II II fgriatithr. StT THE gays.---Early chickens pay itlp" best because ydit cap. get more onev for less birds. The main help the first broods is to haire some. !nice. warm coops to confine the hen, 'with a front to shut up at pleasure and make quite dark as in cold spells 'by dosing the front it causes the hen to nurse the chickens. ""I have hun dreds in February all in-. coops with out bottoms and :had to , dig away the drifted snow,* which completely c , !.vered and hid the whole row; On being brought to light they were, 'more lively than usual,. for the - snow 11:id kept the, c,old wind from pene trating, and they were hungry, is it took time to set them at -liberty, rf - s there were there, than sixty coops. One having ii herr with from Eleven to thirteen. chickens, , This has oecnred in - several season, - on ,occasions when the grOund was wet from the air being thaviing. I h:.1 , 1 • some salt - hay, short chaffy sfraw, .or sawdust, put, On a fresh Place and the coop elided along and put on it. The bare ground is plwaysz-best when dry enough, and cri old sod. , lly coops were always taut about sjx or eight steps apart, ,and in a row, and rooted every day on to a clertil place; ,and I have thus over several Ireres which have F.llown the effects of the droppings . frcm the-chickens by the deep green sh! , and the stronger growthof the grass., The loss frOna - casualties -and th - e only' extra trouble is the 1", , ..,N;5F . F1Ty • closing - of; the coops on . E-ormy and very cold days and the 'fifrdin7 oftener than in mild weather. I nf:ver gave water so early in the hut instead fed alternately with Soft food, which answers"the purpose and - ,aces a .deal of trouble; meat c,,:ce a day or once in two ~days will do .and . then, grain and split tarn.; I:red with scalded meal - or bread; I. a?.1,,t milk, when- very young, as most Convenient. *I never pay any atten tion oht women's quackery = neverl •ht be-ides' : peppercorns or aught 'the common everyday. feed which readiest to :hancr for with -title chickens; as with fowli:in gen.; era], tht main consideration is- to I :ftVEl them rdws on the j irround,, „.,other earth,)- with la good s.,vartd the betterand clear of,poultry =I Lc I .11,ANOWLET,,fiE OF FAEMING.—r There are truths that apply to all tho:e rit'it also—and they nrequariv— c :that" apply 'only to /ocali and these differ according t 6 Hence bi.ok knowledge hail or r;- a general application. • There be a knowle l lo , e of the parlic ;11,T I.' sgi - 11. worked. This can, only be acquired by practice—by working . CH' soil and noting it effects. 'will .acquaint, us with the material of which the soil is cotepoli- Yet there is something beside this tl'at L 9 important; some of this Inown.. and some is entirely in thp daik. Who •knows, for instance. causes, the superior quality of ohnecoqT.lßEA in .some Soila appar ently the S the contignons which profit-lees an infericir ,1:' , !(1? This is common the island (.f Cuba, Irhere- our , best :tobacco is .•_ - •rOwn nisi) an inferior quality. rairiently, with grapes The !ine rape (lees ranch better in some • et iom•—this often, independent of The.grape . '(some sort.), also grow thriftily bnt bear little it: 'irne r-eef inn 4 in others do retuarl . , well; iniprocii • Tf:ere is some element uri. I.llown iliat has an 'e&ct. All thik, mtmtwli more that might be said c•r.il is lifa(l-,- shows that a soil, in I,nier to know its capacity, 'must he ( 1 ' I,IV Ifc-rce a local knoWledge of fat.•- n lirg is indispensable _to . sneces. 11(),1-:-; pc:int only in a general way. A • enpipl to science of agrienitnre ie' Hires aktinwledge of the locaiiticis, :!4'seif.lief, is the result, of knowledge. It theri-fnre be -seen how mneh ;here is to be for the fanner; he mnet r'ely upon himself, see and note :-ccitrately... I have seen this heruttf fully illnstrated in cases that rknoW of. Only the best heads are the best farm , rs ; and those 'not neeessariiT, b:Af educated, but alWays and thnse• having• the best me , iaairoauce With their soil. -The two, local and .general knowledge, combined, aro the highest requiSite: . Th(!n ;:throuo.h_work 'success is as 1-!red, making farming a safe, a profi t:ll,4'lll.lllg. na well as a very pleasant aml agreeable oecnpation.—Cmiiitry 4;,!ditieinan. • Ora Gr.4-rzso WAX.—In making,a preparation of beeswax, 'rosin and t;rllow, to apply to newly-Set scion's, ws have rereatedly given full diree, tiouS. Ours is to , use warm it 'a tier; ir? state: applied with a small thin Orlon paddle, which can be done rapidly and , perfectly; but we see l it l'f ,: ctinimPtaded.in moat horticultnral • i-,r:rnals, to mate it. the consistency .r , fjOloPrinker's wat, throw it intoa 9r;r cif c - 0 1,1 water; work it soft and apply it - with; 'be hands, and:in order that it may not stick to.: the hand{;, r~.a - e tEIC ta! Very' pleasant wcrk. orirt,elves, unassisted, set er,tv pear grafts in. two liOnrs tho wax as we recommended in F.fri'o rind Fven , one of which and became a part of the tree. r:,I - Irorrlrior: we ntict are-foniparts sir, ()rift part of bPeswat. - and part Of beef of mntton them together in a skillet., is the best,) or a lineup, And melt well. It - should remain in the and be used- as needed.. Twenty or thirty scions can be waxed with (IPo - heating - tp. When mach wafting is to be done:a little fire fOr Leafing the; wax should be made on the spbt, bet Ween two bricks or _ , stnnes. • lre have seen various preparations "f'lr making grafting-way. and we 'relieve we have tried all that looked cif they wonld answer,but prefer our ortn decidedly. Applying it warm nr hot dces no injury to the graft. The object to attain in the propor tion is that the was will not crack in 'ennl, dry weather, or run in • warm -ver,the - i. If, however, upon trial, diff. - -rent proportions be required, the fo6 - zoing can be altered, though iE r sing tbem in several ways we enure tack to these.—:German b,l;rn TeMgrsph. - c ROSES.—E. Y. Tees 'tales in bis. Ilose-catalogne that the flet , ie.sin , is the worst insect which this I.hrilb Inis to contend with, and ?La,' tktrovgn sprinkling with any ;irk: diist, 'as slacked lime, ashes, or It - ,Ari (hilt, or any similar material, soon detroy them. Also, that t , bc.e..co sn_oke gay be made to des rc:y. apLis or gref-n fly easily and ei-r!binly, by placir, ,, handful of the 16 1 )aev)on a shovel of burning coats, b , whole with the infested Plants t under an , inverted boz or barrel for hat au hour or so, el nrAtionat - ttpatintnt. 1. coaccerm. OP Associaz =iron. 4 Quntus, W. H• Tnownos, J. C. CRAWFORD, E. L. Hairs, A. A. KEENIM ALL .comninnicattems intended to be inserted In 'this department should be sent to the chairman of the Committee. E. R. QUINLAN. at Towanda andarill be forwarded by him to the Editor in charge for the enuring week. Haw to Achieve Suoc in Teaching. tat. • Vndentand the subjects width yen propose to teach. Cerro before your:class with the matter Of the recitation folly In :mr mind. Be ready not only to explain points in the lesson, but have fa- Liter Llinstrations at (=mud. by which to trader; the pnpn'e cOncepcon of facts more lucid. : Do not be satisfild to stand sp and read gleams. tioni raff the boil', parrotlike, but suggest Arun boss of yotir cant in order to teat the pupil's un derstanding of the principles involve. • teacher who only tests in the question assigned in the text book, is a machine, u spiritless and auntie as a ' stem enema. 2nd; Be interested. Ifo,tescher is worthy of the bane who does not show bY limy action that he is 'interested Me propel', of his , pupils, and no ' l lOterested teacher ever had any other than LA Ber -1 u aeted sc hool, and the teacher's interest • should 'amount enthusiasm. The eithrusiastio - man, whether teacher; lawyer, of whatever his profusion or calling may be, will have 11111CONIL 33. Be kind to your pupils. Greet thee with pleasant words and always have an iipproving'smile for meritorious conduct. The scolding, fuming, fretful, faultfinding, vinegar faced teacierwill Lays a I,ystercoas, uncouth, ill sunrerd school.aall is unfit to have charge of ehtldrea.. 4th. Decorate your school-roam and grounds. I never knew a teacher to quit his school before the trait . ma closed, who lad pictures hanging' up In the school-room not expensive ones, but pictures selected with some discrimination from magiaines and Illustrated , papers, with now and then *paint. is, air chromo, loaned for the term by some friend in the neighborhood. ^vase of dowers in their seascn.'supplted by the 'choler' from day to day with fresh contributions, is worth more than a bundle of whips, or a code of rule/ for enforcing needful regulations. In the summer season a few.planta attended kr the girls, and a few ornamental trees eat out in the yard by the boys, will not only Interest .the scholars but they; will eecure teeftil knowledge by the exercise ; and when the scholars are Once intereatell in the ornamentation of the school .honie and premises no' narnly jack-knives will disfigure the house or furniture, while. the Aesthetic natures of the chil dren will receive a proper bias. • :A. Reward the most - .deserving pepile with in :expensive presents; presents which all can com- Pete for, and which, after the close of the term, will - be fragrant mementoes, not only of tbmiiescher hht of latelectaal battles fought and victory' won. Have the school well classified-arid then hear the recitations with unvarying regularity. :lever excuse a deem; forithe habit once practiced, thelnterest flags. and lax. temporizing inclinations are inculcated. . . • Vb. Be ptincteal. The teacher irbo cornea late to school, or who call■ the class Are minutes after programme time. will not secure punctuality on the part of the scholars, either In ; attendance Or in re sponse to any of his reryillrannents, and habits of proMptteu and punctuality are as necessary to De taught to Childien, as grammar and arithmetic. Science and Matrimony. ~ .:Toat a person wedded to science would be natur• rally susceptible to the tenderpapalonds undoubted ly true. The greatest men who have ever lived bays been obliged to confese the soft Impeachment, although the Instances In which their lovable been unrequited, are quite,toontunerous. : , Perhaps it is because .he man of science has been too much engaged ir.• his philosophy.to press his suit with the necessary assiduity, while the more persistent, though leurcultured rival carried off the prize in triumph. ' • We now, without the least disposition. t alarm any hipef al young ladies with reference to the• probable course which any of their bachelor friend/ of scientific acquirements may puler's, Present a, few facts for general conadderation ' Dr. Abernethy wrote 'to a lady that being much engrossed with busbiess cares; he could - not coma Ili person, but that 'he would give her two week. In which to make up L• 5 mind.. ' The celebrated Astley Cooper lectured the day he was married. • durciellmes the pursuit of science renders a man too fastidious and "exacting. so that any !. ordldary type of female lovimeas fails .to charm him. Ac i;usiomed to contemplate truth and perfeclion 'as Meal qualities, nothing less than absolute perfae• rum in the other sex wins, him. He regards a woo- Man as he would a turtle or a fish, and by the time his analysis is completed the romance is One. Paley way , continually falling In love and yet With an excess of fastidionsners be was continually noticing such imperfections as . prerented his pro. posing. One . lady sneezed three times In anoxia ,;ion ;'another did not look well cinehorweback; a rte twice of liver And bacon; a fourth was un able to denim a word which be pronounced, while a fifth, supposing she had securely entrapped him, yet loathe priziraby his coming In , uneipectedly from hunting, and finding her ancidni i large sized 'orange. • Some eelentists seem to have bad stifficlent senti -merit. with the requisite amount of tidelity, but lacked the peculiar tact which is necessary to make a successful suit. .Dr. Busby proposed three times to the same Lady, once in a menagerie, &Jain at Madam Tuseand a, and a third time in a shop at Cornhill, and was as many times rejectedi Sir Isaac Newton was twice in love. He gave his youthful, affection to a beautiful young lady, the laughter o 1 a physician. His love was reciprocated 'and an early marriage was only prevented by-New 4ou's poverty. When. lowa Ter. he ~ as In better financial circumstances, the idol of his youth had become the wife of another. He retained his rev gard for her, however, never failing to ',lett tier whenocar at the home of his boyhood. and when both had become advanced in age he had the pleas ure of affording her needel relief. Newton was . rich, lemma and sixty when his breast thrilled with .. . feelings of love for he second time, the object of ilia affection being Lady Norris, widow of the Baro net. The letter which ha addressed 4 her was a curious specimen of literature of the kind. Among other things he remonstrated with her upon her ex cessive grief over her widowhood and'enggested the I. a proper remedy to be a now husband. Whatte an swer was wo are enable to say, but as the wed ng never took place, it is . fair to presume that t s time Newton figured is a rejected lover. To Teach Primary Grammar. lat. 'Cie no toxt-bobk, except for reference. °lre the scholars oral instructions by theald of the blackboard, beginning with some part of thennb ject easily apprehended and occupying dye or ten minutes for the exercise. and conducting It In inch way that It will 'be a kind of a relaxation for the pupils from the more rugged work of the school room. The clue ahouli embrace all the Children of the third and fourth reader classes, and' If yen all it's language instead of a grammar clap you 'will have no prejudices 'it, outcome, for grammar has f - egnently been so taught or mistanght eurnot only, to tender It unproductive of good results, but dire taii teal to flee-pupils, and they hive teamed to hate the name before_ they -ha‘ • commeneedits Unity: It hae,:been adminiatered-ris meerlfelne,-..unpalata ,bla and nauseating, so that none but the.mnst reso lute and self-sacrificing world undertake It, and they at the end of the - term would know less of practical gram Mar if possible, than at the begin ning. We repeat then, let the teacher be the teat book have the nutter which, you intend to,presont, well at,comrasnid, and try to make it so *interesting that the pupils will look forirard to reMhidifon Um* with longing instead of fear and trembling. A five Minute's talk on the' uie of capitals the first day, with famillar.illuatrations on the black . -board will be a good commencement. The , next. day ; One' of the puts of speech—say the noun—ml•ht be taken up, the -pupils being called upon to namei;,while the teacher writes on the black-board ell thehourathey can think of. For.lnother time the'?elaaties of nouns might be considered. After the noun, the adjective' would naturally follow, its use : being taught by examples suited _ to the comprehension of the slaw. In this way the live, ingenious teacher will invest a hitherto unpalatable study with a charm which will - go far towards relieving the tedi um of the school mom. . 2nd. Nike every day's recitation embrace a re view of the previous acquisitions so as to have the principles well grounded in the pupils' mind. And at stated intervals It would be well t 0 hate the - elms come with papers prepared and embracMg some. thing like this : ten common and ten proper nouns; ten norms in the (singular and as many in the plu ral number ; tan 'nouns in each of the genders, kr mt. wzll be an exercise in spelling, in pinmanship, and In grammar, an 'exercise which regalia the pu pils to think, investigate, the only tine system of instraction. Occasionally have tint euFs copy on their slates, the butcher reading or dictating a litie stlry Collts'aingo familiar words, requiring them to punctuate and paragraph It correctly, and the tesch er will be surprised, not only at the prodcLency at tainable even by young pupils, bet at the =eland rehab with which the exercise (entered into. 1 Psam..zwe:--How many feet of 14sad pipe csa be made from a globe of lad one foot in &meter. the iber cf the pipe to be'; inch sad the thickness of the Send -itch, no alloa &des- bens made for • rite? !mil sten own s grindstone saelsoi Is dime. tr. It Is agreed that • Quilt grind 414 his third first thin H snit last yC. Bow nosy I. of the sead-thiffinstw slue sorb gried ad to get hie awe. tbe hoes be the *gess for the shift being Lb terbse swine t Bar bi Diackdine. This Is a 'Ojai of me tottortinet M ydrobli; Madan earn pipe& Vies tonne In my own ei fate sad is vain; by Oast itbo arm gm the to. side of ecdttga es a actual school bmildttlig. ttad by Mogi: rho hue seaditaltid it oar .bast collifte and Berme mho*. In view of thug 1144 las led to belts that no ettedd d hay annum sad bossoottot at t • so-tatisd Mond School them* ztog can outs $ red dimilyittarlan. The eras temeher mast hem earnest, tittlttgi Want*, M utsu swum and abound inl good.accia centrum sense: He dead seedy to know and apireriate ate the needs of the childros„ to spopattzba with Oa peep/esteem, to loot down deep Leto the but. end comprehend the wants of ovary MUG child who MOM within the circle of his ,nwnibillig barn ace. It is a fins point fare teacher to know when *child ought to (trey, And when he ought to play; alma be ovate to be senate, and when he ought to slew when ha needs to rand, sad when be'ado to romp; iota: he ought to be to school, and When be ought to be out of idled, and s thoniend thing which might be mentioned. mentioned.- lam opposed to the nee of the rid as • satin of school discipline: and hope the time Will DIMS arm corporal punishment is say sad trot of the hid eous tome In which'it any bare been precticed.wel be aboli shed frona the echoes of the In on d. I i oleo opposed "to tantalizing or saying or doing MI will mush the pride or the pupils or pro. duos enilaname. I might tnention many different mode* of punishment which' some Imam mart to, and which Mammy the liberty Of the elliktrat and mats them feel 'that the schocd-roola la no more nor km than prison. in which they have been pliOed and from which there is no escape Hy rule for diadilthe may not be practiced* far *them for the old saying is that wharf* meet dm one may be poison far another. ad perhaps so and ea human nature manifests itself through varied dispositions, so long will people shish and act differ enuy in the moral and mental traps of children. I always get down to a lewd with toy paper in the school-room.. more among thes% , sit with them, talk with them, turn if possible; lan to amiss and frowns to frolic. I laugh with those who laugh and wee, with Mom who weep. I ewaysltry to gyms, ththe with any little dig catty, and either latter it or cover it with good cheer. in tact I ewer Into all their work 04 all their aporta;,anit they feel that I am 'one oUthem. I makes confident of them, and they of me, and this their willing fee and hand.' are ever ready to do all my bidding. and the school disciplines Itself. Pitoar.rxr —Where shall a board. sixteen feet lose, twelve [aches wide at owe aid sad eight Inches at the other, be cut In two *am by II section Par allel to the ends, so as to - divide the board tato two coal parts des.-11 fl 95; in. from narrow sod. ' Correct solutions to the 'above have blew recStreil from H..H. Boil. Cifbo. P. Moore W. L. Rebates. ..Incognito." Wm. Lkkereon Jeanie Deism W. P. Horton, maid Vaughn sail William Devlin. After the first Of April we will be able to pablish a:ditto:La of problems. • Tau State Superintendent of Schools la hareattre to be called Superintendent of ?DUO Instruction, and Is to be appointed by the Goramor, twothirda of the' Senate concurring, the term being tour y Ls Tans is to be an appropriation of one mMloa dollars in Pennsyrranis this year, for school purpo. ses, the quota to the school districts ought to be largely In excess of the sounuttheretOfore reoeired. New Advertisements: SCHOMiCKER PIANOS We were again awarded the highest premium. OVpZ, ALL WISER% at the Ws - FRANKLIN IN S TITUTE EXHIBITION, and are the only Firstcleas Instruniecim that can be obtained at Manolsotonic,' cost prises. $300.00. POE Al ELEGANT ?BOOT. ROSEWOOD PIANO The following are a fair of the Principal Media received. FIRST PRIZE MEDAL, (Franklin institute,) 1874 '• BILVEN (Grand Piano.) 1858 PRIZE Crystal Palace World Fair N. Y. - [1853 GILD American institute. N. Y. 1848 PRIZE •• Maryland Baltimore 1848 &LYE Franklin •' Phila. 1845 Pianos ordered by mall. are carefully selected, and remittance Is not required. until the instrument has been received •and approved.. All our styles and classes, are built of the rune excellent material and workmanship. Every Instrument la Idly guaran teed. Write or send for Illustrated catalogue, and price list. giving full des=tptton of auks , etc. • SCHMUCK= PIANO IWO CO., Waren:ems 1103, Chestnut Feb. 23.75 3m. - Philadelphia. THE TIDIES. A PIBST CLASS NEWSPAPER. DAILY AND WEESLY INDEPENDENT IN EVPIIIITHING. NEITTBAL IN ► NOTIENG! OPPOSED TO ALLVOIOIIIPT BERGS IN IPAL, STATE AND NATIONAL ATFAIBB, ' The Daily Times .be issued on Saturday, the 13th of March nett. and every morning thereafter, Sundays excepted, under the editorial direction of A. 11.11UCLUBX. printed conipactli from dear, new type, one largo folio sheet, containing all the news of the day, inchidhig the Associated Press Tele gramr, Special Telegrams and correspondence from ail points of Interest, and fearless editorial dlaeul dons of all current topics. PRICE, TWO CEETS. MCI subscriptions, •porr.uts sass, Ills Dollars per i anntun, or fifty cents per Rtonth, in &drilla. • ADVEBTISZICENTS, fifteen, twenty and WAY cents per line, socording to postttort. , DiooDtw:ccirravimal: will be Mined on ,Baturday, March 20th, and weekly thereafter. containtngall important news o. the week, and complete Market and ./Pinancla} Be porta. foe one year, postage free, at the follow lee rate!: ONE COPT MOO TEN COPIES 9410 TWENTY CONES 16 00 ADVERT/MMUS twenty-Are cents per line. Remittances should be made by Drafts or Pod Office orders. Address THE rates, • Ito. 14. Smith Seventh Street. Philadelphia, Parch. 1.75. HOUSES A-, FARMS FOR SALE • A House and lot in Towandaboro, situate on State street. Hon. 16 by 30, with wing 16 by 20; ali two stories blab (11 fast poets) Lot about 60 by 100 feet. Good well and cistern. The House and Lot on Poplevet. occupied by Geo. PyCash. The house is 40 by 40 feet, with rear part 30 by 2334. Lot 150 by 172. Genie baa ?atom large roma. threi bails, and nine closets, platm to. Weil In the house. We. heed cistern. Farni No. 1, hi Asylum. containing one hundred and three and a.balf acres, about acres improved. with framed Douse and hero, and over one hundred singe trees thereon. , • Farm No. 2. in Asylum. containing 69!.,1 acre•. about 30 ' acre. Improved; with new framer' house thereon. The lot contains one of; finest springs of lister in the county, • Farm -No. 3, in Asylum, containing 103 acres. about 2) acres Improved. Balance la umber. which ben been sold. No baNdtbes. . . • Farm Na 4, in Asylum, containing 99 „acres, . wbleb Ms been soilt. There are te stage of water upon this rect. Farm No. 5, iieetaylum, containing 26 acres. half Its's: data. • good hewed dwelling house and e deg-stone query thereon. For forther,parttculats apply to Oeo. P. Oaoh. or SCOTT. Treetop. Tornado. pa SALE. • sari duirstd HOUST.. LOT, BMOC ha, toe Salo. LOT Law' AID IMILDINGS MIST.CE.AB3. Lomat as &Psi Vila Stmt. Toirsado. Ps. Par Mikes peetioshie omptire Of tie eader l suanit*acirs; 'salmis; iiimiter "Its , IWO'laiii '.:.‘: WAGONI3I WACKM-I WAGONS r.~ uva on hand,' large mortment of MOB ..JUIKBESIIIAND LION! WAGONS WEIOII I MU/ SELL CHEAPER Than any other eetablieh!nent in the em . tg. WAGONS AND CARELiGEEI Of every deeeriptio' n R!antl6l3ttma4 to order on short notio' e. JAMS BRYANT. I Tii ' llmeils. Nardi SI, lirtLt TAYLOR k CO., ARE OPENING THIS WWI, A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, FOB THE HOLIDAY TRADE. Our assortment of both Staple sna Fancy Goods, la now complete, and baring made Important . , redactions • 0 R PiRIC .E . ‘ S, We feel confident that we can offer SPECIAL BARGAINS TO OUR CUSTOMERS Please give as a call. TAYLOR & CO. t , Tana& Pa.. Dec. B. 1874, WE INSURE ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY - AGAINST LOON ON DAMAO," BY FIRE AND LIGHTNING. • 1 , Ire ragnimeneovir Nallkati Ospital. Old YALU& and Nam Ckanpasisit. • LIFE INSURANCE at TICE "DIX! AND wow. nom AND lltrrva, CONYAIDNII 11 TNN inn' rip grams. ACCIDENT INSURANCE Fran ow dal to onsvar. • NOBLE & VINCENT. 1141,- 19. 1171. QUPERIOR AGRICULTURAL 11141,01 3 / 2 2. tar Ms b 7 B. M. '-WELLES, TOWANDA. TA.. Odes No. 3 unease Mods. north dam of Oaut Honors inane. 111111MEALN AND DTTAN. DDALII2I AND MANVIACTINUaII AGENT. Notait ak ineldisee. Done Pointe mad Tbnaeben. Tina m Mater lionts. Dan illeedara. Hay Doreenble eat Med Plows. o"llintors, TIC None Noss. OloverEalleneadtemudag amrs xernme. tuna aannea. mar mann mire cum nun tim eta latalle, sionuan vas nun on nano. aa.. to. and asintptim IDainned prtend 4164 wenn. Mien tie. maned tree to all emanate. Is MO net bat Dun sate to mead for annuls tn Danes Taman abut la Tinsman. "Dead mae. April! N. WWI: "IPOR BALE--A valuable farm in Atbensterp., bins 23i males from Athens Dora, and a miles teem ifsvarly. Contains 1611 acne. of which LIZ ars in gram and mane. A datTY at 1 5 ears bus been kept on it, and there is basement stabling for that stunts& it but a paus Moline. time to the south. and is ersgar.stremor land. It will be saki low sad pagandom spear inmesdneelp. Address Z. D. DUW Mod" L is D. r. POLL Athena. pa. J. DIIJIIII. cm the form. am . ni. • 264. A DIdINISTRATOWS usottesis homy even thatallpereotte Indebted to the estate of If lobert fileht-r tete of imbue. deeemeed, semeted to ' make touoiettete Ited en pampa bnll,o== eft Nut tit OV=tIM 1,41. X 1 h M THE BE MINGTON The RIUUNOTOWIt , nitddtp moo Mora poeemitop the beet peedi Pahl ituaadaceseelli. soiestras, rapid, daistdia, with pimen t o:lMb*. • U le a Ilbattle Marko. Ina histesitic Drop reelt • sit NW— XII A Itubize tar badly a %la tbe sraw qf i • esigewice. tan Dart WAY a more rapid Masan of ra tio of saki than any =whips an U. mutat, , anniaziar so 4 A 11Whims, for marmerciarlag sail briar has. (may for &Armory only Woo Jura, MO. he soft% perferg" mad swift y or or yolk, Ls w op.ithout s badl bortsh GOOD AGENTS WANTED! Brod fm ctrenbzo to aziturorox ammo won% co., mom • BUNCH OMOZB Or 14111:11GTON CONZABUB. t - ri aurnarros a eons..! UNINGTOW ITEMING If. 00.91 WM N.Y. Ezinsinos AO'L op.. WM k 283 Broadwa7;2l. Y.. Aim.. Madison Sq., W. Sawing liscbines. Chicago. 237 State St, S. Machines and arms. Boston. 332 Washington St, Strains Ilachines. Cixicinnati, 181. West 4th St. 8 Machin e. Utica. 129 Genesee fit, hewing Machines. Atlanta, Os., DeGire's Opera Some. Marietta St.. Seeing Machines, Washington, D 0., 621 7th St., 8. Machias*. /ohnUry 13, ISM C 0 A L C 0 ' A L • OLD TOWINDA I 3 COAL YARD • ~ I PIESCE scan Take pleanub In rumouncing tel their Mande and the public generally. that they am prsprired to ha. Wail any of the following named Coals to suantltise to suit purchasers. thoroughly screwed and slated. and at as low rates as at an -yard to Towanda. We keep the best Coals from the Pittston and Wilkes. Barre - mines. SULLIVAN ANTHRACITE COAL, All sites, from mine* In Sullivan Colintv. BARCLAY (SMITH • AND STOVE Prom the old Barclay mines. ; We are Me Avutta. We keep WI hand the ALLENTOWN INTMiI Bast quanty. Map. COPLAI CEMENT ! Al orders left at the stores of Long k Stevens. J. Calkins. Horton* Ehlers Drug Store, or at our Coal Wilco corner of River and Elisabeth's, etreste, wl/1 receive prompt att non. Please give ne a all. 8. PLEB CE. Wit. SCOTT Towanda, Pa.. SepteMber 2 2 . 1874. I= SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INTLITITTE. The third winter tern{ of this Institution will woo maws MONDAY. April 5, 1115, with the following list of experienced teachers ZDWIN E. Qql3lo, Ancient lAriguaeea, Math and Megnab Meatichaa E. L. 1111.1.18. ALB , Commercial. Mathematical and Bcielt3llo Branches. 11183 MARY Z. 16:118.11.1 4 Pintarrzzani, Common and Higher Mullah. miss MOT L. ]LABOR. . • Common aM Meier English. tzgunr. French. Drawing one Painting. 111.88 1111931110. ROWER. Inatrumental There will be the customer, classifications of students and such new chases will be organized as the needs of students may demand. Among other studies claws will probably rommence Rhetoric, Physiology and Chemistry during the tem. Papeete' attention given to the preparation of young men for business or college. Regular instruction in Drawing and Vocal Music, free of charge. Excellent advantages in Instru mental Music and Voice culture. Itrpromo per term. tor t board, tuition. foal. light trashing, etc., from $47 o $53. • The rooms for dormitories hays recently been ar ranged In setts—sitting gnome with stesping.roome adjacent—neerly carpeted, and furnished with new heating apparatus, the arrangements being all that could be desired for comfort, convenience and pleasantness. Tuition for day students from $ 4 to SII per term. For drachms or further Information, address er call 'upon the Principal. F. E. QTUILitlf. at To wands. Ps. atu.acs Fox. Prost. Board of:Trustees. p OUR PATRONS. GEO. H. WOOD &00., PHOTOGRAPHERS, TOWANDA, PA. - Grateful for the generous patronage of the put year, would Inform all wanting Pictures that we are still adding to our establishment NEW AND IMPROVED INSTEIIIINNTS, And adopting tried and approved triodes of printing and retotteUng In order to secure llo:P 1 14rep:.:t1: 7 14:1:}Vq"{:i:JA: 1 .o}-45):41 mada outside of the cities, and that we mats tt a epedaltyto enlarge all klodo of Pletares to nny t ollo desi r ed , and ILnlelt In " Water Colors. TeAa Ink. or In OU. In the BEST STYLES LID MY LOW PEICES. We allo endeavor tc cake all the Wu possi ble in making children, pictures, so as to De; mire the best results,. We are constantly adding to our stock of titiffEil. All new patterns and tasteful style.. and fur- Walt them at a small advance from cost prices. May 14.1873. NEW ARRANGEMENT • AT THE Ft:BHT WAR!? BALM. • MRS. 20.17 E. EITTREME • Bavha Im il bued . mo the r 144 stock the fixtures of n r in t purchased en entirely! NEW STOOK. OF GOODS; •-• Suited to the Wide, tomb as Cistommtes, Tam, Ccumzu,,,Xtium hem. Cam= Palms. Raman. Oonrstuaosmot. nuns Baran, Bacon; Eva. Boras. &0.. DULL ilt4 and attractive - • ICE CREAM SALOON " Win be optima In eannection with the establish ment. where ladles and. gentleman can always Ind the best cream and other deltoids' of the season. TH; - E DINING ROOM Has been refurnished; and win at, all tiMes b i t, sup plied witd substinthileatables. which will be served at reasonable rata.. •Farmers and others visitimi town win end this • convenient place to supply the wants of the inner WM; 1 MARY Z. EITTUDGIL Towandi. April 33, !Te.tt. VXEOUTIOR I B NOTICE.— to the estate .of Marna T. Vaagordtr, of Monroe Townsldp. deeessed. are reqnseten to Exits nossedbito t. end as persons having dams spinet sai estate must present them its" antnenttosted for settionent. MIAMI L. TAIIIOOIOII2. I arrant A. varsoaDllP ADMINISTRATOR'S liotlee le hereby atm eat illpersons Indebted to tbe estate of Benin& Vasty. deceased. late 01 abstbequilt TIFI4. i:bredlord 00.. are maiden to male lannedlate Perm* and all persons bar. Ina clams Against said estate roast present these duly antbertneeted tor eirdtleeneet. P‘ll9lll.onplar IiMME! A DMINISTEATOR'S NOTICE.-- .LlULltotice Is hereby emu that all pereonh Indebted to the estate of Jarekotah Bkkler. tats of Aliflant. deed, most make immediate payment. and ad per. was liming dame spinet wit oda, mug moat hem dot/ authiddleslallor aattlaisat. 020.1= adie n, dila 1" ;o • . NO. 1. Nrw Tau. arid _Nati& WOODFORD" ; kJ* . ; " 22/111 NEW YORE BOOT AND SHOE EITOILE, s. usios aciiimme Is receiving one of the largest -and best stock of BOOTS & SHOES ever brought "inTowanda, which he is offering at the vely lowest prices - for Cash, consisting of Gum Can, Brr 4k &roc*, Bores Gus Boas, Lamm lines and carunuare Shoes of all kinds, all bimght direct from the Mans, and hand made, all = rarranted. A rum nous or Fnuusaa. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continuums of the same. Tone", , 107. 1. Iffl6 N init - CARRIAGE '.:F*OTO (*mite the setrJeo, TOWANDA, PENN'A. AAA I=trissouneo to W. Monde and Wrens, uio but st lOW BRICK CIAIRRIACIX /Aaron:. wbon b. will ottooloatly ksop on_biad a can mowel6 swat Of MGEE4,. FAMILY OAI TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES PLATFORM WAGONS, 4 .70 /1.4 , 11111:1.1A CW‘.?M. , 44 A 70.1- Made of the beet miteital and Ilaishod la the beet elty My* ate bong *sputum to 7 etty Osaka faetoties (Wee him a dectii— ed advantage owe others In the By 4 an Durabdity . of Ida 'spas. AU thoj , oaks Li Bo INSPECTION OF HIS WORK MMn7r! , Tri!Mirla.Mrl ALL WORK WARRANTED TO OITEPSIUZOT 1117LFACTION: Tbamikftl for the liberal patronage fanzatly Leaded and napectfully eat a continuance of the mash S: is[: .'.~' .'. ~' reduced prices '!wand.. lan. I. 12M—If ; ' MENET lITIILIIL FOIINPERY & - MAOHINE SHOP. Thep andarsigned haring Purchased Johan roundly sad - blachlne Shop lately rewind.; by John (Arm are prepared to do - all binds of work s i =ing to their tntsiness, with prourptness and MILL GEARINGS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS:, MANDRILLS, Lad au kuutiir et MILL IRONS 1/LIDX TO ORDER. EaGENES REPAIRED, AU all work warraotad to en Auttataotkat. SHINGLE. MACHINE§ Of the laded and most Improved kinds •• • . sad kept mantsally on hard ready for ass. .PLOUGIIB, ELDE•NELL. MO E AND • WOODEN BEAM Of ill ands. V rtiii to); 11 AI); ke 4 PLOII . GH POINTS Os ell lizula, an the tly latest havroyemente kapt constan ou hand. POWERS, LANDS AND SNALL'SIZN. STOVE CASTINGS n-~ r y~.: SLED AND _ SLEIGH , SHOES, LARGE IRON IMI=E3 And ill kW& of mango furnlibod Kira $O. IMO. WEANS k ROMWZLi. BLOOD CO., • , I SIM o manntalituro their celebrated HOME POWERS & CLEANER% sat will sell abetter machine. for leas wow than ins be tint eleewheis in the Wald: We claim for our maehinee that they win do es much, or more. than say other. sad ate Rote durably built. We personally saierintend our work and see* that It is wen down. We will mad D=aMM CATALOOI7ZB, of sozl,3;uoldao‘os ONE AND TWO HORSE POWER/3, one i Apo ihrra TMUIEHZII r SEMATOM. MUSE= ead awaits. FANNING MILLS, =KRLai AXD DIMS 1141/ MILLI, ItAW AND GRIST NELL work dam to order. et•• um • call Wan vas dote. 'TO COlO.ll4lVll£l 'SNXHIV "00 V 1300'111 AS& ' TEE ll= PRAIRIE LANDS IN lOWA AND NEBRASKA. For sale V/ THls BURLINGTON & WRINNURI RIVER B. B. Co On 10 pats' credit at 6 per cent. interest. One 'Milan owns In lowa and Southern Nebraska. The Angst country ln the world to combine arm ing and stock raising. The soil is nab end easily mutinied; climate warm; seasons long; tens low. and education fees. No paymwte required on prin. dpi tilt nith year. and then only one.eserath each• year until nal& USD sold at important stations on the Chicago, Darling. ton and Quincy Ban Rink and cost of same re funded !hen land Is bought. • Half We to families - ; of purchasers, lad low freights on bonashold goods end farm stout. Twenty ant. ; premium for matinees , . • three years. Large for cash, within 01110, two and Products will for land improvements long bi fore the prlocipal ea duo, "TOG so.aalled destitution In Nebraska lbw In the X. far western r egion . beyond the lands of the B. Jr IL IL Os.' • For eirtalsre that will describe fully these lands, and the terms of male, apply to LlllfD 00Y11:13. BIONEB. Burlington. lows, for lows Lands, or Lin. coin. Neb., for Nebraska Lands, or apply to a. 'J. NOBLE k Co., I) . m. 22.74. 2 m: . Towanda. lm. PrECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice .1-4 is hereby given that all indebted to the estate of Theodsty Late of r usearms. deo'd. are requested to make Immediate at, led sit persons having claims saninst W d estate, must present them duly authenticated for sett* meat: Alf. 8. HALL. ' HALL. P. • HIM tit& I G. sal Prothkrifit, Jaw PROSm" ty 0:4:1 MOUSE A EDWARDS, Insinale ani Moil Dubs is FAMILYHGBOCEBIES PROVISIONS. ussoows LW nook. irewona. We de set Moo 1t asessasy le assmesar ail the Mimi @Okla we kis.. Ossairoetrosat Is ALWAYS COMPLETE. we NU nothb4 big FIRST CLASS GOODS. Ora poll far lames ~am. - , JANIS Mail% Meg UM. INDIEUM NEW STEAM FLOIMING MILL IFIGINEISQM3. The abate &elm to Ova soles UM his ant 41101. V, 04 f,o)cli;(c).Y, is A l L sow to ontosioral opentloo. sail •that Po to pro. paid to do all out la Ma nag as abort *aka. I• 2•:••• • IN-Pr /•• SLY N jam TEAT IT IB EICITTID. Inckwhent and nye row. Coin Ma, lowehod. ans. he., always on hand and for gals at d Mos. PAIVIICULAR 11CMCII.Darsaaa !Maga ow *a want asda of the Mew diltd. to patronize sky U. lam their tom e r bath ways, vim tir7 rim of tat sad orrards. 7 . a AT. CB. PATCH, I. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRAT= IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TOWANDA, Va. The beet breads of FLOUR ALWAYS DN RAND. The highaat price paid for all kind/ of 00 UNT RY P RO DUCB, BUTTER, POULTRY AND GAME lespeclal atteatkni paid to ping cedar., Good: delivered fins of charge anywhere in the Borough. C. B. PATCH. Towanda. Jan U. 13741 BABCs INI STOVES! TINWARE„ HARDWARE, IRON ASD NAILS, GLASS, . - CARPF2iTERS' TOOLS, &e., - &a, Given to all purchasers for 'Cash, at ' IL T. JUNE'S HARDWARE STORE, TOWANDA., PA. Toe. 17. IL . WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE! M. HENDLFZIAN, Dealer in fine American and Swiu GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, STERLING ,S IL V E R, SILVER PLATED WARE; CLOCKS, , • IRON TEE CHEAPEST TO TEI BEM GOLD, AWED. AND STEEL SPECTACLES Asp EYE GLASSES One door North of Dr. H. O. Por er k Son'e Drag Store, Main Street Towanda. Jam 6, 1673. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAEL- A.l %CT.—Dim:l roots North did south to Bia tsanh Ithatdrurton. Philadsipbis and all points Sonth ; also to thifttio. NwOira Fall,, InaPanakon arida% Roaksster, 07rscass and all 'Paints pug Godliest on the Wm York Central Railroad. sad Ik. Osnadas. ws,. On and attar Sunday. Nor. XL 1073,, trains will lean 11L1[IEd as follows : womitwasto. 1 Ilan. Emirs ; .., 10 20 'poi Northern or 12 Slanting Aim ßayn ammodation. - I s e m e ma 2 .7Mainif do Sad pm MOUTZWAIIa. Soothers ispreas maimodiu arom Encamp north and Sonthara oth. through trains Woven ltoohooirr and Dahlman ; thi Morning and itioning &mom• satiation north mums at Canandaigua with Icahn for ltaidiastor and tiro Fella siaiitiank*V;gor2iiNoliMb p'., vl'i :.tv, ji #1 ;1:) ;,) ; 41 Is amiability Nod,ln& to oddlitait to Ido logo stook otiovolry. KNI4 BANDS, RINGS. Ainitax JUis swis GOLD Aiu) SILVER WATCHES, I 'lo4^q /. 1 • I 00W. Kamm MED lII= SPICTACLIS, lIILVKIVazo /WIND Oi all daccripliosssi the loved prices War:lL CLOCK and .11MCLItT re . pahleg does Ii the b sums. Met granantet. nuke ter a liberal patronage ana_hope:to mutt einatianamos of the SIAM towable'. INT. 13. 'TS, O, A. BLACK CROCKERY OF VARIOUS PAT- lad as low as the lowest GLASSWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, siLNTIVi/.=) WOOD WARE, I would say to the public that on an; go4l. kap' In dock I will not e undersold.] Tumult's. Feb. 19. 1874 W . .A. CHAMBERLAIN, DEALPIt ICI D I A bI 0 :N D S FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, WANDA, PA. lEms _ TOW DA MA.EBLE WOll GEO. MoCABE & f.102.i Bey Jus ceosive the .f zee' r,-letc2- A1giM1....! AND 1-1.C.L.A,4 Sew exhibited in this section. to whim they Invite the attention pt the public. They keep oa booa or htrzoit to ardor MONUMENTS, TOXECISTONES, MATLE% &co AT THE 'LOWEST TERMS. Parson In want of anytinntla con line an ro• lectfal37 Invited to call and azazolito our .foot, McOABE & SON. • Towanda._tfay 1. l 11. THE 1.443/0 -EETABLISEF-3) inumulair STORE • OP :‘ l-. MISS G AIFF IN * (input been replenlacil vita a fall and COALP4Tr.. ASSORTMENT OF SPEINO AND WWl= GOODS. To Which the attention ofmy tramorcera ergs. daffy alba. Prices reassmagii Gr i l Med.ailoods Tomaits, , ,AprU 11, .. 11 OS pa .. II ili am FOR ALL ar TIOI L , V. A. soar= rutx eau) pas, ; STUDS, OBARMS, I fEN ;=1 RINGS Ain CHAIM CLOCKS w. 4. soozwzr.L. orrzas TERNS, STONE WAEE, BIRD GAGES, BASKETS, GLASS SHADES, O. A. BLACIL. MARBLE Of overt eV% ,Tonigi sal itslialass. m a GORDON, T ußlo !ATMS 8 ag.°Ca' • A TOWANDA PA. M. WHOLMIALS AND =rim, DRUGGIST'S ACM =sup* rr wars COATED PLUS, POWDEiWttirl6, ISTBIIPS, warn. 4p'. And ail H . yiumuranupirs. DYE ,STUFFS, Mtr, vE 0 I f.',3 rtrak =rim umu+Auxiso - _ _ PURE WINES AND LtiQIIOIIB Pa 3tedieind Pupoms. TOBACCO; SNITIPF AND' CIGARS ALI Um POPULAR PATENT' MEDICINES • Alia a Ms /dismissal 4 ill TOILET 'AND FANG . GOODS More than the moral care and attention given to th Dom of Prescripthms. Dyes Snider! from teelock.S.m.,to 1 p.m. k train tp.te. to? p.m • Pr. Illaarm. Can be collocated at the , store au Sit urany or each seek, as heretofore. " D. D. TI7EDRIL Towanda. nu 7. 1872. O. 41108D011. FjELS Z :NATIONLL • Tomtime. . _5125,000. Scants Fug 40,000. This Bank offers trNIIBULI YACILITIEB for tbs transaction of b GENERAL BANKING RUSINEiS - I INTEREST AT %DEPOSITS ADOOBDING T arwin, Cork Gram id 'rim Cozzioiroz or Nora um Cuz & - • . Parties vrtshlng to =RD mows to any part of*. lardted States. England. Ireland. (Iceland, or the peta l:lOW cite* $ ll, l towns of Europe, an hers procure drafts for that purpose. .PA.9.440.8 TICKNI'd To or from thii old mom*, by beat •stesstss or sal log lines, alwaira on band. FolinXis ssovoirr Gum As 261:63 mum. Highest Pace paid for MBiojettEr,lGotd Ban- JOS. POWELL, President. December 1.1869, COK-BINDRY.-THE PUBLIC is respectfully informed that the Book-Bindery been reinoved , t. the . “Reporter” Building, At - ry. Where will be done 800 B - BIN {INCH In all its various branches, on terms u reasonsble u the timed" will allow. The Bindery will be on. der thtettergie of - H. C. wErkreii:t!t, • i - An experien c ed Binder, and all w ork will be promptly done in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music, Magazines, liewapapers.. Old kooks, &e., bound in. etery variety of style. Particular attek • tion will be Paid to tne fluting and Binding of BLANK 3300 Ki, To any desired pattern, which .n quality, arid dam bility! will be: warranted. All:work will- be ready for delis ery +amen promised, The patronage of the public' is eoLcited, and per fect satisfaction guarrantsed. • • . Towanda, August 2, 1868.—il SHEEP CLOTHING VERY CHEAP! In order to make room for the LABGEST sad BEST EtOC/Cra FALL CLOTHING Ever opened in this market, I win tor the NEXT SIXTY DAYS OFSEB aIY ffUIiSME:II aioTgrsa RE(34R . D , LESi' OF C05'7.! • ' • I ~_ It is unnecessary for me to say-that my goods ars STRICTLY FIRRT-CLASS; And are onbr offeted at grniAly reduced pricei rath er than eati-r them over to neat season. Towsztdi, July Zo, 1874. T" PLACE TO BUY YOUR, •S: AND HORSP. FIXISGS ENERALLY , • .1 • t• . in the, store lately oaeapied 1 by J • tra • *oiff as a Clothing Mare. Having re. 1131 gabliahment to more tommodlcraa insd co. • marten, I respecrully invite my old ettition• g o i a Call in want of anything in thaline of 11 /O£4.I., 4 BIIDDLES,NOTS. 2141 4 111ETE!. SIP kr:, ha.. to give ma a can, feeling ■atiitied that froiij the facilities I omega for gerchasing stock. I du do a bettarjob, at a loarer.prioe, than any other ea tabhahment in the county. •. DO N'T FORGET TIrE PLASE -ONE DOOR .RE. 1' TRE:FOX & sErsoua;l3 CORE • I !day 9 4 . ;" ' o. r.berroii. , i , 1 IF YOU WISH TO BUY OB SELL 1 _ . 1 ... HOUSES,FARMS LOTS OR I r ~.. 1 [ , . , MILL PROPERTY, or if.yoaNtish to lend or borrow 1 money on Real Rotate or other security for a abort l term or a term of years, or if you Irian . - i - _ i RENTS OF!H . OUSES 1 ' .1 Or him -r property collected arid paid, we, otter se• i pt. or xillties for the prompt trarmaction of ouch bat:a it. ;. I 1 0 trellow a tine list of property for: Bale, and 1 f II - dd ,slang . ' 11 • J , , EL „Ii 1 ESTATE DIVESTMENTS fu either toter' or county, WI 4, well to call an as 1 A.J. Non; lc co.. i Real Estate tad Loan aerate. wsada. Rai 1 Office Ill sin street, oppoette gams_ Ream To-. 1 ' - • AGENTS WANTED I; , 1 f. . At the ritelthis work is now sellin it will att sin i saleo - • ONE :HUNDRED; :THOUSAND Copies before the canvas" is cOnsplete. Presbyte • i rian minister' without chaere, or those in ill health i who wish tb regain it by open air exercises, teach- I era, students, laymen, and others who deeire to ob- 1 lain lucrative employment ha a moat respectable oc cupation. are solicited to apply for an agency to sell i i ..Tus ilitizonx or 2111: PiIii4DIVITTITAN CLICRCII 1 TrigOrrinOrr TIII W.CVILD..: - A beautiful large octavo vcdurne. illustratedfce i steel and Wood engravings.irhich'everiprea . Wally will; to poasesi. .AppMation • I elusive territory. Ito., should be:rosde at once. - i Address PE Will 41. UM ill Vo., illlLroaqW IR" TiWks4 • , • i l-, WV. i EitlTB in qsahlei. =MI M. E: TIOSESTFIELD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers