stockwell. Also at th 4: suit of 'A II Spalding use vs C Stockwell.- - Af.SO , ;-One other lot of land situate In Sniltb; hold %lON bounded no tollowot north, diet and smith led* oil 1Y Woodi wart by Na highway Ii s& 4 4 •t . ~''' r. ' " keti MIMI big funs Smlthflehl to 13 . illn ~ i - contains 1% acres. Mortkor texas - with on frameilthop thereon. Seized andflaken In eveeUtioti at-the atilt of W S Pierce use es 'Win g Wright. ' ALSO—One other Jot t 4land situate in Oran. vine twp., ;rounded as folws: north by lands of Wm finittki east by lands oDaniel W Smith.eouth by lands ofAllen Weodin, trest by lands of Joseph Wqpdin and Allen Woodln„lcontslns 24 acres more or lestabont laurels improl'ed with I framed hotsse thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the cult of Henry -4 nous, to heel of Morris Ridgway vs Charles Breen. , i • ALSO—One other lot of land situate In Canton born, bounded as follows: beginning at a post and stone* on the south side of the mato road or high way leading' from Canton to Towanda, adjoining 'audio( Wm Lawrence on the west and running thence south 27 1 i 0 west II) p to a post and stones, thence ma li 621 ii, , ,, east lbp to a post, and stones, thence north 27..4 . east 20 pi to a post and stones at the'road side, thence north 621i0 west 40 p to the place of beginnlng..contabut II; acres, strict meas. ure, with tfmmed house, Simile,' barn arid few fruit trees 'thereon, Seized ,4 n d taken In execution at the suit of Benjamin Clatit vs C II Higgs. A4,so—one otuer lot of land In Springfield twp, Instituted aeleflowei beginning in the centre of the niatn road:floating to tire. village of Smithfield, thence soutli,2 o west GO 09-100 p along the Cummins roadotheno south 484 0 east along said CWIIIIIIIIIB road a 075400 p, thence south - along said road 40'2 ° east iffiS-10i,p to a post, on Oa east side of the road, thence north 87 0 ,weq along Ablitas Crommurs Buy 152 p taa post„ thence north 15 0 west iff , , p to the centreof the main roadl leading to Smithfield, east along she centre of the same road 12.11 i p to the place of. beginning, containing 52 , 1 acres more or less. shoot GO acres improved, i frhmed house, 1 framed bail' therein'. -1 , .. . ALSO--(ine other lot of land situate In Spring tield twp. houndediae follovii: beginningat a stake and stone in the corner of Cornelius Lord's (north east cornerl, Mend's, by laroi of C . ornelins Lord feth 88°T West 652 p to a post, titmice by lanas of A Imolai Cramer north 34.;* east 213 p 12 feet to a :pst, thence south Bho east GOT 9r thereabouts, Knetine theneo south - 4V westi 25 p 12 feet to Ware of begitinlnga:oittainlng 10 acres morn or:less, no Im provement:4', Sir and taken In eiectitioO:at the suit of John Mer e. vs .John Cole. • rzt. ALSO—One othnr lot oft land situate In Athens booniteil as Rillows: Cro the north, east and south by lands of Hiram Titlimaa and wife, west by Meer stree.t, being no feet front on iald River St., and 150 feet deep, with I Rimed barn thereon, be ing lot Nii;9l as mark'ml F Walker's map or sinvev made June:27, 1973. Seized and — taken in execution to, him silt of 111 :am Thomas and Susan Thothas viCC II Aicord. • ; Al,So—Cue other lot of' land situate In Wysov twp, houndri as follows, north IT land of Charles, Datighertyand N N l'arks, east by lands of A it Int's, south by lands of I. Wiggitniand .14.7 and A L (limier; west by landr of It it Prown and 1) E Widmer,, contalning79 acres more or less, about M acres ItoprovetkWitlnt flamed house, I framed barn; 2 orchapds of fralt trery thereon. Seized and taketklu eiceutionlat tho slit of 'Joit Johnson vs .Iteuben othtf tot, situate In Towanda twin', boutoced nPrili by land of Win IM Morgan, east by land Of Wp. Mix, 'South by plank road. and .rest by land or 31d gan and Moodyl , contains ,t , „ of an acre, more or leks, all littproved, with a double framed ;loose and 'levy frult trees tliereon. tkizfd and talc , il en Into eitiruton al suit of nn Meeltairvs Mahlon 0 Moody and A.l lthartow. : A A LSI I--illtu other jot, 's [nate In CAnton twp, bounded !lOW' by lands of 17 Irright and .1; Rob erts. east loy.land of .1 Hi Wright and Lucinda Wright, s4:luth by public highway., and 'west by Warren Fitzwater; eon - al:Is 40 acres, inure or less, about. 30 Iniproved; with.] framed hous.l l . , I framed barn, I fr,:itned horse barn, and Orchard of fruit trees thereon. Sletzed and taken lute eieetitlon at suit of .1 AlMoot:lts use vs 'Warren Wright. A LSI )-41,1 other lot, satiate In Monroe twpt de scribed as,ftpows: bcginultig at a stone 'cot' on the north slitO'-lof d road leadthglront the' first bridge on the math bank ut Towat'ula Creek above Green wood C"tif4to lit twp t.t tlw Berwick Tung!Mei thence nOIIII 45 , 2 4, east. o 0 frlh Ire to n post i thence along otlkf lands a,f the shill Itayhth Mason south :a.° east IA ps to ?Frost on I) orth tank Of Towl.ifild Creek; tlief,nve upirsild crity, north as.ki.° west 'Z't ps to a tior lie it centre of road leatling'frorn said: To wanda Creek neatliawes /Inn top factory' to road ' first above:Anent toned; tin-we north.4s° west 41 ps; thence north I,9lf.,o'west 111 2-10, ps; thence north :t 0 west 15 2-IDps; thence north 41° west 12 ps; thence north 551 A west 11 ps; theince north 44 0 west 12 434 lo ps to Mare of beginning ;?f contains '42 acres, strict measure, Kith 1 framed Ininsti and few fruit ,trees thereon. Saized alit taken Intriexecution at stilt of P I. W:u(Ps use vii E Miller and Scepter Brow'''. ALSO—One other lot, 4ituate in Athens ..twp, bounded Ithrtlrby*Chenttan* river, east byilands of , Gilbert ftirde and 1)S Brow 11. south by public high way. and Wi.ist by Daniel Gardner and I) S Brown : contains 2 'Acres, More or lei's. all Improved: 1 frame dwelling linos': and orchard of fruit trees thereon. SI!1Z1,1 and - - - ilakiii into execidlon at mutt of Gluten. berg, Hos:lib:two 41:o vs Biomesliittlennin. i• ALSO—One other lot. slitutte In Albany iwp, dr seribed as ;follow ....t:' Begliuting at a stone heap in the centrekf the simith kratich of 'll'otvanda.fiteek• on the lirte"Of Wells Wlkoi, running. thence in a north ettiturly direction toia stoip: cor of said Wit= 1155' !mot thence, by panda of said Wilcox and l' Chaptitat4 central of. hit:Me:ly leading to Hibbard hill 11l an easterly (Ifni . ..lion:: thettee alongsalddilgh way Ina stint ho este - ly diniet lon to centre of south lir:inch tifisaitt creek; thence along said south branch to the place of, beginning ; contains 11 , , acres. more or arse, all improved: no buildings. Setted an'Oaken Into e2COlltlOll at suit of J Il Tyrrell's iixe vs I):\\ • Illarll lll rger. • : A I,:tif 1-I"tne otlfer lot. situate in Warren twp, bounded Mtrlli briands arm Clark ROWCIIs, east by hlghwae. slunk:by 13101 of J 5 Rogers and west by the Waiiyasewing creel; contains ili of an acre. more orlesa, till Improved' with 1 trained 'noise and (Milt trees thereon. 51.1 zed and taken itito ex ecution at?. suit of 111. Taylor'sdise vs Jasper An tisdel. ' ', • i ' I -- i- 5 - -,, L. ALSO—eine other hit, sßnate In Towanda Born, describetl* follows: beginning at a post onleor of li-st and St.coud•ave: thentie by 1)-st north 20 0 west , iso ft to a t.iir; thelic'e 'milli 70° east 59 ft tti a Isist: thence soti - th 20 0 east 150 ft. to Second4ve; thence •by same minth 7Q° west 50 ft to the place of begin .,,lng; ~,ntiitr, 7,:ino stir (*Dore or less :being lot No 1,4 tilolik No 4 or Sayre & co•s addltioli,to To.. wamja borti; witlfil frathed houso aim la few fruit trees therett. Seized ail taken into execution- at suit of ToWatoli Iluibiln,„ and Saving'Fund .tsso ,fiation of ?Towanda bolo t's W, II Snyder. W SW Kingsbury s -jun( A. ji'King-ibury. AL . ...4/-411Jc other-lid situate in Tuscarora twp, boluoled Mirth by, lands of -Theo Slivarla, cast by ' ai l o f 4[1.....E it llowney. -Rouen by land of sfmn Shaw's estate, and west b land of 4111ver Warner;' .vat pins 2Tfacres,"nitire or i less, -altont 16 Improved; no Mfildings; ort•liartiof filial tieuts thereon. Seized amt • talteiOnto eieciatlomat suit of E S Keeler b. *it'd( .1 Glieelervs A NVlL'indell. ALSO—One other if. sittiatd In Canton Dora'; described tis fonoWs: 'lleginiting, at 'the northeast cor of tat No Si; f'. ; thence paiterlt alloug the line of sabtlot .N4:36 and-lot 57 11 - 7 ft, more of less, to the , cor Of InvkLion.st:, thence lint belly :along cent re of said st 22511, more or Icss, to the centre tit Casson st: theitrefavesterty along rent re of Cassou-st 167 ft . to northeaeit coy of lot No 44.; thence motherly along line of saiit lot, No 60 212 ft to alto place . of begin ning, being the .sinemotst, or kss; same indug lots• N.. 55 atittfso as laid down On the village plot af Can toll made by 11,11 & W (1 Ormitt for Kingsbury, Nei ntan X Co. with 1 st,4itni planing. mill and all unteltinerkanddlx Ours tailonging there to, 1 store honse. diatiiher ,stieds and flamed barn thert.ott, i',lzeti anit taken 'execution at suit of E C Seymour yt, Jeriondi.E 54nuoir. io, , I AL:tit-4111e oilier lot, climate in Tuscariira twit. bounded Morth by, lands of :Jacob Fowler and 11,inry Siniw, casi by lads of S 1,) Sturtevantand Charles smith. smith by' lands Of ltela Cogswell and N .1 ( ~ , g , ,,11. F . 1 ,a5t liy land. 4 of A .1 Sllvara aunt lier: 111311 A .r t1it7F . 1,.., ouralti%J-I :hires. more or less, about in impro ved. with 3 ft:multi' houses. 1 framed barn,' I 'blip niill 'and ill mill flitures belonging to same. I sate titlll-fixttirek behming to satne, and orchard or fruit trOes there/M. ASO the privilege of a mill race runtdpg thrOttgli - Med:ands of A .1 Silvan. Soil all the wafer pri)'ilege ", ao held; emplpyed or en ji:yed by '.E.slnioniA Cliitki S . eired and' taken itit, extientloMfMt suit of ..Antdst,tuttiby, executrix of Moses glißilly. dec'd, vs 1 A-Clink. . : ALSO-(lnc other lot if land situat In Athens mi.. bounded as followsidwgioning ,at . d post the nortliwel, Cr.o 0' lilt 411 . 11 y) eitllVeyi,l ;111,1 th. 4 , north east 1 . 07111.1 of lot reiong.ing to I.: 1) Nlecoy, awl standing It risouth Iltie of :land of Cyrus Wati ' ford, thenie In ai'soultierfi• illreetiou along tlenen:q urni id sail! McCoy 12 noll: to the eentre of Ple*atit . Street, tlif•nce e'asteriy along the centre of „said. Pleasant Itt relit it i l feet. thence., northerly along - lint; . eJ-Imul .111; It Jgne , 12 rills to a eor. in line of ~.alit Cyrus Watford lanii,lsdng also northwest corner of. r•alil E. li-;„lones lot, thentie westerly along Rue of said WarfOrd 64 feet to the place of beglottlirg i con. tains ta 6.41 perehes, nun+ or less. be.ttig lot ,No. 35 111 block 1i0.5 of it 1, F Clarke's extension of Smith Waver!', Pa, all improved. 1 framed house there on. Seized and' taken lit , execution at the suit or 'J Olin liefkle nsi , vs Bei. Nlllll. , LALSOLpne other lot 'of land situate In Athens Iwo, botifpled as hdlowsi beg! tilting at southweSt cor. of pif.jately 'owned by Sirs Itavld Cook. widow .of Bavld oink. lec.l, and now owned by N C liar rise on 35 „ sln street In [.alil borough of Athens, thenee . south 12:4 0 west along line of 31ain Street 21c, feet tit the ilivislon partition. and. wail or the -first storelin the; northtiftthe lot,thence an easterly Course altritg said division wall and right atigl.. will' the Greet abut thcrl.o - 11.11nr, as It st'ssi ledoni II was dealroyed by firti,iln said lest 65 feet to aaor,. tht , hee 44.011 12'x° nest fo said I'....he's lot 2 1'4 ft 111 a cid_ Eilioneii along said cook's, n o w H a ul s ., south 1in,,,t0 11440.1:tee of ibeghining, all Ifni:eon:4; no imlitling , . Sidled an. taken lit execution at the suit of 1111„Bettsler vs W liaticock! . ~,i . ' e . A. J. I. A YTiIS, Sheriff. ~ Sheri 11'.101liciff; Towanda, August to, 1+,76. . ( • ! It ' It 191ANS' C(.it.IRT S A LE.-I>i• • . virre of ;in order ?ssued . l ott of the. Orphan's' Court off. trail foill Coutit'y, the undersigned. exec utor of tile (stale of Arabella J. Wells. late of or well, dec.sl, will'expose tO public sale on the prent ises, on 11ATI,7111)A V. SE.PT. 2, 1676, at 2 o'clock, p.m_ ilei , eau•it's one-fifth interest In the - 1011AI, hag: describe 4 lands; ::ituateil in Orwell twit : , in sahl county of Btaiiford, , l'lng 'on s.outli side of public hf,gftwav leading drool 'Orwell to Wells HO: low, an4l)sottoltirl as-follliws: On the north by SAW Ilighway4ealling fru i t OVWIIII to Wells Hollow. rat by lamislid Wm. Sebly and Wm. Hardy. south by • puhlie Idghway leading, from the ridge road to South 11111 (knotirli as thti fillardy road") and land.' of lieu. rrtsl , l4.contaln . lng about. ISO arres, 'nitro, or less. iTEI:3I.§- I;Q' bring2druek down.- ;200 on conlitination4 and'ltlin balance 111 one year, u lth • Ittlerifsf.',4 .: : l hi. C..11.1.1'N. i • A lig...j '76. i i " Executor.: XT, OTICK.—E. T. Fox - , "erntee of _Li the est:Bea Davi(' \Wilmot, derased. In the Court °rem - minim Pleas' of Bradford County, NO . 1 781, Seg. T. tistp. i. . fioticels hereby glveh that E. T. Fox, Trustee of the etitate of ',Barbi Wilmot, deceased, filed his 1111:11 ac6x:tit on , ,lin: 6th ifay of January. 1571,„ that said aceptuit was rontiOnell Ni Si by Ow Court, May 12,i1876. and than slid account at 111 be finally ctottlonitil on the first day of S.:lib:tuber Term next .unless osceptions are filed or tine cause shown her fore that time: 1 I BENJ, M. PECK. july2:., . . I ' Prothonotat . y, -, '..1 , ii ... . I '-'• r Allli I N ISl' II ATOR . S" NOTICE. ,)tlve 1,4 hereby Iglven that all persons-i l debted , io the estate of (.sear I.llltott, tle.e.l, late , iii Roin-, Va!, oni:st make iiminediate payment to the underslgtele, Silt all permois having claims ag,althit said estate must presentitheut, duly authenticated for settlement' ! ' EMU • . i.:: . 4 XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ~;i:ilwlTlifliveti Ilia; all person 'wield iiitto the estati- of .lidin TaylOr, late of Standing Stone, ilee'il.!',:are ronulred to make ilatlicitiate paY mont frill., iinilerslgiMil. and all petS.IIS IIiVIIIC eialnil'itgair.st the said testate, must present them, duly afithentleated, for!,ettletnent. - , Augg 16. "1 -61. N. TAVIA.)It, Executor.' . "'s.: , :'. • , WS! INlsTitATtirvs „NOTICE. Li. 1 4 .41 , 11ive . , ipiivi - el.yl glii en that ail periona in ch-Ned to ti10 . C4I;IIII 14 Clark W. Alower, fate of To. • 'wainti Niro% jiiicit„ must - make lin iiit.il late, payment all persons Mrv)tig:plantis against said estate must presetit themdtil,Wauth4litleated for settlentent: ' Au! - d.,--.c.(..'. ,110 W Ea, AdmlnEstratoi. . ..... 1 .-.", • --L — i ------ ----------.---- i ApNIINISTRIATOR'S NOTICE. :ixoti r e Is beret, given that all peronS,lll - to the elate of (John llussell, late of Itome, deetteed. i Must '' ma o Immediate payment , 'to ' the itadentlgozd; and all persons having - clattits minas amid - estate .irt at present latem. linty 'Snot thetttleatetit to settiement. , : . :Mir) _ . , ? 01.9.,4171111111J4 AdvalidstiV* ... . , . 4 ;'.141: --- LegoL. . -.-.:, -. t,. -_ . :,...............1...................... k ....,...i........._,H. , ...._:_.....____ T —..................... ZHEILIFFIS I SALEa- - By .., mile of sundry *Mg totted opt of thO Co rt of Oottnon ! Pitsas"of Bradford County. and to . (it. :meted, I will expose to public sate on .• Fftid)A,7l. - ibis fith day Of.Septeniber, at the door Of the-Comrt !tame In Toaranda, the following described proper -ty. to-it; _ •i ' 1 , • . o ne tarot land In Towan da horn, boanded is fol low,chegiuning at a point In the north linen State • at, and West , line of north fourth lq, thence along the mirth line of state st. left to the prolves 1 cor ner:of Shite and. 4th stsf thence along the nor h line of State it, as aforesaid, Oft to a corner: therm:. !northerly at right angles to the aforesaid line of State at, l:i0 ft to the, south line of a 15 feet alley: thence along the south line Of said alley, parallel 'with tne line of litatfi street 'aforesaid to a-p4lnt in "the - proisiscd line of north Vattrth at: thence to; the • 'same coorSe 18 feet to the ottlst line of Orth Fiturtit 'Street:. thence along the,. ofvst line of north 4th st. to the place ofbeginnlngt 14'?eceptIng, and reSt t rvlng therefrom the privilege ofl using a strfil of Ind hi '!feet in width measured onlAtate St fruit) tiotpolot ' of intersnetlon.of the north! line of said street with the west line of, north 4th fit, extending northerly to the aforeaaid 15ft alley! to .the'rear'of the said !lot for the putpose of wideling the aforennidi north. 4th-st, when the same shall be opened tO the width I , .4f :Alf t thrsoigh to , ' Ward . ve, and restrict! ig the right of holiding on said strip of land or of oiler wise idioructing the nse of said strip. of land for .the psrie.in.:*-4foremVid, with a franted hotike and .few friar trees thereon. Seized and taken Intoex ecutitin at the' suit of. Ellett Ward Yd Bier's u se vs Ella V Myer. ' j 1 • • ALSO=-One other lot of land In Athens twit, and bonnded pas follows: beginning at a' white pine stump near the road running up, Sattvriees creek. thence SiOlth AO eiit4o l-lOp to a buttonwood: thetieh smith 4 1 io east 26 9-10 k thence south 67° east 21 :Hop to a white oak :beach: thettee s,seith 411: to' a post; thence west.Bl ilop to a whit:. Maple: thence sautit Sop Illa!post: hence wesOS 2461. to a 010110 corner; thence! north 1.:,'7 west alp along tfw line agreed 1115111 hot fvcen ( onstant Mllliew son and ' Win G litevensl thimee cask 76 4-10 p, to a post,' thence north Grp to! the place of hegionlog: con- :taltilog 7$ acres, siege or less. befog .the Salm. :1 , , convoy...l:r. hy the, said part of the lwq,ond part to :Maria Van (:utlier. • ‘ 1 ''ALSO-li ne other piece of land sit nate,lts afOn•said beginning at a ;stake Aro 013111, on the .S..o.pioliatttut riVer, at the s w corner of a lot formerly belonging to John Shepard: thlmetc along the. south line of , laid lot - sit a;lepto a 'oak:valid stoat's: thence sbUtli- erly along the land fitonerly of tleo".l d'erkili , and Elijah VottOorder t 42-101, to tit,• fine of E Vat. fine der's lot:; thence 1 westerlyy.' e-lop to :the tsits..o - flyer; thence, up said river-to the place of hegintting: containing 25 jicres ;and 121tp, more or less. : , . . , ' Alf.SO4-One otiter'pelre of land situate as;nfore aid aunt ihoundfd as tolloWs: beginning ne n win cherry trV.e for a:corner :mil theoi w corucr ,1f !awl 'Of said party of the flr,st Part: tht!oce ,to an east Arly direction, about Si) root, to an oak sapling forM cor ner on the Thonial latuld then& along ti : !. we,- . 7 line of Said l'ionitan lot o t Samuel Hulett in . northerly direeti ' on :!trout. ]fillouFort, to 110. -.mash east - ranter or land_. rurwerly ,wne4 by .E. Itolinson: thenje along the] line of .01 lot In a westerly di rection ll. the bank of 111.. 1 /Susquehanna riv%-r to a corner: thence sOutherly along, the east:batik 61 said rivet' to 0111 glary of lc-gunning: containing 21 abr.., !floret or I:4s. Seized and Itaken Into exeention at the suit of Owen, IVark 'VA Jacob VanGorder and Marla N'anftorder. : A t.,SO- , --11ne other lot of [land situate 111 -$llllllO field 101 1 0, 10/11111.1d ,as follows: On the smile by lands of ('yell I;Fartnatt, on the east by the pupil , higliwart on the Louth by I. rids of Ifenry Miller and John,Vosburg, on the wes , by land late of the 10.- Isle of Matthew Howl!. di. , eased. contains 1.1 :Wres More or! lets, 111 acres Iniproved. with I framed house. 1 framed : barn and few fruit treio; there.n. .:: ALSO-The defendant's:half interist Inoue oilier lot of land situate loth.. bops of Towanda awl N. Towatolti....lwundell as follOws; beginning -at ' i i.e.c In the rtre of • Ilw Old I'latik it..,,.4 lo 011...; Ow northwe. t cor. of a lot Iterotoft we s.olitjt, 11 ,Isms„.i, lo. l 00 Iljte upland f'ortnerly .n nett Inc E li, l ertott. K•ti., thunce along lire o r , said Ilv:.‘rtot. north tt2 , :I,o' II est .3.1. , to'a iced and stone tqw. tut line 'lf Cla xeraok M o 3;, t N, tit ne; along-line Of sauce , 1101'111 61° east '1.7 p to a cur. on the north side of :Saga , Vreek nti line of John list:IOW:: I.lrol :toil ..tlavor ktq.” lot ;So. a'i.th .111 , al.n*, iii... 6f LIP: same south ' tc"2 o- 30' east atsutt 13 .1 ./ 1/191 a cor_jti the centre of I*ol.l Plank R.:L.l7as 1,0 ai,,,,,1i• bil ~..i, tinier along salit JOlll, tin.: Pelt I, 7e, .., 1 . 3 west M. 1.111211. p to it cur., tiOnce south Al° 's 'lt 7, p to 110; puree ~f h o . • ginning, rcontains. 71 acr,j.. wore or' lo,t. 'no hr.- provenlettt s. Exeepthig and rwterving theicfrom 24:leres 4 5-10 p of hind cOIIVeyA.III to .14110 (•100,11y on t11. 1 "21 t day' of Mayer., I ti 74. :Ind 17 acres. l l:ll gist land conteVed to Michael li I rtiln on the stli!day of May. Is7¢, - leaving itt the ahoCe piece 1114 11.111 - ef• 11:111. • 11e lies , - tine more ortesS. i . • , - ' A I.SO--Tlie ilefewlatit•sH Interest in on.'. other lot of 131111 111'DM:111101 - 1/lorO, 1,0100104 as ft.tiow:: beginning at the north east cor. of the Int4rseethet pf Tbirki 1 Street and, Plattii lload.thitre'rislolt e. , east ai,out;:t feet to a car. of lot' i oh, oyint by .1.- Towell and Nrr -Elsbree.:attys in fat% to Wm It Morgan. j.liellrii south , S'J''. ea.d ne. fret to "e4r. of same lot; then " ;,' north C°4cist :is feet, to ar• .r, MI . fantlit illit• of atilttlier lot cenv - Ye. ll 'v ' P""Yq& 1 ": 1 ' :- firef...ittri s 111 fart, to sail :Win IfM organ. thence tont!' Slot t 0 illl5l abort lit fe l t to c0r. , 11 lot 9Ft:owl lv eonveyed by 'M II Merctir to Mn ..i Ito .Meelmo. t h e .,,,, ~,loth au , c , s,l or 111.4nm...0uts Si toot to Pr. Ihri4,tho'no- north ~,T io wrest 11 0 ,1111:11, feet to 1110 ,:p1;10.1 of beginning. al th 2 !framed :ems., Ilicre.t.. alrimprOved. ..• A1.: 4 0 7 -'llw defendants .I s interest In one other lot (.f laud ,ittlato iii TolValola hoiq. bounded a.: - fol:fur.: hot:lnning et a Cot% tIO , inter-oetion o: yourth r4reet with the Plat.k 1t.c,t,1. I Iwnee siorth along IF , ,artli 5 . tr,.....t. , 11.. west about s') I.rt to cur.. ' 11 ) , " 11,0 1 , 1 4 ra 6.1' 0 east sl feet to a cor. on Plank Road. thence In a southwesterly dii , c4uion a1....1i 1111 feet to the. Vac.: of I,l:ginning. ::II imploved. with 1 friimed I there: ,n.' theren. ' _ ; ALS ( +Lot N 1. In v Trrwatirla or, boor:tied on the,north by J F Me'ans, east_ try . NVilltalr ' t st. ',air try other lands of dofetolant. West by Mitiii st. belt.;; 40 ft froht on Malt, t , t, try alma: ltto ft clevy,, , 0 ith ~ framed house and a fiwv frnit tree. tlohteon: , A 4,44)..-4.0t .7.i0 2, bound,, , d north Ityll,l toi I. east ltY ;Willi:l4 st. south l other land of, 'clef. , l 'lan:. kr:t by Slain ,rt. being 40 ,ft front oil Molt: .t lis: about I3tl ft deep with. our: flamed houSe, flawed ham and', few fruit tree. tlotrotb. , Ai,:st)-1-1,4t Not:),Lboun,l6l north by lot nu"_: east by %5'1111:011 st, sontk by .1101 4' Irsitig. we.; by Main i.t. IteingAir ft front out Mairt St . byal "14130 ft devp. 'with a frntned ltituse and a few -fruit trues th,:reoo, ~" ALSO—One "th,r,l"t:orand,Sitnat , t In T4.lvail.la 1,..rt.. Imlintleil as follows: 1 O A. rth by Chestnut Strcrl east by loots of Mis Mar: Marshall, s tlatit 1. 1 'lands I ornierly 1,... - doitgdoz o M r Mereur. 0,-st 1,2. Third Stref.t, being {lo rt,ilfr•pilt on said (11.•.-‘111at I"4leet to{ about 12'i feet del , . all ltuprtoe,l,, , v, in I -hug , tt , rt. story fratu , A thittse.- I framed !vita. and few fruit trees thereOn, t , idze,l and taken lin ett:- . cotton at: the stilt yf .1 I,' KirbY yo S MT .-1,1. r .r.1. Al.:=o2One othttr - lot 011 - land In TfM:tillia twp. boand,oltnorth by tho puerilehigho:tyleadi :2-fron, Towantl4 ereel,to Asylum:; east by lands": it'illian: Stagier: L o uth by lac„ds of it,. I' ( tali and .1 I' K,- . I.y:•an.l •tt - r•st try bawls of i t ? F 11,,,,,,,,,' ! ,, r....rwritrir:,..• 7r. rtr - rr,'arrrre or loci. al.ail it , aorkl)iapt , vo , l. 0 lib :.mail frame meriting houses. flamed born :not oorchard Of fruit treO , :hercon. , 5.1,,, , ,1 :1 ,1 t . ,1,,,,, Into exei•ution at the suit, , -1 u_ f• it"ii marl vt, I, Ii Nat hard. A 1 ,41 at , 41111 ~f sante,x, ,oule. I 31.1.11L0N F.. ELLIOTT, ELMER ELLIOTT, Athanlstrators , ,51.1 , 0,—0ne °thee lot of :iiiii in siiiittli Cri e',;" tw li tiounill: Mirth by lands of •-•:i - rotel F • sett .'.et 'i road lciullug to N . T state line to I Whim. , s. -ii,iii by lanils!of Seymour Snuff; and A FasSotf, anti we s„ by land jd tiro Dutiliam, ere:mit:Mg 55, .ter -s. more or less, tileitit 40 acre, Intproyed, with a (rant !it house, 1": framed barn. I w; tg, in ,iiiip re ontii er iiiit lodliling's and orrhard of fruit trees:thereon!. Set, e and taken tido execution at this stilt of Amanda Andrus Xs J A Vall' . Wert; , A I.S( T"--"eilie other bit of land in., Wili,tid twp. bounded north by land of! Jaciiii r _Norconli i , east,'!) : laud of Daniel N oncom :; S outh by Limit of: sianna." Noreitnli and west I,iy liiiid of,l'airick Mix ni"... cot:, Mining ! About MO acres i iif lanitinore,lpr lo:s. altollt .1 mires imprioed. with I ' framed house. qtr.:lined barn and orchard of fruit trees theieom i Seiibal aril takrti into exiientliii at the -itit id I,hilin 51 II iacoeli'S use ys W M Norconk. if , I A 1." , (1--I Tins 'other lot Olt land In Towanda liorii, bound-4 north by l'orlartst. cast by lanillof Jabs and :itarla lI Ileule, smith by rate! of J 1' Means wel west ','land,La C A i:ris,o4l, with a few , fruit trees thereon. Solzeil and tiieil inlio exect.- tioWat the suit of F.. \V 11:ile's ifs,• e'S n vi :,tedgc, k List 4-,...b . 1n e other lot et . 13:e4 'ill TUWatttla lwro, boon! .4 north by State : I st, vast liv" lattili of A L Hard. siitith by lanifs e f - lielm, we t•;lci, by abd t we , t. 'by land 'id Mrs F E'llarlier, being 50;ft frolic byli,ti ft deli - 11,1w iii, I framed Minn. , and few fruit hers thereon; Seized and talst•tt lilto i•XVeathlll at th suit of n \V Bate vs (;,., I'T:l,h. r ' • ALSO—One other lot "'of lam! In: can ea trip. holtraleti 1101111 by lands id .1 51. Allen, eft the ea..' by lanai of Henry "visirlie, smith by:the 1.. :. "Yi otid:•;,: r"illitY tine. and west by land of Adam I tinis. vie.- tabling 73 acres of land, it ere or les , ..aliolit. 2 5 aci•es I inproviM with 1 framed I 1 oust., I fr4iti lbarn and mil:anti:of fruit t rec. , thereon. Seyoil !Mid taken biro extietittun at the tint of Win 11 Lock - , it,s• 5 - :. 111) /Mime,. . i • A Lai—One other lot "of land in W Helot le. p. bounded 011 the north by taint, of .T 1' Horton and Hiram Horton, east by limits of Win V;irilooyan. south by land of Illratti Horton and .1 li Hot tot, West liVatid of Alvah {Fond, containing i 25 acres more or, Its,. about :3 acrek impriived, is lit h a board 11 in:se, lextril shed, and few fruit trecslthereon, Seized and taken Into cslecution at the knit ofe .t Lewis ti!Cillelltatt 1( .1 / 1 l'imil. Phil' W Pond and l'hlitcait Point. ' ALS9--Otte other lot i l l land 111TrOy txry, Loon." dill n o n hby insist lac - ,b..\ A I.imierittan and .li.s.=, Ifhilliiiii, cast by lat.ils of I 11 Sinlth,, ,chili liy land of DaViii Slitignlaitil andwrit by lain!, of .1;;!+l, A 1 Linilerntan, containing 5: acres, more or hiss, about blaeres 1111prer.1,1%k It 11 (ranted . house. tft a. lited turn with shedsattacliedt 1 framed horse,• barn and few frutt trees tin- Feint. !Seized anirtak ea 1111,1.1-s -et'UltOk at the suit of ITaii lit .Siingerland is 1 . 1;,,,i -an'. A l iso ;it suit Of sane vs saute. I , A LSV— tae othiir tut e ( land in Wyaltising twp. bititiolell norili by lands of-. 1 'W _Norrtsii. east I,v lands of Sarum.' liayliircislsMitil by lands —Birch acid Wer.t by a private rieid elf 13n,i, 111 .ties Clay ;orb, C..lltaililllg ,l'i acre of land, more iir less. :in ha tiroveil with : framed I Oil,e, 1 f tamed "barn anil few frillt treti, the"reon. I Seized sail taken Into iii t-cutlon at the suihof ~A IT ("ham- Si)—One C Steveill vs 0 "am berllml . .; • , ALSil—rnie other lot jot land In ftr.inVllle twit, IA 11 1.1411 Olt the Wirth by lands of Via... title Sax ton, east by land, of Frank I t tni)ait, smith Liy the public 'highway leading! from 411•alivillel ('enter to tilt W Intlfall, west by" landslof titiorge Cotton, vontain- Mg 51:acres. of, More o less, about 51 acres Mi m preti, eeith "i . trained : '' house, 1 framed! barn and orchard of fruit feces t it'reint; Seized and }skim tub eXectitlon at the st r ut of .1 1' Willey," guardian of Clarence I) IFimith vs i ttis,B Clark, . .i A 1,10-1 (ire other lot of land in Athens liiir, bounded north by landslof Edward 'AV She,, vaid by i„ ffi t s or 14, Si 3lorse, south by : Walltitt-st. ;mil west ljy lands of Si:unite] itylatol,):ontaitilrig , 4 ;of a n acre, more or less.,"being about 75 ft (rout oh Said Walnut id. unit iSO ft ticcli. with 1 framed' !tonsil'. 1 (ranted barn and few fruit Ire.ii thereon. Seized and taken : into execution at the Suit e l th e Athens I:Milling r and Lunn A.,4.41:11101 H . Athens l'a. vslLafaVette ..kitsiin and I'hoelie'sl .5 Moot. ! ' ALSO—One other ICI/ of land in ,itiiens (Ai, •liittiltileit north by,' lanilti ; ol JaeoliCreanback. cant by ant its of Albeit 4 . :11111bell., ,i , IIIII . by litttils of it Wanier, west I.y latolis or.ow widi..A,li estate. containing about I:0 acre,. mitre or 1,,,,i, a m, tt i : 7:", ilniddycllt 2 fraililed houses, 2 fr ame d barns, 1 cOri, Amuse and Tew ft alt trees inert:oll.s Scha;tl . aiel!t a . V s 'cit ',do ii - Sectitliin at the suit of 51 W Wheelock s • ' .Xiltistsiclier. ..,] l - , .. ; Al;S:o—(tar other 101 of 111(1 in -Smithfild twp, bountled as follows: beginith ' o , at a post hie s e Cor ner of lands fornierlrowned by Wild:tot W ithili-on thence tomtit Sc? o'csti 163 7-Ittit to a pied; thence stein it 169 east 12.3 3-10 p to a post: tletwe's :tort hat a . t east 165 7-Sup to, a hem m ilock; theriortli 100 west 125 3slop to the p!ace of begtimin ;containing in the rehole .129 acres 12:i",ii rods, exetipling ',therefrom so Mitch of the lIIS/V .bounded tract of .land :LH lics 1 east lit the roairruntling southerly sromi %Het 0 .. .t.r. mild's, I whiz about 4'l acres heretofore conN t ly t 4 by Tarthis Rose et al to Ira Adams, aleitit 100 ant e s, improved, 1 flamed house. I (rained -barn is ith :died and i orchard ofrma Seated I berei4iSeatedand .taken into execution at'the stilt of Irvinislam; Fr.titk I' Jturgess. earl s of Chas ITurge,l xi s, dec' vs Jalties 1' Foslitagh. I I i A ni t.SO—Ie tither ltit of lantl liilVyttinsing twit. .hounded as follows: beginning at a post fornter!y a hemlock tree for a "corner, it being the s w 1.0,', tier of the farm of Jiiim•pli Doughrty.-and I . lrl the litirt of land cif - said 11l taltato, thence, on said Ilio• 1 forth 57 0 35' nest 594-top tlt a I.bat, :11...11W laibte'r I. of line sub! Ilrahane jarm, Ilii•nceifiliorth 2 , .1" cast " 26 23-2.5 ii to a post for a corner: thence south s:' , ' [ 55 east 59 4.101 i to the line of land of .I.4citt Iblugh-i 04: thence tin the line or land of said llinigherty [ "'"ulh 't/ west 26 23?..-5P IA the place orbeginiiing, containing 10 acres If land. more or less, all hn prtiVed,lio building& • • • .." , 4LSO--Otte other lot of land litWyalusing i twp,F houndr,d Ss (011011ISI beginning at the n ir corner /if, land couttucted to btli sold to Jame! rent and Inch, ate roe (late llollnlitenco along ILee tjt [Laid Imo* aonta 93 two toll cOinar; thoncn gong line Or pal itist4 Wu; 114 p• tto li i Gator, to Una - vi bad 091 T. 41. _ 4 .1 3 late In possession ()eV , T • 41ddanght thente Ilikatli line of same north f53-10p tuba corner; thence along line of Same MO On; thenee along /11 1 9` of labia north Cap to a icortier in lift'of land conveyed to John l'lleKinney. thence saw line of land of said 3feghtney And itipil now or fhte in the poSitotslen of Alex Dougherty; east 94p, i tt the place •of .begfr" Ding: containing 5, acres a d soil; of land in(fre Or. lees, about 30 rail { ItnProiedi I 'framed lhodt.e. 1 . framed barn sod Eel . , Mari trees:thereon. -Lieft'S InteresConly tti hi...:s'iild. deetzoil and takers intoeg-. ecallon at the atilt! of. (leo is Atwood Ste Richard Graham. AlsO, atthe suit tit James . ntuther3 WO ._ , Vs same. A).150:-floe :fitlier . 16Z of} land In Franklin! War Overton twps. anildielog composed of tint vrhnle of four certain tracif of land (surveyed In the naltleB of peter Edge. r . Peter Ternpn., Samuel Temnlcl and (leery Bette, wldcl) four .:,,,....r..11 ,tracts taken to get her are hottallr'.' l allll (14 •wrd.aos ftilfocr3, to-. witi beginning 'at a beceld In the .liontitseMVlerly line; of a tract of land stirveY,erl In'the natne ell (430 • 3106re, - and a corner of tacintraoti kttryoYert In the nanies of Joseph Betz and Henry Betz: Do3nee :dung the sill south.easter - line of the sairl',(4o..o. MoOre tract anti the coot inna ly tlon Of ,531 3 1 llon Wirth ano pat 4011. or land store o>'les.. tti a point la this' • said continua:o3n of said Bile .and at the, westerly cortier of two trent+ , surn:vea In tile names of Pete!, Edge and George }:age: ti edrs. alonga line bet*ecirf ' the Old trartssiifycyed to Peter Yawl nod Qefirge Edge south dc.,.1.4'35t . 2.01 p mire or less to the weld crlytcorner of two, tracts. surveyed In the natties of pelt Tempi,' And: George TeDiple; thence hifing a line between tile said tracts rairve.yed to sala Peter Ten . pie and Gitorge Terl'ito 'south 35 0 easClo4p., Imo* or less. to a point at t lia4witnrly corner otisant ~ last Intentlotted•Aracts. and th a line betWeett the r i sal.l last iroditiOneri tracts add landstirveyed i 4 the i mule of Paul )fooret Iltencol along 'said list nlen- " tionril lino ateldh.) co:dlr.:n:4lOn thereof south Zoo . w." 4 4011. morel - looless to 4 hecar at the easterly' corner 'of truer:l-surveyed 114 tin! ttaanes . of :..anitie.l Tolinle and lienry lireys.43l , thence along tlioillnd. bet Ween tree ivi',4, hy.it WW I= fled. tracts and along ... . 1 'the line between the tracts urveyed In the it4nies of Dimry Itetz,:tnoldosepli 1.:4:2, north M. we...VI/Nip .. inm3c or 1.-3.8., 37,1 the place of ibeffluaing: eked:di:log 13.3 d acres of latia.•morv.or "..5..., sod allowance for - . road-: SE,. Tllll , ,itt,llll , e , 111 .la,stlon being 3 1 ,ialr- I b iti l , - ,r the „ it ioit ,pr.pert-y .. .ci=liVoVeil by a cettaltr d.•.. 41 (rota .1 1 . ...tr0... Smith. Iligh isherl.l . .o . fidlid . said county of Bradford, to ill *.V Patrick. anted , March 3 11 , 15.11.'31M1 rreorde. '1:1 Itte'f.:ll=l county 111 the t••=boritf's and Troasto , r4 deed took nd 3, pogo 27711011 7”7,1, zitoi .31,.. 1;1 thy olive rer recoriling deeds Sc, lit ailed lierok 1.0 O. page. 54..ke;:and the sa il p rem b.,,,, 1111 fl p e ,tion, nig.dheri with the,tirop. ert..3 convoyed `.by a rertaitt deed. from the IFall Cr..fk Cred St uric Ci.. to list Fall. Cr..q..1: 111tpr11n.*.(...31 n.*.( . ..31 C,?.irlatvil Ni.'. 11'1 , 45 and 'teen:ll.3d iff said county of; Bradford In the offiee for recording deed's .. , :c.ilit ihierl'hoolt No Ta, tear 31c, tic. Tenn ,ng :-1,1 tadng.t!o•rtVW......z.l.r.=4.erty conveyed 1,313 - ald so,,,ktirs deed trfsabl II NV l'atrick. and the abovo ' 36,3-ribed larori...in g the 3a 311, tracts as conid3yed by a ,-crud r. deah,froto the Fall Crack f7r.all and 11, 1T CO. to tlt-t- :Fall Creek I,ltuMinorts (.'tall Co. • dated June 7.1 SID. and ter ' , tiled ii. !iald county of Itraflford In i11e , .. - ollice for ...cording deeds .9:lc,•in • 1/H3l. Book Ni tf . ..3„: page 173aitc. ;.'sdiasl and taken Intri execution' :3'l ; the suit id-3Seldeit F. - Mani:l VS Tioil'all l'reek.pitutolibinsicoal Co. ; . . A11. , ..)--.M...other lot. .iltlate Di Orwell twfq' de serl'l,3hd as fol!osys: Ceglitttik.ll,... public highway ... hnolii,g "(van •V. - 2. - :irec Ito Wappzineea ('reek. knowit as the Ridge It:oad. on ,3,Liti.erly line betvrecul i safd pleqe of land .1111161 by Mail I Twit"! '(,rill tint m i rth_ ertsl boundary line ;.f NV, II 11:3;•13t31.3' running, north 'h' we,: along' said Eldlttit road -II p, to a poor; thence bort], 7'4°',l•:l<t alm,,,d line of said road j 3 pi ! to nipotio: thence: n..rth 1,"1..r...4 'gong sail road ,I 5 its ire a point 7 them.: al' ir o said toad north 21° 1.1 , 01 'II ps to a point; lb .144 " :1.1.at:: said road,tiorti, r,f ..t, „ a :112 10.'1 po',i.: : I lietwe north .15.? - ^t'asr• 32 II , : thence along said road 72 , -, 0 ...30.3. 21 ps tri tine 1.1.ty.,011 . :71ifi1 , lit Cyrus I:ord. and the said Taid.'r ; . thence south 24? oast :Cane line.beiv,er.a ~311-1 lands ' 15 2;.10 p, to a stake and storlos: thylie.. along Whiter lauds of Cvrairl('is.k. N IS" Morgan and ,tto. said Taylof ,00fh120i1 - , I , ~..ra.t.- , i4-1.. I t , to a cr: :1,..n,cn nortl4 is:. aro•••I along lb, 4nith,rly lice ' 13.1-p. I. In :li cid: them... ) .south V..: ;tr.,: 3 , i 1.. to a cdr oil h of lands tirll,l 114):trii712 and ill.- ...ald.,Taylur: t b,3 3 , e „tong .sioitadly litic ,i'd said Taylo'r'. lands 1, " 1 1 1 ) ,4, '. - ~H rt rra '-10 p+ to ',..'nfri .!f . -aid 11 01 g. ., ,„,..1 to 1 ,3,,,, o r 'begin ning: il...91:1111., t 32 acres and 21 ps. Snore or less.', '. i „' . AII.:YO 0 1 , -elothi.r lot. slt nate in Orwell tsrp. ne- scl*bed 05 i 1•114,; bet:it...gig at the --:--litre ii - the t lief aresaid 1t:,11.11:!!...r...til on 4 oolo•riy line 3.1 land of bi-aTayb r 8.4 inirillerlydito . of 301111; Of .1 .1 New ell. funning airtug 1.. - tirl line north 95 1 %Nest 232 "3., to a e'ir of land , pf ,f, .1 Newell. Fleury Ito's , . m 3.1 hi,. ,„1,1 T:,y! , ,,, tliko•a• our; b. 7. ~.. s• .•a•t along nt•aierly lind of said 'f:tyl'ir:- hind ill; id' to a eor of lank: of ,01, p e0 2 .13 ,. 3 33. 3 .... 3 •13',NV 111.3, 3 1,1 ..ald •i 4, n.t.-,..*,,inik_ i t -.„,. 11 ....t., , ,,,• 4 /1.i,t100e....: itTa••.•4b - o.z, line ih .. •tVet•ll NV Si' 0111. :nor Ilo• -.11•1 •71,7,.0r.; ; tio•tne ~;, -. 4 v .',. ...-.. J . 110 7t-i0- p- , 15-' 33 coo InA,rlied:' by a stAke! 3 3ed stoic, at 1310,11,,rotold,ading from .... 3 3d it id g , r,-iii 1.".r...1, l;lev..;:itpi•- . .thei.e. , atom; -Wel road 5 m t ...1 3 ,3 - ,* :. ca-1 32.11-10 p-: e11eu , ... a3ongl nortlo.tly line of ;said , ....dr and "S 11 - 11ill-s.m' , land .313.3 - 3.1. nn' ; c ,ha s t . 131 • :•,.13i 3 .. 10 3 cor,,ir ',a - A 5% ii- la. c yin.: look iimi;.,a3d 1 . .7'31..10r'.. land. nintk...l by a ,40 11 i, 31. , 1-1. , 11e-:l l ien ,- .... , . .;..;:k , the I;re,3lof 0111)1" 01l soldi Cook idol TI:ylor : ...,,0ni..2.. 7 . ~ , ,t. i . . i.t: pi to salt! Ifni,:.r , :t.l: 1111 , . ;.-... so,3l.erly afrng;,...3.1 , 1 road If - , 1..10. , ip,,,, , ..f. bil.tin rri: 1. t'oll;:ilykulr 1.17 ;ter,. :41.1 :=;l=. !Lori. oriel.. ..,:[,......t t-= . T1 ,431..1.1..7, s:l.fite tZt..trwell ItN ir, de- , ~)-:1,-,1 a-. 1.) , 11AN -. beghinidgat a sugar mapl.i tr,,, alder of lands'id 1 . ) Ii ilaril•og 5.1.1 lands (cruelty ow .i...,1 by Il r N t i t iptili•,lll , ,Vl.sslled dv lir Leis i dand rin - ...3 1 .11 along, line ledwcen hesr"larals nor111.0 , :4 3 YOH? 3' , 7 h-bu 1. , 1'.., a Cot' of Ini=l- of the sail Ilr 1...rw- . i's„ .1 Ne‘..-Irtutii tile sabli . la% !Rd. Marked by' as s'.l.i.. and 5t,513 . 3.-: 11, ;it, ttult u:.l ;:Ion:: it L i, o f lands of said N'3•%."3•.1 and T.:; • ;, •r - 7'.. S-13:13, Ina c.r, ors ;:c1 '''Y a 9t; o - ' anti :dog' - : tin . nrs. alo t .irlith, .0.•Zy.•.=.".= -azio;: i latza , -===z• ii = 1= ~...t 1=::.-W 3,310 a. orl.n 'arked Ie• a le, ere saolii:. 113.suce alm 33 .3l.ti t ie Y.•.3e.3 lat•d-r1 of NV 11 1h1rC.1.34 :31.31 ..a i l. Taylor •V 2 7 .1 Vt o•t.t 17. ,-,..-, 11. It. Ib, • r . ,1,1.• of, !, , •,:ti,nninii , : 1.-0, 1 - 1 tai.i,- , 12 acresddt I;s''',.ps. :note or' I, ' - , Tit? aI...VC I thrh--:lo:s of 1:330 'Aro knowd a- the '.a. G. Frishi, ' r',V:1 1 .1.; V. I:11 I rni.,,.• .1 1..,,,,- , •3:: i'ramed 1.:110., :hod: and . other 30:11 . 3ttildingh. and Lrchard , of trait irreii . tin i;••011. 5t•;, , ...1 - 311.1 i:t . to•tt iltfoo ttlk,..ittion hut ~ lit-of .1a -[l' 11.1- lain VT , ~. A(I Fristdc. Abo an suit - • ~I t: 3 t,,,, N Fri-1,1,.. !_•oaiai:ln 4 , : l: I. COnuer . . %-. 0 0 I , , ishie., 2 . • i. t . ; 511,',r-On•s other b.:, situate- In . Wilmot trip , !„-,e' 3 , 3 1,1 ohs t h e' Pori I. by lari.ls ~1 11- ), , , , ..“1.,g.e,, , r, . 1., 1.,,,,i, -.1 Alv;ili Pond. -.:,:r li I.:i;1:11141, of , (1,, 31 1:1 -. ...1.-y. and mil.-.1 , 1..y ti....li.ilielilsi.lt lot: • contains.' 1:3 . ...cr.-. tobtsf ur I. s, ;,1.34t ;10 Impulsed. ;ith a fey. f rni 1 t.r., s t Iti•reott. 1 Ad.S,,-liefequlaur's rauliri.lo , l ~ 3 interest in oil , lot sl:tial, ill Will:l.d tw p. de5,"ri1...,1 as , col loy..• : 1,..L..W..jf.;=.:1:11 llie -..,t1b...1 , z ror Of lot owner. ' 31 11. \ '''Y't 1 5 :' , "' l'y i11'."!1,5r.'11...1. liar', east - •':'. 2 r'd s to ad,i•eil at t1: - .- ~.: Cal as. ,-.r of Sinn' il ...1:'70111L',", 111,1 , E P , ,-1, , ..e.1.y le as: Into of :am- tiortlr ~,,0%11.:.... r .: 3 11: io s'•3:ll;'.3.st ~, . r ~f hu'r't tor:§-•r!,y ~,k,..1 1,,,• A a i•,. d 1: - .4y :. the tic o• 1-y :aid Ely - .:. south !..• 3 3 , 3 ,3 1....., I 11,,ifinan's ....e.i311 1.:110 west 355 1 ' c . 3 1..!1,, 5 . :13 lb-tin:a:C.. sodthwest =in:: I.l""r'' 11':,1111 . p :',. ' 3 1 , 1,41 iit; , :titl lit , ll - 16:1:Ct: ool'lllV.i , i rte - tire; 111. 1,4.0 liy V. 441'411; Foi•• 4-: 177' z t.... 1., to Hiram I ll'I"tr , ......43.:1!.; e;t: 1 I I,hO''' in '3;l 11"1 1 . ,11 i .,1 ~,,,! R i 0,, • , ~.4 . , Ep,. ~:,..- 04.. t,, 111 , plan .: ,if bi. gf 1 ,1 t13r.1 - .7: v.IEI alll,l - .3 3,1, ..11.01!,.... p... of 1311.1. 11,4... o r :.• :. t ,-.11-.4 pait ; 61 - 1:cI, 1.WW1111.,4 and .. ...i "stoic. a:...; . . . _ ,p•pdioi..c.. Nt .t:TOtt , .. i • [ ',- AL:7n , - , 00 . , other thd- : 3 1:313,1 , in Willett . 1i5p, , , i(1.1 , • , 1 l',.`1111 , It; S:t , ti•!ch'.lll.l:t fit.,l'. va , l Iry laud, ~'E. II nu, "Ni i 11...,... r,,,,11. In - 1i t .,31, T f .1 , 111: Barnwell, and ,cst •-•y iaf.di.,- t '3% It 1. s; ll' W,;:),..... t ." 1 „, .., ::;i:.: . 1". - , 11:or.t ot' le-. 'l. i t I W.z.Ve.l. Willi ;: 1i1i..f.e,„, 2 , t:rut. I .-tea:lll',....tw tz.ill. iat..t a te...V Iptit 11115 '' • . . , A L....a i-Def...n.Aanr , Intetc.,.: hi on t other ISt! ....It a ,ti,. in 'cert . ,' int., 1,...n.1eil oello• north by 13.n31, 3 , •: ..f Fora -lit- Sll.ti.:o - .1. e I , L ',l.Sl . l.3liike I t igtrxhit,t t et ,,lt u , t. : 11. till TVITVIt , I%III:- , .11 ,, 3113'.1' , .:1tk 1.)" land of ,lieu' !ri . ..bard. •,;". :t'i ) 1 , 1,, I. ;,1 4 1..1%.5-....,: t, , ,V:00-1 Ili ..efo-, :Iv': e oe Ids, :a. i1m.ft.....31. Iyill. 1 buns , and "-aw 11.111 flame t1er,,.... 5i'17...1...u0l taken in.:3)ex-- e.'utioti at .allot Fambf=e".l l t.rroll vs.ltirm iii.rtrot.' '`,5.1.1."...1.1..,00er but. it =l:it.=• to N'11.,•11,=! . . Mt , - =,,,t0 i d...1 until Ity paid. , 1333331tway and landslof (7 ii,i i ,,ik,,, et i.=il ,I.y 1,,:5-l-ot Ira Avadeot It soljih by 4.0, , , „: ( . 1 , a ,„ 0,,i,.,, silt (; W 3,V;1:k..r. :11: , li AVV+I , I,', land. of Plitrleti Whin.; contain , i•- , acrc.,, , , morn or no-. 30 sn!,pioi ed. with ), frame boos, 2 fratn...l .cares. and 10',c11.6 -1 of fruit sii•-•:•"then-ott. it"li.cd aoll :akco lett/ oNecut ion at saiL of -I'l. K:il-rei , vs rot 1} Grtnito .not A. l ( 1 3• 1 11 1 t 11 . r.- - • I . • 1.i..1. ) --- , nie'other I's. :dinar,. in. Towantla',l , olo. : 1, bn31,1 led Ili Ity :::atc.sti i...ist i-by lands oti .1 .7 .;,..inoi,, -.owl, by g o ld-of U.31..f ,: ur: and west by ' l'l3ll - .1-sta being - 1;7 ft front i.n said Thit.l-st. and led ft 35-1 sai'l Sll'l3 f r t. with I 1,3,..d•0ry fraino.l. litulso ; wit foss fruit al .. It t, Yes thed coo t t • : , :,ii ~i ll, l 3 1110eit i silo ..'(),11,1i , 11 03 . ..- f It II .I.' , 11.,'. ,y , ,liettrly 3sitt i.. l seedtel II 3. VI 311, ~ i - , A 1.:-.1-= =Tot. 'oh her to: ref land in .)rweill t;s'p; . oinolc.l 3t, follo,s: beginning :17 a maple trek dim .• 4th west :r.rper i.f i:...ild-. ..wi....1 I.)' c it iiii`tit,- ~ ,,iek: ibe1t......1t0 . ...i.i....... wi'sr-f.5•7.-lobue 3 toot Lind ..t10.....; iloono.. north 2 , .... 0 ,4 1 ast 1343..dt, a p..15-root ...brie , : tar: 'e ...o il :, !,';', o feast 10-rerslop to tt!si - i.,3,0 and -tom's: 11,7,•:,.... south 4: 1 0 5 , ...,..:l s 2 a-101, i.e.:n.- 1,4 ut highwv I thence 3.4ing eent,lr of 111411 Way 1 to Oft h -a .. Wt...... 1 :1'; 7-top: Ins: co sloth 7. west dtp . tOktakk. and stone.; them., 'north s'h* west allti-ltip. lo l a male!'; 1110 '. 1.1;ico of I egtriblinti. rotitallitlig. 5 1 53 ..,ei e . of 1:11.0.Z.111“r, ,,, r lessi about ,u aere's Improved I with 1 fraint'3l house and 1 1,!. orchards of fruit! trees 1 =.ll).roott. Selizil :111=1 tat:. p 110... execution lut the •or of 11 II 1,,0111.* to, vstAtex4l..l,.r wi e tai,sr, . • I A LS , , ---. 6 111 .011) , •11 is 4.. :if :ail' 1 ill W . V`"%i 0 ,. .p., •1 .-.- bdumbul as-11 , 1(0{% , . 1 , t.114T1-1..t. NO':1 Of hi's - ki No 14 , Si'' ft front oill'a ass. 1111,1 1 'io ft deep. a, wilt m o r e 1 folly apis•ar inll a map of litercur. Morgan 5. 3100. dy,' , ...insltvhir'n. recorded In the office of ilt Begs 3er aml 1t."',3d.10r in ,aid(( . 0 Or It rallfolll., in decd - 1,l41;, Nil Ile, .page 13. Sr, i 1 . , . IA 1.3 , .1--one other lot Ir.jc land in . Wy;o34 tup,,,_ ...nom,' a -,. .r.,11,,,,,.: ~,,,I), l'3 Lyninci-s3. r.as't by 1 l'A to'... souh byt lot No 2 fand on tit.' ,estioy lob', NI , t•.... 1e'...1g to; No t . 2 f 1.,:0.....:. so 12, rt" frfrollt ' ; ,.4,1 tz," ft ,A,...i., .1., :t;.]...N.; i'di Merear, 11,4,4 Sr Nror-f:;:tir , n1:11, of Fast doilanda, rec., d e d i ; ,lll",d_ 1 ;. I r.i ~....n)y 1f.,,,1p . .kr.',;,miv.,. ill -.1e...1 book S. it the, I ... lige EL &,,,, ' .1 1.35t.-Ohe'eller lob i'd ittsol hi Ity:o3: two-, bootol.-1 ..irti, by let N o t, oast' I,v;l'a an-' 3 south by I.'t No :$ and west, by It.: No 11 . ; being lot, 'No 2, .n; block. No 12. being 3.1 CO front att.1 . 131) It din.p. as 30" , :zrs 1 ay 31erenr. 31. i. .I . Si l Morgisn'.i , 111. y. 4f East TOw:11"1:1, 11i" , r.1==.1 In Itr:0 ford ,('minty .iteeiult3'r's othr..' In 31...0 book Ni. 110'4 , 1,02v 13. Seized ,^3.11 ta kon 1.11.....3..qua10tt at tile,: suit of NV in liiruin vs E 1 MccorttNik. A 1.5.)-t);,.. other lot fpf Iluil ll' , stb .14 r twp, ,toilinted a.,f‘dio,...i•eon.ll-..ileing . In the nogth line 0 , 3 the . 3 .3,333 i sheet yunqug south anon till street - H ading trot.- Ow 3 1 ,..p0rt the p 3 ,1 3,3, a f 15 1 ,3.1„; _llO l ft Mont the:3 ; ',.itt I. west r,ri.er ..f saial ...r0. , 4,81. Z=ll4l l .rint.!l".!. I lii.ll==e at. rigliti.ang",...- "flit salrliser'ojal l I ..!..,..t Ist ft 1,, 3 cornelAthence intralli;l -it 11ff said! street :0 , It .t= 4 e0x....r, thch: , at right at:36.s with' 'Sad thircet 'lso, It to thci nest -11„, of ~ ,,,, i, i street , I , I then., northerly ai0ng.,41.1 ;attn.( Soft' o the plaro; , of begin:ll.3g flt-t•l'Vitlg 101,tr011i :;; , 1" Ilitfil , i3y ours 1 inset..l ft ip.:•n woi ali n , 0, , t he front or 'said, tot eta I 3,..ra11el ,1111 ....id st rect. swing lite Na o:..1 in; th , ..t•vlll L ~,g , ...f isayre, on 3 III:tiqt1:3.1 , by Z F. walker tor Lion aid giincy awl ott,Ors,f 0 nt 31 1131 33 , .. i l' acr e.„ n3l, more' , i'r less, all Otiprdved. wit:li 21erainei 1, 0 ,5”.. 0111,:r:o5-; Mlll.l,7lngs 31111. ft'NN it - lilt . tr,n44 Meer'-':I, Z4.....iii....1 atmrtalt.eti 11110; oNCelltIVII.:111b=. '41.11 of the ittadford ''l..,ati anti •Itullalltig o.ssrich lion or Nihon:: ton 1:5111rIv , l‘lartita A S , 'V.:st: Al,lO-000 of her =lot! td land In Minim", last "boutelo'l mirth by 111.:14.11..,f, ca,t, by. tut N 0.12 t, 3...-outli a 1 and ty.-. by lllT..biof 1) 1. I' Clark.,lcontalt • .lug' , acres f 'land. Thorp-or less. all lintol.oved. 5-. h ]1.1,11,111.g.. • 1 i i i t I•so , -otin other lot of It'anl -in Atln;dis 1w11,,, ; I ounded adiftli hy 1)1‘1,3:3.11-st, east by'l'a ate, sontt 11. v lands of 1) 1.. 1" t". O -k 31‘.t w... 1 I.w 14 NO 120, I ontaining 4 . 3 333,te of Ihnd. more or 1 1 1 1,,q all Int. 1 pr"Ved, la lilt 1 f ram.,l, l ll.ntse and 'few'filnit i lei! . .)10roaa. 1.10, - m. , al:on, qetog• lots Nos 120 is 121. if I1,1 1 .„.k• 111, IS s hout, by in. I. F Clark's inap,ruado In f"/.. I , Walker, - 51 trel.. 1 . -;"5. 3. 1 ..11.A and to con In t o ip•xecutl..i. 4; iln. out ,‘it. Tl6.' ttradford,Loati ant, Building Xh,sdciatiou 4 Adilen, Imp vs Edsliartl I .1 0i...5. Alsh at .tilt of Atm, v.. s ail.... - I ' . i ;1A1.'40-31110 other 1..., of iand al .Athiins twit j ti0nn.1...1 north by Intoislof (tell :Walker. citst by-h l l ave, ,01101%tit..1 55e...1 by limb; of Geo Walkier, heal)l I'M It, IV ilk Ott said Pit dve: by.l-1.1 Tt .leek, Wit 31: framed i fmed bons,. and (kr font t roc; theivor, ,isely 3 tel t30,,,,15,10, executh?l3 at tho 'salt of did:it Elt , .. I ,i'ss• vs l'llliles - 1 , '1 . 1311u3. , • I • , .: ...' .NN i.MEW .7 LAY,Tt. . t, 1 • 'Slerlit. Sherltr,4:ollce, A, ,t 7, ~r • : ..,.- • NC0111 . .011 kTION' O'Pj.6E, I Not:4'o,ls beret,y - ON'ett that applii•atiol4%itt toa.l, to a .`last - _110! gt. t f ray.arm,l 'coqttlyiat !,•pt,.1111,11 . Vont it or common i.:l h.,•r t ir,it t 1.011:11 , .11 cit 'f. , 11 lan 4 Ma, Assotiatioii i,f T.b,. 1...0f . ,461 A,l4;latloti Ist to cree't zitltt otcli a !tall, with :gore r..ottis'anti ,ither0cc..444v01414..' 1,1,C,•, to 4,Tt..TalltOitait.,Satit SKI(' ty (le 0..C1ate.4.p . 1114 Y I 4'l6'll*, ttie al.. • Li .1. C. Sll4 . NI 11.1.'Cil kill, . , I. • • • • cuunc it' • i , • . tp, :) P Stos . „()4t.fia , s , at tioino. i l amp • worth tia ppy., gutis, will midi ' - ';, ' ' •."}' :-'....i:,,,,Vf!'"''' 1061. • :~}"~ : . 0 EMS M ME M Eillllll EMI ■ El =3 1111 Mil =I ill g SE lIIM p 4 li 1 ~~ ;h<.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers