II Il ME - ABSORBENTS' FOB THE STABLE. The best absorbent for ix cow stable is predish)y dry .muck. Sawdust is nearly sisigood. Dried 'ground (ob. l tained in a drouth) or dust froml the highway, ranks pro ably next 4 Then cones cut straw, and chaff o grain, spent tan bark, andahnost any, material that ,is inn dry find pulves ent state: Apply plentiffdlY where milch cows are kept• _ ' to absorb the odors as well as , th ' moisture, , for these odors area tagious to milk. The . cows will do better fOr such comfortable quarteis, ',whether in summer or - Vinter, 7=4 will prik ably pay for the labor Ithtis incurred; 'then there is a profit ,;.f iilllthe nipi ix!nre—its most ' Valuable part, tits effervescent ammonia, saved; and What accumulations there are will be ,worth as much, or more, Iper; yard as the cleardune , deprived; of' its best 0 /parts. ~ ! We prefer it, as the: absorbents continue to ;cad aft& the I heap is made„ and nail it given to the soil; then all goes to make . plant food. Such manure is clean, to hen dle,dry and inerdorons. Why should farmers do so much - without it? Here is a large increase of 'hat we are so much troubled to obtain, ma nure, and• good:manure. Clean sta bles, clean yard,. pure- ai , increased - comfort, increased milk, a good ex ample, all these are the benefits de:- rived from the . 1 0.mple n e of an nb-, serbenti "I would rathe work for a quarter a dav — Tess in such'mannre than to be besmeared With dung," 'said a laborer,en_tlie for-min,g pleasant wel l ble. —; When these absorbents are used, in a fine state, as : they are, they can easily be spread, and brought down evenly with the ground; i this without difficulty, the_ brusli,or-harrow finish ing the job. And' this is of such im portance that the wonder is that it is not more . used, absorbents to give the pulverulent effect. 1 This alone will pay„mechanically. Now is the time to see that the ab- , sorbents are secured. , ...lWho . that is not in the habit of doi4g it- Will test it on a small scale, if mit any more? Give a fair, thorough • tjest, as all in different experiments Will give but indifferent results, and hence end, more or le'ss, in discourtgement. It is a good time now,• o throw out mock preparatory to ffext year's use. Sawthist may how be secured. Clo ver chaff is excellent, any chaff. Saw dust Will dry ,with a little exposure. Have Clean, comfortable stables -and barn .surrounding,s and secure the profit' at the same tithe:— Country tientkinnn ; • EgPERIMENTS IN FEEDING. SWINE , . Accurate reports of Well conducted agricultural enieritnents are certain ly among the most N'alliable contribu tions 'Which can be made to the press. The following, from an lowa farmer, would. leave been mOre interesting if he had given aa,, , tlre'.:irramber of hss, mid more valuable had he given, in stead of his - own estimate, the pre cise cast (each .separately) of shell l i Mg. grinding and coo -lug the grain. "They _Niere fed 28 days On dry shelled corn, and consi fined 83 bush els: made a net'gain o l ',837- pounds, and i.vhich is equivalent to 18 pounds per bushel,..:which sold' my - Corn thus fed at :50 , cents and 4 'ills per bush el. -- - They were, fed 14 'ays on meal, ground fine and fed . ry, and con -7 sumed 47 bushels; . de a net gain of 553 pounds, which i equivalent to - 1 11,76 pounds to one ushel of corn, which brought myy.~ corn to 58 cents and S mills per bitshel. , They were fed 14 ilays on meal mixed np with cold: water, and con sumed 551., bushels; made a net gain of 731 pounds, which 's equivalent to 13.17 pounds per bushel. In this trial I realized for myt corn i;il cents to id 8 Mills per bitshe They were fed 14 d ys upon cook ed meal, and con Sum d 46) 1 bushels; f heir-net . gain wr.s 697 pounds,, which is equiyalent t017.96 - p finds perbush el. This sold my. corn for - 14 dents and $ mills per bushel. Taking the two extremes, I. find 1 g0t,21 got,21 cents and .4 ills more per - bushel for my corn b. .grindineand cookino• ° than when ed whole' and raw. After deducti g one t -seventh for grinding,• leave 21 -cents per •i bushel... , - Had I ground and -cooked the feed -1. for lity 20 hogs r.fin c l I would have made C 63 founds nt 're porl- than I ilia, Which would •haNje given me,s34 more. I find it will requite 345.01 bush els of raw `corn to make 3.480 potinde . - of pOrk, and only 232 builaels when cooked—a difference of 112:6 bushels in. faVor of cooked fe d." 'I. - . , TarAr3is:N.4 ok got, TING - tOWLS. The Moulting selacini is a critical pe riod *ith poultry; not so niuchbe cause they lack the 'protection of a - warrn coat, as beca Se of the drain upon' their system ~caused by the groukii of the new plumage. }Feath ers Can be furnishecireinly through a great outlay of nutriment. Hens need at,this time mitt and easily di gested food,- and a tdmpting variety. Hard grain alone is not suitable: . They should receive more attention while moulting than .at auy other timelpf the year; but are frequently neglected because thoy are not lay iug.. Their thrift-f 4 the whole year dependsto_a great extent upon their - condition ; during inemlting, or iinme .- dlat el 1 . after it .--Ifiarth - and Hoin , .. . I • TO CLEAN FA rsT.-tTo Clean - paint, provide a plate with some of the best whiting to be had; hate - ready some warm water and a piece.of flan nel, Which dip intO the water .and squeeze nearly dry ; then take as much whiting as will adhere to it, and apply it to the4ainted surface, when .a little rubbing *ill instantly remove env dirt or grease. After which wash thcpart well: with clean wilteT, rubbing it dry with -a soft ehantois. Paint thus . cleaned looks as yell as when first laid on, with out any injury to the most delicate colors.. It is far better than - using wsa.p and does not require more than half the time and labor. SOUTHERN COW,: CARE, FOR -BanAa r.‘sr.,--One pint of buttermilk, (if soUruilk must 'bel substituted, add one large teaspoonful of butter,) one teaspoonful of saleratus dissobied in warm water, two ;eggs well beat en; 'Mix the. ine" Tedients and. add ,one pint of *hite,.coTti meal. Bake in a "Om" p ; . u.. A little salt is, needed if butter s not used. TlMM:Catnot Le Clan al M- o.n! Ctire it. TILE latter part takew:up La caring The f) false arnalatts he hag FOIINDERYAILICIMIE SHOP. The undereigned purehmed the ionndryl end Machine Sbcii, lately owned by John Cerenos. are prepared to do eh kinds of work e=ng to their binineee. vita lanniPbaela and MILL GEARINGS,. ontc-trLAii SAW MILLS, MAN DRILLS, raimisrEis • BF I PAIIIFID, And all work warranted to give satlstactlon SHINGLE 'MACHINES Of the latest and most improved kinds manufactured , and kept could:ugly on hand ready for use. PLOUGHS, - pIEDE-BITI. IRON AND WOODEN BEAMS Ot all kindla . CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS Of all kinds, and the latest improvements kept constantly on hand. STOVE CASTINGS CELLAR GRAM, SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES, , ject Make a profits.- And all kinds of outings famished tc March 314 IVO. • --- MEANS k ROCKWELL. NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY ! On Pine. between Slain And. second, Streets, back of G. F...ifiSion k Co.'s Bank, • . HENRY STULEN & CO., Respectfully announce to hie trietil ttul pairoas. - that th have built a NEW BRICE CARRIAGE FACTORY. where they will con4antly keep on hand a full assort inept of VOP AND- OPEN BUGGTFS, PLATFOII3II,:**AGONS, THOTTMO SULKTS, AND SKELETONS, Made of the beat material and finished in the beat City style.s\ t llia long experience in city Carriage ractorieg‘g . kem them a decided advantage over others in the of his Wagons. All they sake INSPECTION OF HIS WORK previous to purclursiug else,sbere ALL WORK WARRASTED TO GIVE PERFRC7' Thankful for the liberal patronasto formerly ex tended and respectfully ask k continuance of the wee. THE OLD MAIN STREET Still continues theinanutscture of CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, Cif every• description,, at the old atatid of C. 11 LATEST STYLE AND FINISH. MI In the ntautifacture of wagons nothing is used but the COUPOSITION BOXES PLATFOIIM SPRING WAGONS • The beat Eastern stook Is used in the mannfaciftre of When's. Spoke■ are all rived out—not sawed. - Au. WotA WArn.ILICTIM. BLOOD ez CO., man continue o manufacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS it , CLEANERS, and will sell s better machine, -for less money than can be had elsewhere in the world. We claim for our machines that they will do u much, or more, than any other, and arc more durably built. We personally superintend our work and see that it is well dawn. We will send of 'our ma , hines, on application ONE TWO HORSE POWERS, One 'Two Horse THRESHES & SEPERA Give as a call before tare'asaing elsewhere. •va "oa cnroaavaa `SX3IIII,V NEW PLANING MILL The tandendgned having built a large and commo• dime Mill in the Borough of Towanda, and filled It with the mood modern and Improved machinery, for the manufacture , of wnalow SASII AND SCUDS. Lee prepared to All order', whether large or mall, upon the ahortetW notice. We have also' s large ra• tlety of MOULDINGS, of the latest style and pattern, which we can furnish much cheaper than they can be winked by band. PLANO:O, . - - &MVO, And all other work pertaining to Joinery. alll be done to suit our customers. • Persons building and not living more, than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find It largely for their Interest to buy of us. or bring their lumber and have It warted by our machinery. Bring your grist of iloorluit. Of other lumber. and while your team Is feeding. have It ground out and tale At Lome with yam ~r eater treachery trol that to Wa win pay CAM! for PINZ AND, 111WILOCK LUMBELL &allured at our lumber yard• Coma amj am ua, or tfloa can't outkus. writs. Toran6►. Fab., 1.864. L. B. SOLKIEIark W. 'if a mates life fa hies, prefifttiteetr. sad tracteff in this Nrtoisr. Anti all kinds of MILL IRONS MADE TO ORDER. L'SD CHURN POWERS, LARGE AND- SMALL SIZE LARGE 11110 - KETTLES TOWANDA, PENN'A FAMILY -CARRIAGES, Finish, Style and bural?ility SATISFAcrio..% REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTMiDED TO reduced .prteen RENRY WITMER H. S. CLARK. Towanda, May 24. 1870.—tt' Carriage Factory_. JAMES BRYANT EMI MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, PA Ma Work Id all of the BEST. STEEL AXLES, To ether With the In Light Work MO LUMBER WAGONS Kept cougantly on hand , ALL WOD.S. SOLD WARRANTED EQUAL TO ANY' An to finish, and am to durability rPERIOR TO ANT IN THIS SECTION JAMES BRYANT ap1.19 71 DD3C/MMVE CATALOCItES THRE'SIIEB and cLre-vrßs. FAWNING MILLS, tracrLatt Aro DRAG UW writA SAW aditt GRIST MILL work done to order " 00 , (100'IU Lag. 2.1869. • TONG 'MING, onooviNG. AND Eießut% THE LAB Di UST' 00 M WATCIIES EMI PIIATED SILVER WARE, GOLD CHAINS, tier opened in ttilis abd for stloat the well' W. A. CRAM Mr. C. ha&-juit riturne4 from the city. and !tat ters himself that lile stock has been bought at bot: torn Agurea, and that he can offer better induce- went' to purchasers of first-clue goods than any eetabliehrnent in the country PERSONS IN SEARCH OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS, JULES HUGUENIN, JEWELLER if' SILVERSMITH, MERCUICS NEW BLOCK. TOWAVDA, PA Is constantly receiving additions to his stock of goods suitable for presents, such as LADIES' WATCIIES, AMERICAN 1 WATCHES SWISS WATCHES, of all descriptions. Also i selected assortment- of GOLD. CHAINB,, FINE GOLD. J E W E! L "R, Y, all t i er. CLOCKS OF ALL STYLES FROM THE CHEAP EST TO THE BEST. GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES to St all CLOS of Impaired sight NEW PATENT ACCOMODATING SPECTACLES. liy this patent I am enabled to exchange Glaasea at any time without extra charge. Call and see. CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED AND WAZILLXIT:D. TORIUIdI, Dec. 8, 1870. IMPORTANT . ALL WHO VALUE TEEM SIGHT! The sight of the aged assisted. the weak strengthen- • ed and the perfect preserved. PHILADELPHIA CSWCAL INSTITUTE, For the taanufa r turing of the CONCAVE, CONVEX, CIWSTAL LEiSES, LONDON WOK= AND TIXIZD MILES Von wraz. ort mum) ma. The Concave convex CryStal Spectaaes, made by the above institute are nowla long time before the public. and the rapid and there , seed demand for them combined with the universal acknowledgment of their clearness in irttlon and ease to the eyol. shows plainly that they are superior to any other glasses in this market. The majority of Spectacles, (naostlyanaported) and no matter bow Bee the frathes, contain but a poor and worthless article of glisaw - iganerally cast or pressed:) they are made td be sold only, without any calculation respectinp benefit to the eye. and therefore the great ~complaint of . poor and weak sight. Thousands are using glasses now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the objects got dim after abort usage. or require -an , intensely strong light and therefore destroying the Light, which, were they properly - spited, would be preserved a life time. The advantages claimed for the Concave Convex Crystal Glasses are the foil wing : The Lenses are ground o the best material, pure and bard, and made only Or optical purposes, they i i are therefore 1101 liable tog t scratched or dim. They confer a brilliancy nd distinctness of vision not found in any other glee . They can be used squall well by day or candle light without tiring or fatiguing the eyes. They are ground matlierdatically true in the con 'car e convex mirror, according to the philosophy of nature., and shape of cornea of the eye, therefore assisting nature only instead * of forcing IL That the lenses are centered correct into the frames. They can be used longer than any -other glasses without changing to a higher power. The frames are made strong and durable by expe rienced 'workmen and warranted to give satisfaction. Wlifl A. CIIAMBERILN, Dealer in Watches, Sevelryi and Silver Ware, Tower:- de, Pa., has the sole Agency for these glasses in Bradford county. Co Pedlers employed. July 12, 1870-tf , MISS E. J. KII 4 ,'GSLEY, - Wishes - to Lnform the ladles of Towanda and vicinity that she keeps constantly on hind a large supply of NERY M i r la I Goods, suitable to tht season. Thanking her pat rons for their liberal/patronage heretofore , she as sures them that no Exertions will be spared to en- Flire a continuance of the Same. She also has a floe selection of HAIR AND FANCY GOODS, Stich aa Kid Gloves , Linen Collars,l • Cliffs I itandkerch Rial Laces, 1 • Corsets, 1 - 4f.e. (i•e. 1 have also reopened, in rionneetion with the above my DBMtoto S ItAIiZIG estahliatintent, and 1 am now P • - CUTILNq aid FITTING In the latest lashlonable stxles on short notice. Entrance neat door to Fos k Zifemes, up staler Apell I IL :y, - E.s T PLETE kakaisnent JEWEL, B Y, LOCKS, ARE, OLD RINGS, &C., &C., 4 S 'is now on exhibition known store 0;\,,, ERLAIN• I 1 I - -4 1 MN N Must not forget that One door north of Millinery. QS~OOA~'ZM ~i~ ~IOR~ THE lIIMERSIGNHD, HAVING • ihmirm " IL E PATCH, la Ms tem of a. S. PAT= Als ON. fa now prepand to sear ti? , tho allows of Dendfald ty. a largo and von Waded stook of GB 0 0 E RI ES Whkh 2 ban purchased tat Nab; mad twA•codlitild that t coo sell Mas low Aguas Can tie Plmimett elmthera mow orer to tbe publics splendid stock TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, swum atumaTua, Own, 40.. Rare Sc hind a largo sk;ek of AKRON FLOUR, O:4R a iEMI DO BYE DO., BUCHWEIZAT DO I keep constantly on hand; POEM. RAMS, and WI kinds of FISH. Would call the attestlon of the public to one Can't Be Beat STOCK OP_ TOBACCO, In quality or price. Jeaso OakleraoelebratedLatut dry, Now York Chemical and Brown limp.. Please call and extunins oar stock of WOObENABE. Lane assortment of TANK EE NOTIONS, TOILET SOAPS, &c.. ke.. I will pay the highest cash pries for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Farmers, give us a call before 'ening elsewhere All persons Indebted to the Into firm will pleileee call and mate binned late pigment. . Towanda.ands, March, 12, 1867. - C. B PATCH - d 4 e/ ^ d d 3 P 4 os Cd o 3 ;T• pr; - ; ;r4 W 4 . 4 ,1 4 A 0 • E p • ; o H 0 Pk v. 0 ..?"- m . 1 5 0 W r_7l 0 'S • J W g . 5 g C 4 z 0 - i' 5 1.1 4 75 . 0 17. g 0 "' I- 2' 3 = • - 1-^ , 3 oi m a hM ti 15 re 0 .4 4 - 4 , a . g • r 4 z 4 c., t ; WV 0 EA 174 °P L.:. z ;t - .; ri ?. $.4 :74 0 E ., H 2 Z rag }Ai •• - " cy F-4 K E P-1 t 0 74 p. w 4 os g- r! .. • E „ H° .1. 4 0 4 Dec 8,'70 ill 111" J. LONG GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOOD, WILLOW, AND STONE WAEE. FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, Sze., N.J. I ' , ATT . ox . s 13LOCK, I COB. HAD; ANI) BRIDGE STS., TOW:US - DA, PA I ,desire to call the attention of the public to my assortment of goods.,which is always full and com plete, and will be sold to my customers at lowest market rates. My stock of TEAS, SPICES, Mace been purchased since the late reduction in the tariff on them. and are offered at prices to cor respond. Orders by run ortoSherwise will metre earern and prompt attention, Thinking the pobllc for theliberalpatronage they hal . ° given roe, I triah a count:inane% of the same. CASH PAID FOE COUNTItY PRODUCE. feb.2o'7l GOLD,STILL COG DOWN AM) MT= MING IN TIM GROCERY & PROVISION LINE -ire 11011 r being otTered at COWEL - L & 3.IYkR'S at prices that cannot fail to satisfy all that they are determined notto be undersold by any OM,. They have enlarged - their Store by' building .so that they new have room for the freeb supplies that are daily received by them. They'haTe manacled II Jib their gore.' Market where they now keen fresh meats to Sell by the quarter or piece. ana a full supply o , Oro. caries and ProTisions, to which they wonlci exli the attention of all rash buyers. Come and sz.amine our Goods and Prices, beforespuramaing inn satisfy yourselres,, We guarantee all goods to glee emirs satisfaction. We are thaukful to our customers for their past liberal patronage and solicit a continuance of the same. COWIML k MYER. NC. 20, litic32. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF L. 1 masa and CAXICED irsturri.l4 'iamb 10...1t62. LONG k T 8. C. B. PATCH. aq ";--; - 3 2. COFFEES, ME I J. LONG -•-• G o . IQ TAIL 94 _ - PcifyouillintSiinAlit; GO TOVAYLOIt & GORE'S Fors Now Dross Snit. GO TO TAQLOR & GORE'S ForlDiev4Spriug Styles iniPants. GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S For a New Spring Overcoat. GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S For all the Latest Styles in Ctn . e tone and Ready-Made Clothing. GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S For Hats and Caps, all the Latest Styles GO TO TAYLOR lic GORE'S For Gents'i Furnishing GoodA, Bows, Ties, kc ALL WORK WARRANTED CUTTING (DONE " ON. SHORT NOTICE. • ° • 9G MAIN STREET, _TOWANDA, IJ+L apLlll'7l TO THOSE GErriNG THEIR cLOTEINO WIDE TO ORDEIL You e.,1411 study two things. First, to OLT THEM WH.EIa FILIST-CLASS CLOTH:LNG IS lIILDE ' Secondly, WIT RE ASE' 80i.,.1) CHEAP And in order to be able to sell a good article cheap the merchant mutt understand his business, Ara know how,-ithere and what to-boy as a practical man does; }ad a ' PRACTICAL TAILOR att na branchept I profeP• to bc, having bad EltillTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE In the tu•invea. trace been a cutter in some of the best houses In NEW YORK CITY I do my own buying, selling and cutting, ant divide my profits with no man. so that less of it will 1 do—and with low rent and other expenses in pro. portion, thus making tbe cort of carrying on the business very small. Sin reading the above ygu will sae why it is that I CAN SELL GOODS CTIP A PER Than men following the business, and having no knowledge of it themselves, have to employ others at large salaries to attend to it. and customers must ply accordinglyl—as they, like' myself. DO BUSINESS TO LIVE BY IT If you doubt the above statement, be convinced by.. . pg on - - Merchant Tailor, Bridge St. Towanda, Pa. Aug. 0.70 , EUREKA ! EUREKIX ! ! Everybody has discovered that THE OLD CLOTHING HOUSE f Rosenfield & Wolff. , One door south of Fos & 3ferrlr's) is THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS They now hive a great More full of ILICID6T . 1" AND 3103 T BEAL - 11FM ASSORTMENT HEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING To be found outside the cities. Their goods are FINE ENOUGH TO SUIT ANY TASTE, CHEAP ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE ANY PURSE, DON'T BE DECEIVED! Never leave an old friend for a new one.' Remember that ItOSFIELD k WOLFF ar permanently located here. and can offer greater in• dtmements to parchteers than any other house In torn. It in the interest of mutlonen In this section to come and bring all their boys, and glee their goc, •d* an examination. Consider the fact tliat you can buy at ROSEN FIELD it WOLFF'S. bcautiful and substantial Cloth• ing for a were sung.. ROB :N ' IRLD & 'WOLFF Ant...turt 23. 1371 VERY CHOICE GREEN AND Black Tea relkkg cheap ai retail by k WERCUIt . ."-• • 1.'.76,1 - r - • • L • • L snd Provislans. 3 scow soon scoot Ass was Nem& GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, libleb 'fill be .old at the knre . st pomade prim: - .CODFISH, FRI7IT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, FLOUR, WEED, MEAL, GRAIN, &O. Bring on you! produce. Irtiklmo pay csahfor. A constatit imply of Ashton Wt, all sized Churns, Dater Firkins. Pubs. kc. Please call and look shrcrogh our rock. and we wW do our best to please yon. W. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda. April 28. ann. - 7 - G •.• RY AND PROVISION i srrop,m, Ma - CABE & EDIVAIIDS, • Wboiesal. and Et tau Dealers in . FAMILY GROCERIES 113111CTIVS FEW BIACIC, 'TOWANDA. PA. We do not deem It necessary to enumerate all the dlierent articles we keep, Ourassortment Is t i i FIRST CLASS GOODS. Cub paid for Tamers Produce. \ .12.11.E.'4 SIC-CABE, Starch 1. IS W3l. EDWARDS. po., 31ERCUR are_now receiv ing a fresh stock of Goods in their line, bought since the Ist January, to which they invite the at tention of their friends. We keep the largest stock in town. Our goods are fresh and desirable. We • sell at lowest market price,. • Jan. 19.1811. TPRESH AND NEW TEAS, bought 'A. since the recent ,le.chne in price, and' . eelling cheap at retail. FOX A lIERCUR. JUL 19. IA7I. rak lt 3LERCU aro sellingGra . caries at retail. Jan. 19, 1871. - pox a,- MERCIJR are' selling New -1." and Frysti Goods. - Inn. ID, Ism FOX & 31ERC 1 lt are selling Gro «Ties cheap. Jan. 19.1P:1. VOX. MERGE:aI are selling, first ": ,clings Goods only. Jan. 19, 1971. FOX k MERCUIt .are selling cheaper than ever. Jan. 19. 1871. REMEMBER that we are selling at - RETAIL! And that we won't be undenohl. , Jau. 19. Is7l. FOX k mEnrrit. IkTICHIGAN , FIXE—CUT T p BAC- Jan. 19. 18'1.1. FO k mEricrws. . • F OX ct, 3IERCUR do not deal in - Shoddy (locuts. Jan. 19. 1571., OUR CUSTOMERS can .rely upon getting the very best the market affords and :t lowest prices. T. FOX. Towanda, Jan. 19:71., ' 11ENLY 510LCUR. P E3IEIIBER TIL&T FOX & 11 - ER I, CUB are retailing all kinds of artr:iries at wholesaleprices. The largest stock in town. Goods first clam Prices low. Sept - . 2''3.•70 THE BEST REBOSENE.OLL IN town by the quantity or retail at ' Pox & lIERCRIVS. BAK ,RY AND DINING ROOM* nrst block north of WardpouP.c. BREAD, PIES, CA.KE;CfUCKEhS, DAKED DAILY. • In our DINfIW ROOll3 we will accommodate the public with either a lunch or a good meal at all time of tiv day and evening. , OYSTF.ES AND ICE CREA.II. ON DASD DCII-ING Also s fine assortment of Groceries, Confectionery Fruits. 'Nuts, &c. mayl9'. tf D. W. SCOTT,t co. CENTRAL InitKET The subscribers still continue to keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment" of every thing pertaining to their business, consisting main ly oi BEEF, PORK, FRESH ftiD SALT SUGAR CURED 11Mr/tY IIAaELs. itturrolq. ."F.AIIII, POULTBA . , SAUSAGE, LARD, . • BOLOGNA. DRIED BEEP, ' TALLOW, Le.,, Also, S FRESH FROM THE LAKES. Parties wishing Oysters in large or small (Instil. ties will be furnished on short notice, at the old stand. Crerrnar. Mammy. ldontanye's Block, first door north of Dr. Porters. QUA O lizrzrat, KELLUM & :11ULLOCK. Truo. Mrt.tocs. Feb. 24, 1870-tf T HE BEST AND CHOICEST • SMOKING TOBACCO, 5 . :AANrrAcrtr.r.o AT FACTOR I - NO. 1, SD DISTRICT OF li. RYLANo. cgo 131 - Eke that Ex er y Parikago 3'ou Luy ;an; that inscription. Dec. it. 1870. ill J-A . Cols, 3LEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING,. • HATS.. AND CAPS. All goals warranted. and sold at the lowest rates. South store in Beidletuan's block, Main-st. mylB'7l UM • SNMa' n(MaNI'MA A ass AM aospisit soot of, M:r' . 7irMit: 51 KERBING, PORK, 311ITTON, MODERN STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, DAIRYMEN, AND PROVISIONS, :ILWAYS COMPLETE. We sell uotLlu,g,but And sold at Wholesale and ROtail TIIFIR SEASON lIEEP, OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY. 1 In their season urooktur acmasirm; - SUFI FOR fiNit, 117 A i rrit.A rrati • WICKHAM it BLACK'S. CROCKERY. e CHINA, Frans U. & Ca.. - --mace. GLASSWARE. I New ind beautiful patterns. STONEWARE. SILVER PLATED WARE, From ItotlyTeri k Broths beet kinsin,maiket. FRUIT JARS ToWands. Aug. Nl,ll Farnittro: F LT R:INT I T R/E NEW FIRM! I SEW GOODS! Re are now otieritig at our Wholeaale 414 Letin FtrBNITURE.EMpoRIII I, I - 'NO. lUT 3LILN sat lET. The 7seitest kelnoeinents to those In meat of FIRST 7 CT..tS FURNT/TTE I Ever offered in this market. The attention of the public is esp:.clally called to our recent Loan purchases from the late Great Auc. Lion Sales of 'CHAMBER AND PARLOR Hi TT 12a BT ITURE! We are awl: &Spring • ,*: 'WALNUT MARBLE TOP SETS AT $75 00. Ana NICE PARLOR SETS, Al $5O. 00, Together with our Complete Stock of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CHAIRS TABLES ; STANDS, SPRING-. - BEDS, 3IATRESSES, ; LOOKING-GLASSES, And in iyt everything to be fotind in a Fir&t-clage == CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST OEM - EMBER TEIAT WE' ARE NOW- 314NUFAC it ti r in g , an d do off,r goods of our tnru 111/11111. facture cheaper than you on buy city-made goods it.cwhere, Lumber taken 'nt eschange.tor goods. We a!Ao furnish RuSrwooD NLETALIC BU•RI $L CASES, AND COFFINS Of every description LUILIAL maws, caps, And *e atoo hare the FrNEST HEAR-SE In thin pen:t.ort of ..collutry dtliverc4l to Llg.‘ Del of free of char?, 4.1`•11:9 0. FROST k SONS Towanda. Jail. 11,4.71 Boc:ts aid Shce:. I. WI , I;;_A . T 1:.0 GAINS I\• E300725'_&., - SI-10-ES BEIM E IV c 1) :WOE sroiar, South tqati of Wcrii liounc Th. nn , lerxi3m-1 ere rccieving a large and well se lected !dock of 11 6'6 7 S N V ,` V 1 E S Sti:labli , for 0 SU:IMES ,VND FALL TRADE, 9tTer 1 , ,r Cash. Consisting of GENTS, LADIhS, AND CHILDREN S WEAR. SEWED AND PEGGED BOOTS SLIDE T6 l 0 MUER :1 REPAIRING .YEALy DONE AM READY WREN ?ROAMED Thankful (or past farerS. Wu solicit a continuance of the same. -*1 8.011.1. L WOODFORD GILLEBT St . CLAIM Toltatlell.' , April 5. t 869. ' - ROOTS AND SHOES MADE AND -1-1 REPAIRED. L. C. N'ELSON, than made arrangements to accommodate cnatomers that are constantly calling with hoots and Shoes for new soles. etc.. and have had to leave them. to their 0-eat disadvatitimo. until another day. The constant call for this kind of work. and the .desire to have it. done immediately. has induced me to make such ar. rangements that you need net return home Without sour sole being renewed and your heels set • square. For prices that are honest and perfectly fair.* Ladies that Lace gaitees that are 43rete at the toe, To this repair-shop hi the place for to go To get them re:% . atuped, neatly tipped or half-Eoltd. And your feet well protected from the wet and the cold New work we can make you with the, above doublo quick, We can make them for you Lhin, or we can give them to you thick, We can make them with high heela, 'or we Cari_give them to you flat, So you need not stager with a brick in your hat. 2:.11.--Oood cider vinegar for sale by barrel or gal. Front of Methodist church, Main street. • • Towanda; Dec. 13, 1810.- L. C. 'NELSON. FOIt SALE AND TO RENT, --- DITTRICIPS MUSIC ONE lIUNDRED Fin.sT:CLASS ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY lIELODLOYS TWO lIUSDLIZOCIBIn'T iN CIIURCU ORGNAI. rive Itandred.tins, Clarionas, •rinie., Banjos, Guitars. Con,ertinas, Aecortleens. Strings l'Qr • all String Instruta,..nts. Drums, Bones, etc. SMELT YUSIC INSTRUCTION 11004,* FOR ryEI 'V INSTRI33I4T PIAIIT OS From the only Ilrfit Make CS to the United States, so F. C. Llghte fleeter Bros.. Stine way, Weber. New York; Ilatlett and CuMstons Boston; Matbewshek. N I•W Haven Ct.; C. lleyer, Elnladelphia, and Knabe in-Baltimore. Melodeon, from U. Shoninger, New Haven, Ft.; Pelonbet. Felton k Co., New York. Organs, the celebrated Gol4im Reel Organ, and tho Burileit Combination Organ. 4lne door cast of - Merenei Bank; the only etpre of tilt kind in Towanda. R.'S. O. PORTER, SON CO, .OLD CASH DRUG STORE,' Comer lialtlced - Pto• Eitteeta, Tome* PL. • Have remit!, added largely to their stook. *fun apit oesegasee sawatatent, commutating elyertiaadre elp dot/. ezebracieg niaar latch* used to the Arta far roeittaniest poima. amorally aeleeted with regard to the p emote of thipublia. which erU.I b. I=edcanstantlJ inlrSiod with- fruh purctuteee;atel on the Mad re1111011!Ibie ter= et Wholesale or BANC oottaatteis of lIE rum ow, viisucumm ALCOHOL AND TITRITNITNE, Fallible-a now opec. TANNER'S AND, MACHINE OILS, Yawl aad Toilet Articles in an their variety. _ SPONGES, intEninES, SOAP 'CkXBS; / 421 °, 4 ar4Dalea. gertruziorr, POCKET,)3OOKS, PORT MONADS, Podia naives, Dawn, TO071: SEEN AND 'we PHEPASATIONS. PURE WLVES AND LIQDOII4 A coto . pkie assortment: - 1 • For Medicinal nee, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PLUS AND -0 0 ABS, / Garden, Fteld and Flower Seeds, Trines, Sap. porters, Suspensories, Shoulder Brims. Bread . Pumps, Teethweg Rings, Nursing Bottles, :apples, Nipple Silas and Shields. Syringes, Bed Pans, SeltSealing Fruit Jars, Thar mmeters, Flavoring Extracts, Stone Jugs, Glue Ware, Bottles, VLOa, Corks;Batb Brick. and StOva Blacking, Flab Tackle, Am munition, Bc., Lkitaulc, Edectio and lloaubpacb ic•Sledicinea, and all the popular l'ateut All articles warranted as represented. Persons s . 1 distance can receive their orders by stage or mail which will receive prompt and careful attention. . ' Medical advice given gmtultonely "at the cake charging only for medicine. . Air Thankful for past liberal patronage, would es. .pectfnlly announix to their fru...ads and the puldie,that no pains shall be spared to satisfy', and merit the con tinuation of their confidence and patronage. Jur Open Sundays for prescriptions from 9 to 10 a.m., and 12 to. to 1. and 5 to 6 p.m. IL C. POETER, SON & Co. - - July 1. 1870.-yr. TA. , /,LOR'S CELEBRATED OIL! .T 1 Great Rheumatic Remedy should bo kept and used hy every Farmer that keeps either Cattle or Horses. &very Teamster and Livery gable 'Keeper,. every Physician and Horse Farier for it will many times cure pain and laMeness when all other medi cines have failed. Miners and Railroad 'Men should, certainly keep it. tir it Is unsurpassed for bruses and sprains. 43:act:smiths should keep it foidheir own use and for their customers tender footed horses, as nothing equals it for tenilerieet. Every body suffering from pain and lard-mesa of any' kind, burns, cuts, wounds or any eruption of the skin, Corns. Chilblains or any disease requiring an outward application should certaiuly..keep this cele brated medicine. Every bottle 'warranted to give satisfaction: For sale by Dr. H. C. Porter son & Co. Porter & Kirby and F. W. Brown DnigtUsta, Towanda, Pa. And by every Druggist and dealer in Brad ford and adioining counties. - Johnston Ildloway and Cowden,,wbcilesale Patent Medicine Depot. No. rO2 Arch street Philadeplhia.Pa., Wholesale Agents. If. BROWNIG TAYLOR, \julyl9'7o-tf Proprietor. Leßaysville, RHEtrITATISM.-:\EURALGIA. , ! to any person producing any Medicine showing half as many living. permanent cures as Dr. Frrtra'a Tronratit.E 11E1 EL - 31.111C nLMET.Y.. irsksl inwardly only.,, A pleasant Medicine,' free from injurious drugs„ Warranted under oath, to have permanent. ly cure's 93 in every 100 'patients treated in the p ten years. tSee testimouyi. It in the scientific pre. ScriPtion of Prot. Joe. ; I'. Fitter. M. D., a graduate of the University of Pennsylvatds.' A. D., 1833, —now one of Philadelphia's obleit regular physicians . , and Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology,—wno has made Neurlgia, Chronic and lntlamatory Rheuma. tism the specialty of his entire professional life—a fact vouched for by the- signatures accompanying each bottle, and other testimonials of inany,,,,pronai. -tient renowned physicians and clergymen. pro tect sufferers from poisonotut 'quack nostrums and useless expenditure of money, a legal signed .gnar ant,i. stating exact number of bottles warranted to mire, will be forwarded- grans.to any sufferer send ing by letter a full description of adiction. In case .uf failure to care, amount paid positively refunded. Medicine sentanywliere by expresi, collect on de livery. Afflicted invited to write for-advice; all in formation and medicaradAice sent by letter gratis, Address Dr. J. P. ITTLER, 29 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. I's. The Remedy is' sold or obtained Uy Drugaists. TOWANDA % GEO. .3IcCABE d: SON Have jfist received the .Largest assortmeet of ME _A_ Pi 33 I_, M TOMB STONES, .IrANTLES, &c., AT THE LOWEST TERMS rprsons in want of anything — in our line are re ply:o4llly invited to call and examtne onr stock. PETTES dr, CO., DRY GOO. 1) S . FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS; VELVETEENS, W4TERPROQFS, LOWTST )I-A lt KET Pli 1.0 E; sc r .2o.3kul MAIN STREET; TowsynA, PA STUARTS WHITE DRIPS at" ' 3bto.and:Mati)um Turn TZAIJ. Maros,Emcnos, awn. PAIUT. wanes. warts -WASH. And all kinds of Brushes, KEROSENE OR COST. OIL, • &train Fluids.. - ;Laces. sauna slam drawn?, sperm. lard, What!. Neat. root. MEDICINES. $5OO, BE PAlb Marble' Works. AMERICA AND ITALIAN Ever elthibitrd in this s,,)tion, t 9 which they invite the attention of the pubhe. ,Tllty kecli on hlna cr fortislt to.order- 0 - N M - E NT S Style 3IcCABE • & SON Towanila;'llay I. 1871 Race now on han , ra nea stock of • FALL AND WINTER GOODS In great variety. aivh as I= ItILLIIIIIIY, DRESS SILKS. SILK vavrrs. A.ND SUIa*LS, N . :Lich they iri-11. at~•t4,o At the tsigit of the But Itohicet;k:ppo;lte the Court iloitee, IME a Li== ATIONLLIFE INSITARA-N !X).'OP v.& A Gam o siw sl,ooo.ooo—nro 424irter i ;d by Congresi 1843. CLLICENCE IL CLARK, -Preal:leas JAY COO= Chairs:ma Vinsnoersad Es- Coin.. Emmy D. COOKE..Vice ftestdinit ;•- lasiatays.W. Prer.B.sf:retxrY sod Admit, The advantairea of the National Lite Inintranr are : It la INationalCompanl, chArtered bp c,, r , It ha • paid up capita of One iThoQ Dot It often low rites of prezultuio ; 4. It !welshes larger initurwiee than ether parties, far the same money ; - 6. It is definite end•eertais ; 6. There is no possibility Of ixiirreprew;btati e agents, orattisunderstandiag by pol/cy-hul, 7. The policiee we plain contracts. so much i mi ce One touch money; 8. All policies ere lion-forfeiting ; 9 . The popsies • ezeioyt‘ kw; attachment E. W. CLARK CO.. Bankers, haikUldelp - neral Agents. '" D. gr. I LI3BELL, Manager. N. C. ELZBICZE & A. 0. SIA.SOti *S.Agenta for Towanda and vicinity Jan. 9, 3869 . - • • GVARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE. ISS"CitANCE_ - E;OMPAN NO. , 251 BROADWAY, NEW Y.j POLICIES FOILCE . /Lo re, over ASSCAL LtiMIZ, or. LOrar.B PAW Allapproved forms of Policies , ' Liberal mode■ for payment of prtmlurT:. Policies non forfeitable by their The entire , profits of ail Company ably alining the.instireil. AN'NU.AL DIVIDI \DS. WALTON It: i'kefillAM, PREAZI.ENI. WILLIAM T. HOOKER, Vie:, - .1-REID E ,. : LUCIUS M ADAMS. SECT ANL .ri:AL• PHILADELPHIA P.P.11.11;.:5t1 - ,:. , , JAY Canis k Bankers. Dazart. Bankers. JOLTN WOODRIM &j Co.. Tea Mere:aut.+. S.' A. MancEr... Prek. Farmers! k T. 1.1.-PETYIItiIM, j1y12.76-tf :VINGE,NT'S; G '\ EPA I suraneCt: • FIRE. LIFE. AND ACCibENT INSI'EANq Policies writteu snd losses settled ya alao iL6it7C agaivat y LIG4TNING, To buildings; contents or I:, Fic.F. ON MAIN ST REF / 7ors c, Cunrt 5u41611 Books and Statism Fott 1571. PAPER it ENVELOPES NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS - Pmcs, Lax, Mrsic, STATI Pierumi BLANK BOORS YANNET.', NOTIONS Towanda, Noy- - 19, 1868. B°°r . —l3l - .NDERY . .--THE 1 lie is reiTectfully . informed that th, dery hsq been removed t 5 the -It:porter" 521: third stogy , where will be done BOO'S-BINDING! In all its various hranches. otutenns a rk-ae, .• the times '• will allow. The Bindery e charge of H. C. WHITAXER, An experienced Binder, and ail work. will le pr done in a style and manner which cannot 1., Music, Magazine - a. liewspapera.ol,l in every variety of style. Particular attrut.• paid to thol3uling and Binding of ' BLAKE - E-T.OOIIS To any desired pattern. which iu qualty E bait,' will-be warranted. - All work will be ready for ilelirery when ; 7.! The patronage of the public is soliclted. feet satistaction.guaranteod: Towanda. August 2. 11u 6—tf. TOWANDA:~CTRICtZTt It NVOILBS STILL ALIVE The supeiintemlent of this shop it: ::OK Boma of the best LUMBER WA-(4.0. • - PLATFORM AVACroNS CO ERED AND OPEN BDRI ,ever offered in this market. 13r , t ael..t OAK _AND HICKORY TIM used, and all 'Work made by the zno.t EXERIENCED WORKItEN We have the PATE RUSSIA . IldN. cet7 light, and so dnrahte that eveu ttne -little to do towaedathete decay. ... ' ; Plsase eiamine.our oa beinre rnra;:. , .. where. Repidrin ;do on short non, M. C.Mancun Pres , ci, W. VINCE Tcwvidalltt`p 20, 1870. Sulwrzlt - n —____ E. BOLLES & Coc. eir • GE:SERAL Comthission Merclial SCRANTON, •I'.i _ • S\ Respectfully avlicit corisigvar.2llt." ..f BUTT ER, EGGS; CliEa 7 41. VEAL ; rcil And dl other Farm Prodv,•. One of the firm having resided to Sere.. the past ten years, and having an I'llenso. Knee with.the Intsiness men orkpie evf. lideut that we can sell proinco to u,o t 1:t1r. faction of consignors. _ REFERENCES. L. S. CIII7BDUCE, A: G. FRISIGE, BALDWIN k ItLACKNIA. 001:11.01 .t MAN. teliayt!villd. S. a CIIAFFEE. MARTIN MAN N.1N ,1 . ham, Pa: . . CIIIIIMUCR. HENRY SIIOEM T ' . pitkSTETI I'LAS_TI' . I - - - • . A full supply of ,Friisii. Grouud cay.iga i from Danger, Fitch & Co.'s b... 3,4 at th- ~0,-: mill. ai.moutl3 of llnrumerilel.l ere:gi, tn,... pared and warranted a pure article. ' apt.l.:7l.:lni• JdNtli; I: . WINTER APPLES:_New State apples by the barrel or 11.h..1. no‘9, at FaX. ENE J. A. Avent. T;.%-vr.l3 =T. j b. EEENTI EM!I PL 1".
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers