MI =o_ 4gtita: II Agrimilfiwil Capital, .` What in the ! bands ofthe farmer , institutes 7pital With' the nier cll3nt, c-tsb is capital ; with theland peculator; land iskcapitll ; with the farmer, cash, land and .80* are. -capital. Nor do these constitute all a farmer's capital—many. other items, too' ofti , u overlooked} also such as implements, mannre,and, most of all, labor. . capital is either productive or non productive ; a million of dollars in 11,01 d Or silvei, or.Dne thousand acres of unproductive Laud may be capital, but while it remains in this, state it produces nothing,and the owner.may • be actually growfiig poorer. Increase in wealth does not depend so much upon the amount of capital as . upon uSe made of it ; and in nothing is this mnrb plainly. shown 'than in farming.- • - There is many a farmer who 'ciitn . -T' menced on fifty acre ' s ; on this he `an= expended twenty . per ccßt, in . maoure,labor Ste:, &c., and the pro (lnce was perhaps forty pm cent.'En couraged by this success, be adds fif- - • •ty acres more, but he does not pro. t ) irtionally increase his active capital, zi , t,t the profits are lessened in propor tion. Still he has notland enough, and buys more, still adding very lit tle or nothing to 'his active capital.--- Tne consequence is that whildMi fifty 'acres ho made forty per - cent., on five hundred he would realize nothing.— z • Ile has converted his productive inRl nonproductive capital. There is nothing more. trine than that the inordinate desire-for large farms has-been the ruirtof thousands. • It Is Arne that a large farm.may be made as productive Its a sma.tl;ortel 'pot io do thin there Must be expended It an amount of autivt'! capital, iii- . the shape of ,manure„' labor, 40., in proportion—a thing rarely done. • " Let no one undertake to; have or hold more land than he hag capital to r.:1? g!: well., heart certain class of far o:• rs (so calfetl) say they • are "too to• buy .lime," ',,t00 poor to btiy rattly," to make manure. TheSe are t , ;.• 'kiwi who-have too ranch a iarrywr. I)..ldiiig 1 e: hundred acres, would find it more profilat`l , ? it:t.po,e of tiny, and expend tlie .pro cceds as active capital on the remain 'nig half.. What is the use of capital if it is li : , t. to expend it so that it may in- creaz-e. If a farmer has surplus capitai,the hest manner in which he elm invest in lime or manure; fur his farm I: Le . canuot get six per cent. from it in ails way he does not 'deserve the name of farmer. If a farmer has fifty acres, with a soil only six or eight inches '<Jeep, in stead of buying' more let him double %%hat he has, by 'doubling the' depth of the soil: Draining makes,a good,perumnent and safe investment for surplus Such investments not only pay an interest as they go along,but also Morease the capital by increasing the value of the farm. A western writer has said that "large farms are the curse of the west ;"s nor does this apply to . the -west alone, but also to the east. By increasing the depth of his soil, the farmer increases his crops, with out increasing *his number of acres, and with little or uo extra expense in labor: • i In this way a fdrus of `fifty acres may prAilee more than many of uue humirtd now yield, such at least is the flpiniou and experience of the Cler motto/on Telegraph. k 5P.,6.F. THE TREES.—There is yet all over the country, and particularly in :he West, except uponthe prairitm, where necessity has been a teacher, , too -great a disposition to cut down tri_estruit trees as well as forest tr,;es—with too much recklessness and disregard to future profit, -com fort or elegance. Let every .farmer i-solve forthwith, if he has not al ready done so, to commence saving -01 the trees that are of any talnt, that.he can, by a fair caleulation, es ' timate -to be worth more standing and grUwing thattATmit down. Let this apply to tree's in the forest, as well as forest or fruit trees along ,the line of his fences. As a general rule it is better to have r fruit trees in,an orch ard, where they can be watched, and when: depredations are not so likely to be made, if the farm . be. located • APO a city or village ; but when they have attained a 'si:ie too great for convenient removal; they.may often :oivantageously be left to stand in the field,. especially if along a fence where the - iihade is not so much of an objection. It will nut • only be .profi table to allow the trees to stand, but where time can be found, it will pay well to transplant -trees , along the fences. A very valuable tree for this - - purpose is thelocust, as when ititt taius sufficient - size, it makes excel , len4posts.for fences, being almost as duralire when standing iu the ground as red cedar. ily a general, barnest effort on the part of farmers to Neserve all that is valuable among thei?"tfees, much of the evil that has been done by the thoughtless, slashing and cutting'af 801130 of our pioneer settlers may be, in n -deg,ree, atoned for. Some of the formerly magnificent oak, . chestnut and maple timbered land 4 of our country will require altnost'a century 'to be redeemed to anything like the state of thrift and elegance they might now have been providently .managed by their original settlers, or by , ihose ' who have so ruthless' devastated ° them. We hope the d of burning and destroying tOrests d throwing away manure has ~ nearly passed away.--Bural Amtruan. - • DESTROY THE WEEDS.—The roadside, which ought to be scrr!pul4usly kept clean„ are too often safe harboring places for weeds. Manure heaps. containing the seeds are frequently t - 41ected until the vigorous growth - iutluCed has bronght the plants to maturity ,• • and many spots around farm buildinp and yards are unsight.' ly from a dense annual growth of weeds. In short, the ; farmer may set it down as an axiom, that . wherever en his soil a useful, plant does not, grow a weed will flourish and occupy . the room. • Nature . abhors an orrpro- , lific soil,. It is the, farmer's busines s to gee that all plants which grow . on his.premises are beneficiil to his . forests.. • • lEEE • ..• St TILL Mi l ani • t 7pfetr STOCK OF doopsi 1 , • , , - t. JAMES 0. mon, Irouid oat att4intkm_. to, A tl i' large sad taxied 4•840 F triget • / 21 - , IT'R IT , I TIT let I Now on,eitbibition •at. Ws-Ware-Booms, which be 'will be happy to' alio* to any and eaory•ohe free ol chug., or to sell •at a very.. smaltud, •vance froth-cost. , Thaskful for , the past liberal patronage• . of the .publio; - I would . say - Ueda shall still endeavor %pinata it 110 their lastest tpdeal with me n o t byikeeplag a - • • lutit - Ggit:"STOCIC -"- • fg select troll then is kept In - say - Wier FoTht turd More In this region 3 but , ' also . 1:17 oMsjag AT_6 Than the sum - guilty, of undo Can:. be Chased elpewhe[e: P i frei le ff; b k atcre "TF ek DIFFERENT P.O.TTERNEI.,OB,„CBAIRB.:7:3 THIRTY, DIFFERENT aTTLES: .13E,D4701:4- Besides Bureaus, Stands; -tables,: Bob,. What Nola., Bolas. Tete-a•Tete's, Rocker - a, and , Easy Chairs, Piano . Stools, Chit* dren's Carriages Children ' s Cradles " and Ciibbs, Looking Glasses, , Looking Glass Plat s, PIG tare , Frames, Photo. • graph Ovals, Steel . Engratirgs, . . Cordaan,d Tas.-ebi, In fact a full- assortment • OF EVERYTHING IN THE LINE All of which will be sold C 11E A P F CA. S The public are invited to and: ess mint my stock ketoire purchas tog elsewhere.. Store ou Hain Street . d 2 doors south of liontaara. T kis° teeP on band, a large assortment of READY MADE COFFINS, From the moat common to tEe finest Mahogany or Rosewood, whieh will be banished with or without Attendance with Hearse; at' ns low a price as the ramie quality can be pnrceased a - here. Dee libia.-"yr. ' N EW ~ FURNITURE STORE Flaying rented the Furniture Ware-rooma form. erly occupied by •F. N. Rage,. athrue, Pa., would now may to the pattoom of the old.Fmitah lishmeut that 1 tave.a complete Stock of Goods, just received, embracing everything in the' Mtgoode are new and well selected, and for - GOOD GOODS Will not be taufersold by any. Call and ex amine> my stock before purchasing. I retain the Workmen of the old ettattllshment, and Will have chug° of the business and 11:snufact uring. la short -we have the finest Stock of Clouds in our line west of New York, consisting Chamber-Setts, Bofaii,- Bureaus, Marble•top Centre Tables,. Extension • and Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads,' 51Irroilli, Picture Frames, Photograph Ovals, Cord and Tassels, Steel Engravings, OSl.Curtirus, Toilet Swißs, Work-Boxes, Pictures, &c. • COFFINS• AND BURIAL CASES Our tindeitaker's Department will at all times be well supplied with everything in that Huff. We hava the In this section, not Accepting anything ,wept of New York, and will attend Funerals within a circuit of Twenty iiiike,•on reasonable terms: G. I. VOOREIIS. N. P. HART. Agent. Athens. Jan. 2b. 1866.--ly FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS t. that MAKIN . ..SON announces to the public ttiat he still continues to manufacture and keep on hand a large assortment of • CABINET FURNITURE, Bargain. Tables. Bedsteads. Stands, Chili*, &c., of every descriptan which will be made of the best materials, anirin • he most workman. like manner. I invite•the inaction of the public to mylvrork, Which shall nc be surpssed In durability, at any chop in the country, and my prices will he ,foulati to be as low as the timer will admit. ' lbady.made Coffins constantly -on hand or made to order. A good Hearse will be furnished when - desired . Aug. 15, 1885. - • G ROCERY, PROVISION . AND FEED , STORE. JOHN MERIDETH, (Main-st., first door south of the Rail Road House) would most respectfully invite the at lei:vim:Lot the public to his large and well se lected hock of • GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which he is jelling to suit the times, and purees of all. He has also opened a-splendid FEED STORE, Which Is well situated to supply the canal and Barclay cot! region at all- times. He keeps constantly on hind a large stock of TEAS, pOFFEES, SUGARS, MOLASSES, FLOUR, BUTTER, PORE, • . Which he is selling cheap:for cash.. The citizens of Towanda and vicinity, will please accept my thanks for, their very liberal patronage for the last two 'years, and we promise with their aasistanct , to improve ev ery opportunity to enlarge our bus pass, so as to warrant satisfattlon. to all. Cantu:id see tut again. JOHN lIIERIDETEt. Towand 18G7. MERCHANT'S UNION GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO NEEDIER'S. ND 811LPPEB8. Having made arrangements with the New York and Brie Railway, to do Expless Business on their road, are now receiving all kinds of freight and merchandise for all parts tof the Unioh—Nerth, Smith. East, West: the Cana das, Europe, West Indieti. Goods sent direct to anypart of California, all with the quickest despatch: Shippers and Merchants genets/1y know what enormous .rates they have been pay ing for quick transportation. Nov this Com pany is made up exclusively of Bankers, Mer chants and Shippers, to break .up the tummy ly [which the old Companies had formed] so as to give fair rates to the Masi:seas community. All goWs or packages weighing 40 lbs.and.up wara, are slapped by actual weight. • The way to keep low rates, is to patronise .the CoMpany that brought them down. Particular care and attention given to money and valuable Pack ages, Collections, Acl. 'loollections made, and returns forwardd by quickest dispatch. 1 B. G. CRABS, - H. 3. GIFFORD; . • Agent. Div. Sap% P. S.—All Packages to be forwarded from Towanda and vicinity, by- !eaving them at the Stare Office of Johnleeman will, be forwarded to the Waverl y. Office of this Company-every, day. Juni a:1887.-1y. ' • , 1 0. OF O:F.-BRADFORD LODGE . No. 167, I. 0: . of O. F., meets at Odd IPel.n lows Hall, every Monday etenlng from the , first Monday In April to the drat Monday In Octoberi 5t.7 . 1 F. IC, from iktober.ti,•4lllllllo.:f.- , 4. Astril ' l,l4d6i. *a"4-"" =IN And more thin FURNITURE LANE MR. N. I. HART , Parlor Furniture, FIIVEST HEARSE Miscellaneous: EXPRESS COMPANY. raid 1 1 1 ?0 1 7.t.-- • Yilli A 4' , 4 .- 1 WANTS OF TREVIIBLIO WITH ARTICLES nth ?lung: „;', 4 OIWAVIIVINFO 4210)...1M81L8E1,A; ?Milt it#Dlo,l4. i IIBB , I tisiic.:• 5_ J .:ls ! , t iII3I3 O CCUICISMIA „ . 1 3) .IOW; 1 . 11 *P . A'!•1) 4414 E%, iI I P AR AVA I r ME W I NIMh PAl4 ll 4 l l‘ VOSLI/1 5 .41.445w, PAIF-istratv4T*TqlimmwEYßlgllLDnl'_ \ • ' nontril 2 irrri ALKA LOAD s otheßeat' Tresses, .” '; 1" . •B D 0 K;I 8: 0. T B, - WI/ 1 4erAr 110 0. 1 .1 1 , 81304,131' PONPS, NIPPLE 8N134,8, AND 1 Nursing Bottlei, Syringes and Catheters, I 34 • L•pe/11 0 118111)•ZW.pyliltil, STROPS, roans larrres, • L- . • t DM ' ---..—..—....—.....__ _............_....._ ._ . ___ , EIIIJIGXCAL IisIETHITM72StHOF LAWIFILE • . ItialD 813.8 T., QUALITY. , ; :::...",.. ~1!..1 ..C.:4 ; -:,".:.7.) --.T. - - :• -. c . . ' A large anp t tiltrushes for the Hat and Hair. Aledfor •Teellberid:Nails,ifoOtb-Pow * ders ,a 0 Pastes, Oils, 'Perfumery, SoapliColu bs, Hair-D - ffy*P.'7 , allot ,&c.Aoksane, `Kerosene .• Linips,illades, Chimneys,. Wicks, &c., all of th the il., late et styles. , • , : -.. . -,.. :.. .. .. 11.iti:., -, • "CHOICE CIIIIt/.118, TOBACCO AND SNUFF: sir i'ilyidOins ,supplied at iiiisonfithe rates. fMedicines r aii Prescriptions urea, and ac curately CAW °united and prepared' by persons i all himra of the day and night. Sunday , himit f rom 9to to o ' clock in the fore noon, to 2 i the atterhoon. ' • ' - - - • - ---:--rw:H. Towanda ,4 pt, 29.0866.; , ...„, i, ': ti . (~latt~iitg. T HE TEMPLE OF FASHION 1 ;NEW STORE, - I . NE W D An entire New Stock of - Clothing 'bonghttts cheap as before the war, to be sold with • • 13:hi A 1!.,L , , I T 1 5: 4 1 , ,... • Theunde4i: ed trimid respectfully announce to thi eithe : f Torsi:ids and vicinity that, he tuii this day o erred at the south Store of BEIAIS.FMAN),VBI4O.C.K., Opposite th Means House; Main Street, a NEW iTABLiSHMENT Ofjteady Made Mena and Boyd-and Childrens I : C 4 0 HIN G 1 GENTS FE*I[SNING GOODS, HATS, CAPS x.. 80. , dic.; Us! , And that tinier goods bought at very loa f fig Or will be-coawitis. very ,small profits. Lint e to establish's' ifermanent trade la this plaice , a in order to kala the confidence of parohas e will deal withlhem on a beats of honest y a integrity, and 'ail goods sold • ga ar a nt e for what, thei are represented to be.. • vs. cOme llnd examine.the New' StFe,of Towanda, April 8, 1887,—Tr• S OLt DdON & SON , Are *ow opening their general stock of , 2 41, WIMP ' CLOTHING , For men abd boys wear. The assortment will be (Mind the choices they have everoffered, se lected with reference to the wants their trade. They respectfully invite an examination of then clothing. which is manufactured ex pressly for their- trade, having a.huyer at all time in the Market...We feel . confident to give a better at a lower price - than can be obtained elsewhere. Alen in etore for the trade a COM , kpAiidy OASg: AND XIISLII4I',SHEIRT'S, COLLARS AND CUFFS, PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS , ! SGSPEpERS,.GLOVES t ,TIES; • nth AND CAPS, &0. l ' S J The en tire'litock must be sold by the first of August, neat. We are offering great bargains, as we intend 'to remove, we 'feel"confident In Baying to Pip' triends^ old . oatmeal, you will find it to yo interest tcrcall on us before pur chasing elsewhere, ...Remember the, lace SOLOMON dt SON, No. 2, PattnnXMlockw , Towanda - , , May 23.'67. -- • - -- NEW SPRING AND SUMMER R. VP ED D Y Would announce to the - citizens of Vowastite, ana the pahlic generally; that -• he has In store and daily W - ing; new and • - • • . ......T REI3 . H fk. 0' 0 D., S , In his 11.4; suitable to the wanta of as people. which he will Sall for Curency, at ,foilner PILICISI Candstind as ' ulna' or good well, ad reliable b't o 14-13 , !-. (o pholdy of an Bl.T§ E our, DREf3 ' Lih Over Anti H. JACOBS. FURNISHING - GOODS ERICH 'AS OOODB 1 kind) cm:Lidding in • S - tr l'T S;' glade& All VEST' AND - -PANTS, Wool. AM, it irESTO, E 521 ere and Pante, ;tit , •Plm.uiuti I=3 d Over hit 6:6,e21.y s lib tii..: .. -.-.,.:-._ ... ,- .. . ~,-.., -- .....,..,,,,: ,'• ..'.-.. \vaircr it k„BLAPIC. -. . , :.::, ..-: . . 1 - I . *, ol,4l.llliiillid: kW*, . Vii 1.041,111- :, _, , .... - Ospiilikaattge>al, Ino -..(...; .:.\,-ifif) . lB,iiki'li. glizrzo,ra. RiV.1.14F...P.',114. -, a74. , .1. 57,' tot: --...,..i. . i . vrity 1,, jig 1 o i /DV :SULTI7r cLtir. '1.17, 11%).t ftlsl ,_•,11.7.hF,.. iiii 7. • .1 -..., ft. ~ ..., 1 ..., 0 .;..k.,: , , 1 -.17 tty:A4ftg,.)-iii '- . ... 12 0- ..intf.,....,1ii ',i:t• I -diA9l';') . 4 . 001300P114,0, “ 1 - 6-.J. - li' 1 Lil.S4`.l4l . 4rcF.Wt-dt'A iIL I T ,S:,(7 . 0 . :7 4 1.)11 -.- 4.-..,i, .C 1 4•...1rrt,„ v . • . ~ 1 t'.: . :;-: ,. .llll(Laup •t, vvrivf ill , ~, ,a 114. 7 161tiL1k..,^.1 i ......;biLl? Vcii if DIFICZOW . ' l' .17 , -4.. 0, 4 OW/ .1 - Otthl .' asarktow- ter, -4*-ila vi, '.'iho 1 —.::viliiiirrah, l 49 o j•li!.:••1 :fziootlF l i . , 4 - ~ i i 41$11 - 07,(D ' t*` 3. '' fioE4.o.Ut.)l . q.il ! .14tili' si , Jal 9 fii , 1.,..9M 7.21:4M3 641 i iff 4 .. bar. ' ,;:39‘dlo m i t Tr. • 1 loi';',l,lifi3 ii , - - 14 f:' , .t itli :) , ij-Itio - .E.lmimi:,l; gitip. f .;,), ;...1,1-...z-hi Icon Astiam. 17fi.) ue.i.o.r.: 1. Etsi.s t - iic.v.l,..sliri, 1 . :•i.) f O',S II aii '. 'WO . '.' ' i. "" I, T Eetr,:** 1i oc. .asi.a , r ?ALI oif if,i '; 1 f 1 siLvEß,.mtilisix 2.4c ' l. ' n '' '':; ;„ : ' WOOD, WILLO ' W, [ AND ""JAPANNED -GOODS TABLE CUTLERY. in variety. IMO Aa we buy all our goods from FIRST HANDS, 9432 1411 F GOOD _GOODS towta.• tbajl igui:otiter...pvrtifis AO thi4 .region. .i., ~. i • - f• ,7:t. ,-.,:i . .;7.• , :,E:i .. , ', 3 • :, -- F.. , ,, 1; 'zi. -., -..„-" •0! , . 1.1;i-AfiarROS, EMI desslMEl s, MTh 'nib AND P! T. ' ,TAILOWEi ,1,3.1;z0 • ,or the: .best il' ~.,..4.i-i '-. ; . CIITTWEV-:':". And MANUFACTtfRING Done to order, Agents for WHEELER & WILSON'S And SINGER'S &WING. MACHINES Towanda, -March 7,1867 IA A S S'W A E, E G 225 Greenwich Street, 2 doors below Barn lay at Is the Great_ Depot tor eitocirrArr - D I EA Ellg r GL ASS Nvett. - CONFECTIONERS' " " DRUGGISTS' --- 41 44 GRON-GLASSZYZIEEE PACKAGE fact all tit# of , 6L A S S" W • -1 Alio; aositipiete.dpirtm4vor & 4. 13• N-1/ A WIAItt, . SILVER, PIA IN' A if Pi 7 . „ ME NM El asof3F.N)s_wißr4 • CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, Best brands of kerosene Oil. The best patent Fruit Jars in the market, to be sold at the, lowest prieci. Alan line or LoOking Glasses. AU kinds of Glass Ware made to order. Agent for - Dierldien Britannia Company J. T. - WRIGHT. 225 Greenwich Street, April 15, '67. 2 dt!era below Barclay, N. Y. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING Purchased the entire hate*t of R. H. PATCH, In in the firm of C. B. PATCH is CO., in now prepared to , offer •to the citizens of Bradford Qinnty and vicinity, a large and well selected stock of• :.1 • :4 - '1 ' Which I have purchased for Cash and feel S.enft• dent air at . as - hni arms as nan bei 411:1 eI S PW* I4 uct*putdie , spleniiiitstook - Of . • n'‘ SFS ' , :SUGARS, : 1 - 1,1,T49401,-,64 l ißAXtqfp 13F10Etis afp. .•, OM Have on halal a• largeigook'of AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO. RYE DO. itECKWEELT DO. I `keep conetentlli — on timid, POSH, HAMS, LARD mad kinds of FISH.' .•Wonld ail the at- Cation aflU — iitiblio to onr Can't Be-Best, STOOK OBAOOO, In quality or \ price. Jesse Cakley'e Celebrated Laundry, New York Chemieal and Brown Soap. Pie ase rail and examine oar stock of 0 . W ° \7 I YANIERE WARE NOTIONS, TOILET SOAPS, kc., &a WUI pay the high est cull price fo r . 1 1441 trt:ditti liftf; - , - P - -.I3OEINTRY4I4IO 5 0FL O.! 1 1 4 . ,tert/ ,;if; g "CrbV4:l;.' '1 1 .) - ` - tag. Af f; •':)1j3• plane Dail and.m i ske Immediate N1y 3917h ¢1,13.11 0111. AuTcrit_ tnniatai, Large :assortment o' rt=7MM ;IV Ing t hilli2&l6llllol**Zratk,25if=r7a.., .1)t. a .. 1 T 1 4 ,- 7 dill c a t r .. • .:' , ,i , , f•; 1.. 't 6 , 911 '.'l tP4-:..° -4 +n-T-W,.11,,tr, ;1 , ;• 6; . r . Ora :Gant 'll/110: t- SIVal4 : r - . ; nrattalltglkirrrn k -Vallk ' ."-- ami l a i rs 4- - 'l' . tihti - itiv it ro l u r r 'r . , / ,, orat mi 41 1.10,e , ; 1 , ' ' •t. '''' ' te l / 11,1 4 'feandi'lgileilirridiailocitiO t llsad- atanplotCysoattaback-itoratthig as eztordlim4oWsniiisay' *tables -11 le d, in thliArtsfor modnuthotimillidgegi 'ciremilY ` sidsonotirltrd to floc vs Irsa)ami• Il e . 'At Wt . Zd i at b".l3!; " CPT' _ .p vs, igati o on t e 1 . 01 ... MM1N0Arr0a.41,14 Or Sets% •7••• , „.- . , ta ) I n :l A .l \.. IkgrGlik-IfEDI VOTIEP4IOAIS ' \' rams, ortai'lia3 . • ilra-47:^Asiti,.;iiiitiiiiiiii: ' fiat; PA• ‘ ittliOttOF ' ' . 1 1., ' itlaiSilite r thr ' t at ' ' 04 : ' T WTI \ .., ...i.: 'Agtak o ti l ati hai i iiiops.o . l ;4ol "..... _•4i." wii 4 - 14 , wr it i4,;. , 40 4 4 4%7 11 7 iiiiiii itz. r : --- 144*;14rit\lv . tude,Tfft, Pe;t: i ' ''- ' Tiiliiag l gt:...a.ittifiriftWii , °tip • Piney and Toilet - Arttelat in' all thefivatiety, ,SEVNIIIRDSKEs , -,0RA.P43, 1 MAUS, Pomades, Kair-Dyee l'ellomery ' 1 'POOKET - BOOLS, , i i .ORT3 llON:eig i / : . Said tan's, Itazoai, ' . 1 ' ‘ - -i tA , 1400TH, SKIN Artrinitti PREpAIIATIcINS • - , pIIIIII .11TINISI AIM IJ.QOOItI3 \ , - - : '" P e ;- I:ll 4 ffE d' f f e e , . Tolikm, - - SiltinY Pipis Ako thane, ,t. t.....ttrt .ri • Saran; POW snd totoweSeede, Thome, Sup • potters. Baapensorjosi Shonidir Bruin, i...3.4r0a55 , PemperTeeth 14 Nee, Naming ..Bottles.hNlpplea, KIPPIe -.malls , 4 41 d '• - irierdhauringes /Sell iland;geiff,l -' Sealing Fruit - 30;r Thermometers. _Flavoring gatracte4 , titone,‘Tnas..olaes - Wide, *Mies:trials, Corks, pa B r i c k, ind3tove Blacking, H fish 'beide', Ammtud.,', tion,kci.' Botanio,,Eeleetic and ow cepath: , .I 0 diedignee, 'and -al the Popolor Patent . ATI articias warranted as represented Ter-, eons at a distance tan receive . their orders by stage oi-mail, which will receive , prompt_and carefeattention.4 DR. PORTEIi'S PEEPAR:AT.IOIB FOR FAMILY .USE; ' Known as : Safe Iliad Reliable Bethedies, are war ranted ftir what, they are rteuded; to give satis faction',, , . Dr. Porter's Pictriral SyroP, for eoughs., colds, 'lung complaints4eloclLSloo Dr. Porter's Eclectic Plll4, far biliou ?tom- ,* plaints and mild cathartiv; - -: ... _25 Dr. POrter's "San ifer Syrup', for scrofula. , skin disettses, 1 00 Dr.-Porter's Uterine Topic, far female weak net's, ....... 1 00 Dr. Porter a Tonic Elircir for strengthening the system, ' Porter'ti Tansy Schnapps, for liver and. • - kidney :complaints 1. 00 Dr. Porter's Comp. , Syr. Ilypophosphltei, - 1 far nervous debility • - 00 DT-Porter's -Blackberry . Balsam.-for diar • rhao - ,r&c. . . . 35 Dr. Niter's Family Enibrocation Ai sprains bruises,4-c • 35 D. Porter's Pect,•)r. I,sl,ifer s, • for hoarse ness; spreeluval,4ec.s. • 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Waters, for` exit' !ling • • . Worms I 25 Dr. Porter's Worm, Skrup, for exterthina. ' ring worerai• ' 35 Dr. Porter's Infant Belief, fur crying babies • , - I 25 Dr. Porter's Cephalic. Snuff, for 'catarrh / herufache.. • 25 Dr.-Porter's Toothache Drops, for tooth'-: ache 25 Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder, for priservingi teeth w 25 Dr. Porter's , Tricozene, for dressing and , 60 growing. the hair 50 Dr. Porter 'a Tricoph ile, or.,boa uti lying the "hair ... : . 50 ' Dr. Porter's Odoriferous Shatoport,for log the hair Dr. Porter's - Milk of Flowers, ftir beautify. ing the complealon..... • ... • • Dr. Porter's Pile ,a'zitmeitt. for external piles - ... Di. Porter'spkettch. Compound, for scald . los _urine • . 1 Dr. Porterli Molested Figs; - ,' for habitual ' cents Ipstimi . Potter's Healing Halve, for cutimonnds l)rherter's Lip Salve, for chapped lips... • 1' DT..iporter• a Eyc Salve, for inflamed eyes i ... EOM Dr. Porter's EyelVater . , for inflamed eyei. . Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart I:terefOirer, to. inms iind'btinfont r , . .Pkirte?a Constipation Pills, 'for.costive ..• - ~ II&.. IS' .." . . ...... ..; ;.. ; ... 4'. .... t. Porters Iron .Pills. tor poor b100d,.... , • , Dr. Porter's Citr a te Magnesia, fora, pleasi • entsitharric. i• 60 Dr. Porter's , Litinid *fleet, for making tint, , p.tions'diet for invalids ", 25 Dr. -Porter's lExtract„ Vanilla,• for flavoring ice cream, ,ke • 40 Dr. Porter's Extract - Lenten, fur' flavoring ice eream—large,bottles...... 40 . Dr. Porter's.Orientai Cement, fot mending broken Wass, ,ke • - 25 Dr. Porter's - Liquid Glue, tor repairing wood work - 25 Dr. porter's Cleansing Fluact;for easy Wash , , log 60 Dr:Portees Bed Bag P o i son; for killing bogs ' _ " 60 M. Porter's Fly Poison Paper, for killing files • 05 Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison, tor es.- : terminating_ rah* • 25 Dr. Porter ' s "Benzine. . for removing spots 'from clothes 2,5 Dr. Porter's Black Ink, in pint betties :26 • _' 'in bulk by the gallon 1. op Dr. Porter's Eloise and Cattle Powder, for diseases of titii.nals SO Dr. Porter's Honie .. .ind Cattle Lotion:for sprains, galls, kr. , t ... 60 Dr. Porter's Mag.:Bone and fipavin Caret for .lame horses_ • , 60 Medical advice given gratuitously at the ctlee, charging_ only for medicine. ' . -- • ~ wThankful for past liberal Patronage,wOuld respectiu ly anuounee to his trieuchs and. th e pilblic; that no pains; shall be spared to satisfy, and merit the - c o tinnation of r heir Cdnildenno and patronage. H. 0. PORTER, M. D. Dec. 18,1866 . ,yr. - - , ...... ---. 1 . T First door eolith of the Pint National Bank, faun* TOBACCO--on t E WINO Gold ~Bunny 04e, Mae Apple, lif,kgrittua Fig, Bose Leaf and Star, which, we otter for sale lit quadrilles toy salt oustomera. Packages In ...11arrele, halls asil, quarters., , , • • =I BRAND OP , 01OAR9. Eagfe, Gen. Grant,. Lebognet,;ipl. perlo, Tynoen and the very - clicdonst brands - of Yarsa.l - SMOKING...• . • , `l7 rt;,.t. • :,. F ANC Y .[ : - Thii*iiio 1;i66 J.Ock, Pride of this - Mil tea gaiiii,vit74 4 9141 9;0b1q Li ii', tq A vy and all tati'aiof = Landlords sup p lied ;rith (.11.7,ari a4l Foil To 66POopplUbetal 1 1 1410.. : I ; . -.Flatlets pro!nkitly fillet 11 4401; • notice. ! • 3 s i '• * . March 7. 18ot, : , '• HE'EQUITABLE 'LIfE _ AB B A! OS 8 1i0 1 1.753"Agen9, f9iliiadfo7ll p 4 yikoisoi.,, - 04.A .1101ITANYE 14'4111) . .• Towaida, July 25, 1867. , - 1. lELLY . OOitiIiGMt. PlitE 'Ths# loloo 44ePaitor Ifra4oo.Al9ll - iff_.,- - = .CAPITAL $3,400, 0 0 0. ' • Mutual teat phut. to successful opurailoit ov• twenty ueveu e• - motirtitostAlrluD" July 26, 18627 4 •41 4 INan OBAO,CO & CIGARS! Wholenale and Retail at RODAL:4 POMPTON'S, - mansraTaEft, POWANDAi PA kmwm 4r-vy , . epigigo4 l 7.ih' r . '.i Ow , 4•711 a -., , _ ._ : .., ~ ..1 . " . .? , 0 t j ‘ ll l '- '. 7 ,:', 5') t 1 ' ' tfi: ' •,'" 7' .; ;'• ‘i ,i7/.4 4 -'44, .L,r., '. i .- t l, ' '--. 8. l . 1: .7' 4 . • • • nA.4 •Pralbp..ii MARSHALLT I4 I3IIO : VlttAt a o l . :, ~.M.i* ; 1 Wj°4 3l 4 :lll # , stupticw pott.the3 PAW to r.thr new g,t•ock Of " xi- . g T '• nay ill 0 "PARMASSIII : 4 , A.: --*; )311 '''."-) '' f " 8i 17331 7 ts " %i r 4: ~ Able, ilaigelinisniment 14 , 1 1 ; ' 3, ... , : '' ( O. p Pakti 04 itf-i vi :P at Zjv id, 4 11 i l i gr i ttfacV ,:-., which of all kinds , will be sold .16ii 'Alsseltilnlia Cash priee.l Also r allineassortanent ef . - ut. ' Preriet.l 4 ,e an d Pr'nrd t4 - n n_# th d‘K id l - .1 LimPi rePftrida afid 'c*iiigettiroin . 1 . 3 .0„,14n4 .I Fluid. in Kerosene. ' '-'' ": 2 ' --- -- :--t..-- - -, , Particular attention paid to:theiittanntitet ", Of all ltiPds of,* - - ''',- '.- - - - ' n ' 111 WARE. -- . - - it 01111 In 0 Pit 041 P T:L t:' A-'r r - ali,D n n lin Wri luive:odhsind a tine - irtlcle Of "'' •`' ' 4 , I *:' ' ,-1 " 1 " ;it'd, ini*criretiseir-seilig - ebricititid':' , i anti # i E It -MET -I , C 'A . LS"' A L I-N au. A:! ii-'- - ii viblOo tio we the best" - used. 4: IP ...-..rq ,Sliscellatuous: D 1 7 .46;EXPERJ.,.; }INCE 1 DkINTISTIIY.I 7.:lif:'.B3irrn; Lt.; D. would thWattfiillY inforni thhinhabitant4: , tit . /irinitrird% contity tit lt , he terrUY i l9CateOn 9 as eth n the practme of hisprofeasion for thiiipatit tour yititc-ilifyriuld nay thitt'lrfat , ritia long and successtul practice of 25 yowls duratiort. be is familiar with all the:dillbreut, of weirr tifE done in any stiffen Dea'stabliA tneats in city or country, 111111.-is better .tire parett-thate. toy other Dental operator in Aim ; vicinity tn-09 - work the bestadapted - tolhe many 'anti different j cases that...present themes oftentimeciO l ttie'' Dentist, as he autlettitandsqle ar_.folt - eon artificial teeth, and has\ facilities torquing_ the saute: - To those requiring -under acts , of teeth he would call autumn tO his hew work which consists of porcelain for nothplath, and tee*. h, and forming it continuons gum. 'lt is more durable, more natural 3n .appearaute i and much better adopted to the gum then ahy other.; kind of Work. Tho,e in deed - o k fi the ha.oe are % invited to call and examine- , fipeattietik. ' Teeth; tilled to last for year said oiteutinies ) Chloroform, Ether, and "..ti„itr‘Sus ministered alth perfect safety,.ott over fon huh dred patients within the isat, loot, yeurs can tity. \ I will 1e in Towanda front the stit to130t1t):If every mouthott the Ofllco ot W.. ILI TAYLian4, l (formerly otaniikied by Dr. 0. H. Woodnitl4L-• Daving made arrangements with Mr.' Tayler; mprepared to - do all work in the.,lvery beat style, a his office, April 23, "IR. / tA.I4I3I:ISKTR.K. LL AND MECHANICAL 'DENTIST, has opened rooms in the Belt i llemsta Block, dliactly oppo site the Slesna 'for the pr4cfice -his prol, , ssion, and is prepared - at all times to per form all operations belongiag to.DeutiAry.4lhe different k.inds of Piste Work, will. be ree,Orn mended aced., 4311; to their honest merits. Nat ural Teeth fired and-restored' td ttfeit original beauty, with material the hest adapted to each Individual vase. The ,greatest .care and. atten tion will be gitoit to. Atka correction :of lrreg u hirities and the extraction of Teeth. In this Department of practice' the ' Doctor 7 would say he claims uu rundant 01'M:till and- experience qual to that posSessed .by any one iu this or any ,other Vouutry. Teeth will be extruded without paltr,'hy the use of gig, chloroform o: ether, cud in .0 waner very satisfactory to pa tients, as the testimony ot lfludrede can be shown. Pleaie call and examine specimens of _oar work, and be assured of the'..eorridness of the statements. Advice and consultatiou will be cheerivlly and gratuitously siven... Towanda, June 6; 11667.—tina.,. iOO 1 00 1 00 IARDING4 BMALLEY, 119 Having entered baton co-partnership for _We transaction of the`PiIOTOGRAPLITC: busineSs,. at the rooms . &innerly occupied"- by Woua Harding, would respectfully_ chil . the - - ottani ion' of the publio-to several styles-of Pictuma which. wo make , spcciaitieS,„as: be lar Pliotograptiß, - ._ Plain, Penciled unfli Coloied, Ppaltypps, Porce-: lain Pictures, &C., we claim tor clernness and brilliancy.of tone - nod Artistic finish, can not be excelled. , We invite all to e4imine them flawed as, the more 'common kinds of .Portraits , which we inakii, knowing full well Unit they; will bear ttor t Ylesest inspection. ' Thid Gallery clalmathe highest reputation for good work of: any in this setion of country, and we are de termined by a strict affention to: business and the superior quality ot - tur work, to not.. only retain but increaseits very elintable repdtation, We keep constantly On band the best variety . of Franca and'ut lotvey 'prices than at any other establishment in triTa'.-Also ..P.assepartonts Card frames, Card_EaSels, Holmes' Stereo scopes, Stereoscopic Vies, aLd verything else of importance pertaining to the business. Give us ,an early call, • Yrinttag tor the trade .on the most reasonable terms. D. HARDING, Aug. 20. . F. ShIALLEY. ' ROOK-BINDBRY-3THE PUBLIC la respectfally. Irdormed . that. the ttoOk- Bindery ., ha,a Leon replayed to the drgito.'.lluildr lug, 3d 4ory • %diem will be doue.- 111` B I Insll its various branches, on term.: as rea sonable as" the times "zwill 'yhel3ind ery ,will be under the charge et • .„ . . 11. b. WHITAIiER, An experienced Binder, and. all work• , will promptly none, in ri sty-le and manner-. Which cannot be excelled. .gusig,. Magazines, News papers, Old Books. &c., bound ~in every variety of istyte. Particular, attention paid to tho Ealing and Winding ot-. - BLANK BOVM, To any desired . pattern, .k quality and data . ility wil be warranted. AU work. will be ready ,for delivery when promised,' The patronage of the:public la solicited, and pertim satisfaction guirranteed. Tawnmia.-Angnie i. Lhea.-0. kTAND ON, :YOUR 'HEAD AND READ TRW •tia 'opututoi, ('gaols f onsawl ; 11.0111141(1.•gil...L1181F1•1 . -' - ; •• - '. • • • saluppa,saual iainiinoo unto( ifinil: ore imp al • Imo; ktoeo; tqinalle 0,111 on ay unui oAi • &tamp- innoofqp • maw' la AV Iluatalui__,suil, o ; l3 PuPUlPl.Fav oPoPi .1 001 19 WM): . paiguilion o,lll' -. opus& preog gns3.k'Fl3 4u 0 11.4e-oArt• - :sLrzaev Uleia(l R. oa . PasumPßl3 act PluolPlll4 Pao topd pilliont...jwidjooas no firm isliaoo pan izol . nuaaraoa:onainloolii -Jo qoola oP4II •soopd•etqsaostsai • loom aql • to Jo inioaPnlait Pus-0u5240 %mato° pan 111 1 00 18 Vvid 90 9°PtIVE . .4. l ?luvaia • 2 4 Pull! -rillart 0 1, oughi - P9 OI . O aPII -Masts us " ett% itt - '4►itil 4 • Imp' stt grinuct v umga . 'DOM 01111a - ' ysap loodioqo .014 ..116111 maw* - Somitonlair - AtOst ; of • dem-Jaw/ nut :i.iaouoe itaq aba Tea Wain P ,aamaii Jo InA /MU, 'pa itimipxa pan saw g q parliiop oflaq ql Pa id oinfaq qr. micao4.l.zootwo olos cap" aluomy 'Spoq IFemu tr it; lobo Altuoneqdrao BT 11 . 4 'oils Imam [um ninunntp , "ow l 6 4 :avow,/ Jo, 1110. rode sal A5P.1 2 411 (Maxi. • "hi artt Jeeps mil •10 Ja, ! puon, jeopinar,; anouo.nl--oSpiaa pour" tae ea gqt gq 'TO &tug93 4o 4' atm aq3 arto ino, • oadiarinproption • oploqii noopi.: moo: nu on qopnia Imam pun ni woad *grim .; sou nlii . snog tionikiodza. WU- '4' 'a.;olls' 3V-:1 mg&100-11 nll £1 4 113/011141 MVO :1 10 toud . 013 I an *nag jo•cplutoq., • • iiiptinon 04 =4 olntoo 4 o'troo !OfinnO,Jitq 13400' pug ZinWori aaq ' • • eq WHOLES:- Baia* Dielor'e - Pianoi; Gindel: of ilnelcallostrnm - 11)okso Ordettrfntoil I licitod• - , Match 29; 19` QHAVING J for : sate cheap it 0-_ , A:MESTOt iur au, at the WM= : 6:111 • V 41144 1,1 ;1 1 411}3 P ril " r , - 4s t-4.1. - _, ._. _ , *Plgbialstiii*, * ii.oqgtis4#D .v 6 . 4.4v IT 1)-- ,. 11 OR SE; R.OWIIIte, • • Malitr.Via a'rfTitk 1 7,34; , 5 7 .ti: "." .Y . „yr..., t 3. :;:,Z1( , •:' , 7:, i.' - of - , to.ii.;,-ONIA*41001: 0 i - liElPit31... 1.11:i..1 . .! , 1.. - j,: 9 eau boll394lollV9tfrikk SlSMllki , ikltr: g . been,4l) _years e ..lu, aistlttf.s.ttorittg tireiNnOtaithinen, vs*. liiive.nptred neither nut. Mr cepa** losifilopig oar ;rnachlitett, 4.5 2 1410. 9 ,,1nf 4 , , -it z_i; .;.;-.- (.••:, , , ,-- l' t 9 sis SWiliA gig V-ffil *Mk Annitsuna 4 1667 lee , soil wub lees itsuwer,,.ttagrany, , - OtM____, • ' Eleadeadt.' Vilrlllifitikeitito earn , 3 ), ltti: 'rptititoti 'l , , f.:l,lri sttit 1,1 ,r 4.1 ker. loTE9411211:31-oaffii , STliAW0L19..„ 4 :ii4eit rot*aiatalatamatode-wad4 may ~..verj,;, pievpi ,faustocuo4. bows con. lan a e coca= a' it ice: so that T 7 tic es not resit* teutechanio to t then' n ur.run them •,..tg-d, Smolt , mhlen„Sittiripenetatatatt ' Melon, • . ' , .:' ~ . =-.5, - ,i..•:-, , , ‘'dirigtal # TOE 3 1 704/ 1" .: I Ti Z ar r 41)44 ' X' 4l; : r iti. . 1 4 -1 ,-?;r• , 33 *ziOd EY', trtnit4tiie l lt up - 4 .. ~. . _.' -. HOROUGEILY. it '. l'isliEßlfoTlON, - •i : ,-- ;-IBitore leaving-the oats; 'a/Attie ''''; ' .' ral‘rdetefttakbe'titi ' Working'()Men . ~ ,.. , They have beirlin'praitistil' rte'totr several Tea* , Ow thet:vre are:ntit.luivertising, , a pew m f aim ;MrerY- iteiMM; each ," ,better • t ban an i"- thingoter 'Word olltrealtitbi).publia." -Th Y 4ass, b*ausieheii3oilVead 4orrertli Sweep' Pow. crs.:Bl.i*PrArAte6-Psilrer.,Plld ,l 9.r, -,.. : -. . ,- ..t . ihriection of Working, .artoil. Ettenottm_, their agnalltee not. been inv.entetl.,_ ~., ..• ; ~ 0 - tf.ll .Pitlii E. 8 , • • ire ;as low tre, those (Allay gther.ationlactarere 4rid pardea di:armed parcliase; iiitt 'find it to their Intezest to creation our 'deck hercire Fir- • 94 1 0 g .0 103 w4M 1 1.2'.. _ -2 , 1 .•. : .: - -..-: , , (.iegit K 4 • LISTS7 - FPRNISHED ': . ~ ,• .1 . . . ...... .. . '..! . "el' . ' OA iillicithiii: - All litnas' of ` o:grit... I,9IILTORAL. , ;MAGEI IN ES. :9 - = BEM .: ~..1 ~,.: t;, - • Mill-Work, 'Engines llollera and traChiatry of all km+, gotap , v,-order prompt. atallaalavorabla ; Athena... Aug 33 , •-- BRANCH FOUNDRY • , 8442,0 on ine, uistof Main §treet, • TOWANDA;- BRADiORD CO., is 111:1W ruparki to fartilah ' 4 lIIRCTLAR SAW MIGLS, A.;40 . • SHINGLE MACHINES, • Ot the,bat quitlttpi,witla ,the latest • inipr,e, ents. ot Machmery far Floating and Saw Stitts:' A \ STEAM ENGINES,. !... - \: ' MADE : & - REPAIRED,' .. .. :.• . TEAM WHISTLES; -r . ' - . ;-. ' STEAM: GAG ILES ; r - . \ „- • • - GAUGE -COOKS, :• i , - 1 •,. ., - ( OIL iPANSdiaO., \ 'Famished at short notice.. - - - : - ~. Bola .T . 0U 'T 11. N. 'la ~ '. . Done from ito lf inches In dtchneter. ' ' \ FORGING Of heavy wroaght work !for Sedges, and all other purposes, done to -order. also, a large assortment Of \ DOOKING 'St 4EATING. STOVES, . .• , • Coal and Wood Barriers. Furniture for Cooking Stoves, Stove Pipe, 'Tli-Ware, Boat; Pampa, [lows, Calibrators and Lestipers, kept constant ly on hand. , \ DRAWINGS tt SPECIFICATIONS Of all ; kinds of machi nery, for mills and other purposes prepased by • '' . WARREN HILL, Foreman, who has hid large experience in this branch ofthe'business. ••\ irtmAzi . . . . JOHN C Towanda, Oct. 29, 1846.-7 Iv.— - ;‘V.: 'MI 'CUM MUSIC . DEPOT 3i9 p - Q . in ' Makerlng'a Pitaaa tn& Cabinet Or laVoitifelodaons and all , Sheet! Mobs: and Mask Dealers...BO I:Tatutherses• ddresar.;l. , is ;It rfiNa..i LI • , 1 Pa. 'D /TOILET SOAPS, ,-, NSWEi!.ROOI P'OIE • IfSN $` 8001~• 1110::Wi RVA ,F.4l:f AHD !MAC,IIINE Min CAIW,LWES, , WAGOI,SLEI,G4S irllE t OLD - ESTABLISHMENT STILL IN GOES ATION ERMlliii ORANW:JAL •, iisceessorirto Reynolds, Fellows &t Co:, are now otfering-.aud are prepared to famish on short notice,: Wagons Carriag6 and .. i3-eighs, of all deseriptiona and of the !Meat and most appro. sac style, and of the best -material' the.old stand opposite the Union 'louse. in the sen• trot . part' of Alba Borungb ',•-*Bradford Coonty,. Pa. • . - ' ' The public are assured that thi• reputation the - shop has acquired during thelast six 'years under the superintendence of, J H. Fellows, will be ' , more than' maintained, as snperin tend .the work as eretofore he haying - long been .and having had much experience'us a Carriage and • Sleigh Builder, would assure - the public_ that uo pains will be spired by' the above firm to make the establishment worthy of their pat-' renege. Thankful as one of the old•firm for the patronage thus tar extended, we hope.to merit a continuance of the same. • • N. 11.—Me, the undersigned, ha lug practical mechanics, can manufacture and offer to the public at' prices that will der_competition. A/UN' FELLOWS, D. W. O. CRANDALL; • J.. G.llBillry..l Alba Borough. April 15, IStill. ly. 0 WA;N , DA:,.CABRLA.:GI~E •FA . CTORY. tikeniiiie;signedFlSllec;tfctlly:4olounce tolihe . ; a • ' . ; Fib lio that they have purchased the • O=ARRIA,GE- :SHOP h R''A- ('~'. H And ai . e l prepared toltilleirDri: In% Tll E. - y'Lit And most werkmanlike manner. ' The • constantly keep 041 hand an assortment of did TOP , AM/ . 'OPEN- „BUGG '`• i FAMILY CABRIAGES DEMOMAT 4 D LIIMEMIt WA . .... ONZ AND. TWO '1111 . 21L7M) , 44 wont trena. RIIPAiniNG Rtamptty attended to !quails pri4es. ;;; r; , :" : : Evrt,i Towanda, „May 9, • NEW PLANING LL . , . The underaigned having built. a huge and car. medious NM In the Borough - .of Towanda, and filled it with the most 'Modern and 'improved machinery. for the manfitcturenf. WLNDOW skim. are pr ep ared to `fill orders. whether, Large or upon the- Aborted notice We have' eiso, akisrgalmarletj at; YOULDINGB,.4 the latest style and p_attern itrhioli _ we can furnish much ` - eliesPtir than fitly can be worked by PL, I tiONG, A • - • TOBIOTIBINII - _ e•-• - 11! Itaknr.OLL afid I • . 1 Alrug, alrothetworit pertainbig*Joinery, ' G fa he done to alt. outoustomers:- ti • • ' 4 _Persons- building, and x; not. iivlngetore than twelve to 'fourteen miles distant. 'mill Akin. largely fOrtheir Interest 'buy at tukdebrint ;their, lumber rand...wintred :by our machinery. , Bring, your grist of, Planing. ornther.lamher; and -while - your emelt II - feedlng;lusel poundal and takeit.lMme with yen. '• .We pay OABILIon-Attili .0.611W00K ' l .'"U'd4sered'it'billumbeiryard. Come sad Mei% or itynarianotAit:tiniu , - .1. i. 7-7. =.' '' w , • _.,.. 4 i , 4. , . c,,,lliititOirritatilbtillt ..L'.. 1 t'oUcle itomed,l.ooseo man - I - 1 i di the tiPtleefilf well kimieit a te l-i ii i abl e f. I 'on. '. 1 . lin*a• ti i/j/ke ' *NH 41 7 06 41%1: d. 4tieeteit•deleihg fe,toi#4 . .it.:+i l • . ;• -;,;.1 ..,,91.,.. L , .1. ',5-•,4...i. ,! "110: 4 , .i. ~ . Ai11 ?? 4 ,419T 1 4 1 9Mealgt‘re ,‘ ', 'I .. ' Liirixeritniiietiox:AugiGi . ' .I.llnto ONO LIM itaamoCoi '' - Qapltal, Sambas awl Itserreirooribi ;,, • -. • (Gold) ... A. . .. -$16,2710,7 - - - .4meIILIP I} B ,o * ldy iii.ar .. 79ele...x ;4.800.0,0 palltytemlams, ivies Yor Vlold) . It'd° . .1, .......` i•• : ' If ini Exas,,op, hatwattes qpialogy, . i • wenvoix COnn., - o"pitar..,:* • •••i• ' a 4.14 a, •• •• 'v.* •• * J - 44 i 4'l a Viln o o,ooo , ` • Ari , olitrialelnner44p Cottrisii, „1 • . A ,-, -WUitft-Rartir; Pit ll' ' 1 G0pita1...... .. A Trom-.-a -- 116000 -,XowniAinkte.oillimpr - • r 1 1301.,.,. et T,i , r,:.......ArAa1bria 4 44 1 71 !... •-, • , -' 31 . 1 1 1 WW 11 94,1 1 4 11 4 ,11 )9 1 P 1, 11 110 7. 1 1 t • Harrawar, : Ctes, Cap C oital ' • ,'"' -•IJ4 i. 16,001),00G = I Towanda. Feb. 10 . . -- li96:qt . - . TPORD 11'91 ST INSU. BAIN, COMPANY; . • • ejyr n ilsgookw., : Cash Mete Nov.,],' Insures cod_all kinds of live :•tittiele; against theft and detith Nutt ady cause. • -• Jan. 10, 18137 • ' ;.- Anent, ' Dee. sth, the I.lsee" -Lady Mace," owl' el by Dennba. Flagg, ot goon accidentally received. a kith from"another horse, breaking lieklelt fore leg. aboira'Abe knee, rendering it • aecmaary to kill her As an act of humanity,. /a shredit thilifartford Live Stock 145cm:ince 0; w OW; Amanipaid tec.6th'lB67-r "' • t ,I,; -- A - ACCIDENTAL ARS t . i • • • , OVER SEVRNT#EN _MILLION OM:ARS . S. i IIOSSIEM, ruic ArRARD•Fing dG MAII*INISIMIXOII - ' " itaddpkia, andisurpru:s". - otei 5360,00 g t p t i, ijaciasos COINIPANtr, • I ~, Of IVeti. York. " • ' Capital - sad pupil/c Tier. Al* Iseiiiii:6llCouvirst oioSoirra-• ', Asssics, ; • ~ Peal tuklpAiii, . - I Caplial.4l44 surplus, over—.+ _ 41 1 700,0G0 AN1411"1/1 haI:4MM COXP/1.137, • 4 .L. Of York. • Calpitia :and anyplu;s, over C 8900,600 BLOOD & CO etinimpit4sAi triburcmiras ComPARET, q. Of f Capital and nurplas,...ofer • •' • ARTIC - Of New-Yor k. Capital and hunting.. niar....4 .;..._.3750.000 PUTNAM iti . ST.TitAXCE COMPANY, Of•liartfard; Goan: 1 . Capital and at:mph:is, over MUTUAL LIYX INSUKANIM • , . 91 .Neto-York: • Capital . and biirplus, over $8,090,000 TaAves.t...aaa Nit:ltalics Coto t Of Radford, , Coral. Capital atrid - suiplae, over, Biala laken.on all kinds. Prepilly, at as Aow ratesas by any other reliable. Companies. • IKir Poi:ldes • Issued and Losses, if any, ad; justedat this Ageney,thereby saving the trouble and expense of going elsetr.here . for.settlement. Air , Ottfce at the Hard Where Store of Cod . ing'.lsHassell ' " C. S. RUSSELL. Towanda, Feb. 7, THE INSURAiiCE COMPANY : • ; OF- KORTH A MEEUCA.. . - - Mee Nh. 241 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. 1 This are now prosecuting the - bu it ness of lasurance.brent loss or damage by FIRE on Buildings, Merchandise. ',Furniture, •dte.. throughoht the State of Pennsylvania, on liber alterms,for long or short periods; or permanent , ly of Buildings; by a deposit of Premium. ' The prompt payment of dolma for biases du Ing the period di nearly 70 years that the Com. pany heti been in esiatenci. entitles them to th contldelace of the public. ; DinTth.,Arthar 13,, - Coffin, , Batnuen W. Jones, 4 lin A, Briziwn,Charlai Taylor, W Ambrose White, J h.. B. Neff, Richard D. Wood, m. WeWelsh;'l l in: E. Bowen, Junes N. Dickson, S. MorrieW in'YJohn Mason, Geo.- I. Harrison, Francis,R. ewe. Edward EL, Trotter, Edward B. Clarke, Win. Cummlngi3. • - . " ' 'Admires G.,Coesiii, Pres'ut. -. C. S. RUSSELL; Agent, Towanda. 1 AMER'S MUTUAL Fl RE INS • *. RANCE .COMPitqlr - \ mice in Danville,Nonteur Cotugy, Pena a. Capital The Fanners MiamiPlre Insnranee Company • of Middle' PefuLulvania *all incorporatej by the Penhsylvania Legislature, in the.year 1859, for the Mutual Insuraace - of Country, property only„i and immedistoly thermaitt commenced its opera; atiens - on that principle, which has been . Stric- • ly adhered to since: : • '• , . , • • All -losses have - Weil prompt l y paid oat of the Premiums collected on application for. insurance . bun " without malilf any assessments. . . -The of .a ny proper 4 only, the low rates , for Insurance. and the ..prompt payment of=lo es are deemed a sufficient ream- • yaendation of he Farmers Mutual Fire hoar_ once Coinpan -of Middle Penns. !minis, -to al • ownersol class country property. • .L. ~ ' P. JO/INEICIN.;SeeY. ' Wit. - Founts; Mart -1 , ,11CIIIN •ILYER. hiarch ,5. , 64 Agent, Towanda. Pa. BRADFORD COIINTY , REAL ESTATE AGENCY I - • H. B. McKEAN,.RgAL EsrAix ACENT . • Valuable . arena,' Mlli Propertieg, City and . 'ruin .Lots for rale. . . • ' Parties hailing property for Sal& will nod it to their advantage by . .eavlng a.. description of the eame . with . terms. of sale sit- this agency,. as parties are constantly enquiring for tarn ..a.c 11.-B. MoKBAN, • • Real Estate Agent. Otace Montano's Block, Towanda, Pa. .. .Tan: 29, 1867. T ERPO Gli AN D LONDON AND 1.1 GLOBE FIRE AND uttql, ItaUR&NC - COMPANY.—OfiIci, 45 William_ Broadway, N.' Y.: • Capital; SurEiluksuad Reierred Froadi • . (Gold) ' •• 410,271,575 - Assets;ln the thiltei States, i24ver.. 1,80u;000 Daily Premintio;uPerards of - : (groblj. l .._ • 17,000 -ThetahatehAders Peraontillerewponalble for engsgentents company., An • Itlroctots mui4 be sbar....hoiders.• . Dtstscroas ix NEW Yoax.—Francis Cottenet, Esq. Claim*, •) en* Grinnel. 11544 ~ Deputy Chairman, Joseph "Gaillard,,lr., 'Esq. • E. ti.. - Archibald, &q., - H. - - totural, Afexendi• r- Rainiltert , Jr..l.lq.', Robert C. Ferguson; Esq . • i - 0 1,11re4 Pe11, . .' Residentfiecretary. 'Alex— ander Rtimilton;'Jr., Esq.; 'Counsel ol 80ar41.. • BaxXxatt - Phenix Benl6-43anititann +4), , - Tbe Paides of WI VataPakf are issued American citizens resident in New . York;.Who aro.Direetthe and Sharebolders;"andi coneequantay, With the: other • Shareholders. are Individually liable foi_all the eagagementa at the Cotapan,y alr Policies are signed by - them ; all dal= are payable in cask oa Fedi ,ot toss, itithoht.deduction for. Interest, and not, as In nide, eizty da't'a after imatentatkni Of pioof They estate at str IL; and not at :Ikcton,,lLifor insciranee' etra , 4ol._ sod Anoolties grantat cht favorable term; • -• " • LiIieFIDAN , agent, r .TOiranda: April 24, 1867,. 10 El In BIM W R o.g 1:N .T , • !NEWS. ROOM toox . i; • The undersigned hiving pur B ePased the OK. O STORNANDIIIIRWR ROOK of I."Griffiths. 'respectfully insitst.the old paresis at the eststr• lishuteutend the public geaeFaU , y, tocalleud e 4. apse Our stock, 040 al BARBER. Alto= v..z. teens • . . . . .. .A • , - 1111-104 .- N • 110 'T El. , 1 1,-.:. I._ T 0 1P.41.151.1) A., , .- PA•• , , . • . . . - a pare 11la we lti aOw H ot el on. • :Raidgefltaieti!Lhavw.returninhad and - reamed 111 IritiLevery coaveulence for Oka iliCA:ffinto9da• Itioa of all 'who may patecmize me. Nip m i l z e ill• i herniated td-mate : all Dleinant anti le.- ' 0 Mai 3,'66iiT-. 11. J.- FL P 4 1,178111:10 .Prow. MUSIC, O.EityANY: :OTHER := 41R TICLE In our line, ordered # _abort, sake oy at the • , - ,.)115W8 ROOM. • .UREALEAST - 4 1))/NOIGOIXTRIC .111011 Land Parlor Talmo, at MOSTS. - = •• •-• ' Or lIIDDLIC PEN7NHYLVANLII, 13 $350.000 ...6704,000 ...$600,000 $.157 MP 'Cr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers