II Nt.;ofoofejtoott TowaTla,"Thursday, Nov. 26, 18_74. AND GEIVERAL. TO-D4l,- being Th anksgiving, Poet-Oftioe will be open only between the ot 7 and S in the morning, 12 end 1 r. 311.. ani s 3.s!, to S. 3.1, • S. IT. AtivoairP. M. WE itETVILN . thanks , .to our - old friend,. ;Ridge McDoNALP, for copes of Sonth 0...-n paper.._ -' : . Txe Presbyterian Mite Society' will meet vrit i Monday cveniag at the resideoc. (.1 IYA. OVERTON, Et.q.,' at. d e ver3l.cdy is invite:i. TUE nest Pre4ortflan. Sociable at 31 . 01.r0et0, krill be held at the hence of tics A. on itruitdayi December 3, afternoon and evening. THE Episcopal Mite Society meets ti lts (W&triesaist) evening, at the Tteitory 4 Rec. 11r. lllclisai.NE' s .lnd lady will be pleseed to see all their friends piesent. OrsTni SVPPER.--An Cystt•r Supper will bel;eld at the Odd .FelhitrB Hell, to Neu , A.I I) ii:.•fon the evening or Decembir - 3, 1 1874, Proceeds to py ind — ebtedoess - on Ball.. All are AVE , BIGLEVIQ leant -that sir. JOB'S . A. My - 4n. formerly of thin county. has Buff , r -otl an baction in flan death of biß estimable Mr: M. Will spend, the Winter with hia 'daughter, Mrs. :thus, in California. WE I TESME to return our thanks to DAZ:II.) HOILTAti sod A. FontEs, of Sheshequin, ter their rementhraacc of the ortote". rue for mer placed in our cellar a cask of good elder. sti . d the letter left at ,the .. .1 - IrronTra office a gdperolis supply of very too'hsome apples. *, A CATII , MIC Book Store has been ettr.bliahed oa Bridge.. street. Our worthy DENNIA !Atli ttioN, is :v.ip•-•rintend ent of the llelr CAribliShM:l:/t, yeeorumen!il hint :o ttLe patrinag , of koie de siring Catholic hternture. Tn Bradford I.ioan and Building ASEOCIg.itIoFI, of Athena tu,c-nllin , ; is in a flour- IsUng L•ntidition. W. haw+ rcscei , .,l frGta J. F. Sooretary, tho gecoui Oar, the itharcs.w.lrth tt: otict or STe• ona £42.43. Tire aret,zr e prerniunt for or •ket $7B: THE union Thank=iiving service tciil Le held in th. CLifrch. a cnl- Ide'imi fur the ber9...d: of th4Lldies' Itt-nevo ltla[AFsovatinn I nilJ be tvlitn np 13..x., - 3 nillj al4t, oe place.] aQthe of the' churn'', and' Lin the Pop..-Offi._•e on tL t day, fur the same 'So- , jte MN DAIRY. MeSgrB. JOHN a.a . R. L. BEAH.6st.ty, of ~Sirarreaj, thie County.' 1,14 V.• abut G f , 60 lbs. of butter. pnriu g the past.ft..v.das be h ve de!ivered tb C. B. PATCII treHrly au! tjm, lor:y cents peryoulitt. addrui4 IL6 the hove, they expoct to bare' seserAl tape of I=ll A. very fine life-slz , : pho'ograph of itcv. F. D. IZN , or cf tt.acu Chuich, r reament.a the 5h,, , ,v windira . of A. P. It ws , Cs T , .:up:e n i t It - t," on Slater atree'. It is the work. eLf 'photographer I.N AREN, and al a spt .2itu;'.u!tk lint'citti Lt d , he t.y pitti , bgr4puy, RS II utt a like:ie.-a. i; 4. --4 1 0 ' P . 11,01 S. S. VANNESs', of. Jlacetlonia, Las left Sr this t'tU:e f potatoes trf• - tit! the reed, aa as we hay° area f• :t a Ida ; ,•intp.iya vri are the aeinci 1 year'e dJii ire v trtelc Hill ..iee ;Mu f ith ntrineis Mi. V. rased liu•ihl2 ear bat next L'. for -alt T., a.,118: EMI tii,ul'liacce 1,. t THE Sll1111;'S , c,LI.A.F es" e:1!,!;.: IN't terl4, :ad{. Tit at'.et.d.i ..I'.lttr ;Litt STEwatir tue I Su:.-! ty. The nix:„ u; was . qa t it -nal .pening pceliminartet , , the class. tl:e .tertiationA lePts'm for r \t tne , ting wilt be held in 1::e 31. E. L. Mmdarot • • I:r.2,tnt , •r,.at rthic'.4 y-C. 11r1 , . VA INE IIUE N. 1 1; .f , t;cfa,•t t! r are liEl g ty =1 r i, 11 - 11., !: !:: thw w:th : I CA 5..• :If to • ,;:t1 to:ca. Ttl.2. Fark - :r.t and _ppi ; r.(• s Ettri:rl. T. aii of i, a vcry crtzlit- r..r ! , isa 110.3. iniorup-d tk.►t the author • t!le Qll ;11c. Dt apwr , oi,...- re: rbiati..n, ; 5:1 't,: 12th, r 4•1.• MEM t., .•Q •I•:.•tit tilr3 ! • t Fen- r tlr4l:* n' b MEN :or F.:L:!icnt:•+u. The :ho xr:.t•'_ Is a ,ra1112:1::It I , — Lind c' , ll; 'LI u ionnttli: 41E. AND Mrs.. J F. ayEIIcHIRE: of Att.:LHtt,3:l,l;!p, celehrale,l tlo.ir twenty-fifth sve3,lL.; auniver-ar, nn tlandac ' iaet. Nearly t , v.) liuncsrcd relatireei alit friends as=etubled at their hospitable mansion, on the circa:4,3a, and after sii.t.idibg the day io a pi, asmit manner. sat corm to a repAst "flOca . a lin.g." awl which satialieil the guest's that 31r.. 0. r•chly deter :is c be-towed. , sed.sr.e. ,, l, wah the neant- :Pat hal.p.: T. their tivtrioud KPH t Nr!.F.VT:A.:NT run_lor i 9 11110911 D tunid,4 mod to e. tcd i❑ Albeti:, w:rf. time . sitice.. It will be re- u tub,' oil :11.0.,t bare was burhel near that t-any isst z'prufg, at,.i the' reLimus of a Long 1.;u3(1 iw the:rutusa No' cue to tUvstery was ersr eiscovered, but iu am re of Cal tuts DAY ' Y ra-atS la-t a 7ughter chargel her so:-..mthing to du pith the Lire 1:t:,:d the ii4rtiulars and Jir—,irfdy thtt thire trny b..un truth lu 11:7=11 ANNA E. BULL, :s Le: friends in Towanda. %vat a resident yf this ice. aoi ha- warta it er;cla hcre. Pt l.ri c SlEnkta arrived at hum,. in lii.. un HO:Dta)eittlaig. goes to YhUn- in a wbtre t4t , Saptiqms ' will by in ,re , ,un until Spring. The.frieuds of Mrs. J. W.'1:111,1'1, ofiViucl ( Laru. be plesi4d to • IVhVEI t.tt utter the tr , r3ld . - I,eut of Dr. 3N'tl.l`, she tai recovered ut typl.wiLl fever, which pro , e'rated Ler abmt P. I> M - J , l.lge 11;. - ,,AELL, Dr. T. p. NV. G. ranzi are try.og CatiF %ails of Sti.liCau Vita If they are.• aucce..ful, ril3i! ucgi,Paa tJ uot h..e.the .I."r. ending N )r. 20: FANNIE VAn FLEET, ANNIE DLLANO, 11Sla - BENNETT ADDLE IDA :STc.Vt.:Nta, LArIIA MCGILL. SUP•IF. ANNIF. ntED Ewan.: C4llll CN. 111.31 , 1- 4 CURRAN% Eu ;:i1ATT1E.:•71.4,1..N , , fir I.LN Pow . ELL. • P. El.t'i.Nto.Fp and • wifo arc n town jrioncl.t. • THE ilumProns acquaintanbes of our iontuffriend, W. D. TYLER, will heartily endorse the following item from tbo lest Clan ton S et alinel:but-the gnetts of the Minnecitis House will not willingly permit his permanent transfer Item that popniar 'Hammer resort Mr. Will. D. Tyler has men appoii.ted to an important position in the Herdic House, Williamsport, wher e be will make his home for the Winter. Air. T. has, by his gentlemanly arportnent aud assitfnous site tion to his guests and frieods, sou the highest esteem o all who know him, and lrie past: record at . the Shope tins House pieces him to be well gush. tied for the position assigned him. The welt wishes rig( his rainy friends attend him in his new hume." • CLIPPING HOME, —This is the sea son when many of the trotting and prorate driving horses of our citizen, are relieved of their heavy coats of hair. There was a time when a great of opdositton was made against this custom. A horseman says: "The arguments . were that nature had provided warm and heavy coats for animals fur th:tr rikinfort and protection, and that it was agidust nature's laws -to remove such protec Lion. Gradually, however, this feeling is dyiut , out. Those= favor of clipping horses admit that it is against . nature's laws to remove the hair, but if horses are to-be driven at as high a rateof speed-es they are, then it is neceasary. Either leethe hair remain on and go slow, or take it I , ff and go fast. If. a horse has a he a vy coat of hair and is. driven rapidly,' ho wilicome Iwo the stable very wet and he cannot be rub bed dry. The consPqnenee is, .a cold will fol low, It the animal - is clipped, he can be driven rapidly and dried oil; blinketed, and a cold prevented. Th.s is so with speedy trotting horses or fast roadsters. Working horses that are compelled to stand 'out, and expoeed to :alt sorts of weather, should not be clipped." DEEDS left for record in the officA for recording deeds, etc., week ending Nov. 21: Timothy Rireen to Thos Warren, April 4, '74. Athen , a; "rhea II Woodrufft Sheriff, to Jarrit, it Webb, May 12, '5B, l'ofigtinry; Jae II Webb Charles Potter, May 15, '3B, Itirighory; Geo. LOVVEntin Al Wm Tufon, April 23, *73. Ilidghur,y; Almon' Fuller to Edgar S Fuller, Dec 7, '7l. WYallai.ing; Walter 0 Wooster to. Allen White, Nov. 16, 74, Nog Hollister Catlin to John Mc- Dougall. April S, '74, Granville; G W lluitord to Eduard Huiford, March 21, 14, Frothing, E D Wilton! to Alvira Boffin-a, poi. 27, '7l, frat:l4- ' lm• G.. 0 It Barns et al to Francis Stethers, Nov e Nov. crrnl., A J bileara•3l T thivarir, - Aug 25,187,1, Tuscarora; Silas D White to `slant Einnii.,ll..rch 23, '69, Windham; II C Pletee .to Squire L 'outs, April 27, '63, Witella am; El J Madill et al to., Arles Campbell, Oct 14, 71, _Home; John J Griffiths to Alma A Hall, Oct 6 '74. Towanda Bur.; Alma A Bill et al to Juba J Gr.td.lt, tiuv 18, 71, Athens' D.ro; Charles N Waiher to James Foster, Apr 7. '7l, Towitda Bore; James Euster to Charles Foster; May 9, 73, North To watubi; L J Culver et ai to Isaac Vshorg, o,:t 30, '73, North Towklda; Wtlltam .1.1u1.0 an, treasurer, toll N. Williams, Sept 11, 72, Canton 'lnto; P S Miller et al .to Peter Hur dle, yet 6, '74, Canton Born; Wm Ei Morgan to John F Mcau4, March 9, '7l, North Towanda; W Bra:ulnill to W C D c 4. '74, Towanda lion); Geo, K Suffern to Wm 11 Moore, July 29, Spth. Wm Ii Moore to Hawaii si.fferu, July 29, '74, South Creek; Benj. halos to John Utz, 'Feb 23, '7l, Albany; John W GoAla-in et al to Chas 3I Carpenter, et at,. Nov RI 71, Shesht iptiu;'DaVid S Vauness, ex' - ety. tu Isaac iii;£l. - N 0: 7, '7l, Standit g Stone; S D Kendall to N C Rlt Co., May 11, '79, Cat:- MI EriTot: : Pleaso allow .me to ,44% f , you a short rout •e of the dedication of a uett- 31. E. Church, at Forkts•dila, Sullivan Co., Pa. This place td satiated ou the Loyaleueb, c reek, a locahty wdl•au.ovil the: Meth Jit,t4 of We.tion Bradford, and a', v. ZitrA I,y the liAterattat and hunters ut this :cctiott. Oo the IStlt inst., 1 h.un-I \ton -many whets, IVA.vil!e, to wituc,s tle? "ft...lit:3l.ton of a Ile at church. Thu .!ay v i 100 - Pry, Out at an east- hour house ass we•d tilled, and her. E J.. flEtizutis, rietoditig Darr of 'fro) District, preached an tiCitlrui Ai4 - tuon from John iv :11 1 alit not atttetupt to give au out line of this 'sermon. At tts c:ose, the, Foi:or. Rev. PAUL Bunn, announced that the entire 1 . 1 the church, oicludiug-furnodolig aril feLec in :rob.: ~ 1 the p rrs WA, lidfad, Mat, •111 ;it kcd like a i,rc••• sold th:s -..cicty pq.„ havin iire4dy p a lh:11-y t to , u, 4 ht they. ware able. The pr , "--pe ct t o tv, , t of us dot not ay , vt MIS al.: •c. I'. E., ,tatc.d 1.1.0 p I 1 nple t..) re ttiv; It %‘a..,. ti ii Lt ,'t.r recto:lag u(1 rc eu i , tart perl/dp- ex. .r ;11 gLt llr !•,:cur,,,'; d 1/ . .fr the ;.•,;•:111:;. that had fw,:rccot tquty-ft•e., d if e < ;1.1: acm a •Al re Fri 11:111`. !: tte 5.1 t to tlae ctso lx,: la, ell 44 11 . ..! to ).1:d do w.t2rirup. , .l L:11 ~tht.r I;kt lElll= 21=11 • :,1 tl, g i 14 , e rglit 1 , , fe,-1 %\ei! over it. lo IMMEM=II =1 ... I:,ti•r.(d to ;al able t ;. VV. Ca ME tiut \tie c r,e f F ace IL: i:t een. FEILNIS Al HOME. r..t.1 . ...11.T ) 1,1 • • !.,• I 1 bi,l tD ctc F•tro..r.ge,:; to rr, t a •• ,1-1.1 .1-0 W.• 6o,l7::eiVa plight 1 - vt to tjlo fa a ey t)e. ILE et , 414 !t•T ti, • mCit. a ‘1.1.L1 Ihe Ow H 70:H with ! r. MEM .1 •ut t' ..::~• ..c 'I, 1771 olle :or rni I Lave f.d le,: t.; ri.. - old Llaiestead, end .•ej;i3i , d rf I,Y.tA ones. and drank iu to callin k ; J ;I:i%111,e napi , 7 ti rtre uf Tig fituaar ndcas, plty,;l -, ..n.ids, forests, ECC4dOWe, enkiudlrd love is my h-art, and vekaflei . the neon the tolikt of my memory, cnotogispbed tuere m eariy life. tistt was tee IC bat one week ag ). I noticed that time lies Jell. its mama upon the places tb t :Awe were s. , rzanlisr. Mane trees have with .•-re land died, fei have rutted and 1,411 en. rirtv ones title !alien their placp.. Several die ir.gs hsve rr.attlacir wonted litaeos i f eqnol.e n t 7,-ts,s , v,' and unngtit reelanis to ten th:d t. t- :, 5,04 dcLits and aslie;,.. The old en ,t)i-i:OUs.f Is Ceded and nor., :sf.d uo 1, , ng,„7 reCeib,r,tCE Vi.tll the joyous laugh f the bRil:7 nret,:n, t, r the cries of the beech [%ll I.] of . The Isuk aml kit] ItaAhvlre se , ...):. , :m,ster. I .Fall lot 'attempt to telltLe rea !CI AU my realitilßeiuCCS of school-hoj real zmer the tact that tahumm4 the deed would camfe mere sadness thaa j I: ,, p.icee•if jet foce. _ lather and m , ,ther are in the enjoy meat o' go. , d ealth, theugh,the weight of years to Jpuu them, aud the frosts of many nutters nave wh.tened their lucks and furrowed their cheeks. When uprm the downhill sido of lite, the fires of youth. burn rapallY out, and the elastic, btelp g.ves way .to the encroachments ut physical coca); never theiess a good 11131.1'd EtAll to harpy ?Ail', though his poise heats slow and his eyes grow et.ai,ges that, have taloa place lon 'the 13 , ,.1 farm are many. The fields th4.t were stumpy aud stuuy, have beeu brought under .4/ excellent state of cultivation by the ttroDg - trill of my worthy brother. The NorthT•rancli Canal no more echoes with the notes of the hoattu.v..."s horn, the weary treed' of the mule. nor the oaths of the driver on a rainy -de); but instead of thls, the farm is cut iu two hr iron ratio and the owls have leit their hiding places because they could= attract attention . • with their toutiag,, the eugicecr far surpassing la with hu, internal Sad' My heart wa3 my'e gia 1 and my ribs Au st u.n, by u suratutruc4 rjutt at tho board of my good uuels'and auut. Such vent soh, each shickee, such and snob bat ter, and fsuctl ever} thing guoa, I n'ever have eaten before. AiLut NANCY, though thaty-nino years of age. is the queen of cooks. My wife .4 , s— ' , he is the lorel,e , :t ww.n , m in the world," 111103,441, n (in U. sure 61.1 e is c ,rr. own- D K at d a , 3.t Wyaluebg. treated nshandso n,.1 , and the z ir.antifut and aceom pl she d to • 31 --4 - “4 A. ato E , are ser - tug o )rti"" us and 10114 at d pros pero as lives. Hopei ALA biscuas rurtlso J. 31. know.; hove tit keen, i hob}, wad woo tares deer. We are indebted to him for the choiee rotetat Kr. Ise linown'a. Nothing affords me more pleasure than visit. lug the place of my birth. I trust the Ruler of the Universe will ?pare us our health andlives many years—that reunions may oi:eur still very many times, ere we exchange the mortal for the immortal. I • I cinnot close this article without making special mention or the courtesy of Conductor Fioutax. The Lehigh Valley IL N. Co., as a rule, have In their employ excellent, 'temperate employes. This no 'doubt accounts for the successful business the road is doing. ( sty visit in Towanda was one long to be re membered. I shall over cherish the happy hours spent in association with our brothers in A; 8.. hoping that the future will grant us other pleasant times. lam yours truly, AT THE regular meeting lof High lalid Grange, No. 193, hold Nov. 14, 1874, the following resolutions were adopted : WIIEUESs, We, the members of Highland Granite, hating heard, with feelings of deep ro ot+, o f the Oath of dieter Hoticrip Worthy Lkctarer of Wappasening Orange, dwelirit our duty to offer-words of cUtue.bitiou, and extend' to uur Sista . Orange the right baud of fritters nal sympathy?, ut their hour, of affliction; know ing that to oursel.esord.s of.odnfort are ever welconle visi.auts 1u time of distress, and hop iug that our treble strum may help somewhat to bind UP the wounded hearts; therefore, Resolved, That in the death of your Worthy Shaer and Lecturer, you are two. alone the msers, but the community, and especially the. Order of Patrons, have bust an elevated eusam die of tree unmanly virtue and culled dignity, ..titeh is ever looted upou and sought after as he elver endowment of the feti3ale lex. Resolved, l'hat cut down as slip wag, with her at its tuendain, much of the gen. taisigialluesiof tier nature, and the usefulueits of her 'fully developed intellect, have been abridged to the betiedi of her friends; yet the telluence of tier put life is still with the and aittingh; depa2ted, yet will tier angel spirit hover around those she knew Ou earth, prompting (them to nobler deedii and surer o r If N. Resslced, That though we cannot fathom the m)sisrious ways and iutluite designs of an om. uicieut Creator, yet we should ever feel that the mmistratioos of sorrow are n reality bless ings; that through them we attaiu Ito a higher kridam Igo of uur eternal being, mid feel more coodoeutly oar a proach to the Infinite One, who has created us all to His own glory. Resolved. That to your Wortnyllftster we Would ria ' Brother, be of govil cheer and fear no evil,', fir aithough you have been called up on to walk thrtrugh. the • - vailey of the Awhile of death," "Ills rid and His etaff shall culTiturt sou;" and though those eyes whiah, brightened Out a few sl , rt weeks ago at the auttetpatfoua of earthly happiness, are closed forever; and the heart which so: lately beat in ;unison with sour own, is stilled in death's embrace ' yet the tears that are shedttd the memory of the de parted, will but assitst you the mote clearly to iiii•cero the beauties of tier eteriiall abode, sod the strugLles of a broken heart aill eteutually , twin:: that serene cslinuess and faith which will buoy up the mind .with sweet anticipations of, the tutor- reunion. That tho Secretary forward for enblicatietilhe Above rebolotiona. awiiecord , he parces on the moitett-ot toe Grtange: aieu a copy to be sent to Wappasooing Wan4e. Mars. H. F. J. midi's, Mtle: A. J. LAYTO.7, COM. 311:13. 11. HATES, A. T. LAyroN, - NOTED BuaGLATI.—From the follew tug .f d, `• n••te•1 burglar." which we find. at the iVe , 7 York Herd" of Friday last, it pill be seen that CUblitiOVE, the }tan yi•ho was ar rested in . Waver.y in tieptein er laL4, for -the robbery t.l the- Wellshccro' bank,; is quite - a celebrity iu his "prolessiou." Tnere is probe= bly bo (twilit that- this ecuubdrel 'aided io the rubbery of the Adieus batik, about:Fa year ago ‘• Issac Marsh, alias Ike :lltirton mhos How ard. vitas Coagrore, r. native of Eat h t,e, One or the most celebrated New York bur glars. j sd e.t WellshoroTtoga comi ty, Po.. charged with betug ono or a gang of notakel ”nrgi era, who robb - d rho Wells bore' First National Bank of $lOO,OOO, on the 17th of kat Sept ember. Three a the band, in dading 'co-gr o ve,' were cowered shortly tv ter.:ard Detective D.iselibur‘, of this city. , a• bellt see if tie conic: rtrcogoute lo?grere' the noterbeis Is., ,Malsh.' 5h6121 , 1 Horsii be set - putted to the torthc aulng be is hoblti to be re-arrested for complicaY iu the billowing r , ,bb-ries : "The robbery tit the Merchants' Uai'ii preaa B ex . , in 1813 i, of f:350,000, aver it,gtimg l'uttairu rown, the exprl-es tneasenger. H.; a d , aldra in this by thistles litnlaid, who IS cow iii jilt is Boston, awsning trial for robbing the 80, b.toti thank, of Boston. The two men male thin . eseOlio Ito Toronto. They Were brought bock and lodged in White PloisoJetl. but through the assistance of Billy Forester anti and 'Nes' Allen, they were enabled .1 t.E.C.LI,e, and went to Paris and kept n gam. tub;.: house, br which they were talpflaceued rur several mouths. •'Maralt, with Stnabuyne and others. iti d to hays taken part in the great Ocean liauli robliarY 0? $.3J0,000. In additrin to this, he to said to ha irupdaitted in the Boylston Bolt ton , ' ken: at 1.1.0at00, of $lOO 000. anti ti tllard, alias natio Chard-, and Jerry Costello m i d Ciiehrane. Ctuitv). ntatrd ,;h' ?...1 z; witty to tl.is . robh••ry a days ago. r trali WAS' very uearlt ea, oil hi s riette S inch, in this city, by er- DataellYis itatt:ord and gee ir•!, while get•lng dl'; h•• ear a liteh had hrtelght hut (ruin Dubi n.... bat lot StlCCeeded in disappearing in. the wad of pistitqlghnt. It is only within the last tax iro.s tiist it ti is . beiamei kl1(1 . X11 that Is M troll • -He was ei.:plured at S. Y. IVrt.t. Marsh. a brother a he, iti th.Ainty, unJer an dine, amine mouths ago, for attempting to rah the oallttlhi Fourteanth atreet and Eight arenhe. Chas bender ineriy eciiilo, l ,-• f in a liquor itnit grinbling aalu on Broadx q."• "f..•i~, v. .REPkiaTEli : Tue roeton (irallge ur the I'. of it. V. a rurriwt meeling ili v.tel the (.llk:et and tw,ml)..-ra of the Ti.P.san- da Grange to partteipa!ts in e.,n't rring the 4'41 and fluli degree spin ct lid ‘vlio had is: ken the preeediog degreeA, and t...t partake of the co hition nientent to it,' with the privilege o` tlmemberx of butt' Gritngei' t±l.•:ug with the.n out-ide friends. =I3EI lIIIIIIIIIIEMI3 Toc m-t-ting waS 11,211 ou Fri lay evening last, in the lower room of Mr. I.ll:ccios' new tanning, which -is SO fret long by about 25 . I f• et wide., Toere wero over 200 persons Tne collation was extra stimptuous, and 1!;,1 in Val tasteful arra-:gi.nr,..nt of the tabie, , . au i polite attention t the gu,:, , tr , , acid' g-tt,fn up by the ls(hes ofl!.,lonroeton and its v:c 0 ti. Tee caudid3ris wife advsnced at 11:_tir, a: ki the ibior; wire oven-. td...tild tho Worzny Master re ,lriente I %n::-ts En talio sevs at; the tab:es; and, when seated, appropriat.t thanks were of tered ti the Dir.,no of Grace 'the Worthy .finer doing ample jUt , t'.o.3. to the edibles, a speecii from Gen. Px•trON was luitoly called for. On takin,q, the stand, and (hacking the Ludience for; their c'Jrupli mentary call, he said t at, of all the societies in existence, the P. of H. - lota t tti clai:u the high .est .antiquity. Our first ancestral Pareuts were, soon after creation, placed by the Creator in tlie.Garden of Elea ti-dress it rand to keep-it, and, miter their triti-gres.ioU, they were sent U. S. TIIANSUI I,u k; tip a tut of it to till the ground to the , 11.Vel,t of their fiet2. Ito Mr.:eine .viii era et the gtangt e, he tail, per mified some of the goddesses in Heatii,:n Mythology. They' their Flora, revres,ntiog the geiltiesi ni their Pc. Win; representing the gel fei-; or Frait,; and their Cerra, representing tin, godless of llat• vests and cereals or grata;' beanies a Worthy Mater, Chaster, and other , : worthy officials. Farming, he sail, %cis , the lia'poicat, most in- erecting and raDct iielepeude?t, avocatiuu fut lowed -by MAU. The ' feature' of the gratige'metituir., where the 'preaeuee uf the ladies threw a moral re,trahat over the other sex, and excluded all improprietioi, was not tins !east agreeable among its attractions; and he reit morn at torus ntaong them, than he did otLtar eeeret assuct Itiond who ignored it., The P. of H. were charged with oppottiog the tutertst3 of commercial avocations, which way untrue. They were only pruteetmg them re:ves against greedy .ixtortlonirts and exorbi- nut mowipolist., as others do, in Meuse of then - peculiar ioterests, by pare Atitim their implements of husbandry and a few utht.r lead ing artic'es, from -the imintfactiirers and im porters of them, at fair remunerative profits. Hu a-td tne farmers derive from the capital in vested to their tarma, about 3 per cent, while those engagccl in other Pursuits derive frOm their investments from 10 turao per cent.; and hence the übject.of the P. of H , to merely to approximate towards an «ptality with other in terest., Instead of being hewers of wood and drawers of water for them. They are also charged With beini; a political orgaulz.tion aiming to mouopol•ze' the Whew' mato cintrot the government, !which is also • 'nuncio. Every granger tunas that polities are no; aidziwed to ho introduced vlr diacessed in the gram;e. Aud to ilaietrare the fact that' it It nut po Weal. be would refer to the tact that -there were two masters of granges in this .county, who were, at the late election, Ito:m -ho e tor important othees, (dtats Nenatcir and ccmgree.maci) and b were worthy and well qua ft •t, at .d )et they wero defeated; and, If the grangers had untied in support er :them they • o.i d tl,vt eon:alb/ over whelmieg majori too. Ilia lemmas were warmly apUlaud i ed. Die Naomi, chid upon the Os eitl tor •(♦ tar ar.4 re/mange tea ICtid tbare dePartinotti of aeloultoro he had omitted to refor to--11 was the subject of Poultry, and In compliance with the request made i.y his friend Haiku, he would give a single illustra tion of it; and then in imitation of a Mostar he successively clapped Lis hands agaiist tits sides, and gave a clear; thrill, attenuated crow, which brought down the whole house in a nu of laughter. Hon. J. G. Perron beteg called upon, said that after the able and eloquent speech of his venerable father. he felt that he hid but litt.e to say —especially as there were others there who were more familiar with the details of farming them 'himself. He compli mented the order. on its popultr features, its rapid growth, and the great good it was ac complishing; and predicted for it a Suture of blessings to mankind, and was destined to tain a colossal magultudo.-which would in time overshadow our whole country. His remarks were also warmly applauded. The Hasler, of Towanda Grange (Hon. Scorr), and others, were also called upon, but item various excuses declined to respond. , Ou the arrival of the musicians, suit the re tirement of the clergy, four cotillions were promptly formed, ready and anxious to " trip the light fatitastic toe" through the whirligig mazes of the animating dance, in acceptance. or the scriptural declaration that "there is a time to dance," which, in high glee, - was prolonged be the votaries of Terpsichore until "the wee hours of the night," whin they retired to their respective homes, delighted with the pleasing events of the generous festival given them by the'llonroeton Orange. , . A Onasoca. INlcitocKsa, , • THE L. V. AND PA. & N. Y. B. u R.-- Democrat, has El m of the Tunihannous Democrat, his a pretty "level' head on everything except politics. In speaking of the L. V. B. .11., in a recent issue of the Democrat, he says ' "There are few roads in this or any other country, which have so many attractions to offer to the traveler or tourist as the Lehigh 'Valley All It. appoiutments are first-class and superb; accidents are rare, as every possible precaution is observed to avoid them; and the vaned and attractive scenery through which it passe., from Eason to Waverly, is unsurpassed. There is the be/intent valley of the Lehigh, one mat hive of industry, with its mines aud furnaces, its eittee, villages aud hamlets, its tine farms and °remade, its wild mountain scenery and teilrencing potent views :1118 Lehigh Water Gap; Blanch Chunk,. nestled in a mountain gorge;' White Hevesa, with its many saw -mills, its Immense piles of lumber and thonsaude of sawdogs,dstvaning the stream for miles; the al most.unbroken wilderness to Fairview, and su perb Wyoming breaking up in the vision at the top of the Wilkes-Barre mountain. tiaitching duet] the mountain. tantalizing views of exqui site beauty, sweep by at every torn. Passing Laongta the valley and nu to Pitts ton, the towering ciiffat Campbell's Ledge next meets the eye; sweeping around which, the vale made dame° by **wand story, is &firma ly bidden from view, But, for cieupeuaation v here to the proud leusquehatmli; its transparent waters now dashing and foamieg over its mop bed, now whirling in eddies, rippling against the yebble-washed shore, or moving on, placid and Majestic. Aurnpt mountain .precimeee, beautiful inonntsin elopes, glen-like valleys, finely -znitlvated farms, pleasant villages, home like hamlets and majestic nionutiou watery, present an ever-varying panorama, superbly jec uresque and attractive. Added to all this, the conductors, bazeitge , masters and brakemen, aro especially polite, aml bra above their butane's We append is list of the above (Beers upon all passenger trains meeting this place: Trains Nos. 2 and 7—C. H. Cummins,_ con• (Meter; .T. F. Hughes, beggage•master; Wilson Sh.fer, Harry Gilliniihan. braeetnen. Trains Nun% 2 and 7—Geuther P arks . eondnn tor; G. H. Lewis, baggage-maeter; Wm. Bose berry. J. Reeser, brakemen... Trains Nos. 2 and 7—Wm. H. Nichols , con doctor; James tiletfounell. baggage-master; John Williamson, Geo. Lehr. eirakemen. Trains Nos. 4 and 9—Wm. B. Cummings, conductor; Harry Null, baggage-ma ter; A. W. Ginkinger. brak-man. Trains Nos. 4 and 9—George Fenical, con ductor; J. C. Bright, baggage-master; Wm. Stanford. brakeman. - • Tran,. NOR 4 and 9- Garret Broadhead. con ductor; J. D. Nicholas, baggage-master; J. 31. Halter, brakeman. Trams Nos. 3 and 6—Dennis Parcel, conduc tor; Joe. Ltghteap. baggage-master; Harry lltd die. Wm. Mark, brakemen. Trains N la. 3 and 6—James Johnson, C 613.• dUltOr; B. A. Fanner, baggage master; Chas. Smith, Albert Lewis. brakemthi. This train lies at funkhatteock ni g hts and Sundays. Trains Nos. and 30—P. J. Harman. con ductor; Gnarled Ward, baggage-maitur;,Harry iiiiipman, brakeman. Trains Nos 20 and 30—P. B. Drake, conduc tor, W. W. Woodward, baggage-Master; Luther Woodward. brakeman. Traiuw Now. 8 null 15-8. R. Mount, cooduc tor; W. D. Young, bag4age-master; John Ran d"lph, brakeman. Trams Nos, 8 and 15 4. R Broadhead„ con doctor. ' Frank St. John, baggage-master; U. 8. Poole. brakeman. Trains N , ls 8 and 15—T. W.• Richards, con doctor; J. A. ruiduren, baggage-master: Wm Renshaw - , brakeman. TUE COUNTRY . GENTLEMAN—YOSTAGE Farr. FOR 1575.—The COMitry Gengolian to published WEEKLY on the following terms, when paid strictly in adutsco : Ono copy, ono rear, 12 50; four copies, $lO, and an additional copy for the year rreo to the sender of the club; e t copies, S2O; and an addithual copy for the year free to the sender of the club. The Country Gen/tenon possesses an un• eValed corps of correspondents, regultr and occasions!, anion); the best farmers in all parts of the country, and constantly ri fleets the prao- Leal condition and progress or the husbandry !Of every section of the United Mates and civi lized word. The Cmotry (kV/filet,/ gives in its Horti cultural Department a continnotts variety of jute/tuition and suggestions, equal or superior in the aggregate to shat is obtained in tho moodily numbers of most mig tames d'evoted t "ionic Iture. Ti.e Cuunfry Geidlernatt lir.s probably done as much as all other journals combined, to in troduce and &Lieu/Male Improved Stock of every kind through the c'untry; and com mands, to a greater degree than any 'contem porary, the e,,nfldeuce and support of brooders and pnrchasere; The Coui,lry Uchth matt contains unnsnally full ant trustworthy Market Poports, and de votes special attention to them and to the pr.iiii,ects of the crops, as throwing light upon tile of the most important of all gnestl. - ins; When to Buy and When to The Country Gontkntan emhritcea numerous n I .or departments of a practical character. a ich ar the Diiry, the Poultry Yard, the Apia ry, the Vineyard, etc., and weekly presents a column or two for the lionsewlib and an inter e.toig variety of Fin-aide Reading. It contains a weakly review or current, events, - and its adicrtising pages furnish a directory of all the principal agricultural and,. horticultural estab lishments of the country. Specimen copies free. Address LUTHER TUCKEZA Sos, Publishers, Aibany, N.Y Count PROCESDINOS. Continued from last week. James Gap4on vs. Jule Gibson and Charles MeMoran. 'Before reported. Verdict for plain tiff, the sum or &stem dollars and ninety-four m:m Ga,irge Armstrong vs. Towanda Borough— C 460. & Little and K. Overton, jr., E:q., for plaintiff. Smith & Montanye for de lendant • Verdict for plaintiff, the sum of eight hundred and sev.•ulytice dollars. John Griffin vs. Thos. Mnir & Co.—Asstimp sit. Peck & Streeter for plaintiff. Suitt. $; Montanye fur defendant. Verdict fur plaintiff, ale 'sum of one hundred and nine dollars and twenty-five cents. TOWANDL SCHOOL BOARD.—School Board convened Nov. 21, 187!, at 43 r. ar. Pre . aideut Conursa in the 'chair. Members local Lit : N. TIM S. W. ALvoato, J. N. Caurr, JUUN HOL3IE3, 0,01.1 J. P. Vas FLEIT. Moved and carried that an order be drawi) in favor 01 C. F. Cnoes of $7,30, for.crayon. Tlil: following reulutiona were uttered and adopted aitaoimonaly : Resolred That .I.A Codding. J. N. Califf and Juno dimmed be appointed a committee to ex amine mud report upon the propriety of putting Ws' er in •CbUt/1 briddlUg. Rasolred. That Mrs. Eliza Gibson be emplo7- ed to tld vacancy left by the abeenee , of Mica Mine in school, until Cbrisimaa. at the Emma price per moutu as now. paid to Mies ilftlls, Adjourned at 8:10 P. M. ROLL or Holcon at, Towanda Grad ed School, or named of students with perfect record in attendance, deportment and studies, for the week ending' ov. 13 : bier 314.iirea, Acme Gun', Laura 31c(irt.i., HAYNAII 131.701 E tiravatre, DENNIS Fa torrite KINNADY, Cas ale, Luso, !Lame CIIIMAtr, BENNIZ KOTIKEN. PALL, Ertl!, ADAMS, WILLIZ.BIOLLUAN, BUIDOLT LYsca. ELSOfION.—Ttie abnual election of officers of Fru'loin Steam Engine . Co No. 1, takes pla6 On Wednesdsy D 2, at 7. 'o Or, in tho Curn;atif , s flan eE , gine Hon e onbe:s aro requested tbe on eta* attendance: 0.4. BLANIO:o11411. 11111.017aanat.u, Mir do ~ to Wurroiin & Sum's, Mercurio Wool, for you Books sod !Stationery, Fop Elaur,.—Mr. A.. itocr.wiaz,ban: one'of Az 4 Co'.. O r X. Horne Pone! . Hay Presses for sale. The best inure is. • • Jane 1, 174. 118. They have a choice line of Forolgn and Domestic Dry Goods and Notions, all now, at BRET d WATROUS t . Towanda, Ps. Oot. 28,1874. lir Why run the :if& of an acci dent, when you can get a ticket good for 13.- 000 in cue of death. for 20 centre day, by call• tug on Plias& Briamga. at upper depot?. .. Yoit can find the best of SchOOlShoes very chap, at Comma Sr. Coos's. Wir The largest assortment. and latest styles of Millinery Goods can bo found at Mrs. J. D. Him's, Bridge-at. tor mocaßE & EDWAXDS are pre pared lo sell teaS of every variety cheaper than any of the leading houses in the city, which are sending oat their circulars broadcast over the country. Grangers will do' well to give them a call before tidying elsewhere. Aumrs,'l.B74.—New Goods suita ble for the season. now opening at'Mo:crarru. Fos RENT.—Houso eitnated . corner of levust and Chews streots,, Toaanda. l Im ntedtite possession gition. Terms otie-half the usual rental until the . Is tof April. Addrois, Has. H. W. Peintot, Athens, Pa. 1116 Miss A., E. Parr, Aformerly over IL L Itoszvrzaw's Clothing Store j, has removed to TRACI 1 Blooat's new block, where she is prepared to do all kinds of dress-making on reasonable lentil. She is also agent for putterick'slpatterns. Ma. . F.. CaOsS has just =received a very lay: e invoice of Books mutable for B. b. Libraries, Bich is will hirniSh at s discount, of 26 per cent. to schools. stir If you don't want your, wife to buy the new patent Bad-Iron, keep her 140 trom Juges. It is tbc beet and most convont ent invention for lessening the tedious work of ironing ever presented to the public. No one who sees it will ever go homo without it. • ' CaUPTOWN WOOLLEN MILL.-7-Card ing, Spinning, and %Yea Sing, also Alannfaeimr ? tug, Cloth-Dressing, eta., as ,urnal. Stocking Yarn, Flannel and Cloths for sale. Machine* running in good order, and work _warranted and done with dispatch. - DRESS-MAEING.—Mrs. HENRY KINGS BURY, in the Arcade block, opposite the Ept!,co pal Church is prepared to do dress-making In the latest style and neatest manner on short notico and at reasonable prices: Fitting made a specialty. Starriping dokalso. -- \ ' To THE Peemc.—Sinee Sept. 1, 1874, we are selling' tickets to all pointa West and South-West ria Erie Railway and connect ing bues,it reduced rates. Passengers parchaa it.g tickets through this agency insura good conuecticius and baggage checked through; Apply td either of the undersigned at TOWILLI• cis, Upper Dept)... J. W. Radnor, • • • ger From a plain Gold Ring to he lintel dtamozd, go to EfaNDELamel. tor A large line of Parasols in a e new shades, just received by 116...1f you wish to nee fine gold Jewelry, call it RENDB.L3I,IIeS. e.. A large stock of Ladies', :Miss es', and Gents' Underwear, at • tilir Several valuable' Farms . and Houses and,Lobs for sal° by BAF-rlA:,:rr.ttinAcr. NS. Wall Paper and Curtains cheap at WIIITCO . I6 Savcr's. Mermen Block. Fon RENT.—rA store building, with counters and shelves complete, for rent' at My eraburg. _The location a good one for selling all ktuds of merchandise, .Inquire of E. s.tran. • Oct. 2G, 1571 ANNUAL lISETING. The annual toseti..;; of tho TOWAND.t IRON 3IaNUfAC TURING COMPANY, `lor the election' of offi cers, trill be bold at the Grand J cry - • ileent in the Court House, id Tovranda Bow', au Tues - December 15, at 2 o'clock r. 31. . IS.The best plamto buy Sash, Blinds, Doors and all kinds , of Lumber, is at Fuoer & Bons Factory on parries street. Of dee 107 Main street. Tbdy sell cheap for cash. mar New goods just reels-ad at M EIPDELMAN•d. • ti" All kinds of black born, rub ber and ieal jet jewelry at very low tirioes, at iiniDELSIIN'eI ta - If yon want the best CcrlA Stove extant, call at Juses, in slcrenr's Block. J. P. VAN FLEET, SCCry B lISINE&V LOCAL. EVANS EiII.DF!.E7II Evass Etir.Dui.ra's bll=2 EL L. Bcort, Sec's M. For the best Roast ot Steak go to ?tlysit itt RUNT/EWA. VON' Reversible level land and side -01 Plows, improved. L'ubber Punt. ; 11 colors, durable and cheap Sept. 28—tr. Siarlf you want to buy DriGoods, examine Terrors do Co's new stock. tit.. A. full line of Guipnrp Lace, Yak Lace. and Pasamentry Trimmings. just re ceived by , EVANS & Iltunivrn. Stir A complete assortment of La . - dieß% Gents' and Children's Underwesr. at T►TLOR A; Colo. leirA. vory large stock of Alen's, Boys', Youths and Children's Boots, just re ceived at CoasEu & Coos , opposite the Court House ttfl.. A. B. CULLER, Wyalgsing, is the agent for the New American Sewing Ma. chine, which is taking the Iced of all others. tiir American and Swiss Watches, largest atock ever brought to this town, at Hewnmststv's. stir 3lrs. J. D. HILL has just re turned from the city, with a flue 11413 C rtmeat of Fall and Winter Millinery. Store on Bridge street. Stir' Spectacles and eye glasses, warranted vide' to any in the market, from the cheapest to the beat, at ElENDri,taa'il. ter New Goods, this week; at TATLOtt & wit "fir Fine Mink, Seal, ands Lynx Far.; also the lower grades or goods. Hand some Misses' and Clalren'a set., at gar The Fall and , Winter schools throughout the county are about opening, and purchasers of 'school books will he interested in knowing that C. F. store is head quarters for all the different kufds of books used in the schools of Bradford and' adjoining cot:intim and that his futilities for purchasing gives him the "inside track 'in selling. Conti try merchants can get their. supplies of him Nit 1:t Cheap 19 Of/ MA in 1119 nitYl thus sas h% /not . • :thcid Gas ettreilla• fully used for Or aitraopOi of tooth. - I ' , • • - D 4014, • Towailds, Pa. sir A.,4*124,01: Cloaks; Shawls, Blankets aiill !Peltilkltts_can be found at .FA'AZ HILDBETI/114 • tir' Large stock of • Pictnree and Picture Frames, it iverroomp 4 011617'04 MCI'. oar's mock. ! - • rte' 44.ipunc‘npu4 sto9lr. of Ladies', Chlldien's and Cents' 'foolery and Gloves. at • ' • Ewe's & • ter All goods sold by us will be guersoteed se repreeeuted. Our terms are rash, and our in:ites shall be low. • , KENT & WATCOVEI. sigt. A. full of bleached and [ Brown Table LIMBO, Napkins, Crashes, Towel ing, ate.; at Higtr do WaTaothi'. Ng. Trimming Veivetti, Velveteens and Chi Wren's Cloaking.; miy fie found at ' Evora Jr, Inuiarnes. Luna, krrENTION I—We have a lar g o kno;of underwent in *ll graded,, bought cheap, and will ba sold low for cash. KENT at WATELOVS. stir The 'cheapest place in town, to buy bny . ll Ilincry Gornto, Ft at Mra. J. D. litt.Ve, Bridge -at. The, largetkt asso;tasent of clocks at low prices at livaomaaa's. „ &sr Plain 'White; Red and Check id Pannela, ia all grade!. at /owed price!. ExsT W flit:qtrs. THE BIiNDEZTODS.‘-1:0 all WllO wish operations perforated on the teeth, we say go to Dr. DeDsoree new office on State-st., below Hale, in Dr. Psetr'e• new c ffice building, sec ond It or. You may rely upon good work, core.til treatment, and a pleasant instead of al disagreeable time in the operating chair, Fos, SALE.-150 acres of hind, in Ulster, pear the DOW, by JAc0r.T,,3.1!:, of Port Deposit, !Id. Enquire or A. fl B.lltrit,Tiletter, Pa. Stir Dr. KELLEY has . secured the r, ig l t tt. i rt "It atchment for lower dental plateP, which greatly sublets In hokilrg them in place. Far difficult cases itwill wave icllopen inblo, Office on Main-st , Towanda. Wk. Black Alpaca; . . •. Plata bluhalit, ' .• Black Caohlueres, , • and Mourning Dress Weds, duet opened, and will be sold ' for cash only, at & WATAOIIef. Towanda, Pt., Oct. 23, 1674. sear It is not genoially known that H. C. WU/TAKER, at the Book Bindery over the Rkroarta 'office, makes Blank Books in any style of ruling and binding desire . If you want a new Ledger, Journal o Docket, give him a call. REmov AL.—F. S.. .ALKIN§ will re move his Grocery Store 4 Be-idleman's Block, Main etret, opposite House, December 1. Go Will nave a fresh supply of Groceries of all kinds, and invites his former cuStorners and the pnhtia ge:ntikally to give him a mill at his new tplarters, Sie'lT, C. CowiN, of Towanda, has Jost received the largf at stock of China, White 3ran;teilr6n-stone Coins, ausl French, Belgian and Americau.`Gfassware, over brought to this niEgkot. Azlti,the beat of all is, he Lbw; procur ed them iu:sueb away that he is Selling them full 25 per cyut. cheaper than they were ever before sold in Towanda. F. n. 13u 'WANK ies.. - Bnay mothers will be gratified to learn that there is one establishment lu To wanda whore th2y can boy good, substantial clothes for their boys cheaper than they can get the material and hive them made up. Jutaus Wot.fi, realizing the wants of commu nity in this particular, has purchased' and is selling very cheap boy's clothing of every de scription. f t • wiLLum Dirrsicu Rill sell trom this date to the first cf - ,lanuary, 1875, Organs, slelodeons, Pianos, and all other 31t1-• steal laltrntuants, that belong to the musical trade, at grange prices. I will sell the rely beat organ now made—the Smith American, baying seven stops and two eels of reeds,—fort. $115; eight stops, and two and .one-half sets of reeds, for f 125 ash; or it purchased on time I will add ten per cent. The Steck and other Planosl will sell at greatly minetd prices. Now, Grangers, is your very best time to buy, when ( such bargains, are offered yon. Store c Tiler Main and Pine streets, Towanda, Pa. Nev. 26, 1871-Is. . 11 MITTEN ED. "My lady love has " mittened" me• Through some coquettish. "miff": 1 roilly cannot tell why she • Went off in such e " tiff." . But beres a letter front her now, Witat Fill its hues di , cltete" _ " nemr be your 'rife, 1 talc, " 7111 you trear Rostzlinasia Gentlemen who wsut their worldly suits to prosper, had better get a sent 11 those splen did clothes whi Ii only Roscsrizi.o is now of feriog to this community, at prices within the reach of all. Young men, go there and See for yourselves. SELL Aav SELLERS.—Probably the worst sell in the world is a prison cell, and the dealer who " sells" his customer's, richly de serve" confinement in it. I sell at my store nothing but goodsof good quality, and repre sent them as they are, and at such low price's that every to goes away satisfied. We contique to sell the entire stuck at such prices as will Induce everybody to buy. So call early and secure your clothing 'at the popular One- Price Clothing Store of ALEX. SoLomolv, 123 Main street. Noy. 18,1871. R. M. WELLES. Remember that our stock 's an new tiorl fresh.' Even - thing in the line of Dry Goods will be found at. our store. We do not claim that we will sell goods lower than all others, lib: having , just bought our entire stock since the recent decline in the New York markets, wo feel warranted in saying that we can offer new and desirable goods at bottom prim. 'We shall sell strhitly for cash. We invite all to come in and . examine goods and prices. We shall endeavor to • merit a share of your patronage. - Saar It Wainous. fer to the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, a choice selection of Ladies', 'Stases' and Chil dren's Furs, In all grades, at prices which can not be offered oc goods bought a year ago. Every set we offer is new and fresh, three • fro= the manufacturer. Every-eet we rell will be 'guaranteed prime and perfect in ell re spef'te. iWe invite all to examine our etock and, pricos. §O3IRTHIND GRAND. The under- Pig9erl Cllllll attention to several new things in dentistry, as follows : First A new style of plate fui• AIITIFICIAL TAMIL perfect respecta. Ist. It. has the color o the Mucous membrane, resembling the lips and gums so closely as tat defy .detec- Doh. 2d. It is absolutely pure and wholes/line; It is very light as wed as strong, so that the'plates can be made thin, avoiding a MilDtb full of clumsiness. There la positively no diii cotint on this plata in any dtrection. Hundreds of,tt hem are now in nso among the mosrata ble people of this town and county, and all call them -¢flcYti." Second : We have the means of attaching sackers or auction cavities to "lower sets of teeth, which holds the plate firm on the jaw, preventing any movement of the plate lopes: nesting, or accumulating of food under it. Dd. fletilt cases completely managed. nirci : The liguitindrozis oxide gas -a new foam of tinaestheuc, which is pertecuy safe and reliant., in all respects. Menders tooth-extraot ing a delight, instead of a dreadful operition. F all manner of dental ;oper.tions don .4 the most artistic manner, at 21. D. L Do ,sox's dental Kmi% in Dr: Pratt..' new officebliNqvt dulg, state streft, below )11o,m, Torpple. KENT & WAILIWe. I=Ml FURS 1 1 171.4 Funs !—We shall o KENT k WATUOUS SJRIED. WEIGH - FL-COVELL. —At the resideeoe of tho ,brow a father, io,lttegtouy., Pe„(by: Fads mio lomon. Esc' . Wm. F. Wright, otitoton, N. Y. to Mary E. Covell, of Ittdgbwy, Pa. . ( ENOLIBII.-10 Albany. Nov. 13, 1874. Louisa Jat , e, wife of Ater. English; aged i 52 years, -4 months and 10 days. -- . Mrs. E. was a kind wife and alovlng moth er, as well as a fattbful follower of Jesus. She leaves a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn her loss. New Advertisoments, LIST OF LEWERS remaining in the Postale% Towanda, Pa., Nov. 2'.7),1t571. ' Allis. Idlas Ude; Driscoll, G VT:'Fba.t Nicholas Fula°, Jobs; tioneser. Peter; - Havens'. ataxy 3; Hoagland. Frank; Jones. Bliss Nadia; Lnco, 3 D; Hanger. James; - itsy, Mlldsna; Ta)lor, SIP; Varga son, fern E; Williams, Baran Pena= aping for above !fatal'. will itay &deep Used. giving date of Usk 8. W. ALWORD; P.M. - NO TICK HERE ! But tho very beet goods or all kinds kept by any ffrat-claea grocer, and eod Down, Down, Down, STRIC MY FOR CASH! .1 The cloteost SPICES, EIM MOLASSES, COtrEES, Szc., . I Received Daily. Fresh. from the New Yolk Matte , . end bought at the very idwest earth pr:eepi. Having been engaged for the last three years with • Firskcl , ss Wholesale grocer to New York, I hate Facilities for buying my goods so that Z CULN Mat IT AEI OBJECT YOB ALL CASii BIMRS Li) CALL AND SEE MY STOCK AND ItICES Before 1 urehariug elf tostere., I 101 pay', CASII for Produce M.. B. BED; witirE AND ist,t - E,_s - ror.E, BilDelt,l3; =1 Twirartds, ICov.'R3, 1t 71 POWELL & CO, We are daily receiving additions -to out, LARGE STOCK OF',GOODSI Heving buyer' constantly. in New York, we are enabled at gall times tb get the NEWEST THINGS in the market. We call especial at - tentin to our stock of P ZI ; t xl W C 0 app to , ci) We'have just received - direct from Importers, the best line of, BLACK ALPACAS! AND - r: mi MS. 0 ME 'EL Ever exhibited by no assortment of Also the best 1 ' To be found in the nfar et. We also Offer Great, Bargain is 331ista3m E3.lllras Oct. 12, 1874 E LWELL HOUSE,t-OWAN:DA JOELK O. WILSON Having leaned this House, is now ready to accommo. date the travelling public. - Noosing nor expense wilt be spared - to give gatisfaction to those who may give him • call. sir North aide of the paidlo square. east of idea =We now block. B ETHLEHEM, PA. 'T "OLD NORAVIAN SUN . INN,' BUILT 1758 Rich in historical interest, it le the only building in the eonntry except independence QQi, honcwed by the sojourn wirdin ita sails of Washiugton. Lefty cttir, Lee. Gate. and other patriot* of the vermin , tion. This popular, hotel has recently. changed hands, been' improved, entirely refurnished. and the proprietor cordially invites his friends and tray sling public to give him *a ualf—Mo pains will be spewed to render their stair comfortable. People en route for Philadelphia will end it convenient to spend the night here, reaching the city about eight in the morning. A sample room on drst door for accommodation of commercial agents. O. T. SNITS. Proprietor. Sept 4.1873. H. 't ii 051PSON, ATTORNEY . • a LAW. WY 1.174130,1 PA. Will attend to a bus .0a s entrusted nil' • ore. in Bradford, nu!. Mal Wyoming Oautitinil. i We witti Fannin ' • " IPetri ta, It. • , . kJftERIFF ' S 'SATZ. 13v virtue Oi sundry writs brined onto the Court of Com Mon Noss of Bradford Citdut . and fu Ina difecle^ will lea expand to public side t aor Coart Manse . In Towanda borough, on TO r SHAY. December 3 1574. it 1 o'clock, p m.. th , following dascribt.o piece or parcel or baud situate n lYilroot tem:ship btrnialed as follows: flti the no th by laud- of //mot' Urea's; east by Ands of Jac, b barge acel Wider Cotter; aouth by land of Widow . Huffman and the Public highway. and west by lands of Daniel eleide• 41 / it. M. Annuls, caurtaining 103 acres of land more or learb about 60 scrts Leal:roved. with a pd- int house. log house,. log barn,mad shed end a fete , ant Irmttrees thereon. seized ant token latoexecntied at the soft of Welles at Ackley a Darla libirsuk 'Atso at, the suit of Ifitthuis B. Wanes use vs David Swank, and Daniel -Sneak. , • ALBo—Ono coiner lot. recce r parcel of hand situ ate in 'Cataton two., bounded as follows: On-lir , north by landser Presterich W ams and A. T Don bar; east by the IgorthernOeut Railway Company; sou.b by the 'intim highwer, ud west by I land 0 , trrederick Will•anne, roast rang p_Oacreisof land. more or less, about 3 0 acres ttoprOs rid. 1/101 a log bons. board barn and few fruit trees thereon. levied Upon as the rgc:perty of daub unrging Selzod ,and to ken Into execution at the stilt of C. Bloom vs Je cot,- Sammie and kin:ha Rookwell Also at the: suit of ' , far, Goodspeed use Ye Jacob Horning and }bah:. flocksrell. • ALSO—One other lot pt.c or parcel of lan 4 situ ate in Athens township boundd as follows: flu the • north by the priblio highway; :sat by land of 11. ll t i runes:womb; south by land a Pti William elpj. and west by land of A. U. Leonard count Ding 36 acre , of land, morn onion', shoot 25 aores improved, with • crams house. fronts) barn. t o board 'benne., a sfosna saw miil, shingle raill land few fruit bees thereon. Seised and taken inter execution at theses of A. c. Elabree use vs James IL II te. ALSO—One other lot. piece-or parcel of land sitn. ate . la Monroe bore., bounded as follows: On the north by Lands of A. Doi.; quit by land t.f ;. 1- ,Bockwell; south Ly land or 'V. A. Itoch.ell, and weft by Main irtre,et, containing 0n0...a. f of an acre of land morn or leer. ail lmpr iymi. with a fr.oa , cd dwelling how), slab shed and eat fruit tree h there on. Seized and taken into 'ex , cniion at the suit of J. El Schrader uso vs Emanuel Hiller. 'r. 1 ALSO-tine other lot. piece 4r ear.:el of land ritit: ate In Ortinv_tlis township, bounded as 3(3`0n,: - 1)1', the north and cast by the putple highway le:aline from Granville Centre to VO,TI 11/ 41th by land la, • longing to the estate '•! f nichat! 114er. dee'd _an", west by land in Polly Taylor, contulting.thme fourths of sn acre of land. no eor lees, 1 all im proved, with a framed barn mid f••tc fruit trees thereon.. aLBO-.-Ons other lot, pleca r.- ;::'irci'. , f I,nd siva ate In Granville: township lk,i:itii .., f. ...., .: On the north by land of Climb+ lEir.yo:, ; ...' - i. by the (kelpie Char , h lot; south 1 y tho publ • -4 •1 r... an.: west by the public highway le lane (coin Gt - ,ivioe Centro: to Troy. containing tehalr of an acre of land„ More or less, ail improv e . with a frame douse. frame wagon shop and a few /nut trees thereon. Seized and taken inter - execotlo at the snit i,f Win. Ho giin's administrators VP J. isf. ite,tti.i. , , ALSO—ore other lot. niece .1. tore-1 of I And situ ate in Ury alumina township, ho ind-d and de, •n -d is ,ollows: fiegloninae at aco nor a post at the end of a will .it being a Corner o land 01 U. 8. Oahu.) and Lathan Hewitt: thence onho lino of ff. 8, ()ann. I nn gold wall smith 75:ii' de.cree West 44 ‘;'1,c re's - ;in a corner of Major's lot; them: south 72. , , deg ler et on said Makir'sline 11 and 4-. per tiieelatce of road ilie , hanlea street); tb nee`so nth 3'i deg seat tel . rerctre, of said street 3 end ii-1 per; thence ildrth st ."., deg OP5t. - 150 and it-ld per tr a post cm the h oc of .and or Lathan Hewitt; thencoi no-sh 23 11C .1, .tiPt 00 and IlPwitt'i , line 12'_ p •r to the place of be:rtni irg. cuo.talotact 2 acres arse Id pernbut or land. more or lees, all improved. with a fra i, rritl clothing 11.:::-.e thf thereon. teserig the tight r•a line .io 1 ri,..dit of way as now fenced to anti from if 8. C lino's. li. t -Seized and taken tote eiectitio: at CI, snit et L M. Hewitt vs RI/ascii (Wag/. AL-0-oae othcr IA piecc or narc.-1 o. !awl Ito. 'to in Wyant township, hounded an folloa v., ti wit: Peginnlne at a corner of the Jesse Strith lot on the inc at ilin Joshua Shores fartn; net Ce PVltO 99 de grees east about 20U" porches to a corner of le tete of Ittehard Shnren and Hairy Morgan's hrirs4 thence along line of tt e same at d la . tlkis 01 Win. H. ltilon-an and ki. H. Lanning south GI deg west 273 per to a , corner on east hank ot Suequi•hanna River; Ciente np said river the several Fni , , , es anal .1.-t4hr^i then of to the northwest cern r of tho lambi b.-relic de.cribed; thence by Janda or the F.nnrylvay..l..V 'CPA York Canal k ItatiroadCllntAny, fkorne Gard and the lease Smith farm a - n Tito a-terly direction anent 243 per . to the place of z i). t.mnizni• ormfaioio2 shoat 21S) .sores el- land. ma ‘ or lei... o...rht lots k now n se Nos 124, 125 and tryir, the Ciaverack sir ver, about 190 acres improved. wilt three dwr lime hooves, three bs•ros two gratochrs ether ou thnilrl. tons' and orchards thereon Se:Oil and tuk‘m int i eneoution at the snit of tlytrea 31ercor vs M. 0 )Sereur. -- L II SYRUPS, SUGARS, ALSO—One other lot, place or parcel of land Silo ate to Towanda born, boandod a. folloWn to :nit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Phillip. See. li ch's lot; thetwo westerly al , Mo I ne of Phiate 8.0. bich about Life feet to an alley, thence northerly along said- aLey 25 fret: to a ea-rner; thenee easterly le 1 line parallel ,C)01 flagt men .011,-1 lion about 140 feet to mato atrek; too-liee al na 3faiu etre:et O 5 foot to the place of beginning. wi h a thteo story brick building thereon. Seiztad an 'take. into vocal:don at the emit tit .T. A. Hornet vs 1. A. Cowles. , - • ALSO—One other lot 'nee , or Parcel 0' law.' situ ate in Towanda horn, bonne al Ls :ollowar B•-gin ning at th e northeaat corner f Nam alai Park' Sia; thenco north 4' degree and 10 minutes eat aienc the east line of nano - 4: 112 •et to J. F. Ilt'Onler'e line; thence south 85. deg ate. 50 min east by 14.c.1 .41 said J. F Bender and other 1 oda of M. C. Meteor. the defendant 150 feet loan kiltea ; thence alo'vg Paid alley ftinr deg and 10 min tre“, 9 lead to El-oell and Itloutatayea line; thence by said lAA . MOrition%k lime tooth 85 deg-and 50 min crest 14' a act; thanoc -onth 4 deg and 10 min woatl49 feet; thoneet moth :, 85 dcg and 511 min west-by la. da tit Liw M e.i an I on ta ye and D. P. Smith 3.0; 'r et; thence by land t f D D. Smith south 4 ..ica anillo min weet s 5 feet to Park-st; thence, aPingithe no, line to Park-at wart' 85 deg and GO men weet 90 Vet to th e' place of le taredaten:Orig. with a tared thin Story I riok block anal' other outhudoinoa !hereon 4 r.ctel,nest eald blowir known ateMercui la Bloc:. S. !zed and mien into ex ecution at the snit of The Penn Muttal Taa. Inane . sore Company asalanee of Ilarcaeo .11. Sanderaoa vs Mahlon C. Mercier- . ALSO-0 to other lot, piece Cr parcel of laud Pau ate in Tow nits bona,• tumbled as aolgo - a:Ou the north by lands of Mary S. (illewold (f oruerly Mare a. Cash); east by latol of ,W: Drarultall:, south by . , ue murnes street. abet. weet by alechantatl street. beino 100 feet OW ssul nirri;.ri u- nirurestreri sad about 2 , 10 feet nu said 131. el:au...a street. with a cellar and fon elation for c i. clweloug linuse Coma on ,Bemodatail taken iota xeoution attlx.'_Rnt of wilthani S. Pierce vs Philip' W. Cowell and Borleiali Myer. I ALSO--One other lot, piece on parcel of land _ling ation.Burlington tom, hot:toted as 'allows: On the, north by lands of-Peter Itrarlyoeset by hold of Bur ton Gusttur tentilt.by land hf James .Wigaine. ar , d weet by Node of James Maley. containing • Ooacrea of lane, more or lea, al - K.1105 acre., anptoveat "'We a log house. framed barn. ilda barn and fete frill trees Op reOla S 'Zed and t , skell into execution a' Umlaut* of .Henry genital' and P. r Burno Ca Le-7 rens° Burtnn Ronde.' and parfait Bonne.t. • ALSO—line other lot, pieco or parcel of land Situ ate .0 Colombia totraat,ip. boutoletl. se fellows: Ou the north and east by lied-' of A. B. -Aueto, ; vontio by and of Levi Comet!, au nest by laud of John Bent diet. containing 25 acme of land, t., ire or le-s. no Improvements. LLii..---finitt other lot. pteoa or pace I of land site ate in Columbia township, Iolanda:1 as followa: On the north by land of P. C. ltdorgar.; cant by. laud of 51.8 Morgan; sonth 'by land ot A P elloOta a. d weet by P. C. Morgan. containing ''.' i; acres OC land. more or leas about G nerea t io,pros ea, no build tugs Seized and taken into exec lion at dia eu;t of rbl/1 eroy Bros. test, vs John )Tongan. ALBo—mlie other lot pitra or par:ol of laud 'MM. ate iu ftruithtleldtown..hip , hem' ed as rolluisis:• 011 tole north and east by•laudiof Domino Ford; south by land of Jacob Wria oy, and west by M n airs Clare C. Dibbloacoutaming . 70 ew.r es of fowl, more or less, shout 20 acres improved, with a log lennee'and few trust trees thereto). Seized and thltes , into oiecutinu at the suit of Peter Brady re M. S. Dibblo. ALSO—One other lot. pi -de or parcel of land actu ate in Wilmot townehip, bone:dodos follows: • 'Li the north and wb.o..t by lands of 0. Si, Bixby; east ey baud of Martin Sax, an , i south by land of. John Sea. containing B,e acres to land, more or less. about Co arzet , improved With a {tamed hari., plank houso. lug barn and few f. net trees therbon.. Seizes ana taken iota execution at 0;1 'soil of John llolmes vs Seth Abram.. • I . ALSO—poet 0-bur lot. plioe or parcel of :and Wa ste In Litchfield ttern.hip,i i brinnded tis follows: Ou ' the norththy land• of rile Wolcott aorl Mee W. D. ' Munn; east by land of Tlenjuniu Parks; south by land of aaranel Wolcott, and west by laud of Chester MeEinney, containing 10 acres of land moreer leas. about 50 acres improve , s'ith .3 Pained house framed barn with sheds a Moiled and orchard thoro •on. Seized and takeu in a exiontiou at the, Eui4 of • IT W, Wheelock vs A. I'. 'Wolcott and' E.,1- Had lock. , a ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel oPlond situ i , ate in Armeuis tarotship bone-de-4 as follows: Cu; the north by laud of He on kadd; east by Obadiah Howell; south by Cherie CrendalL, and neat by Jo -1 - pooh Ballord, oontainiu l'7 acres of land. Fiore or lees, about 8 acres tenor ved, with a framed house. framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. Seized atm taken Into t seention at he suit of Clark Tiukham vs Hiram Button. . ALSO—One other lot, 11 , Tees or parCel of land st'n- Ate in Franklin townehli'?, bounded as elbows; On the north and west by land of Luther Smith; cast by the public highway,i and smith by lend of HI cote, containing ono.half an acre of land, more or less, all improved, with a !rimed house and black-- !mitt; shop thereon. ITO and taken to o execii don at the snit or ta. W. Ingham es ezro 0. Stu th ALSO-Oita other lot. Sec..; or pave] or land BlM ate in Troy towoship, bOundeat as follows; On the 'north by lawn , of Bigotres' Finton; east by land 0: Leonard Vanllorn; south by- the public highway and west by Thomas Mniabar, containing 2 acres of land. more or less. alli improved. with a' fronted and few- fruit tree! thereon. Seized and taken tutu execution at the Mao of John A.. Parsons vs Dam) Ininbar and St N.lSpialitiogo . ALSO—Ouo other lot, piece 0• parcel .of land Cili ate its Canton • township. boned:id as follows: Of the north by land of John, ParbetO; east by pnbli , biabway loading from Canton to 'James Spalding's: south by !and of John II Unison, and west, by land ot James Balding, contataiog 118 acres, more or Tess. about 31 acres improve l , with . a frame house, frau). horn end few fruit tree thereon. Scored and taken onto execution at the Suit of .E. Newman vs Jae! Blakeman.' 1 • . . AL-o—One other loto pieceor parsel of land situ• ate in Ft-uklin township, t, traded as follows: :000 the north by Betsy Alien and 51,1tah S. Alien; east by John H.-Mason; senth by lands of the Rotolo,. Co., and west by latittalof Daottlaituiley, containine 100 a: rent, more or less, in two lots. shoot 25 -acres improved, and sold as the property of Milton S Allen. Seized ann taltrt into exeention at the Buil of N. Gilbert vs M. ta. Allen and alah on Allen. ALSO—ttne other lot, pieta, or parcel of land sit-a nte an ;Orwell townetalo, hounded 'and de:norther! aa follows: Beginning at a stake and Stone , on Balnoe' line n south side of Mesa, the taiwtheant corner o: L. Allis' mill lot; thenbe south 88 (too:Moot east It, A. 5 10 perches by land of Barnes to st its and stones. thence south 'Jai deg I west 8 peso.. thepee 'Smith Si. , deg west 55 par to stake SO statics; thence : , outl, Oat dog east ft per to corner of - L. Allis' I. 1.; theoc, ?tooth 15,1,: degwroot by tattle of fl. Allis 218 per to the centre of Bowles.' lot; theucelL north &SI; den went 7C- per to a corner of EatWerti J. Allis, lot; thence north 1,1; dog east 230 per by E. J. .k L Allis' lota to plate Of beginning containing, 100. seres of lancl,•roore et. leas, about GO serestruprOvtal ',sill; a, framed house: framed barn with shed. ants orchard thereon. Seized and taken into execution at-the snit of J. IL M nth vs L. M. Slovene. ALSO—One other loft. Mew or parcel of land situ ate In Canton township, ,bonritted AP follow!: Begin. cineto the south. line of law's of Ichabod Bollard where It crosses the railroad; thence wintherlynlona the west line to said ['lnroad to tho tiblic highsra) beating item the . Ly4ominz C.eek road to Bearli Fiat.; thencoalong the said public; road and the rood leading from Canton down Lycon.tng -Creek westerly to the smith hno oaf 'said Ictostool Senate'. lends:thence esaterty along maid aellarara south lino to the place of lunproved,inning. containing . 3 acme a loud, more or leas, all unproved, with* framed M awelling horse, ee saw mil . with engine bolter -Machinery, tools an latmehmenta be , onionit to the Rayne and a few frnito trees thereon. Seated an ta ken into execution at the suit 4) 1 Erastna H Weaver use vs P. S. 51,11er aod E. L. Clark; also iit snot Cl Erastua IL Weaver nee vs E. L. Clark 5:-P.;13.,51111er. t . NOV. 5 1571: J. 31. SMlTlC'Ellieriff. • • td Ea o Pt' Ps POWELL A-, CO STRAt *:- OTICE.Came into o nm endoalre ot the kti b Ober, 1p Smith!leld. on !Thursday Oct. 23, 3574, A two year old bull. o: *blownColors. Pin owner Is reqqrsiod to nova Dot: Dq and. lakchlin nift trivm pItOCLAMATIOII-IVIIERF , AS, PAUL 1).; MORIt4WI PreghticinCJed;;e the 12th Tridieralniatrict, oonshithtg thr• "antics of Bradford 'and Birtignehanna.l and Hots, IC. S;llnsszar, and S. D. 12fafiscs•E, 1 / 4 4 - &sins:late Judges, in 'and:ft* said eonqty of rload/ord, Limo homed. their prerepti ber.ring d'ito the Ist darof Nove.Uilif r, 1871, to the cu r ,eted for holding a Conn' of Oyer and Terz::i. Gentirat Qoarttie-Eastaionit of tidy _p-ace, .r."`Airemen Pleas and Orphan's Voile, at _p -ace, ',, for the connty of Bradroid. on IlOnday, I) , truinar 7A871. to ,conitnne three weelis. Notice' is therefore hereby given to the Coro tiers, cud Justices of the Peace, of the County of Bradford, that Only be then 'and there in !heir proper person, iat 10 o'clock in thO fore 'loon of said day, with records; ingnisitionr and idler rernembraneeal to , do those things:which to their oflico appertainslo be:,done ; and the:. e who are bcmuil by reeognizi nee or othertd..e, l o orosecute against the orisouerli whe‘ii• r natty be in the: ail ()timid county, or ull“; ee bound to aupeer tbo said eourt are then cud there to frosectite ov;aiest 1:46 I 3:4 41211 tio jupt Jurors - are rfmnestrld ito L.: paniaitnal:in titeir attenclatico,:it;reeably, Datfii at Towanda, the' lit day of Novinitit.r,lo the yearl of our tord.. ono; thousandi eight I;uhdrul and seventy-I'opr, 141rl of tilo;livie pendenee of the thiiteir the meety eighth. • _ SW NOTICE' OF ' ASSIONMENT. Notice Is ;hereby gjaqoa .fliat Fred Al. 043101, Cal Borough of Towanda, Pennoilaards: au aNsigum.mt to me. ander - Ilao!inaolvent ~ r. .11 Ida property, for - - the benefit 0* Ws areilltorg. -All venom' lndebtod i 'to Ulm aro Noeatrgto-inate +romp , Hate P ayment. and alt peraOna,htait - ,74 , th ILa must present them; duly authenticated, efF7.i0.0.:... went. • 11.3 i +IA :o Nov. 10. 1871. , _ L'OR SALE.—A. -valutt'.l,ll73 L Atbrna teiL, lying =idea #rorn Ath:eori and ;Ailey tram Waverly, C . 00411123 /54H alb-, af :which Vt.; are in gra.B and wain. A del, ct 2.5 CA SP 4 liais been: wept on it, sod' there to haeetLeut tZllng for toot nuinlov. it b is' a,gentin high tier, to the sonsh..aud ie warm, Wong b.. sold low and parathion Oran ltriniediatodY Milker& ' L. D. Dittl9. Elmtrit, N.l. 1). P.-PARK. Atbeni, Pi.. H J. DREW, On the faci.• ' Athens, N0v..16. 1" • • 12-Sitr! -EX -E t, 8 ntice is beret Risen SLuit an-persemS Indebted to the; estate • or . 3.lartin :V.inprder. 'of Monroe Toimohlp. der_satted.'ars repleskd to 'make. Calmediaie payment, and all pertori . 4 tinting agaltot- said estate) nanSt preaesre! , a:an Ittly F 1E- Sfit. fiEPH. virtu, Conrt Of ISt idratorAo{ th-. 65.... ..,, Yob"' . ...,J... , -•, -- r •leeelF. , l, *.)41) expe.e to poblfee a•in on tbo;PrthE , o*' rn 83.111112 , ..Vr, Novem.ber ;21. IPil2, at 10 o'clhi.l:, 2: . *:'11 , the , ullow.ng dericilbcd rarce'or nazi: o£6 wii l I, .7U'; to trmte hi Rl3gb wi tery toaWtti, non ndcd •ta fedlo : tm 'tho norcb by. land. of J. ( ... Dart s.r .i .l 4)4: ,:; i Chlyntera; cab, by lands of J•ttte Vorob-ri:', h) :tit ny lauds of Jokn Hoarley's ea. -AO and of Tim ..1'..0 Desmond, and': west by landsOf J; C. Bur! :141r. I posed to e rrrntsin one hnnared acre ?; tv. tI n f2= 1.., ,i.plige ...1-,11 barn, tro log flame and :nit; t. , c thereon. I ~ , 1 Eitll3 , l , ,Sfio on the proporty tr Wog E,lec , l , l' $4OO on confirmation of sale, the twlaue6 wit' . trreet in two'crine.l yearly raynien , R. the eF , t 1.. r. ueont - to fell tine In ono year from contirrrltdbo. '1 J1e...4128 H WEB% • ! rainetnbolittor. BIM AIiDITOIt'St , uoltter of Francis T3fer. 14te. of Atl: to:, la the Orphans.' , Ccurtiof Era-.f •r:l:Conofv. ;No. :i t :, Sect. Term. 1414. . . : . • The uneerfrlgorl, having be,roarveinta 1 49 al‘1:• tor by f.2lifi Court to dillriOnto tt‘nory to thC, of IT. L. Scott, Ailmtuixtratori pfiudenta 11 lite 'of Eq..;•: , ,reby give 3 n , :b.ce that he will ," - the duties. or his appointment On the fr ' it , 4:lay ii.N.E\ll.ll.:ll. LC74.1 at the oCve cif Edwar Jr.. in the homugh of Athens,:at 9 o'cfco•k', of Raid day, at , blcla time tee I Ure6hgl 'ace ut,titied to be preeeat end - hel WM. rpvtr, • - • ITDITOR'S NOTIe,)E. ,t ll matter of the aitate of Jolla 11in:298.fle , v hr • llonroLt tqa - 1144, J....et-is:ed. la the Orpalfibr Con-1 of Efe•lferl rettaty. • - Tee.tfuderAfgnPd.an Itrlitor '.af)pciinttitt • t),:f Cour t'to a,pa.,eicf eaception.3 • t.) the. of f - Jim!. A. L. Crannier, - t of V.::: eeta.,.. of . , 1 obn 'l!ine9l, pte of o f , o.< attintl to th- ctuti“) , - • •,, , ,Zr.tm..nt at' tt.ie office ot'' "bon. en"NIONDA`..he :a.ahtl',l,' of IN. '‘.ttr.b-r, Lt 10' o'cterli',. A. 3t.. 'where 4 tlnth..m a. permotls latre.A;6l mutt be, 1.,:e..1 . 4fit ant they be board. J. N. C ,k 111:" • r . . • . 7 , • • TiIX.H'''..CI.T.TPR'S NOTICE i---Not t. 71 , is glveu that ail pe , tr - 4 - • t,t..Ltr of SVrti:arn E.vana 'eett , e , l, -- ary .rvioested to rnaktilMmatate., pay n. ant ali thkrl;:2 6.1111 . •141171'.1.r ,, E2h.t. 1.!“,:a titAy- intly•ntientefit, ..fdr mint... 1111fIth Tlit.ol4Ath 'Say i• _ Oct 10, 1971 , . . i _i i :PPLlcalloN INi DIVQ4CE:-- T. Afars Ei4g.—No. nil. , May Term. .IY:7 i You ate. hereby notify4l tiii/: Ilhos. I. tiI.T.V. T, - T-' , :i . !mahand, has applied' to th-ror m. t.pf c ,mrit'rm p of 13;,..11..rd , Co.. i for a divor a fro i t leTr.borid ~,... LoatriMcmy. and the raid ccnr. has 'appl , :fitv.l NT 1-.• .I.yo.he l'Th illy of Dec. IST4.ltor bearm,filt:: i- .:i Ttm , .. P. in th, , pr,li3tr.ea, at :Lich tidr..., , ,r,....1 1.'...: you 1,26 r: tt.nitr lr ,!.ca thick pr per. 4 o,t 2. . , J. M. SIII. li, Sly..i.. INCORPORATION J._ In tha matter of the incOr e,leynn Metholist Church. D.•c. T., Pill Notice ukhereby given that anczxtion ham pr,sient,d. to Plyaq of BrOford C. 3. their a for a decree of ti corps C. rart rtg, the corre-t, will decree that the • prayed •for.. on t 1574. at 2 9';;;:r•c`..:,:r. tn.; title the cant rit TNCOIIPORATION N 0 TIC E. .1 In the matter oittiOinco•noration iit Ike , _,1,-:: ' 0; tied. tear Grover.—\n. 2t4). Di c, 'T., 1.1,74. Notief , I. hereby chen thtit the abovit 00.=,,, - .1.:. soclatlvn has p•csented t. the Cone. Ell Ccr.t.... k `Pine of Bradford Co. their irtiele of,. .V's,.‘,. i. , .:,... witting for a decrfe of Ineorpiiratlon,• !atl l , the ..- • t Cnurt baying es.anitneil tho +.9e, 571dF fin ilia ..: t correct. will decree that they bo tr. nninrite, - 'prayed for, on Monday, Mei ith ila of Decersii•• 1 874. at 2 2 o'clock.. it, tn., unless cause be ebnvol t' the contrary. • ' i B. U. 'Pl•Cl;. • Oct 22. , Pfothonotar-.; , A . I'PLICA.TION IN DIVORCE.-- To Charlee Williams.—ro. 143. I. T.. 1' 71. Yon aro hereby noteted Oat Em mai, 'William, your wite..bsa applied to thpicourt ofr o,oamen p:.,2. , ', of firadford Co.. for a divoice• from the .hon.'“ of matrimony, and, the Said rourt bite aapofoteil ‘.l. , •.1- 1 day; the 7th day of floc. 1S 4. for la; wring the ...a.'l Emma In. the premises , at which time . ; and 1:: , ' , you cm attend if you thin proper .1 t : : - ' Oct. 22. . L ' .;. IT. SIIITif, Shori.— A DMINISTRA.TOR'S N,OTICE.:- .11. N oticeia herebylgiversibat ill per RiTGIP. 113 a e - , t , t • the est to of Nlilton Philllpn, late of Sheshe(2.:l:l deed. must mate immediate paythet4, ii IA ail 1. r tnmis having claims againat tail esta must rt.- .i...' them duly.anthenticated fed settlemnti 1 -- IT 4RLIJET ItILLIP. .'=. ~1 „ . A. rollllo-•tz, . 'Zov..,* EXECUTOR'S NOTICI Is hereby given thzt r 1 perso thsl' estate of tinasmash thicker. deed, are.'reepiested to trMlm trum sod all portions baring claims 'Age reulq . .t present them duly 'autbenno meat. . EDWARD 31. Oct' 29 '7l, A DIIIM.ISTRATOR'S 3.TOTICE.- Notice is hereby giveOthatzlitderzons indebted to the estate of Mathew Mlfirshall, IZto of Franklin, deed, most snake imnailiateTent. and' all persons. having claim. 14%1nel id estate - present them duly stithenttested to settlement. ELIZABETH L. MATtsHALL, , - ' Ntilttinistrattiz-_ (let 2'3 '7l. . . A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 4— 1.21-Notiee is hereby Oren:that:all prsone Indebted to the estate of Daniel A. ) °sr.:Y. late -of Warren. deceased; are requeided ,to e- . truntedi..te,' payment, and all person* basin • claims aglia..ll, et cud astute must present -, Ahem du yr 4utbenti,al.-d tar 110tii019CUL • ~,._,loFi:i il' I reliii:V., Oet 9 9 '74. 1 ~ ,InUntatra..:r. i i XEOIF T. R,O 'S• , T9TICE.— _ Es:ollce fa hereby given that all ersons toct,btel to the estate of Jobn slrCord, la e - of Erarlin ..,... in tileessed.ere requested to ;rake lvatiltehate pal ruett to John W , 311:. at hie office in Totwelida . BOrorglt. Pa., andall persons hating• elare agsin,:t e 41.1 'State mitt present ilietn to !hint cut} , acitheniVt ted, for aetttecuent. .- .l• S. It. 5 cCitftp, - - I.FJOLIN W. am. TOtrantle Pa., Nov. 17;/.$1 1 . -- . • TN BANKRUPTCY.—pi the.. Dis -1 trict Court or the [Dekko,' State .for the Nyestein osetrict of PPlLlllRy•vanta . , ' , s o . IRIS in Dautruphy. Di the matter of :ti. SI. fiIIOYED d I 4. 11. SITNIZT i 13pkruPt. ' I 4 - '.' . • . TO WITO If ITI/411.17 CONOERN. • . Th:, nodoisigued hereby ;ince notice- i f L'e 3: - pointment as' fresoiineo of IS. S.. novcriond -I, L. -.wart. tate co-partners , doing bu mesa - at %V, ii;n. sing, ed,nutY tl . Brs , ford sod Si to of Pothctylva• oia, within said ritstrict,',who-'haiv . ,bet.ri at! , :t.t:cit bankrutoe uosn their own p-htion, by ins IL-:r ci , :onrt of seal D itrtct. , - 13.1011111, Ti,lillXitYli. ‘tyzr using. Nov. 23,1874! . li, . As .:1..... i . VOTICE —ld .jordet I that eVCry 1.11 ciaetomer shall hare the tail value of h, looney: tho .nade , alaped wilt ointi Ilia 5t0:,... vu .ONDNY.' the 19th Inst,.ion the"tead• p 1 ..). e3 , ,10tn. T v heukrul for pest patreue, all Wm . invited td call end biet l ,ltho bottona.pticaS of ;this Ion; snit couivn o-d financial criers, se thy goods. Willlba - retailed al Sew York wholesale pricers ; and it pore :no kt.r., ,tug theiuseh'es indebted,lare req ted to 'call all pay without further notice, . , I. 1 " - LA?. TAILOR.' 'Ortriville Centre, Oct. 13, '71.2' '1 " ITA.LIIABriD D - WEIJLING Fc; to class o offer fa eala 'my talsabla now dwelling Packer Acrundos Borop! Tbs•la•a - •::: rurutitbed wflh all moderntraar menu , '•ot is large, with good Out gs, wrll, qi fur further partinnLirs enquire on thii tree.: • c ! lA. 11. DESSION D. Towanda. Nov. 18, 14:EAliS PA.. t . COIL. WADI ISTBZETEL The Iferfeee, Hermes. f all greats of t) !louse, ins - Fad agaibet loss by, rire.! watheut,aby • oftame. ' • 4 4riperp,",. 41111401101 Lipp& Bare- Ale. j recal.ved. • . TV.Margli 04. 4 , - I Pettitelt , iir . , . ( i ~ I~ I (.1 t. Eli orat en n MIME !he ahoy 1 to Court et' tides of town .iat ."ration, iiw nttie Fa'•l me. unit tfind:ti..r..tr..!,, in6drporal..e 'o 7th day ;;•.•• B. . prcz , - . P .$ •{ndel;+.:..l :tt! , . dlatr r!tyr, sa • ted flr F, LLAtz. r I:steti.ur TOWAND MEN
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