pitttr. Mi===dlll ~~~ E. 0. G ODRICH,'EDITOR TO ‘" AN-D.& Thuridity morning, "January 8, 1868. o,,errtriw or MURFREESBORO BNB- WM,. _There'sulttif the five day's - battle at Mur freesboro is at length officially and most satis factorily announced. -General Rosecrans des patch-a:to the War Department a full history of the protracted contest, which ended,on Sat urday In the , total defeat .of the rebel army and their disorderly flight towards Tullahoma. General Rosecrans says thet,he would occupy the town and push on the pursuit on Monday, wh'ob - was commenced by the centre of our lines on Sunday. The fighting was almost continuous , from Tuesday to Saturday. On Sunday vsnorning the enemy commenced to re treat, abd the movement was made known to General Roseicrans at seven o'clock. The loss es on our side are one thousand killed and five thousand five hundred wounded, - in hospital. The above cheering news from Tennessee is enhanced by the intelligence of the• success of General Sherman at Vicksburg. Our troops arc in possession of the city, after a series of desperate battles. The expedition landed on tie Yuzoo river on the 26th nit., under cover of the gunboats, after having •shelled the rebel batteries at 14ines' Bluff, which was formida bly fortified and well defended. The gunboat Bentent was pretty severely riddled by the ene my's shot, and her commander, Capt. Gwiun, badly hurt. The enemy bad seven batteries of rifled guns mounted onlhese, bluffs, and made a Stubborn resistance for more than au hour. We have the authority of the ,Memphis Bulletin for the_faOt that fighting had been going on for five days, commencing on Wednes day. Up to Monday morning General Sher man bad captured three lines of the enemy's works. The firing on the fourth and last line of defence on the Jackson and Vicksburg road bad ceased, and the indications were that this line—just two miles from Vicksburg--had sur rendered: Before taking the fortifications' General Sherman sent a brigade to cut off communication with the city by the Shreve port Railroad—work which was successfully accomplished. He was reinforced on Sunday night by nine thousand men from General. Grant's army, by way of the . river. The whole of the iTnion force at Vicksburg is now about forty the sandmen. - Gener ',Grant telegraphs to the War De partment, a confirmation of the news of the occupatiOn of .Vicksburg by our forces, from a rebel source—the Grenada !Appeal. THE'LATEST WAR NEWS Advices from Geh. Blunt states that he occupied Van Buren, the Rebels having re treated on Tuesda,y night toward Arkadelphia abandoning their wounded at Fort Smith.— Our troops in the Indian Territory have driv en the Rebels under Coffee and Stswart across the Arkansas at Fort Gibson. The Indiana are anxious to re-establish their loyal status. Hindman's correspondents was captuicd at Van Buren. His army is wretchedly desti tute. •• The newspapers have advices from Fortress Monroe ollhe departure of another important sea-going-e,xpedit i jon. Gen. Naglee's division was embarked on transpcirts at Yorktown and 411oncester Point on the 31st, and spent their New Year's Day at Hampton Roads. Many other transports, 16aded with troops, stores, &c., arrived, and ha 4 ve joined the expedition. The fleet put to sea on the 31st-, and com prises enough men of all an is to hold any point on the Southern coast. The destina tion is sup - posed.to be North Carolina ; but as a number of iron-clads accompany it it may go to some important Southern port. _The flagship is the'steamer Woodbury, which. has Gen. Naglee and staff on board. have very important news from East ,Tennessee. The Lynchburg Republican/ of Thursday states that a body of 5,000 Union cavalry, composed, of one — Pennsylvania regi ment, and others unknown, have destroyod nine miles of the East Tennessee and Virgin ia Railroad, burning the,' important bridges over the Holston and Watawga Rivers, and capturing 200 Rebel cavalry who were guard ing the former. The Reyublaea•n says it will take several weeks to repair the damages, a a time When the road is taxed to its utmost capacity. It characterizes the Yankee raid of .nearly a, hundred miliaria one of unexpect ed daring find activity. A disparch to Cbicago' states that the Un lon Cavalry, under Col. Dickey, have destroy- ed a long stretch of the Mobile• t aod Ohio _Railroad, fromltiilo to Okalona, ip North- Eastern Mississippi. This, if true, is a very important fact, as it cute Bragg of from Mobile. Balloon reconnoissances show that a con. . siderable portion of the Rebel forces in front of Fredericksburg have gone off—probably to help:Bragg at Murfreesboro. If the story of the railroad breaking in. East Tennessee is true, they have started too late. - i"The Navy has suffered, a serious loss by the sinking of the famouti Monitor, south of Cape Hatteras. She was going south, in - taw of the steamer Rhode Island, when foul weather came'n, tile Monitor sprung - a leak early on Thursday ,morning, S and wenl._ down in a few hours. Two officers and nine men are miming; probably lost:- , Eleveral men are also miaologlrom the-Mode idea . • • outtot Lfi lestll • _ , CA*, sans Fasaproirmaii;P 14,1862. ec. Nt r elunilert frot4 ottetamp at, B,tOlogk on S i atu[daysmorning, tririrched , tb the riliet,4here i I tee sacked one arms, andithe tam allowed -t o. relit' for an hour. , ;- While in this position we band a fine view of the brittle that was.raging below us.' It coal- -mericed on the right in the . morning at seven o'clock, and at this time our. forces .were all . engagedunder General Seamier at Fredericks burg. We could see whole lines march up to the works of the enemy, with a firm and un broken frot.t, to be scattered and driven back by the murderous fire of the enemy. • Thus line after line of oar bravo troops were hurled against the ,impregnable breast-works of the enemy, and were as often compelled to I fall back; bitterly decimated: At this time the battle was opened on, the left by Gen. Reynolds, of Franklin's Grand, Division, and as usual the Reserves were push ed to the•front. Right nobly did they bear themselves, as they marched across the ravine, and deployed into line of battle just ,beyond,l on the crest of the bill. At this point the 6th Regiment was ordered to deploy four of its companies as skirmishers, and Capt. •Gont was ordered to take command' of them, posh them forward, and 'ascertain the position of the enemy, -which was done as the 6th do everything, in galhint style. They drew the skirmishers of the enemy over the bill, across the railroad into the woods, where the skir mishers of the enemy were reinforced by their reserves. here the fight became furious. The enemy being reinforced and under cover of a thick wood, poured a ruinous fire' of musketry into the skirmishers. They• were reinforced, and the fight became general-between the ene my's forces and Gen. Meade's Division, (the Reserves.) The battle raged here for about two hours, furiously. Gen. Meade's Division sustained itself nobly against greatly superior numbers during all this time, and were at length compelled to fall back, for want of timely sup port, though nobly they done their duty. Let the record speak : they lost over 2,200 .men. It was during this time that 'we were stand ing on the bill, silent but painful spectators of the battle raging just beyond us, that, the bu gle sounded " fall in." Our men took their, arms, and run tff in a double quick to join their friends on the other side of the river, who were struggling so manfully with a much superior foe. We crossed the river onlbe • bridge (pon toon) 3 miles below the city,(Fredericksburg,) and marched directly to the field of battle.— The field in which the battle was raging now, was a mile and a quarter from the rive:. Our men marched in double quick time. I think it was the hardest march they ever made. The flat was quite muddy, and the men sank to their shoe-tops every step. Each man carried his knapsack and all his accoutrements, which but aAded to the difficulty of marchinn., and I believe 'that if we had not been mar ching to the battle field, I would not have been able to have gotten more than one-half of the men on in the same time. My line fell out, not to ex ceed sor 6. 'l.t this time the enemy discov ered our advance, and began, to welcome us with solid shot, shell, grape abd canister, with which they gave us a rather warm greeting. Several shell and • solid shot fell among our ranks, but prpvidentially, done but tittle in jury. I believe that Sergeant Jones of Com pany B, was the only person that received any, serious injury in our march from the river to the• road. He was struck by a solid. shot. It broke three of his ribs and injured him other wise internally, though not mortally. At this point we met the Reserves, who were retiring from . Atei field. It was very hot at this point. The enemy had brought two batteries to bear, so that they, enfiladed the road that we Inuit cross to get into the field ; but there was no faltering by the men. They closed op in fine order, and crossed in double quick time, stepping aside only to avoid tramp big on the dead or dying body of a-fellow sol dier, who had just fallen from the ranks of the Regiment immediately in front. The shell and shot fell around us like hail, and men fell as the grain falls before the siekle. It was a yrribie ordeal through which to . pass a Reg iment of new troops, who never had been un der tire. But they passed it nobly, gallantly; not a man faltered or hesitated, but closed up and pushed on. It was at this point that a man from Co. G had his head taken off by a shell, and another severely wounded. By this time we bad reached within a hundred yards of the Reb's lines. They were advandng upon Randolph's Battery, for the purpose of charg ing on it, and would have captured it, had it not been for the timely approach of our Di vision. The enemy were driven back, and we took possession of the Ridge. We occupied the right of the second line of battle,—the first line composed of the 114th, 29th Indiana and 63d Pa. ; the 2d do., 141st, 105th and 63d l'a. We marched on the field by the flank The way was so crowded by the retiring troops that it was impossible to march on in any other way. We formed our line "of battle under a very heavy fire from, he enemy's batteries is front of us, who opened on us with grape and shell. The men were ordered to cover,, that is, to lie• down on the ground , to avoid the h hell, etc. They lay therefor 3 hours on 'their faces, during which time eight shell struck in the ranks among the men, and had they exploiled,the companies among whom they fell would bava,been bitterly-decimated. One struck in die - 114th Regiment, 11 few feet in advance of us, and killed and wounded nine men. Our men lay in that position all the after noon. The enemy never ceased their fire upon. us . until dark. We lay on our arms in this line until Monday morning 10 o'clock, expect ing an attack from the enemy every moment. I received an order during 'Sunday night to hand two hundred men and one field officer in to the ditch, in advance of our lines, and with in 20 rods of the enemy's line of pickets. I detailed Major Spalding and six commissioned officers to . take command of them. They re lieved fhe pickets there at 5 o'clock Monday morning.., It was in-aod' near this ditch that the 57th eet, P. V, suffered so terribly on Saturday. The ditch was still filled 'with the dead and wounded. Our men helped - some of them out during the morning. Our men occupied this ditch until 3 o'clock on Tuesday morning, when they left it, after all the other troops had crossed. Maj. Spal ding deieries a great deal of praise forthe coolness and efficiency manifested in extricat ing his command from their delicate position. During the time they were in-front, oar men made an arrangement with th,e Reba that they would not - fire - if they would cot, which , was acceded-to, and the rest of - the day paoed In peace by the pickets. .. • , • . • Daring-the two - tights WO IMO iyies OIL thCi • . . telitlairiViost - painftd - to - bsten to-the ad p , . fal cries of the weended farlielti; and for wa terrand- no-person able to go to their .assis , , trinae. ThuslCW-that many ;of our . p - oorilirave ioldieritdie--;die froth' want And exposure.. It is We of the many harbarities of War—a cursed war ibitiedeaolatingoncof the mightiest and, happieit'natiois tbe sun ever hone on. , 1t is well for* at borne, as yOn sit around your happy firesides, to speculate on the suffer ing-and the,bravery,:of -our -soldier§ ;,-40,,ertti'i cite the conduct of men and officers ; to pass an opinion upon the bravery of this man, on - the capacity of that, for the position he olds —in fact to hold yourielveir as censors of the' men!who are devoting their lives to the inter ests of their country ; but if - yea would come upon the field with us. for. a while, and share with, us our couch in the mad, or on the bard ruts,of the frotienlicitind, and -share with os our meals of sour - coffee and hard crackells, and march from 10 to 15 miles in the mud to your shoe-tops each day,for a few days, I thinik you would be less zealounin your criticisms in regard to the conduct of this war, and es pecially as to the' tardiness with which it Is conducted. The officers'of my Regiment behaved well ; indeed, they, behaved splendidly. • It is . one thing to rush into battle under Ike excitement of the moment, and became engaged with the enemy in a hand-to hand fight, and be march ed-off again before the excitement has time to 'subside, and to be compelled to stand under heavy fire of grape, shell - and musketry for 3 or 4 hours and not be permitted to fire a shot. It is what you seldom find old regiments wil ling to endure. But the Regiinent bore it bravely, demonstrating beyond a question that they possess courage that will take them any vibere in the face of the e.iemy. I can scarcely particularize in regard to the conduct of my officers. Capt. Park and Capt. Swartz were particularly cool and efficient. On the field they were what I expected they would be, brave and efficient officers. lam also highly pleased with the conduct .of the ; younger officers, Captain Spalding, Lieut. Mercur, Lieuts. Peck and Clark. In. fact, all them.done well.. - Capt. Spalding evinced peculiar _courage and efficiency in the field. Of Lieut. Mercur .1 cannot speak too highly. I that morning placed him in command of Company K, a try ing position for a young officer to be placed in for the first time. He acquitted himself as I believed he would,. with great credit.— Lieuts. Peck and Clark also do.ie themselves great credit. Lieut. Clark had sole command of his company, the other officers being absent sick.' The officers of the three companies from the other counties behaved well. Captains Beardsley and Tyler acted with great coolness and discretion. They were equal to the ewer genes' of their position. Lieuz, Atkinson, who commanded Company G, behaved finely, and so did all the officers of the companies. lam proud of their conduct as Accra and men, and also am of the Rgiment. We crossed the river on Saturday with two days' rations. We were promptly supplied on Monday night by our Q , lartermaster (Lieut. Torrey) with the needed supply for the next three days. We were uuder great-obligations to him for his energy and thoughtfulness in getting our rations to us—a task not easy to be accomplished under the circumstances. To Major Spalding' and the Adjutant is due a great deal of credit. They remained at their posts, on their horsei, during most of the af ternoon, ready for any emergency that might arise. They evinced great coolness in assist ing in forming the Regiment on the field, and in encouraging the men in their extremely hard march from the river. The M:ijor' nar rowly escaped being hit with a shell, it glanc ing by his stirrup. To the Major and Adju tant i am under great obligations for their as sistance during the day. Lieut.-Col. Watkins, I regret to say, was unable to be with us, and no person could have regretted it more than he did. He was in hospital with typhoid fever at the time, and taken by his father, Col. Mason, to Wash iogton on the afternoon of the day we left camp. I very much missed his service:ou the march and in the field. I hope be may not be kept from us long. He Is a good and effi dent officer, and I miss him much. The people of Bradford may be proud of their friends who - were in the- fight in this Reg iment, on Saturday. They done themselves and their friends great credit. Would 1 could say they done their country as much service. H.. 1. MADILL. Pennsylvanians in Gen. Diners Division. WASIIINGTON, Dec. 24, 1862. Tlke following letter has been addresses to Govetnor Curtin by General Birney, who com mands the Divisioa lately under General Kear ney : HEAD-QrARTES FIRST DIVISION, THIRD CORPS, CAIIP PITCHER, Dec. 19,1862. Youit EXCELLENCY :—lt gives me pleasure to say to you that among the distinguished regiments of the old division in the battle of Fredericksburg, were the seven from Pennsyl vania, our patriotic old State. - The Fifty-seventh, Colonel Campbell ; Six ty-third, Major Banks ; One-hundred-and fifth, Colonel McKnight ; Ninety-ninth, Co lonel Leidy, were identified with the glory of the command. But the Sixty-eighth, Colonel Tippen ; One-hnnered and-fourkeenth, Colonel Collis ; One hundred-and forty-first, Colonel Madill, new accessions, did much gallant see vice, and withstood the enemy's charge with enthusiasm,driving him to his breastworks and cover. It was with peculiar delight, as a Pennsyl vanian,•that I led so many Pennsylvania reg iments to the support of the veteran " Re serves," and as that division was slowly and sullenly retiring before the overpowering foe, that we relieved it from the pursuit, and re pulsed the enemy with terrible slaughter. All of these regiments aro fully entitled to have officially awarded to them, from the Ex ecutive power, the right to add " Fredericks burg" to the names already crowding their banners. May I ask you, amid your many duties, to have this compliment promptly paid them. I regret to say that Colonel Campbelle, Col. Leidy and• Mijor Hawksworth fell,, severely wounded, whilst leading thfir eommands.— Many a brave Pennsylvanian gave his life for the glory of the old flag and the honor of our good State and . conntry. I am, your obedient servant, D. B. BMNEY, Brigadier• General, Commanding Division, Governor Gums, Harrisburg, Pa. sir The Emancipation Proclamation is bailed with joy, all over the loyal country. So, lutes ha a been tired at Boston, Albany, Buf falo, Pi shore, sod mail other places; h~~``~roetamation~l~fß~~' BY yfitTi,lllBlnfiy ttlY THE UnITED , STATES or Asnuties,4A Paticzilierultf4W Wit/41i 00 the tientieeeend dayi '.BePtemher,lin the): year of oar Lord one thousand eight hen - deed and airy -two; a ProciateatiOnwaa !gaited by the President`of The, ,trilited Statee, -- eontaierag among other things, the following, to wit " That ou the First pay of January, in the Year of (Air Lord One Thoisand Eight-Ain dred and Sixty three ail persons held as Slaves within any State,or designated parts of a State, the people whereot-ehali then be In rebellion against the United 'States, shall be thencefor ward and—num fast, and the Executive Government of the United States, including the Military and Naval authority' thereo4 recognize and maintalw the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persona, or any of, them, id any, efforts they may make for theirectual freedom. That the Executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by Proclamatiob, designate the States , and parts of States, if any, in which the people thereof respectively shall then be in Rebellion against the United States ; and tbe fact that any State, or the people thereof, shall on that day, be in good faith represented in the ' Congress of the Unit.' ed States by Members chosen thereto at elec tions wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such State shall have participated, shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testimo rw, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State and the people thereof are not then in Rebellion against the United States." Now, ,therefore, Y, AB3AHAM. LITSCOLN, Pres ident of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander-in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, in time of actual armed rebellion against, the au thority and Government of the United States, and as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said Rebellion, do, on this first day of January, in the. year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in accordance with my purpose so to do, pub licit' proclaimed for the full period of one hundred days from the day first above-men tioned, order and designate as the States and parts of States wherein the people thereof, respectively, are this day in rebellion against the United States, the follo•king, to wit : Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, (except Parishes of St. Bernard, Pliquemines, Jefferson, St. Charles, St. James, ~Ascension, Assumption, Terre Bonne, Lafourche, St. Marie, St. Mar tin, and Orleans, including the City • of New" Orleans,) Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Ge6rgia, South Carolina, North Caroliva,and Virginia, (except the forty-eight counties des igati,ted as West 'Virginia, and also the coon ties of Berkely, Ac...otnac, Northampton, Eliz abeth City, York, Princess Ann and Norfolk, including the cities or Norfolk and Port, , mouth,) and which excepted parts are, for the present, left precisely as if this proclama tion were not issued. And by virtue of. the power 'and for the purpose aforesaid, I do, order and declare that all persons held-as slaves within said designa ted States and parts of States, are, and hence forward shall be free, and that the Executive Government of the United States, including the Military and Naval Authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons. And T hereby enjoin upon the people so de- Glared to be free, to abstain from all violence, unless in.necessary self defense ; and I recom mend to them that in all cases, when allowed, they labor faithfully for reasonable wages. And I further declare and make known,that such persons, of suitable condition; will be received into the armed service of the United States, to garrison: forts, positions,' stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service. • And, upon this act., sincerely believed to .be an act of justice, warranted . by the Constitu tion, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgement of mankind ,and the gracious favor of Almighty God. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band and caused the seal of the Uui-ted States to he affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this first day of January, in the Year of our Llrd - One Thousand Eight Hundred and Six s. ty three, and of the Independence of t'ae United Sates of America the Eighty seventh. ABRAHAM LINCOLN By the Pre.aideat—W3l. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State DEPARTMENT OF "THE GULF. Farewell Address of Gen. Butler to the Citizens of New-Orleans. The steamer S. B. Spaulding, from N'etv- Orleans, with dates of the 24th ultimo, ar rived this evening. Amon , * her passengers is Major Gen. Butler and Staf, excepting Colo. nel Jonas 4,Fronch and Captain John Clark, who remain', General Butler prior to leaving New Or leans, gave a reception at the City .diall,where hundreds of citizens and officers waited on him. General Butler also issued a farewell ad dress to the citizens, in which he says that he leaves with the proud consciousness of carry ing with him the blessing of the humble and loyal, under the cottage rocif and in„,the , cabin of the slave, and is quite content to incur the sneers of the saloon or the curses of the rich. He concludes by saying that " months of ex perience and observation have forced t he con viction that the existence of slavery is incom patible with the safety of yourself or of the Union." On the 24th General ,Banks keened an ad dress, appended to which, is the President's proclamation of emancipation. In his address General Banks, after rehearsing the objects and effects of the Prseident's proclamation, says : "It is manifest that the changes sug gested by the proclamation do not take place at any precise period, and General Banks calls upon all persons, citizens or slaves, to govern themselves; accordingly. All unusual public Alenumstratious wilt be for the present suspended, and the provost marshals are en joined to prevent any disturbance of the pub-' lie peace. The slaves are advised to remain upon the plantations until their privileges are definitely established, resting assured that whatever benefits the Government intends, will be secured them." Gen. Banks also instructs the officers to se cure the strictest discipline in the camps. At-? tention is also called to the act , of Congress forbidding the return of slaves by,the army. The war is not waged for the ; .overthrow of slavery. but to restore the constitutional re lation between the Knited Staten and each of 1 .,... 4 .tz....,, , :c1 i 0i. pail Nnw-Yoak, January 1. 1863. lialietiir t irstriViiiis7ii6 - piese - rie& the' war must cease and the former constitutional relations again be established, for no_ military Intiein the evenCOf a continuance of-the war, Wilt counsel the';:tireservatioe of slavery ; . the 'continuance' of. the . war ''igill-leave no other re: permanent yaelrof the rebelli but ' emend : A; . ,pation. contest in public, as in lecial life, strengthens and" oonsolidates,-6 otlierly vaffee; don. It is a baseless nationality that has not tested its strength --against domestic enemies. The success of local interest narrows the dest iny of a people, and is followed by seeession, poverty, and degradation, The triumph of national interests widens the scope of human history, and is attended with peace,prosperity, sod power. It is out of such contests that great nations are born.; Gen. Banks concludes thus : " Let us fulfil the conditioei of this last great trial and be come a nation,a grand eation,witb sense enough to govern ourselves, and strength enough to stand against the -world united)'. Up to the time of the sailing of the steam er nothing bad -transpired_ as to the intended movements of Gen. Banks, but it was known that a campaign had been commenced with Baton Rouge as the base of operations. LOSS OF THE MONITOR. She Springs', a Leak and Sinks off Cape Hatteras. WASHINGTON, Jan. 4, 1833. The following has been received at the Na vy Department IlsvroN Mulls, Saturday, Jan. 3-9 p. m. To the Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy : The Monitor, in tow of 'the Rhode Island, passed Hatteras shoals on Tuesday afternoon. The weather was fine and promising. About 9 p. o. squally weather commenced, and about I 0 it blew ffard. At 1:30 a. m. on Wednes day, 31st, the Monitor; having sprung a leak, went down. Commander Bankhead and the officers and crew of the Monitor behaved no bly, and made every effort to save the vessel. Commander Trenchard and the officers and crew of the Rhode Island did everything in their power to rescue the officers and crew of the Monitor, The following is a list of the missing on the Monitor : Norman Atwater, ensign ; George Frederickson, acting ensign ; R. W. Hands, third assistant engineer ;.Geo. M. Lewis, third assistant engineer ; John St.ockAig, boat swafu's mate ; James Fenwiek, quarter gun ner ; Wm. Bryan, yeoman ; Daniel More, offieers' steward ; Robert Howard, officers' cook ; Wm. Allen, landsman ; Wm. Egan, uid,man'; Jacob Wickles, ordinary seaman ; Dios. Force, lira class fireman Of the Pyhod( Island : Geo. Littlefield, coal heaver ; `Chas. Smith, coAswain ; Maurice Wag, cox swain ; Hugh Logan, captain of the guard ; WiS A. Horton, seaman ; John Jones, lands man ; Luke M. Griswold, ordinary seaman ; Geo. Moore, seaman. The Rhode Island has just arrived. She passed the Montauk at 3:30 this m?rning, 15 to 20 miles to the northward of Hatteras, d iug well. Weather fine. B. P. LEE, Acting Rear-Admiral. TEMPORARY RELIEF FOR 'ME TREASURY.— The Secretary of the Treasury desires the pas sage of a bill granting his Department tempo rary relief, amounting to $150,000,000, to give him time to mature his Banking bill. He is very anxious to have this Bank bill report ed with the general scheme of finance for the year. Mr. Chase has already made appica lion to the Ways and Means Committee for this temporary relief. It is doubtful if the Committee will report elm any partial mea sure whatever until they make their main general report. STUART'd CAVALRY RAID —The material re suit of Stuart's cavalry raid was one Govern went wagon half filled with oats. But it, mask ed the withdrawal from the lines behind Fred erick,burg of large reinforcemwts for Bragg's army or the 'forces at Charleston. Balloon observations, 900 feet high, revealed to our commanders last week the fact that the rum ber of Rebel infantry, camps across I,he Rip pabannoek had largely diminished. Otbl Sibinrtfirinotts. TO PERSONS DESIROUS OF REM IT TING MONEY TO EUROPE.--B. S. RUSSELL & CO. axe prepared to dn►w drafts, payable at signt, on England. Ireland, Scotland and Wales, from 1C upwards, also on all th! principal ci ie.; an towns on the Conti nent of Europe. Persons wishing to remit funds to their friends there cau obtain drafts from ua at any time, at the lowest rate of Exchange. Towanda, Jan 7, Ifni& ca k -; REWARD WILL BE I'AID FOR fOt_l the apprehension and delivery of recruit JACOB BA HRICK.. , who enlisted on the 2Uth day of December. Said Barrick has hazel eyes, dark brown hair, light com flexion. is 5 feet 8 inches in height, has a scar on his ace neatllis eye, and is supposed to reside in Elmira or Southport. U the lawyer NOW was consulted by his wi'e to know if he could be held to service, knows his resi dence, he will oblige by furnishing it. AVM. HUDSON LAWRENCE. Jan. 7.1863. ; Capt. 14th Infantry. *3- Tloga and Lycoming county papers please copy. STRAYED OR STOLEN.--From the E premises of the subscriber, in Towanda Borongh,on or about the 3d of December, a three years old RED HEI FER, with white hind feet, white belly, and short crum ple borne. Said heifer I recently purchased of David Cowan, of Upper Ulster. A reasonablecompensation will be paid for information leading to herrecovery. M. T. CARRIER. Towanda, Dec. 23, 1862. P LASTER FOR SALE.—Cayuga Ground Plaster for sale in large or small quantities, it MASON'S MILLS, in Monroe. All kind- , of Grain taken in payinent. J. S. SALISBUBY & CO. Monroe, Oct. 22, IlY32.—tf. HE 11.10HEST CASH PRICE PAID T. forßuckwheat at MASON'S MILLS. Nos, 1802 MUSICAL CONVENTION AMUSICAL CONVENTION WILL be held at ULSTER, Bradford ,county, Pa., com mencing TUESDAY MORNING JANUARY 20, 1863, At 10 o'clock. to continue four days, and close with ~a Concert on FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 23. under the direction of Prof. J. G. TOWNER, of the Normal Academy of Music, Geneseo, N.Y. There will be three Sessions each. day, Morning, At. ternoon and Evening. The " Olive Branch," and " Ori ental Glee and Anthem Books" will be used. And fur nished during the Convention, free of charge 4 persons having them are requested to bring them. M'rowNir.R, will be assisted by his Normal Quartette at th Concert. Ample arrangements will be made to furnish, persons from a distance with good board and lodgings, a-mgon• able rates. Admittance tO the whole course, including COncert . b 0 cts. each. Concert.. 20 liPi.derOrnen admitted tree. By or&i of Commlitee. • JAMES *CARTY, CHARLES HOVEY, HARVEY SMITH. I WM. RIDALL, Jr. IThiler,,Jo. 7,18 U. - 11.. -9. Internal Revenue. r,NOTICE'IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAy the ditties and taxes, under the Ex ise lite of the United fitateki, have.become due and payable, and th a t •the_Collectormill attend in the county of Bradford, at the jimes and places hereinafter mentioned, far the par. pose of receli,mg the same, viz : In TOWANDA 8080., Monday 2d. and 9th Februa r y. 1863, at his office, over the Banking House of La. epode, Mason A. Co.. .- . In WYALUSING, Wednesday, 4th February, 1843, a t ' . the o ffi ce v Andrew. Fee. until 2 o'clock, P. M. In LeRANS ILLE, Thursday,-February 5, 1863, it J, B. Ketch 'a. In ORWHL - I , Friday, February 6, 1863, at S. F. Wa s h. burn's. In RollE4Satnrilay. FebraarY 7, 1863, at Chaffee's H o , tel, until 3 o'clock. P. M. In ATHENS; Tuesday and Wednesday. 11th and l'lth , February, commencing at 1 o'clock. P.11..")he 10th, and ending at 1 o'clock, P.M., the 11th, at the Ex. change Hotel. In SMITHFIELD, Thursday, February 12, until 2 o'clock. P. M., at James Green's. In TROY, Friday, February 13,,at V. M. Long's. In BURLINGTON. Saturday, February 14. from it • o'clock. PilL. until 2 o'clock, P. If., at L. T. Roye,e , a . In CANTON, Tuesday, February 17, commencing at 12 o'clock, IM, at Whitman's Hotel. Notice is alsir given, that all persons who neglect to pay the DUTIES and:TAXCS assessed upon them. with in the time specified. will be liable to pay ten per cent. additional! upon the amount thereof. Payment may b, made at Any of the above times,and places mentioned, that may beat snit the convenience of the tax payers. Government money only will be received from me. but, to accommodate tax payers, !Awe made arrangements by which i ban take, besides. Government funds, good drafts, payable in New York or Philadelphia—par funds —or the common currency of the country he eiloyi n g the discount. IL LAWRENCE iiCOTT Collector's Office. Towanda. Pa.. Jan 7. IS3G. Eliason Greener & Company. PIANOS k MELODEONS AT GREAT BA Pal AINS.—A splendid Seven-octave Piano, made by one of the best New-York manufacturers. Ibis pi. ano originally cost $3OO, has been used but a little, and will be soidfor $l5O. A new seven-octave Piano with all the modern im provements, and warranted for five years, for f2OO. Also twenty five new Melodeons from the relebrateiS mann factory of GEO. PRINCE k Co.. at prices never heard of before. CARHART, NEEDHAM & Co's Aar. m oniums for Churches Vestries, and Drawing Rooms.itt about half the usual price. Fifty new and second hand pianos for sale or ,to rent, and rent applied if put ch . Sheet Niuslc at Grettlyaleecl Priceq. wir All who wish to purchase an instrumekt, will do. well Dy calling immediately at ELIASON, GREENEII S Co., 5L Water street, Elmira. N. Y. NEW' ARRANGEMENT - =7.v GOODS, OLD VHS' BOOK STORE. r in: us D',:rzsic; NEDLI A 1 7 1 N PT: R (.1..(11 the Mtere.Rt of Mr. l'AnsoNß int be ahore well e-tabli,hment, w.m!‘t announce 10 our old cu•do m-v, and generaliy, that he will cirritinile the •mtati mery hit,im. , a at the old st..nd, and Icy -111, t attention to bmduess, to merit a share of public ),ll r . , . . . Fr .:n oar 'acilities for pnr....basiug, goods, we flatter one c;t that we can oiler greater iudm•rments to parrha-crs han any other est thlishrnr nt in this section of country. 'lease give UM a call before pureba_sing elsewhere. S. W. ALV.ORD Towanda, Dec. 40, 15012. WYOMING 'MANCE CO., OFFICE OVER THE WYOMING BANK WILKES-BARRE, PENN'A. CAPIT,IL AND SURPLUS Will Insure against Loss. or Damage by Fire on proper y in Town or Country. nt rea.sunalile rateg. DlBair, pas :—G. M. Ila.leulmck, John Richard. Sam'l Va dhums, L. D. Shoemaker, D. G. Dre.ba eh . R. C. Smith R. D. Larne. Gen. P. Steele. W. W. Ketcham, Charles, Dorrance, Wm. S. Rosa, U. M. Harding. G. M. HOLLF:NRACK. President. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice Presidt. C SMITH, Seep• W. G. SrituuNa, lreasurer, HOMER CAMP, Agent. Application for Insurance in the following Companies rzc••tved. ,Fang Insurance entrpany. Flatrord. As-cts. 52,265,175 , Fulton in,nrancOC•ompany,lew Yolk, Cush Capital, $200.000 C ,mpany. Capital A 1.0.000,000 Liverpool AI London Insurance Company, Capital $6,000,000 LIFE INSCRANCE, Connect icut Mutual A , Aets, tam 'town, Nov.s. 1562. C Li 0 'l' N"G- CaMP FOR CASE THE 'BEST PLATE IN TOWANDA to boy well-made, durable and good fitting Mill ND • BOYS' CLOTHING! AT REASONABLE PRICES M. E. SOLOMON'S CLOTHING STORE, NO. 2, PATTON'S BLOCK, FALL a WINTER CLOTU !No GENTS TII.RNIZZEING GOODS, BOOTS & SUOES, EATS & OARS, And Leather of all kinds• Having bought early in the season, at low prices, for cash, we will sell correspondingly cheap. Come one, come all and examine our goods. at we aro cartairr to give you a better article, for less money Oita can be obtained elsewhere . Remember the place— Towauda, Oct. 13, 1862. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE WILL BE PAID FOB Hides, Sheep Pelts & Wool, AT THE CLOTHLNG STORE OF ----15 ECEI,VING- 100 OTONS MASON A M U Mate; at Ihr. . W. A. ROC Col. 13th Dis. Pa. AND AT TUE $ll5 ,000. $1,500,000 I &W' at M. E. SOLOMON'S M. E. SOLOMON
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers