Vradford grporta. IMS --LOCAL -. AND: GENERAL. say- yuazAlt Lamomws, one of our_ fell on the night of theflieAnd die' load . 01 LIS wrist. iv_ We aro pleased to - learn that 1 r.'ll. Vi'7llnows, who is - ea excellent phyei cum. gating a good practice iit-Athetox -dFL, MONT&NTi. have sold bur hue matched team of iron-gray horses to ir.Nny B. WELLS, of Athens, for $l,OOO. ws6. A . Lodge of colored Good T..replars• has been organized in this' place, c allEl the Grant Lodge.. • Geu.: Perrot: is about ' - issuing on the "origin and relative istatne of t i.,. and colored man." r The many friends of . TONE Ti „,„,,,,,, will be gratified to learn that - he bs , jr.. u I.i:instated conductor on the N. Y. „:1 1 141,.. The Fall Creek Coal Ceti. irw.lll , robe through the bridge at foot of the • m satuiday evening lad, completely de •.l • .icteen loaded cars. paw A lai t ge barn owned by GEO. C. 11:11. 1 liaritngton, was destroyed by flre sutioda, Nov. • 25. Loss about $6OO, mostly itworaiss. Novi. is tho time to form clubs th, RtponEEn for the coming year. Aire t.. lia:e a large addition to our list. Let ,y , übteriber get a new one. vs. . • ter -Union Thanksgiving services tivid on Thanksgiving day, at the M. E. n. Smithfield. The congregation is re: as unusually large. fty- A revival of great and nereas thg rust is 'progressing iia the M. E. Church, nt : , 1:.1..1,11e)(1, Rev. H. HasPsr, paitor. Services ari dally at 1 and 7 o'cloclop. x. var-- Thanksgiving Day , was very gp:., rally observed in this place. Most hind places were closed. Religious services bold in flan 'Presbyte-rian and .Episcopal The,Washington Chronicle an -IZet tl., srrii - al at the national capital of I;a int-liiber of Congress, on. U. Mzucrn. Mr. 'M. lifts a reputation .in I.Tastiington of constituents art justly proud.. Wo regret to learn that the )14. ml is bn Quiutette.Club," had lint a very rtnall atlience on Friday night last. Our peo pl,: eettainly know bow to appreciate merit, and their fatlure to be present at this entertain mot tne,:t ttrillltt,l to sonic , other cause. • VS. The Episcopal - . Mite Society Kill 1,,,•t 11, At vriiing, at the resi &nee of 111% L. D. MA.NT -- I'resbyt..r:3ll )I;tc : , ..owty «ill meet at thy .Ip , use IMrs D. 3lonnow, on Friday tit :70 de" We I ;are that a report has :t in circulation b..) the effect that the •r.al; p•r; has broken ont at the Susquehanna 4r..te Institute. Therelis not the slightest f , 11:;;1:ii;on for the minor. With the exception U e.ises of fever, our town is entirely free f: , ri .1' thm•ae.c. • • . RV- The n e wly eleetediDistrict A1t.,::,. t ., :: ,. . .1. ~, EEErt:, Esq., entered upon' llte ,h,. r h. ti4 - ,. (If his offietal duties at the commenee tn. nt 4C.nt on Monday morning. Ile is an atteri,y 4 eomlderablr experience, Wild un (.l aibt, (1 int-gllty. The interests of the people x.ii-be earrfely guarded by him. The retiring 1/ ,:ri, t• Attorricy, cilia. W. li. Canxocuas, ha (1! g41(1(4 , opinions for himself dnring the tkrn. he It hytbille office. (The business of th.:(.:11,:l• has 1;42eil transacted pronitly, and in, a ;Ilmos.r to cOminee the pliblic that he was a...!:late(l cdnly ' . .y a comtcientibus desire to pro -1%41, ill( I [, eac4 and welfare 4 the .mmmunity: I i 1 . 1i;r.---A. iout 3 o'eliock on Tues iia:‘ 1.,1:41.1 14 ' lint, the dreadr:d cry of fuel - Was e::.; it I;vabi on our streets, sod although the 1 -- th, r: .:11(J..r stool at 10 degk above zero, and hi ‘,11:(1 Ott; blotting a perect gale, the fire 11., :I II AO y„p•SpOnlled to the r alarm. Tlie fire ~ri..:::..:ttql in the back part of Mrs. JAN. MAK1N ...7,.. resi,eni , .; and quickly i(pread to the ad j 4mt..: lo ildings. The losses fly the conflagra ti..ll :,1, - 7 ~. fivrelling. Loi's $2,700; W- Furniture mostly saved, and ; it fully, covered. by -insurance. ?d,op, owned by iMrs. machinery:etc., $3,000; iithur -2.1,00 Tio. shop was 'occupied by .1. S. to.. uia, l ,, st about' $l,OOO in furl:l -:1...r.. lurid" r. tr. lusulA for $5OO. . r ME =I lb% t ui Loqur• owned by JOHN BEILLEMAN. 1.. , - $ l,OOO. lii , urf.ti for $1,250. This build o•-cal.u.il by S. IL Tani and G. S. I .01i V. 1 1 .“ J. movva 111014 of their flltni- A J- ,iAcllau: house. Idr: N. and •re 111),ott. tart most, of the furniture ed, though ifadly damaged. Lieu : on furnitnr.-., V4)O. EMI =EI BUAINESS.—Every farmer, MEE • and Le.nco; man, is often put to cocnienc.• and trouble for want of to transact certain kinds of bu n, gal manner. To meet this great !i... , P/111.1"S PAamiNg, L. L. D., the an !any law lr„vks, has prepared a work lit to tlinl a ready role. Judge of tle ably r.l jurl,ts in the country' t It as follows t s • 1 . ..lea may b 0 formed of the compre ,•-• of the book, when it is known that :. 111 f.rte chapters, and embraces • Ili.lliy legal subjects—all of them . ful-• .lv &-enssed in separate and distinct ~. 1 tiol ditTerent subjects are exceed , I. treated, and arc nearly or quite ex - the author's usual lucid . style: A iprinement on Lord saint Leonard's i. ....r . be, book had 110 forms, while this nu re than two hundred of ry the ve' 01 , r. Thee forms arc ma nly, if not octi ss have wood the test if judicial Lay. I , een app: °red, and re there- I i twe.l. The author W - 1,11 says : 'He 1•;, hisr.er who would m dertake to .f his.own make to tl ose which r no .•d common nsage have auctioned. vinunationpf these for s satisfies 1 t they are the best co ection be 1 '1:. Thc.boOk is genera ly, if not • 10 , ' , 1N1t..., and the writer commends .: . Cie b , r and to business men. To ~, • . 4p. , , i,i1ty.", . =I .Thauksgiving discourse linl congregations of tho Baptist. V. 31cthodia't Clurche . .4, in this Rev. U. L GinsoN. T-no •• pkasitil Lnt 044:and the con. •• mpoatiTe:y small fo'r a united son. nn , .n . tram the first verse of the IMI some of the 'passages apP . :icatidri at its close just. And yet we could not char.- :, MI one ofrthe key. ~,•4 ry 14,d efforts. The text is • •:..•, and tit. rdiscourse was .part referring to the 1 ) . , ,1. , Providence upon our own 'A • I•• • of or thanli-offerings, Was, 1::. br,i•f, condensed frill of es- I. xi:re:owl. in pithy, vigorous-- I'lw spcaki r referred also to the ivi.leh have afflicted our na- WS to power of Mormonism. The !•• - 1 4111.1 ilk french victory over 're 1,, as also t :!i. a ,•1 the calwning and prospective Papd hierareity thereby. 1 wi rt' swinging themselves •:.: :hi 11,W1 , r, though hitherto Il and ver3 - materially supporting I. at ail wren a complete ityttup lmt .imply mentioned some it.at to mind. How the f t .1s aunu if festival, when God's t!i , olness to us as 'a people is faithfully ii to us by Bus servants, basing their re- 1 , I .?, =ME MEE c., marks on sans apPrikeists passage of Nis word. and ameipanytnir them by . the faithful monitions of &try as citizens and amen. aught to Inspire us. With patio*, love of oountty, wad especially with loyalty to its bounteous Bene factor! , Armes larrELL's Lrriao AuE.—" Year by year those who wish to keep themselves Mfoim ed in the literature of the day, come more gen erally to recognise The Living Age as the bait means for attaining that end within the reach of persons of moderate leisure." This is owing to the fact that The Living Age, being publish od in weekly numbers of sixty-four pages each, gives more than three thousand doublecolumn ociavo pages of reading matter 'yearly, and is thereby enabled to present with a satisfactory completeness, no." here else attempted, whatever_ is of immediate interest,or permanent value in the rut and generally thaocesailde man of for eign periodical literature—a literature embiati ing the productions of the ablest living writers in every department, whether relating to histo ry, biography, flitcon, poetry, wit, science, poli tica, theology, criticism or art. As A freshand thorough weekly compilation, therefore, of the admirable and noteworthy in mien% literature, including the ablest and most interesting es says, reviews, serial and short stories, poetry, scientific, historical, and poetical information, it has become invaluable, in the great and growing multiplicity of quUrterlies, monthlies , and weeklies, to every person or family of Intel. ligenee and taste. The higLest critical author ities of the country unite' in pronouncing it "the best of all our eclectic publications." The-subscription pi ice ($8 a year) is cheap in proportion to the amount of reading matter furnished; but for those who desire the cream of both home and foreign literature, a still cheaper offer is - made by the publishers (Lrr- TELL & Gar, Boston), viz for $lO, they will send The Living Age, weekly, and either one of the leading American* monthlies, fora year; or for $8.50 /he LieinY Age and .0u- Young Folks. "Possessed of The Living Age and of one or other of oar vivacious American month lies, a subscriher will find himself in command of the whole situation:" The next volume of The Living -Age begins January lit. _ CAmrrows."---.711r. Editor : As we have not heard from our quiet little , town thro' the columns of the lb:Fulani,' for ,some time r: perhaps it would be of interest to some of your: readers to learn that Camptown still continues to grow. _BIeSSTB. COLT & CORTELL have opened a stone quarry just out of town, from which they are taking some very fine budding stone. WY. Calm, jr., k Sort, have lately opened a new store near the bridge. The work of building the Baptist church has been begun by P. Cohn, of Steiensville, who has the job. Bev. Mr. Branows has his house nearly com pleted. The Baptists, though tney have a small society here, .seem to be alive. HOMEII CAMP, Esq., has just completed. his residence, which ia_really an ornament to the place. The Good Templars' Lodge is in a very flour ishing condition. The fall term of our school closed last even ing with one of the best school entertainments welave ever had in' tho 'Academy. Mr. arr.- vENs, wlio is a quiet unassuming. young man, has proved himself to be not only a scholar but a teacher and a gentleman. He leaves us to accept the Principalship of the Smithfield Graded School. We regret to have hum leave unr school, for he his won many friends, whose best wishes will follow him. Mrs. Saonaves, who has bad charge of the "little ones," has also done herself credit. The 801 l Ringers were in town this week, but their concert was not equal to that of last winter, either in the tone of the bells or the moral tone. We might speak of the prospect of carfying water and driving our stock some distance in order to water them, next winter, but as"brev ity is the soul of wit," we will close. Campton-a, Nov. 25:1871 LERAYSVILLE. —Mr. Editor : I have not seen anything in your paper from this bor ough for quite a long time. It certainly has nut been because there has been nothing worth reporting, but rather, I surmise, because every one has been ,0 busy in performing their parts of the many " doings," that they have had no time to write about them.. Certain it is that we are not dead, but - alive, wide awake and ac tive; so much so, indeed, that the weeks are hardly lung enough fur all the work and plea sure we have on hand, and there has beencon siderable talk of the necessity i f instructing our .. worthy Representative-to introduce a bill, at the coming session of the Legislature, to add at least two days to the calendar week, applica ble only to this township—the 'sleepy towns about us having more time than they can use already; and if we can only get the right per son in the speaker's Chair, prep tent., we have strong hopes that the.bill will pass. 'Since the utter rout of the Democracy in the recent elections, We hear not a word hereabouts from its few adherents, who prior to that event were blatent with their high hopes of success and then—talk of corruption, " rings," etc., and in political matters everything is as quiet and serene as a summer sky. The pupils of the Academy, under tile in strirtiou of Rev. H. F. COCHRANE, doled a suc cessful and profitable term of school on the 2-ith 01 Nov., with a public exhibition, which was a credit to the school and 'exceedingly in teresting to the full house that gathered to witness it. Ou the following - evening LEAvrrr's Bell Ringers paid us a visit and gave a most excel l_nt entertainment to a rowded house. Our national Thanksgiv,ing was generally olr served according to programme. A union ser vice was held at the Cobgregational church, where Rev. Mr. Gwiairr dizcoarsed with his usual ilgor and eloquence. In the afternOon and evening the ladies of this church held a fair and festival, which were largely attended by old and young, all of whom seemed to enjoy themselves to their hearts' content and, best of all, the financial relulta were_ highly satisfac tory„ - The lightning express of the new railroad, of which so great things are predicted, has net yet reached us, but still business is good ;- the hari,l limes do not rest as heavily upon us as upon some of oue. neighbors, and although we are said to be "20 miles from every place," are; contented and satisfied that our ,littl " burgh " is by no means to be despised. Di. C. S. Drsr_Nur.anr has .engaged himself in the drug business in Towanda, but we con gratulate ourselxem that you are . not to take hith from us-entirely, but that a large part of his;time will still, be spent among us. More some °URI - time, perhaps. From BILWFOILD CONVENTION .OF I. 0. OF G. T.—The Quarterly Convention I. 0. or G. T., met. at Smithfield, in Good Templar's! Hall, Wednesday, Nov.: 22, 1871. Called to order with W. C. T. WHITE in the chair. _ . , After pro ternpoix , appointments for vacant office 4, the following committee were appoint ed On Resolutions, Bros. Dmirr, . KEEFE and Bise.swEt.t.; on Credentials, Bros. PRELPS and Srux_s, and Sis. MASON ; 'on Business, Bros. WEBB, CAMBER and Bracsos. On motion a committee consisting of Bros. Ds.urr and Bi.ScswEt.t. were appointed . , to draft Resolutions for discussion and make other arrangements for the public evening meeting. , Adjourned to meet at 1:30 P. 3f. Met pursuant to morning session ; minutes reed and approved. Itusiness'eommitted reports followed by ver bal reportatrtu the following Lodges: flock, i. 520; Ilighland,.7BB; North Towanda, 539; Rime, 4G9; East Smithfield, 521; East Troy, 570: Canton, 498: Leßoy, 545 ; Trojan, 500 ; Spnngfield, 506; South Creek, 775: Wyalusing, 472; Martha Washington, 471. Reports of the different Lodges were particu larly interesting, spicy and profitable; at times bringing forth hearty applause and renewed laughtar, together with many manifestations of renewed vitality and earnestness among tho Lodges, with increasing - strength in member ship. On motion, Bros. M. C. WEirrnaooit, of Springfield Lodge No. CM, and 0. L. LACKEY, of Trojan Lodge No. 500, were admitted dele gates for their respective Lodges. z - Resolution offered, dismissed and acceOed.o follows : w H Eaus, The present law licensing the sale a intoxicating drinks, has proven in every re spect inoperative, and not commensurate_ with the *viten is intuited to Inset • and iheitei, Lie sets of ,lestdetiOn toil old Ito' tolerate, motion Old clothe with respectatinity the stole business : it being in thisniped Just the law we do ipid wank theredbet i , • Booked; That this *invention apooint a committee it), three, whose lo d4 it shall be to draft ar t i W el an Act, and a Aar county framed n a form Pecti al Priand ' , tint 'same to give i ini rivid the h is fkruily or Mends recover fix time-spent or injury sustained. 1 • 'Resol a c i 4 ro That a ft er the farm shall be drain up and nd by executive committee,_ ape- Wien I be drafted immediately and drcuLt ed in every School district in our, county, then placed in Mn& dour Representatives elect orP or. before January 15,1871. Committee appointed J.. B. Ewes, S. C. GATLOSD and Q. M. HALL. • At evenliig a large audience convened at the Presbyterian church. The following was pre seiited, ably. discruised by Bros. Deer; Kszre, Wears, DION, ITABON, BZISON and Wilma: Resolved, That while we do not agree with some of our brethren in the organisation of a third parts}, we do insist that it is the duty of every temperance men to faithfully attend the primary meetings of the party to which he be longs, andi,by united e ff ort secure the election r in . heart cou temperannty conven ce tion. to represent the ' peoz eoec iur • - That we will support our officers in the careful enforcement of our present license laws as the surest means of securinggood gov ernment and preparing the way for better laws in the future. MCIRNI:110 ItstIOX—SLOOND DAT. Met ,in teen - session. Resolution presented and diiieunied - litst - eveffin — g; adopted. 6 1 3 The fel wing Resolutions presented by com mittee we also adopted, after aim:lesion : Reads • That we the members of the Good Templars' organization in Bradford county: will nse e ry means consistent with the elec tion laws of our State, and do cordially invite the co-opOation of the members of our sister organizatunis and of the church, in securing the nomination and election of men of integri tyand moist honor for the office of jury corn misaionersi of our county, and to all offices in the gift o e re !maple, both local and national. Resole That the District Deputies be re quired to port to the next Convention the names and numbers of Lodg e s visited, number of visits, and number 0 mil er traveled, together With, amount of money received. Resolaed, That the thanks of this Conven tion are due, and hereby tendered to the good o m otile of 'thtleld for th e eery ample enter tainment ruled to th e d e l ega t e s while in at,. tendance this Conv ent i on. Resole Th at we extend our thanks to : all Pane!. who have favored the Convention by rioting circulars and proceedings gratuitous. Ureter 'good of the order," much interest was manifested . by different members giYing 'their experience as laborers in the temperanoe rtnorm, and advising means of a more correct mode of iorking, and a stronger and more wholesome influence to be elated for the cause. .-M The ReYr. WEN.= spoke ably and in an r in teresting manner on the duty of those who la-. bor in Alif church, to labor in the temperance cause. 143 1 opposition and prejudice to secret societies • g based on ignorance of the work ing and intention of such organization. ' Others spoke on the necessity of parents, teachers, and others in authority, being of pure temperanee principles, and of training up the youth to the principle* of total abstinence. Adjourned to meet at Wyaluaing on the third Wednesday in February, 1872. 8. C. &MOM), Dist. Bee'y ZiVyaluaing, Pa., Nov. 26, 1871. INS—At the annual meeting for the election of officers of Franklin Steam Engine Co., No. 1, held on Wednesday evening, Dec. 6, the following gentlemen were elected : Foreman.-4. W. Ihsnov. First Assistant-L-0. A. BLACK'. Second, Assisfant.—SALATatax, Bast . : 4 Seerriar . y.-8. ifiLvonD. Financial Secretary.—E. Fnosr. 71-eacurer.--0. F. TAYLOR. Engineer.—Jas. MITCHELL. L Assiskirils.-14. Cadissam, J. C. LANG, D. E. HUNTL&Y, !CURL HUNTLEY. l'ipenen.—E. It. SHERMAN, SEYMOUR Sstrru, JAS. idrrearax, W. 0. TOuBS. M. 'REESE DAVIS and D. SMITH TAuior, ;two attorneys of Chester county, were admitted to the bar of this county, on Monday last. 8016.1 Wat: Fon.; Esq., of this place, has bee admitted to practice in the U. S. Courts. • LEAD PENcu... ; BUSINESS LOCAL. so. 'A special meeting of Naiad Fire Cp., bo held on Monday even ing, Decl. 11. Business or importance will be preaent4l. By order or the Foreman. liirita,Bee. Hive Dollar Stolle, Mercueil Block. Miss BRANDT is offering great itidueenents to the ladies in the way of -Bon nets, I;lewers,.tc. Casli-paid for Beef Hides, by J. WIIIIIIKEII tt. Sox, Rome, Pa. Nov. 0, 1871. • • . _ . birlln Cloths, Flannels, Blankets Shawls &c., our stock is complete. ' /11111 EVANS E. Mumma. -••• r Mortgages, neatly printed; for sale at this office. sej The cheapest ; place in Towan i d rt a to . b l y . M ag illin t ery t Goods, is at Mrs. J. D. The niceatßonneta and Hats are tole found at Mrs. J. D. litu.'s, Bridge street. 1 *Our stock of Prints, Sheetings, sturtings, Stripes, Checks, Ticking., Denims, never 'orals so large EVA.N9 h HELDREIII. Sia= The Largest Assortment of Bonnets and Hats aro to be found at Mrs. J. D. Hafs,lßridge street. IfirConnterpanes,Table Linens and 'ilicharition'a Linens, a full line at EVANS & M. :I complete line of the zele brated,"Queens 0 - wri" Silk lustre, Black alpaca, only to be had at EVAXEI It HILDIIETH'S. 118 1 ; .. 1 Dirrnicix, the music man, is receiving orders from all parts of the State: His in&aunt on musical instruments is appre• elated. . • _______..,..._ saltA full line of Ladies', Misses, 1. and Children's Hose, at EVANS A lIILDRETIfS, Bridge street. _ OCCASIONAL sir Hoods, Nnbias, Scarfs, and Ladied* and Children's Wrappers and Drawers, at Evora .& 114.narrn's, Bridge street. mg.. Velveteens all colors suitable for Sacks, Snits, also cat or bias for trimmings at EVANS .V. Ituana-nrs. - sir A few young men can get good board at reasonable terms. Booms heat ed with register. Enquire at this office: Mr. CROB3 makes a specialty of fine books gnash's; for Christmas presents. Hi stock of chromos, engravings, etc., is very fine. airtadies' and Misses' Bonnets and Hata, can be had cheaper than ever at the. sig,n of the Big Bonnet, in front of the Court Hon. , Isar "French Poplins, Empress elothk Merinos, and Sateeas all the new and popular shades just opened at Ersics 1t fluxurra's. _ Scotch, English, and Ameri can Water Proofs, bought before the advance, and frill be sold accordingly at Evass WANTED.—Agents to sell pictures ereriwbere. 9,500 retailed by one Send stamp. Warr9Er - 1 4 .iorwich, Coma. stir The Germania Fire Insurance co„ of N. IL, is safe, sound and reliable, and adjusts losses fairly and promptly. Vf. Mt;, - Agent. Oleo, Heron's Block. Mahe Bee Me lk•Ilat till Min Hrsossxr wishes " to' isll. the attention erthe ladies to ter Wind *pies In dun ; and cloak making.- eattint and Siting done nicely; and ca the shortest notice. - CiIAWRIMUter has just returned from the city, and persons in want of ene jew: dry, of the latest styles, cie elm' and plated ware of the latest patterns, should call and ex amine his stock. • Stir Banta Claw; will get a good portion of his amply - for the coming _Holidays, at the Crockery store of Wtanisst & BMOC. Miss KIKOEILIT is palling hand somely trimmed bats and bonnets- cheaper than any other Millinery house in Towanda. She also keeps a ray nice selection of • Ladies' ihrniabing goods, at low price's. Mr The Bee Hive Dollar Store, Kennet Block. 111. 1 The variety of articles kept in stock at the Crockery Store of WICZNAX a BLACK, 011 one Ii iroc rO to supply many wants. They keep cheap and good, rich and costly. Yost can all find something to suit You. NS. Faoirr & Soxs have a fine as sortment of Fiirnitore, suitable for the holiday& or any other season. Donwrros.—The friends a Rev. W. Baur will pay him a donation visit at The parsonage in nom°, Oa Wednesday afternoon and. evening, Dee. 20., All are respectfully in vited. iNir After all the abase and false hood thrown at the Singer Improved Sewing Machine, it still leads the whole list and con tinues to give general Batiatactiot o vrou ought to try one. 111%. F. J. Guam% of the Post Of fice Book fit Ore, will be opening a fresh lot of miscellaneous holiday Books, Toys, etc., just purchased for cash, and which will be sold at lower rates than other establishments in this maiden. M. An annual meeting of the stockholders of the Towanda Iron lilanutactar ing Company, will bo held in the Grand Jury Boom in the borough of Towanda, nn Tuesday, Dec. 19, 1871, at 1 o'clock P. Y. A. G. Masox, fieey. Fon SAL . oa Rftyr.—My -Watts' house and lot, on Towanda flats, will be for sale until Dec. 15 ;• then if not sold it will be rented, also the Gardens adjoining. R. M. Wr.u.xs. - Towanda, Noe. fl, 1871. stir J. WEOTAKER & SON, Rome, Pa., hive Oysters by the quart or gallon. Do- nations, parties and families supplied at lowest prices. Give us s call. Nov. 30, 1871. VW Preparations have been made by which the people of this vicinity may be sup plied with roods of all kinds suitable for the Holiday season, from a penny Toy up to - fine and costly articles. The Depot. for supplies is at WicKatx & BMOCs. Crockery &ore. To ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN.— All persons indebted to the undersigned, either by unsettled account or notes over due, will please call and settle before the first of Jan., 1872. After that time we shall leave such ac counts for " collection." L B. BODOZAS .t. CO . Id. Miss E. J. KINGIILEY wishes to inform the people of Burlington and vicinity, that she keeps constantly on hand a nice as sortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods, also a fresh supply of Christmas goods consisting of Toys, etc., etc. BOOM!! over Dr. MACY'S Drag Store, under the supervision of Miss SAitAtt Bum. . A lady teacher of experience, competent to give instrnetfon in French, Latin and the Higher English Branches, wishes a situation in some good school. Has the best of reference. Address, TEACHER, care of S. W. ALTOIID, Towanda, Pa. Fon Se.—A House and Lot on Second street, neat: the Ward House. Building new, three stories high, with good well !ad cis tern. Possession given irnmediatelyf' Apply tolsaac S. POST. • , - To Fa t imass.—A very valuable ma fare for compoat'and top• dressing, consisting of lime charged with ammonia, for gale cheap by the Towanda Gas Company. Try it. Towanda, Nov. 20, 1871. ' CHEAP COAL.—The Sullivan Anthra cite is the cheapest and best for all pur poses. Alio the the best Red and White Ash Coals at the Central Coal Yard. Orders left at my office, or at Dr. H. C. Powrin, Sox &Co's. Drug Store. will be promptly filled. It. 31. IVELLLN. Sept. 27, 1871. • NI. The final Examination of Teachers previous to the opening - of the Winter Schools, is to be held at the Publlc School House, in Towanda borough, on Saturday, Dec. 9. Exercises to commence at 9 o'clock a. x. A. A. Serer, Co. Supt. 1871 FALL 1871. Evers h finzarrn Are now ready for the fall trade with a most complete stock in every Department. Buyers of Dry Goods will find it to their interest to oi amine oar stock and prices before making their fall purchases. " . sir 3. WHITAKER & Sox, Rome, Pa., have one of the largest stocks of 13oots and Shoes ever brought into Bradford county, which they sell at the lowest rates,. for cash. Penton* desirous of anything in that line, will do well to call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Home, Pa., Nov. 30, 1871.-4 w.. • THE ORIGINAL CANHERBECE.—This well known musician. accompanied by his wife, a celebrated performer on the harp, is to give a concert in Patton's Hall, this Thursday even ing, DWr — nber 7. Cssossiiscs is well known among musicians from his skill as' a violinist and performer on the violincello. We hope to see a full house, as the concert is worthy of it. Remember the day and data. Admission, 50 cents ; children 25 cents. !, ie. We have on hand and offer at • bargains : 1 Grover & Baker Sowing Machine, 2 Ladd & Weiater's " " 1 Wheeler & Wilaon'a • " 1 Franklin 64 44 Leather Call at the agency of Wicsitax & BLAME. Sir H. B. McK.E.As, Insurance Agent, represents the following well known and reliable Companies:. :Etna, Hartford, Conn; Commerce, Albany, N. Y.; Alemantua, Cleve land, Ohio; Central, Altoona, Pa.; Penn Mutual Life, Philadelphia; Railway Passenger Assu rance, Hartford, Conn. Office, and Law Office, Patcli'm Building, Main street, Towanda, Pa. ..DONATION.—The friende of Rev. S. • sz J. sl.css, pastor of the Baptist church, will pay him a donation visit at the parsonage on Wed nesday atterticsan and evening, Dec. 13, 1871. 1 We take pleasure in giving the foregoing an' nom.cenient, and in earnestly inviting our citi zens generally to pay their compliments to this faithful and earnest minister of the GiespeL The good which he has been the instrument in accomplishing, is not confined to his own con gregation, neither should his temporal rewards come alone from them. Beene ItzpourEs office is the best place to get job work. • A Sinner thoutox.—By Coirnxo, a co.— . Text t - “inme down."—When the obi men *sired the boy to comookorn hunt the inie irne,he need weirs and greaktrhlch ierssmat beedid , by-the *nig ; soap. Stones britiihfldni &gnu we twe =ea lair words to our cantomere wtto do not pay as, Then we mint statements, and now we must try what virtue there Is in costs of Sheriff, constable, &e. They must come down. . NOTICE To Oca Gee curse.—AD persons holding Policies of the Coutreaki named billow,' ire hereby nett- Bed that unexpired premium on the ante will be refunded by the Companies, provided they ire left with us forcollection within a reasons ttle time. Please attend to this of once, as the return Premium dalesArom the time of surren dering Polio,. Those living at a distance will mad their Policies to us at Towanda, Pa. After 30 days from this date we will decline to receive theta : aty Fire Insurance Co., North American, Fulton, Cleveland, °consent Ins. Agents. Nor. 15, 1871 PERSONAL.—We were pleased to re ceive a call, daring the put week, from Dr. MLR's traveler, who was in eur town devoting his time and ittention to the preparations of the great medicine man. This call has become a pleasant annual to us from the able and reli able business character or the accomplished gentlemen whom this firm send out to transact their business. Ito house is better , known or valued by the pies' for its promptness in set tlement than the well catablished and popular J. C. Ana & Col, Lowell, Wass., Whose medi cines harttbexime a household necessity, and won the confidence and praise of all. Onr own acquaintance with them has extended over a ries of years, and we hail) invariably found them. _their travelers and their medicines, worthy of the commendation they everywhere receiio.—Jaskson (Tenn.) Dibune. SPECIAL LIO31:111A-NCE NOTICE.— The following named Fire Insurance Companies, the Merchants' of Hartford, the Manhattan of New York, the Putnam of Hartford—heretofore represented by the undersigned, were made in solvent by the Chicago fire, and special notifl.. 'cation of the fact has been sent by mail to all who held Policies issued at this Agency. • These Coinpanies can now offer but little in demnity to their Policy-holders against loss, and it is therefore advisable to surrender such Policies for cancellation, in order to obtain as much return premium as the assets of the par ticular Company may enable ft to pay. Those Policy holders who wish to obtain any return premium, will please send their Policies to me at once, arid I will attend to the collection. The assured will write across the face of the Policy, the following: "Surrendered for an cellation,• with date and signature added, and so send their Policies to me. ' • I continue to represent the best and most re liable Insurance Co's, and issue Policies at rea sonable rates. C. S. BessELL: MARRIED. JENKUCS—PALMER.--At the Parsonage, tu Idonrooten, Nov. 28, 14' Rev. Hillock Arm strong, John Jenkins to Miss Alice J. Palmer; Troth of Leßoy'. WILLIAVS—WILT—Attbe Ward Ilimse, To wanda, Nov. 29, by Rec. Matlock Armstrong, Clarence '3l. Williams to Miss Lucinda Wilt, both of tiushore. . . GOFF—EELS.--In -Orwell, 'Nor. 29, by Lev. Win. Shelf), of Rome, ldr. Solon L Goff, of Rome, to Miss Lydia A. Eels, of Ottawa, 111. DEWEY—MASON.--14 Franklin, on Wednes day, Nov. 29, by Elder Calvin - Newell, Mr. Al bert P. Dewey. of Armenia, and Miss Alma E. Mason, of Franklin. WILSON—McCUTCHEON.—In Towanda, the 11th ult., by Rev. R. J. Lusk, Mr. D. C. Wil son to Miss Lacinda J. 'McCuicheon, both of this place. BRINK—FABSETT.—In Bush, Suaquehanna county, Nov. 6, by Rev. H: F. Cochrane, Mr. Wilbur C. Brink, of Pike, and Mary I. Fatima, of Bush. CARTER—TAILOR—Di Pike, Dec. 2, by Rev. H. F. Cochrane Charles G. Carter ; of Owego, N. T. and Lobe Taylor, of Lellaysville. EDSELL—BAKER.—.Nov. 22, at the M. E. .parsonage at Leliaysville by Rev. G. E. Walworth, Mr . Stephen F. Easel!, of Pike, Pa., and Mrs. Lydia M. Baker, of Tuscarora, DIED SCHRLDEIL—Near Monroeton. Nov. 25. 1871, from scarlet fever,' Emma Jean Schradei, daughter of Orange Schiader, aged nearly 11 years. "In some rude spot _where vulgar herbage If chance a violet rear itspurpletead, [grows, The careful gard'ner moves it ere it bloom, TO thrice and flourish in amobler bed. Such was thy fate, dear child— Thy opening such! ' Pre-eminence in early bloom was shown, For earth too good, perhaps, And loved too much— . Heaven saw, and early marled them for its own." CAMP.—In Middletown, Pa.,-Nor. 5, 1871, Nei son Camp, ago 56. MEERIL—In Litehtlidil,--Dec. 3, Milo Merril, aged 69 years. SPENCER.-In Lincoln, Del., rug Saturday, Nov. 25, auddenly of heart Macaw,' Rev. 11. Spencer, aged 65 years., He was for many yewrs a resident of Litch field, Pa., an able and faitlifnl minister of the Baptist church. , • J. CRON.—In Wysox, on Sundae, Nov, ::G, 1871, Robert ; C:ou, fortne'rly of New Jersey, a.ed 25 years and 1 months'. WORKHIZETC-- In P s ottervile, Nov. 28, Mr.. Reuben Workinzer. raged 44, formerly of Stroudsburg, Monroe Co. In the death or Mr. WOUELIIZEIL, Out only /4 3 family but the whole community hal met -with a'severe lops. An energetic and upright busi nessman, kind and genial iu his nature, he was beloved, by his friends and honored by all who knew him. He died trusting in Christ as his Savior and Friend. . C. SPECIAL NOTICE'S. ----:0:---- GLASS Top Fuurr JARS.—Quarts, $2.OOEr. doz.; gallon, f 2.50 (it, doz., at Wicanax t BLaca's. _ ser We shall he compelled to 'end an officer to wait on our delinquent custon •rs, who do not pay attention to our statenie s. He will collect travel fees. . CODDING, ,lIT'SSELL .tr. Co. Towanda, Oct. 31, 1871. - tar Chop Feed, cheap, at the Red, White and Blue Store, Ace have large additions to our assortment of chamber sets just -opened. Also. a full line of Silver Plated Ware, from Bogert t Brother. Bt-Sox. Id. Choice Flour, b' the suck or barrel, at be Red, White and' Bine Store. Rroowar EvEarrt, ier VANVEtion aS MANNEns, Merchant Tailprs, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Farnialing.Goods, C 8 Broad street. WAN erly, N.Y. May- 3, 1871. for Sugars, very low, at the Red, White and Bine Store. • • DS. Tobacco, hp the pound, pail, or barrel, cheap, at the lied, White and Itlue Store. RIIXIWAY fit EVETIEI:T. NOTICE.—AI persons indebted to the undersigned are hereby requested to call and settle beforeithe Ist day oS January, 1872, uwe wish to balance ou r books. Amur, Luny k Duvur.u. Wyalusing ,Pa.. Dee. 4, 1871. soar- The annual meeting; of the stockholders of the First National Bank. of To' wands, for the election of directors, will be held at the Banking House, on Tuesday, January 9, 1872, bet*een the hours of 1 apd 3 P. X. N. N. Bests, jr., eashier. Noncr...—The tuJdersigned_will sell goods of all kinds usually kept in a conntry store. until Jan. 1, 1872. for ready phl, or by special arrangements, (+duper than can be beat in "Bradford county; and all persons having book account, are requested to call and settle before the year closes, army Books must be set tled. ' L D. TAYLOR. Ora:mine Centre, Nov. 13, 1871. lir Tea, by the chest. caddy, or potaut. at the asktinge. and Moe titoro. E owarl EVZILICIT. Mir The Annual meeting_of the stockholdere of the Toiriinda Bridge. CO.. for the electkin of a President. Treasurer, and six managers. to Jerre' the 111=1111_,Sar t win be held at the Oleo ,of the rust National Bank of Towanda. OW Wedeeedke• Jae- 3,1874, between the hour* on and S o'clock r. IL . N. N. Bans, jr., Secy. Dee. 1, 1811 • MIL- The North British and Mer candle Insurance Co, of• London - And • Edin burgh, whet) informed of they lossec by 'the Chicago Are, telegraphed back : " Subscribe $5,000 for the nee or the tufferers and draw on us at three days for our losses.' roe insu rance In axiom Company, on as favorable terms as any other, apply to 0. D. Bawn.vrr, Agent. Nand—A special meeting of, the stockholders of the - Mutual Building - and Bay ing Fund Association of Towanda, will be held in the Grind Jury Boom, Towanda, Pa. on 'Monday evening, December Pt at 7 o'c lock* ock* for the purpose of amending Sections 2 and 3 of Article I. of-By-Laws. • . IL F. UrOODILIN, Seel. Hartford, Now York Ohio CAMP & Viet T. H. A TOWANDA STEAM '' 4 FLOURING MILLS ! Respectfully inform the publlc that -Lacing rebuilt on the site of the old mill, with all modern improve ments. they are now prepared to d In the best possible manner and on Alio shortest notice. No pains will be spired to give satisfaction: Farmers doing business in town can' bring their grain and have 4 - ground Alle Wile day to take back. FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, FEED Ai MEAL. By the car load or in yuraltitlei to euit imrchasera IluxiwAy t Evr.r.rrr CaP4l paid for all kinds of drain wY 0311 N G COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Retchrisked in Oka. ie connection with Wyoming Sea. nary. Re-opening Sept. 1, 1871. The most thorough course of Commercial Instruc tion in the country. Terms lower than at any other Are class Oniunercial College. Situation's furnished to superior graduates. from time to time. .Our graduates are filling 'lucrative and honorable posi tions in nearly every State in the Union. Telegraph. ing takght by sound and register.. Particular atten tion is p..id toPetunanahlp. Students nay pu,ne studies In both Seminary and Commercial College. Scholarshito for full Commettial coarse, $25.00, with Telegraphing. $33.00. Telegraphing alone '112.5,00. Ornamental Penmanship. ')three months) $lO.OO. Board per week, .$4.00. For further in formations address Rev. R. Nia.sox. 1/.. 8.. Princi pal Wyoming Seminary and Commercial college. or L. L. Smack's, Principal Commercial College, Kingston. Pa. senl3ll-3m r.IDG F AT S Evrite-rt MOWANDA ' IRON 31ANITFAC 1. TURING COMPANY. New Advertisements. 0 EI 4 0 c° •; &4 w. El W: ,H. FULLERP CO., CUSTOM GRINDINCI-- GROUND CA.YUGA PLASTER AT $l Prat TON .-min All kinds of grain lezen in exchange f,,r-Piaster Towanda, Nov. 1. MI KINGSTON, PA • 0. F. MASON, H. L. SCOTT. .1". CO. A. C,ODDINO. IL C. ELSBREE. • 'M. H. SPALDTNU, • . C. L. TRACY. L. L. monriy. - The Tuman.:m torn Manufacturing Company offer for sale $25,09u 01 7 I,l' coloori mood.. DESOUMATION slo'.o . AND f5OO. PAYABLE IX 5. 7 •.ate 8 YEARS Interest payable semi4minnally. and. both principal and interest payable at the First National Bank of Towanda. These Banda • are secured by a First Mortgage on their Beal Estate• and Works nearly completed. worth at least $60.000. This isa good opportunity for a safe and profitable investment. These Donde are for sale and information will be furnished by the First National Bank. Merman; Bank and G. F. Mason & Co.,Bankers. Towanda, Pa. A. G. MASON, Treaeurer Towanda, Pa.. Dee. 1. 1871. New Admtbeli=o EASON OF 1071-4. 1.0. OUT. LBWS, The ennunlttee have made the following engage. manta : • OLIVE LOGAN, I:4I6—WEDSZEIDAL OCTOBER 18. Einbject—"Nice IN?tuig Men." Dr. J. G. lIOLLAND, crimarny TrraNts,) Date—TVD3DAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1871 , Sebject : " The Social Undertow." JOHN B. 0O UGH. Thite.:TIIESDLY, DEMMER, 26, Itnl. PETROLEUM V.,NASBY. 89bject•• The Mlsaion of Skinewatigh ANNA. E. DICKINSON. • Date—FEBRUARY ,29., 1872. "- 1 1 subject—'"Join of Arc.'• The other lecturers sill probably be HENRY WARD BEECHES. R. H. CRAPE( and ROBERT COLYEIL. The MENDEL/MORN cIIIMETEE CLUB will give a Canoed DECEMBER 1. General admission Season Tickets.... • Tickets for sale st POSIT= k Harm's Drug Store. Sale Of Beuerred Seats will commence, two days before each lecture. JNO. F. ANDERSON, L. R. FROST. •1 J. W. VAN TIITL. Towanda, Oct. 5. 1871. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, METROPOLITAN. STORE, N 9. 3 OTLIFFITIIS /,-. PATTONS BLOCS, BRIDGE STREET. The largest stoek-orßooiS, Shoes and Rubbers ever brought into Brad- ford County, wild- be sold 25 per Cent. cheaper than they can be bought at, any other establishment. I buy my goods at first hands and thereby save the Jobber's profits, which enables me to sell Cheaper than any other Mouse in Towanda SI ICI RUBBERS ! RUBBERS ! ! Of fill the laieSt:. styles, which will be retailed at Factory Prides. Mens' Kipp a Calf (Bnot s , and Ladies Fine Shoes, retailed at Whole- sale Prices I have the exclusive sale of SAM.- UEL WILSON'S Mens', MisSes and (Andreas Shoes, which arc the best ever brought into - - the niarte-i. • ELLIS H. •FOE, EINURTDGE STREET." Towam.le, Sept. 28. Ptil. THE , UNDERSIGNED ARCHI TECT AND BUILDER, wishes to infoima the citizens of Towanda, and vicinity. that ho give purtienlair attention to drawing plans. designs and specifications fcirlall _manner of buildings. private and puhlic Superintendence given for commonable compenution. Cake at residence N. E. corner of Second and Elizabeth ssreets, where he will be found every evening from 7 to 10 p. cm, Saturdays all' day. J. E. FLECMG, Boa 511. Towanda, Pa. • al. &. 1871 ITALUARLE FARM FOR SALE. , • The undersigned offers for sale his farm 'ha sled in Laporte tarp., Sullivan county„..Fa., on the stage read about midway between Laporte and Du.' ah•ire, on the hanks of the Lovelsock creek. Said, farm, contains 76 acres of land, &bout 30 acres well cultivated..andthe rest well timbered. His on It a sail , mill. grist Mill. good water power, a large plank house, kept as a tavern, a large plank barn. a horse. stable with gOod Sheds, and other outbuildings, and a good ,bearing orchard. • Reason for *selling, ill Beath. For further particulars address • Oct. 5J . 871. , HERMAN RING. G. MASON, XV. 11. FULLES .A NCHOR , LINE STEAMERS. Sail every Wednesday and Saturday. to and , from NEW YORK AND , OLASJGOW. Coiling at Londerry to land galls and Passengers. The Steamers 'of this favorite line are built ex- Prvinill tor the Atlantic Passenger Trade. and fitted up I. every respect with ail the modern improve ments calculated to insure the safety, comfort, and convenience of psesengers. Passage Ritetlldrable in Ourrenny. to GIASSOOW, LIAERPOOL._ and LOKDONDETtRY. - FIRST CABIN. SGS and s7s.iceording taliicstlon CABIN RETVILNITICKETH. $l3O. aecurniOyst re commodatlons. INTEILMEBIATE. $33. STEER AGE. s`l9. I r • I Partiea • sending for their friends in the Old Connn try tan purchase tickets at reduced rate*. For Bla ther particulars apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. 7 Dowling Green, N. Y. or to S. O. MEANS, Central Expreaa °MCC. Towanda. Pa. 3tnoctlS'7 t. , . . s.=s - it.'s7i ° C -•u1e..7,7,• , g t 4. ..... .72. A. --g= .1. . _ _ ; 0t :eAt4eme .--. ' ! - -$1,..e.i1m?.. .5. :,:,• g:1 a; 22 64 : 1 , 0 *....... .... (:) t3`ili :are. i EVIgl OLJ lam2Aß' 4 4 s '. . - .1 . .1f.°.t . _ w I 4 =1.,_ .1 5.z.t. g E-( .4 . At. 7.11. f!" 4 16 !P . 4 D 4- - ". EPI.E'7,: -: 2 4 A 7. ,- =l-1 . "1.1" lio. Q ,-, -et.lacS" e . 1 . - 7-zs 47 - 1 .VT.r,:. 2. ~...1 : - -T 4 E g tf/a 4 ,4-a.og Q .4.. it §\k4 t r .... it :18y4 ..1 qil r......4 4 4t'emg '''i - 2.1 .:125t-ri..irc* p.-. 4 - '. ; ..2z.14...=-4,1g.' "im 21:11.;. 4 .1Rt ci -f 1, - • / , •1 - LL KINDS GROCXRIUS AND Provisions .at wholesale and retain. at Maly To. • " C. R PATCH'S. f(HOICE GREEN AND BLACK %.." TEA. and Coffee, eneap, at Zane 15,1571. k:OX & =RCVB• Lanbject-4. Will It Pay.' /Uk•J'AlirABY 31. '1872. CUXMITITZ WM. FOYLE. N. P. HICKS, IS AT Tak: ►~"' Nei Abiribmienti .11 A R p Iv 4. .E,!, IRON & NAAS, EINE 33AL3Layvcrrw's - in3 nix ESTR,EET. Agent for the celebrated Heating ILLUMINATOR! I. Call and see it with a fire is A fine, line of Cooking- Stove's, among are - the -• $ 50 AM, LINE, • PAY MASTER, 'NORWOOD, PRA= HOME, SENSATION, &c., de.' 3 50 Eli FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Carefully packed, same pricelas com mon,Atuerican. Sash; Oils, Vuitty, Vida & Varniiihes hl X11 `! iii y~ IY. 'lll H ~il'l :iMli if ~1:~ ~~ Locks, Latches, Bath, Screws, 1!;,c Horse Shoos and Toe Corks PURE MANILLA HAY ROPE, Cheaper than any Harise in the State We - will sell you anyPiiiig in the Hardware,line 10 per, cent cheaper .for cash than any House in Bradford County M. D. ,BA L DWIN. Toivanda, Nov. 1, 1871. lEt BOOTS, STOGA BOOTS,-- CALF BOOTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, In endless 'variety. 13cx:)t9. micx:ytes. - • L. L. IIOODII f CO., Hate tLe sole control for the Retail i — yet - • ' • • trade of Humphrey riro!s. CIITO R'S .I.3Nonce is he r eby given theta pinions indebted to the estate of NEREliffAll GREGORY:Iaps-of Wilmot. decd. are sreqnested'to make immodhite payment, and all persons havin g claims againsesald estate mutt present them •duly alabentleated for settlement B..G.SEGORY. Manufactured in Towanda , I ocl6-wfi . Executor. BOOTS AND `SHOES • • tr . , • And im are retailing pieta as' low as other houses are retailing:Eastern Goods. t • DON'T BE DECEIVED; ! Be sure that yoii are buying these Boots, for it font stand to reason that an Eastern Boot, made by ma chine throughout, will begin to wear with the cells. bated TOWANDA. BOOTS RUBBERS ! • • A large assortment. which we are sell Lug at a larite reduction' in prices. We keep none but grit quality Rubbers. FINE SHOES ! For Ladiea. 'Misses and Children. in Feb. tloat, French Hid. Serge and Frenc.h Calf. In tact all the styles manufactured bT the best Factories in he country. - A rru, LINE OF BURT'S_ GOODS ON HAM)! ROBES! Just received, a- larger stock of Wolf, Jitiffalotind Lap Baca, alsoliorse Blankets. WBipa, &c.. which we-are selling cheap for cask TRUNItS, TRAVELTSU BAGS, AC The Waed aeeoitment is this section st citeresponil ing prices.. Give us a call and you will be suited L. L. 3100D1. - U. E. WATELIS.) Tovvads, Nov. 1,1871 129 Stove, lElMill \ - RUBBER BOO* HACD-MADE RUBBERS! RUBBERS! 1 FLNE SHOES! 1. FINE SHOES ! BLANKETS! ROBES 1 L. , L. MOOD3i• k CQ. r?V*'/165 We F 16 , 6 1. $a I .Sl * . 34* 22, 18712 134 Yoqa Ihiumtas, iaof, STOVO, NAILS, 9LAI3i;, PAIii7SO NEciparics "Too &C., OF CODDING,RESSE_LL &'CO. TOWANDA; pi, • e • 4. Who not only sell at the lowest cash prices, which cannot - be undersold in he county, bnt who, fiOm their long experience in the trade, are able to, and do, keep ,s variety, of goods of alLkinds which is not - equalled is their his part of the State. aim to sell goods that shall gibe satisfaction, and they have Only. to.: refer to. their: customers in the past as to what they will perform in the future. As the ordinary space of an aduertisement would fail to.'en:. umerate the "goods kept 'b - y whoever may wish to i purchase should not fail to visit their store. They have a - great variety -of Cooking and Heating Stoves,among which are the- American, Morning Oriental,.. and man y. other patterns of Base Burners. have a large lot of 'ferry Claiatmas Stoves at Reduced Prices, although he tendency of prices is decidedly American Cook; Magic upward. Shield, - Trihqne, Union s and many others. , They are -the only agents for the two best - Heaters , efer. sold, he Oriental and - Reynolds. Also Chaffee's National and liarristuut Feed Cutters Corn Shelters Pocket - Knives and Table knives, .very cheap, Silver -Plated iWare,Lard, Whale,and Machine Oils, Brass and Copper Kettles, Clothes Wringers, Aoys - ' Sleds, Skates, Hay R — ope, Lath, Tinware, Drain Til4, Cement, Patent Iron tenches, Planes, &e. legal. A_DMDTISTRATOR'S -NOTICE.-- Notice is hereby even that all persons indebt ed to the estate et dIIRDEi CLARK, deceased., late of Burlington, Ire requested to make immedi ate payment. and all persons haying claims against said estate must present them duly authenticited for settlement. - BENJ. 31. CLARK, . . 0ct..5.1 . 14r6 Administrator. AA DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that all 'persons indebt ed to the estate of WM. W. EASTABBOOKS. late of Towanda tp, deed; are requested.to make iminediato paymcnt, and all persona having claims against said eatatelmnst present the same duly authenticated for settlement. JULIA AIM EASTABROOKS, srulks GORHA.M.- . • Administrators. Nov3-w6 XEC II T I R'S• NOTICE.-L L Notice I. hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of JOHN F. DODGE, late of Teriy deed.isre requested to snake immediate pay ment, and all persons having-claims against laid ea tate must present the same duly authenticated blig settlement. JOHN S. DODGE. 4 D. In3tocx DODGE Executors.. nor .3-v6 OTICE ..IS HEREBY GIVEN M that application will be made at the next meet ing of the Legialatanre of Pennsylvania' for the in corporation of a Savings Bank, to be known as the Towanda Savings Bank, to have a capital of fifty thousand dollars. with authority to increase the same to any amount not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars. The objects of laid bank are to receive money on deposit and to discount note*. bills. &u. and to exercise general banking privilege*. to be located in tae borough-Ted Towanda, county of Bradford, with authority to establish bnuathes at _other places in said county. . June 14,11-6 m . cv_ricp, is hereby giYen that ari,, pliestion will be made to the neat Legislatufe of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a-Satngs . Bank. with disecmnting and dePositingPrivilegui4 to he located at Wyalturing. Bradford County. witILU capital of $25.000. with the privilege to increase the same to $lOO.OOO. under the name and style of the - Wyal Wang Sayings Bank. 00.18 EX EC lITOR'S 'NOTICE.= - NOtice is hereby given that all persoiisimiebted to the estate of Levi Hoffman. late of Wilmot top...deceased, a r e regnested to make immediate payment, and all persons having _claims against said estate must present them duly atthenticitedi for settlement. ' JOSEPH EBRRLTS. • =I VXECITTOR'S . .I.4N,flee is hereby given that all persons Indebted to the estate o• TO W. BOWMAN, late of Monroe.i. deceased, are requested to make brmed:ste payment. and all persons hating claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for, settlement. HENBIErTA BOWMAN, - B. B. BOWMAN, • • A. Pt "AI.L.M4f, .Executors: nml.l-w•6 A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE:L-- Notice Is hereby given that alllndebted to the • estate of AllOB PIEBCE, late of Troy: deemed. are rev:leafed to make immediate payment and all - persons haring claims wit* said estate must present them duly authenticated for settle. went. 11,0B1fItT F. REDDIGTON._ anv2.l- wa Administrator. • VXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that all performs indebted'. to the estate of Cyrel Falrnian. late of Smithfield twp., deceased. ire requested "to make immediate pay ment. and all, persons having claims against the said estate must present the same duly authenti• cated for settlement. CHABT•a'strt Ruscia„ Executor. LUCY FAIIIMAN. Executrix dee .7.71 DNIDZISTRATOR i S NOTICE. - Atiotico is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of Nelson B. Dunham. late of Rome. deceased. are requested to make immediate payment. and all person; basing claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated -for settlement. ORSON DICKEY. • LEWIS 00117 . .",- no% 7-w ' Administrators. TISTBAY.—Canre toithwenclostkre .l.2 of the embsalber on,or about the 200113 f No. Timber. a Bright Say HORSE COLT. three years old, with 1 white foot and ►stir In the face. The - owner is requested to come forward,- prow proper ty, pay'charges and take him away. cr he will bo posed of accorsll4 to law. . ... • . 8. Ii:BTIDIDEVAST rast 7 Bpritut Hill; Dec. - STRAY.—Came into the • end°. E lure of-E. W. Smith. in Monroe township. ou or about the 18th of liovember,alltreo-year old RED PEEPER, white belly and crumpled horns:. The owner is requested to come forwird, prove property nay charges and take her away, or she will bo posed of according to law: ° - ' Monroe, 4.1871.—* 500 TOES HAY! Good Tun - olio thy wanted at Bockwell'a Power Press, for which cash will bepaid on delivery. Towanda, Dec. b, 1871; W. h. itGCSWEIT4, OM They GEORGE EBERISS. E. W. smiTit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers