1;#44:140.!,t i #: LOCAL ANTPORNERAZ. FLRE AT Alilk.-4ilp - ',VinttOttif, 41- ba, was viat;3ol*,ti .ilestruoitye tionliagre: tiou on liiinds7 Ths,highlings. destroyed . were Fellows do GI wagon shop, with seveT4l 111W1_34:**Rie shop ataiSe i dtitYl4: ll 4lfieita's. feundqi • .t her store 01111u:day 'tktn,tunt-N, 41,,,R e y u phr„ , barn. We have not *mad the :o;miontii.of loss, nor of- insurance; '• - ••' `• • • Tag 4 `211470 /6publicale! j5lll - here. after be conducted upon purely Dent cratic principles'," Mr. W. - 74,1 Germs; hay ing become possessed of the establishment. What effect this will have upon,the politics of the County; axonal= to be mesh.' Rt. Ruy. Roos' _ • Spitrititit, Bishop of=) the 'Maam 'ix:Parailylvania, stached id the Episcopal c#nrob on Sun. day and - *litho; erdudige. On Sunday evening they-rite, • *ail ad: InhastM4 to torir pets ins: is- We have. received our ,Atlas, and find it all tliat was ‘proniiied, with ei flue map of Palestine in addition'to the modern maps. in fact, leavingnothing to be deidred, as the publisher agrees to furnish new maps, as changes am made, at the low rate of fifteen cents for each map. Tun "ELWELL House' has passed into the hands of Jonw O. 'Wawa, who it is not necessary to reocommend to =readers and the travelling public). This house has been thoroughly repkired and furnishedould Wrismi will make desirable stopping place. - &RUCK BY Liou?Nixa.—Tbe• barn of 8. D. Serzniouns, in Albany township, was struck by lightning on Frida3t °Vanilla last, and burned with all its contents. Lois about s4oo—no insurance. na., The North Branch Association of Universalists will hold its next annual session in Springfield, Bradford 00. Pa., on Wednesday and Thursday, §ept. 25 and 26. All are invited to attend. STE:PnEN Straxacx, Standing Clerk., ser At a meeting of the Bradford County Medic'al Society„ held at Towanda Sept. 4, 1867, the following officers were elected for the ensuing/yew.: Dr. BENJAMIN DsWrrr, President Drs. GUSTAVUS BONELEN, S. L CHILSON, ' c- G. F. TRACY and H. M. Mown, Vice Presi de-nts. Dr. E. P. Amain, Corresponding Secre tary. " Dr. L: S. MOICTANIE, Treasurer. Dr. G. F. Hoirron, pellinrer. Dr's. E. G. MACE, A. J. Cote, V. HOD= and 11. E. ROCKWELL. , T. Smiley, Joeb 'Sumner, Oscar Saxton, Elliott Wilcox, Jubri Webb. The Grand Jury acted upon the following bills : TRUE BELLS. Nelson Olmstead, foPerjury. Geo. W. Coon, for selling liquor without license John Carter, for assault and battery. P. Tuttle, for selling liquor on Sunday. Wm. Adams, for larceny. W. P. Robbins, for selling liqrior without license. 'Charles'A. Heavener, for forgery. D. W. Hughes, selling liquor to minors. P. J. Donley, selling beer on Sunday. Wm. E Wellman ; selling liquor to per— sons of lmcivnocntemperate habits. Reuben Schrader, Li' assault and battery. Thomag:Whalon, selling liquor on Sun day. c, Edward Whalon, same.' Road Commissioners of Athens township for neglecting to repair roads. Richard Jackson, for aggregate assault and battery. Richard'Jacirson, for manslaugter. Catherine Gellis, for selling liquor on Sunday. NOT A TRUE DILL AND 00IINTY eon COSTS. Charles K. Ladd, assault and batteiy. NOT A TRUE BILL AND PILOSZCOTOB TO PAT =I Stephen T—Biahop, for fraudulently tear ing'a note. NOT A TRUE BILL EL W. Noble, for violation of liquor laws. Leroy M'Sean, same. • Com. vs N. B. Doana—Defendasit Suss in. at May sessions for larceny and stolen goOds, being a watch, pie 'property of Stephen 0. Barnes. The jury found him guilty, in manner and form as indicted, and the Court sentenced him to' pay a fine of $lO and costs, and undergo an chi imprisonment in L the county jail for the term of CO days., - .. Corn. vs 'MI , Boyle, jr.,—Befendant 11 : 1) was indicted at y sessions , for stealing a bag containing about 300 cents,- from the milLof. Messrs. Wells, in Canton, in April last. Boyle w Ted an arraignment, plead guilty to the.c , ..and was sentenced to pay a fine of $l l , - and costa, and undergo an imprisonment in the county jail for the term of three montlui; . 21ep. of Armenia vs Michael Fellsli.—The defendant was eharged with wilfully aban doning his wife and fainily, leaiing them a charge upon said township; after a hearing, the Court ordisr that the defendant pay to the overseer of the poor of said Township, for the support - of the wife and youngest child the smn Of . $3OO, to be paid - by the overseers to the said wife,at the rate of fifty cents per week, - Payable quarterly. . Com..vs Jesse R. M. ckrrly, el. aL,—This was the case removed by law.from the Courts of Sullivan County to the (Tragicr sessions of Bradford.. The defendants were indicted in Sullivan for refusing the ballot of an al leged.Totaa. ..The case was settled, and the Cotirt allow a wife prow qui to be entered: Com. vs William Addits.—Defendant who was a young 1a.% was charged With having broken. into the store of dimes Terry, in Albany toWnship, on the 6th of Jtine - lask •and stolen sundry groceries' and ccrin.--, Jury found hini guilty, and the Court noliti.t . , termed him to pay ti ce of $l, arid undergo an imnrisonment in e• county jail for tlid term of ten days. - • - • '. ' lktn. vs N. F, pdae.--Indiate4 at s preseni ter Swilling- liptor on litundayi , Yllir did, not gull%• • • . • • •• . Otip ~,. t •:, z 4, i-, .1.1,.,, tly iingSqle• to WI ~“ : `,..,,,- • Cbni..,-tac..1:1:4101. -,F05tA.06,4 roy.--: , The 'delta:aft:a are •' , t• .titaindiii4 neverAtheilitiolyallOiiii*eirei";- •• '" • • Air neglecting,wrapairlko i , ; , : - . :b i bere. thestieckiWl:,f,Tbilliy "ea 'er guilty!, and•Jilurnirliet.:o4: ~. i gm. vs, gf)ravt, PePP: 7 , ._,. 4 , indicted for assault end pat :ii iipon `John B. , Bates. .tegrijeted liy' i ju ry on ile ilds 2ll gr . mitorotinaa niti. '.,_ ', I 1., q I ‘. .; ctija:Eigent.insietAtionaivi t ~twkafon 0*: *proving bond, the Court_ direet - theita*, fin. of John P. Aciatitilllet& license; in ' 'fotranda boro' c tolpleinio: Dion. :'•-•• On imaging 'petition'ef,itiore 'thin' One-third of the 1 minted enteric o f Wells, tOsnsh!lk that the i r .; vf kit** prio r elections - ill mid ; itreibip, is 'ebangedloi the pablio lipase Cif 4." 0:- esi the Oino • On*. that 'an ,al. be *tit said tetra, i ,ship, at the place of holding the general 4eotiois, to: detismine • the . - tuition' of *age, on Wordy, -the 98th day of 84- Umber inst., betiewthe house of Bs. M. The petition 4 - 4tusenii 1 ilmiudwa, be ing Presented, PaoaB kg!, 3nnotilaistlid as abortingh,' the 'Wirt order the ante to'he lard before the greed pit ,w/ibniter a fall; investigation, oeritify - that the 'conditions prescribed by the act of aisembly_have been complied with, -: mid that it ie • expewlient :ta . grant the prayer °lithe petitioners. - The Grand Jury intake preeentment to the °Art thatythe etulianhment 4 the east. sit of the Towanda Bridge leading to the meinland, isltoo narrolorthe safely of the pub- lio, and pray the conrctO take 'some action in relation tothe ainue. ••• I'' - The Grand. Jurildso represent that the• seats in the Jury looms• are' deficient and askunflt for the use o f Sur° ~. and that proper assts may be' p I . On *seating be ' f :the erection ei ,7 of a botwty bridg wogs e oOrth branch of the T'owanda me near Leaysx,dChaapels. the Court appoint viewers4 Lyman Bleak umn, A. L. Crszunep, 2. d ellogg, Robert Ml*, Andrew Ilokse, and isuben &One., 1 DR. T. S.firppepuri..--Ilt was'. l • afield day, yesterflay, at tlii: t ga Institute. Two m 'es of cat et .---.” i. der operation; 84 one. fiJr e . . .pion.—.. These were witnessed by quit: a number of our citizens. Thettiro pe .ns who were made to see,: an aged at Al d woman,were lazikf profuse in their vitti ,f t ulness for ra the sight of which th: *bad been deprived; for so many long ye.. - Th case of entro pion was that of a . who had lost the s'l s t 6.p ..r Irish domestic, lone ey and the dis ease was fast i epriying her 'of the sight of the other, o • bich he was Happily relieved t t ri by an ', o. :. ;on of isnippin . out a pie t ce of skin j; - beneath 03 'eye li - aid bringing the : : of the Wound . ether. . This dre • out the . undeli lid of e eye,• the eye : : . es upon which lied previ poly been rub- - .ing against the sti4face of the eye, causing constant inflamation of that 6rgan, and for ming the diaptuie called entrd piori. these operations were quOtlyandl ally done, and last-d but a fesi moments et a time.— I _Elmira Advertiser. i . 1 i IS i . The war between the Mer chants Union Exprelm Company and the old Express Companiti has culminated in the decision of Judge o lianiard l in the case of Waterbury agt. R and others Of the Exe cutive Committee otrbe Merchants' Union Express Company. i The jodge'in a learned and exhaustive opinion, deilies . the motion by the plaintiff for ala injunction and receiv er, and di'm' sea the case,, and states that the Merchants' Union is ndt only solvent but owes no' debts. nd has Several hundred thousand dollars in the treasury, besides $15,000,000 Of uitexinrided capital. - -The Judge in °including his decision says:— . -', 1 . "In closing I deem it pro per to say,tvhat the evidence before ine frilly demonstrates, that the Merchants'i Union Express Com pany is an institutiqn having vast, varied, and useful relations; with the public. 'lt is now in active and miccessfril operation over the most populous drid commercial regions of the United States; If the suppression of thin Company could! be bro4t - within the powers and duties df this Court no public good, but great putific inconvenience and loss, would be the result. The necessary effect of such decis± Would', be to restore permanently a m poly in a branch of business of great an incre asing importance in this country to m erchants and many.oth er classei of people. 1 I do not see the slight est pretext for such 14n interference wi t a legitimate and honorable -enterprise, and c,erfainly ) feel no regret that the facts and piinciples which t 43 case involves have brought me to this conclusion. " C. B. Pinn is agent fOr the Merchants _Union at this place, i And ni prepared to re ceive aid forward pripluqpis at their reduced tariff of Antes, which is IoW, er than that charged ny any other COmpany. Inoosis.—We s' i re intbted to H. the H. Grote, Esq., for e foll wing figures. The whole amount of incomes tax paid for . 1866, by the XIIIth Pistrict, is $48,310,09, Of this amount Mo4our county pays 11,- 485,18. Columbia cOrmty pays $13,621,37. Sullivan county pay 01,438 , 120, . Wyoming county pays $2,535,15, and.Bradfordccourty pays sl9,23o,o9.D‘iviiie American. ~ 't• The Repnblicah . no minations in Tiogit County, area. B. Strang of Westfield for Representative; ;J. B.otter, of Mid dlebury, for - Sheriff H. C . Bailey Bailey of Del mar, for TreaSurei: yob R xford of West field, for ponunissloner ; avid Cameron _of Tioga, , for Atallion L y Tabor of Wellaboro, for limy Oom • goner; and E. 4 ... G. Bosworth orßlossiouri, f r Coroner. lir WenuderStand l lthat Capt. J . : M. Curry, of this county, to of the army, has been re-commissfoned bithe President, in the 3d United States Artillery, and his been ordered to Fort Adams; Newport, ILL . Goon Sro i ants.,—gesers. Ttcsmott Prams haVe - iristu`sa the initial nUiriber of GOOD grfatras,•wlder ilvhich title they pro pose to publish,: in hhcaP l and attractive form. a valuable collection of Short Stories, Tales,' and Sketches 4 The ! need of such a collection has longteen felt; for while numerouscollectionsiof poetry have•been made, no general repertory Of good. stories Pxis tu• I tis not intendeet4 limit this collection to English literaturl. ►lt will' *braes, by competent tm'nelation4; ilia 14est and most characteristic short ititeles of all languages. Each anmber is a ;mall is:Oasts); appro. Infidel)? illtuditied. land• elqsy to the hand; the stories are choioiii, and densuill - not too continuous attention; ith ype la large and can be wally read, d ; the price,Fifty Cants per number, will plipe GOOD SIODEDI within the reach of all. L i 1 . 7 ..._ FIOUND DROWN / 6;0W: Saturday • • 1 • 1 night lest as some me n . were ft shiners the i Ehisilaulinu,& - livoWiwn berpit below town ,they_, discovered thel body.of ii.W01116.11. A idiwy of In4nest wasi rim:anew& on Smutty 'l3ipriln,g; bi . E:.Her#eirjr.:;Esii. rind from the evi dence '&1 t was found' she.was 0 *ohms 'nfimed , ‘ .opoitm %the Awnier, li resided izi - township . ,. She was an *t amid voi,iiiibc4;soo4l cisim .... ~. ~..., ... _ .. ' ' ' 414 Ai* 1 1 14 1 ,4*ithiEl ' =wig 14 0 - *Vis &Ten* '04 3 4 11 ,(0" ;at" spend*ireelo thilik-`4*:4loolNWillida not qUaiired. She was iiiii**oll MOSt 9lt when °// W11 71 6-011 11**:: 3 `h supposed that while labiWitia-jinder 4'6 of temporary insanity she thn4rid ' bigfielf 4 , cualhe bridge and was tho Wind em *ve 4ated;-Athena 'Repub/tita:-:-; mommo) blisher. Niw Cornmutsiir.--i" nevi and dangerous counterbAt five aqlar natknial eurnmety note recently put in atnlaticua is thus described : On the left ed. of the note the wrist of the left own of Chatpliiillit ill MVO* risible, whereas. in the lsntniner ifs distinct. At 'the top read "This_ niAte is secured by bends."-- The letters It 8" and \ "Y" we 4 90 - hrr'oPert, - and the "Min 4 ibondeis under -, #h6'' 4 ' VI -- , Wherefiat the "8" in the ainie 'word in Wituediately „,.. der the HY" . .in the genuine ' ' Tfuuttuie appearance of the _bill - le a'ame - Imita :. of the genuine, - ; , &Glow NNTsitnusig:Z - -We rispieisi_ attention ofronr rear Tertbannent which appears paper, of ~ , T ai arran...trr WASY,EOII3:6" of • Messrs. (Mk, No. 30 Posey Street --- 4teto the ad . _* • this Amnia Tat Y„ Kelley & New York. •", ortunatelY too well c , taut prices which are of teas and coffees. fact that grucery-hken• 1. • • to realize : from their • is as will amplroompensate • es on other classes of goods; SOpst:oent. on cask prices is not •• sent advance for the - retail mei t tnnake upon what he considers the • t line °ills trade. Frequently, mc•re. over, there are innumerable prellts imt on teas by jobbers aid speculators in the trade, before the goOds reach the retail grown Wore. • We are all of tig. aware of the exhort now put upon all It le. a mitotic every where Vida nob their for ' and 40, an- N Messrs. T.Y. - Kelly & Co., of NeW York, propose -to do away with then endless profits _created by "middle men," and to sell their goods dirt* to constunem in snmil quantities,, at cargo , ' prices, They have appointed Messrs. COLWELL & Warr- Man agents for the sale of their goods in Canton Iroro' and vicinity. The Teas and 'Coffees are put up in one pcinnd packages at their warehouse in New York Ind sold by Comma. & Warmssis at the lame prices at which they are' to be had at headquarters l in 'the city. We advise our readers who are interested in procuring a firat•rate irticle‘of Tea, or fresh and pure Coffee, at the cherP est possible rates,' td call upon Comma. & Warman and give tie goods of “The- Great United Btates Tea ,Warehpuse" a fair and thorough trial. SeaAbair Price-List in another eoltinin. Special Notita. Payson,Dnitton and Scribner's New System of Penmanship, superior to all others, at Clow dG co.'s New Book Store.' • To Tgaonnini.--Pagee Theory and Practice of Teaching Wickersham's School economy and Method of Instruction at itz, VORD it BA/UMW& . WA.NTED.-A first cisiSs rook anti a good hoailer can find steady eMploymefit at the American Hotel, Athens, Pa., Ap l ply to Bennett & Smith, corner Division .1: River St. Towanda. • IBS. A superior quality' of on Paper and Envelopes, always on hand, at C. F. Onoas &Cos. Book Store. We have lately received an elegant Stamping Press -from the city, and are prepared to stamp paper and envelopes in all colors, or plain, as may be required, in the most fashionable and artistic manner At O. F. Ozoss & Co's.' Book Store. GRAYS VINES.-Do you want laus Grape Vines ? B. M..Wellea cant supply yon with any known culthxded native varidy. and warranted trae to narde. Aug. 28.. S. Z. SHORES is the Attihorized Traveling Agent for Life and Fire Insurance mice.and Beal Estate busines at thin mice. Moursurs & Wear.. ', Tow, July 25, 1867. • , • PEARS, Par/18, Canattntii,' Consawrs, &o.—Do you want any of these?: D. M. Welles dtsupply.you with good and thrifty trees of y variety ; and warrant them to grtno. Aug." 28. lam` Theory and Practice of Teach ing or the monies and methods of Good School-Keeping, b* David P. Page; A. M. Expressly for Teachers, at Cam t Co.'s New Book Store. 1 0. F. Cross & Co. are now prepared to receive Subscriptions to all the N..Y Daily, and Weekly Papers, Pamphlets, Magazines dui. They design tdlieep a reg ular News, /loom in ' connection with • their Book Store': /fir Afro. H. G. Salmon. will open a select school on Orwell it/the Pres byterian Parsonage; Sept. 2, for a term of eleven weeks. Terms, 24., A $6, Aug. 19, 1867.-4w° • , - Our old friends and customers will lnd ns with a full stock of Hardware in our new Shanty store on Pine (street about 100 feet west' of E. , T. Fox's corner back of Powell's store—where we invite alt to call andlny goods Cheap. . _ CODDING ittgalThair4. Towanda, *pg. 20,1867. TRZEB.—R. 1. Welled has a good Supply of choice apple trees, of aU the /*meting valuable varieties. Wes trees lowa' had two 'years growthin good soil sineelbe: ing . traiisphuited.; - and, besides being 'very thr are splendidly rooted-with a num of fine, brans roots'; and are well worth twice as much as any other apple trees, yen can . Aug. 28;7 , • • stir Oar, heavy !oda by fire COmPOII, ,ua to aik /d 1 persons indebted tops to Mae 'a Strung eon to ludp us now. We need it now and shall feel very grateful to our friends, if they will remember no at thin time with material aid. CODDING' u Towanda, Ani k ig. 1867 vagla. STRAWBEtRY PLANTS. -.-DO you want , 'good live and strong Straibeny plants that will be sure to live? 8 M. •WM.IMS can: supply them toyou I* , the dozem - hundred. or.,thousand. N o haa growing neon his own grounds, the Agriculturist, Inormda, Unlade, White, Wilson's Albany, Jenny TA4 a -Poimer'S Prolific, NeW Jersey and ra Scarlet, Filmore and Metcalf's. Wady Seedling ; and can All orders b 7 lltagc, Express - or Malt _ , - ' • PATENT LEAD ENCASED BLOCK , TIN Pr s.—This pipe is lined with Block lin, and does not undo) water poisonone, ao the watailloes not come in contact withlhe lead.i It is reconimended7 by the . . .Croton Board of New. York, and' by • the. Water . Boards and Physicians of all] the prl ntitiea, It is &oper -than common pipe. dpeeitnens may be seen skew Atamnism, Brahma Torrent* Aug. 26„ '67. sir.l3ands_ furnished 'with -W iinsosonieds,. si the lowest,ti . khey st #11,PA.1,4\15!*1. MWM= Tuns • , Magna 4. • ' Vie* tel' &Mira F itt. ' ; NV * B =l4 gold flOt4— AA* efetirkirg: 00 !Pjlelitton4 for upown of war arobik4iiiiithoci mow lag, alOs 14 4 47 4ft1ial *it'll** Cow lonodocimikohtic ' , Off UN/VERSELIV; i , i . pieseat. - , Teseliets \ will bring text 'note books. :• - • &hoot Direeteri.. ClexamOzi_ezd'peoplle cordially invited to attewil,Vi Aug, 1., —p./, ogßaFrpr.,9o. Sopt. • - ' _ _ all the TREE -- ; Gen_.—R.\ll. - WErzse bae now hada Atattloy gentletnan; 'of imperi ,ence in \ the basitess„to obtain Orders. N' s will canvass Eastern,'Western, ieenttal and, Southern Bradford. All persOna .11051- posed, can have an opportuniketo patron ize their Tnyanda Home Nuritery. If the agent does tot call upouyou. you cauirrite, or call,at .the Nursery for what. yott,,want. Ntweeryadalognetole hao9lt-he siting. ~•- .Fmair AND ORNAMENTAL Taws; &CI All persons, inAnbal and Bonnie* Brad-' 'ford; who dwekelo buy tmything in the of Fruit and Ornamen tal Tress, - shrubs and vines, also FloWer'plants of any bsl kinds, are hereby informed .6$ FL2 Wrrmata, of Towanda Home' Nursery, : can supply any thhig theymay Wa n t i lind at as low prices, 'Ar good stock, as 'it can be obtanted•fro distant New York Nursery men. • N. 8., What is still more important, Acton:- `rant* his trees, 6;c. to live. : , Do not be , per snade,i into the fallacious belief, by travel- Ig ager i lls, that they can supply you with f l aytttio deitirible, or with any' better or Cheaper stock, than you can obtain from a responsible and known Nurserymen almost at your very , door. • ,; Mgt: School Cards, of all' kinds at plums, k Co' Book Store. • ' , • STAGE 'FOR WAFERLT, COD tieding yitb trains East and Vi'dst; leaves Towanda •fwery morning at 7 O'clock, and will *all at rlwellings for passengers. if names and ad !tress is left at the Post Office' with Messrs., davcird dr, Barbs:. ' Stage returning leaves. Waverlyi , on sni ps' of evening trains from', - East and West. Apig. 1,: 1867. 7-30 TREASURY. Nana—The Govern ment is now converting the Brit 'series of 7-30 Treasury notes into the 5-20 Gold Bear ing Bonds, the undersigned have arrange ments and facilities for procuring their con version on the Most favorable terms,holders who desire to have them converted are ie. quested to call upon us. The new 5-20 fonds oe hand for sale,* also - purchase andescriptions of Government Securities d pay the higheht market 'price. 67.' B. S. Ilmasell do Co. THiI4MEBICAN 00(41110 STOVE.—Ax- Tnze Giza , Lasovrarairk--437 r 0 ABEEB Mans Eakinr.Fvery ho •'• -• knows i thatthe process of sifting Ashes is at 'tended with mutt inconv • •nOe and an noyance from dusti &a. \ and unless the ashes are sifted Ewa co a l will Isovasted that can be used qter BM'S?: In the Amer ican• Cooking Stove. this disagreeable pro cess is entirely' overcome 'cy the ingenious arrangement of an aals,silter, in the hearth or ash box, of the stove,. by means of which after the grate is, dumped into the ash box the ashes can be silted in a moment, with, the 'ash box all closed, and without any dust in the room,' and the coal and cinders are all retained in a separate apartment, and can be returned to the fire chamber, or be.removed elsewhere, and the ash pan eau then be removed containing only the ashes without any dust whatever. This tu;range ment does away with the old fashioned ash sifters, and must commend Well to all, and is another long stride toward perfection, and must add largely to the already extend ed reputation, of this diservedly popular stove. This improvement is fully .secured by letters patent. ' . Sans, racicann & 09., 17 and 19 Green St. Albany. ; For sale by CODDING & RUSSELL, • 4867-tf. Towanda ,F Pa. G. F. MAIEfON & 13ANILICR8.—III vite accounts, discount paper, and make collections; throughout the United States, at lowest rates. , State' Bank notes received at New York `quotatipin. Gold'nd silver bought and sold. Government 13ecuritieihought at highest rates. • Orders for the purchase or sale 9f the va. rious issues of Government Bondi, prompt. ly executed. Couponi of ten forties, lve twenties, and seven thirties, cashed on presentations. Interest allowed on special deposits. Foreign Drifts and Passage Certificates for sale. Towanda, March 11, 1867, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP' TOWANDA Foust= AGENT op Trut Utrrien STAIIIIB I , Capital $125,000. Interest agreeaedt. on time depoadepositsaccord g Unourrent Bank Notes received on depos it or exchanged for Legal Tender. U. 8' Bonds and '7-30 Treasnry Notes bought end sold. _ Highest priee'peid for Compound Interest' notes. Drafts payable in any part of the United States at par for 5...1e. •, • - Drafts payable in &gland, Boothsnd,lie- 1 land or.,Wales, in any amount over one pound sterling, furnished atiowest rates. Passage:tickets from Liverpool or Queens townto New York, by the well known /man Line, on end for sate. E. ft Serra, Pres. • Men& 20,117. N. N.Birre, Ir., Osih. ler' The Teacher's Asiociatton Bradford County will be held at West 'lir \lington, ileeptember 13th and 141h.!The exercises.will commence at 10 a. m. pre quay. • A. T. Lusair. Pies. O. E. Pszaswonrn, Beo' y. ~ S ept.l4. •_ b. lovers of music Aro invited to call at Dzwrri Torrrarcit's Music -Rams where they can see the finest stock.of Plan oes ever offered , for sale section of country. Nov II a rare lip* to purchase 29 a Band cheap. . , AO:- The - Dulcimer - Imitrnotor, con. tabling dirsi Marches, Wiplizes, Schottis ches, HoritiveB &;O: &c also directions for hullo& at. Boss - L: o's. Book 'Store. . . far We are, prepared inri4 Wedding Cards at reasonable`rates on shoit notice and of the latest sad \most fashion styles steams; Ws Book Store. . , SS. Constar:4l otr hand New and Standard Books,FamilylMis, Testament , . Maps, Ellgra do: , at Moss & Co's Book Store. ~Ser ;Udine. : always find a large assortment, an 4 tine quality \of French Paper and Envelopes it Cams & Co's. Book Stare. ' . . .. ' ,-,.i:-:•:,,,:,,,, J) litit r ..!:: ItrAliii;-102;4,1.4-24.i.'iti:•iiosiii rain !Gum INEM I ,, M1. 14 r1•,!111 q1 1 F0 11 0.1..A44-W ISION / _.', ''., • • , ' - : - -g - - N,Y 1 ~,..-. r.z•,.. v, i- .--:.1 ;.,/ 7.. ... . . 7Ptullikin_lalling. the isttent*of fi t ineOittiiiere to our Mumria r Mak* 4104 we takopleamtrAkilifOrniing theta that cis 'effOrti `td imike our `Stock more ,katwOlehasskeen- suc- Oessful, an we, are in constant re (AIA of, fool' iur 7440 inlet celebra ianufactureq: in_ the Eastern end .14Tew 'at lowest pricegg,..imil, are ourselves numufacturingon large citiantitiek #rime goods, midositmliable Stook and by first-class workmen, with tiepecial referenia The reputation Ofourgoods, througho "out the county, aitegif the faint thst it is superior to AA, others, aid ;nailing deminds Oblige us t(i, in crease our fic - Mit Sifinanifs4Mr= iniproved Salesroom and • ge - oiacediible 4ro hi gucements which no cameo= tocda,aan-- • fi., rr7T 7,7! ' IS prßsrr FLOOR ' i Sian q • Elegant lines of \Ladies' and Misses Button Congre*. and Bal moral Gaiters, in Lasting, Glove Kid and Morocco, Ladies and,Miss es Slippers and :Buskins, Morocco, Grain;',Calf and Buff Bootees and Balmorals. All the different varie ties of Children's Shoes. Men? and Boys' . Pstend Leatheri Kip and Thick Boots,Gaiters Bal morals, Ties Slippeis, R ubbere Goods. Also Harness Trimmings and Shoe Findings. MI =MI SECOND FLOOR. HARNESS DIPARISAENT.--COSCiii Pad,a Gig, Saddle and Self-Adjust ing Harness, for . Carriage or Team. Ladies, and Gents Saddles, Bridles, Whips eta anything to be foimd in a , well Conducted Harness and Sad dlery Establishment. We are pre pared tio make to _order any pattern o a f_ Harness. All work is under the, immediate siiperbitendance of JABS Wimux!x, , long known ; to this community as a 'superior work:, mad. Everything guarranteed all .right and sound. I= =Ern IiASII4ENT.- The \inost celebrated= brands of French; and American' Calf, and UpperUather. Oak and Hew-. lock Sole Leathe Russet, Mexoofi and 'Cochineal ining and Binding Sirato:Belgian, Folic, Zinc and Pack' ,g Trunks. Wood and -Leather ' Grain Rail Road __s,&& &o. 114= - t ••• We are givingenr entire attentioo to the above nam4 - branches, 414, b Y)#,, - Ping 6 ,1"4 10 ,(. 4t!nent at times, can assnre the public th theimaYind any articles I=4 41414? tke oad4 •and : it. tliolrolij, prices:.,l itumpizinr swistrio., i 411!11 A 4 • 7 . .-. lWit•74.l.OlklRW .. -- . . ._. .. .. TOIkireRBANDS .- "-,9FAI ATOAK '• ..ditto* iiiilialual* , tip:tadra..[:T .?, _ . -! n . , low& •-,.•Tii,.. 1- 1 1 4 4',,,,,:::. 7 ,.;;;; • - - %,,, , i:.-:::` igil liell ' i 4o/ ;MOO 'Oll4 f a ' u' as .-:: ifi'39 ',. .8 iatio -. ;- n _-: I Block . ' 7 -01.:1A1ftlii: 1010 -Book -'.eind Nuiie • , e t itokere et . y) , thitiiii..the.BoOk , •.,....,,',, 2 . - ,..:....;.--•,1,,.i: efeneViieflf4 .r.luefg , thi4finel, be .1. : -.(.- ..:::: •- ' '' j? a.- - ;r:-.466.3 •.- ,1 - Taintings; 0 ki: Pe r ris, ~„,.: .-44. t ui r i_f l i kitites Okiisia, Opero j lllasses,. .(10 a 0 ter*. is limit ise i et — H - Of - llisfio i4 In= 'frindiiiiiitio ranhe - Notion* ' — ?ancy ArdieW:• - • 1 . -I •''7 ''''. ' '•'-' - ' : 1 ~7 .6 1 - i i i i- , : d ad i 6i4i ;:siii- selected ..- _ ..,. . . . • - - O'ty• tititk . krierst Care :11, - .: tverietuwi. A i s ij a i4 aii i iy,,ti 4 o. 4 3...iii o ia,: : ,d as h. l i t .0 eby, lcio:Mea. • !pith . , a :114;0) die . corninunit* 1 71 1 :1141c9Pfide!st: we !Aail 6 . able to o bargoins ' io all toli;vajim: IME , fl i ?.- E , .t. 4 1; r 1 . pr ws wit theirardr?wWe• and seeisa. 1 . • W M. A. p iltA" MB E R 1.,' 1, N, um dislainod and sioie =Cie dally adding largely to his eta*. Is thline of WatZhes lie keeps 'the .. i N 1 --7. _ WELL. KNOWN AMERICAN An ok a well selected assortmeo of ' SWISS WOHILI3, all warranted to iron 'well or the monep refonded. He keeps on' hand seklargeaa sort-neat of the celebrated ~ \ ` S VT-11 . THOMAS_ CLOCK. • , Elaitibla kir offices the Parlor or Kitchen. is" nand a good stock of fine • JEWELRY. AND. SILVER WARE In-theflated line. he hasitogero Motile/ FOBB3 , AN D-.---"SP 0011,,.311 Heavily plated 112to:kfast cc Dinner -Castors, !ae x ?„,.. vit treble plate 'doable wall I'Cz FL_T'C'HERST asuukumie Cake Baskets, BUTTER 247,11 Yr D.P.FIEJ,9i Pickle Stands, Tea Bella, Ai., t: • l eow. keeping - the ' GROVER BAKEWB Family" Sewing :Machi;wt. These linable' are Superior to 'ell ethers for family use. for the following reasons : They sew, with two threads deect from the •apools; and require no rewinding. ; - • They are more . easily *understood and used, . -and leas /fable to dessfigemenctbal other ma chines. They *are cap able of executing perfetty, without change Of adjustment, a much greater / 'variety of work than otb r m ac h ines. The stitch made by• tb nuicidia is much more firm, el 'tic, and d cab le , especially. upon articles which requital° washed and Ironed; than any other Miteh. • '•f * • • This stitch , Owing to the manner 'limbic!' the nuder.thread is an ght, - is •much She ll° Most plOmp and beautif in use; and Maim this plumpness and beau y, emenpon articles. trequently.washed and ned, Until they are '" worn•out. ' -• , ~ . • The structure of the et is leolitthate Um' tt be cut or.broken at intervals of 1 eta neither n , it will neither n, run, n ravel, but rm - Up Ora sad . . ;, • ... -. I liplike War , these fasten Voth ads of the seam b ow n operation. With-these , bil e silk - is used upon got right or face side of - seam, cotton, may be used upon the other de without lessening the staniitit or, &taint ot the seat.. This Call all done futifo other hletf,.and *a Arrest IMII n saving upon all articles s titched oi inaae np with s il k.' • '.' 1 •,, r' . These machines, in Lion. to their anperlor tnertti as Instruments to sewing, mouse She most beautiful and pe e .. at embrolderrand ornamental work.J . You can get Belling II articles pertaining to the M. II S ORGANS TOO can get . atcH. ERtDVE one DECKER BRDT UNZQUALLKD ". PATENT ' PIANO , FORTES No better, made ta .. the Statea. . Warranted iev en years - , and to aMy Ya tune longer than any other. 'Keeps ontand the. American ,. and. Treat . I,lndalay&Do,m*MmWd :P R 0 .R.64.A *hill tor sweetness tone and ` style of finish , • cannot be surpassed. ' Arelsaitable for,Clierches *Ages. Semivarks, and the home sdrcle. Also ,s general assortment of other • musical . Mitre..., ; Meats together With Violin, Violincello Strings, Oidgee, Tail • Pieces, Bows, 'Bew Kepi, ikwelnota.oto. isesembee that Ido dot depe n d imOn taiii sale ' otifultml lateumeats Los allying, souse." qua: W tat willing to sell at a `very small ad; i: , IA !AWE AND, CLOCK REPAIRING, :T o kee h..' She best meatier, as asasl;st km *ate,: ' 7 : Towa. idi,lnly 18,1887. - . - •. 3. . . , E 00Air*NY: • ;thcitztimoNit. ,•Hti. • • IMPOittANT NOTICE imiettimoeio OrTiore r r'mani to any Saline ow.this will . id. at a greet reduction from regular 'fatal.; seart. party ;et 40. desire to visit F o 4nifte Falb. tkkets to go aid ' reteinorill tie jeaud at $4 36 eieb....lhe regular fare i 5.56.6 0 .: , hobe saving on a 'lngle ticket will S2,IL On - Aleirete.To,su. other,. itatiousbere; :0001i be:1111 PrOPOWDll.:' , , , TirCOlqthrecl. dais notice should be given, that doe 'arrange; gents for their seeoluntalationMsy be afforded' C. ;each . Further infonnatiOn will be obeer , 116.118;- Gentifwas. Aga.. N.* Yi EMED lIELI 1 - TIPARTIOULAI 1401 1 .101. 2 . • - m ragerethaly' gin iko. geekte m & and . the public' , generally, tigit ao geode will be aollt • ESTAIL r‘ i . •' • ' • 14'thei! 17 45" theafter • FIRST OF:SERTEDEBER NEXT; jag , a egoluntiaft es, ere expeeted to eri; thid by VWrAr Aelket,. , _ • r," I , o4 l l4l ll Tinlis , ILia*ngi,..4ll 991 ' • ES OROSS f t Co. . Taxi ' Psssoluti so - Ali wsa RIAD redLezon & have just owwd a splendid Nair BoWt and Mud° ege% Patton's, Block Towanda„ where they are :telling oveiyiltheg in their line cheap for!. Ciab.ball and see them and sit- hey yatireelt that ' etch ie the case: ]987. Illisu4imuotul: And the ITHACA CALENDAR . CLOCK, hine Needles; and, all machine bcaihess IC! • - MELODEONS ! ••- - - . Ftt4L-,5444 1 k,..4 'BAR °MIL Mlle imabseridar , wiatdrie Ito his tt 411Plaffirmf6te filters' hos tom taraale,jiitaatiataitilitiiMy_24QTloga coo , containing 25 , 3 saes or ctrolce 14113:20 t acnstt bpoinfatho bahinca t 4 opittirtitterovell *AWN hy. 'fete -Ispeisipt; Anted in t's ebb ! iltiles3ligeltt Pruning, with 'three good Apple, orchards and Fruit tpr tamt lir use. . The !alb 4, Pilltattothood• and 6 goearioirtit seven CI WS from .Biossbarig,, one or the large.t coal rocks in the State, and imerialles listai-thei:WiWantsport Ils.,•Statima IL • 441imadyso OntoiliatidechooL inentiareormold tar4tatory house. otoktrtabla harazataber etyma; onm_iramehmatallikby 46, lett wit vadergivianOtablesifor6o stoop_ /risk goteeitediand.: mho' namessarylatildin_lo, also a good leillterst, ;m1(44'4149* rrholit, ~„The iarm mill be sold with everything on Abe farm as follows J 2 comre‘aud all ;,-4, l lt rul tiencils,l pan ofyoung-Immo, Siete .all -, / wag ons, I cast it on neLd roller, 1 Nagle. Mowing in Aladin.- combined, 2 Awe rakmand Wks: - aparrowar-.Pows. and hr Gad ever thing that .in "wanting'on. $ Wm: and mostly all new. *Prima $3l an adze, Including all;- 23,000 down- the balance to suit the Poe farther blortluttka !address * MOTT, Liberty, 'flogs Co.,:Ps.• fIOUSE AND LOTS FOR - sera. .114 . 1611.0iiiiiroatliffOr We, Bev Hoge. located on Raildoad street in South Towanda, nearly opposite the brick yard. The home is IWO, nearly tibilied, with a good cellfuo: The lots are 50 dlio Tee - teach, and will . be, sold se p.' grate or together. Poweasioti Oren ' ateg ira gry to Dr. Pratt, or the subscriber. , Aug. U. JOHN - , KING. - POE SALE-4 .valustitiv Hotel Proirtyytte asestabiblall business, as Atha B°r° • A P Pir lioNiigym *DD. MI Aug. 4. 21, 'Oa. , poR res uuimprov -ed land timbered with Pine, one mile from efunptown, fonr miles from the Sufiquebanna." Apply to . MONT.AI•f YE 'I WILED, Tolman. Aug. 21,1E67. • A PPLICATION'S, FOR (IMPROV. XL. ED FARMS are increasing. , . Parties hair kg Real Estate of that character Ipr sale will do well, to leave entries and descriptions at our ollice• • I MOMTANYR it WARD. - Ang. 31;1867. - . , WARM FOR SALK—The enbeeri x ber offers for sale - his farm,.euttsftling 80 uses, Situate Franklin - township, about five miles from the Barclay Coal R-gion. It is well timbered, well watered, and is a Brat-chow dairy farm. Terms made easy to the purchases. For pride, ad., apply to or address, SAMUEL WEBBER, • " West Franklin, Bradlord county, Pa. ...Aug.l3, 1867.—tf. HOUSE AND LOTPOE, SALE 1 4.-11 The subscriber oilers Dwelling House and Lot for sale, in Towanda Borbugh. on btate street, between Hain. and . Wit -r etreetii, and about 25 rods directly north of ;the Court House Hume 24 4 149 feet, twu sweets high. - Lot 38 feet front by 220 feet, deep, including an alley en back end.. Bar 'and other outeuildiugs, mut some quit *nee thereon. :unable tor a Pri irate Boarding House. Price $4.500. Aug. 1,1867.-4 - . pax SAL.6.—A new and bpleudid three awry Brick Building, with 14: anent' and sub-cel , s,r, Large flak Front . , nap feet glaNg, now occupied ad Hotel and Ileataurant, with three new Billiard Tablefi story. aleo tur [Oli v e, fixtures, Ac. Hood Ice House well illi cit. Hotel and floataurdat b doing a good ha- . atriesii. satisfactory reasdal givezeior eeliirtgg Said Hotel , nd•llestaurant, la is Means' .rffocki Mairbit., Towanda, Ya. 'fermi ealy. For; further particulars enquire on the premises. . BitfliGANi St WOLFE.. • Towsnds, July 11,181;7. • '' RENT.--Avaluat;le farm sit:- .ii: nate on the Junction and Breakwater It. IL, four mile.s from Georgetowu, county seat of Sussex County,' Delaware, containing 3uo acres, 'l6O improved balance timber. Goon dwelling, barn, itabliErg and out-bad dings, over:6oo peach and apple trees. Is well fenced - Will be rented•lor six years. For fartheeiniornistion apply to, or address WALL. bE I ENCER, Real katate Broker, Lewis,'Delaware: July 'll, 18G7 FOOR SALE CHEAP,—An Improv, ed Pares ; - /77 acme ;.Sliesheguin.; 45 acres cleared ; 12 acre of good cbesunt• banding timber and railway ties. A doabl e boarded house in good rep':ir, living spring in kti cern . 3da56 in good repair. About 75 trait trees. !'rice 12000:. Apply to . JAM TANTE' Is WARD. Towanda, Jdly 25, 1167.. - , VALUABLE FARM- FOR SALE. ' The subscriber Offers lareale his firm sit nate In North wands, abtait Ono mile from Towanda!Horoagh, on the road leading from Towandato Waverly. Said farm Consists of 62 icres on' the east - and about acres on th west side of the. road. Has s'ne*4 framed barn framed dwelling house, and good fruit thereon, midis well watered. •Terras made , easy. For farther particulars enquire on the premises of W 11.• Id. (WATTS. March •14;1867. ' • A . FINE IMPROVED FARM te/ate in 'Asylum • towaahipt 80 semi ; 60 acres improved ; A GOOD FRAME HOUSE with 13 apartments'; Two circhardii-; lour liv ing springs ; a . Flame. - Barwr with' Basemeut, 36z46 -For Sale. Price 63,500. (part may :a main). Appiy : to - • _ • • ' AION TANTE S. VA Towanda, July . 14 lbt i.•• • VALUABLE . Fitial PO,R. SALE.— The subscriber .offers tor sale his tarot in Wysox nearly Towau a. This farm oodtahis i2v I.:ma of laud in a,high stdte'of im provement, with a splendid dwelling house, baths and outbaildiugs. it hsa a large-never failing orchard stocked with good fruit of ev erjaseription. it Is In a good neighborhood easy reach of the church and school privileges of Towanda borough. For tali' of . It sale, c., enquire of 'the subscriber on the prem- Aies. , • MORGAN D. STHICKLANR. Wysoz,'April 8, 1867.-41* _ • V- AIATABLE FARM FOR SALE. -About boar miles from Towanda, • on the flastatO bank of. the Susquehanna River. Cony tainfq about 100 acres. Framed loose and ban horse barn, corn house and good apple orchard thereon. For • terms and partionrans inquire of WM. J. DELPEUCH. of Shesbegnin. or 'LUISE?. WOOD,at Towanda. Jatie.l3. 1867. A xv 1,-A-N,..D7 .F.A R M S 1, Firma in TcYbot and adjoining. counties on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. ' Bair .ble Farms neat Halt Water, ]ame,r Fish and oyritera in the greatest abundance, Most fertile s, il, producing• Grain and Vegeta bles of every kind. A delightful climate sulfa- Ile for Peaches, Grapes and .every variety,ot Fruit, • with a tide. of.eurigration pouring in from the Northccombine-to make it a great in ducement to any petison contemplating a change to .. a mild and. healthy I climate. ,Citcrilars, 'maps, and caialogueihf farina, and prices, sent tree upon application to me at Easton. Tallot county,,Muryland,-or to', Edward Overton, Jr.. : at owanda. Pa. , - . . i Mai..G. a 1 OVERTON,.. eO. B. Army , formerlY connected with • Bingham Estate Land Agency in Nortiern Pennsylvania. ' . Aug. 8„11367. I OWN' PROPERTIES, TOVVAN DA,-11 building ombard and bird Ste. Price from $350,t4 $7013. , _ AO Lots 00-idain and- Etalireiadstrerts, PriCe 300 to MO: • " • Fittlienloti on Bridge street. , • ' A Town Residence. Good house and;good eighbOrhood. ,Price $2200: • .11onsesnd loran Third street, opposite ad age. Price $l6OO. „ Tiro Leta' 60 feet fittit by 100 feet deep, opp . ite College. Apply to. ' - .4IONTAI.NITE & WARD 4., Town piniertte4: - loned,Aoriglit and sold.-- .tats obtained. I . E,. HOiEI, pßopEnn - ; en nitrides walk from. thoi Borough. Price 34500, Part may itunain. , • - MONTANTE a t WARD. t foWands, Jet; 25, 1667. I FAL ESTATE AGENCY. Relit ESTATE AGEHT, 0 fibritlei , -following • kirnan t Coal iuid Tintber ndstor sale:..• • " "tie:Timber lot, 3 miles from o Toiranda t lag 63 ems. Price ELM; , - Farm la , Juipturti t tunnAining 135 acres. Good. dints. Under - a Ste state , of cultivation. 01fostly [depraved. Prloe $B,OOO. - • Vita 10 West finklingtoft—en New bones and barn. Under sane state of cult Uvation.i..os acres Price $5.460. ' • ormai* Franklin. •All under good cultivit,- ilon. God buildings. For rile deep. " Several very desirable_ Houses and Lots In A large tract of Coal `Lands in Tiogs county Towanda; July 18, 1887. • FOIt4SALE:-,-A. good Canal Boat, with' • fall equipment. 41110 spar at Huniee. i WIII be add cheap. Aptily to • 111ONTANYElt WARD. Towanda, July 26.18e7. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS 'OF ALL J. sleikaadlitsks,at the WS ROOM. gloat. V.HERIFF'S SALE.—Btvirtuo of • L7l 'nits Vead,Papcf.p_islioc4 wit of court - 'of Common Phiscor - tirsenid - cototy, Were I wilTbe az:oved to pudic sale, et lets -C4Art Mouse; in ttoP hiwough"i.nr •roetind 4, "on-SAT -timpAy, teepsco 04 . QtAtdiMit:• o44; sit otedneh, not, .418, f9flodin,; descrilol pleador palter of-:_lind fotsit* - thosi ip:. bounded riorticb,fland.of Join' e4hetinsiolude: 4 by land of-Menrunik ma° f.ar.t. Li .1404 4,1 trist by trie,Lf44l4.ly. Mining Atiout ot an scrtiThriore iess4.4. ak friltnsd building used 'lor'n - i v-epints* 4 , tbertt • _ • • Sued usd ttkeu 4n e'recutlitu . Cat ail Helebames4 Bur., vs: Jantel.A:-Jatekson: .:ALSO—The following , lot. pines leiroif. 0f,.. • bind - situate inirroy twit., bounded'' hafted D. D. /dein. John Grist, James 4- ilenry*ggles, f.eonani: Infinite and, the public highway, ,east by the pa° ::: ' way sad firigurCribir, loath by Lind or z4k °of - - Its Potter and wegi .1;:y John isidicr. tontain:- • log :Matt 40 ancient tand,.coore or lea, tvil I proved with ibriek 'and Itiuned invein hciuse known lot the Past Troy krobse), - twolranifd. par bar k us the , tra re t shpb . fffw irdil• treesrl , a_ .. d 1 0 1 4.0/4 , f Serhted rmd taken in ties:Mimi id • We Pecicand John O. Ward ilia[. D. 41430—The following lot, piece or parcei,of land situate in SmithftWd twp., bounded north - by the public square and the highway, men byt4 the pubUo highway leading to Birellagtorillowt south by Muds of A. Phelps,' and west v ie - of u. Bullock :. Containing orur acre 01 , more or 'less, all improived, witif:ene \ new. , framed tavern bowie ' , framed . Mu% and * iew " lads treat thereon, - ' • - Seized and taken in execution: at thsenit of f Alvin Arnold vs. N. F./tattle. " • . `AI-SO—The following lot, piece or:part:el or Enid situate to: 'rest - Burlington twp., bounded - nn.th by lands of the iVidow fluor°, east by , the Norman Macau' lot iota or the Mot. Ayres lot, and , west by land of tinting Meseta* of land,%mo7i f i s or less, gu- Owed, with a /DC housp and , I bolsi ihdrc" , Seized and wee at. the snit liadlstai Ayres vs. Len is 4:Anson and Geo. , Johnion. Also N. Aspenwail vs. howl. - Johnson. ALISO—The following lot, pleas or parcel of landenuata in -Ulmer twp., bounded mein by - hunia of 'Joseph Kitchen, east by'lauds of Mor man south by a road leading horn Main road to linicomb's liteaot Mill, and -west by public_highwo leading from Towanda to Ain ens. Containing fan acre of land, more °riots all improveit, with two tramed diteUrnefeasea, one framed barn and a kir trait :> tiuneou. - " Seized and,tak e n in exenutioa at' the unto- E. Wolcott na,u,tl,lllll. • , WM. GBIPP/S, Sherie: - Sept 12.1114.7. 1 INIS I itS'NOTICENokice hereby given that all persons. indebted to the estate el • Peter • Ilastinge, !meet Windtuuntirp., are requested to sitalte.paymtuit without delay, 110 those laving claims ..t.cainst 83. d estate must present them duly aethentim ted for:settlement. • - Elept. 2,1567. • 11' 4 1 . S EC TO EIS iti OTIGE o t ice is hereby given that all. persons indebt.: • t_n, estate pf LORENZO GRINNELL, Lt.:: Wells,. deed, dire rebuested to brA.k• im mediate payMent, •istral‘ said estate alit! present them du'4 eL. I for settlement • Sept 12, N. J KEELLR N imug IN BA N BUB TO Y T his is ho givefiativ, That yu the t f. t y - august, A.l) N. 7 a w.irr.vit, iu ffa t ' .was isrutxl against the es:Ata .ff I.‘"tut- • _Ater of Rogue, in the coil ty dr f,l the State or econsylyania, • Judged a intaktypt his. own petition ; and that Chu Painiebt of any fic.its acid delivery of , any property ueionguag .pt to him or for his Sae. una the tr.i?sfer•ot :iny 1r perty by him are • forbidden by law ; that a meeting of ,the ereditura 01 aaia fi qiiitupt to Move t..eir debts find to choosy on'e more e &a: . aignees•of has est te, - witl be•hebi at a float% or 17. liankruntey to, be hoiden at.'thc olEwe'ut th tiegister iu the Court iiifose, lu rue I:f.fro.igh Towanda, before f.DWATID IfVn;;;Tall, Jr:.„ • negiater; on the 13th nay of .4.llL'ItIALUtill; 1)., 13 2 67, at LU r ii!elock. a: rn.. • • 'THOIfAS A. BOWitY, United state* •11.arshad a 3 .51esmrn,42i; Wes , - • tern Diatiiet of PedinAite,rda,l, BYE. O. COL:4I.iA D e puty. • Aug. 1807.-4 w. - . N IN BAN.K.II,I7:erCtI. , This is to give /lake, T.:: it on th.: 3-1 dry of August, A: D., 1867, a warnmt was issued against the out Julia o,'lair of Rome, in the nuo;ry ~ r 6. of 'Pennsylvania, wiio hii tip.n s , ll-41.;•.:d- Bankrupt on his rha. Ma pay.- meat of any debts and dotivery of any ez.:„b,.. t, belonging :to bll6l Batkrupt Mayor f ,r• Iris use, and the tre:ni proyorty by him are :orb ddea by I ; that a naccrn,.; the creditors of Bankrupt ta debts and to elfo3e one or more As:lgoe:A of his. caste; wilt ha held at a Curt y, Baoliilept cy 'to be holden st the dile° of the flegist::r iu the Cu s ult Iluite, is the Boru'agit - of. ICiran-j -do, before EDWARD OVEREUN, Jr., Ititis r ter, au the 13th day of sEext4BEit, A. D. 1867, at 2 o'clock, p. m. " • THOMAS A. ROWLEY, United States Ataratisl - as Mesieoger, West. - Cr:, District of L'eriosylvauia. By E. B. COOLBAUGE, iteputy.", cg.18”7„-41c,_, . ' T ()TICE 1N .1111131".UCY.- 11 Thia is to give 7/olice, Thai on ihu ;6th day or .1. I. N.l7' a lieurr-iit;it, Bark rupterwus is aied against• the estut,p cf Wit :1711 A.l-'arlsot the tosnatiip, of Monroe, in the coat ty of Bradiur.t end State of" Pennsy :ti ho has been adjudged a Bankrupt on hie own 1:/ ; that the payment 4-ot any deiiip rind de livery of any property Le:tinging to such ii4U . 5 • rU pt to him or for his u 7e, au.;, the flue, trci any pioperty by him 4, are' forbidden br hie ; that a meting of the cr. ditors • 7.1 sii!u);,enk rupt to prove their -debts iu.d to. ch,,,i.se r more Assignees or his' estate, wit' LN 1.till• a Court of Bankruptcy' to be holden -at tile.-}lice of the Register in the . Court. Rouge; in thy Liu. rough of• Tuvranda,,betorn EDWARD Beibiter; on the 2d day of Opteitier, A. D. 1867, at 'lO o'clocir:,a. in: •.• THOMAS .44pWLEY, - United States Mar.hal as Messenger,lVest . • .. ern District of Pennsylvania -I • \ By K. B. COOLBAUGH Deputy . Sept, 3, 1867.---tw. E''UTOR'S NOTICE.—Ngti c © is beieby given that all peisons Indebted to be estate. of J.. ii. - Id.AUTI2I,, late • of- Asylum twp., dee'd.. tire requested to make im— mediate' payment, - -and • those ha.„lng claims against said estate Mnst presentthem . duly au thenticated for settlement. . Aug-22 1867. 1 4 -I .2c..FAITO.R'S NOTICE.--INittieti All hereby given than aIL persons im4n-hted the. Ware rif, W 11114441, Horton, deed:, of Shesnegnin. are regnesfad .'::.y ,a ate payment, without delaY,l and. thos , .. 11 claims against said .estate' taust.'pre_4l.t theist duly authe_.ticated for :cult:rue:4r. • • SA !SALE J. ILOTIT' • IlintACkiL BORT; ..'t! • August _29,,1864. - , 41)311N I sT i ItATR X 'N (Yr • Setice herby glvexi. that all . indebted eftate of. 11 , 111A1;li Late r 1 (via, ';,, make immediate paymnt, -- 414 ttivVior.: tlannt, apaitnst ziaid'estate will prebelit tiCutri wittleineric. . '..k.:WA; P. $1.5 ,49g4 19,18676*, • • , "••Admin -Ifaqix. DISgOLIiTION...The ciriplritter shipiteretofordexisting under the name ,cif l iGore & Powell, is this ,day dissolved by mu tual eonitent. All debts . ' due to and by said OrMwill be settled by, W. H. H. Gorcjit the old stand. Perions mdetited to the above. fLrm Ale teituested to make immed ate payment.. . • " " • •W.H. H. GORE; • •• ' PFXCIVAL POWELL . owanda, - • •The undersigned ',rifl engine' the bu.vin iss3 'at the old stand, wberd to see his old Customers and as many;r.eiv, ones a, will favor /tar with ' .a call. He will- keel"► con.oantly on hand ra fresh supply. of Drugs,. Paints, Oils , Dye Stnffs, , Finey and Toilet Articles. and ev erything In bis' line sada will b •'sold as low as themarket •will allow for c o•h. • : W. Pi tii H. Gt.E. • IFILSSOLUTION.-Thn ; co);ittner '' . l_f at, ip b(rntbfore esisi in g lane e r t he ni too of Wood & Harding, .is this day: !I•as , ,lred by medial consent. - All debts due, to and by the la rin will be set•.l6:l by 11-i. Hart:tog 10, the--- ol stand. • ' . 0% • -. . .Persona indebted to the abla are requested . to,pay up before the first of October. .as all aqounts unpaid at that time will b 3 leftVor ,• collectin. • -rf Gt:Q. it. WOOD, - - _. _:..-' J). HARDING, ' . Towanda,- Amg. 18, 1867, --•- , SaTR.AYED OR St, OLEN—FrOm L) the anhaeriber on °rabbet, the 28th Of July, last, ,e pale red COW, middling ale t i; Years old, thick heavy horns, a god . r; one hf , the hind testa defective, having- at some time been frozen; consequently gletng,milk from the aide ef - the teat neatthe loA.,er i pmrt. Whoever 4 * will return slid cow to me or give: me informs. , tton where I eanlind her, shall be liberally re. warded. • 'O.'. ALLEN AIaKESS.' Towanda, Aug. 28;1867. - •.. • - INEN CLOTHING IN GREAT 4.4.yaristy fig sile - chesp at • ". • - • - SOLOMON &lON. MLLES PEINCE, Administrator. liiioDA • _ ix B. 1 0 A °MITE. Factutur == • 4; • A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers