Hints About Work. Plan* for the 3lonth. —We shall all accomplish double the work, if it be well laid out, and it will be better done.—"What do we want done?"— "How and when shall we do it ?" Let lis make a list of the things we want to do most, and then see how last we can cancel them off as done. Hired Lal>or. —lf a farmer does not hire any labor now, let it be his aim t- employ as many men as he profi tably can, and make arrangements to do so as soon as he can. Hired men are often very disagreeable associ ates, and the worst companions for ime's children, but this need not be ; lookout at once for good, steady,mor al men,and sacrifice the profits of the farm rather than have a vicious, bad fellow about,though his work be nev er so needed. If we do our part to make the men comfortable and do them good, few will ill reward it. Bui/dings. —The winds will find out any insecure weather boards and shingles, and play mischief with the exposed hay stacks aud with thatch ed roofs, Have nails aud hammer at hand ; stop leaks ; see that door and shutter fastenings are secure,and that board fences, posts of which are loos ened by the frost, are not prostrated by the wind. Cellars. —Over-haul the roots, put them in bins or boxes, or make fresh heaps of sound ones only ; clean out cellars,air and white-wash ; stop rat holes with coal tar and mortar, said to be rat-proof. Draining. —While the frost is com ing out of the ground, and the soil of plowed side-hills is liable to slide,look to it that no water finds its way upon such spots, or great damage may en sue. Open surface drains with the hoe, pick, or mattock, so that surface water may flow off upon sward ground or where it will not wash off the soil. Such water from cart paths, roads,or plowed fields brings with it, upon the meadows and pastures, a wealth of enrichment,not to be lost. The advan tage of Irrigation can hardly be over-esti mated. If a brook can be turned to to flow at will (your will) over a piece of meadow, even in the crudest and simplest way,by all means try it, and then profit 1 y experience to ex tend the system,or rather,profit by the experience of others and use the best system. Grain Fields are especially liable to injury from washing, and surface draining on them should be kept free. Top-dressings of plaster, bonedust, superphosphate.guano, fine low-house compost, home-made poudrette and such things are applied with great ad vantage at this season. Clover and Grass Seed may be sown on winter grain ; best on a still day, after a light snow, which may have fallen on frost-cracked and thawing ground. Plowing should be done as soon as the grouud is dry enough,but not one hour before ; better wait a week or two than compact the soil, so that it will dry into hard clods, which will last for months. Peers may be sown as soon as the ground is dry enough to plow well, often in March, in this latitude ; they may be sown broad cast, alone or mixed with oats, or in drills. On warm, early spots the drill culture may be reccommended. The soil should be in good order for a heavy crop of oats, and deeply plowed, then plow shallow (4-inch) furrows, and ii. every third furrow scatter the peas, throwing in twelve to fifteen to the running foot. If you have time these may he picked for marketing green, and if not,the crop will be ripe enough to cut and cure,and leave the ground for summer plowing, and wheat, cabbages or turnips may fol low. Seeds. —Procure, and test the vital ity of all seeds. Horses m**<J very thorough groom ing, and the feet and legs should be washed and kept clean, long fetlocks trimmed off,and any redness or crack ing of the skin or heels treated with pine tar and grease,or an ointment of lard aud turpentine. These applica tions are either of them very good for chafed shoulders, sprains, or harness galls. Blanket carefully if exposed to the wind or cold when warm. Working Owen. —Protect from storms ; feed well ; use the card free ly : impose hard labor gradually ; have well fitting yokes, and if their necks become tender, give a day or two of rest, and grease the spot, rub bing the grease well in. A wet towel on the neck, with a piece of blanket bound over it, kept on one night, and the neck greased wcli the next day, will, it s said,cure a very tender neck between Saturday night and Monday morning. Cotes.—Give good care, personal attention, and roomy box stalls to cows about to calve. They may need assistance, and suffer much or even die for laok of it. If milk is worth much the Calces should be removed from their dams at once, and brought up on skimmed milk gruel. The cow mis ses the calf least if she never even licks it ; but we would rather she should worry more, when she loses her calf after a day or two, than de prive h.-r of the satisfaction of loving and licking it awhile. Sheep.- - Mutton sheep may be yean ing this month. Separate ewes and give them warm quarters, with a few extra roots or other feed. Hogs. —lsolate breeding sows, give warm pens and treatment as before directed. Keep others at work in the manure, giving sods,etc., to be work ed over. Poultry.—Give chance to run and scratch and dust themselves. Save eggs for setting, and make sure of a few clutches of early chickens for winter layers. Field 11 url of a miscellaneous kind there will be no lack of, get out and earth off stones loosened by the frost. Reset fence posts, or walls, where needed, with spuds,spades,and hoes ; clear out the bull-thistles, docks, and all biennial weeds that show them selves. Remove also any rubbish from fields ann fence rows Open ditches and mend roads J/a/iurv.-Hanl out while trie ground is frozen or after it is settled Spread at once, whether for plowing tinder oi for top dressing, but put it on no spots where iiowing surface water will wash it away, ft is best to plow it under at once, nnless it be well made compost,wnich will bear weath ering ORCHARD AND NURSERY. —Many trees will be purchased this mouth,aud we would give a word of cautiou against the commou practice of ordering large trees. A small,well grown tree with au abuudance of small roots,is great ly- to be preferred to a tall, much branched one, with its large roots I chopped off in the digging. Some of the best western orchadists prefer trees one year from the bud or graft, to any other. Heel-in at once trees that arrive be fore you are ready to plant ; bury their roots we 1 in a sandy place, and they may remain for weeks without j injury. Plant whenever the soil is ready, taking care to first trim mutilated roots,and shorten back the top ; plan ting will generally be left until next month. Insects are always to be looked af ter. If small cottony spots, looking j like mould, are seeD, they are the far too common Wooly Aphis, and for this the best remedy is the Soft Soap RWi, which may be ap plied with advantage, even if no in- i sects are visible. Make as strong as it will work : it removes not only in- j sects aud their eggs, but parasitic plants aud loose bark as well. Girdled Trees must be attended to : as soon as the injury is discovered.— ; Where the girdling is complete, the j tree may often be saved by connect ing the bark above aud below the wound, by means of eions whittled to a thin chamfer at each end,aud inser ted beneath the bark. Cover with wax or grafting clay, or simply ban dage securely, aud put a mound of earth around the tree large enough to i cover the wounded portion. Grafting should not be done too { soon. It is time enough when the j swelliug of the buds shows that veg etation is active. Continue to secure cions. Cut back Stocks budded last year, if the bud j is sound. FRUIT GARDEN.—Trees in this depart ment will need the care indicated un der Orchard. Grape vines that were laid down may be uncovered as soon as severe weather is over. In planting new vines, cut them back to two or three i buds, provided the nurseryman has j not done it before sending them. In i any system of training, a single cane | is all that should be grown the first year. Cuttings of currant, grape, etc.,are to be set out as soon as the soil is ready. It cannot be too often repeat ed, that much of the success of this kind of propagation, depends upon pressing the soil firmly around the lower end of the cuttings. Currants. —Set out plants early.— The Versailles is the best red,and the White Grape the best white. There are many varieties,only such in name. Plant Gooseberries, only the American sorts are to be commended for gen eral cultivation, and among these the i Houghton is one of the most reliable. Some of the English sorts will do for ; amateurs to pet. Strawberries should have the beds all ready for them, and the plants be set as early as they can be bad. The Wilson is the variety still the most generally reliable, though there art many better sorts that succeed iu fa- i vorable situations. Blackberries. —The sooner they are I planted the better. Kittatinny and j Wilson's Early are among the newer 1 kinds, and the New Rochelle is now so well known as to need no descrip tion. Raspberries, also need early plant ing, as, like blackberries, the shoots 1 push early, and are liable to be bro ken if they Lave made much growth. The Philadelphia and the Clark are two of the most promising new sorts. | For the many older varieties of these ; and other plants, consult the cata logues. KITCHEN GARDEN. —Except where glass, as hot-beds or cold-frames, is in use, the work in this latitude is still mainly preparatory, and but lit tle is gained, as a general thing, by commencing gardening operations be fore next month. In dry or well drain ed soils, Plowing may be done, but only i when their condition will admit of thorough pulverization. Recollect | that ground for a garden can hardly be too thoroughly worked or too high ly enriched. Manure, especially if well rotted, should be applied with a liberal j hand ; on stiff soils, coarser manure I may be used, aud on sandy ones, ap | ply peat with ashes,or peat with lime, |if at command. One of the best gar ! dens we ever worked, was so sandy | that it would blow when dry, but by tiie aid of muck and ashes we gained astonishing crops. As to Hot beds. —The novice,in the use of glass, especially if over a hot-bed, needs to be told of the importance of Airing. —He will learn it after hav ing a crop or two scorched by the sun, but that is rather expensive knowledge. Not only seedlings, but plants that have been wintered and escaped damage from cold, are now liable to be burned ; hence, Cold-frames will need frequent at tention,and in the case of lettuce and cabbage wintered over, if the plants are properly hardened, the glass may be removed altogether,and used over other frames. Seeds. —By all means order at once, and if roots of any kind, or cabbage or other plants, have been wintered over for seed-raising, put them out, the last of the month, in a dry rich spot,and do not plant allied varieties near each other. More attention to seed-raising would lessen the com plaints of bad seed. It would be a good thiug if the members of local clubs would each agree to raise one or two sorts of seeds. By doing thus, greater purity and perfection could be attained, and each community could raise uearly all its own seed. I'eas should be sown early. We hear good accounts of Carter's First Crop, and there arc several other ear ly ones offered. Daniel O'Rourke, where it can be had good, is the best known early sort. Hoots, such as Parsnip and Salsify, should be taken out of the ground before they begin to grow, and all plants protected during the winter, such as Sjaw h, uncovered and thinned for ose as s<sn as it starts to grow. Sow in a warm corner seeds (if early va rieties of '■'trrot, radish, cress, lettuce, and other things according to locality and ®ercl)cmbt?t. PALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR CASH, HENRY ' MERI.TR & CO TOWANDA, PA., 0 DEAI.ERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS,' DOMESTICS, WOOLENS, HOSIERY AND NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, &C. Nov. 5, 1806. EWARR I V A L ! W. A. ROCKWELL, Is now receiving an unusualjlarge suppply of GOODS, Comprising a fashionable assortment ol DRESS GOODS, CLOAK INGS, SHAW gS, BREAKFAST CAPES, HOODS, EMBROIDERY. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, SHEETING, BATTING, YARN, And all descriptions,of DRY GOODS For Men and Boys wear, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, OF ALL KINDS. Also a large assortment ol CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, LANTERNS, &c., To be sold at the lowest rates. WOODEN WARE, Ol all descriptions, Bird Cages, Ladies Fancy Backets. TOYS FOR THE CHILDREN, To appreciate the great Qvariety, you must call and see them. Perfumery, Jewelry, and all sorts Kuicknacks GROCERIES 01 all kinds, Syrups, Molasses, Sugar, at the lowest market price. TO THE PUBLIC. We have purchased these goods at the low est decline in the market, and (eel confident that I can give utmost satisfaction quality and prise. Towanda, Oct. 15, 1866. SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN— D, W. HUGHES, has fitted np his car (formerly occupied for a Picture Gallery) for an Eating Saloon, where he intends to keep all kinds of Refreshments served up in the best style. He has made an arrangement with an extensive Oyster Dealer to furush him with the best kind of Oysters directly from Baltimore, whereby he will be able to furnish parties and families on the shortest notice. He has always on hand the best kind of ale, cider and domestic wines, also segars, candies and nuts of all kinds, larmers and others visiting Towanda, will find it to their iuterest to call at this saloon to get their meals, where they can he accommodated with the best of tare at a cheap rate. The high est price paid tor ail kinds of fruit, chesnuts,4c Don t forget, the place, second door south of lbidlsmsn's (flock, Towanda, Pa Dee, (,imp;. Drugs ani) fflebictncs. iYf H GORE'S DRUG STORE j W. H. H. GOKE, (successor to Barstow A | Gore,) is continuing the business at the old stand No. 4, Patton's Block, where he is daily receiving additions to his Stock from the most reliable importers and manufacturers respect fully asks or a liberal sharef public patron age, A large stock oi FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES Has just been received, and we are now pre- j pared to supply the WANTS OF THE PUBLIC WITH ARTICLES BELONGING TO TUE TRADE* P RE WINE- AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDIC AI USE ONLY. * FULL ASSORTMENT OF COM"INTKATKD TANI Ei'LEl I'll' AND HOM'EPATHIC MEDICIN IN. Aid. THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. FAINTS, OIL, VARNISH, PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, DYE-STUFFS AND OLABB. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY KIND. TII.DEN'S ALCOHOLIC AMI FLUID EXTRACTS, AI.h'AI.OJ!) AM/> ItESIMO/DE, All the Best. Trusses, ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Shoulder Braces, BREAST PUMPS, NIPPLE SHELLS, AND SHIELDS, Nursing Bottles, Syringes and Catheters, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RAZORS, STROPS, POCKET KNIVES. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS OF LATE STYLE AND BEST IP ALITY. A large supply Brushes for the Hat and Hair. Also lor the Teeth and Nails, Tooth Pow ders and Pastes, Oila, I'erlumery, Soaps, Combs, Hair Dye, lnvigor ators.&c., Kerosene, Kerosene Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, Ac.,all of the late st styles. CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. H3~ Physicians supplied at re as a liable rates. Medicines and Prescriptions carefully and ac curately compounded and prepared by compet ent persons at all hours ol the day and night. Sunday hours trorn '.i to 10 o'clock in the tore noon, to 2in the afternoon. W. H. H. GORE. Towauda , Sept. 23, 186(1. (Slotting. NEWS. REBELLION ENDED! THF PRICE OF CLOTHING GONE DOWN WITH GOLD ! The best stock of good, well made Clotll ing evei brought to this market is now open for inspection at STORE OF li. W. EDDY, Bought since the f ill oi Gold and the Rebellion which will enable him to give his customers the benefit of very low figures, and the decline in prices. My goods .. < tt.-t al are stylish, and a la mode. No second rate shoddy goods, every article guaranteed us represented or n sale. My goods arc all THE LATEST FASHIONS, And equal to the be ' < iiy custom made,and i ' to a T As usual the best quality all wool Business Suits, 111 c '< Frock Coats, Black Doe Pants and Vests, Linen Coats. Dusters, and Pants, The Latest Style Fine Silk Hats, Soft. Straw. Panama and Cloth Hats, White Neg ligee Shirts, Collars Neck Ti'-s, Gloves. J -u-pen ders, Under Shirts and Drawers, Best quality English Half Hose Over Alls, Over Shirts, I.in ert Handkerchiefs, Ladies Fine Morocco Trav elling Bags. In fact everything usually found in a First Class Gentleman's Furnishing Store. My motto is good Goods at a fair juice are cheaper than po r. goods at any price. All goods sold at one price, no bantering nor teasing to make an ofler, but every one gets the same goods at the same price, which is the bottom of the market. All oi l goods marked down to the gold base, and will be sold regardless of sacrifice, if you want good goods at a fair price, go to EDDY'S, where you will find him ready to show Lis goods and sell them too at the lowest tignre to correspond with in mind the place to buy good, we'll inaderreUa ble Clothing is at I!. W. EDDY'S, next door to Powt-li A, R. W. EDDY. Towauda, Jan. 7, 1865. I LOTH ING! CLOTHING ! READY MADE AND MADE TO ORDER. J. M. COLLINS, Ist door South ol Codding A Ru -ell's, has just received from New York a large and atraetive assortment ot NEW WINTER CLOTHING. Our stock comprises every aiticle worn by men and boys, PILOT AND BEAVER OVERCOATS, BEST QUALITY BUSINESS SUITS OF ALL STYLES. COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, N"K TIES, WRAP. EKS, DRAWERS Ac. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Of every description. E.i eciu! attention is called to our stock of CASS I MI-RES AND VEBTINGS Whie we will make up to order on short notice, | A nice line of Fancy Cassimers for Pants and Coats. Latest style Hats and Caps. Gents Fur Collars. Cutting done to order on short notice. Bear in mind it you wish to buy Clothing CHEAP, and as good as represented, call at Terms Cash. COLLINS' Towanda. Dec. 7. IRCS. /j L 0 T II I N G ! 18(50. FALL ! 18GC. S 0 L 0 M ON A SO N , The attention of the public is invited to the large and att'-active stock of Goods offering at PEACE PRICES. The stock consists o! OVER COATS, BUSINESS SUITS, PANTS AND VESi'S, Of all grades, for men & boy's wear, a fine stock HATS AND CAPS. Also, in store for the trade, a complete stock of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, SUCH AS PLAIN A FANCY CASS. SHIRTS, LINEN AND MUSLIN SHIRTS, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS, PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES,MITTENS, SCARFS, TIES, AC., AC. Call and examine our stork and prices. You will find it to your interest to do so We buy ex clusively tor cash, and with the advantage of having a Buyer at all times in the market, we feel confident to snppiy our friends and custo mers a' the lowest possible rates. Remember the place at SOLOMON & SON, No. 2, Patton's Block. Towanda, Oct. 29.'66. (JTRATTOX'S V EAST COMPOUND O is the best yeast ever sold. lam agent for the manufacturer. For sale at wholesale or re tail. E. T. FOX. SUGARS IN EVERY STYLE FOR -cilc cheap wholesale or retail, at FOX'S. Drugs ani> ffltbicincs. TJ R. H. C. P( R T BR,! AT THS OLD CASH DRUG STORE, ESTABLISHED TWENTY YEAKS, Corner Main ami Pine Streets, Towanda, Pa. Having recently added largely to his Stock, a full and complete assort men , constituting an extensive variety, embracing many articles used iu the Arts for mechanical purposes, carefully selected with regard to the progressive wants of the publi. , which will be kept constantly sup pl ed.with fresh pur-h ses, and offered on the most reasonable terms at Wholesale or Retail, consisting c f DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BENZINE AND TERPENTINE, SASH, PAINT, VARNISH, WHITEWASH, And all kinds of P,rusbes, KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, Alcohol and Burniag Fluids, LAMPS, SHADES, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, Sperm, Lard, Whale, Neats Foot, TANNER'S AND MACHINE OILS, Fancy and Toilet Articles in al! their variety, SPONGES, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, Pomades, Hair-Dyes, Perfumery, POCKET BOOKS, PORT MONAIS, J Pock-1 Knives, Razors, TOOTH, SKIN AND HAIR PREPARATIONS PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal use, TOBACCO, ' SNUFF, PIPES AND CIGARS, Garden, Field anu 1 lour Seeds, Trusses, Sup porters, Suspeu- r t-s, shoulder Braces, Breast Pumps, Teething Kings, Nursing Bottles, Nipples, Nipple Shells and S! ields. Syringes, Bed Pans, Self- Sealing Fruit Jars, Thermometers, Flavoring Extracts, Stone Jugs, Glass Ware, Bottles, Vials, Corks, Bath Brick, and Stove Blacking, Fish Taekle, Ammuni tion, Ac., Botanic, Eclectic and Homoepath ic Medicines, and ail the Popn lar Patent MEDICINES. All articles warranted as represented. Per sons at a distance can receive their orders by stage or maii, which will receive prompt and careful attention. DP. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS FOR FAMILY USE, Known as Safe and lit liable Remedies, aie war ranted lor what they are intended to give satis faction, viz: Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup, for coughs, tolth, lung complaints, 4-c2>OcAsl 00 Dr. Porter's Eclectic Pilis. for bilious com plaints antl mild cathartic. ... 25 Dr. Porter's Sanib-r Syrup, for scrofula skin diseases, <j-r 1 00 Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic, for female weak ness, fyc 1 00 I)r. Porters Tonic Elixir fo, strengthening the system, 1 00 Dr. Porter's Tansy Schnapps, for liver and kidney complaints 1 00 Dr. Porter's Comp. Syr. Hypophosphites, for nervous debility 1 00 Dr Porter's Blackberry Balsam, for diu, - rhtea, Ac 35 Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation Joi sprains bruises, 4"<" 35 D. Porter's Pc:toral Waters, for hoarse ness, sore throat, 4*c 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Wafers, for expelling worms 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Syrup, for extermina ting wen vis 35 Dr. Porter's Infant Relief, fo, crying babies colic, .- 25 Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snulf, for rulunh In attache 25 Dr. Porter's Toothache Drops, for tooth ache 25 Dr. Porter's Tcoih Powder, for preserving teeth 25 Dr. Porter's Tricogene, for dressing and 50 growin - the hair 50 Dr. Porter's l'ricophile, ior beiutilyiug the hair 50 Dr. Porter's Odoriferous Shampoo,for clean ing the 1: ir 50 Dr. Porter's Milk ol Umwers, fur beautify. ing the complexion 50 Dr. Porter's Pile O'ntment. lor external piles 1 00 Dr. Porter's French Compound. lor scald ing urine 1 00 Dr. Porter's Medicated Figs, for habitual constipation 1 00 Dr. Porter's Healing Salve, tor cuts.wounds Ac 15 Dr. Porter's Lip Salve, ior chapped lips. . 25 Dr. Porter's Eye Salve, for inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's Eye Water, for inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart Remover, for corns and bunions 25 Dr. Porter's Constipation Pills, lor costive nes 2 Dr. Porter's li on Pills, lor poor blood .... 25 Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for a pleas ant catharric 50 Dr. Porter's Liquid Rennet, lor making uu tr tious diet for invalids 25 Dr. Porter's Extract Yuntlla, lor flavoring ice cream, Ac 40 Dr. Porter's Extract Lemon, lor flavoring ice cream—large bottles 40 Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, to. mending broken glass, Ac 25 Dr. Porter's Liquid Gitie, lor repairing wood work 25 Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid,for ea-y wash ing '. 50 Dr. Porter's lied Bug Poison, for killing bugs 50 Dr. Porter's Fly Poison Paper, for killing fiies 05 Dr. Porter's lUt and Mice Poison, ior ex terminating rats 25 Dr. Porter's Benzine, for removing spots from clothes .'... 25 Dr. Porter's Black luk, in pint bottles 25 in bulk by the gallon 1 00 Dr. Porter's Ilorse and Cattle Powder, for diseases of animals 30 Dr. Porter's Horse ami Cattle Lotion, for sprains, galls, Ac 50 Dr. Porter's Ring-Bono and Spavin Cure, lor lame horses 50 Medical advice given gratuitously the office, charging only lor medicine. Thankful for past libera! patronage,would respcctiu ly announce t > his lriends and t > e public, that no pains shall bo spared to satisfy, and merit the continu uof heir contiden ,-e and patronage. 11. C. PORTER, M. D. Dec. 18, lSii't.— yr. | I EALTII IS THE GREAT NEED 11. OP THE AGE. A NEW SYSTEM OK THE HEALING ART. N. J. COGSWELL, M. I)., HYGIENIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, May be consulted in person or by letter, at his le-dence, East Spring Hill, Bradford county Pa. An intelligent community require a medical doctrine grounded upon right reason, in har mony with ind avouched by the unerring laws ol Nature and of the vital organism, and au thenticated by successful results. Hence we solicit an examination of our system. Claiming that all diseases can be successfully treated with truiy Uj-gienic Agencies. No Drug poisons will be given. As a graduate ol the only College in the world where health is t night, we shall take especial pains to explain to the patients thenature of the diserse. The laws of life and health, why it it is unnecessary and dangerous to take drugs, and how to pre serve health and long lit.-. Will visit patients, and give directions for home treatment, when desired. East Springhill, May 1, "66 ly,p. BOOK-BINDE BY.—Til E PUBLIC is respectfully iuformed that the Book- I Bindery has been removed to the Argus Build ing, 3d story, where will be done BOOK-BINDING! ! In all its various branches, on terms as rea- I sonable as" the times" will allow. The Biud ery will be under the charge of U. C. WHITAKER, j An experienced Binder, and all work will be • promptly done, in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music, Magazines, News papers, Old Books, Ac., bound in every variety ol styie. Particular attention will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of BLANK BOOKS, To any desired pattern, which in quality and dura -ility wil be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when promised. The patronage of the public is solicited, and perlt e satisfaction guar ran teed. Towanda, August 2, 1866. —tf. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS OF ALL Riaes and styles, at the NEWS ROOM. fjai'btuare. UT A R D W ARE. CODDING & RUSSELL HAVE A LARGE AND WEI.I- SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, To which additions are daily being made, which they ofler cheap for Cash. A large assortment OF COOKING STOVES, Among the many desirable and beautiful pat terns is the CELEBRATED AMERICAN. This beautiful stove is unsurpassed tor econo my in fuel ; is a perfect baker; is the best COOK STOVE hi the market. Among their heating Stoves may lie found a great variety suitable for every place where stoves are used. | STOVE Pll'E AND SHEET IRON WORK, Always ou hand and made to order. T I N W ARE, A large stock mansfaetnred from tire very best material and by experienced workmen. A very ful assortm?nt , 1 IRON, NIALS AND STEEL, At New York prices. HOUSE AND CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, TOOLE FOlt THE FA UME It, Tools for the Bouse Joiner and Carpenter— Tools for Blacksmiths'—Tools for everybody. WINDOW SASH AND GLASS, I'AINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, 11 ACL'INC : L AND BESZOtE, KDROSENE OIL, LAMPS, WICKS AND CHIMNKI.S, BELTING, TABLE ANI) POCKET CUTLERY, BRITTAN.VIA AND i'LATEDWARE, 1 'temps, Lead Pip?, hain J J umps, Water Pipes, Grindstones and, futures, K E R O S E N E I, A N T K KXS, JOB WORK done with dispatch. Lamps re paired. Fluid iatmps and I tuerns altered and fitted to burn Kerosene. Grain, Old Iron, Casting and Wrought '.scraps, Copper, Brans, lirittannia, Beeswax, Feathers and Rags taken ir exchange for goods. Highest pri o in cash paid lor Sheep Pelts and Furs Hi' OUR GOODS have been purcha ed on the pay down system and will be old for READY PA\ JOHN A. CODDING. { /TANNIM/I C VITOON I C. 8. RUSSELL. f CODDIHG A RUSSELL. | Towanda. March 10,15G3. -v? ' >. C C s I TS, > ►- !>• % . & E -i r 3 i*l*2 -H w E I%||s I | H P !f a 'S, I T: ' s r. > c -s P3 5 V JMARSHALL BROTHERS & 00., Wish to call the attention of the public fo i their new Stock of HARDWARE, FARMTNG IMPIGMENTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and OA LT ENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment oi Window Glass, S sh. Paints, Oils, Putty, Vaiuishv . and Paiat and Varnish Brushes oi all kinds, which will be sold for the lowest Cash price. Also, a tline assortment o! KEROSENE LAMPS i of every style and j ; ; to ai it the public. I .imps repaired and chanr-d from ftii and j Fluid io Keroset! ; Parti ularatt'c. i paid to the manufacturing | of all kinds of TIN WARE {JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO We have ou hand a fine article of GLASS FRUIT JARS, with improved self-scaling corks, usd !HERMET I(AL 8 E A L IN GCA NS . , which is one of the be-si cans us -J. June ill, • - 5 .furniture. ! JpCRNITURE WARE-ROOMS ! 1 JAMES MAKIXSOX nn : ,cos to the public j that he st.il! continues to manufacture and keep i on ttand a large assortment of 1 CABINET FURNITURE, ! Bureaus, Table.-. Bid ad-. Stands. Chairs, j &c., of every de- iripto/i which will be made ol the best matt rials, and i: he Jniost workman j like manner. I invito the it,. '.lt n ■ the public to in j work, which shallnc be urp.- Ed in durability, at any shop in the count!), and my prices will be found to bo as low as the time- will admit. Ready-made Coffins i onst-iutly on hanu or made to order. A god Hearse will be furnished when desire J. Ang. IS, l-n i. JJEW FURNITURE STORE I Having rented the Furniture Ware-rooms form erly occupied by F. N. Page, Athens, Pa., would now say to the pat tons of the old Estab lishment that 1 have a complete Stock ot Goods, just received, embracing everything in the FURNITURE LINE. My goods are new and well selected, and tor GOOD GOODS Will not he untie/ -o!tl by any. Call and ex amine nty stock before purchasing I retain the Workmen of the old establishment, and MB. N. 1. HART Will have Gauge o! the business and Manufact uring. It short we have the finest Stock of Goods in : t.r line west of New York, consisting Parlor Furniture, Chamber Setts, Bureaus, Marble-top Centre bibles, Extension and i> hag Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Photograph Ovals, C< rd and Tassels, Steel Engravtn Oil Curtins, Toilet Stands, Work-Boxes. Pictures, Ac. COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES. Our Undtt taker's Department will at all times be well supplied with everything in that line. We have the FIXE ST lIE A USE In this section, not eveepting auvthing west of New York, and will attend Funerals within a circuit o! '/hvaty Miles, on reasonable terms. G. H. YOORHrs. N. I. HAIIT, Agent. Athens. Jan. 25. lsfiii. ly E W PL A N IX G MI L L The undersigned having built a large and com modious aliil iii the Borough of Towanda, and filled it with the most modern and improved machinery, for the manufacture of WINDOW SASH, & BLINDS, are prepared to fill orders, whether large or small, upon the shortest notice. We have also a large variety ol MOULDINGS, of the latest style and pattern, which we can iurnish much cheaper than they can be worked by band. PLANING, TONGUEING, GROVEING. AND SCROLL SAWING, and all other work pertaining to Joinery, will be done to snit onr customers. Persons building,and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their interest to buy of us. or bring their lumber and worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring* or other lumber, and while your team is is feeding, have it ground out and take it home with you. . We will pay CASH for PINE A HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered at our lumberyard. Come and see ns, or if yon can't come, write. L. B. RODGERS & CO. Towanda, Feb , 1864. CHAVING AND TOILET SOAPS, LJ for sale cheap at the NEWS ROOM fllisctUancous. BRANCH FOUNDRY AND MACH IN K a H 0 I', Situated on Pine, east of Malt - tree', < TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA., Is now prepared to furnish CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, AND . SHINGLE MACHINES, Of the best quality with the latest improve euU. All kinds ol Machinery lor Flouring and Saw Mills. STEAM ENGINES, MADE A REPAIRED, STEAM WHISTLES, STEAM GAG I ES, GAI'GE COCKS, OIL CANS, AC., Furnished at short notice. B0 L T CUTT 1N G , Done from J to lj inches in diameter. FORGING Ol heavy wrought work lor.Bridges, and all other purposes, done to order. Also, a iarge assortment ol COOK ING A lIEATING STOVES, Coal and Wood Burners. Furniture lor Cooking Steves. Stove Pipe. Tin-Ware, Boat Pumpa, PIOWW, Cultivator, and LniJMU, kept constant ly on hand. DRAWINGS A SPECIFICATIONS u, ail kinds of machineiy lor mills and other purposes prepared by WARREN HILL, Foreman, who ha, bad large experience in this branch of the business. JOHN CABMAN Tow uida, ()••;. 89, 1866.—1y. BLOOD A CO., Still Manufacture the be,t HORSE P O W E R S , The Best THRESHERS AND CLEANERS, Also, THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS, FANNING MILLS, Ac., Ac., Ac. All ol which we iuruisb at the Lowest Prices. Caul and See, at the New Shop. Athens, Pa., Aug. 16, 1566 tf. VTIIE R' s MIL LS , BURLINGTON, PA. The proprietor, having rebuilt his Flouring Mill in Burir.gtou, and taken pains in selecting ar ticle,.and the most improved machinery, it is now completed in order tor all kinds of Fleming. CUSTOM WORK DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. with cheerful attendants, who will see to your wants in good order and with general satisfac tion. OA-Cash paid for Grain. • pril 17. Go; BOBWELL LI THER. / J U N S II OP! GUNS. RIFLES AND PISTOLS. .:. V. Gu: , :.. eoaid rcspec Gully inform the I si 'i he L-.ir- uls GUN SHOP On the : h the Puhße Square, near the Court House, where may be found Double and -ingle Barreled Guns, Rilles. Revolvers, Pistols. Cartridges, Ac . IT . fitte ]to D irs,Trunks and Padlocks, t.n. l'.ni .'.\r . ttontion given to repairing, 1 and all '.or'.; warranted. J. V. GEIGER. Towanda. Aug. 26, 1866.- Gm. i p lAN OS, AMERICAN ORGANS XT AND MELODIANS. The undersigned most respectfully announces i -o:: citizensoi Towanda and vicinity, that he i his pa: based the Music business of G. T. Con, I a'd will tier .tier supply any o! the above arti i cies, together with VIOLINS, GUITARS, ACCORDIANS, STRINGS, AO., i on as good terms as they can be had elsewhere. Y.'.A. < HAMBEBIUIN. lie is also Agent for the ; CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCH j and has always i n hand, a good assortment ot J Swiss Watche?, with a general assortment of i JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, ii'ver Plate l Ware >i the BEST MANU - "..CTUWERs. which will be sold at unusually | ;v ..TV.--. A a-ge variety of Clocks just re j civ d. t: g which may he found the Scth Tho ! iL.i.i, which has no equ::" • R i-l'A RING AND JOB. > ING, ~ as ki'i neat .ess and dispatch, and warraut | cd. To those who can't See, we would say go to ! .'-crlain's and get a pair of glasse- that will ! tn.L set as well as ever. Don't forget the I shop, nearly opposite <he Court House. ' Dec. 1,1860. W. A.CIM BKRLAIN. tUagons, Carriages. $Ct. I QARRIAGES, WAGONS,SLEIGHS THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT STILL IN OPER ATION FELLOWS, CRANDALL & CO., Successors to Reynolds, Fellows & Co., are now ottering and are prepared to lurnish on short notice, Wagons Catriages and Sleighs, ot all descriptions and ol the latest and most appro ved style, and of the best material at the old stand opposite the Union House, in the cen tra! part oi Alba Borough, Bradford County, Pa. The public are assured that the reputation the shop has acquired during the last six years under the superintendence ot J . H. F'eliows, will be more than maintained, as he will superin tend the work as heretofore he having long been and having had much experience as a Carriage and Sleigh Bnilder, would assure the public that no pains will be spared by the above firm to make the establishment worthy of their pat ronage. Thankful as one ot the old firm for the patronage thus tar extended, we hope to merit a continuance ol the same. N. B.—We, the undersigned, being practical mechanics, can manufacture aud otter to the public at prices that will defy competition. ' JAMES H. FELLOWS, D. W. C. CKAXDA 1.1.. J. G.MERITT Alba Borough, April 15, 1866. ly. FJNION CARRIAGE SIIUP, AT ALBA. PENN'A. The undersigned respectfully informs the cit izens of Western Bradford that he has commen ced the Carriage nsid Wagon manufacturing busi. lies-, in all its T&rioasb ranches in Alba boro iu the shop north of the Union Hotel. His loreman in the wood-shop will be N. M. REY NOLDS. who is well yknowu to the people ol this vicinity, having been in the business tor the last 16 years. He will manufacture to order, and keep constantly on hand the latest styles of Buggys, both top and open, Platform, Democrat and Skeleton Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters. Ac. His work will be done by the most experienced workmen, and great care will be taken in pro enrring the best timber, and the most substan tial ma w mis. He intends that the work turned out at hlilliop lor style, durability and cheap ness, shall not be excelled in the County. RE PAIRING oi ail kinds done with despatch, in a subtantial manner on reasonable terms. Give us a call. JAMES McINTYRE. Alba, Bridford County, l'a.,Feb. 20,1866.— 1y WAVERLY CARRIAGE FAC TORY".— The undersigued.d sire to call the attention of,the citizens of Bradford County to our EXCELSIOR CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Our establishment is so completely titled up in the departments of Woodwork, Ironing, Paint ing and Trimming, and so supplied with first class workmen, as to en nab le us to furnish all kinds ol carriages in the best aud most modern style, and always warranted to be ot the best material and workmanship. New work of ev ery kind kept constantly on hand, including the best article ol Platform Spring Wagons to be fuund in the country. Please call and exam ine for yourselves. Careful attention paid to ordered work, Job bing and Repairing in each department,especial ly Painting. N. KINNEY A CO. Waverly, If. Y., Nov. 12,1866 6 n. VI ITCH ELL'S EXTRACTS.— The -b"A finest extracts tor flavoring in use. For sale wholesale and retail at FOX'S. Xnßnrantt. Ip 0W A NBA I NSURA Nc E i AGENCY ! Ifofo its issued, Losses adjusted and promptly ;.j By 11. B yVKKAM, Agent Of the following well known and rt-!iu.,.< i;... 1 inh:,. Office Montanye's Bloi. Axgi rgate Amount oj Capital , .. . .sl7,ii%. vKkts* Insiksnck COMPANY, i Hartford, Conn., f Capital If ,00 NiAOAKA INSURANCE COMPANY , New York, ( Capital >1,24,Uw NEW ENGLAND INSURANCE COMPANY, i Hartjoid, Conn., J Capital Li 00. j WYOMING IKSUN- TRANCE COMPANY, i Hitkth-Bui i e, Pa.,f Capital .... f. jo, l / j NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE J Co., (Accidental) Philadelphia, I Capital | v. CONNiCTICL'T MUTUALI.II- 1 INSURANCE I Co., Hail ford, Conn f Capital .. i0.00f.,i. • Towanda, Feb. 40, lariC—tf HARTFORD LIVE STOCK i \- RANCH COMPANY. CAPITAL ♦500,000. Cash assets Nov. 1, 1-60, J. . : Insures on all kinds ot live sto . ag_.-.. thelt and death from any cause. H. B. McKh.v Jan. 10, 1867 . gent Dec. sth, the Mare " Lady Mace," owr.t Dennis F. Flagg, ol Boston , Mass., accic c . received a kick from another horse, b her left tore leg, above the knee, rendei! necessary to kill her as an act of humanity sured in the Hartford Live Stock Insura i J pany- Ixiss paid Dec. 6th 1867. FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAI INSURANCE. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVi.l N'£' YEN'I'EEN MILLION D0t.1... 0. S. RUSSELL, Arjetit, FOR TJUE FOLLOWING NAMED RELIABLE CO', a GIUARD FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Philadelphia, f Capital and surplus over 1 HOME Insckanck COMPANY, i Of New- York f Capital and surplus,over $3,751 INSURANCE COME any ok NORTH AMERICA, Philadelphia, f Capital and surplus, over f1.706. .. MANHATTAN INSURANCE COMPANY, > Of New-York. I j Capital aud burplus, over f' v. ! ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, I Of Philadelphia. f Capital and surplus, over . .w | Aktic INSURANCE COMPANY, i / Of Stw-Yoik. ) J Capital and surplus, over $7 ; PUTNAM INSURANCE COMPANY, i Of Hartford, Conn. j Capital and surplus, over $704 MUTUAL LUTE INSURANCE COMPANY, I Of New- York. ( Capita! and surplus,over $B,OOO : TRAVELLERS INSURANCE COMPANY, I Of Hartford. Conn. J Capital and surplus, over $6OO, Rixks taken on all kind s r,f Prape: I ;t low ratcsas by any other reliable Companies Ma~ Policies issued and Losses, it ; justed at this Agency .thereby saving the • . and expense of going elsewhereffor set'-leuies: Mir Office at the Hardwhere Store •: ding & Russell C. S. RCrisKbi Towanda, Feb. 7,.1866.--tf i rpHE INSURANCE COMPANY X . OF NORTH AMERICA. OS c No. 212 Walnut Street. Philade.pbh This Company are now prosecuting tl : ness of insurance tram loss or damage by 1 i: on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, i. throughout the State of Pennsylvania, a! terms/or long or short periods; or permaaei ly of Buildings, by a deposit oi Premium. The prompt payment of claims for 1- : ing the period ot"nearly 70 years that the C : pany has been in existence, entitles them te u.t confidence of the public, i DIRECTORS. —Arthur G. Coffin. Sam-". '■ I Jones, John A Brown.Charles Taylor, .i White Jno. R. Neff. Richard D. Wo , iv.. Welsh, Wm.E. Bowen, James N. I 1: -i: • Morris Wain, John Mason. Geo. L. Hurrb.: Francis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Ed*.: Clarke, Wm. Cnmmings. ARTHUR G. COFFIN. Pros j C. S. RUSSELL. Agent, Towanda. FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE IN" ' .£' RANGE COMPANY OF MIDDLE PENNSYLVANIA, I Office in Danville, Montour County. 1 I Capital - . to'ji. The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance tV:.; ol M,dd!e Pennsylvania was incorporate Pennsylvania Legislature, in the year 1- the- Mutual Insurance of Conntry prut* aud immediately thereafter commenced at ions oil that principle, which ha- bee:. !y adliered to since. Ail losses have been promptly paid oat t. Premiums collected on application for imaiaa - without making any assessments. The Insurance of Country proper y only low rates charged for Insurance, and the promt' payment of losses are deemed a sufficient r. mendstion ot the Farmers Mutual Fin I"- ante Company of Middle Penns lvania. f owners ol safe class country property. P. JOHNSON, Sec'y. WM. FULMEK. !' C. M. MANVILLK March 5, '66. Agent, Towauda, P }3otograpf)l)s. A GOOD THING MAY BE SEEN AT WOOD & HARDING'S GALLERY OF An- TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, TA. We take pleasure in infoi ming onr old frictil and the public, that we have procured one of tin best large Solar Cameras now in use. :.nd prepared to furnish to all our patrons, bettr: PHOTOGRAPHS, from miniature to lite sit: than ever oflered in this count . at very ' ' ces. We arc still making the neat GEM KKI-.1l TYPES, mounted on cards, as we: a-aiiki of CASE PICTURES, such as MELArSOTYPEB and AMBRO l Vl'. We are also making beautiful V A BI) PItU r O (I 11 A PII * ■ oi ill the best style-, aud having seeiir d best, aud plenty ot help, we can insure .-itin to all that may favor us with their pat: We shail in future give onr strict attenti. u t> sittings, iu order to secure the most taw.- positions, and as littl inconvenience r ble to our customers. In regard to c o v Y I x a, our present facilities enable us to make w. • notice, the most artistic pictures iroin very DAGUEP.ROTYPES, MELANIOTVI'ts OR AMBROTYPES, the increasing demand tor that kind oi lead us to give opr attention particularly t branch of the business. We are making large additions to ecu of UfJ.T. ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT I'KA OEO. U. WOOD. DEL. UASB.N Dec. 10,1866. QROOERIES AND BR()Yl-i' ,N ' WHOLESALE AND.UM AIL, JOHN E R 1 D E T 1!, Main st., first door south of Rail i!-d :; Towanda, has just received large a.l his stocK of GROCERIES AND PROVISION- Which will he sold at wholesale and i the very lowest rales. RYE FLOUR, WHEAT FI.OI . KEROSENE Oil.. At Wholesale. Fanner's Produce of ait kinds, >o clit The public attention is respectfuliy ed to my stock which will be found t Fresh. la>nght a! low prices and will he * correspondingly low rates. Towaud i.July 17,15ti6. VIUSIC, OR ANY OTIIEK A IWL TfCI.E in our line, ordered at : by calling at the NEWS BDf ■; DOCKET CUTTLERY LOW i X than at anv other establishment h> ! U afthe *EW> ,10M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers