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Manliuld blessings the dead year brought— Golden dreams braided with sorrowful thought; Much thatiwas beautiful, mirthrtil,and sad, Earth like au Eden bloomed fresh and was glad; Morning came up with fair banners•unrolled, Eve crowned the hills with rare crimson and gold, Broad were the harvest fields yellow with-graiu, Soft and refreshing thecool dropping rain, Ouly.4.me shadow swept dark o'er the land, Staining thetA,,,AYilth a murderer's brand; Yet this onkpliadOw of terrible name, Thighted,the'heat t sof the Nation with pain. Not rch:h of change for mar title town, - ( The Aare town of Bradford—wide its renown !) Business Las kept up a prosperous way, • Fashion as yet holds her limitless sway; Bootees faithfully kneel at her shrine, Ifailifg her gecless-sliip more than divine; Wall. she mule, for we lollowers ail • Smile at her ncd, and respond to her cal. Yet we're cot idle ; our town has sent forth, Brave ones to.die in the cause of the North, There are tears for the absent this festival day, Hearts wait lot footsteps that linger away. By all our hearth Stones a dear one is misstd, The bey that moth( r•:ip.; loudly have kissed, When shall they come-again ? Lenicward to rest T Lam cherov , ncd heroes, our:bravest and Lest. change of pubs seal views, it i' true, Has come into favor, like every thing new ]ten who seemed firm us a rock in it:; pride, Left the good ship to the wind and the tide. that metrthoogh daikee of tempests shOuld from, Shull the gold ship Republicanism go down, ..V.rer.' her timbers are staunch dad her sails Woven to battle the s;rongest of gales, Brave hearts and true ones ,et trust mu het - might, Hopefully waiting for Goo and the Right! And by our . leadcr, - brave LiNcol.N, we'll stand, Long is. the Stars and Stripes wave o'er the land, Looking star through the turmoil and•strife, Ve can see Freedom 3-et - clinging to life ; Appalled not, nor chilled by the desolate storm, But bright us the mornlog and glossing and warm, 17 mon and Liberty," dearest of names, Won by our fathers through carnage and flames. We ask no armistice like yours, fah• clime, ) We:shall'li2 - „ht and win onr own battles in time,.' 'you were kind to us once--America keeps True love for ih soil where LaFayette.sleeps, And we strive to believe you mean what you say, But France, sunny Fiance: von ate tickle as gay. IVe prizeall kind %visite:4 that come arum afar, Thank you! but please to stay just where you are! England more cautio.is. yet tarries behind, d;owardly tenth g to make up her mind, - Favoring; the , Soutli,;yet strivir ; to show, Friendship for us like a treacheroui foe, Ire IMO/ you . of old, oh ! fair, haughty dame. Have conquered y.iti once, can conquer £II.NIO, Still-yea 're our mother—one language we speak-- And only the weal of each a:At:should seek. ver the ocenn tttre dnheth at times, Beautiful poems whose musical chimes. t irreth all hearts wl th their wonderful flow, Bringing us Parhdlse—visions below—J Agd the sweet singer isnue of zyband, Making immortal his name and his land. 4.? h". - you have hearts just Pas gifted as ours, you 'vd warm azure skies and blussdming-flovers, We should lii ye and trust. You, fairest of isles, elf you would not repay with ti eacherous smiles. We sorrowed with you, forgeett I of pride, O'er the nation's„luss wheu your good Prince-died, Sitsw we have sent from our plentiful store, _Ship loads of bread to vont suffering poor, You've quite enough, if the truth you should own, To care fur the !' Slavery Question" at home. Whicrils better we asik—please answer vs right— The bondage accursed of the black slave or white. Ntte shall not always be crippled at home, * Peace for a time from our country has flown, .Qnly a little time, now it - may be, Vhite wings are folding the land and the sea, When the broad banner is proudly unrol'ed, " Utlon and Liberty," all shall behold. Yes, we remember the many defeats. ' Wearisome marches. and hasty retreats, When the June roses were blossoming red, Long was the siege, and brave martyr-hearts bled, Fruitless, oh, yes ! but the annals of Fame shall bear on their pages each patriotmame. Naen th 4 last r 6 es were dead, and the leaves :Rustling, were borne on the•chill winter breeze, Then we, had Deis of a conflict begun, And hoped kir the best ere: ther,year should be done. I.h, well ! we're defeated, and thousands were slain, Vat witricife, - tind we wait for the dawning again. Wide the digression ;—our village you know, Was the theme of our gossip a long time ago, Our muse, like Pegasus, flew off on the wind, izavinf theiown and its gossip behind, t c ,ls it worth While after soaring like that, To take np the topic of every day chat Yet could we say less for the land than we've done, Latn4 of the bravesthearts under the sun? Though the War Demon stalk onward, and Death - C.ltilleth the lip and heart with his breath, ..-e_Though the dead faces lie close to the sod, _alley are not hopelessly turning to Gon, -Dewitt avenge them—the day Is at hand When the last " Traitor must flee from the land, .I..nd the long years of Prosperity's reign Dawn with' their sunshine and blesllng agifiln. thlappy New Year then ! at.appy New Year !! Patrons and friends, may thhoodliest cheer Be found'inioni_homes. and 'Mid festival joy, et Ain Tlanter give—to the CARRIER.B9Y. :Er-Give a man, the necessaries of life, and he *ants the conveniences; Give him the lenevgniences,end he craves for theLlosnries. Grant him the luxuries, end be sighs' for the Al3gancies,- Let him have-the elegancies, end 'lie Veainlilor the follies. Give bim to irliter,,end.,;ho complains - that be has been cheated both in the price and quality of the articles. . . , _ , ___.,..,..............._ - NA - . - lann- - , • lir __. i l l .: , .14i.. • ..4 ; . V , , ' ;1 ' 1 ' -:. •• • ••'!, • ~•.; . ~' :-.' j .--- -- ~• • r -.. 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' : ' -: - ••!i4 :' ..; -,- -' ' :.l -, Z.•' .- '7=r.:..A - I, ; i ''',/,'l 7 - • !. :,.; L. - - ,:14,, ,. , ME =in 1f 1 , ,01 . 0 e/ ,eye M , sat.np : in bed ; was (fatties.; he was staring at me the , same coalesed state in which Z took edittriiiin, and hod) of. us listened intently ; for some sound or dry which would tell us what was,the inatfer."Screamsrwe could hear plain enough; but tuothivit intelligible. There viai a souni as of barefooted people running with all their mightalong the passage, outside our door; tied the idea suggested. itself simultane ously to our hinds that the place was on fire. Without stopping to dreis ourselves, we got out of our bed's; 'and 1 had -my baud on the gimlet with wbiett'we seen "red the latch of our door, when I felt a shock that caused i.e to reel aeross the room; till I fell against the wall gm the -opppsite side ; the bed followed me, and fulling against Ames, leriouly bruised his legs, and pinned him 'against the wainscot.— For a moment wo remained in this position, and then the house began to settle on its foun dations, and I - was able to drag the bed a lit tle way from the wall, and set him at liberty. We got to the door and removed the gimlet ; but the house was stiliNso far from being level, that we had to break the' doordowri before we could get out of the room. Many of the boards in - the passage were torn apart and split to pieces ; and between the passage and staircase there was a gap into which I slipped but, fortunately, though the fall hurt me very -much, the opening was not wide enough to al low of my body passing through. 'Dragging my legs cut es_quiekly as I could, I followed my husband down stairs into the street, no longer at a loss to understand the cause of the -commotion which had roused us from our sleep wits the first shock of an earthquake. By thelight of the moon, we could perceive that:the two schocks had reduced sever al hous es in the streets to dust and' broken timber, and from among these ruir.a .. rdse cries, moans, and prayers, which chilled my blood, and al most parch the flower of tno rem& tit. Ft !Ea the houses that stilt r. waiut d stamling,the ple IV LIT bringing out what they considered most valuable, some their children, other= box es of furniture. With our a: ms l c'ad togeth er,. we pushed cur way as well as we could through the crowd of fugitive's that filled the street, now stumbling into holes sO deep, tits . , the sudden shock was painfully .felt through. the whole frame, and a umnaeut tater.vards scauilliing over heap.; of rutibish., With great thaletilty we had got as far as Montada's store, when we felt a moveMent of the , earth, winch -made me feel as though my hearOwt re rising is my throat, followed iu: stunt ly after by antntioa !thick wade it ap pear to me that the ground was fulling away beneath my feet, and leaving me t . nspendea iu the air. This was repeatel - several times.— Houses were falling en our right and on our left, pieces of timber: and stones were driven about' us with a force as; great us th rigli shot. from a gun ; many wcre strii-J; dead, and nth ers were 1;eal en antra and sunk to the griPlioi, where they were trampled to death Just be• fore is was a women with one sidc of her face Into in a most frightful mariner, whom I 're cognized, on seeing the other side, as the keep-- er of a Atop where Jetties and I had spent nearly an Lour the previous evening in Imylag some .gold•e hi mder , d leather I spoke to her, but she diti not heed me : and so great was her terror, that she did not iitTear con scious of the horrible injuries she had receiv ed, itawi; It:minding that the bh..0.1 was stream ing down her no o k, and uyeit,g the front of her nightdress a vivid crimson. gate and net rtaiii stew, we stlfzvered for. ward, us it se.Tuteil to n., but in leailty wr did not advance a yard Motita,thi's store INIL.; ,ill; in front of us, and rucking big:l:gas. By great exertion iu a sidelong direction, we put a little more soace between us and it ; when down it came with astrenvendens erish, throw• jug a volley of stones aver the very spot where we had been sie.mlistz, and bne l .i 4s ,,many per sons beneath its ruins. One poor man carry• ing two children iu his arms, Was: crushed al most at our feet by the end of one of the beams, and lay screaming with arzoliy;witilont its being possible for us to help liiin. The fell of this house was succeeded by. a cessation of the motion of the earth, nod a rcrili .vas made over the rains, regardless of the wretched creatures below. The merciful Providence which had protected us heretofore, enabled us to reach the open space in front of the civic ball without injury, and hert we biked, feeling that we should be safer than in the narrow streets. :For the space of half an hour or thereabouts there was no renewal of the earthquakes, and we had begun to hope that- the evil was over. Hundreds of people, most Of them with little beside their nightdresses - on them, were hud dled about us, when soddenly, without a soutid to give 'notice of what was coming, the earth opened in a zigzag line right across the Pla za. a erowd of persons dropping into the chasm which closed, opened, and closed agaie, and all in an i instant. 15:e were so close as to see this distinctly,and though it was over so quick ly that emparatively,few Of those on the Ma .za 'knew what had happened, the cries of 'nor mal terror which were littered by those who hed been on the brick df the graVil, told those at a distance of kome new disaster, and the air wag so filled with shrieks and prayers for mer cy that I grew sick with terror. Some cried aloud that it was the day of judgment, and sank groveling to the earth ; a desperate look ing man beside us, who-gave no cry nor brea thed a prayer, was violently beating his own head : with a large stone ; .and anottier was savagely attackitl every person within his reach, like a wild beast. All this time the moon was shining bril liantly in . cloudless Enteamen4 and when. ,we looked upward:in. our terror,. it caused hope to sprhig up in our hearts to see • how . sereno• ev erytbing. was above Nit when one attention was- tigain directed to what was patssing . about us; it added an indiscribnhhi tiortor to-the scene, and for a moment shook our faith in the &DIApS, I= 1;41 . '4 - it.i. t:iii':::7:;',"- . (From Chamber ' s Journal.) A Night of Terror. it ,olijet that MEI= MI T ;tip: , . pUB..4 . IO):4VERtirTHOISI)At ATI: TtitliNiA,;f.-,01ii,-,*(Co'.6l4.;l;yr,ii existence era niereifei (IreatoratAlie very time when we most/ needed its'impport.' Our great desire was to eseape to the hills, the mind age &minting stability with these masse of earth bait was impossiblelo get thionsti the.eioWd which temmed on in evertside; and Seem. ell afraid:to 'Venture again itilhe harrow Meet: instead of half heat elapsing the next shock Was felt, there could not have been bt , my eye *as I half that time, and this shock was far thore violent than the previous one, and lasted long• er. There was'the same sickening motion,not altogether unlike what is experienced on ship board ; but the motion itself was nothing com- pared with' the effects of the terror it caused to feel the earth rocking'beneath us, and this, too, heightened by the spectacle of houses crumbling to dui% bleeding bodies, shrieks", find every species of woful utterance which human organs are capable of forming. From constant travel, I was physically almost as strong as my husband, but with the moat ear- nest desire .not to add to his alarm or distress, I was obliged to cling to him, for support while this•horrid din was raging about us.— The dull roaring sound which accompanied the movements of the earth gradually died away, and at the same time the opcHings of chasms in the Plaza were renewed. Whcrev- er these gaps occurred, a number of individu als disappeaied, nod until it closed again,there was a long dark line,frotn which persons made frantic efforts- to recoil. Sometimes these chasms were straight as nn arrow ; at other times they were as crooked as forked lightn ing To try - to change our position while this was going •on, was useless,,for there was noth ing to indicate whue direction the next open ing might take, and motion on the part of such o multitude could only itiet!ease the loss of life. Once, indeed, we found curse:flies on a small ttiang,ularly shaped pece,rl ground, with a chasm on both sides of ins'or about a yard iu width. Per:.ons fell into this Rap all around us, but sec( ral were drawn cut again alive ; ,Tarue , r drew out three hiuielf, and very few were eruired in it viten it eioerj. smiden elosinz of the earth eanicil spine of the most.heilibtk i:i ; .;hts which it k itty , ,si-ble to eon gr6unt: LH not al says open wide enough to udmit the human body, or it opened MID into cha,:ms or st•Ndrai feet, but Lot of a great er depth than four or five feet ; and the in• conceivable rapidity with which they oped and closed, caused (natty persons to . be.caught in them by their legs, in the case of the narrow chasms ; and iu the cale of the broad but shallow gap., men, women, and children were crushed together in one neasi, as regarded the lower part of their Lodies, leaving their heads separate, and the upper part of the Bodies blended together as closely as thoughAhey were one body with many heads. As soon as there was a longer pause than usual between these gapings, we were able to make oar way off the Plari, in consequence of 140 great thinning of the crowd ; and tak ing the broadest of two openings which pre sented themselves before us, we proceeded down- keilpieg as near the middle as possl - tile, for every telly and then a boase fell to the ground without the shglites`t. warning, though, while the earth e tuady, with little danger weep[ t.l those immettititely oppo. , :i:e to it.— We might have advanced about a quarter of a wile, aln•ii -Janice stopped to ki.huk at a d or. I did not at fist see where ae were, tuit on looking; trore attentively, I discovered 1... at we were at the house of a Mall a whom we had frequently liircri lioms during ()Ili. Natihulaleo. Nobody answered hi,: though be twat at. OIL: gate with a stone with all I ur,;ed him not to ‘vitit tor borm;s, v•hicis might tie unalilo to make their way uitli es nine!, ease es ourF , lves, I%hto, lie pointed to Lis lout, and :old me be could at& no further ; and then i saw that a vein Ilgattl•l the ut.ko; mu , t have be , . n cut op:•ii, tor ke was standt:.g in ("lite a pool of blind. I ha•tened batsk. ai last as my own wounded !vet would al:ow me to a place waere I had seen a clvpd body lying, and from this I tore sortie strips o) sufficient to bird up eta husband's feet and ray own. Greatly relieved by the protection th:s gave us from the sharp stones, and the accidental kicks and tr e ad o f other fugitives, we left the shelter of the gate way, and joined those who, like ourselves, were making for the open country, not u the sop pwition that we si)Quicl lie safe tft re, but that wep:should have, at all eveut 3, one danger the less to encounter. I have omitted to say that for some time we had perceived that it was becoming sensi bly darker. The clouds of dust which rose from the falling houses. combined with that raised by the trampling of feet, concealed the moon from us, and made it difficult for us to avoid• rowing against the houses, and impos sible to prevent lolling over heaps of rubbish. We could just distinguish_.,4 large, square, white house, with a Bats roof; Which we knew td belong to-Luis Torelles, a friend of ours, when a gentle rise of the ground, accompanied by a low rooaniug sound, told us what was rousing. We stood still, and the ground bad hardly subsided; when there another and , louder roar, and with it an upheaval of 'the ground compared with which all that had pre ceded it were insignificant. We were forced to drop on the ground from actual inability to remain upright ; and here we sat tossed up and down in a frightful manner, and every moment apprehensive that one of the chasms like those we bad seen. might open beneath us and swallow us up. It now became so dark that we could see nothing whatever ; and brit for the incessant crashing of 'the falling houses, and the renewed Cries and prayers, we might have supposed ourselves buried in the very center of the earth. Vainly did we strive to distinguiSh if Torellas'iklhouSe was standing ; we could - not even See' each other'S faCe, so that host even that source of• courage.. Pres etitlY the'Cirililoir of the earthquake was min gled. With, ordrowned by, the erashes of flinch der.follOwini the Moat vivid' flashes .of ping I ever saw, which, 'though it left hie ju doubt at - tithes Whether I had-ti - 01 - beetrstrtiek blind, did ne this servfee, that' it allowid us to Bei : that Toreittiti l s bOriße'wah' creek' and apparently uuinjured. To add to the horrors EMENNEI 1 ! - :rtfigi12111...gp 06* 'DENT:I2IO 1LT10,51 V SOM A . liliteßTEß.: ~ , ,t =MI IMES =MEI of this ,eight,, a ftre:breke l opt iostreet near ns more henses tha: intne caused either 1.4 the broken 'tirebera falling over an nneztingnii.hed lighv nin 'Thi,drylkers,,eit. Pat wood , caused the; fiSrue 0 spread with, amazing rapidity, and coufestv.that i the:,light,.,,ased b a , feehng factions nymild, which` nohedi eau. retilizs who,basnot been in . -. a-position, of imnitneuti danger in the midst of I total.; - darkliesso If . 4. had been, able,.. to. see . Nino ,Yrai_RiOsißSP, those houses and in the _street hstweeu, A Should have felefar otheriise. , - . The undulations of the earth,,thongh faint er, stilt continuing, . Jades proppsed we . should take, refuge with Torellas for a ~ time, seeing that th'e , house had withstood. the recent shocks, and not thinking, it likely that we should have , any.-ethers more violent. We rose, holding each, other tightly, and making our way to the door as direct as we could, groped about till we had found the fastening, when we pushed it open, and felt our way along the, passage, to,the staircase: We knew our way to the principal ; apartments from baying-visit! ed at the house so frequently, and we made" our way from one to the other of these, not T , withstanding the dead,ailence which followed , my husband's calls for Torellas. We had open.: ed dio doors of Severn! rooms, and had found them all iu total darkness, and we *ere on the point of teaving,they house; supposing that To rt:llas, with his family had abandoned it, when we rtatetabered a room which gave ,a fine view of the city and Of the environs. Lrr the inteoe darkness, whieb,prevailed a ve had to grope a long time before we eonld find the dour, but Whzu we bud found it and pushed it open, the glare whieli rushed into our eyes was terrible. i belleve,d the handing was hi flames, but su. hoirible eras the pain in wy eves, and so great the be;vildcrinent caused by the brilliant light after being go long in snob pitchy eaaness, that 1 C3oltl hut hove fled if 1 had felt the fire laying bold of we. I covered my face with wy hands, and us the pain diminished, I part: ed my fingers little by : little, and let in the light graclually,jtill I was able to open my eyes to the light Without protection. Ma dame Toreibis Was most khd in her attentions to we, even at such a ipotneut, and her daugh ters were willing assistants. They brought water to wa•h Our wounded feet; but my lips baud would not suffer the bandages to be re- moved, for fear; of causing irilornmation of the wounds by expeAug them to the air in such a hot etiolate, especially us we might within a, minute have torusla out of the house. No were glad enough; however, to avail ourselves of their cfiered 'staidness in the matter of clething,; and when these arrangements were completed, we went to tire window and looked out. The sight was grand and horrible„, The flames which now rose from the houses on both sides of the street lit up the tower of thetcon vent, which had hitherto resisted the shocks of the earthquake, •with it bright red glow, and showed us every projection and crevice, even to the bird sitting in her nest, either kept there by her maternal instinct or too bewilder- eel to -fly away: A little below ,this convent, the road widened several feet beyond what it was just below , us, and at the bottom it nar rowed again, and was shut in by a tanner's yard. This factory or,store was blazing fierce ly, and Torellis told us that one part of the building was eyed to store a large quantity of saltpeter Most of the inhabitants had problt• lily made their escape : bet there were still many in the street who might have delayed their flight to save something from the genet.. al wreck, but were more likely piumleiers who were tikkiiee advantage of the confusion and . e ror to help themselves to the property of ethers., If this were so, they paid dearly for their crime. A repetition of the shocks, so violent, that the broad, solid building in which we wire shook" and tremb'ed, brought down the convent tower, which cm- - tett the opposite houses on the two sides of the street into- one mass, so that s low but flaming barrier cut off their escape, and shut them in on all sides.- It was a dreadful sight to see the poor creatures running to and fro, seeking with frantic ges tures an outlet, and finding none. Some fell in the middle of the street, insensible or dead ; a few leaped among the burning ruins, and were either consumed or made their escape, for they returned no more ; but the greater part'of them huddled together in the broadest part,of the street, the stronger straggling say only to force themselves into the center-of e • the group. • The intense heat soon reduced strong and weak to One level,, and for some Lminutes before trkition ceased altogether we coulddistingnish nothing but a writhing-mass. Soon a pale bright flame seemed to be hov ering over it, like a bird of prey over a dying camel .in the desert, sinking lower and lower, till it suddenly seized' upon it and wrapped it in a shroud of fire. Faint with horror, yet with something like a feeling of thankfulness in-my-heart that we had not wandered into this street in the obscurity, I turned away frourthe window and' sat down on a couch.— James said he intended to try and get out of the town as soon as it was daylight, brit To relies declared that his confitlence•in the sta- bility of his- house was so perfect that nothing would induce him to , abaudon it, but that his wife and family were free to go with us if they chose: At the first appearance of •daylight, we all ascended to the roof of the house to get tt more perfect view of the extent of the dam wee that had. been done. The shocks were still frequent,'lint less violent=, and we Com forted ourselves with the belie! that the worst was over.. In. every direction - there were gaps where a heap of rubbish alone remained to in dicate the, place whereon a building bad for merly stood ; and while we were looking,-the air-at a particular spot would be- tilled-with. dust,,abovvitig that•unother house-had been ad-, ded to the list of the fallen. Oar hostbronght! us some food , and- wine, and had gone down tot get . seme i Ogarac for ,bimself. and l ben' proleeekdull :teat. another!. Shpek - ititt aPpiemehil.":The bduea tretabledi out lay;.bliedallto of7stimerifiogi.l steady myself. All at once the vibratory mo- =MN B. E., GOODRICH . . • ,iiih - cbaniedlior qua of uaval; the boa . , J phe • . - parted la tmi r ,and ;in felP _ourselves . descend: ing iti. `fie earth with a: .rapidity which took my t breath aWah itid,l, became fors , the , time iPsPilsWe'' Wkela re c overed .14 F 24 liii 4 . 14 .016 . 1 4 14 iivim if ',ay_ lois bark& ,J.: jipened alraYelijaa4 l toga h(rP,atJill.i4itre,, 1111.1,A L/ it 1 , inr,ne'd out, with liinbs ifibinken c tbongb gre , f. j . ly, oruised . • ge,was feeling rig i pulseandloO , ing aniliousls at mi.faie for signs of reCoier. , and hia joy when. I opened my eyes was evi i, Imit t ,even tq my enfeebled vision. , After is moment, ,T thOught‘of Mndame ,TOrelkis, and her daughters, and asked . him inja faint_ Vole° if ,I,4ey were Safe.; but be Only, pointed to What appeared St jheap of torn clothing withont speaking, and I comprehended ;bit ; they—who at the - moment when the :division took plane were standing at the edge of the terrace, look ing at the still burning rainshad been pre- Cipitated into the street and killed, . When I attempted to move, I suffered in tense pain in my right, leg, which was so 114 less that I felt it must be broken. MI lids- band examiaed it, and found that it was frac tured a little [blow the knee, and that any further walking on my part was quite out" ,of the question : Ile went away for a minute pr two, and came hack with some strips of linen and pieces of rafters, which le smoothed and eat with his, knife into splints, and set the bone as well as circumstances would admit of. Af ter he had dorm this, he searched for and foubd some of the food which poor Torah's had brought up,and made me swallow a few mouth fuls; but I wanted water most, and this he was unabti;t l to get without going some dis tance, wherefdre I preferred to . suffer thirst rather than ; et. hint go out of my sight. Day light made no difference in the severity>of the shocks ; but shortly after sunrise they becaine less frequent, and about noon,seemed to have ceased altogether, and people begau to app car again in the streets. . My husband appealed to several who passed to assist him in remov ing me to a place of shelter, but they all re- NAM or pretended not to hear him ; proba bly they had' lost relatives the preittons night, and wore toc anxious to discover anything res. pectiug them to pay attention to the words of estranger. ! It was .i impossible, to carry 'me himself in the condition I was in, on account -or the pain it ,gave to-Moge, and we were obliged, thaugh, with great xelnctaime,-to eon- Opt to a separation while tieirent the horse-idealer;to get a mule to Carry me, a ,Irghicle of any Lad being useless in such la chmbered. streets: 'Every, minute seemed: an Sour while ir s was waiting his return, and yet taiunte,after minute passed,. add he did not - make his appearance. 'I knew the distance was not, great, and making every .allbivi4ce, rue I thought, for ,the difficulties be might (hive tp overcome, he ought to have been backlOog since, when a darkening or the air, adcompa nied .this time,by a strong selpheirous sgiell, , gave notice' that anoihei calamitY was abbot to burst on the' devoted city. The openings of the ground were more frequent and' far more tcrrible to see, new that the daylight il luminated them and showed their unfatheenti bL depth. One of these split open so close to the, ruins on which I was lying; that a portion rolled in. The sun's rays fell directly into it, and I shuddered as I gazed into the gulf, which was deeper than the deepest abyss I had' ever iinagined myself falling into the wild est nightraare. I drew back trembling with horror and fright, and buried my face iromy arms to shut out the dreadful spectacle: I prayed for iny:brusband's return, but he came not., I would have dragged myself along in the direction in which he had gone, if I had been able, but I was entirely powerless ; and to add to the terrors of my 'position, I now Ltiscovered that a circular stone building (used, I believe, for the temporary confinement of prisouers,) trembled with every shock, and, Cracked as it was in different directions, threat ened every instant to bury me beneath Its ruins. It will not be easy for anybody to realize I my feelings as I lay on this heap of rubbish, watching the quivering blocks of stone and the powdered mortar which was grated out from betAeen them, and fell upon me in a shower of dust. I entreatLd several 'who passed to come and remove me, if only for a 'few yards, so that I might be out of reach of the building ; and some were about to help me, but when they sow the imminence of the danger, they, like' the lievite of old, turned away, and passed by on the other side. The good Samaritan came at last, however, in the form of a poor woman. 'carrying a baby in her arms.' In answer to my ' appeal, she laid her babe ' tenderly on the grouted, lifted me up, and carried me beyond the reach of this ' last danger ; after which she offered to get me some water, an offer whichl accepted with a grateful heart, for the pain I was enduring, lid the anxiety I had undergone, had parched my throat to that degree that every breath I drow caused me the most acute pain, height ened, puller, by the salpburous exhalations which now filled the air. She was going to I carry her babe with her, but I took it from her as she wee stooping to pick it up, and told her I would take care of it. Poor little innocent,.it ;, anted no farther care. It seem ed asleep, bat it was a sleep from which it would never wake " again ; probably it had been suffocated by the pressure,of the crowd ,on the preceeding night. The kind ;tritium; soon rettirned with some water; and I riaised it to my lips eagerly, anticipating the most delicioup sensation; Irma the refreshing cool nest; it'sent through me the instant it touched my lips.' 'I found, to my dliappointment, that contact between it and my throat caused me so mull - Pain that I could only swallow a few mouthfuls, and I Was obliged to content my stlf,Withl the relief 'lt afforded me to hold it in my mouth. I questioned the chatiteble creature who WI ao•Opportrinely come to my assistance as :to where,she was going,..arid. found„ she had w axed idea 'beyond getting, into thilppon country; upon which ,-,1 1 propospatlbat if she would remain with me till. Myhnaha,_nd I'APTIP 41 ~,,3101 00 41;tolw Imt r iith Ilk • tie accept) d my ora l and to my great py silo bad not !~! v .,-,-,...,.,- ±.. . ..‘: , airt I Vi... 7. . .W. 1 • El @Mr long to wait- before -be - refilro44!-WitbAsee m les which belted found, ) ine ! , atubln.: l 4k, !,14, • so arbs; the botile 61 wfil,ch Ji e - first ,' , ,e# iii, b iegteen Shaken - down. He' seated ' on the male"; and though wnbaerstilOgtei dificulties to contepd sgaimit4-ti tbedormr , of ) nO O 4 4 4 ut.it,figatikel re.ina.t.fin4 PeCalli9ll4 gays in tilt . , ground[we, gradual)/ aPP*94S4 the outskirts of the toll), *Mot We Ultimate litsuceeededti passing` threugh, tafil i flthill/ foUnd a place of refuge In B'Bllooora beq .which an. earthquake: 'might swallotritp„‘ tat could not shake down, from im being:built, ef., ;ce i t a few stones beafiedop round the lowed f p rt, of stakes, wicketivork, aud - dried" sheep. s insw d it id lt , n tb ot e' rs t w erp! - n o t it oN the aiu im m nam; till 41 pi " A n i l We 160, some month , after the catastrophe, . cabers w : found that traces of, the b earthquakes still re I L sined,'in 'the form of deep chasms, which geped . iii a way that' forcibly recalled the hclt= rem we bad seen on that occasion. . " ' ' t ;s;- a,1261; 4 tJ ~w :,~: e .., x;'r~ " ? ..4 .;:..J 1130 BIRDS UNDERSTAND MUT THEY SAY? -+The parrot of a relation of wipe, uSed'air ways, whenever be drupped,, anything be wan eating, to say, " Pick up Bobby's crust,!' Oa. lag doubtless prompted by thb same tcain Of associations as those which led another Poo rot, which I know well, invariably: to .itul t , Tbatilt yciu," whenever anything is given, to' him. The following story is not a bad, ,one, blit all that I can. say with regard to iti an t thority is, si non e vero, e ben trovato—if it be not true:, it deserves to be true," for the cake= or both master and . pupil. Some : parrot fall ciers bad agreed.to meet iu a yenc's time, whets each was to , show a bird for a pimp, protlcien . = cy in talking-to tie by common consent great criterion of merit. Ou the day-sp'pointi• edoll the rest, each and every one d'uly.briug i!g his parrot; only one aplieured.ivithout•l4 On beiog asked why heqid. pot Shown ... one acr cording . to the agreement, he said that hS tried to train One, bet'that he•was'such u - ste , pid bird, he. was quite ashamed to bring: hies. the others was held to be inadmissible. 41 the others insisted that, stupid ,pr Wetter, tic, most be prOduced, prig hit master accotdiorjy . went off and returned With him. - No 'so6ner was be introduced than, !poking iiriund,avtho Jorge assemblage of birds, be uttered; a; loog whistle and .exclaimed,. " hly. goo4.gr . acionh wino OA of parrots 11 The'prize.wan voted to dial acc(amatiOn.--Serdii Notes in Natural history: • ) A'BeAtrer oF BonNEO.--1111r.) Spencer John thus describes the:Datlghier of ode o,f:the Dates of Borneo..: " She was_the loveliest.girLin Borneo. have never Itemle native surpase liar in figure, or equal her gentle, expressive - countenance. She!aripearaiPbut sitteen years of age; did as she:stoodHaear, leaning against ,the - cloor-post ju the most, graceful attitude, we bad a.per lect vier or all her perfections. Her.. dress was short indeed, consisting of nothing but short petticoat, reaching from her waist to little above her knees. Her skin was. of that clear brown which is almost the perfection of color in a sunny clime ; and, as she was just returning from bathing, her hair, I:tabooed, la in Omit luxuriance over her shoulders.-1. Her eyes were black, not flashing, but ratline contemplative, and her features'were regular I —even her nose was straight. So intent was I she in watching our movements, and wonder. inn at, our novel mode of eating with spoon and knives and forks, that Abe unconsciously remained in her graceful attitude for some time ; bat suddenly recollecting that she wee not appearing to the best advantage in her light costume, she moved away slowly to bee room, and presently came forth dressed les silk jacket and new petticoat, with bead tieeli , laces and gold ornaments. In our eyes.sha did not look so interesting as before." A WISE REButtE.—The following ariecdo44 is related of the late excellent Joseph trobti Gurney; of Earlham, by one of his familyrcit cle *-4 " One night, I remember it well, I Iteeetved a severe lesson on the sin of evil speaking:, Severe I thought it then, and my heart- rose in childish anger against him whoyave it, but I bad not lived long enough in this-world tCO know how much mischief a child's thoughtless ttilk may do, and how often it happens that talkers ran off the straight line of troth. S. did not stand very high in my esteem ; and. was about to speak farther of her failings of temper. In a few moments my eye caught such a look of calm and steady displeasuro . ,_ that 1 stopped short. There Was OA misttaingi. the meaning of that -dark speaLing q. It brought the color to my face,, and. ontoksiork, and shame to my heart. I was silent for th few moments, when Joseph liturnay ask? ed very gravely . " ' Dost thou know 'any:thing gAmd,thrb3ll-a, of her 2" •• ' 1.9 • " I did not answer, and the question, wen more seriously asked ; " ' Think, is Likereo nothig good thou must tell us of ter f" • "Oh see; I knout some good things, bot.i.. " Would it not bare been better, to :elite ttose good things than. to bare•told as tkatr which would lower her is our esteem P. Elineo - , there is good to relate, would it not be kinder . to be silent out the evil t For charity rejoleetk not at iniquity." ter An eminent physician has -discovered that the nightmare, in nine cases out of Um, is produced by owing a bill far a WI wepapet. JAY*" How is the market, neighbor r " Very quiet" " Anything done is ekeesera " Not a Iniie" Itek., Speaking of cheap a trifle to get a wife; but doesn't the times torn - out a Mae dear ? son Indcatotisikittestai whictkilovirelow. ly on, btli x tetliaget:oo; the ;ifeip(kiiltion every virtue. &I MEE V 4 p. A.. 1 ') E2=l EN
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