re= 1 1 11 ; ; X 16= n2= l . . 1 - r COMNISTCSICY. : ,! ' ... .....,_ _ , 1 ,` gain iyr.... Aryst warts Ile Demen.'* ,—A IV i5 ,, .;..r.... . to..T. tile ty.,e4. ta-42 1 ..1, 1 ---- 1 i MIA Six- Rasta =Lag =Ate :La a. •izg ttreer sszues. Thfe • '-- LiTAMOSII 17...sriAD 4.leist ti at ri • *IVITO•11111 - I • exPee.s irl EXI . - - 11 e. 14. r:ustair n; re. 6154. . —Tit Bristol.. tr4 - 1T....g.‘t -- y bu r v..4 it Its. 615.111e2-41:: p ' • -1_ i- T .il -_ -, • , i za ; ! .-1- _•,,,... t'; .!z ez-.7l,:eza ..f. vs a, —Cliew.) ii, try—:... l z a. z.,ear, a - - 1 t• ---.4 I - . l .l ..........,a6 stkome. • ..... - v - ag• - . .••••-••••••• . 4 1. -op ''' • t lit./..'t.lii. lakor.z4 illt it - - -. 11.1.• ve In. '44. 'tias . i --- 0 - , --- --- - --.----.. 'h . :- -•• • • ifa rX , 4 • ' -.). t. tt.,/,- fau-' . !tie 7.L.e, eom. of th —..t... Y-1.w.k.: .;•6: - .:-......74ati tr} 'Ito:1 V4,,....- - -. 7, fent ;4' .&.*.iirra,..~ MO .4.ft5t.... +...--..,- I 121.- 142 3 ' tf.-:- .` —:-.c ame- A ' iflltir _. . , - ..1 - % •:, ..4 4 . - , •J:.. -.1-, ~ . e. 4 .1,-.) tbal . , . , • • , ".... • —211 . ...trz.': -. :r. Hr . !..1,01....'-3..wir, 'F. , ..,' , k " . .ie 7 '7. 7 .-: 4 is aticti!.." .. .-Z. 7 Z. • "i.,02,1'......5...1 1 ! lii - ! ..i...... - ....r., ?! , ...rludrit.. WO awe t... , -.. :,.-,,,,.. 1 ~_.. . , _, . 1 ..!'..1.1'._!' .... - "Cing .."?..-'1 '2 'if V.:# fil i ll t. i „......L., - . i ...4 t , IA r: v.,. , .. - 1.4 1 ",. til' w.? LOLL —.7-Es.:-. b....,..-,tk,a. icria t th - i. 1 .Tic-. i-0--r?., '--- - :e&ti, ....:,*..or "r7 . .. - t - f t 7 '. 5' , ..: * . f.. ,- .E.: - •;::. '• "i•-• - - 1.: ' 11.*' 1' '' - . 79- t - ;e * rje t thf r.... 11;,?: f..:- 'r..r..'77i. , 1.,, t. r " . tr I- '' • I - ....- ~ ..r . -stiz t eied ! 1 k . : vz ,-,,f t ,.... ! .._-_, , , n r. ;! -4.l.irrebtoi .... !`.. 1: ;', , :.1.7.7:4, .-.e. 1 ..L_ - -2 1,--ptid' ,l, „ t'f.:t ti* !..4:72.....e.....c.'s - At It-i 'l' .f. :;,..41; iii&3l,7 Essizza , .. 1 'P-7- 4 . ' ertt, ~.,-.-, „thi....i,...„ t ki. r...--4-_...„.,: '.. 1..., . 30 ' '..4; --q4 ~.;.14 ,1 prrt.:" ". - -f.- jar_-S 'le. kt..1.7:;' !-4r ..- V- 11 • 1 4": 'SI' .g " 1 "-b -- "Vet -' , .1. tLie I ~. ~ Vs. _A' .......... ._ -1 FIE I:3=Eli=l z ys, E S . X , Wi S ' l . Z. 111.21. p r Ca' .3-4,..--I'7uf- 1 3 r. - Jf.; IL.« • ltit,rit•L, Erb; • - •" : ‘r i " : • I ..T;Ltja.-1 Stt.. l '4•A ' !'. r tiZtrA S6:11 Lti it • VI, ....A A .11 , .+1.4.t It' -- (.. a (lat. Lir istaa3 a ;f.,'" 1 , 21, • : 14 tk . ; ,• - • ltt - Lit - T: ' -f... • 4, , e4.- ;.3 *73 FRIMIN7 , • —T - -1-zet , ..,..;. =: - .1 gr. A ... - t if.: 17:..e9' 1 it: L .. - --,:.: L....' • 4 .-'-f '..T. ::.t ... iv 1,. , ' .` , ./41,... k' a , - r r "... 24,7.1t;,:V. r.f.t, e.. 4 140 , 1 1 Irfintegotl. ir iIIIV let.tir i .;,,, i . -; ~, !$,, , .....2 -.,, _ . .. . _ _..„ , -.-; . e- , 1: w. t-' ,. .t.....- - ..ea cm.:.e. it k5..7,1,7 ' ' 1-' --• . I i , - 1 tea tt..s:: 1 4 - ; 7 - irtt-r• •..:.., z - ns Li d -- - Pates lad ... . , ,,f-Arztz_et: ~ .r. Parie i , ~,; , ,a. , ,. 1 ,,,,t,....f t t,, . - - a:„-: tr., i 0".:.. , ,a ail.:v..•. aI by t.L. e. Soleiv Lit a E l i.' tool i 4 .' t...Az :owl 0....1.6 . - : '..r ikelf 7-t-f.c.:• - : ,- , - iz Icei r k r 1.:1 2.4.55 , _..T. ; _g, E r .- ", L.-pir %,- , „.1.4 ~artz s'is 4 . r..e ira,i egaiti z.r.msi.s..ated Lir tLe, leg- AGI V---:= *:•-•r -.-tne-r-r.•_7 t-!..-. :: - .4..."..e .tar.atrt Ne.-11 ! , -teV: 1 ._tattzre., ar.d a!thrab be reoPTed,AL . _ i s i t;.earr Tote ir: ibt IFFT.. rArt. cl 11.-- . --rri, ',.....'" - - - ,g Will.m ketz:ti...r. Ber- : • '-- ; • _ , :,.,.. i5....1, r, Xv./.. - r;tl;.-- , ,,:rf i. 7. etle, t.:if. ''' L-- i ';:i=l‘'.ro :'L if.-tr4St-t a P :S ? -112 " ti) 4- '': I .. 2 - 1-r t: . 1 .,.-.-ism efre-I=.-x-1474.7_,. ' 1 ri' 2 4. ti.e. - ty., Le zat d4.. - -..ted, :: ,- .,td , -L 1t. ,- ,- - , i r ram, - ...i...0 ii - 4.4 , d, :-;.--. 1 a.. - ... .repe. tet.vrts to efimre .2.r.' gft - 1 _• _ . ,-; -..., ' • .11.. I...iiii •la 1 'ir"•,....7 11.1:::+::"-.4 1-tir: r".:..4V1r1.. • . , . .1 , 1 ... .r.rF1C:...*.r.i.t. ,rA ,E Ilit • -, -5 , •:1-. -0 6 • 1 -=. r i" - • - ' L. Ce.,17% r..,' f - :. La Ev-rala rifrilt tr-' Az % 9..-.. , r...-A.. e;•-. ...*-tt t:—. ' LIE. .C.!..r.ralt.:. _ _' .. , , . -_,-;.• .1 - f - Alz:;,•! , :-.4i - t•reatitrr- -Hi* cs.pcp st. , „ L ~.., . .-.z,,„.. __l:;,-,':, 7f - i . .:iizli sl l . , !•, wortb 7. ' irit Y ja . 6 i ) - grsl-t th art i '" --" ' lir . '-4 I" ' • ;,..r,..---. , --i e Its:a yeas a. .!....--.2, . a taf.4.-./Ite Ver.i"rt. .74-.4'T from it dui - 11-g tle „,, -4, :,..t. - .1 L.: * 1.% ,11..:•tr'.: .C....r. ! l- t4;fr!. Sri - r...-Isel-, ' tir 7.5.1 prr.o.d TIV:t 4 • , tLe 41.1 t _••••,, tz,t • o . ; rr: /1:, tar] . Z.S. `-11 ;;;.1.--1"-rt-dVAT, EIEMMITETI .• --It k tro t LC: tre • • late of tF : 1 sF • :5.,t., .11*;'.A::,.4,r. r .fir •, ly X /AAA :4e - Estt Lt , :grQ wt.o 't-tx •-7 1 .".% r EV's! trt : 11 • 11- do Clainta hah jest ;sltirr,f,(l fr-1, ,'Lt .r.;r Yi-Away ar4l. I.livitz artzt. t../w.t...L I • —ll 4 "Le'. elf., 12, 84 , -At I.e. a - /aat..ea tt A.bitiwltin, 111., "AT r, Ltd t...-r . proz:lmmi Is ti,` do _440::-_,t.lrt. tura tiL. !aka ur.z.,'dtr 12:t ar-4 _Amy %rt bo,lll-,17./.. • --A 1,:11 Lax pakskii tba Oregon P.,.• • irk ti.zt w .1.E:1.1 4 4 t-r:.;...2 vrtar.g MEI D f: Con -E., ,P 7 . a I•tr.e.)-1r.:44 Z. AL ar:f:ornplihhtd. CiLeiLnati lady ,g a t+r,f 1.e1,d..t..a4 , •:au-sr, ptr :a ,e 4 a thbjittio towu of Vsyhawi‘:r. —it, `NY , !,vet t 11:1,Atm itZLermttl-lly titel Est;_141:0•1 slawiaelusietta Lk . gihla tn;e .ILe"..,rtAle rei lf,n;tco. m:4 ME ENE Arn , :ritan triVelinti, in Europe , tr.t m-albt a a tLe:GretAtarli rtv.f.: carsylv Lit* iLtrt.;l h.c., re '• Trirlia - A La -gar- TAAL Pricv: t,f Wai , :sitlns givtzx Id tia tL4 daughttr 1114 ta7Uta t I year*LA set ay n ki tett Cits.tri;)* Lpoiet Li comp iimitoca aid bv.ny L , ,sttti Lai be 44 'Nur sr.f.,nsi.s- Orr? t .1 :.fattif: M. Ha kticvb tll6 - Bor4Vit, es rry i - rt ' r aair trza'Ta;4. - : G&Y tts,:.,-1 to k.11.54,..t.t.a. w.tle•r Ito! 1.11 !r , r, lip.: LI: :AA catit.7 . - i)riperty f,r :Alf"! by Jar.fai „•t - 0.1,1 c re , *fitly, 41 n,no h'nfAri-1 and Llty•cw.e.r --It ri akEerted by a s eaU known vitrifyln eepal;ffees -4-la:r. .•$ el 4 :4 Ir vutralett..):. btllln ti =C% ar,t4t63 thrllrst iri tort:A. - 1 a:r. • • wretch of a rraur—a reg- - tat state chALts...._r, r eiditg ot,„. taws. Cstafis, rt e.ttlyarM bie 11M, for the m CO. ttit ti 7 Lif;rt, 14/0 'bled Cffet ikL7 ==C.' • . I . Ehglizl3 , mininterl.lays that if x. , :rtytert ;CAst tbiLg ar.d 'rvto , s lav,ther, flirt hnadr r d Y..c.itiebr,rto , oti flrt ani !AL.:Ye Vat 7.••••,`., —';cu tiny, Lady Stoat, corued I: rd Pet.atan, cS 1'14144:t4u1a. te .z.. 1 [ [vitt tt.rke-, ars ~./.,:mtry. tr 91,64,4 thrtA hti,t4 4,'. t:. L.2'. i • If...elm:lerk mpi.o . eti by the liirttel ralturay,,Q= adaeio text mar Teri irce,4 hr-zldPre. Hatug brut ate.teti tr, 614.4.dy work a: 11',21: they wtei trx.nirg. - Lut . . —lt haviL;gai-6,, , -ted. that Own. • to v.. Yrr-f. Meer)n,.. t . .be Boetfai vile it. Lev ter, very tret ivitflorlty ttyirsg et,401, m•e, roller Irts *c. t:Licerbity of •Zeiprie baa '.,73 t*is frack:r., lLrxsll a, qa." oGpf.! • -tar,-: .1111',41 CL;1:1 viri.:eri•-f.inril ,!. al:i...pkdiog to ist• ti , Ar Mr* Jobr, ful4 gar,: gx•Vj,,x {3o - ,i. : ir:. • 1 !.e, Lig 4. 0 .0 4 :4111 - Mt Ckit4ritl;ll .herir , , , rid tr.; isle pit: in P-i4zoi ,'-;f -4 grt-trii rrtss, to be • et b Si 1,..rt n Angio•French Lit , Lir. atrifid trt Noi York. lie at„xe,fi , ! pirri, nesr rrys eLici,' is In pPliarat r.T. It 8‘,.,11,4, is sr: 41:6p - twin from tee 1i a e , trfr LA:ht4 --A. St. Louis physician' us - trying to tautepat lager beer u raid tor eraorarep• *hits. I l e claim** that ho Gen:utc ever theismf that dumitie.. au* tuaiatanta that it beet cook! take_ the place of water, kir or i3obody else arrar wqrJl. 1 .4. verdant COUXItTJ editor 'is, to iti , own word,... delighted to Ili. 141 Nse 7 or k Is fniptcoral in its r.hglicycii end twits! 4 ithlineWT.' Bt , g !CI 104 WitatiMS **lt tos i tft!....: 0 b =134, a g 10 4' 4.1_. 11, 4'l.X=ll;4' =l4. r,o 26. 4X3,, MEE! ' trr! Si' :r.:4Zit ' ( . 1 ,' i'Lf.: It"; ::=4 4.lontributor to the editoriaLcol ', az.z...e - of sty Ary:Le, Tro,; mot: nn t. nitizeta alit ur..4 f~l to tee Lit mot-ise in detryg the tvrt. cf Ttrg trkt - izrza.. on acco-urit of I -"v." t sr hGlaitg oar Azt.r.itit'er s - 1 - .o is ere-rafted ; • • vdtb being'a conetant or,Or.lin!‘frltol 4i2e perwitter,it nalumnia- I VA" rif the lizrozrza,editort; was at lone time an offitie holder in one of Weetern Ste.tes, and ,the pay , roils Ehos - that he e:-n it mat Congrers for ti .thort rAriod. Of c'farst Le wouldn't ant,:ept an.) I position now. We wonder that - he can IA: so tatz.vt - t - and zealous in aid ing friends to vst - itiont to degrading. Icage who it the pre editor-in-thief, has Leen ran t cessicely et candidate for the legitla 'ture, county treasurer, postmaster, . and route agent. In riew of these fante,doesi rlDj one for a momett beliere he looks upon office holding i as Each a Leticia; (Sense. Is it not rither'.clear, that he is actuated b) petty jealousy in 'Lis diatribes against the el ' , ,rx paper. Oss or the present signs of the times -in the religious World is the tendency of a part of the Er.glisti aristocracy to go over to:the : Roman Catholic church, a t-iridency which is apparently quite as muelutleocial as an ectlesiturtical phenomenon: - The I oldest families, of England have iris ! ! ditions of the old Catholic times, and 1 they hold property which data from 1 an age wben - ,modern ideas of indrue try, money and the rights of man I were unknown. The LeS" age is evi i deutly not to there wholly lovely, nor i are they much fascinated either by 1 thenew race of mopey-Makers or by the working classes Who are' making the money jot thera;and s demanding More wages for their labor. Perhaps i they like the state church and its v:teller policy, the royal family and l i its want of high tone 'arid promise, Tii ; te as little:. So alar , there is a crowing love for old things. and tliereis evidently p a revivalnot only r-f ar.cient custome and usages, but a bt udi r,ub and persistent appeal to old precedents , and a deference to old i ci...stes, which enables the propagand ' ifte of .Rome to win favor from lords stud ladies who do not fook upon the 1 Print*. of 'Wales and his aurroand I inga as the'beit representative of old England. t ;What the people of Eng land think is quite a different matter, and their,blood and beef byre the future in their keeping. English blood and beef do IA tend towards Rome. nor do the dominant idea* which they' have *nurtured: t Con Corns, the deafeated Repnb li.= candidate for Congress in the Erie. district, has been beaten by .-I , co-4 votes. Sim* his deafest be bail been called nn by many Republie4rns Wno er.prers reiget for baying voted, against him, 'who asstire him they would gave voted for him7if they had dreamed of his deafest. Erie is a manufacturing pity, whose increase and development depends on a tariff. Her Republican voters have been. taught that - "this was a good year' to Lolt," and hare bolted. !The re nulr ie the election to Congress of a man whoi-whiiigover his individual . sentirnents may be—will he forced to vote with Lis party, audio aid in the destruction of the tariff, on which the prosperity of that city depends How ever good a' year this Las been for bolting, we think we can assure Be publicans everywhere who enjoyed that 'deligbt on the 31 in,lant, that al . & neat twn years" will be jo L yeare , jvr nyrzlittgt Ift rr trox'strange that there is is the rands of 'nearly all thinking Demi:Andean indefinable fear as -to the course of their . party? Most of the party press aro warning the lead-- Oa that they mast not be , pp to their all tricks. Thesteisass are qt.0.7 10 n0, 1, 4 11 isdiale_wbst is to ha feared fans Vlswitoterstio mitosumsly, &ads kg fi;frApfof'gist neat Recrielamt-tiTt+.l,-.49ttle• 1PC0413 La . itkr kLeg Id* tr.., tp.r. BISLis iz %Lie peJiii -itk:t fa it it t.;l tlyt '1114.# Lime do:. Ere =A Es Gra Traria* the .fit: tbd. 1-I• 4 ed fry: eta rieeitt-13 tbe hi& pai.:t tmd. ..Ltion s tr),‘ rzeusr.,o av 3 pat the Argus tertr WIN cterxvii i,le Ot Dmooesatc irs•Ands, thnexii mid over their &sue* of ge'v•= z a Cthted States So=Los' at Harrisburg -,n IT= nary, Lase sit'their mad ness. ELere. this cm s C-z - amtzrz, the Prerici, a WatucErn. Heze ik ids portrait. The facial angle i. the 1 ,f the Taurus cf ill E Liman= ire eye mai in its socket ble that SpoiL hat 111 7 beZ stabbed by ire mate ore. The math is in ital.- iOL The beadle laimor., bid. The beard is ericiose' I. The baHress is aceonztted tx by the fact that dniing the Int Le, arse wont to amn the veenhaek Iraq of hi. boczty LTA ca=paigt iv IA itk poisoned biateali. &nee thun the heir bib anti kat 'Hyde !chime to put forth LE% ito l -'1.7 palm, from the Wit,keeping up a =1- sta:A frt--ti',n ()a the top of Lis CM- Lrill=. •J LO.M..^: this Mini e eaves- Eirp , :mr, a stes.i . L. - , to pl. a ._ •a TXtl if - ez. =ore Pay -t-bere . . 1- Sire the Ciricinnati (ic:Ftze. : Wirce of undersAtimating the defeat we : hale suesin...A, let no one give it tn daernagnitude. Be who concitidea/ 'from it that the EfrpublivAri party .hait r.fsively and finally oTer throivri, sett but a short we into the 1 future, knows hit little of the tt-m -per of the A rebuke :ire twin ~lt~ ciquestionabl) iir. it is a rebuke of credit caribid€r, b3:a.rl gribbirg i 55: /se and Szusren's third-terui and' gutlerem. Bat it is a rebuke only. It is not a final 'judgment Profiting by it, the Pit-villain party can regain its old power and ascen der.e.7. The masses of the people. Lave no more confidence in the Dem: of:retie party than they have' bad in the last ten yeare. That party has not virtue enough in it tic sarvise ea.c.cess. It is for the Republican party itself to say whether it 'will again take the scepter of power which the DenaoCracy will lay down, For ourselvai, we believe it will be the stronger for this reverse. La our judgment it will enter the next Pres idential contest stronger and more united than it has been since 1872. A - 11 , 3:23: Iran:it:ace swept over the northwestern portion of Alabama Slonday, doing it injury to life and property. Tuscurabia, in that State, appears to 'have sustained the ieverest shock, ,as there nearly a score of I , s , s were destroyed, betides a. large number cf buildings 'and structures of all kinds. In a West Virginia town several men were killed by a brick wall on which they aere at work blOwing - over. On the Atlantic coast its effect was sery per .ceptible, in an nnnsually high :ide. At Buffalo, N. Y., the waters of Lake. Erie were so much affected as to en danger property on the water fronts, by an overflow. The ravage's of Mon day's storm throughout the country can only be. roughly estimated at present, but the amount mast prose o be a very large one. HELY, is an item for the " Lude rop.deat Democratic. colored voters." The Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee in the ex uberance of his ivy at the ElaCeken of the "white man's party," jiggled an eridreFs to the " unterrified " in this Sate in which we find the following sentence, and we commend it to the careful perusal, of the independnit Democratic colored so era of this place. The address is bublished rn the Argus of the I.2th inst., "Me white rai.* i, Chit ate hai risen up in its trtajo.;dy azitit prernacy." Perhaps there are no independent (y/lored Satins in the section where the chairman of the Democratic com mittee re:sides. As anonymous oseribler in the , Ar gue is respectully informed that the BrPurraii' never has said that Col. 2:c7azes prosecution againt the Commissioners should-go no farther than the Grand Jury, and that the _ cos t, ' /a w ard he put upon the prose cutor. Believing the action was brought through envy.and political hatred, we merely _gave. it as our opinion that if the matter was taken into court the bill would be ignored and the Colonel mulched in the costs. Perhaps, now that the " un terrified " have succeeded in electing a portion of their ticket, we have no right even to venture an opinion in regard to public affairs. Tut Reading ?me,' s .say: ktlbarply: Under Republican rule 'the bor ough of York, Ps., paid o ff all it s debt, numerous permanent improve ments were to in the place, and the taxes were materially reduced. as than ayear ago--seren months, to ba exact—the Dammam succeed ed in electing the borough officers, and now the borough debt has grown to $25,000, and is still growing. Waits Idsesschosetts elect's Dem. ocratie Governor, F.entucky sends n j4eisibiimu captss for the flat Wait bid ss & irsa- BOW& _,...maalL 1 - • 7...astilLlTlM =AM 1 . - . .'' Tat lOUTIL - 1 W.e , rev , taak:ide tip -sr the result lorlywrit; stelreliss air sestatifyrairs. suss= rar 'vat straipransrairaras irara,ratatrarara t --," ~ , . . :• .: , , . _ .• clustrWnst 's. Aiwa Mialiaisiaairy at Draw '.,- fp i., WI -Di -, 1 4 . et:WU IS . caaabe • i 1 M 21113112. eivrsTali 116 - t i Atiltdortvv..ttamslii44 l'- I ii ie iii, tie & d a is , the ./ . :-::: ~ - .llrassrmifiros-Soi. 11 , . fru. ~ I.....xuver „ !r -tie eitsfetittlit ii,. sad t. , s.t the i frail `ice of slibe:*tipirseils. ,use :. OtGoilimailid Dipieciies Et... 4, 1 Ire.or_. 5x6.4.i , Au..tus. star dibiaiaxiiiiEs 1 tta sell,' szt .1 Ws zte -i St* Pc L44 1 4 3 0,0tkar; '.::. - .:::; * l4 ./tar-t4 ; 11644 t 'l : **L" f-- ; "-' 1 "Inv 040440 o w l ._ . 2€ • --. 4=4 , rzai m e „ te , -,.., ..,- ~,- - -,:, SAMS sad bitiorgkilk_o. * .:.ctti,pe. migairr, rlessrtea i 1 . . - - i - sc"4 - mr44 , •; -7..e-10 , 1- ALIO I =2IL ' dniililg abe past. Atbree 1 =`,. a. .r...,:. esspl").l*,l,l. st4.;3.ra sus , 'Teem cu. • -•' 4 2 F •:-. PL. 17. . mouths, base rsztuud tal Wasting-. 1 Leicabledier , , ssr _ • i. -,,t-cr.t.k.i.... Id* r 4.--.:A.7 1. - is "Ics3 - e , .., bt ire i . 1 .1 1 1 ' tors and Entwritii4el thee •rep--4t tr; i ir r4 " xvirl - i ' f- ' erai 7 Ptrser. It sere 141: ri - 4 ..f . ;frii :11 4. , ---teC ti n tie i - • - i x the setborilies: . &alb lif =Oda br2 ' "rz`";'!- - i i. :tie $t rraf amaze T . ; ?a•:: :s:3 1 #- UZ in bed from expwcze le . tii - ?, , 1 raide-s-srs.t.t. fr-...4s '-'m ti -e c , -.!,:t ' . 1 • Itasiarisi isimpi. wide' tinitthvg- tie ,1 6.zu1,.z...zs ~ , -,f key, tte rectal Cer'.4...'i e;•-iststy w 4 fettrei., ;1:,, , .. , 4 . - -,..• --t.--.. r 'ig report ilfai cric.fivaegaz A tid,t toe ie errin (anis/psi ;::'Si - . td submined. by these titletti , ~e7rt. is the sr-y t. l -,e 11,:;44.1-4 . 1-e , r...'.:.-i:4. _...,. =bas airocody been -- pa.L , ...ztt.tPe4- ,_ .. ;. arts it.,-x,p - Z. ro , T z....r. ...;,,,..,. : Ira , ii.t. details the z c 4 Gat, MCDfrirel 0 532*..4tP , ' Amid Csr....iblis„ as -IgFeit pa tbs Irl4'. a•,!vw vs. a Wt&t, .s=2 , tra Var.,ye. iiS t_t :v. 4. Der.VIFT&T:r r.": 1; .41.3 hel/ .. 3 . , e. CZ Oftgatt, - ..z,tion, - ...r.ttit74-3 n en.- 1 Tlwey J rissl twen s*b f r . ITn.fige, to lthe 4.,T cr•-rj ,fa; p.F.ts vat' st.:- 3 ` 2 .sri 'a the sniVot rif. a - Jnager ; and J r %eV. 1 ef e r.:4l taa otly or: at i rx-nzt.t..eLin.4 Sret to Ise, q:.t Dez-olzas. dslet— an 3 116 r 'fiat!' on i baintrz t a , :keit Pact E-eVing tie ow:: 3.1.1-4.r.tar,-,- 1.. asm•if,rre Of 1.11 tte of-ties cltrgv3 w b tinekt.t.-.43, max-w,ge.wser..t c the nainpaign tooled the G - Agretsior,4! essididatk, and ta l OWed tte Senatit al ca:.-11.1,..Nte to be de4ben.. sfely tilangbtered. The money me:Ted by ttdean .Tic vicar az It a= n tfit 4 - are rte:l . wto Mr- Vert? left at Lc.zne, thongt Pcs.iy to l 'every other Lommation ; otiArrL, were t? km, ware ti 1 , 3 A to tLe wittc:st an eifort t sox - nrs.'' their /1, es r.r is.ny ottttr eani:date. One among the: Warjr:e pa 4 arty at mention t 4 the ccm.g,rtleaoLal esnsage.. was 1 (.71-arikl,. F. 11.r.".1 t Fi e eQr- TTLIC, raptifir. fnr.d Was, /Air 1.1 1 .6 LarldE, ifL and 1.41: i male o; it .S. et.egadellteit,uV.icf.n !ike L - s. cm?: ...1- i tr, he felt a natural interest in the I ;,utiy.,-as of his .coMrade it; 117/Flay fr.mße;:.-7,1 4 -caLF.i7.3. Wnere.:er there ; was a chslt.m to I , aTe P t.Te!: floe:, l damage, Rod: we)! sr.;..s or., L a id a.-ith i Pow 4-111, v-r,!er, sz-ti ;13 e7i...r)thing .„ 1 v.issible c01 , .. , r the circaUtaalll>ll. 1 Crrsed by the Cialitt ZIA VIZ Luken fantic.t.s forl=gnoring the jr.di cis' .ight—etcu-td c, - , - other catidi d.tes of r ind ifercLee to the ct,anty ticket—he erintinzic.l ste.adily - bib work of buying adterer.c: to roads, with little regard' for atrr 6 Le else. "Whaterer Jou ft-el I:ke Ling with the rest of the .ticket," is his lan guage to vacillating Democrats, as gvnerally re;.orted, "I want to make :t satiefantory kg.; “icu to tee that Powell is mt. cut': And the rwalt ehowa that be u.ade it " satitfaeory" —sufficien.tly so, at leas', to amrn plish his master's election, arid to bring his rasiurity cp to within tight 1 votes of thel Democratic majority on I the State ticket. It is not to the ' Demos:lratio orgar, , zation, the regular Democratic political managers, nor the Democratic organ of the cr/unt,y, bat to this man Rockwell, that we 'are indebted for the election of Pow ell. We little thoJght *Len he was kicked- out of the party years ago that hewould Le :chit to turn and rend us in tLis fssh!r..n. P‘riotr.4. it would lave bee.n r.. 3 , - .ea-, fir c. to tare endured him. But the. result i 3 ow:. (f stir.. stran,ge, rirenges,that Vce r. :11:y brings about.' SATGRAL ViCiSDEiS IS CALUOR- MA. One Dr. Harktie repors to the licadeiny of Sciences, in Sim Fran- 4 eu.e.r that, upon the line which "di vides Lassen and Plumas crJunLies, California, he visltiA an extlnct cano. He describes it as blry , three I `miles long b:. hell a mile w:de, and thinks it is of recent (MOLL 111 4 4 e are trunks of trees standing upright, and a great number of on the bank.. TLe. lava lies in flake} from a cubic 10 ,- .4 in tem , to a ton weight., For several hundred, acres surrotinang the crater the ground is, void of vegetation- The doctor feels certain that the vol , mno has been ae-- rive during the Last twenty five Sean- i and says toe Indians thereabouts their fathers informed them the.t the mountains there were once on fire. The do , .:tor also reports the discovei7 of a lake larger-than Tahoe, hitherto nnktiowri to white wen, ez, cept f/) an occationll hunter. ree--1 lake, he says, is 7 33() the hes, the highest lake in the. world I Re called it Lake. Livitg,ton, in I honor of the great explorer. Such.F:condenied, is the doctor's statement. ,We don't know about the lake, but the smoking maintain in Plumes is one of the traditions of the old settlers there. Immigrants of '49 and 1;0 tell, as they felt their weary way' acrcla the mountains, of seeing Lasken's Peak and the Kook it g mountain. The Indian story is, like lutist Indian narratives, ranch more. • Poetireil than truthful. The The time when all the tr.onnteins were on fire, probably refers to the annual_ burning of the chapparal and other underbrush of the forests. in order to 'keep their hunting grounds clear, and to prevent really dangerous fires. That country from Somas to the Oregon line is very beautiful and very grand. We might add, it is very rich in its broad val leys and its magnificent growth of timber. When come company of en lightened capitalists build a narrow I gange railroad from Oroville to In Valleyonly sixty five miles— this region will begin to be'explored and men will wonder that it was giv en over so long to . the Indian and the wild beast.— Virginia, Nevada, Entvi- I prize. A the Democrats continue to be as unfortunate. as they have in the put few 'days, their -majority in the Legislature...will dwindle away before the meeting of the session. upon tbo top of the announcement of the .death of a member elect in Berke county, conies the intelligence that Pr.r.s, Democrat, who was sail to been electml in Venango Over 3.l.',Citzsav, Republican, by a ma jority. of osz, is not e'ected at all. A miitake has been discovered in, another township, that makes them a tie—each having received 3,139 votes. A new election will have to take place, but which cannot be held un til the latter part of January, after the choke or a Utliffil States Sena. kir Wien Plkde• rift. ft:ft WAIF ..... t ;471 „... . . . . ` . 4.•••••-tr...11. _ ..... ..... . , Z - - •. Yri • : 1-y -• vscevo Phiide , SiaLlt.• „ k-1141 Potter: . 1 .... - .... _ . .... _ . . I !farm • W.o . r..onelaze. Ttet.• - , Etr;.l ii - irk. -. .t. of sligniel adortestiee et t'_ - 11. 1 ; - ,,, ,,,,,mes 6.A.:, .2,...1. -- a trial - Jet f.. .i . Nr.'..----tv.a, ; 73.,...,...,.*: .t. 7 rz..t .-.-..-1 1.- ,, •.*1 •••.•3 Ts. - -. Er --z-... 4 r- , *-:-. *-- , *"-t = ll 4 -'" - ...2... ' - a , • 1 /L...,.. kn o t; 7-we.mes. 4.'1 .E I. 8, - .-..wr.a.r..rnze-a- ..,z :..., ..,,E. 11 , 41.1. f.':-. - .';'* ;,r.r7VA-...... 7...t.,.c. 1 _,e- 1.1-1.7 t:... .: ; in 4 0 3 iilllllo •-• , i. 111 imip_paervetittett . e. , , 0 ,, ,t; 7=mi:ilk , s ,„„ tt ,_ ~,....„.. 4=4 -4,-,-, 1- 1 - 2 ,- ; .c, '. -. „ .6.... 5 . -4,-,,, ). ~.t.,.f.. - ..1-:-..-1 2,.-..:-.-......0 , -;...., • 1.7.-...1.,...r.• txxx... em-tt,.:': , ...- - 14; i i 5424 ' 1 2taunzty Gummi. Ttie • fol'l•iiri r .t.! , iL. 111 Awnework: A * 11:0-Lue., .7.r.-:), -...w;.• . 24.....•;..3 1 4,... - --- :.,...' r.:... 'lv 4.... a:0;1:ex al4f . " - ..44 - '.1.4r, •4444, 4 4 . 4.01.*:. - il 1 - ' '2': **" 51**, j . 4 ,...p 2 4 : 464 i ,ixtra..%is r4r= -4,--- -r.o.‘" ,- sep.: - .1 .- : - i i r„......,,,: - .4.2. 7 47 .7 „:1 1 7 41 .E.?.4.. ' .7-tiyaz- s- r ?4 "..-..1.;-177 - 27:e•r 'l-'...'"4- ;.-- . '' '.. : , 1 4' 4' .'1. .. : ;:;• 7';'. ;;; L A 1.'°.4. :.; 7e'r "4 - -1 - 2." -"F•:' 7 ''' 'Ll' -e: 2 ;e'Z 'rt l a r 1 - .A. ;. .. '". I . frO.T4 thr z.h.:4 re's• : ~J , ,,...* s o.,„ o tt i a., o f t t ve Law , , jd t il t -.• L . in r ei ncy. in t ea, %= . 72L - T= . a': ^_' -.., T,.7.,,,L.,7_, lika.:. , ',l•-3„ isi.ft ;:. c....; l 1 1 , -,7 :I: La - ..t." , at lis - :4711 1. - I.!, ' ...7 ...... , Ito:. i F -r ; -.t.... , ,,,,, , •_.--_,. r.': !.:',....z ....1-.. t zw. , 4...:1 , r.-.,. --1, e...f.- 1. 44 '4.- -.-. ,A s''. - .:441. .21,Aft` i trMir• SiDer.4ripT i gr 4es iber-Af , (Ark?* " - • . ~a 41 , .... , .. ,s, t^..-- .•, , li.:. ....2! t... 1 ,.. '...1.X.. 'IIALUT I.:' : t=er , r..a. -} .., '",..--“-. ''''": • ' - ' 1:Li1121773.- irrir.4.- tt 4 . V Cae" X: T.J.11 , .71. F.: 7.1-.2 •t:,t.,,,, ~. ~ 1.• .2.1 6. r ; 4w , 4 2' ...1.0=.7". --....---..... 4 i.2 1 Cl . :oral of coesaLzic of aff.wrs -1 . ,. -' .• ~ -_,s. - -...- •1 1 - - 4 - • -- - - • .., t'" . 1, -•=, 7. , ..utZ ~ ..) = .'. . .•, . ./4 4 .a.; 1 - 7 - . . 0 ` -rt• . • 1. 7..... , 1 1 : 1 p.t . 1: - ..x..:r - v. , 7.1 t.:O 1. 4••.........". 4:a• - • ".... .._ - Z ------- .... --- : ----- WA 3-‘ f 74. --b* - 1. r... - pwr.e..g.s 1:;if 'Alti , -1-:..2.. : c...-. 2.4.: As?'-iww... 4:* ..)... itke-...v.w.;•- 4.174.-77_:...,--n , .1.. • ~,, rt. ....., ..„, i .,.., • ?..,.;-...,„ -, f ~ ..,....... .5.... t..: :„t_ r •-1. ..f'-;' s - ~..- 4 "1 4- -7.-•- - ---------- VG': (1?-rt, i, warm:Deo; cw . ;tc- tirr.r..=‘• '4 l -' 1 ; f . 3, - . " i ;IT. 1.., •st ..UNA- *.' - i . . ..X . I , C. .17.e . "1" . 2%, Vi.,' ,. 1: ...r.c:::.. 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Tr* bc4 . 7 4.C.4 lt=7, "' D s e t • ...full: ..t4L.Siret.rn tsp. 1•v-• rrw•••.; CAL,'....7v.: 1 , ....----. i .• - •-•1 m--L. . -- .. , L !•:--r...-ze-,..1.-,.,...?„ 1....7.::: .z.:. :.-......e. =,...-7.1.-- ,_ th;:• -., I -7 3 r•Lir; ir•Bili We. lobersiug bilMaiiiity tae - -..zd the pr.vera- I 11... & w t._ 36 6 r>,.. t=o ,- t . - ; " rm . .r...6=., l a s, , ,..szf. i=ttl."ZOst.erc=„l4r . 62WW-setarrecC„ „ .- '` .2. 3. -54 .C. 74 ' -3555 f- r• , say r ,__...,......p' lie iro r . 6 .. .....h.._ „...., ' tr.,........-, E.N,, .....= E.,:."..f...... ;-:...-. 4.,;:w.: , * , ...1.-' .Bvv.• - .:. 4 Ir-:;'')".-`-- - 1 , t '.C.T.-- 1-11 ' - ' 1 1. , •••-1 , J- '.:c - soti-ml ~., . .4-2 , ,, ,, _ mr ,..- 44 , I ..-4.2 no 'as rs - szt if ) 6, -- , °Pis , ' , ...v-Iste-, C.x..13.;,...G. - . , 1:: f r .,.-:,,,_* , ..-: y r ,, re e n.AF!, Cl' ::::..- • -......... 1., - e - P - 4et f.,: 1 1. - • - :"•:.•., tr.:.a. - a1 . .7 5.'4.4 taw:a i 1.0.:-'1. :343 le" 33.. 'n . 3344- i ance. Tbe z.texatrers cif mr.,rx o L i ir...1„. pa w . gsr gko-1,-, ;., 2A- z4prit L...- - . 4.4.1. C , :z. I ' 3 7'.vtt." - =.':.1 4--- -j 2 ..-.'= 2 -* f r'"rf• t5-'1 , "% 01 , tla '', , • 4t 7 4190 . 1A415 We: , 3 17.....4.-na LuirStrat.- impL-14*.t...i.t.; W-..:-..-....- - -.^- -.».-t•l• - i .-'-v -, -'-' -- - 7 - - 1--' , '-'-••• 1 " 1 - 1 "J'It 'r-'7 , 7. ,-, -7-..- 6 , V. - -1 , 2. , .....fC . :, '... V..ria Tufg. . T.'rsee •,7A,c-v. rre - y, Ike. meal agxt‘nt., art all kre) .., _..., .. r .!„ ) , ~.,........,.5,... tree. ..I._ i..,,, 1 .. .t ••• 7:, V r. , :. 4 2.: - . - 7. l';•'t 'T r r..,::: 1...... r. ax ,-,,, 5' '- • ' • ."-- 5 ; 7 .- - •" - ' 5 ' - :' 1 . 1 61 4 Ito vii suj i -6-,b b,44-6. 4,1-17t-TP..,;,e- L t eTiatz r •..--= 10.1.•. - C.71.-74`ta test% -€.oCettf.6l "Z.ter '7- It, '7.:". .t , :I=. l l. •-.E . t:7-t- u - s - 1- vf - et , "... , -zr.v-t. -.. , ..7- ''.; ' D r 3•.'-j.. I. .4=4,, .15.11 0.. - .1 , 2 i i .. , ' .i ii.e.riL--:; kri.....• .- ..--......„4 ..e.-..c...t. i•-•.:-.7. - ...I-L...., -.....,:.,•,v. .1.7 ,- :_--.: -1 ..-.- 1.-; •=-:."'-'-'7•T , -: , .r -, - - %1-• L :,,, =,..., =:.. 1, -.. 1 , .,.7-S•-• .; . 4... ".. ; 2 74 fi{. .9,:t v ~ 4 ...4 ?.4 WV Tia t ',the= ; IOG 1 ' Oa ' el tie lur - I Try; ,,.. m ...„ 6 „... c . r .A. 0,..--p .p-.,,- I. .-T.7.,-- , 2 •:,.. T. =....,. j, -.=s •-ar-lt-t.-tr-s*-•-•. .___ _ ;A4727 - 14 - 4.44 -- 201's. • - it 4;On - i Z TJg 1 -' t he 6-4114-1 ' F a • e r-j u° -1.1--- 'el =A f- 1 ' r ,....„:= 4 :,,,,..„..;„ 4- 7,7 - i T „. 4 .'"2„ 1 '.,„„...„."`. ; `,.,,,. :. ~._-,l ' ~.1 :: ; ' ,.."- ' 21",.. -... 1 1- '.l_ - _... - 7: 11- 1 ' .. - .1 :r 2_7_72 ' ..! - _ t- _ '' .._,, P .L . c. .„,_. t ' •- 1,34 07 -." ::-Ifei , t.iy like e.:4Z41114 Of lir:: C../litif.'", IW 4 c_i I 1,7,..., 7 e te .--E. k ........., - 3 . ,- s c--,, r1 , 4 ,-, 2 , 5.,.. 1 ,:, d- i -I._‘r. t.. 1.. i. ti7 , 1•!....:.k , f 44 4 u'.. - ...t. "..:1 , Ir. - , ;,•• - .4. 3,:/y4. ::.,•• "-tr. ,• , ,1 t - ' 'I! 77 - ; 1"..i.n.i. - ' .11-1!: 1-6-- i 1 .... - art i .l....tee wh ,,, 23 im . , L .. , ..r.-.., ; : --..t, 4., 44: ta. , . - ultra-I - Aft . :•., t. 1.--; X7..t..,.. i , . ~ _ . . -, , ~... ,„ .... cz...1 , 11.1 '•&i: Et% am' 16,•153° SL i ~.,:,, ~,, ,, ,z ,, . :..r: iirr ..,.......,,..,.„ , z 1 „, c ...,... c. i.,: t , a-, 1 .....4- - 2. 'LI 1e.!....-^.l , , 1i6 , .L.,...."-- . 1.. t 1. - -Krl,-.:.,-. .4.7..•9 14/.,41. br -- 37 " 1 4.3 74 r ,2 Wir.: digzaoiore w.fttasig is eta-4 LCA de- I :e.- ot--,..r.;,::-Jr-etz-; 1r5:.., , „ Tr= eti,y-s. .3 7 -"-.-.'-.: t , "- - ..'. 1 z 2 "- - f-f f'-' , " ff•t• ,--1, .. 2 a - 7n, - + "if : 41...a."., 1 ._ 1,; . l'-'l l 4 11 VS "t 2" • • -, 7ie f. - cel Or, . , ilt,•••-..r . i tlx - ,..'?", ~. ...`,Ef .41 :7- -.,.., 1.7; .-:, 7 - 6-.. f...,,.....,,, :/,,,,......,, i ... la , :r4 I 422 tab nvi".. any .of tt..- , e i=sider, 7; _-___ . I :it, !rc. ::.,..- .-.="*. S. - .Lf. it ." :!...- - 1 -',._ .4. :.:.,. - ^6.1- .. :ice ... . • ..4. ' '''.l{. ..., . . '":-- ' C - ' - ...- C4.331.4iV.Ed •• Lere. '.11.c.,-, pri;je, of : t i, - ". Til EGIsTERs :co Het_ - _ l '; :;;,e.- i .----,------::--- ,-,--!. - --", - 7, -- -- * 7-.1 az,-:' 1,, •7_,, ,, ,, , 5, :IT Itilt 1444 4Me :, I- 11 . , - „,„ I 7. , :- tAL-r , *•.,• :I ::,':..r. •_ - 4 !.5....7...- 7.. 1.:. , 3 , .--t.:.:47,.1 - -f: .....L. . -CV2 -•D . ..c.: 2 , ':t Wivt.- Idc--2 1 .::c.7. 11 , 1: - .. , i..,, , i-.:: t , ..) k.'l. VI i ••• 1 .• 2 •-• 1 '. 3. c'F'"` -z-v., ' - ' - '"" ); "'''''' ' ---.1 - -.----- .-_-.-,-, ,-.I ..,.-.....- r.,..,,,. , ~....,,- ~ - L, . 290' '''''Ti' . '.2.i , :.. sn , S 5 : 1 . -1,... '.. - I 7 l'. r-la :t4' 'z! FjrAc-W•t'' Cr- 1".• ' :It : r ;• i - .77 , 0., '1.... 1i , , , %. t T ..a.:-••• e .. i - -..:.,- k. ...i..-1 '. „,, r.,„.... -,;„,.. iiiri r i LA ••• - Pail--i•Ma 4.s4kkere., LI: d tt 1 . i -....1 'Lira:TALI-1. 4-----...v.t.:• -_-:. 1,--.._..... , - --7,1-e.: z., 7 , 4...c7.-• AL.., i• , A , 7 ,..,.. _ . ~_ ___ , t ,.... ,* . r ~ .. - • *.e.:j • 4 ,- 1 4 3 -. 4.AL4 i A - 01.1; 4 1 have . .{:Arrii-.. - .23 it. 4fat tc, .t....-e fn i- , -' ' r " r- **' * ' "" ' '''' ''-'' . s i 11- ' - ' - ' - ' - '"•`' ''''.----- l ''' ---.. '' f. "' : 7 . -.' -'''''' :11,44' .'t - P-2 : 14. :'".:-!. 1 : - '3, t ' • 1 -, .1.; - -r.r.;„,,,, a t z .- 0 .; At : ..?.. tr. - •- t:::e. , -..-::-. - -.! -..:, ;I- --; : _;._ ~„,„ ~. • . -z e .,, b - ~.3 . 1 . 2 ,..,,, : c 571 , 2 ,ett t r. tn.': -,"/ I 1 , ...;T 1r..:-. t..1v....:..-..,y Errrc 1 e.l C x2r,,,• ; t1.1.-s:,- ic..e -tit Wiy. - ..• -1".0.5.*-3. '• 27.0:1 • 14'.5 2,-4, ;:..r..,<, -. t,, f t L e r„...: te d .7„z z.5 . 4 ,.. 6 1 . T.1 . ju , ~,,,, ~.1 . , ' i : .1"ta.4.1 scrawl.; lltti..=.. • - -. , ..,-7-1... 65 4ct...5z vf.7i.J:z.- . ..e.. A*, ..... . ZT.IC r..l4"ii 0r... 171.iil . r" ." .ft P'" - 7 t. er,....b....-- - ....;,/ 42-,..., :- 1, 4 ,, ,, , ..... ---......,--- 4. , - '... - --.- - i 110 V openly dee.are t:4 as. skate trou .- I srz- dzerisird- - ' - 2.4e4 1 4 =4ll .1 7 r• • •:f.. 31 - ' ! • - •-.. •L . -, ..., 1.. . 1 ~'• .f• - =:,• 2,............ to 7- r - .,- - x'-.....Li......i.v.e 2...-.. t 1..-v,r,...., =.2 ,..., ' WE; "* . 114.10.26 4 - 13• tii.e•V V.C12.4 zr.L.4,./r, 1.11,,,, , T. ,„,,,,,.,..,,,,,,,„ ~..,- ~ ~ -0......- p•.,, •/„.-_,. 2 - 'l=l;c ! • •••••••• 4 111 "00da fitiiJk li it., a . ,;.A. Lig , «-i sod 1 e 7 .1":- . ` 11 = 4 - 6-ectz""4- • - I . .... - vl . Ell ~., ..• r.,..r:: s.-.._ , -.-._-.... - e - ,:,.. , .2.= t: 11"1^7, I . .. Lit r.e.." - . -- : - .5 :lA' '.--... , I ...... t ...:,.., ~,,...! " 1 , ~, .., , ~,,,,.., ... 4 a..g I Wail tat tIA nrerk witt ..,41..r c . ..41.r.s . ....,.! A -.*"2.b 1.1-*-..f. :Pr': .•,!-.7._s_ - _.••1- en. - . r:,..z.e. :,f a '-' r.,:.1. •,,.•;•: - I 4454 If ttt- " T 11:tre Itl' I urj P eQ. ' etrt" ' tt. ' - ..- - ' 1t,...t.F-"ie.rt.,+-wz.4%.-L1,........:;:w."7r.t.f.,.4?•:-",-:- !e•-•a : : 7.1 e -,..;tt 'A' a .: 1 4- .. Will DaT Lat their- 103 . 41.7 .. x - r -ti tier i . rs-L.--,d,--..-1.4. , ..1. J. L,..g -1 , .... 1ir15_!.....-,r,t--,.-.7" ...!:_...,.. _ •,.. . Lire& '/De Jaws ti.f. the Sii&ter eet ^ t ; ''' 4 "" .. 4e I ''''' ';'`''''''' l ''''''' . r'7l.'--u--.A'IAA-- ''''' ra:.l.: ac-tra , -.:7-rt• .-er 21:. ;..,- . L.,:.-.7.....4 •'- -.4..-'-•-•.-_-.7 ME . . - OM If .;.-::-..lit T•_ eci srl .4 24 TEE REVESUE. aryttrt of Cesnelaelanir DosigLaata. COM MailiainDer Of Internal EA-venue Oonglass has his report ready, and from it appears that the no-tints for the I.ast year were $11.1 4 .,•;44,- 747, or $2,614„747 in excels of the estimate. His estimate of the current fiewil year is #167,000,000. Toe total drawhack on spirits, tobacco and r-neral tnercirandize for the past Es c4 sear was /-52,316, and for 1574; $.35,05. No spirts were exported. (le drawback during the last year and the quantity of wham...) was very slight, compared with the amount exported in bowl The amounts re funded fur taxes illogaliy coll.ctert were p6lB 667 in 1573, and /230,749 m 1514. Toe receipts bow dhtttleyd opitiot for the &cal 3tar of 157.4 irc-re $4 :.+44. 04, a net decrease of $2,t55, 131. The receipts from speciai taxes l rectifi.-ra and dealers-chow an in crease of $759,411 The production of spirits daring the year was c5,-1 572 062 taxable gallon& The s.izares amounted in saints to $476,3Q. Distilled spirits remaining m Cue warehouse Sept. 30, for the payment of tax, 12 577,996 gallons, a decrease of 3,210.613 gallons from June 30th. The amount remaining for export was redact(' in the same time from .1f 5,010 gallons to 1.047,714 gallons. Annual receipts from all eources re latiug to fermented liquors fur the yet.r. 0,304 679. receipts from to bacco in all forms, $33,242,875, a de creaf-e of $1,143 427, due to the clo., nag out of bonded warehouses in t 1 early part of the year, and the effects of the panic. From November first to tLe pres ent there has been a set avly increase of collections over any presious cor responding penod. The largest amorint colleved in 'any quarter %as first quarter of tau preseat.fiscal year $lO 162,754. The receipts fur the f.s.c.l year fr_ow this si'.urce am expected to aggregate $36,000,04";0. The production of-tobacco - for the firtst fiscal year sea~ 118.518,619 po t infi k r, an increase. over• the pre ce.eding.y ear of 2,107,634 pound.. The cf cigars, etieroot,s r, 1 wbicb razes wt-14, c , ,li t e•ed Ei Or. 79 C 132 52 2u P.T.V.,'ES :of the—previous year. The qaautity of tobalyeo removed without payment of tax ter exportation for , he fiscal year was 10;800,927 pounds, an ezceys of nearir three qaarters of a, million pounds over the preceding year. The Co,muti4.inner considers it indispeneablineee&eary to, control the movements o; raw or 14st.f tobac c ) by the eoutinuance of the leaf dare-Jen of the act of June 67b, 1872 Recei pi s from . ether •seurces_were hank depo , et.s, savings batiks. capital and bank circulation, $3,387,100 ; adhesive atamps, $6,136,844 ; penal ties, $361,21G ; articles and -otx,npa t ions formerly taxed, but now exempt, $764,880k The Commiksioner extals the work ing of the system abolishing aseeiveir ships and leaving the whole matter with the collectors, as securing more prompt and a larger amount of tax The tax against banks and bankers realized, $3,000,734, 'an increase of $403 013a)ver the previous , year, not- - withstanding the financial disasters of the fall of 1873, and largely due to the new system of assessment, the restate Of which are still more ap parent - in the rise of the collection from special taxes for the last , quer ,ter of the &eat year 1872, when they amounted to $3,303,539 to $5,- 885 581 in the last quarter of the ft; cal year 1873. The Commissioner suggests that the Barean of Engraving, end Print leg hereafter, upon his requisition. 'furnish all stamps necessary adder the law, except ptoPietary and docu mentary, and asks a positive provis ion from Congress npon,the Subject. Should Congress wish to abolish stamps on bank checks, &c., per fumerv, cosmetics, patent medicines, etc., which yielded last year $6 136, 844, but still be of opiniOn that the revenue cannot be diminiebed with safety, the Commissiocer says an, equivalent could be had by increas irgahe tax on e.piri:s ten cents per gallon, which -would, yield $G,957,000, or four cents per ported on tobacco, Lich v.onld yield $4 01,?2,0J0. WE LEE informed that there are at least fifty applicants for positions in the Home of Representatives at Harrisburg this Winter, and the young man whose name . , stands at the head of the Argus is Lot counted in the number. His eicessive mod esty and the greed of older members of the party. seem to bar film from the Ictwf luta flab*, "1.440 WPM 11•1:1 ferk SPA - -1410 -10 0 11 , -saw rim I C-tt irrli :ten 1:- 1.4 , 9 =At ; i .1 934 ;IV r-mr le, iLrip;:rzeiTe Whe." is - invoked-fortce ! tt.... , 43'=0t D . , Tre ~.4 . 4 e.1--, 14 ' . / W. - c 7.•:- 7...,' - FrCrioteLlioa of The valoved ra , s, • and i .a-n t t...."' .41- ..,-.-....-.p.%-i -,7- -;- ,-- =_-7 :: j; r: • - :--:-.`' . ...ii r : jas.tioe is to th.eni a nic.,ckery. Within 1-t= l ,,s''''' 1. -' l =- -- zoc= 4 ,-`l,,.' ±- , , _ -„ ~ I tbe. last wee;r.. ag-,.):,:Dred t,uy, ten )eara .1 waZ , _" :rce,' ; ':;» , :a4c. ,;.r :-..t.." '‘:::"•..., -- -' t t:.4',-, - ;' : of age, was kidnapped born L0..4 pa i t-tr,:,.,7;°: - ....1.': 4 "'.a.. 1 ",,,,p'......... , rents, Wilinan arid Martha pavidso.u, ; a•var -a " . --7- I '=.7 2l ;::ra"-• : 171 .."cr z : :7 1( 7:: :; - ; -7 ;`- I by Thadeas May, a white c4,a, wh., I`' - ''""' l- rtugz g --,-7--: 7.. G--...-t 6.1„.--1 rz - s-±_tr. - 1 4: , --.. , 411 - to intending to-take Ural t o T.... x . a5 . i . f , _-.._- Ltr--,- , -.: =3.2 VI ; , -rre. Flr.:-:.• 12.te ::.1 1.7 , :t...7.." iThe mother m her distre came tc.;l 4 = m r.-.._ , i , ..4 r,..,..yr5-vt.-4.- t= A ' S n. Pi 2 ...."" ILisingt - ito.n and 'applied to the onty 1L.... ~..- . :,...;;, . e:a... .. - 1; - ;2 icy. Y.:-2.m..i. - -.1. "...1.- Lir)•jaatices -of the Peacetime, D. l i....1 "7 2" " 66.2.46e21 * - '-‘ , . - , 5.....c..,-..z.--. ,e, L. ;a_ ";..."..• r, ‘7,-r.,z,z tv. - (Cobbs - :": 11- ` : ' 4 ' ;24 '' ''' '''' i Sitly'S 114 - 2eiity and lioth rein& i. to i 4:71,-.....virt: at .Iz:in r.'.. .1" . : 1 --5 17 1 - 7 -. 7 f - - .. " 7 :' Igrant it. It was- ot.i) b 3 . the f. , ffzu i -.4 ... .1....:•_ ; J:...... , %: .„7 .... , ...1 , 5ti -.....-...5...-,:c.: ....... 1 -. .7....„:„.„______ lof Use roved States asithor.ties; taat i 2.- -A 41.-...;v7.- -- : --m--zrcd v.---; , '-....T sit :e 1 .7 ItLf: child was r - e6c-abd. The ! il e - t7gmir' - ' 1.2.3 -g --m- ato- , - I 'flg t :r::'• 4' - '-''.3- ''' '-"ll''''. - I c . .1 ,- .red p;- - -ople do rsot male then- - l'-ic-El° ' 13 "" C I ' '''. ''-' . ~.,.:--2... I known, and it is on€v :lieu i _. -1.... r . Cact i they are assared that tb.ey are - in t h. t ' "c v- -''"-.-z -, - r.....i.... ge,.... , .." presence of friends that. iney evs-r •• - ..”lrir..e• "ial - -1t..7 cent are to speak (I their v.z.ngs, aisd :: -;.: t ff g.- --..-- i.s only - then that their s.carresi i , P. ArA t ?.. a - t-- , a. .. ,- :-1 to , ;-----r-f-z•-ts.. ..,--., :-- orpt-t-1 . hacks, ballet wont+ and . kode st a ab-. i v s-..i.. it:c . tie.•:...r..1. M. , x ... , .., , _.=, , ,.17-m 14i - it CrAlfirMitiCal to .t.l - ..e:r; words_ I -- 1-1-="'" • 0..„,i.c..t. - n..r. E. Sat. TheFe instinc of ontrat, , P,-hrotaMl- i Lt - C-ft , _7. , and opprasir.n are brought to oar I -7 ''' Ern. " Ll. 7qv ' :47 .tl-sr -t-T5-- 144,35 OF TEE EikO rti Tax W0k..T..0_" notice every day, and will continue if i this' pew,le are left tinprotered bdEfAhPER'S 413GA.212CE 1 the Goternmer_t. - For it seeks to be I iti....:sr:-.47.1.:.5. the determination of. Oil: white Dein- i Loerats of this section to prevent the ; 1 colored men from eternising the !,, right of. suffrage, and to :eclat-% • them to a condition of slavery. The w-lute i Republicwine live in constant f.:ar that 1 they are all narked men, , and since ;he cectiorilbe.nurn'ogr of threaten ing letters which they Law , been ac cas,tormed to receive have bt-en in-. re,s;.,eetful'v sour at tf:Ltiog tbe g o. TIMM - f?".± r, cue rteeutly received by Jatzles B +.l -we': r , ,:e t ro• 4 Abratars.:: 4 , 3 IT. W.: ^t. C I tt.e ri 1-11 , ,s.c.ript - _,c.t to or.t e. far .?:"' It• lof Flarver's o Gnea:duet - 1 -17 _ r A 7 ..i.trs z J., I 14 • ty.t: Z., s.l' 1./42. cam. t 7 bas ecr.... 7 0 .3 EA aii)e• az". tr.. &re maisto.•;,4 sr I t0_111 , , , -3 .0: It^ v mtz..!rvlr .berry toe. ce v.Y.. 2. at 4 ttim e Lt.! aid tr‘z,- - 1-}2 v iv:, 7 , su A•riv.szstv, Won , e yes. ray ran Lavt tovs-gbt tt.•A trcrit,k, 2...".• Fitto,r, t7v• L.e stv..a , ". tt)., Y'47 ir-e a •r.--u L-71:1 Vo the et,lo! , air 1.41/i-ar are rz,as • id.* vb. le.ten,, .0.4 t: a Lbt-.17. fa, .!;? G t::4 pracm I r.r-ld t. 4 tw The life of Hen. 'Charles Haves has been r{-peatedly threatened in our ort,...enCe. while WE. Were tiiikr)wn to diem, and we are informed th-it the hritthe guarded every night by hia friends to prevent his as- , ...sasina Lion; an-d ire also heard theta di.cass the policy of attacking CaPt. Mills' e, , ,imineand when he was cP.nanerl here. The spirit of rebellion is as rife here now a.s it has ever been, and zinthing bat a rigid enforcement of •the' United States laws ? - id ev. r give pence and , quiet to the lawle:-.5 portion of 4la bin.ia. The . aivims received here from - Lonsiana indicate that fair Pbepunli ,can Congressmen will rest-ice certifi cates from the Returning Board. It is stated that. open threats are made against the lives_ of the Returnit , Board in case they find 'the return. *how the elect ion, of Republielus in some of the districts, and organized intimidation - of the Board exists. "ALABAMA. _ Deplorable Condition of the itrpabll - at Ibis Doi Pra Ting 'tor EMILDeIpitIOZI. 21051901L1M1. d a., ,Nor. 21. 1874. The official vote for Governor_of Alabama shows a majority of 13,190 for Houston, Dem. The total VO:P, as returned, was nearly 20:200, not withstanding that ballot'-baxes con taining hundreds of Heputmcan tote in many counties were thrown otm Some of- the old aettled counties, where the legal votes do not reach one in sever 4 polled at this election one in three land a half. As an in stance, the vOte of Lee county is en tirely fraudnent. The colored peo ple have organized a Central Com mittee, and !called a convention of Ileprentatives from each county in the State to ppoint a committee of reliable State_ !ewer' to place their de plorable con, tion before those fa. rorable thl,ir emancipation, and to theaid 'of the nation to assist them in moving from localities where they are in a suite of practicalela v..ry to the territories in Wes'ern abacus. Many colored families woo posses.-ed some means hays already emigrated to Ifisis.sippi. Mach un easinesa, is felt by' the Republicans of Sumter*nd adimune cJauties at tne recall or De?ectivel Beach at.,d Hea ter by•the tuited 'States DepirtzueLi of Justice.. = FATHER JACQ uurs, eonneetPd *ith S. Peter's Catholic Church, Balti more, has abandoned the Catholic church and returned to the Presby terian church, in which he was raised. He was orilaku4 as pric4t in 1864. . . . ge -• ' /• . - '-: '4:' . ... 31158adaucw .1 ..10 .S SALE- --7,1- .1-"-. Time . 4,1' ...-, P W li. ' l 4 roA itA: .ee T.,:., 1 ' ' • IhiClarldern2E3M; • i ; w ~,,:«.151-ii-t. eject - a:1. - r.:.-:ltte - mee:ellee•rteet.r i _!_ a ligi_ . 'S 10,1 *** 11.1 . IT f' Z. -11:-.°72 ,24 . 2 -ft •• ,, •.P nint l ' am g ' li ' t •C '''' BaD- 6. 5..i ' - ', 4l =' .U: ' ' - ..'' •' \ ' ' - Ss rf04.+;03 7 ....t.L ta. 2"C;•'•-•. - 1.. .D ..20210.4re %.,.. 4.- ****-------.---s --- * -- ;" 1- 1 1 S 0 . 22z , 4t.- T:-.- . 2:0- 1.1 2, 2/ 01 14 A .202-egot. APft:tille 22216t...-....•...,.....--,..,..:---;.-....;1 ' g... 1.=.`,.":i ttl ; • ..=!..... tV.:"......A1,4-- lti -.....1111 'Se .•_.,N., N ..t. '1 .": IP 124....- • ........,......-, , lely4 I .o' 2.`2 , :'-i ,, * r•fl e .j.n.7.2-,.. f Sg 7.4 t. ..e., .7:41.- 'I :f . pi ~....._.....-: ... :..... ...... .1.,Y -EC T:.t, c,, , ,,,1, .r,.ji4 ;22.',::: 1-..,.., vir, t...i.... vri 4onak 9 tni4,2 ,4: 2 2, -... _2, • - ' 2 , e.e; - 4 iv=,..t. 21,-. , -e• s:,-..2. 2 2.34 .IKter .r.. 1 1 iip .bust. • ' , ....7..... • te.esay.ry treAt - -700:2.&e2t.• ..x"' - .L...4 eic.o.;. , ornefesk: ijillieil..„__.. • -__ ....-..„7 1. v 4 -,.; t•;:kir.. , r-;-c: lii .:-.iT p.c. :et .21.0102; -46 460101,411.2 yeTr...._-,„...--.., i: 01 , 01: 7:r.,411.'..--....- ...,---:.. '7 I „.,,r ir...-t, 11 . t.r.r,:v -, 0. ,;: 4--4 L ...r..r. 1... , 'a ~1, - .... -. , - , mg * Told:adir... - ............,..... -7' 71 - . 1 , : : -,.,,,1,1 , 6. 1 „ wv . 7 ,. 'd ii i.,3l,. :,...., Am '9 trucasi--;-4 ,- _2 - 2.2. II 50. ft l• -1- 1 '''''' - ' 4l. -la ' P i = .=- I `. • - eX.I 0C - 2.2•.:0 ,- "V*l2oilerliar leadc=7.--irliail gib A,,,,.. 4,„.*5, Si. =01=2152.. i . e ~ : ;, ,,m,..;;,,.7 74. ...a4; tr...A,, "..aor ..0. ; ,„, .„..,......r.....e2,,,...4,1,..,,,,...i...„,b...„..„ 1:s rss „: ices :,... 00 , 40 - 013. =A...A 'WA t.:aalirtfr,, 'vies 7 : .:•.,:, - F eatio f:e. an..: *eat n aget-,{l~ 4..7;1 Zeaszolo744 (Pew 21! pet 22 220 - ......-e-r.-1 , -. -.0 ;Ito 7 , 4.1. -t-vit j'.il_ T , +=sail *O4 46 fie: leer ti tionieteitsol2 I: .. _ .41irereock, *lit . 4 .....!,..i gr:,.=... 4 ~..f. r rell .1 ~; lit e .. 3 .4 t . ; . 20.",...0. ; Z.' .a, 72*2 40.4 bo Aug_. Pecee=..:034.2.1 et0r...f.40 2.7 - le 2.0227 F- :e , s+ d PLO& I- 3, :,..t. ,; '' : !lc ik,,,,, Lelr.,e.gcmgrfl WV:: - ".: 1 $ • - ap'l3l Or ...o: -r.,,,,e iAr ~..* ....-... 'l , -. -: . ,,*.t - i=eo72. Ole= 20.02,,C.142 - r.2. - -t - ane-2-2 . - :;,.,-..•,_ .0211% eere.2-a.. az%•-a!,.! - .: 10•72-. 412:10.-_, ':',...., .i 4 . 25' =2li .i . ,- 7 ,,,A0..,,,, 1e,ei.u.T.1 , 17r;5e«,,•;-.0„. 1-•.,..2r.,-z let.::, n- -1/1, u.. -•z,4.^1 .. i , -rsit :, , V . : , :-....;;1:r t.:4•444Ur .1-1e:•-• , -7- .. • IV* Liktliliag eieetrestilett H 5.... 2,. 31.31a.e050 • 24;e:4.042 , 1 .r.Aiii...;- ,,, VP- V1UL .. .1 - X, 7,40.1 e, mr - .l=-...00-X, 20z2. i... 2.. .. .... .1:00.4.1 Ge.o4 lirelel-2 ?At. E 4 4•.?-iirt: -ele:o:-..' i .2z: - ..., :42- 2.2*.1.2r2e.10.1. ft' ;:.22::42 e-2 ,- -7.--.2 2- 02e5 1 . ....224 '' ,.i., . aanlPNe 4 t . - La• leamse7,....ct-t-121 .1.5.0i.P.2..; ..-2 , -74-tc., , ..L. ',40.-sseel.e-c, Abe. 4.00: - .. - '.r. Ede 1 ,- _ , 21,. - eire . _ '22 ; fno% Ifiliireme Zweigil Ti• - kez,:. tr . l-lap.t.va_ ' i •le: t ! e: - •; - ::..: - .4: 1. 1-4. t T.,=.:., :.' J ar ~....2...1, 3 .4, ',. .., it fi,iripe..2.z.:. vir."-ei,tnet.,t,. ve.....z. &zr... , r•p2.2-22,, , .. 1.,-.1 i :::' F. , 4 , 7 I .7.1" Ir . ,:.: !er., 4 r':' , 3.--'.'. -' ' vor , .Tha el .1...,:.c.Ti55. ,- .2.. , i cl - =`..t . - . . , .= cl . ti.- r -1 .ex.P . EI 4 r.! 2 =in,t, - ..,.. - 5 pi - x*4 2.4 + - 22.7..V.2 - .2*d • . ;.4122.T...,7.. T..) . p,r72.,..!.11. 1..*[...1.....4 1.r..4 two...t a I C.,50.F.-1- 2 ,- 1'...1t.' se 112, h.lz I toAr = .V. 7 b9* 72 pe.L.Wk.r , " cm'? c.r.1. - ..,::..r. - . 1 T.. :'T -r:e. ...t. as ///. • - ....t., , , r...! tt.4 , . * - 21:.%.1.1. • : - . - # .* 4 -6 .- - : t• frete -, .....i.urne al ft.*. - =tz..-"L. fx , Iti , raw: T--. -; larv-i t..:aa tree_:. , le .21 ti :. , 42.9.22 4: z. 2 , - , 42 4..: - . i. , ...", .. .. i 2"*. VI 1 - ,1 tar. , ..4 E. —.st:n fr...!. , I. rbe -....L1 - ;‘ , , , :r Per , 71 SS_. 111..c. - .7" , ..: .;....:#,,,,,, fz-- riirtet. • t0r,14 , 2 , : i5e:. tirt,,i+!. s - ,...1.L. ai,..... ~ .te- a - y •.--,'• " t=t - ?.,: tza t-. 7 .p.r- ti',',._ Lf :-.....:Ari ,r ~.-: •• ..z..wre, CWT . - A C. 2,402 :24 V.. 2. - ""Z.K . -.. , Z4 2..*.i ro-z - A. - .1 7,1 •..- - ,...7.,. : - .;.:e...1x.`4'...• c.x... - ;. , 1160. - :,:y. It a. t.:, ....:;• . - -,-, 1 ii»...t c1,:.. - = N.,...n v.:.f.,-.Lic i.r.s.,:rw:t.—Ler, - *..".7 c..:::,;:5. . _ _ f.'.'i 4;# f • tt t-j 13 V 4 • 1:3" 4:1 - • 0. I 7 " C. - 7 0 ; r. =t , fap , flZ t7: -. .,t5 =•• ta r Lrtm-a Ns,t=b•tr C., p !Ea., C.Ar -_• r•' -v. $P.i, C , FEAPF.21 1- ~157.) MOST Pa Ell. IN 1 H R E ' WEEKL • f • tr, .• ..,.. amt c.* rj ix.a7b r 41.: are • 1 , 4 , z,••••1. CrcLiaL' • t^ tt t^;Vete"; , 4tal SZ t:f X ZZ.ll , l , r:a ;Aert. LS. ar.-1 1.1 aa.l2 of 0;,..L..1. , " a p. 7- :Li•t az,'; IC=3. • I r's• cf r 7 hay ancga.enta Dv. --V. Y. LT tat: Cart,s4e.. - r. It/ tap'r. ntscn ex'agent Tr.eati"na and help:A r..04;1 4): TEa7di: • Pottage. 'see to irr.h•-mt , sta in the 1": - .Ited Ctatta. 11• XI , ..te yea- .54 4 6 tti c utea . prr,,•;n..,tg.t cf r. the pub.i.bera. n. vre.lo.a. z=d Raga. v t ene y• ar, t• o • n Harper's kenos/tole, to opt 6!2-17eas• 1:7 One s 7 free 'An extra eopy tle Mr7szine. Bazar bi-aapp: at grata kr c r..“! s IiVaIKICANt.Ta tx 4.77 tact. 1111ZoneAte 520 ant"...=l eta - a P- 1 / 4 ,7 - 1 ,- - e I free. Esc* tv.mbers at any 11c,.. The cants. cf. Et ..-'s Weekty* nest ; c.!otb•g. stii 6-2 rezt by, trt- of ex. Cr.". earl. a t'. - 7...:pitte cr.l,-ses seta •-n et cash th- rats cf. 45 per frehmt at sar , ns, o . varztvst..r. . . • Nra,T.r.l.rra ere 32t- - rtizt-tatt,: ; tf Haroex • I B 1 Aton.a. N't,tetgber A BE-/‹. , 3:T08Y OF , re 4 sios, I - LEL.SCEZ. STEXCTIuN HARPER''S BAZAR • • f Fr is editsi a-lib a . d t.hi u;sl. ;warn.:..! and tLe j 'crux: tv.t:f is the organ t.2' fashion. —LVit:a :tet•lf to ettry Luber of the hateet , s.d—to the chltirett by to/ 3rtel - •1,1 pretty pictures. to the 'y...acg tatty r . , y• tte fast mates en le,* caztety, to 1:- pnot -- t bY ttp pat:erm to* th- ctilldrea'a elottep tak.:!fe• fortifies bs it• taptefol 3ee1.4.1 a -r bzo - ....1-red elopers al-,4 'stn - tuns p , <* rut the teadtta-ttaister of the Earzr is txtd:..rzply of 4.. mt exc t uet.re_. The paper hes v.-qt:irest a v. - Ide it , for the treetzle.eti;;;%=e=t tt EaaAing pestaza free to all subscriber* In the ralteNfSt NA: J$ ...... St Si 00 'ttiolattot prep03r2.1.4 c. t R. p•0t0. , ,,.., LF the purot.a , ere Subscriyiums . Hsrpey's Ifavzvre, tretk:l and Bazar. to ut sAdrets tnr ooe 'ear . of Kuper's I:eriostic..l.. to one for :ttr. VI 60; Pc.t ll 4c. tree. • c'oirra c-Jp) of either the Vag. 7:e or rtattr .ttl be our - plied grarie for io•e c otib rf, L'va Robotribero bicb. one It:r4 thwart: or. coi•ita for 5'0114.), t'AtlVat Back numbers can be supplita zt xnp tame The orywn To ^,..=.a t , azsr, fnit the pain 1868 !O. 10, 11. '72. 13, 11, .le.,:astlybouLd In veep Er.orocc c'th. will be Eet.i by exprell. Innen prerut i. for $ elarp2pest art not tG c vpy t 14 zdv.44 ae nf_ei:i.. /Auft.Ae ezpreu crderivt.r. a Isbortir .44 aiddre.ii &RAFT.. 141: Tr:k. November 19. 1813. • OAIITION.-I hev•hy equti'na all IL) persona a.aiaet purr-bunny( a note f r one bun &ed. and ace (IRIS CO,l il•Lare, iovria by nu. fa- Ter of rbitou McC.raelc-u sod doe op or ab-.) acuum - Kd. 1a74. as suet' note was otrant,"l by tr. , cl and pa ) tuant Alan.% no 13.11-le unicaa c\guuelied by Law. no.,coov.m: slug irPaPse W.I. Nos. 10. _r 4e-p-z • z- • REM=I lEEE E►E.' 1,._• V.- . TEBISS MMME t • S 164 - ,^t , tt _ r• ta ; • : : • ~. 1.=.1 ff LL,..r. -Lit -1‘;. , , f.• z.-_ - . !;••:• i :.•.. -..1 - .1.* :. , ..t .. 7 •_•.,..-...• 7,,...:• -- _ - .^.-. ~.,,,:. r.i .•!. It, •.:• : .M.... - . .•-: R7.f. ...,•-:.' 4 , ' I - k_-4_. -- 1.1..._.: _ -:. C %., #. '•: - . - 2 - IA:, 15:. 11 , . - ' .1 ••••...5. rert . "::-.7 :11. lz.:-. !.; -..!'-' 1 '.,,'••••.1! !•. - ...k...1...7-. illf. •57.: .t.:•=.•••:.- f--.... - L-1:;. , .7. z_,?, -.., , ...., , ~,, ,„,.. i - 0..,_-,,,,,.. a. ,f.'i = . - 7M-t . ... , ',, .-. I-••-:' - - - t• -....,......1-, ..,..,..••_, 1 12-:: ~•!.; ..v.4 . , ,,_ .•:•! . ! , .•'.. S E.....: -. : , ;t1 4•,,..•:• -T T. 2...,,,,,,,, 1 r.... , : - .T.1. ": 1:1: "... iszl !. .•-•,t :.7 1-,t Nr•i. I. :- Ll - ..•:• 1 nr-y-. - . - :- a_ - _-.e• r•r ."_,.•.., = ,•,,,,, .::• .1,4, . 17. - ... 17 - 74 :.+-7 , 17,!... i R , . ~. . ...., 1 . _. _ *- _ - dt--- . .- . 4. -. •.- < - 7: - e , -I • : iT...S •---.."..m..• i -- .,..-fk :74. t . -_- ..- -:—. z I E 1t.. 7 r ..... , :i7. ... , :t *.:7', - 1- 1 /et , r. el_l t"vt - !:a. , ^' 'et t , •. , : - :. --- :?:. - a- f ,-, ,-, P.. • .7-,....1tt: 777 , 17 j . .,,L. I =I"- • , : 7 17 1 , : . ,-- ;r . T-7,..."-7.- - = ... ._ :21.:_..E... - ; .!11.4:7.. ,. :- . : , 1 , . 1 t .1.. , <-7, , ... - : ^. ;if :4 -. - :.:4- •- i - 1.',1 - : - _. -••• - "•_';',.: 4 ; r.J. !• .' MEM EWE • .1. t ME ••• - r • , 616 t 'S 7 7. l• 1 - 2 - =7.1, :o• B. G 4..,61: 1 s r.-.• -71.1 -! .I=.•lt .11 1' • 1-7 - .7 10 _11 I.7.crt. C :L a •: 2 :ti r. :dr , • - t rzn WM , T :-- ENE ME® : • 116. • - - - - Un EMI 7:4-- • +7. t •••••T I" I.•s. : : • - • 16, ..4.1 ;Jr • r 4:f 7: J.:7-7 L •• tt..l , L.. - 1:: ' • •!:, - fo-1 C r. 7 7: • f 'r 7.1:•7 , ' BEI BEIM IMEI t 17. f•••• - =!•.:: ,77. 3...1-ors 1:•7 f. -IrZt,ll 4=l rvf I rt•C C' qe!..att , .,r, ILEA , " 01 . 14-'7 . r.ot t• t.c.rth h 7. ~7.lZe •• 5 sst44,, - 7 .4,1 , ..f.5 u • -1- - • 741. - `A . , C,rt" ••: - •rn- , r tit vrat t • ft . ALS 1.-07:-k 7,2.77rj: =ate In T I: . t J 7: 12', , :r 14 , uf D, 1.6" !•-'t . .1. - 7-.3.- 16 , 1!WV.1 t• tr.:4 Z.,,,1t4.7"5' e.rit 111 t*l; ••-•," - =ME Ili2 TN)." t )11 kTION ' :7_l, MEEZE t. 'te- f 4.11 tt-trz.zot " Vr..1 1 6-1-1p11, , 3111,1 • the t g +11.'1" mal 1 maor....f4x th,t, tr- ts l. „tay r.-. 4 tt.t.s, ant et‘ .sr - of fieiwirioly_ NV 7 . 1571 1111=INEI , • 1 I IVOTICF. OF ASSIGNMENT ; .11 1: , ~.: ce. :4 I F.,retly :.:,,,r, •Itat (1--,-.--t p t'va. c.^ I tk• t Or'ott,b 4-1 4 ' To.amta. Pet.L.,ll - at.!a, tas m.-..,?f , I'a_.. grz„:zier.t til me . - I.:(irr :he tr....y...1:J rssa, , t 3-i las p•ch-erry, fur ttle. • betiettt of 'lns cr*.•4l,.rs Atl .pers: - .maittl, teht(i• t. to bit?. sr, r.q.,..,.t,i is mate ir.:•med ate ~ . .av- t t..,,,t,..ap.3 1.1 p" r. , -t-, t , ...,;:),z u amtt., mrt prri , ,lr.: ti.tra, 0.:12,y 3 ,t 1.1.: twaT.,..i, I,' vettle 'me t,t . i HL. SC,ITT, .. 1 'l l ;c•f'. I:? . . I.u.:‘ . 1 _ • i - 7, E i - gF . ASS TGN. 111:--NT I - N .N T, t. id , 1 ,, 1 ,,,,, , , c .-, , , , : , rt.t.*: c•-.1••:":-:,,,, - D. 4 : sit: , i of •Lt...••• • B-nrl , ol rf 1 - : , ‘1 , -I 3, Y. t” . c....•!::' , ,..2',1-, 1:11 , } tr,1•1•, - .•:•.:1'1,•.,,:rt,E:-: t ' r.t , :.:t.. - t. - 1.1'.1.. it' .. , :iV.l , 4l,Vra. !of ail bll , "*.,.5.4.11,.. f , 7 tbe ~..!.".•"...... ,1 b p,.... , -(,-111-,... 1 , 11 p., , ..0.4 -.r.a., ,, Tr...i . T 1 t...: , ..., ~. .-; 1 :. . t..t.,,v., in i„..ip,...i,i, i t3t - ,LT v., , .. lii 1 , :t....`:•, , 1 , , N,T.';2 , - ;.1 , 5.1k i tnilat prt-fgfz: ItZl2, :::ly 11 - 41..'•2:_f inf•-1.. f ,f• tir tile. I - 1 7,:14•111..' i • H. L. 5C5,..)1.1T, Jul:cc e. g . i . . , •• :" „ -„cf . :T lc t_ - .-i 1 Efff/21 lIIIMIN T.L-1 1-7 z . 26:7-2.^A 11Ei=1 lEEE! RIME =BE IMIEI =A MN 9EIE9 ....-11_,Z ' 17, . ....~~ ....:SIC .. .. IMEIMIN=I . :t: ILIElinMil!I OM KIM _1 . 1"--1 •B • E.3:1-1-.4.4.7-. =II IIMM11!21111 ECIEN .• . v 4. - . 71.1, - • icer:7 =NM ut- al •n "1" _ NOT! . CE - I=l kit 1 T. .^o. r I=lll/2:13 TATION'S&wWiIITEI"O7 GU. 41 tgaem* Zaurtk . • • itiri..o6o4=l„, --.E L.:23„ 'Q.' 2- #4.4 14. r" "'` - • 1:44' ~ -- a ~' ----. Wit; -. 1'.;1 - - 111.41+ - _ . .:±,:t , ----- - --,. In .. —-•- .- •'' ~-. • Sr* "7.f,'-• ... 1....3-::-.5‘ .1,11,7- .I.F.A-•”--- . j._ -- ---7 71 -.1. - • !_yamir .:-.A., -- - - I .._ - ...,.. - - r". - ~1.... t . • '7 . _ .ti A. 12075 ET .Drama !=fM=MIEZEIMM I+s zl4, -sve. *ma. 2Lessie,.. ixwet • • ••=v7 aira. IZEI BLACK T ITT 110H-13---T -- ;S BLICK- ILPACAL , CtrTONi..7% MEE CK EIATRT -4 .1' 4 . • ' BLACK IT A T 3 kN-,-;. BLA.CK CEEIONS CRAPE Cr ,• • I BLACK DPAPET ;lie Ca___ = 17.... z C.',, a:_a Wc ,. _:l:_j_.7. - z . t.F:, E • 1 • Cfr -,-;., : ::: f , .I] :_ :.,.. - a 5.. I r.. ii:i: . , 4..,:.,,,,,, t_ tt , 1 .~_-==mss, `:~:- ___ RY GOODS. \E .V FALL 11153 MEMMI zaTitiml to call and, € I tool: of Gods. W 3.s.:Eortinc:Lt II XCEEI)INGLY MI Give lasi - 11-st II MI -- 7.1- INN MEI I rr - - MIMES =I IEI GOODS 113 " '_ L•C,c siqi.,:ar ;‘' e oiler a ver.:Sa! I LEM LOW PRICES Ell MI YLOR & CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers