itfvatlfofd Hcjiflftet. LOCAL AND GENERAL. SI I'REME COURT.— Several cases from this County, will be argued iu the Supreme Court, this week, and many of our lawyers at e in attendance, at Philadelphia. SOMETHING NEW.—IIARRY MIX, of this borough, has for some years, supplied the surrounding country, far and near, with early plants, and to a limited extent with ilowers, Ac. Becoming convinced that the public wants demanded it, be has built, at considerable expense two Hot Houses for propagating Grape Vines, Flowers, and all kinds of Green House Plants. A visit to his houses will amply repay the time re quired. He has ample and admirable ar rangements for his business, to which he now devotes his whole time. Those pur chasing of him can be certain of careful and conscientious dealing, while the unwearied pains he bestows upon the products of his houses, will ensure the certainty of always obtaining a first rate article. His adver tisement specifies more fully the variety he has for sale. Baf At a meeting of the Towanda Lyceum, held Friday evening March Bth, the following resolution, which owing to a small attendance had been postponed at the previous meeting was discussed. Resolved, That the rights of the late so called Confederate States, were unimpaired by rebellion. L'pon submission ut the question lor final settlement, the vote resulted in a tie, and the questiou inconsequence remained un decided. The following, was then determined npon as the question Tor next Friday evening's dii'sussion. It'solved, That the elective franchise should be extended to women. We have noticed that quite a lack of in o rest, and diminution of attendance has of iff been manifested on the part of patrons and friends. This fault appears to exist to such a degree, that some of our more indif ferent or despairing members, have, at one or two meetings, desired an adjournment without debate. It is sincerely to be hoped, that members, when not withheld by their duties of their several avocations, will take pride iu sustaining the reputation hitherto • i joyed by our Lyceum, as a literary society. Our meeting can, if properly restricted and upheld, be made a source of less tii.ui of instruction ; and bring a blessing not only to all concerned, but prove also a nave of benefit to many outside, to our young men in particular, who if deprived of - urees of solid and substantial enjoyment, >-.tch as can be afforded by meetings like these, would more frequently be found haunting our saloons and bar rooms. We would still have it distinctly come in mind, that a welcome and cordial invita ti <ll, is at all times extended to the ladies, and public generally. T. M. WILMOT, Sec'y. ESCAPED FROM JAIL AND RECAPTURED. MCGREGOR, one of the persons confined in the jail of this County, charged with the U i press Safe robbery at Troy, made his es iap<- irom jail on Wednesday evening of last week, in a hold and ingenious manner. < 'ne ot the attendants was passing him a lamp through the partially closed door, when MCGREGOR called his attention to • iii.ething about the lamp, and immediate ly dashed a tumbler full of a mixture of hint whiskey and pepper-sauce in his face, bunding and bewildering him, and then pushing the door open, passed into the l.rii, Irom there to the family dining-room, ami out into the yard. The person in at t n lance, before going to the cell, had tak en the precaution to lock the hall-door, and these happened not to be any one in the dining-room but a young girl, who gave im ... Int.- alarm.but iu the darkness MCGREG OR made good his escape. I'iu Sheriff and other officers were un ■ ai ied in their pursuit,and the next rnorn foiind that he had been seen early in •dm morning, in Northrop Hollow, from whence he took a course over the mountain the direction of Leßoy. In the evening he ame to Holcomb tavern at LeEoy, and tailed for supper, where he found a num- L-r of persons discussing his escape, and i "a.ling the handbill describing him and of f ring a reward for his apprehension. lie dipped out of the house, and started back down the road to this place, but was soon ve: taken, and arrested, and brought back t > jail, having enjoyed his liberty but about -! hours. The utmost precaution has been taken to prevent the escape of those confined in the and the adroitness with which the ma ivre was executed could hardly have been garded against. The attendant was totally blind for some l ime from the effects '.he iln'ic/ie with which he was favored,but i. is recovered without permanent injury.— K MINES, who was confined in the same cell, WADE no attempt to escape. MCGREGOR, on i: return to his old quarters, was heavily on 1, .tud will hardly have another oppor ' ity to practice such jokes. DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRATION AT HING- Ou Sunday morning,of last week, ' • n the hours of 12 aud 1 o'clock, a fire out in Tremain's livery, which was t in the rear of Pi-r Lee's Exchange Ho t< ■ and before it could be subdued, four res. two liveries,a hotel barn and a bowl - alley were destroyed, together with six ! HI L ises and thirty hogs. The property • by this conflagration is valued at $BO,- v. Li,-h v as partly covered by insurance, mnibus horses of the Exchange Hotel, ■ther with CoL Jones' carriage horses, destroyed. It is supposed it was the :kof an incendiary. Fred. Wentz, who -ade himself notorious in connection with :.e fires in Bingham ton last fall, has been ..nested i n suspicion of being the guilty ! arty. m n.\"l StriK Mr. Editor : I believe •ve never yet had occasion to communi ite any other than good news through the 'GUMS of the EEPOHTEB. It gives me ■ ue once more to respond to the Sunny ' L Sunday School forces in Bradford ty, and the demand for Sunday School : us had so greatly increased, as to re -u army-wagon to supply them. Last 1 i.y while on my way to procure one, ~ OLLE with a promissory note, a very si. and entirely unlooked-lor provi • overtook me. A Christian brother— "is face aglow with gladsome smiles," - i i '--d me and placed in my hand a gift of v. as good as gold, from friends in To 'a, aaj sufficient to purchase a wagon 1 harness, having a verdant margin for • rental expenses. •us providence is certainly "a very pres heip in time of need. We look upon another proof of Christian beneficence i J always abounding in Towanda, and, : • •••'' same time, us the fulfillment to us of ' Dithers promise, "Ve shall not want good thing." ffir warmest thaoka are tendered for this timely benefit. It is "not our own" but is consecrated to Him "whose servants ye are" even Jesus the Lord over all from whom "ye shall receive manfold more in thispres" ent time and in the world to come, life ev erlasting." R. CRITTENDEN, March 8, '67 S. S. Missionary. MIL MERGER'S SPEECH. —We find in the Congressional Globe the speech of Hon. U. Mercur on reconstruction delivered in the House of Representatives on the 16th of February. It is full of sound argument and clear illustrations, and must be considered one of the best speeches made during the session. Mr. Mercur's great legal learning, his untiring energy and brilliant talents place him in the front rank of the great men in the present Congress. The people of this District may well be proud of such a Representative. We shall print a large por tion of the speech next week. - Sullivan Free Press. Special Notices. 7-JO TREASURY' NOTES—IMPORTANT NO TICE. -Holders of the August issue of Sev en-Thirties wishing to convert them into Five-Twenty Bonds bearing six per cent, in terest in gold, can now do so at the First National Bank of Towanda. This is probably the most favorable time to make the conversion. If delayed until maturity of the notes, the rush will be so great that the Treasury Department will be unable to supply the Bonds promptly. In making the exchange, the interest will be allowed on the Seven-Thirties to date of conversion, and the back interest on the Five-Twenty Bonds paid to same date, in '■nrre,try. This interest will be returned to holders of the Bonds July Ist, in coin, mak ing a clear profit to them of whatever the pre mium on gold is at that time. Compound Interest Notes—June and Ju ly Seven-Thirties, also received in exchange for the new 5-20 Bonds. Any further information desired in regard to the above, will be cheerfully given by calling at the bank. N. N. BETTS, Jr., Cashier. Towanda, March 11, 1867, 90. Pianos and Melodeons for sale —also, Pianos and Melodeons tuned and repaired, on short notice by Professor W. DITTRICH, at Towanda. March 14, 1867.-lw. 90=. A large stock of Clover and Timothy Seed just received at C. 15. PATCH'S. March 14, 1867. CLOVER SEED. —Large and Small Clover, and Western Timothy Seed for sale by W. A. ROCKWELL. March 11, 1867. G. F. MASON A Co., BANKERS.—In vite accounts, discount paper, and make collections, throughout the United States, at lowest rates. State Bank notes received at New Y'ork quotations. Gold uud silver bought and sold. Government Securities bought at highest rates. Orders for the purchase or sale of the va rious issues of Government Bonds, prompt ly executed. Coupons of ten forties, five twenties, and seven cashed on presentations. Interest allowed on special deposits. Foreign Drafts and Passage Certificates for sale. Towanda, March 11, 1867. 30, E. T. Fox will remove to the Mercur Store, directly opposite to his pres ent stand on the first day of April. Towanda, March 6, 1867. S&~ House to rent in North Towan da, about j mile from the Court House.— Enquire of Dr. Porter. LUMBER WAGONS FOR SALE. —We have for sale, several Lumber Wagons, of different styles, made of the best materials, of excellent workmanship, which will be sold at cost. CODDING & RUSELL. March 6, 1867. |0„ ALVORD A BARBER are now of fering their large stock of Stationery at re duced prices. Their assortment of miscel laneous and standard books is always full. 10, Field and Line Officers who served during the Rebellion are entitled to additional pay, for servants, under act of Congress approved March 3, 1865, as pro vided by an explanation of said act, making the pay for servants equal to the full pay of a soldier. Blanks now ready and prepared by H. B. M'KEAN, Claim Agent Office—Montanye's Block, Towanda, Pa. March 2, 1865.-3w. $5 REWARD. —Lost, in this borough, on the evening of Monday, March 4, 1867, a leather wallet, containing one $2O bill, two $lO and two $5 bills, a dime in silver, and three three cent pieces. The above re ward will be paid to the person restoring the wallet with its contents to the subscrib er at the Barber Shop under A. M. Bley's Clothing Store. J. M. WELLES. Towanda, March 5, 1867.-* THE AMERICAN COOKING STOVE.—AN OTHER GEEAT IMPROVEMENT—SIFTING ASHES MADE EASY. Every housekeeper knows that the process of sifting Coal Ashes is at tended with much inconvenience and an noyance from dust, Ac., and unless the ashes are sifted much coal will be wasted that can be used after sifting. In the Amer ican Cooking .Stove this disagreeable pro cess is entirely overcome by the ingenious arrangement of an ash sifter, in the hearth or ash box. of the stove, by means of which after the grate is dumped into the ash box the ashes can be sifted in a moment, with the ash box all closed, and without any dust in the room, and the coal and cinders are all retained in a separate apartment, and can be returned to the fire chamber, or be removed elsewhere, and the ash pan can then be removed containing only the ashes without any dust whatever. This arrange ment does away with the old fashioned ash sifters, and must commend itself to all, and is another long stride toward perfection, and must add largely to the already extend ed reputation of this deservedly popular stove. This improvement is fully secured by letters patenf. SHEAK, PACKARD A CO., 17 and 19 Green St., Albany. For sale by CODDING A liUSSELL, March 6, 1867-tf. Towanda, Pa. PENSIONS. —The instalment of Pen sions due March 4, 18G7, paid to Pension ers upon presenting their certificates to JOHN N. CALIFF, Pension Agent, Feb. 25, 1867.-41. Towanda, Pa. Miss L. A. Lyon will open a private school, on Second Street, in the building recently occupied by Miss Hunt. Frst term to begin Monday, April Ist, 1867. TAKE NOTICE. —AII persons owing the firm of C. B. Patch & Co., are hereby notified that costs will be made if not paid in 30 days. C. B. PATCH. Towanda, Feb. 25, 1867. Down with Horse Thieves! Get your Horses Insured! The GREAT WESTERN HORSE INSURANCE AND DETECTIVE COMPANY insures Horses and other Live Stock against death, theft or accident J. F. PAYNE, General Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. Applications for insurance received by JOHN W. MIX, Agent, Towanda. Pa. Of fice Ist block south of Ward House. Towanda, Feb. 19, 1867.-6w. W.- VY estern Tickets can be had of C. WARFORD, Snyder House, Waverly, N. Y:, at the most favorable rates. He is agent for Lake Shore, the Grand Trunk and con necting roads. South, West, Canada and Northern routes, by railway (and Steamers when navigable). Through trains, West, 5:29 A. M., 6:05 and 10:33, P. M. Feb. 14, 1867.-2 m. $25 REWARD. —Lost some days since, in the road between Towanda and Monroe ton, a lady's Gold Watch. The above re ward will be paid to the finder by leaving it at tbifi office Eeb. 14,13G7- SOMETHING NEW. —Becoming con vinced that the wants of the people of this and adjoining Counties wan-ant me in so doing, I have constructed at much expense, two finely arranged Hot Houses for propa gating Grape Vines, Flowers, and all kinds of Green House Plants. I devote my w r hole time to the business and now offer for sale the following varieties : GRAPE VINES— Iona, Allen's Hybrid, Is raelis, Delaware, Hartford Prolific, and all of the better known varieties, which I offer • at prices that defy competition. ROSES —Geant des ltattailles. Gen. .lac quiminot, Gen. Washington, Ha Reins, Vic tor Verdier, Heruiora, Souvenir de Malmai son and many other monthlies. Also Moss and Climbing Roses. Among the Miscellaneous Plants will be found Heliotropes, Pansies, Tuberoses, Cin eraria, Calceolaria, Carnations, Salvias, Fu chias of all kinds, Veronica, Myrtles, Gera niums of all varieties, Verbenas of all col ours, Tulips, Gladiolas, Dahlias, Ac., Ac., in endless variety. VEGETABLE PLANTS.— EarIy and late Caul iflower, Cabbages : Early Wiuningstadt, Ox- Heart, Large York and Sugar Loaf, Dreer's Late Drumhead, Late Red Drumhead and Flat Dutch. Sweet and Bell-shaped l'ep- Eers, Dreer's improved Celery, Round and iong Egg Plants. Among many other vari eties of Tomatos, I would especially call attention to the "Tilden" Tomato, "a new and choice variety, very earl;/ and highly recommended by all experienced gardeners and seedmen. Boqnets of choice flowers fur sale. All plants nicely packed in moss and can be carried any distance with safety. I extend a cordial invitation to all to call and see the garden. HARRY MIX. Towanda, March 1, 1867.—4 m*. STORE TO RENT —corner store in i'at ton's Brick Block, Towanda, Pa., now occu pied by Win. A. Rockwell. Possession giv en first of April. For terms apply to l <I. PATTON. Feb. 14, 1867. ♦ J&AT' E. F. STEVENS, C. E., Surveyor, Architect, Ac., House, Laud and Estate Agent, offers his services to the public. Office over Frost's Furniture, Towanda, Pa. Jan. 10,1807. 90. J. M. COLLINS is now offi-ring bis stock of ready-made clothing at cost.— Over-coats, Business Coats, Pants and vests i Ac., for cash. Call and see. Jan. 7, 1867. J. M. C. 90. Town Order Hooks, bound in convenient form, for sale at this Office. MA RRI ED. HINMAN—VAUGHAN—At the residence of the bride's father, Wvalusing, March 11th, 1867, by Rev. D. Craft, Mr. W. M. llinmau, of Cotton Wood Springs, Ne braska, to Miss R. F. Vaughan, daughter of John Vaughan. ROLISON—WATTS —ln Alba, Feb. 27th, by V. M. Wilson, Esq., Mr. S. R. Roli. son, of Canton, to Miss Ellen A. Watts, of the same place. WILCOX—ROLISON -Also, by the same, at the same time and place, Mr J. S. Wilcox to Miss Emma A. Itolison. both of Canton, Pa. * ACKLEY—DARLING—In Orwell 6th inst., by Rev. G. R. Hair, Mr. Justus Aekley, of Wyalusiug, to Miss Adelia L. Darling, of Orwell. RILEY—NORTON—On the Ith inst., by Rev. Hallock Armstrong, Mr. George Ri ley, of Overton, to Miss Mary Jane Nor ton, of Elkland, Sullivan county, Pa. SPROUT—BALDWIN—-At Monroeton, on the 10th inst., by Rev. Hallock Arm strong, Mr. E. H. Sprout, ol Picture Rocks, Lycoming county, to Miss Claris sa J. Baldwin, of South Branch, Monroe township. DIED. YOUNG—In Columbia. Feb. 26, 1867, Ed ward Young, in the 60th year of his age. ntiofrtisemcnts. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber otters tor sale his farm in Herrick twp., Bradford Couuty containing 53 acres. Nearly all improved. Well fenced, well watered and has upon it Iruit trees, and a good framed barn. It is situated in the midstHt a good neighborhood, with church and school privileges. The Farm will be sold at a great bargain, and terms made to suit the purchaser. If. J. LEE. Herrick, March 7, 1567.-4t* Y ALU ABLE FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his bum sit uate iu North Towanda, about one mile Irom Towanda BotougU, on the road leading Irom Towanda to Waverly. Said farm consists cl 62 acres oa the east and about 41 acres on the west side of the road. Has a new trained barn framed dwelling house, and good fruit thereon, and is well watered. Terms made easy. For further particulars enquire ou the premises ut WM. M. WATTS. March 14, 1667. AUDITOR'S NUTILE.— In the mat ter of the estate of Heed Busworth, ilec'd In the Orphan's Court of 15 tad ford County. The undersigued auditor appointed by said Court to dispose ol exceptions filed to the par tial account of James W. Busworth executor of said estate, will attend to the duties of hia appointment,at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 1567 at 1 o'clock, p. in., where all persons having claims must present them .or be forever debarred HEN J. M. PECK. March 13, 1867. Auditor. T7" ALU ABLE PROPERTY FOR T SALE I have for sale a HOUSE and LOT iu the Northern Liberties in Towanda B no. Also, a FARM in Wyalusing tawnship, con taining about 130 acres. 100 acres improved, with a good new frame house, and b ru, and bearing truit trees thereon. Possession given on the Ist ol April. For terms apply to me. 1 also want to PURCHASE a few good Car riage Horses. JOHN' HOLMES. Towanda, March 12, lst7 tw. A] )M INI STRATOR'S NOTI(:E.— Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot HENRY KEYs'rR, dee'd, late of Athens twp., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN 1). KKYsEU, WM. K. WALK Eli. March 12, 1 tst>7. Adt-iiniiiitors. JJMITHBORO HOTEL, SMITHBORO, N. Y . Having rented and Refitted this well ktiowu Hotel, 1 am ready to accommodate all who may favor me with a -all. 1 liavv a la ge H ill at tached, suitable tor lectures, dances.,fcc. Pass engers carried to any point by applying at the Hotel. No pains will be spared to make every thing agreeable and comfortable tor the t ravel ing public. J. 1!. VANWIXKLE. Jan. lu, ISU7. Proprietor. PORTA NT TO FARMERS. My Goodrich Seedling Potatoes, grown J rum the orignul slock, and hence all true to name, are now ready for delivery to those who have airea. dy engaged them ; and also a supply to whoever may wish to secure these choice potatoes for the ensuing spring. From trial ol the above potatoes by those who were so fortunate as to secure some seed from me last spring —most farmers have be come awa re ot their vast superiority over all others. They are unrivalled in their immense yield; exceedingly excellent for table use, and very hardy—nearly free from rot or disease. All persons wishing them, hud iietter apply now or early as possible, and bring their bags to Dr. Porter's Drug Store. Early Goodrich, best early, $3 00 pr B .Calico, beautiful and delicate, 3 o'i " Gleason, fine for winter use. 3 00 '• Rusty Coat, superior yielders aud good 2 00 '• Cuzco, enormously fruitful, 2 00 " Garnet Chili, at about the market price. Dec. 10, lSGtj. Dr. H. C. POUTER. KEROSEN E LA M 1 >S, LA STERNS, Wicks and Chiuiueys, at RIDGWAY'S NEW STORE O RADFORD COI NTV REAL ESTATE AGENCY, H. B. McKEAX, REAL ESTATE AGENT. Valuable Farms, Mill Properties, City and Town Lots lor sale. Parties having property lor sale will find it to their advantage by eaving a description of the same, with terms of sale at this agency, as parties are oius'uuily enquiring for farms Ac. 1 H B. McKEAN, Real Estate Agent. Office Moutanve's Block, Towauda, Pa. JIB. 29, 1867. miscellaneous. MEW STORE IN ROME. The subset-ib rb gs leave to call the Men tion o! the citizens ot EASTERN* BRADFORD, To the fact that he has opened a DRUG AND BOOK STORE, In the BOROUGH OF ROME. Beiug intimately acq aiuteJ with leading Man j ufacturiug, Importing, a d Jobbing Houses in his line, aud having had extensive experience in both city and country trade, he flatters hiw j self that, by low prices, and promptness and i accuracy in business, he will merit the confi dence aud patronage ol the public. A thorough j knowledge ol PRACTICAL PHARMACY, j Enables him to manuta ture m the best man ! uer and keep on U.ud all tbe leading prepara | lions of the Pharmacopa-ia. i Extra - otic red to the Medical | profession ! Prescription- carefully and accurately com ! pounded. L. .v. liiuti WAY ' Rome, J..U. 3u, lst>7. pHOTOGRAi'U ALBUMS OF ALL X. kinds lor sale vety low, at , iilut; WAY S DRUG A BOOK STOKE. PERFUMERY, FLAVORING EX : A tracts, Tooth aud Hair Preparations, and j a vaiiety of Toilet Articles, at RIDGWAY'S NEW STORE. COAi\S, til'ONtiES, PAINT, VAR k3 uisli, Sash, Cloth, Hair, Tooth, Nail and ; other kinds ol Brushes, at HI DC WAY O NEW STO KB. V FINE ASSORTMENT OF TOYS -YdL and Diaries tor 1807, for sale at cost at KIDGWAY'S NEW STORE. MANUFACTURERS AND IM porters agency lor Genuine Italian Violin Strings, Piauoes, Melodeou.s, Cabinet Organs, Brass, Silver and all other kiuds of Musical lu stru.cents. Also Sheet il usic aud Music Books of all kinds procured to order, at KIDGWAY'S NEW STOKE. ALL THE LEADING WEEKLY and Monthly Puhiicaliuiis, lor sale at RIPGWA I jS NEW STORE. OATH BRICK, CORKS, BOTILES, JLf Vials, Breast Pump-, Nun nig Buttles, Nipples, Nipple Shell-, r-yringes, ,v. ... RIDGWAY'S MEW DRUG STORE. pAI'ER, ENVELOPES, BLANK A Books, Writing i'iuij. Ink, Pens, I'e..i- Slates, Paper Slates, Visiting Cards, itewaru Cards, Writing Desks, Ac., at KIDGWAY'a DRUG & BOOK MTURE. A CHOICE SELECTION* OF MiS celiaueous and Juvenilc KIDGWAY'S DItUG & B'.iOK STORE. I \RUGS, MEDICINES, CIIEMI A J CALS and Patent Ji dicine-, it RIDGWAY'S MEW DRUG STOL I. EXTRA BARGAINS IN PAINTS, Oils. Varnishes Benzine and Turpentine, at RIDGWAY'S NEW UKUG SI ORE. S. HOLLAND, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Poplar stree* .iu rear ot Ward House, Towan da, Pa., where he will make to order all kiuds ot Boots and Shoes for fadies and Gentlemen on the shortest notiee, also REPAIRING DONE. Ali work warranted astgood as t e best. A share of patronage respectfully solicit d. Jan. 20, 1867. POCKET BOOKS, PORTE MO nais. Pocket Knives, Combs, and a full stock of Druggists' Notions, at BIDOWAY'B DRUG k BOOK STORE. /IHEAP PASSAGE FROM OR TO IRELAND OR ENGLAND ! Gl'lON.i CO.'S LINE OF STEAMSHIPS FKUM 01 TO QfEENsTOWN OK LIVEKPOOI. . Williams A Guion's old - Black Star lane " ot Liverpool Packets, sailing every week. Swallow-tail Line ot Packets irom or to I on don, -ailing twice a month. Remittances to England, Ireland aud Scotland payable on demand. For further particulars, apply to Williams & Guion, 29 Broadway, New-York, or 0. 1-'. MASON A CO.. Bankers, Oct. 1, 19GC. Towanda,Pa. I>EVVAKE OF DECEPTION*.—I * have been informed certain partus liave Ueeu traveling the country olleriug to sell at a discount, a certain promisory note, made by T. Humphrey, lor it,ooo, bearing date March 1860, payable t> l'latt A Co., one year from date, and under-signed by me. My name having been obtained under such guarantees thai f have valid reasons lor retusing to pay a farthing on the same, and having received o value I once more lorbid auy and all persons buying said note expecting me to pay all or any part thereof. J. W. PAY'S )N. Orwell, Feb. 14.1867 3t* "YTOTICE.— All persons indebted to it the tit m of Henry Mercur A Co., must pay up before the first day ol March, TO SAVE COSTS. All accounts nr. ettled at that time will he put iu the hands ola proper officer lor collection. Towanda, Feb. 21 1867. RPHE SPRING TERM OP MISS 1 HUNT'S SCH<><>;. FOR YoUNG LADIES will commence on MONDAY, FEBRUARY' Is. 1867. Appreciating the coutideuce with which she has been honored thus far, Miss Hunt hsa great satisfaction iu being able at present to id ler those who may be intrusted '•> her e re. the advanl . • ola spacious, convenient md at tractive School Room. Tkkms—Lower English Branches $6,00 ; High er English Branch. ; $7 to ; French $6,00 ; Latin $2 .70 An extra charge is made for fuel. Towauda. Feb. 14. 1-1,7. LR S. BONDS. I • 711 10 TREASURY NOTES, COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES. Bought and sold by 11. S. RUSSELL A CO. The Treasurer of the United States is now con vertiugthe first Series of 7 S-10 Treasure Notes iu the 3-20 Bonds ot 1863. Holders in this vicinity who wish to have their Notes convert ed. can do so by calling . u us. 11. S. RUSSELL .V Co.. Aug. 20,1866. Bankers, Towauda, Pa E \Y F ] R M ! At the old stand of J. \V. Taylor. B . A . 1' ETT ES , Having purchased the entire stock of (lords formerly owued by J. VV. Taylor, on Main-st., one door north of the i'ost Office, in the Boru' of Towanda, and having associated with him Mr. S. Eastabrooks, late Irom Scranton Pa., would respectfully inform the citizens ot To wanda and vicinity that they intend to continue the Millinery and Fancy Dry Goods business as heretofore carried on by .1. W. Taylor, under the name and firm of B A PETTES A CO., And would respectfully soli it the patronage of tiie public. N. B.—The best and most experienced milli ners wili be kept in the Millinery Department. B. A. PETTES. S EAB'l A BROOKS. Towanda, March .7,1867. '!m . W r ANTED.—A good Sawyer to ruu a water power Saw Mill, situated near the mouth ot the Wyahisiug Creek. Jan. 10. 1867.-3t. !.. I'. STALFORI). TEAS, of very iiue quality, by tin; chest, or at retail, bought before the recent d vance. and lor .-ale cheap at FOX'S. SALE.—A valuable and well established Hotel Property, on Main St., Towanda. Enquire of G. D. MON'TANYE. " Towanda, Des. 11,1866. fiUsrctlaneous. 1 GREAT SECRET EXPOSED ! Yielded at last to th wishes ol Iricuds. Time aud again baa the following proposition been made ; but never exposed until the present. FIVE YEARS AX V X REV E ALE I) SE CRET! NERVE YbI'KSKI.K FOR THK*SUOCK ! First proposition to be made public : FRIEND NBLSOS-.--First, 1 would'say, ac cording to tbe best calculations, in the" Borough of Towanda, There is sold yearly one hundred thousand dollars worth oi Hoots aud Shoes, mostly slop work of the most inferior kind. 1 and li.e people generally are sick of It. And now I say to your again, as I have belore, en large your Store make it neat and commodious, and keep a good stock ol Hoots and Shoes, and you shall be sustained. Most ol the people be gin to lee! a little above buying their boots and shoes at Dry (foods Stores ; it looks verdant aud outlandish. We do not ask to make y;>ur goods il it is not convenient. The facilities in some other localities, where a better choice ol stock and workmen can be had, may be still bet ter And you have always been in the business and letter understand this one point aud im pntant branch of tbe Merchant's art, than those that deal in Bilks aud Muslins, and they. I believe, would be glad to let this business go where it belongs ; that they have done it hereto fore to accomodate the people ; 1 do believe il yon would open a firs'-class fehoe Store the people would not go to Dry (I s.,ls Stores to buy Shoes,any more than they would to Drug Store tor Oats. Stop, stop.: what are you talking about ? has not any one the right to sell what he pleases ? Il ui iy be, bunot in jusiice is it rigbt in so large a place as this, where practical men are engaged wholly in this business. It has been given up in every other place, and according to custom it will be here. Two thousand live hundred propositions made from customers. Is, to bring more ol the same kind of Hoots and Shoes you brought with you when you came in town seven years ago. 1 have neve .-ten a good Shoe belore nor since, is the language o them all at the same time. Kaiso thy feet geutly And think it so queer That the Hoots 1 sold then should weai them a year, i now yield to the above propositions, aud have promised to sell Twenty-live Thousand Dollars worth of his Boots and Shoes ii he would make them as good as those I brought here seven years ago. and tbe answer is I wtil I I will ! Well triends, your proposition made And I've consented to the trade, So I will sell yon Shoes both strong and neat, To please the taste and suit the feet. 1 have Ladies,' Misses', Hoys' and Mens .J From lancy down to coarse brogaus, Come one and all, do as you agree, And buy your Boots and Shoes ot me. Come! Come! I say, where yon can find Boots exactly to your miad ; A d il you was never here before, lou'li bud it is the very Store. Come Ladies, Cents, 1 have goods lor all. Buy your goods of nic this Fall, •nd when Spring comes 1 will the cry," " At L. 0. NELSON'S I will buy!'' There is one Thing more I'll say to you, I'm in the old Store made over now : If any read, and stand the shock, My place you'll lind joins Patton's Hlock. GKM> CALF BOOTS AT BA[(GAIN'S. :1!\,..s r\lT' V <'< > WIIJDF " •• ', Gents auc: Boy.- Metallic Corrugated I'erti ;a ted Plates a grea' saving. Ti ui i !., uo credit. Small profits lor money is the motto. • L. NELSON. I'owui oi. Nov. 20, lbtiti. j F. CHAMBERLAIN, WYALCSING, PA., successor in t<. ii. ,v E WKI.i.ES, genera) Warehouse* business. Also keeps on hand a go-? 'i d ' : * ui'-rit ■ liard and soil coal .ground pia.-'ci. Lime. .-i.t. Farming Implements. Cooking Stove-; •: v irious patterns; Parlour Stoves, >v , i d -..hick will be sold at rea sonable late.*, ior ready pay. Cash paid lot grain . •Vyaiusi.._. ij. bib, lhijil-Sm * k >( I(|| || | MORE TIES WASTED lor the North Division ot the Suilivaii and Erie K It £u<juire atthe office ot D. tS. WriITTENHAI.L $• CO .. Jan. 24,1867. rnwindi. Fa. E W A RR A N G E M EN T AT THE NEWS ROOM AND BOOK STORE. Tiie undersigned having purchased the BOOK STOKE AND NEWS KOOM of J. J. Griffiths, respectfully invite the old patrons of the estab lishment and tin- publ: gent-rally, to call and ex amine our stock. ALVOItD A BAKKEIL S. W. AI.VORI). f. E. BARBER. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF \ 0- cal and instrumental music constantly on hand at the NEWS KOOM. ABE AUTI FU L A SSO i ITM EN T of Family aud Pocket Bibles, cheaper than ever before oifr-rcd in this market, at tbe NEWS ROOM. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO ALL THE kid STANDAKI) D.iilv and Weekly Papers, re ceived at the " NEWS KOOM. I NON'T FAIL TO CALL AT THE JJ NEWS KOOM,and ii you don't .-ee w'.iat you want, ask tor it. ALVORI) A BAKBEii. r) 1). KXAI' P, Watch Maker■ and Dealer iu Gent.- and Ladies W.i cue.- Chain- and Finger Kings.Clocks, Jew tlry, Gold tu-, Spectacles, Silver w ire, I'll 1 - ed ware, Hollow ware. Thimbles, Sewing M . chines, and tiier goods belonging to a Jewel ry Store. Pcrticnlar attention paid to Repairing, t bis old place near Tie Post Office, Wjverly, N. Y'. l'cc. J.l.Sbti.—t;. /TACTION. Wiieretts, my wile \J Hannah has left my bed and board with out just cause or provocation, ad pe. sons are cantioned against harboring or trusting het on my account as 1 will pay no debts of liar con tracting after this date. SOLOMON COLE. Asylcm, Jan. 10,1WG7 —3t* J TAX TlOX.—Wlictfus my v. ;to Rutli KJ Ann. h;i ■ lelt my bed . nd board, without any jn- i cau-e or pruv ieati. u, 1 hereby caution anil torliid aii persons harboring or trusting tier on my iccount, as I will pay uo deb's ol her con ractm ; alter mis dale. T. B. MAURIOTT. la-Roy. Dee. 27. IStli;.* C USQI'EH AN N A COLLEGIATE k? INSTITUTE. TO IVAN DA, BRADFORD CO., I'A. JOHN i). HEW IT I', A. I>. Professor ol Math ematics, Jic-utal, aud Natural Sciences. F. W. BART LETT, A..8., Prolessor ol Au cieut Languages. Miss ALICE KNIGHTON, Preceptress. Miss HATTIE THOMAS, Primary Teacher. Mrs. SUSAN D. HEWITT, Teacher ol lustru mental Music Mr. JOHN WILSON, Steward, ilia Spring Term commences WEDNESDAY', PERU ARY" 20, and wi I continue 11 weeks. TUITION, TKK TBKM : [l'ayable invariably in advance. Fuel and Contingencies included.] Pi ii ■ try {7 ihi Higher, Ist year, per term 8 ( Higher, 2nd and 3d year, per term 9 Collegiate, . . .. 11 o N. 15. Pupils will be classed by the run adv.ia branch they respectively pursue Pupils using scholarships are charged i : Urui <ur luel and contingents. tXTKA KATKNSKS: Frenci 13 00 German 3 Drawing 3 u> Board in the Institute per week 3 au Washing, per dozen 61) Use of Furniture iu rooms, peifgerm.. . 1 50 'The Collegiate year is divided into tour terms of ii week- each. The Anniversary exercises will be held at the close ol the Summer term. No deduction will be made tor absence .except in ' ascot protracted illness of over two weeks. Boarders will themselves find fuel aud light, but ia all cases, arrangements can be made with the Steward to furnish them. Where bed- ! ding is not furnished by pupils themselves, they will be charged ii 50 per term. Xormal Department —Special exercises ar j arranged without extra charge lor those pre- ! paring themselves as Teachers ot Common Schools. No pains will be spared, on the part oi the Faculty aud Trustees in sustaining the high re putation the institution has hitheito enjoyed, and in rendering it more worthy of future pa tronage and support. Feb. i, 'O7. BY OKDKK OF TUB TRPSTKKS. 1 NSTRUMENTAL MUSIC.- Miss A STELLA HALL would inform ihe public that site proposes giving instruction upon the Piano, and th .t havtngpaid especial attention to the principles ut Music, she teels confident of giv ing entire satisiact ou iu the advancement iu musical uttuinments ot any who may be placed under her charge. Terms—24 lessons aud use o! instrument $l2 ; without use ot instru ment $lO. Residence two doors north of Dr. Ladd's. Towacda, Dec. 3,11860.—tt, miscellaneous. ! JPURN LITRE A. CABINET WARE I The subscriber would say to the people of | BRADFORD AND VICINITY, That be has enlarged his FURNITURE WARE-ROOM J The past season, and is constantly manulactur j : iu<r. and intends tu keep on hanii a large assort ' meut ol Cu.MMuN F URN IT I' RE, Which he is great bargains FOR READY PAY. My stock consists in part ol BUREAUS, EXTENSION AND FALL LEAF I TABLES, * BOOK CASES, SECRETARIES, j CUPBOARDS, LOUNGES, BEDSTEADS, ROCKING CHAIRS', CANE, FLAG, WOOD SEAT AND OFFICE CHAIRS, CRIBS, WASH STANDS, . ROUND TOP STANDS, Ac., Ac., Ac., Aud in (act every variety of wares needed iu Family, office or .-hop. Those desiring any thing in my line, will find it to their advantage j to give me a call, as I am NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD ! Persons keeping Public Houses, will lie luruish ed at Wholesale prices in wanting a large bill, j Particular attention paid to re seating and re pairing old chairs and furniture. Custom ffo.d Turning attendee to promptly. Beech, Birch, Maple, Cherry, Baswoid, Wbitewood, Chesnut and Pine Lumber, wanted in exchange tor tur ni .ure. i ash paid lor Newspapers. BEAR IN MIND, If yon would buy good reliable fyuiture cheap , go to .1 0 II N s 0 \ ' S ! ; Work ot all kiuds warranted to be made ol j good materials, and well put together. Thankful for past libera! patronage, would ,o- [ licit a contiuuiuce of same. .Shop and Ware- Room situated on the road leading tr en 0. .vc.l | iiiil to 1.-K.iy.sville, th.r- .nl ben rl'lo-r 1 place. Come one, come a.I And give me a call, Aud don't grumble at the pi:.e-i vey-oi, For the price is small. And that is not ali : liu sure it can't help but piea you . terms —Cash or Ready Pay. G. N. JOHNSON. Feb. i-t. lso7 3m' -jyjV P0 L ICY! Whereas 1 have just returned lrom New York with a fine stock of New Goods, selected with great care and bought very uio.-e, t ■ i . am enabh-J toofier great inducements to those waning Js. The stock is adapted to the i wants ol ali both Id ~ud y lib;,. The ieaJuig departments are all full. The DRY GOODS, GROCERY . BOOT AND SHOE, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BUFFALO ROBES, GENTS FURS, LADIES FURS, CHILDREN'S SETTS, SOLE LEATHER, AC., BEAUTIFUL STYLES oKKSS GOODS WORSTED SHAWLS, NUBIAS, HOODS, AC. All my old Irimds, aud the " r< t oi m n kind," are cordially.iuvited to call and see. No i charge lor -Lowing goods, i: ki; oi Adu.i-isiou free. L li. BRI)N;-I )N. j Orwell, Nov. l.loGu, rjUIE TOWANDA BAKERY AND EATING ESTABLISHMENT ! w. K. HILL, having piirdtt! d the Bakery ! and Eat hi g K-iabli hment and Gr. cry recent !'y kept bv Pettcs ,v Hovey, first door south of the Ward ilousMain street, Towanda, Pa., and having re modelled the same, aud having asso ciated with hint IB A SMiTH, they are prepared to iu nish their customers and the public with everything in their line at reasonable rates. THICK EATING DEPARTMENT la filled up in the most, approved style and meals are served a all hours, and their store is filled with a good assortment oi GROCERIES, CONFECTIONARY, Ac.. Ac. They will keep in store and sell at wholesale and retai or manufacture to order BREAD, BISCUIT, RUSK, FRESH ROLLS, BUNS PIES AND CAKES, 01 all kinds. Also will keep the be- Craeket ol all kinds in the market, by the barrel or pound. Fresh Oysters constan. Iy on hand by ; the keg or dish, cheap as the cheapest. They will use the best materials iu every thing and ' will try to please the most fastidious. Wedding and other fancy Cakes made t • order. UT Families supplied daily aud promptly with anything desired iu our line. They employ none but the most skiltui work- j men, and use only the best materia!. They are ' determined to keep a first class establishment. 1 Give u a lair and candid trial and you will find it tu your advantage. W. K. HILL, IRA SMITH. Towanda, Jan 2J, lsb".—-yi. HPAKE NOTICE.—AII [jer.sOtlß ill- ' JL debted to W A. Rockwell, will please give ! prompt attention to settling and paying, and I ! will close Book Account on aud after the first day of April next, ISO7. W. A. ROCKWELL, Feb. 4, 18G7. fcjnmpljrey Brother's Column. HU M PII RKYBRoT II Elt S Are prepare! <o meet the demands of the BOOT AND SHOK WEARING COMMUNITY OI'BIKO TIIK COMISU VKAB, And have in store a very large and complete as sortment of * L A I) i K S FINE SHOES I Consisting iu part of LADIES CONGRESS GAITERS, LADIEK I.ACE GAITERfc, LADIES BUTTON GAITERS, ACL STYLES IN LASTING, GLOVE Kin, OR MOROCCO, l-adies Clove Kid Balmorals, LADIES MOROCCO BALMORALS, Ladies Lasting Balmorals, LADIES BOOTEES AND BUSKINS Ladies Slippers. Kid 01 latatlng, WOMEN'S CALK AND THICK BOOTEES, Misses Caitcrs, Balmorals and Slippers, CHILDREN'S FINE SEWED SHOES Children* Copper Tipped Shoe*, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS AND TIES We call < - • ijj attention to our stock of O V E R SHOES. MEN'S, WOMEN"*' CHILDREN'S ARCTICS, Men's. Women and Children's Rubbers, MEN'S BUFFALO OVERSHOES Gentlemen' Kine French Calf Boots, MEN'S KJi' AND STOGA BOOTS, BOYS FINE CALF BOOTS, BOYS KIJ' AND THICK BOOTS, Y uthV and Children's Boots. IN AEL VARIETIES, PRICES i AND SIZES. In tact every thing at the Boot and Shoe line, FROM THE SMALLEST T ) THE LARGEST. THE HARNESS DEPARTMENT! On the Second Floor uuder the superinten dence of MR. JAMES V. WILCOX, and ..vorabiy known as the manutactuier of '/.nod work, is well stocked with FANCY CARRIAGE HARNESS, HEAVY TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE UAI.M S HI EVERY DESCRIPTION LIGHT AND HEAVY COLLARS, GEM'S WD LADIES SADLES, RIDING BRIDLES. HORSE BLANKETS, WHIPS, AC., tnv piece or pail ola Harness 'made to order mi short notice. T II l T N Iv S . LADIES TRAVELLING THI NKS, GENTS I i:.v\ Li.LiNG TRUNKS, VALISES OF LEATHER, WOOD, OH CLOTH, RAIL ROAD BAGS, RETICULES, AC . AC.. AC. ALSO IT'LL STOCK OF LEATHER French ami American C A L F A X 1) KIP SKINS, Morocco, Glove Kid and Binding Skins, OAK AND HEMLOCK MILE LEATHER, Shoe Findings. II AR N ES S TRI VI MING S, And all machinery t -ed in manufacturing. Thanking the public for their very liberal pa tronage during the year just panted, we invite a continuance during 1 .*157, assuring them that we shall endeavor, I y employing noue but first class workmen, ana using good material, to sustain the ol our lonise as being the best Boot, Shoe and Harness Establishment iu Bradford or adjoining counties. HUMPHREY BROTHERS. Towaula, Jan. 1,1807. £tgal. YJVXECI TOR'S NOTICE.- Notice in U hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate ol ELJPHAL'-.T W A BD, d, d., late of Canton twp., are requested to m ike immedi ate payment, without delay, arid those hiving claima against said estate must pres.-ut ihsin duly au'he ticated for ettlemeut. J. A. BOTH WELL, LEONARD . EWIS, Feb. 4, 1867.* Exceptors. ADMINJS'KS NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of CALEB BARRETT, dee'd., iate of Troy twp , are requested to make paymeul without delay, and those having claim* agaiu*t sa'd estate must present them duly aatheatiea ted for settlement. JOSEPH B. BARRETT, Feh. 4,1867.* Administrator. ADMINIS'RS NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate ol JONATHAN YANDIKE, dec'd late of Albany twp., are requested to make irn mediate payment, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly au • thcnticated for settlement. BEN J. VANDIKE, R. H. RICHARD, Feb. 4, 1367.* Administrators. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mat tir uj the estate oj Cornelius Cancise,dee'd In the the Orphan's Court of Bradlord County . The undersigned ,au Auditor,appointed by said Court to dispose ol exceptions tiled lo the linai account of Harriet Chaudler, admin istratrix ol said estate, will attend to the duties of hi sap pointment at his office in the borough of To wanda, Pa., on the 2d day ot April, 1867, at 1 o c lock, p. m. W. A PECK, March 7,1867. Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons ind bted to the estate of John Horton. late of Terry twp dee'd., are requested to make immediate pay-' meat, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor *e!tiefhent. GEO. F. HORTON, ELMORE HORTON, Much 7, 1867. Executors. A EDITOR'S NOT ICE.— Estate of JSX. Ju >MIII Stanton, dee'd. In the Orphan s Comtof Bradford County. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute moneys in the ban sol ad ministrator, will attend to the duties ot his mi pointment at his office in the Borough of To wanda, on Saturday, April 20, 1867, at 2o' clock p. in., at which time and place all per sons having claims upon said moneys must present them or be forever debarred. G. D. MONTANYE, March 14, 1867. Auditor. A EDITOR'S N OTICE.— In the mat at ttr of the estate of S. S. Lathe op, I ate of Orwell, deed. In the Orphan's Court of Brad lord County. The undersigned auditor, appointed by said Court, to dispose ot exceptions filed totheti nal accouut ot Marshal Frink, oneol the execu tors of said estate will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the Borough ot To wanda, on Friday the itb day ot April, 1867, at 1 o'clock, p. m., at which time and place all persons having claims upon said mon eys must present them or oe lurever deiiarreu. JOHN W. MIX, Mar. 14, 1867. Auditor. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Alias. Fi. Fa. issued one of the Court o Common Pleas o; Bradlord county and to ine directed, there will be exposed to public sale at t e Court House in the Borough ot Towanda, on SATURDAY'. MARCH 30, 18 7 at one o'clock, p. m„ the following described lot, piece or parcel ot laud situate in Burling ton boVo', bounded and described as follows : Beginning at the centre of the State Road ad joining luu s formerly owned by Wm. Coryelle tlieuce south 9| ° east 21 pr.s. aud 2 links to a rornerof lot deeded to S. W. Miller by N. D. Dickeson. April 20, 1863, thence south 25- west 13 pis • and 22 links to the south-east corner ot Mrs. Wm. T. Meads' lot, thence north 68$° west 214 pr.*. lo a hickory tree, thence north 13 J east 5 pis. to a stake, thence south i0 5 west 13 prs. and 19 links to the south east corner ot A. & J. Morley'sstore lot ,thence t along the line ot said Motley - store lot to the State Road aforesaid 16 prs. thence along the said State Road 8 prs. and 16 links to the north west corner of a lot known a* the Vosburgh lot, thence north 5.8° east along said road 1- 5-10 pis. thence north so 3 east 29 prs. to the place of beginning. Containing 16 acre* o. laud, more or less, ail improved, with a trame . hou-.e, trained barn and tew fruit tree* thereon. Seised aud taken iu execution at the suit ot Justin Morleyvs.C. H. Pierce WILLIAM GRIFFIs, March 7,1867. aher'il- Heal Estate. XTALUABLE FARM FOR SALE The subscriber will *e . at Private Sale, the •• Kingsland Farm.' sit uteJ in Sheshoqnia township, Bradford County, Peun'a, beiug out ot the most desiraba Farms in that county. It contains 182 ACRES OF LAND, About 7U acres ol which is River Fiat land, tin surpassed iu fertility, ami about 20 acres f Wood Land. The improvement s are a good MANSION HOUSE, Five Large Bam*. Corn House, and other - u■ buildings, in good condition. There is also on the premises; a large quantity of be -ring Fruit tie -s. Ihe to be sold is the undivided two-thirds part iu fee and a lite estate iu the remaining one-third. • This Farm is one ot the be*', to lie louud in matkfci. It is situated at the hea lot the cele bra ted Sheshequin Valley. <>u the main road trom Soeshequiu to Athens, a.ros* the rive, in- ~ he North Branch Cauai, and th Railroad (neatly completed) running up the North Bianch. it c mprises both iiiver fiats and u>- iaiid, adapted to tillage aud grazing, is e*ily worked, and iu fine condition. Terms wi.l be mn .e easy to purchaser. Apply to WM. SNYDER, Agent Shesbequiu, March 7, 1867. f FARMER'S TAKE NOTICE.—The subscriber having purchased the right ot Ilcrmance's Improved Farm Gate, lor the tol lowing towns, to wit : Albany, Armenia, Col umbia. Wells. Spriugtield, Smithfield, Ridgbuiy Troy, Towanda, South Creek, Standing Stun.- and Terry, is now prepared to sell Town aud Farm Rights on reasonable terms. This gate is durable and cheaper than bar*. Any man can make it and any Uoy can ue it. Those wishing to purchase town or farm right-, will address WILLIAM DUR.YND, Derrick, IV N . B—Gate Tiimmiugs kept ior sale. Feb 14, 1867. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ! The ,-übsciit tr oiler.* tor sale his new DWELLING HOUSE, just erected on the west endot Poplar St. It is 33 teet trout, and Si U. deep, containing Parlor, Hall. Sit'ing Room. Bedroom, Kitchen, Pantry and four closets, on first tl -or, and tour chambers. Hail, Meal-room, and thiee closets on the second floor. The loi is 30x98 feet, with an ally on the cast side. GEO P. CASH. Towanda, F b. 25, 1867.—5t "17" ALU ABLE FARM FOR SALE T The subscriber otters for sale his farm iu Wyalusing twp., Bradford County. It consisi of 73 acres, ol which 68 is improved, aud lias upon it a new house, large barn. with .-lie i at tached, and about 150 young fruit tieea. It i weil watered and well ieneed, and situated in the midst ot a g >od neighborhood, with church es and school houses convenient. Jhe iiirm will be sold at u great bargain, and terms made t . suit the purchaser, it not sold bv first ot April next, it will be rented. E t>. VAUGHAN. Wyalusing, Jau. 1, 1867.—3 m* IWRM FOR SALE.— The subscri ber offers his tarm tor sale, situate i Ter ry township, one halt ruiie from Terrytown Ho tel, on the Susqneh inna River. Containing lOn acres, all i; proved with a good house, framed barn with cellar stables, and cow sheds attach ed, horse bain aud o her necessary outbuilding* Good fruit oi all kinds, ru ning water at the door, and barn, the t rm lieing well watered in every respect. For further particulars enquire on the premises, or address A. H. PLACE. Terrytowu, I'd.. Jan. 29, 1867 w * fpOR SALE.—The subscriber offers tor sale his tarm situate iu Wyalusing twp. about one mile trom Camptovvn, and three mile* turn Rummertield, m the road leading from Montrose to Towanda. The tarm as well wa tered and well timbered; with i good house, and fruit trees thcreou. Kor particulais enquitt ol WM. ÜBIKKIS, Towanda. or the proprietor at Camptowu, Pa JAMES FEB. Feb. 4, 1567 tt. ARM FOR SALE.— The subscri- JL ber offers his tarm tor sale, situated iu Asylvm township, throe miles from l'owauda, along the Susquehanna River. Containing about 150 acres, 110 improved, win two houses two barns, two g>ed orchards, good tences and well watered. The whole under a good state ot cultivation. A .Rope Kerr belonging to the tarm. For terms apply to the subscriber on the place, or E. M. BISHOP, Wyalusing. J. M. 81-HOP. Jan. -10. • I I VMESFOR THE FAMILY CIK- U CLE, at the NEW- ROOM. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AT cost, at the NEWSROOM,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers