1 E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. T €>WANDA : Thursday Pdorning, September 12, 1861. Republican County Nominations ! FOR PRESIDENT JUD St, ULYSSES MERC tJ R, OF Tow AN DA BORO. j rCR ASSOCIATE JUDGE, YOLNEY M. LONG, OF TROY BORO. j FOR -RirßESrv-l ATIVES, HENRY W.TRACY, OF STANDING STON E, j CHESTER T. BLISS, OF LEROY. I < FOR TREASURER, j 1 FRANCIS WATTS, OF NORTH Tow AN DA. J | { FOR COMMISSIONER, ISAAC LYONS, OF ORWELL. FOR AUDITOR, ROBERT MASON, OF ARMENIA. !' _ i PRESIDENT JUDGE. A telegraphic despatch received here oo Monday, from Montrose, announced that the I Republican Convention, of Susquehanna conn- ' ty, had that day unanimously nominated 1 ULYSSES MERCUR for President Judge. Mr. MERCVR is therefore the unanimous nomi nee of the Republican party of this District, ' as he is unquestionably the almost unanimous 1 choice of the people of the District. This ( ' high compliment i%not bestowed unworthilv. ' Mr. MERCUR has, by his industry, integrity I and ability, acquired an enviable repntatiou at 1 the bar. Upon the bench, bis decision, prompt- 1 ness, and rapid dispatch of business have ol- ( ready attracted public attention, and demon- 1 Btrated him as " the right man in the right ' place " We do not suppose that he will have aoy opposiog candidate—bnt that all parties 1 will cordially unite in his support. i c 1 ' E THE COUNTY TICKET. ( I We publish to day, the proceedings of the Republican County Convention, beld at this place, on the 2d inst. The resolutions adopt- ( ed by that body, we thiuk will find a response j in the heart of every true patriot. They speak f for themselves, and we commend them to the careful perusal of our readers. | The ticket placed in nomination by the Con- 1 vention. is one to which every true Republican ! aud Patriot can give his undivided support.— Hon U. MERCUR, the candidate for President Judge, is a gentleman of sterling worth and undoubted integrity—a man in every particu lar qualified for the positiou for which he is i named. He has been long and favorably known to the people of the District, as a mau t whose character is beyond reproach, and whose reputation is above suspicion, lie will,,no doubt, receive the uuanimous nomination of the Judicial Conference, and, of course, be tri umphantly elected. As Mr. MF.RCUR'S legal : abilities are so well known, it is unnecessary j for us to speak of them. t The re-nomination of Messrs. TRACY and BLISS, for the Legislature, is a well deserved compii tuent, and we are sure meets with gen era! approbation. They are gentlemen who have been tried and found " not want iug," and whom even the democrats, in their late Con vention, pronounced "good and faithful ser vants," and we trast they will receive the de served support of the party. They have prov ed themselves true to their constituents, in ev ery instance, and we trust theif coustitnents will prsve true to them, by giving them the support which they have merited by their up right and honest course, during the last ses sion of the Legislature. As we shall speak of them hereafter, we defer farther comment for the present. Mr. V. M. LONG, the nominee for Associate Judge, needs no recommendation fromourpen. He is an old resident of the county, and has been long and favorably known to the people, and will undoubtedly receive the undivided support of the party. He is a gentleman well qualified for the position for which he is nam ed, and will discharge the duties of his office with fidelity and honor. The nominee for Treasurer, Mr. FRANCIS WATTS, is a gentleman with whom we are in timately acquainted, and can recommend him to the support aud confidence of the peo ple, as a gentleman of honesty, integrity, promptness and discretion. He is a man emi nently fitted for tho position assigned bim, and will make a faithful aud competent officer. The uomiuatiou of Mr. ISAAC LYONS for Commissioner, is nuquestionahly a judicious eclection. He is emphatically the man for the times, and we are confident that every tax-pay er who desires the County Treasury guarded with vigilance and caution, will cast their vote for him. He is a man fresh from the ranks of the people, and pre-eminently worthy of the confidence of his fellow-citizens. The office of County Auditor is an impor ant one, aud requires a man of practical and business habits. The present candidate, Mr. ROBERT MASON, is an excellent accountant and a practical business man, and is iu every respect well qualified for the position. We are satisfied that a better ticket conld not have been selected, and we are confident it will receive the undivided soppoit of the party. Wa shall speak of it again hereafter. Col. Corcoran was lately put in irons several hoars for refas'og to answer his name at roll c*li. THE LATEST WAR NEWS. Tbe news from Washington on Sunday, in dicate the speedy opening of active hostilities. Gen. M'Clellan on Saturday tnadc a balloon assention with Prof. Lowe, and spent two hours in making reconnclsancos of the enemy's i positions. This was followed on Tuesday morning at daylight by a movement of our pickets, who were advanced one mile from their former positions, the rebel pickets re treating before them without any attempt at resistance. It has recently been discovered that -the rebels, in addition to their fortifica tions on Munson's Hill, have recently erected a formidable battery, commanding the Lees- I burg turnpike, about seveu miles from the Chain Bridge. There dose not appear, how ever, to be any considerable body of troops in this vicinity. It appears, also, that on Wednesday the 4th the rebels, actually made au attempt to effect a crossing of the Potomac at Geat Falls, about sixteen miles above Washington, but were repulsed with consider able loss. They planted a battery of rifled caunon upon an eminence aud fired about a hundred guoß at a body of our troops on the Maryland side, attempting, meantime, to cross by constructing a temporary bridge with planks. The sharp shooters of the Pennsylvania Seventh however, met them with such a galling fire that tbey were forced to give up the enter prise, and retire with their battery. Only one man was slightly wounded among the Pennsylvaniaus. A conclusive evidence of the syraphatby felt for the Government of the United States by the Eemperor of Rusia, which has beeu ex pressed in a letter writteu by the Prince Gorts chakoff to Baron Stoeckel, the Rn6ian Minis, ter at Washington, by command of the Em peror. llis majesty recognized to the fullest extent the importance of maintaining the Uuion and directs Mr. Stoeckel to use all his influ ence in behalf of the Government. This im portant letter has been suitably ackuowledgcd by Secretary Seward. Our latest intelligence from Fortress Mon roe, and the coast below, to the 7th inst, is confirmatory of that previously received, rel ative to the condition of sentiments in North Carolina The George Peobody hau arrived at the Fortress, from Hatterua Inlet, with a number of fugitives families from the mouth of Tar River, who had succeeded in escaping to the Inlet. They report that the lower counties of North Carolina are ready to hoist the natioual Hag when assured of support—a prominent clergyman declaring that should a National force laud near Beaufort, it would immediately be joined by at least two thous and North Caroliua Unionist. A perfect reign of terror exists there at present. On Sunday morning, a coachmaker, named A. Williamson, was arrested with a wagon and a pair of horses, with which he was traveling toward the Potomac, with the intention of crossing. The wagon bad a false top and bot tom, aud in it were found concealed quanti ties of revolvers, gold lace and red flannel, and a package of about 120 letters, directed j to persons in Petersburg!), Richmoud, Norfolk, and Fairfax, some of them from first-class business houses in Baltimore. An important order was issued on Saturday by Gen. McClellan, providiug for a better ob servance of the Sabbath in the National Ar my. He recommends that all work be sus pnded on that day, except iu case of an attack by the euetny or some other extreme military necessity ; that no unnecessary movements shall be made ; that the men shall, as (ar as possible, be permitted to rest ; and that they shall attend Divine service after the customary moruing inspection. COURTY POOR HOUSE.— At the late sessiou of the Legislature au act was passed providing that the voters of Bradford County should vote at the coming election upon the question of a County Poor House. This law also made it the duty of the Sheriff to publish the act at least six weeks before the day of election. It has been impossible for the Sheriff to comply with the provisions of the law, because the pamphlet laws have not yet been received, and the law itself did not come to the notice of the Sheriff, until the time bad passed. THE PUBLIC FEELING O.V THE WAR.— The firm and vigorous action taken by the Govern ment has infused fresh courago and hopeful ness into the public heart. Men who less than a week ago were desponding, are now full of coufidenco and resolution. The tide of events, which seemed to be adverse so long, has turn ed, and everyrtiing now seems to be working in favor of the Government. The splendid success of our fleet in capturing the forts at Uatteras; —the vigor and energy displayed in FREMONT'S proclamation ; —the wreck of the best of the rebel privateers ; —the reported death of their leader; —the splendid response of the people to the call of the Government for money to carry on the war the fresh life and activity visible in every department of the public service, and the highly encouraging re ports which reach us from abroad, have com bined to infuse hope aud cheerful faith iu the public mind. Business of all kinds shows the effect of this chaDge. Men no longer fear to act. They have felt the strength and stability of the Government, and now that it is ample for their protection. They no longer fear it 9 overthrow, or what was far more dreadfal, its decay and death from inanition. It has shown itself strong in the attachment of the people, —the snrest basis which any Goverement can possibly have. Congressman Ely is still at Riehmond, and takes his turn in working aid earthing water for the prisoners. 1 Republican Co. Convention. ! -456- Pursuant to the call of the Republican County Committee, a Convention of Delegates from the various electiou district, of Bradford , County, met at the Court House, iu the Boro. ! of Towanda, ou Monday evening Sept. 2, 1861. The Convention was organized by the elec tiou of J. B. G. BABCOCK, of Wiudham, Chairman, and U. L. SCOTT and .1 N. EVANS, Secretaries. The list of election districts being called.the following delegates appeared and offered their , credentials : Armenia—John B. Morgan, J. G. Maaon, i Albany—J. V. Hire, R S.Sabin, Asylum—J. M. bishop, S. Mac. laiperte, J Athens Boro'—N. C. liairis, J. F. Evans, I Athena Twp —J. F. Satorlre, A. Elsbrec, Burlington Twp—D. Luther, H. Compton, 1 •• Horo'—O. I*. Wilton, 8. W. Miller, J " West—B. Rockwell, A. Greeno, j Canton—T. M. Watts, C. G. Mauley, Columbia—P. C. Slade, P. W. Besley, j Frankliu—J. L. Johnson, J. McKee," ! Granville—K. Bailey, D.Sayles, i Derrick—W. A. Whetmore'W. Nesbritt, LeKoy--R. It. Pabner, A. J. Walter, Litchlield—M. Merrill, W. H. Morse, Monroe boro'—M. M. Coolbaugh, S. S. Hinmait, t " Twp—D. R. Blackmail. J.L. Coolbaugh, j Orwell —J. N. Newell, C. N. Morcy, ; Overton—O. Heverley, J. Strebv, Piko—R. Brink, R. W. Coolbaugh, j Uidgbury—G. Cooper, D. H. Burnham. Rome twp.—B. W. Murphy, W B. Parks, " boro'—l). Vouch, H. W. Browning, j Smithtield—C. E. ood, U. Moody, > Springfield—S. 1). Harkness, J. Adams, | South Creek—W. Y. Glities, G. Dunham, j Sylvania—P. Peek, Jr., E. G. Tracy, Sheshequin—U. C. Gore, J. 8. Patterson, Standing Stone— E. L. Gregg, Wm. H. Stevens, Terry—U. Terry, J. F. Dodge, Towanda -H. H. Scott, H. If. Maec, " boro'—E. Overton, Jr., G. E. Fox, " North—E. B. Peck, C. Rutty, Troy twp—J. N. Linderman. U. N. Fish, '• boro'—E. B. Parsons, H. Homeroy, Tnscarora—H. Taylor, S. Bosworth, Ulster—G. M. Nichols, C. W. Holcomb, Warren—N. Young, Jr.. P. Davis, Windham—J. G. B. Babcock, B. Koykendall, Wyaluaing—G. R. Acroyd, E. Vaughn, Wysox—J. B. Hines, J. P. Spalding, ' Wells—A- Youngs, C. S. Smith, Wilmot—M. M. Moody, D. V. Homent, On motion the Chairman appointed a com mittee on resolutions. Ou motion, John A. Codding, B. Liiporte, M.C. Mercur, E. B. Farsons, N. C. Elsbree, and G. H. Watkins, were chosen Conferees to meet Conferees from Susquehanua Co., with instructions to support Hon. U. Mercur, for President Judge. On motion, the Convention proceeded to select a County Ticket, when HENRY YV. TRACY and C. T. BLISS, were nominated for Representatives by accla mation. On motion, the Convention then proceed to nomination of Associate Judge, with the following result ; BALLOTS. !ts Id 3d 4th sth 6th Geo. Tracy, 15 23 11 21 20 E. H. Perkins, 28 2'J 20 29 28 3s V.M. Lone. 13 31 35 35 3s 4s Whereupon \ . M. LONG, of Troy borough, was declared duly nominated. The Convention then proceeded to the nom ination of Treasurer,when the following names were presented : BALLOTS. Ist 2d 34 S. R. Crane 16 11 If) F. Watte, 34 41 49 J. P. Vanflect, 17 13 i 4 A. G. Browu, 12 11 13 F. Walker, 6 5 Whereupon FRANCIS WATTS, of North Towaiida, was declared duly nominated. The Convention proceeded to nominate a candidate for Commissioner, as follows : BALLOTS. Ist 2d Johu G. Keeler, 3 Dauic! Stevsus. 4 4 M. J. Coollwugli, 12 1 John Beardslee, 15 21 I -aac Lyons, 41 48 John A. Moody, 9 6 ISAAC LYONS, of Orwell, was declared duly nominated. For Auditor, ROBERT MASON, of Armenia township, was nominated ou sccoud ballot. The following Resolutions were reported by the Committee : The Republican* of Bradford County, through t be- ir delegates in annual Convention assembled, do hereby re solve and declare. Ist. That time has strengthened our conviction in the justice aud soundness of those great principles ot human Ireedotn which the people ratified at the last Presidential electiou. The virulence with which they have beeu at tacked by the enemies of our lice institutions, prove their great value to the loyal people of the whole country. 2d. The war which is being waged under the lead of reckless aud ambitious men of the South, is the most wicked and shameful rebellion, against a mild and bene ticcut government, that has ever stained the page of his tory. 3d. Our Constitution, our laws, our civil and religious liberties, are the great questions involved in the present contest, slid whoever now councils peace through a base abandonment of those principles which underlie oar tiee government, is a traitor to the best interests ot humanity, and justly merits a traitor's doom. 4th. The whole physical power and energies of our government and of our people, if necessary, should be called into requisition to subdue rebellious citizens ; for the greatest possible sacrifice ot treasure and ol blood is of trifling value, compared with the loss ot that govern ment which secures and protects all that is near and dear to us and to our posterity. sth. We have undiminished confidence in the wisdom and patriotism of the Administration of President Lis COLN, and we rejoice that it has entered upon the work of arresting traitors in the North as well as in the South. 6th. The Administration of Gov. CRATTN has shown a commendable zeal in streogtliening the arm of the Gen eral Government with the willing hearts and stalwart forms of Pennsylvania's sons. <th. That onr security for the future is in an inflexible adherence to the time honored principles of our Revolu tionary fathers, through whatever bloody encounters it may lead us. The Chairman, selected the following gen tlemen as the Standing Committee for the ensu ing year : STANDING COWM ITTRZ. H. L. Scott, Towanda twp. B. F. Powell,Towadaboro. John Beardslee, Warren ; J. B. Hines, Wysox ; C. E. Glad ding, Columbia; J. H. Grant, Troy; Wm. Clagget, Standing Stoue ; Alex. Elsbree, Athens ; Robert McKee, Orwell. (Signed by the officers.) A Goon SIHILX. —Hon Joseph Ilolt, in his late speech at Boston, said -.—"The dismem berment of the Union involves the abasement of all that of which as Americans we feel proud, which we have received as an inheri tance from our fathers,and which we are bound to transmit nnimpaired to our posterity.— When the wise man of old, sitting npon the rival claims of two mothers to a child, de creed that the child should be cut in twuin and one portion given to each, it was the false mother who exulted at the judgment,while the true mother turned away horror-stricken, pre fering to leave her offspring in the hands of the enemy rather than have it destroyed. The man who is willing that his country should be j divided by the sword of treason, may have 1 beeu horn iu America, bat be cannot have an Amsrican heart," Democratic Mass Meeting. In pursuance of a call issued by Col. J. F. MEANS, Chairman of the Democratic Standing Committee, the Democrats of Bradford county assembled at the Court House, in Towanda, on Tuesday evening, Sept. 3d, 1861, and after re marks by Col. MEANS, wes permanently or ganized by electing the following officers : President. —C. L. „WARD, E.-.Q., of Towan da. lice Presidents. —W. H. PECK, ADDISON MCKEAN, and SIDNEY ITAYDEN. Secretaries. — F. (j. COBCKN, aud W. H. CARNOCHA.V. On Motion, a Committee consisting of the following gentlemen, viz :—Col. J. F Means, EI.AM Kendall, S. Decker, J. M. Brainard.and J T. D. Myer, was appointed to draft resolu tion? for the consideration of the meetiog. Ou motion, a committee consisting of the following gentlemen, viz: Col. V. E. Piollet, Frank Smith, 11. Vandyke, A E. Menurdi, A P. Wolcott, Samuel Clark, D. Ilarkius, 11. It. Storrs, Alfred Gore, Alex. Kuis, aud Win Pierce, was appointed to report suitable candi dates to be put in nomination for the several offices to be filled at the coming election.— During the absence of the committee, the meeting listened to remarks of the President, upon the state of the uatiou. The committee ou resolutions report the fol lowing, which after much animated discussion in which D. A. Overton, E T. Elliott, V. E Piollet, J. B. Reeves,Harrv Ward and others participated, were unanimously adopted Resolved, That the civil war, by which our coußtry is at present distracted, is the natural ottspring ol misguid ed sectionalism, engendered by the fanatical agitators North as well as south, and the Democrat'c parly have equally opposed the extremists ol both sections,and hav ing a', all times, zealously contended lor the administra tion of the Oeuera! Government, within its constitutional limits, that party is in no way responsible tor calamities that have resulted Irom a departure (roin its doctrines and a disregard of its warning and advice. Resolved, That we believe this war should not fee wag ed lor conquest or subjugation, nor lor the porpose of overthrowing or interleriog with the rights or established institutions ol the States, but defend and maintain the su premacy ol the Constitution, aud to preserve the Union with all the dignity .equality aud rights ol the several States unimpaired, and thai as soon as these objects are accomplished, the war should cease. Resolved, That the corruption, extravagances, incom petency and favoritism shown in the administration to the War Departments ot the state and Federal Govern ments, deserve and receive our most unqualified" condein nation, and ought to be immediately collected and re formed. Resolved , That the volunteer soldiers, who at the call of their country, promptly went forth to battle in de fence ot the Constitution aud laws, aud in many eases have been compelled to serve jmder; inexperienced offi cers, are entitled to our heaity thanks lor the gallant manner in which they have discharged their duties. Resolved, That we staud by the Constitution of our Country, lu all its provisions and amendments. aud bv the laws Iraiued IU accordance with that instrument, and that we are opposed to any aud every attempt (whether by Rebellion or Usurpation,) upon the part of any body of men to overthrow the rights and trample upon the liber ties w hivh that great instrument guarantees to every citi zen of the United btates. Resolved, That 111 this hour of the nation's peril It is incumbent upon the Administration, to call to its aid the counsels ol lite wisest and best uien ol the land, without regard to party distinctions. Resolved, That 'he lirst principle .of the Democratic faith is loyalty to our country, and that we can never abandon the noble Union men of the South, who are so bravely breasting the tide of secession in their midst, and who aie raising the Macedonian cry, " Come over and help us," without first abandoning and trampling down this gieat and vital principle ol Democracy, " Resolved, That the best tribute we can pay to the : memory of our lute distinguished standard bearei, that deeply lamented, true patriot and statesman, STEFBEN A. DOL'UI.AS, is to lollow the cuunccls which lie gave us as his best legacy and stand by and deleud the constitution and the flag of our country, bclieviug with him that the preservation ot the Covtinineu* is paramount to ail other , political question, aud that there uuu be ou; two sides to , this controversy. Every man m i=t In on the side- of the ' United .States or against it. There can be no neutrals in this war. There cau be none but patriots and traitors. 1 Rtiolced, That iy the pre-eut distressed state of the country, we believe we should ret .ru to the exercise of the. economy ot our torefathera ; that ail salaries aud daily pay which have been increased in the leckless ex travagance of later legislation, should be restored to tor mar rates ; and we pledge ourselves to oppose all candi iates for public place, WHO will not agiee to such reduc tion at once, without even legislative intervention. Resolved, 1 hat the Standing Committee interrogate candidates to be voted for at the coming election, and have power to-substitute cr supply all vacancies which may result from a relusal to comply with the loregoiug resolution. The Committee on Nominations reported the following gentlemen as suitable candidates, together with the annexed resolutions : Associate Judge —GEN. E. CASE, of Troy. Commissioner —JULlUS W. RUSSELL, of Wiud harn. Treasurer —ANSON BEIDLEMAN, of Athens. Auditor —HOßACE WILLEY, of Franklin, — And the following conte'ees to meet eon feress from Susquehauna county to select a cau date Judge : JOHN F. MEANS, of Towaudu; R E. FERGU SON, of Towanda ; V E PIOLLET, ot Wysox. Resolved, That this Committee be authorized to confer with Messrs. 11. \V. TKACY and C. T. BLISS .and ascer tain from them whether they will agree to serve as tneiu bcrs of the next Legi-lature for the compensation tormer ly given, ot j3 per diem, and exert themselves earnestly to procure a reduction of all salaries to the standard of i42. Resolved, That in view of the proper and patriotic stand taken by these gentlemen ou the subj -t of lh- ic peal ofthe tonnage tax and the corrupt release of the State securities to the Suubury & Erie Ilail Itnad, it they will conlortn to the views of this meeting iu rcgtnd to a relorm of salaries, we will give them our support at the coming election. Hut should they refuse, this Committee is hereby authorized to present the nam?s ot suitable for Representatives. Resolved. If more be needed than the foregoing, to ex {>ress our view s in regard to the measures in question,we leartily aud sternly condemn the course pursued by our Senator last winter In that regard, as every way impoli tic, unprincipled aud unjust- All of which were unanimously adopted. On motion, the Chair appoiuted a Standing Com mittee for the coming year, to consist of one person from each election district. Ou motion it was agreed that the above proceedings be published in the county papers, and the meet ing adjourned sine die. (Sigued by the officers.) A TALE OF A SHIRT. —One of the traitors or spies arrested in llarrisbttrg, a day or two ago, on his way froin Virginia to New York, was a man named W. J. Kelly. He and his two comrades were all thoroughly searched, and evideuec was fouud on each sufficient to prove that they were properly arrested. Mr Kelly's turn was the last one, and his case was much the most interesting. He had taken off all his clothes but his shirt, and nothing con traband or treasonable hand been found on him. He stood thus before the Mayor and an examining officer, and under the circum stances the position was a very embarrassing one ; for, to say nothing of ordinary modesty, which may even exist umong the rebels, the owner of that shirt, knew that it was lined with treason. The raising of that garment would reveal his treason, and probably make his life a forfeit. The moment of suspense, daring which Mr. Kelly stood thus before his curious captors, must have beeu rather an agonizing one. But fancy his feelings when the officer remarked something peculiar iu the hanging of the shirt, and fancy them when he was ordered to take it off He trembled aud turned pale, and his bare knees shook aud knocked together. He could uot endure the shock to his modest ; he calledfor water ; he was on the point of fainting But the officers were inexorable. The shirt was a marvel ingenious needle-work, having various well concealed pockets, in which were found numerous letters from the South ; some from men in the rebel army to their friends in Baltimore ; others to men in New York, and a number for Europe. In addition to this, there were various bills of sale, dated at Rich mond, for pork and other articles, nud a large package of money, principally in notes on banks in the Confederate States. All of these arti cles, says the reporter, were done up in neat packages, as if tlicy had been sub jected to the pressure of an hydraulic press. Terrible Railroad Catastrophe. HUDSON, Mo.. Sept. 5, I S6 I. Abe Hager, baggage master oti the Hanni bal and St Joseph Railroad, furnish to the St Louis Democrat the following account of u diabolical outrage ou that road the day before yesterday:— The passengers' express train, bound west on September 3d, was throwtwnto Flatt river, the timber of the east end of the bridge over that stream having been burned nearly through. The entire traio went down, the engine turning over and the baggage, freight, mad and two passenger cars piled ou top The passenger cars were completely smashed and i was the only one on the train that es caped unhurt. After getting out, of the bag gage car, I commenced taking the passengers tnat were not killed from the wreck Conductor S. C. Cutter died iu a very fow minutes. Frauk Clark, the engineer, had one leg com pletely crushed, and jammed iuto strings.— Ho also died iu a few minutes. Martiu Field, tuuii agent ; Charles Moor, fireman, aud J. Fox, a brakeman, were kill ed. Among the wounded were Mr. Medill, son of J)r. Medill, of Ohio, aud his wife—both badly injured. • I could uot learn the names of all the pas sengers. 1 went to St. Joseph, got au engine physicians aud other ueecssaries for the wound ed, and reached the wreck at three A. M. The greatest excitement prevails in St. Joseph iu regard to this iuhumau outrage. HUDSON, Mo f , Sept. 6, 18C1. The following additioual account of the terrible disaster ou the Hannibal and St. Jo seph Railroad is furnished to lue St Louis Republican:— The catastrophe occurred at Little Flatt river bridge, nine miles east of St. Joseph.— The bridge was a substantia! work oi one hundred feet span, and about thirty flye feet above the river. The hinders of the bridge had been burned underneath the track until they would sustain but little more than tlo-ir own weight, and the lire was than extinguished leaving the bridge p mere shell. The train, bringing from eighty-five to one hundred pas sengers, iucluding women and children, reached the river at eleven o'clock at night, and the bridge looking secure, passed in ; but no soon er had the locomotive measured, its lengtli upon the bridge than some forty or fifty yards of the structure gave way, precipitating the entire train into the abyss below. All the seats in the passeuger coaches were torn and shoved in front, carrying meu, women and children in a proui scuuus heap down the de ciivity and burying them beneath the crushed timber, or throwing them out of the car?- through the broken aides. Some were man gled by the machinery taring th ough th<- timbers ; several were caught between planks pressing togeather like a vice ; others were struck < y parts of the roof as it came down with tnigbty force ; still others Were cut with pieces of glass, while wounds and blood and agony prevailed all over the frightful scene, uiid shrieks of pain were mingled with the cries of terror. In this manuer of tho two last cars of the train went down, pitching the passengers in to the wreck, or throwing them into the wa ter, which at this poiut is about a foot and a half in depth. Only three persons, J. W. Parker, Superin tendent of tlie United states Express, Mr Mars, mail agent, and Mr. Hager, w<-re able to afford assistance to the suffering, the re mainder of those who were not killed outright being so disabled as to be helpless Alter doing all that was possible for those requiring immediate attention, Mr Hager at midnight left the wreck logo to St. Joseph for medical and other assistance. He walked five miles ot the way, when he found a hand car upon which he proceeded the remainder of the jour ney. Two hundred yards we.-t of the bridge he discovered a heavy oak railroad tie strong ly strapped across the track, and two miles further ou lie found the trestle work over a small stream on fire, which, however, had not as yet oeen so badly burned that trains could not pass over or could not be easily extin guished. Arriving at St. Jospph the alarm was soon spread through the city, and although it was one o'clock at night, seventy-five men, iuclud ing nil the physicians in the neighborhood, volunteered their service, and at half-past three o'clock a train, fully equipped, supplied with medical stores and other uecessaries, was at the scene of the disater. The wouuded had emerged from the wreck and were lying on the banks and upon a sand bar in the river. Seventeen dead bodies were recovered and it is believed that this number embraced all who were killed up to that, time Two were so badly mangled that it was not expected they would survive till morning, while many others were dangerously wounded and would have to be well taken care of to recover. Many who will escape with their lives will be maimed and crippled. Mr. Hager, our informant, did not remain to finish the embarkation of the wounded for St. Joseph, but was despatched to Brooklin, which is east of the bridge, Lr another train to go to the wreck. When he left the names of the wounded were being taken down,and also such of the dead as be had paper or other articles about them by which they could be identified. Fifteen miles east of the Flatt river Mr Hager found another bridge over Smith's branch almost entirely burned, having been fired ufter the train passed west, thng prevent ing assistance being sent from the east. Lieutenant Shaw, of the Eighth KUORSR regiment, killed, and Mr. Loutisberrv and Sid ney Clark, wounded, are the ouly additioual names wc have at present. ANECOOTK OF V ALLANDIGITIAM. —Previous to the attack on Sumter,the notorious dirteater of Ohio made a boast that the first regiment that left Ohio to fight the South, would have to march over his dead body. It so happen ed that the Ist Ohio regiment went from his district and marched past his house. When Hose upon it the regiment halted and the Colonel said : " You are now to pass thedead body of Vallandinghara ; let every man hold on to h V-Doee," which they did till all had passed Jlcto I Sept. 10, 1861. rrriE SUBSCRIBER IS V ow -L covin* an wtenaiveaudwcll .elected^ BOOTS. SOOTS TOO SIITI Purchased since the late depression in Dr f , *| O„uS ire BOOTIES AND CAITERs Suitable for the season. Also, a largo stock of . HOME MADE WOB.R The gaaHty of which is too well known to n> J • rucouitueiiUaUoD. Also, a large stock of '""••(a* Sole and Upper Leather Kip Skins, French and American Call Skim, n Ojutar. *o™„, „,u Li.mj., Ac. An .*?£ SHOE FINDINGS. Saddlery Hardwaro, Harness Trimmings, 4 4, ' I have established a HARNESS Hl]op ; And will keep on hand Double and Single „ ' dies, Bridles, Halters, Martingales, Whip. 4 , ".s* make to order any vr irk In this line, all Which 'a, my whole stock will be sold for leady pay, at rem , * low prices in order to meet the exigences ,f the tiL^*' JTowanda. Sept. 10,1861. J " U ' I,lilt>HB KT. WRITING & BOOHIEFII ACADEMY, rpoW VXDA. PA ,—OPENS FOR TIP 1. winter, SEPIEMBER3. InOlPenmate, w Double Entry Uook keeping tanght In a!i their *ir, branches, on the sane principle as that purged - ? la rgest Commercial Colleges, and at one-quarter th/j? Clat. **■ Pupils can enter at anytime, as each one raw? individual instruction. TERMS. For full course in Book keeping and Penmanship including diploma, r.irtial i-onise in Book keeping ■ , Penmanship—Vl lessons, , * do. H Ornamental Penmanship j f Tin* full course embraces Commercial Penmanih.: • o Bo ik keeping by single and Double Entry, , prat-lu* Iv used in the different dep irtmcuU of Trade and 0* "terce, in. I'oi.ng Wholesale and Retail, Commission j( B ufacturing. Shipping Individual and Partnership - u nc.s, with instruction in Commercial Laws, C irre.p - dice. Ac. P-rsons taking the full course will becomequaiif.;. conduct a *-t of books by Double Entry iu th* nisi >• tensive establishment. For further information address C. E. EATO.V JTowauda. Sept 10. 1 ; 61 tf Pr„ jsr k w "fal l STUCK Of GQODjJ MONTAXYJiS' STOfit FOR CASH ONLY. Embracing MILITARY GOODS. HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AXD SHOES, WOOLEN" GOODS, GROCERIES SADPI.OT And other Hardware. ahd other varieties of mercbsrjt too numerous to mention. JS- We earnestly desire al' pcfsen indebted 10 ur make an effort to help us in this oui time of-~ SIUM.ANYE- Towand.l, Sept. 5. lkfil. IMPORTANT NOTICE j To Fanners and others IntiwiJ "CMlt'IT TREES -30,000 Choice J •1 Trees for sale, in- hiding all the best varieffß Ap; le. the l'ear. Peach. Plum, Cherry and iH al- - a tin'- lie 'inn (-1 the best Evergreen*. Nnvw:iv Spruce. Kir. Arbor Vit.ie, Austrian Pine >*■ Kir and P n'k Spruce, imbuing nil si'--. Ir""..l lect, si, U-il In I' l jineiit lnwiis and <1 r v„-> if Dwarf lvix t >r edg ng. P* ; -.i-:r>us otuamentai iwd el,• European A-h, Aiffert-'an on, 11-"f E ■ i - I r ',l, Fringe f , r Smoke tree. Althea S .'bin. African latoariz, Wigclia II -ea N>tu Spit en. Primilolio and many others not named. 5000 of our iie-t Native hatdy Grape Vines, (or tw the coming spring, such as Delaware. Diana. C® '" Rebecca and Cottage.also Clinton, Catawba and !•*- V" varieties of the best bearing Strawberries, inclndak \\ ilson s Albany < ediiug, Hovev A 1 lookererdiisf>> at low prices, by the 100 or lOt'u ; the Red Cherryu White (Irave Currrents. also Red A White Dutch, Bl* English and Black Naples ; lv < ther kinds not nam here. 1000 Law tun Blackberry these fruited my garden last summer anr' t ; 1 equal b> the reco mend. A fine collection of FT; u i. Perpetual and CI: log Roses and Dahlias. ]u addition to my Nursery cated at this place. I have lately purchased the hi Pclot Nursery, embracing over ' ,00Q fruit 4MM trees with alt other things in the line, ttur peo' •' fiud it much to their ajvantage to buy these srtiuej h 'ine instead of giving orders t-o traveling Agents it KocUcster and other places at a distance DANIEL HiRKTi Towandu. Pa., Feb. 23. Is6l F S—A few good Salesmen wanted to act u .it apple at m\ house. - SPRIG & SUMMER (It In Great Variety, NOW OPENING, II est Side of the Public square, at Iks**' A. WICKHAM & SON NEW 6c CHEAP GOODS [HAVE the most complete and sortment of Groceries A provisions ever H."™ for sale in Towanda. , Nearly all Groceries are cheap, mnch usoal ; please give us a call and we will take p' I '-. trying to convince yon that such is the far' y 1 „ of I armers produce taken in exchange t.-r t*- v Chash paid for Dairy Butter. _.-t June 12. 1m; j. ' GEEENWAY'S CELEDR*^ XXX ale,, ON Draught, at JORDAN i RAIL^' 1 ' HOTEL Towanda. Aug. 1, IS6I. T 1 XTRA(TS FOR FLA VORI>'^ -LJ the best marks, much cheaper than Towanda, June 2d, li<6l. QUGAR, TEA AND ,(>F SJ O grtat variety, for sale cheap. we wlf ? pound of Tea we sell, at pODFISH, MACKEREL. V > Shad, Wbitefish, and Trout, for cllW %lT Towanda, June 36,1851. —^ OOAP ! SOAR ! The best k3 Toilet. Chemical ami Common Bar Swf pift To watida,June 26, lkot. Cash Paid for Wo 100,000 LBSWO0 w t ;^ June ts6\. ___ TLUOR. K XX AND EXTRA.st.^ | <ng 75, !Ml.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers