Trka - 411 Nano s. II rn . • . ... —'l l llo nowesi- Southern pipet is the Chayleslinyi . ll4. • • - 1 --:The first step towardtbappiness • 1 is t 9 Iprget one's se . , .. r f r ' :i ---_,migratio is epor .-front 1 Nielaigaii to Ne* 3 . • ' . . —The witti to tie spoken 1, ---- • n t ia g l3 , culs‘arch—Tho Pi , - ' , ' . i 1 1.: - =The eliftbn. Spring. *al= en,to I ,clugpel 406,41 ifowll,soo,orgasi. 1 • •- • :• lttlfe.oortine is railioadis4 in -Cal- Walter Be . i,t , is io liinie n natinn • went. in ‘Edinburo. 1 • 1 - ' 4 .. . • —Gen: Sherpaall has been ureceiy ed". at Ottaiwa, Miens.. • 13Oslon - has subseribed over $162,00010r a =tactual of fine arts. •. —ls a jolly-boat eller helped along by four roars of,laughter. •—A lager brier brewery has been started iu lokohama,,-.7apan. ' sonio pet, \alligators. Oro tliey of the lantikli bieed? lady- at Ellsworth, Maine, tws twelyelaius tailor family. -Texas lies been .visi ted" by a ter storm au'd by Horace Greeley. _ --T11•0 Floosue tunnel is bored 15,- ket and 9,9,71 eel remain to betbored. fin& the Vre mere arcs, While others seek . for Ain —The . Newfoundland. &lemon • ares awith ho,Virashingten treaty. • is 80 •much "whiskey pa eins'imzukti that ruhuey sinalipOx. ;is ifibrassing -I.lroLiosu and is not decreasing in Newark.. ns ; •eornpltims of neg &lit in lighting thh streak Lampi sinee•the uter i flow. ' so among the horses o en goy, railwafa con4uuesFi —The disc -tile NOY ,Yorli 'vas' Itbs . ,tc4L —Tile 2 - 001 for the atmexatio Dominion. of July is the time . of British Columbia to the' .. '.• .. —Secretary and Mr& ' Fiat will leave Vl'aidling,toti the. list of this tnonth for 'several. week's .abilenee in Not York, .: • . ... —The . suberiptionslo Sii,Walter t;;cott's Astne, to he rreetedin Central Fait Wt = New - York, Ilea amount 40 eigittlikettSand dol ;dam. , . . ... T, - • . . --- /t.iS ascertained that the'' Tilexi . ....; us arit - i'in the habit of cutting down the tele.; : graph . pole.. of thie Denver and Santa Fe lino to repair trcir wag Ons. . -.L28,0.00 acres of land in Fnyette, :.:Sieholas andGreenbrier counties, Virginia,. :ha-`e recently beqii purchased by .Pennsylvani :ans and Marylanders. .. 2 -Havana has a cab syStem which • enables paSsengdrs . to ride the whole length of the city fur twenty cents. • 14ut4eri. arks, Jr., has. obtained , a verdiet, againkt the Boston and Albans hail read Company r r 5'11,279 fi7, - H- . . The qua tiger of the San Paulo Tiailway, in ilnedos•Ayres, has' been ,pat upon - trial for inurden in consequence of a recent •.• fatal aorident u .i - .the road. . - 1 , --•--71'he tyrib ie school: of Charleston, .§.C., aro to be dosed on the :10th of this month, _ ',inn'. . ::.• .f ho Itlcgokl 'pint of funds 'with which *..- ti; ••..,!:;:ntio them.-: ir- .... . , -. • •---.l.iappy f .NeViida . having already diseorotvd a t.eckitod soap mine and three soda water lalimi, is-now hunting after a lemonade , • spring . 410 a fee ice cream caves. --:The roue of the New York city - Niadnet Haile- 4 11p! not yet decided. The Der el(ct wisf.,ly,insisii that if run tram the Battery of the 'City Ball: - I . . . -=-3.lfrs. Frances it. Carter, of New York city, has 13{, , en giving public readings and ' ..- 'is ,protiotinceil a fineclocetionist. —The, -thee :excitements of the , week in Boston, arc the Barnum show ' thc Odd -FelleviS, and th Ninth New York regtment. I.t I —i's. - ‘S' od is reported to have. t realized not lest than ,f.'...)0,000 by the sale of her ' sensation stork., which at firs-t she could not induce 1 any . pnb islier.t.o look at • ;-3.linisto Wasliburne-las recei....v-i, od leave . cirlbsnee, and Wilfsoon go to Earls bad for the he ant of his health, impaired tom' his arduous du les in Paris. . . , . —The 41.` tc De.partment issues an : 1 :average of dati pat.: T orts ds.ity, many of theni to Frenchmen awl 'Oermans- returning to their . native countriett. ' - .' —A. weSteirn— paper,.chronitling the -lath of a. yond„" man, says ho was i'gtinlable. . Pi ,, 1.1k, a trite Christian, and then best base ball ","short"st,tp" iii the section. • 'e - - Levy, t is Parisian-publisher,haS the niantiscript, of all tile li, t oks of Ale:midair _ — pumas, superb 'Y bound. They aren't-Men in .-__, 4 a script as dela litt copperplate. 1 - -- --Llteliabliforniation has been ' received at Washingau that the t...rctiolt go+. - eminent, has.appoirded Jules Felly.triirdster to this goyettituent;in place of Viscous' Terilhard. -:---Tite anniversary of .the kiattio of ,nn ilk ei mit was cohbrated with much spirit itt 'SIM Fran, , .sco ha Saturday, the- Russian War ', : yarin firin a salute in hither of the day. . - I • canal boat was. built of iron at 11111 Q, Englaud, as.early. as 1787. —Mrs. Cunningham Burdol hits ; juAt eommenCeil her bah rnntrimoniat "ren• tare." _-. • —Mr. Charlas---Bugler has been elected president of the .publication avletr; of • the lAitheran General Synod. • ' ' , . , Dr. j. 7. Livingitone, who:Was au;tity ~:Irs a Vulted States consul to 'Central . Aineri..l died 'a few days ago at Cheri - PI galley • • in-this State. I•• - --,,,-.. , t !: --,-Mr. Morel's B. Buck has a vine ," vaf- on the mhuntain side ,near Front . Beira!, ' .Va., - says the .Wheeling Ingellfgehcer, which/last year yielded fifteen thous4nd gisims of Myth , ut Willy. --, i ' —A fellow living near Locklfa i ven I wanted to butcher a calf last Sunday Week. JI is - wire ‘ and !daughters objected, wherenpon he came very near butchering them. . I Fetiatilo surge was indulged in IA the Republican primary 'election in !Titus % ille,last week. 3lrk - Charles U. Brett walked up the rolls arid deposited - her, vote wish her husband. - , , . .. . . —The D'elVitt Clinton Comniand 'try of Knights Tempters of Pertsnninth. have - a ceeEtf 11 the invitation ofthe Templar at Lau . Ecacc, Massacilusctta, to visa tiiiit city on June -21. ,- - -Lilo Msociated Prest; over' ator rpoived a dh9nitch , about Secretary ticArartl'a VI ,:l. t the Khedive, the Other morning,iaA Pa h,lrti: "Mr. &ward. waii ptesented to, , ii. IL Edire." .. _ ---Dllrillg . -Sunday's storm,,o Beech 4i1 • 11 clastnut it;aves fell 'in Lowell; Mass. It Li 61/1 , r..Me1l ale:ll!worti brouglif by an angercur relit -,, .i. air :rote thi", - Seene of -the IIore:I-3h.: t0r4 . ....10: • 1 c-- d --•The , ceoa - triennial reunion of - tho s.x.tiety. 61the \Army (l a the Jamoz•Will be' had in New llork 6u 'Wednesday, July 19. Ma •• Jor General Tbiry will ilel4'er - an oration, and Colonel John il!. /fay will rchitte, a poem.l - -1 '-- li r t ,Point 1 . 1 . tu 1 —Tho '‘ esc ip o as are ' enormous in also', and covered with old' time' engravings or, miltOry insignia. They Order .. no degree; bit simply certify 16 the satisfacto. • ryezarumation Tassea by the recipient. 11 ••• _ L . •-•— A.hon , a year ago, a Litman • named ifi'2ffe4llger .bonght a farm on the aSan= cv hills, - LT ing connty,- for t 5,000. Since then coal has been discovered on the land, and $50;000 has xn offered him for - the Jelin.' _Delauare she_ d this spring , -have been shy of „Trenton. , ' The fishermen of that • city have heitclularthreirts'in.theis. complaints. On Saturday' .nit the 'season closed. On San -1 - day the shad passed by Trenton in multitudes ‘ —probablya ," peace demonstratlon". ' l —The lethOdist Camp Meeting -; • -. which Bas begun in Salt Lake City on Friday Lust, is' conducted by'some Of the Moat , expen -fenced able; and 'brilliant ministers of that - chitrch. The'serviees are held in a mammoth tent :Ana are .till to be kept. up for several days. —A nesv,_nterpriso has been set 0111,..nit by, some of "Ike influential citizens of -.. Dostoti, to developethe advantAgeeof Revere • ifonue.rlit - Chciscial a'seaaide resort, and to_lliirigrits attractionsprgnitinat'. ~ ittlY before . 'the. public; The time-from Bgton is not .over an hoar. : •• r • - —The Troy Scientific ,Association I and, the Vb.4ny Institutomill hold a field meet t _ ing on haturday next, on lielderberg Mountain ; • 4 a ideality ascot uufrequentod, but one said to Vbe retnarkalle for beauty of sce k nory and for • t, ram opportr :lilies for the study of geology and • botany. i „—The Indian substitute fop tobac-. 1 . enio•the, kof red willow. it is scraped fine • and tined. Whensruolicd it produces no sick. nose or be ache, and 'the Indians of , Wiscon sin who'gge it turn front tdbacoo with 'disgnst. • It i c a lled 'liinnekaniat' and is t mid td be an • soli-sixtrhu • - . , . - Irgford Iteporter. ir.tovrons E. 0. GO6RSItICII. A. W. ALVi;ORIT . Towanda, Thursday; - IMPtrBLICAN STATE TIC/OCT t ' FOB AUDITOR 4312a1M. Cot DAVID ° STANTON, , ypitjaut comma -4 . -, doi. ROIfERI: • sagunaam. ; PTA*. ISENIIINE COIN. • - The 1 - sathie - ciikt - i'orthiNciiti DetnacratiCtrplis %ie.- ;Waiting notwitliSt*Atid kfisys,ilis Pittislitieg Coblogt. L ci4irca), e . videnco is copstluitli Jitatimaisting to slicivir • tint Davii, STEPAri ybostusi and their fellow ineo rAgiblee, _real hidatia pieces df the Chc'iught And sentiment or theSoutlo. few days ago we imblishea an extract from the Mato. Incas made by - Towns: tb cone , - tpondeiltf of the one, the substance of his rxeuun:lis beitkg that, like his leader, the peripatetic: Insn, ranee Agent, he accepted •nething, believedthai , the-Boutherii' States , , . , Ronk some day - renew their straggle,- :that two-011rd% of their .inhabitants de - sired. allother -trial- at ~annal and would hie to see' it attezrri)tod .; ttat no criCilizatioia in. the world :woui equal to' the 'ciiilizatioa , Of 'Virginia and. Georgia, , among arhowa•latdit vrOdnets are l itelk) Thellibtpr and AndersonvW Coaiitig, as 'did these declarations, oh the i heela ei4'eth es in 4 - SueWfs' . -I * -1 4902 , they were significant attokth, with- out airy further proof in the sanie But, as if the people of the South were determined ~to con .vict their 'Northern political allies of misrepres . enting Iliefr . views arid opinituis, these utterances are now supplemented by tin address from another representativnSonthern man known as," ratier Eves,- a t'atholic priest of considerable !Amine-ace and literary ability, and whose political Influence, 'strange the statement may seem, is hardly sectimd to tha .of any Mau in'the South At a . " pic nic" near 3foVile, Ala., held on Deo oration Day for the pu'rpose of help, hag to raise money for the. erection o a monuinent,to the . " martyred dead' of that city, this man was theorator of -the occasion; his speech, reported iia the Mobile lityl. , ter, running over 'with bitterness rod hostility to -the 'Government of the United States. . • I liad it been a mere eulogy over the bravery and devotion - 1 the dead 'onfederates, it might have passed without comment, because Iziern'age and sacrifice, however mistakenly ex-1 ereised, Will always meet with a cer4 tain sympathy anerespett: 13ut •he went out of his way to glorify the " test Cause," being interrupted', with plaudits ' . at every referent° to the name of " rebel ) " every allusion to thi deeds of the -" glorious past," and tvery denunciation of thosemho "prefer to princiPle,-the ceoteareula tions of policy." He declared 'that the surrender of swords was not the surrender of sentiments, and that, while himself and those who gave him their 'applause, were in gloom and sorrow pow, the sun Avoutal yeti rise on the resurrection of their - :' dear lost tmuse,' • as sureri • as it• rose after '" that sad April day wheh LSE surrendered' his untarnished sword to the welticest utt that ever won ephenvetal *floors in the World.' , . This prediction wag grebted with tre; mentions-cheering, as was every out burst of a similar character. In the face of such repeated manifestations) of unanimous ami-uneonquerahle op position hi the 'results of a war as woven into the organic law of the land, theitimid cones ions made -by meagre Majorities in a few Northern States-strikes the observer _as` ludi crous. It May, be true that portions of the Democratic .party honestly de- Isire an Ascension, but they: will scarcely be able to fly while such weights tul' these are tied 'to their wings. , • Democratic editors profeas to We; greatly disgusted - with wliat they call the office-holder's conventions wlich nominate • Republican tickets.. How virtuous the Democracy• have become,to be sore For years it was the practice .of Democratic gongress men to forte Democratic National conventions for nominating candi dates for President and V,i'ce Presi dent, and in New York . city - to-day, the office bottlers control all the .niove month of that organization. ~j bile it , hadvigor and life, there n oti er w i ts a party that held power in this coun 'try, so absolritelycontrolled by: office holders, as were the Denaceraey-L,and it was the Southern office holders' and slave - breeders who knocked the lifQ oat of that party. With these facts before .them, it does .not become the skelton left of what was once the Democratic organization,to talk of of floe holders controlling any party. , . ter VALLAISTIGHAM, - wne made him self notorious during the rebellion by lira open sympathy with the rebels, and who more reeent6 — set thek Dens °erotic party into a foment by 'origi nating the "new departure," is dead. While engaged list week in defend - jig a man charged with shooting an- - .other man, the defense alleged that the deieased skit himself. Mr. VAL- . LINDIOIIAMe atteillptin- Le; explain to one of the counsel how the. shoot ing must have occurred, accidentally took up a loaded revolver, and shot hinuself. The, distressing secideut occurred on FrUlay evening, and.the unfortunate man died on Saturday morning. Mr. Y VALT : ANDIRIAVI• )iad many friends, and was tha\-national leader of the Deniocratic party. D l!)- Another new departure by the ' —their talk of hona,h4, initalt is norm . iv aim. <rile following ftom the bate Ifol#- C 1 M 11544 Sao other, a Murder; but who assassin ? Wilt any reasonable man maintain that the poor wretch who -drew- iher-trigger.- of the—p;slnd which his associate was_alain, is a, natirderer ?- It can't be' atiOwn.:giat he in —it is not within newoki 1 , to prove him snob; and IttrA*oll' Jaw- yens m. at leirifOly to .;show that Is 1. o inheighten, in emi-: ty.if .4 • was drkuili ithen,he cow-, mittediheact,',beeause drunker ens. itself in offence against the law,l we believe ; and will never in2r beliot' that, rfiete ,aiunkard , aktitt, a, fiAtaw creature, - or . dies from the effecti of .hiti , own intemperance and debauchery l they : trim, furtxish' him with:the poison. to infuriate his heart and inipe,l him .texas/ me* arc t4e pfirtia'ostor.** bla acts.: Aforo -Galt/key. ere Pts - = ramps and in, Ail - court of. b,csaveri .they be peniillickd aa enish r Lill ►- edlere i . bye the persistency, with -which they punme then :trade in fUrnishug, liquors to:confirm:id druniumlit, Make thel.P 3 Olves resionslde for %rec to of the Maniacs thus erestbd. e *lei' tuts the.tvilie enp ,ba 'neighbors' V o is in danger of hell's ,fire. w .prepues man fpr: murder, 71 'Who pollute e his heart, -fills min d with falSeilleas 15 lived hite, and. .BEn:obit:es his passions to fury, iirre spOnaible for the conduct of each a crest r ure ; and-svhen the drunkard commits murder, the blood. of his victim eriento heaseri for vengeance, not against the poor maniac, but against - the rnmseller. We know that this-in plain; find by some will , be regarded. as rough language. Ertl hos', can * refrain hien itt 'Y ttht ane?, when: - the Baia i filled with moninfAt - When innocence is made to . .stn'er --'hen 'the beautiful and gbod are corrupted before our eyes— when the young and promising, the old ',and useful, Lire daily degraded aid destroyed by the directintlnence of rum. It imbrues men's hands in the-blood of their-fellows—makes pilaus' of innocent children, and wid, ows' of helpless wives. - , Shall it be asserted, we - dare not - datiorence such a demon 2 Certainly not. , Every sane man otight ht, .orcce 'to Mahe ia right against the murderer Man!" A denioel.atie majority in the Sen ate of . reunsylvani% prevented the passage of the Local Option bill last winter.: '7. ' - • • COL. MCCANDLESS.-Tlll3 Democrat ic candidate far Auditor tienerali served for a time in the army, holdi ing . the rank df eoloneL. Alter bhttlto Iht VOildernestl, Where he was wounded in the hind, he retired to Philadelphia. He vyas'itodie ward tendered a ten'al'ilsgion 'as Bri. gadier Urineral, but having been in close affiliation with such copper heads as WILLIAM R. REED, became estranged.from the Government, and wrote an impertinent . letter, ,de clining the proffered appointment, Among other things wbieh he said to the Secretary./ of. War in that letter, r was that " he believed the /rtte posilion of a ritizen vas ill hotT."• thins, at the most eritieel ithcture, h'e PlaceA himself is the ra.nie 61 those Violent ly opposed to the War—who were-ap plauding rebel victories eeld'aenonne ing Union teldlerS tfs lirscotx hire- linos, for the purpose of aiding the rebellion and insuring the succeso of JEFF. Dans. In October next the great soldier. element Will' takt at his word and petinit him to re main " tt home." sir , We .hal'e, reeeiVed from the Secretary of the County Convention I. 0. of G}. T., the following hir . • • CAYrux, Jane Ist and 2d, 1871 Believing that the time has fully arrived when it has become the duty of the friends'of Temperance to show their consistency at the Ballot Box as well as in the Lodge Boom,and, in the ordinary business of li fe, the Gooll Ternptars of Bradford awl Sul- Utah counties, ;it theii last District Convention held at Canton, unani msusly passed the following resolu tions Resoircd, That we, as Good. Tera plan, irrespective of political Parties, pledge ourselves,', and ask all mem .bers of this organization, and all the Mends of Temperance, generally, to join with 'n_ s• in pledging ourselves that at the approaching State, Court ly and lfuniegial Elections, we 'will support no man for office not an openly avowed and pledged tem perance-man. - Beolved, 'That a copy of the above resolution be forwarded to llpiChair man of the County Central Commit tee of evrh Political party, and to each Lodge of Good Tetaplars,,each Division of. Sons of Temperance; and to - each newspaper printed in the District with a request that the edi tor,publish the same. us. A szovan mountain has been recently discovered in . Colorado Ter ritory near n Attie mining village known as Georgetown. The ore visa first - discovered .in the "slide." and ifterw&astiveral valuable lodes were struck. A correspondent of the Den ier Nem, was shown pieces of miner al averaging from two hundred to three hundred pounds each, taken from this mountain, - which, when as n?,yed,. gave a -return of from 1,500 to 2000 ounces per - ton. As the mots= was near a "village the discovery cold notbe long kept a Bret; and soon as the news got out there was sr* a general rash to the place of .old and young amateni and profes sional miners, that at a little distance it resembled a mammoth, mat hill N` Onr devil thinks 'the Demo crats omitted 6ne plank in their platform.: - They should have " seemly " that the colored troops fought bravely. " Thifi amendment will pro- bl : l L y he added at the nest conven tio • c l / 4 41 clotiZ - Vi . New York. ies We prof( VSA PTI MM CGS to diKaiimalTat tiresome, we shill taketa.* Iltrograt Wilk" • bad Woe bll pigment AMA, aid l.d pot IC adgD►'r gat aixasil aiiidiesai adgiii - VoodayMr " libitemberill . . • . - _ _ l l On t i tr t iZtl e • i k - rr * : ° !* ***- M "L aitti • = 66l.lte = bA or the_ " Oceath ' .. , . ottareleitire awl be weed to - say eibeetro=. Ire ski 'itittiu-'4O &We tbili •d ' Row, yid& iithe'reibity ohekt‘d•Optii-ibe beeett. Oui atteistka its at Mt mode** noon& anything but pacilo4coningsneitilog4 tarot die tie dlpthis et old oceno: • Wilt boa& dioeorseed whew, they propoinllod. ininnpied ont Upon pile ocrookii;lodeddod a abort as tute, out into,tbe sea, orsholn they to 4! I W drod huge "I3im/sP or " Boa Lionsi." pariolizig Mont tiientoolyoo to Set the Wes oitorioturi wi4ca, to gin What S iti : SlNMgrO*ll . thfl 100'144 peoef-thir Laitatbinro Ocone of thesine were told nor sired !main io Sleet In kWh. ! _ Itionsaedit ofatiegalli, litit Ihe bait alleight* , ea; petaid 'upiet, — the - sais troeint-ssieoe, i their-disaletitediertlieef wt. dwlitiasaaaalit iea ti It was s etl2l,lollllllo*ftittlithhOStOffeft , sli.v. tslol6e4ree64 halm WAWkilii f Rol!' mousterittbd Salmi* 4 Dui tt) .tleide, mole andio th at of tit Mt* iceiktesiiiii Its. dim luctentlY Wn mimed Orir 61 - ifigl 04 &iris), Welt *the 01 41;eitTibit t k- O A !# l, .'" 144)ti ' ' liornit4n Demeter'', "be" I r/d O k N iii-" ' *petted to 1* their iittat O ' k1t14.• Vette memory. r eff.: ... 1 4,fisonisrestssickseibrait: Ileieire found onneiet the Wonderful knees of this arrange land.: Thaw - abort lissitisk? to t:waren Oar 'choicest lott-ted plante, Vele 10. rank bizarisitami, ettalairef ulna**. proms-. haws kr:mercers:of 'ooteedeor ertiorthe Bea, esiceettieg la rioter and perftunestiy we hid:into men were Mins *lOl3l. . , . 1 . The general *met of the lend br, and &beet , Sin Francisco, is isidtelt; stknoty ‘ abd sterile; get stringe contrilletiekthii_.o4 o:oafteWn* ' highest ~lt, A ) tel!iy MO* at Mgt, Illoirei 1 and foiti&. ' the strawberry seitioalasts bete from May Until Santry, , One Very large Mat Mediae, with a y0100 . '10248 to nimble to, , . , taste • &Wiens mesa - - ' The wisidadll, absolutely necessary Isere fix raising water during the dry ersasen, impressed Mt most Whines* One seestt at every turn.- It becomes truly a work of, sit bg the .riealri ' felt to petit it effectively—lthe gayest eolorieg , malty has, the pricedenee. 1 A visit to Geyser Springs rotate next on the programme. 'Needy 'ourtspon (June 6) 1.51 the appointed time. We go by steenitxtat stile- I tenet, of twenty-Site() piWIYeAt Airreirig ' sail too toon teetkinPllshed.' korty.two lodes -by ei. , us to Calistogs, through_the fer tile Nappa valley; noted-for its grime eir i ttysrds. Ono of the finest is owned by Yr. Tuonecnr, a- Buckeeonnty man. We rest for the night, and at 7 o'clock Wodneedar =truing era sere* a, large open: stage with a distance of iwprity-sev? .. en miles between us and the !amens springi. The first tweyty-two wind through a circuitous; ever-rise-ending mountain pass . . Peal' ful atasmis are en'one side—toWeiiugelit i on the other:--:-, the mild jest ,Wils'etiOngti tlii.tile stage and its , six hories. _Tieo locomotives Might as welt try ' to'r;ess each tither m01:6 shine track as for one team to attempt parole* another one here. Ought not the ladies; at least, have been terri bly frightened? They eipected to be, ss i mat ter of cenrsot but the will, gratiaser of thereto rierglifted th'eli above the sensation. Trees of deal elimes with every species of our own— t their base wild flowers of every beet—passed like a panorama before os. ' The summit being at last gained, we were 2,600 feet higher dm on leaving eldistega. We breathed air which our Vurtly driver coolly Informed us was worth $10,606 lei every one •of us. INve lIIIIe4 more 1 with a descent of 2,000 feet lag before us. 'WA our statement be credited? th,stVehteen rein ' utee we were lila feet loiter down: The won der Is ere *ire Het all thithed to pieces. The deepest %time, the highest theitutains, the sharpest rums Near% *tong this point, and we were going Ake the ieild wind, rocklge-of - dan ger and urging ens d ri ver to yet greater speed. Such was the effect of inhaling air so much more rarilled than that we were accustomed to. At one o'clock our penile! Elias stood at the door of Oefee: tprings bete', and we entered: almost breathless from inch nntisind excite ment. Dinner and three hours of rest ftod ,us ready for the main object el out journey. We sally forth lilin a hied of pilgrims, stein hazel, and makes toilsome ascent,* resieldng—that Is it?--giant lbepaite shalt elt, Worse yet, ace we not tottehteg him tsbl Pluto's domains ? Chalet the boatmen il not visible, bat one* the roar ing of the rater Styx tan be 'heard. Sulphte. oils vipers such is these, bubbling, boiling, seething, shaking the ground tinder our feet, can come keen no other place. We ire' awed, yea, frightened. Notting but ' curiosity, and that is growing fainter, ages us On. ~. Theloeks on either side ant reeking in steam which has Honeycombed their entire entree. We are so eneeloited in the hot vapor as airiest tolose our breath. listundly *0 regain - it, that nothing may escape us worth seeing. We bombe bold enough to thrust our staffs Oct ear lingers) into the ragtag water, and when the veritable ink ferintata eitich in reeding •of we had Pro mune:god a myth is before us, we are Ken that the absence of pen and paper prevents es from making an inkstand of it. Its steaming condi- Alen, however, have proved inconvenient; but we leave it regretfully, and still ascending came to new wonders. The very cauldron _left . 14 Itlebettes witches is here. We cannot taste its bailing ronitnts, but the welds ring in our ears, "Bubble, bubble., Toil and trouble," • - and we are sure cannot be relatable. What moment may not this fearful spot- east up fire and stones as well as water 1 We Stand upon an insecure foundation, and we MS Wl wise to remain. Oboosings safer path we re turn, and feel thankful when our hotel appears in sight. But Geyser Springs cannot be des cribed. To be appreciated they must be seen., This attempt to speak of them may seem ex aggerated, but be assured,'" the half has not been c teld." • 31. .- SM. The La Crosse Democrat lifts its bruised head axed bites the heel of the New Department: " It is , hard for us to ascertain what the Democra cy and dissatisfied 'Republicans Ve to gain by voting for . Radical princi ples under the name of "New Depart ure Democracy." If Radicalism is right, let the party that inzented it administer it, say/ we. The office seeking Democracy of Ohio have en tered into an arrang!ment by whiCh that State is to be given to the Re public:mall:a fall by a large majori ty. The real Democracy may wake up in time for the cam .- .2, of 1872 New *ivertbementi. THE !TOWANDA MIX LIFE ACCID=STAL AND =LAND 21111112 M I,NSUZANCE-AGENCY. TRACY, FIRST CLASS CoPANIES cianza ' 1 riscamics tormii4musommLEßATEs • sr raker bmnied Mid kens pomp* adjusted 'A Ude ilifteT - A as Dirramitit amen:l,i Lim*. • . • The Mare delhertard_ *awing 41 1 - • Eaten iturarene• whey: Paccieri. Si Assam Sais G. Garmix. • , • Office in . IletstOrseb • Towsaili. has briseinitalas illl3.olllkaletibiai Y Oda it the ?anal.. et "Si ]sit Lam. asti Aintailifilest its!iallberileill *WV Mies .111. We tli Irildl .1140 1 **** feslt i P I R I • r o b p ig rAfi#elroll4i: r MeybrffSt_Fl oft . s o kl . r t ,e4alt i t sklo r ooolre sset i ka a =et Vectlei, ass Sari MA lab able ant, pws. , - Stmr.Mlpwlits ill it COgr d NM Nor en sr Oraii. D° ll 4. PM 1, 4 1 01 x1,r , ,, C. Ws .400: 4 6 111 . , 11:121Or sm. na exits DOSS. ' I rrnmert. I ITTNDED LOAN OF IsBl. 1 I rekCIIIIEF =to ithiresLiirktqa.t . •Alla WW 2 . `llllllill6l63lii Mud II =tibial UK Ora AWN* eit ir e lOW M= i a 4. 9. italborbte ru ns o r ewe hfir UM by latie 14141. 1110%Z il a MI hi oak M e = ""Abi - • ie • via show. w e sitabbigalltaii. 1 . Itiot. .-•• ~..•••,.;-• • WILL= -- • ! ," r isag i t 4 4 t ir e iy ampar y.• Itesdelaid Doedi trlla be Weed of UN aware.** SlieriVlS4l.lllll.46.llol4= empcet beelde_ePifieh diefesisee*M. 4 lNereAbei Met two., the biterist site be Milk to the PloStok Shim et tist - eilice et the Trewarer. Coy Ails - wait "fresicarer, at deelcsiated iter of ‘2lOl/01**- Sleet; litleriertr. ow Die Oil! letlitlia. Itili 4 , Oiklit. 11161110.1131 bit IN ail 'NIKO . i. ~., 1 Pee Worn* Oaths INDNINXii tea ot4lOs I*lst. it is 4111t ed* W ei .t 1. 1311 TwITIIPV I Aile4 i fO l Polk* Doltrire,, plat ),0 italltsx,T4NeAt be , tut* , ..P° 1 4 : 04 1 3 WWII Or en . /Ada; *se 'Or trouble Cr thpelue. dlopenetcg with Minds** toieireell Or W X 57. 1i the TossAISVIor Shisroinoseiof rintgot ing tor and drserteg each Itialet. • The whole Mardi of the New Loin will be up glad to the pigment or rediciPtiintiOd. 'Cite:a/Won of the 5-30 yews six per teat. Uccle, and in addition to thole proceeds, the' 5,104 pre babel- maimed by Wielmeme. ordiglitit. kr tweryeszapest,bbout s*. AN pvt 01012416 .. .' • , Thee:Giro &tact. lberefoGl et the Sew Lees. in connection with the eslithi &Wog reAd peeress of the Trrescry. is to ?canes both Principal and In. tereet of thee Paule Debt of the United Stater. V Lew awes as Ideftleiset4i ol l , V O e ‘ el l ble4l4 Bescbs. Night lbeappUciption kt tlio Wariltiewnitibe if tolutiatly M iming the Minded Nimbi harlot six per coal, Gold lolexest. The poltcy of the Goreranrenf since the clawoit the War in IfidS, Thick left a debt npon the coun t of ittn,ooo,ooo, and en anneal taratton.of 141. frifi 3 OtiOatae been to rirdnoe ateedilr both Debt Thaw ; mince the Principal of the Debt * actual payments, and to lemon the mutat herded of Inter. eat, and thereby the burden ef taxation., not oily "through en& i,arrients, lint by funding the debt at the cheapest rile Of interest praccll)4e fria to thee, until Itla new felt that 'tlie Ter? cti.7speert: Mali 24r dna to She high 9xot. nadvirdistril patpo lank, and vutsed . grolgin resonma ,of the man- try. Fear $2455.000,000 09 pripcipl of the debt las been reduird to $2,20)0C10,000 --both rams ex clusive of 'tamed irderest—pral from the bean' bur. den of 9161.1132,0r0 per arreems, the fatrenst &am has bees seduced to 9411,110,009 9•9 /ahem ; while( the ainenti wittriiii. under thiletensi lthistnne sys; tam ithipb the necessities af the War and tbajVist thereby created rendered =ram: for st Wait is short ;cries of years, Ma been reduced tem fir 000,000 In 1863-00' to about slBl,ooo,ooo,per year in 1.810-11, (estimatatifor the highest petthsble Misc. them In the 'emelt month; the last of the Led year.) oe Lees then unstrap the firsttheased .um. And tu tbe year 1671-72 a further rednetkth of 616.- 000.000 will some in under the Act of itsty. 1810. tel 00 to glee only 9126,900,000 the the , r ir. about tiro-PhDs the mixintim of 1863* • By the theessiful reflinetthg 4 the pnidie debt at moderate Woe hf Interest, Met Tre eontnthed eche mules In the enellethltee Of the Oottnishent—:TeMell In two yert, Mins_ Mareh 9, 186100 MirTis,i. 1611. 11132 onn teAlgro,too,9kor an iy.canie.JitilM year of $63,350,44•L1t Is ]Lettered that nearly the en . the system Intarnal 'TAU s an be, &vented with tis a few years, Or so mud' of tt as ri4t'itt's thisthachin thy of District Asseisors and *then= The flacretary of this Treaanrilme lust entd/shed the Monthly Mbedule of the Public Debt to Amite 1, from which it appears that De as farther reduced the total of Funded Gold-beating debt since May 1. by the sum of $8,000,000 by purchase of treited States 3-21101 for the ttinkteg - Tend. and induced the 11-9001 by the Milne sum of s o l,lll7.499hyptheetelon Into the lic*.; ter cents . „The whale ?nuts* Debt ncese.rnas. t 1,894,129,730 as ,ai*Ft $2301,84,180 two years ago when the present adchinthinitien Cane into cake. Adding to these slum the net ciretgatton of the Tresaury, (that la. ha Gentithseisi end Green keek certificates. afteededucttug Gold arid Carreiley on binfl4 the following la the compaiison of debt is all kinds, at Mement, and at the elms of the Mar, and in 1889: ' _ July t - 1143.- Mardi. 1060,'. 1871. Stocke 91.130 ru.lt2 12.107.844. M 81,04,110.116 thetion 1105 . .211.183 191 93ALUSS 1011X0L000 Total. itt,SePtaAra $2,491:399.004 117,200.161.713 This fotkrairst table affords fl dassiticalise the pukka Bieck (In.Gokt) al gas Vatted ebbs, as a& pressat ostitswiltag I I We. CottpoSi. naliistartgi. 5.205, 111.12 , 8382458,500 8103.273.600 $488.932.080 5.540.18 W .41.182.850 85.934.100 11810518,256 5.208.1b58. 1230580.150 53,552.100 b236.'815. ...)179,N19.500 141.851.4. W 11150,220.9311 11- ' 20.11911,83$ 91.135,100 333M/1.850 6.304.1864 • 18,002.850 Uomooo 29,61201 b 1. 041. $1.0c0436.10e sarnazoso st.arrAsecoso such vat 03,26 0 ,41:09 190.417.100 283,678.100 10-4(ki .57,219,C,50 136.2N.1241 134,567,300 This. 1871 -18.065.000 11.045.110) 1%000,000 New tres,l4. 1,111,00. 2.100*10 „8,.2114.400 Send. i 1.111048.156 '81114.1118000 / Total 81are3 t,18e9. 2.10 7 .81e.11 1 0 Radsciies st Aoudad ...... $ll/1.f11.1180 Yearly Gold Interest *rye, 11114.551.240 - Present yearly dune t 111 • 1.19.813 • • Redsctios is Werra Charge • 8481111.1111 The proposed Anther reduction of the semi hs tweet eberge !pen the Pelltie thibt by nsfthethisle as Move : P 1 1 • Di exchange of 8800.000.000 V ;Sistes six per cents (renew five per ta of '81.14000.000 By exchange of:$300,008,600 United States ' d a sh s for Our and haliper cents Me By exchange. of $700,000,000 Unlied Stales six per cents for four per cents of 11101. = Apo Total arcing per annual by scranding $23.50.000 1101ITEI.L. In charge of Advertising U.S. Loans. Taxasanv °rms.( t ' 'aw roar, Juno a. IST/. J. ." 1,003 Girls. OZARD MIT - CONCERT AND DINTRIDIITIVN, rue 1 4P #4tnerit of the YOUNDLINO ASYLUM OF TIE turn= MUIM', • In the City of New Yak, and TEE SOLDITIVI AND &MOILS' ORPSiL2O3' • • • HOME; • ' Weebtastin. D. C. roan beta In WASEICIOTO3. 11, C.. node and tor virtue of 'a permit hem the lion. c,oenmladotter . 01 Intent/A Zsvtatie.- ob TITUBMAT. JIILT 1674 pontre. • • After ly the tot td4=l to the ettoosearatual.oo2 Gift; ting to moms. oonaltdim oi ikeentrable Reel Erten tit thinners day sad toasty, anel WatAhtsionz main "Id 'Bands, Stock^ lad Cash. - 49.000 Tlcketa_astt_inil be end. it $3 eats. • Itint. igomazuom of Mort. ltd.. Major GLO. T. CABTLIL; Winne% Hatt Z. 8. Kumar; Y. C . rusgiur g . -- Trustee.. &Wag Gibers! A Sunter. V. ILL. Wastdagton.D.C. • Hon.Jaa..B.Seckar,. Pittsburg. Pi Flrig Notified Ilegeregown. Md. ton o. p . ; ll=i mm. lageratown. Hat=. Brook lobe Attorsey Gement, Deltbnorei O.Y. Abbott. Etott H. Port Ogboe Hattboote. , Jolts H. Yowler. - • ' W. xy, t , at W . 'malestdß.titbanib' T a m Bottooro. ' . Jor Deeds 011ie Semi rite* ceitilied to by etntW set to Owl hand of Ibig TIVORA. lickete and Mental can be bid ad ; P. C. Dint'', • • Tort. ieggst& . tii;ettouir ttadPilate;, Cl 31 DWI= atroft. Nei To idiom 111 eoggimaiehlono aboild be itlttrieseit. Pickets sent 4 .C.. 0. A." If &dna. • • alba tee cumin ecottaibiatt lid tierobeiblo at imam, ; 0404 Aral; • • . • . . , . . Foit -sais.;-- - E. rrow : ', , ortga tor We ollr boarding brie"' We .ttio VIM =rood Bodges* Co's WM.* atropin. TM 'Wetted 'op' Ow a bondlog lkodot, and Itook, topetty ler the ototitoOdts • or lit WO imiolora. , lly mom tor idltnlo, t : =4, oidth ISt siot p.*4 toe to - perform the , or to bop thasouts! tittoosat op. 'nos It so to illeltdill OA I K , l l ere tt we lic h t 9 4511 th e heea ss • ~.,..e._' I• . . .. •l• • ' MT BMW! ' ' ' - trOinalitailali 11 UrTh4 :• : • . • sPICES OF* awl telvICD4 _ . On 0 • - -41.110 T =di. ' Prole iiiii... "S L i 1 74 Mimimew . • .. 111 m Di , . 1 , »)1,4 din •••• i•.,,, 1t . i ,i/ ~ ...... . .418 al Des be lAN OF DM bp sew Soft aiiiiibire."'.... 1.737 p' Sado ad 21110amairmi11ed......:...• s . WS •It $3.18,1114 11- Draft' Paspn7:6l: A , Ir• X: it; of Wt. nt • IN* 411" de NS Mew taathivabeve irlOomestyi MR. limp best gßutamilitpilek tad • 'x, x.NITZIN trpraipt 4411011111siamill Wes* Us. MO Mk tor i 1" • Olnitel&L • Osiiicii-41Xesis ' • .•'' P. -14,17 .; . , ratymon „BrizAimete 4rfritr's, *p.: Ind 41 riPtsk I v * 4 ' •• PMTIOCU. /SI *.- • • 7 . _ "- *Op. 011settsle bar AA se awl' dikpico, rani *tall aalt ' 11 = 1 111 :- r" -•" isairt..llll7ll. A Lep kit of Yts Pieta .41Nt at $ll per =o 1 :oss Men sat. Also a tam Mt of Lines' Ned& !lass goadlicaracdletillit &Vitt bengal& SIM Jute tf • ' THE OLD bean-Uwe \ /Er JAWII4S, i I3ICTOT sun coctlaues ea. sownebetaze °ABM/WM AND.WAGONS; ot - assi itoidikkos. 'se mid it 0. v. Dye*. TOWASDA,'PA. II let Ek. LATEST STYLE AND FINISH. In the manufacture of W. 031111 nothing Is used but BEST STEEL AXLES, Together with So COMPOPITIOV ifikES In 'Light Wort. PLATFOIiik . SPRING .WAGONS LUMBER IPAG ONS acre 4issaimuy elk aria. . • Tbs best Loiters sloe* ts used !albs nturabletars dwimeol. l goober ire sa Mid w4-eot awed • AL K WORK BOLD • WARRANTED EQUAL TO ANY As to ARIA * AM As to WOW* COMICIA 10 gri is iltit &mit& hip- Ass wow; Jim&BßilAwr ;pl.£i~ii- DUMNG THE NEXT ,`• SIXF"T DA.YEt We will offer GREATER BARGAINS =I BOC;rf SITOES THAN tvga, BEFORE. CASH BUYERS Will do well to. I-NSPE . CT THE STOCK As it is =I'TWIFT7:r - 'MI TO THE BCifM4ICR TRADE, Alia the goo& will be sold at LVERY LOW 1 • 8ICE81 ia=aim MEI Toil" turn:, itaIIi,BAKOIG *Mr* 4 Ahwegenents. .ci ti A DRI-dENTtIitiIILL CELEMI4O4 - rt . 1 :-.-. , IN ~ g i , Jr ifiLifOßD - • ' ?* . ,Na, Mt x . d • . . ... ...., _..,, , . . ... , . ...... • • WM edeirsie lie Trasag4UM analsetvari of its 1 airpobutim Ili Telma% as Me .. ... to a foraosit oreilibbio toils 41 =r 1 031 4 _ lioavossioy of Asoorksos - , . 4 pret=thississbers st.the *der utas. Ay the - • • : p4CLI10:4;111:WADIZIO kuianselimArrin': . it Wilthaatit4kiNgil! , OhAf; V l EOZ*l4.iiiicams mitred far "Ihn aie4.. • A FINE inn ' aerfei taall OW . Fellows sodilmilen • 'L 1.-43A13110i. ' • - • • - • • co.. at Anstigaoents; , , , I": 41 s• 'lt .--' -, . ...., E •1 .„ 4 . - 2' '' $ ~4 14 - 1 fi i i —,. . , -.:. 0 4 • r - . 1 .1 ~ 1 . 1 1 i l e 4 . 1 i v - g 'ft 0 i.. . 4. t a l " • ;10 1 t 213 I: 4 - i , 1 5 . '• _ ' A ii. i as - , -- -., 14, t 1 9l .. a 5 .riu Ye' 1 14 , .., ii _ gilt -I r 2•4 - 5 .1 -2 '4 a i F 4 l B a. i 3: -, 0 1 i,7 ,tir UFA r '' 'si .1 -8 d ' P 4 • -I A i : pf, 0 I :E. 'i • 5 1 44 i i e . 0 1 8 1 . w --c o l' 3. I f q , a g EiP- .17 az. ..i b 0 04. e. a . a 0 • 4 0 '" t H l i t - ~, 7 .t• t"I 'O ,- V' 3 t'- 01 102 . g . t i d E;?: 'a -7 . 1 "I 2 . C.) on g 1), It- r-' 5 2 - - _ . A. -- It 2 ' g 4 .' .- gt ....4 .' ... _. 4 . lil_ 3 ir . V . ,) , . p 4 11 8 -4 ia A Go 'id ttiLoit k For your Nclir Spring 46:t.: ior GO TO iiiiw & . GONE'S • a Now Dress Suit =I GO TO TAQLOR & GORE'S A For New Spring Styles in Pants 00 TO TAILOR ii)OOllE'S For a New Stwing-:Ocolcuit GO TO TAYLOR GORE'S For all the Latest' Styles in Cus tom and Read y-Madetlothitig. • - GO TO TAYLOR' & GORE'S _For Hats and Caps, ull the Latest Styles. 1 00 TO TAYLOR tit: OORE'S .For - Gents' Furnishing .Goods, Bows, Ties, &c. ALL WORE WARRANTED OUTTINO DONE SHORT NOTICE.. IN 96 ILAIN STREET, TOWANDA, PA Cr= ',urn • Nffoot, lbs. Wanted by IC A. HopswitA, for width• the hilt price IC be paid JuaL ' ,71• U 811 I=l MI : . • )1, . ,cr*:,. :7 '1 iteki-iavertise ions: - I - ti Two Wheel Mower 4 I - fite/F,SS! • . . , Ibis new machine to up the tittles and alicid of alt oompetitora in serail of .ita leading poiF.Oli, It stands la the front rank among single noaworia • • •• • Alai 4104taide l Wir 6 1 DIN(, FEATURES _ I ' !!! . .. tb r th fo a r &allol 0. 414 ek a . sn a d et' n Cia; 'position of the y eirtalr etion gai UT/ gissoht ••' • ' . Tat • tan be ',engin as fEllitDO 0•Q• land tha . dois anadapatt ;without atopi :e elating apparatne, or gager-bar, can .bo inland to any,artgle to pas :bow, stem" or other obeitruntiolll4 or fdtled • iterer g fer tranaportatdon,or unfolded:l.'ow tole; of. the lever; 'Without throwing. oat ..nt gear. 'stopping. the Jeans, or . the . driver leaving kia, scat Thadriver's ; lint la arees. altdolkons the rest of the machine,' and cebt, fortahle, audits arranged on the principle of a lover. 'admitting 6C:halo - Ong the: tnieldhp pvtfccity, and relieving . the; Losses' nerks of all 'weight, . It has many other , raluable,,pocnts too . nruneions to.nieutlon horn._ It la made of firatelias materials, till made and fordetscd.tri Try part--tenet rimite 'lltrabilfty tinfirtettioned. - • . 141. t. le tight drafted, and is'plet the mower Our fare:era have been looking for; end , la destined to ho tho.leadlug Nowlin( liachluo„be,ing,.adaphil „for Lilly. or den i al hod, and all iambs aerfaca. .lifininfekttred i j ' • . , . M. 050011193 ;.I.Ausimi: AGENTS rOB,-.lVa-PrOPI) (10. - •uk-rs i p.6l4,,ws M. - for Spring. • • ti et! Dttrtlrtg•tcte. 2 clt LES W. scorr.lsig Poud. ,s 4 tufg : biarraticiSnittlitielcbr - • , •••„ • JAMS Lt. teMITIfi Soul!, ° Cruck,, Pa.. fro iSr*Sx Crevrand•Watis, - • • D. D. STOWELL, Snpt Ittra, 'SO Terry, Wit! 'mot ancl,Wyaluslg. no'stibp r rti,, l r K U•l3 Y :I‘l A-0 II E ecirtrq liradfcra. Wide•awake;llll anti rtrtinnstble inert want.' -rd to act as awnta o northeietern cOnolktee of ; 'Pante:Ai - 13* . after* 1 ,1 1 , 0* - .Yerli„ •-• , .1 - .7 and roselltrg of the Snd •eau rive. t ex' 10b1, J there arc no genta- *eddy appointYil. - 13annd.ntajMnor fit lie on eihrbition it leading 14drgad:W:gli;!...1.. :tie alb6crttxr .•; ! • It 3-31.; • Gaul. Ag,t.i CE E 3R TED HAIWESTING = 3:LIC I TIINESI - vitAct iitytexti Ain lei nig Mir*, AI has been a f3vorin.: With the Ur Ifopasi Cishiecry r ears, ii N . : jug largely' mannfactnrol. for tn.. teaKon of Is7l. If karroess who are tti.'yntut.'o,l n • . . . . fplAyrdl oR 3fOWEI Will oitly talo: 7 t.l:‘l will or Eve. . . • LIGIITNESS OF .1)13A17(.411T ar. - i at: tr.tatutr of,fea. }tit . raill s; CUT:IDI.I ',tn.:dr 11414 011 , •to • C-.!%.17 NV, il -11,1 a,k ‘mr„ .ari , _ttLon f• - r a. y j,ut t put I.ltepu utaeltit4 tutu: tit ul ab, •. , . . . 1110.(6.)V(,11 . 11.:IAL IN 111 k; josepri Triv.77;ETZ. Ceri f,;;• ,t1V:1 ;IL L. Cran- - met, az.nt 19r 1 1 4.),n,eoojeanklin. A,..yfrtni : P.vitn,G 'D . eanna. agent for Wilmot ; 3. Bl.t .ur- Vni, strut I+.rr Terry; A. 4. Layton; agent for Litoll !Isla tiorhau, k .Cob,nian, for OrwollWarrcav , ,- WlnlAtanl. arta ; C. C. non - art, 11erriLkrIllq; ;;.ent for•lforrick. StAndingStoni....Wy: ~ altoant.;szp.lTit.l.c.trurl.; I'. !W. Townyr, agcnt, fur . - THE - YOUNG WARRITI, 'E .0 "R. I.hc ztern iirsat'e.rd oa.l 1 . ,71 . the 'ran, and Ni ill r,f•tr th.' r. adcr n 2091..rni cr6 in 1;r.54.1(6r.1',-,) , ;nt2. - 13.A . Platin , d IT.r it. '''. THE • rntlifTEST .1)1L1F2, MOST DUEIBLE ' , . El) M.1(11INE =1 • a.g. ANT I D. E- TB ACK, 1/01 , 1^ (11 ^ll, !di% 01,4111 . 1 , 11:11 t cut. h.r ;Ito . 841 U lt• rtla Sl.ll iuuvr.: 4.33314., IQar4la. tit' cat i)2:1 4 .; lo .0 and h-g Li. 1i144 4,13.1.1 shed •citay. - I^. gt:ir:t44;' , V/ 1 / 3 1130' .• No Dli4 - 1 1 • Can ,tn , m- tht•-nr, titie wet -itrass withuut w , .."frlng the tend. lacing . CLOSE - GUARDED ;- p:. , tutitxf frulo. rtANIC rtiO T E.1)1 4 A:s; WALK !•ii.7OW. - I.:IS:OUGH. TO CLUB IT. • To farnirra imteuiling brp o urcha,, , ,.. t w v say ploar , o 311 , 1 W n to bring ono .to your nii.adow, 'kith any or all uwwers to prove our a.. 4 sullen alai We Live . TUE 111 WT 3Lkeln. MADE. KINNEY A.. WATKINS, ma) 10-1 YER'-S GREAT. AMERICA T GRINDER ! , - ;fur itomisf; MkejtiNEN wrrnorr 'T.sstn. 7,7tEur OUT. Or 'VIZ MOWI:II..AND • oc;;,: THE I;l7.lrat TE1:TI1 WITHOUT T.11itIO: Illl:y OFF TOL lI.VII. Z`Z, - It to tho cry elr?ti.tcr i ln t 1 .1 ., world that 110 all the aboto.• . - -a • . . . !Jere wf at t:, , P,. • . r ef it The , annexed Engraving liir.ttratiA a lustru. 'meat for Grim:int; the Lni‘TK ,Ea . :11ieltitio. The, ilrimtpr ofoperate' , ;:in WV of an'orlivary.breat thE.,eft grav::w. The alltt(.l by...the in ventor b.. that tl e . kfi:ve. can !he groun.l without To- Lavv,,,ng them lr.)io the Cutter tier; by utuch time. I:l.,,,a , e c allitile'is dulled Or sicker!: the tirinklar-ean b. appli,fil at p.intrin the tied, twit to a few niontenti the Cutthr -be tali In remit. r. order- Any of ( , rtlinary c:.11 quickly learn to 11.4 r, the tirin,l6:•, and !jut , filla it at y Larder work than to grit n 1 in any otter r • Ayres' Patent American Grinder, exhibited here by the American Grinder CO.. 8.11 to r uuent t'i.r • perfectly sharpening mowing ni.udiiiic knives with out the truble of ilgtaching them. *A hotel drill, the - solid Emery eeirtii. which_ ts tte Aarpenlng agent, bring revolyed With mm,lity and unerring acenracy. It is so simple that it, use. may •lie acquired - in a moment's trial. No farmer who has *mower can afford to dispense with it —hialititter on . t'arming fonpr:mr , l:l, it Fair, Syr:- . (7113C..Y. 1'..1370. ItTRECTIONI4.—Throw the mower ont of gear, mace the knife bar through the'guarda ttil one side' of each section is in such position that it can be untl Without- striking the guards, got down. on I .'.)ctr right knee behind the bor. Mke the handl,' of the grinder.stock in your left hand. place the butt of stock against your body, restiny the emt , ry cone wheel On thebercl of the section, and bnice' your left elbowtipairoit inside of left the Grind the base of section, with Point of emery cotie and point of see tiou with basisor large end tit emery cone, merles emery bone .li-telt: and forth over the section by tneanx,of swaying your bodithaek and forward, in this tray the Miele face of thetimery - 001:10 is used alike and is not worn in hollines.'ln . grimling out a nick or break, 'don't hold the emery. cone in the break to) long a, them) may hr a . ti.ndein•y to heat. •litgrindinittativ sN•tion. get down square behind the section, he?r lightly, turn slowly till you can hold kt property, then torn fast. If the emery cone glazes, you can rub it oh irttla• a piece of. brick or rand ,'time and w.ter. in half a uitn te. - 1.1."71.wl DFAIL.—Don't fail to se ../L1 cure a good suplify • • . • . GRAPE • to Towards. consequently acclimated to I =ll ll V i o. soil. All the desirable 1112'k - ties tor sale la low as elsewhere. Every,cute_that hu a lot em Dad i plaCe to tralu s one or'. more •of these dc , Wafts fruit heart= DOM't let another fall pass without startuti; some of these fruit vines that will cFace your table with such beinty and add to llfe'skhanch rdeasurc. • Strawlx•rry plants for sale, po: 10ti,•or 10601 . . C 3 ., and leave your c‘rtlerA tOr falhor spring :+vttiu7, Opposites tiiu :Si•ttiixtist Church. Tuuituda, Juue: L 5,11. ' L. C. NELSON:. TVISSOLUTION.—.IIIO co-partner - shin heretoiere existing between thounder. signed in the th'peery. and l rovieiau _business. Is hereby dissolved trout this date. The business will here., 'The business wiliberriefter be conducted by W. G. KluawF. whu will. settle Allem:omits due the late Emu. • • • , ' 3.13. PATTEBSON. M!INIM!IIEN _ • tib cd u noots .• °* ANDk It Alt K E T-8 • , wucitzsas Ettrca. cycky lo canoe:mi. by C. Ilacit mitoect,togbattig4 4141 y., tyt•i-f Duds butt., • • el' .. . nutter tronh) . ••• • • ;do (40v.} 3 / 4 1 ;Lew • . ••• • • • ... . - .... -poitwowri bob, " • "Wore.. barser: .. . d W A lo es 0170419. brmth I to) Vrooreir Orianr..lTheel 6011 b. ; Cora 56 Ma.; itto BS 150,1 Olds SS Dm; ftetete tbs.; Modieheas As p m: gems ID lb'. ; Brae SO Ma.; aover Seed ea: *ll6sothr Seed 44 ; Dried Peaches 33 lbs.; 1. MIN Apples 22 Read Ms: Seed N ibs. . COALOVANDA YARD . • tt owiDock WYO. birs preadee th r bo t r: dukrita = "47ls6. :the igo ,r l haeria l"l n "4lb : ee 9tll ef jll .2 7 o Treanda emb : lB 7 : ::?: . Darned coals upon the moat reaeonabla tame In aii; quanUty ibtalred. Prit-Ita 111 the Tara Quill forth,. • StOVi • Largo Egg.. • • • Small Egg LnlnP•, Phrinottt Nut - pittaton lint 550 "Bander " .Lump ' 40. . BIM or Urines- . 00 " • Fine, orillac;a44l4 ....... a 5, Sli wan Anthracite - 4.4 ,1110.1401444.1444it041441 ..trill be 'clad,/ fur delivering Coal irithra the borough Hailta : • Per Ton ....Parente. • Extra for carritng in, se entF. Halt Tan.:33 *4 " " • .. 2s r.'Pati " " " " 25 •• Order* tuai be left at the Tart coiner of Ibui. ryd and Eal2ll l / 4 11 Streets, Or at Porter k ka r b r , Mar/Store. , , st,..erclere must In all meet be acerenparii•kt with . 11 4 , F . / 4 i ; ;.1, ,• .iiralll) SID.W.I.3tt. Toiranda, iiine 181 J.— - . Until further notice prices at yard. are . , Egg, orNo. 2 If .4„Btove, &Wog. 3 and 6 $6 ou Nut. dr No. 5 " • ..... 16 pri ' Sullivan Anthracite Coal $3 31) Th=LCOUP...; $3 23 ra i ring additional charges will be made for delivering coal within the borough . Pion 50 cis. Extra fors crying Half 1 tyti al: sir tease otters a ttb i issYaide. !itlica, - No. 3; cart Now Mai vara -..agrOrllera nand fa all taus be accolveded the ' ' -Towanda. June 7, '7l. • It.' = ME TAR. URQUHART'S CEIOLERA• CORDIAtf' iTeN prompt relief in all 'slerangementit of its • Stomach and Bowers ' ouch as Pars. Semi, ' CHOPIaIa Mowing. ducd.s.ria Ursa - mit cit'Stscass' Coster-wit 1um.5..v1•24c Distmoti, Dm, ENTrAii Ac. It is,phiasant tbthe taste, - and In 111, ful. periodical female' alliments, it is a severign run. .A duscriptave circular replato with useful in. forinatiou iumompassiesseach bottle. %Am duo, ,rsailotta Spircrams . , lids May certify that I .Lai '. lima noon hr. r Urquhart of Wilkes-Wm aiid believe that 1 spat the aentimont of all who know him. whoa I say ib i t all the relations of life. he is worthy 'of- the r et i v , l and confidence of the virtuous and the Mullion, people off our county. 'T1103119 P. RUST. 'aving derived much ben!!! from taking Dr. tr. quhart's Cholera Cordial, I am free to recoseniri.l as a ratable preparation in cam of Diarrto.m. ZIDA STIZNETT. It is a ninot valuably ni6ditbie;"KiKeryt• It 07." Alan. and Idvenyg ,virl to nyord;r,/.,:i... • • S. l'Alis4B-' •. From exio.: - 4•Dce. th , i pf D:. , Cot-dial, I hs\. no l44ltatit6. 1;4 1 - rnio3y I !ia,N.• aer tried .7- CI. r and pa:u in idiu Sioula,ll • SAMUEL • , • I the t'ortll.l f••nt.i. • 11... s• - .cry cab, It tifuLted a cure, anit,i feet :t 11 the lito.t for Darr!, •4. Liya,, lt t c r:,-, palm; and C-r - dirip3 iu eNur i.iffcrt..l to the • J. •31ILTfly r 01:1111th Ii - 1 havo rcl,erlec e 4 tite ino.t..ltrprimtp.:Ty clr,ct.4 froze: 'Lir. torillarri4 Cheile'ruCoi,Lai I mizard it .as rally 15 re, 1 n1:11.'11 , 1 It to all alfectuil nah lira";lo.mrlair.ti‘. • • W. W. Lol,slti:- Dr. I. , :quharC.r. , Cbclrra Conhiala•is pr.:pared Wilk.A.Barre. Pnnn't. and acct by 'expi , sa where. Fifty cr•uts a bottb•. jnn141.71-4m IA 7 . - A It F TEL For sale by This‘Soap will wash all kinds pf flaking in Csii 7Watto', either hard ornoft, an any 'other soap *llll, the old fanhioned way of boiling, and wax:ranted n to injire the cloth. lietnoniber, no hot wafro. 11Q boiling-,-quite i &f lying !Mr. bol_irtatber.. 3u Try.'4 anti satiolfy yonricit ittncr."l,l'" E - -Came,to the enclosure of of the tintlersign.,l, on the 34 of June. ls% a ,!.trl: BAY'lfAltE. with 3 small-whiter strip in :h. LI , P. Thr Iwner can have her by coming for 1 - r,,v-,ll4'pr.rperty and paying charges, Maceflotrra..ktme 3,'71. JOEL . DEilirn • • lA.RGE SA:LE OF gy,COND. J lIAND FURNITURE., .111 the ItirnDiire now contained in .the WAY.: U E TH.V.1,11 , • ,'Pa. consisting of Calara.t be,l-.. Deddlng, Crockery, °lwo, and 11011 Ware, Parlor and calk stoyes. lbothenal and we .1,, Uil I.andel,iers..avdl..arl , r , . In fai7l a Fin:bet:lsm Rotel. . also offcr fon sale ono light Hotel orozoblip w tt the Horses and Marne so, one Font-Fred INTIr. one Show' Cas,s, One Flotelyook Stow°. one FlmPn I '&.le, two IRlliatd Tables and two Well pmr.r. Bole] Reeix , ra , anfl all, persons wishing b,parrlo , .: anything in thl above line will 'lieut. Call and ruz, toe Mi. property ; It will be sold very low. - TIP., whole dock must be closed out, by the 14 at August next. C. T. suns. Towanda, Ea.. May 37, 1971 kN6THE,R NEW FIR3I:', IET Et.W U R, E • Having pitred the. Furniturg Store of D. L PECKILLY is Hervar'a Block. have added largelyv their stock, and noir offer - , . . ntrilr;tUrrhascil the! Mock 'for CASti. thoy f• -, warrauted in Paying that they calt-, , fier grytt,:' , thic,:ruents than any other establishment in iSi county. - - ' ~. Towanda, April 26. !kr.. F'R,"3".l`l l JA. RS §licAllegitin, FIRE WORKS. • `7 - Ai' Kit A M tt,PbSc.',E fl..tillW. fnr Dradfnrl . C - H • JACOBS' • • 1.4 L• . • • DIIALf lit GLEN'S- 1.,D BOYS' CLOTHING , HATS . AND •CIPS. All goods, wananted, and sold at the lowestrites Srtath niece in Betilleman's lattick. Itain•st. sunlit MONEY SAVEIi BY PIIRCRASING YOUR STOVES HARDWARE L BBON9 O Orval, Pa., 0ct,29,14.• 111 to 6 1 ~0 E " • 2 Q 2 6 .4 i r ..... 22 FA 2; ENZI • tiTLLEW'. • . • COAL 'APARD.: COLD WATEII FOX t-..honn THAN EVER J. S: _ A L Y C'o ' : FURNITIIItE r. Ut .«r. deg,eriptiOn at prices which 4111- •. • ' DEFY-:_yO3.IP.I2;TITION:. 11'71 0 E EOM 'il.4')\~S I?!l'Gt'VEl' GLA .8 8 ..T 1r ;I )N, EU,LL LINE 01' IiENEIZAL - FIRE WORKS, 3y the quantity at LOIVST ,FIGURES Thivauda, June 8, 1871 rem 0 =•!6 •• • C fr) (i 4 • • • 6 64
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