gfrwlM fEeportct. LOCAL AND GENERAL,. Tli'S 50th Ponn., Vet. Vol., Col. TKL ROW>> WIN be mustered out iu a few days, orders to that effect having been issued by the War Depart ment. jis*- A Railroad is constructing between Pittsburg and Wilkesbarre, on the east side of the Susquehanna. It is to be completed during the JU-esent summer. This will supersede the present II raie'enient of omnibuses between the village and depot, a.s is now necessary. During the afternoon of Tuesday last II severe whirlwind, accompanied with a heavy fall of rain, passed across the peninsula from the Che mung to the Susquehanna, above the village of Vtheits. It occupied but a few rods in width, but was very violent— tearing up trees and fences, and hurling them more than a hundred L'eet into the air. Trom this point the flying boards and limbs were plainly visible, and the little tornado had the appearance of one of those destructive wuler sponts of which we have read much and seen little. Its passage being across open liehls the damage done was not serious. — Waverly Advocate. TEG' GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK for August, is received in the usual good time, and fully sus tains the reputation already acquired by the inde fatigable caterer to the wants and wishes of the la ,B, It has become /err excellence the Ladies' 1 geek, and distances all competitors for the stiff- ! rages of women. OILY. —The Troy Time& reports progress i A the oil regions of this County, as follows ; THE On. WELL AT ALL A. —We learn from Super- i iutciident Foster that they have commenced bor- ! ing at Alba and are now down about twenty L'eet. j Everything is favorable and the highest hopes arc , NR. Gained of hitting oil. OIL WELL AT BURLINGTON. — They have commen ced boring at Burlington and every thing is favor able we understand. STLYAXIA OIL WELL. — We understand everything IS working favorably at Sylvania Oil Well. T'uder the skillful management of Superintendent I'onie rgv there have been no delays but every thing has been in readiness as soon as needed. They com mence boring very soon. BASE BALI.. —A Base Ball club lias been formed in Troy borough with the following officers: President, F. Smith Esq. Vice Presidisut, Frank Newbury. Hec'y, WIN. S. Vincent. Treasurer, Juo. N. Woife. Directors, P. 11. Oliver, A. E. Case, R. C. Jewell. ROBBERY. —The safe at the Troy depot was l.Ll.wn open on Tuesday night of last week, and A large amount of bonds and money taken. The amount is variously estimated at from $15,- (M AI TN 520,000. Suspicion attaches to two persons who were in the place on Tuesday pretending to HI cattle-dealers. The same persons had pre vi iiisly made minute inquiries at Pl>meroy's regard ing the Banks at Waverly. Towanda and Athens, (hi Monday, they visited this place, probably with ntVrenee to a " removal of the deposits" in the vaults here. No truce has yet been discovered of tic vidians. The loss will fall upon the Express Company. TRIAL LlST. — Members of the bar of this County, and others interested, will take notice that the Trial List for September term, will be MAILT up the Prothonotary's Office, on Friday, titli inst., at 2 o'clock p. in. FIIAR (IKO. W. HAMMOND, proprietor of the ("tu. mung Mills, while at work about the machin ery OR Thursday of last week, was caught iu the g< aring, drawn in between two cog-wheels and mite seriously injured. His coat was first caught ■HI.I A portion of his body so forced into the gear ing as to stop the mill. He is doing well, with a fan prospect of recovering. I'KXXSYI.VANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. —The State Agricultural exhibition, to be held at Williams port on the last days of September next, promises to IS- an unusual display. We learn that already more space for cattle and sheep lues been applied for than ever before, so long previous to the exhibition. HA State Society is exerting itself, in conjunction I a committee of the Lycoming County Agricul- T.. IL Society, to have complete preparation for any crowd that may visit the fair or the beautiful town tu which it is to be held. There are now in pro- >s I F erection stalls for nearly one thousand eat- Tl> sheep and hogs; a hall three hundred feet long : : PROTECTION to agricultural improvements : a two <! ry hall, two hundred feet long, for the display ' embroidery, pictures, statuary, piano and other | .RUELES subject to damage from the weather ; and a covered area, overlooking the whole of the ample grounds, capable of seating from two to three thou ■ LID persons. A sub-committee of the general Executive Committee of the State Society, consist ing ef Messrs. Hamilton, of Ilarrisburg, Kapp, of Northumberland, Ellis, of Lycoming, Holstein, of! Montgomery, Driesbaeh, of Luzerne, accompanied ' LA A number of members of the Society, visited II llliamsport A few days ago. They were hospit- J 1- received there, and after visiting and examin- j 'F*""' park, they departed for their homes, heart- J IH approving of the designs and acts of the Presi- ' '■< nt of tie- society, and Mr. Herdic, the resident I member of the Executive Committee in that local ". to whose efforts in this direction too much; praise cannot be awarded. There is every promise " FLNF ' display, and ample accommodation will L '" "IEDE FW iu entertainment 1 Man l oi'XD IX THE SUSQUEHANNA.—TIIC ' O.LV I.f JAMES Kelley, u workman in Hunt's ! I ' UTL - ' TIUST of Owego, was found on a bar in the j ■■ I'L' lnuina river, a short distance above Nichols | LLS "' MIL L on Saturday last The head of the 1 ' " 1S badly cut, and there are strong sus ""'D '""1 play. The deceased, when last *kich WAS on the Thursday night previous, : LU ''IS pi issession over a hundred dollars ■ ti h. V hen the body was discovered, on '-ateen dollars could be found on Iris person, J 1 -W watch was missing. An inquest was held II- Allen, M. D., and A verdict in accordance F ' ABOVE facts rendered. — Oicego Times. J \E ■VV.UI. One million feet of pine, hem- i A-sh, beech, birch, maple uud white wood IN tin : IG, to BE delivered at Wilkes-Barre ? '^' S SUMMER and coming Fall, for which a XM 'L BE paid. Also, a large amount ' IL, XT S P RIL ig. Address J. E. PATTERSON A "'TK s Greene, Luzerne Co., Pa., until Aug. alter which orders w ill be received at LARRC, L'a. June 5—3 M. N ' DICKINSON is now much' U J IN his health, and was able to ride on '•HS VIU * 4 * T WCT 'K He returned to his home in I - 1 ' I'T TL'~' L<JLI ' SUT " RTLH y, N >ID is now able to walk ; *ithtil " attached to liis HOME. It is IS ire that his fellow citizens will note his J .TIR'CK SFCNC6 ' ADD WE TRNST THAT LE S OON will be j TRULU HIS severe illness.— JSiny. J SALE, TO HE sold at once, a house and °OOD bargain offered. HLY 10 IT-- JOUN N " PALIFF, • 000. Office over News Room. \\ ORE OX THE CHENANGO CAXAL EXTENSION. —Last Thursday, work fortlre first,was commenced , on the Chenango Canal Extension, ground being broken at tlie upper end of Section 5, being at the place known as I\ illow Point. Work was also to ! be commenced on Section 10, near Union, last . | Friday. A \AH ABLE BOOK. — Hon HENRY J. RAY MOND, Editor of the Xew York Times, is preparing ! The life and Public services of Abraham Lin- I coin, Sixteenth President of the United States, ;■ j together with his State Papers, including his , I Speeches, Addresses, Messages, Letters and Pro : clamations ; also a history of the tragical and I mournful scenes connected with the close of his ' noble and eventful life, to which is to be added anecdotes and Personal reminiscences of Lincobi, by Frank I>. Carpenter, the artist, who while paint- I ing at the White House, enjoyed for six mouths iamiliar intercourse with our late President, i This volume prepared from authorized and au thentic data, by Mr. RAYMOND, will be the most ; ' reliable and viduable history of Mr. LINCOLN and [ 1 i the most faithful chronicle of the acts of the Ad- ' ministration which can be had. Mr. RAYMOND ; combines with undoubted ability advantages for > acquiring tlie materials for his work possessed by no other man. The work is published by subscription by Derby j & Miller, 5 Spruce-st, New York, at $3,50 for cloth, J I sl, for leather binding. Mr. D. W. IIUOUES of this I ! place has been appointed agent for this borough, j North and South Towanda, Smitlifield, Burlington, j Rome, Herrick and Pike townships, and will receive j subscriptions at the above rates. He Las already I procured the names of many of our citizens. To THE SICK. — Mrs. J. A. ACOCKS, M. D., J Female Physician, would announce to the Ladies i of Towanda and vicinity that she will be at the ' I Ward House, the second week in August, and w ill I remain for a few days, for consultation with the ' sick, her practice being confined strictly to diseases ' j of Women and Children. Mrs. A. treats all cases of diseases which have ! been pronounced incurable by the Medical Faculty ! generally, such as nervous and Neuralgic Affections, j Diseases of Women, all forms of Scrofula, Dyspep- ( sia, Consumption, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Asthma, | Salt Rheum, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, j the diseases of Children, etc. Those suffering from diseases, of any descript ion, may be assured that their cases will be treated j fairly and candidly, and they w ill not be encour- j aged to take medicine without a corresponding ! prospect of benefit. Mrs. A. does not promise to cure all stages of J ' diseases. While all Diseases are curable, if taken I | in season, all stages are not. Your case may be j curable this week, not next —to-day, not 10-iuorroic: ht-nee the danger of delay. Consultation free at ! ' Uooms. Mrs. A. will visit patients nt their homes J ] when convenient. She will eharge a reasonable J fee. . 1 Mrs. A. will also furnish those desiring Dr. I GL'LNI'S NEW FAMILY PHYSICIAN, a Home Book of ' Health, a most valuable work, sold only by his ! authorized agents. • MARRIED. |' GIFFERD- COON. At the Parsonage in Burling- | ton, on the 13tli of July, by Rev. M. Coyle, Mr. I Stephen D. Gifferd of Troy, Pa., to Miss Elea- J ner J. Coon of Leßov, Pa. i ' I t WICKIZEIt—BARKER.— Tuesday, July 18th, by Rev. J. C. Barnes, Mr. Edward W. Wickizer of I < Rome, to Miss Vona Barker of Wysox. DIED. 11 MATTOON.— Suddenly, in Smitlifield, July 15th, ! 1 LS'(>s, at the, residence of her father, Col. Ansel ! Scott, Frances, wife of Edwin R. Mat toon, in 1 the 29th year of her age, •• We shall meet beyond the river, , Where the surges cease to roll ; Where in all the bright forever, Sorrow ne'er shall pierce the soul." IIOMET. In Monroeton. Pa.. July 2d, Mrs. O. ; Hornet, w ile of Dea. J. Hornet, in the fifty-third year of her age. The deceased became a subject of renewing grace and united with the Baptist Church iu I Braintrim, Wyoming Co., twenty-six years ago. A j few years subsequent to this, she removed her I standing, and became connected with tlie Bap- ! tist Church in Monroeton, where she held her j < membership until the time of her death. Mrs. 11. ' was a warm hearted, zealous, and active christain. I . She was sick three weeks, and when the time of \ her departure drew nigh, (being sensible to the j last, ) she expressed a willingness to submit to the will of God, feeling an assurance that all would be well. She has left a kind husband, a son and daughter, besides an extensive circle of friends and acquaintances to lament her loss ; but our loss is her gain. I T Her funeral was attended by a large concourse j of people, and a discourse was preached by Elder | T I. B. Lake, of Leßov, from Phil. 1: 12. "For me 1 to live is Christ, and to die is gain." ISAIRD.— At his residence in Nichols, July 15th, William H. Baird, aged 48 years. HOPKINS.— At Beaufort, S. C., on the 15th inst., I of intermittent fever, terminating in bloody fiux, I , in the 42d year of his age, Nelson J. Hopkins, late of Binghamton, N. Y. GOFF.— In Burlington Pa., July 21st, 1805* of scrofula, Frank Dana, youngest son of Harjy G. ami Ellen Goff, aged 5 years and 13 days. fUtsccllaiuous. AG E N T S WA S TED FOR THE NURSE & SPY. The most interesting and exciting book ever publish ed, embracing the adventures of a;woman in the Union army as Nurse, Scout and Spy, giving a most vivid in ner picture ot the war. Teachers, ladies,energetic young men, and especially ] returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it peculiarly adapted | to their condition. We have agents clearing 1150 per' month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant: I Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS, A CO., N. E. corner Sixth and Minor Streets, July 10, 1865. Philadelphia, Pa. j \t \f\ SALE s M E X WAXT E I) J J\J\J TO SOLICIT ANII FILL ORDERS FOR THE LIKE AND TIMES OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, j By Dr. L. P. BROCK KTT, the eminent biographer and I historian. Prices, $3, $3 50, $4 aud $5. ALSO, SARTALS'S MATCHLESS PORTRAIT OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, i And other first class book and engravings. Deeds and Territory given, granting exclusive right ot sale. Apply personally, or address R. H. CURRAN, Publisher, ROCHESTER, N. Y. General Office aud Salesroom, on Main st., cor. Water. E STRAY.— Came into the enclosure ot the J subscriber about the loth of June last, a small roan two year old Steer,the owner is requested to prove prop- i erty, pay charges and take it away. T. B.MANLEY. 1 East Canton, July 26, 1865.—3t. PALL GREEK GOAL & IRON CO. A meeting of the stockholders of the Fall Creek Coal A Iron Co., will be held at the office of company in To- ! wanda, Pa., at 5 o'clock r. M.. on Wednesday the 9th day of j August. 1865, for the purpose of electing five directors to' manage the affairs of said company for the ensuing 1 year and two Inspectors to preside at the next election ' of Directors. C. G. MILLER, New York, July 18.1865. Secretary. I MOUX T A I N LA K E ! The subscriber respectfully inform the public that the Pleasure Grounds <onnected with Mountain Lake, have been put in complete oilier, and that he is prepared for 1 the reception of parties. His buildings and Boats have all undergone thorough repair, and parties will fiud every thing provided for | their enjoyment. A more delightful resort cannot be found M the County, than this Lake uud the adjacent grounds, affordiug shady walks, good boating, and ex- ; j cellent fishing. HARRISON DODD. I Burlington, July 18, 1865. JP ARMS FOR SALE! The subscriber offers two Faints for sale, one ot 40 ! acres with buildings, 30 acres improved, and splendid fruit of all kinds. One of 50 acres,with log buildings,some improved and splendid timber, all within three-fourths of a mile of Leroy. For further information consult Leroy, July 24, 1865. I, B. HARRIS. 1 • &cu> SttiDcrtijcmcnts. ' I IST OF THE XAMES O!' PERSONS j > | JLJ drawn as Jurors for September Court, 1865 : , ! GRAND .RRITORS. Athens twp., John Watkius, jr.; Athens boro', Z B. 1 j Spalding, A P. Stevens; Canton t! no', .bum*- <). I4an | dall.J. G. Scuddcr ; Granville,Geo. Cafliu ; Heilick, j j Gyrus Fuller; Litchfield, H. B.Wolcott; Overtoil, Lewis ' I Bolt; Rome twp., C. E.Brown ; Smitlifield, Wm. bus sell, Ezra Wood; Springfield, !!.K. Adams; Slie-beijuiu, ■ Wm. Elsbree; Sylvania boro', Geo. Monroe ; Towanda , , boro', W. H . H. Gore, Dwiglit Dodge; Ulster, John! ' Conklin; Warren, Stephen Chaffee, Browning Meyhew; • • Wyalusing, Hiram Buck; Wysox, Henry Wood ; Wind- j ham, Dennis Russell; Wilmot, David Elienberger. TKAVKKS JI BOKS—IST WEEK. 1 Athens twp., J. A. Weller, Horace McKinuey, Chas. McDuffee, J.W. Pool, Seth Morley; Asyluiu. 1! Laporte; 1 Albany, Wm. Martin; Burlington West, W. D. Gainage, 1 Chas. Thatcher; Burlington twp., Allen M. Uuight. J.i„- . beus Ellis, Chas. Kuapp, Sajn'l Whitehead ; Granville, 1 Wm. McKerrau, Marcus Ayers, John McXaught; Leroy. , Albert Holcomh; Litchfield, Isaac Baldwin; Monroe bo ro', O. B. West gate; Monroe two , James N. Irvine; j | Pike, Geo. D. Johnson, Andrus Stevens, Russell Cole ! mau.J. L. Ingham; Rome twp., A. G. Spencer, J. A. Moody, A. D. Towner; Rldgberry. David Gillert; S.tuiul- I ing Stone, Byron Stephens ; Smitlifield, J. 11. Barber, ' Sam'l Niles, O. K. Bird, Henry Phelps; Slieshcpiin G. Smith; Springfield, James Matox ; Troy twp.. Dwiglit ; Freeman, W. L. N ins ton; Troy boro', Urauinurd Bwweu, i 1 Itobt. Redington. L. A. Sale}s: l'ov Hilda 1, Scott; i Ulster, Levi Noble; Wysox, Irvine G. Snores, Stephen Clayson ; Warren, ltoger Howell; Windham, James Newman; Wilmot, G S. Gamble. TRAVELS JCROBS— iI) WEEK. Alba boro', Alvin T. Dunbar, Johu J. Reynolds, Vol ueyM. Wilson; Asylum, Rubt. Bull; Athens boro', J no. ; Hill, Albeit Campbell; do. twp.,Samuel Ovcusliire, jr., Burlington boro , Charles Ross; do. West, Danveise j Bourne; Canton tp., H. McClelland. Roderick Williams; ! Franklin, E Blake; Derrick, D. Taylor; Leroy.s.C.Vau- Fleet: Monroe twp., F. Sweet ; (D well, Alpbonz.o |gi, I worth; Pike, S. B. Stevens ; ltidgberry, Edw .n 1! k j with, Aaron Ostrauder, Wm. Fuller ; Springiield, A. I!. , I Fanning; Smithfield, James Lyon, E. G- Duil'c ; Slie j sbequiu. Elisba Newell ; Terry, J. L. Junes, F. W. j Frulcbey; Troy twp , Stephen F. Wheeler, Smith Bax j ter; Towanda boro', L. B. Rogers; do. North, James Simmons; Ulster, Walter Pollock, Wm. Elsbree, Guy | Tracy; Wells. Frank Bowman; Windham,Silas | Warren, Jackson Whitaker. TKAVERS JUnu.l- *!DI W EEK. Alliens twp., Geo. McAit'cc. Lev i G irdiu r, i oi.. Page, , Leonard White; Aluaiiy, Horatm !.a ,J, i. u . G... , i, \ ; Silas Morse; Asylum, Philip Unveil ; ~iiue ::a Jon.i .1. , I Green; Columbia, Geo. Billings ; Canton twp., Jcsiah Warren; Franklin, Chas. Stevens: Granville. Woodford | : Clark; tjeßavsville boro', Daniel G. Bailey : Litchfield, Wm.Bostwick; Orwell, Jarvis Buttles, Caleb A. Allyn ; i Pike, Philip Philips, Wm. Agnew, Kellogg Barnes; j Ridgberry, James T. Ball; Smitlifield, Jndson M. Bm- | lingame, Mortimer Brown, Philander Hall; Towanda ' twp.. J. M. Fox; Tuscaroru, Almon Pepper ; Towanda I boro', Henry Essenwine; Terry, J. B. Horton ; Troy boro', Cash Kendall, Geo. 11. Humphrey; Wysox, Juiin I Tuttle; Wells, James Mitchell ; Warren, Gyros Not, ware, A. Coburn; Wilmot, Paul Quick, Jolm I'. Shorts. J.M. SMITH, J July 29, 1865. Sheriff . ' KEUISTER'S XOTTCE, —Notice is here-j by given, that there has been filed aud settled in the office of the Register of Wilis, iuand for the county . of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon Lhe 101. lowing estates, viz : Final account of B. Laporte uud C. F.Wells, j. ..adm'r of John Laporte, late of Towanda. Partial account of Gordon Wilcox surviving executor of Thos. Wilcox, late of Athens. Final account ot Dan A. Gillett executor of Janus Evans, late of Ridgbnry. Final account of John Lilley and Rachel Laudon ain'i of Jonathan Jackson, late of Canton. Final account of Gyrus Bk udgood adm'r of Abrum < Slierniiin . late of Litchfield. Final accouut of C. C. Wright adm'r of Joel Wright, late ol Canton. ' ! < Final account of Margaret Davis adm'trx ol Jenkin J . Davis, late of Warren Final account of D, H. Bnrnham and Sarah K. itay nor udm'rs of Win. 11. Raynor, late ot Uidglmry. Final account of Thomas James executor of Ileury James, late of Wairen. Final account of G. F. Horton Guardian of Levin i i J.Shoets, Susan F.Santee, Elizabeth Jireyfogle, Lilen G. Santee, Alice Santee, Minor children of Wm. Suutec , deceased. Final account of D. M. James Guardian of E. T. Smith. Final account of Isaac Strait executor of Robt. Kill- 0 gore, late of Columbia. Final account of Simon If. Stanton and Nancy Stan- i ton adra'rs of Joseph A. Stanton, late of West Burling ton. ; 0 Partial account ot C. O. Huntington executor of Ash- ! er Huntington, late of Atheus, 1' Partial account ot E.S. Matherson adm'r Wm. Mead, late ot Athens. k Final account of J. F. Chambc*rliu adm'r of G. W. ' Pepper, late of Wyalusing. Fiuai account of Squire Northrop adm'r of Edward Williams, late of Athens. Final account of Orrin A. Burnham adm'r of Samuel Raynor, latv of the State of New York. v ALSO.—The appraisement of property set off' l.y the r Executors or Administrators to widow# or children ol the following decedents : u Estate ol Wm. Williams, " " A. P. Stevens, " " Heman Morgan, " " A lien W. Barnes, " " Cyrus Smith. " " J.G. Buckhout, " " James i.aylon, " " Oliver Bartiett, " D C. Hall, \ " N.B. Cbailee, " " H.J.Camp, "I.J. A His, " " H. J. Bowen, " " Furnam Nichols, " " lliram Afason. And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court j of Bradford.County,on Monday,the 4th day of Sept. ! next, for confirmation and allowance. Aug. 1, 1865, N'. C. ELSBREE. Register. . JDARSTOW k GORE'S DRUG STORE ! ! XE W FIR A, XK \Y GO01) S, j AND NEW PRICES ! The undersigned having formed a co-partnership in the Drug business, under the name of RAKSTOW A GORE, at the old i-tund No. f, Patton's Block, where they are daily receiving additions to their stock, Irora the most reliable importers and manufacturers, respect fully ask for a liberal share of public patronage. A large stock ol FRESH DRUGS ANI) MEDICINES a Has just beeu received,aud we are now prepared to sup ply the WANTS OF THE PUBLIC WITH ALL ARTICLES j BELONGING TO THE TRADE. lb RE WINEs AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL USE ' •NLY. A KFLT. ASSORTMENT OP CONCENTRATED BOTANI . ECLECTIC AND HOMCEPATHIC MEDI CINES. ALL THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH, PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, DYE-STUFFS AND GLASS. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY KIND. | TILDEN'S ALCOHOLIC AND FLUID EXTRACTS, AI.KAL Ol 1J AiV I) /{ A' ,Y IX O 11) S . All the Best Tni-ses, ABDOMINAL S UPI' 0 It T E R S , Shoulder Braces, BREAST PUMPS, NIPPLE SHELLS, AND SHIELDS, Nursing Bottles. Syringes and Catheters, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OK RAZORS, STROPS, POCKET KNIVES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS OF LATE STYLE AND BEST QUALITY. A large sun ply Brushes for the Hat and Hair. Also for j the Teeth and Nails, Tooth Powders and Pastes, i Oils, Perfumery, Soaps. Combs, Hair Dye, In- 1 vigorators, Ac., Kerosene, Kerosene Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, Ac., all of the latest styles. CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. SRT Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Medi cines and Prescriptions carefully and aeenrately com pounded and prepared by competent persons at all hours j of the day and night. Bnnday hours from 9 to In o'- clock in the forenoon, 1 to 2 in the afternoon. D. H. BARSTOW, W. H. H. GORE. Towanda, Aug. I, 1865. AVE R L Y IXSTI T V T E ! THE FALL TERM OPENS ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST IGTH, 18fl5. Other academic terms of the year open. First Wed • nesday in Nov., Fourth Wednesday in Jan., and Third Tuesday in April. | The complete and able corps of instructors secured j for the coming year will afford the amplest opportuni , ties to those desirous of pursuing a Commercial course ; j and also to those fitting themselves for teaching. Other branches will lie taught with the same degree ! of thoroughness which has characterized this scbi.ol lor i ! 'he past eight years. Hates of Tuition are moderate. Twenty of the first applicants to the Normal Class, whose qualifications are requisite will receive free in struction for 14 weeks, A. J.LANG, A. M., Principal. ARTHUR YATES, Pres't Board of Trustees. Waverly, N. Y., Jnly 26, 1865.- -3t. THE ART OK JIG AND GLOG d\nc- ING TAUGHT WITHOUT A MASTER.-Full iu | structious sent upon receipt of fifty cents. ' Address, Box 202, Towanda, Pa. ' New 3i>rrtistmcnts. ;gEA MA X A 0W E X ! DI.U.EIiS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, HO Mi:. PENN'A, Kiep constantly (in hand a eh iee as* uiiuent of TEAS. COFFEE, SLA; Alt, MOLASSES. Ac. Ac., ! Which will lie sold at lowest prices fbr cash. The highest market price paid for Country Produce, i A share of public patron tip' desired, Home. Aug. IMS. pAfill PAID FOR WOO!,, AXD AEL vZ kh ,U ol Produce hy June 22, 1 Sfis. W. A. ROCKWELL.. ; pEACHESI PEACHES !! PEACHES!!! The uudersigi ed will soon have a large quantity ol choice canned Peacht tret, f'vorn Delaware,w ith which lo- would like to supply tbu people of l'owanda and va eiuity,a* far as he can. The Peaches are put up with care, and will keep years, uiUein unttl Injun . Or der. received at the Rook Store. July 24. 1665. A . P. COWLES. / 1 ACTlON.—Whereas, ray wife Johanna, \J has left toy bed and hoard without just cause or provocation, all persons >re hereby cautioned agaiust harboring or trusting Iter on my account, as I shall pay no debts ol li t <,.uti aotiug. MICH ALL CROAK. Asylum. July 24, 1*65. —lit L. A X DIM'S, lAcenseti 2luctioneer,, £-2' < lautun, Rtwiloi.l county, Pa., iuviug had much e ipeiieitce, niters !iis services to the public. Address by letter or otherwise. Canton, July 18,1865. T?IdLE .TuTEL IN TOWANDA, FOR SALE. Loeati>ii, Git tii(! .-.ollth - nil < f the Suuarc, by the Pre shy tci til Oh'irch. Ajioly to W. A. PECK, offhe, Union I (lock, imi ilt sid t .square. May Is, ls<is. f r CP *** >*r W ! •gIJ i > ! |gx F \ Z ? f ■/. | r3 | '5? | ~ * Z j a. at 5. H • > r. > i pi c A " H i If I K s H AKS 11 A E E 8110 TII Eli S Wish to call the attention of the public to their new Stock of HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, BLAC K SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of Window Glass, Sash, Paints, Oils, Putty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brushes of all kinds, which will be sold lor the lowest Cash price. Also, a trine assortment of KERO PE N E LA M P S of eveiy style and pattern to suit the public. Lamps repaired and changed from Oil and Plniu to : Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of ail kinds of TI N WAR E . jobbing rtoiirtii attend k to. We have on hand a tine article of G LA S S FRUIT JARS, with improved self- sealing corks, and II E 1! M ETI C A L SE A I. I X G C A X S , which is one ol tlie best cans used. Jew 20, lfis. r ATES'I \KRJYAL OF NEW GOODS! AT W I L L 1 A .M A . K O 0 IN W E EE'S. Consisting of LADIES' DRESS HOODS, MOZAMBIQUE, OKA BE, ALE RAT, DE LAIXES, AO. LADIES' CLOTHES, SIIA WLS, CLOAKS, HATS, and a general variety ol LADIES' GOODS. MENS' BROAD CLOTHS, ' CASS I MERES, SATTIX ETTS, JEANS, DRILLS, And a variety of VESTINGS. A well selected assortment of LADIES' iind MISSES SHOES and SLIPPERS, and MEN A BOYS' BOOTS. Also, Mens' Boys' and Childrens" SOFT STRAW HATS and CAPS, of all.descriptions. Usual large Assortment of CROCKERY, GLASS and STONEWARE. You will find, by calling, a cheap lot of HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, ROPES, CABS, BASKETS, AC, AC. NOW FOR THE 4TIJ OF JULY ! FIRE-WORKS, of all descriptions, and TOV S of all kinds on hand. Pieaee call and examine my large and general assort ment of Goods, which will be sold at lowest prices for j Cash and Produce. 1 June 22, 1665, JI EN R Y MERC Utt & CO., I Towttnda, Penu'a, ' Have on hand and are opening at L O WK S T M ARRET PRICES, ! A superior stock of DRY GOODS, i i i DRESS GOODS, 1 I | WOOLENS, COTTONS, t: WHITE GOODS, ' I I HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS <*. SHOES, ' CROCKERY, Ac. l'owanda, March 21, 18(15, QliE A T ATTRA CTI 0 N AT M 0 X TAXYE'S STO RE ! . . PEACE PRICES. , Every variety of f LADIES' CLOTH, AND F A X C Y I) li ES S G00I) S . I Goods for Gentlemen of i EVERY DESCRIPTION. I i ( And all the known Styles to suit this Market, which i will be sold at WIIO LE S ALE 0 R KE T AIL' TO SUIT CUST OME RS , At prices that cannot but please. Returning thauks for pa*t favors, we invite attention to our Large Stock of Goods. June ti, 18(15. MONTAX YE A CO. WICKII -V M A BLACK, Are now offering , XE W GOODS ■ AT X E W 1' li ICES! DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, WHITE GOODS, and NOTIONS. II A T S A C A I' S , OF THE L-VT ES T ST Y EES. BOOTS A SHOES, In variety, AY I C K II A M A B L A C K Keep a large stock of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, ; To which we invite special attention. We offer onr Goods on the CASH SYSTEM. June 12,18C5. gPRIXGI SPRING! SPRING! 1 8 6 5. rltl CE S N O IP 1U IT HI N TII E REA GII OF ALL ! \ TRACY A MOORE, Are now opening a FINE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, Including a handsome variety of . DRESS GOODS, SPRING SHAWLS, FANCY GOODS A NOTIONS! A Good Stock ot % PRINTS, DOMESTICS, CARPETINGS, Ac. LADIES' AND GENT'S HATS. GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, April 10. CROCKERY, HARDWARE, Ac. jfP O ALL INTERESTED! Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the eitateof D. C. HALL, that having disposed of the Li quor Store belonging to said estate, that all accounts most be settled or paid at once, or costs will be made, r Payments may be m.iJe to E.W.Smith, Esq. .at M'Kean's ; Liquor Store, or to me at Codding A Russells'. 1 June 26, 1665. CHAS. M. HALL, Adm'r. llpiifgraff'e institute. !|£YE AND EAR INSTITUTE. DR. UP DE GRAFF, I J OCULIST, AU EIST AND GENERAL SLKOKON, ELMIKA,N. Y. Treats all Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat. \ j THE EYE.—lie will operate upon Cataract, Artificial 1 1 Pupil, Cross Eyes,l.achi j-iual Fistula, Pterygium,Eutro- | piou, (inversion ot the eye-lid,] and treats all forms ol | " BORE EYES," sucb as Granulated Lids, Purulent' ! Ophthalmia, Opacities of the Cornea, Scrofulous dis- ! ' eases of the Eye, and all diseases to which the Eye is ' j subject. I THE EAR Treats successfully Discharges from the '■ Ear, iVoises in the Ear. Difficulty of Hearing, Deafness, I [even when the Drum is entirely destroyed, will insert au artificial one, answering nearly all the purposes of the ' natural. '/' HE THROAT—Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sil.-, together with CATARRH | in all its forms, permanently cored. GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate upon Club , Feet. Hare Lip, Clelt Palate, Tumors, Cancers, Morbid Growths, Deformities from Burns, and Hernia and ner j forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS—Where the Nose, Lips j or any portion of the face is destroyed through d'sease or otherwise, by healing them on auew. * V Will attend to the Amputation of Limbs, -fce I and General Surgery in all its branches, j INSERTS ARTIFICIAL EYES.—Giving them all the motion and expression ol the natural, detyiug detection,) they are inserted without removing the old one or pro- ! I during pain. j The Doctor's collection ol instruments comprises all 1 the latest improvements, and is the largest in the State, j I the superior advantages he has had iu perfecting him sell in all that is new and valuable in Surgery, warrants him in saying that everything within the hounds of the i j profession may be expected of him. i The Institute has been greatly enlarged, so that we j can now accommodate an increased number ol patients ' j from a distance. Comfortable Board' lg Houses attuch | ed to the establishment. j JVo iufu/ alj/t cases received fur Treatment or Opera- I tiuns. It a case is incurable he will be so inlormed. Institute on Water street, opposite the Brainard House Elmira, N. Y. Fob. 2, 1865. iilonriitg jUculjincs. i RPIIE FARMER MOWING MACHINES ! The Subscriber again offers this unrivalled Mower for ' | the patronage of the farming public. Notwithstanding ! I trouble last year with some ot the smaller eastings on account of weak material, the Farmer established its ! reputation in ibis county as it has elsewere, ol being | the Dightist Draught Mower in use and of doing the , best mowing. I have a number of those LAST YEARS F A B M EII M 0 \V ER S . that have never been used and have been thoroughly re newed and repaired in those parts, that tailed last year with castings of the very best quality. Price, jioo. delivered at the purchaser's door. With every reasonable apportunity for trial; the machine warranted to give satis faction, or no sale. , This wiil be found to he a good and cheap Mower and sale to try. THIS YEAR'S IMPROVED FARMER will be found 10 be a splendid Mower. Price with malliable steel face - - . $l3O j . Warranted to mow, and do good work on as rough 1 ground as any Mower in the State ; and the drauZit man anted as light, both of this and last year's farmer ' as any four feet Mower now known, notwithstanding the Farmer is a standard or I .urge Mower : cult in" f feet . (i inches in width .' I THE FINGER BAR IS MADE OF BEST CAST-STEEL ' and cuts a swarth 1 feet (1 inches in width. It is inde' ' pendent and flaxible in its movements ; rising and fall- ) ing at either eud , either abort or betow the plane of the two driving wheels. When the outer end falls the j ' crank-head rises, keeping the scythe and idtmauatall times in line ; thereby preventing the cramping anu < - binding ol scythe and pitman, common to loldine-bar ' Mowers, b j THE DRAUGHT BEING SO LIGHT is caused by attaching the draught directly to the Fin ' ger Bar—a leature possessed by no other competing I . inower. 1 | The farmer is a convenient mower to handle and op- - \ erate. The attention of persous desiring to buy mow- , ers, is called to an examination of the Farmer and to its disciiptive circulars. ASSISTANT AO ANTS. 1 L-P. JOHNSON Manufacturer's traveling agent, Ws. 1 K. WALKER, Athens ; D. HANKINSON, Meshoppeu ; S J. HANKNESS. Springfield ; EDWARD MEKRITT, LacyviSle : BYRON AKIN, Alba ; 1. A. PAKE, South Hill ; JOHN F. I C II AMBKKLAINF Wyalufc'illg. Correapoudence promptly attended to. , T1 R. M.WELLES. I lowanda, July 18, 1805. IYJ O W ING M ACII I NE S ! HUBBARD'S LIGHT MOWER,! j ORWELL, PENN'A. It is unsurpassed for simplicity, durability, ease of j working, iiglit drait, convenience of folding up for trans- l portatiou, as well as comfort tor those using it. It cuts the grass when wet just as well as when dry, and at any j speed you choose to drive. It operates as naturally on j ; rough and uneven surface as upon level. Its draft is | from 173 to 200 pounds. Also Horse Forks different pat- : erns. Horse Rakes, Grindstones and Hardware, in great i variety, at S. N. B RON SON'S Metropolitan Combined Variety Store. June 13 1.145. Q II I 0 M U W I N G MA 0 H IN £ i The undersigned take pleasure in calling the attention of the farmers of Bradford county to the above machine. 1 It has been used iu this county several years aud no ma- i chine ha- given better satisfaction. It is carefully, made , of the best materials and warranted by the manufac turers. Those who have used this machine pronounce it the best in the market. It has been improved and is as perfect a machine, and does its work as well, if not better, than any one .yet offered to the public. Farmers wishing to purchase a machine will do well to examine the Ohio. The Agents will he ready at all times to show the machine and its manner ol working, its improve ments, &c., to those interested. HIRAM TAYLOR, Tusearora, Pa. Agent for Eastern Bradford. CODDING & RUSSELL, June 2G, 1865. Agent for Towanda and vicinity. miscellaneous. JT E RAYSYILLE BRASS BAND ! STEPHEN GOIIHAM, Deader. Consisting of twelve pieces, orders by mail or other wise promptly attended to. Address STEPHEN GORHAM, June 6, 1865. Leßaysville, Pa. I[H)R SALE.—A very fine Pianoforte, llallet & Davis make, Boston, Mass. Also a few Chairs, Pictures, and French Bedsteads. Call at the Ward House Towanda, Pa. June 12. 1865. NOTICE.- -The School Board of Directors of the Borough of Williamsport. Lycoming coun ty, Pa ~ hereby give notice that an examination of Teach ers, will fake place at the Grade School House in the Centre Ward of said borough, on Thursday the 10th Jay of August next, and the public schools of said borough will commence on Monday, the 14tb day of August. Eighteen teachers are required—nine male and nine female. Applicants from a distance will be required to produce testimonials of character. WM. CALVERT,President. J. W. LEONARD, Sec'y. July 12. JP 0 R SALE. One Open Spriug. Iron Axled Buggy, 1 Sulkey with Sprout Springs, 1 Sett New Double Harness, 1 Sett old Single Harness, June 27,1865. CHAS. M. HALL. JONES HOUSE! Corner of Market Square and Market St. HARRISBURU, PENN'A. The subscriber, having disposed of his interest in the Locheil House, will devote his entire attention to the JONES HOUSE, And for the very liberal patronage extended to it for the past year, he returns his thanks and solicits a continu ance of favors. C. H. MANN, June 26,1865. Proprietor. DEN NS YLV A NIA AG RICU LTU RA L I SOCIETY.—The Pennsylvania State Agricultural | Society .will hold its exhibition on September 26th, 27th, i 28th and 29tb, 1865, at WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. ! Any information desired t>y persons desiring to cxhib -1 it, applications for premium lists or posters,or by mem bers of the society, will be given by the undersigned, or j by A. BOYD HAMILTON, President, Harrisburg, Pa. A. BROWER LONGAKER, Secretary. | Norristown, June 5,1865. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ROYSE ' -A HOUSE, BURLINGTON, PA., Begs leave to inform his old customers and the travel ing public, that he has thoroughly repaired and renova ted his House, and it is now in good condition to accom modate guests in a satisfactory manner. L. T. ROYSE, I Burlington, June 26,1865. Proprietor FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale a valuable farm iu Smithfield twp. ! Good buildings, teuces, fruit Ac. ! JOHN N. CALIFF, j! Towanda, July 10, 1865. Office over P. o._ ;!Y>LASTEK. —A ffceah supply of Grotibd X Plaster on hand and for saie by I Feb. 2,1865. W. A. ROCKWELL. Cegal. I 4 DMINISTI'ATOK' - NOTICE. -Notice I J-\- is hereby given, that all peisous indebted to | estate ol F. D.GRLGG, dee'd, late ol iuwaaiiat wp, u request* J to make immediate payment, and th-.-c h.v j ing demands against said estate will pre-ent them duly i authenticated tor settlement. WM. GREGG, | Aug- ft, 1165. Administrator. | A DMI'NIBTRATORSNOTICE L .tc. -t ! d- ot administration of the g-. ids, chattels. I PERKY BURT, late ot Kidgburry twp.. tV-.. <■ I uave ueeu issued to the subscriber. All pet-ma tiuieo ' ed to said estate are requested to make p iy.n. ut, a .d all ! persons having demands sgainvt the -aine are notitied I present the tame tor settlement to the subscriber. JAMES H. WEBB, Ridgbury, June 20, 1865. Administrator. | A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE - Notic* is j a*, hereby given, that all pc. - -n- ii.deblc.': t tl.i. • j tate ol DAVID GKISWOLD. late of Wells twp . d j are requested to make Immediate payment and tin - j having claim-; against said estate wiil present them duly ! authenticated for settlement. E.K BECK WITH, i July 27, 1865. Administrator. |?XII I TOR 8 NOTICE— N tioe is herc- JCi by given, that ail persona indebted to the estate oi RODERICK WILLIAMi>. late ut l anion, deceased aie i ! quested to make immediate payment, .mj tli se having : demands against said estate will please peesc-nt dci> i authenticated fur settlement. rQoM.Ys WILLIAM -, HAMUEL ANNABLB, | June 15, 165. Executors ADM INISTIIATOK'S N OTIC E.-N otic is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tnc estate of HENRY PITT, late ot Mouth Creek twp.. I dee d., are requested to make immediate layment j and those having demands against said estate will pre j entthem duly authenticated lor settlement. fcj. D. 11AKKNEES, July 13, 1165 Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR' ?S No'i'B L.-N otioo i i hereby given that ail nerooiia indebted t- the I ol PATRICK DOUGHERTY, dec d, late ot N. To v; A I arc requested to make immediate payment, aud thorn- I having demands against said estate wiil present fhciu duly authenticated lor settlem rrt. 11. 8. RUSSELL, ELLEN DOUG HER L Y , July 13,1865. Administrators. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court ot Brad ford County, the undersigned Administrator ol -rhi Packard, dee'd, wiß sell-on the premises in Alba Born' ou WEDNESDAY, AUGt -sT, 'At 1-65, at 1 oii. '. p. m., all that lot, piece or parcel ol land i .v.o. Borough, bounded as follows : Regitmin./ at or junction ot the Granville road and the road |i. from Aralrol Rlackinau's, .Mauley's, an bounded on the east by th- road lending :r--.a ... • Mantey's, on the south by B. B' rei-'s lot, n th.e . t 1 lands of lrud Wilson, on the north by the G'anvil.e r > id Containing onc-hail acre, bo the name more or !• . small framed dwelling house there >u. ALSO—AII that certain lot ot land situate in Lefio. twp., hounded as lo.lows : Beginning at a heurie stump on the line of W. J, Stoats' lot, then - .tl west 14 rods to an a-1 r. thence north 36° west 14 rod to a post, south-west corner ol E. AuaUes lot, thence ea -53 perches to a post the-Bco south along the hue ot W. J. Stones' laud 10S rods to the plat eof beginning . ' - taining 27 acres aud 100 rods, he the sail;-- more or les- AUSO—AII that other certain lot, piece ur parcel o: 'and situate in Canton twp., at. 1 luuuded as i-uh .. -, on the west by lands til William Packard and Heniy Jen nings, on the north by lands ioriueily vwnt->. by Wm. •Scott, dee'd., on the ea-t by lu:i . ■:.■>. ..i. r li. •ate of John Grey deed., on the < a.h -y !' ' I ing to the estate ol Abigal Ayres, dee d... to .t, i iin. about 104 acres; about 50 acre.-, hnpioved, vw.h w,. framed house, bam and out buildings and .a . , t ... chard thereon. TEltMS—J2slu be paid ou each iut at Liit-loue i:i property is strutk .!••n, one half the rem ti.iJur e. •on tiruiation ol sale the balance in one year thereafter intn iDierest from couiirtnaliou. liINuR I'. i'UKTcaR, May 11, D'Cc. Adii]lntstfator. AUDITOR'S NO lICE.— In th<' matter ot of the e tate of Jhn J. lteynold> declared. It: th;- Orphan's I'ouit o! Bradford The undersigned, an kddTtbr, appointed to'aistribute the monies:in the hands ol the administrators rate by the sale iii said d, cedents real aud persoual eslate will attend to the duties ut hi- appoiniment at tin tice ol Mc-rcar A Morrow, m the I. r- h : lb, ; . i: •, on Thursday, the 17ih day oi August, A. D., 1- at 1 o'clock p.m.. and all peiv nis h svieg etainis q monies must present them, or else be forever tie :<a:vel lruiu the same. If. D. MQJMBDW, July 10, 1863. And.n i. A UDXTOR a NOTICE.— In the mailer oj tnc tin t<l JTK. E. I Villi am-, dcccasid. Iu tue Orpuau's UOa.t ol Bradford County. The undersigned an auditor, appointed by -aid court t distribute tunJs u the hauu.- lUc admiui-ii.itor of said estate, will attend to ti.. dots at u th . hi the ljorough ot Towanda, on Friday the 1-th day o. August, A. D.. 1865, at i u'elo' k p. nr. aud ah i . m baving claims upon said lund.- luu.-t present theiu, or else he for ver deb.nred trom the same. JAMES WOOD, July 10, 1865. Auditor. 4 UDITOR'S NOTICE.— In th■ matter JTx. the Estate oj Abrtun fox, dccias.d. In the '' 1 uan's Court of Biadiord i _n_ti. The undersign; Jan a* w apj> inteJ by --aid ( .art to distribute tuuds in the hand.- • tue adniini-tr ;• >; saiu estate, will atleuil i. ihc duties oi his appointment, at his office in Towanda b>r ■'. m 1 .- sday, At g ,-t 15, 1865, at 1 o'clock p. in., at whir!: time aud pl.t all n sons interested can attend if they think proper or be forever debarred trom the W. T. DA VIES, July 17, 1865. Audito . AUDITOR'S NOTICE - -In th. itler of the estate of R. R Rrilrwith. deceased. In the Orphan's Court ol Bradford County. The audit* * uppoiiitc* to uh j a li the monies in the hands ol th* .•dmhiNtrator, raised by the sale ot detendant's real e-'ate, wdl at ten.' t-. the duties of his appointment at the office ot Me * A Morrow, iu the borough of Towanda, u Ft. lav, day of August, 1865. • t 1 o'clo* k, p. m. ~:nl ; us having claims upon said niocit -m -t pre-ent t: ui or else be forever del .*ricd fiom t .c - :. . D. D. MORROW. July lu, 1-55. tnditor Jinamiat. TT S. 7- 3 0 LOA N ! We are now selling the Third Series , tb'.- highly I popular Loan, the first and second scries't-g ~, sold very quickly. The thiid -cries are Jute l Jy'. it, 1865, and are payable three y-ars ; tor da' . with :iil. : est semiannually, at seven aud Ibree-tenth j.< * u currency or at six per cent, in gold, at t!.. optlfin •' !'■>■ Government, and ai-e * "nveitab m into the 5-.i) c'"'.*! be-i ing bonds at maturity or payaide iu eurreii- y at t..- ; *.pt ion of the holder. They are not taxable . : VI.IT, . < ( > ty, school or borough purposes, which make- if a v y desirable investment. We have also on hand a few of the -ccond :ci ie-, .. *- ted June 15.1565. Persons wishing to invest in this b an at Gov.mment rates are requested to call ou u *. B. S. RUSSELL A CO.. June I' 2, IBi>s. U.S. Loan Agents. piK&T NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS TuEASrKY DKPAKTMKNT, j OFFICE OF CoMrriroi.i.MT CK THE C.'ITUEX* v WASHINGTON, May 1, 1865. \ satisfactory * vhhncc pre-,.* ted i, ilu undersigned, it lias been made to appi . tb •; •' • -■ Notional Bank ol Athens, ' in the borough > f A't'- ■s. iu the county ol Bradlbrd and Vtaie >. Fenusylvut. a, has l.een duly organized under and according t* tie- v*- quirements of the Aid of Congress, entitled an " A r • provide a National Currency s., , y a pledge of United States Bonds, ami to provide I a the ,*i n and redemption thereof."'-approved June J. Del. and has complied will* all the provisions : >.,,5 A, i, re quired to be complied with, before eoirmencin : the bu siness *,f hanking under said Act. Now. therelnre. i. I RREItAN i I/ARKB, Comptroller ol tlie Currency, do licit) y -ciiify that ' The First Na tional Bank of* A'l'cus. ' in the I rough ol Athens, in the comity ot Bradford, in the Sr.ite ol Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the bn-iness ot Banking under tiie Act aiyresaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of of [n s 1 flee, this first day ot May, 1865. FREEMAN CLARKE, Comptroller of the Currency. rjROCKERY AND GLASSWARE AT R EDUC EI) PliIC ES ! I take pleasure in announcing to the citizens ot Brad ford aud vicinity, th t I Imv par* ..:-ed the h *>; Crockery and Glassware heretofore owned by E. 11. Payne, which added to my former st k, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, PLATED WARE, TABLE A POCKET CUTLERY, Makes as good an assortment as can be found west ol New York. My stock of Crockery consists of |S I X DIFFERENT PATTERNS, Plain and Figured W n I T F. GRANITE W A R E . You will also iiud a choice lot of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, | Wood, Willow, Stone Ware, and -Self Sealing Fruit Jars at low prices. My motto is small profits quick returns and ready pay. I ' All kinds of Farmers l'r ducc wanted, tor whi -h the 1 "highest Market rrice *♦ .11 bo paid. W. B. CAMPBELL, ' WAVERLY, N. Y., June 7, 1865.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers